1. Causes and Effects of Climate Change Essay

    This essay discusses the natural and human causes of climate change and its impacts on human health, biodiversity and psychology. It also suggests some solutions to prevent or adapt to climate change.

  2. What Causes Climate Change? Human and Natural Causes

    Learn how natural phenomena and human activities affect the greenhouse effect and global warming. Find out how fossil fuels, transportation, electricity, industry, and land use are the main ...

  3. The Causes of Climate Change

    Learn how human activities increase greenhouse gases and trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Find out how NASA studies the effects of climate change on Earth and beyond.

  4. Causes and Effects of Climate Change

    Learn how fossil fuels are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions that trap the sun's heat and cause global warming. Explore how climate change affects human beings and nature, and how the UN ...

  5. Causes of climate change

    The web page explains how human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and land use change, have increased greenhouse gas concentrations and warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land since pre-industrial times. It also discusses the factors affecting Earth's climate, such as natural forcings, feedbacks and internal variability.

  6. Climate Change: Evidence and Causes: Update 2020

    This report by the National Academy of Sciences explains the physical mechanisms, evidence, and impacts of climate change caused by human activities. It also discusses the options and challenges for responding to climate change at a global scale.

  7. Global warming

    Learn about the scientific consensus on global warming, the main causes of human-induced climate change, and the potential impacts and responses. Explore the latest data, projections, and news from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and other sources.

  8. PDF Climate Change: Evidence & Causes 2020

    An overview of the latest scientific evidence and analysis of human-caused climate change, its impacts, and possible responses. This booklet is a key reference for decision makers, policy makers, educators, and others seeking authoritative answers about the current state of climate-change science.

  9. Causes of Climate Change

    Learn how climate change is influenced by various factors, such as solar radiation, continental position, ocean currents, atmospheric chemistry, and vegetation. Explore the evidence and mechanisms of climate change throughout Earth's history and the contemporary world.

  10. What Is Climate Change?

    Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth's local, regional and global climates. Learn how human activities, natural processes, and climate data records affect Earth's climate and its effects on weather, temperature, sea level, and more.

  11. Climate change

    Learn how scientists use various sources of data and natural archives to reconstruct past climates and identify the causes and effects of climate change. Explore the evidence of climate variability and change from the Sun, volcanoes, ice sheets, and more.

  12. Causes of global warming, facts and information

    Learn how human activity emits greenhouse gases that trap heat and change the climate. Find out the sources, effects, and solutions of global warming from the IPCC and other experts.

  13. Climate Explained: Introductory Essays About Climate Change Topics

    Climate Explained is a collection of essays that address various questions and topics related to climate change, such as its causes, effects, and solutions. It is a resource for educators and students who want to learn more about the science and communication of climate change.

  14. Climate change: evidence and causes

    The web page explains how greenhouse gases affect Earth's energy balance and climate, and how human activities have increased them since the Industrial Revolution. It also shows how climate records show a warming trend and how scientists have determined the human role in climate change.

  15. Climate Change

    Climate change is a long-term shift in global or regional climate patterns, often caused by human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Learn about the causes, effects, and types of climate change, and how it differs from weather.

  16. Climate Change: Your Questions About Causes and Effects, Answered

    That said, climate change is causing increasingly frequent and intense storms in the Great Lakes region, and the effects, including higher water levels and more flooding, are in many respects the ...

  17. Humans are causing global warming

    The web page explains how human activities have increased the amount of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, leading to rapid warming of Earth. It also contrasts today's warming with natural changes in the past that cannot explain the current levels of carbon dioxide and temperature.

  18. Climate Change Assay: A Spark Of Change

    Read one of the winning essays from the Bahçeşehir College climate change essay competition, on the topic of how humans can adapt and create a greener world. The essay argues that people have to stop destroying the environment and be the sparks of change.

  19. Are Humans the Major Cause of Global Warming?

    The web page explains how scientists use various methods and data to attribute the observed warming to human activities, especially fossil fuel emissions. It also summarizes the scientific consensus on the causes of climate change and the role of natural factors.

  20. Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying

    The latest IPCC report, released in August 2021, provides a comprehensive assessment of the physical science of climate change and its impacts on every region and system. It shows that human-caused emissions are responsible for 1.1°C of warming since 1850-1900, and that limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C will require urgent and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gases.

  21. Conclusion

    This document explains the physical mechanisms, evidence and causes of climate change, and the options and challenges for responding to it. It offers a scientific basis for the policy debate on climate change, with both facts and uncertainties.

  22. The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof

    Climate denialists often point to these natural climate changes as a way to cast doubt on the idea that humans are causing climate to change today. However, that argument rests on a logical fallacy.

  23. Essay: To fix climate anxiety (and also climate change), we first have

    Then a college student asked me about climate anxiety. It came up again on social media, and again in personal essays and polls. This paralyzing dread was suddenly the talk of the town — but it ...