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Python Program To Find Sum Of Digit Until Number Reduces To Single Digit

This python program calculates sum of digit of a given number until number reduces to single digit..

In this program, we first read number from user. Then we use nested while loop to calculate sum of digit until number reduces to single digit . We also display sum at each step.

Python Source Code: Sum of Digit Until Number Becomes Single Digit

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4 Ideas to Supercharge Your Single Digit Number In Python Assignment Expert

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Each of these algorithms will make a corresponding turn for real by allowing for change in the accuracy, specificity, or behavior of the numbers you’re writing, so far as possible. The numbers are only two or three digits over. How does it feel? So is this just a hack flaw to make your computer faster? No. Our algorithms are much faster because they follow all of the above algorithms and all four are supported by Python under the hood. That may be two or three orders of magnitude faster than other algorithms you might find yourself working with today, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth the effort.

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Take that, numbers. The performance of Python 3 on disk is exponentially higher than what it would be in a normal-sized computer (albeit with fewer CPUs) and is probably twice the performance you’d see starting with a standard OCaml output. This is known as the “power of 2”. You can accomplish a 3Q improvement in once every 2 hours over no time assuming a 1% OAM gain. This kind of more is commonplace today.

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While programming, sometimes, we just require a certain type of data and need to discard other. This type of problem is quite common in Data Science domain, and since Data Science uses Python worldwide, its important to know how to extract specific elements. This article discusses certain ways in which only digit can be extracted. Let’s discuss the same.

Method #1 : Using join() + isdigit() + filter()

This task can be performed using the combination of above functions. The filter function filters the digits detected by the isdigit function and join function performs the task of reconstruction of join function.  

  Method #2 : Using re  

The regular expressions can also be used to perform this particular task. We can define the digit type requirement, using “\D”, and only digits are extracted from the string. 

Method 3: Using loops:

This task is done by using for loop.

Time Complexity: O(n) Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Method 4: Using recursion:

Method 5: Using ord() method 

Method 6 : Using isnumeric() method

  • Initiate a for loop to traverse the string
  • Check whether the character is numeric by using isnumeric()
  • Display the character if numeric

Time Complexity : O(N) N – length of string

Auxiliary Space :O(1)

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Calculation of Armstrong Number in Python

Python Programming For Beginners Free Course

What is an armstrong number.

Have you learned about Armstrong numbers in mathematics? Do you have any idea regarding the numbers whose manipulation of digits gives that number itself? A positive number where the sum of its digits each raised to the power of the number of digits equals the number itself is known as an Armstrong number.

In this Python tutorial , we'll learn how to check an Armstrong number in Python, methods to calculate Armstrong number, applications of it, etc.

Mathematical Representation of Armstrong Number

If we have a positive number of n digits, the Armstrong number of order n is calculated as

Here order denotes the number of digits.

For example, 370 is an Armstrong number because

370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0*0*0

Here, the number is of 3 digits.

Approaches to Check Armstrong Number in Python

1. digit by digit sum approach to check for armstrong number.

In the above code, first of all, in the isArmstrong() function, we have found the number of digits in the given number and stored it in the numDigits variable. Then we extracted each digit from the given numbers num1 and num2, raised it to the power of the number of digits, and added it to the sum variable. If the sum evaluates to the given number, then it is an Armstrong number, else it is not.

2. Using the return statement

In the above code, the function is_armstrong_number calculates the sum of each digit raised to the power of the number of digits in the number using a generator expression and the sum() function. It then compares this sum to the original number to determine if it's an Armstrong number.

3. Check Armstrong number of n digits using a while loop

4. check armstrong number of n digits using functions.

In the above code, power(a, b) is a recursive function that calculates the power of a number a raised to the exponent b. The order(a) function calculates the order of a number, i.e., the number of digits in it whereas isArmstrong(a) function checks if the number a is an Armstrong number by summing the powers of its digits and comparing it to the original number.

5. Check Armstrong number of n digits using Recursion

The getSum() function in the above program is defined to calculate the sum of each digit raised to the power of the number of digits in the number recursively.

Finding Armstrong Numbers within a given range in Python

The above program iterates over each number in the specified range (100 to 1000).

Python Program to Find Armstrong Number in an Interval by Importing math Module

In the above module, the math.pow() function from the math module is used to compute the power of a given number.

Practical Examples and Use Cases of Armstrong Number

  • Error Detection: Armstrong numbers can be used in error detection techniques, especially in data transmission and storage systems, where ensuring data integrity is crucial.
  • Security: Armstrong numbers can serve as part of encryption keys or hash functions, enhancing security measures by introducing complexity and randomness into cryptographic systems.
  • Data Analysis: Armstrong numbers can be used as keys in databases or as markers in datasets to categorize or filter data based on specific criteria.
  • Testing Algorithms: Armstrong numbers provide a useful benchmark for testing and evaluating algorithms, especially those related to number theory and mathematical operations.
  • Performance Testing: Armstrong numbers can be utilized in performance testing scenarios to evaluate the computational efficiency of algorithms or systems.
  • Puzzle and Game Design: Armstrong numbers can be incorporated into puzzle and game design to create challenges or quests that require players to identify or generate Armstrong numbers.

Armstrong number is an important concept as it has wide applications. The above article covers various approaches to checking an Armstrong number and finding it in a specific range. You need to understand it and practice it.

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She is passionate about different technologies like JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js etc. and likes to share knowledge with the developer community. She holds strong learning skills in keeping herself updated with the changing technologies in her area as well as other technologies like Core Java, Python and Cloud.

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Answer to Question #310176 in Python for Mukul

Repeated Numbers

Eren wants to decode a number.After lots of trial and error, he finally figured out that the number is a count of repeated single-digit integers.

Write a program to help Eren print the decoded number given a string of integers N.

The first line contains a string of integers N.

The output contains a single integer representing count of repeated numbers in the input.


For N = 212311 ,

1 and 2 are repeated.Therefore, the output is 2.

Sample Input1

Sample Output1

Sample Input2

Sample Output2

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Names and Nicknames in Python

Problem statement:.

It’s very simple, we need to find the number of strings equal to each other, and that’s it. This was the technical intro to the problem. Now, let’s see the actual problem. We are given some names and we need to find the number of pairs that exist. A pair means two names are equal to each other.

Code to find Names and Nicknames in Python:

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