Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur Essay (Biography)

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The phrase “a failure is a man who blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience” by Elbert Hubbard lingers in many minds as far as finding its implication is concerned. Just like many other quotes associated with Hubbard, it remains immortal due to its relevance over time, beyond many generations in the past and even in the future. This quote in particular, has become synonymous with lives of people.

The essence of the above phrase lies on the fact that a failure is not a failure until one learns from it to avoid failure in the future. It, therefore, implies that we should learn from our mistakes and strive to look at past inefficiencies so that we are able to mitigate any repeat in the future. The author acknowledges that it is in human nature to ‘fall’ but be caution, to learn from the past mistakes and to benefit in building a formidable future as a result of the experience gained from the past.

In this regard, this essay seeks to link between the phrase by this great American philosopher and the life and times of the great entrepreneur, Steve Jobs. Spector (1985) interrogates the inadequacies that Jobs faced in his life and how he took them positively trying to improve his lifestyle and his commitment towards making a positive contribution to the society. (Stross, 1993)

Throughout his life he was able to face hurdles which were some kind of a stepping stone towards success, manifested through the empire and legacy that he built with the aim of improving the life standard of this generation and the generations to come. The adoption of the above phrase enabled Steve Jobs to be immortal even with his passing on.

Steve Jobs was born in an ordinary family and led an ordinary life, nonetheless, he managed to climb the ladder of life by doing ordinary things in an ordinary way. In such a simple way he became one of the most celebrated people of all times in the electronics field. (Young, 1988)

He lived with his parents (adopted) and was frequently engaged in working on electronics with his father who taught him determination and resilience, requisite virtues for success. He practiced diligence and innovative approach in his work as far as creativity was concerned. His elementary school life was not flowery as he had difficulty to communicate with his peers and occasionally had to bribed his elementary school teacher because of his studying (Butcher,1987).

In spite the challenges Steve Jobs encountered in elementary school, he was able to forge ahead not loosing focus in life and not giving up his interests. The quote by Hubbard applied in his life to the latter. His life in high school entailed spending free time at computer related work.

He would go to Hewlett-Packard, where he encountered a valuable friendship with Steve Wozniak, a computer wizard. They blended well and had mutual friendship that was close to admiration. Time after high school was full of intrigues as he dropped from Reed College after attending for only half a year.

The rest of the year he inconsistently attended creative lessons only to find something interesting in typography. Determination was a virtue he would not have identified both his interests and his talent with. He did not look at the challenges he was facing at school but fought hard for a place in life. Being in constant search for spiritual fulfillment, he visited India where he used psychedelic drugs and later rejoined his friend Wozniak to cofound what is today a brand name Apple (Alison, 1996).

They started it on a humble background by selling Jobs’ vehicle (Volkswagen bus), while a friend of his patted with his calculator. Challenges and hardships they experienced couldn’t stop their desire to succeed in life. In spite of the turbulent tides, they fought and did their best to remain focused building a worldwide venture. Notwithstanding his unique school life, Jobs offered a complementary hand to his friend and they became business partners.

The two friends, Wozniak and Jobs, introduced a new edge to the computer world by diverging a new approach in the industry. They used a different technological approach that was focused on production of relatively smaller components that were affordable and competitive in the market (Levy, 1994). Their models were easy to use in comparison with the products the market offered at that moment. There initial model was Apple1.

It made a fortune and brought a lot of rewards. Within three-year-time they were working harder to introduce another product Apple11. Their income increased by over seven hundred percent. Within one decade of their existence in the market, they had made a brand name that was the best in the world of computers.

The phrase, “a failure is a man who blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience” by Hubbard is applicable here. They have used their chance and improved the first Apple model rather than neglected it. In a spun of three years they had used their previous experience to make Apple11. This enabled Steve Jobs and his colleague to bank seven hundred folds much.

Apple as a company had misdoings especially on the subsequent models. That resulted in reducing sale rates of the product. Some of them were even recalled due to the consumer complaints. Other brands like IBM gave them a run for their money. In middle 80s they introduced the Macintosh approach that did little to edge out IBM, a key competitor, from the market. Then the board developed squabbles with Steve Jobs forcing his resignation in the year 1985.

Just like our guiding quote has it, he did not tire, he started another firm by the name NeXT, Inc instead. That followed with acquisition of an Imation company with a subsequent great deal of resilience and determination putting forth focus to excel (Wozniak, Jobs, 2006). He renamed it Pixar Studios.

Steve Jobs did not major on the challenges that had become of his former work place. He came back and managed to make a formidable force to reckon with the animation world. His new venture was successful but could not permeate the American market forcing it to merge with Apple where Steve Jobs got back his leadership role (CEO) back (Duncan, 2004).

Banking on lessons of the past failures, Steve Jobs reinvented Apple by use of innovative ways bringing some changes to the management. They were able to meet the customer demands by working different models that came with a stylish touch. Today Apple is a brand name that has cut a niche in the American market and the world at large.

This has seen its competitors struggling to match its revolutionary products that are hard to match especially due to customer loyalty (Bently, 2011). They have created i-Phones that cannot be matched in the market, this is not to forget the i-Pods and programs like i-Tunes that is amongst the leading American music gadgets. The success attributed to the Founder and CEO, Steve Jobs has made the company earn an accolade as the most respected company in the world.

This is fundamental because of the shape focus that Steve Jobs managed to put not being discouraged by past failures but forging on with an attempt geared towards improving those failures so that success was reached. The company became so successful to the point of having no debt liability, something not very easy to attain in the business world. (Linzmayer, 2004)

Steve Jobs’ personal life is also a manifestation of improvement of the past mistakes. Starting with his days at the elementary school where he had difficulties coping with the school system to the extent of taking bribes so as to read. (O’Grady, 2008) That reflected on the challenges he experienced.

And looking at his days at high school, it’s seen that his weakness in following school curriculum was evident. (Harper, 2011) He struggled to remain successful in the school setup and he struggled to be successful in life. His health life especially on his last days depicts him as a person who did not want to face reality because he postponed a surgery to remove cancer. He instead opted for other types of medication. He later accepted to undergo the surgery and that was another success. (Simon, 2005)

It is self evident that the quote, “a failure is a man who blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience” is relevant and applicable in analysis of the life and times of Steve Jobs. His path was a life of ups and downs and he did very little to make history and touch the lives of many people.

He was born and adopted, the fact he learned when he was 27 years old. He became positive in life and lived peacefully and happily with his foster parents. He went to school and had some challenges in schooling starting with elementary level where he had problems coping with curriculum and making friends.

This followed high school years where he frequently dropped on and off from school until such a time that he identified an area, typography, his interests were concentrated at. In starting the Apple Company, he encountered financial challenges that made him sell his valuable vehicle. To him attaining his dream overshadowed all other challenges. This was followed with being locked out of Apple as the CEO (Bilton, 2011).

He did not take the challenges negatively, instead of that he went and built another company that excelled in all respects to an extent of merging with the Disney and later becoming the greatest share holder. (Bob, 2007) His successful venture enabled him return to Apple and continue being the CEO on a position he held until his demise. Truly his path was a life well lived, he rectified his mistakes to improve his future life.

Alison, M. 1996. Building a Bulging War chest, The New York Times . 26August 2011

Bently, P. 2011. Steve Job’s biological mother doesn’t know he is dead. London daily

Bilton, N., 2011.Apple is the most valuable company. New York times .9 August 2011

Bob, E, 2007.Appeal court says Jobs can’t raze Woodside mansion. San Francisco Chronicles10 January 2007. Retrieved

Butcher, L, 1987. Accidental Millionaire : The rise and fall of Steve Jobs at Apple . Paragon House.

Duncan, C , 2004. The guardian profile: Steve Jobs. The Guardian (UK). 31 March2006

Harper, C, Q 2011.Steve jobs: a relentless rise in graphs and charts

Levy, S., 1994. Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer that Changed Everything. Penguin Books .

Linzmayer, O, W., 2004. Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World’s Most Colorful Company. No Starch Press. ISBN 1-59327-01

O’Grady, J. (2008). Apple Inc. Greenwood Press.

Simon, W, L, Young, J, S, 2005. Icon: Steve Jobs, The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business . John Wiley & Sons

Spector, G, 1985. Apple’s Jobs Starts New firm, PC week.p p.109

Stross, R. E. (1993). Steve Jobs and the NeXT Big Thing. Atheneum. ISBN 0-689-1213-0 pp. 117, 120, 246.

Wozniak, Steve (2006). IWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I invented the personal computer, co-founded Apple and had fun doing it . W. W. Norton & Co.

Young, J, S., 1988. Steve Jobs: the Journey is the Reward . Scott, Foresman & Co

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 9). Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur.

"Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur." IvyPanda , 9 May 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur'. 9 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur." May 9, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur." May 9, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur." May 9, 2019.

In 1976, Steve Jobs cofounded Apple Computer Inc. with Steve Wozniak. Under Jobs’ guidance, the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technologies, including the iPhone and iPad.

steve jobs smiles and looks past the camera, he is wearing a signature black turtleneck and circular glasses with a subtle silver frame, behind him is a dark blue screen

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Quick Facts

Steve jobs’ parents and adoption, early life and education, founding and leaving apple computer inc., creating next, steve jobs and pixar, returning to and reinventing apple, wife and children, pancreatic cancer diagnosis and health challenges, death and last words, movies and book about steve jobs, who was steve jobs.

Steve Jobs was an American inventor, designer, and entrepreneur who was the cofounder, chief executive, and chairman of Apple Inc. Born in 1955 to two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave him up for adoption, Jobs was smart but directionless, dropping out of college and experimenting with different pursuits before cofounding Apple with Steve Wozniak in 1976. Jobs left the company in 1985, launching Pixar Animation Studios, then returned to Apple more than a decade later. The tech giant’s revolutionary products, which include the iPhone, iPad, and iPod, have dictated the evolution of modern technology. Jobs died in 2011 following a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

FULL NAME: Steven Paul Jobs BORN: February 24, 1955 DIED: October 5, 2011 BIRTHPLACE: San Francisco, California SPOUSE: Laurene Powell (1991-2011) CHILDREN: Lisa, Reed, Erin, and Eve ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Pisces

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco to Joanne Schieble (later Joanne Simpson) and Abdulfattah “John” Jandali, two University of Wisconsin graduate students. The couple gave up their unnamed son for adoption. As an infant, Jobs was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant, and Paul was a Coast Guard veteran and machinist.

Jobs’ biological father, Jandali, was a Syrian political science professor. His biological mother, Schieble, worked as a speech therapist. Shortly after Jobs was placed for adoption, his biological parents married and had another child, Mona Simpson. It was not until Jobs was 27 that he was able to uncover information on his biological parents.

preview for Steve Jobs - Mini Biography

Jobs lived with his adoptive family in Mountain View, California, within the area that would later become known as Silicon Valley. He was curious from childhood, sometimes to his detriment. According to the BBC’s Science Focus magazine, Jobs was taken to the emergency room twice as a toddler—once after sticking a pin into an electrical socket and burning his hand, and another time because he had ingested poison. His mother Clara had taught him to read by the time he started kindergarten.

As a boy, Jobs and his father worked on electronics in the family garage. Paul showed his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics, a hobby that instilled confidence, tenacity, and mechanical prowess in young Jobs.

Although Jobs was always an intelligent and innovative thinker, his youth was riddled with frustrations over formal schooling. Jobs was a prankster in elementary school due to boredom, and his fourth-grade teacher needed to bribe him to study. Jobs tested so well, however, that administrators wanted to skip him ahead to high school—a proposal that his parents declined.

While attending Homestead High School, Jobs joined the Explorer’s Club at Hewlett-Packard. It was there that he saw a computer for the first time. He even picked up a summer job with HP after calling company cofounder Bill Hewlett to ask for parts for a frequency counter he was building. It was at HP that a teenaged Jobs met he met his future partner and cofounder of Apple Computer Steve Wozniak , who was attending the University of California, Berkeley.

After high school, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Lacking direction, he withdrew from college after six months and spent the next year and a half dropping in on creative classes at the school. Jobs later recounted how one course in calligraphy developed his love of typography.

In 1974, Jobs took a position as a video game designer with Atari. Several months later, he left the company to find spiritual enlightenment in India, traveling further and experimenting with psychedelic drugs.

In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computer Inc. in the Jobs’ family garage. Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak his beloved scientific calculator to fund their entrepreneurial venture. Through Apple, the men are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing the technology and making machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to everyday consumers.

Wozniak conceived of a series of user-friendly personal computers, and—with Jobs in charge of marketing—Apple initially marketed the computers for $666.66 each. The Apple I earned the corporation around $774,000. Three years after the release of Apple’s second model, the Apple II, the company’s sales increased exponentially to $139 million.

In 1980, Apple Computer became a publicly-traded company, with a market value of $1.2 billion by the end of its first day of trading. However, the next several products from Apple suffered significant design flaws, resulting in recalls and consumer disappointment. IBM suddenly surpassed Apple in sales, and Apple had to compete with an IBM/PC-dominated business world.

steve jobs john sculley and steve wozniak smile behind an apple computer

Jobs looked to marketing expert John Sculley of Pepsi-Cola to take over the role of CEO for Apple in 1983. The next year, Apple released the Macintosh, marketing the computer as a piece of a counterculture lifestyle: romantic, youthful, creative. But despite positive sales and performance superior to IBM’s PCs, the Macintosh was still not IBM-compatible.

Sculley believed Jobs was hurting Apple, and the company’s executives began to phase him out. Not actually having had an official title with the company he cofounded, Jobs was pushed into a more marginalized position and left Apple in 1985.

After leaving Apple in 1985, Jobs personally invested $12 million to begin a new hardware and software enterprise called NeXT Inc. The company introduced its first computer in 1988, with Jobs hoping it would appeal to universities and researchers. But with a base price of $6,500, the machine was far out of the range of most potential buyers.

The company’s operating system NeXTSTEP fared better, with programmers using it to develop video games like Quake and Doom . Tim Berners-Lee, who created the first web browser, used an NeXT computer. However, the company struggled to appeal to mainstream America, and Apple eventually bought the company in 1996 for $429 million.

In 1986, Jobs purchased an animation company from George Lucas , which later became Pixar Animation Studios. Believing in Pixar’s potential, Jobs initially invested $50 million of his own money in the company.

The studio went on to produce wildly popular movies such as Toy Story (1995), Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Cars (2006), and Up (2009) . Pixar merged with Disney in 2006, which made Jobs the largest shareholder of Disney. As of June 2022, Pixar films had collectively grossed $14.7 billion at the global box office.

In 1997, Jobs returned to his post as Apple’s CEO. Just as Jobs instigated Apple’s success in the 1970s, he is credited with revitalizing the company in the 1990s.

With a new management team, altered stock options, and a self-imposed annual salary of $1 a year, Jobs put Apple back on track. Jobs’ ingenious products like the iMac, effective branding campaigns, and stylish designs caught the attention of consumers once again.

steve jobs smiling for a picture while holding an iphone with his right hand

In the ensuing years, Apple introduced such revolutionary products as the Macbook Air, iPod, and iPhone, all of which dictated the evolution of technology. Almost immediately after Apple released a new product, competitors scrambled to produce comparable technologies. To mark its expanded product offerings, the company officially rebranded as Apple Inc. in 2007.

Apple’s quarterly reports improved significantly that year: Stocks were worth $199.99 a share—a record-breaking number at that time—and the company boasted a staggering $1.58 billion profit, an $18 billion surplus in the bank, and zero debt.

In 2008, fueled by iTunes and iPod sales, Apple became the second-biggest music retailer in America behind Walmart. Apple has also been ranked No. 1 on Fortune ’s list of America’s Most Admired Companies, as well as No. 1 among Fortune 500 companies for returns to shareholders.

Apple has released dozens of versions of the iPhone since its 2007 debut. In February 2023, an unwrapped first generation phone sold at auction for more than $63,000.

According to Forbes , Jobs’ net worth peaked at $8.3 billion shortly before he died in 2011. Celebrity Net Worth estimates it was as high as $10.2 billion.

Apple hit a market capitalization of $3 trillion in January 2022, meaning Jobs’ initial stake in the company from 1980 would have been worth about $330 billion—enough to comfortably make him the richest person in the world over Tesla founder Elon Musk had he been alive. But according to the New York Post , Jobs sold off all but one of his Apple shares when he left the company in 1985.

Most of Jobs’ net worth came from a roughly 8 percent share in Disney he acquired when he sold Pixar in 2006. Based on Disney’s 2022 value, that share—which he passed onto his wife—is worth $22 billion.

steve jobs and wife laurene embracing while smiling for a photograph

Jobs and Laurene Powell married on March 18, 1991. The pair met in the early 1990s at Stanford business school, where Powell was an MBA student. They lived together in Palo Alto with their three children: Reed (born September 22, 1991), Erin (born August 19, 1995), and Eve (born July 9, 1998).

Jobs also fathered a daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, with girlfriend Chrisann Brennan on May 17, 1978, when he was 23. He denied paternity of his daughter in court documents, claiming he was sterile. In her memoir Small Fry , Lisa wrote DNA tests revealed that she and Jobs were a match in 1980, and he was required to begin making paternity payments to her financially struggling mother. Jobs didn’t initiate a relationship with his daughter until she was 7 years old. When she was a teenager, Lisa came to live with her father. In 2011, Jobs said , “I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of, such as getting my girlfriend pregnant when I was 23 and the way I handled that.”

In 2003, Jobs discovered that he had a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare but operable form of pancreatic cancer. Instead of immediately opting for surgery, Jobs chose to alter his pesco-vegetarian diet while weighing Eastern treatment options.

For nine months, Jobs postponed surgery, making Apple’s board of directors nervous. Executives feared that shareholders would pull their stock if word got out that the CEO was ill. But in the end, Jobs’ confidentiality took precedence over shareholder disclosure.

In 2004, Jobs had successful surgery to remove the pancreatic tumor. True to form, Jobs disclosed little about his health in subsequent years.

Early in 2009, reports circulated about Jobs’ weight loss, some predicting his health issues had returned, which included a liver transplant. Jobs responded to these concerns by stating he was dealing with a hormone imbalance. Days later, he went on a six-month leave of absence.

In an email message to employees, Jobs said his “health-related issues are more complex” than he thought, then named Tim Cook , Apple’s then–chief operating officer, as “responsible for Apple’s day-today operations.”

After nearly a year out of the spotlight, Jobs delivered a keynote address at an invite-only Apple event on September 9, 2009. He continued to serve as master of ceremonies, which included the unveiling of the iPad, throughout much of 2010.

In January 2011, Jobs announced he was going on medical leave. In August, he resigned as CEO of Apple, handing the reins to Cook.

Jobs died at age 56 in his home in Palo Alto, California, on October 5, 2011. His official cause of death was listed as respiratory arrest related to his years-long battle with pancreatic cancer.

The New York Times reported that in his final weeks, Jobs had become so weak that he struggled to walk up the stairs in his home. Still, he was able to say goodbye to some of his longtime colleagues, including Disney CEO Bob Iger; speak with his biographer; and offer advice to Apple executives about the unveiling of the iPhone 4S.

In a eulogy for Jobs , sister Mona Simpson wrote that just before dying, Jobs looked for a long time at his sister, Patty, then his wife and children, then past them, and said his last words: “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”

flowers notes and apples rest in front of a photograph of steve jobs

Jobs’ closest family and friends remembered him at a small gathering, then on October 16, a funeral for Jobs was held on the campus of Stanford University. Notable attendees included Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates ; singer Joan Baez , who once dated Jobs; former Vice President Al Gore ; actor Tim Allen; and News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch .

Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave at Alta Mesa Memorial Park in Palo Alto. Upon the release of the 2015 film Steve Jobs , fans traveled to the cemetery to find the site. Because the cemetery is not allowed to disclose the grave’s location, many left messages for Jobs in a memorial book instead.

Before his death, Jobs granted author and journalist Walter Isaacson permission to write his official biography. Jobs sat for more than 40 interviews with the Isaacson, who also talked to more than 100 of Jobs’ family, friends, and colleagues. Initially scheduled for a November 2011 release date, Steve Jobs hit shelves on October 24, just 19 days after Jobs died.

Jobs’ life has been the subject of two major films. The first, released in 2013, was simply titled Jobs and starred Ashton Kutcher as Jobs and Josh Gad as Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak. Wozniak told The Verge in 2013 he was approached about working on the film but couldn’t because, “I read a script as far as I could stomach it and felt it was crap.” Although he praised the casting, he told Gizmodo he felt his and Jobs’ personalities were inaccurately portrayed.

Instead, Wozniak worked with Sony Pictures on the second film, Steve Jobs , that was adapted from Isaacson’s biography and released in 2015. It starred Michael Fassbender as Jobs and Seth Rogen as Wozniak. Fassbender was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, and co-star Kate Winslet was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Apple and NeXT marketing executive Joanna Hoffman.

In 2015, filmmaker Alex Gibney examined Jobs’ life and legacy in the documentary Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine .

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  • You just make the best product you can, and you don’t put it out until you feel it’s right.
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  • Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful—that’s what matters to me.
  • I like to believe there’s an afterlife. I like to believe the accumulated wisdom doesn’t just disappear when you die, but somehow, it endures. But maybe it’s just like an on/off switch and click—and you’re gone. Maybe that’s why I didn’t like putting on/off switches on Apple devices.
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Biography Online


Steve Jobs Biography


Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, 1955, to two university students Joanne Schieble and Syrian-born John Jandali. They were both unmarried at the time, and Steven was given up for adoption.

Steven was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, whom he always considered to be his real parents. Steven’s father, Paul, encouraged him to experiment with electronics in their garage. This led to a lifelong interest in electronics and design.

Jobs attended a local school in California and later enrolled at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. His education was characterised by excellent test results and potential. But, he struggled with formal education and his teachers reported he was a handful to teach.

At Reed College, he attended a calligraphy course which fascinated him. He later said this course was instrumental in Apple’s multiple typefaces and proportionally spaced fonts.

Steve Jobs in India

In 1974, Jobs travelled with Daniel Kottke to India in search of spiritual enlightenment. They travelled to the Ashram of Neem Karoli Baba in Kainchi. During his several months in India, he became aware of Buddhist and Eastern spiritual philosophy. At this time, he also experimented with psychedelic drugs; he later commented that these counter-culture experiences were instrumental in giving him a wider perspective on life and business.

“Bill Gates‘d be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger.” – Steve Jobs, The New York Times, Creating Jobs, 1997

Job’s first real computer job came working for Atari computers. During his time at Atari, Jobs came to know Steve Wozniak well. Jobs greatly admired this computer technician, whom he had first met in 1971.

Steve Jobs and Apple

In 1976, Wozniak invented the first Apple I computer. Jobs, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne then set up Apple computers. In the very beginning, Apple computers were sold from Jobs parents’ garage.

Over the next few years, Apple computers expanded rapidly as the market for home computers began to become increasingly significant.

In 1984, Jobs designed the first Macintosh. It was the first commercially successful home computer to use a graphical user interface (based on Xerox Parc’s mouse driver interface.) This was an important milestone in home computing and the principle has become key in later home computers.

Despite the many innovative successes of Jobs at Apple, there was increased friction between Jobs and other workers at Apple. In 1985, removed from his managerial duties, Jobs resigned and left Apple. He later looked back on this incident and said that getting fired from Apple was one of the best things that happened to him – it helped him regain a sense of innovation and freedom, he couldn’t find work in a large company.

Life After Apple


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Photo Joi Ito

On leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT computers. This was never particularly successful, failing to gain mass sales. However, in the 1990s, NeXT software was used as a framework in WebObjects used in Apple Store and iTunes store. In 1996, Apple bought NeXT for $429 million.

Much more successful was Job’s foray into Pixar – a computer graphic film production company. Disney contracted Pixar to create films such as Toy Story, A Bug’s Life and Finding Nemo. These animation movies were highly successful and profitable – giving Jobs respect and success.

In 1996, the purchase of NeXT brought Jobs back to Apple. He was given the post of chief executive. At the time, Apple had fallen way behind rivals such as Microsoft, and Apple was struggling to even make a profit.

Return to Apple


Photo: Matt Buchanan

Jobs launched Apple in a new direction. With a certain degree of ruthlessness, some projects were summarily ended. Instead, Jobs promoted the development of a new wave of products which focused on accessibility, appealing design and innovate features.

The iPod was a revolutionary product in that it built on existing portable music devices and set the standard for portable digital music. In 2008, iTunes became the second biggest music retailer in the US, with over six billion song downloads and over 200 million iPods sold.

In 2007, Apple successfully entered the mobile phone market, with the iPhone. This used features of the iPod to offer a multi-functional and touchscreen device to become one of the best-selling electronic products. In 2010, he introduced the iPad – a revolutionary new style of tablet computers.

The design philosophy of Steve Jobs was to start with a fresh slate and imagine a new product that people would want to use. This contrasted with the alternative approach of trying to adapt current models to consumer feedback and focus groups. Job’s explains his philosophy of innovative design.

“But in the end, for something this complicated, it’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

– Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek (25 May 1998)

Apple has been rated No.1 in America’s most admired companies. Jobs management has been described as inspirational, although c-workers also state, Jobs could be a hard taskmaster and was temperamental. NeXT Cofounder Dan’l Lewin was quoted in Fortune as saying of that period, “The highs were unbelievable … But the lows were unimaginable.”

“My job is not to be easy on people. My jobs is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better.” – All About Steve Jobs [link]

Under Jobs, Apple managed to overtake Microsoft regarding share capitalization. Apple also gained a pre-eminent reputation for the development and introduction of groundbreaking technology. Interview in 2007, Jobs said:

“There’s an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.’ And we’ve always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will.”

Despite, growing ill-health, Jobs continued working at Apple until August 2011, when he resigned.

“I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23, and over $10,000,000 when I was 24, and over $100,000,000 when I was 25, and it wasn’t that important because I never did it for the money.”

– Steve Jobs

Jobs earned only $1million as CEO of Apple. But, share options from Apple and Disney gave him an estimated fortune of $8.3billion.

Personal life

In 1991, he married Laurene Powell, together they had three children and lived in Palo Alto, California.

In 2003, he was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. Over the next few years, Jobs struggled with health issues and was often forced to delegate the running of Apple to Tim Cook. In 2009, he underwent a liver transplant, but two years later serious health problems returned. He worked intermittently at Apple until August 2011, where he finally retired to concentrate on his deteriorating health. He died as a result of complications from his pancreatic cancer, suffering cardiac arrest on 5 October 2011 in Palo Alto, California.

In addition to his earlier interest in Eastern religions, Jobs expressed sentiments of agnosticism.

“ Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don’t. I think it’s 50-50 maybe. But ever since I’ve had cancer, I’ve been thinking about it more. And I find myself believing a bit more. I kind of – maybe it’s ’cause I want to believe in an afterlife. That when you die, it doesn’t just all disappear.”

Quote in Biography by Walter Isaacson.

Steve Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave at Alta Mesa Memorial Park, a nonsectarian cemetery in Palo Alto.

Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan . “Biography of Steve Jobs”, Oxford, UK. Published 25th Feb. 2012. Last updated 11th March 2019.

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography

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This is beautiful. He’s one of my role models. RIP Jobs

  • January 20, 2019 7:27 AM

This is very inspirational to all of us in the world today. He made the impossible the possible, he will always be remembered for his great work done. Congrats Steve you are an inspiration!

  • January 16, 2019 5:29 PM

He made life easier for us all, nothing would be the way it is today without him.

  • December 19, 2018 2:19 PM

Steve job amazing man

  • October 27, 2018 7:01 AM
  • By Rambharat

I agree 100%.

  • December 05, 2018 9:13 PM
  • By Roman Lopez

Very nice biography

  • September 04, 2018 12:47 PM

Steve jobs! His lesson reminds alot,but Steve went to school ,through colleges he attained ajob that has resulted him into many champions in business and other how can someone has no such gualification also leave such great impact.

  • December 05, 2017 1:35 AM
  • By Natanyakhu moses

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Among all business leaders in recent times, Steve Jobs is arguably the best example of the fact that perseverance commands success. Steve Jobs was considered a difficult boss at Apple before he was ousted but when he returned, there was little change in his leadership style. This demonstrates that Jobs always remained true to himself whether others approved of his leadership style or not. Jobs might not have been a likeable person on a personal level but he was authentic.

Even though we often hear about the virtues of democratic leadership style as it motivates employees and improves communication between leaders and subordinates, Jobs ruled in an autocratic manner. No wonder, Fortune magazine called him one of the leading egomaniacs in the Silicon Valley (Williams, 2012). When Jobs started his second term at Apple, he was not happy with one of the shipping company. He asked them to be faster with delivery but they refused since their service was already in accordance with the agreed upon terms. He directed his manager to break the contract despite manager’s objection that it would lead to costly lawsuit which did happen eventually (Austen, 2012). Author Andrew Keen wrote in his book The Cult of the Amateur that there is not an ounce of democracy at Apple and without Jobs’ authoritarian leadership, Apple would be just another Silicon Valley outfit (Chaudhuri, 2012). Jobs would be involved in all the details and hired like-minded people (Branson, 2011). But he still drew admiration because he personally demonstrated what he said. He didn’t only preach innovation but practiced it himself.

Steve Jobs also subscribed to Herzberg’s ‘Theory X’ according to which workers are lazy and need guidance. This should not imply that Apple’s employees were lazy and incapable but only that Jobs’ approach reflected his pursuit for perfection. Jobs often reiterated that Apple’s mission was to build the best products in the industries it competes in. This is he micromanaged his employees and no product left the company’s door without his approval.

Steve Jobs was also a transformational leader. When he re-joined the company, Apple was waiting to join the list of extinct companies (Chakrabortty, 2011). Jobs didn’t only save the company but also made it into one of the most admired companies, with a loyal customer base that most other companies only dream of. Jobs’ subordinates believed in him because they knew he was passionate about the company and the products it delivered to the market. They also witnessed Jobs’ obsession with quality and, thus, became motivated themselves to deliver the best products to consumers.

Steve Jobs was not afraid to think outside the box and he encouraged his subordinates to do the same. In fact, the company’s original motto was “Think Different”. Steve Jobs was not only transformational but also visionary. Effective leaders scan the external environment to look for emerging trends but Jobs told the consumers what the trends should be (Verganti, 2011). He singlehandedly redefined several industries including smart phones, portable music players, and tablet computing.

Steve Jobs might not have been great at human relationships but he did believe in his people and pushed them to do their best. An effective leader understands that people are one of the company’s best assets and he invests in them. Despite Jobs’ cold treatment of his subordinates, one would rarely read about Apple’s best employees leaving the company which is a proof of the fact that Jobs’ subordinates also believed in their leader and admired his pursuit of perfection.

Jobs was also a successful leader because he understood the strengths of his company and focused on few things Apple could do really well instead of trying to be everything. Jobs knew that the reputation of the company is built on ‘innovation’ and ‘quality’ and Apple can only defend its reputation by doing few things doing them really well. On annual retreats, Jobs would ask his subordinates to recommend ten products and would eventually shortlist them to only three. When Google’s new CEO Larry Page visited Jobs, Jobs advised him to focus on only five products Google could do really well and get rid of the rest (Isaacson, 2012). This also teaches us that Jobs didn’t overestimate his own or Apple’s capabilities and focused on utilizing limited resources efficiently.

One of the most important qualities of an effective leader is to provide direction to their employees and ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives. Every employee at Apple knew where Jobs was taking the company and they also knew what Jobs expected from them. Apple’s employees were also willing to trust Jobs’ judgments and vision because he had proven himself right time and time again. Jobs didn’t only held legitimate power that came from being the company’s CEO but also expert power over his subordinates.

Steve Jobs might not have the most friendly communication style but his direct communication style did prevent miscommunication. Jobs was known to be blunt and straight forward and he himself admitted, “If something sucks, I tell people to their face, It’s my job to be honest.” (Pullen, 2012). Jobs got away with his abrasive communication style because he commanded respect and admiration from his followers but he did demonstrate the importance of clear communication so that there are no misunderstandings and subordinates know exactly what their leaders expect from them.

Another reason why Jobs was a successful leader is that employees at Apple were given roles that made the best use of their specific strengths and abilities. Thus, there was a good fit between their responsibilities and capabilities. In addition, Apple hired people who were a good fit to the organizational culture. As a result, the employee turnover was low because the new recruits also believed in the company’s mission (McInerney, 2011).

Steve Jobs has cemented his place as one of the most inspirational leaders of all times but that doesn’t mean his leadership style can be successfully adopted by anyone.  This is because Job’s leadership style was situational. When he returned to the company, it had no vision and proper strategy in place and everyone had given up on the company. Jobs not only provided everyone with a vision but also won their loyalty and admiration through passion for the company and its products as well as by delivering results. This is why his ordinates even kept up with his cold temper because they shared his vision and they trusted him (Henson, 2011).

Steve Jobs had unconventional leadership style but he still enjoyed high levels of loyalty because of his commitment to the company and his impressive track. Jobs also gave his subordinates a clear vision and made sure that everyone in the company was compatible with the company’s culture. He also understood his company well and demonstrated through commitment to few products that quality and innovation were central to the company’s mission. He pushed his employees to do their best and gave them responsibilities that suited their strengths and abilities. In addition, he was also straight forward with his employees so they also knew what their leader wanted from them and what he liked or disliked.

Austen, B. (2012, July 23). The Story of Steve Jobs: An Inspiration or a Cautionary Tale? Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Branson, R. (2011, October 7). True business leaders think differently . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Chakrabortty, A. (2011, January 24). CEOs like Steve Jobs style themselves as messiahs, not mere managers. But that’s just an excuse to rake it in . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Chaudhuri, A. (2012, April 26). Authoritarian leadership, the secret behind Steve Jobs success! Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Henson, R. (2011, November 1). Faculty Insight: The Leadership of Steve Jobs . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Isaacson, W. (2012, April). The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

McInerney, S. (2011, October 7). Steve Jobs: an unconventional leader . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Pullen, J. P. (2012, May 18). Jobs or Zuckerberg: Who’d Make the Better Boss? Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Verganti, R. (2011, October 7). Steve Jobs and Management by Meaning . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

Williams, R. (2012, April 12). Why Steve Jobs is not a leader to emulate . Retrieved October 18, 2012, from

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Isaacson draws attention to the complicated relationship between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates . Discuss the role of this relationship in Jobs’s trajectory at the helm of Apple, citing specific examples from the text to support your response.

While Isaacson highlights the many qualities of Jobs’s that made him a genius, he also accentuates his flaws and shortcomings. What does Isaacson ultimately convey about the cost of genius?

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Biography of Steve Jobs

Updated 28 September 2023

Subject Corporations ,  Entrepreneurship

Downloads 45

Category Business ,  Life

Topic Apple ,  Company ,  Steve Jobs

Chapter 1: Jobs’ parents never made him feel any different because he was adopted; rather, they tried to show him that he was special.

Chapter 2: “If it hadn’t been for the Blue Boxes, there wouldn’t have been an Apple”

Chapter 3: Jobs refused to go to assigned classes and instead went to the ones he wanted, such as a dance class where he could enjoy both the creativity and the chance to meet girls.

Chapter 4: Although he was overly specific on details and authoritarian, Jobs was also part of the counterculture that describes the period

Chapter 5: It takes two to form a company, the maker and the marketer

Chapter 6: Jobs’ obsessiveness drove him to care about some details that other people would disregard, such as the quality of the unpacking experience

Chapter 7: On relationships? Jobs burned many bridges but also regretted the decisions and sought to make amends where he could

Chapter 8: The GUI is synonymous with modern computing but is also indicative of the dangers of conformity and the influence that large corporations have on available products

Chapter 9: Money needn’t change a person’s character: Look at Jobs, he made millions in his first year and only splurged on a cruise that reminded him of his past

Chapter 10: Jobs may always have been a revolutionary, but thank heavens for IBM providing him with a Goliath to inspire his spiritedness

Chapter 11: Playing by one’s rules is thrilling but also dangerous; it almost destroyed the foundations of Jobs’ legacy

Chapter 12: Jobs was not sympathetic to engineering impossibilities and was instead focused on beauty over functionality

Chapter 13: While he was authoritarian, Jobs also acknowledged efforts done behind his back but that benefitted the company

Chapter 14: Two leaders who like to be in control can result either in positive competition or in a delusion that could destroy a great company

Chapter 15: Being first with an innovation does not necessarily stop competitors from competing

Chapter 16: The first 30 years of a person’s life define his or her habits but the last 30 are defined by his or her habits

Chapter 17: Being innovative is not an assurance of continued success for future innovations

Chapter 18: Grasp an opportunity when you see it, and you might just change the world

Chapter 19: Neglect is a form of abuse

Chapter 20: The people around you have the capacity to describe you in ways that even you yourself cannot

Chapter 21: Toy Story is to Pixar as the Apple I was to Apple

Chapter 22: While Jobs had the capacity to be self-destructive, the division of his focus between Pixar and Apple allowed both companies to benefit from his genius without the associated drawbacks

Chapter 23: A focus on money made Apple like any other company; going back to artistic inspiration was Jobs’ way of saving it

Chapter 24: When it’s working right, don’t fix it; when it’s wrong, tear it all apart and rebuild it part by part

Chapter 25: Jobs sought to make Apple memorable and revolutionary, not just rich

Chapter 26: Jobs’ design ethic transferred to his work teams and inspired them to achieve the success that Apple I known for

Chapter 27: Focusing on the emotional rather than functional connections to the computing world was how Jobs propelled the iMac to fame and success

Chapter 28: Apple was forever grateful for Jobs’ intervention and his replacement, Tim Cook, had to embody Jobs’ ethic to maintain Apple’s success

Chapter 29: Jobs always remained hands-on in the development and evolution of the Apple brand

Chapter 30: The iPod, the perfect example of a revolution that would change music forever

Chapter 31: iPod fever due to effective marketing paved the way for the online music sales model that persists today

Chapter 32: The music elements of Jobs’ businesses allowed him to work with musical geniuses who had inspired and entertained him since his youth

Chapter 33: Innovation is important for sparking the idea of new possibilities, even when it invites competition

Chapter 34: While he did not define himself by his wealth, Jobs was not averse to making Apple and himself very wealthy

Chapter 35: The cancer diagnosis was a pivotal part of Jobs’ life and made him think intently about his legacy

Chapter 36: The iPhone is revolutionary, but is again the simple representation of a man whose dedication to quality user experiences remains unmatched

Chapter 37: Jobs’ stubbornness may have robbed him of precious years on his life but also granted the world so much in technological innovation

Chapter 38: Battling against all odds is required to turn coal into diamonds, and opportunities into successes

Chapter 39: Remaining resilient and true to its roots in the face of competition is how Apple built brand loyalty in the age of open source technology

Chapter 40: Even with his counterculture background, Jobs was fiercely competitive and may have achieved some of his success due to his lifelong rivalry with Bill Gates

Chapter 41: From revolutionary to economic influencer: Jobs went from working in a garage to having personal conversations with the President of the United States regarding the US economy

Chapter 42: Jobs’ decisions did not always follow the requirements of Apple’s business interests; rather, he was intent on achieving a long-term goal that superseded both him and the company

Book Review

Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography is a book that follows in the spirit of other biographies on that the author wrote about subjects such as Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin. This is evident in the book’s emphasis on presenting Jobs’ legacy as a person who changed history while also sharing aspects of his life that may prove shocking to the readers and expose his humanity. Overall, this approach results in a story that weaves seamlessly across the personal and business aspects of Jobs’ life and brings a sharp personal focus to his life.

Aside from the almost cultic following that Jobs enjoys among technology enthusiasts, the book allows the reader to perceive Jobs from the premise of him as a human being. Rather than glorifying Jobs’ exploits, Isaacson goes a step further and shows the character of the man that built Apple and other companies as well as his successes and failures on this journey. This also brings to focus the reality distortion that allowed Jobs to push his achievement to levels that even his engineers and others around him had thought unimaginable.

While the Isaacson does paint Jobs out to be a visionary, the author also shows that the subject had a need for control and practicing a harsh managerial style that inspired and demoralised in equal measure. This was in contrast to what Bill Gates, who was one of Jobs’ lifelong competitors, has to say about Steve. He points out that Jobs’ need for control also promoted his creative outputs, noting that his strong beliefs about what represents a quality product led to him being one of the most innovative people in the technology industry[1].

Even with his brazen personality as an authoritarian, the author makes it evident that Jobs was an authentic character who stayed consistent in his personal and business lives. One factor that the book emphasises is that Jobs was insistent on his view of how outcomes should be, which also turned out to be the extra mile that his teams and companies needed to achieve excellence. With most of the story told in Jobs’ own words, Isaacson thereby succeeds in delivering a biography that will forever provide audiences with a peek into this modern legend’s life in his sunset years.

One of the things that I picked up from the book was that resilience is a key factor in achieving success in innovative fields. This need not mean failing to acknowledge limitations nut rather, to challenge these limitations in an effort to improve upon existing techniques and understandings. The book inspired an urge to contribute to humanity and ensure that current and future generations benefit from my skills and talents. Not that Jobs urged me as the reader to do it, but because his life is inspirational and motivates the reader to seek achievement in his or her own life.

While a direct comparison between Jobs and I is out of the question, I believe that he has a tenacity that I did not think a manager could have and still hold a company together. Given that he drove so many of his Apple employees to tears and frustration with his demands and expectations, it is impressive to see how he was able to achieve so much with his peculiar take on life. Therefore, as a person who seeks to enable others to achieve success, Jobs stands out as a character who craves success in the same way that I do but who unlike me, his abrasiveness is an integral part of his achievement model.


Isaacson Walter. Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography. New York: Simon " Schuster, 2011.

[1] Isaacson Walter. Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography. New York: Simon " Schuster, 2011, p. 553

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The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs

  • Walter Isaacson

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The author, whose biography of Steve Jobs was an instant best seller after the Apple CEO’s death in October 2011, sets out here to correct what he perceives as an undue fixation by many commentators on the rough edges of Jobs’s personality. That personality was integral to his way of doing business, Isaacson writes, but the real lessons from Steve Jobs come from what he actually accomplished. He built the world’s most valuable company, and along the way he helped to transform a number of industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing.

In this essay Isaacson describes the 14 imperatives behind Jobs’s approach: focus; simplify; take responsibility end to end; when behind, leapfrog; put products before profits; don’t be a slave to focus groups; bend reality; impute; push for perfection; know both the big picture and the details; tolerate only “A” players; engage face-to-face; combine the humanities with the sciences; and “stay hungry, stay foolish.”

Six months after Jobs’s death, the author of his best-selling biography identifies the practices that every CEO can try to emulate.

His saga is the entrepreneurial creation myth writ large: Steve Jobs cofounded Apple in his parents’ garage in 1976, was ousted in 1985, returned to rescue it from near bankruptcy in 1997, and by the time he died, in October 2011, had built it into the world’s most valuable company. Along the way he helped to transform seven industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing. He thus belongs in the pantheon of America’s great innovators, along with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Walt Disney. None of these men was a saint, but long after their personalities are forgotten, history will remember how they applied imagination to technology and business.

  • WI Walter Isaacson, the CEO of the Aspen Institute, is the author of Steve Jobs and of biographies of Henry Kissinger, Benjamin Franklin, and Albert Einstein.

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Essays on Steve Jobs

Writing an essay on Steve Jobs is important because he was a visionary leader who revolutionized the technology industry. His innovative ideas and relentless pursuit of perfection have had a lasting impact on the way we live, work, and communicate. By studying his life and career, we can gain valuable insights into the qualities and characteristics that make a successful entrepreneur and leader.

When writing an essay on Steve Jobs, it is important to start by conducting thorough research on his life, career, and contributions to the technology industry. This will help you to gather the necessary information and insights to support your arguments and points. Additionally, it is crucial to structure your essay in a logical and coherent manner, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight the key achievements and innovations that Steve Jobs brought to the world, such as the creation of the iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh computer. By including specific examples and evidence, you can effectively demonstrate the impact of his work on the technology industry and society as a whole.

Moreover, it is essential to analyze and evaluate Steve Jobs' leadership style and management strategies. By examining how he motivated and inspired his team, you can gain valuable insights into the qualities and characteristics of a successful leader. This will also allow you to draw connections between his leadership style and the success of his products and business ventures.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Steve Jobs is important because it allows us to gain valuable insights into the qualities and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and leader. By conducting thorough research, structuring your essay effectively, and analyzing his achievements and leadership style, you can effectively highlight the impact of his work on the technology industry and society as a whole.

What makes a good Steve Jobs essay topic

When it comes to writing an essay about Steve Jobs, the topic you choose can make all the difference. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, original, and relevant. To brainstorm potential topics, consider the impact of Steve Jobs on technology and business, his leadership style, his innovative ideas, and his legacy. Think about what aspects of his life and work you find most interesting and what you believe will captivate your audience. Consider the significance of the topic and how it relates to current events or trends. A good essay topic should be something that you are passionate about and that will allow you to explore new ideas and insights.

Best Steve Jobs essay topics

  • The impact of Steve Jobs on the technology industry
  • Steve Jobs' leadership style and its influence on Apple
  • The innovation and creativity of Steve Jobs
  • The legacy of Steve Jobs in the business world
  • Steve Jobs' vision for the future of technology
  • The marketing strategies of Apple under Steve Jobs
  • Steve Jobs' role in the development of the iPhone
  • The relationship between Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • The impact of Steve Jobs' public speaking and presentations
  • Steve Jobs' influence on design and user experience
  • The entrepreneurial spirit of Steve Jobs
  • The controversial aspects of Steve Jobs' leadership
  • Steve Jobs' management style and its effectiveness
  • The personal life and background of Steve Jobs
  • The influence of Steve Jobs on other tech leaders
  • The ethical implications of Apple's business practices under Steve Jobs
  • The cultural impact of Steve Jobs' products
  • The evolution of Apple under Steve Jobs' leadership
  • The relationship between Steve Jobs and the media
  • The future of Apple without Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine you are Steve Jobs. Write a letter to your younger self, giving advice and insights into your future success.
  • Pretend you are a contemporary of Steve Jobs. Write a newspaper article about the impact of his latest product release.
  • Create a dialogue between Steve Jobs and another influential figure in the technology industry, discussing their differing visions for the future.
  • Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the notion that Steve Jobs was a visionary leader.
  • You have been tasked with creating a documentary about Steve Jobs. Write a proposal outlining the key themes and messages you would explore.

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Essay on Life and Times of Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple Inc and a significant figure in the technology and innovation realm. Essays on Steve Jobs might delve into his life, his visionary leadership, and his role in shaping the modern tech industry. Additionally, one might explore his management style, the culture he fostered at Apple, or his impact on other industries through his innovations. The legacy of Steve Jobs extends beyond Apple, and an essay could explore his enduring influence on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Steve Jobs you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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Born :February 24, 1955, San Francisco, California, United States
Died :October 5, 2011, Palo Alto, California, United States
Spouse :Laurene Powell Jobs (m. 1991–2011)
Education :Reed College (1972–1974)
Children :Lisa Brennan-Jobs, Eve Jobs, Reed Jobs, Erin Siena Jobs
Parents :Abdulfattah John Jandali, Joanne Schieble Simpson, Paul Jobs, Clara Jobs
Siblings :Mona Simpson, Patricia Ann Jobs

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Biography of Steve Jobs Short Summary

Biography of Steve Jobs Short Summary

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. He was originally the son of Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Simpson but Paul and Clara jobs adopted Steve shortly after her was born. Steve was never really interested into school until he hit 4th grade, when Steve got to high school he took an electronic class where he first discovered his love towards electronics. Steve developed entrepreneurial skills very early in life, in the summer of 1968 he called Bill Hewlett who is one of the founders of HP and asked him for a job, and at just 13 years old Steve was working in the HP factory. In 1969 Steve met Steve Wozniak (Woz) through his friend Bill Fernandez and become great friends through their common interests of their love for electronics, Bob Dylan, and pranks. In 1972 Steve and Woz had their first entrepreneurial break through where they figured out how to build blue boxes which are devices that fooled cell phone companies and allowed you to make phone calls for free. This was an illeagle act but Steve did not care and he wanted to sell them anyways to students in Woz’s dorm but the two boys quickly stopped after they were busted by the police. A year later Steve attended Reed college which was a very high end school that his parents spent their whole life savings just to afford it and that was barely enough, but a few months later Steve realized he was no longer interested in and decided to drop out and stopped taking the required classes and only took the ones that interested him which he technically wasn’t allowed to do. Steve later on became a laggard hippie with his friend who he met in Reed named Dan Kottke. The following year Steve got a job at Atari which was a video game company, the founder of the company was Nolan Bushnell who is the inventor of the pinball machine and Steve looked up to him as a role model and inspired Steve to start Apple.

Steve and Woz first started the company by selling his Volkswagen van just so he could have enough money to get started off. They thought they still needed some help though so Steve asked one of his friends from Atari to join the company, his name was Ron Wayne and he wrote the paperwork to get the corporation started and he also created the company’s first logo. At first Apple was first HP’s property because of Woz’s contract but when he showed Apple to his bosses they were not interested. Steve and Woz still continued to follow their dream and started selling computes of their own, at first they went to the Homebrew folks but they did not seem interested in the idea so the two friends went from store to store showing their ideas to the world and sold a large amount this way and finally the Apple computed had been born. Steve and Woz did not want Ron Wayne in the company anymore so they bought him out for $800. Over the next months they spent all their time assembling apple computers and Woz spent all his time developing a much more high tech computer called the Apple 2 which was a much more powerful system and was also the first ever colored computer. Steve knew this was going to be extremely successful so he convinced former Intel executive Mike Markkula to invest $250,000 in Apple. Steve and Woz were right, Apple became extremely successful and Apple’s investors decided it was time to go public, in 1980 the IPO took place and just four years after that the company was finally officially started and Steve’s net worth increased to over $200 million by age 25.

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Steve and Woz experienced a lot of ups and downs in the company and for about 11 years the company wasn’t experiencing many sales because the computers were so over priced. But in 2001 when the first iPod was created this changed the whole business around and got back on the success track. When the iTunes store came out it changed the whole music industry and brought in millions to the Apple corporation. From that point on the company was nothing but success from the iPod touch, to the iPhone, to the Mac Book Pro and so much more! The reason Apple got so successful was because Steve followed the “HUNT” system, he had a vision and did not quit until it became reality, he underestimated the roadblocks by never giving up on his dream even though he was turned down countless amounts of times, he found his networking partner, Woz, who helped his dream become reality, and he wasn’t scared to take his first big step into the company by selling his Volkswagon van in order to have enough money to get it all started.

We would not be where we are today in the 21st century without Steve Jobs, when you look around usually 8 people out of 10 have an iPhone in their hands and we have Steve to thank for that one. Many people couldn’t even survive a day without their iPhone, and I am one of these people that falls into this category. Without smart phones, iPads, and Mac books we wouldn’t have a way to communicate with people as easily as we do today, couldn’t check our email on a daily basis, or even listen to your music on a long run. Now a days we take everything for granted and don’t realize how easy we actually really have it, but America certainly would not be as advanced as we are today if it wasn’t for Steve Jobs.

WORKS CITED Romain, Moisescot. March 7,2012.

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  1. Steve Jobs Biography Free Essay Example

    essay biography of steve jobs

  2. (PDF) Steve Jobs

    essay biography of steve jobs

  3. Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur

    essay biography of steve jobs

  4. Steve Jobs

    essay biography of steve jobs

  5. Biography steve jobs lecture

    essay biography of steve jobs

  6. Interesting facts about the iconic Steve Jobs

    essay biography of steve jobs


  1. Steve Jobs' Biography

  2. Steve Jobs Career

  3. Story of Steve Jobs "Tinkering with Electronics"

  4. part 8 steve jobs (extract) biography by Walter Isaacson||steve jobs 6th sem English ku #Steve jobs

  5. Steve Jobs Biography and success story short #stevejobs #success #successstories

  6. Extract from Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson


  1. Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great Entrepreneur Essay (Biography)

    Steve Jobs' personal life is also a manifestation of improvement of the past mistakes. Starting with his days at the elementary school where he had difficulties coping with the school system to the extent of taking bribes so as to read. (O'Grady, 2008) That reflected on the challenges he experienced.

  2. Steve Jobs: Biography, Apple Cofounder, Entrepreneur

    In 1976, Steve Jobs cofounded Apple with Steve Wozniak. Learn about the entrepreneur's career, net worth, parents, wife, children, education, and death in 2011.

  3. Steve Jobs Biography Essay

    1. Steve Jobs Biography Essay Crafting an essay on the biography of Steve Jobs can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, Steve Jobs is a multifaceted figure with a complex life story, filled with triumphs and tribulations. His impact on the tech industry, innovation, and entrepreneurship adds layers of depth to the narrative.

  4. Steve Jobs Biography

    Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, 1955, to two university students Joanne Schieble and Syrian-born John Jandali. They were both unmarried at the time, and Steven was given up for adoption. Steven was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, whom he always considered to be his real parents. Steven's father, Paul, encouraged him to experiment with ...

  5. Steve Jobs, Essay Example

    Among all business leaders in recent times, Steve Jobs is arguably the best example of the fact that perseverance commands success. Steve Jobs was considered a difficult boss at Apple before he was ousted but when he returned, there was little change in his leadership style. This demonstrates that Jobs always remained true to himself whether ...

  6. Steve P. Jobs Biography

    Steve P. Jobs Biography. Steve P. Jobs was one of the most known people in history. Jobs changed the way we think, communicate, and live. Steve Jobs was the founder and CEO of Apple. Steve Jobs died when he was 56 in one of his meetings at work, caused by cancer. Personality analysis has been a big part of psychology in recent decades.

  7. The Biography Of Steve Jobs, The Founder Of Apple Company

    Early life and Young Adult. Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. Steve Jobs parents were Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Scheible. When Steve Jobs was born he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Three years after Jobs was born, the Jobs family decided to adopt another child and that child was Steve Jobs ...

  8. Steve Jobs Biography Free Essay Example

    Essay, Pages 6 (1480 words) Views. 3936. Steve Jobs' success story began in 1976 when he and a friend built the first personal computer. He founded Apple in April 1, 1976; he was the Chairman and CEO of Apple Computers Inc. until he walked out due to a power struggle. He did not let this obstacle stop him.

  9. Steve Jobs Essay Topics

    Essay Topics. 1. Isaacson draws attention to the complicated relationship between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Discuss the role of this relationship in Jobs's trajectory at the helm of Apple, citing specific examples from the text to support your response. 2.

  10. Life Path Of Apple Creator: Biography Of Steve Jobs

    But Jobs never lost his vision as a visionary and never gave up. Like many creative people, Steve Jobs lived his life between success and frustration, between a new project (which no one had ever thought of) and the pursuit of a more significant life. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, in 1955.

  11. Biography of Steve Jobs

    Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography is a book that follows in the spirit of other biographies on that the author wrote about subjects such as Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin. This is evident in the book's emphasis on presenting Jobs' legacy as a person who changed history while also sharing aspects of his life that ...

  12. The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs

    Summary. Reprint: R1204F. The author, whose biography of Steve Jobs was an instant best seller after the Apple CEO's death in October 2011, sets out here to correct what he perceives as an undue ...

  13. Life and Career of Steve Jobs

    Life and Career of Steve Jobs. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" (Steve Jobs). Steve Jobs was a American inventor who was the co-founder of Apple. His creations, which are the IPod, IPad, and a Apple computer, are now seen as one of the best evolution in today's modern technology. Steve Jobs was born on February 24 ...

  14. Essays on Steve Jobs

    Research Paper on Steve Jobs, His Life and Career. 5 pages / 2147 words. Background Info Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, business magnate, inventer, and industrial designer. He was the chairman, chief executive officer, and a co-founder of Apple Inc. Jobs was also a CEO and majority shareholder of Pixar, a member of The Walt Disney ...

  15. Essay on Life and Times of Steve Jobs

    The End. This whole tech history and journey of Steve Jobs would one day end, and that day was October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs died of Pancreatic Cancer. Steve Jobs first got pancreatic cancer in 2003, so Steve Jobs had cancer for 8 years. A really tragic day in the tech world, when one of the best tech creators ended his journey.

  16. Steve Jobs Biography

    Steve Jobs and His Apple Essay example. It was Steve Jobs who made Apple leave the garage and make leaps and bounds in the world of. 1122 Words; 5 Pages; 5 Works Cited; Good Essays. ... his biography "Steve Jobs " by Walter Issacson is a concise text with a combination of clarity and elegance and appropriately qualifies as an iBio. The book ...

  17. Biography of Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs, the man behind the development of iPhone and multiple other devices such as the iPods, iPads etc., was the backbone of Apple Inc. (CNBC Titans: Steve Jobs, 2011). Under his guidance and supervision, Apple Inc. has achieved new heights by re-defining the manner in which we, as consumers of electronics, interact with technology (Kane ...

  18. Steve Jobs Biography: A Short Insight Into The Visionary's Life

    Steve Jobs, the American businessman and technology visionary who is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc., was born on February 24, 1955. His parents were two University of Wisconsin graduate students, Joanne Carole Schieble and Syrian-born Abdulfattah Jandali. They were both unmarried at the time.

  19. Steve Jobs Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    Free essay examples about Steve Jobs ️ Proficient writing team ️ High-quality of every essay ️ Largest database of free samples on PapersOwl. ... Steve Jobs: Biography and Career Words: 1709 Pages: 6 5752. Steven Jobs was born on February 24nd 1955 in San Francisco, California to AbduleFattah Jandali and Joanne Carole. Joanne Schieble ...

  20. ⇉Biography of Steve Jobs Short Summary Essay Example

    Biography of Steve Jobs Short Summary. Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. He was originally the son of Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Simpson but Paul and Clara jobs adopted Steve shortly after her was born. Steve was never really interested into school until he hit 4th grade, when Steve got to high school he took an ...

  21. Steve Jobs summary

    Steve Wozniak is an American electronics engineer, cofounder, with Steve Jobs, of Apple Computer, and designer of the first commercially successful personal computer. Wozniak—or "Woz," as he was commonly known—was the son of an electrical engineer for the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company in.

  22. Lisa Brennan-Jobs

    Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs (born May 17, 1978) is an American writer. She is the daughter of Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs and Chrisann Brennan. Jobs initially denied paternity for several years, which led to a legal case and various media reports in the early days of Apple. Lisa and Steve Jobs eventually reconciled, and he accepted his paternity.

  23. Britannica Money: Where your financial journey begins

    Find all you need to know about retirement, investing, and household finance, without the jargon or agenda. Get guidance, insight, and easy-to-understand explanations, verified to Britannica's standards.

  24. PDF Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

    BIOGRAPHY OF STEVE JOBS. Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative