22 Best AdSense Alternatives to Consider for Your Website

Google AdSense alternatives

Google AdSense is a popular tool for making money online through your website or blog through adverts, but it’s not the only choice out there. There are lots of Adsense alternatives you might want to check out.

Whether you’ve not yet set up an AdSense account, you’ve had trouble getting it approved, or you’d like to diversify your income, there are many different alternative advertising programs that offer great features and allow you to make additional income from your website.

What is Google Adsense?

If you weren’t aware, Adsense is an advertising program operated by Google. Launched in 2003, it is one of the most popular advertisement networks online for bloggers and webmasters looking to monetize their websites.

You’ve probably seen them all over the web. They look a little something like this:

Google AdSense examples

Which Type of Website Is Best for Adsense?

Any type of website can use Google AdSense. But there are some types that are better suited to running Adsense ads on them

Let’s take a quick look at which types of websites are best for Adsense:

  • Blogs – one of the most common ones. If you are a blogger and you are consistently publishing high-quality content to an audience, ads may be a great way to monetize your content.
  • Forums – Instead of writing blog posts, forums are a great way for people to interact around a topic, whilst also generating some Adsense revenue.
  • Free Online Tool – If you run a site that offers a free tool or service , one way to offset the costs is with ads.

The takeaway here is that any website that is getting regular traffic is well suited for Adsense.

But what if you don’t want to use Adsense ads on your site?

Why Should I Look for Alternatives to Adsense?

Google Adsense has been one of the leading ways for bloggers to make money from their sites for many years.

In fact, with the right niche, good content and engaged audience, your site can generate a good amount of revenue. Just check out this screenshot of AdSense earnings :

AdSense earnings

But that doesn’t mean that it is the only choice.

There are many alternatives out there (21 in fact) and reasons to look for alternative advertising platforms.

Maybe you already have an Adsense account but you want to diversify your income streams. Or maybe you want to keep Adsense ads running and add some additional streams.

Maybe again you are looking to earn more money from your ad space than you are currently earning with Adsense.

But where do you start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered:

Best Google AdSense Alternatives

Let’s take a look at some of these Google AdSense alternatives to find out more about how you can further monetize your website or blog:

Let’s explore these in more detail.

Ezoic homepage

Ezoic is an end-to-end platform that enables publishers to add display ads to any pages on their site. Ezoic uses proprietary artificial intelligence that tailors the ad experience down to a visitor-by-visitor basis, ensuring that each visitor only gets targeted with the amount, location, and size of ads that they’re most receptive to.

Because Ezoic is a Certified Google Publishing Partner, publishers have access to Google’s coveted AdX portfolio of advertising partners. AdX can’t be accessed through Google Adsense, this premier level of advertisers means publishers get higher paying ads displayed on their site.

Ezoic now offers ways to add videos to your site created from the content already on your website through two new products called Flickify & Humix. Video is a rapidly growing part of advertising revenue for publishers .

Flickify is an easy-to-use tool that allows publishers to copy and paste their text content and convert it into a modifiable video that can be embedded into your existing content, boosting ad revenue and improving the user experience.

Videos created in Flickify are hosted on the Humix video platform ( instead of YouTube ), which allows the publishers to keep more of the ad revenue on each video play. YouTube has strict requirements before your channel can be monetized, such as subscriber and video view time minimums which can take years to achieve. With Humix, publishers can be monetized from day one.

2. Media.net


Media.net is a direct AdSense competitor run by Yahoo and Bing. It is one of the world’s largest contextual ad networks and is used by household names all over the world.

Its contextual ads allow you to monetize your content with exclusive access to searches from the Yahoo! Bing network. The marketplace gives you access to content-driven publishers, so you can maximize your ad revenue and take advantage of a huge search market.

Media.net was the first to develop a server-side header bidding platform, which can be fully managed, allowing you to make the most of programmatic display with minimal effort.

Suggested reading: Bing Webmaster Tools: The Complete Step-By-Step Guide .

3. PropellerAds


PropellerAds is a large ad network that offers a range of adverts like banners, sponsored links, push notifications , and allows you to reach 1 billion users.

The self-serve platform is easy to use with a simplified ad creator that allows you to get your campaigns live with minimal hassle. With lots of targeting options and real-time performance measurement, you can work reactively to improve your campaigns.

It also features automated ad optimization, where your settings are fine-tuned by AI, giving you the best number of conversions for each ad without manual effort.

4. Amazon Native Shopping Ads

Amazon Native Shopping Ads

Bloggers and other site owners have been using Amazon’s affiliate program to generate additional revenue for a long time, but Amazon Native Shopping Ads offer another high-reward way to monetize your website.

Similar to AdSense ads, Amazon Native Shopping Ads are contextual, so they display relevant products based on the page content and keywords. If a user goes on to make a purchase after clicking on the ad, you get a commission from this sale, regardless of whether it was for the item that was clicked on.

Amazon is the top ecommerce site in the world , and their conversion rate is much higher than pretty much any other ecommerce competitor. You can leverage this unrivalled traffic and conversion rate for passive revenue with very little effort.

5. Adsterra

Adsterra website

Adsterra is a leading advertising and monetization platform providing a unique Partner Care program for brands, media agencies, and individual buyers and sellers.

As a great Adsense alternative, Adsterra offers a beginner- and vertical-friendly policy, fast moderation, innovative targeting features, and in-house optimization solutions like Custom Bid, CPA Goal, and Smart CPM.

They specialize in VPN, utilities, cleaners, mobile subscriptions, iGaming, ecommerce, dating, and finance verticals. Adsterra stands out by direct traffic from 248 GEOs and high-converting ad formats , including their proprietary dynamic and customizable Social Bar ads.

Adsterra has been a leader in the AdTech industry since 2013, known and respected by brands, apps, CPA and ad networks, affiliate marketers, start-up founders, and web and social traffic owners.

6. Adversal


Adversal is a self-serve advertising platform that allows you to get your ads set up in just a few minutes.

Its smart interface allows you to start, stop, and pause campaigns, making it easy and intuitive to use. Once you’ve set everything up, you can just leave it to do the work.

It’s worth noting that to be eligible for Adversal, your site must have its own domain name, have at least 50,000 pageviews per month, and shouldn’t be restricted by a login.

7. Sovrn //Commerce (Formerly VigLink)

Sovrn //Commerce (Formerly VigLink)

Sovrn //Commerce delivers revenue to publishers through content-driven-commerce with leverage, insight, and automation.

By converting regular product links into affiliate links, Sovrn //Commerce allows you to generate passive revenue from clicks and resulting sales.

The monetization tools create competition among advertisers for your traffic, allowing you to get the best price. In-depth insights show you which products and advertisers earn you the most money so you can optimize your performance. Automation of the process means that you can focus on creating great content instead of tracking affiliate revenue.

And there is also Meridian from Sovrn.com, which is a CPM ad network that pays publishers per impression. This means that you receive money whenever your ad is served, regardless of whether or not it is clicked.

8. Skimlinks


Skimlinks automates affiliation of your commerce content, allowing you to focus on running your website without worrying about setting up affiliate links.

By automatically updating your commerce content with affiliate links, this tool is able to enhance all of your commerce strategies, including website, mobile, social media and email.

Joining Skimlinks gives you direct access to a global network of 48,500 merchants and 50 demand partners. You can also find merchants that offer special commissions to Skimlinks’ publishers through the VIP and Preferred Partner Program.

9. Monumetric


Formerly The Blogger Network, Monumetric is a full-service ad revenue partner, allowing you to increase your site’s revenue while preserving the best user experience for your visitors.

They use CPM rather than CPC, so you get paid for every impression, and their pay rates are one of the best for CPM campaigns. Revenue is often reported to be much higher than AdSense, making this a great choice for increasing your passive income.

However, the minimum traffic requirement is 10k monthly views, and there’s a 99% setup fee for sites with between 10k and 80k views, so you’ll need to be confident that you can drive enough traffic to make the investment worthwhile.

10. InfoLinks


Infolinks is a global advertising platform that aims to deliver brand messages to engaged users.

The ads are fully customizable and offer a unique placement to improve click-through rate without disturbing the look and feel of the website. By using a smart algorithm to determine relevance and intent, allowing them to deliver relevant ads at optimized moments.

Infolinks supports a marketplace of over 100,000 websites operating in 128 countries and can be integrated into a website in just a few minutes.

11. Adnimation

Adnimation website

Adnimation  is a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) that helps publishers maximize their website’s ad revenue.

It works with hundreds of publishers in the US and worldwide, using a combination of advanced technology and professional human touch to increase revenue while maintaining the best possible user experience.

As a Google-certified partner, Adnimation utilizes Google AdX, Google’s premium marketplace, together with the industry’s top demand partners to leverage higher prices for its publishers.

Adnimation is also uniquely transparent. In contrast to the industry standard of disclosing only net revenue to publishers, Adnimation offers comprehensive and transparent revenue reports. These include gross revenue, equipping publishers with a complete understanding of their earnings.


Some people look for alternatives to Google AdSense for better pay rates, and ylliX definitely fits the bill. It’s an advertising network offering various ad types for both desktop and mobile, including popunder ads, mobile redirects, sliders , layer ads, and full-page ads.

It offers instant account approval, fair rates, detailed reports, daily payments, and 100% fill rates, as well as precise campaign targeting and a self-serve platform that gives you complete control of your campaigns. Traffic comes from verified sources to ensure quality and increase conversions, and publishers don’t pay a thing for using ylliX.

They also offer a generous referral program, paying up to $100 for each new active publisher or advertiser you refer, plus 2% of their lifetime earnings or spend.


Evadav is an advertising network focusing on push notifications, but they also provide many ad options, including banners, video sliders, and native ads for both desktop and mobile.

When a user subscribes to your push notification system, they remain connected to your account, earning you a constant daily income from their signup. Evadav also has a referral program that pays you 5% of the revenue made by referred publishers, bringing you even more passive income with very little work.

All websites are approved to ensure that adverts are brand-safe, so you benefit from high-quality traffic and trustworthy adverts.

14. PopCash


PopCash is a popunder network that offers worldwide coverage, with 850 million monthly visitors and 50,000 active publishers.

You can get your campaigns started quickly with just a $5 deposit and fast approval. Detailed statistics and targeting features allow you to constantly improve the performance of your ads. Publishers can start earning additional revenue in just a few minutes, implementing the popunder code to the desired pages and submitting their domain for review.

PopCash can be implemented alongside AdSense or other advertising options, allowing you to make the most of your websites income stream potential.


As the name suggests, PopAds specialize in delivering popunder adverts, claiming to be the best-paying advertising network for this type of ad.

Their network includes advertisers from more than 50 countries, and they offer a referral scheme for both advertisers and publishers. There are lots of targeting options to allow you to improve your campaigns, and you have full control of what you want to pay.

It uses a state-of-the-art bidding system that allows you to choose how much you want to pay for each popunder. The lower the bid, the less traffic you’ll get. All publisher sites are reviewed by humans to ensure that they meet certain quality measures.

16. RevContent


RevContent helps advertisers to leverage a highly engaged audience through technology and partnerships with some of the world’s largest media brands.

It’s a Native Ads Network, offering some of the highest quality adverts and approval processes in the industry, so you can be sure that your traffic is high quality and engaged. The ads just look like related articles , making them blend well with your website and presenting minimal disruption to your design and improving clickthrough rates.

They offer a great pay rate for clicks, and you can also benefit from their referral program. In fact, if you sign up through a referral link, Revcontent will approve you faster and pay you more.

17. SHE Media

SHE Media

SHE Media ‘s partner network specializes in monetizing blogs and websites aimed at a female audience.

Created by and for women, the SHE Media Partner Network sees 50+ million unique visitors per month, offering publishers a great audience. Through its flagship websites like SheKnows.com and #BlogHer, and key programs including #Femvertising and Voices of the Year, the network aims to create a community of premium content for women across every age and life stage.

As well as advertising, they also offer sponsored posts and paid product reviews, giving publishers even more options for great content and monetization.

18. AdRecover


Adblock has caused many issues for those who rely on advertising revenue. AdRecover aims to overturn this by partnering with adblock providers to serve static, non-intrusive, UX-compliant ads to people who use these ad blockers.

This means that you’ll be able to access highly discerning and hard-to-reach users that normally wouldn’t be available due to their use of ad blockers.

For publishers, your daily traffic needs to include at least 10k of visitors that are using adblock for you to be accepted. You’ll need to install AdRecover for about a week so your traffic can be analyzed before your site is approved.

19. MadAds Media

MadAds Media

Working with over 100 ad networks and the internet’s highest-profile brand advertisers, MadAds offers great fill rates and high-quality traffic.

There are a variety of ad campaigns available, including CPC, CPM, CPA, and CPL, making it one of the most versatile alternatives to Adsense. You also have the ability to work with optimization specialists to ensure that your ad positioning and placement yields the highest revenue possible.

You need at least 10,000 daily pageviews and your site must be family-friendly and well designed for it to be accepted.

20. Bidvertiser


Bidvertiser is a direct advertising network that helps to find the best match between advertisers and publishers.

By using pre-screened traffic sources that are aimed at generating conversions, Bidvertiser allows you to make the most out of your ads. All of the traffic is fully segmented to control and optimize your ad targeting.

It also offers a referral program that pays for referrals of both advertisers and publishers, meaning that your ad network will continue to bring in passive revenue.

21. BuySellAds


BuySellAds is a platform that sells advertising space on your website for you. While you have control over what your ad space is worth, it’s important to avoid pricing yourself out of the market.

With advertising channels such as display, native performance, sponsored content, and emails , BuySellAds offers respectful, brand-safe placements instead of invasive or distracting ads. By serving ads to their network of highly qualified audiences, you get the most out of every impression.

When you submit your site for approval, it is reviewed for quality. Only high-quality English-language sites with a minimum of 100,000 pageviews per month are accepted.

22. AdClickMedia


AdClickMedia is a digital advertising company that offers CPM & PPC advertising solutions for advertisers and website owners worldwide.

It boasts over 6,200 publishers, 113 email list partners and 110 million monthly views, so you can benefit from a wide audience. They also offer subscription advertising, allowing you to display your ads on thousands of influential blogs and sites from just $49/month.

There are no minimum traffic requirements, making it a great option for newer sites or those with fewer visitors to increase their revenue.

Sidenote: Youtube Monetization Alternatives

If you use video content, don’t forget about YouTube monetization.

Generally, people integrate their YouTube channel with Google AdSense in order to earn ad revenue. But you can also use the Adsense alternatives for Youtube mentioned below.

These alternative networks are an effective way to monetize your video content:

  • AdRev – This alternative helps to promote your YouTube channel as well as protect your video content. You can easily monitor your earnings and the minimum payout is $10 via PayPal.
  • Freedom – This integrates with your YouTube channel with multiple platforms as well as connecting you with other creators to boost your business. There are no contracts and there’s no minimum payout via PayPal.
  • Fullscreen Media – This global network serves brand opportunities to secure deals that fit your content using a variety of ad formats. There is a $50 threshold before you can get a payout.
  • Maker Studio – This alternative is a digital network that is integrated with the Disney network to boost your channel through promotional opportunities. There is zero commitment to join and payments are sent via PayPal.
  • Machinima – This aims to deliver your content to a targeted audience as well as using brands to widely distribute content. Payment is via PayPal, but there is a 3 years contract to join the service.

Which Adsense Alternative is Best?

So which Adsense alternative is best for your website or blog?

Well, the answer is: it depends. But if you want to maximize your ad earnings, you might want to consider Mediavine .

Mediavine is a private AdSense alternative that only accepts high-quality sites and those with a minimum of 30,000 pageviews or 25,000 sessions a month.

They manage your ad server, helping you optimize placements of ads, putting in better price controls, removing middlemen and working directly with advertisers on your behalf.

Due to them not just accepting anyone, they are able to negotiate better deals and most sites see an increase in earnings when using Mediavine when compared to AdSense.

Here are a few good resources about them:

  • Mediavine for Bloggers
  • What is Mediavine?
  • Mediavine Review

When it comes to switching ad networks, it’s always worth experimenting to see which performs best for your site before fully moving over to an Adsense alternative.

AdSense may be one of the most well-known methods of monetizing your website. There are plenty of alternatives to Google AdSense, though you’d want to try if you’re not getting the results you want or you’re looking to diversify your revenue streams.

movie review website adsense

Head of Content at Kinsta and Content Marketing Consultant for WordPress plugin developers. Connect with Matteo on Twitter .

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Hi Mateo – Laurent again;) Went through this post and was actually surprised not to see the Facebook Audience Network as a monetization alternative to adsense. Less known, it’s still quite a powerful platform that gives access to premium advertisers. All the best!

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I used to use OIO Publisher on a lot of my sites, but I came back to it recently and noticed that it doesn’t display ads in Firefox or Chrome…it seems to be flash-based and those browsers don’t really like Flash anymore.

Is there a way around it?

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Great article!

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I’m looking for an ad network that delivers politically-oriented ads, similar to what you see on Daily Kos. If I add ads (heh) back to my site, I want them to be related to our niche, and not random stuff. Also, I want to manage the ad placement, and not have to give back-end access to someone else.

Any thoughts on an ad network that could deliver that finely-tuned a set of ads?

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as affiliate I worked with many cpa network like maxbounty, peerfly, mostcpa, clickdealr, I could say easily that you should focus on one network in one vertical only.

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I suggest to add alternatives to AdSense instead of replacing AdSense. The real-time competition can increase CPM a lot! There are different services nowadays online that can integrate many alternative networks to compete with AdSense. For me PapayAds is the one which performed the best increasing 3x usual AdSense revenue. They require minimum traffic to set up but it is worth trying to contact them.

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thanks for sharing.

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Currently, I’m using adsterra but it is not giving me much revenue even my traffic is better some times it stops placing ads

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I have noticed that customer support has decreased in the past year as Taboola has grown. It sometimes takes four days or more for a campaign to be approved. It used to be immediate and always within 24 hours.

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I have roughly 30k monthly sessions, vast majority from US. I’m probably still 4-5 months away from reaching Mediavines requirements, at current growth rate.

Currently I have Adsense (for about a year) and my RPM hovers between $1.50 – $1.80. I tried Media.net and it was way worse around $.50. I applied for Monumetric 3 months ago and still have not heard from them. I’ve emailed several times and not heard back.

Is there any other good options for me? I’d like to increase my RPM at least a little bit. Sub $2 is just too low, but I can’t find an other viable option.

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Hi Jeffrey, I don’t have any direct experience, but the blogs/channels that I read tend to recommend Ezoic as an alternative to Adsense.

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Glad you asked Brian. I saw your comment because I’m also wondering about Ezoic…and Foremedia.

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You missed mentioning Adcash, who is converting best for me so far and has the ad formats I need with capping options, antiadblock etc. And you mentioned Sovrn who banned whole geos with “Access Denied”. As Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey etc. Please add to your article, that it’s for the UK, USA publishers only! Thanks in advance!

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Excellent content.. This is really appreciable work. Very informative post. Thanks dear.

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I found this information very useful. I have been using several advertising networks for some years and I can say that Propellerads is at the top. I also use pop under ads from Popunderstar that have an unique type of tab-under integration that improves UX by delivering ads on user interaction with an in-site link which is completely SEO safe unlike traditional pop integrations.

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Get Ready to Reel in the Latest Movie Reviews!

movie review website adsense

In this article, we will discuss how to make a movie review website and how to turn it into a successful online business. We'll also explore the top online business ideas and trends you can incorporate into your website to attract more visitors and generate revenue.

Why Start a Movie Review Website?

Before we dive into creating a movie review website, let's first discuss why it's a great online business idea. Here are some reasons to consider starting a movie review website:

  • Express Your Passion

When you're passionate about something, it's natural to want to share your enthusiasm with others. If you love movies and enjoy analyzing and dissecting every aspect of a film, creating a movie review website can be an excellent outlet for your passion.

By writing reviews, rating movies, and recommending films to your audience, you can connect with other movie lovers and spark meaningful discussions about the art of cinema. Moreover, sharing your knowledge and opinions can help you refine your critical thinking skills and better understand the films you love.

  • Monetization Opportunities

One of the most significant advantages of starting a movie review website is the many monetization opportunities it presents. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to earn revenue through your website.

By partnering with companies that sell movie tickets, streaming services, or DVDs/Blu-rays, you can include affiliate links in your movie reviews and earn a commission on every sale made through those links.

Another way to monetize your website is through sponsored content. This involves partnering with brands or companies interested in promoting their products or services on your website. You can also earn revenue through display advertising, where you display ads on your website based on the number of clicks or impressions generated by those ads.

  • Build Your Brand

Creating a movie review website can help you establish your brand and credibility as a film critic. By sharing your unique perspective and analysis of films, you can gain a following of readers who appreciate your insights and opinions.

Over time, this can lead to other opportunities, such as speaking engagements, interviews, and collaborations with other film critics or movie-related businesses. As you build your brand , you may gain recognition within the film industry and become a trusted voice in movie criticism.

This can open up new opportunities for you, such as being invited to film festivals or becoming a guest on movie-related podcasts or shows. By creating a movie review website, you can establish yourself as an authority in the world of film and build a loyal following of readers who appreciate your unique perspective.

Now that we've established the benefits of starting a movie review website, let's explore how to create one.

Steps to Create a Movie Review Website

Step 1: choose a platform.

The first step in creating a movie review website is to choose a platform. There are many website builders available that allow you to create a website without coding skills.

movie review website adsense

One of the best platforms for creating a movie review website is Strikingly. Strikingly is a user-friendly website builder that offers customizable templates, responsive designs, and various features to help you create a stunning movie review website.

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name and Web Hosting

The next step is to choose a domain name and web hosting. Your domain name should reflect the theme of your website, and it should be easy to remember and type.

movie review website adsense

Web hosting is the service that allows your website to be accessible online. Strikingly offers free domain registration and web hosting, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

Step 3: Customize Your Website

Once you've chosen your platform, domain name, and web hosting , it's time to customize your website. Strikingly offers various templates you can customize to fit your brand and style. You can add your logo, choose a color scheme, and customize your website's layout and design.

Step 4: Create Movie Reviews

The next step is creating movie reviews. You can write reviews about the latest releases, classic films, or favorites. Make sure to be honest and provide your readers with insightful critiques. Strikingly offers a blog feature that you can use to publish your movie reviews and engage with your audience.

Step 5: Promote Your Website

Promoting your website is a crucial step in the success of your movie review website. Without promoting your website, your target audience won't know that your website exists. Fortunately, several effective ways exist to promote your website and attract more visitors.

  • Use Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your website. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to connect with your target audience and share your movie reviews.

By posting updates about your latest reviews, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and engaging with your followers, you can build a loyal following of movie enthusiasts who appreciate your unique perspective. Additionally, you can use social media advertising to target users interested in movies and film criticism, which can drive more traffic to your website.

  • Utllize Email Marketing

Another way to promote your website is through email marketing . Email marketing lets you reach your audience directly and share your latest movie reviews. Email newsletters can highlight your most popular reviews, announce new releases, and promote upcoming movie-related events.

By building an email list of subscribers interested in your content, you can drive more traffic to your website and generate more revenue through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or display advertising.

Finally, search engine optimization (SEO) is another essential component of promoting your website. SEO involves optimizing your website's content and structure to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By targeting relevant keywords related to your movie reviews, you can increase your website's visibility on search engines like Google and attract more organic traffic.

You can optimize your website's content by including relevant keywords in your movie reviews, optimizing your website's structure and metadata, and building high-quality backlinks from other movie-related websites.

Strikingly: The Perfect Tool for Your Movie Review Website

If you're looking to create a movie review website, Strikingly is the perfect tool to help you get started. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, you can easily design a professional-looking website that showcases your movie reviews.

  • Strikingly Features

One of the standout features of Strikingly is its drag-and-drop editor, which allows you to add and arrange content on your site quickly. You can also choose from a range of templates specifically designed for movie review websites, giving you a head start on creating your site's aesthetic.

Another great feature is Strikingly's built-in analytics tools, allowing you to track your site's traffic and see which pages get the most views. This information can be invaluable when optimizing your site for search engines.

  • Easy to Create

One of the biggest advantages of using Strikingly is how easy it is to create a movie review website with their platform. You don't need coding or design experience ; you only need an idea and content.

Once you've signed up for an account, choose a template that fits your vision and add content. You can customize everything from fonts and colors to layouts and images so your site looks exactly how you want it.

  • Integrate with Social Media

In today's digital age, social media is key in promoting your website and reaching new audiences. Fortunately, Strikingly makes integrating social media into your movie review website easy.

With just a few clicks, you can add social media buttons directly linking to your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts. This means visitors can easily follow or share your content with their followers, helping expand your reach even further.

  • Strikingly Support

Finally, one of the best things about using Strikingly is the support you'll receive. Their team is available 24/7 to answer any questions and provides various resources to help you get the most out of your website.

movie review website adsense

From tutorials and guides to a comprehensive knowledge base , Strikingly makes it easy to learn how to create a movie review website that stands out.

Tips and Tricks for Creating SEO-Optimized Movie Reviews:

If you're looking to create a movie review website that stands out, optimizing your content for search engines is important. Here are some tips and tricks to help you do just that.

  • Use Catchy Headlines

Your headlines should be attention-grabbing and give readers an idea of your review. Use keywords related to the movie you're reviewing and make it clear what your opinion is.

With Strikingly's website builder, you can easily customize your website's design and layout to ensure your headlines stand out. Choose from a variety of templates or create your unique look.

  • Focus on the Content

While catchy headlines are important, the content of your reviews will keep readers coming back for more. Ensure your writing is engaging and informative, with a clear structure that guides readers through your thoughts on the movie.

Strikingly makes adding text, images, and videos to your website easy, so you can create in-depth reviews that capture each film's essence.

  • Optimize for Search Engines

To get more traffic to your movie review website, optimizing for search engines like Google is important. This means using relevant keywords throughout your content, including titles, meta descriptions, and image alt tags.

With Strikingly's built-in SEO tools, you can easily optimize each page on your site for maximum visibility in search results.

  • Engage Your Audience

Finally, don't forget to engage with your audience! Encourage comments and feedback on each review, respond promptly to questions or criticisms, and share updates on social media .

With Strikingly's social media integration features, you can easily connect with fans across multiple platforms and build a loyal following for your movie review website.

Top Online Business Ideas and Trends for Movie Review Websites

Now that you've learned how to create a movie review website let's explore the top online business ideas and trends that you can incorporate into your site to make it a successful online business.

  • Affiliate Marketing

One of the most popular ways to monetize a movie review website is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services on your website and earning a commission for every sale through your referral link. As a movie review website, you can partner with affiliate programs that sell movie tickets, streaming services, or DVDs/Blu-rays. You can include affiliate links in your movie reviews, and if your readers click on those links and make a purchase, you'll earn a commission.

  • Sponsored Content

Another way to monetize your movie review website is through sponsored content. Sponsored content involves partnering with brands or companies interested in promoting their products or services on your website. For example, a movie streaming service might pay you to write a sponsored post about their service and include a link to their website. Sponsored content can be a lucrative way to monetize your website, but ensuring that the content aligns with your audience's interests and preferences is essential.

  • Display Advertising

Display advertising involves displaying ads on your website, and you earn revenue based on the number of clicks or impressions generated by those ads. As a movie review website, you can display ads related to movies, streaming services, or other entertainment products. Google AdSense is a popular display advertising platform that you can use to monetize your website.

  • Subscription-Based Model

If you have a large following and offer exclusive content, you can consider a subscription-based model. With a subscription-based model, your readers pay a fee to access your premium content, such as in-depth movie reviews, interviews with filmmakers, or exclusive behind-the-scenes content. You can use platforms like Strikingly to manage your subscriptions and offer rewards to your subscribers.

movie review website adsense

  • Mobile Optimization

With the rise of mobile devices, ensuring that your movie review website is mobile-friendly is essential. Your website should be responsive and adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions. Strikingly offers responsive templates that you can use to create a mobile-friendly website. Optimizing your website for mobile devices can attract more visitors and improve your website's user experience.

  • Video Reviews

Video reviews are becoming increasingly popular, and you can incorporate them into your movie review website. You can create video reviews of the latest releases, movie trailers, or film festivals. Video reviews can help you engage with your audience and provide a more immersive experience. You can upload your video reviews on your website and share them on social media.

Creating a movie review website can be a rewarding online business venture. With the right platform, domain name, and web hosting, you can create a stunning website that showcases your passion for movies.

By incorporating the top online business ideas and trends, you can monetize your website and turn it into a top movie review websites. Strikingly offers all the tools and features you need to create a movie review website that stands out.

What are you waiting for? Start your movie review website today and share your love for cinema with the world!

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How to Earn Money from a Movie Website?

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Movie websites have one of the highest engagement rates and revenues. We’re referring to movie blogs, review sites, forums, movie catalogs, and legal streaming services. 

Do you want to learn how to earn money from a movie website? You’ve arrived at the right place. Follow us as we explain the proven methods to monetize a movie website.

How to earn money from a movie website

Advertising , which ad types to choose, tips for increasing earnings with your website movie websites:, affiliate marketing, subscription models, sponsorships and partnerships, movie merchandise and products, seo and traffic generation, email marketing.

Advertising is the fastest way to earn revenue from a movie’s website content. You place an ad slot and start getting paid when visitors view advertisements, click them, or buy something from an advertiser.

You can sell advertising space directly to, say, e-shops, but most webmasters resort to ad networks. A trick to finding the best one is to look for advertising networks with lots of entertainment ads, like AdSense and Adsterra.

Another trick is to pick an ad network that is friendly to iGaming and sports traffic because advertisers from these niches love movie websites. People who watch movies and TV series are more inclined to play online and support their favorite teams.

Adsterra hosts 15,000+ advertisers across many niches, including entertainment, iGaming, and sports. Get your website visitors connected with relevant offers and increase your earnings.

Diverse ad types can fit a movie website. These include Popunders , In-Page Push , Social Bars , Banners , and Interstitials . But pay attention to the density of commercials: people come to watch your content, not advertisements. It’s better to mix formats that don’t disturb users while they’re consuming videos. For instance, Popunder ads open up in a separate browser tab. Add a Social Bar unit, and you’ll get a profitable combo.

  • Don’t ignore sports fans and online players. Choose ad networks that host iGaming advertisers.
  • Allow all types of ads unless your website is only about movies for kids. 
  • Place ad slots on the most viewable parts of the web page, but ensure the navigation elements are not overlapped. 
  • If you have no ad space on your website, resort to Direct Link. That’s a simple URL you can add to any piece of text.
Direct Link Monetization: $2000 From Scratch

Movie websites often promote movie-related products to their audience and collect commissions on sales they generate. For example, a movie review site can promote movie tickets or DVD sets to readers. The site owner collects an agreed-upon commission if someone buys the ticket or DVD. 

The above monetization model is called affiliate marketing and is very popular because it’s a win-win for both parties. It’s a productive partnership that boosts the advertiser’s brand and earns you higher revenue.

You can earn revenue by charging users to access content. The key is producing content valuable enough for readers to pay. Advisably, have free content to introduce readers to your website and lock some content behind a paywall. For example, if you run a popular movie news site, readers can access your news articles for free but must subscribe to access exclusive scoops.

The subscription model is beneficial because it provides a steady revenue stream that you can count on. 

Brand sponsorships and partnerships are good ways to earn money from movie websites. If you have a loyal audience, you can partner with brands seeking to reach that target audience. For example, you run a popular forum for the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) movie franchise. You can partner with a company selling LOTR-branded merchandise– you’ll market its product to your audience and collect ad revenue. The partnership represents a win-win for you and the company.

You can earn revenue by selling movie-branded merchandise directly to your fans. This includes shirts, posters, mugs, collectables, phone cases, and other branded merchandise. However, ensure you have permission to promote and sell such items. Many movies are fiercely guarded intellectual properties, and you could be sued if you promote and sell branded merchandise without the owner’s permission.

If you have a loyal audience, you can request donations from readers to support your movie website. Most readers will likely not donate, but the few who do might be enough to support your website and earn significant profit. 

Collecting website donations has become as simple as ever. You can use a payment processor to embed a donation button on your website, and users are free to donate any amount. 


Optimizing your movie website to rank high on search engines can increase traffic, leading to more revenue opportunities. SEO writing involves using the right keywords people generally search for, enhancing your website’s user experience, using proper article headings, and constantly adapting to search engine algorithm changes. 

Search engines are the primary source of organic traffic for websites. SEO writing helps you get organic traffic and, in turn, higher revenue when you put ads on your website .

Building an email list is a good way to promote and make money from a website . You can insert a form on your website to collect email addresses from readers. Then, you can send regular newsletters to these addresses to keep them engaged. You can share movie updates and include advertisements or affiliate links in your newsletter. It provides an extra medium to earn more affiliate revenue from your efforts to maintain a movie website.

One of Adsterra’s publishers has worked out a surefire strategy to generate profits from email traffic:

Step 1. Getting email subscriptions ;

Step 2. Engaging users to visit a website ;

Step 3. Growing revenue from Popunder ads Learn more about the strategy that prompted a 20% revenue growth.

A Fresh Approach to Email Monetization: A 20% Revenue Boost

A movie website can be lucrative if you play your cards right. Creating such a website has become as easy as ever – you can use free blog platforms or content management systems to do it quickly. The work lies in producing and monetizing content; we’ve explained how to do the latter in this article.

Adsterra is a reliable ad network for movie website publishers. It is trusted by 15K+ advertisers from the Entertainment, E-commerce, Sports, and Software niches. Brands are ready to pay high and increase CPM rates for quality traffic, and your site could be one of those that sends it. We connect you to lucrative advertisers in the movie niche to monetize your content.

Yes, they are legal as long as you don’t infringe on copyrighted content or claim to have control over the intellectual property. You can run movie blogs, forums, review sites, directories, etc., without legal issues. Ensure to credit the owner wherever you use third-party content. Some types of movie websites are illegal, such as streaming platforms without content licensing agreements. Engaging in such activity could result in serious legal trouble.


Movies are copyrighted content, and uploading them without permission is frowned upon. Sometimes, you can upload snippets of content and credit the owner, but uploading full movies is a no-no. The owner can sue you and get awarded a hefty sum, so avoid uploading copyrighted content to your website.

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How to make money blogging: the ultimate guide..., how to increase youtube earnings with display ads..., search engine monetization strategies you should try, how much adsterra pays: celebrating your victories.

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20 Best Movie Review Sites in 2024

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A lot of people use their friends or other people they know to get advice on what movie to watch. Others look through the newspapers or watch TV to get some recommendations. But, there is a critical mass of people who consult the Internet and find movie review sites that tell them what to expect from a film. There are lots of sites full of reviews. Some of them are more prominent and feature well-known film critics, while others are genre-specific or just lesser-known.

In this article, we are going to bring you a list of the 20 best movie review sites on the Internet. Some of them are specialized sites, while others are merely reputable sources with established critics. The list is unranked since every site has its strengths and downsides. Enjoy!

Editor’s Note: This list was updated in March 2024 and includes some additions to the list.

1. Internet Movie Database

Internet Movie Database

IMDb is a website where you can find info about movies, shows, and more. It has details like cast, crew, plot summaries, ratings, and reviews. People can register to contribute and edit info. If you’re in the entertainment industry and have an IMDb page, you can add photos by joining IMDbPRO. Users can rate movies on a scale of 1 to 10, and the average rating is displayed for each title.

Rationale: By far the most popular site on our list, the legendary IMDb is the ultimate reference point for most Internet users. It has the largest movie database on the internet and while the ratings are user-generated, it also links official reviews and has a section for external reviewers. IMDb is by far the most commonly used reference point when movie reviews are concerned.

2. Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes and its Tomatometer score are popular resources for entertainment recommendations. They collect reviews from critics to help fans know what’s good and what’s not in movies and TV shows. Along with scores, they provide original content, videos, and live events for fans. Their team reads thousands of reviews weekly from approved critics and publications to generate scores and choose representative quotes. Critics can also submit their reviews directly.

Rationale: Rotten Tomatoes, although not as popular as IMDb, has become a major player in the review industry. Unlike IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes is a review aggregator that bases its scores on certified reviews gathered around the Internet, but it also has a user score section. The main issue with Rotten Tomatoes compared to IMDb is that it has a much smaller database.

3. Metacritic


In 1999, three former attorneys had a simple idea: create a score to summarize entertainment reviews. They launched Metacritic in 2001, aiming to distill critics’ voices into the Metascore, an average of respected critics’ reviews online and in print. Metacritic’s goal is to aid consumers in making informed decisions about entertainment spending. They value multiple opinions, including user feedback, and believe scores make opinions easier to use.

Rationale: Metacritic functions on the same basis as Rotten Tomatoes – it aggregates reviews from different sources and then calculates its scores, but also has user scores as well. Its database is about the same size when movies are concerned, but unlike Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic also has a section dedicated to music and video games.

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4. rogerebert.com.


RogerEbert.com is a top destination for movie criticism, commentary, and community engagement. Since the passing of co-founder Roger Ebert in 2013, his wife Chaz Ebert has led the site. With a team including web developer Table XI, IT consultant Myrin New, Ebert Company executive Sonia Evans, and Managing Editor Brian Tallerico, they’ve redesigned the site while staying true to Roger’s love for film and connection with readers.

Chaz and her team, including professional editors like Brian Tallerico, Matt Zoller Seitz, Nick Allen, Matt Fagerholm, and Nell Minow, maintain Roger’s high standards for insightful cinematic discourse. They cover the latest releases with diverse writers while also providing extensive reviews of independent and documentary films, TV series, and streaming content.

The updated RogerEbert.com offers user-friendly features, faster loading times, improved search optimization, genre-specific movie collections, aesthetically pleasing graphics, and more. Expect enhanced interviews with filmmakers, additional video and print features, tributes to cinema and life events, and comprehensive coverage of all things cinematic.

Rationale: The legacy of the legendary Roger Ebert, arguably the best film critic to ever write a review anywhere in the world, is continued on the site that bears his name. Ebert himself was the main editor of the site until his death, but his legacy still continues as his former collaborators decided to keep it up and running, adding new content daily. This is a specialized review site written by certified critics and contains only those movies reviewed by the site’s writers and has no user content.

5. IndieWire


Since its launch on July 15, 1996, IndieWire has become a leading hub for independent filmmakers, industry professionals, and movie enthusiasts. Starting as an online forum and newsletter for filmmakers and festivals, IndieWire has evolved into a primary source for film and television news, reviews, interviews, and global festival coverage. Our goal is to provide creators and movie lovers with news, information, and resources while promoting a greater appreciation for independent filmmaking among audiences.

Rationale: IndieWire has been an industry pillar for independent moviemakers for more than 20 years now and is the best reference point when the American indie scene is concerned. The reviews are written by professionals and there is no user content, but there are several sections that cover a lot of different aspects of the indie movie scene.

6. The Guardian

The Guardian

The Guardian is a British newspaper established in 1821 as The Manchester Guardian, later changing its name in 1959. It’s part of the Guardian Media Group, owned by the Scott Trust, formed in 1936 to ensure the paper’s financial and editorial independence. As of February 2020, its daily print circulation was 126,879, with online editions including TheGuardian.com, Guardian Australia, and Guardian US. The paper leans toward the mainstream left politically, often associated with social liberal and left-wing views. Despite occasional typographical errors, jokingly referred to as the “Grauniad,” The Guardian maintains a significant online presence, reaching over 23 million UK adults monthly.

Rationale: The Guardian is a reliable source of information from all fields, as it is a real news portal (and a newspaper), but it’s also noted for its film review section, which we have linked. Guardian’s professional reviewers cover a lot of movies and you won’t find a relevant contemporary title that’s not on the site. There is no user content.

7. The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times is an American daily newspaper established in 1851, known for its numerous Pulitzer Prizes and as a “newspaper of record.” It’s owned by The New York Times Company and has been run by the Sulzberger family since 1896. The paper is perceived to have a liberal bias and is ranked 18th globally in circulation. Over time, it has expanded its sections and layout, including special weekly topics and Sunday supplements. The Times has maintained its broadsheet format and motto, “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”

Rationale: We all know that The New York Times is one of the most respectable newspapers around the world and that it is responsible for some of the greatest examples of journalism in history. Still, the site also has a very strong movie reviews section which is up to date with all the newest movies and can be considered very reliable.

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8. chicago sun-times.

Chicago Sun Times

The Chicago Sun-Times is a daily newspaper in Chicago, Illinois, known for its merger in 1948 between the Chicago Sun and the Chicago Daily Times. It’s the flagship paper of the Sun-Times Media Group and has the second-largest circulation in Chicago after the Chicago Tribune. The paper has won eight Pulitzer Prizes, including one awarded to film critic Roger Ebert. Ownership has changed hands several times, with claims of being the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in the city, tracing back to the founding of the Chicago Daily Journal in 1844. The paper was founded by Marshall Field III and has maintained a populist, progressive character, often leaning Democratic but remaining independent.

Rationale: Although another newspaper like the two we mentioned above, the Chicago Sun-Times has a very strong movie-reviewing tradition, as its most famous writer ever was the legendary Roger Ebert. The reviews today are mostly written by Richard Roeper, one of Ebert’s collaborators, which is why we think that this site’s review section has some importance.

9. Screen Rant

Screen Rant

Screen Rant started in 2003 and has grown into a major entertainment news source, reaching over 232 million readers in 2018. We offer news, reviews, podcasts, and videos covering TV, film, and video games. Their team consists of passionate individuals with diverse backgrounds in entertainment, aiming to provide engaging content for all entertainment enthusiasts.

Rationale: Screen Rant is one of the industry’s biggest online players and a site dedicated to entertainment. It has a variety of sections and a lot of great writers, which more than makes up for its lack of user content. The reviews from Screen Rant are usually considered to be the most trustworthy around the web.


Empire is a British film magazine launched in 1989 by David Hepworth and Barry McIlheney, aiming to review and rate every UK cinema release. It emphasizes that movies should be both artful and enjoyable. The magazine achieved its initial goal of selling 50,000 copies with its first edition featuring Dennis Quaid and Winona Ryder on the cover from the film “Great Balls of Fire!” Their film reviews are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.

Rationale: Empire is a specialized British film magazine and is, in that aspect, one of the most trustworthy sources from the media industry. It has a lot of different sections covering a lot of fields from the world of media but is also known for its professional critics, who are among the most reliable in the field.


IGN , short for Imagine Games Network, is an American website focused on video games and entertainment. It’s owned by IGN Entertainment Inc., a subsidiary of Ziff Davis under j2 Global. The site, launched in 1996 by Chris Anderson, covers games, films, TV, comics, tech, and more. Originally desktop-based, IGN is now available on various platforms including mobile, consoles, and streaming services like YouTube and Hulu. It was once part of IGN Entertainment, which owned other gaming and entertainment sites like Rotten Tomatoes and GameSpy. IGN was acquired by Ziff Davis in 2013 and operates as a J2 Global subsidiary.

Rationale: We couldn’t, of course, make a list without IGN, one of the largest players in the online industry. IGN covers everything from movies to video games, from news and exclusives to interviews and reviews, and is a respectable go-to if you need reliable information. There is no user content, but there are plenty of trustworthy reviews.

12. The Hollywood Reporter

The Hollywood Reporter

The Hollywood Reporter (THR) is an American magazine and website that covers the film, television, and entertainment industries. Established in 1930 as a daily trade paper, it transitioned to a weekly magazine format in 2010 along with an updated website. Based in Los Angeles, THR is part of the Billboard-Hollywood Reporter Media Group and is owned by MRC, formerly Valence Media, co-founded by Todd Boehly, an executive of its previous owners, Guggenheim Partners and Eldridge Industries.

Rationale: The Hollywood Reporter has been an industry brand for years and its printed editions, as well as its online articles, are among the most reliable sources when it comes to the movie industry. The magazine has since expanded into other areas such as gaming but has retained its review section which is one of the best you’ll find out there.

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13. the rolling stone.

The Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone is an American magazine founded in 1967 in San Francisco by Jann Wenner and Ralph J. Gleason. Initially focused on rock music and political reporting, it shifted its focus in the 1990s to appeal to a younger audience interested in TV, film, and popular music. However, it has since returned to its original mix of content including music, entertainment, and politics. Known for its bold cover photos featuring various celebrities, Rolling Stone publishes both in print and online through Rollingstone.com and international editions.

Rationale: Like most magazines on our list, The Rolling Stone has a firm reputation as one of the most reliable media sources out there. It covers a wide array of artistic fields, including music and movies, and has a series of high-quality writers and reviewers who regularly contribute to the site. The magazine’s reviews are among the most reliable ones.

14. Variety


Variety is an American media company owned by Penske Media Corporation. It was established by Sime Silverman in New York City in 1905 as a weekly newspaper covering theater and vaudeville. In 1933, it expanded with Daily Variety in Los Angeles, focusing on the film industry. Variety.com offers a wide range of entertainment news, reviews, box office results, articles, videos, and photos, along with a database of credits, production charts, and historical content dating back to 1905.

Rationale: Variety is another big player on the media scene and a magazine that is not specialized for cinema, but has a strong movie coverage. Variety’s reviews are often cited around the web and its professional reviewers are considered to be among the best you can find, which is why we highly recommend it as a source.

15. Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair is an American magazine first published in 1983 by Condé Nast Publications. It underwent a significant relaunch in the 1980s under the direction of Condé Nast owner Si Newhouse and British journalists Tina Brown and Graydon Carter. Known for its controversial photos and high-quality articles, Vanity Fair gained attention for pieces like “The Man Who Knew Too Much” by Marie Brenner, which inspired the film “The Insider” in 1999. The magazine also revealed the identity of the Watergate scandal informant in 2005. It hosts an annual Academy Awards party and releases a Hollywood issue featuring photos of Oscar nominees. Vanity Fair’s success has been studied in books like Toby Young’s “How to Lose Friends and Alienate People.”

Rationale: Vanity Fair is much more than just a movie magazine and although it is probably better known for its fashion and lifestyle editorials, it has a strong cinema section and we thought it deserved a spot on our list. The magazine’s professional critics are often quoted on different sites and we thought it would be fitting to close our list with this site.

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16. film companion.

Film Companion

Film Companion is dedicated to celebrating movies through quality journalism that’s well-researched and unbiased. They offer engaging content including film and web show reviews, interviews, festival news, features, and masterclasses. Unlike other platforms, Film Companion covers a wide range of movie genres, including Hollywood, Bollywood, Malayalam, Telugu, and lesser-known territories. They also review short films, a unique feature not found on many other sites.

Rationale: Film Companion offers a lot of new movie reviews that not many sites on this list even bother to look at. If you are someone willing to explore new cultures, you should go and take a look at their unbiased high-quality movie reviews.

17. Letterboxd

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Letterboxd is an online platform founded in 2011 by Matthew Buchanan and Karl von Randow. It’s often described as “Goodreads for film.” Users can rate, review, and track the movies they’ve watched, create lists, and interact with other film enthusiasts. The name “Letterboxd” refers to the practice of letterboxing, which preserves a movie’s original aspect ratio.

Rationale: Letterboxd is among the youngest players on the review scene and as such its modern interface and social-media approach appeal to plenty of people. The reviews are mostly community-made and are hence not taken into account by some of the more established sources. But honestly, if you would like to get an honest opinion regarding the currently trending movies without fluff, Letterboxd is probably your best bet.

18. Film Freak Central


Film Freak Central is a film review and commentary website that provides in-depth analysis, reviews, and essays on movies. It covers a wide range of films, from mainstream Hollywood releases to independent and foreign cinema. The site also offers interviews with filmmakers and actors, as well as features on various aspects of film culture. Overall, Film Freak Central aims to provide comprehensive coverage and insightful commentary on the world of cinema.

Rationale: The website is currently in the process of migration so don’t just ditch it because it doesn’t look like much at first glance. Film Freak Central has easily among the best critics in the industry who can stand toe-to-toe with more established media brands.

19. Little White Lies

Little White Lies

Little White Lies is a bi-monthly film magazine that covers various aspects of cinema, including reviews, interviews, features, and essays. It offers a unique perspective on movies, often focusing on independent and arthouse films, as well as mainstream releases.

Rationale: Little White Lies has probably the most unique rating system out of all review sites on this list. The reviewers rate a movie based on three factors with three separate grades: Anticipation, Enjoyment, and In Retrospect. I honestly have to agree that this is the best system as one grade sometimes does not properly reflect the state of the movie.

20. AV Club

AV Club

The A.V. Club is an online newspaper and entertainment website that reviews and discusses various aspects of pop culture, including films, music, TV shows, books, and games. It was created in 1993 as a supplement to The Onion. While initially having a minimal presence on The Onion’s website, it gained prominence with a redesign in 2005. Unlike The Onion, The A.V. Club is not satirical. Its name refers to audiovisual clubs found in American high schools.

Rationale: Don’t let the site’s association with The Onion Fool you, the AV Club has some of the best reviews in the game. The site uses a letter-grading system.

Have a site to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

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Arthur S. Poe is a writer based in Europe. He has a Ph.D. and speaks five languages. His expertise varies from Alfred Hitchcock movies to Bleach, as he has explored a lot of fictional universes and authors. He is currently focusing on anime, his childhood love, with special attention given to Bleach, One Piece, Pokemon, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Demon Slayer. He has also written movie reviews and analytical articles and has been featured on sites such as IMDb. He is currently writing for Fiction Horizon on a permanent basis. Most recently, he has been following The Thousand-Year Blood War arc of Bleach, Nier: Automata ver1.1a, One Piece, Digimon Ghost Game, and is waiting for new episodes of Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen. He likes interesting storylines with philosophical themes, as well as quirky and psychologically intriguing characters that he likes to debate and talk about. His aesthetical approach has been influenced by Hitchcock and Kubrick, while his favorite film writer is Roger Ebert.


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Thanks to online ratings, it's easier than ever to know whether or not a movie is worth watching. A quick Google search brings up plenty of websites offering their opinions on the latest films.

The three most popular are IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. But how do these sites differ, and which should you trust for information on movies? Here's everything you need to know.

IMDb 2020 Screenshot

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is a gigantic compendium of movies, TV shows, and video games. Its primary use is to find detailed information about any actor, producer, or piece of media content.

When you pull up a movie, you'll see a synopsis, trailers, photos, a cast list, trivia, and much more. What makes IMDb so useful is its cross-referencing. Upon opening the page for an actor, you'll see their best-known roles. Thus, IMDb is great for those "what else have I seen her in?" moments.

The IMDb mobile app takes this a step further. If you create an account and give ratings to movies and other media, you'll see a You may know them from field on an actor's page if you've rated something they appeared in.

With a free IMDb account, you can also create a Watchlist of movies you want to see. Along with contributing to the 10-point rating scale with other users, IMDb has many other useful features to offer if you're interested.

Pros of IMDb

Unlike the other two sites, IMDb's reviews come solely from users. It only takes a minute to sign up for IMDb and leave a review, so there's little barrier to entry.

Thus, IMDb's biggest strength is that its scores gives you a good idea of what normal consumers think of it. Professional critics have no influence on IMDb scores.

IMDb has a weighted average system to prevent users from rigging the score, but the service doesn't make it clear exactly how this works. Click the review count next to the star icon on any movie's page to see a breakdown of how people rated it.

Below the overall star average, you can see how the ratings break down by a few demographics, including age and gender.

IMDb User Rating Breakdown

Cons of IMDb

IMDb's biggest problem is that like other platforms, most people only leave reviews if they love or hate a film. Thus, this skews the scores in favor of either fanboys or haters.

People who want to boost a movie's perception will likely rate the movie a 10, while those who didn't like it will give a rating of one. This means you should read a handful of reviews to get a full picture of the movie's quality.

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten- omatoes Homepage 2020

Rotten Tomatoes is a trusted source for movie reviews sourced from critics. Every movie uses the "Tomatometer" to score the quality of a film. If the critic liked the movie, a red tomato appears by their review. When they don't like it, you'll see a green splat instead.

As long as 60 percent or more of critics like the movie, it earns an overall Fresh score with a red tomato. If under 60 percent of critics rate the movie favorably, it earns a Rotten score with a green splat.

Meanwhile, a Certified Fresh badge appears next to titles that are of particularly high quality. They must hold at least a 75 percent favorable score after 80 reviews, including at least five from top critics.

Open any movie's page, and you'll see the overall score plus its number of reviews at the top. Click See Score Details for a deeper breakdown. The Critics Consensus , present for most movies, is a great summary of why the movie received its score.

Rotten Tomatoes also providers a user score, shown by the popcorn bucket. When at least 60 percent of users rated it 3.5 stars (out of 5) or higher, it shows a full bucket. A tipped-over bucket represents that under 60 percent of users gave it under 3.5 stars. Since you can use half-star ratings, this is close to the IMDb score.

In 2019, Rotten Tomatoes made some changes to reduce "review bombing" of movies. There's no longer a Want to See percentage, and you'll also see a check next to user reviews where the site has confirmed that the person actually bought a ticket to the movie.

At the bottom of a movie's page, you can read excerpts from the critic reviews, filter by fresh or rotten, or only show top critics. Search for your favorite actors, and you can check the scores of films they appeared in.

Related: Sites Like Rotten Tomatoes to Find Average Ratings and Reviews for Anything

Pros of Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Score

Rotten Tomatoes has the advantage of sourcing its reviews from trusted critics. The Rotten Tomatoes criteria page explains that the site only takes reviews from trusted newspapers, podcasts, and websites. In theory, this means that only the opinions of the most-trusted movie critics influence the Rotten Tomatoes review.

The Top Critic designation lets you filter by the absolute best critics if you prefer. You can't get a more professional opinion than from these folks.

Overall, Rotten Tomatoes does a good job of letting you know at a glance whether or not a movie is worth your time. The easily identifiable icons, overall score, and consensus summary only take a moment to scan.

Cons of Rotten Tomatoes

The biggest issue with Rotten Tomatoes is that it breaks down complex opinions into a Yes or No score. It scores a critic who thought the movie was decent but had some flaws (say, a 59 percent rating) the same as one who thought the movie was absolute garbage (a zero percent score).

You'll notice this with the Average Rating under the score. Take Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle as an example. Of the 232 critic reviews, 177 of them are positive. This gives the movie a score of 76 percent. However, the critics rated the movie an average of 6.2/10---quite a bit under the 76 percent displayed on the page.

This doesn't mean the scores on Rotten Tomatoes are useless, of course. But it's important to remember that there's nuance in individual reviews, and the Fresh/Rotten system effectively turns every rating into a 100 or 0 score.

Metacritic Home 2020

Metacritic aggregates reviews of movies and TV shows, plus video games and music albums. It's one of the best sites for gamers , but it can give you a good idea on the quality of movies too.

The site collects reviews from many sources and aggregates them into one "metascore" from 0 to 100. It displays a color and one-line indication of quality based on the overall score, with the following used for movies, TV, and albums:

  • 81-100: Universal Acclaim (Green)
  • 61-80: Generally Favorable Reviews (Green)
  • 40-60: Mixed or Average Reviews (Yellow)
  • 20-39: Generally Unfavorable Reviews (Red)
  • 0-19: Overwhelming Dislike (Red)

Unlike Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic uses a weighted average system. Nobody knows the exact details, but the service assigns more importance to some sources than others. Like the other two sites, Metacritic also includes a separate user score, which does not influence the critic score.

The Pros of Metacritic

Metacritic avoids the Rotten Tomatoes problem of scoring every review as simply "good" or "bad." A review of 50 percent gets mixed in with the rest to create the metascore. Thus, the score you see on Metacritic is closer to the average review, as opposed to the percentage of critics who simply liked the movie on Rotten Tomatoes.

Additionally, among these three sites, Metacritic is the only one to feature full user reviews right next to critic reviews. This makes it easy to compare what the general public thinks compared to the professionals.

The Cons of Metacritic

While it's easy to translate a score from a five-star or 10-point scale, Metacritic's way of translating letter grade is questionable. We can see how this works on the About Metascores page :

Metacritic Letter Scores 2020

While scoring an A as 100 percent makes sense, note the scores for B- and F , for instance. A 67 percent score for a B- seems a bit harsh. In most schools, a score of 67 percent is closer to an F than it is a B- .

And scoring an F as 0 percent seems unfair. Something like 20 percent for an F might be more appropriate. Because every site has different scales for scoring (some might not even use pluses and minuses), this could skew a reviewer's original meaning.

Also, unlike Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic seems to have few public standards. There's no detailed information on where it sources it critics from. Thus, the score potentially doesn't have as much weight behind it as Rotten Tomatoes does.

What Is the Best Movie Rating Website?

So we've now taken a look at IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic, and listed their major pros and cons. As you might have guessed, there's no one website that's best for everything.

However, we can recommend each of these sites for different reasons:

  • IMDb is great for seeing what general audiences think of a movie. If you don't care what the critics say and want to see what people like yourself thought of a film, then you should use IMDb. Just be aware that fans often skew the vote with 10-star ratings, which may inflate scores somewhat.
  • Rotten Tomatoes offers the best overall picture of whether a movie is worth seeing at a glance. If you only trust the opinions of top critics and just want to know if a movie is at least decent, you should use Rotten Tomatoes. While the Fresh/Rotten binary can oversimplify the often complex opinions of critics, it should still help you weed out lousy films.
  • Metacritic offers the most balanced aggregate score. If you don't mind which critics' opinions go into the final score and prefer seeing a general average, then you should use Metacritic. Its standards are mostly unknown, but Metacritic makes it easy to compare professional and user reviews side-by-side.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with checking all three of these sites every time you're thinking of seeing a movie. Over time, you should figure out which site's tastes most match yours; then you'll know which is best for you personally.

Personal Taste Still Matters Most

Remember that movie scores aren't everything. All three of these sites don't, for instance, paint an accurate picture of movies that are so bad they're good. Because those movies are objectively terrible, they carry low scores even though they have ironic value.

Plus, it's impossible to sum up complex opinions from dozens of people into a single number. And no matter what the critics or general public think, your preferences might be totally different anyway. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a movie that most people find stupid. So while these sites are helpful, don't take them too seriously.

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Announcing the Google AdSense Site Approvals video series

Jun 16, 2021

[[read-time]] min read

Aurora Moralez

The new AdSense Site Approvals video series is now fully available on the Google AdSense YouTube channel.

Account approval video image

If you want to start monetizing your online content with Google AdSense but either got an initial rejection or you’re simply not sure where to start, this series will be a useful resource for you. Throughout the episodes you’ll build on your policy knowledge to get your content ready for approval with AdSense. 

Here’s what the series has in store:

Episode 1: Overview:  In this video, Aurora (yours truly) and Andy — a publisher in the making — welcome you to the series and take you through a high-level look of the AdSense Site Approvals process.

Episode 2: Site Ownership and Basic Checks:  Aurora and Andy go through the steps you’ll need to follow to confirm the ownership of the website you’re planning to monetize.

Episode 3: Good and Bad Traffic:  In this episode, Aurora and Andy define what good and bad traffic look like, to help publishers get their content approved for monetization on Google AdSense.

Episode 4: Quality Content:  Aurora and Andy help you better understand what good content looks like, how it qualifies you for Google AdSense approval and how we define bad content.

Episode 5: Navigation:  In this video, Aurora and Andy talk about Navigation — how easy or difficult is it for your users to get around your content — and how important this is when getting your site approved on Google AdSense.

Episode 6: Rejections and Next Steps:  In the season finale, Andy manages to get his site approved by Google AdSense and himself and Aurora are surprised by a new aspiring AdSense publisher. They provide an overview of what to do to get a site up to standards for monetization with Google AdSense.

Ensuring a healthy digital advertising ecosystem means that we are constantly balancing the needs of users, advertisers and publishers.

Because we’re aware that it’s difficult to run a business while keeping up with policies, restrictions and their updates, my team works very hard meeting content creators where they are. Some might be at the beginning of their journey with AdSense, while others are seasoned industry leads. Our transparency efforts are based on your feedback and requests for educational content; you are the reason why we participate in policy webinars, write blog posts, improve our Help Center articles, collaborate with online media and create video content.

Be sure to keep an eye out for more policy video guides on the Google AdSense YouTube channel . If you have any questions, feel free to visit our Help Center any time, or head over to the Google AdSense Help Community . 

We hope you enjoy the series!

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Elementor » Academy » Integrations » Create a WordPress Movie Review Website with Elementor and Toolset

Create a WordPress Movie Review Website with Elementor and Toolset

In this tutorial, we combine Elementor and Toolset to create a dynamic movie review website on WordPress. You’ll learn how to:

* Use dynamic content * Create custom post types with Toolset * Create custom fields with Toolset * Build an archive template with Elementor * Build a single template with Elementor

hi everyone this is Paul from bring up that call and I’m back with another element or dynamic filled tutorial this time we’re going to take a look at tool set which is a really cool plugin that helps us with creating custom post types custom fields custom taxonomies and a bunch of other really nice features so let’s first start by showing you what we’re going to create you in this tutorial this is a movie blog website with a nice full width hero section here at the top with a search widget inside of it a lot of you asked in the comments of the last video how to create a custom search and custom filters for your custom post types and actually toolset has this functionality inside of their tool set views plug-in sadly for this tutorial I won’t be showing how to create that because it gets a bit technical and will make the video too long maybe we’ll have a separate video in the future explaining how to do it however if you needed functionality now and we decided to go ahead with tools that you can take a look at the documentation their website for to see reviews on how to create them they do a great job explaining it that being said let’s scroll down the page where we can see a list of movies that come dynamically from the back end and if I were to click on one of them like for example this one the fighter we can see the single page template for that movie load up here at the top we have the title followed by the trailer and on the right side we have a nice social sharing widget under the trailer we have the plot of the movie as well as the IMDB rating followed by a code about the movie and then some content here at the bottom and lastly we have the image of the movie and some general information like the genre director writers and a few more on the right side we can see our latest movies and if I were to click on one of them for example Captain America we have the exact same design so all we have to do if we want to add a new movie is just feeling the information on the back end and the movie is going to follow the exact same template that being said let’s jump into WordPress and create that okay so we now inside of WordPress and I already went ahead and set up something so we don’t waste any time with them I’ve already created the header and the footer we can see them here on the front page and the page is empty right now it’s only the header and the footer with no content here yet I’ve also went ahead and install the required plugins let me quickly jump back into the dashboard and go under plugins installed plugins we will be using three plugins element or element or pro and toolset types that’s all we need right now so let’s jump into building a custom post type you can see on the Left sidebar under Elementor that we have a new entry called toolset I will hover over that and click on post types on this page we can see the pre-built post types of WordPress but we don’t need to worry about them so I’m going to click on add new and we’re now inside of the add new post type page here we need to provide a bit of information to create our post type the first thing being the plural name of this post time so I’m going to call that tMI’s then we need to provide a singular name which is going to be Navy and then I’ll press tab to go to the slug so it automatically completes it with the lowercase version of the singular name that’s perfect for now I also want to change the icon so I will click on change icon here and I will search for tickets and I will choose this one tickets out perfect now we don’t need to worry about the labels or about the taxonomies right now all I want to do is come here to the sections to display one editing movie and I want to check on the featured image because we want to be able to provide an image for our custom post type I also don’t have to worry about the options so I will go here at the top and for the add in mini position after I will choose comments because I won’t discuss the post type to be displayed after the comments here in the sidebar and I will click on save post type and we now have a new entry called movies here under comments so I will hover over that and click on all items and you can see this is empty right now so we can go ahead and create our custom fields I will hover over to set again and this time click on custom fields here we can create our new field group so I’ll click on the add new group button and I’ll give a name to this group I will call it movie yes perfect and now I will click Save field group because I want to be able to specify where this appears on so I’ll now click back on settings to expand this and here it’s by default this group of fields will appear while editing on content we don’t want that so I’m to here and edit and I will check here our newly created custom post type and then I will click on apply’ perfect so now this movie fields group will only show up on our custom post side so we can now go ahead and create our first field I will click on the add field button the first field that we are going to create is the trailer link field so I will choose the URL type of field if you look into the top right corner of the screen right now you will be able to see how this field is going to look like on the front end we will link this field together with a video widget to dynamically display the movies trailer into the template that being said I will name this field trailer link and he tapped automatically filling the slug just like this you can see the slug was filled in automatically by pressing tab we don’t need to worry about any other setting so I will close this up and create our second film I will click again on the add new field button and the second field is for the plot of the movie which is a small paragraph so I will choose the multi-line type of field here once again in the top right corner of the screen you can see the result on the front end this field will be displayed under our trailer describing the action of the movie I will therefore name this field plot and once again press tab to automatically fill in the slug we don’t need to worry about any of these settings either so I will close this up and create our third field the third field that we will create is the IMDB rating field so I need to select a number type of field this is going to be displayed under the trailer on the same line as the plot showing our visitors what rating this movie has on IMDB we will hook this up with an icon box field allowing us to have a nice visual way to describe our type of rating disease so I will name this field rating that being said I’ll quickly create the other fields on phosphorus so we don’t waste a ton of time with them okay so now we’ve created all the custom fields that we need in case you’re wondering this one with a little aim from this old single line custom field that being said I can now go ahead and click on save field group perfect and we can see that the post field group was saved I only want to do one more thing before proceeding with filling in the information our custom post type and that creating a custom taxonomy so here on tool set I will choose taxonomies and now on this page we can see the built in WordPress taxonomies we don’t need to worry about them so I’ll click here on add new and now we’re on a screen pretty similar to the one that we’ve used to create our post time so I will now name our custom taxonomy I will call it movie genres for the singular I will do movie genre and for the slug the default works and I also want here to change the taxonomy type from her article like categories to flat like tags you will see why when we start using them and also I want to associate movies with this taxonomy so it only works with this one and I will click on save taxonomy now if I hover over movies here you can see we have our movie genres taxonomy and if I were to click on it it’s a very similar screen like the one used to create categories and tags we’ve now completed our custom post type setup so we can go ahead and fill in the information we’ll start off by creating our movie genres those are going to be very helpful later on because it will allow us to filter movies based on genre so I’ll start with the first one which is going to be action I will type here under named action and then I will just click on add a movie genre because the slug is going to be taken care of automatically by WordPress now I have a few more to add so I will add them on fast-forward so you can see that we now have here a whole host of movie genres that will allow us to filter movies based on them that being said I will now go ahead and create our first movie so I’ll go under add new here so we are now inside of the add new movie screen and as you can see in addition to the title and content inputs that come with the default WordPress post we have all the other fields that we’ve created earlier like the trailer link plot rating and all the others so I’ll start by filling in the title which is going to be the fighter and 2010 then I’ll copy paste some of the content so we’ll start with the actual content of the page which is in this case Laura hips then I’ve placed in the trailer link the plot I will provide the rating which is seven point eight on IMDB and I’ll provide a code about the movie the country is USA the Raptor writers stars what a words this movie won and the duration which is one hour 56 minutes perfect so we fill in the information here and what we want to do is come up here and fill in the movie genres and because we’ve set them as tags we need to search for them so I know this one is a biography so research for biography and then click on it and click on add and you can see we have it here now and this one is also drama and sport so we have our genres here the last thing that we need to do is set the featured image so I’ll take you on set featured image and I will choose the movie poster which is this one and click a set featured image perfect so now our movie is done and I can click on publish and if I go here to all items we have our entry to fighter here so I can start making a few more and I’ll be back in just a second alright so I’ve added a few more movies so we have what to work with now we can go ahead and create our first template which is going to be the archive so we can display our movies in the nice grid that I showed you at the beginning so I will not hover over element or my template and you can see here we have the header and the footer that I’ve created earlier now we can go ahead and click on add new and here it asks us what type of time that you want to work on so I’m gonna click on this and select an archive and I will name this movie archive so it’s easier to find and I will click on create template once the site of Alimentum you can see that the library panel for the blocks was automatically opened but I don’t want to use it so I will close it up so there are two things that I want to do before creating the template the first one is setting the right preview for our archive so and click here on the little eyeball icon and I will click on settings and you can see the right now he says preview dynamic content as recent post we don’t want that so I will click on this and choose movie archive and click apply and preview perfect now the second thing that I want to do is set some colors in our color picker so it’s easier to choose them so I’ll click here on the hamburger icon and I will choose color picker and I want to change this screen here with a yellow color that I need which is half 81-68 this one and I also want to change this green here to 0 0 3 C 54 which is a nice blue color perfect and then we’ll click on apply now we can go ahead and start creating our first section soil keep on the plus sign here and choose a one-column section going to the section settings I want this to be boxed and to have a 600 pixel width I also want to set a minimum height for it and that’s going to be 700 pixels all right here 700 great now I will go to the style tab and choose background type as classic and choose our image which is this nice full width image pick on insert media I will also change the position to Center Center and the size to cover so it shows a bit more out of it perfect and I also want to set an overlay for the image to darken it a little bit on it 1 background overlay I will do classic and for the color I’m gonna do black at around 50% around here and I will leave the opacity here at 50% as well so this is not our first section and inside of it I want to add a search widget okay so I’m gonna search for it and this this one search form the skin is going to be classic placeholder search the button type is going to be icon and we will leave this magnifying glass here for the size I’m gonna increase it a little bit and make it 60 now under style we want the text color to be ba ba a nice gray color the background color white and the border color this darker gray which is 7 8 7 8 7 8 and the border size has to be 1 pixels perfect now for the button the text color is going to be again that several a 7 a 7 a and the background color the yellow color we set earlier and this is our search now I could go ahead and add the second section so I’ll take again on the plus side and choose a one column section to this section we will leave everything here at by default I will just go under the style and make sure the background color is white and under advanced for the padding I will unlink the values because I just want to add padding to the top at the bottom and I will go to the percentage and I will do top 3% and bottom 3% break now we can add our title for this soil search for our heading widget and drag it inside it will say in movies the HTML tag is going to be an h2 and the color is going to be that blue color the dark do and for typography the defaults are fine I just want the size to be 35 pixels I only have one more widget to add which is this one the archived posts and this returns all the post in this current archive so I will drag it in and you can see we have our movies here but they look a bit odd right now so we’re going to work a bit with them the first thing that I’m going to do is come here and we will turn off that excerpt as well as the read more and I will get rid of the date and comments we just want to show the image and the title of the movie now I want to change this from 3 columns to 4 columns the image ratio is going to be 1.5 and the width is going to be 100% I will change here the image size to large because we want them to be nice and crisp how good they look right now for a fact now I will go under style and for the columns gap I’m gonna do 55 rows gap is going to be make it 16 so we bring the title a little bit closer and now in the content what I have to do is make the title color that dark blue that we had and also come back here to the layout and choose the alignment as Center so our title is centered with our images and this is pretty much done right now so I can click on publish and we have the displayed condition screen and click on add condition and by default it wants to include this template on archives but we don’t want that we just want to use it for our movie so I will take here and choose movies archive here and then I will click on publish now the document is live so I can click on the hamburger icon and go exit to dashboard I will go to visit the website and if I click here on movies you can see our template is live with all the movies coming from the back end right now if I were to click on one of those this is what’s gonna load up because this is the default theme template so we’re gonna go and create a single template to display our movie with all the information that we set up in the custom fields now I will go back to the dashboard and I will hover again under Elementor my templates I will take on add new and this time we’re gonna select a single instead of an archive and now it asks us what type of post we want to use so I’ll click here and I will choose movie and I will name this movie single now people create template okay so we’re now inside of the single builder and once again the library was automatically opened up for us but we don’t need that so I’m gonna close it up and I’ll add here a new section and click on the plus sign and choose a one-column section I want this one to be boxed in with 1280 width I also want to set a minimum height here to 680 pixels and make sure that it color is in middle perfect now I will go under style and for the background type I will choose gradient the first color is going to be zero five one seven twenty one and the second color is going to be the same one just a bit more transparent here it’s a very sudden gradient that we use here location 0 100 type linear and angle 180 perfect now I will go to the shape divider and for the bottom I will choose the tilt one like this ok so that’s all that we need for this section because the second section that we’re going to create we are going to pull it off this negative margin to have it here on top of this one so I will create a new section this one is going to be a two column section again boxed with 1280 with the first column I’m going to select and the column width is going to be 86 percent and the second one is going to be 14 but it was done automatically now I want to go under the section settings under advanced and for marching I will do a march on top of minus 600 pixels and a margin bottom of but it’s going to look perfect in a few seconds so I’ll start by adding a new widget is going to be a post title widget I will add it here and you can see it takes the title that we’ve set in the back end which is the fighter now I’ll go under style the text color I’ll make it white and for typography we want the phone to be Tahoma 40 pixels line height 1.3 and we also want to go under advanced for this and add a padding bottom of 25 pixels nice now the next thing that we’re gonna do is add a video widget this one and it under this for the source we’re going to leave YouTube and here in the URL we’ll click on this little dynamic link scroll all the way down and we can see we have to sit here and with to that field to set date field and tool set URL field so I would click on the to set URL field and then if I click here again it’s going to ask for the key and our key is the only one that we have because it’s we have only one to set URL field and that’s the trader link so I’m gonna click on that and you can see our link is now displayed here ooh and it looks really nice okay under this I’m going to add a columns widget which is this one here and I want to go under advanced and do a 50 pixels margin top to make a bit more space and also for the columns I want the first one to be here and the second one is automatically new heading and this time I’m gonna click on the dynamic link and scroll all the way down and choose to set field from here and now I will think again I need to choose our key and for the key we want to show the plot here you can see we have the plot it looks really odd right now but we’re gonna fix it in a second so I will now go under style for the color I’m gonna input 5 4 5 9 5 F which is a dark gray color then for the typography I will leave the family to default size 17 pixels weight 300 I want to have under style here italic perfect line height 1.6 and letter spacing 0.5 and now it looks really nice on the right side I will add an icon pops widget we want the icon to be IMDB icon which is this one the view is going to be default it will have no description and for the title I will click here on the dynamic link go all the way down to that field and I will choose our writing field good now I want to make this to go to the right side like this and play a bit with the styling of it so I’ll go under style and for the primary color I will do our dark blue color spacing is going to be 19 the size is going to be content title I will go with the same color and on the typography I will do a line in front of 1.8 now it’s pretty much centered with the autumn now I want to add a shirts button widget so I’m going to search for it an editing side of the page we only want Facebook Google+ and Twitter so I will delete the Linkedin one and I want to change some settings here so the view is going to be only the icon the skin is okay to be gradient shape is going to be a circle columns one like this not under style column gap a row gap is okay to be 10 so I will go under advanced and I will do a 100 pixel margin top here now I will go under the color settings here and under advanced I will do a marching left of 100 pixels so our items are nice and small here okay we can continue on with the next section I’ll click on the plus sign to add a new section and I will choose a single column section again I’ll make the content with 1280 pixels and inside of this I will drag divided your widget now I’ll choose the style to be dotted one pixel weight color black with 100% and a gap of 15 perfect now I will move on with the next sections well click again on the plus sign and this time I’ll choose a two column section it doesn’t I’ll make it 1280 in width I will go under advanced and do a padding top of first column to be 70 percent one so we have 70% and 30% on the second right now in the last one I will add a heading field and I will click on the dynamic link here choose to set field and then for the key I will choose the code nice now I want to style it a little bit so on the other style for the text color I will choose the dark blue color and for typography we want the phone to be Aleppo 66 pixels a weight of advanced and for margin I will do a 30 pixels bottom margin nice now under this I will drag a new widget which is the post content which is this one from here and you can see it brings back the content that we’ve added what we’ve created this movie so we don’t need to worry about any of the settings this the difference look perfectly fine all right so under the content I want to once again add a columns widget which is this one here but before continuing I just want to make a short point about them if you’re using elemental version 2.2 or later this widget was renamed from columns to inner section so if you’re using that version or later make sure that you’re looking for inner section instead of this one now I will drag that in and the first thing that I want to do is select the first column here and choose a column width of 25% leaving the second column at 75% and I will choose here the column gap to be no gap then I will move over to the Advanced tab and here I will do a 40 pixel margin top and bottles all right here for it and also I want to do a 4% padding all around so here I will change it to percent and then loop 4 so we have a 4% binding all around our section next I will move over to the style tab and I will choose a classic background type and I will input a color which is ef ef ef which is this light gray color here and also I will go here down to the border choose a border type of solid I’ll link the values because we only want to have the border to the bottom of this section and for the bottom I will do two pixels and then I’ll change the color of this to our dark blue color now I want to add to the left column a featured image widget so I’ll go over to the widgets panel and I will drag in the featured image widget here very nice now to the right column I want to add a heading widget and I want to change the styling a little bit so I will go on your style here I’ll make the text color our dark blue color and for typography I will choose the formula to I will make it 19 pixels I will choose a weight of 700 and I will do a line height of 1.4 very good now I want to select this column again the right one and change the content position from default to needle and also go under the Advanced tab and set a 30 pixels padding to the left like this now I need 6 more copies of this heading widget because I need 7 in total so what I can do is either right click here and choose duplicate to double key this widget or I can just press ctrl or command D to duplicate and now we have seven copies of this so we can start working with them I will select the first one and here you can see our little dynamic link so I will click on this scroll all the way down and choose to set field now nothing shows up because we haven’t chosen our key yet so I will click on the to set field here and for our key we will choose country because that’s the first thing that we want to display also I will go here under advanced and in the before in boot I will type country and column at a space so now we have a label for our input here now I will skip the second one because that’s a bit different I will create the third one here so I will click on click again on the dynamic link scroll all the way down and just loose it field and I will choose the key of director and you can see our director shows up so I can go under advanced and for the before tag I will do director and color and a space now I will do the last four on fast word and then we will return to the second one perfect so now we have all of our fields in place except for the second one so I will click on that and I will once again just a dynamic link but this time instead of choosing the 2sat field I will actually choose this one here post terms because this will return our terms for a post and right now it’s empty because we haven’t chosen our taxonomy of choice so I will click here on post terms and then for the taxonomy I will choose movies on res and now we can see our genres for this movie displayed here I will also change here the separator to space pipe space so it looks like this now and under advanced in the before input I will try to January ok so our little section is done so we can continue on with creating our sidebar first thing that I want to do is scroll up and choose our big column here the left one click on advanced and I will choose a padding right of 40 pixels I will also choose the right column here and go under advanced as well and this time I will add a 90 pixels padding to the left now I can go ahead and drag in a heading widget I will write in here latest movies then I will go to the style tab I will choose our dark blue color for the tax color then I’ll go under typography for the font family I will just a coma I will also make this 40 pixels in size and then I will go under advanced and add a 10 pixel padding to the bottom now I can drag in one more widget which is the post widget so I will search for it and is this one post so I will drag it inside of this column but you see that by default it tries to return from our default WordPress posts but we don’t want that so here on the left side I will scroll all the way down and choose query for the source I will change this to movies I will live here ordered by descending and I will exclude the current post by clicking here and checking on avoid duplicates because we don’t want any duplicate image here then I can return to the Layout tab and style this a little bit so the skin is going to stay on classic for the columns we want to show only one we want to show three posts per page not six the image position can stay to the top we want to change the image size to medium large so it’s nice and crisp also the image ratio should be 1.52 then we will leave the title on we will disable the excerpt as well as the date and comments here and we will also disable our read more button so we will only show the image and the title now I will go to the style tab go to content here and for the title color I will choose again our dark blue color and here in the layout I will make sure that the column gap is 30 and the row gap is thing that I want to do I just want to add some comments to display so I will search for the facebook comments widget and I will just drag it in here and moving under this section so now we have our comments the defaults are fine with the common count of 10 and order by social so now our template is complete we have the posts here inside of the sidebar we have the trailer and the title at the top as well as all the other fields that we’ve set up inside of the toolset plugin the only thing that’s left to do is to publish this template so I will expand this and I will click here on publish you can now see the display condition screen came up and because when we’ve created this template we’ve already chose our movie custom post type the conditions are automatically set to include all movies all so all I have to do is now click on publish and then we can exit to the dashboard I could go ahead and visit the website I will click on movies and we can now see the list of movies that we’ve set up before so I’ll click on one of the movies for example Captain America and you can see we have our template live in here so I’ll choose a different movie from the sidebar now like this one and you can see it follows the exact same template so this was my movie block tutorial using two satin element or steam builder I really hope you found it useful and learn something new out of it if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments below thanks for watching and see you all soon

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20 Best WordPress Movie Themes (Expert Picks for 2024)

Quick Summary ↪ If you’re planning to launch an online movie database like IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, this article will help. We’ve listed the best WordPress movie review themes to try in . These themes are designed for movie studios, bloggers, TV shows, movie reviews and film-oriented websites, but you can adapt them for almost any use. Each

If you’re planning to launch an online movie database like IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, this article will help.

We’ve listed the best WordPress movie review themes to try in 2024.

These themes are designed for movie studios, bloggers, TV shows, movie reviews and film-oriented websites, but you can adapt them for almost any use.

Each showcases stunning elements, beautiful designs, and includes a user-friendly approach to help you create a unique movie review website.

So, without further delay, let us share what we think is the best movie review WordPress themes collection.

If this will be your first website, don’t forget to read our guide on making a WordPress website .

10. Leitmotif

List of best wordpress movie themes.

If you’re short on time, pick any of these best 5 movie WordPress themes from the list below.

AstraFree / From $49 €45 per year⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
NoxeFrom $59 per year⭐⭐⭐
DiviFrom $89 per year⭐⭐⭐⭐
NewsmagFrom $49 per year⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hestia Free / From $69 per year⭐⭐⭐⭐

We have scoured the internet looking for the best movie themes for WordPress. Let’s check them out.

Astra is one of the best WordPress themes around that delivers professional designs and ease of use. The theme is lightweight and has been downloaded by over 1.8 million users.

Astra is our in-house theme rated five stars based on 5,681+ genuine user reviews. It’s not just a theme but a collection of website templates. Install Astra, choose a suitable template, and import all content with a few clicks.

You will have an exceptional opportunity to use modern design with a drag and drop page builder to create a movie review website.

The theme is fully compatible with most WordPress plugins and works seamlessly with WooCommerce.

Astra theme is compatible with Elementor , Beaver Builder , and Gutenberg, the WordPress block editor .

Create an eye-catching website for any niche with Astra in no time!

Recommended Astra’s templates:

  • News website templates and designs

Pros of Astra:

  • Free WordPress theme comes with lots of customization options
  • Responsive design and retina ready
  • SEO compatibility
  • 230+ readymade Starter Templates
  • Compatible with Gutenberg

Cons of Astra:

  • It requires a slight learning curve because it’s packed with a lot of features!

Astra Pricing

Astra is free to use with a premium version starting from $49 €45 per year.

MagPlus is a simple magazine and review theme. You can use this theme to create any kind of magazine, newspaper, or blog website, including for movies.

The theme is responsive and compatible with Elementor that gives you complete control over your site. The professionally designed templates allow you to install demos easily with a single click.

The theme is optimized for SEO and can help to rank your website in search engine results. You can also start your website quickly because MagPlus offers an extensive library of professionally designed 40+ demos.

Pros of MagPlus:

  • Fully responsive
  • Translation ready
  • Supports WordPress Live Customizer
  • WPML and RTL ready
  • SEO optimized theme

Cons of MagPlus

  • Lacks detailed tutorials for beginners

MagPlus Pricing

It’s a premium theme costing $59 per year.

3. Blockbuster

Blockbuster is a product review theme suitable for movies and television shows. The theme has the ability to show movie reviews along with a ratings and comments system.

Blockbuster is perfect for reviewers, commentators, movie critics, and TV fans.

The theme comprises useful movie review website features including space for banner ads, a slider section to display movie posters, a product description area, and a rating system. It has everything you need!

Pros of Blockbuster:

  • Author bio and social profile uploader
  • Multiple dropdown menus
  • Cross browser compatibility
  • Built-in SEO
  • Fully WPML ready

Cons of Blockbuster:

  • No trial version available

Blockbuster Pricing

Blockbuster is a premium theme costing $79 per year.

Noxe is a movie studio and filmmaker WordPress theme. The theme is designed to be lightweight and loads quickly, which is exactly the qualities we look for.

You can build a unique movie website with Noxe because it’s easily customizable thanks to page builder compatibility.

Noxe is a multipurpose and beginner-friendly WordPress theme . Users can quickly discover your content with advanced menu and navigation features. It’s also integrated with IMDb API connection, so you can automatically get the movie and TV shows IMDb ratings.

Pros of Noxe:

  • Compatible with WPBakery page builder and Gutenberg
  • RTL and LTR support
  • 18+ homepage templates
  • Slider and media integrations

Cons of Noxe:

  • No free version

Noxe Pricing

Noxe is a premium theme available for $59 per year.

Extra is a colorful magazine WordPress theme that comes with Divi page builder compatibility. The theme gives you complete control over the design of your entire website.

The theme supports parallax scrolling and you can quickly adjust fonts, sizes, colors, and spacing with just a few clicks. No coding skills required!

Pros of Extra:

  • Fast and easy customizable
  • WooCommerce ready
  • Beautiful portfolio pages
  • Advanced Mega Menus
  • Responsive WordPress theme

Cons of Extra:

  • The theme comes in a bundle and you can’t purchase a single theme

Extra Pricing

Extra is a premium theme available for $89 per year.

MagXP is an attractive WordPress theme packed with lots of customization options. The theme has 10 different homepage layouts, 16 powerful widgets, different pagination types, parallax scrolling effects, and unlimited color options.

MagXP comes with WooCommerce support and never makes your visitors wait with its speed optimization feature. It is a fully responsive WordPress theme and AdSense optimized too.

Pros of MagXP:

  • Flexible and lightweight theme
  • Dozens of customization options
  • Search engine optimized
  • 590+ Font Awesome icons
  • Translation-ready theme

Cons of MagXP:

  • Limited number of templates to select from

MagXP Pricing

MagXP is a premium theme available for $49 per year.

Newsmag is a fantastic WordPress theme with a vast collection of specially designed templates for news , a personal blog, magazine, and review websites. The theme is easy to use and could be ideal for a movie website.

Using more than 100+ elements, you can build your movie content however you like.

Elements include background effects, a touch-friendly slider, an integrated translation panel, a video thumbnail downloader, footer styles and other features that help you create a beautiful website.

Pros of Newsmag:

  • Smart content blocks
  • Flexible layouts for each template
  • Font Awesome 4 Menu plugin compatibility
  • Responsive ads support
  • GIF animation and translation support

Cons of Newsmag:

  • No free version available

Newsmag Pricing

Newsmag is a premium theme costing $49 per year.

8. Newspaperss

Newspaperss is a great WordPress theme for review blogs, magazines, and publishers, so would work well for movies. The theme is designed with the mobile-first approach, so your website seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes.

Newspaperss is a simple and flexible theme that can turn any website into a creative website . It will take a little effort, but the results could be well worth it!

Pros of Newspaperss:

  • Clean and modern design
  • Custom post widget options
  • Easy to customize
  • SEO friendly
  • Stylish content sections

Cons of Newspaperss:

  • The theme was last updated on July 2021

Newspaperss Pricing

Newspaperss is available for free.

Spool is an excellent theme for movie studios and filmmakers. The theme offers a movie-oriented template allowing you to build a responsive WordPress website.

It is compatible with WooCommerce and WPBakery plugins. Its readymade demos let you showcase the best version of your movie content online. And, as it’s fully responsive, your website will look great on all devices.

Pros of Spool:

  • Fast loading pages
  • Modern and classic design
  • Responsive theme
  • Compatible with leading plugins
  • Easy customization

Cons of Spool:

  • Needs more customization than some other themes

Spool Pricing

Spool is a premium theme available for $59 per year.

The Leitmotif theme is a classic movie and production house theme. Using dozens of elements, you can showcase your amazing movie content online. This flexible theme offers practical features for all film-oriented websites.

Its easy-to-use and powerful user admin interface lets you create an interactive website. It has tons of elements and practical features for movies, film festivals, and filmmakers, with Leitmotif you get it all!

Pros of Leitmotif:

  • Variety of animated slides
  • Huge collection of custom shortcodes
  • 800+ Google fonts
  • Compatible with leading page builder
  • SEO and retina-ready

Cons of Leitmotif:

Leitmotif Pricing

Leitmotif costs $85 per year.

Divi easily secures a place in our best movie review WordPress themes list. The theme’s movie theater template is designed with excellent color palettes and layouts.

Divi loads your website fast, enhancing the user experience and helping your site to score well on speed results. The theme is 100% responsive so your site appears great across all devices too.

Pros of Divi:

  • User-friendly theme
  • Modern design
  • Compatible with leading page builders

Cons of Divi:

  • Divi is slightly more expensive than other themes available on the list

Divi Pricing

Divi is available for $89 per year.

12. Interactive

Your search for eye-catching magazine WordPress themes ends with Interactive. This highly customizable professional WordPress theme has all the features we look for in a movie theme.

Interactive is a fast theme with 4+ homepage styles ideal for creating a movie review website or storytelling blog. Being fully responsive ensures your website looks great on all screen sizes too.

Pros of Interactive:

  • Easy to use
  • No coding required
  • 630+ Google fonts
  • One-click demo installation
  • Powerful options panel

Cons of Interactive:

Interactive Pricing

Interactive costs $39 yearly.

13. Alegria

Whether running a movie review magazine or film blog, Alegria could be the perfect choice for your website. You can customize the theme in real-time and view changes before launching, ideal if this is your first website.

This clean and responsive theme has professional layouts for magazines, newspapers, and blogs. The theme is flexible and comes with a variety of customization options.

Pros of Alegria:

  • Advanced admin panel
  • Full support and updates
  • Compatible with the latest WordPress version
  • Taqyeem WordPress review plugin included
  • User-friendly

Cons of Alegria:

  • No trial version

Alegria Pricing

Alegria costs $49 per year.

14. NineStudio

Nine Studio is a unique WordPress theme for movies and photography with tons of customization options. The theme has 9 creative homepages, multiple backgrounds, and 3 different header styles.

The page editor is simple so you can easily work on different fonts, images, and make other required changes. Nine Studio is also designed to be responsive, load quickly and deliver everything that you want in a movie review theme.

Pros of Nine Studio:

  • 9 creative homepages
  • Compatible with premium plugins
  • Integrated with Font Awesome Icons
  • 600+ Google fonts
  • Fully responsive and retina-ready

Cons of Nine Studio:

Nine Studio Pricing

Nine Studio is available at $69 per year.

Video is a great WordPress theme for bloggers. This theme is built specifically for video blogs and has a smart video sharing feature. Video is built for performance and SEO ready.

The theme offers complete flexibility so you can customize your website any way you want. Plus, it is compatible with third-party plugins and is a fully SEO-friendly theme .

Pros of Video:

  • Video sharing feature
  • RTL text reading
  • Schema integrated
  • WP Mega Menu compatible
  • Google AdSense optimized

Cons of Video:

  • Video theme is most suitable for video websites

Video Pricing

Video costs $39 per year.

16. fMovies

fMovies is a movie-oriented responsive WordPress theme. This is suitable for movie blogs, reviews, cinema critiques, and TV show websites. It’s a free WordPress theme available on wordpress.org.

The theme is 100% responsive and uses the best SEO practices to help rank your website high on search engine results. fMovies is easy to use and supports the latest WordPress version.

Pros of Fmovies:

  • Custom header and footer
  • Full-width template
  • Right sidebar and sticky post features
  • Flexible theme

Cons of Fmovies:

  • Limited customization features

fMovies Pricing

fMovies theme is free to use.

17. Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro is a stylish one-page theme suitable for any business niche. It could be turned into a movie website with ease thanks to page builder compatibility.

Enjoy a perfect blend of integration with all popular page builders such as Visual Composer, Elementor, Divi Builder, and Brizy.

It has beautiful layouts and lovely sections to display movie reviews online. You can easily customize the theme without writing any code.

Pros of Hestia Pro:

  • Fully customizable homepage
  • Advanced blog options
  • Readymade starter sites
  • Optimize for speed

Cons of Hestia Pro:

  • The free version of Hestia offers limited design options

Hestia Pro Pricing

Hestia Pro is a premium WordPress theme starting from $69 per year.

18. Videozoom

Are you looking for a multipurpose mobile-friendly theme ? Videozoom works great on all mobile devices so viewers can access all of the movie video content directly from mobile phones.

From easy-to-use navigation and one-click demo import feature to an easy installation process, Videozoom has everything you need,

Apart from YouTube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion, Videozoom also supports self-hosted videos. Just paste the link to MP4 videos and you’re good to go!

Pros of Videozoom:

  • Light skin and sterling options
  • Easy-to-customize logo
  • WPML compatible and translation ready
  • 100% responsive theme

Cons of Videozoom:

  • This theme hasn’t been updated since March 2021

Videozoom Pricing

A yearly subscription of Videozoom starts from $69 to a lifetime of $179.

19. Cinema24

Cinema24 is a dedicated movie WordPress theme that offers multiple color schemes. The theme has cinematic elements so you can build your content, apply VFX effects and other animations to attract your visitors.

The theme functions well and comes with 3 column feature areas to categorize movie listings, reviews, and cinema schedules. It also includes lots of features such as different footer widgets, blog section areas, content blocks to customize every part of the page.

Pros of Cinema24:

  • Homepage blog section area
  • 3+ footer widgets area
  • 12+ color schemes
  • Clean layout and easy setup
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3

Cons of Cinema24:

Cinema24 Pricing

Cinema24 is a premium theme that costs $79 per year.

20. MovieStudio

MovieStudio is a free WordPress theme and is perfect for the movie review niche. It offers amazing functionality and is packed with essential features.

It is fully-customizable and includes a range of customization features including responsive layouts, typography and font options.

You can build a stunning movie website in no time using flexible content elements, parallax effects, and amazing image galleries.

Pros of MovieStudio:

  • Black and white design with customizable layouts
  • Niche related templates
  • Responsive pages

Cons of MovieStudio:

  • Limited layout options to choose from

MovieStudio Pricing

MovieStudio is free.

Why a movie review theme?

This type of theme is specially built for a movie review website. You can use such readymade themes when you don’t want to spend time and money building from scratch.

A readymade WordPress movie review theme usually includes third-party plugin support, and page builder compatibility. It may also have dozens of templates to choose from.

For example, our in-house theme Astra offers more than 230+ Starter templates for you to use. It is also compatible with most WordPress plugins and all leading WordPress page builders .

It isn’t all about us though.

Every theme in our list has high-quality designs and works on all screens.

All are designed for easy customization and you can create a web page without writing a single line of code.

What should you look for when choosing a theme?

There are thousands of themes available on third-party websites and the official WordPress website. They will all be different and offer different features and benefits.

We’ve shortlisted a few factors we think you should consider while choosing a WordPress theme for your movie review website.

Responsive design – More than half of website traffic comes from mobile devices, so you’ll need a responsive WordPress theme that adapts to the user’s screen.

That’s why most WordPress themes use responsive design. Responsive design means the theme will automatically adapt to smaller screens giving everyone the same experience regardless of the device they use.

Page builder compatibility – Page builders offer easy customization with drag and drop functionality. Using this feature, you can easily create landing pages , layouts, and sales funnels .

Leading page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and others streamline the WordPress editing process and help you build posts and pages faster.

Professional designs and layouts – Professional designs and layouts help you launch a website quickly. Select suitable layouts, add content, and your website is ready to launch.

If web design isn’t your strength, you can still deliver a high-quality website without writing a single line of code.

We’ve covered the top 20 movie review WordPress themes. Each is designed to achieve everything with high-quality images, excellent layouts, professional design, and ticket booking forms.

If we were asked for a favorite, we would suggest Astra or Newsmag.

Astra is our own theme so we would naturally recommend it. We also recommend it for its flexibility, ease of use, and huge collection of demos. Its compatibility with page builders and popular WordPress plugins makes Astra stand out!

We also think that Newsmag could be a worthy option. It is a perfect fit for movie review website needs and offers amazing support along with lots of customization options and features that support a movie website.

Do you use any of these themes? Have any others to suggest? Tell us about them below!

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Sujay Pawar is the co-founder and CEO of Brainstorm Force. He brings a one-of-a-kind fusion of tech brilliance, business savvy and marketing mojo to the table. Sujay has consistently spearheaded the development of innovative products like Astra, CartFlows, ZipWP and many others that have become market leaders in their respective niches.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may receive a small commission. Read disclosure . Rest assured that we only recommend products that we have personally used and believe will add value to our readers. Thanks for your support!

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Google is making your movie and TV reviews visible under a new profile page

In this photo illustration a mobile phone screen displays Google homepage with the Google Lens logo in back of it.

Google is making reviews of all your movies, TV shows, books, albums and games visible under one profile page starting June 24, according to an email sent to users last month. These profiles are also searchable through Google searches, which can lead to users’ being profiled based on their likes and dislikes.

The company launched the ability to post reviews of movies for India-based users in 2017 . Over the years, this functionality has expanded globally. Last year, the company told TechCrunch that they made review profiles public and searchable in some regions, starting with the U.S. and India. Now, they are making all profiles public globally.

Essentially, you can click on any user profile and look at all the reviews they have posted. Google told TechCrunch that the company provides a toggle to make their profile private. But that toggle wasn’t available until earlier this week, as observed by SEO consultant Gagan Ghotra and TechCrunch.

“Profiles make it easier for people to see and manage their reviews of things like movies and TV shows in one place and make reviews more helpful for others. These reviews were already public, and we provide people with control to make their profile private or delete it altogether, along with options to privately edit or delete their reviews,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement to TechCrunch.

Google also makes all profiles public by default. That means if you don’t know about having a profile page of your reviews or haven’t paid attention to emails from Google (which may have ended up in your spam or updates folder on Gmail), your profile will be viewable for all.

The company told TechCrunch that it sent notifications of the hiding profile control to users through the Google Profile interface. Plus, it notified users of the new Google Profile via a pop-up on their existing reviews. However, if users don’t know a new profile exists, they are unlikely to visit the page. And there is a slim chance that you would be going back to read your own review of a show or a movie frequently. Google needs to do better to notify the user of an entirely new page related to their account.

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Ghotra told TechCrunch over direct messages that searchable profiles could also be used by potential employers to know the opinions of their future employees, impacting their chances of hiring. Plus, it is an easy target for advertisers to scrap this data and serve targeted ads to users.

How to hide your profile

Here is how you can make your preview profile private:

  • Go to profile.google.com
  • Click/tap on the three-dot menu next to your profile name
  • Select the “Profile Options” item
  • Turn on the Profile Privacy toggle

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Even if you hide your profile, your individual reviews will still be visible under a movie or a TV show title, but it won’t link back to a page with all of your reviews. Notably, your reviews on Google Maps are not part of this rollout.

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Google Search

Google to show your movie/tv reviews and search notes in a public ‘profile’ next week.

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Google will start rolling out public, searchable “profiles” in Search that will show your movie and TV reviews as well as notes in Search starting on June 24.

Globally, Google will be making user “profiles” available to gather together any reviews or Search notes attached to your account. At profile.google.com , Google briefly explains:

Your notes and media reviews for movies, books, video games, and albums will appear here

As TechCrunch reports , Google started informing some users of this change as far back as May, with profile pages set to go live on June 24. A pop-up confirms that other users will be able to see your profile if they see your name appear in public-facing reviews or Search notes. Google started experimenting with notes in Search last November .

You can opt to make this private if you wish, but the needed controls seem to only appear for some users. TechCrunch captured screenshots of the new settings including the “Profile privacy” toggle that hides your profile from public access. This doesn’t hide the reviews themselves, though.

In a statement, Google explained:

Profiles make it easier for people to see and manage their reviews of things like movies and TV shows in one place and make reviews more helpful for others. These reviews were already public, and we provide people with control to make their profile private or delete it altogether, along with options to privately edit or delete their reviews

This doesn’t seem to include Google Maps reviews, though.

Google first started testing profiles for reviews in the US and India last year, but it’s only now going to be available to all users.

You can also add social links to the profile page, as shown by Gagan Ghotra, who first noted this change back in May and documented it in a thread on Twitter/X .

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Ben is a Senior Editor for 9to5Google.

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‘it was all a dream’ review: compelling dream hampton memoir mines the past to make a case for documenting the present.

In her latest feature, the veteran music journalist and filmmaker delves into her personal archives to tell the story of hip hop as a nascent genre, surveying its biggest artists and fervent custodians.

By Lovia Gyarkye

Lovia Gyarkye

Arts & Culture Critic

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As a young hampton cruises through the streets of Brooklyn with Biggie Smalls, her present-day self recites early musings about hip hop as a genre of “kamikaze capitalists” and young Black boys “who quickly expanded their tightly wound worlds then set them afire.” Her meditations are drafts, evidence of a feminist thinker and genre custodian in the making.

Hampton wrestles with the reality of hip hop’s commercial traction and misogynistic impulses. The doc is buoyed by her unbridled enthusiasm for tackling big questions of gender, capital and craft. She interviews Biggie, Method Man and Snoop and holds court with Nikki D, Hurricane G and LeShaun. On the table for discussion: albums, aspirations and the unrequited love between men and women in the genre. 

When hampton convenes with rappers like Nikki D, LeShaun and executives like Tracey Waples to talk about fortifying a community of women in hip hop, it adds a thrilling layer to the current landscape, which includes, for example, new-gen collaborations between Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B.

An interview with Richard Fulton, owner of the coffee and jazz house Fifth Street Dicks in Los Angeles, about who will own the distribution rights of hip hop records in the future connects to Vince Staples and other rappers’ ongoing reflections on the insatiable greed of music labels. It Was All a Dream , like so many archival works, reminds us that the past is the present is the future. 

As a window into the past, It Was All a Dream contextualizes parts of hip hop and pushes against convenient amnesia. Hampton takes us around the country, from Bedford Stuyvesant to Venice Beach, to show how rappers in different locales experiment with rhyming styles and samples. She loosely organizes her doc around geography, using title cards with neighborhood names to demarcate a new section.

Hampton also digs into modes of self-expression and coastal beefs; she lets artists wax poetic about what their music will help them achieve. Hip hop, then and now, was a site of play, a political tool, a repository for hopes and dreams. 

In The Source office, hampton interviews managing editor Chris Wilder, who doubles down on the importance of the publication: “Thirty years from now, if hip hop comes and goes, people will look at The Source to see what happens,” he says.

Listening to Wilder’s words and watching hampton, armed with her camera, confidently interviewing friends and observing mundane moments in the lives of these artists, inspires questions about the current music media landscape. Some of the magazines hampton wrote for still exist in theory, but many have been gutted by lack of funding, venture capital shuffling, the dramatic shift from print to digital and the ease with which charlatans can cosplay as journalists on social media.

Still, a record must be kept and someone must do the keeping. Driven by an awareness of hip hop’s profundity and a commitment to how its story should be told, hampton documented, becoming a custodian of the genre’s history. It Was All a Dream brims with the green energy of an enthusiast and affirms the power individual archives play in building a community narrative.

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Alien: Romulus (2024)

While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe. While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe. While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe.

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  • August 16, 2024 (United States)
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Critics blast jessica alba’s netflix movie ‘trigger warning’.

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Jessica Alba in "Trigger Warning."

Jessica Alba in "Trigger Warning."

Jessica Alba’s new Netflix movie Trigger Warning is getting blown to pieces by Rotten Tomatoes critics.

New on the streaming service Friday, Trigger Warning stars Alba as Parker, a U.S. Special Forces commando stationed overseas who makes a sudden trip home when her father is murdered.

Taking over her family’s bar, Parker encounters her former boyfriend-turned-sheriff (Mark Webber) and his brother (Jake Weary), who are the sons of a powerful senator (Anthony Michael Hall).

In addition, Parker learns that a vicious gang has infiltrated her hometown and at the same time, which makes things difficult as she investigates the circumstances behind her father’s death.

Rotten Tomatoes critics are firing all kinds of shots at Trigger Warning as the film debuts on Netflix Friday, giving it a 26% “rotten” rating based on 19 reviews. RT’s Audience Score is worse, as viewers gave the Trigger Warning a 16% “rotten” rating based on 50-plus user ratings.

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Among RT’s top critics ripping on Trigger Warning is IndieWire reviewer David Ehrlich, who recalls Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo movies in his critique of the Jessica Alba film.

“Seemingly bored out of her mind in every scene where she isn’t slitting a bad guy’s throat, the likable Dark Angel actress—a capable action star who’s never lacked charisma in the past—appears to have confused Rambo-like stoicism with complete dissociation,” Ehrlich writes.

In his review for the U.K.’s Telegraph , Robbie Collin writes, “Despite its title, Trigger Warning is about as inflammatory as a ham and cheese sandwich. There are installments of the Minions franchise more liable to épater the bourgeoisie than this thinly spread thriller from the production company behind the John Wick films.”

Meanwhile, Dennis Harvey of Variety gives a “fresh” rating to Trigger Warning , noting that it “is slick and eventful enough to maintain viewer engagement.”

Still, Harvey points out the film’s plot contrivances and adds that director Mouly Surya “doesn’t exhibit any great flair for building suspense or staging violent set-pieces.”

Trigger Warning marks Alba’s first new movie in five years . Her last film appearance came in the 2019 action crime mystery Killers Anonymous .

Also starring Tone Bell and Gabriel Bosso, Trigger Warning is streaming exclusively on Netflix.

Tim Lammers

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Inside Out 2 Surpasses Dune: Part 2 as Highest-Grossing Movie of 2024 So Far

Nothing but joy for the pixar sequel..

Adele Ankers-Range Avatar

Inside Out 2 has surpassed Dune: Part 2 to become the highest-grossing movie of 2024, and it only took eight days to secure that title at the U.S. box office.

As reported by Variety , the animated tentpole from Disney and Pixar has so far earned $724 million at the worldwide box office, including $355 million in the U.S. and Canada, overtaking Dune: Part 2's $711 million global haul (with $282 million from the U.S. and Canada) to become the most successful movie of the year.

Inside Out 2

Image Credit: Pixar

Inside Out 2 followed its massive opening weekend with more staggering ticket sales in its sophomore outing, raking in $100 million in the U.S. and Canada and $164 million from other territories in its second weekend at theaters. These takings put it on track to become the first movie of 2024 to join the $1 billion box office club .

Last weekend, Inside Out 2 scored the second-biggest opening of all time for an animated film behind the $182 million Incredibles 2 brought in back in 2018. Pixar's latest also secured the biggest U.S. opening of 2024 and became the first film to cross $100 million in its first few days (since Barbie's achievement last summer).

Inside Out 2 takes audiences further inside the mind of Riley, now a teenager conjuring an entirely new range of emotions . IGN recently toured the Pixar Animation Studios campus in California and caught up with director Kelsey Mann to take a closer look at the new characters, plus the designs that didn't make the final cut.

Audiences have hardly been able to contain their emotions over Inside Out 2. The movie is Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes , with critics praising its visuals, cast, and clever storytelling. IGN's review of Inside Out 2 called it "a smart but emotionally stunted sequel" with "a few inventive ideas that make for hearty amusement."

Adele Ankers-Range is a freelance entertainment writer for IGN. You can follow her on X/Twitter here .

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Critic’s Pick

‘Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution’ Review: Beyond the Punchline

A new Netflix documentary showcases comedy as a source of queer liberation, featuring Margaret Cho, Tig Notaro, Joel Kim Booster and more.

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A drag queen in a peach dress with ruffles holds a microphone and looks at the audience from onstage.

By Chris Azzopardi

The director Page Hurwitz examines comedy’s place in the L.G.B.T.Q. movement in the new Netflix documentary “Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution,” creating a rich, century-long timeline full of archival footage, behind-the-scenes glimpses and candid interviews with comedians. A standout subject is the 82-year-old trailblazer Robin Tyler, the first out lesbian on national TV.

Throughout the film, Hurwitz showcases comedy as more than just a source of laughter, but of healing, catharsis and as an agent for queer liberation, particularly during the Stonewall riots in 1969 and, later, the AIDS epidemic.

L.G.B.T.Q. comedians were already on hand for “Outstanding” — in 2022, many of them, including Lily Tomlin, Wanda Sykes and Billy Eichner, performed on the same stage during “Stand Out: An LGBTQ+ Celebration,” a Netflix standup special hosted by Eichner. The backstage footage from that special captured something that feels revolutionary, echoing Margaret Cho’s assertion that “queer comedy was really a solace” when she achieved fame in the 1990s.

Many of the best moments in “Outstanding” occur when it draws connections between idols and admirers. A simple moment between Joel Kim Booster and Cho is made powerful through thoughtful editing: Cho, in a voice-over, describes the joy that queer comedy can evoke as we see Booster experiencing it among his peers.

The film also addresses transphobic jokes by comedians like Dave Chappelle and Bill Maher, and ends with an acknowledgment of the anti-transgender bills being passed nationwide.

“There’s no such thing as just kidding,” Tyler, the pioneering comedian, says. “So if anybody does homophobic jokes, they mean it.” The fight is still no laughing matter.

Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution Not rated. Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes. Watch on Netflix.


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