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The mastery of body language for a presentations

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Anete Ezera November 24, 2023

We know that creating a stunning presentation isn’t enough to fully sway your audience. When you take the stage for that all-important Prezi presentation, your words matter—but your body speaks volumes. The subtle tilt of the head, the grounding of your stance, and the assured gesture of your hands; are the unspoken elements of dialogue that can captivate an audience before you even utter a word. Fortunately, with a Prezi presentation, you already set the stage for confident delivery, captivating your audience from the first few seconds and providing the confidence boost you need. However, how you end up delivering your presentation using the tone of your voice, posture, movement, and gestures, is up to you. That’s why in this article, we’ll equip you with the skills to ensure that your actions speak as confidently as your words and Prezi presentation.

A man presenting on stage, giving a Ted Talk presentation.

The power of body language in presentation

The silent language of our posture, gestures, and facial expressions speaks volumes about our confidence. In a presentation, the audience is not only listening—they’re also observing. Effective body language for a presentation can reinforce and amplify your spoken message, while poor body language can undermine it. When used adeptly, it serves as a powerful tool to engage your audience, convey authority, and leave a lasting impression.

Studies suggest that communication is only 7% verbal and 93% non-verbal, of which body language is a significant component. This emphasizes the critical role of physical expression in delivering a message. Therefore, understanding the nuances of body language for a presentation is not just beneficial—it’s imperative.

The basics of confident body language for a presentation

Starting with the basics, confident body language is the foundation upon which a successful presentation is built. Here are some tips about body language for a presentation that can set the stage for a powerful performance:

Posture: Stand tall with your shoulders back and chin up. This conveys confidence and helps you breathe better, thus improving your vocal projection.

Eye contact: Maintain a steady gaze with your audience. This builds trust and shows you’re engaged with them.

Gestures: Use your hands to emphasize points but keep them controlled. Avoid fidgeting, which can be distracting.

Movement: Move purposefully around the stage to engage with different parts of your audience but avoid pacing aimlessly.

Facial expressions: Smile where appropriate and match your expressions to your content to show passion and sincerity.

By integrating these body language basics into your presentation, you can start to harness the full potential of your physical presence.

presentation mastery effective body language

Advanced techniques for body language

Beyond the fundamentals, there are advanced body language techniques that can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level:

Mirroring: When a speaker mirrors the body language of the audience, it can foster a subconscious bond, making the audience feel understood and connected. This mimicry can make the audience more open and amenable to the speaker’s message. It’s a psychological strategy that, when done subtly, can lead to increased trust and affinity, which is especially beneficial during persuasive speeches or when trying to establish common ground.

Staging: Deliberate use of space, such as moving towards the audience, can signal engagement and invite participation, making the presentation feel more interactive and personal. Conversely, stepping back can signal to the audience that it’s time to ponder a point you’ve made, providing them with a moment to absorb information. Effective staging can thus control the rhythm and emphasis of the presentation, making it more dynamic and memorable.

Variation in gestures: Utilizing a range of gestures can cater to different learning styles within the audience, as some people are more responsive to visual cues. Open gestures are generally perceived as welcoming and honest, which can help to create a positive atmosphere. In contrast, precise gestures, like pointing or enumerating points on fingers, can highlight key information and signal to the audience that something is of particular importance. This variety prevents monotony, keeps the audience’s attention, and underscores the speaker’s message.

Incorporating these techniques requires practice, but when done correctly, they can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your presentation. You can also explore our article on the 9 secrets of confident body language to get even more tips and insights on effective body language for a presentation.  

Examples of well-mastered body language for a presentation

Ted presenters.

To illustrate these body language techniques, consider the demeanor of accomplished public speakers like TED presenters. They often begin their talks with a story or anecdote, using expressive hand gestures that match the emotional tone of their story. As the narrative builds, their movements around the stage draw the audience along on the journey. The strategic use of pauses, combined with sustained eye contact, allows the speaker to connect with the audience on a personal level, making the presentation more memorable. Discover more TED Talk presentation skills by watching the following video.

Lecturers and educators

In educational settings, teachers and lecturers use body language for a presentation to emphasize points and show enthusiasm for the topic. They might walk across the room to engage different parts of the audience or use hand gestures that correspond with key points on their Prezi slides. This helps students to connect visual information with physical actions, enhancing memory and understanding.


In sales pitches, effective body language is the silent ally of the salesperson. They use a confident posture to project assurance in the product they’re selling. Strategic use of hand gestures can draw attention to specific benefits or data on the screen, and making eye contact with various members of the audience helps to personalize the pitch and keep potential clients engaged.

Public speakers

Politicians and public speakers are also masters of body language for a presentation. They use their hands to emphasize conviction and make their points more compelling. They might step closer to the audience when sharing a personal story, using proximity to create a sense of intimacy. On the other hand, when they want to appear authoritative on a subject, they might stand tall, with hands behind their back, to command the room.

Women presenting with a confident body language presentation skill

Exercises to improve body language during presentation

Before stepping onto the stage, it’s beneficial to engage in exercises that fine-tune your body language for a presentation:

Warm-up: Engaging in a physical warm-up before a presentation can be tremendously beneficial. It helps in reducing physical tension, which can otherwise lead to restrictive body language. A relaxed body allows for more fluid and natural movements, making the speaker appear more confident and at ease. Additionally, warming up can help regulate breathing, leading to better voice control during the speech.

Practice in a mirror: Practicing in front of a mirror allows presenters to become more conscious of their body language, including facial expressions and movements. This self-observation can help in identifying and correcting any behaviors that might be distracting or detracting from the message, such as unnecessary hand fidgeting or lack of eye contact.

Record and review: Recording practice sessions provide the opportunity to review one’s performance from an outsider’s perspective. It allows presenters to notice nuances in their body language that they might not catch in a mirror, such as the timing of gestures or the consistency of eye contact. This can lead to a more polished and professional presentation style.

Feedback loop: Constructive feedback from peers can offer a fresh perspective on a presenter’s body language. Colleagues may notice things the presenter doesn’t and can offer suggestions for improvement. This external input is critical for growth, as it can identify blind spots in a presenter’s self-perception and help refine their non-verbal communication skills.

By regularly performing these exercises, you can become more attuned to your body language for a presentation and gradually improve your non-verbal communication skills. Furthermore, discover other ways to improve your delivery skills according to your unique presentation style by watching the following video.

Body language pitfalls to avoid

Even seasoned speakers can fall into body language traps that detract from their message. Being aware of these pitfalls is the first step to avoiding them:

Over-gesticulating: While hand movements can be engaging, too much can be distracting. Aim for purposeful gestures that complement your words.

Lack of expression: A monotone delivery can bore the audience. Your facial expressions should reflect the passion and intensity of your message.

Closed posture: Crossing arms or legs can appear defensive. Aim for an open posture to seem approachable and confident.

Inconsistency: When your words say one thing but your body says another, it creates dissonance. Strive for consistency between your verbal and non-verbal cues.

Avoiding these common mistakes can help ensure that your body language for a presentation remains an asset, not a liability, during presenting.

The role of body language in audience engagement

The ultimate goal of your presentation is to engage your audience, and your body language is a key factor in achieving this. By leveraging positive body language for a presentation, you can:

When you step onto the stage, your aim is to not just present but to resonate with the audience. Non-verbal cues, like a warm smile or an open stance, can act as a conduit, establishing a rapport that transcends words. It’s this connection that can transform a room of passive listeners into a captivated audience. This silent dialogue fosters a sense of familiarity, making your message not just heard, but felt and experienced.

Your body speaks the language of conviction. When your posture is commanding and your gestures are assured, your words carry weight. Confidence emanates from the way you hold yourself, the assurance with which you move. It’s a subtle but powerful tool in your arsenal, lending credence to your arguments and swaying your audience with the unspoken but clear belief in your message.

Hold attention

In the ebb and flow of a presentation, your body language is the visual rhythm that keeps the narrative alive. Varied and dynamic body language acts as visual punctuation, highlighting key points and maintaining the narrative’s momentum. It breaks the monotony, adds emphasis where needed, and keeps the audience engaged not just with their ears, but with their eyes as well. It’s the difference between a monologue and a performance.

Young woman sharing her view during team building session at startup office. African woman talking with colleagues sitting in circle at a coworking office.

Remember, engaging body language for a presentation is not just about entertaining your audience; it’s about bringing them into your narrative, making them feel involved and invested in your message.

Incorporating technology and body language for a presentation

In today’s digital age, many presentations are enhanced with technological aids. How you interact with these tools can affect your body language:

Remote clickers

Use tools like clickers to advance slides seamlessly without interrupting your flow. When the flow of your presentation is interrupted, it not only wastes time but could also divert your audience’s attention from your message. If you’re a particularly nervous presenter, interrupting your flow could cause anxiety to kick in which is why it’s so important to practice with technology beforehand. 

Tablets and screens

Engage with touchscreens naturally without letting them become a barrier between you and the audience. Physical barriers can disrupt the audience’s visual connection to you and your message, which can become a big distraction. Practice using tablets and screens throughout your presentation until it feels like second nature. 

Virtual presentations

Even when presenting virtually, maintain an awareness of how your body language translates through the camera. It’s important to make sure you position yourself accordingly for your presentation. You want the audience to be able to see you clearly, with enough space for your hand gestures to be visible on the screen. With Prezi Video functionality, you can easily present your content right next to you on-screen, without needing to hide behind your slides, making your virtual presentations significantly more engaging.

Prezi Video

In all cases, your interaction with technology should be smooth and practiced, ensuring that it supports rather than hinders your body language cues.

Mastering the silent dialogue: the final word on body language for a presentation

To convey your message with the utmost impact, aligning your spoken words with the unspoken power of body language is essential. By mastering confident body language for a presentation, you can transform it into an engaging, persuasive, and memorable experience for your audience. Remember, it’s the harmony of verbal and non-verbal communication that resonates most profoundly with listeners. As you continue to refine your skills, keep in mind that body language is a continuous learning process—every audience and every presentation offers a new opportunity to excel. 

Further insights for you to explore

For further exploration of confident body language tips for presentations, explore other Prezi blog articles for invaluable insights, and check out the videos on how to display confident body language:

By studying and applying these principles, you’ll not only improve your presentation skills but also enhance your ability to communicate in every aspect of your professional life. Remember, body language for a presentation is a powerful tool—use it wisely, and it’ll serve you well.

presentation mastery effective body language

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Presentation Mastery Level 2 Projects

Westside toastmasters on meetup, project 1. understanding your communication style.

This project focuses on recognizing your preferred communication style and understanding how your style impacts your interactions with others.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn about different communication styles and identify your primary style.

Overview: Complete the Discover Your Communication Style questionnaire to help you identify your style. Deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting about your communication style and its impact on your professional and/or personal relationships. If you are uncomfortable discussing your communication style, you may speak about the communication styles you have encountered and how they impact you. Your speech should not be a report of the content of this project.

This project includes:

● The Discover Your Communication Style questionnaire

● A 5- to 7-minute speech

Project 2. Effective Body Language

This project focuses on how to recognize body language used when speaking publicly and how to use gestures to enhance speech content.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to deliver a speech with awareness of your intentional and unintentional body language, as well as to learn, practice, and refine how you use nonverbal communication when delivering a speech.

Overview: Prepare a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic that lends itself to expression through your movement and gestures. Video record your presentation and get feedback from your mentor or another reviewer before speaking to your club. If you do not have access to a recording device, perform your speech in front of a mirror and make adjustments before your scheduled speech.

Project 3. Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring

This project introduces the value of mentorship and the Toastmasters view of mentors and prot�g�s.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to clearly define how Toastmasters envisions mentoring.

Overview: Write and present a 5- to 7-minute speech about a time when you were a prot�g�. Share the impact and importance of having a mentor. This speech is not a report on the content of this project.

Note: Every member in Toastmasters Pathways must complete this project.


7 Body Language Tips to Ace Your Next Presentation

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • April 25, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Body Language Impact : Effective body language is essential to improve your presentation, boosting audience engagement and speaker credibility. Maintain a confident posture to create a connection and convey confidence.
  • Presentation Mastery : Mastering presentation skills involves minor adjustments in body language, such as an open posture. These adjustments significantly enhance audience engagement and message delivery.
  • Body Language Consistency : Body language for presentations should align with the content of the presentation, emphasizing vital points and fostering clarity and persuasion. Being conscious of body language adds authenticity and impact to the delivery.
  • Pre-Speech Preparation : Preparing body language to enhance presentations is as crucial as content preparation. Practicing before a mirror or recording helps refine delivery and ensure alignment between verbal and non-verbal communication.

The importance of body language in great presentations cannot be overstated. Using it effectively can boost your chances of clinching deals or winning over your audience. For example, maintaining eye contact helps create a connection and exudes confidence.

Conversely, bad body language can be a deal-breaker. Fidgeting can give the impression that you’re not confident and relaxed. Remember, your body speaks volumes, so don’t neglect to improve your body language in presentations.

Mastering presentation skills is vital for effective communication. Minor adjustments like expressive facial expressions can significantly enhance your ability to engage any audience.

A good presentation isn’t just about what’s on the PowerPoint slides; it’s also about how you use body language to present yourself. Being conscious of your body language adds clarity and persuasion to your  public speaking , pitch or project presentation.

Your body communicates even before you speak. How you stand and hold yourself can engage your audience or leave them uninterested. So, alongside perfecting your content, hone your body language skills.

Positive body language is a powerful tool to enhance presentations, demonstrating confidence and gravitas. It’s a skill you can develop to deliver impactful presentations consistently.

In presentations, your audience not only listens but also observes. Effective body language techniques reinforces your message, while poor body language undermines it. Understanding these non-verbal cues is essential, as they form a significant part of communication, often outweighing verbal communication. Therefore, body language is a powerful tool to engage your audience.

The following are seven body language tips for presentations.

Pose with Confidence

To pose confidently during a professional presentation, adopt a power pose to establish authority, such as standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, and chin lifted. However, use these poses sparingly to avoid appearing intimidating.

Maintain a stable stance throughout your talk by planting your feet and refraining from shifting which can convey uncertainty. Purposeful movement, such as walking to another area of the stage, should be deliberate and accompanied by brief stops and eye contact with the audience.

Stand tall with your shoulders and face the audience to project confidence and command attention. Avoid crossing arms, which may signal defensiveness, and focus on keeping the lower body still while allowing movement in the upper body to engage the audience effectively. By adopting these confident poses, speakers can convey assurance and captivate their audience without appearing rigid or closed off.

Maintain Eye Contact 

Eye contact is crucial in presentations, aiding in audience engagement and establishing a connection. Maintaining eye contact throughout your presentation makes listeners feel directly addressed and keeps them attentive.

To effectively connect with a large audience, focus on a few individuals across the room  instead of attempting to make eye contact with everyone. Holding a person’s stare briefly signals attentiveness without causing discomfort.

However, striking the right balance is essential. Avoid prolonged staring, which can make others uneasy. Instead, shift your gaze every few seconds to convey confidence without appearing overbearing.

Nervousness may lead to avoiding eye contact, while excessive confidence can result in prolonged stares. Aim for a middle ground, making eye contact for about two seconds per person and adjusting as needed.

While speaking, transition your gaze to a new listener, maintaining a steady flow of engagement. Avoid sweeping the room aimlessly, as it may convey uncertainty.

Remember, eye contact is a learned skill that improves with practice. Start by focusing on friends and gradually incorporate these techniques into presentations. These simple tips can enhance your presentation delivery and make you a more persuasive speaker.

Use Hand Gestures

Hand gestures play a pivotal role in presentations, aiding in stressing important points, expressing emotions, and exhibiting passion for the topic. They demonstrate enthusiasm and engagement but should not distract from the message.

Research shows that effective hand motions contribute to successful presentations. Use purposeful gestures while speaking to enhance audience connection and comprehension. Utilize fingers to count points, emphasizing important ideas effectively.

Purposeful hand motions punctuate words and convey meaning. Avoid jittery movements, opting for broad, deliberate gestures originating from the core. Maintain motions above the sternum for visibility and clarity.

Practice synchronized gestures to match speech patterns and vary size and speed according to tone. Incorporate welcoming motions to engage the audience positively. Avoid distracting habits like fidgeting or pointing.

Use your hands to gesture symmetrically on essential words, keeping hands comfortably at your side when not in motion. Balance static posture and exaggerated hand motions to maintain audience interest without appearing unnatural or over-rehearsed while giving a presentation.

Employ gestures to clarify messages, engage the audience, and draw attention to visual aids. Use your hands to emphasize vital points and convey energy and authority. Practice and adjust hand motions based on room size for optimal impact.

Use Facial Expressions to Complement Your Message

Use Facial Expressions in a Presentation

Facial expressions are crucial in presentations, conveying emotions and building rapport with the audience. Expressing passion and authenticity through facial expressions fosters audience connection and trust.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Overly exaggerated expressions may appear insincere, while a blank face can disengage listeners. Stand in front of a mirror and practice facial expressions to refine your delivery.

During presentations, use expressions to complement your message. Expressions can effectively convey enthusiasm, concern, or surprise, enhancing audience engagement.

A smile is particularly powerful. It instantly creates a positive impression and fosters a friendly atmosphere. Incorporating smiles throughout the presentation makes you more approachable and helps alleviate personal stress.

Remember, your expressions play a significant role in communication. Being mindful and aligning them with your message enhances clarity, sincerity, and audience perception of trustworthiness. Adjusting expression size based on audience size ensures visibility and effectiveness.

Improve Your Posture

Posture is pivotal in presentations, influencing audience perception and speaker confidence. Maintaining proper posture projects professionalism and assurance, fostering audience engagement.

Stand tall with shoulders back and down, distributing weight evenly for an open, grounded stance. Avoid closed-off stances like crossed arms, which convey discomfort. Chin parallel to the floor and head upright facilitate eye contact and connection with the audience.

Practice standing upright regularly to cultivate confident body language. Set reminders to roll shoulders back and perform stretches targeting tight muscles. Visualization techniques , such as imagining balancing a book, reinforce good habits.

Avoid slouching or appearing tense during presentations, as these convey a lack of confidence and interest. Relaxation techniques , like deep breathing, help alleviate nervousness. Adapt to suit the audience and setting, maintaining openness and adaptability.

Whether sitting or standing, upright posture sets the tone for the presentation. Avoid slouching or appearing rigid to convey confidence and engagement. Be adaptable to different presentation setups and prioritize an open, communicative posture throughout.

Control Your Breathing and Delivery

When delivering a presentation , it’s easy to get caught up and speak too fast, causing the audience to tune out and leaving you breathless. Staying relaxed during your presentation and stopping to breathe ensures clarity and coherence and helps regulate voice pitch and tone, conveying confidence and calmness.

Feeling nervous or excited before presenting is common, often leading to a fast speech and breathlessness. Remind yourself to relax. Regardless of emotions, maintaining normal breathing rhythms is essential to feel relaxed during a presentation and seizing control of the situation. Controlled breathing allows moments for gathering thoughts and enables the audience to absorb information effectively.

Timing your breathing is crucial. Relax throughout your presentation. Too short, and you may appear flustered; too long, and it disrupts the flow. Incorporating brief silences after delivering a sentence or two establishes a steady rhythm, keeping the presenter and the audience engaged. This rhythmic cadence fosters focus, curiosity, and presenter composure, ensuring a smooth and controlled delivery.

Plan Your Movement

Body Language Tips For Presentation

Incorporating movement into presentations enhances audience engagement and energizes delivery. Simple actions like stepping forward or gesturing with hands can reinforce crucial points effectively. However, excessive movement can be distracting, necessitating a balanced approach.

While it’s important to stand still for the majority of the talk to convey confidence and authority, planned movements strategically interspersed with breaks in content can enhance impact. Each movement should accompany a complete thought or point. Avoid pacing aimlessly and create a sense of purposeful progression.

On larger stages, controlled movement can engage different sections of the audience. Clear, purposeful movement around the stage towards or away from the audience can enhance interaction and demonstrate attentiveness to their involvement.

Strategic use of the stage, stepping out from behind the podium, communicates comfort and confidence in the topic. However, natural movement is key to avoiding the appearance of nervousness or distraction. By moving purposefully, speakers can maintain audience attention and convey confidence without detracting from the message.

Maintain a stable stance throughout your talk by planting your feet and refraining from shifting which can convey uncertainty. Purposeful movement, such as walking to another area of the stage, should be deliberate and accompanied by brief pauses and eye contact with the audience.

Mastering Confident Body Language for Impactful Presentations

Body language speaks volumes in presentations, influencing audience perception and speaker confidence. Every movement conveys a message. Effective body language enhances communication, fostering engagement and trust. 

Maintaining eye contact establishes connection and authority. Purposeful hand gestures emphasize key points, while controlled breathing regulates speed and tone, ensuring clarity and composure.

Strategic movement adds energy and visual interest, but excessive footwork can distract. Power poses exude confidence, but moderation is key to avoid intimidation.

In presentations, your body communicates even before you speak. Understanding and mastering body language is crucial for consistently delivering impactful presentations. By honing these skills, you can captivate your audience and convey your message with clarity, sincerity, and authority.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is body language important in presentations?

Body language is crucial in presentations as it can significantly impact audience perception and speaker confidence. Maintaining eye contact and confident posture helps establish connection and authority, while purposeful hand gestures emphasize key points. Effective body language enhances communication, fostering engagement and trust.

2. How can I pose confidently during a presentation?

To pose confidently, adopt a power pose sparingly, such as standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, and chin lifted. Maintain a stable stance throughout the talk, avoiding shifting or pacing. Purposeful movement, such as walking to another area of the stage, should be deliberate and accompanied by brief pauses and eye contact with the audience.

3. What role does breathing play in presentation delivery?

Breathing is essential for regulating voice pitch and tone, conveying confidence and calmness during presentation delivery. Taking pauses to breathe ensures clarity and coherence, allowing moments for gathering thoughts and enabling the audience to absorb information effectively. Controlled breathing establishes a steady rhythm, fostering focus, curiosity, and presenter composure.

4. How can I effectively incorporate movement into presentations?

Incorporating movement into presentations enhances audience engagement and energizes delivery. Simple actions like stepping forward or gesturing with hands can reinforce key points effectively. However, excessive movement can be distracting, necessitating a balanced approach. Strategic movement towards or away from the audience sustains visual interest and demonstrates attentiveness to their involvement, while natural movement avoids the appearance of nervousness or distraction.

Master Confident Body Language for Impactful Presentations with Prezentium’s Interactive Workshops!

Unlock the power of body language to captivate your audience and deliver impactful presentations. Join our AI-powered business presentation service and interactive communication workshops to refine your posture and gestures.

Learn to establish authority with power poses without intimidating your audience. Discover the art of maintaining a stable stance while strategically incorporating purposeful movements for engagement. Our presentation training programs provide practical tips to enhance eye contact and hand gestures, fostering authenticity and enthusiasm in your delivery.

Don’t let bad body language sabotage your presentations. Invest in mastering confident body language with Prezentium ‘s workshops today, and stand out with confidence in every presentation!

Why wait? Avail a complimentary 1-on-1 session with our presentation expert. See how other enterprise leaders are creating impactful presentations with us.

16 Virtual Presentation Tips and Best Practices for the Workplace

Conference presentation: 10 tips for presenting at a conference, remote team tips: 5 ways to improve remote communication.

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How To Use Body Language To Enhance Your Presentation Skills

How to Use Body Language to Enhance Your Presentation Skills

How you physically hold and carry yourself makes a huge difference in how your audience receives your words.

Improve Your Presentation Body Language

As a manager, you know that mastering presentation skills is critical for effectively communicating ideas , motivating your team, and projecting leadership presence. But even if your message is compelling, poor body language can undermine your talk’s impact .

How you physically hold and carry yourself makes a huge difference in how your audience receives your words. Simple tweaks like standing with open posture, using natural hand gestures, maintaining eye contact, and having expressive facial reactions can dramatically boost your ability to captivate and connect with any crowd.

But how can you use all the tips to improve your next presentation ?

In this guide, we’ll help you understand all the small tweaks you can do to improve your presentation style . From building a strong stage presence to making sure that your audience doesn’t doze off , you’ll be able to become a speaker who naturally commands attention and gains trust.

So, let’s see how you can become a speaker that not only informs but also inspires.

Key Components of Effective Body Language in Presentations

Posture – conveying confidence and authority.

Proper posture is crucial for projecting confidence and professionalism while presenting. Stand tall with your shoulders comfortably back and down to achieve an open, grounded stance. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet, positioned shoulder-width apart in a power pose. This occupies space and subconsciously signals assurance and leadership capability. Avoid closed-off postures like crossed arms and legs, which telegraph discomfort or aloofness. Train yourself to stand upright often outside of presentations, as posture habits inform body language cues .

Keep your chin parallel to the floor and your head upright. This levels your gaze naturally to readily meet the audience’s eyes and establish an engaging connection . Periodically roll your shoulders back to keep your chest open if needed. Use torso twists to limber up before taking the stage. Stand with authority by clasping hands behind your lower back. Small posture adjustments like these will instantly lend you greater gravitas.

Hand Gestures – Adding Emphasis and Clarity

Hand motions are a powerful tool to punctuate words and underscore meaning, so use them with deliberate purpose. Open palm gestures fluidly direct the audience’s gaze, highlighting key points without unnecessary flourish. Sweeping hand motions also reinforce ideas spatially and describe size and shape. Avoid overuse of gestures which distract. Keep hand motions above the sternum where the audience can readily see them.

Prevent anxious habits like wringing hands or touching your face. Instead, drill smooth motions originating from the core that emphasise ideas. Calibrate hand gestures to your message’s tone using palm orientation, speed, size and range appropriate to each point. Well-executed hand motions timed to accent important content, clarify the presentation and amplify impact . But use sparingly, only when meaning is enhanced.

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Practical Application in Presentations

Integrating body language into presentation preparation.

When preparing your presentation , consciously plan how physical presence will complement the narrative. Script instances to stand tall to convey confidence at key points. Note when expansive gestures could underscore important ideas. Plan for natural eye contact with participants throughout the room. Identify areas where facial expressions might heighten engagement.

Practice fluid transitions between postures and gestures. Appropriately time movements and gestures to sync with speech patterns. Review the video to confirm body language aligns with your intentions. Refine through repetition to eliminate distracting motions and polish physical delivery.

Dynamic Body Language During Live Presentations

While presenting, let body language emerge naturally from the content while adhering to openness, purpose and confidence principles. Avoid remaining static, or you may disengage the audience. Move with an intention to occupy the stage using diagonal crossing patterns. Pivot your torso and stance when transitioning.

Continually scan the room, making eye contact . Use sustained gestures more dynamically when speaking passionately to boost energy and enthusiasm. Allow facial expressions to reflect the speech’s emotion. Respond physically to audience reactions. Adjust pacing, gestures, and proximity as needed to recapture wandering attention. An authentic , dynamic physical presence will keep your audience engaged .

Simple Exercises to Enhance Body Language Skills

Daily routines for better posture.

Building better posture requires daily practice. Set reminders so you periodically stand tall and roll your shoulders back to open your chest. Stretches like overhead reaches target tight muscles that pull shoulders forward. Yoga poses that extend the spine help counteract slouching. Perform exercises like planks to build core strength for a balanced stance.

Use visualisation techniques daily, too – imagine balancing a book atop your head as you walk. Adopt grounded public speaking stances like hands clasped behind your back. The more upright postures become an ingrained habit, the more poised and confident you’ll appear when presenting.

Practice Drills for Effective Hand Gestures

Avoid small, jittery hand motions – instead, drill broad, purposeful gestures that fluidly originate from your core. Rehearse synchronised motions in front of a mirror, timed to match speech patterns. Mark words for emphasis gestures on your script or teleprompter.

Vary gesture size and speed to fit the tone of your message. Watch TED talks and replicate speakers’ effective motions to expand your repertoire. With consistent practice, gestures will become a seamless way to emphasise key points and amplify your presentations.

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Advanced Body Language Strategies for Presentations

Adapting body language for diverse audiences.

Tailor your body language approach based on audience demographics to increase engagement:

  • Research cultural norms on gestures and personal space to avoid miscommunicating with international attendees.
  • Adjust formality appropriately for executives versus new hires.
  • Adjust gestures to be visible and expressions to be exaggerated if presenting to an audience with visual or hearing impairments. Use simplicity, repetition, and descriptive language.
  • Make body language inclusive by scanning the full room with eye contact, not just focusing on leadership.
  • Naturally pace stance and gestures to resonate across generations.

Responsive, adaptive physical presence fosters audience connection.

Context-Specific Body Language Techniques

Adjust techniques based on the presentation context. Subtle, confined gestures suit lecterns, while expansive motions engage stage audiences. Convey passion facially and physically for motivational speeches. A CEO may feature formal postures, while an engineer can relax formality for tech demos. Conversational gestures engage small groups.

For video conferences, look into the camera when speaking, then pan side-to-side to show attentiveness. Lean slightly forward on intensifying words. Exaggerate nods, smiles and frowns for clarity onscreen. Contextual mastery makes every talk more effective.

Body Language in Digital Presentation Platforms

Challenges and strategies for virtual presentations.

Presenting through video conferencing poses body language challenges:

  • Limited mobility due to being seated and on camera can make presentations feel static and disengaged.
  • Distance from the camera may mean facial expressions and subtle gestures get lost.
  • Lack of audience visual feedback is difficult.

However, some strategic tweaks can help amplify your virtual presence:

  • Stand and gesture when possible to emulate live delivery . Incorporate periodic movement.
  • Position the camera at eye level and look directly into it to simulate eye contact.
  • Use visual aids like slides or images behind you for audience focus.
  • Request audience webcams be on for virtual nods, smiles and eye contact.

Effective Use of Body Language in Video Conferencing

When presenting via video chat platforms:

  • Properly position the camera at eye level to emulate eye contact.
  • Look into the camera when speaking, then pan to side screens to view participants’ faces.
  • Project confidence through purposeful posture and avoid distracting fidgets off-screen.
  • Convey energy by varying pace, emphasis gestures, and vocal delivery.
  • Use exaggerated facial expressions for clarity onscreen.
  • Occasionally lean forward subtly on key points for intensified engagement.
  • Send “looking to audience” visual cues before asking questions.

Proper use of virtual body language techniques makes online presentations more dynamic and impactful.

Side view of Caucasian businessman standing and giving presentation in the auditorium

Elevate Your Presentation Skills With Impact Factory

Now armed with evidence-based techniques to amplify your body language impact, it’s time to put these tips into practice. Reflect on your upcoming presentations and identify areas needing improvement. Set goals to integrate one new technique per talk until a powerful physical presence comes naturally. Also, continue observing seasoned speakers to expand your skills repertoire .

For professionals seeking to master presentation skills beyond just body language, our Impact Factory Presentation Skills Training Course offers an intensive learning experience. The program elevates verbal delivery, content structure , audience engagement, and physical presence through hands-on sessions with expert coaches.

The course features modules dedicated to body language mastery, including stance, movement and eye contact for gravitas. However, you’ll also be able to identify your strengths, learn how to become less nervous and make your presentations more engaging.

So, whether you need to pitch ideas within the company, win over new customers, enchant stakeholders in a boardroom or talk to the public and media, you’ll become more confident and learn how to craft a presentation that allows you to reach your goals .

To learn more about our transformative presentation training, browse through our offer of courses or email [email protected]. Our knowledgeable coaches provide personalised guidance to dramatically boost your public speaking capabilities .

Contact us today to amplify your presence and confidence as a presenter.

What are soft skills for body language?

Key soft skills for mastering body language include:

  • Self-awareness – recognising your natural gestures
  • Empathy – reading others’ nonverbal cues
  • Adaptability – adjusting body language by context
  • Active listening – paying attention to others’ signals
  • Authenticity – using gestures that feel natural

What are the 5 P’s of presentation skills?

The 5 P’s are a framework for excellent presentations:

  • Planning – research and outline content
  • Preparation – create slides, handouts, notes
  • Practice – rehearse delivery out loud
  • Presentation – deliver material confidently
  • Post-Evaluation – review feedback afterwards

What is the 5/5/5 rule for better presentation?

The 5/5/5 rule suggests:

  • 5 key points maximum per slide
  • 5 words maximum per bullet point
  • 5 text-heavy slides maximum in a row before visuals

This technique improves engagement by simplifying slides and varying content types.

Storytelling for Business Training - Tailored and In-House

Related Articles:

Here are more resources to help you plan your next steps:

  • Presentation Skills Training – Browse through our offer to see what you can gain from the training.
  • Presentation With Impact – In this course, you can find your unique presentation style and sharpen your skills to perfection. Explore what our course has to offer.
  • Tips To Improve Your Presentation Skills From Industry Insiders – Learn more about small yet impactful tweaks to your next presentation so you can captivate the audience and reach your goals.
  • How To Create Impactful Presentation Slides – The days with slides full of barely readable text are long gone. Explore our tips to make your slides more engaging.

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presentation mastery effective body language

Toastmasters International District 17 Western Australia

The words you use during your talk certainly matter, but the body language presentation cues that you project are as important – if not more so – in getting your message to land as you intended.

The gestures you use, the eye contact you make, the expressions you convey, and your very movement through a room offer a multitude of nonverbal signals to your audience.

It’s through these body language presentation cues that an audience will make assessments about your credibility, your expertise, and your passion for the subject, as well as whether you are qualified to seek followers for the cause you are advocating, to suggest the changes you are recommending, or to pitch the product you are selling.

Even something as seemingly small as the number of seconds you maintain eye contact with your audience or the decisions you make about what to do with your hands when presenting can make a difference. It boils down to the impression your words and your actions are making. And as researchers have discovered, first impressions are formed in mere seconds and are often quite accurate and long-lasting. In a well-known study led by the late Nalina Ambady, a professor of psychology at Boston’s Tufts University, students who watched two-second video clips (with the sound muted!) of a group of professors formed similar impressions to the ones drawn by students during a full semester.

So how do you exhibit the right body language for presentation success?

Effectively using body language in presentations takes skill and practice. But before we get into the tips and strategies for how to achieve the right look and tone, let’s look at the basics of body language in professional presentations, as well as why it is important to be aware of your body language while giving a presentation.

What is the Importance of Body Language in a Presentation?

body language presentation

The proper body language in a presentation helps to convey that you have confidence in yourself and your message. A speaker who knows the importance of body language in an oral presentation can instill trust in the audience, which, among other things, helps to forge a connection. Further, a presenter who knows how to effectively employ body language presentation skills can help to emphasize the ideas that matter most.

If you are genuinely passionate about your subject, show it. A lackluster delivery not only belies your enthusiasm, but also does nothing to enhance the meaning and effectiveness of your words. What should your audience believe? The words you use to share how excited you are to be there, or the flat tone with which you delivered them? Typically, they’ll assume your monotone delivery is more indicative of your true feelings than your words.

Great physical communicators learn how to successfully align their facial expressions, gestures, movements, posture, and other nonverbal elements with their message.

body language presentation

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Presentation Body Language Basics

If you were delivering sad news, would you do it with a smile, a bright voice, and a bounce in your step? Or would you deliver it with a serious expression, a somber tone, and less pep? Any incongruity between your actions and your message is going to make it difficult for your audience to process, understand, and retain your message. You want your audience to be concentrated on your message and not the misalignment between your nonverbal movements and verbal delivery.

Your physical presence reveals your mental and emotional state to your audience – and everything about that presence should project that you feel comfortable, are in control of the room, and know your stuff. When it comes down to how to use body language to improve your presentation, it’s a matter of focusing on several key areas of your physical movements, including your eye contact, your gestures during presentation , and your presentation posture. (You can learn more about vocal cues here .)

When we work with our clients during our public speaking training sessions , we focus on how even small adjustments can make a difference in their delivery – such as a subtle shift of the shoulders, a more open stance, increased eye contact with their audience, and more natural and authentic gestures.

All these adjustments in your body language in a presentation can help to encourage audience participation, provide greater emphasis to your words, help you to appear and feel more natural, and increase your connection with the audience.

Eye Contact in Presentations: Why It’s Important

body language presentation

Given there is a large body of research  that reveals just how influential eye contact is when it comes to the assumptions, judgments, and perceptions people make about one another, it’s important to give more than, shall we say, a passing glance to how you plan to move your eyes about the room.

Authors, researchers, seasoned speakers, consultants, and trainers vary slightly on the exact amount of time to maintain eye contact with someone in your audience. It appears that a few seconds is the going rate. Or, to translate that into words – a sentence or two. We tend to approach it differently. We’ve found most speakers naturally strike a reasonable balance of how long to maintain eye contact with one person before moving on. If they focus too much brainpower on counting the seconds or tracking their sentences, it can trip them up.

So, instead, here’s a simple rule:

When looking at your notes, your slides, or any other place than your audience, you should not be talking. Any time you are communicating information, you should be looking at an audience member.

And you don’t want to be looking at just one person all the time. It’s important to have effective eye contact in your presentation skills toolbox. In this post , we dive more deeply into effective ways to lock eyes with multiple members of your audience, depending on the type of presentation and venue.

How to Use Facial Expressions in a Presentation

Animated and dynamic speakers know they have a fuller palette of expression to help tell their story when they enlist the more than 40 muscles in their face to move their eyes, nose, brows, and mouth. It is through facial expression that we convey emotions, including seven universal emotions identified by psychologist Paul Ekman through his decades of work. Researchers have found that your audience is likely to make assumptions about you, such as how intelligent, trustworthy, or confident you are, based on your expressions.

Here are some tips on how to better communicate through facial expressions:

Smile. Unless the material requires a more serious expression, smiling while presenting tends to convey warmth and competence, which can help you to connect with your audience. Be expressive. This is not a license to be a mime, but rather, to use your expressions to relay your enthusiasm, your excitement, and to reinforce and support your key points and ideas. Just as presenters are encouraged to expand their vocal range to avoid a monotone presentation, so too is it important to avoid a static expression throughout your entire talk. Observe your audience. Do they look confused? Disinterested? Just as your audience picks up cues through your facial expressions, you too may be able to make perceptions about your audience. (Just be mindful that not every neutral expression indicates boredom or disinterest.) Hone your talent. As with any language, using and practicing it leads to mastery. Nonverbal language is no different. As you practice and rehearse your talk, think about what your facial expressions are conveying and if they are effective. Do they align with your words? Do you appear natural and authentic? Do they support and reinforce your key ideas?

body language presentation

Correct Body Posture During a Presentation

It’s hard to think of a single situation where slouching would be advised – and a presentation is no exception. The correct presentation posture if you are standing is to …

  • Square your shoulders with the audience
  • Relax your stance. You are not standing at attention!
  • Face them directly instead of tilting your body away from them. (The exception to this rule is when you are soliciting feedback from your audience. In that case, turning your body at a slight angle can encourage engagement.)

The correct presentation posture if you are sitting is to …

  • Lean forward slightly
  • Plant your feet firmly on the floor (avoid crossing your legs)
  • Avoid slouching into the chair

Beyond the confidence this posture projects to your audience, researchers have found when you throw those shoulders back or sit upright in your chair, that feeds into your self-confidence , too.

How to Improve Body Language for Presentations

The best way to project body language in a presentation is to be natural. And while it may sound counterintuitive, one of the ways you can appear and feel more natural in your movements is to practice them. This is why it’s important to save some time for rehearsals or practice runs.

Some of the best ways to test your material and your delivery are to record yourself, offer a practice run to an audience of colleagues or friends, and recreate the run-through so that it is as close to the live event as possible.

And, please, this is not the time for harsh criticism. Use this opportunity to see where you did well, such as projecting a confident smile, standing tall, and maintaining meaningful eye contact. Also, look for the areas where you can improve. Did you employ effective body language with your PowerPoint presentation slides? (Here’s are some specific ways to improve your PowerPoint presentation through body language and gestures.)

If you were on a panel, did it appear as if you were slouching? Did you appear nervous or ill at ease? (Here are some ways to counter your fear of public speaking . ) Use this time to hone your skills. Every presentation – whether practice or “live” – is a chance to improve.

Success occurs with preparation, and growth occurs with practice, whether you are a novice or seasoned pro. Here are some specific ways to make the most out of that preparation.

Practice in Front of a Mirror

body language presentation

Record Yourself

There are several reasons that video recording a practice run-through – either with a camera or smartphone – will help your presentation run a whole lot smoother. In addition to tracking such things as your timing, your pace, and the overall flow of your presentation (For example, do you vary the time for each main point? Do you have a mix of message supports, including statistics, stories, and slides?), you also can analyze your body language. Here are some of the things you want to look and listen for:

  • The pace, pitch, and tone of your voice and how effective those elements were in conveying your main points.
  • How well you maintained eye contact with your “audience.”
  • Your gestures and whether they add emphasis to your talk and reinforce key ideas.
  • Any mannerisms that are creating distractions, such as pacing in a predictable pattern, fidgeting with your tie or jewelry, or constantly brushing your hair back.

Watch the tape, identify the two or three things you want to improve upon, and do another practice run. If you improve, add another element, and then do another practice run if you have the time.

Learn how to control your body language during a presentation!

Work with our experienced Throughline Group trainers to identify and use effective body language, including energy, gestures, and posture. Sign up today!

Rehearse in Front of Team Members

While a video recording can be an effective way to assess your presentation skills, rehearsing in front of an audience of colleagues is key to getting a feel for the “real” thing. It gives you a chance to assess the nonverbal communication of your audience in real-time, and make the body language presentation fixes that will help you to increase your chances that you are connecting with your audience and helping your messages stick. You can make these sessions more effective in several ways. They include:

Treating your practice like the real thing. Avoid caveats or skimming through sections ( “When I really give my talk, I’ll tell a funny story here.” ) Asking for honest reactions. Your team may be rooting for you, but they need to react honestly if your words are falling flat, your energy is low, or you are spending too much time looking and reading from your notes. Embracing slip-ups, technical difficulties, and distractions. You may be tempted to start over, but plow through any hiccups so you gain the confidence and experience in dealing with difficulties before your talk goes “live.”

  ( Here are 20 questions you can ask your practice audience. )

body language presentation

Additional Presentation Body Language Tips

Your facial expressions, your posture, and your eye contact are all important elements in your nonverbal delivery. But you have other body language presentation cues that you also can use to make your presentation more effective. Remember, your hands can do some “talking” and your feet can do some walking in the service of your speech.

Hand gestures during a presentation can be used to do many things, including:

  • Adding emphasis to a word or point
  • Pointing something out on a slide or other visual support
  • Reinforcing a concept

In practice, this means you might hold your fingers up for each point you want to make ( “No. 1 is this …” ). Or, with an outstretched hand – palm open – you direct your audience’s attention to a point of data on your chart. Finally, if you are comparing two recommendations perhaps you pantomime a scale with your hands, indicating that one side should win out over the other.

As for movement, unless you must stay tethered to the lectern, make the most of your space. Movement is one way to keep your audience alert and its attention on you. This leads to a more dynamic presentation and better connection with the audience.

When done with intention and confidence, your gestures and your movement – really,  your overall body language in  a presentation – will help to solidify your credibility, reveal your control of your material and the room, and help you to emphasize your key points.

Here are some specific tips on how to incorporate these additional body language presentation techniques into your talk.

What To Do With Your Hands During a Presentation

You may have been told it’s best not to gesture when speaking, but in our work with clients we have found that speakers become less anxious, appear more natural, and remember and retrieve their words far more effectively when they gesture during their presentations.

And the research   backs that up. Gesturing not only adds emphasis and verve to your words but also can help you to better remember what you want to say.

However, there is a difference between gesturing and fidgeting. For instance, when you hold out your hand with the palm facing up when calling on someone during your Q&A, it is an effective and open gesture. It encourages engagement and connection. But, if you are hands are in constant motion, such as clasping and unclasping your fingers, twirling the ring on your finger, picking at your nails, or touching your face or hair, then your gestures can become a distraction.

When gesturing, remember to:

Be authentic.  Start with what comes naturally and work from there. Forced movement will be seen for what it is – forced. Be purposeful. Trade fast, undisciplined hand movements during the presentation for gestures with intent. Be open.  Avoid gestures such as pointing at your audience, gesturing toward them with your palm down, or crossing your arms – all of which can have a negative connotation or make you appear “closed” off and inaccessible. Be aware of cultural differences. Although certain presentation hand gestures and expressions fall under a universal language, gestures do not necessarily mean the same thing in every culture. For instance, your OK sign may mean just that, but to a person from another country, it might just be highly offensive. (Here’s a look at some of the more common nonverbal faux pas.)

What if My Hands Won’t Stop Shaking?

Anxiety has a way of hijacking whatever veneer of calm you, as a speaker, may have managed to induce before your talk. One of the ways your nervousness manifests itself is through your trembling hands. You may notice the shakiness as you organize your notes or take a sip of water. Most of the time, what you see as full-on earthquakes more typically come across as small-time tremors – if they are noticed at all by your audience. For most people, once the initial jitters ease, those tiny tremors fade. However, if that trembling never eases and you are wondering how to stop shaking hands during a presentation, it’s best to think beyond the symptoms and get to the core of the issue – anxiety. To do that, you must identify the cause of your fear – here are eight causes of public speaking fear – before you can find the techniques that will help you to reduce and manage it .

body language presentation

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Moving Around During a Presentation: Is That OK?

Movement is one way to keep your audience alert and its attention on you. Make the most of your space and your body language presentation skills so that you can create a more dynamic presentation and a better connection with your audience. What you don’t want to do is pace or create a predictable pattern in how you move around the room. That said, there are several ways you can utilize your space more effectively while walking during your presentation.

Here are several:

Use your movement to emphasize your points . You can begin on one side of the room and share your first, before moving to the other side for Point No. 2. Make your way to the center for your last point. Approach your audience. When answering questions or seeking participation, walk toward your audience. Avoid swaying. If you are standing still, try to avoid rocking from side to side. You can counter this by placing one foot about two to three inches in front of the other.

How You Dress is Important, Too

View of different colors ties in the showcase

Here are a few tips:

Choose the outfit that best supports your message, which means knowing the tone you want to set about your topic and who you are. Purchase an iron or get your clothes pressed. You can certainly present in casual clothes, but wrinkles are a no-go in nearly any situation. Consider your accessories carefully. Ostentatious jewelry or lapel pins will probably attract more attention than you want them to. They also could interfere with your microphone. Be wary of fabrics that rustle or shoes that make noises when you move. Not only will that distract you, but your audience will notice it, too.

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  • 60 body language speech topics

 Toastmasters body language speech topics

60 vocal variety and body language speech topic suggestions.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

The fifth of the seven Level Two: Learning Your Style projects in Toastmasters International is "Effective Body Language".  Its main goal is to help a speaker become more aware of, and to effectively use, the power of body language.

Obviously some speech topics have more potential than others when it comes to deciding what you’ll talk about to fulfil the project’s purpose. What are they? And how do you choose the right one?

What's on this page

  • What makes a good body language topic
  • Choose a personal story
  • Once upon a time: 20 topics from our youth
  • 20 grown up body language speech topic suggestions
  • Lessons from life: 20 slices of truth topic ideas
  • About Toastmasters vocal variety and body language speech projects
  • Further vocal variety and body language resources

Label: Your body speaks - 60 vocal variety and body language speech topics

What makes a good body language topic?

Body language is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated.

Therefore the very best speech topic you could choose is one that you are genuinely and sincerely interested in, even passionately so. The more feeling you have, the easier it will be to work on drawing out, refining, and amplifying your body language to enhance the delivery of your speech.

(Please note: These topics also suit the third project of Level One: Mastering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Vocal Variety and Body Language. Body language and vocal variety work side by side. To be effective, each must complement the other.) 

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 Choose a personal story for the project

Personal stories work well. We can all recall events that are indelibly etched in our minds. We will always remember the sight, the sounds, maybe a smell, the feelings wrapping them around, who was there, the words that were spoken... The before and, the after.

Because what we’re sharing is meaningful to us, the gestures, the body language, we use as we retell the story will be natural: without conscious orchestration. This makes the delivery authentic and effective. Our words and our actions are in harmony.

Once upon a time time... 

The majority of these story ideas belong to our youth.

  • How I learned to ride a bike
  • My first day at school
  • Family celebrations: birthdays, Christmas or its equivalent...
  • The arrival of a baby sister or brother and what it meant
  • Sibling rivalry: the good, the bad and the ugly
  • My favorite childhood foods
  • Things I learned I could get away with as a child
  • The object (toy, book, piece of clothing or sports gear...) I most valued and why
  • My idol or hero as a child or young person
  • How I first learned about death
  • My first friendship
  • My favorite childhood fantasy
  • The imaginary monsters that waited in the shadows to get me
  • Who, and what, I wanted to become when I grew up
  • My favorite hobby or sport as a young person
  • The place I felt safest as a child
  • My favorite places to visit as a young person
  • The rooms, streets... I remember most clearly
  • When I was a child I always wondered about..., or was puzzled by...?
  • My earliest memories

 Story suggestions from our grown up adult lives

Firsts are often frequently and vividly remembered experiences that could be become the basis of a speech.

  • My first job interview
  • My first job
  • My first date
  • The first car I owned
  • My first driving lesson
  • My first Toastmaster’s speech – the story of getting ready to give, and giving, my Ice Breaker
  • My first international travel
  • The first time I realized I was completely out of my depth
  • The first time I felt really proud of myself
  • The first time I knew I was liked/loved for being exactly who I was
  • The first time I saw my new-born child
  • My first real home
  • The first time I realized I was different in some way from the people around me
  • The first time I went to hospital
  • The first time I heard...{name of band playing, name of person speaking, singing, laughing, crying, shouting, or name of instrument: guitar, piano, drums, saxophone... etc.} I knew that...
  • The first time I was completely lost for words
  • The first time I questioned the rights and wrongs of a situation
  • The first time I felt betrayed by someone I had looked up to
  • The first time I was publicly acknowledged for doing something well
  • The first time I realized how fortunate or lucky I was to be me

Lessons from life

Slices of personal truth served with a side of humor and grace on a bed of well seasoned story telling skills! ☺

Use your own experiences to show as well as tell what you have learned.

  • How I recovered from knowing I was not the most physically beautiful person in the room
  • What I’ve learned through years of people watching
  • How the body language for friendliness is universal – eg. a smile goes a long way
  • The truth behind power posing: how to, why to and when to
  • How I learned to recognize fear in myself, and challenge it
  • Body language gestures that do not translate well across cultures and cause misunderstandings
  • How to tell when your child is lying and what to do about it
  • How becoming aware of our habitual unconscious gestures and what they convey is empowering
  • The most powerful words I know: Yes, no, mother, father, love, money...
  • My most embarrassing experience
  • How to tell who is the most well-regarded or influential person in a group
  • The top tell-tale signs of anger that would be helpful for people to recognize before it was too late
  • What does a feeling look like? Learning to read and communicate with non-verbal people
  • Does fake it until you make it really work?
  • How I learned I was not good at pretending to be someone I’m not
  • How I learned I was going to recover from having my heart broken despite the pain
  • How our habitual body language, (how we walk, stand, sit, use our faces...), impacts on our mental and physical health
  • How seeing yourself giving a presentation on video is challenging but really helpful
  • That the best things in life truly are free
  • The one that got away: the job, relationship, fish...

Toastmasters vocal variety and body language projects

* In 2021 Toastmasters altered several Pathway p rojects. An introduction to vocal variety and body language became the third project of four in Level One: Mastering Fundamentals.

In Level Two: Learning Your Style, the project ' Effective Body Language' deepens the foundation work done in Level One, while vocal variety is revisited in Level Three: Increasing Knowledge.

Prior to the introduction of Pathways working with body language was the fifth project of ten required for the Competent Communicator award. It was called: Your Body Speaks.   

Further body language and vocal variety resources 

Onsite resources.

  • 125 examples of narrative speech topics  - more great prompts to help you find the perfect personal story to share
  • The vocal aspects of speech delivery - 9 features of effective speech delivery (which includes vocal variety)
  • Why is eye contact important?  Information about eye contact with activities for teaching and practicing it
  • Characterization techniques for effective storytelling in speeches : exercises to develop compelling body language and voice 
  • Teach yourself body language : becoming aware of and working with our habitual unconscious body language and gestures to increase the effectiveness of our speech delivery

Offsite Toastmaster resources

  • An Introduction to Vocal Variety and Body Language : Level One: Mastering Fundamentals, Toastmasters International, pdf
  • Effective Body Language : Level Two: Learning Your Style, Toastmasters International, pdf

Other onsite resources for Toastmasters

Four themed sets of 20 table topic questions : Christmas, music, life-lessons and thought-provoking topic ideas. There's a printable for each set, plus an overview of table topics: its benefit, how a Toastmasters table topics session is run, what makes a good topic, the value of feedback, and more. 

Image: graphic of 4 people each with their own speech bubble. Text: Table topics toastmasters. What, how, why who and 80 plus topic ideas.

Master your icebreaker for Toastmasters : a thorough step by guide, with examples, going from selecting a topic, writing and rehearsing, through to delivery. With an example icebreaker speech.

Image: paper boat sailing through ice floe Text: Master your Toastmaster Icebreaker speech. 5 ways to choose a topic & prepare your speech

speaking out loud 

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Top 10 popular pages

  • Welcome speech
  • Demonstration speech topics
  • Impromptu speech topic cards
  • Thank you quotes
  • Impromptu public speaking topics
  • Farewell speeches
  • Phrases for welcome speeches
  • Student council speeches
  • Free sample eulogies

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presentation mastery effective body language

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District 25 Toastmasters

  • Path: Presentation Mastery
  • Pathways Paths and Projects

Presentation Mastery

This path helps you build your skills as an accomplished public speaker. The projects on this path focus on learning how an audience responds to you and improving your connection with audience members. The projects contribute to developing an understanding of effective public speaking technique, including speech writing and speech delivery. This path culminates in an extended speech that will allow you to apply what you learned.

LEVEL 1 (10/2021)

Level 1 (pre 10/2021), level 1: mastering fundamentals, level 1 projects (required).

This foundational project is designed to introduce you to your club and the skills you need to begin your Toastmasters journey.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to introduce yourself to the club and learn the basic structure of a public speech.

Overview:  Write and deliver a speech about any topic to introduce yourself to the club. Your speech may be humorous, informational, or any other style that appeals to you.

This project includes:

■  A 4- to 6-minute speech


This foundational project is designed to help you write and deliver your first Toastmasters speech or the first speech in your new path.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to learn or review basic methods for writing a speech with a defined purpose and to present a well-organized speech on any topic.

Overview:  Select a topic that appeals to you. It can be anything. Be sure your topic is narrow enough to be an effective 5- to 7-minute speech.

Clearly define your topic and consider your goal for your speech. Before you organize your speech, identify and express your purpose in a single sentence. Practice your speech and refine its organization. Present your speech at a club meeting.

■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This foundational project is designed to help you learn the basics of presenting with engaging vocal variety and compelling body language.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to practice using vocal variety or body language to enhance a speech.

Overview:  Learn or review the importance of vocal variety and body language. Present a 5- to 7-minute speech on any topic at a club meeting. The primary focus of the evaluation is your vocal variety or your body language and gestures. You will identify the skills you are working on for your evaluator before you deliver your speech and be evaluated on those skills.


This project addresses the skills needed to give and receive feedback. You will learn about giving, receiving and applying feedback.

Purpose:  This project comprises three assignments – the delivery of two speeches and an evaluation. The purpose of this project is to present a speech on any topic, receive feedback, and apply the feedback to the second speech.

Overview:  Choose any topic for your first 5- to 7-minute speech. After your speech, carefully review your feedback. At a different club meeting, present a second 5- to 7-minute speech in which you incorporate feedback from your first speech. You may choose to present the same speech again or a new speech. Your second speech should reflect some or all of the feedback from your first speech. To complete this project, serve as an evaluator at a club meeting and deliver constructive feedback about another member’s presentation.

This project includes: ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech ■  Another 5 – 7 minute speech that incorporates feedback from the first speech ■  Serving as a speech evaluator


This project addresses topic selection strategies, suggestions for research and methods for producing a well organized speech.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to learn or review basic research methods and present a well-organized, well-researched speech on any topic.

Overview:  Select a topic that you are not already familiar with or that you wish to learn more about. Be sure your topic is narrow enough to be an effective 5- to 7-minute speech. Research the topic and begin organizing the information, as described in this project. Practice your speech and continue to refine its organization. Present your speech at a club meeting.

■  Researching a topic ■  The Research Worksheet ■  The Speech Outline Worksheet ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech

Level 2: Learning Your Style

Level 2 projects (required).

This project focuses on recognizing your preferred communication style and understanding how your style impacts your interactions with others.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to learn about different communication styles and identify your primary style.

Overview:  Complete the Discover Your Communication Style questionnaire to help you identify your style. Deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting about your communication style and its impact on your professional and/or personal relationships. If you are uncomfortable discussing your communication style, you may speak about the communication styles you have encountered and how they impact you. Your speech should not be a report of the content of this project.

This project includes: ■  The Discover Your Communication Style questionnaire ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to deliver a speech with awareness of your intentional and unintentional body language, as well as to learn, practice, and refine how you use nonverbal communication when delivering a speech.

Overview:  Prepare a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic that lends itself to expression through your movement and gestures. Video record your presentation and get feedback from your mentor or another reviewer before speaking to your club. If you do not have access to a recording device, perform your speech in front of a mirror and make adjustments before your scheduled speech.

This project includes: ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project introduces the value of mentorship and the Toastmasters view of mentors and protégés.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to clearly define how Toastmasters envisions mentoring.

Overview:  Write and present a 5- to 7-minute speech about a time when you were a protégé. Share the impact and importance of having a mentor. This speech is not a report on the content of this project.

Note: Every member in Toastmasters Pathways must complete this project.

Level 3: Increasing Knowledge

Level 3 project (required), persuasive speaking.

This project focuses on helping you to develop and support a viewpoint, and identify the most appropriate type of persuasive speech for your topic.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to understand the types of persuasive speeches and deliver a persuasive speech at a club meeting.

Overview:  Choose any topic that lends itself to speaking persuasively and prepare a speech. Present your 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting. If your vice president education approves a non-club event or group, your evaluator must be present for your speech.

This project includes: ■  The Persuasive Speech Outline Worksheet ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


Active listening.

This project covers the difference between hearing and listening, and steps for exploring the ways listening helps build strong, lasting connections.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your ability to listen to what others say.

Overview: At a club meeting, fulfill the role of Topicsmaster. As Topicsmaster, comment on each speaker’s Table Topics® speech to demonstrate your active listening skills. For example, you might say, “Thank you. That was a compelling opinion on the benefits of gardening. I understand you feel strongly that everyone needs to spend some time doing something they love.”

This project includes:  ■  Serving as Topicsmaster at a club meeting


This project addresses storytelling techniques and descriptive skills to help make every speech relatable and interesting.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice using a story within a speech or giving a speech that is a story.

Overview: Choose an established story, a story about your life, or a fictional tale of your own creation. Deliver the 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting.

This project includes:  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project focuses on different audience types and how to address them effectively.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to connect with an unfamiliar audience.

Overview: Develop a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic that is unfamiliar to the majority of your audience. Because you deliver this speech in your Toastmasters club, you are familiar with the audience members’ preferences and personalities. Selecting a topic that is new or unfamiliar to your club members will allow you to practice adapting as you present. As you speak, monitor the audience’s reaction to your topic and adapt as necessary to maintain engagement.


This project addresses effective methods for choosing the best visual aid for your presentation along with the creation and use of each type.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice selecting and using a variety of visual aids during a speech.

Overview: Choose a speech topic that lends itself well to using visual aids. Create at least one but no more than three visual aids to enhance your presentation. Deliver your 5- to 7-minute presentation at a club meeting.

This project includes:  ■  Creating one to three visual aids  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project addresses the skills needed to compose a speech for a social occasion including a toast, eulogy, an acceptance speech and a speech praising an individual or group.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice delivering social speeches in front of your club members.

Overview: Develop two different social speeches—each 3 to 4 minutes—and present them at two separate club meetings. You may choose any two types of social speeches that appeal to you or that you would like to practice.

This project includes: ■  The Social Speech Basics resource ■  Two 3- to 4-minute speeches


This project addresses strategies for improving your personal interactions by understanding the impact of your attitudes and thoughts on daily interactions.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice being aware of your thoughts and feelings, as well as the impact of your responses on others.

Overview: Keep a daily record of your moods and attitudes for a minimum of two weeks, noting when you feel positive or negative, your successes and efforts, and three things for which you are grateful. Record and evaluate any changes in your behavior or the behavior of those around you. At a club meeting, share some aspect of your experience. You may choose to schedule a 2-to 3-minute report or a 5-to 7-minute speech. After completing your speech, submit your signed Project Completion Form to your vice president education to indicate you completed the journal.

This project includes:  ■  Recording your daily moods and attitudes for a minimum of two weeks  ■  A 2- to 3-minute report or a 5- to 7-minute speech  ■  The Project Completion Form


This project addresses how to present a speech in an enthusiastic and inspiring fashion to establish a strong rapport with your audience.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice writing and delivering a speech that inspires others.

Overview: Select a topic with the intent of inspiring your audience and prepare a 5- to 7-minute speech for your club.


This project focuses on understanding what makes you laugh and how to share that with an audience.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to begin developing a collection of humorous stories and to present a speech that includes humor.

Overview: Give a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic of your choosing. Your speech should include at least one anecdote or story intended to entertain or bring humor into your presentation.

This project includes: ■ A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project focuses on how to network effectively and understanding the importance of being a professional ally to people in your network.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to develop and practice a personal strategy for building connections through networking.

Overview:  Prepare for and attend a networking event. After the event, present a 5- to 7-minute speech to your club. Your speech can include a story or stories about your experience, a description of what you learned, or a discussion on the benefits of networking. Your speech may be personal to you or informational about networking. If you attend a non-Toastmasters event, you must sign the Project Completion Form and give it to your vice president education.

This project includes: ■  The Prepare to Network resource ■  Attending a networking event ■  The Project Completion Form ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project addresses the skills you need to identify and speak about personal strengths and present yourself well in an interview of any type.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to present yourself well in an interview.

Overview: Determine which type of interview you would like to practice, such as a job or expert interview. Prepare by reviewing your skills and abilities. Complete the resources in the project and give them to your interviewer before your presentation. You determine which member of your club interviews you, but your interviewer must be someone other than your evaluator. In a 5- to 7-minute role-play presentation at a club meeting, practice answering interview questions to promote your skills, abilities, and experience.

This project includes:  ■  The Identifying Your Skills Worksheet  ■  The Interviewer Instructions resource  ■  A 5- to 7-minute role-play interview at a club meeting

RESEARCHING & PRESENTING (10/2021 became elective)

Understanding vocal variety.

This project addresses the importance of vocal variety when giving a speech and provides activities to develop and nurture its use.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice using vocal variety to enhance a speech.

Overview: Learn or review the importance of vocal variety. Use the exercises in this project to improve your vocal variety skills. Then, present a 5- to 7-minute speech on any topic at a club meeting. The primary focus of the evaluation is your vocal variety.


This project addresses the difference between literal and figurative language along with how to determine when to use each to create vivid descriptions.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice writing a speech with an emphasis on adding language to increase interest and impact.

Overview: You may speak on any topic. Develop a 5- to 7-minute speech describing the topic in detail and present it at your club meeting.


This project addresses the use of presentation software—from identifying topics that benefit from the use of technology to effective slide design and presentation.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to introduce or review basic presentation software strategies for creating and using slides to support or enhance a speech.

Overview: Select a speech topic that lends well to a visual presentation using technology. Use the content of this project and your own research to help you develop your slides. Give a 5- to 7-minute speech using the slides you developed. Your speech can be humorous, demonstrative, or informational, and it may include stories or anecdotes.

This project includes:  ■  Developing presentation slides  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech 

Level 4: Building Skills

Level 4 project (required), managing a difficult audience.

This project covers common behaviors of difficult audience members and how to address each behavior in a calm, effective and professional way.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to address audience challenges when you present outside of your Toastmasters club.

Overview:  Prepare a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic of your choosing. You may write a new speech or use a speech you presented previously. You will be evaluated on the way you manage audience disruptions, not the content of your speech. Before your club meeting, send the Role Play Assignments resource to the Toastmaster and vice president education. As you present your speech, respond to different types of difficult audience members that disrupt you. The process of speaking and responding to audience members will take 12 to 15 minutes.

This project includes: ■  A role play assignment for club members ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


Building a social media presence.

This project addresses how best to use different types of online communication. You will create and maintain an online profile to promote yourself or an organization.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply your understanding of social media to enhance an established or new social media presence.

Overview: Use this project and your own research to build a new social media presence or enhance an existing presence. You may focus on a personal goal (such as connecting with old friends or promoting a blog) or on a professional goal (such as promoting a business or organization). Use the tools you identify as best for you and your purpose. After you achieve your goal, deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech to your club about your results, experience, and the benefits of social media. Submit the Project Completion Form to your vice president education to receive credit for completing the project.

Note: With the vice president public relation’s approval, you may choose to create a social media presence for your Toastmasters club.

This project includes:  ■  Establishing or enhancing a social media presence  ■  The Project Completion Form  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project addresses the skills you need to develop a podcast, create interesting content and organize a cohesive program. You will learn how to record and upload it to the internet.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to introduce you to the skills needed to organize and present a podcast.

Overview: Use this project and your own research to create a podcast. Record a minimum of 60 minutes of content. You are free to divide the episodes as you choose. Each separate episode must be at least 10 minutes, but may be longer if it fits your topic and style. After you record all content, play a 5- to 10-minute segment in your club. Introduce the segment in a 2- to 3-minute speech..

This project includes:  ■  Recording 60 minutes of podcast content  ■  A 2- to 3-minute introduction speech


This project addresses how to effectively conduct online meetings and webinars, prepare and organize necessary visual aids, and lead with confidence.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice facilitating an online meeting or leading a webinar.

Overview: Conduct a 20- to 25-minute online meeting with fellow Toastmasters or a 20- to 25-minute webinar with visual aids for fellow Toastmasters. You determine the topic of your meeting or webinar. Research and use software that best fits your needs and geographic area. Invite your evaluator to participate in the online meeting or webinar. If you complete your assignment with non-Toastmasters, you must receive approval from the vice president education and invite your evaluator to attend.

This project includes:  ■  The Online Meeting Agenda resource  ■  The Online Meeting Basics resource  ■  Planning and conducting a 20- to 25-minute online meeting or webinar


This project focuses on skills needed to effectively manage a project, develop rapport with stakeholders and cultivate strong relationships with a team.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice developing a plan, building a team, and fulfilling the plan with the help of your team.

Overview: Form a team of three to four people and choose a project. Create a plan for your project and present the plan to your club in a 2- to 3-minute speech. Work with your team to complete your project. Present a 5- to 7-minute speech about your experience. This speech may be humorous, informational, or any type of speech that appeals to you. It should not be a report about the content of this project, but a reflection of your experience applying what you learned.

Note: When considering projects to complete, refer to future projects on your path. You may be able to use the assignment in this project to help you prepare for the completion of an upcoming project.

This project includes:  ■  Building a team  ■  Creating a project plan  ■  The Project Plan resource  ■  A 2- to 3-minute speech about your plan  ■  Completing the plan with your team  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech about your experience


Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to effectively use public relations strategies for any group or situation.

Overview:  Create a public relations plan for a real or hypothetical group or situation. If it involves your club, it must be hypothetical unless you communicate with the vice president public relations and club president. Share your plan in a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting. This speech is not a report on the content of this project, but an example of how you will or might apply what you learned.

This project includes: ■  Creating a public relations strategy ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project addresses how to prepare to answer questions and provide information clearly, concisely and with confidence.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn about and practice facilitating a question-and-answer session.

Overview: Select a topic of which you are particularly knowledgeable. Prepare and deliver a speech on this topic, followed by a question-and-answer session. Together, the speech and question-and-answer session must be 15 to 20 minutes. Use your time effectively to ensure both segments are completed.

This project includes:  ■  A 5-to 7-minute speech  ■  A question-and-answer session after the speech


This project addresses the basics of developing a compelling blog and successfully engaging a readership.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to review or introduce the skills needed to write and maintain a blog.

Overview: Post a minimum of eight blog posts in one month. Your blog may be new or one you have already established. You must receive approval from the vice president education to blog on behalf of your club. Deliver a 2- to 3-minute speech at a club meeting about the impact of your blogging experience. You may choose to have your blog evaluated by members of the club. Submit your signed Project Completion Form to the vice president education to receive credit for this project.

This project includes:  ■  Maintaining a blog and posting at least eight times in one month  ■  The Blog Evaluation Form  ■  The Project Completion Form  ■  A 2- to 3-minute speech

Level 5: Demonstrating Expertise

Level 5 projects (required).

This project is designed to help you define the attributes of professional speakers and apply that understanding to your own skills as a speaker.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to practice developing and presenting a longer speech

Overview:  Write and present an 18- to 22-minute keynote-style speech. Exemplify the point of view or message you would convey as a professional-level speaker. You may choose to use visual aids if they fit your speech and your style. Your speech may be humorous, informational, or any style that appeals to you and supports your speech content. If you receive advance approval from the vice president education, you may present your speech to a non- Toastmasters group.

This project includes: ■  The Speech Outline Worksheet ■  An 18- to 22-minute keynote-style speech


This project is designed to give you an opportunity to share your experience at the end of your path.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to reflect on your growth during the completion of an entire path.

Overview:  At a club meeting, present a 10- to 12-minute speech to share your experience completing your path. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on how far you have come, summarize the skills you have learned and developed, and to celebrate your achievements. Your speech can be humorous, informational, or any style that that appeals to you and supports your speech content.

This project includes: ■  The Your Toastmasters Journey resource ■  A 10- to 12-minute speech


Ethical leadership.

This project addresses the importance of recognizing the effect of decisions that impact ethics, best practices for making ethical decisions and developing an ethical framework.

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to develop a clear understanding of your own ethical framework and create an opportunity for others to hear about and discuss ethics in your organization or community.

Overview:  Define an ethical framework for yourself. To do this, you may need to complete personal research beyond the contents of this project. Then, organize and moderate a 20- to 40-minute panel discussion about ethics, followed by a question-and-answer session. If you have never facilitated a panel discussion, review the “Moderate a Panel Discussion” elective project.

■  The Ethical Framework resource

■  Organizing and moderating a panel discussion as well as a question-and-answer session


The focus of this project is to design and complete a project with well-defined goals, lead a team and be accountable to a guidance committee.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply your leadership and planning knowledge to develop a project plan, organize a guidance committee, and implement your plan with the help of a team.

Overview: Select a project to complete with a team of at least three other members. Form a guidance committee and meet at least five times through the duration of the project. Deliver a 5-to 7-minute speech at a club meeting to introduce your plan and vision. After you implement the plan, deliver a second 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting to share your experience developing and completing your plan.

This project includes:  ■  Selecting, leading, and completing a project with a team  ■  Forming and meeting with a guidance committee at least five times  ■  The Guidance Committee Introduction resource  ■  The Meeting Agenda resource  ■  The Project Plan Overview resource  ■  The Project Plan resource  ■  The Vision Plan resource  ■  The Event Planning Worksheet  ■  The 360° Evaluation resource  ■  Two 5- to 7-minute speeches


This project focuses on the skills required to lead in a volunteer organization and the importance of recognition and reward in motivating volunteers.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply the skills needed to successfully lead in a volunteer organization.

Overview: Serve in a leadership role in Toastmasters or another volunteer organization for at least six months. You may complete this project based on your employment, but a volunteer organization is preferable. Ask members of the organization to complete a 360° evaluation of your leadership skills. Create a succession plan to aid in the transition after you leave your position of leadership. After your six-month term, deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting to reflect on your personal experience.

This project includes:  ■  Serving in a volunteer leadership role for a minimum of six months  ■  Conducting a 360° evaluation of your leadership skills  ■  Creating a succession plan  ■  The Succession Plan resource  ■  The 360° Evaluation resource  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project addresses how to identify the discussion points of a large group meeting, encourage a culture of contribution and voicing opinions, and facilitate productive discussion that yields results.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn about and apply the skills needed to run a lessons learned meeting during a project or after its completion.

Overview: Facilitate a lessons learned meeting for a team with which you are completing or have completed a project. This meeting is separate from your regular Toastmasters meeting. Organize and facilitate a discussion. Record the results into a document you and your team members can use to facilitate the current project or future projects. If you haven’t already, give team members an opportunity to complete a 360° evaluation of you as a team leader. (Use the 360° Evaluation resource.) Finally, present a 5- to 7-minute speech in your club about the lessons learned meeting or your leadership experience.

This project includes:  ■  Facilitating a lessons learned meeting  ■  Documenting the results of the lessons learned meeting  ■  The 360° Evaluation resource  ■  The Lessons Learned Response Log  ■  The Metrics Log  ■  A 5- to 7-minute speech


This project addresses the skills needed to successfully moderate a panel discussion and how to be an effective participant on a panel.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply your skills as a public speaker and leader to facilitate a panel discussion.

Overview: Plan and moderate a 20- to 40-minute panel discussion. The panel discussion can be on any topic and may take place at a club meeting or outside of Toastmasters with the approval of your vice president education. Toastmasters who participate as panelists do not receive credit in Toastmasters Pathways. When you have the opportunity, volunteer to act as a panelist for another member completing this project.

This project includes:  ■  Planning and moderating a 20- to 40-minute panel discussion  ■  The Panelist Basics resource  ■  The Project Completion Form

Ready to Aim Higher?

Completion of this path puts you well on the way to achieving Toastmasters highest honour – the  Distinguished Toastmaster Award . To reach that goal, you need to:

  • complete one more path
  • serve a term as a club officer
  • serve a term as a district officer
  • become a club mentor or club coach
  • be a club sponsor, conduct a Speechcraft Course or Youth Leadership Program

Final step to complete DTM –  DTM Project

Good luck with your journey!

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Metro Speakers Toastmasters Club

  • Level 2 – Evaluation Forms

Most Pathways have the same level 2 projects, some have unique ones.

Level 2 Evaluation Form – Understanding Your Leadership Style

Level 2 Evaluation Form – Understanding Your Communication Style

Level 2 Evaluation Form – Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring

Related Articles

  • Level 1 – Evaluation Forms
  • Introduction to Pathways
  • How to Access Pathways

Next Meeting: In-person meeting on September 5th View our meeting schedule .



    The following is a list of competencies that you will learn and practice in this project. Understand how body language expresses emotion and attitude. Recognize the body language used when speaking publicly. Identify gestures that show confidence when speaking in public. Use gestures to enhance speech content. Demonstrate awareness of unintentional movement.

  2. PDF 8203E Evaluation Resource

    Clarity. 5 - Is an exemplary public speaker who is always understood. 4 - Excels at communicating using the spoken word. 3 - Spoken language is clear and is easily understood. 2 - Spoken language is somewhat unclear or challenging to understand. 1 - Spoken language is unclear or not easily understood.

  3. The mastery of body language for a presentations

    Here are some tips about body language for a presentation that can set the stage for a powerful performance: Posture: Stand tall with your shoulders back and chin up. This conveys confidence and helps you breathe better, thus improving your vocal projection. Eye contact: Maintain a steady gaze with your audience.

  4. Presentation Mastery Level 2

    Presentation Mastery Level 2. Project 1. Understanding Your Communication Style. This project focuses on recognizing your preferred communication style and understanding how your style impacts your interactions with others. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn about different communication styles and identify your primary style.

  5. Toastmasters International -Pathways Presentation Mastery Path

    Pathways Presentation Mastery Path

  6. Use Body Language in Presentations: 7 body language tips

    Key Takeaways: Body Language Impact: Effective body language is essential to improve your presentation, boosting audience engagement and speaker credibility.Maintain a confident posture to create a connection and convey confidence. Presentation Mastery: Mastering presentation skills involves minor adjustments in body language, such as an open posture.

  7. Gestures and Body Language

    Gestures and Body Language

  8. How To Use Body Language To Enhance Your Presentation Skills

    Lean slightly forward on intensifying words. Exaggerate nods, smiles and frowns for clarity onscreen. Contextual mastery makes every talk more effective. Body Language in Digital Presentation Platforms Challenges and Strategies for Virtual Presentations. Presenting through video conferencing poses body language challenges:


    Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice using vocal variety or body language to enhance a speech. Overview: Learn or review the importance of vocal variety and body language. Present a 5- to 7-minute speech on any topic at a club meeting. The primary focus of the evaluation is your vocal variety or your body language and gestures.

  10. The Power of Body Language

    David JP Phillips, an international speaker, author, and CEO of a presentation-skills training company in Västerås, Sweden, spent seven years studying 5,000 speakers around the world. From that research, Phillips was able to distill 110 separate skills that help separate great from good speakers. The study is fully detailed in Phillips ...


    Level 4 (Elective Projects - Choose 1) FormSpeech (5 - 7 min)Create A Podcast Speech with Podcast (5 - 10 min) (plus 2 - 3 min Introduction Speech) Manage Online Meetings Planning and conducting an online Meeting or Webinar (20 - 25 min. (Evaluator must attend!) Manage Projects Successfully Speech (2 . Speech (5 - 7 min)

  12. Toastmasters Speech

    Presenting my Effective Body Language (L2P2) prepared speech of Presentation Mastery pathway at Sarjapura Toastmasters Club.#toasmasters #communicationskills...


    DTM. 1. 3. Plan & complete a project that benefits an organization Develop a team and design a plan Deliver a 5-7 minute speech to share plan / vision. Organize the project & lead your team, complete it Seek a 360 degree evaluation of your leadership skills. 2. Deliver an 8-10 minute speech to review your project, its outcomes, your learning, etc.

  14. Presentation Mastery

    Follow my blog at where I talk about Public Speaking, Toastmasters, and other things.Toastmasters: Presentation Mastery Level 2 Unders...

  15. Toastmasters Pathways L2P2

    JB City Toastmasters Club MeetingSpeaker: Jennifer Liew, PM1Manual: Presentation MasteryToastmasters Pathways Level 2 Project 2: Effective Body Language Titl...

  16. Body Language in Presentations: Our Guide

    The proper body language in a presentation helps to convey that you have confidence in yourself and your message. A speaker who knows the importance of body language in an oral presentation can instill trust in the audience, which, among other things, helps to forge a connection. Further, a presenter who knows how to effectively employ body ...

  17. PDF Using Body Language

    NG THE PRESENTATION"Using Body Language" offers information on using facial expressions, gestures, and whole body movement to enh. nce a presentation. This product con. 4 Definition and explanation of the presentation. 4 Guidelines for your introduction to the audience. 4 Outline for the development of your speech.

  18. 60 speech topics to highlight body language and gesture

    60 vocal variety and body language speech topic suggestions. By: Susan Dugdale. The fifth of the seven Level Two: Learning Your Style projects in Toastmasters International is "Effective Body Language". Its main goal is to help a speaker become more aware of, and to effectively use, the power of body language.

  19. Path: Presentation Mastery

    Presentation Mastery. This path helps you build your skills as an accomplished public speaker. The projects on this path focus on learning how an audience responds to you and improving your connection with audience members. The projects contribute to developing an understanding of effective public speaking technique, including speech writing ...

  20. PDF Pathways

    SpOT Process for "Presentation Mastery". There are 10 required and 4 elective projects that must be completed under "Presentation Mastery.". Since SpOT meets once each month (2-3 hours/meeting), we can devote as much time as needed to accommodate a number of speakers and/or any length of speech! Our member(s) will mentor you between ...

  21. Level 2

    Level 2 Evaluation Form - Connect with Your Audience. Engaging Humour. Level 2 Evaluation Form - Know Your Sense of Humor. Presentation Mastery. Level 2 Evaluation Form - Effective Body Language. Leadership Development. Level 2 Evaluation Form - Managing Time. Motivational Strategies, Persuasive Influence, Team Collaboration & Strategic ...

  22. Using Body Language

    Using Body Language. Part of The Better Speaker Series. Techniques that will help speakers add impact and reduce distractions through appropriate body language. Includes an outline and a PowerPoint presentation. DownloadManual.

  23. Level 2 project 2 speech, effective body language, Presentation Mastery

    #abbstoastmastersclub #toastmasters #toastmastersinternational #effectivebodylanguage #pathways #presentationmastery