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does university of maryland have a supplemental essay

How to Write the University of Maryland Essays 2023-2024

The University of Maryland does not have traditional supplemental essays, but it does have six required “complete this sentence” prompt. Your answers to these questions will need to be within 650 characters, but you’ll have plenty of space to reveal unique and distinctive parts of your personality to the admissions committee.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to craft thoughtful responses to these prompts, as you want to take full advantage of every opportunity you have to share something about yourself with the admissions officers. This unique kind of prompt presents a great opportunity to showcase something that might not be found elsewhere in your application.

Considering how competitive college admissions have become in just a few years, the more your responses stand out to admissions officers, the better your chances of admission will be.

Want to know your chances at UMD? Calculate your chances for free right now.

University of Maryland Supplemental Essay Prompts

Prompt 1: If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… (650 characters)

Prompt 2: The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was… (650 characters)

Prompt 3: In addition to my major, my academic interests include… (650 characters)

Prompt 4: My favorite thing about last Thursday was… (650 characters)

Prompt 5: Something you might not know about me is… (650 characters)

Prompt 6: Because we know that diversity benefits the educational experience of all students, the University of Maryland values diversity in all of its many forms. This includes (but is not limited to) racial, socio-economic, gender, geographical, and sexual orientation. We are interested in hearing about your own individual life experiences. In a few sentences, will you please describe how you have learned, grown, been inspired or developed skills through one or more components of diversity. (650 characters)

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… (650 characters)

This is a very straightforward prompt. A strong response will identify a place, and share a little bit about why you’ve picked this particular place.

Keep in mind that your response should be unique to you and should teach your reader something about your personality or interests. If your answer sounds like something any random person might say, you need to work on specificity. Here are some examples to show you what we’re talking about.

Generic response: “Rome, because I’ve always wanted to see the Colosseum.”

Personal response: “Rome, because I’ve studied Latin since middle school. My father, a classics professor, spent so many happy hours teaching me how to read the works of Ovid, Virgil, Cicero, and the other greats, in their original language. Whenever we happen to pass by old churches or college buildings, we stop to read their insignias and mottos, which are most often in Latin. All these fond memories make me feel deeply connected to the Greco-Roman world, and I think that seeing historic sites like the Colosseum in person would augment the reading I’ve done and enrich my understanding of classical antiquity.” (598 characters)

The first response is very generic because just about anybody you ask would probably love to see the Colosseum. The second response answers the crucial question— why? —which should be at the core of your response. Your particular reason for choosing the place you choose is where your personality and individuality will shine through.

Obviously, the source of specificity will depend on you and your personal experiences. If you haven’t studied Latin (or if you studied it but didn’t like it), this response clearly wouldn’t work for you. Think about what truly interests you, then narrow your thinking down to places that are integral to that interest. For example, if you’re really invested in country music and its history, you might be particularly interested in visiting Nashville, the epicenter of that genre.

Finally, remember that this place doesn’t have to be a city. You could also say something like “The Pro Football Hall of Fame” or “Abbey Road Studios.” In fact, you even have the freedom to be a little more creative with your place in history. You might want to travel to a different time period entirely. The prompt posits that you can travel anywhere , but doesn’t specify that it has to be somewhere modern. Perhaps you love early R&B and disco music. You might want to travel to Detroit in the 1960s, when Motown Records was beginning to dominate those genres.

A word of caution: If you are going to get extra creative and pick a different time period, be sure to avoid generic clichés. For example, writing that you want to travel to the future—to give your future self advice, or to drive a flying car, or to see where climate change has gone, etc.—is a cliché and won’t contribute much to your application.

In terms of location, you probably shouldn’t go much bigger than a city. Saying something like “The United Kingdom” or “China” may make you sound clueless, as countries are too large and diverse to understand in their entirety with just one trip. Aiming for something too broad detracts from the specificity that a strong response to this kind of essay requires.

Rather than settling for a generic response, think about the main reason you personally want to go to this place, and narrow your response from there. Instead of “The United Kingdom,” you could write “The Scottish Highlands,” and instead of “China,” you could write “The Great Wall of China.”

The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was… (650 characters)

If you haven’t done research before, don’t worry. Most high school students haven’t done a serious research project, and nowhere does the prompt say that the research has to be yours.

Your response should show your reader that you are informed about the research that goes on at places like the University of Maryland. Of course, research is not the only thing universities do, but being surrounded by cutting-edge researchers in a wide range of fields is an opportunity that is difficult to find outside of a university campus.

We don’t mean to say you have to cite some dense, obscure study on molecular neuroscience. If that’s what you’re interested in, great! As long as your response is genuine, your chosen topic is fair game. Don’t make the mistake of writing about some deep scientific research if that isn’t what piques your interest, but be careful not to write about something too trivial either.

That being said, research is done in a vast array of subjects, so there’s no pressure to write about any one topic over another. Below are some examples of facts from a variety of fields that would work just as well as something from a hardcore STEM study.

  • Consistent physical exercise throughout life correlates with better mental health in old age.
  • Sea turtles use magnetoreception to find the same breeding grounds each year.
  • The Egyptian pyramids have passages leading up from the burial chamber, which ancient Egyptians believed the dead pharaoh could climb through to join the gods in heaven.

Given the 650 characters you’re allotted, you should also share a short explanation of why you find this particular fact so interesting. For example, for the aforementioned sea turtle fact, you could write:

“[The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was…] sea turtles find the same breeding grounds each year with magnetoreception. Magnetoreception is a sense that allows turtles (and other animals) to perceive Earth’s magnetic field. Learning this fact made me truly appreciate nature’s diversity—turtles have an entire sense that we lack! This newfound appreciation created by one fact I just stumbled upon inspired me to embark on an exploratory journey that culminated in an internship at a local environmental center.” (467 characters, excluding the prompt’s characters)

Try to avoid picking a fact that is so long that you don’t have space to elaborate. 650 characters isn’t the largest amount of space, but simply stating your fact probably shouldn’t take up most of it. That being said, you don’t necessarily have to elaborate at a level as deep as the above example to have an excellent response. You may have a strong and thorough response with just 300 characters or so.

In addition to my major, my academic interests include… (650 characters)

The key phrase here is “in addition to my major.” Remember that you should use these supplemental prompts to share information about yourself that your reader cannot find elsewhere in your application.

So if your intended major is neuroscience, your answer here shouldn’t be “biology.” That is technically a different academic interest, but it doesn’t really tell your reader anything new. If they know you want to major in neuroscience, they can already safely assume you have at least some interest in biology.

Remember that your reader also has your high school transcript and activities list. Maybe math isn’t your intended major, but if you’ve taken AP math classes and done math camps during your high school summers, writing about math won’t be sharing something new with your reader. Your personal experiences already strongly indicate that you’re interested in math.

Your response also shouldn’t just be a list of other interests you have. A laundry list of interests won’t give the admissions committee any sense of why you’re interested in these things. The “why” is where your personality shines through. Without it, your reader won’t really have anything to take away from your response.

Now that we’ve covered what you shouldn’t do, let’s talk about how you should approach this prompt. As noted above, you want to pick an interest that is genuinely different from the things already seen in the rest of your application. As long as you’re honest, there’s no right or wrong way to do this. UMD wants to see that you’re academically inclined and intellectually curious, not that you’re only interested in one particular thing.

The second part of your response is the why . Say you’re a prospective history major and the other area you’re interested in is sports psychology. Your response might read something like this:

“[In addition to my major, my academic interests include…] sports psychology, because I was raised a diehard Miami Heat fan, and I’ve always wondered what helps some players thrive under pressure while others fold. I think that the field is interesting as it explores not only how players play, but also how they act in their personal lives in the spotlight. Even to those not interested in sports, the field is very useful in that its findings can be extrapolated and applied to society at large. After all, everyone wants to be able to perform at an optimal level.” (507 characters, excluding the prompt’s characters)

Alternatively, say you’re a prospective engineering major and you also have an interest in music theory. A strong response would be:

“[In addition to my major, my academic interests include…] music theory, because I’ve always wanted to know how movie and television composers use sound to enhance the emotional content of a scene. I’ve always been fascinated by the ways music is used to complement cinema. There are videos online in which a song is changed or removed from a scene, and something that simple can have a profound impact on the scene. I have been teaching myself guitar for four years, and even though I’m competent on a technical level, my theoretical understanding is lacking.” (501 characters, excluding the prompt’s characters)

These responses share interests that are not only not distinct from their respective majors, but that are also probably not discussed anywhere else in the application. It’s an unfortunate reality that college applications often capture only a thin slice of who you are while leaving out things like sports fandom, which may be a huge part of your personality and identity. If you can share one of those things here, your response will be all the better for it.

My favorite thing about last Thursday was… (650 characters)

Only you know what you did last Thursday, so the best advice we can give here is to not overthink your answer. Most people don’t do anything revolutionary on an average Thursday. UMD doesn’t expect you to have cured cancer on a normal day of the week. What they do expect is that you can engage with—and bring energy to—seemingly mundane situations. This is a useful skill that will help you thrive in college and beyond.

In order to address this prompt successfully, all you really have to do is describe the situation and give your reader some sense of what made it your favorite part of the day. Bear in mind that you don’t have to write about last Thursday literally. Think of something eventful that you took part in recently, but don’t feel restricted to the day mentioned in the prompt. UMD’s use of “last Thursday” is figurative. You can write about any average day that didn’t happen too long ago. No one is going to check that your event happened on a Thursday.

Here are some examples of weak and strong responses to this prompt.

Weak: “getting dinner with my friend.”

Strong: “having a picnic at dinnertime with my friend and watching the sunset. There’s nothing like munching on a DIY vegan charcuterie board and drinking sparkling cider at the golden hour. My friend and I grew up together and are as close as sisters. For years we did everything together, from shopping to cooking and from learning to swim to learning to drive. She and I used to hang out a lot before she moved, so I feel lucky whenever I get to spend quality time with her on an otherwise average day.” (495 characters)

For this particular prompt, even a few extra details—like those that are included in the strong example—can go a long way. Most people enjoy getting dinner with friends, but the strong response shows the reader why , for you personally, this particular dinner was so meaningful.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, 650 characters is more than you might assume. Take advantage of the space you have to make your response as personal as possible, but also don’t write more than you need to just to reach the limit. Based on the rest of your application, the admissions committee has some understanding of what you’re like in the classroom or on the basketball court. Now show them what you’re like on a regular old Thursday.

Something you might not know about me is… (650 characters)

A prompt this open-ended can be overwhelming at first. But as we advised with the previous prompt, don’t overthink your answer! This fun fact doesn’t have to be anything crazy or an attempt to impress the admissions committee—that’s what the rest of your application is for. Just share something unique to you that isn’t already discussed elsewhere in your application.

This last part about being unique is key—if your answer to Prompt 3 (the one about academic interests) was something about liking astronomy, your answer here shouldn’t be something about stargazing every night. Remember that you only have so many opportunities to share information about yourself with the admissions committee, so take advantage of each one.

That being said, you have free rein to write about pretty much anything! Below are some examples of potential topics you could respond to this prompt with. Your response also may look nothing like these, which is completely fine. We just want to get your mental gears turning by giving you a sense of what a good response might begin with.

Something you might not know about me is…

  • I can do a double backflip off a diving board.
  • I have every word to Taylor Swift’s album Reputation memorized.
  • For my eighteenth birthday, I went skydiving and passed out in the air.
  • I’ve won my fantasy football league three years in a row.
  • Every New Year’s Day, my dad cracks the ice on the pond near our house and my family does a polar plunge together.

Since you have a longer character count, you should elaborate on your fun fact, whatever it may be. For example, a hypothetical student might extend the above skydiving example and write something like this:

“[Something you might not know about me is…] for my eighteenth birthday, I went skydiving and passed out in the air. As a child, I saw a show about skydiving and became so infatuated with the idea that it became the one thing I had to try. My parents were not thrilled but agreed that I could try when I was 18. The time finally came, and the plane ascended with me finally on it. I was signed up for a tandem jump where I was tethered to an instructor. We jumped, and some combination of excitement, dread, and altitude made me pass out, so I missed most of the experience! By the time I came to, we were near the ground already, so I definitely need to try this experience again someday.” (644 characters, excluding the prompt’s characters)

You might not use all 650 characters to respond to this prompt, and that’s okay. Don’t try to reach the character limit and end up rambling or writing something confusing. For example, imagine if the backflip example above read like this:

“[Something you might not know about me is…] I can do a double backflip off a diving board. One time I was at the pool and kept making the lifeguard nervous every time I did it. It ended up being fine though, because it’s a skill I had gotten really good at by then.” (221 characters, excluding the prompt’s characters)

By the end of this response, a reader might not even remember what the original fun fact was, even though it’s only 221 characters.

Finally, the examples above hopefully show that your fun fact can be just that—fun. You don’t have to be super serious with every single supplemental essay prompt you come across. A more lighthearted response can actually be a good thing—college applications are generally quite dry, so it can be a good idea to remind your reader that you’re more than a GPA and a Common App essay you’ve revised 43 times.

Because we know that diversity benefits the educational experience of all students, the University of Maryland values diversity in all of its many forms. This includes (but is not limited to) racial, socio-economic, gender, geographical, and sexual orientation. We are interested in hearing about your own individual life experiences. In a few sentences, will you please describe how you have learned, grown, been inspired or developed skills through one or more components of diversity. (650 characters)

This is one instance of the very common diversity prompt . When colleges have a diversity prompt, they want to know about your own personal background and how it has influenced your worldview and perspectives.

In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court struck down the use of affirmative action in college admissions. The ruling, however, still allows colleges to consider race on an individual basis, which is one reason many schools are now including diversity prompts as one of their supplemental essay prompts. If you feel that your racial background has impacted you significantly, this is the place to discuss that.

In general, such a common prompt can be approached with a traditional answer. You might consider answering this prompt with what you think is the most important part of your identity, then a small discussion about how that aspect of diversity is relevant to you and your general life experiences.

Such a response might be written about one of the following scenarios:

  • Using your fluency in another language to help members of a specific community.
  • Interpreting a text in class differently from your classmates because of your ethnic culture.
  • Having a friend of a different background who has changed your perspective on something important (this speaks to the “been inspired” part of the prompt).
  • Having an illness or disability that helps you view accessibility through a different lens than your peers.
  • Being part of a niche interest group/fandom and trying to represent the group faithfully when talking to people who aren’t members of it.

Simply listing things that generate diversity should be avoided. Sure, diversity includes different ethnicities/races, gender identities, sexual orientations, countries of origin, and languages, but writing that laundry list out doesn’t contribute much to your application.

Also, bear in mind that the traditional markers of diversity aren’t the only ones you can discuss. There are other aspects of identity that contribute to a diverse campus, including socioeconomic classes, hometowns, illnesses/disabilities, and even interests or hobbies.

Diversity encompasses all the aforementioned attributes, but you should strive for individuality and specificity in your response. This prompt, like all the others, is an opportunity to showcase your unique life perspective. You don’t want to waste this opportunity by writing down some bland dictionary definitions. Think of what diversity means to you and what you consider to be a particularly significant aspect of diversity. From there, think of personal anecdotes or stories about how that aspect of diversity has contributed to your growth or development as a person.

Where to Get Your University of Maryland, College Park Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your UMD essays? After rereading your essays over and over again, it can be difficult to gauge where your writing needs improvement, especially since these prompts are so short. We created our free Peer Essay Review tool to help students like you  get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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2023-24 University of Maryland (UMD) Supplemental Essays – Prompts and Tips

September 8, 2023

With more than 56,000 applicants per year, you might think that the University of Maryland—College Park admissions committee would want to create a fast-paced assembly line for application reviews that is 99% based on the hard numbers like GPA and SAT scores. Yet, in addition to those important data points and the 650-word Common App essay, prospective Terrapins are  also asked to complete six short “Complete this Sentence” University of Maryland supplemental essays as part of a genuinely holistic admissions process. Today, we’ll explore the UMD supplemental essays.

 (Want to learn more about How to Get Into the University of Maryland—College Park? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into the University of Maryland: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

As the University of Maryland becomes more selective—the acceptance rate was just 34% last year—applicants need to find ways to stand out from the competition. Fortunately, these six short answer essays provide just such an opportunity. Below are the UMD supplemental essays for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with tips about how to address each one.

UMD Supplemental Essays – 2023-24 Prompts

Applicants must complete each of the following fill-in-the-blank responses in 650 characters (not words!) max each:

1) If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… (650 characters)

There’s nothing wrong with simply naming a popular and/or exotic city if you wish, but don’t feel like that is your sole option with this essay. For example, you could travel to see a particular painting in an art gallery in Finland. You could travel through time to have a conversation with 19th century women’s right’s hero Elizabeth Cady Stanton. You could travel to Montana’s Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument to dig for dinosaur fossils alongside paleontologists. There is no shortage of ways to create an answer that contains more depth and meaning than simply saying “Paris, because it has beautiful architecture.”

2) The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was… (650 characters)

“But wait, I’m a 17/18-year-old who has done some experiments in Chemistry class, but I didn’t exactly win a Nobel Prize for learning how to safely use a Bunsen burner.” Applicants sometimes panic when they first read this question. However, the only expectation is that you cite a finding from someone else’s research that you found meaningful and enlightening. If you aren’t interested in the hard sciences, that’s perfectly fine! There is plenty of research that takes place outside of the STEM realm. Some ideas include:

  • The Environment

UMD Supplemental Essays (Continued)

3) in addition to my major, my academic interests include… (650 characters).

Note the operative phrase here—“In addition to my major.” This is a chance to talk about one or more of your academic passions that are a) an extension of your major b) separate from your major or c) part of an interdisciplinary connection between your major and another discipline.

Of course, the second key word here is “academic” so you’ll want to make sure that the subject or subjects you wish to discuss are at least somewhat related to an area that could be studied in college. Use this prompt to showcase your diverse interests and intellectual passions and remember that “academic” in a college setting means more than just straight subjects like high school biology, geometry, or world history. In a collegiate setting, there are academic offerings in psychology, art, criminal justice, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and hundreds of other expansive and intriguing options so don’t feel overly-constrained!

4) My favorite thing about last Thursday was… (650 characters)

You could look back at your Google Calendar or old texts in a quest to uncover whether last Thursday was the day you reheated beef stroganoff for dinner or whether that was the night you ordered Uber Eats from Chipotle while studying for a Calculus final. However, there is another way to reimagine the question which removes “last Thursday’s” random and limiting presence altogether. Instead, change the question to, “What is something that has happened to me recently that may have seemed small/everyday-ish, but truly mattered to me and communicates something about my character/personality?”

Think of this prompt as a chance to show off your skills of observation and reflection. Even in 650 characters, try to paint a picture of your appreciation for one of life’s small moments.

5) When I think of diversity, I think of.. (650 characters)

Try to avoid going the stale “the dictionary definition of diversity is…” route. Get personal and share what being a part of a diverse community means to you. Remember, diversity can apply to race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, and gender. Even diversity of thought and political ideology are on the table here. The goal is to sincerely communicate your feelings toward being a member of a diverse Terrapin campus. In fact, 47% of current undergraduates identify as students of color.

6) Because we know that diversity benefits the educational experience of all students, the University of Maryland values diversity in all of its many forms.  This includes (but is not limited to) racial, socio-economic, gender, geographical, and sexual orientation.  We are interested in hearing about your own individual life experiences.  In a few sentences, will you please describe how you have learned, grown, been inspired or developed skills through one or more components of diversity.  (650 characters)

Remember, diversity can apply to race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, and gender. Even diversity of thought and political ideology are on the table here. The goal is to think about your experiences and observations in this realm—is there a particular situation, challenge, or aspect of your own (or someone else’s) identity that has enabled you to learn or grow in this area? Perhaps you’ve learned how to advocate for yourself or someone else, been exposed to a new way of thinking, learned how to have difficult conversations, educated others, or been inspired by a peer’s story. Bottom line: there are many possible options here, and UMD wants to understand how you would contribute to and/or support diverse spaces on campus.

How important are the UMD supplemental essays?

The essays at the University of Maryland are an “important” factor in their evaluation process, alongside class rank, recommendations, talent/ability, first-generation status, and state residency. This ranks higher than factors such as extracurricular activities, legacy status, race/ethnicity, or work experience.

Want personalized assistance with your UMD supplemental essays?

If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your UMD supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote  today.

  • College Essay

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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University of Maryland Supplemental Essays 2023-24

Wondering how to write your University of Maryland supplemental essays? If so, you’re in the right place. The UMD essay prompts are unique, both in length and style. In fact, all of the UMD supplemental essays are actually short-answer questions. So, applicants need to be strategic about their responses to the UMD prompts if they want to make their application stand out. 

In this guide to the UMD essays, we’ll go beyond just introducing you to the UMD essay prompts. You’ll find tips for building your short answer responses and for writing your all-important personal statement. If you are considering transferring to UMD, we also go over the UMD supplemental essays for transfer students. Finally, we will connect you to several other resources that can aid you in your essay writing journey. 

By the end of this guide, we hope to have answered most of your questions about applying to UMD. Then, you’ll have the tools you’ll need to write excellent University of Maryland supplemental essays. But, before we jump in, let’s start with some UMD Admissions Quick Facts.

UMD Supplemental Essays: Quick Facts

University of maryland admissions quick facts.

  • University of Maryland Acceptance Rate:  44% – If you’re considering applying early, note that the early acceptance rate at UMD is 47.7%.
  • 1 (~650 word) personal essay
  • 6 (~650 character) short answer questions
  • University of Maryland Application:  Students must submit their UMD application through the  Common Application or the StandOut Admissions Network . Prepare your  required application materials , including your University of Maryland supplemental essays, before applying . 
  • Early Action: November 1
  • Regular Decision: January 20 
  • University of Maryland Essay Tip:  Don’t overthink your responses to the University of Maryland supplemental essays. Go with an answer that feels authentic and then write concise and clear answers to the prompts. 

Please note that essay requirements are subject to change each admissions cycle, and portions of this article may have been written before the final publication of the most recent guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on essay requirements, check the university’s admissions website.

Does the University of Maryland have supplemental essays?

Yes – there are six University of Maryland supplemental essays. However, the UMD supplemental essays are very different from most other schools’ essay prompts. Let’s look at a few ways they differ.

Short Essays

First, the University of Maryland supplemental essays are very short. On average, supplemental essays range in word count from 150-300 words. The University of Maryland supplemental essays are described as short answer questions, and rightly so. The maximum length is 650 characters, which amounts to anywhere from 92 to 163 words, depending on your word length. With such limited space, you’ll need to be concise in your answers to the UMD College Park supplemental essays.

Quirky Questions

Secondly, the University of Maryland supplemental essays are focused on understanding who you are through different snapshots of your life. Many supplemental essays focus on your academic interests or why you want to attend a given college. However, the UMD supplemental essays ask seemingly random questions like “What did you do last Thursday?”. While the UMD essay prompts might seem random, they’re there for a reason: to take the pressure off! These fun prompts allow students to showcase a realistic and holistic perspective on who they are beyond being a student.

Six Prompts

Finally, there are six UMD supplemental essays. Most commonly, schools have one to two required supplemental essays and potentially an optional one. By offering six University of Maryland supplemental essays, UMD seeks to give students many ways to showcase who they are. And, since they’re all required, applicants have no choice but to make the most of their responses.

Next, let’s look at each of the UMD College Park supplemental essays and talk about how you might respond to each one.

UMD Supplemental Essay Requirements

As we shared above, there are six required University of Maryland supplemental essays. The word limit for each is 650 characters (between 92 and 136 words). In this section, we will start by breaking down what each of the UMD essay prompts is looking for. Then, we’ll get into how you can provide an answer that will impress University of Maryland admissions officers.

Here are the six UMD essay prompts, followed by some guidance about how to respond.

University of Maryland Prompt 1

If i could travel anywhere, i would go to….

The first of the UMD supplemental essays is a fun one. With this question, the school is looking to see your adventurous spirit come through. Answer authentically, while being specific. Avoid being too general by stating the name of a continent or a country. Instead, choose a city, town, or even neighborhood. And, avoid cliches that are overused, such as “I would travel to another time period.” You can generally avoid falling into the trap of cliches if you’re specific and answer in a heartfelt, honest manner.

University of Maryland Prompt 2

The most interesting fact i ever learned from research was… .

In the second of your University of Maryland supplemental essays, UMD is looking for evidence of your curious mindset. Feel free to interpret the word “research” broadly. While actual scientific research is valid to highlight, it’s not the only avenue to choose. You could also talk about a topic you did a deep dive on the internet to learn more about. Again, be specific about why this fact interested you. 

Second, connect your interest back to a personal value or an academic subject you enjoy. For example, maybe you were fascinated to learn that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch contains enough trash to fill 500 Jumbo Jets. You’d want to then speak to why this was important to you and if learning it had any impact on your future thoughts or actions.

University of Maryland Prompt 3

In addition to my major, my academic interests include… .

The third of your UMD supplemental essays is focused on your academic interests. The key to this prompt are the words, “In addition to my major.” This question is looking for insight into other fields of interest besides your stated major. The University of Maryland supplemental essays create space for you to highlight your various interests and demonstrate your intellectual curiosity.

To answer this question, consider other academic subjects that interest you. Note that you do not have to list a field, like mechanical engineering or business. Instead, you can provide specific topics that interest you. For example, maybe your academic interests include reading Shakespearean plays or learning Italian. Include a few sentences about why you are interested in this topic. Do you have fond memories of acting out Shakespearean plays in sophomore English? Maybe you have plans to one day travel to Florence, so learning Italian inspires you. Whatever you choose, be genuine.

University of Maryland Prompt 4

My favorite thing about last thursday was… .

Some students may read this UMD supplemental essay prompt and wonder why the school wants to know what happened last Thursday. The answer is simple – they want to know what you really value in your daily life. Don’t overthink your response. Rather, try to reflect upon your previous Thursday with wonder. What did you enjoy about that day? What was exciting, inspiring, or special? Maybe the weather was so cool and crisp that you felt inspired to go for a run. Or perhaps, you found out a friend won an award, and it made you happy to see that person honored. 

If you can’t remember what you did last Thursday, then pick any recent day you do remember. The school does not actually care about Thursday in particular, but rather the way in which you reflect upon your life. Use sensory details and explain why your answer is meaningful to you. Remember, even the little things can give your University of Maryland supplemental essays extra flair. 

University of Maryland Prompt 5

Something you might not know about me is… .

For some students, the most challenging of the UMD College Park supplemental essays is this one because of its open-endedness. However, rather than stress about trying to guess what might impress University of Maryland admissions officers, simply be yourself. This prompt allows you to highlight something that does not fit into any of the other prompts. So, you might wish to answer this question last.

Indeed, there is no “right” answer to this question. But you should still take time to think of something about yourself that is actually meaningful to you. Maybe you love waking up early on Saturdays to have pancakes with your family because it reminds you of how much you are loved. Maybe you paint portraits of your favorite hip-hop artists because you admire their music so much. As with all the UMD supplemental essays, being genuine and explaining why you chose your answer will be key.

University of Maryland Prompt 6

Because we know that diversity benefits the educational experience of all students, the university of maryland values diversity in all of its many forms. this includes (but is not limited to) racial, socio-economic, gender, geographical, and sexual orientation. we are interested in hearing about your own individual life experiences. in a few sentences, will you please describe how you have learned, grown, been inspired or developed skills through one or more components of diversity. .

The last, but certainly not least important, of the UMD College Park supplemental essays is the diversity question. The first step in answering this question is to remember that diversity is a broad term. Diversity can include things like your race, culture, or socioeconomic status. But it can also include where you grew up, unique childhood experiences, or challenges you may have faced. 

The key is to reflect upon your life experiences and how they have shaped you. For example, maybe you grew up in a family of self-starters, and this shaped your own desire to one day own a business. Or perhaps you were very sick as a child, and overcoming your illness taught you about patience and self-care. Whatever you choose, be sure to explain what this aspect of your life experience taught you. 

Besides your six University of Maryland supplemental essays, you will also submit a personal statement. Keep reading to learn more about what goes into your personal statement.

University of Maryland Personal Statement

In contrast to the six UMD College Park supplemental essays, your personal statement can be up to 650 words long. As such, you have much more space to express your thoughts. Your essay will respond to one of the seven Common App essay prompts.

To clarify, your University of Maryland personal statement is the same as your Common App personal statement. As such, your UMD personal statement will not be school-specific, but will instead contribute to your overall college application brand . So, think of your personal statement as a chance to write about a key part of your identity.

A well-written personal statement usually contains a story-like approach. This includes engaging elements like a hook and a story arc with a beginning, middle, and end. Many personal statements also include reflective moments where the student shares what they learned from the experience they are sharing. Read more about how to begin in this CollegeAdvisor resource on How to Start a Personal Statement.

UMD Essay Requirements – Transfer Students

If you are a transfer student, your University of Maryland supplemental essays will include a college transfer essay. What constitutes a transfer student? A transfer student is:

  • Any student that has at least 12 semester or 18 quarter hours after high school graduation AND
  • Is applying for admission at a new college

Your transfer application must accomplish a slightly different task of explaining to UMD why you wish to transfer schools.

Instead of a personal statement, transfer students will write a college transfer essay for their transfer application. Below is the prompt:

University of Maryland Transfer Students Essay Prompt

Please describe your past academic experiences and your reasons for wishing to enroll at umd at this point in your academic career. (300 words or less).

To effectively answer this question, transfer students must be clear about what specific aspect of studying at UMD appeals to them. Students who have been out of school for some time or have faced academic challenges should share more about those experiences in their responses. While there may be numerous reasons why you want to transfer, avoid speaking poorly of another school. Instead, focus on what makes you believe you will thrive at UMD.

Please note that your transfer application can only be submitted through the StandOut Admissions Network platform. The early action deadline for submitting a transfer application is: 

  • March 1 of the spring before the fall semester in which you wish to enroll OR
  • August 1 of the summer before the spring semester you wish to enroll

Next, we will explore some tips for writing your UMD supplemental essays.

Tips for approaching the UMD Supplemental Essays

Without a doubt, it can be daunting to see the six UMD essay prompts you have to respond to. After all, that’s a lot of UMD supplemental essays! Below are some tips for ensuring your responses are interesting and showcase the best version of yourself to UMD Admissions.

1. Be authentic

As always, authenticity is key. With these UMD College Park supplemental essays, the school is really trying to get to know multiple sides of you. If you try too hard to impress them, you are defeating the purpose of the UMD essay prompts. Ask friends and family to double-check your ideas and see whether they sound like you. Those who know you best can give valuable input.

2. Write first, then edit down

Some students feel frozen when they see the word count, not knowing how they can respond with only 650 characters. However, don’t worry about the length of your University of Maryland supplemental essays. Instead, write drafts that are as long as you need them to be. Then, go through your drafts and find the most critical ideas. These can be interesting details or insights that you believe are important. 

3. Avoid repetition

Since there are six UMD supplemental essays, you might be tempted to repeat topics or ideas. However, each 650-character essay is valuable real estate. Show something new about yourself in each of your UMD supplemental essays. Remember, Admissions is reading all six as a collection, not each one individually!

4. Share your why

For each of your University of Maryland supplemental essays, answer the question directly but be sure to share your why . Indeed, sharing why you chose an answer can often say as much or more about you than the answer itself. If I tell you my favorite color is blue, you’ve learned one simple fact. Now let’s say I add that my grandmother always wore blue at Sunday dinner and it reminds me of her. Now, you’ve learned that I value my family, miss my grandmother, and am nostalgic for dinners with her.

Next, we will take a deeper look at what the University of Maryland – College Park is known for. With this knowledge, you can write University of Maryland supplemental essays that demonstrate qualities that align with the school’s values.

What is the University of Maryland – College Park known for?

If you are considering applying to the University of Maryland, there is a lot you should know about the school. For one, the University of Maryland – College Park is a competitive public institution. According to U.S. News , the UMD acceptance rate is 44% and the school ranks #19 among top public universities . Similarly, Forbes ranked UMD #34 amongst its top colleges for 2023. As such, writing strong UMD supplemental essays is important to stand out against other qualified applicants. 

The University of Maryland – College Park is known for being the first campus in the UMD college system . The school is located in the suburb of College Park, Maryland. However, students also have easy access to the big cities of Baltimore and Washington, D.C. With over 30,000 undergraduates, UMD is a large campus with 12 colleges and more than 800 clubs and organizations. UMD is known for its excellent James Clark School of Engineering and Robert H. Smith School of Business, as well as its research initiatives. Lastly, UMD is known for its sustainability initiatives, with a plan in place to be carbon neutral by 2050.

As such a large school with so many resources, UMD College Park is likely to be a great fit for your studies . If you want to attend, keep reading to learn more about how to make your UMD supplemental essays stand out. 

How to make your University of Maryland Essays stand out!

If you want to beat the UMD acceptance rate, you’ll want your UMD supplemental essays to stand out from the pack. Here are a few tips for ensuring that they do:

1. Edit them well

Your UMD College Park supplemental essays are a chance to showcase who you are. But, they are also a chance to showcase your writing skills. Be sure to spend time editing for proper grammar, varied sentence structure, and clear transitions. Consider reading your essays out loud to catch errors. Also, ask a trusted advisor, like your CollegeAdvisor admissions expert or a teacher, to review your essays.

2. Include specific details

In each of your responses, include details that bring your response to life. Only having 650 characters for your UMD supplemental essays may feel limiting. But you can still include vivid imagery that helps to add some color to your essays.

3. Showcase your unique personality

As you write each of your UMD supplemental essays, make sure your voice is coming through. Avoid letting someone else edit your essays to the point where the voice no longer sounds like yours. The University of Maryland admissions officers want to know who you are, not an uncle or a friend. 

Next, we have even more places to find expert advice on how to write your University of Maryland supplemental essays.

More supplemental essay resources from CollegeAdvisor

Below are three CollegeAdvisor resources that might help you as you write your UMD College Park supplemental essays.

  • 8 College Essay Topics : This resource covers the most common types of supplemental essays. Two of the types described in this article – the personal statement and the diversity essay – are ones you will have to write for your UMD College Park supplemental essays.
  • How to Write Better Essays : This article provides tips for how to write essays of all kinds. From tips about your writing approach to ideas for how to choose topics, this article covers a lot of essay-writing ground. Review it before writing your University of Maryland supplemental essays.
  • Common App Essay Examples : Looking for examples of strong personal statements? This article will highlight ten of them and explain why each one was successful. Understanding what makes an essay strong can help you write even stronger University of Maryland supplemental essays.

Continue browsing through CollegeAdvisor’s resources to find lots of free advice for your University of Maryland supplemental essays.

The University of Maryland Supplemental Essays – Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve read this guide on the University of Maryland supplemental essays, you should be ready to start writing. In this article, we reviewed the UMD essay prompts, both for a freshman UMD application and a transfer UMD application. We also broke down tips for writing your UMD College Park supplemental essays. 

Inevitably, the college process has a lot of unknowns, which can be stressful. However, writing good University of Maryland supplemental essays is entirely in your control. With this guidance and support from trusted advisors, you can beat the UMD acceptance rate and pursue your college dreams.

This essay guide was written by senior advisor, Courtney Ng . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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does university of maryland have a supplemental essay

University of Maryland Supplemental Essays 2024 | Strategies and Insights for Success

University of Maryland Supplemental Essays

With over 56,000 applicants vying for a spot each year, the University of Maryland—College Park’s admissions process might seem like a numbers game focused solely on GPA and SAT scores. However, in a testament to their commitment to a holistic review process, prospective Terrapins are also tasked with completing six short “Complete this Sentence” supplemental essays alongside the 650-word Common App essay. As UMD’s acceptance rate continues to drop—it was just 34% last year—applicants must seize the opportunity presented by these short answer essays to differentiate themselves.

Let’s delve into the UMD supplemental essays for the 2023-24 admissions cycle and explore tips on how to approach each one.

Also read University of Maryland Acceptance Rate | Strategies and Insights for Admission Success 2024

University of Maryland Supplemental Essays

1) If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… (650 characters)

While it’s tempting to pick a well-known destination, this prompt invites creativity. Consider journeys beyond geographical borders—exploring a historical era, delving into a niche interest, or engaging in a unique cultural experience. Whether it’s unearthing fossils in Montana or conversing with historical figures, your choice should reflect depth and curiosity.

2) The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was… (650 characters)

Research isn’t limited to science labs. From psychological insights to historical revelations, fascinating discoveries abound. Share a compelling finding that resonated with you, regardless of the field. Remember, it’s about the significance of the knowledge gained, not the accolades earned.

3) In addition to my major, my academic interests include… (650 characters)

Embrace the opportunity to showcase your intellectual breadth. Whether it’s exploring interdisciplinary connections or pursuing passions outside your major, delve into diverse academic interests. From philosophy to artificial intelligence, highlight the richness of your scholarly pursuits beyond the confines of your chosen field.

UMD Supplemental Essays

4) My favorite thing about last Thursday was… (650 characters)

Ditch the mundane details and delve into the significance of a recent moment. Whether it’s a small victory, a meaningful interaction, or a moment of personal growth, reflect on what made last Thursday memorable. Use vivid language to convey the essence of this cherished experience in a brief snapshot.

5) When I think of diversity, I think of.. (650 characters)

Move beyond textbook definitions and share your personal perspective on diversity. Consider how diversity enriches the fabric of society and shapes your worldview. Whether it’s cultural heritage, individual experiences, or varied perspectives, articulate what diversity means to you and how it enhances the University of Maryland community.

6) Because we know that diversity benefits the educational experience of all students, the University of Maryland values diversity in all of its many forms. This includes (but is not limited to) racial, socio-economic, gender, geographical, and sexual orientation. We are interested in hearing about your own individual life experiences. In a few sentences, will you please describe how you have learned, grown, been inspired or developed skills through one or more components of diversity. (650 characters)

Reflect on how diversity has shaped your personal journey and contributed to your growth. Share a specific experience or insight that has broadened your perspective or deepened your understanding of others. Whether it’s advocating for inclusivity, navigating cultural differences, or fostering empathy, highlight the ways in which diversity has influenced your development and prepared you to thrive in a diverse academic environment.

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How Important are the UMD Supplemental Essays?

In the evaluation process at the University of Maryland, the supplemental essays carry significant weight. They are classified as an “important” factor, placing them alongside crucial considerations like class rank, recommendations, talent/ability, first-generation status, and state residency. Notably, these essays are weighted higher than factors such as extracurricular activities, legacy status, race/ethnicity, or work experience. Therefore, crafting thoughtful and compelling responses to the UMD supplemental prompts is essential for applicants aiming to stand out in the admissions process.

While the University of Maryland’s admission process considers various factors, the supplemental essays play a crucial role in showcasing applicants’ personalities, interests, and potential contributions to the campus community. As UMD becomes increasingly competitive, applicants must seize the opportunity presented by these essays to demonstrate their uniqueness and suitability for the university. By carefully crafting their responses, applicants can significantly enhance their chances of success in gaining admission to the University of Maryland.

Mastering UMD Supplemental Essays: Tips for 2022-23 Admissions

Mastering UMD Supplemental Essays: Tips for 2022-23 Admissions

Image Source: unsplash


The University of Maryland (UMD) supplemental essays are a crucial aspect of the application process for prospective students. While the main application provides an overview of an applicant's academic achievements and extracurricular involvement, the supplemental essays offer a deeper insight into their personality, values, and aspirations. These essays give admissions officers a chance to evaluate applicants beyond their test scores and grades, allowing them to understand the individual behind the application.

UMD offers a variety of prompts for their supplemental essays, each designed to elicit unique responses from applicants. These prompts often revolve around themes such as personal growth, community engagement , and intellectual curiosity. By exploring these themes in their essays, applicants have an opportunity to showcase their passions and experiences that align with UMD's core values.

Crafting compelling UMD supplemental essays requires careful thought and preparation. Applicants should take time to reflect on their own experiences and identify key moments or challenges that have shaped them personally or academically. It is important to choose prompts that resonate with them and allow them to highlight their strengths and unique qualities.

When writing UMD supplemental essays, it is essential to be authentic and genuine. Admissions officers are looking for individuals who will contribute positively to the campus community and demonstrate a strong fit with UMD's mission and values. Applicants should strive to convey their true selves through their writing, showcasing their passions, interests, and goals.

In addition to authenticity, it is important for applicants to pay attention to structure, grammar , and overall clarity in their writing. Clear organization of ideas helps readers follow along easily while proper grammar ensures effective communication of thoughts. Proofreading multiple times before submitting is crucial in order to catch any errors or inconsistencies.

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Common Themes and Prompts for UMD Supplemental Essays

The University of Maryland (UMD) supplemental essays play a crucial role in the admissions process. These essays provide applicants with an opportunity to showcase their personality, experiences, and goals beyond what is captured in their general application. Understanding the common themes and prompts for UMD supplemental essays can help applicants craft compelling responses that stand out to the admissions committee.

Theme 1: Diversity and Inclusion

One common theme in UMD supplemental essay prompts revolves around diversity and inclusion. The university values a diverse student body and wants to know how applicants will contribute to this inclusive community. For example, one prompt might ask applicants to discuss how they have contributed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment in their school or community.

To address this theme effectively, applicants should reflect on their experiences with diversity and inclusion. They can discuss instances where they have actively promoted inclusivity or worked towards breaking down barriers. It is important for applicants to demonstrate not only an understanding of diversity but also a commitment to fostering inclusivity throughout their academic journey.

Theme 2: Academic and Career Goals

Another common theme focuses on academic and career goals. UMD wants to understand how applicants envision utilizing their education at the university and beyond. For instance, one prompt might ask applicants to describe their intended major or field of study and explain why it aligns with their long-term goals.

When approaching this theme, it is essential for applicants to showcase their passion for their chosen field of study. They should articulate specific reasons why they are interested in pursuing that particular major or career path at UMD. Additionally, highlighting any relevant experiences or achievements can strengthen their response and demonstrate their dedication to achieving these goals.

Theme 3: Community Engagement

Community engagement is also an important aspect of the UMD experience, as the university encourages students to be active participants in both campus life and the broader community. Applicants may encounter a prompt asking them to discuss how they plan to engage with the UMD community and make a positive impact.

To craft a strong response for this theme, applicants should demonstrate their understanding of the importance of community engagement. They can discuss specific ways in which they have been involved in their current community and how they plan to continue this engagement at UMD. Whether through volunteering, leadership roles, or participation in clubs and organizations, applicants should highlight their commitment to making a difference and contributing to the UMD community.

By understanding these common themes and prompts for UMD supplemental essays, prospective applicants can approach their responses with clarity and purpose. It is important to remember that these essays provide an opportunity for applicants to showcase their unique qualities and experiences, so taking the time to craft thoughtful and compelling responses is crucial. With careful consideration and reflection, applicants can increase their chances of standing out in the competitive admissions process at the University of Maryland.

Tips and Strategies for Crafting Compelling Essays

Crafting compelling essays for the University of Maryland (UMD) supplemental application is a crucial step in standing out among other applicants. To help you in this process, here are some valuable tips and strategies to consider.

Tip 1: Start Early and Plan Ahead

Starting early and planning ahead is essential when it comes to writing your UMD supplemental essays. Giving yourself enough time allows for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing. It also helps alleviate stress and ensures that you submit your best work. Creating a timeline can be an effective way to stay organized throughout the essay-writing process. Break down the tasks into manageable chunks, setting specific deadlines for each stage. This approach will help you avoid last-minute rushes and allow for thorough revisions.

Tip 2: Show, Don't Tell

When crafting your UMD supplemental essays, it's important to remember the adage "show, don't tell." Instead of simply stating facts or making general statements, use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. This technique not only makes your essays more engaging but also allows admissions officers to get a glimpse of who you are as an individual. By providing vivid descriptions and personal experiences, you can make your essays more memorable and impactful.

Tip 3: Tailor Your Essays to UMD

Researching UMD thoroughly is crucial in order to tailor your essays specifically to the university. Take the time to explore UMD's website, read about its programs, faculty members, campus culture, and any recent initiatives or accomplishments. Incorporate this knowledge into your essays by highlighting how your interests align with what UMD has to offer. By demonstrating a genuine understanding of the university's values and opportunities, you can show admissions officers that you are genuinely interested in becoming part of their community.

Tip 4: Seek Feedback and Revise

Seeking feedback from others is an invaluable part of the essay-writing process. Share your drafts with trusted teachers, mentors, or family members who can provide constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Consider their feedback carefully and make revisions accordingly. It's important to remember that the revision process is not just about correcting grammar and punctuation but also about refining your ideas and ensuring clarity in your writing. By seeking feedback and revising your essays multiple times, you can polish them to perfection.

By following these tips and strategies, you can craft compelling UMD supplemental essays that showcase your unique qualities and demonstrate why you are a perfect fit for the university. Remember to start early, use specific examples, tailor your essays to UMD, and seek feedback throughout the process. Good luck!

In conclusion, understanding UMD supplemental essays is crucial for prospective applicants to the University of Maryland. These essays provide an opportunity for students to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations that may not be fully captured in other parts of their application. By carefully crafting compelling responses to the prompts, applicants can demonstrate their fit with the university's values and contribute to a diverse and vibrant campus community.

Throughout this blog post, we have discussed the importance of supplemental essays in the UMD application process. We have explored common themes and prompts that applicants may encounter, such as discussing academic interests, personal growth experiences, or contributions to the community. Additionally, we have provided tips and strategies for crafting compelling essays, including conducting thorough research on UMD's programs and resources, showcasing genuine passion and enthusiasm, and seeking feedback from trusted mentors or advisors.

As you embark on your journey towards applying to UMD for the 2022-23 admissions cycle, it is essential to start working on your supplemental essays early. Give yourself ample time to brainstorm ideas, draft multiple versions of your responses, and revise them until they truly reflect your unique voice and perspective. Remember that these essays are an opportunity to stand out from other applicants and make a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

We hope that this guide has provided you with valuable insights into mastering UMD supplemental essays. By following our tips and advice, you can approach these essays with confidence and increase your chances of securing admission to one of Maryland's premier institutions. Good luck with your application process!

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The Enrollment Confirmation Deadline Has Passed

We would like to inform you that the enrollment confirmation deadline has passed.

However, if you are still interested in attending the University of Maryland but need more time to enroll, please email our admissions office at [email protected] with “Confirmation Deadline Extension” in the subject line.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Freshman Application FAQs

Have questions about the University of Maryland (UMD) application process? We have answers. Save time by reviewing these frequently asked questions about the freshman application before contacting the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Students walking in front of Taliaferro Hall, a brick building with white columns.

Applying to UMD

Freshman students applying to UMD can do so using either the Common App or StandOut Admissions Network .

The freshman early action deadline for fall admission is November 1. If you submit a completed application by this deadline, you will receive priority consideration for admission to the university, merit-based scholarships and special programs . For more information, please review our complete listing of all application deadlines.

The November 1 early action deadline is non-binding. If you are admitted, you will have until May 1 to confirm your enrollment at UMD.

If you are unable to complete your application by the November 1 early action deadline, you can still be considered for admission if you submit a completed application and all required materials by the January 20 regular deadline.

Applications completed after the regular application deadline will only be reviewed on a rolling, space-available basis.

You can choose from a selection of essay questions. Please visit our Essay Questions page for more information.

The undergraduate admissions process is rigorous and individualized. UMD employs a holistic review process that utilizes 24 unique review factors .

Application Platforms

No. UMD employs a holistic review process that utilizes 24 unique review factors . The Admission Committee will undertake an individualized, rigorous and holistic review of each application, assessing academic merit, achievements and potential in the context of the opportunities and challenges the student faced.

No. The application fee is $75 on both platforms.

You can begin using the Common App at any point in your high school career. Once you create an account , you can complete the Common App tab and add schools to the My Colleges list.

You can begin using the StandOut Admissions Network platform at any time. Once you create an account , you can access the Profile, Locker and Colleges sections to organize items for your college application.

To share your contact information with UMD on the Common App, you must first create an account, opt-in to receiving messages from colleges and add UMD to your My Colleges list. Information entered on the Common App tab will later be incorporated directly into your application(s) when you begin the application process.

To share your contact information with UMD on the StandOut Admissions Network platform, you must first create an account and complete your profile. Profile information will later be transferred directly to your StandOut Admissions Network applications when you begin the application process. Once your profile is complete, you can search for the University of Maryland on the Colleges tab and select "add to list". Once added, you will be asked if you would like to opt-in to sharing your contact information with UMD. We will receive this information and add you to our mailing list.

If you are experiencing challenges with the Common App platform, account creation and/or password issues, you should seek assistance via the Common App’s Solutions Center .

For assistance with StandOut Admissions Network account creation, password issues and any challenges with the platform or tools, please contact StandOut's Help Center .

Application process and status questions should be emailed to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at [email protected] .

Completing Your Application

For an application to be complete, all items on the application checklist must be submitted and received by our office. Only completed applications will be reviewed and receive an admissions decision.

In Common App, counselors/teachers you've added to your "Invite and Manage Recommenders" list will be able to electronically submit your official transcript(s) through the School Report in addition to your letters of recommendation. This can be completed even after you've submitted your UMD application.

In StandOut Admissions Network, counselors/teachers you've sent requests to will be able to electronically submit your official transcript(s) and letters of recommendation. The documents will appear in your Locker and from there you must attach them to your application in order for them to be submitted.

For a list of acceptable submission methods, review our Submitting Documents page. Items submitted outside of Common App or StandOut Admissions Network can take up to 10 business days to process and reflect in your Terps Application Portal checklist.

Yes. UMD requires two letters of recommendation for a completed application: one from your school counselor and one from a teacher. If you have additional letters of recommendation you would like to submit, please feel free to do so.

Yes, we superscore both the SAT and ACT. We use the highest subscores from the SAT and ACT in our review of your application, so it is to your benefit to submit all of your test scores. Please note that we will accept scores from the redesigned SAT , first administered in March 2016, but these scores will not be combined with scores from the old SAT.

No, we do not require subject tests or scores from the writing sections of the SAT or ACT. Even if these scores are sent to us, they are not one of the 24 factors we review for admission.

Test Optional

Yes. UMD is currently test-optional and has extended this policy through to the Spring and Fall 2025 application cycles. This means that students applying between now and Fall 2025 will not be required to submit standardized test scores. Students can decide whether or not to include SAT/ACT scores with their application.

UMD first implemented its test-optional policy due to the limitations of testing in some areas hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. UMD is currently assessing the impact of this policy on our students and the admission process to inform its standardized test score requirement for application cycles beyond Fall 2025.

You will be able to indicate your test-optional status on your application.

No. Once you submit your application, your response to the test-optional question will be final and your status cannot be changed.

The Admission Committee will not consider submitted SAT/ACT test scores in the application review if the student has indicated that they would like their application to be evaluated without them.

The Admission Committee uses a holistic, full-file review. This means the Committee will consider all factors of your application including grades earned in academic coursework, trends in your grades, your performance in honors, International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement, A/AS level courses (when available in your school), your letters of recommendation, your essay, extracurricular activities and other achievements.

Yes. The review processes for merit scholarships and for our living-learning and other special programs will also be test-optional.

The review processes for Limited Enrollment Programs will also be test-optional.

Yes. Standardized tests such as the Duolingo English Test, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are still required for non-native English speakers. To learn more about this requirement, please visit our English Language Proficiency page.

After Submitting Your Application

You can track your application status and confirm receipt of application materials online through the Terps Application Portal (TAP). Within two business days after submitting your application, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create a TAP account. It may take up to 10 business days for recently submitted materials to be listed as received on your checklist and it is your responsibility to confirm receipt of all required materials.

Standardized test scores can take several weeks to process and be received by our office. Please confirm that the testing agency submitted your scores to the University of Maryland, College Park, using the SAT code 5814 or ACT code 1746. Applicants often send their scores to other institutions in the University System of Maryland by mistake.

If your scores were sent to the University of Maryland, College Park, confirm that the first, middle and last names indicated on your test are the same as those used on your application. Different spellings can result in scores not matching with application files.

If you have confirmed both of these details and still have questions, please email us at [email protected] for assistance.

Only materials received or postmarked by the deadline will be reviewed for admission. We cannot guarantee that new scores or materials received or postmarked after the deadline will be reviewed as part of your application

If you listed the incorrect social security number on your application, please email us at [email protected] using the subject line "SSN Error" and include your full name, date of birth and a message regarding the mistake. Do not include your corrected number or a copy of your card in your email to our office. Once we receive your email, we will provide you with next steps for resolving this issue.

If you intend to apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), it is important that you include your social security number on your application to ensure your FAFSA information is processed correctly.

Please email us at [email protected] using the subject line "App Demographic Info Changes". In the body of the email, please write your full name, date of birth and the high school you attend along with any demographic information that should be updated.

Our office will send you an email notification when your admission decision is ready. When you receive this email, you can view your admission decision online by logging in to your Terps Application Portal . For security and privacy reasons, we cannot reveal admission decisions over the phone or email.

If you are offered admission to UMD, you will also receive a general welcome letter from our office in the mail a few days later. Unlike the virtual letter, this hard copy will not include your major or university identification number (UID).

We are most interested in how you performed in your high school courses. Admission decisions will be based primarily on factors typically submitted in the application, although college credit may be used as one additional piece of information.

Costs & Aid

Visit the Office of Student Financial Aid website to review the estimated tuition and fees for UMD.

If you submit a completed application by the November 1 early action deadline, you will automatically be reviewed for all merit scholarships. No separate application is required.

If you plan to seek need-based financial aid, you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can submit your FAFSA prior to completing your UMD admission application. Be sure to include your social security number when submitting both your FAFSA and UMD application. We encourage you to review the Office of Student Financial Aid's website for information on the financial aid process and FAFSA FAQs .

UMD's priority deadline for submitting the 2024-25 FAFSA is April 1, 2024 . Our school code is 002103.

There are various types of financial aid available at UMD which can be classified as either need-based, meaning you and your family are not able to cover education expenses, or non-need based, which generally refers to aid you receive based on merit or qualification.

For admitted freshman students who applied by the November 1 early action deadline, financial aid decisions will be released electronically as soon as possible . Students awarded a merit scholarship will receive an email notification by April 1. Admitted freshman students who applied by the January 20 regular deadline are not considered for merit scholarships but will be notified in early April.

In order to qualify for in-state tuition, you must prove that you (or your parent/guardian if you're a financially dependent student) are a financially contributing citizen of the state of Maryland and have been so for at least one full year (12 consecutive months). To demonstrate eligibility for Maryland residency, you must submit the residency questionnaire portion of the admission application. Residency can be determined by factors such as holding a Maryland driver’s license, paying Maryland taxes and proving that the primary reason for living in Maryland is not to attend the university. For the full policy, please visit the Office of the Registrar 's website.

You may be eligible to receive these benefits at UMD. Information regarding veteran benefits can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

We do not need proof of military service and other related documentation until after you are offered admission to the university.

Arial image of the campus

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Responding to the University of Maryland Essay Questions


Written by Abigail Anderson on October 19th, 2018

  • essay prompts ,
  • writing college essays ,
  • If I could travel anywhere, I would go to...
  • The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was...
  • In addition to my major, my academic interests include...
  • My favorite thing about last Wednesday was...
  • Something you might not know about me is...
  • “Applicants…will enrich and benefit from the campus learning environment and the entire student body.”
  • “Our students are smart, involved, curious, and innovative.”
  • “While [grades and SAT scores] are important, we also want to know about your interests and background and what makes you unique.”
  • “The University educates students and advances knowledge in areas of importance to the State, the nation, and the world.”
  • Think strategically about how you can reflect UMD’s own values back to them in your answers.
  • Don’t be overly strategic to the point where your answers sound disingenuous or made up just for your application. UMD makes it very clear that their application review process is holistic and they are simply trying to learn more about their applicants. Your answers should sound (reasonably) like a 17-year-old.

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Supplemental Essay Guide 2024-25

What do the 2024-25 supplemental essay prompts really mean, and how should you approach them? CEA's experts are here to break them all down.

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University Of Maryland Admission Essay Writing Guide


Application Guide

Essay examples, what you need to write a university of maryland application essay.

Founded in 1856, the University of Maryland-College Park, also known as Maryland or UMD, is the flagship institution of the public university system and is also a public land-grant research university in Maryland. Through the years, the institution has multiplied across the states and is one of the most revered higher learning institutions in America. The university has a graduation rate of 85% and a 51% acceptance rate.

If you're in the application process for the University Of Maryland and are up against a tight essay deadline, StudyMoose offers a quick and reliable academic writing service to meet your specific needs.

Admission Requirements for Bachelor and for Graduate School

Admission requirements for bachelor and for graduate school include:

  • Graduate school application form; this can be in the generic form either in paper format or submitted digitally. The application form should reflect a resume with personal details, academic record, and the chosen program.
  • Academic transcripts include the results of any tests taken and the names of the referees.
  • University of Maryland admissions essay or statement of purpose
  • Reference letters for support purposes
  • Grad school test scores; in this case, standardized and internationally recognized tests such as PTE, GMAT, GRE, or TOEFL are most preferred.
  • Grad school application fees will cover the application process costs. For scholarship, students are to contact the admissions office directly to avoid being locked out.
  • Applicants must have a score at least 50% for four other modules excluding life orientation.
  • Applicants must also acquire a 30% score in LOLT (Language of Learning and Teaching) for college.
  • Applicants must also pass at least 6 out of the 7 subjects.

University of Maryland is a competitive institution, which explains the strict admission requirements. A bachelor’s degree is the surest way to proceed for master’s degree at the University of Maryland, thus the institution sets rigorous processes that must be followed to the satisfaction of the university. If you are looking for essay inspiration, our site has several samples that you can access online for guidance. You can also get a professional writer to offer the service at a cheap price if you would like to pay for a great application letter.

Why Write an Essay for University of Maryland

University of Maryland College Park supplement essay is a requirement for admission. The institution is a competitive ground and therefore applicants for bachelor degree courses are required to be equally competitive. Writing an essay can determine the selection process of an applicant seeing that the admission is most selective going by its 49% acceptance rate, and a 59.3% early acceptance rate. Half the successful applicants at the university have a 1270 and 1480 SAT Score range or an ACT score between 29 and 34. Given this level of competitiveness, a college park essay is meant to give an edge to the most ideal students who can combine academia and personability to make a sum of their personality.

For professor essays submitted by students are better placed to provide a conviction why a particular student is best suited for the course for university of Maryland. Thus, an essay, also known as a personal statement briefly sells the applicant as the ideal fit for the particular institution. These essays are evaluated together with high school transcripts to provide the complete competitiveness of an individual.

University of Maryland admissions essay follows specific prompts that are crafted to provide an engaging platform with the applicants. The idea is to ensure that a candidate provides a compelling personality through multiple related points. You may want to check the samples on our site written by expert essay writers.

Types of Essays for Students

While does not adhere to the traditional rules, it has certain categories that must be adhered to. For instance, the students are required to write essays that are persuasive, unique, descriptive, narrative, and expository. For graduate school students, the essays must have a capturing story that shows lessons learned from life’s challenges and obstacles. Furthermore, applicants must challenge a belief by countering and aligning their arguments. More so, the essays must indicate the applicant’s problem-solving skills and personal growth after overcoming challenges.

University of Maryland essay examples include prompts that question what captivates candidates, the topic of choice, and an applicant’s role model. The types of essays for students wishing to join the institution therefore include;

Personal Essays

These essays are used to determine the personality of an applicant and if they are a fit for the institution. These essays are used to bring out the focus on something that has impacted the applicant in the past, or the present and provide a broader outlook on how these experiences have shaped the applicant today.

Political Essays

These essays are used to determine the applicant’s feelings of present circumstances while proposing solutions to these circumstances. Often, political essays are used to gauge a candidate’s expository or persuasive skills.

Analytical Essays

University of Maryland application essays often apply this method when gauging applicants. Through analytical thinking, the admission board is in a better position to gauge an applicant’s ability to narrow down to the core components of an argument and provide thorough conclusions. Analytical essays are used to showcase expository writing and thinking.

Compare-and-contrast Essays

These are common essays that are used to weigh a student’s ability to provide similarities and differences between two subjects by comparing and contrasting them against each other. In such instances, an applicant may be asked to compare and contrast two historical figures.

Argumentative Essays

College Park essays may include argumentative topics for or against a particular conviction. In this case, these types of essays are used to defend or argue about raging policies. In some instances, these essays are used to point out the correlation between two contrasting policies.

Humorous Essays

For college students, humorous essays are used to showcase their sense of humor and overall their personality. In this case, applicants may be asked to write essays meant to elicit laughs and entertainment for professor, through a recount of a funny event in an applicant’s life. Satire and sarcasm can be applied in this case to provide humor.

Regardless of the type of essay, applicants need to proofread and get rid of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and use the correct tone throughout the essay. University of Maryland admissions essay must be persuasive and apply writing techniques that will vividly express the point of view. Tonal variation, words used and presentation can make the ideal difference of an essay structure.

Pointers when Writing an Essay for College

University of Maryland application essay requires candidates to use the right words to provide a concise presentation. In this case, applicants are required to answer some rapid-fire questions that can put them at an advantage to join the university. Some of these questions include;

  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go to?
  • What is the most interesting fact that you have learned from research?
  • Aside from your major, what are your other academic interests?
  • Your favorite thing about last week was?
  • Something interesting about you is?

These rapid questions are meant to help applicants budget their words and energy. With a word limit of 160 characters, the University of Maryland essay encourages applicants to make every word count and to shed off unnecessary details and information for students.

University of Maryland essays that worked required applicants to brainstorm and have a clear mind when applying. These rapid questions are not looking for a specific answer. Rather, they challenge the applicants to be creative and authentically showcase their personalities. For college students, it is important to have a free and imaginative mind to write down as many things as possible. It is also important to set a timer and write as many words as the character limit allows within a specific time.

Often, students limit themselves thinking that their ideas are too silly and senseless. However, there is no such thing and it is advisable for students to just trust their gut and go with the flow when writing University of Maryland essays. Writing these essays with a clear mind can help applicants come up with unique and authentic answers, which are a key advantage to getting admission for university.

University of Maryland College Park supplement essay seeks to test an applicant’s authenticity, creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor. All these summed up can paint a clear picture of an applicant’s personality. As such, applicants must aim for breadth and top-notch creativity when applying for college.

University of Maryland admissions essay encourages applicants to stretch their imagination and creativity beyond the classroom and engage opportunities that can not only improve their academic lives but also their personal growth long after they are done for graduate school. The aim is to ensure that students have a fulfilling academic and personal life and this can only be achieved through provoking minds beyond academia. The rapid-fire questions are also meant for university applicants to showcase the speed of their thought process when put under pressure, and the authenticity of their answers within a short time and with limited words. This helps with the elimination process especially for competitive courses at the institution.

Main Faculties at the University Of Maryland

There is a total of 2,615 faculties at the University of Maryland. Out of the total, 1,843 are full-time, and 772 are part-time. While there are various faculties at the institution, the three main faculties are; tenured faculty, on tenure, and not on the tenure track. The University of Maryland-College Park has a balanced student to faculty ratio, with both full-time instructors and adjunct professors. The university’s faculty listings indicate the name for professor, graduate faculty status, academic credentials, and positions. The most popular majors for students at the university include;

  • Computer Science
  • Criminology
  • Political Science
  • Finance, Biology/Biological Sciences
  • Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
  • Mechanical Engineering.

Once an applicant is sure of the course they wish to pursue at the university, it is important to go through a list of University of Maryland college park essay requirements and understand what will make them stand out from the rest. The trick is to avoid a lackluster Maryland essay and instead write authentic, humorous, and ingenious essays that can make an applicant stand out from the rest. For bachelor courses, these essays are used to determine a candidate’s personality and if they are a match for the institution. These positions are highly competitive; therefore, it is important for applicants to write equally competitive essays. If writing isn’t your strongest suit, you can buy a sample from our site as we have several that will suit your application.

History of the University Of Maryland

The University of Maryland-College Park has eleven campuses, in addition to two major research and service components. As the twelfth largest university in the US, the institution has continued to attract applications not only from across the country but also across the globe. Today with its twelve schools and colleges, the institution has over 40,000 students representing all fifty states and a global alumnus of over 388,000. Maryland is a likable institution because it offers over 200 degree-granting courses, which include 92 undergraduate majors, over 105 programs for master’s degree or for internship, and 83 doctoral programs. As an active member of the Association of Universities, UMD has continued to receive research funding from various agencies such as NASA, FDA, and the Department of Homeland Security, giving it an edge over many higher learning institutions in the US.

In 2016, UMD, College Park, and the University of Maryland-Baltimore managed to formalize their strategic partnership. The University of Maryland Baltimore is the founding institution of all of Maryland’s public university system. The institution is home to nationally recognized programs such as law, social work, dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. The strategic partnership with UMD created more innovative medical, scientific, and educational programs, making it a more attractive institution for students looking to join higher learning institutions.

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University of Maryland supp essay

Can someone help me answer one of Marylands essay prompt. I don’t know how to start or what to say.

The prompt is, “When I think about diversity, I think of…”

Parents, can you please let me know information on some or all of below questions:

If parents or family is not qualified for financial aid, then is FAFSA needed? can you please let me know if you filled out a FAFSA form for Banneker Key scholarship?

Does UMD have supplemental essays? D says she could not find it on coalition app or on their website. Does UMD have any supplemental essays or honors essays?

for one of the scholarships (not Banneker Key), the website says they will consider following “academic achievement, extracurricular activities, awards, honors, and an essay.” https://admissions.umd.edu/finance/freshman-merit-scholarships

can you please let me know how to find that essay topic for this scholarship?


It’s a;ways good to fill out the FAFSA, even if you are not qualified for financial aid, because you never know your family’s situation may change over the next several years.

UMD does require an essay. Here is a list of essay questions that I found on the following link



Please answer one of the following essay questions in your application. Make sure to include the question itself at the start of your essay. Your essay should be no more than 550 words; the question will not be included in the essay total word count. 1.Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. 2.Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution. 3.Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs? 4.What is the hardest part of being a teenager now? What’s the best part? What advice would you give a younger sibling or friend (assuming they would listen to you)? 5.Submit an essay on a topic of your choice.

These may be last year’s questions. The questions should appear at some point when you are filling out the Coalition App. I cannot give more detail, since the Coalition App was not in use when my D applied back in 2014. UMD also had several short answer questions back then.

  • As far as I know, none of the Merit Scholarships require an additional essay and none of the Special Programs (Honors, Scholars, etc.) require an additional essay.

It is Very Important to submit you application by the Priority Deadline (Nov !) to be considered for Merit Scholarships and Special Programs.

@SoofDad , Thank you for the reply.

for #2 , Those 5 essay options exactly match the coalition app essay options.

Our high school guidance counselor asked us not to work on coalition app for the time being. So do not know if there are any short answer questions or supplementary questions in the coalition app this year.

It would be very helpful if anyone who has already started or completed coalition app can confirm if there are any short answer questions.

As an aside, my daughter hated using the coalition app and it was not as user friendly as the common app. Unfortunately UMD was the only school she applied to not on the common app. She especially had trouble getting the LORs uploaded (or the teachers did) so leave yourself enough time if there are glitches.

I thought there was a supplemental essay last year but don’t remember (and my daughter is already away at school so I can’t ask her).

FWIW, we opted not to fill out the FAFSA. I ran a ton of NPC and knew we’d qualify for zero aid anywhere and many of the schools dd applied to were need aware.

There are short answer questions (160 words) for the UMD application. They are on the Coalition App. If I could travel anywhere, I would go… The most interesting fact I learned from research was… In addition to my major, my academic interests include… My favorite thing about last Wednesday was… Something you might not know about me is…

@firstwavemom ,

Thank you so much for posting the essay questions. Are these 5 essay questions mandatory or optional? how many are students required to write (is it 2 out of 5 or something like that)

are these questions for a specific major or common questions for all majors?

are there any additional questions for honors?

I apologize for asking for this information. This is mainly because the school as asked us to stop using coalition app. My kid already created an account and added colleges, but received an email from school to stop working on coalition app.

@learning19 The questions, I believe, were optional (2 years ago, they were labeled as “supplementary questions” on UMD’s own application portal). But, if you’re given the option to answer them, why wouldn’t you?

You should answer all of them. I’ve heard that the short answer questions help UMD admissions get a better sense of what kind of person you are and that can influence what programs you get into, scholarships, etc. There’s no separate or individual application/questions/etc for Honors/Scholars/FIRE/majors/any other program.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

I am not sure the reason why your school counselor asked you to stop working on coalition. My D is the freshman at UMD this year. I recall the coalition or the common apps became live starting August 1. What we did was to create an account and fill out the profile (personal info) areas, as well as look at the prompt questions before the end of summer last year. She would work on the essay offline until she was ready to copy and paste onto the coalition app. To her, it was helpful to know what the essay questions and the requirements were before working on them. If your child wants to be considered for any merit based scholarship, make sure you apply by Nov. 1. No additional essays required for merit scholarship consideration. Good luck.

I do not think they are optional. Your child should answer all of them since they are not long. I don’t think s/he needs to spend a lot of time on them. I agree with @whenyoubelieve that the answers are meant to give the AOs insight into the applicant’s personality and interests.

The MD responses are limited to 160 characters not words, not including spaces. Should be relatively painless.

You don’t have to have long, elaborate answers to all of the questions either. In my son’s year, one prompt was something like “something you didn’t expect from volunteering was” and his answer was “money” (that’s it, one word). Another was something about a day of the week, and his answer was “I got my driver’s license.” A friend told me to a prompt like “I feel empowered (or invincible?) when” her daughter’s answer was “I eat chocolate.”

Thank you all parents for answering questions. to all who asked why applying with coalition app was stalled earlier: our teachers were not able to upload recommendations using coalition app due to technical difficulties in app…they are now using naviance to send the recommendations.

Can someone let me know the following doubts:

once the coalition app shows complete status of application, should student create an UMD account or contact undergraduate admissions to see if anything is pending?

so far there is no email from UMD about portal where application decision can be checked.

Where and how does UMD announce about application decision?

DD received an email saying to check the coalition app website at a certain time to see the admission decision. It was horrible because it took over an hour to connect with the website. (I’m sure the system was overwhelmed with all the applicants checking). Then it took another hour to connect to the scholars program site where she was also accepted. She was very underwhelmed and frustrated with the coalition app in general and the communication with UMD.

I honestly don’t remember if she had portal for UMD.

PS Her recommenders also had issues uploading the LORs.

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I am a high school junior, and I'm starting to work on my UMD application. I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions on how to tackle the supplemental essays successfully? Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi there! It's great that you're planning ahead to tackle the UMD supplemental essays. Fortunately, CollegeVine has an article breaking down each of the school's prompts, which you can find here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-maryland-essays

Remember, the supplemental essays are an opportunity to show admissions officers who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Make sure your passion, personality, and growth shine through in your writing. Good luck!

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  1. Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    Essay Questions. The essay is just one of the 24 factors we use as part of our holistic application review. The essay provides you with the opportunity to showcase aspects of your personality and experiences that fit well with the University of Maryland (UMD) community. When considering your approach to your essay, take time to think about your ...

  2. How to Write the University of Maryland Essays 2023-2024

    The University of Maryland does not have traditional supplemental essays, but it does have six required "complete this sentence" prompt. Your answers to these questions will need to be within 650 characters, but you'll have plenty of space to reveal unique and distinctive parts of your personality to the admissions committee ...

  3. 2023-24 University of Maryland (UMD) Supplemental Essays

    2023-24 University of Maryland (UMD) Supplemental Essays - Prompts and Tips - College Transitions. September 8, 2023. With more than 56,000 applicants per year, you might think that the University of Maryland—College Park admissions committee would want to create a fast-paced assembly line for application reviews that is 99% based on the ...

  4. University of Maryland Supplemental Essays 2023-24

    First, the University of Maryland supplemental essays are very short. On average, supplemental essays range in word count from 150-300 words. The University of Maryland supplemental essays are described as short answer questions, and rightly so. The maximum length is 650 characters, which amounts to anywhere from 92 to 163 words, depending on ...

  5. University of Maryland 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    University of Maryland 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 6 short answers of 650 characters. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Short Answer ...

  6. How to Write the University of Maryland Supplement 2023-2024

    UMD, or the University of Maryland, is a public land-grant research university in College Park, Maryland. It's a big college with about 30,000 undergrads, 12 schools, and more than 90 majors for undergraduates. There is a lot to love about UM, including excellent academics and sports. Last year, their acceptance rate was 34.3%.

  7. How to Write the University of Maryland Supplement 2022-2023

    How to Write the University of Maryland Supplement 2022-2023. The University of Maryland, sometimes called UMD, is a public land-grant research university located in College Park, Maryland. Maryland has great academics and is part of the Big Ten Conference. UMD has about 30,000 undergrads, 12 colleges/schools, and more than 90 majors for ...

  8. University of Maryland Supplemental Essays 2024

    University of Maryland Supplemental Essays . 1) If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… (650 characters) While it's tempting to pick a well-known destination, this prompt invites creativity. Consider journeys beyond geographical borders—exploring a historical era, delving into a niche interest, or engaging in a unique cultural ...

  9. Supplemental Essays at UMD: What's Required?

    The University of Maryland, like many institutions, understands that they are selecting students, not just grades and scores, and that's where the supplemental essays come in. They offer a chance for you to showcase your personality and how you could contribute to their vibrant community. Yes, UMD requires applicants to complete supplemental ...

  10. Mastering UMD Supplemental Essays: Tips for 2022-23 Admissions

    Introduction. The University of Maryland (UMD) supplemental essays are a crucial aspect of the application process for prospective students. While the main application provides an overview of an applicant's academic achievements and extracurricular involvement, the supplemental essays offer a deeper insight into their personality, values, and aspirations.

  11. University of Maryland, College Park

    Diversity Essay. Required. Because we know that diversity benefits the educational experience of all students, the University of Maryland values diversity in all of its many forms. This includes (but is not limited to) racial, socio-economic, gender, geographical, and sexual orientation. We are interested in hearing about your own individual ...

  12. Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    We would like to inform you that the enrollment confirmation deadline has passed. However, if you are still interested in attending the University of Maryland but need more time to enroll, please email our admissions office at [email protected] with "Confirmation Deadline Extension" in the subject line. Sincerely,

  13. Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    Standardized test scores can take several weeks to process and be received by our office. Please confirm that the testing agency submitted your scores to the University of Maryland, College Park, using the SAT code 5814 or ACT code 1746. Applicants often send their scores to other institutions in the University System of Maryland by mistake.

  14. Supplemental Essays at University of Maryland?

    As for the University of Maryland's application, they typically require applicants to answer a few short supplemental essay questions. Be sure to research specific information about the University, its academic programs, extracurricular offerings, and any unique opportunities available to students when answering these prompts.

  15. Responding to the University of Maryland Essay Questions

    The University of Maryland is one of the five colleges and universities that accepts only the Coalition Application.And while they require a student to upload a response to one of the five Coalition Application essay prompts, UMD also ask students to reply to five additional, or "supplemental," fill-in-the-blank questions as well. These additional questions read: To tell us more about ...

  16. Supplemental Essay Guide 2024-25

    What do the 2024-25 supplemental essay prompts really mean, and how should you approach them? CEA's experts are here to break them all down. ... Georgia State University 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide ... University of Maryland 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide. Read more » ...

  17. University Of Maryland Supplemental Essay Prompts Writing Guide ️ Free

    University of Maryland College Park supplement essay seeks to test an applicant's authenticity, creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor. All these summed up can paint a clear picture of an applicant's personality. As such, applicants must aim for breadth and top-notch creativity when applying for college.

  18. How to Write the University of Maryland Supplement 2021-2022

    Write a short description of why as well as where--i.e. "I'd like to go to Verona, Italy, to see my grandmother's hometown with her.". These can be personal (the previous example), or more whimsical: "I'd like to go to Haight-Ashbury in 1967, to see the Summer of Love.". Feel free to be creative. This can be shorter than the ...

  19. PDF Application for Graduate Admission Supplementary Application

    and what experiences have brought you to this point of wanting an education from the iSchool, the History Department, and the University of Maryland. This supplemental essay looks towards the future. In approximately 500 words, please address: • How does the HILS degree from the University of Maryland fit into your future career plans?

  20. University of Maryland, Baltimore County

    Select-A-Prompt Essay. Required. 650 Words. In reviewing applications, the Honors College places special emphasis on the written material submitted. The strength of the high school curriculum and GPA are also very important. First-year students who wish to apply to the Honors College should have a high school GPA of 3.5 or better.

  21. University of Maryland supp essay : r/ApplyingToCollege

    You may already know this, but this isn't a real essay just 300 characters! So you really only need two or three sentences. You could refer to a diverse community you are part of, and experience you had that connects with diversity, or what the effects of diversity are! This link isn't for UMD specifically but it does have good advice for ...

  22. UMD essays

    5.Submit an essay on a topic of your choice. These may be last year's questions. The questions should appear at some point when you are filling out the Coalition App. I cannot give more detail, since the Coalition App was not in use when my D applied back in 2014. UMD also had several short answer questions back then.

  23. UMD supplements advice?

    Remember, the supplemental essays are an opportunity to show admissions officers who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Make sure your passion, personality, and growth shine through in your writing.

  24. Dietary Supplements

    To contact the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs, email: [email protected] To reach FDA's Food and Cosmetics Information Center, call: 1-888-SAFEFOOD (1-888-723-3366) Content current as of: