65 low investment business ideas to consider in 2024

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Written by Kathryn Marr on April 26, 2024 Blog , Sell Online .

Starting a business in 2024 doesn’t have to drain your savings. With the right idea and a strategic approach, you can launch a venture that’s both affordable and successful. 

The rise of digital tools and platforms has made it easier than ever to start a business with minimal upfront costs. Whether it’s leveraging the power of a WordPress site to establish your online presence or tapping into the ecommerce boom, the opportunities are there for the taking. 

Read on to review 65 different low investment business ideas that are perfect for entrepreneurs looking to make their mark without a hefty initial investment. Then, explore how you can go beyond the idea phase and bring these businesses to life.

We’ve broken up these into nine categories for easier browsing. Choose from one of the sections below to navigate or scroll through all of the ideas.

1. Consulting

2. content writing and creation, 3. personal assistant services, 4. tutoring, 5. event planning, 6. virtual bookkeeping, 7. language translation services, 8. career coaching, 9. graphic design services, 10. social media content creator or consultant, 11. travel planner, 12. personal shopper.

  • 13. Dropshipping 

14. Affiliate marketing

15. print on demand, 16. online courses, 17. start and monetize a newsletter.

  • 18. Write an ebook and sell it 
  • 19. Create an online membership 

20. Greeting card design

21. photography, 22. art and music classes, 23. custom illustration services, 24. jewelry making, 25. interior decorating, 26. calligraphy and lettering services, 27. pottery making.

  • 28. Video production 

29. Voiceover services

30. wordpress support, 31. social media consulting, 32. app development, 33. web design and development, 34. tech support services, 35. cybersecurity consulting, 36. website flipping, 37. personal training, 38. nutritionist services, 39. yoga or fitness instructor, 40. dance instruction, 41. holistic health consulting, 42. meal planner, 43. house and pet sitting, 44. landscaping and lawn care, 45. cleaning services, 46. home repair and maintenance, 47. professional organizing, 48. child care services, 49. language tutoring, 50. career coaching and resume writing, 51. financial coaching.

  • 52. Art therapy 

53. Life coaching

54. skill workshops, 55. soap and candle making, 56. handmade clothing, 57. upcycled art, 58. knitting and crocheting, 59. stationery design, 60. sustainable living consulting, 61. themed tour guide, 62. custom gift baskets, 63. niche blogging, 64. podcasting, 65. energy efficiency audit services.

  • How to start a business with WooCommerce 
  • How to brainstorm even more business ideas 

How to protect your business idea once you’ve selected it

  • What’s the cheapest business to start? 
  • What are the best businesses to start with a low budget? 
  • What types of small businesses are the most successful? 
  • Why is WooCommerce the best option for my business? 
  • What’s the best business to start with $1000 or less? 
  • How can I get further funding for my business idea? 

Service-based businesses

In many cases, you don’t need a product to start a business. If you have a skill that can be monetized, why not sell that? 

Consulting is an inherently low investment because it primarily relies on your existing knowledge and skills. You don’t need a physical storefront or a large team to start. Often, all it takes is a computer, a strong internet connection, and a deep understanding of your chosen niche. And demand is on the rise. 

A few types of consulting you can do include:

  • Marketing and sales
  • Business and management
  • IT and technology
  • Personal 

Being a consultant means you’re a top-notch problem solver, a clear communicator, and someone who can adapt on the fly.

Style Girlfriend is a great example of a consulting website.

Style Girlfriend homepage

The target audience here is men looking to improve their fashion sense. Customers can book styling sessions with the fashion-expert team and get advice about what works for them, including a shopping guide, outfit suggestions, and one-on-one calls.

Starting a content writing and creation business is a standout low-investment idea mainly because it capitalizes on skills and expertise. With the constant need for fresh content across industries, skilled writers are always in demand, promising a steady stream of potential projects​​. 

And the numbers don’t lie. The content creation industry is expected to reach a market value of $23.2 billion by 2026 . You can also operate from anywhere, choose your potential clients, and scale your business at your own pace. 

From pets to real estate, there are countless content marketing niches to explore, allowing you to leverage your specific knowledge or interests​​.

If you enjoy helping people, a potential low investment business model to consider is becoming a personal assistant. 

You can help people with personal tasks like picking up their dry cleaning and making appointments. This is a great choice for people who are well-organized and enjoy going out and about. 

The scope of work for personal assistants has expanded beyond traditional tasks, too. You can offer services like

  • Email management
  • Social media campaigns
  • Taking notes during meetings​
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Sending out thank you notes or gifts
  • Running errands

There’s a high level of job satisfaction as you’re directly solving your clients’ problems and helping them manage their lives more efficiently​​.

Starting a tutoring business, whether online or in-person, is another great idea for several reasons. 

The education sector, particularly tutoring, is known for its high ROI, making it an attractive choice. Often, people see a return on their initial investment within the first few months of being in business. 

Both tutors and students benefit from the flexibility that online tutoring offers. Tutors can work from anywhere, eliminating commute time and costs, and schedule sessions that fit their lifestyle. This flexibility extends to students as well, who can learn at their own pace and schedule sessions around their commitments. 

Online tutoring platforms can generate income through various models, including:

  • Commissions
  • Subscriptions
  • Premium services

You can conduct tutoring sessions over Zoom , Skype , or any other conference tool. Similarly, you could build out an online course through Sensei LMS and make recurring, passive revenue once everything’s all set up.

Another option is to start an event planning business. It has a low startup cost and you can work from home. It offers rewarding work with high customer retention rates and even higher margins. 

The business allows for creativity, meeting new people, and helping others develop memorable events. However, it also comes with challenges like high stress, long hours, and the need for strong organizational skills and detail management.

But if you are organized and love the details, planning events can be rewarding and lucrative. 

Luxury Events homepage

Luxury Weddings by Keith Lee is a standout WordPress site that offers full-service wedding and event planning. 

Starting a virtual bookkeeping business is a great option if you’re financially-minded and want to work from home and set your own rates. You can choose your clients and manage your schedule as you see fit.​​​​​

One of the key benefits of virtual bookkeeping is the minimal startup costs involved. Besides the basics like a computer and internet access, you’ll also need bookkeeping software like QuickBooks Online . This setup keeps the initial investment low while offering the potential for significant returns. 

A lot of small-to-medium sized businesses need bookkeeping services but not full-time, in-house staff. So virtual bookkeeping is in high demand. 

Just look at the website for MyBookkeeperService . They offer virtual and local services including monthly bookkeeping, a QuickBooks cleanup, and even training. 

My Bookeeper Services homepage

The translation services market, valued at $39.37 billion in 2020, is expected to grow to $46.22 billion by 2028, according to Verified Market Research . This growth is driven by the need for accurate multi-language translations, highlighting the potential for businesses in this sector to expand and connect globally.

This lucrative business type doesn’t ask for much upfront. So, if you’re already fluent in a couple of languages, you’re halfway there. Your main spend might be on getting a slick website up and running, spreading the word about what you do, and getting your hands on translation tools. 

If you know a lot about career management and moving up the corporate ladder, career coaching could be a good option for you. The online coaching industry as a whole is expected to reach $11.7 billion globally by 2032, according to Allied Market Research .

Pricing your services correctly is really important, so consider your costs, customer willingness to pay, and competitor’s pricing. Legal permits, licenses, and liability insurance are essential, too. 

low invest business plan

Your website can be pretty simple to get started as a career coach. Jody Michael Associates offers career coaching, among other services, with a straightforward interface and an easy way to get in touch. 

Graphic design services are a smart low-investment business choice because they rely on skills and creativity to produce significant returns. 

Good graphic design enhances brand perception, improves conversion rates, and sets businesses apart from competitors. And it continues to be in high demand. The global graphic design industry reached a $45 billion market size in 2023, according to IBISWorld .

Starting a business as a social media content creator or consultant is another good option. If you have experience with building up a massive reach and influence on social platforms, you could tap into that and monetize these skills for others’ benefit. 

It’s a role that demands creativity and an understanding of what sparks engagement online. This career path offers the chance to work with a wide range of potential clients, helping them increase brand awareness, drive sales, and build a loyal following. 

Here are some tools you might want to become familiar with: 

  • SocialPilot  
  • Adobe Creative Cloud

Starting a travel planning business taps into a booming industry, with the hospitality market growing by 7.0% between 2022 and 2023, according to EHL Insights . It’s an exciting opportunity for those with a passion for travel and organization. And you only need your expertise and a solid online presence. 

The role often involves:

  • Crafting personalized itineraries
  • Scouting the best deals
  • Sourcing unique, stress-free experiences

This career offers great growth potential for those ready to use their travel knowledge and connections effectively.

Starstuff Travel homepage

Starstuff Travel is a travel planning agency run by experienced travelers who provide inside info on the locations they send customers. Their website features a prominent “Request a Quote” button and info on team members to build consumer trust.

a personal shopper combines the excitement of shopping with the joy of assisting others. This low-cost business idea involves:

  • Understanding client needs, preferences, and budgets
  • Offering personalized shopping experiences, from updating wardrobes to finding the perfect gifts
  • Working independently or collaborating with retail stores

With an eye for fashion and trends, personal shoppers can create a loyal customer base and rewarding career. For those with a knack for customer service and selecting the ideal items, it opens up a path to a satisfying profession.

Ecommerce and online businesses

If starting your own online shop is more your thing, there are plenty of ecommerce businesses you can launch without much money. Let’s check out a few examples.

13. Dropshipping 

Jumping into dropshipping could be a smart move, especially with its market on a steep climb, projected to skyrocket to over $2 trillion by 2032 . It’s a great opportunity for those looking to break into ecommerce without the hassle of managing inventory . 

Suppliers ship products directly to your customers, meaning less overhead for you. Then you can just focus on finding products your audience will love and marketing them effectively. 

Thinking about jumping into affiliate marketing? You’re eyeing a market that’s on the up, with projected growth to $15.7 billion by 2024 . 

Here’s what you’ll need to get started with affiliate marketing :

  • Sharp analytical skills . Spot and follow trends. You can use Google Trends and Keyword Planner as a start to figure out what products to sell.
  • Marketing savvy . You’ll need to be able to engage and captivate your audience. That means writing content that solves problems and recommends solutions: the products you’re an affiliate for.
  • Familiarity with digital tools . Use tech to streamline and enhance your strategy. Plugins like Pretty Links for affiliate URLs can improve your workflow considerably. 

You’ll also need to find a solid affiliate program to represent. A few popular options are Amazon Associates , Share-A-Sale , and Commission Junction .

CJ Network Integration plugin in the WordPress.org library

Exploring print on demand (POD)? If you’re a natural artist, but don’t want to worry about manufacturing, big upfront investments, or unsold inventory, this booming market could be for you. It’s set to reach over $39 billion by 2031 .

To get started with this idea, you’ll need creativity and trend awareness. This means you’ll need to stay ahead of what people are searching for and offer designs that catch the eye. Tools like Canva and Adobe Express can help unleash your inner artist.

If you have a WordPress website, WooCommerce should be your launchpad. And key players in POD include, Printify , Printful , Teespring , ScalablePress , and Redbubble , offering various products from t-shirts to mugs, ready for your custom designs. Look for a service that offers WooCommerce integration to make your life easier.

Printify and WooCommerce integration

This is another option that’s great for those who can deep dive into a subject and offer true expertise. 

If you’re building in WooCommerce, you can use a tool like Sensei LMS to build courses directly in the WordPress dashboard. 

You can cultivate your audience through social media, email campaigns, and SEO to ensure your courses reach eager learners.

The Sweet Setup offers productivity tips and workflow suggestions alongside online courses. 

The Sweet Setup homepage

Starting and monetizing a newsletter is a great way to take advantage of email marketing’s impressive ROI of $36 for every $1 spent . And you can bring in new subscribers through your website. 

To get started, you need to have a good understanding of your target audience. Then create content that offers real insights, updates, or entertainment (or whatever else your focus is). Your website will need an eye-catching signup form and you can use social media, SEO, and regular networking to expand your reach. 

WooCommerce offers a great way to create a paid newsletter . 

18. Write an ebook and sell it 

Crafting and selling an ebook is yet another way to turn your expertise or creative ideas into an income stream. There are many ways to go about this. You could write your book and sell it on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to reach a wide audience or sell directly through your website. 

No matter which approach you take, focus on a niche topic where you really have something compelling to say. 

19. Create an online membership 

You could also start an online membership site . With this, you can build a community and earn recurring revenue at the same time. Often, people will offer exclusive content, courses, or community access as a part of a membership. 

Many publications opt for a membership model as well. Take Cosmos Magazine as an example. 

Cosmos homepage with various articles in a grid

This science magazine allows you to select your billing frequency: every four weeks or once per year. It also makes use of Gifting for Woo Subscriptions to let customers buy subscriptions for other people. 

Creative and artistic businesses

Have artistic skill? It’s something you could potentially monetize. Let’s look at some examples of creative business ideas to consider. 

Greeting card design is a great way to start a new business without spending a lot of money. And the market was worth $19.25 billion back in 2022 and is expected to grow .

To get started, you’ll need:

  • Design skills . Sharpen your ability to create visually-appealing cards.
  • Market research . Understand consumer preferences and seasonal trends.
  • Digital tools . Familiarize yourself with design software like Adobe Illustrator.

This niche combines creativity with ecommerce, allowing you to connect with people on a personal level through your art. 

If you’re good with a camera, photography is a low investment business idea worth considering — especially if you already have a camera. 

It’s a field with endless creative potential and a variety of niches, from portrait to landscape photography.

To start, you should master camera and editing software like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom . Then, you can put together a portfolio showcasing your best work, even if it’s non-client work. You could also consider specializing to stand out, i.e. become a wedding photographer, a nature photographer, etc.

the Paris Photographer site with a hero image and text

Just look at what The Paris Photographer has done. This photographer exclusively provides photoshoots in Paris. Their website includes guides for how to get started, what type of shoot to select, and easy ways to get in touch.

You could sell photos directly on your site as well. The WooCommerce Photography extension simplifies this for WordPress users. 

Starting art and music classes is more accessible now than ever. People are always on the lookout to learn something new or improve their skills, especially in creative fields. To succeed:

  • You’ll need to know your stuff, whether it’s painting or how to play an instrument.
  • Get comfortable with online tools like Zoom or YouTube for broader reach.
  • Keep your lessons engaging. To bring in new students and keep the ones you have, your lessons should be interactive and fun.
  • Remember to spread the word through social media and community forums.

It’s a great way to share your passion and help others grow their creative talents.

Another idea is to offer custom illustration services. You could create people’s portraits or illustrate cover art for books. 

Many businesses would use your services, too. After all, engaging visuals can enhance brand identity and marketing efforts, which means there’s definitely an audience out there for your services. 

Unique, brand-specific illustrations can set a company apart, making its offerings more memorable compared to competitors. Personalized illustrations, especially when used on websites and social media, create a strong first impression and can even help build a more emotional connection with your audience. 

Kevuru illustration website

Take Kevuru Games as an example. This company specializes in creating video game designs and game assets — including illustrations. And their website features a robust portfolio, service description, and contact form.  

The jewelry industry is booming, expected to grow at a rate of 4.7% from 2024 to 2030 . This craft blends creativity with the thrill of creating tangible, wearable art. 

To get started:

  • Dive into design and technique workshops or online courses.
  • Invest in quality tools and materials to craft your pieces.
  • Market your unique creations online and at local craft fairs.

With people’s growing appreciation for handmade and personalized jewelry, now’s a great time to shine. 

A wonderful example comes from Kaelin Design , who offers custom-made jewelry for sale on their website. 

Kaelin Design homepage with a green pendant

If you have a flair for sprucing up your friends and family’s homes, interior decorating is on a significant upswing and might be worth pursuing. This industry is projected to expand significantly in the years to come. 

This growth is propelled by a renewed interest in personalized, functional living spaces. Plus, advances in technology — especially augmented reality — are changing the way people plan and visualize their spaces.  

This blending of tech and design is easily facilitated in WooCommerce, where you could use the extension CartMagician Pro to illustrate what different decor items or design ideas would look like in visitors’ own homes.

mockup of a curtain design

Calligraphy and lettering services are a relatively inexpensive venture to pursue as well. It’s a field where your creativity can truly shine.

From wedding invitations to custom artwork, your hand-lettered designs can turn profitable when used for personal and corporate events. Just remember, getting started may require an initial investment in quality pens, ink, and paper. And, of course, you’ll need to practice extensively to master your craft.

Other considerations include shipping, packaging, and postage costs, especially if you plan on selling these services online. 

Pottery making is finding new life, with the industry’s value projected to hit $15 billion by 2030 . This continued growth reflects a deeper appreciation for handmade, unique items — as we’ve seen with some of the other online business ideas mentioned here today. 

Artisans are finding success selling through Etsy, local craft markets, and social media, connecting directly with those who value craftsmanship. Key considerations include market research, mastering shipping logistics for fragile items, and building a strong online presence. 

Ephraim Pottery offers handmade art pottery including tableware, ceramic tiles, and more. It’s built on WooCommerce and makes for a convenient way to shop. 

Ephraim Pottery site with beautiful American pottery

28. Video production 

The video production industry is witnessing significant growth, with estimates putting market valuation at $746.8 billion by 2030 . This surge is driven by the increasing demand for digital media and streaming services. 

As video consumption habits evolve, especially towards mobile platforms, the industry continues to adapt, embracing industry trends like 8K resolution, virtual production, and immersive 360° video to create engaging content for audiences worldwide. 

If you’ve ever wanted to dip your toes into the voiceover market, there’s likely room for you there as well. The industry is expected to reach $2.3 billion by 2026 — which is about a 9% growth rate given current projections. 

This surge is largely due to technological advancements, especially in smartphones and at-home recording equipment, creating new opportunities for voice-over work alongside skyrocketing demand for video content.

The industry is competitive but offers various opportunities across media platforms on top of traditional advertising work like: 

  • Video games
  • YouTube videos 
  • Podcasts 

Debbie Grattan has a highly-professional website to promote her services. Her site features service descriptions, embedded audio clips, and demos. 

Debbie Grattan website with a red hero image

Tech and web services

Tech enthusiast? You might be able to monetize those skills, too. Here are some low investment business models in the tech and web services niches. 

Launching a WordPress support business is a savvy move for those looking to dive into a tech-oriented service without a hefty upfront investment. With WordPress powering 43.2% of websites , the demand for specialized support is sizable. 

This need spans across things like: 

  • Troubleshooting
  • Site optimization
  • Security enhancements
  • Custom development

These services cater to both newbies and professionals needing help to keep their sites in tip-top shape. And you can streamline your efforts by using Jetpack. Jetpack Manage makes it simpler to monitor client sites, perform bulk updates, and more. Plenty of agencies and freelancers are already making strong full-time incomes supporting the industry. 

To boost your marketability, consider earning certifications. For example, business owners on WooCommerce often wish to hire a WooExpert to get specialized advice and help with setting up and managing their online store.

Becoming a vetted WooExpert, though not for beginner-level developers, can be a boon for your business. 

WooExpert library

Social media consulting in 2024 is another good idea for a new business. The industry is doing well, with the number of social media users globally having grown from 4.72 billion in early 2023 to 5.04 billion by early 2024. That’s a staggering 8% increase in just one year, so yes, there is still an audience for social media content and strategies. 

If you like to keep up with trends, algorithmic changes, and the types of posts that are most effective, you could readily help out those in need of guidance. 

What makes app development such an attractive idea is the sheer diversity of niches waiting to be explored. You could be crafting the next big fitness tracker, a groundbreaking educational tool, or a game that goes viral overnight. 

The barrier to entry varies, but with platforms like Flutter and React Native, even solo developers can bring their ideas to life without heavy investment.

The startup costs hinge on the complexity of your app and whether you’re flying solo or have a team. Yet, the potential return on investment is compelling, especially if you nail a unique value proposition. The key? Staying attuned to user needs and market trends, ensuring your app not only solves a problem but does so in a way that’s intuitive and engaging.

TechAhead homepage with a blue and purple gradient

TechAhead is a full-service app development company, offering custom designs and digital transformation for hundreds of companies. 

Jumping into web design and development in 2024 is still a cost-effective (and smart) move. With the industry’s market size in the US reaching a whopping $45.0 billion —  a 6.56% increase from 2023 — it’s clear that the demand for sleek, user-friendly websites is growing. 

This growth reflects a deeper trend: businesses and individuals alike are recognizing the critical role a well-designed website plays in success online. Whether it’s for ecommerce, personal branding, or digital storytelling, a website is often the first impression you make.

The tech support industry is projected to balloon from $9.34 billion in 2024 to $13.53 billion by 2029 . That’s a hefty growth rate of 7.69% over five years and makes it abundantly clear this is a service in high demand. 

You can get started with just a computer and a few software purchases. Nothing major — especially if your services will be virtual-only. 

With spending on security and risk management expected to climb 14% in 2024, according to Gartner , stepping into cybersecurity consulting couldn’t be timelier. 

Everywhere you look, companies big and small are getting serious about defending their websites from hackers and data breaches. So, if you’re savvy with IT security, this is your call to action. As a consultant, you’ll be the go-to for crafting defenses against these threats. 

This is another example where leveraging the skills and knowledge you already have is what makes this an affordable business idea to pursue. 

Talion homepage

Talion offers cybersecurity detection and consulting services across manufacturing, education, and legal industries among others.

Another tech-related idea you can start without a ton of money is website flipping. This involves building a website according to current best practices, building a bit of traffic to it, then selling it shortly thereafter. 

It’s like house flipping but online, and it can turn into a full-fledged business. Ecommerce and affiliate sites offer your best bet for money a good amount when selling these sites. You can also purchase previously made sites, work on them until they’re profitable and sell them for an even greater amount. 

If you’ve got a knack for making websites better and know a thing or two about SEO, this could be a good option for you. Website marketplaces like F l ippa make it easy to list and sell sites in this way. 

Flippa marketplace with a large search bar

Health and personal care

Another good category to potentially pursue is health and personal care. These businesses don’t cost much to start and rely on your knowledge about health and fitness.

More folks than ever are looking to get fit with a bit of expert guidance. Which means, if you know a thing or two about fitness, it’s all the more reason to take this path. 

If any of the following sound appealing, this might be a good business model for you: 

  • Helping others hit their health goals
  • Offering personal training and creating custom workouts 
  • Meeting the specific fitness needs of those with mobility restrictions 
  • Exploring targeted fitness routines like kettlebell workouts or Pilates

Whether it’s one-on-one sessions or group classes, your expertise could help someone transform their life. 

two columns with an image and text

Just look at Sculpt Fitness , a personal training business that offers bootcamp classes and one-on-one training sessions. 

The demand for nutritionist services is on a steady climb. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects growth that’s faster than average, highlighting an increasing appetite for dietary advice. 

This growth spells good news if you want to guide others to healthier eating habits. This is especially the case if you’ve already received training for or gone to school for nutrition. Some things you’d be responsible for include: 

  • Crafting meal plans
  • Advising on dietary supplements
  • Providing nutritional counseling

To get started, you’d really just need a website with an attractive design, booking capabilities, and some decent content detailing the services you offer. You can facilitate this with the WooCommerce Bookings extension.

Yoga and fitness instruction is riding a high wave, with the yoga market alone expected to be valued at $250.7 billion by 2032 . But this gig is not just about bending into a pretzel or lifting weights — it’s about leading people on a journey towards better health and mindfulness. 

If you have a passion for fitness or yoga, there’s definitely an opportunity for you here to make your move. From yoga studios craving authentic instructors to fitness centers looking for trainers who can bring fresh energy to workouts, the demand is there. 

You could start up your own fitness instruction website or course online, too. 

If you have dance skills, you could definitely monetize them. There are tons of dance studios and schools out there, each catering to different dance forms and skill levels. Whether it’s classical ballet, hip-hop, salsa, or contemporary dance, instructors are in demand. 

If you’ve got rhythm in your soul and a knack for teaching, dance instruction offers a chance to start a business and express yourself artistically. 

You could set up a website easily and include a booking form to allow people to book private sessions. Or, you could set up a dedicated time and place for your classes and offer enrollment online. You could even offer an online course using Sensei Pro .

With the global wellness market booming, now valued at a staggering $1.8 trillion, according to McKinsey & Company , holistic health consulting has never been more relevant. 

Starting a business in this space means you get to help people go on a comprehensive health journey, considering physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If you’re passionate about promoting a balanced lifestyle and have a deep understanding of holistic health practices, this could be your chance to build something for yourself.

As with other consulting gigs, you can talk with people in person or virtually. Just make sure you have solid teleconferencing tools on deck to make things go smoothly.

Another great business idea you can pursue if you’re knowledgeable about nutrition is meal planning. This is a service you could leverage in many ways, including: 

  • Providing custom meal plans to customers 
  • Offering consulting services to meal kit companies 
  • Creating a membership website where you share new meal plans weekly 
  • Making an affiliate blog with meal plans provided as content

You can put this knowledge and skill set to work in many ways. Just look at what Cooksmarts has managed to do. Their website has a nice design and the subscription service includes a custom meal plan each week with a click-to-add grocery list. 

CookSmarts homepage with a bright image

Home and pet care

If caring for living spaces or pets is more your thing, a profitable business idea from this list ought to get you jumping out of your seat and into action.

House and pet sitting offer a flexible way to earn by taking care of others’ homes and furry friends while they’re away. 

It’s perfect for those who love animals and want to ensure they’re cared for in their own comfortable environment. With platforms like Rover or TrustedHousesitters , you can easily connect with pet owners in need. Or you can create your own website and book clients that way. 

Rover homepage with a visual filter

Whether it’s feeding, walking, or just providing company, this service is invaluable for travelers and those with busy schedules, which means it’s something that will always be in need.

Landscaping and lawn care services cater to homeowners looking to enhance their outdoor spaces. This business is not just about mowing lawns, however. You can also create beautiful, functional outdoor areas for your clients. 

Many homeowners worry about their curb appeal, so services like garden design, hardscaping, and regular maintenance are in high demand. Starting this business requires some initial investment in equipment, but with the right marketing and quality service, it can grow quickly. It’s a seasonal opportunity with the potential for year-round income through snow removal or holiday decorating services, too. 

grid of landscape services next to text

Omni Landscape is a full-service landscaping business, including residential and commercial services and sprinkler installation.

Or you could offer cleaning services. This industry is growing as well and is expected to reach $129.8 billion by 2032. 

This industry caters to both residential and commercial clients and includes many services from general house cleaning to specialized sanitation, making it a versatile and in-demand business option — especially if you know your way around stain removal and cleaning supplies. 

You could offer your services locally and set up a website to book appointments. You wouldn’t need much of a budget to get started — just basic cleaning tools and regular business license and insurance fees. 

Handy with tools and house repairs? You could offer these services within your community. This sector covers a wide range of services, including HVAC, plumbing, and electrical repairs, so you could easily niche down into the category of service that makes sense for your skillset and accreditations. 

But even if you lack a plumber’s license or something more complex like that, you could still offer home repair services. 

TaskRabbit homepage with a search bar

Websites like Taskrabbit make it so people can book your services to make minor home repairs, install appliances, or build IKEA furniture. 

Or, you can offer this sort of service on your own website, too. 

If you’re an organized person — and like to organize, for that matter — professional organizing could be a good path to pursue. With this business, you’d be working with people looking to declutter and streamline their living or workspaces. 

Organizers not only help clear out the clutter, but also implement systems to keep things orderly for the long-term. It’s a service in demand by individuals and businesses alike, aiming for efficiency and peace of mind.

Simplified Spaces homepage

Simplified Spaces by Nancy is a great example of this business type. The business has a clean website, a clear CTA, prominent testimonials, and an up-to-date blog. 

Child care services are essential for many families, offering a safe and nurturing environment for children while parents work or need respite. This industry is an essential one and often requires certification and licensing.

But getting started isn’t all that expensive and it’s a field with a heart, dedicated to supporting child development and easing the daily load on parents.

If your home can double as a daycare space or you’re fine with caring for children in other people’s homes, this could be a good fit for you. You can list services on a site like Care.com or set up your own daycare-style child care business. 

Education and skill development

If you’re a teacher looking for side income or you have another area of knowledge you’d like to share, either catering to the education industry or offering educational services can be a smart, low investment choice. 

Language tutoring is in high demand these days. Many people are working online and the need for multilingual communication is on the rise. With the online tutoring market set for growth (it’s expecting a 15.1% increase by 2032 ) language enthusiasts have a golden opportunity. 

Whether you’re fluent in French, Mandarin, or Spanish, there’s someone out there eager to learn.

italki homepage with photos and flags

Platforms like iTalki make it easy to reach learners globally, turning your language skills into a lucrative gig.

It’s competitive out there for job seekers right now, so many are investing in career coaching and resume writing services to put their best foot forward. If you know what hiring agents are looking for, you can put these skills to work. 

These services can help people polish their professional profiles, improve their resumes, and make the right impression on job interviews. If you have a knack for articulating experiences and skills in the most compelling way or can strategize a career move, this field might be a good, low-investment choice. 

Epoch Resumes homepage

Epoch Resumes offers resume writing services alongside interview prep, negotiation skills, and more. 

Financial coaches play a critical role in helping people manage their money better, from budgeting to investing. And over time, this can help those people achieve financial stability and growth. 

It’s a solid business option for those with accounting or investing experience who’d like to branch out on their own. 

52. Art therapy 

The visual arts therapy market is expected to grow substantially, reaching $3.67 billion by 2030 — up from $1.38 billion in 2023. This growth is driven by the increasing recognition of art therapy’s benefits for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It’s used for many conditions from stress to more severe health issues as well. 

It’s sometimes rolled into other therapies as a supplement practice — from PTSD to speech therapy and rehabilitation centers to dementia care centers. 

You could offer sessions online or in-person alike. You will need mental health credentialing to pursue this idea but it could serve as a great niche to consider. 

Those who’ve overcome great obstacles in their lives are often the best to guide others through their issues. As a life coach, you’d be tasked with helping people navigate the complexities of their lives, which can often span all aspects from work to relationships. 

Your efforts can help people: 

  • Improve their self-esteem 
  • Better manage their finances 
  • Make smart career choices 
  • Improve their relationships 
  • Build a better work-life balance

Alison Marie is a life coach who helps people transform their lives for the better. She offers more targeted coaching as well for dating, relationships, and careers.

Alison Marie homepage

Skill workshops offer hands-on training in a variety of areas, from technical skills like coding and digital marketing to soft skills like leadership and communication. These workshops cater to individuals looking to upskill, change careers, or simply learn something new. 

The demand for such workshops is rising as well, as lifelong learning becomes a key component of professional growth. 

Handcrafted and artisan products

There’s always a demand for handcrafted items — especially when relying on a specific crafting skill. Businesses centered around crafts like soap making, knitting, and sewing continue to have appeal.

Soap and candle making is always in demand. These items make the perfect gift and are often extra popular during the holiday season. 

This crafty business taps into the growing market for artisanal and personalized home goods. It offers immense scope for customization in scents, shapes, and ingredients, appealing to eco-conscious consumers and those looking for unique home decor or personal care items.

Misty Mountain Soap Co product grid

Misty Mountain Soap Co . is a great example of a handmade soap company selling online. Their website is simple, cohesive, and offers clear branding. 

And Wild Mountain Wax is a candle company thriving on WordPress and WooCommerce, offering everything from individual candles to subscription boxes and wholesale packages.

You could also sell handmade clothing to offer unique, sustainable, and personalized fashion options.

There’s a lot of people out there looking for ethical clothing choices and who support slow fashion, so hand sewn items would have direct appeal. 

This business type requires skill in sewing and design, but if you have those skills already, you’d only be spending money on fabric, thread, and shipping costs to get started. You can sell across multiple marketplaces as well, including Etsy , Amazon , and on social media.

Upcycled art transforms discarded materials into valuable art, echoing sustainability and creativity. This niche is part of the broader arts and crafts market, which is on a steady rise, as we’ve already discussed. And it appeals to eco-conscious customers as well. 

This is another business idea that will only work if you’re already into art and you already collect discarded items to turn into art. But if you do, it’s a great idea to pursue. 

Upcycled Vintage Art homepage

Upcycled Vintage Art features paintings that have been painted over or added to as a way of creating something new. 

Knitting and crocheting offer a cozy blend of tradition and modernity, resonating with both young enthusiasts and experienced crafters. This niche benefits from a resurgence in DIY culture, with platforms like Etsy providing a global marketplace for handmade goods. 

But you can sell your knitted or crocheted pieces on your own website as well. And you can specialize in sub-niches like just offering hats, scarves, or even fantasy-inspired pieces. 

Stationery design is another low investment business idea to consider. Lots of people love to collect stationary from letterheads to planners to fountain pens. This niche thrives on creativity and the joy of personal correspondence. 

And there are several ways to go about this. You could: 

  • Create your stationery designs and print them at home to ship to people. 
  • Create designs and use a print-on-demand service to deliver the items to customers. 
  • Offer digital downloads of your stationery designs. 

Unique and niche markets

Who says you have to play by the standard playbook? These business ideas don’t cost much to start and stray outside the expected. 

Sustainable living consulting focuses on helping individuals and businesses adopt practices that reduce their environmental impact. If you’re a consultant in this field, you’d offer strategies on: 

  • Energy efficiency
  • Waste reduction
  • Sustainable resource use 
  • Sourcing green living solutions

As awareness of environmental issues rises, the demand for expertise in sustainable living practices is expected to grow. So if you know a lot about this subject, becoming a consultant is a wise choice.

Do you know a lot about specific areas, venues, or events? You could serve as a themed tour guide. In doing so, you could provide specialized experiences based on unique themes like history, gastronomy, or pop culture. 

Tourists who want personalized and immersive experiences that go beyond traditional sightseeing gladly seek out these kinds of tours. So if you’re passionate about specific subjects, you can cater to this growing segment of travelers looking for more than just the mainstream attractions.

Secret Foods homepage

Secret Food Tours , for instance, offers guided tours of off-the-beaten path eateries. 

People are always on the lookout for thoughtful and unique gifts for various occasions, and custom gift baskets fit the bill nicely. If you’re great at putting together gifts, assembling custom baskets for people is a straightforward idea. 

You can go about this a couple of ways. Either offer a set number of items that can be added to a gift basket for an escalating price point, or you can offer yourself as a sort of personal shopper, where your customer pays you to make selections within a certain budget.

Another way to take advantage of your personal knowledge on a subject is to start a niche blog. Whether you know a lot about baking bread, archery, or your 401k, starting a niche blog is a good way to put what you know to work. 

To do this, you’d launch a website, write some content, make sure it’s search engine optimized, and monetize it through ads and affiliate marketing. Many people end up owning multiple niche blogs and building a site portfolio over time. 

The Good trade homepage with a photo grid

The Good Trade is a blog dedicated to sustainable fashion that appears to be monetized through affiliate marketing and advertising.

Who doesn’t have a podcast these days? Yes, the field is crowded, but don’t let that stop you from claiming a piece of the pie for yourself. According to DemandSage , the podcasting market should reach $38.36 billion by 2025.

You won’t need a lot to start — just a computer or smartphone for editing and a good microphone. And you can monetize your podcast in several ways. However, most do so through on-air advertisements, where the host reads an ad during the podcast. 

Lastly, you could provide energy efficiency audit services to businesses or homeowners. Since reducing energy consumption and lowering utility costs have grown increasingly important to people, offering such services fulfill a growing demand. 

You’d provide a comprehensive assessment of energy use and recommendations for improvements to enhance efficiency. You’d be contributing to environmental conservation, offering significant savings and operational efficiency to your clients, and taking advantage of whatever prior knowledge you have in this space. Plus, you’d only need a few tools to begin like a flow meter or velometer.

How to start a business with WooCommerce 

Starting a business with WooCommerce is a fantastic way to enter the ecommerce space, by relying on one of the most powerful and flexible platforms available. 

Here’s what you need to do to get your business up and running with WooCommerce: 

  • Select a domain name . Sort of like choosing a location for a retail store, your domain name is how people will find you. So you’ll want something that makes sense for your brand and is easy to remember. Finding the right domain name can improve your chances of success, so don’t rush the process.
  • Choose your hosting . There are a number of great ecommerce hosting solutions . But you may want to opt for one that offers WooCommerce as part of a package, like Woo Express , which includes everything you need to get started, from managed hosting to essential WooCommerce extensions.
  • Install WordPress and activate WooCommerce . Most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installations, and some even have it pre-installed on your behalf. Once that’s set up, you can install WooCommerce directly from your WordPress dashboard. A setup wizard will guide you through the initial configuration, including payment, shipping, and tax settings.
  • Select a theme . The appearance of your store is what sets it apart from your competitors, and WooCommerce is compatible with tons of themes. The Twenty Twenty-Four theme is an excellent starting point, though there are hundreds of free and premium themes available that focus on specific niches.
  • Extend functionality with extensions . Enhance your store with extensions for email marketing, lead generation, SEO, and more. 
  • Customize your store . Use the WooCommerce extensive documentation and resources to customize your store. From setting up products to optimizing your sales funnel with extensions, there’s a wealth of guidance available to make your store stand out and perform its best.

How to brainstorm even more business ideas 

Brainstorming business ideas is like putting together a puzzle. You’re looking for that perfect fit — a mix of what you’re passionate about, what you’re skilled at, and what people need. 

Here’s a distilled guide to lighting up that bulb over your head, metaphorically speaking:

  • Start with what gets you fired up . Combining what you love and what you’re good at can point you toward a sustainable idea. Then, keep an eye out for everyday hassles that lack solutions. These are golden opportunities waiting for your creative touch.
  • Stay on top of trends . It’s not just about what’s hot right now but spotting what will be big tomorrow. Use websites like Trend Hunter or podcasts that delve into future predictions to stay ahead.
  • Explore idea tools. Using brainstorming tools like MindMeister or Google’s Jamboard can be great for collaborative idea generation. These platforms can help you expand on initial thoughts and explore different angles with a team.
  • Engage in conversations with potential customers . Understanding their pain points directly can lead to breakthroughs. And while you’re at it, take a closer look at your potential competitors. What they’re missing can be exactly what you offer.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of throwing your ideas into the world . Talk about them with friends, family, or even strangers on forums. Feedback is a compass that can steer you in the right direction.

So, you’ve got a business idea that’s just waiting to take off. Here’s how you keep it safe:

  • Copyrights . For creative works, copyright registration is typically handled by each country’s government body. In the U.S., works are processed through the U.S. Copyright Office . 
  • Trade secrets . Protecting trade secrets starts with internal practices, such as securing sensitive information with passwords and limiting access only to those who need to know. Legal contracts like NDAs (see below) reinforce this protection. 
  • Non-compete and Non-solicitation agreements . These agreements are typically drafted by a legal professional to ensure they meet state-specific legal standards. Rocket Lawyer provides templates and customization options for creating these documents, if you need a place to start.
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) . NDAs can be customized for your specific needs with the help of online legal services like NDA templates on LawDepot . For more complex situations, consider consulting with an attorney to ensure comprehensive protection.
  • Work-for-hire agreements . This contract can be drafted with the assistance of online legal document services or an attorney. It’s crucial that these agreements explicitly state that any creations by the contractor are owned by the company.
  • Secure communication . Use encrypted email services like ProtonMail and secure messaging apps like Signal for discussions related to your business idea.
  • Timestamp your ideas . Utilizing blockchain services like OriginStamp can provide a timestamp for your digital documents, proving when they were created.

Each of these steps involves careful consideration and, often, a bit of investment, either in time or money. However, protecting your business idea is a smart way to ensure its value remains yours as you develop and grow your business. 

What’s the cheapest business to start? 

The cheapest business to start, especially for those looking for low-cost, high-profit potential ventures, includes most service-based options like house cleaning, digital marketing or print on demand and dropshipping businesses. These options have minimal startup costs and offer flexibility and scalability. 

What are the best businesses to start with a low budget? 

For those on a tight budget looking to start a business, service-based ecommerce is the best option, as you’re bringing the skills you already have to the table and likely won’t need to buy supplies to carry out your work. 

What types of small businesses are the most successful? 

The most profitable small business model to start in 2024 include a diverse range of options from cleaning services to dog walking to tutoring. Fitness and personal training, along with roles like social media experts and digital marketing offer the best chances at success as well. 

Why is WooCommerce the best option for my business? 

WooCommerce stands out as the best option for your business for several reasons. It’s free to use, built on WordPress, which offers tons of themes and plugins for customization, and has extensive support for multiple payment gateways.

Most importantly, you don’t want to build your business on someone else’s platform. Proprietary tools like Shopify, or even social media sites with commerce functionality, can choose to remove your account for any reason. Sometimes by complete mistake. Building your foundation on WooCommerce provides you with maximum control and ownership. If you’re like most business owners, this is invaluable.

What’s the best business to start with $1000 or less? 

Starting a business with $1,000 or less is entirely possible, with a range of options available from becoming a consultant to selling art to dropshipping products. Each offers a unique path to entrepreneurship with minimal upfront investment and using personal skills and digital platforms for success.

How can I get further funding for my business idea? 

Consider using personal savings or seeking investments from friends and family. You can also explore professional investors, apply for startup grants, or apply for a small business loan. Learn more about determining if your ecommerce business is ready for financing . 

low invest business plan

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How to start a business with no money: 22 low-cost business ideas

Real businesses that people have started for under $1,000.

Hero image with breads from a home bakery

How to choose your next business idea

The business ideas here are just the tip of the iceberg of low-capital opportunities. As you review the examples and come up with your own ideas, here are a few tips to be sure you're keeping your head on your shoulders.

Consider your skills . If you build on what you already know, you won't need to invest in extra training to get started—and you can begin faster with credentials. 

Use your current equipment . You may not have the best tools to start, but working with what you have until revenue flows makes it more accessible.

Fit your timeline . Some businesses (like a landscaping business) can turn a profit relatively quickly, while others (like a blog) will take time to gain momentum. 

Remember: because you're starting a business with no money—or very little—you'll need to be much more strategic about the rest of the process.

Local low-cost business ideas

1. landscaping business, 2. baker or personal chef.

A screenshot of the Company Bread website

Colin also shared a few words of advice for folks starting a new business from scratch: "You should be able to deliver the same level of service to your 10,000th customer as you did to your first customer. It involves more forward-thinking than I realized, so think about how to scale your business model early. Even if you're not investing a lot of money, you need to be investing a lot of time."

4. Pet sitting and dog walking

Sniffspot website

5. Organizing service

6. furniture refurbishing.

@cameronandsadie Easiest Side Hustle! 😊 #furnitureflip #furnituremakeover #sidehustle #sideincome #flips #couchflipping #couch #flippingcouches ♬ FEEL THE GROOVE - Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

7. Thrift store flipper

If you want to sell goods without large inventory costs, try buying discounted items and selling them to a niche audience. People who don't live near a thrift store or are looking for really specific types of items will love what you offer. Building an audience around a particular theme makes looking for inventory and building a brand easier. For example, the Vtgspice storefront on Depop sells '90s-era shirts and sweaters.

A VTGSpice storefront selling '90s-era shirts

8. Used book reseller

9. personal concierge, online low-cost business ideas.

If you want to work without leaving the house, there are plenty of home-based business opportunities with low startup costs.

10. Virtual assistant

A screenshot of Upsource

11. Build a blog

"A hobby blog, in particular, is a great way to get started because you're never going to run out of content ideas. You know what people are searching for because it's your hobby, and you've no doubt searched for similar things in the past. You'll also know what products and information people will need to get started."

12. Coaching and consultation

13. freelancing.

"Many new entrepreneurs think they need advertising, a fancy brand, or an expensive site to get going, but a freelance business just needs one thing: clients! You can start by pitching opportunities on sites like Upwork or Fiverr, which costs nothing. Or look for people who need what you have on Facebook Groups, Reddit, or Twitter."
"When I started freelance writing, it was 2006. I had my $200 laptop and an Internet bill that cost me $50 a month. That's it. That was the entirety of my overhead. I worked 100 percent remotely from my apartment, and I found all my initial jobs on the writing gigs section of Craigslist (of all places). Flash forward sixteen years, and I'm now a content marketing consultant and the founder of MACE Writing. My laptop has upgraded over the years, and I pay for things like a website and hosting. However, my overhead is still incredibly low."

14. Stock photographer

"The overhead costs associated with this type of business are relatively low. You won't need to lease office space or purchase expensive equipment. All you need is a drone and a camera to start offering your services to various clients, from real estate agents to wedding planners. The demand for this kind of service is often high, so you can charge premium rates and remain competitive."

15. Travel planner

16. affiliate marketing site.

Super happy with how my affiliate site is coming along. Started last August and now have 6.7k+ monthly visitors from organic search with <25 posts published on the site 💪 pic.twitter.com/gm9nxt7ybp — Elise Dopson (@elisedopson) August 17, 2020

17. Translation

18. dropshipping, 19. home tutoring, 20. online community.

"The upfront costs for Superpath were minimal. A Ghost website, Slack, ConvertKit, Zapier, Stripe, Airtable, Notion, and a few other tools. I ran the business for $500 a month for nearly a year. It was so, so lean. If someone is willing/able to do it without a salary for a while, a community-based business is a great option because it's nearly free to start," Jimmy shared. 

Superpath home page

21. Micro-SaaS

If you have an idea to help an audience, but don't want to work hands-on as a freelancer or consultant, you might try building an app.

Dock homepage

22. Job board

Best Writing home page

"When the pandemic broke out in early 2020, my friend Ed and I built a job board for writers using no-code tools like Webflow, MailerLite, Airtable, and Zapier to glue everything together. The building part was pretty quick and cheap (under $100 for software and four weekends to develop the early prototype). We bet on SEO and started by growing our organic traffic and curating writing jobs from other public job boards. We created a .css-yjptlz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:#3d4592;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{color:#2b2358;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:#3d4592;outline-color:#3d4592;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='white']{color:#fffdf9;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:#a8a5a0;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:#fffdf9;outline-color:#fffdf9;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:#3d4592;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:#2b2358;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:#3d4592;outline-color:#3d4592;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:#fffdf9;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:#a8a5a0;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:#fffdf9;outline-color:#fffdf9;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-yjptlz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} free weekly newsletter and began charging companies to reach our audience."

Niceboard home page

Automate the busywork of your business

Deciding to start a business, even a low-cost one, is a big decision. You have to be ready to contribute time and patience while building your reputation and revenue. But there are a few things you can do to safeguard your time and money. 

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Steph Knapp picture

Steph Knapp

Steph Knapp is a freelance B2B + SaaS content marketer that loves educating and empowering curious humans. When she's not typing away, you'll find her volunteering at the animal shelter and obsessing over a new hobby every week.

  • Small business

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45 Low-Cost Business Ideas for 2024

Starting your own business doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, according to the Small Business Association, most micro-businesses (businesses with fewer than ten employees) are started for less than $3,000. Therefore we have picked our favorite  low-cost business ideas  to make starting your business easier. Using our detailed guide you can not only start your new business but turn it into a low-cost business idea with high profit.

Exploring your options? Check out additional small business ideas .

A piggy bank next to the page's title

Best Low-Cost Business Ideas With High Profit

We’ve created a detailed guide for 45  low-cost business ideas  and evaluated each one based on ongoing expenses, required skill level, and earning potential to help you get your business started today!

Teaching & Consulting Businesses

These business owners enhance their clients’ lives by imparting knowledge of a particular skill set, whether it’s related to their personal or professional lives. This list of low-cost business ideas is for veterans of the relevant industries who are looking to change pace and pass on their wisdom.

1. Acting Classes Business

Person reading dramatically from a script

This career is for dedicated actors or directors in the performance industry, so you will need at least a few connections within the business. Students will only want to enlist in your courses if you have some kind of credible performance reputation, but you’ll also need the teaching chops to instruct a class of acting hopefuls.

If you don't have one already, you'll need to rent or buy a proper space for teaching, including room the class can walk, run, or deliver dramatic monologues in. A small management and registration staff may be required as your business grows, but by some accounts, you can charge around $500 per student for eight weeks of classes at a rate of three hours per week.

Learn how to start an acting class business .

2. Art Consulting Business

A room laid our beautifully with a pink theme

Consultants in this business are art enthusiasts who work with both artists and collectors to get the right art to the right folks. Due to the huge variety of artistic tastes and styles, this is a career for people with extensive artistic backgrounds, from practicing artists to formally educated graduates with advanced art history degrees.

Ideally, you will want a presence within artists’ networks in order to connect with gallery directors and collectors. In terms of cost and compensation, a consultant will only need to maintain a low-cost professional website, and you will earn via commission, accepting 10%-15% of the art they buy or sell.

Learn how to start an art consulting business .

3. Art Lessons Business

Pair of hands brushing a large amount of orange paint onto a canvas

The world of art is fiercely competitive. Although art appreciation is subjective, you will nearly always need a sizable foundation of natural artistic skill to make a name for yourself. But teaching side gigs can help, so that’s why some artists advertise themselves as teachers. You can instruct in small groups or tutor individual students, but the demographic is up to you, depending on whether you prefer to instruct adults or children.

Between few necessary ongoing costs (students can bring their own supplies and undergo lessons in your home) and a standard teaching fee of $40-$100 per hour, a growing art lessons business has the potential to earn you quite a bit.

Learn how to start an art lessons business .

Ready to form your LLC? Check out the  Top LLC Formation Services

And, use our free tools to help start your business:

  • Use our  Business Name Generator  for help brainstorming your new venture’s name
  • Learn  how to form an LLC , one of the  best business structures  for low-cost businesses
  • Use our free  business plan generator  to start planning your business today
  • Get your unique logo with our free  Logo Maker  and start branding your business
  • After finding your perfect idea learn how to  start a business  and  how to start a business with no money .

4. Relationship Coaching Business

Coach holding a clipboard in front of a couple holding hands

Since it’s a form of therapy, building this business will require solid listening skills and an advanced degree in psychology. Some couples you’ll be working with will be attempting to repair a failing marriage, while others may simply be trying to hone their communication strategies.

Either way, due mainly to student loans, this one can be pricey to jump into. Once you have the degree and the counseling license under your belt, it’s not unusual to make about $130 per hour during a single session.

Learn how to start a relationship coaching business .

5. Home Tutoring Business

Child doing homework looking at her tutor

This is one of many home business ideas with low startup costs. A current or former teacher who identifies as a “people person” is the ideal fit for this job. Many tutors end up with a customer base made up exclusively of children, so it helps to be good with kids. You’ll want to spend time between sessions reviewing your next student’s progress and preparing for their upcoming lesson.

Self-organization and motivation are key in this job, so profitability depends on your work ethic and how quickly your business grows. If you are focused and persistent, $30 per hour could add up to solid profitability.

Learn how to start a home tutoring business .

6. Personal Training Business

Trainer spotting his trainee on a lift

To earn client confidence, a personal trainer should be a walking advertisement of their own successful diet and exercise regimen. You’ll be developing individualized sessions for your customers, taking note of their goals and cross-referencing those with optimal dietary advice and physical activity.

On average, personal trainers make $50,000 per year, but steady customer flow and dedication could see that price rise even higher. You may need to put forth an initial effort into acquiring a certification, plus $1,000 for advertising and a few hundred for liability insurance.

Learn how to start a personal training business .

7. Nutritionist/Health Coaching Business

A health coach reviewing a document with his pupil on a gym floor

People who love giving practical advice are often a great fit for this low-cost business. In this career, you’ll be working to find healthy goals that fit individuals. Consultations with clients will center around personalized plans and discussions of the latest trends in nutrition and exercise.

Regarding ongoing costs, there may be website upkeep, state licensing fees, and maintenance of exercise equipment. The average salary of nutritionists and health coaches is about $43,000 per year.

Learn how to start a health coach business .

8. Online Dating Consulting Business

Computer screen with multiple dating sites pulled up

People who genuinely care about interactions between other human beings may find themselves right at home running an online dating consulting agency. These business owners will meet with clients to help them write and edit their dating profiles, craft written responses, and even take pictures for their profiles.

Costs are pretty low to start, mainly just requiring a computer and a personal website. This is one of several low-cost business ideas with high profit, reaching as high as 95% on services.

Learn how to start an online dating consulting business .

9. Career Coaching Business

An older man reviewing something with a younger man on a laptop

This career is best suited to great communicators, motivators, and those who love being around other people. Career coaches often possess advanced degrees, using these along with in-the-field business knowledge to enhance a client’s professional value or resolve challenges in the workplace.

As with any personal consulting service, you will need a certificate from a qualified program, along with liability insurance. Between these items and advertising, it may cost several thousand to begin down this career path. However, with the right clients, this job is a six-figure earner.

Learn how to start a career coach business .

10. College Planning Business

A paper graduation cap sitting on many one hundred dollar bills

You can excel in this business if you possess a thirst for knowledge and a passion for helping other people. This job entails getting to know young adult clients on a personal level and determining where they’ll fit in the collegiate world. In this business, you’ll be meeting with families, analyzing student records, arranging college-visit itineraries, and strategizing through the admissions process.

This is a low-cost career to jump into, requiring little more than a computer, a website, and marketing materials to get your name out there. Experienced college consulting firms report salaries of $40,000-$80,000 annually.

Learn how to start a college planning business .

11. Project Management Consulting Business

Six people sitting around a well organized set of documents

Highly experienced business owners and other advisors with high-level business experience will be right at home in this career. Project management consultants will assess performance indicators, review project goals, and generally assist other businesses in making sound decisions about which projects to undertake.

The size of the agency will decide much of the overhead costs, including office space, computer & software maintenance, and upgrades to project management applications. Consultants in this agency can earn as much as $50,000 per year per client business, and it is not unheard of to accrue $1 million or more from large corporate clients.

Learn how to start a project management consulting business .

12. Test Prep Business

Woman reading a textbook

Some people have turned test-taking into an art so skillful that it has become a profession all its own. Current or former teachers may feel right at home in a business that emphasizes quizzing techniques, study guides, and familiarity with test prep books.

Between a professional website and gas money to visit your clientele wherever you agree to meet, the ongoing costs of this business are very easy on the wallet. If you advertise well and are good at what you do, you might end up hitting an upper-level five-figure salary.

Learn how to start a test prep business .

13. Music Lessons Business

Closeup of a row of piano keys, with a pair of hands playing them

Any musician skilled enough to make it in the world, from band instructors to symphony-quality violinists, may be qualified to conduct private lessons on the side. This will involve working with students, mostly of a younger demographic, to improve their skills with individualized lesson plans and practice music that challenges them at the right ability level.

Homes are a very normal place to conduct lessons, although some music stores offer discounted rental spaces to teachers who encourage students to make on-site purchases. You can charge an average of $45 per hour, and at 40 hours per week, you will approach six figures annually.

Learn how to start a music lessons business .

Find a Web Domain for Your Business

Securing a web domain and creating a quality website is important for the overall success of a business.

Find a Domain Now

Web-based businesses.

These low-cost business ideas are accessible, digitally-driven avenues of income for entrepreneurs of all walks of life. The fact that they are run completely online keeps startup and ongoing costs low and allows their owners to keep incredibly flexible schedules.

14. Affiliate Marketing Business

Affiliate Marketing Image

Affiliate marketing is the art of turning fame into a business. People who have managed to attract an audience are paid  to endorse related products or services on their public platform. For example, if a popular nutritionist blogger endorses a new line of supplements.

Learn how to start an Affiliate Marketing Business .

15. eBay Business

Woman holding a tablet with the eBay app loaded

Studious, business-minded folks with an eye for marketing trends can do quite well through eBay sales. You’ll need to be well aware of your competition, what their prices are, and how to create compelling product offers through imagery and effective ad copy.

Your main source of ongoing costs will be Ebay fees, insurance fees, shipping fees, and acquisition prices -- assuming you are buying your stock from other providers. Generating decent revenue will require a business plan that incorporates frequent transactions and higher-end prices for quality goods.

Learn how to start an eBay business .

16. Etsy Business

A tablet being held with the Etsy application loaded

Etsy is all about handmade goods and vintage paraphernalia, making it an exciting prospect for artists who want to sell their creative works or other unusual collections. Etsy sellers will spend the bulk of their working hours producing art to sell, shipping it, listing new items, and addressing administrative issues like billing and restocking.

Etsy’s cut from your sales is relatively low, with 3.5% being approximately the highest amount you will have to pay for anything like listing fees or transaction/processing charges. The potential profits are extremely variable, depending entirely on what you sell and how often you sell it. Exposure through art blogging can greatly increase your exposure and hike your profits.

Learn how to start an Etsy business .

17. Social Media Marketing Business

Closeup photo of an iPhone with many social media app icons

Social media users with an intimate knowledge of platforms and a robust familiarity with internet marketing practices are ideal candidates for this line of work. There is an entire world of internet marketing strategies, including search engine optimization, digital sales monitoring, and ad campaign management.

Ongoing costs may include software and hardware upgrades, and time /money invested in keeping up with the rapidly advancing world of internet advertising. At the very top of the social media consultant payscale, you can expect $100,000 per year.

Learn how to start a social media marketing business .

18. Data Entry Business

Hands typing on a keyboard

Talented managers with strong logic and organizational skills will be comfortable in data entry, processing requests and organizing customer data. However, if you manage a data entry business with employees beneath you, most of your time will actually be spent acquiring new clients and managing client relationships.

With few ongoing costs particular to this business, you’ll mainly need to take care of internet costs and computer maintenance, which will depend on the size of your operation. This is a potential high-earning business, with the most efficient and talented agencies claiming 20% profit margins.

Learn how to start a data entry business .

Writing & Editing Businesses

These businesses with low startup costs focus on writing and editing content for a diverse clientele. They’re best run by people who are proficient with English grammar and familiar with various genres and writing styles.

19. Proofreading Business

Hand holding a red pen making corrections to a printed document

Professional proofreaders are meticulous writers with a keen eye for detail and a firm grasp of linguistic mechanics like grammar and punctuation. The daily routine of a proofreader involves carefully reading a great deal of content, and making revisions to help the content reach its full potential.

Ongoing expenses are very minimal and revolve mainly around internet provision and the maintenance of a work computer. Some wage estimates place average proofreader salaries at about $48,000 per year, although that does not include freelance proofreaders.

Learn how to start a proofreading business .

Digital Art & Design

These low-cost business ideas require the use of digital tools to create and edit art and other media for clients. This can involve anything from editing family portraits to designing company logos.

20. 3D Printing Design Business

A plastic robot being printed by a 3D printer

Artists familiar with three-dimensional mediums like carving or sculpting can combine their expertise with digital 3D modeling to capitalize on the growing trend of 3D printing. You will spend a good deal of your time designing 3D objects and selling them to consumers who own 3D printers.

Ongoing expenses may include re-stocking materials (if you are printing them yourself), maintaining a professional website, or if you are printing through a third-party like Shapeways, the printing fee that they will charge. The profitability of a business like this is comparable to other online specialty retailers, so it will depend on your ability to target the right demographics and advertise yourself effectively.

Learn how to start a 3D printing business .

21. Graphic Design Business

Various design tools sitting in front of a computer

Graphic design is perfect for artistic entrepreneurs with an intuitive sense of business aesthetics and lucrative design choices. This line of work is all about executing projects for clients, collaborating with illustrators and other artists, and finding effective ways to represent client franchises in ways that will appeal to targeted demographics.

Graphic design software can become costly, but as you begin, the ongoing expenses are pretty low given that you’ll probably be working from home. Talented graphic designers with plenty of experience and positive client reviews can ask for as much as 50% profit margins, although your own business will earn a good deal less than that when you first begin your work.

Learn how to start a graphic design business .

22. Photo Editing Business

Woman drawing on a design pad, with various photography and design tools on her desk

Modern photographers tend to know all about image editing, but anyone familiar with editing software like Photoshop may be a candidate for photo editing. The job itself is pretty straightforward -- you simply receive client photos and edit them.

There aren’t many overhead costs to run a photo editing business, so internet, advertising, and editing software are most of what you need to pay for.

Learn how to start a photo editing business .

Start a Low Startup Cost Business in Your State

Specialty craft businesses.

These low-cost startups rely on the allure of good old-fashioned, hand-cultivated specialty items. For some entrepreneurs, these business ideas may present the opportunity to turn an existing interest, hobby, or skill into a profitable venture.

23. Print Shop

A printer printing prints

Printing shops offer a variety of print and copy services to the public. This includes online printing, direct mail, and business printing.

Most printing stores offer additional services to the public, depending upon the specific needs within the community.

Learn how to Start a Print Shop .

24. Candle Making Business

A candle maker tying a purple candle with twine and burlap

Lovers of arts and crafts with a head for marketing may be a great fit for candle making. Aside from the creative process itself, candle makers will be ordering materials, photographing their creations, and finding new ways to market their products online.

Purchasing the materials and shipping them will be your primary ongoing costs, with online platform service fees cutting a little into your earnings. Earnings depend on the rates at which you make sales, but expect profit margins of 50% as you continue a steady candle-making business.

Learn how to start a candle business .

25. Soap Making Business

An artisinal block of soap with floral ingredients surrounding it

To excel in this low-cost business, you’ll need to love creating handmade products, but you’ll also have to pair that enthusiasm with strong marketing instincts and business acumen. As with any homemade product sales, you’ll spend most of your work life marketing online, running a social media business page, creating your product, and shipping it to your customers.

Consumable product materials will make up the majority of your ongoing expenses, and these expenses will increase in proportion to the size and success of your business. Profits will mainly be determined by your creativity, commitment, and long-term vision for success.

Learn how to start a soap making business .

26. Furniture Upcycling Business

A desk with a pallet converted to be a desk organizer

Thrift store hunters and yard sale veterans can combine their sense of creative potential with carpentry or similar skill sets to begin a furniture upcycling business. Your time will mainly be spent searching for and acquiring new furniture, then working your creative magic to not only refurbish it but improve upon its original value.

The furniture itself will be an ongoing cost, as will any shipping fees, online sales platform fees, and tools/material components necessary to complete your individual projects. This is potentially a very profitable line of work, but ease into it as a side gig before making sure you’d like to turn your full attention to it.

Learn how to start a furniture upcycling business .

27. Bonsai Tree Business

Bonsai tree in front of a paneled wall with a artistic print displayed on a scroll

Gardeners, herbology enthusiasts, and people who love all things miniature may want to consider starting up a bonsai tree business. Bonsai trees are beautiful and challenging to properly cultivate, so ongoing costs may include plant-growing equipment, formal training courses or other instructive resources, and rent for a quality storefront.

Online sales are probably out of the question given the delicate nature of a finely developed bonsai tree. Despite some heavier upfront investments and ongoing costs, bonsai trees can sell anywhere from sixty to hundreds of dollars if correctly grown and pruned.

Learn how to start a bonsai tree business .

Lifestyle Businesses

Our lifestyle category is populated with low-cost business ideas that focus on improving customers’ quality of life. Whether the job centers around planning an event or providing day-to-day assistance, these businesses help people take a load off in the midst of their busy lives.

28. Personal Shopper Service

Man pushing grocery cart while looking at his phone

Extroverted helpers with good memories and navigational skills will excel at personal shopping. The timely delivery of select goods is the primary function of a personal shopper, making sure the client is satisfied and trusts your ability to deliver everything on their list.

The only ongoing costs you’ll be managing are gas prices/occasional car maintenance and as much advertising as you feel like you need. There is tremendous variability in profits earned through personal shopping, since your pay will generally depend on the quantity of good procured for clients and how quick and efficient you can be.

Learn how to start a personal shopper business .

29. Personal Styling Business

Woman cracking her fingers in front of a computer with color swatches around her

Skilled cosmetologists and other friendly fashionistas are all set if they have a reliable network of media personalities or other public faces. As a personal stylist, you’ll consult with clients about their desired image, utilizing a savvy intuition for the art of appearances paired with an up-to-date familiarity with modern fashion.

Ongoing costs are few and far between, as any clothing or cosmetic products will typically be charged to the customer or otherwise reflected in your prices. This is another one of many low-cost business ideas with high profit potential; profits may climb as high as $78,000, but this depends on your service fees and the needs of your clientele base.

Learn how to start a personal styling business .

30. Fashion Consulting Business

A consultant showing her client a green dress

Fashion consultants keep up with the modeling world and all the latest cosmetic trends. Clients rely on their fashion consultant to help them pursue the right aesthetic by offering practical ways to adopt a natural, personalized self-presentation.

A fashion consultant won’t deal with much overhead beyond routine car use to meet with clients and maybe a professional website hosting fee. Fashion consultants enjoy an average annual income of $53,000.

Learn how to start a fashion consulting business .

31. Personal Concierge Business

Man typing on a keyboard on a well organized desk

A personal concierge is a highly organized creative problem solver with an excellent memory. The daily activities of someone in this line of work are difficult to describe because of their variety from person to person. From schedule management to grocery pickups and finance handling, this job’s daily services run the gamut of services performed, thanks to the concierge’s jack-of-all-trades adaptability.

Ongoing costs are low, including personal grooming, transportation, and self-marketing. The average salary for this position is tough to nail down, but it will depend on your employer’s finances and the difficulty of tasks assigned.

Learn how to start a personal concierge business .

32. Professional Organizing Business

A well organized closet with clothing

To succeed in this role, you’ll need to be a creative developer of custom organizational systems, and you’ll have to help clients adopt your systems through personal instruction. As you meet with clients, you’ll be helping them to organize and manage time more effectively, install a new system for the organization of household objects, or efficiently organize important business paperwork for easy access.

Advertising and transportation are your only real ongoing costs here. Typical annual income ranges from $30,000 all the way to $115,000/year.

Learn how to start a professional organizing business .

33. Nanny Service (Babysitting Business)

Woman sitting with a child drawing

The necessary traits for this job are no secret -- you need to love kids. If you are planning on developing a bigger operation, your time may be spent managing calls and reservations for clients, developing unified standards for your babysitter employees, and ensuring a proper fitting of babysitter to family.

Overhead costs will be the same for this business as most others, depending on office rent, company vehicles, rates charged, and an online marketing campaign. An individual babysitter will profit at about minimum wage, but employing other babysitters in your growing company can substantially improve your earnings.

Learn how to start a babysitting business .

34. House-sitting Business

A man and woman sitting on a sofa with their arms folded above their heads

This is an accessible job with a low-key work atmosphere for folks looking to supplement their existing incomes. In this job, it’s typical to take care of normal housepets, water the plants, shovel the walkway, and generally act as a guardian while the owners are away.

There are few ongoing costs beyond transportation, so you can enjoy almost the entirety of whatever fee you’re charging the homeowners. This business tends to be the most lucrative during holidays, but with a reliable reputation you can get work at any time of the year, making this an excellent side gig.

Learn how to start a house-sitting business .

35. Pet-sitting Business

Woman playing tug-of-war with her dog using a frisbee

Animal lovers who like to interact with a diverse range of creatures might consider starting up their own pet-sitting business. Compassionate, responsible folks can enjoy high levels of autonomy as they follow individualized pet routines to keep the animals under their care happy and healthy.

The job may come in tandem with house-sitting, so it doesn’t hurt to be generally familiar with home upkeep procedures like plant care and minor plumbing. You can charge flat fees or work by the hour as you see fit, and annual incomes will typically range from $30,000-$57,000.

Learn how to start a pet sitting business .

36. Dog-walking Business

Small dog with a leash looking up at the person walking them

Another job for animal lovers, this one focuses on canine companion care and the exercise they need. On a given day, a dog walker will pick up the dogs, take them on whatever routes have been agreed upon by clientele, return the dogs home, and manage appointments with new and existing clients.

Ongoing costs may include a variety of dog accessories such as treats, chew toys, quality harnesses and leashes, or transportation crates. Profits are dependent on how many dogs you can get onto your daily schedule, and how much you can reasonably charge -- running a dog-walking business with your own employees will earn you a cut of all profits.

Learn how to start a dog walking business .

37. Event Planning Business

Calendar with colored push pins stuck into it

Creativity, an eye for detail, and good planning skills all come together in the professional event planner. In this career, there is a great deal of customer interaction, marketing, and PR work to make sure that everything runs smoothly, and the occasion leaves all attendees satisfied.

Some ongoing costs may include office rent, insurance, business licenses, and advertising. Profits depend on whether you are acting as an individual or an owner with employees. And individual event planner may average $75,000 per year, but an owner can rake in $80,000 per year.

Learn how to start an event planning business .

38. Wedding Planning Business

Photo of a bride and groom kissing behind a bouquet

For all the matchmakers and romantics out there, this business takes your sweet approach to life and transforms it into a lucrative endeavor. Helping happy couples establish realistic budgets, explore wedding locations, select catering, find the right music. Design invitations, and more.

Ongoing costs are low, consisting mainly of advertising, and you can avoid renting an office by meeting your clients in their homes. Profits depend on your location -- wedding planners in urban areas are more likely to earn upwards of six figures annually. Wedding planners can usually charge several thousand dollars per wedding.

Learn how to start a wedding planning business .

Cleaning & Maintenance Businesses

When people’s homes or yards fall out of shape, it’s common for them to call a pro to avoid the physically taxing cleaning or restoration process. The labor specialists who run these low-cost businesses save their clients time, and even money, by providing reliable home maintenance services.

39. Cell Phone Repair Business

A cell phone being taken apart.

A cell phone repair business focuses on repairing broken or damaged cell phones and tablets.

Learn how to start your own Cell Phone Repair Business and whether it is the right fit for you.

Learn how to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business .

40. Home Staging Business

A women staging a home

The real estate market is very competitive. Homeowners who want to sell their property for the highest price need to present it in the best possible way to potential buyers. That is where a home staging business can help.

A home staging business helps homes appeal to ideal buyers by creating interior design which highlights the home's strengths and minimizes its flaws.

Learn how to Start a Home Staging Business .

41. Board Game Company

A game board on display

Many people enjoy playing board games with family and friends. Board game businesses design and make board games for people to play.

Despite the growth of online platforms, the board game industry continues to remain strong. It’s grown since 2013, and the industry almost broke $10 billion in sales in 2016.

Learn how to Start a Board Game Company .

Learn more about starting a business by visting the  U.S. Small Business Administration .

42. Lawn Care Business

Someone cutting grass with a weed trimmer, in yellow Crocs

Physical stamina and a love of the outdoors meet skilled maintenance in the lawn care specialist. This is exclusively daytime work, so the job begins early in the morning with equipment check-ups followed by on-site work as specified by the day’s contracting lawn owners.

Equipment maintenance, insurance, advertising, and labor assistance are some of the ongoing costs to which a lawn care business must attend. A single lawn care specialist will work very hard to earn $30,000-$50,000 per year, but running a larger business with multiple crews will earn you a good deal more.

Learn how to start a lawn care business .

43. Pool Cleaning Business

Person cleaning a pool with a water skimmer

To run a pool cleaning business, you should be self-motivated, comfortable working long hours alone, and ideally, you should enjoy working outside. If you’re marketing your own pool-cleaning company, this will occupy a good chunk of your time. But mainly, your duties will consist of chemical manipulations for clean swimming water, pool pump management, vacuuming, and pool basket emptying.

Supply costs are on the higher side for pool cleaners and may consume up to 20% of their revenue. Pool cleaning is fairly lucrative for a labor job, however, offering as much as $50-$60 per hour.

Learn how to start a pool cleaning business .

44. Handyman Business

Handyman holding gloves and a red hardhat and wearing a fully equipped utility belt

Independent, hard-working people in robust physical condition can put their problem-solving skills to use by starting up a handyman business. There is a massive field of possibilities for someone in this low-cost business, depending on their knowledge of various domestic appliances and home improvement practices.

Ongoing costs can be troublesome for a handyman business, as it requires the right licenses and quality tool replacement. The profits may justify these deductions if your company targets a more challenging or unusual field of repair, which will permit you to charge accordingly for the value of your services.

Learn how to start a handyman business .

45. Cleaning Business

Rubber gloved hands surrounded by many cleaning supplies

Last but not least on our list of low-cost business ideas is a cleaning business. Highly motivated people with energy to spare can be well suited to a cleaning business, which demands a great deal of physical exertion for long periods of time. Cleaning businesses can operate as general services, or specialize in a certain type of cleaning, like residential or office-oriented services.

Ongoing costs for cleaning supplies and equipment maintenance may prove higher than is desirable, but fast, efficient work makes for more customers and more money earned in a day. A smaller cleaning business can still make between $50,000 and $100,000 per year, which can really motivate you to remain on your feet those long hours.

Learn how to start a cleaning business .

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Home Business Ideas

There are a variety of businesses you can run out of your home, and because of the minimal overhead expenses, most of them can be started fairly cheaply. In this article, we outline our top 40 businesses you can start from home.

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Online Business Ideas

Whether you’re looking to build an online empire or earn a little money on the side, one of the best things about owning an online business is having the ability to work as much or as little as you want -- from whatever location you prefer.

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There are many ways to leverage American consumers’ fascination with trending specialty products and services. In this article, we discuss 40 niche, clever business ideas that are ideal for the modern entrepreneur.

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If you’re looking to scratch the entrepreneurial itch without giving up your day job, you’re probably on the hunt for a side-hustle that aligns with your personal interests and your schedule. These 40 side-hustles satisfy a range of interests and can easily turn into full-time careers.

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Wooden blocks spelling out L L C.

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Free Online Business Plan Generator

Business Ideas

56 Small Business Ideas To Make Money in 2024

The entrepreneurial landscape brims with potential and vibrancy. No longer do you need massive capital or a brick-and-mortar store to kick off a business. Today, with just a sprinkle of creativity and a dose of determination, you can launch a new venture.

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably searching for a good business idea —an idea that’s light on the pocket but heavy on returns, promising both a fulfilling journey and potential profit. Below, we’ll explore 56 small business ideas tailored just for the budding entrepreneur of today.

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Start selling online now with Shopify

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56 small business ideas to pursue in 2024

1. dropshipping.

Are you looking to sell products online but lack the funds for inventory and storage? Consider dropshipping. Dropshipping is an ecommerce business model where you don’t manage any physical products.

All you need to do is establish an online store and partner with suppliers. These suppliers will handle the storage, packaging, and shipping of orders to your customers. Get started by creating your online store via Shopify and using a dropshipping app to source products.

→ Click Here to Launch Your Online Business with Shopify

best small business dropshipping

2. Print on demand

If you’re searching for promising online business ideas, print on demand (POD) is worth considering. In this model, you design items like phone cases, mugs, or t-shirts, but you don’t handle the manufacturing or fulfillment. Your suppliers take care of printing, packaging, and shipping, and you pay only after a sale—meaning no initial costs.

Ready to kickstart your POD journey? Get started by creating a Shopify store and integrating a POD app, such as Printify .

3. Translation

Multilingual individuals are always in demand. If you’re proficient in two or more languages, consider launching a small business to capitalize on these skills. Begin by seeking clients on platforms like Upwork and Flexjobs to establish your portfolio. As your client base grows and you collaborate with more companies, consider expanding by hiring other translators with expertise in different languages.

4. Data entry

If you are proficient with spreadsheets or skilled in organizing systems and processes, running a data entry business could be a perfect fit for you. Since every business relies on data, data entry clerks are vital for compiling, storing, and managing large amounts of information.

Get started by reaching out to local companies to offer your expertise. You can also join freelance platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr to find clients.

5. Website flipping

website flipping 101

Website flipping is gaining traction, especially among recent graduates and individuals working from home. The concept is simple: Acquire an existing website, refine its design and content, and then sell it at a markup.

You can find websites in need of a revamp on platforms like Flippa . Once finished, focus on enhancing the site’s design, content, and SEO. You can then list it for sale on the same platform to potentially make a profit.

6. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services through affiliate links. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

Before joining an affiliate marketing program , consider various factors to find the best fit for your needs. Evaluate the commission rates, payment terms, and cookie duration offered by each program. Taking these things into account will help you choose the most suitable program to maximize your earning potential.

7. Home-based catering

If you have a knack for cooking and view it as a creative outlet, launching your own business in home-based catering could be a fulfilling venture. Your initial investment will vary. For instance, if you focus on smaller events you can manage yourself, costs may be more modest.

To kick things off, most home-based caterers set up a website , get involved in local food markets, or join platforms that let culinary experts earn from their skills.

8. Financial organization service

Launch a service that guides entrepreneurs in separating their personal and business finances. First, assist them in setting up distinct bank accounts and adopting software to monitor business expenses. Then, explain the tax and legal upsides to keeping finances apart. With your guidance, they’ll learn to maintain financial order effortlessly.

9. Dog walking

low invest business plan

It can be difficult to keep up with a furry friend, particularly high-energy breeds with limited outdoor access. As a professional dog walker, you’ll be helping pet owners in the community keep their dogs happy, healthy, and well exercised.

You can establish a presence for your dog walking business on a number of platforms, including Wag! , Rover , and Care.com . Offer promotions for new clients and build a positive reputation by requesting reviews from those you’ve worked with in the past.

10. Virtual assistant

One of the most successful business ideas is offering virtual assistant services. Everyone from large enterprises to solopreneurs needs help with the day-to-day management of their business. You can use your excellent organizational skills to take some weight off their shoulders. 

Land your first few clients by responding to listings on platforms like FreeUp , PeoplePerHour , or Virtual Assistant Jobs . This is a proven business model, as people are always looking for efficient virtual assistants. 

11. Voiceover services

Voiceover artists provide professional narration for a variety of projects, such as podcast intros/outros, explainer videos, and audiobooks. Begin by refining your voice and recording skills through online tutorials and practice sessions. Develop a portfolio demonstrating your versatility across different genres and styles. Then, promote your services on freelancing platforms or by creating a website to attract potential clients.

low invest business plan

Coding has long been a monetizable skill across industries. You can acquire foundational knowledge through courses, but true mastery comes from practical experience. Consider building a website to showcase your abilities, reach out to brands you admire for potential collaborations, and develop a portfolio featuring your work in website and app development.

13. Online reselling

Online reselling involves buying products cheaply from manufacturers or wholesalers and then selling them at a higher price to make a profit. To kick things off, focus on items you’re familiar with or that are in demand. Use platforms like eBay , Amazon , or Etsy to reach buyers. Quick tip: Take great photos and write clear descriptions to boost your sales.

14. Personal shopping

Do you have a knack for identifying fashion trends? If friends and family often seek your clothing advice, consider turning that talent into a personal shopping business.

Personal shoppers select clothing for clients who lack the time or inclination to shop. This involves assessing the client’s current wardrobe, browsing various online boutiques, and choosing items that fit their style. The variety of products in online stores means you don’t always have to shop in-person.

15. Car detailing

low invest business plan

Contrary to popular belief, you can turn car detailing from a hobby into a thriving small business . Clients typically pay anywhere from $50 to $400 per vehicle, so with a consistent client base, you stand to earn a substantial profit.

Your marketing strategy holds the key to your success in the car detailing business. Create a website or utilize social media platforms to promote your services, and always encourage happy clients to leave reviews. Consider offering introductory discounts or package deals to entice new customers.

16. Boat cleaning

Here’s a unique idea that might interest you: boat cleaning. This service focuses on boats docked for off-season storage or those in need of repairs. Start by offering your services to individual boat owners with vessels parked at their homes.. You can also partner with marinas to provide your services as an added value to their customers.

17. Online tutoring

If you’re an expert in art, math, or another subject, consider starting your own small business in online tutoring. A bachelor’s degree in the subject you plan to teach is usually a must. Sites like Skooli and Tutor.com are great places to connect with students in need.

It’s beneficial to teach topics you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in, ensuring you provide real value. And with tools like Zoom, conducting online sessions is a breeze. Online tutoring not only taps into your expertise but also stands out as one of the more accessible small businesses to kick off.

18. Greeting cards

Greeting cards are always in style. So, if you have a good eye for design or just love showcasing your artwork on physical items, consider making greeting cards to sell online.

Before you start looking for clients, you need to have a handful of designs ready to go. Tools like Photoshop and Canva make it easy to create custom card designs. Additionally, you’ll need to stock up on supplies required to create greeting cards (ink, paper, etc.). 

19. Content writing

profitable business ideas for 2020

Almost every company with a web presence needs help creating content for product pages, blogs , etc. As such, starting a content writing or copywriting company could be one of the most profitable business ideas for you. Popular websites for finding those first few customers include Remote.co , Problogger , and BloggingPro . 

You can also join content writing groups on Facebook to get more exposure for your business. To make a good impression on clients, consider offering keyword optimization or custom graphics as part of your services. 

20. Newsletter

A newsletter lets you talk straight to an audience that’s already interested. If you’ve got internet savvy and know things others want to learn, think about launching a newsletter . You just need an email service and a plan to get subscribers. Then, you can earn by selling spots to sponsors, or by selling your own products or services right through the newsletter. Or, if you gather enough subscribers, start charging for your newsletter.

21. Makeup artist

If making people look their best with makeup is what you love, starting a makeup artist business could be your calling. Focus on weddings, photoshoots, and special events. You have the choice to cater to local clients or travel for a broader clientele. To get started, advertise on local Facebook groups, and don’t forget to launch a website and distribute flyers.

22. Online dating consultant

For those passionate about matchmaking, offering online dating consulting services can be a great business idea. This type of service involves assisting clients with all aspects of their online dating journey, from creating attractive profiles to providing personalized guidance for finding compatible matches. Offer it to some friends first and leverage their success stories to promote your business to other singles.

23. Homemade products

low invest business plan

If you’re skilled in making unique crafts like soap, drinks, or baked goods, consider turning it into a business. You can sell your creations at local farmers markets or online platforms like Etsy to reach a wide audience.

To really make your mark, think about adding a personal touch to your products. For example, you could offer custom flavors for drinks or personalized labels for soaps and baked goods.

24. WordPress support

A lot of websites out there are hosted on WordPress, and almost every WordPress website owner requires support in some form. So, if you’re familiar with the ins and outs of this platform, you’ll have several opportunities to make money. 

Clients may contact you to fix their CSS, find and address security holes, and more. While you can use platforms like PeoplePerHour and Upwork to get your first clients, we recommend creating a custom website and listing your services there. That way, you’ll be able to avoid high commissions and build high-quality relationships with your clients.

25. Career coaching

With rising unemployment and a saturated job market, there’s no shortage of people needing help finding jobs. If you have a talent for helping your friends and family find suitable employment, you can probably help others too. 

Consider starting a career coaching business where you help people figure out what the best career is for them, and teach them how to nail an interview, what traits define a good candidate, and more. You can look for clients in Facebook groups or on platforms like Coach.me . 

26. Email marketing

low invest business plan

Are you good at writing emails? Have you cracked the code for crafting subject lines that people can’t help but click? If so, you can step into entrepreneurship and make money by launching an email marketing business.

You can find companies that need help with their email strategy on platforms like PeoplePerHour and Upwork , as well as via cold outreach. Once you show your expertise in engaging recipients, clients will see the value in your services and many may agree to the price you quote them. Major brownie points if you can help grow their email list.

27. Contract cleaning

Not everyone has the time or skills to clean on a regular basis. By becoming a professional cleaner, you can assist home and business owners with scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, and more, all while enjoying flexibility in your working hours due to the ongoing demand for cleaning services.

Startup costs for household cleaning businesses are extremely low. Cleaning supplies and materials usually cost less than $100, though you might also consider investing in specialty equipment like steam vacuums or carpet cleaners. Setting up a website or social media page can be an effective and low-cost way to promote your services.

28. Meals to go

There’s a growing demand from those who struggle to find the time to cook nutritious and healthy meals. This trend offers a perfect opportunity to start your own local meals-to-go business.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to invest heavily in a large commercial kitchen. A shared rental kitchen can efficiently cater to a meals-to-go business. These spaces come equipped with essential supplies and can be rented by the month, day, or hour. You can find shared-use licensed commissary kitchens on websites like The Kitchen Door .

29. Landscaping services

Are you passionate about gardening and yard work? Starting a landscaping business could be the perfect avenue to transform your hobby into a profitable venture. Landscaping services encompass a wide range of jobs, from mowing lawns to planting flowers and shrubs. Depending on your local climate, the demand for these services may vary seasonally.

To secure your initial clients, you might consider going door to door in your community or utilizing platforms like TaskEasy . Websites such as HomeAdvisor can also connect you with potential clients in your area.

30. Charity business

Have you ever dreamed of making a difference through your business? Now’s your chance. Infuse your company with a mission and allocate profits to a cause you care about. Partner with nonprofits or directly contribute to social good while staying transparent about your efforts.

You can also utilize tools like the Give & Grow Donations Shopify app to seamlessly incorporate your mission into your business and engage customers in supporting meaningful causes at checkout.

31. Website testing

low invest business plan

Did you know many digital brands hire real individuals to provide feedback on their websites? These external insights help them pinpoint and rectify problems that internal developers might have overlooked. You can leverage this demand by assembling a team of freelancers and establishing your own website testing company.

For each project you undertake, your team would be provided with a set of questions to guide them as they navigate a client’s website. They’d then share their impressions on the site’s user experience and potential improvements through video feedback.

You can find work through websites like UserTesting , Ferpection , and TryMyUI . 

For each project you undertake, your team would be provided with a set of questions to guide them as they navigate a client’s website. They’d then share their impressions on the site’s user experience and potential improvements through video feedback. You can find work through websites like UserTesting , FerpectiFerpectionon , and TryMyUI . 

32. SEO 

Do you have experience in generating backlinks and improving the search engine visibility of a website? If yes, then there’s an opportunity for you to cash in on your skill set. 

Site owners worldwide require the services of SEO experts, so opening a business in this field could turn out to be one of your best decisions. To attract clients, target a niche audience, leverage past experiences, and highlight your success stories. With monthly retainers of $500 to $1,000, selling SEO services is one of the best business ideas to make money in 2024.

33. App development

App development is one of the best profitable small business ideas, since so many companies require an app. The cost of starting this venture has also drastically gone down due to the growth of tools and affordable developers.

Today, you can use software like OmniGraffle or Sketch to create the wireframes and mockups before you decide to publish the app. There’s also the opportunity to earn passive income by creating apps for the general audience.

34. Virtual dance studio

The upsides to a virtual dance studio are pretty obvious: You don’t need to rent a big space, and it’s convenient to record, publish, and share the choreography at your own discretion. It’s even possible to give dance classes from home, making it one of the best home-based business ideas .

To start a virtual dance studio, you’ll need to invest in video conferencing software, such as Zoom . You’ll also need high-speed internet to ensure there are no lags or buffering during the livestream. Make sure to arrange enough classes per month so that your students learn their routines fast.

If you have a passion for creating your own unique choreography, you may also find opportunities to partner with dance schools to give their students access to your content on a membership basis. 

35. Stock photography

If you have the ability to capture great candid moments or recently did a portrait shoot of a relative, you can become a stock photographer by registering a sole proprietorship under your name. 

Most stock photography websites pay you a royalty for every download on their platform. Another option is to launch your own photography website and sell images directly to people, which is only viable if you have the resources to invest in marketing. 

36. Instagram consulting

If you know the secrets to Instagram engagement , consider starting an Instagram consulting business. Clients will pay you for crafting engaging captions, responding to comments, creating attractive bios, and more.

You can monetize these services by charging a specific rate per hour or by project. This is the ideal business model for digital nomads , as all tasks can be managed from a laptop or smartphone.

37. Video production

The initial investment for this venture includes a basic lighting set, wireless microphones, one to two cameras (and lenses), and editing software such as Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro . Consider sourcing second-hand equipment to cut down on startup costs.

You can offer to produce video content for companies’ YouTube channels, manage graduation and wedding videography, and more. While there’s no restriction to the types of projects you can do, specializing in a niche makes it easy to stand out in a busy marketplace. 

38. Software education

Are there people in your circle struggling with computer software? If so, starting a software education venture could be lucrative. Your students might range from entrepreneurs enhancing their IT capabilities to small business owners mastering tools like Excel and PowerPoint. As the primary expert, you can spearhead most of the training sessions.

As enrollment grows, consider bringing onboard freelance software experts to cover specialized topics. While renting a space for physical classes is an option, virtual classes could reduce costs and broaden your reach.

39. College preparation

The business of assisting high school students in securing college admissions is thriving. As IBISWorld notes, the testing and educational support industry’s market size was a staggering $17.9 billion in 2023

Initiate your venture by choosing a specific aspect of college prep, like ACT tutoring or admission essay coaching. Once your niche is clear, register your business and start reaching out to students.

40. Niche staffing agency

Nearly every industry has open jobs, and employers are keen to hire the best people for their companies. Your task as a niche staffing agency is to match employees to employers in your sector of choice. 

Figure out what type of roles you’ll be staffing (Junior? Mid-level? C-level?) so you can identify the right candidates for the position. Additionally, consider the employment terms that your agency will share with potential candidates. You can be a temporary, temporary-to-permanent, or long-term staffing agency based on the needs of the market.

41. Digital event planning

One of the best small business ideas is to open up a digital event planning company. In this business, you’ll plan, organize, and report on digital events like webinars and online summits for different companies. 

Money can be made by charging an hourly fee for your service, selling sponsorships, etc. If you ever dreamed of planning a wedding or exhibition, but never quite had the time to organize anything, you can still channel your inner facilitator by planning digital events for people and businesses.

42. Personal training

Being a personal trainer transcends simple exercise instruction. Personal trainers craft tailored plans, providing both motivation and consistent accountability. Clients invest not just in workouts, but in the comprehensive expertise a personal trainer offers.

This expertise isn’t confined to gym walls. The surge of virtual training sessions allows personal trainers to tap into a global clientele. For those deeply passionate about fitness, establishing a personal training business stands at the intersection of profit and passion.

43. Child care

low invest business plan

If you love working with children and can obtain the necessary licenses, starting a child care business might be a great opportunity for you. The increasing need for child care services and the lack of enough providers create an ideal situation for launching a new business. To differentiate your venture, consider offering personalized care options or engaging activity programs tailored to children’s ages and interests.

44. Home enhancement

Got an eye for aesthetics and space management? Consider getting into home enhancement, where you transform everyday spaces into showpiece properties. Initially, you can magnify the appeal of homes using the owner’s existing items, keeping startup costs low. As you gain momentum, many professionals in this field curate their own collection of versatile furnishings.

45. Tour guide business

Another small business idea is starting a tour guide business. Sure, there’s a lot of competition out there. But you can differentiate yourself by offering unique experiences. Consider crafting specialized tours that cater to niche interests, such as historical walking tours of your town’s most haunted spots, or curated food tours that showcase the city’s culinary delights.

46. Life coaching

Life coaches guide individuals through career shifts and help them create lives they adore. If you’re skilled at decision-making, communicate well, and like steering people toward their dream lives, this might be your calling. Get a qualification first. Then, grab clients through social media and local ads, and, eventually, word-of-mouth will do its magic.

47. Furniture upcycling/restoration

low invest business plan

Furniture upcycling has become popular as people look to refresh their living spaces. If you’ve developed skills in restoring furniture and enjoy giving a new lease on life to well-loved pieces, think about starting a business in furniture restoration or upcycling. Search for hidden gems in local charity shops or reclamation centers to refurbish and sell, or offer your services to update people’s existing furniture.

48. Board game customization

Personalized board games are becoming popular as people look for unique, custom-made entertainment options. This business caters to everyone: single players, families, and companies who want special games. To start, think about if you want to make the games yourself or hire a specialist to do it. If you decide to make them, look at YouTube videos and online guides to learn how.

49. Massage therapy

Massage therapists offer a service many seek for relief and relaxation. Here’s how you can run your massage business:

  • Go to clients’ houses to provide massages.
  • Open a center where clients can visit you.
  • Team up with a chiropractor, salon, or acupuncturist and work together.

First, you need to get certified. After that, you can start adding more services, like beauty treatments or relaxation therapies.

50. Personal storage help

Dealing with excess belongings is something a lot of people struggle with. They sometimes even end up needing extra space to store their stuff. As a personal storage helper, you step in to sort this out. You help decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to store. This job revolves around being organized and assisting people in decluttering their spaces.

51. Coffee shop

Turn your coffee enthusiasm into your own coffee shop. You can either join a franchise or start from scratch. Once your shop is up and running, make it a go-to place by organizing events, offering deals, and becoming a vital part of the community.

52. Food store

If you’re an expert in a certain type of food—or simply have a deep love for a specific product—consider opening a dedicated food store. With a clear business plan, transform your passion into a niche hub for cheese, wine, craft beers, or specialty olive oils, drawing in those with similar tastes.

53. Food truck

low invest business plan

Starting a food truck is more affordable than opening a restaurant, since all you need is a vehicle and cooking gear. To do well, pick a certain type of food or cuisine because space is tight. If buying a truck is too costly, consider leasing one through a company such as the Food Truck Group. This way, you can start small and, if things go well, possibly open a restaurant later.

54. Vending machines

Vending machines provide convenient access to a variety of products without the need for human interaction. They cater to individuals seeking quick purchases in high-traffic locations like hospitals, schools, and community centers. To start this business, research and secure agreements with property owners for strategic machine placement.

55. Eco-friendly refill shop

As people become more eco-conscious, refill stations for everyday products like laundry detergent and cooking oil are gaining traction. These businesses appeal by helping customers reduce plastic waste and promoting sustainability. To get started, create a functional setup with clearly labeled bulk dispensers for various products.

56. Interior design

Many people can buy furniture and décor but don’t know how to pull a room together. That’s where you come in. Start by decorating friends’ homes to match their vision with your flair. Great interior design mixes client dreams with your know-how. Document your work, share it online, and watch your fanbase grow.

Start a small business today

There you have it—a list of 56 small business ideas that will make you money in 2024. To give yourself the best chance of success, focus on one idea at a time until you find one that aligns with your abilities. 

Thousands of entrepreneurs have implemented these business ideas to make money, so you can be sure that you’re putting your time and effort into something viable and proven. Whether you’re a college student, a work-at-home parent, or simply someone looking to start a business , remember there are plenty of opportunities to earn a sizable income. 

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30 Low-Cost Business Ideas with High Profits in 2022

Updated on : Jul 30th, 2022

17 min read

An individual with an entrepreneurial mindset can easily start a small-scale business with low investments. The government has launched various schemes for funding small-scale businesses and promoting them. It is encouraging startups and entrepreneurship in India to boost the Indian economy. You can start your business from home or rent out small premises, thus saving cost on office area. Below are 30 low-cost business ideas with high profit to start your business.

1. Content Writing

Content writing has a vast scope since many companies and businesses require a content writer. Companies require help with creating pages for their products, blogs, web pages, etc. The content writing business does not require any investment. All you need is a good command of the language, writing and reading skills. Since you get paid for each word you write, it is highly profitable. The more assignments you get, the more you earn. When you provide writing services for various clients, you get many assignments helping you earn a profit. 

2. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is growing quickly in India. Many online businesses and companies want to have a strong online presence. Such companies and businesses require a digital marketing manager to help them grow their business. Digital marketing means promoting products and brands to potential customers online through various forms of digital communication, such as emails, web-based advertising, social media, and text and multimedia messages.

Thus, you can start a digital marketing agency if you know marketing strategies. You will have to spend money to register the agency and have a good internet connection to start a digital marketing agency. Since it’s done online, you do not have to invest in an office. 

3. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a lot like retail, but it is done entirely online. Dropshipping is where you tie up with dropshipping suppliers and sell their products on your online retail store. The dropshipping suppliers will process and ship the orders you receive from customers. You will receive the order payment, which you need to pay to the dropshipping supplier after deducting your percentage from the payment.

You only need to invest in an online store. This business model is picking up in India. One of the best aspects of a dropshipping business is that you need not invest in stocking or purchasing any product. You have an opportunity to earn high profits as you can decide the profit margin or commission between yourself and the supplier with a mutual understanding.

4. Customised Gifts

A customised gift shop is an excellent low-cost business idea. People give gifts on many occasions like functions, festivals, birthdays, weddings, etc. Thus, there is a demand for unique customised gifts. You can start a gift shop consisting of a mix of customised gifts, gift hampers, gift items you get in the market, and innovative handmade gifts. You need not start a physical store. Start an e-commerce gift shop to save money. 

An e-commerce gift shop also helps you reach a wider audience, thus helping you get more orders. Market your shop on social media and to your friends and relatives. Initially, you may not receive huge profits, but as the business grows, you will make profits. 

5. Blogging or Vlogging

Blogging has gained popularity nowadays. Businesses with web content are also looking to make blogs and require a blogger. Blogging means writing opinionated pieces or experiences in a chosen area. If you like to share your experiences, analyse things or give opinions based on experiences, you can start a blog. You can create a blog in any area like lifestyle, travelling, food, fashion, tech reviews, business strategies, etc. Vlogging means video blogging. Vlogging is where you take about a topic and upload the video online.

A good internet connection and a laptop are required for blogging or vlogging. It is highly profitable since you will get payment from Google when your blog ranks first on Google. Since the investment is low, you can make high profits based on the views you get for your blogs or vlogs.

6. Social Media Consultant

In the digital age, almost all companies market their products and advertise them through digital channels and social media campaigns. You could start a social media consultancy when you have a good knowledge of marketing, branding, web presence and communications. 

You will need to help businesses or individuals to post content and conduct campaigns to promote their products or services through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. You need to help them generate traffic and have a social media presence to generate leads. You will need to only invest in establishing a consultancy and can earn high profits by generating leads and online traffic for businesses.

7. Photography

You can open a photography business when you have a passion for photography. An online photography business is also quite lucrative with plenty of options, such as travel, wedding, product or stock photography. You can do commercial shoots for ad campaigns or cover corporate events for businesses and earn profits from them.

All you need is a good camera to run the business. You can even capture portraits and keep them for sale.‌‌ You can have a Youtube channel or start a course on photography and show how to click creative photos or capture events. You can earn high profits from photo shoots for events or functions.

8. Event Management

Event management company organises and manages events. The events may be weddings, birthdays, pre-wedding rituals, corporate events, functions, etc. You require organising skills and need to build a network to manage events. You will need to coordinate with the decorators and caterers to organise an event.

It requires investment for adequate staff, logistics, and arrangements. Initially, you can start from home and hire caterers and decorators for the events. As the business grows, you can invest and hire staff. You can make huge profits from the event management business when your customer base grows. 

9. Grocery Store

Establishing a grocery store to sell food and other household items is highly profitable. However, you should tie up with suppliers or wholesalers to obtain the required items. You will need to invest in a physical place to open a store, but you can make profits as grocery is the daily basic need required by all. You can save money when you open an online store.

Since the pandemic, people have started to order groceries online. You can open an e-commerce store or website and sell products on the online store. When you offer discounts or schemes, you will get more customers. You need not even hold stock of inventory in an online store.

10. Coaching Class

There will always be a demand for a good coaching class. Students prefer classes near to their house and which give them individual attention. You can start a coaching class at home or on rented premises. After the pandemic, coaching classes are held online. You can teach both online and offline. The investment required for an online class is an internet connection and laptop. You need to invest on board and a room for an offline class.

You can start a coaching class for competitive exams and certification courses for professionals by hiring lecturers. When you know a foreign language, you can start a class to teach these languages as there is always a demand for foreign language classes from professionals and students. Since the investment is low, you will get high returns by imparting knowledge to others.

11. Mobile/Computer Repairing

Everyone has a mobile nowadays. Computers and laptops are also important. You can start a mobile, laptop or computer repair shop when you have knowledge about it. Mobiles, computers and laptops require maintaining and repairing services. You can learn how to repair these devices, get the necessary diploma and start a mobile and computer reaping business. 

It requires low investment to start this business, but it can yield huge profits when it is run professionally. You can even tie up with companies or professionals, maintain their devices regularly, and make profits. You can start selling mobile phone/laptop accessories and make more profit. As your business grows, you can start selling mobiles and computers to your customers.

12. Consultancy

When you know a subject, start a consultancy firm. A consultancy firm is where you help people to get things done and reduce their workload. You can establish a consultancy firm with low investment and earn higher profits. There are many fields where a consultancy can be started, such as legal, business, bookkeeping, growing business on social media, marketing, technical, etc. 

It is better to start a consultancy in the area of your experience. You can also hire someone or partner with someone with the same expertise to provide consultancy. You can establish it online; thus, it requires low investment, and you get profits for sharing your knowledge.

13. Travel Agency

The tourism industry is huge in India. People love to travel on a low budget. Thus, you can start a travel agency and customise tours and arrange tours at minimum budgets. You will need to have communication skills to start this business. You must tie up with hotels at different destinations and local tour guides who can look after your customers on tour.

However, you can start this business from home as people book tours online. You can have your website or promote your tours on social media and get bookings from there. You can also book flights, buses and trains online. The more customers you have and the more tours you arrange, the more money you earn.

14. Web Designing

Nowadays, all businesses have their websites. Small businesses also plan to go online and have their website since customers first search the business online to know more about their products or services. It has led to an increase in demand for web designers. A web designer designs/creates a website containing the details of the business products or services and maintains the website.

A web designing company does not require a high investment as you only need a computer, internet connection and web designing skills. You can learn web designing skills from a training centre or an institute. You get paid for your web designing skills and the projects you undertake.

15. Real Estate Agent

When you understand the commercial and residential real estate market, you can start a real estate agency. You also need good people and communication skills to attract home buyers and sellers to make a deal. You can get good commissions for each deal you make. The investment required to start is significantly low. You need to spend on establishing an agency.  

But as you build your network and start making more deals, the commission you earn is high. All you need is communication and speaking proficiency to get buyers and sellers to agree on the sale and make money. You can even open a real estate agency to help people find rented places rather than just focusing on selling properties. Rents are high in metro cities, and many people are living in rented houses in metro cities. It is highly profitable to open a real estate agency for renting properties in metro cities.

16. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a profitable way to make money online. It is a form of digital marketing where you refer a person to buy an online product from an online merchant or platform. You get a commission when that person buys the product based on your recommendation. You can start this business from home; thus, it requires low investment. It requires a laptop and an internet connection. 

The transaction amount and the number of sales involved determine the commission. Affiliate marketing needs a strong online presence to get attention and awareness. If you have a small audience who trusts you, you can promote and sell a merchant’s products to them and earn money. 

17. Beauty Parlour

A beauty parlour never runs out of demand. Most women visit a beauty parlour frequently. You need to know about skincare and have special training in grooming to open a beauty parlour. The investment required for opening a beauty parlour is low. 

You can even open a beauty parlour at your home. However, you need to invest in the equipment required to open a beauty parlour. When you open it in the right location, such as near an apartment or residential layout, you can make a lot of money by acquiring many clients. You can even provide door-to-door service, i.e. visit the clients’ houses and provide your service and earn profits.

18. Fashion Boutique

Fashion boutiques also have a high demand. Many women prefer to go to fashion boutiques to get unique and customised clothes. You can open a fashion boutique when you have a keen interest in fashion and clothing. The investment to open a boutique is low.

To open a fashion boutique, you must buy stitching materials and tie up with dress sellers. You may make dresses yourself or get dresses from various wholesalers, customise them and sell them to your customers. You can start a boutique from your house. The profit margin is relatively good compared to many other businesses.

19. Insurance Agent

Having a medical policy or health insurance is vital. People have realised this after the pandemic. You can open an insurance agency to guide people to buy the right insurance policy that suits their needs. The insurance umbrella covers health, shop, vehicle, renters insurance, etc. You can start the agency with little investment. 

To be an insurance agent, you must possess good communication skills and convincing power. You can earn a good commission by selling insurance policies. You need to obtain an insurance agent license, but the profits are huge in this business. You can even tie up with insurance companies and sell their insurance products for a commission.

20. Low-Cost Franchise

A franchise is a strategy to expand business across states and cities. In a franchise business, the franchisor, i.e. an established company, grants you the license, guidance and trademark to run its business. They set up decent margins for the stocks to be sold. You must enter into a franchise agreement with the franchisor to operate a franchise business.

In a franchise business, you need not invest to set up a business. The franchisor will provide you with the products and goods to run the business. You only need to market the products and sell them to customers. The more sales you make, the more profit you earn from them.

21. Cloud Kitchen

Cloud kitchens are kitchens operated online. You have to register on an online platform or food app and put up your menu there. Customers will directly place orders online, and you need to prepare the food and deliver it to them. You can arrange for a delivery or agree with the online platform or app to deliver them for a charge. 

There is a very low investment required in this business as you save money on establishing a physical place for customers to sit and hiring staff to serve the customers. All you need is to know how to cook and have the equipment to cook and market food. You can even open your food venture website and take food orders there. If you market your food venture well, you will gain customers and huge profits.

People buy cakes for many occasions, like birthdays, farewell parties, engagements, celebration of an event, etc. People also buy cakes, muffins, pastries, puffs, etc., as snacks. Thus, it is one of the lucrative businesses in India. The investment to establish a bakery business is low, but you need to know how to bake cakes and other bakery products.

You can open up a bakery at a location where there is significant customer traffic. You need to spend money on buying ovens and ingredients to bake food. You can even start an online bakery by creating your website or registering on online food platforms and selling your items there. 

23. Catering Service

All occasions, such as house parties, birthdays, corporate parties, weddings, functions, etc., require a caterer to arrange food. Thus, caterers are in demand to serve delicious food. To start a catering business, you need a kitchen, cook and transport facility to deliver food. 

Thus, the investment to start a food catering business is comparatively low compared to the returns. A catering business has a high earning potential, especially when you take it online and find more customers. You can even cater meals to working people regularly or daily. 

24. Investment Consultant

People have realised the importance of savings and investing in the post-pandemic era. They want to save money and invest it for their future. However, they require guidance for the same. You can start an investment consultant agency if you have good knowledge about shares, mutual funds, investment schemes such as PPF, NPS, post-office savings schemes, bank FD rates, etc.

You do not require much investment to start this business as you can start it online. All you need is a good internet connection to give investment advice. You also need analytical skills and be good at calculations to advise people as to which investment will provide them with the best returns for their goals. Initially, you may not earn more, but as you market your business and provide good advice to people, you will get more customers and money. 

25. YouTube Channel

You can start a channel on Youtube. There are many channels on Youtube, but if your content is innovative and creative, you will get more views and subscriptions. You can monetise from the views and subscriptions on your youtube channel. 

You only have to invest in a good camera, mic and internet connection to start a Youtube channel. You can get more views and earn money by posting videos frequently. You can advertise companies’ products on your channel and make money from them.

26. Fitness Trainer

After the pandemic, many are conscious of their health and want to stay fit. You can become a fitness trainer when you have knowledge and training. You can train people in yoga, Zumba, aerobics, etc., and even advise them on the food they need to eat to stay fit. You can even tie up with a gym and become a trainer or conduct fitness classes there.

There is not much investment required for becoming a fitness trainer. You may have to learn new fitness courses and attend health programmes to train your customers. You can start fitness training classes such as yoga, aerobics, dance, Zumba, etc., online or rent a place for the same. You get high returns when more customers join your classes.

27. Freelancer

A freelancer is someone who gets paid for the work they do. You can be a freelancer in the area of your expertise, such as writing, singing, photography, design, software management, video editing, coding, etc. Many companies hire a freelancer to get their work done. 

Since you will not be an employee of a company, you can provide freelance service to many companies and individuals simultaneously. You can create a social media profile and promote your freelancing skills and services to attract customers. Once you get recognised, you will get more work and earn huge profits.

28. Bookkeeping and Accounting Service

You can start an accounting and bookkeeping business when you know bookkeeping and accounting. You can start this business with a low investment. However, you need adequate training to do accurate bookkeeping and accounting. Sole proprietorships and small businesses require bookkeeping services. They do not hire people to do it.

Thus, you can help them with their bookkeeping and accounting and charge for the same. Since you need to visit your client’s place to provide the accounting services, you need not invest in an office. You will only need a laptop and internet facility for this business.

29. App Developing Service

App development is a profitable small business since many companies require an app developer. Application or app development involves creating a computer program that a business requires for performing its various tasks. Thus, you can make an app development business if you have the software skills and are an IT graduate.

This business does not require much investment, but it is highly profitable. You can work on multiple projects simultaneously and earn profits. To make a high income, you can experiment with AR/VR, mobile wallets, chatbots, cloud-based apps, and IoT.

30. Pharmacy

A pharmacy is a necessity for people across the country. Everyone goes to a pharmacy to get medicines. If you have a pharmacy degree, you start your pharmacy shop. The location of the pharmacy shop is crucial to making profits. There are still many places in India where people have to travel to a pharmacy shop. You can establish a pharmacy shop in such areas and earn money.

You can even attach to a doctor’s clinic and start a shop inside the clinic so that people can easily access medicines and you get more clients. Although you will need to invest some money in the initial stage, the profit you get after some time is huge. 

These 30 low-cost business ideas have the potential to earn huge profits. The investment required to start these businesses is low, but your profits are significantly high. Thus, if you have the right skill or training, you can be an entrepreneur, start your business at a low-cost, and make profits. 

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Mayashree Acharya

I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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25 Best Zero investment business ideas in india 2024

Zero investment business ideas

Explore 25 Best Zero Investment Business Ideas in India and Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey Today!

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In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, not everyone has the privilege of having substantial capital to kickstart their entrepreneurial dreams. The good news, however, is that you don’t always need a hefty investment to venture into the world of business. Believe it or not, India, a land teeming with opportunities, is a hotspot for groundbreaking zero investment business ideas in 2024. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent seeking financial independence, a student looking to explore your entrepreneurial side, or simply someone eager to diversify their income streams, there’s a world of zero investment business ideas awaiting your discovery.

In this insightful blog, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel 25 of the most promising zero investment business ideas tailored for the Indian landscape in 2024. These ideas are not just pathways to financial independence; they’re the gateways to innovation, creativity, and self-expression. So, whether you’re tech-savvy, artistically inclined, or simply passionate about a particular niche, it’s time to explore the boundless opportunities that the world of zero investment businesses has in store for you. Let’s dive in and discover the entrepreneurial potential that awaits in the vibrant and ever-evolving landscape of India.

What are Zero Investment Business Ideas in India?

What are Zero Investment Business Ideas in India

Zero investment business ideas, also known as zero capital or 0 investment businesses, allow aspiring entrepreneurs to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey without the need for significant financial resources. These ideas rely on creativity, skills, and strategic planning rather than upfront capital. In India, with its vast and diverse consumer base, there’s ample room for such businesses to thrive.

25 Best Zero Investment Business Ideas

25 Best Zero Investment Business Ideas

Here are the 25 best zero investment business ideas that will help you embark on your entrepreneurial journey without the burden of initial financial investment. Explore these creative and profitable opportunities to start and grow your business

1. Print-on-Demand

Create custom-designed products like T-shirts, mugs, and phone cases and sell them on platforms like BlinkStore (more on this later).

2. Freelancing

Kickstart your zero investment business by offering your writing, graphic design, or digital marketing services online. You can tap into the vast market of clients seeking skilled freelancers in India.

3. Content Creation

Launch your own YouTube channel, or podcast with zero investment and monetize your content through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships in India.

4. Affiliate Marketing

In the world of 0 investment business ideas, affiliate marketing stands out as a way to earn commissions by promoting products or services without any upfront financial commitment.

5. Online Tutoring

Share your knowledge through online tutoring in India, providing valuable educational services with zero investment

6. Dropshipping

Start your e-commerce journey in India without investing in inventory by becoming a zero investment drop shipper, connecting customers with products directly from suppliers.

7. Social Media Management

Help businesses enhance their online presence with your expertise in social media management, offering zero investment business solutions for boosting brand visibility in India.

8. Virtual Assistant

Provide remote administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs, establishing your 0 investment business in India as a reliable virtual assistant.

9. Content Writing

Offer zero investment business solutions to websites and blogs in India by providing high-quality content writing services tailored to their needs.

10. Digital Marketing Services

Specialize in SEO, pay-per-click advertising, or social media marketing to offer business ideas with zero investment for clients looking to expand their online reach in India.

11. Handmade Crafts

Showcase your creativity by crafting and selling handmade jewelry, candles, and more, building a zero investment business around your passion in India.

12. Event Planning

Put your organizational skills to work by starting an 0 investment business in event planning, creating memorable experiences for clients throughout India.

13. Blogging

Monetize your blog in India by implementing zero investment business strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and digital product sales.

14. Online Surveys and Market Research

Participate in online surveys and market research studies to earn money or rewards in India with zero investment.

15. Ebook Publishing

Publish and sell ebooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, a zero investment business with the potential for passive income in India.

16. Podcast Hosting

Launch your own podcast in India on topics you’re passionate about and monetize through sponsorships and listener support, a creative 0 investment business.

17. Cooking or Baking Classes

Share your culinary expertise with online cooking or baking classes, turning your passion into a zero investment business in India.

18. Dropshipping

Dive into the world of 0 investment business by setting up an online store in India and partnering with suppliers to fulfill orders.

19. Photography

If you have photography skills, offer portrait sessions, event photography, or sell your photos online.

20. Online Fitness Coaching

Become a certified fitness coach and provide personalized fitness plans and guidance online. Help clients achieve their health and wellness goals from the comfort of their homes, offering a convenient and effective way to stay fit.

21. Consulting

Share your expertise in a specific field, such as business, finance, or career, by offering consulting services.

22. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

Start a pet care service, offering pet sitting and dog walking to pet owners in your local area. Provide convenience and peace of mind to busy pet parents while enjoying quality time with furry companions.

23. Home-based Catering

Launch a small-scale catering business from your home, specializing in unique cuisine or catering to specific dietary preferences. Offer customized menus for special occasions, bringing delectable flavors to events.

24. Freelance Illustration or Design

Utilize your artistic talents as a freelance illustrator or graphic designer. Worked on creative projects, from designing logos and graphics to illustrating children’s books, while collaborating with clients worldwide.

25. Online Reselling

Turn clutter into cash by reselling second-hand or vintage items online. Use platforms like eBay or Olx to reach a broader audience, recycling pre-loved items and making a profit.

These ideas cover a wide range of skills and interests, offering diverse opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to explore in India without the need for significant initial investments.

How to Start a Business Without Investment?

Starting a zero-investment business in India requires planning and dedication. Here are the essential steps to get you started:

  • Identify Your Niche : Choose a business idea that aligns with your skills, interests, and target audience.
  • Create a Business Plan : Outline your business goals, strategies, and marketing plans.
  • Build an Online Presence : Create a website or use social media to establish your brand and reach potential customers.
  • Market Your Business : Utilize free or low-cost marketing methods like social media, content marketing, and email marketing.
  • Provide Exceptional Service : Deliver high-quality products or services to build a positive reputation and customer loyalty.
  • Scale Your Business : As your business grows, reinvest profits to expand and offer more value to your customers.

Benefits of Zero Investment Business

Zero investment businesses offer several advantages:

  • Low Financial Risk : You can start without a significant financial commitment, reducing the risk of financial loss.
  • Flexibility : These businesses often allow you to set your schedule and work from home.
  • Skill Enhancement : You can develop and sharpen valuable skills in marketing, communication, and entrepreneurship.
  • Income Diversification : You can diversify your income sources, reducing reliance on a single job.
  • Scalability : Some zero investment business ideas can be scaled up over time as your revenue grows.

Start Your Zero Investment Business with BlinkStore


Blinkstore is a pioneering ecommerce platform in India that simplifies the process of starting a zero investment business. Whether you want to try your hand at print-on-demand or sell custom-designed products, Blinkstore offers an easy-to-use platform for aspiring entrepreneurs. Here’s what sets Blinkstore apart:

  • User-Friendly Interface : You don’t need technical expertise to set up your personalized web store on Blinkstore .
  • Wide Product Range : You can bring your unique designs to life on over 50 different products, from T-shirts to phone cases.
  • Inventory Management : Blinkstore handles everything, from printing your designs to delivering products directly to your customers’ doorsteps.
  • Comprehensive Guide : For those new to print-on-demand, Blinkstore provides a detailed guide on “ How to Start a Print-on-Demand Business With Blinkstore. “

With Blinkstore , creativity meets convenience, making it the ultimate choice for aspiring online sellers in India.

Steps to Start Your Zero Investment Business with Blinkstore

  • Sign Up : Visit the Blinkstore website and sign up for an account.
  • Design Your Products : Create or upload your unique designs for the products you want to sell.
  • Set Your Prices : Determine the pricing for your products, keeping in mind your profit margins.
  • Publish Your Store : Once you’re satisfied with your store’s appearance and product listings, publish it.
  • Promote Your Products : Use social media, online marketing, and networking to promote your products and attract customers.
  • Monitor and Adjust : Keep an eye on your sales and customer feedback, and make adjustments as needed to improve your business

If you are looking for ways to promote your business online, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. You can refer to our blog titled ‘ Best Ways to Promote Your Business Online in 2024 ‘ to learn more about effectively marketing your business and products online.

In conclusion, the landscape of zero investment business ideas in India for 2024 offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals from all walks of life. The essence of these businesses lies in their ability to empower aspiring entrepreneurs with limited financial resources. Whether you’re tech-savvy, creative, or passionate about a particular field, there’s a niche waiting for you to explore.

The key to success in the world of zero investment businesses lies in your ability to match your skills and interests with the right idea. It’s not just about making money; it’s about pursuing your passion and creating value for others in the process.

Moreover, platforms like Blinkstore exemplify the accessibility and convenience of starting your zero investment business. With Blinkstore, you can bring your creative visions to life and reach a broad audience without the need for extensive capital or technical expertise.

So, as you contemplate which zero investment business idea resonates with you the most, remember that your journey as an entrepreneur is a reflection of your skills, interests, and unwavering determination to succeed. In 2024, seize the opportunity to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a reality and embark on a path that offers both financial rewards and personal fulfillment. Your journey begins now!

What exactly is a zero investment business?

A zero investment business, also known as a zero capital or 0 investment business, refers to a business venture that can be started and operated without a significant initial financial investment. These businesses often rely on creativity, skills, and strategic planning rather than requiring substantial upfront capital.

Are zero investment businesses profitable?

Yes, many zero investment businesses can be highly profitable. However, success depends on factors like your dedication, marketing efforts, and the quality of the products or services you offer. It’s essential to choose a business idea that aligns with your skills and interests to maximize your chances of profitability.

Can I start a zero investment business part-time?

Absolutely! Many zero investment businesses can be launched and managed on a part-time basis, making them ideal for individuals with other commitments such as full-time jobs or studies. As your business grows, you can consider transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship if desired.

How can I promote my zero investment business?

Promoting your zero investment business can be done through various channels, including social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, networking, and word-of-mouth referrals. It’s essential to create a solid marketing plan tailored to your specific business and target audience.

Are these business ideas suitable for beginners?

Yes, the zero-investment business ideas presented in this blog are suitable for beginners. They are designed to be accessible and offer a low-risk entry into entrepreneurship. Starting with a business idea that aligns with your interests and skills can make the learning curve more manageable.

How can I choose the best zero investment business idea for me?

Selecting the right zero-investment business idea for you involves considering your skills, interests, and market demand. It’s essential to research each idea thoroughly, evaluate your own strengths, and identify which idea aligns best with your goals and resources.

Is technical expertise required to use Blinkstore?

No, you do not need advanced technical skills to use Blinkstore. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that simplifies the process of setting up your online store and designing products. Even if you lack technical expertise, you can easily navigate and use Blinkstore to bring your creative ideas to life.

What types of products can I sell on Blinkstore?

Blinkstore offers a diverse range of over 50 different products that you can customize with your designs. These products include apparel (T-shirts, hoodies, etc.), accessories (phone cases, tote bags, etc.), home decor items, and more. This variety allows you to cater to a wide audience and expand your product offerings as your business grows.

Is Blinkstore suitable for both individuals and businesses?

Yes, Blinkstore caters to a wide range of users, including individuals looking to start their own online businesses and established businesses seeking to expand their product offerings. It provides a flexible platform for both newcomers and experienced entrepreneurs.

What marketing strategies can I use to promote my zero investment business in India?

Promoting your zero investment business in India can be done through various marketing strategies, including social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and influencer partnerships. The choice of marketing channels should align with your target audience and business niche.

What types of designs can I use on Blinkstore products?

Blinkstore allows you to use a wide range of designs, including your original artwork, illustrations, graphics, photographs, and text-based designs. You have the creative freedom to bring your unique ideas to life on their products.

Can I scale a zero investment business?

Yes, many zero investment businesses can be scaled up over time as you gain more customers and generate revenue. Reinvesting profits and expanding your offerings are common strategies for growth.


50 Businesses You Can Start With INR 1 Lakh Or Less

Shubham Kumar

Shubham Kumar

According to a survey by Randstad Workmonitor in 2017, 83% of the Indian workforce would like to try entrepreneurship. While there are many who want to start a full time business, there are others who plan to start some part-time business to earn extra income. However, starting a business has many hurdles associated with it, and the major hurdle is the lack of capital. As a matter of fact, there are many businesses which can be started without investing a huge amount of capital. Here is a list of the best business ideas you can start by investing INR 1 lakh or less.

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Businesses You Can Start with INR 1,00,000 or Less

Cab Fleet Home Automation Services T-Shirt Printing Investment Business Stationery Store Startup Canteens Custom Gifts Professional Cameras on Rent Xerox and Printing Juice Shop Food Corner Game Parlour Used Car Dealership Driving School Beauty Salon Affiliate Marketing Blogging Writing Services Homework Help Services and Tutoring Web Designing Business Graphic Designer Interior Designer Home Decorator Fashion Designer Starting an Online Store Bookstore Fashion Store Babysitting Craft Store Bakery Online Advertising Dancing and Music School Sell Handmade Products Consulting Business Real Estate Agency Travel Agent Web Maintenance Service Event Management Business Amazon Seller YouTuber Podcasting E-Book Writing Laundry Shop Tailoring Home Cleaning or Corporate Cleaning Services Home Maintenance and Repair Services Catering Business Grocery Shop Mobile Repair Shop Paper Bag, Cloth Bag, or Jute Bag Making


You can buy a used car or a couple of bikes under INR 1 lakh, register them with Ola , Uber, Rapido, and other on-demand cab services. You then need to hire some people to drive the cab for you. Even after the necessary deductions like paying the driver's salary along with the maintenance expenditures, you'll still end up with a good profit.

Home Automation Services

Speech recognition devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home have become common in today's households. With some knowledge of electronics and coding, you can help people pair their home appliances with speech recognition devices. This would allow them to control the appliances by giving commands to the speech device. One needs to purchase electronic equipment and hire a few talented guys to take care of the programming and configuration aspect.

T-Shirt Printing

There's a constant need for custom designed uniform with logos and pictures. As a result, T-Shirt Printing is a lucrative business one can pursue. You can help customers by printing their required designs and logos on T-shirts. For that, you'll have to invest in a good T-shirt printing machine . There are many affordable machines in the market, some starting from as low as INR 50,000 . If it sounds expensive, one may rent the machine from someone on a monthly basis or longer and once the business turns profitable, the venture owner could buy his or her own machine. With the constant emergence and growth of social media influencers, this business is in high demand at the moment. And there's no dearth of offline opportunities as well. Many T-Shirt startups are already excelling in this industry.

Investment Business

If you have knowledge about trading and investing, you can provide the service of handling people's money and generating profits for them through the share market. But to take off with this idea, one needs to demonstrate the knack for making successful predictions and trades in the market because people believe only when they see. Moreover, it requires immense trust to hand over one's hard earned money to someone else. So start by investing money for relatives and friends, turn them into success stories, and then aim for the big fish! You can start your own investment company in the future with this business idea.

Also read: Best Fintech Startups in India

Stationery Store Startup

You can open a stationery store and cater to new startups and offices since they require a lot of stationery related items like pen, paper, markers, etc. Offer them the best quality stationery products at reasonable prices. You can also partner with schools and coaching centers to establish your presence. Subsequently, students will come only to you for stationery needs. Connectivity with your main store means shortage of supplies can be taken care of immediately. You will need to build an effective transport network for connectivity between the main warehouse/store and your franchises to meet urgent delivery request. A home delivery facility will attract more customers. This business idea can be easily launched with INR 1 lakh and be scaled as a formidable startup if implemented with the best practices.

Canteens are no less than a necessity in public places such as parks. Even hospitals and office spaces are known for the crowd they bring. You can lease a space in such locations and start a canteen there. Start with limited options like tea, coffee, and biscuits. If there's a growth in your customer base, you can then increase the options offered. Once the entire business is in motion with windfall profits, you can then think of expanding the canteen chain.

Custom Gifts


According to Asianage, the gifting industry in India is expected to reach $84 billion by the year 2024. The industry is worth north of $65 million at present. The millennials have contributed significantly to the rise in gifting culture. Starting a personalized gifting business can prove to be a profitable business. All you need is creativity and innovation which are reflected in awe-inspiring photo frames, custom coffee mugs, etc. Test your initiative on your acquaintances and see what they think of custom gifting as a customer. You can also distribute samples embellished with your information for promotion and publicity. Closing a deal with corporate offices, especially during the festive season, is also a good idea for marketing.

Also read: Corporate Gifting Ideas for Diwali

Professional Cameras on Rent

Social Media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have ushered in a new era, one where everyone's crazy about selfies and videos. By the time you'd be done reading the previous sentence, hundreds of thousands of pictures must have been uploaded online. People are desperate for good quality images and videos. They need excellent cameras for that. You can buy a high-end camera that ranges between Rs. 50,000 to 80,000 and rent it to people on an hourly basis. If you can invest in a good quality drone with integrated camera and provide the instructions on its usage, nothing like it. You can easily command more than Rs. 1000 per hour as people are willing to pay astronomical amounts for those precious drone clicks!. If you are interested, you can also start doing professional photography.

Xerox and Printing

Although everything's online now, requirements like photocopying and scanning will never fade. You can buy a xerox machine and start a business near a coaching center, college, or offices. It is a highly scalable business idea if done right.

Also read: How to make money online

With the millennial (and everyone in general) moving towards a healthier lifestyle, juice shops are the place to go after that intensive workout. Be it fruit juice or protein shake, juice shops are a favorite for many. Starting a juice shop business near a jogging park, fitness center, or in a commercially bustling area offers a good chance to make money. If you cannot find any such place, you can always start with a movable setup like using your car and parking it near a jogger's area every morning. All you need to start this business is a good juicer, fruits, and necessary permission for your venture. All of the inventories can be bought for less than 50,000 rupees. You can use the other INR 50,000 from your INR 1,00,000 investment to market your shop. You may have to seek police consent and those of the concerned authorities. Target residential societies, if possible. As more and more people throng to your shop, you'll get an idea and insight into their preferences and thereby come up with even better offerings. It is one of the most promising business ideas you can start with INR 1,00,000.

Food Corner

Some eat to live while others live to eat. All in all, a Food Corner has all the ingredients of a profitable business . Aim for affordable meals so that people from all walks of life have something to consume at your joint. Since we're talking about businesses under INR 1,00,000, start with a stall type of setup. Talk to the southern meals and MOMO vendors you find on the roads to understand how they work. This is the one of the best businesses you can start with INR 1,00,000 or even less as food will never go out of trend.

Also read: How to market a restaurant

Game Parlour

The gaming industry is witnessing a boom. The current value of the gaming industry in India is $850 million and it is growing at a rate of 14.3% every year. If you think people in your locality are into mobile or PC gaming, you can buy a few high-end mobile phones and PCs and set up a game parlor . Many people want to play high performance mobile games but don't have compatible phones. There's tremendous opportunity in mobile lending. Apart from the money you make from the games, you can sell snacks in the parlor for some extra cash.

Used Car Dealership

There are many people who prefer to buy used cars in good condition. They buy a used car, drive it for a year or two, sell it, and buy another used car. You can start a used car dealership and find customers easily. All you need is a used car, have it repaired and find a buyer. If you can add some value to the car through modification, people will be ready to buy it for a higher price . Start your business by scouting for a used car that can be purchased and enhanced in 1 lac budget. Many people like to buy used cars and enhance it in a short period of time.

Driving School

Driving school continues to remain in the market. It is still a good business that mints money as the number of driving licenses issued every year grows exponentially. For a driving school, you need a good marketing plan as you cannot target specific people. You will have to use traditional channels of advertising like newspapers and pamphlets. Social media marketing can also assist in acquiring customers.

Beauty Salon

For someone who is interested in doing hairstyles, makeup or grooming people, starting a salon can be a nice business. A shop in a good locality is needed, besides many also start it at home. Much heavy investment is not needed, and also one can earn good amount of profit in this business

The above mentioned are some of the best business ideas that can be started by investing around INR 1,00,000. But if you feel that 1 lakh is not what you can invest right now, there are still other businesses you to start that requires very less investment. Let's have a look at some such business ideas

Also Read : 10 Small Business Ideas that You can Start from Home

Best Businesses to Start with Less Investment

Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an easy to start yet profitable business that you can start, without any major investment. What you have to do is to simply promote other business's products and services online and earn commission. You don't even need to have your own website to start affiliate marketing. Just choose the products you would like to promote and register yourself as an affiliate of the company whose products you would like to promote. Once authorized to become an affiliate, you receive affiliate links for various products the company is selling. You can now paste these links on your website or promote them through your social media accounts, YouTube channel, in online groups or communities, or through email, and start earning commission whenever someone clicks on your link to visit the company's website and makes any purchase.

If you love writing, blogging is an interesting and profitable business that you can start with minimal investment. All you need to spend is on a domain and a good hosting plan. So just with an investment of INR 5000-6000 you are all set for a blogging business. Blogging lets you make money in many ways. You can sign up with Google AdSense to show ads on your website, do affiliate marketing, write sponsored posts, sell e-books and much more through blogging.

Writing Services

Another good service for those who have amazing writing skills is starting a business providing writing services. Writing service providers create various content for the clients ranging from resume writing, article writing, short story writing, copy writing, technical writing, editing and much more. You can start by offering a limited services, and once scaled up, you can hire people and broaden the spectrum of your services.

Homework Help Services and Tutoring

There are many students who would pay to get some help for their homework. You can start online homework and assignment consultation services. Students can call you to seek help regarding their assignments and you can charge them on an hourly or per assignment basis. You can target hostels and colleges for this business. This is an awesome business idea if you are excellent in studies and requires very little money to begin with. The only investment will be in the form of internet and your device. Tutoring is also a good way to make some money with almost no investment.

Web Designing Business

If you have relevant knowledge, you can start designing websites for various businesses. In today's digital world, every business big or small needs a digital presence to grow. By starting a web designing business, you can tap into this trend.

Graphic Designer

Are you a graphic designing expert? Well this can indeed be a great business option. Graphic designing has a huge scope. From creating logo's for companies, to designing brochures and marketing materials, making graphical content for social media to designing packages, there is lot you can offer to your clients and earn a good amount of money.

Also Read : How to Become an Expert Graphic Designer

Interior Designer

Interior designing is another great business option. With required skills and preferably the required certifications, you can easily start an interior designing business. Start by designing interior for your family, friends and acquaintances, and build a good portfolio that you can show attract clients. If your work is good enough, this business will surely take you places.

Home Decorator

Being a home decorator is a good business for those who loves to decorate beautiful homes. A home decorator is one who decorates the interiors with beautiful furniture, accessories etc. While you need certification to become an interior designer, no certification is needed for being an interior decorator. All you need to be an interior decorator is creativity.

Fashion Designer

If you have a knack for fashion designing, fashion designing business is something you can start without much investment. Find a niche segment and decide for whom you want to design clothes. Start by offering a few products, and promote your business to your acquaintances well as through social media. Also it is good to have your own website where you can showcase your design.

Starting an Online Store

Starting an online store is yet another good business idea. Just choose the products you want to deal in and decide whether you would like to go for drop-shipping or stocking the products you want to sell. As regards creating the e-commerce site, there are many platforms like Zepo, Shopify, and FreKart that will help you in this regard.

Starting a book shop is an affordable and nice business. One can opt to sell used books also, as they can be procured at a low cost. While there are many these days who prefer to order books online, and others who read e-books, there is still that category of readers who like to hold a book in the hands and read it, rather than reading it on a screen. So if you can rent a space near educational institutes or in a popular market area, your bookstore will surely earn profit. Coffee shop bookstore is also a cool place that people like to visit. So if you have enough space and required skills, you can also start a coffee shop alongside your bookstore to attract more customers.

Fashion Store

If you love to look stylish and fashionable and has a god fashion sense, you may consider opening a fashion store. To start with find a niche for yourself and start dealing in your niche. For example you can begin with a kids fashion store, and expand later to other niche as well, with increase in budget. You can also consider establishing your online presence and sell your clothes online.


Babysitting is also a business that requires very less investment. If there is space, you can start this business at your home itself. You just need to invest in some good toys, books, etc. to keep the kids busy. Also healthy food should be made available.

Craft Store

Opening a craft store is a viable business option. You can either create your own piece of art for selling in the shop or procure art and craft items in bulk and sell the same at retail rates. Craft items have a good profit margin when bought in bulk.

craft shop

If baking is your passion, a bakery is a good business you can start. To keep the investments on the lower side you can opt to start a home bakery or a cloud kitchen. In home bakery and cloud kitchens, you just need to cook and deliver the food items, without any hassle of making sitting arrangements. Thus your rent is saved.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is what many businesses opt for these days, as online advertising is a great way to reach a wide audience. As such starting your own online advertising business is surely a profitable option. As an online advertising company you can provide services such as website designing, SEO services, PPC advertising, Social media marketing, content marketing and e-mail marketing.

Dancing and Music School

If you are a trained singer or dancer, music and dance classes can be a good business you can start. When started in a very small scale at home, you do not require any registration or licensing. Once you feel confident enough, you can scale up your business.

Sell Handmade Products

Handmade products are in demand these days. So you can make and sell handmade soaps, incense sticks, candles, etc. to make profit. The Government of India offers affordable training courses where you can learn to make these goods. You can sell them online, and as you scale up you can tie up with spas, salons, hotels, etc. for selling the products.

Other than this, you can also consider selling home made jams, pickles, chocolates, etc. Homemade stuff can be also be sold through sites like Etsy.com.

Consulting Business

Consulting services can be offered in various fields such as accounting, auditing, insurance, career, taxes, business and more. You just need to spot your area of expertise and start your consultancy accordingly. Try to get initial customers from your acquaintances and give them the best services so that you can benefit from word of mouth publicity.

Real Estate Agency

If you have interest and knowledge about real estate, you can become a real estate agent. You can choose from dealing in residential properties, commercial properties, or plot investments to start with. Get the required licensing, gather the required information and knowledge about the property you are dealing in, and promote yourself well so that you can reach out to your target customers.

Travel Agent

With the boom in the travel and tourism industry in India, starting a travel agency is a great business idea. You can choose to deal in anything: air ticket booking, hotel booking, selling travel packages, or all of them.

Web Maintenance Service

With every business going online, there is a rising need for web maintenance services. Website maintenance is required to keep a website error-free, up-to-date user friendly, and safe. In current times, web maintenance service can be a profitable business to start.

Event Management Business

Do you feel that you have what it takes to organize an event successfully? If yes, an event management company is something you should start. With the boom in the event management segment in India and worldwide, event management surely is the right place to be in. To start with, you can mange events for family and friends to get the exposure, and also do some thorough research on managing successful events. Being a first timer, you may find it overwhelming to provide all the event management related services. So you may start by offering one or two services like visitor management services, flower decorations, press and publicity services, etc. to big event management companies. Once you are confident enough, you can take the plunge to start your own full-fledged event management company.

Amazon Seller

Becoming an Amazon seller is a lucrative and profitable initiative. Currently there are over 5 lakh sellers registered with Amazon India. The best part about being a seller with Amazon is that you can reach out to a wide customer base not only within Indian but globally; Amazon takes care of everything from delivering the products to the customers to transferring money to your account.

Not just money, YouTube can actually turn you into a celebrity. If you choose to be a YouTuber, you can make money through various streams. You can earn money by becoming a YouTube partner, by selling your merchandise through your YouTube Channel, or by creating sponsored content. There are options where your fans can pay you directly. If you are a viral content creator, you can even make money by letting media houses use your content and get paid in return.

Looking at its popularity, podcasting can be a good business too. There are many ways in which a podcaster makes money. There are businesses who sponsor podcasts and that means a good source of revenue. Podcasters also earn from donations and crowdfunding by selling their own products and services, or through affiliate marketing.

Also Read : Everything you Need to Know About Podcasting

E-Book Writing

With all the craze around e-books, being an e-book writer can also prove to a profitable business. Before diving into writing an e-book, you need to find your area of expertise and interest, and write something which will create value for your readers. Once written, it's important to extensively promote your e-book to the relevant audience to generate more sales. You can sell your e-book through your own website, on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform, or through other publishers.

Also Read : All You Should Know about E-books

Laundry Shop

Services that make the household chores easy are gaining popularity fast. Laundry service is one such life saver for the millennials. A well-managed laundry business is something you can start and earn profit from. You would need a staff to take care of washing, ironing, etc. Regarding marketing, targeting young people, working professionals, and tying up with co-living space providers can help significantly.

Tailoring is one of those businesses which can be started with low investment. Depending on your budget and skills, you can start tailoring at a small level from your home with a sewing machine and once budget and experience permits, you can launch a boutique. Upon expansion, you may buy a pico machine, interlock machine, embroidery machine, etc. and diversify your specialities in tailoring.

Home Cleaning or Corporate Cleaning Services

Cleaning is an essential service that individuals, organizations, and others cannot live without. With the uptick in the number of corporate offices, co-working spaces, co-living areas, and serviced apartments, the demand for home cleaning and corporate cleaning facilities has surged. Hence, starting a business in this domain is certainly a good idea.

Home Maintenance and Repair Services

There is lot to do when it comes to home repair and maintenance. From electrical work to painting, plumbing, carpentry or roofing, many chores needs to be taken care of. Considering the huge demand, a home maintenance and repairing business can surely turn out to be a profitable one if executed right.

Catering Business

If cooking and feeding people makes you happy, then the catering business is for you. All you need to invest in is cooking utensils, ingredients that will be required for cooking, and some helpers. Once your setup is in place, you can start taking orders and supply food for parties, functions, and other events.

Grocery Shop

A grocery shop does not require much investment. The most important factor you need to keep in mind is that the shop should be in a good location. Try to provide the variety of goods that people demand, be open to home delivery facility, and watch as you gain loyal customers.

Mobile Repair Shop

As reported by market research firm techARC, India had 502.2 million smartphone users in 2019, and the number is ever increasing. Given the scenario, a mobile repair shop can undoubtedly be a profitable business you may consider. Besides repairing, you can also sell accessories and provide mobile recharge facilities in your shop.

Paper Bag, Cloth Bag, or Jute Bag Making

With the buzz around the danger of using plastic, manufacturing cloth bags, jute bags, and paper bags is an eco-friendly way of making money. With proper marketing and the fabrication of reliable bags, you will end up with a pretty solid business.

These business ideas might seem small as they only need an investment of INR 1 lakh or less. But the sky's the limit when it comes to profits. Once you establish your foot with these initiatives, you can easily scale your business to the next level. Focus on marketing and correctly executing your business model. You may not see overnight results, so hold your horses and be patient. Are you aware of some other business ideas that can be started with a low monetary investment? Do comment.

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20 Low Investment Business Ideas With High Profit

low invest business plan

Content Writer @ Shiprocket

September 9, 2020

19 min read


Courier company, online bakery, online fashion boutique, sell a service, digital assets, lending library services, create an app, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, online tuition/coaching class, recruitment services, blogging/vlogging, a personal or virtual assistant, errand/concierge service, virtual bookkeeping and accounting, social media agency, printed products, handcrafted products, self-improvement coaching, 1) make a robust business plan, 2) conduct research, 3) validate your business idea, 4) write a business plan, 5) follow the proper legal procedures.

  • 6) Know your finances 

7) Protect your business

  • 1) Ask friends and family 

2) Networking

3) brainstorming business ideas, 4) focus on problem-solving, 5) build on your hobbies, 1) food and beverage.

  • 2) Fashion Accessories and Clothing 

3) Produce and Sell Organic Food

The final say.

Starting a business is a massive responsibility and can be overwhelming for a lot of entrepreneurs. However, not following the monotonous 9-5 office routine anymore and making all decisions yourself is one of the world’s best feelings. 

Not everyone is able to turn their dream of running a business into a reality due to lack of funds. Now we have a solution for you!

Here are some practical ideas that we think can help you make high profits without burning a hole in your pocket. 

Watch this video and get started:

Here is a list of low investment business ideas , that will yield good profits. You can now start your own business and turn your passion into a profession. Let’s have a look at some of the small investment businesses in India.

Most Profitable Low-Investment Business Ideas in India

If you have expertise in a niche, nail it. Remember, specialists get paid more. Turn your proficiency into a profitable business without investing a heavy amount initially. 

Here is a list of the most lucrative business ideas to start with today in 2024: 

Dropshipping is one of the best small profitable business ideas these days. It is a retail fulfillment method where you can open an online store without storing any inventory. Thus, you don’t need to invest a penny in inventory and can start a business with limited funds.

Whenever the store makes a sale, the product is purchased from a third party and directly shipped to the customer. Simply put, you make a sale, pass the order to the supplier, and he ships it to the customer on your behalf. Thereby, you don’t have to store or handle the inventory. It saves your time as well as money.

Products can be curated from more than one supplier. However, it is suggested that you first order a sample product from suppliers to ensure their reliability and that the products’ quality fits the online store.

With the dropshipping model, you don’t need to focus on buying or storing inventory. You can concentrate entirely on the marketing of the online store and customer service. Notably, your store’s trustworthiness will depend on the quality you offer and the order fulfillment strategy you adopt. Hence, it is one of the top small investment businesses in India. You must keep a check on both to ensure business success.

It is a low-investment business idea through which you can also test the market and find out the best one before investing in your own products and launching them.

Being one of India’s fastest-growing markets, starting a business in the courier industry is yet another low-cost business idea with high profit. A recent shift in the eCommerce industry has inevitably helped the courier service business to grow at an incredible rate.

At the place of starting the business right from scratch, which might cost a lot, you can consider taking a franchise from a well-established courier company. Many reputed courier companies are offering their franchise at a nominal price. Besides, you also get access to their technology-related infrastructure and training and development.

The online food business is one of the most popular small profitable businesses in India. And bakeries are quite popular as well. If baking is your cup of tea, you can consider starting a bakery and get paid by sharing homemade recipes. The best thing about this business idea with low investment is that you can start it from your kitchen itself. All you need is an oven and ingredients!

Cakes are an integral part of all celebrations. But, you can consider selling other baked items as well, like different types of bread, muffins, cookies, pizza, etc. It is not just a unique business idea but a profitable one as well!

While companies like Ovenfresh took many years of hard work to reach where they are today, many business owners are able to raise numbers in just a few months by taking their businesses online. Just register the bakery on various online food delivery platforms to increase its reach.

low investment business ideas

With people becoming more fashion-conscious, the fashion and lifestyle industry in India is on a surge. India’s online fashion trade is expected to grow to USD 111.40 billion by the end of 2025 . Therefore, an online fashion boutique is one such small, profitable business idea that you can consider.

You necessarily don’t need to be a fashion designer but a fashion enthusiast to make money by selling your sense of style online! 

One of the good low-investment business ideas , an online fashion boutique is very simple to open and can be started at home. You can curate the items from different vendors into your online store (using the dropshipping model), or design and produce in-house. Choose a niche and create a brand.

From dresses to accessories and footwear to jewelry, build your brand around single or multiple product niches. Notably, the quality of the products, customer service, and fulfillment strategies will play a significant role here.

With a service-based business, your time is the inventory. It is your most significant investment, as well. To get started with this business idea, you need to have a skill that is in demand, adding value to your customers’ lives.

Writing, blogging, web designing, photography, fitness training, and calligraphy are some specific skills around which you can start a business. You can register yourself with the various freelance marketplaces to increase your chances of getting discovered by the people who require your skills. Besides, your social media handles can help you the best in marketing and spreading the word around. It is indeed the best business to start.

You can think of selling digital products . They are the best low-investment business idea because you need to create a digital asset just once and then you can replicate it and sell its copies. In a nutshell, the cost of product production is zero. Also, you can use computers and online tools to create a digital product.

Are you a passionate reader who has collected many books but struggling with what to do with them all? Don’t worry; there’s a simple solution that does not involve selling your beloved books. 

Consider starting an online store where you can lend them to other book lovers. By monetising your assets, you can continue to enjoy your collection while also making a profit from it. Starting a membership library with an annual subscription fee is a great way to give book readers the joy of reading without the financial burden of buying books. 

By sharing your love of books and starting an online lending library, you will also contribute to a culture of sharing while earning some extra income. One can also initiate a book exchange option to purchase used books for your members.

Apps are mostly software written to be used on smartphones. There is a lucrative market for developers who can create functional and quality apps to meet customer requirements. 

App developers can work from anywhere, provided they have a good internet connection and a Software Development Kit (SDK). Developing an app can cost from nothing to a huge amount of money, depending on the complexity and usage of the app. 

It can be a simple game, a to-do list app, or something complex like WhatsApp or Instagram. There are free app development tools available that can help you build a simple app without requiring knowledge of programming languages.

With the internet becoming a source of information and a compelling medium of communication, there is a great potential to build solid client relationships and promote the services or products associated with a business.

Digital marketing has become a necessity for businesses, allowing them to reach their target audiences, acquire and retain customers, enhance engagement, and drive sales. However, it is a rapidly evolving field that requires constant upskilling. If you have experience in marketing, this is an area you can look into.

Affiliate marketing is a marketing model that involves promoting businesses’ products on your site or social media account, and in exchange, a percentage cut of the sales or commission is received. 

Starting affiliate marketing requires very little investment and is a good business idea if you have a website with high traffic. If you do not have a website or blog, you can start affiliate marketing through the affiliate marketing programme offered by Amazon .

If you are interested in teaching, conducting online classes would be a great source of income. The classes can be for science, mathematics, spoken English, essay writing, and many more, depending on your expertise.

The increasing demand for online education has broadened the scope of online coaching services. It is a low-cost business idea, with the only investment being a good laptop or personal computer with a strong internet connection and your subject expertise. Various platforms, like Zoom or Skype, make it easy to provide online coaching remotely to students.

There is always a requirement for capable employees in any organisation. The Human Resources (HR) department ensures the recruitment of the right candidates for the organisation. 

Recruitment services are one of the highest-paying businesses that involve creating clear job descriptions, checking resumes or applications, considering past candidates, implementing an employee referral programme, and shortlisting candidates to appoint, them for jobs. 

All this is possible from the comfort of your home while earning a great commission from the organisation. It would be best to tie up with reputable organisations to, in turn, build your reputation as a good recruitment services provider.

Blogging and vlogging (video blogging) can become great money-making solutions. It is an interesting business idea for performance artists to showcase their talent and gain more followers and recognition in the online world. 

Certain vlog platforms pay you based on the number of views generated through your video, while others earn through advertising revenues generated through Google AdSense.

For bloggers and vloggers, the investment is a computer and a website to put their content on. Heavy investment in cameras and editing tools is also not required to shoot vlogs, although good shooting skills through a phone and editing skills will help. 

People with good organisational skills are in high demand. There are many tasks that a personal or virtual assistant can handle without being onsite. It can be basic secretarial work or front-desk functions for different clients done from home. The tasks can be like keeping track of calendars, making flight arrangements, and doing office work.

Although one can order almost all services or products online, it is not easy for old and non-tech-savvy people to do so. Tasks like grocery shopping and doing small errands are time-consuming and tiring for the elderly. 

Errand/concierge services that are specifically catered to the older generation for an hourly rate or by task would help them to a great extent. It is a revenue-generating and mentally rewarding job. You can also offer these services to working professionals with hectic schedules.

Bookkeeping helps businesses keep proper records for taxation and financial management. Virtual bookkeeping provides the flexibility to provide accounting services for a client remotely. It is increasingly in demand as it is an arrangement that benefits both business and bookkeeper in terms of cost and flexibility. 

It only requires access to the secure network of the organisation and the accounting software to work on. One can also work with multiple clients, thus generating an added source of income.

In the digital age and cut-throat competition, almost all companies want to market their products digitally. They are willing to spend big budgets on advertising through various digital channels and paid social media posts and campaigns.

Running a social media agency can be a brilliant small business idea if you have a sound knowledge of marketing, branding, communication, social media, and web presence management. You can start your business venture to help other companies establish a robust digital presence.

All that you require is a few computers, skilled professionals, and an office to start with.

Though this is a dropshipping model only, the main focus of printed products is offering customized products. This is your go-to option if you have an eye for graphics and aesthetics. You can either use your own designs or offer your customers an opportunity to create their designs. You can offer different print on demand products like t-shirts, phone cases, hoodies, hats, and much more.

The internet and the advent of technology have opened the doors for artisans to broaden their horizons by going from artists to professionals. Unlike retail stores that acquire their products from multiple sources, handcrafted businesses produce products in-house. Their primary focus is on providing a personal touch to the consumers that no other businesses can.

Whether you make candles, soaps, pottery, and even sauces, you are in a position to start a unique business. Here, product development and procurement are in your hands, quite literally.

For instance, candles are no more used just during a power cut. Now, they are more of a home décor item and are widely used as gifts for different occasions as well. Consumers want to buy candles in various fragrances. They like to buy unique and customized products. Similar is the case with other items.

You can either start with a small batch or on a pre-order basis until you generate consistent sales.

Self-improvement courses are very much in demand these days. People have skills and ambitions, but they need guidance and direction on how they can achieve heights in their life. 

Self-improvement coaching is a service-based model. You can teach your customers how they can prepare themselves to achieve their intended goals. You can also offer niche-specific courses and certifications.

How to Start a Small Business?

Here are some steps you must follow before putting the wheels in motion. 

The first step in starting a small business is creating a business plan after understanding your potential market. Remember, a well-structured business plan should resonate with the needs and preferences of your target audience. Make sure you understand their pain points before getting started. This will help you get funding and form a successful partnership with reliable and experienced professionals. 

Now, compare your existing business plan with your customers’ needs and preferences. This will help you determine whether your current business idea solves your potential customers’ problems and whether they are willing to pay for your product or services. 

Validate your new business plan after finding niche markets you may not have known about and set goals that can elevate your business. This step also includes the subsequent steps to engage your audience.  

Now, make a final draft outlining your short-term and long-term goals. This draft should include a statement or purpose, your mission and vision, product descriptions, market analysis, and competitor analysis to determine their strengths and weaknesses. 

It is the most important part before you prepare to launch your new venture. It will help you make strategic and efficient decisions, communicate your ideas to stakeholders, organize important information about your business, and build the right team for your company. 

It’s time to take your business to the next level by registering it with your state, picking the right licenses and permits, and getting a GST number . Following these steps, create an easy-to-remember and unique brand name. 

6) Know your finances 

To scale your business, you will need to secure funding. For this, you can get a small business loan, ask your relatives or friends to fund your business, grant a local or community finding, or encourage angel investors or venture capitalists to back your company. 

Protecting your business with the right business insurance coverage is a must. This includes general liability insurance, business income insurance, data breach coverage, professional liability coverage, and commercial property insurance.  

How to Come Up With Profitable Business Ideas?

Various ways can help you discover lucrative business ideas. Some of the most effective ways include:

1) Ask friends and family 

As an entrepreneur, the first step in coming up with new business ideas is to explore one’s own network of family and friends. Asking them for suggestions on what kind of business you can start will be invaluable.

Increasing your network with professionals and young entrepreneurs will expose you to different perspectives and industries, which can help you develop a unique business idea. 

Like many people, if you are stuck by listening to so many business ideas and do not know which one to choose, keep a brainstorming board. It will be the place where you will write down your ideas whenever they come to mind. Then, revisit your notes with a fresh mind and evaluate each idea based on its feasibility, profitability, and alignment with your goals.   

Consider problems in your everyday life and solve them. This will help you develop problem-solving skills by identifying the pain points and coming up with a solution.   

Look at your interests, hobbies, and passions to come up with a business idea. You can swiftly build a business around something you are passionate about. For example, if you are a car enthusiast, you can start a classic car restoration or car accessories business. 

Industry-Specific Low-Cost Small Business Ideas

Small manufacturing businesses have the potential to yield high profits. Let’s discuss some low-cost small business ideas specific to certain industries:  

If you live in a metro city, the food and beverage industry can help you reap massive profits. One of the key factors contributing to the growth of this industry is obviously that food is a basic necessity for man to survive. Today, everyone wants to eat something that tastes good. 

Hire a professional chef who can prepare and cook delicious food and knows how to present dishes. 

According to the research, many new food outlets witness a consistent surge in demand if they collaborate with food delivery giants such as Zomato and Swiggy. However, focusing on social media and digital markets is also an important aspect of the success of such small-scale food startups. 

2) Fashion Accessories and Clothing 

Increasing literacy, urbanisation, and high income are the major factors driving the growth of the fashion accessories and clothing business. Today, many people have become conscious of changing fashion trends, which has led these businesses to fetch massive revenue. 

As you analyse the consumer demand pattern, you will notice that many like to spend on lifestyle products and services despite any economic drop.

If you inherit the desired knowledge and experience in this field, you can become a sensational hit across global markets by partnering with eCommerce giants such as eBay , Amazon , Alibaba , Flipkart , etc.   

The demand for organic food is rising, especially in tier 1 and tier 2 cities, as people are becoming more health-conscious and aware that organic produce is chemical-free and not harmful to the body. It can be a profitable startup if you can purchase the land or get it on rent in the nearest village to the city in which you want to sell. 

You can start by renting agricultural equipment and producing fruits, vegetables, or grains. Then, you can apply for organic certification, and your product will be fully certified after 3 years under the NPOP (National Program for Organic Production). 

Also, ensure the appearance of your packaging is eye-catching and sends the right message. Once you get hold of the market, you can start buying the basic equipment, build an organic food brand, and collaborate with grocery delivery companies such as Blinkit, Grofers, Zepto, etc. 

India is the third-largest start-up center in the world with over 69,000 recognized start-ups, with a home to 100 unicorns, as of May 2022. The data shows the willingness of the people in India to start their own businesses. With their willingness to start something of their own, they look for small lucrative business ideas that can fetch them good profits. So, with these low investment and high-profit business ideas , you can also consider starting your start-up. All that requires is a solid idea and strategic execution. And if executed well, you can be the owner of one of the most successful small businesses in India.

It depends on the business you want to start. But initially, you need the basic equipment, basic investment amount, and a whole lot of enthusiasm to start your low investment business.

When you start an online business, the revenue might not be instant. But, after putting in efforts consistently, you should see some small recurring revenue in a few months’ time.

When you start a low investment business, you should focus on acquiring tech and equipment first before hiring a team. Initially, the pressure is manageable, you can even work alone or with a partner if you have one.

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2 thoughts on “ 20 Low Investment Business Ideas With High Profit ”

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22 Best Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs [2024]

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Are you dissatisfied with your substantial paycheck and the confines of a 9 to 5 job? Do you dream of your own business and establishing a thriving business? Yet, you might be grappling with uncertainties about the most lucrative business ideas in India today that don’t demand significant initial investments.

It’s a misconception that a substantial sum of money is requisite for initiating and successfully managing a business . Take a glance at globally renowned companies such as Facebook, Apple, and Subway, to name a few. They all commenced their journeys with modest financial resources!

Furthermore, financial constraints should be the least of your worries in contemporary India. The market offers numerous loan providers and credit options, catering to personal loans tailored for aspiring entrepreneurs.

22 Best Business Ideas

Here is the list of the best 21 best business ideas that don’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Interior Design and Decoration

This one is for the creative souls! The interior design market of India is booming like crazy. Fancy interiors are not only for the rich people anymore. Indian middle class and higher middle class now aspire for modular kitchens, smart furniture, innovative colour scheme, aesthetic decorative items, and lighting.

As a result, independent designers and small business firms have a lot of scopes to make money through interior design.

Check out our guide on “ How to Start Interior Design Business “ .

Pharmaceutical Businesses

Did you know that India is the world’s largest exporter of generic drugs? The Indian pharmaceutical market has the reputation of being an ever-growing market that is constantly innovating. The Pharma sector was not affected by the economic slowdown due to the pandemic. Another reason for the pharmaceutical business to be one of the most profitable business ideas in India is that you can enter in more than one way in this sector. It needs the workforce for manufacturing, research, engineering, and procuring raw materials.

Organic Farming

Indian people are increasingly becoming aware of the chemical used in pesticides and preservatives. Therefore the concept of organic farming is gaining popularity. People search for affordable and organically grown fruits, vegetables, and other food items. If you or anyone in your family has agricultural land, you can enter this business in the capacity of a farmer or cultivator of crops. Or else you can become a distributor of organically grown food products.

Labour Contractor

Several projects are going on in India at any point in time. In this scenario, there will always be a constant need for workers. And a majority of workers on sites are contract workers. It’s one of those successful business ideas in India which require nil to a minimum investment. However, you need to make good contacts and learn about labour laws as you’ll be directly working with people.

Cloud Kitchen

Cloud kitchen refers to the shared kitchen space between multiple restaurants. Providing the facility of cloud kitchen is one of the most successful business ideas in India with low investment. All you need is a functional cooking space in a commercial place. Cloud kitchens play vital roles in facilitating online food orders at low costs. Therefore, India is expected to see a rise in cloud kitchens in 2024.

Check out our guide on “ How to Start Cloud Kitchen “.

Fashion Accessories

It’s an evergreen business. Scrunchies, phone cases, jewellery, watches, and wallets, so many products can bring revenue to this business. Girls were always in love with new and designer fashion accessories. With the invention of men purse and other male-oriented designer accessories, this industry has also caught the attention of alpha males. You only need a little creative sense and a reliable source of beautiful and futuristic fashion accessories to rule the market.


Earlier photography was in demand for special occasions only. Nowadays, product photography, seminars, pre-wedding shoots, etc., have widened photographers’ scope of work. People want to present their products or occasion in the best possible manner. Therefore a photographer needs a good camera, lens, and other photography equipment like a tripod as a basic investment. You can always get a personal loan for business if you find them expensive.

Check out our guide on “ How to Start Photography Business “.

Exclusive Plant Nurseries

Gardening is a much-loved hobby of many people. Even people with small homes manage limited space for gardening. Plants are also widely used as home decorations and natural air purifiers. And with increasing awareness, everyone considers plantation as their responsibility and contribution towards reducing global warming.You will find at least some plants in every home. Therefore plant nurseries are in demand in both small and big towns.

Housekeeping Services for Hotels

Apart from the existing number of hotels, various experts predicted more demand for hotel rooms in India. In this scenario, one service that the hotel industry will need in bulk is housekeeping services. Housekeeping is essential to keep hotel rooms sparkling clean to attract more customers. It is a necessary requirement for their business to flourish. You need good communication skills and contacts to enter and succeed in this business.

Property Management

The property management business is flourishing, with people getting busier and busier these days to manage their properties. You need an office, sales and marketing skills, communication skills, and knowledge of property laws and paperwork.What makes it among the best profitable business in India is it pays you good money for only taking care of the property documentation of your clients.

Event Management

Whether it’s a wedding, baby shower, product launch, or a store opening, we Indians love to celebrate everything on a grand scale. Hosts don’t have the time to do everything with such big celebrations. Here comes the role of an event planners. They are rarely out of business. You need some people’s skills, an office as your base, some workforce, and contacts within the vendors’ circle to run an event planning business successfully.

Check out our guide on “ How to Start Event Management Business “ .

Pre-recruitment Assessment

India’s giant companies often do mass recruitment, so they don’t have time to scrutinise every profile. But this does not mean that they don’t want to hire the best. You can help these big companies in their pre-recruitment assessment.

Your job is to craft tests to evaluate a candidate’s calibre for the job. It’s one less task for their overworked HR and a good source of income for you.

Scrap Collection

Scrap collection in India is not as organised as in the western world. But it’s still a million-dollar industry. Rag pickers, known as “kabaris” in the local language, will bring the scrap to you.

Afterwards, you need to separate different materials and sell them to a dealer or directly to a manufacturing facility. Know the market price of various metals, and you can earn a good margin in buying and selling the scrap.

Website Designing

Website designing is a requirement of every company today and ranks amongst the best online business ideas. Their customers, aspiring candidates, and vendors all check their websites. So there’s a lot of work to do in this sector. No wonder it’s considered as one of the most profitable businesses in India with low investment.

With website designing, blogging, and digital marketing are also gaining pace in becoming the most in-demand services. You need a laptop, software, technical skills, and creativity.

Online Ads Service

The boom in the IT sector also made online ads services as one of the most profitable businesses in India. You can secure a good deal with website owners for your clients. You need contacts of the website owners and the business sector to make clients.

Good media management skills are the prerequisite for this business to succeed. You can do online courses if you don’t have in-depth knowledge.

Co-working Spaces

If you have a bigger office than you need, you can easily convert it into a co-working space. This is one of the zero investment and most profitable businesses in India right now. Many companies and professionals don’t require more than a work desk to operate.

These people can benefit from you renting your space to them. And your extra space gets utilised. Isn’t it a win-win!

In the ever-evolving world of fashion, the boutique business stands as a beacon of style and individuality. With an increasing appetite for unique and curated fashion experiences, opening a boutique is not just a venture; it’s a sartorial odyssey. Immerse yourself in the world of trends, connect with local designers, and bring forth a haven where fashion enthusiasts find their signature style.

Check out our guide on “ How to Start a Boutique Business “.

Serving up more than just meals, a food truck business is a movable feast of flavors and creativity. Embracing the culinary scene on wheels, this business idea is all about mobility and taste bud adventures. From street corners to local events, offering delicious bites that excites taste buds and creating a community of food lovers on the move, food truck business is one of the most sought after business ideas.

Pet Business

In the heartwarming world of petcare, creating a business goes beyond the ordinary—it’s a commitment to the well-being and joy of our furry companions. Whether it’s grooming services, pet sitting, or crafting specialized treats, the petcare business is a celebration of the unconditional love that pets bring into our lives. Build a haven where tails wag, purrs resound, and pet owners find a trusted partner in their furry friend’s happiness.

Consulting Business

Venturing into the consulting business is akin to becoming a guiding light in the corporate landscape. Armed with expertise and insights, a consultant navigates the intricate pathways of business challenges, offering solutions that transcend the ordinary. It’s not just a profession; it’s a strategic partnership where success is measured by the impact of tailored advice and the growth it fosters.

Personal Training

In the dynamic world of fitness, a personal training business is a journey of transformation, both for the body and the spirit. It’s about sculpting more than muscles—it’s about sculpting lives. As a personal trainer, you become a motivator, a coach, and a beacon of health. Customize workouts, instill discipline, and lead a fitness journey where each client’s success reflects your expertise and commitment.

Car Detailing

Car detailing is more than a lucrative business idea—it’s an art. Picture vehicles turning into stunning masterpieces. It’s a precise, passionate symphony of shine. Imagine diving into a world of spotless exteriors and interiors, treating each car like a canvas. From careful hand washes to fixing paint imperfections, it’s all about embracing the beauty of cars. Create a space where cars don’t just get clean but transform into reflections of automotive elegance. Your detailing skills? They’re the brushstrokes turning every ride into a rolling masterpiece.

Hopefully, one of these business ideas will click with you and become a turning point in your life.

Shiv Nanda is a financial analyst at MoneyTap who loves to write on various financial topics online. He also advises people on financial planning, investment choices and budgeting skills, and helps them make their financial lives better.

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Home » Earn Online » Top 30 Low Investment Business Ideas to Start in 2024

Top 30 Low Investment Business Ideas to Start in 2024

low investment business ideas

Quick Summary

  • Low investment business ideas are opportunities that require minimal capital to start and can generate profits over time.
  • Some examples of low investment businesses include dropshipping, affiliate marketing, freelance services, and online tutoring.
  • These businesses often leverage existing platforms or resources, such as e-commerce marketplaces, social media, or freelancing websites, to minimize overhead costs.
  • The best low investment business ideas are Bakery, Yoga Instructor, Tutoring, Cloud Kitchen, Graphic Designing, Website Designing, Dropshipping, and many more.

Table of Contents

Many individuals dream of establishing a successful business. However, the idea of investing their life savings in one shot deters them from pursuing their dreams. The idea of starting a low investment business is a great option, provided they have a solid strategy to make their business work. Opting for low-investment business ideas can lower financial risk and provide a more manageable pathway to entrepreneurship.

As per Statista, there are already 186 million businesses worldwide. Therefore, one must have a unique and practical business idea to succeed in the industry. Today, we will look at 30 low investment business ideas to help businesses to grow without investing huge capital.

List of Low Investment Business Ideas

Here are the top 30 low-investment business ideas that don’t require a massive investment:

Food & Beverages Business

Cakes and other bakery items are always in great demand. Many small entrepreneurs sell cakes, pastries, and other baked goods from their homes and make good earnings with this low investment business ideas.

Most of the items required to bake cakes and other baked products can be ordered fresh from the market. Therefore, there is no need to stock up on any raw materials.

2. Food Truck

Food trucks are trendy as people love to eat snacks, fast food, and pizzas. To start a food truck business, one can purchase an old truck. Fresh supplies of veggies, pizza bases, mayonnaise, etc., would be required to keep the orders rolling.

The funds required to execute this low-investment business idea might be slightly above Rs. 1 lakh, but an intelligent entrepreneur might even be able to manage everything within this budget.

Related: 41 Best Food Business Ideas in India

3. Selling Homemade Food Items

Homemade items are in high demand nowadays because people want to eat healthy food. Therefore, one can start selling homemade pickles, jams, chocolates, and snacks without investing a huge sum of money.

Entrepreneurs can sell homemade food items via social media groups and channels or even launch an app to receive online orders. Its initial investment is less than Rs. 1 Lakh and would be sufficient to start this low-investment business idea.

4. Cloud Kitchens

In India, homemakers have been successfully running the tiffin system in most cities. With time, they are losing the edge due to the food delivery companies like Zomato and Swiggy. Still, they can revive such businesses using social media connections and platforms.

Cloud kitchens are commercial kitchens that accept food orders via online portals and calls. Food delivery companies deliver the food prepared in these kitchens. With sharp business acumen, one can manage all these expenses within Rs. 1 lakh.

5. Food Delivery Business

Starting a food delivery business on a small scale is possible. Many caterers and restaurants require delivery partners who can deliver their orders. Investing in a second-hand vehicle can help one start a food delivery business with a minimum investment.

Purchasing a van would cost up to Rs. 1,00,000. If this low-cost business idea works, one can handle multiple consignments simultaneously.

6. Vegetable Business

The vegetable business is one of the high-profit business ideas that requires an initial investment of less than Rs 1 lakh. In today’s world where everyone is health conscious, they are looking for suppliers of fresh vegetables.

Looking at the demand of consumers for home delivery service, instead of opening a vegetable shop, you can start selling vegetables from door to door, which will be more profitable.

Education Business Ideas

7. tutoring.

Online classes have seen a boom since the pandemic and many students are seen taking online classes. Spoken English, essay writing, drawing, or any other online class can be a good business idea to earn passive income.

There is no need for huge investment to start this low investment business ideas. You can also take online tuition where you just need to invest in good PC and Wi-Fi.

Related: Easy Steps to Start an Online Tutoring Business

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8. Sell Courses

Selling courses is one of the most profitable business ideas, as one can start it with minimum investment. You must have enough knowledge about a specific domain or anything that gets enough audience onboard.

For instance, a trading expert can create online courses for intraday or F&O trading. Homemakers who can cook well can create an online cooking course. They can set a price for subscribing to or downloading the course online.

9. Career Counselling

Someone with excellent academic credentials or an academician by profession can start an online career counselling business. Career counselling means guiding young students to choose the right career and playing a mentor to shape their careers.

No initial investment is required to start the innovative low-investment business ideas. You can also take online career counselling and charge based on class level.

Health & Fitness Business

10. yoga instructor.

Most people are passionate about health and fitness. Hence, a person having proper knowledge of yoga and meditation can start taking yoga classes.

The best thing about starting a yoga class is that it requires no initial investment. They can use the basement of a building, an open terrace, or a living room to provide yoga training. Therefore, there is no need to purchase or rent any space for this low-investment business.

11. Fitness Classes

Starting a fitness class can be a lucrative low cost business idea with high profit as one doesn’t need to purchase a space to start this business. They can use a lawn, terrace, or even a playground for conducting regular fitness classes.

They can then reach out to more people interested in joining such classes through social media channels and fitness communities. The fitness classes can include Zumba dance sessions and many other physical activities to keep fit.

12. Dietitian

Nowadays people are health conscious and like to stay fit. That’s why the demand for dietitians increased. A nutritionist business can flourish even with low investment. You can suggest different diets based on people’s health conditions, dietary preferences and fitness goals. Later, on you can expand your business by manufacturing dietary products, giving consultations, arranging health clubs and seminars.

Designing & Apparel Business

13. jewellery business.

The jewellery rental business does not require a huge investment and can be easily managed under an investment of Rs 1 lakh.

You can keep a stock of artificial jewellery and sell or rent them as required. This is one of the excellent small investment business ideas that does not require huge investment. Along with artificial jewellery, you can also sell or rent draperies like sarees, sherwanis, coats and other apparel and accessories.

14. Fashion Designing

Fashion designing can be a business if a fashion designer thinks like an entrepreneur. The global apparel market is growing every day. Hence, there is a vast scope for fashion designers who can design kids’ wear, bridal wear, luxury wear, men’s wear, etc.

You can tie up with leading clothing brands and charge a reasonable fee per design. The initial investment will go into procuring the graphic design solutions needed to showcase the designed products.

Also Read: Fashion Designing Course

15. Footwear Designing

There are many people who are only likely to invest in good shoes that not only give them comfort but also look good. Hence, if you have a passion for shoes, then you can start a shoe-designing business. Research your competitors and understand the market and build your business strategy on it.

You can deal with a variety of customers or find a specific niche in kids’ shoes, women’s or men’s shoes, sports shoes, casual or formal shoes etc. Alternatively, you can start a footwear business from scratch or buy an already existing franchise to run.

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16. Clothing Business

The t-shirt printing business is a lucrative business idea for those who want to start a company with a budget of Rs. 1 lakh. Smaller printing machines that cost a few thousand are available in the market.

One can even start a clothing business online by designing clothes. Those who create their designs can contact a c lothing manufacturer that accepts a minimum MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) for startups. Or else, it is possible to purchase readymade clothes from the wholesale market, fix a label, and sell them at your price on an online site or mobile app.

17. Boutique

Anyone can start a boutique with minimum investment. People, especially women, love shopping from fashion boutiques instead of purchasing clothes online or in malls. It would be even better if an entrepreneur sold hand-designed clothes. Social media platforms can tap into the local demand that increases during festivals and the wedding season.

A small collection of dresses and apparel would come within Rs 1 lakh. If the entrepreneur does not have a commercial space, they can set up the boutique in their own house.

Media Business

18. graphic designer.

Graphic designers can start an online business by taking orders for social media posts, logo designs, and other designs required for marketing and other purposes.

If a person does not have the required graphic designing skills, then they need to make a small investment in professional designing courses or invest in hiring professional designers.

Related: How to be a Successful Freelance Graphic Designer?

19. Digital Marketing Agency

Starting a digital marketing agency is one of the high-profit business ideas because it requires low investment. An entrepreneur can start this agency solo or with partners who have a fair knowledge of digital marketing, content creation, and graphic design.

The initial investment can be in software, marketing tools and other setups required to promote a business online. A small investment would go into purchasing licensed editing software, paid marketing tools, and a laptop.

20. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the low cost business ideas with high profit as one needs to promote products of popular brands on their website. However, those who don’t have a blog or website can also start affiliate marketing by signing up for an affiliate marketing program like the one offered by Amazon.

The affiliate marketer earns a commission each time a customer purchases through one of these links. An entrepreneur can create a website or blog that receives enough traffic daily.

21. Website Designing

Website designing can be one of the best low-investment business ideas if you are dedicated to helping businesses provide the best website design. It is a profitable business as every organization has an online presence and needs a good web design to attract its customers.

Before starting a website design business make sure your company have a proper business objective, provide a unique design niche to attract customers, and set valuable rates for your services.

22. Photography / Videography Business

Nowadays people like to document their happiest moments which eventually increases the need for a good videographer. Along with taking assignments to parties and functions, you can also click product photos for the business.

The photography/videography business does not require much investment. All you need is a good budget camera and editing software to get started.

Other Low Budget Business Ideas

23. real estate business.

Real estate broker is a low-investment business idea as the broker does not have to invest in anything except for his knowledge of the local residential and commercial properties.

Generally, brokers rely on their contacts, but new-age brokers also use social media and the internet to locate earning opportunities. A broker license is necessary for managing this business smoothly, which aspiring brokers might need to spend some money on. Besides that, they do not need an initial investment to fund these low investment business ideas.

24. Ghostwriting

Another low-cost business idea with high profit is writing. Those who can write well can start ghostwriting. Clients and businesses pay more money to ghostwriters. No initial investment is necessary for these low-investment business ideas if the person already has enough writing experience.

As you earn a good income from this business, you can also start a website and hire some writers who can work under you. These low cost business ideas can be very profitable in the long run.

After completing a beauty parlour and makeup course, you can start a beauty parlour/ salon in your locality. Men who have completed a professional hair-cutting course can also start a men’s salon. Even unisex salons are popular these days.

You will have to invest a small amount in arranging the equipment or can also take a helping hand, space is not necessary for the salon. Alternatively, you can also provide the service at the customer’s home or even in your home.

26. Start a Driving School

There always will be people who wish to get driving lessons from a professional. You can open a driving class and teach others how to drive and get paid for the same.

Driving classes can be expensive for most people. However, if one starts a driving school with minimum investment, they can only accept the requests of people who already have their vehicles. In this way, one can execute this low-investment business idea without an initial investment.

27. Event Management Company

Event management companies typically manage major events, such as weddings, concerts, and other large events. However, an entrepreneur can start this as a low-investment business by accepting orders for small parties or school and college functions.

You can expand their business and pump more money into it. An initial investment of a few thousand can help you know the market before investing more to manage bigger orders.

28. Reseller

In India, OLX and Quikr are famous for selling used products online. Some people also use social media platforms to sell their old furniture, vehicles, etc.

It could be a great online business if one finds a regular source for refurbished items and used products. This low-investment business idea does not need any initial investment. However, as the business grows, the seller can invest to develop a website to sell these products easily.

Related: How to Start an Online Reseller Business

29. Digital Publishing

Online publishing or publishing is gaining popularity today as most writers are moving towards self-publishing. If you are a book enthusiast then a small investment business of book publishing can be a lucrative business for you.

Initially, you will need to invest in marketing and website building and also work on branding your company. You can start with marketing eBooks, which do not require any printing cost and later expand to paperback printing.

30. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a successful low cost business idea with high profit potential. It is a retail business that can operate as an online business and does not require inventory. Hence, this is one of the best low-investment business ideas for which you don’t need to stock products.

Dropshipping business does not require much initial investment so you do not need to worry about purchasing or storing goods. You can sell products directly to customers ordering from multiple suppliers.

Suggested Read: 40 Trending Startup Business Ideas in India 30 Profitable Side Business Ideas Profitable Low Investment Franchise Business Latest Home Business Ideas in 2024

benefits of low budget business

Factors Affecting Expenses in Business

If you have started thinking about the low cost business ideas, then you must also know what are the factors that make the business low investment.

Here are some factors that help you keep your business running with less investment.

  • Your business expenses come down with no inventory to manage. You can stock the product and ship it which ultimately reduces your investment and other operational costs.
  • Investing in technology improves your business efficiency which will ultimately reduce costs and increase productivity.
  • You can also start a business that requires selling services like business consultancy, graphic & web designing, content writing etc. As a product, the business needs stocking, manufacturing, shipping etc which adds up to the business expenditure.
  • Focus on your business niche. Focusing your attention on a specific business not only reduces costs but also improves the quality of your service.

Dos & Don’ts of Starting Low Investment Business

Here are some dos and don’ts for a small investment business that you must follow to make your business a success.

Low Budget Business – Summary

Here we come to an end of the low-investment business ideas. You must get information about all the potential businesses where you can invest. Whether the business is small or big, it needs investment as well as dedication to make it successful. You can also gain insight and business ideas through case studies of different successful business owners.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Businesses related to food, cleaning products or services, t-shirt printing, graphic designing, content writing, etc., can be started with a minimum investment. These low-investment business ideas are profitable because beginners can expand their services easily once their business starts churning a profit. There are some profitable business ideas that can be started online. Such as freelancing business or online tuition classes.

Tea vendors, painters, garages, driving schools, food trucks, etc., are India’s most profitable low-investment business ideas. This is because these low-investment business ideas don’t require a substantial upfront investment. Some of these low-investment business ideas can also be commenced without any investment. You can also start low cost business online which requires less money and will be more profitable.

Here are the top five low-investment business ideas that one can start in India: 1. Selling second-hand vehicles 2. Starting a makeup Parlor or salon 3. Selling vegetables or fruits 4. Daycare services 5. Online tutoring You can also start a freelance business, online publishing house, etc. Besides these, beginners can also try the low-investment business ideas that are mentioned in this article.

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FACT SHEET: President   Biden Takes Action to Protect American Workers and Businesses from China’s Unfair Trade   Practices

President Biden’s economic plan is supporting investments and creating good jobs in key sectors that are vital for America’s economic future and national security. China’s unfair trade practices concerning technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation are threatening American businesses and workers. China is also flooding global markets with artificially low-priced exports. In response to China’s unfair trade practices and to counteract the resulting harms, today, President Biden is directing his Trade Representative to increase tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on $18 billion of imports from China to protect American workers and businesses.   The Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda has already catalyzed more than $860 billion in business investments through smart, public incentives in industries of the future like electric vehicles (EVs), clean energy, and semiconductors. With support from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act, these investments are creating new American jobs in manufacturing and clean energy and helping communities that have been left behind make a comeback.   As President Biden says, American workers and businesses can outcompete anyone—as long as they have fair competition. But for too long, China’s government has used unfair, non-market practices. China’s forced technology transfers and intellectual property theft have contributed to its control of 70, 80, and even 90 percent of global production for the critical inputs necessary for our technologies, infrastructure, energy, and health care—creating unacceptable risks to America’s supply chains and economic security. Furthermore, these same non-market policies and practices contribute to China’s growing overcapacity and export surges that threaten to significantly harm American workers, businesses, and communities.   Today’s actions to counter China’s unfair trade practices are carefully targeted at strategic sectors—the same sectors where the United States is making historic investments under President Biden to create and sustain good-paying jobs—unlike recent proposals by Congressional Republicans that would threaten jobs and raise costs across the board. The previous administration’s trade deal with China  failed  to increase American exports or boost American manufacturing as it had promised. Under President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs have been created and new factory construction has doubled after both fell under the previous administration, and the trade deficit with China is the lowest in a decade—lower than any year under the last administration.   We will continue to work with our partners around the world to strengthen cooperation to address shared concerns about China’s unfair practices—rather than undermining our alliances or applying indiscriminate 10 percent tariffs that raise prices on all imports from all countries, regardless whether they are engaged in unfair trade. The Biden-Harris Administration recognizes the benefits for our workers and businesses from strong alliances and a rules-based international trade system based on fair competition.   Following an in-depth review by the United States Trade Representative, President Biden is taking action to protect American workers and American companies from China’s unfair trade practices. To encourage China to eliminate its unfair trade practices regarding technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation, the President is directing increases in tariffs across strategic sectors such as steel and aluminum, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, critical minerals, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes, and medical products.   Steel and Aluminum   The tariff rate on certain steel and aluminum products under Section 301 will increase from 0–7.5% to 25% in 2024.   Steel is a vital sector for the American economy, and American companies are leading the future of clean steel. Recently, the Biden-Harris Administration announced $6 billion for 33 clean manufacturing projects including for steel and aluminum, including the first new primary aluminum smelter in four decades, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. These investments will make the United States one of the first nations in the world to convert clean hydrogen into clean steel, bolstering the U.S. steel industry’s competitiveness as the world’s cleanest major steel producer.   American workers continue to face unfair competition from China’s non-market overcapacity in steel and aluminum, which are among the world’s most carbon intensive. China’s policies and subsidies for their domestic steel and aluminum industries mean high-quality, low-emissions U.S. products are undercut by artificially low-priced Chinese alternatives produced with higher emissions. Today’s actions will shield the U.S. steel and aluminum industries from China’s unfair trade practices.   Semiconductors   The tariff rate on semiconductors will increase from 25% to 50% by 2025.   China’s policies in the legacy semiconductor sector have led to growing market share and rapid capacity expansion that risks driving out investment by market-driven firms. Over the next three to five years, China is expected to account for almost half of all new capacity coming online to manufacture certain legacy semiconductor wafers. During the pandemic, disruptions to the supply chain, including legacy chips, led to price spikes in a wide variety of products, including automobiles, consumer appliances, and medical devices, underscoring the risks of overreliance on a few markets.   Through the CHIPS and Science Act, President Biden is making a nearly $53 billion investment in American semiconductor manufacturing capacity, research, innovation, and workforce. This will help counteract decades of disinvestment and offshoring that has reduced the United States’ capacity to manufacture semiconductors domestically. The CHIPS and Science Act includes $39 billion in direct incentives to build, modernize, and expand semiconductor manufacturing fabrication facilities as well as a 25% investment tax credit for semiconductor companies. Raising the tariff rate on semiconductors is an important initial step to promote the sustainability of these investments.   Electric Vehicles (EVs)   The tariff rate on electric vehicles under Section 301 will increase from 25% to 100% in 2024.   With extensive subsidies and non-market practices leading to substantial risks of overcapacity, China’s exports of EVs grew by 70% from 2022 to 2023—jeopardizing productive investments elsewhere. A 100% tariff rate on EVs will protect American manufacturers from China’s unfair trade practices.   This action advances President Biden’s vision of ensuring the future of the auto industry will be made in America by American workers. As part of the President’s Investing in America agenda, the Administration is incentivizing the development of a robust EV market through business tax credits for manufacturing of batteries and production of critical minerals, consumer tax credits for EV adoption, smart standards, federal investments in EV charging infrastructure, and grants to supply EV and battery manufacturing. The increase in the tariff rate on electric vehicles will protect these investments and jobs from unfairly priced Chinese imports.   Batteries, Battery Components and Parts, and Critical Minerals   The tariff rate on lithium-ion EV batteries will increase from 7.5%% to 25% in 2024, while the tariff rate on lithium-ion non-EV batteries will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate on battery parts will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2024.   The tariff rate on natural graphite and permanent magnets will increase from zero to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate for certain other critical minerals will increase from zero to 25% in 2024.   Despite rapid and recent progress in U.S. onshoring, China currently controls over 80 percent of certain segments of the EV battery supply chain, particularly upstream nodes such as critical minerals mining, processing, and refining. Concentration of critical minerals mining and refining capacity in China leaves our supply chains vulnerable and our national security and clean energy goals at risk. In order to improve U.S. and global resiliency in these supply chains, President Biden has invested across the U.S. battery supply chain to build a sufficient domestic industrial base. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Defense Production Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden-Harris Administration has invested nearly $20 billion in grants and loans to expand domestic production capacity of advanced batteries and battery materials. The Inflation Reduction Act also contains manufacturing tax credits to incentivize investment in battery and battery material production in the United States. The President has also established the American Battery Materials Initiative, which will mobilize an all-of-government approach to secure a dependable, robust supply chain for batteries and their inputs.   Solar Cells   The tariff rate on solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) will increase from 25% to 50% in 2024.   The tariff increase will protect against China’s policy-driven overcapacity that depresses prices and inhibits the development of solar capacity outside of China. China has used unfair practices to dominate upwards of 80 to 90% of certain parts of the global solar supply chain, and is trying to maintain that status quo. Chinese policies and nonmarket practices are flooding global markets with artificially cheap solar modules and panels, undermining investment in solar manufacturing outside of China.   The Biden-Harris Administration has made historic investments in the U.S. solar supply chain, building on early U.S. government-enabled research and development that helped create solar cell technologies. The Inflation Reduction Act provides supply-side tax incentives for solar components, including polysilicon, wafers, cells, modules, and backsheet material, as well as tax credits and grant and loan programs supporting deployment of utility-scale and residential solar energy projects. As a result of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, solar manufacturers have already announced nearly $17 billion in planned investment under his Administration—an 8-fold increase in U.S. manufacturing capacity, enough to supply panels for millions of homes each year by 2030.   Ship-to-Shore Cranes   The tariff rate on ship-to-shore cranes will increase from 0% to 25% in 2024.   The Administration continues to deliver for the American people by rebuilding the United States’ industrial capacity to produce port cranes with trusted partners. A 25% tariff rate on ship-to-shore cranes will help protect U.S. manufacturers from China’s unfair trade practices that have led to excessive concentration in the market. Port cranes are essential pieces of infrastructure that enable the continuous movement and flow of critical goods to, from, and within the United States, and the Administration is taking action to mitigate risks that could disrupt American supply chains. This action also builds off of ongoing work to invest in U.S. port infrastructure through the President’s Investing in America Agenda. This port security initiative includes bringing port crane manufacturing capabilities back to the United States to support U.S. supply chain security and encourages ports across the country and around the world to use trusted vendors when sourcing cranes or other heavy equipment.   Medical Products   The tariff rates on syringes and needles will increase from 0% to 50% in 2024. For certain personal protective equipment (PPE), including certain respirators and face masks, the tariff rates will increase from 0–7.5% to 25% in 2024. Tariffs on rubber medical and surgical gloves will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026.   These tariff rate increases will help support and sustain a strong domestic industrial base for medical supplies that were essential to the COVID-19 pandemic response, and continue to be used daily in every hospital across the country to deliver essential care. The federal government and the private sector have made substantial investments to build domestic manufacturing for these and other medical products to ensure American health care workers and patients have access to critical medical products when they need them. American businesses are now struggling to compete with underpriced Chinese-made supplies dumped on the market, sometimes of such poor quality that they may raise safety concerns for health care workers and patients.   Today’s announcement reflects President Biden’s commitment to always have the back of American workers. When faced with anticompetitive, unfair practices from abroad, the President will deploy any and all tools necessary to protect American workers and industry.  

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Plan to build hundreds of low-income housing units on former Ritz-Carlton site in downtown San Diego reaches critical milestone

Rendering shows initial design concept for affordable housing at Seventh Avenue and Market Street.

City of San Diego and affordable housing developer Chelsea Investment Corp. have reached an agreement to begin negotiating specific terms for redeveloping a downtown San Diego site at Seventh and Market that had previously been intended for a $700 million mixed-use project by Cisterra.

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An ambitious plan by a local affordable housing developer to build more than 400 low-income units in downtown San Diego has reached a key milestone that will allow the city to start negotiating terms for redeveloping a site once intended for a five-star Ritz-Carlton hotel.

The city’s Economic Development Department will ask members of a City Council committee on Wednesday to authorize entering into exclusive negotiations with Carlsbad-based Chelsea Investment Corp. to redevelop the publicly owned block at Seventh Avenue and Market Street. If approved by the full City Council at a subsequent hearing, Chelsea would have 180 days to firm up its development and financing plans and undertake more detailed inspections of the East Village site to ensure that its affordable housing project is in fact doable.

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This latest milestone comes nine months after the city agreed to begin initial talks with Chelsea about redeveloping the downtown parcel, currently being used as a surface parking lot. Chelsea was among four developers that responded to a formal solicitation by the city following years of delays by San Diego-based Cisterra to transform the site into a Ritz-Carlton hotel, Ritz-branded condos, a gourmet grocer, offices and housing.

“ We’re really excited,” said Chelsea Chief Development Officer Jim Andersen. “We’ve been working very cooperatively with the city to put together the language associated with this exclusive negotiating agreement that allows us to continue the process and gives us access to the site to do due diligence on the site so we can move the development to the next step that will result ultimately in a negotiated (development) agreement with the city of San Diego.

“We’ll be able to refine the project based on what we find and work through all the elements of development.”

Chelsea has extensive experience building housing for lower-income households, having developed more than 100 affordable communities costing more than $2 billion. Its proposal for redeveloping the Seventh and Market parcel was guided by the state Surplus Land Act, which is designed to encourage the construction of housing affordable to lower-income households. At the very least, Chelsea and others that bid on the site were required to set aside 25 percent of their proposed units as affordable.

Chelsea, however, went beyond that, proposing to make all 402 units affordable to lower-income households earning from 30 percent to 80 percent of area median income in San Diego County, which is $119,500 for a family of four.

“Chelsea’s vision is to transform the Seventh and Market site into a vibrant and high-quality inter-generational affordable housing community ... by providing the most units of high-quality affordable housing in an efficient time frame,” the developer wrote in its project proposal, which the city’s Economic Development Department released this week.

Toward that end, a mix of studios and one-, two- and three-bedroom units have been proposed. Chelsea is proposing to divvy up the overall project into three components that would be independently financed and constructed to cater to the needs of low-income families, seniors and the workforce population.

A rendering of another perspective of the proposed affordable housing development.

The developer is working with San Diego architect Doug Austin of AVRP Studios, which has proposed spreading the housing units among three eight-story buildings that would include underground parking and community rooms with computer labs.

The agreement to be considered next week by the council’s Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee means that San Diego “won’t negotiate with any other entities, and that will give Chelsea the opportunity to look at the project’s feasibility and the terms that would dictate a Disposition and Development Agreement,” explained Christina Bibler, Economic Development director.

Such terms would include the precise number of affordable housing units, income levels of those renting units in the project, and timelines for securing financing and completing the development, Bibler said. She’s hopeful that a final development agreement could reach the council by December.

“We understand that the project could change depending on what’s uncovered,” Bibler said. “We continue to support affordable housing on this site, and it’s now down to the nuances of the timing. Chelsea has been doing some of the due diligence on their side so that way, the next six months should be really productive in terms of site due diligence and financing. The city is fully committed to executing a high-quality development on this site and we’re excited to work with Chelsea on the next steps to achieve that vision.”

Once the exclusive negotiating period begins, Chelsea will be obligated to pay the city a good faith deposit of $50,000 and a negotiation payment of $25,000, plus provide periodic status reports on financial feasibility and construction cost estimates. It will also need to provide the city with its development and financing plan. In its proposal to the city, Chelsea said it plans to tap several financing sources, including low-income tax credits and tax-exempt bonds.

“All sources of financing for affordable housing are fiercely competitive, and many projects are vying for precious dollars,” Anderson said. “So it is challenging but we’ve managed to thrive in many periods of time throughout California’s ups and downs, so we’re confident that this is a project that will find a great home in downtown San Diego. At the end of the day, we’ll find the sources to consummate the project, and we know our state and local leaders are very committed to making this happen.”

Also still to be worked out is a purchase price for the 50,000-square-foot site. Under the city’s previous agreement with Cisterra, the developer was to eventually pay $20 million to acquire the parcel. A new appraisal will now be needed, and that process should start once the exclusive negotiation agreement is approved, Bibler said.

The focus on developing the Seventh and Market site with affordable housing moved into high gear more than a year ago, when the city decided to terminate its original deal with Cisterra “because of the developer’s inability to carry out the project or otherwise perform its material obligations.”

The $700 million project had faced multiple obstacles, including litigation, the intrusion of a pandemic and challenges getting financing.

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Budget 2024-25 - home

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Investing in a future made in australia.

Investing in a Future Made in Australia and the skills to make it a reality

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Attracting investment in key industries

Making Australians the beneficiaries of change

A Future Made in Australia is about creating new jobs and opportunities for every part of our country by maximising the economic and industrial benefits of the move to net zero and securing Australia’s place in a changing global economic and strategic landscape.

The Government’s $22.7 billion Future Made in Australia package will help facilitate the private sector investment required for Australia to be an indispensable part of the global economy.

For more information refer to the Future Made in Australia fact sheet [PDF 438KB]

Better deploying capital in priority areas

The Future Made in Australia package will realise Australia’s potential to become a renewable energy superpower, value‑add to our resources and strengthen economic security by better attracting and enabling investment in priority areas. The Government will create a Future Made in Australia Act and establish a National Interest Framework that identifies priority industries and ensures investments associated with them are responsible and targeted.

The Framework will have a focus on industries that contribute to the net zero transformation where Australia has a comparative advantage, and where Australia has national interest imperatives related to economic resilience and security.

Strengthening and streamlining approvals

This Budget provides a faster pathway to better decisions on environmental, energy, planning, cultural heritage and foreign investment approvals.

This includes:

  • $134.2 million to better prioritise approvals for renewable energy projects of national significance, and support faster decisions on environment, cultural heritage and planning approvals.
  • Working with the states and territories through the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council to accelerate electricity grid connections.
  • $20.7 million to improve engagement with communities impacted by the energy transition and accelerate the delivery of key energy projects.
  • $15.7 million to strengthen scrutiny of high‑risk foreign investment proposals, enhance monitoring and enforcement activities and support faster decisions.

The Government will also encourage foreign investment by providing refunds of 75 per cent of application fees for unsuccessful competitive bids.

Promoting sustainable finance

The Government is committing $17.3 million to mobilise private sector investment in sustainable activities. This includes extending Australia’s sustainable finance taxonomy to the agriculture sector and developing a labelling regime for financial products marketed as sustainable.

The Government will also examine opportunities to improve data quality and provide $1.3 million to develop and issue guidance for best practice transition plans.

Making Australia a renewable energy superpower

Powering australia with cheaper, cleaner, more reliable energy.

Australia’s potential to produce abundant renewable energy is a powerful source of comparative advantage. To realise this, the Government is unlocking more than $65 billion of investment in renewable capacity through the Capacity Investment Scheme by 2030.

This Budget helps Australians benefit from cheaper, cleaner energy sooner by investing $27.7 million to integrate consumer energy resources like batteries and solar into the grid.

The New Vehicle Efficiency Standard will save Australians around $95 billion at the bowser by 2050 and reduce transport emissions.

Unlocking investment in net zero industries and jobs

This Budget accelerates growth of new industries by establishing the $1.7 billion Future Made in Australia Innovation Fund and delivering a 10‑year extension of funding to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. It also delivers the $44.4 million Energy Industry Jobs Plan and $134.2 million for skills and employment support in key regions.

The Future Made in Australia package establishes time‑limited incentives to invest in new industries. The Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive will make Australia’s pipeline of hydrogen projects commercial sooner, at an estimated cost of $6.7 billion over the decade. This Budget also expands the Hydrogen Headstart program by $1.3 billion.

Boosting demand for Australia’s green exports

The Government is making it easier for businesses and trading partners to source low‑emissions products by building better markets and product standards for green products.

This Budget provides $32.2 million to fast‑track the initial phase of the Guarantee of Origin scheme, focused on renewable hydrogen, and bring forward the expansion of the scheme to accredit the emissions content of green metals and low‑carbon liquid fuels. The Government is also working closely with trading partners to identify opportunities to drive greater supply chain transparency and better market recognition of high environmental, social and governance standards in the critical minerals sector.

Realising the opportunities of the net zero transformation

Australia is committed to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and is developing six sector plans covering:

  • electricity and energy
  • agriculture and land
  • the built environment.

This Budget continues investment in effective emissions abatement, including through $63.8 million to support emissions reduction efforts in the agriculture and land sector.

The Government is also investing $399 million to establish the Net Zero Economy Authority and support the economy‑wide net zero transformation. This Budget also invests an additional $48 million in reforms to the Australian Carbon Credit Unit scheme and $20.7 million to improve community engagement.

Strengthening resources and economic security

Backing a strong resources sector.

The Government is investing $8.8 billion over the decade to add more value to our resources and strengthen critical minerals supply chains. This Budget establishes a production tax incentive for processing and refining critical minerals at an estimated cost of $7 billion over the decade. It commits up to $1.2 billion in strategic critical minerals projects through the Critical Minerals Facility and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, and pre‑feasibility studies for common user precincts.

This is in addition to $566.1 million to support Geoscience Australia to map all of Australia’s critical minerals, strategic materials, groundwater and other resources essential for the transition to net zero.

Manufacturing clean energy technologies

The Government is committing $1.5 billion to manufacturing clean energy technologies, including the $1 billion Solar Sunshot and $523.2 million Battery Breakthrough Initiative. These investments will be delivered by ARENA.

Strengthening supply chains

To support the delivery of the 82 per cent renewable energy target, the Government has formed the National Renewable Energy Supply Chain Action Plan with states and territories. The Government will invest an additional $14.3 million working with trade partners to support global rules on unfair trade practices and to negotiate benchmarks for trade in high quality critical minerals.

Digital, science and innovation

Investing in new technologies and capabilities.

The Government is investing $466.4 million to partner with PsiQuantum and the Queensland Government to build the world’s first commercial‑scale quantum computer in Brisbane.

The Government will undertake a strategic examination of Australia’s research and development (R&D) system with $38.2 million invested in a range of science, technology, engineering, and maths programs.

The Government is providing $448.7 million to partner with the United States in the Landsat Next satellite program to provide access to critical data to monitor the earth’s climate, agricultural production, and natural disasters.

Modernising and digitising industries

This Budget commits $288.1 million to support Australia’s Digital ID System. A National Robotics Strategy will also be released to promote the responsible production and adoption of robotics and automation technologies for advanced manufacturing in Australia.

Reforming tertiary education

The Government is committing $1.6 billion over 5 years, and an additional $2.7 billion from 2028–29 to 2034–35 to reform the tertiary education system and deliver Australia's future workforce.

This includes $1.1 billion for reforms to university funding and tertiary system governance.

Over $500 million will be provided for skills and training in priority industries and to support women’s participation in these sectors.

The Government will set a tertiary attainment target of 80 per cent of the working‑age population by 2050.

Supporting students on placements

The Government will establish Commonwealth Prac Payments (CPP) for students undertaking mandatory placements. From 1 July 2025, the payment will provide more than 73,000 eligible students, including teachers, nurses, midwives and social workers with $319.50 per week during their placements.

Felicity is a full‑time student receiving Youth Allowance, living by herself. She is studying a Bachelor of Nursing and must stop paid work during her mandatory prac placement. During her prac, Felicity receives $712.05 per week from the Government including: $319.50 of CPP, $285.55 of Youth Allowance (YA), $103.50 of Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) and $3.50 of Energy Supplement.

Felicity receives $351.55 a week more than she would have in 2023 before indexation and the changes to YA, CRA and CPP in the current and 2023–24 Budget

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Broadening access to university

From January 2026, needs‑based funding will provide per student funding contributions for under‑represented students. The Government will also provide $350.3 million to fully fund university enabling courses and increase pathways for prospective students to university.

Skills pipeline for priority industries

Skills and training for Future Made in Australia industries

The Government will expand eligibility to the New Energy Apprenticeships Program to include work in the clean energy sector, including in construction and advanced manufacturing. This will provide access to $10,000 incentive payments and support our target of 10,000 new energy apprentices.

The Government will commit $30 million to turbocharge the VET teaching workforce for clean energy courses and $50 million to upgrade and expand clean energy training facilities.

The Government will invest $55.6 million to establish the Building Women’s Careers program to support women’s participation in key industries including clean energy and advanced manufacturing.

Supporting apprentices and building the construction workforce

The $5,000 support payments to apprentices in priority occupations will be maintained for another 12 months to 1 July 2025, up from $3,000 in the absence of any changes. Employers of these apprentices will receive a $5,000 hiring incentive, up from $4,000 in the absence of changes. This will provide certainty to apprentices while the Strategic Review of the Apprenticeship Incentive System is underway.

The Government will also invest $88.8 million to deliver 20,000 new fee‑free TAFE places including pre‑apprenticeships in courses relevant to the construction sector. The Government will provide $1.8 million to deliver streamlined skills assessments for around 1,900 migrants from comparable countries to work in Australia’s housing construction industry.

Strengthening our defence industry capability

An integrated and focused approach to defending Australia

The Government is investing an additional $50.3 billion over ten years to implement the 2024 National Defence Strategy to meet Australia’s strategic needs.

Overall funding for Defence will reach $765 billion over the decade. Defence’s Integrated Investment Program has been rebuilt to create a focused Australian Defence Force, accelerate delivery of priority capabilities, and provide certainty to grow Australia’s defence industry. This includes funding for the Royal Australian Navy’s surface combatant fleet and establishing a guided weapons and explosive ordnance manufacturing capability earlier.

The Government is reforming Defence’s budget to support the National Defence Strategy and delivery of priority capabilities.

Developing defence industry and skills

Industry development grants funding of $165.7 million will also help businesses to scale up and deliver the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities, which include continuous naval shipbuilding and sustainment, and development and integration of autonomous systems.

The Government is providing $101.8 million to attract and retain the skilled industrial workforce to support Australian shipbuilding and delivery of conventionally armed, nuclear powered submarines. This includes a pilot apprenticeship program in shipbuilding trades and technologies.

Investing in civil maritime capabilities

The Government is providing $123.8 million to maintain and enhance civil maritime security capabilities. This includes $71.2 million to increase the Australian Border Force’s on‑water response and aerial surveillance capabilities.

Securing Australia’s place in the world

Strengthening relationships and simplifying trade

A stable, prosperous and resilient Pacific region

The Government is delivering over $2 billion in development assistance to the Pacific in 2024–25. This includes the Australia‑Tuvalu Falepili Union.

Investing in our relationship with Southeast Asia

Following the launch of Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, the Government is committing $505.9 million to deepen ties with the region.

Australia recently celebrated 50 years of partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). At the ASEAN‑Australia Special Summit, the Government announced a range of new and expanded initiatives, including a $2 billion Southeast Asia Investment Financing Facility to boost Australian trade and investment.

Simplifying trade

The Government will abolish 457 nuisance tariffs from 1 July 2024, streamlining $8.5 billion in annual trade and eliminating tariffs on goods such as toothbrushes, fridges, dishwashers, clothing and sanitary products.

The Government will provide $29.9 million to coordinate trade simplification and deliver the Digital Trade Accelerator program, and $10.9 million to enhance the Go Global Toolkit to support exporters.

The Government is expanding the Australia‑India Business Exchange, diversifying trade and helping more Australian businesses build commercial ties with India and across South Asia. There will be $2 million to support Australian agricultural exporters entering the Chinese markets.

Support for small businesses

Helping small businesses

This Budget’s Small Business Statement reaffirms the Government’s commitment to deliver a better deal for small businesses, with $641.4 million in targeted support.

For more information refer to the small business fact sheet [PDF 0.98MB]

Improving cash flow

The Government is providing $290 million to extend the $20,000 instant asset write‑off for 12 months. There will be $25.3 million to improve payment times to small businesses and $23.3 million to increase eInvoicing adoption.

Easing cost pressures and reducing the administrative burden

This Budget provides $3.5 billion of energy bill relief, including rebates of $325 to around one million small businesses.

The Government is reducing the administrative burden for small business by abolishing 457 nuisance tariffs and delivering $10 million to provide additional support for small business employers administering the Paid Parental Leave scheme.

Supporting confidence and resilience in the small business sector

This Budget invests a further $10.8 million in tailored, free and confidential financial and mental wellbeing supports for small business owners.

The Government is providing $20.5 million to the Fair Work Ombudsman to help small businesses understand and comply with recent workplace relations changes.

There will be $3 million to implement the Government’s response to the Review of the Franchising Code of Conduct, including remaking and enhancing the Code, and an additional $2.6 million to support more small businesses through alternative dispute resolution.

A more resilient Australia

Preparing for the future

The Government is preparing Australia for future droughts and heightened risk of natural disasters.

Disaster resilience and preparedness

The Government will provide $138.7 million to improve Australia’s response and resilience to natural hazards and disasters. Support includes: funding for the National Emergency Management Agency to supply communities with vital goods, equipment, and temporary accommodation during an emergency, aerial firefighting capability, and mental health support. This is in addition to the $11.4 billion previously committed for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for the states and territories.

The Government is establishing a pilot program for Australia’s Strategic Fleet. These vessels will improve Australia’s capacity to respond and support communities and supply chains during crises.

Preparing for drought and climate change

This Budget provides $174.6 million from the National Water Grid Fund to deliver new water infrastructure projects that will enhance water security, boost agricultural production and help drought proof regional communities.

The Government will provide $519.1 million from its Future Drought Fund to help farmers and rural communities manage the impacts of climate change and prepare for future droughts.

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This investment will build the drought resilience of more farmers like Victorian cropper Ed Rickard.

The Fund supported Ed in developing a better farm business plan, which identified his need for weather stations and soil moisture probes. It also helped him implement a succession plan that ensured his farm’s long-term viability.

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Fact sheet: president biden takes action to protect american workers and businesses from china’s unfair trade practices, office of public affairs.

President Biden’s economic plan is supporting investments and creating good jobs in key sectors that are vital for America’s economic future and national security. China’s unfair trade practices concerning technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation are threatening American businesses and workers. China is also flooding global markets with artificially low-priced exports. In response to China’s unfair trade practices and to counteract the resulting harms, today, President Biden is directing his Trade Representative to increase tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on $18 billion of imports from China to protect American workers and businesses.   The Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda has already catalyzed more than $860 billion in business investments through smart, public incentives in industries of the future like electric vehicles (EVs), clean energy, and semiconductors. With support from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act, these investments are creating new American jobs in manufacturing and clean energy and helping communities that have been left behind make a comeback.   As President Biden says, American workers and businesses can outcompete anyone—as long as they have fair competition. But for too long, China’s government has used unfair, non-market practices. China’s forced technology transfers and intellectual property theft have contributed to its control of 70, 80, and even 90 percent of global production for the critical inputs necessary for our technologies, infrastructure, energy, and health care—creating unacceptable risks to America’s supply chains and economic security. Furthermore, these same non-market policies and practices contribute to China’s growing overcapacity and export surges that threaten to significantly harm American workers, businesses, and communities.   Today’s actions to counter China’s unfair trade practices are carefully targeted at strategic sectors—the same sectors where the United States is making historic investments under President Biden to create and sustain good-paying jobs—unlike recent proposals by Congressional Republicans that would threaten jobs and raise costs across the board. The previous administration’s trade deal with China  failed  to increase American exports or boost American manufacturing as it had promised. Under President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs have been created and new factory construction has doubled after both fell under the previous administration, and the trade deficit with China is the lowest in a decade—lower than any year under the last administration.   We will continue to work with our partners around the world to strengthen cooperation to address shared concerns about China’s unfair practices—rather than undermining our alliances or applying indiscriminate 10 percent tariffs that raise prices on all imports from all countries, regardless whether they are engaged in unfair trade. The Biden-Harris Administration recognizes the benefits for our workers and businesses from strong alliances and a rules-based international trade system based on fair competition.   Following an in-depth review by the United States Trade Representative, President Biden is taking action to protect American workers and American companies from China’s unfair trade practices. To encourage China to eliminate its unfair trade practices regarding technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation, the President is directing increases in tariffs across strategic sectors such as steel and aluminum, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, critical minerals, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes, and medical products.   Steel and Aluminum   The tariff rate on certain steel and aluminum products under Section 301 will increase from 0–7.5% to 25% in 2024.   Steel is a vital sector for the American economy, and American companies are leading the future of clean steel. Recently, the Biden-Harris Administration announced $6 billion for 33 clean manufacturing projects including for steel and aluminum, including the first new primary aluminum smelter in four decades, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. These investments will make the United States one of the first nations in the world to convert clean hydrogen into clean steel, bolstering the U.S. steel industry’s competitiveness as the world’s cleanest major steel producer.   American workers continue to face unfair competition from China’s non-market overcapacity in steel and aluminum, which are among the world’s most carbon-intensive. China’s policies and subsidies for their domestic steel and aluminum industries mean high-quality, low-emissions U.S. products are undercut by artificially low-priced Chinese alternatives produced with higher emissions. Today’s actions will shield the U.S. steel and aluminum industries from China’s unfair trade practices.   Semiconductors   The tariff rate on semiconductors will increase from 25% to 50% by 2025.   China’s policies in the legacy semiconductor sector have led to growing market share and rapid capacity expansion that risks driving out investment by market-driven firms. Over the next three to five years, China is expected to account for almost half of all new capacity coming online to manufacture certain legacy semiconductor wafers. During the pandemic, disruptions to the supply chain, including legacy chips, led to price spikes in a wide variety of products, including automobiles, consumer appliances, and medical devices, underscoring the risks of overreliance on a few markets.   Through the CHIPS and Science Act, President Biden is making a nearly $53 billion investment in American semiconductor manufacturing capacity, research, innovation, and workforce. This will help counteract decades of disinvestment and offshoring that has reduced the United States’ capacity to manufacture semiconductors domestically. The CHIPS and Science Act includes $39 billion in direct incentives to build, modernize, and expand semiconductor manufacturing fabrication facilities as well as a 25% investment tax credit for semiconductor companies. Raising the tariff rate on semiconductors is an important initial step to promote the sustainability of these investments.   Electric Vehicles (EVs)   The tariff rate on electric vehicles under Section 301 will increase from 25% to 100% in 2024.   With extensive subsidies and non-market practices leading to substantial risks of overcapacity, China’s exports of EVs grew by 70% from 2022 to 2023—jeopardizing productive investments elsewhere. A 100% tariff rate on EVs will protect American manufacturers from China’s unfair trade practices.   This action advances President Biden’s vision of ensuring the future of the auto industry will be made in America by American workers. As part of the President’s Investing in America agenda, the Administration is incentivizing the development of a robust EV market through business tax credits for manufacturing of batteries and production of critical minerals, consumer tax credits for EV adoption, smart standards, federal investments in EV charging infrastructure, and grants to supply EV and battery manufacturing. The increase in the tariff rate on electric vehicles will protect these investments and jobs from unfairly priced Chinese imports.   Batteries, Battery Components and Parts, and Critical Minerals   The tariff rate on lithium-ion EV batteries will increase from 7.5%% to 25% in 2024, while the tariff rate on lithium-ion non-EV batteries will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate on battery parts will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2024.   The tariff rate on natural graphite and permanent magnets will increase from zero to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate for certain other critical minerals will increase from zero to 25% in 2024.   Despite rapid and recent progress in U.S. onshoring, China currently controls over 80 percent of certain segments of the EV battery supply chain, particularly upstream nodes such as critical minerals mining, processing, and refining. Concentration of critical minerals mining and refining capacity in China leaves our supply chains vulnerable and our national security and clean energy goals at risk. In order to improve U.S. and global resiliency in these supply chains, President Biden has invested across the U.S. battery supply chain to build a sufficient domestic industrial base. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Defense Production Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden-Harris Administration has invested nearly $20 billion in grants and loans to expand domestic production capacity of advanced batteries and battery materials. The Inflation Reduction Act also contains manufacturing tax credits to incentivize investment in battery and battery material production in the United States. The President has also established the American Battery Materials Initiative, which will mobilize an all-of-government approach to secure a dependable, robust supply chain for batteries and their inputs.   Solar Cells   The tariff rate on solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) will increase from 25% to 50% in 2024.   The tariff increase will protect against China’s policy-driven overcapacity that depresses prices and inhibits the development of solar capacity outside of China. China has used unfair practices to dominate upwards of 80 to 90% of certain parts of the global solar supply chain, and is trying to maintain that status quo. Chinese policies and nonmarket practices are flooding global markets with artificially cheap solar modules and panels, undermining investment in solar manufacturing outside of China.   The Biden-Harris Administration has made historic investments in the U.S. solar supply chain, building on early U.S. government-enabled research and development that helped create solar cell technologies. The Inflation Reduction Act provides supply-side tax incentives for solar components, including polysilicon, wafers, cells, modules, and backsheet material, as well as tax credits and grant and loan programs supporting deployment of utility-scale and residential solar energy projects. As a result of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, solar manufacturers have already announced nearly $17 billion in planned investment under his Administration—an 8-fold increase in U.S. manufacturing capacity, enough to supply panels for millions of homes each year by 2030.   Ship-to-Shore Cranes   The tariff rate on ship-to-shore cranes will increase from 0% to 25% in 2024.   The Administration continues to deliver for the American people by rebuilding the United States’ industrial capacity to produce port cranes with trusted partners. A 25% tariff rate on ship-to-shore cranes will help protect U.S. manufacturers from China’s unfair trade practices that have led to excessive concentration in the market. Port cranes are essential pieces of infrastructure that enable the continuous movement and flow of critical goods to, from, and within the United States, and the Administration is taking action to mitigate risks that could disrupt American supply chains. This action also builds off of ongoing work to invest in U.S. port infrastructure through the President’s Investing in America Agenda. This port security initiative includes bringing port crane manufacturing capabilities back to the United States to support U.S. supply chain security and encourages ports across the country and around the world to use trusted vendors when sourcing cranes or other heavy equipment.   Medical Products   The tariff rates on syringes and needles will increase from 0% to 50% in 2024. For certain personal protective equipment (PPE), including certain respirators and face masks, the tariff rates will increase from 0–7.5% to 25% in 2024. Tariffs on rubber medical and surgical gloves will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026.   These tariff rate increases will help support and sustain a strong domestic industrial base for medical supplies that were essential to the COVID-19 pandemic response, and continue to be used daily in every hospital across the country to deliver essential care. The federal government and the private sector have made substantial investments to build domestic manufacturing for these and other medical products to ensure American health care workers and patients have access to critical medical products when they need them. American businesses are now struggling to compete with underpriced Chinese-made supplies dumped on the market, sometimes of such poor quality that they may raise safety concerns for health care workers and patients.   Today’s announcement reflects President Biden’s commitment to always have the back of American workers. When faced with anticompetitive, unfair practices from abroad, the President will deploy any and all tools necessary to protect American workers and industry.

Sony and Apollo Move Ahead With Paramount Bid Process but Reticent About Earlier Plan, NYT Reports


FILE PHOTO: The logo of Paramount Pictures studios is pictured after the Writers Guild of America (WGA) said it reached a preliminary labor agreement with major studios in Los Angeles, California, U.S., September 24, 2023. REUTERS/David Swanson/File Photo

(Reuters) - Sony Pictures Entertainment and Apollo Global Management have signed nondisclosure agreements that will allow them to look at Paramount's books ahead of a potential bid for the movie studio's assets, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The companies are, however, backing away from an initial plan to make an all-cash $26 billion offer for Paramount, the newspaper said.

Reuters reported this month that Paramount was in talks to open its books to a consortium of the Sony movie unit and the U.S. buyout firm. CNBC later reported that Sony was rethinking its bid, sending Paramount's shares tumbling and helping the Japanese firm's shares surge after upbeat earnings.

Sony and Apollo are now contemplating a variety of approaches to acquire Paramount's assets, the New York Times said.

Paramount declined to comment on the report, while Sony and Apollo did not immediately respond to a request for comment late Friday.

Like other studios, Paramount has been struggling to recover from last year's months-long strikes by Hollywood writers and actors, a soft advertising market and falling cable subscriptions in the United States which have eroded profits for its TV business.

Paramount has also been talking with Skydance Media but earlier this month ended a period of exclusivity in the negotiations.

(Reporting by Mrinmay Dey in Bengaluru; Editing by Edwina Gibbs)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

Tags: United States , Japan

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