topics for impromptu speech for high school students

60 Impromptu Speech Topics to Choose From For Your Next Speech

So, you’ve found yourself in a situation where you need to find impromptu speech topics and give a presentation on the spot. Don’t panic! 

Welcome to the world of impromptu speaking, where quick thinking, adaptability, and creativity take center stage.

So pause, take a deep breath, and remember that with the right impromptu speech topic, speaking to an audience will be a breeze (and over before you know it!).

Whether it’s a last-minute presentation at school, a spontaneous debate with friends, or a class competition, the ability to speak confidently at a moment’s notice is a valuable skill in today’s fast-paced world. 

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of impromptu speech topics, so you can find the best topic for you to deliver. From informative to persuasive, entertaining to motivational, these impromptu speech topic ideas can help you jumpstart your creativity and deliver an impromptu speech that feels effortless. 

  • What’s an impromptu speech?

Benefits of impromptu speaking

Must-have elements of an effective impromptu speech.

  • Tips for choosing an impromptu speech topic
  • Informative
  • Entertaining

What’s an impromptu speech? 

But first, what exactly is impromptu speaking, you ask? Well, it’s the art of speaking off-the-cuff, without any prior preparation. 

Imagine this: You’re given a topic or question, and you have to respond on the spot, with virtually little to no time to prepare your speech. Sounds daunting, right? But don’t have fear at having to speak . Remember, impromptu speaking is a skill that can be honed and mastered over time. And it can get easier the more you do it!

One of the key characteristics of impromptu speaking is spontaneity. You don’t have the luxury of planning out every word or rehearsing your delivery. Instead, you have to trust in your ability to think on your feet and respond in real time.

Adaptability is another crucial aspect of impromptu speaking. You might be asked to speak on a wide range of impromptu speech topics, from current events to personal experiences. Being able to adapt your message to fit the context and audience is essential for effective impromptu speaking.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of mastering impromptu speaking skills. First, it boosts your confidence. When you can confidently tackle any speaking situation that comes your way, you’ll feel more self-assured in your abilities.

Improving your impromptu speaking skills also enhances your overall communication abilities . You’ll become more adept at articulating your thoughts clearly and concisely, even under pressure. Plus, you’ll learn to think quickly and respond thoughtfully in any situation – a valuable skill in both professional and personal settings.

Lastly, mastering impromptu speaking can sharpen your problem-solving skills. You’ll become better at analyzing situations, synthesizing information, and coming up with creative solutions quickly.

Impromptu speaking may seem intimidating at first, but with practice, it can become a valuable asset in your communication toolkit. 

Although you won’t have much time to prepare for an impromptu speech, you should be aware of the main factors to include in your speech, even if it’s as short as one minute. 

Here are some elements that make an impromptu speech effective:

  • Speech Topic: The foundation of your speech will center on the topic you’re discussing. That’s why it’s critical for you to choose an effective impromptu speech topic (read on for a list of ideas!). 
  • Clear Purpose: An effective speech begins with a clear understanding of the purpose or objective. Whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire, knowing your purpose guides the content and structure of your speech.
  • Engaging Opening: Grabbing the audience’s attention from the start is crucial. An engaging opening can include a compelling story, a thought-provoking question, a startling fact , or a relevant quote that piques curiosity and sets the tone for the rest of the speech.
  • Strong Structure: A well-structured speech follows a logical progression, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section flows seamlessly into the next, making it easy for the audience to follow along and understand the main points.
  • Effective Delivery: Delivery encompasses various aspects, including vocal delivery, body language, and stage presence. Speak clearly and confidently, vary your tone and pace to maintain interest, and use gestures and facial expressions to enhance your message. Maintain good posture and eye contact to connect with the audience.
  • Memorable Conclusion: The conclusion of the speech should leave a lasting impression on the audience. Summarize the main points, reiterate the key message, and leave the audience with a call to action, a memorable quote, or a thought-provoking takeaway that resonates with them.
  • Authenticity: Authenticity improves your credibility and connection with the audience. Be genuine, sincere, and true to yourself in your speech, and let your enthusiasm for the topic shine through.

By incorporating these elements into your impromptu speech, you can create a compelling and memorable presentation – no matter the topic or length!

Now, let’s explore some effective impromptu speech topics so you can get started!

Tips for choosing a speech topic

Choosing the right impromptu speech topic can make or break your presentation. But with the right approach, you can choose a topic that you’re comfortable with and can speak confidently about.

Here are some tips to help you choose an impromptu speech topic:

  • Draw from Personal Experience: Consider topics that you’re knowledgeable about or have personal experience with, so you have ready-to-go experience or prior knowledge to pull into your speech material. This will make it easier to generate ideas and speak fluently on the topic without needing additional preparation or research.
  • Consider Your Interests: Think about your hobbies, passions, and interests. Choosing a topic that you’re passionate about can make the speech more engaging and enjoyable for both you and your audience.
  • Stay Current: Keep up with current events, trends, and topics of interest. Being aware of what’s happening in the world can provide you with a pool of relevant and timely impromptu speech topics to choose from.
  • Consider the format: Think of how to effectively organize your speech content. Choose a topic that lends itself well to having an introduction, 2-3 key body points, and a closing statement. 
  • Keep It Simple: Opt for topics that are straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid overly complex topics that may be difficult to explain or engage the audience with in a short impromptu speech.
  • Consider the Audience: Take into account the interests, preferences, and demographics of your audience when selecting a topic. Choose a topic that’s relevant and meaningful to your audience to ensure their engagement and interest.
  • Be Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your topic based on the specific requirements or constraints of the situation. Stay open to new ideas and be willing to adjust your topic as needed to fit the context and audience.

By following these tips, you can select an impromptu speech topic that you feel confident and comfortable speaking about, allowing you to deliver a spontaneous and engaging speech with ease.

List of Impromptu Speech Topics

When faced with the challenge of delivering an impromptu speech, you may find yourself searching for the perfect topic that will captivate your audience.

Imagine having a list of diverse and engaging topics at your disposal, ready to spark thoughtful conversations and showcase your speaking skills.

From exploring the power of gratitude to discussing sustainable living practices, each topic offers a unique opportunity to share your insights and leave a lasting impact on your listeners.

Check out the list of impromptu speech topics below, which are organized based on the type: informative, persuasive, entertaining, or motivating. 

When choosing a topic or category, always remember to keep your audience in mind!

Informative Speech Topics

An informative speech is a type of presentation that aims to educate the audience about a specific topic, idea, concept, or process .

The primary purpose of an informative speech is to provide the audience with new information, facts, or insights about the chosen subject matter.

Unlike persuasive speeches, which try to influence the audience’s beliefs or behaviors, informative speeches focus solely on presenting objective information in a clear, organized, and engaging manner.

Here are some informative impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • The life and legacy of a historical figure you admire.
  • The process of climate change and its effects on the environment.
  • The benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental health.
  • The origins and cultural significance of a traditional holiday.
  • The basics of personal finance and budgeting for young adults.
  • The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
  • The history and evolution of your favorite hobby or pastime.
  • The science behind renewable energy sources like solar power.
  • The importance of proper nutrition and healthy eating habits.
  • The role of technology in shaping the future of education.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of remote work and telecommuting.
  • The process of starting a small business and entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of technology on various industries.
  • The history and significance of a famous landmark or monument.
  • The basics of a process you’re familiar with, such as providing first aid and/or being prepared for an emergency.

Persuasive Speech Topics

A persuasive speech is one in which the speaker attempts to convince the audience to adopt or support a particular viewpoint, belief, or course of action.

The primary purpose of a persuasive speech is to influence the audience’s attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors by presenting arguments, evidence, and appeals to logic, emotion, or ethics. 

Unlike informative speeches, which focus on presenting objective information, persuasive speeches aim to sway the audience’s opinions or inspire them to take action based on the speaker’s persuasive arguments.

Here are some persuasive impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • Should we implement stricter gun control laws?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory in every household?
  • Is adopting a plant-based diet beneficial for personal health and the environment?
  • Should schools include comprehensive sex education in their curriculum?
  • Should there be stricter penalties for texting while driving?
  • Is voting in local elections as important as voting in national elections?
  • Should countries make energy-saving a priority?
  • Should everyone consider becoming an organ donor?
  • Is raising awareness about mental health and reducing stigma important?
  • Is access to affordable healthcare a fundamental human right?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on fast food advertising aimed at children?
  • Should the minimum wage be raised to a living wage?
  • Should students be allowed to use advanced technology like AI in school?
  • Should schools have healthier lunch options?
  • Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?

Entertaining Speech Topics

An entertaining speech is a type of presentation that aims to captivate, engage, and amuse the audience through humor, storytelling, anecdotes, or engaging content.

The primary purpose of an entertaining speech is to entertain and uplift the audience, providing them with moments of laughter, enjoyment, or inspiration.

Unlike informative or persuasive speeches, which focus on presenting information or persuading the audience to take action, entertaining speeches prioritize entertainment value and emotional engagement.

Here are some entertaining impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • The art of telling hilarious jokes and making people laugh.
  • The adventures of your favorite fictional character.
  • The joys and challenges of being a pet owner.
  • The funniest moments from your childhood.
  • The quirks and idiosyncrasies of your hometown.
  • The most embarrassing moments you’ve experienced.
  • The evolution of fashion throughout history.
  • The secrets to mastering a magic trick.
  • The best pranks to pull on a friend.
  • The weirdest and wackiest sport.
  • The dos and don’ts of surviving a family holiday gathering.
  • The biggest lesson you’ve learned so far.
  • The most interesting fashion trend right now.
  • The funniest viral videos on the internet right now.
  • The best comedy movies of all time and why they’re worth watching.

Motivating Speech Topics

A motivating speech is a type of presentation that aims to inspire, uplift, and empower the audience to take action, overcome obstacles, or achieve their goals.

The primary purpose of a motivating speech is to motivate and energize the audience, instilling them with a sense of purpose, determination, and enthusiasm.

Here are some motivating impromptu speech topics to choose from:

  • The power of setting and achieving goals in life.
  • Overcoming adversity and finding strength in difficult times.
  • The importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.
  • Finding your passion and pursuing it with determination.
  • The benefits of a positive mindset and resilience in facing challenges.
  • The impact of small acts of kindness on others and the world.
  • Embracing change and seizing growth opportunities.
  • The importance of self-care and prioritizing mental health.
  • Cultivating gratitude and appreciating the blessings in your life.
  • The value of perseverance and never giving up on your dreams.
  • The role of mentors and role models in inspiring personal growth.
  • The power of forgiveness and letting go of resentment.
  • Overcoming self-doubt and building self-confidence.
  • Finding purpose and meaning in your life’s journey.
  • The ripple effect of positivity and spreading joy to others.

With these topics in mind, you’ll be able to confidently speak on a variety of subjects and engage your audience with thought-provoking discussions.

So the next time you find yourself in need of an impromptu speech topic, review these ideas and jumpstart your brainstorming.

Whether you’re discussing gratitude, overcoming adversity, or the future of work, there’s always something important to talk about!

And by keeping these topics handy, you’ll be ready to tackle your next impromptu speech.

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45 Impromptu Speech Topics and Ideas

October 29, 2017 - Dom Barnard

Impromptu speeches are a great way to practice quick thinking and concise speaking – you usually have only a couple of minutes to  prepare a speech  lasting around five minutes. Even in this shorter form of speech, you still need to have a structure to what you are saying to ensure your message is understood by everyone.

If you struggle with lack of confidence, practicing with these impromptu speech topics can be a great way to build confidence for all types of speeches and conversations, whether you’re talking to someone at a business networking event or speaking at a wedding.

What is an impromptu speech?

For an impromptu speech, you’ll generally have 1-3 minutes of preparation for a speech lasting 5-8 minutes. Tougher speech events can reduce this preparation time down to 30 seconds and require you to plan your speech mentally, without any paper to write notes on.

Impromptu speech often used at Oxford University debates

Impromptu speeches are often given as part of university and college debates.  Oxford Union event  shown above.

These types of speeches are usually found in public speaking courses, speaking organisations such as Toastmasters and  debating competitions  (both professional and student based).

They are a great way of testing a range of communication skills, from organisation to clarity to creativity, and are becoming a popular way to practice general public speaking skills.

Practice Impromptu Speaking

Practice your impromptu speaking skills by talking about a series of random slides for 30 seconds each. Receive feedback on your performance. Learn More

Tips for picking an impromptu speech topic

Here are some quick tips and considerations for picking an impromptu speech.

  • Pick a topic you are familiar with, have knowledge of and want to talk about. Personal experience on that topic is a bonus as you’ll be able to speak more naturally about it.
  • Your organisational skills will be tested to come up with a powerful introduction and conclusion in your preparation to back up your argument.
  • Pick a topic where the scope is limited (or you can easily limit it) as you’ll only have 5 minutes to discuss it.
  • Your goal is to either inform or  persuade your audience  so choose a topic that suits these criteria

Impromptu speech topics

There are a huge amount of topic to choose from so we’ve compiled a short list of interesting topics below, some of which will hopefully inspire you or give you talking points you hadn’t previously considered.

  • A non-biased news site is impossible
  • The Romain Empire was the most important empire to have existed
  • Keyboards will be replaced by speech-to-text technology in 10 years
  • Performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sport
  • Colour affects the way people feel
  • Poor health begins in the mind
  • Team sports build strong individuals
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • Poverty is a state of mind
  • What characteristics make an ideal villain?
  • How would you describe an average person?
  • In what situation is lying a good idea?
  • Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
  • Pets are for people who don’t have children
  • Real learning doesn’t occur in a classroom
  • It is better to be influential than rich
  • Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
  • School uniforms removes individuality
  • Children should not watch television
  • Art is not important to the future of the human race
  • Future conflicts will be confined to online hacking
  • Social customs are a waste of time
  • My biggest concern for the future is…
  • Climate change is a natural occurrence
  • What is the most important skill for starting a business
  • Space exploration advances the human race
  • Parents are the most influential factors in our lives
  • Sports people salaries are justified by viewing figures
  • Reading fiction is a waste of time
  • Going to university / college is not necessary anymore
  • Facebook makes society less happy
  • Anyone can be a millionaire if they work hard enough
  • No extra-terrestrial species have found us because…
  • Translation technology will replace the need to learn a language
  • Colonizing Mars is necessary to ensure human survival
  • Presidential / Prime Ministers time in office should be lengthened
  • Social circles and friends are the most important factors for happiness
  • Real wealth is not measured in money or possessions
  • The minimum wage should be doubled
  • Should adults have the right to carry a concealed handgun?
  • Is sexual orientation determined at birth?
  • Junk food’s popularity relies on marketing
  • Both snooker and darts are sports
  • Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat
  • Renting a house is better than buying

Use any of these topics for your next impromptu speech or just as personal practice to improve your communication skills.

Speech And Debate

Impromptu Speech Topics

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Impromptu Speech Topics - 150+ Interesting Ideas

By: Cordon J.

15 min read

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Oct 13, 2020

Impromptu Speech Topics

An impromptu speech is considered one of the most difficult speeches. For that reason, it is also one of the most useful speeches to master.

Preparing and delivering a speech on different Impromptu speech topics is a great way to practice quick thinking and speaking.

Usually, you have less preparation time, or you can say a few couple of minutes to prepare a speech that lasts around 5 minutes.

Impromptu Speech Topics

On this Page

Even for this short duration speech, you will be required to follow a structure on what you are going to say. It is very important to ensure that what you are saying is clearly understood by others.

You can also explore our detailed guide on  how to write a speech  to clearly understand the speech structure.

If you are not good at public speaking, choosing a good topic for your speech can boost your confidence. You should also be aware of some impromptu speech topics and ideas that will help you build confidence for all types of speeches or even conversations.

What is Impromptu Speech?

An impromptu speech is a type of speech that you have to prepare in a certain amount of time. You will generally have 1-3 minutes to prepare a speech that will last 5-7 minutes. Different speech events can even reduce the preparation time down to 1 minute and also require you to prepare your speech in mind without any paper to write points on.

These types of speeches are most commonly found in public speaking courses, debate competitions, etc. These kinds of speeches are becoming a popular way to test and practice public speaking and communication skills.

Tips to Choose an Impromptu Speech Topic

The following are some of the quick tips you can keep in mind while choosing a topic for your speech.

  • Try to choose something you know about or are already familiar with or something you eagerly want to talk about.
  • Choose a topic or idea where the scope is limited so you can cover all its important aspects.
  • Keep in mind that the goal here is to inform or persuade your audience. So, choose a topic that meets this criterion.

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Good Impromptu Speech Topics for Students

Here are some of the topics for impromptu speech for students to improve their communication skills. Simply know your audience and focus on the way you are delivering the speech.

Impromptu Speech Topics for Middle School

  • My Role model and Best friend
  • Celebrity you would like to meet and why
  • Three things everyone should do well
  • Why do I buy too many things
  • If I were president, I would…
  • My favorite book
  • My last dream
  • My worst job personal experience
  • My favorite movie
  • If I were invisible for a day
  • An important lesson I learned after a mistake
  • What is the best time for a kid to get a phone?
  • Animals are stress relievers
  • Online communication can never be as good as real-life friendship
  • How to enjoy your weekends more?
  • How to have a productive summer?
  • If I were the president, I would…
  • How to avoid getting grounded?
  • If I could be a famous person, I would choose to be…?
  • Things you can’t learn at school or college
  • Real learning does not occur in the classroom
  • Pets are for the people who don’t have children
  • In which scenario, lying is a good idea?
  • Violent games contribute to the youth violence
  • Children should not watch television

Impromptu Speech Topics for High School

  • How to start a blog?
  • How to protect the Amazon rainforests?
  • How to ace interviews?
  • How to become a professional writer?
  • How to learn new skills?
  • How to differentiate between colors?
  • How to prepare your favorite meal?
  • How to remember things?
  • How to rent a house?
  • How to be happy all the time?
  • How to become a singer?
  • How to not lose friends?
  • My future career choice is…
  • How can we prevent bullying?
  • How to help teenagers who don’t know what to do with their lives?
  • Peer pressure is a good motivator
  • Creativity cannot be taught
  • A ghost you want to meet
  • Five things you are the best at
  • What is your morning routine?
  • How do you deal with loss?
  • Why is a failure the greatest teacher?
  • Social customs are a waste of time
  • Climate change is a natural occurrence
  • Going to university is not necessary anymore

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Impromptu Speech Topics for College

  • How does ROI (Return on Investment) improve?
  • Social media marketing and its importance
  • Management strategies to increase productivity
  • Ways to decrease production costs
  • Best small business ideas
  • How to avoid financial scams?
  • Importance of dress code policy for a professional workplace
  • Students should have the option of choosing their own roommates
  • Why are on-campus crimes on the rise?
  • Scholarships are not always fair
  • Most professors have a biased attitude
  • Should you do something about students who seem depressed?
  • How to look for good internships while studying?
  • The death penalty shouldn’t be legal
  • Should students learn how to code from a young age?
  • How can we make the internet a safer place?
  • How to save money in college?
  • How to choose a college major?
  • Are professional athletes paid too much?
  • Why do earthquakes happen?
  • The minimum age must be doubled
  • Fast food’s popularity relies on marketing
  • Snooker is a boring sport
  • Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat
  • Renting a house is better than buying

Speech and Debate Impromptu Topics

  • What is it to be young?
  • Effects of climate change and global warming
  • Why do teenagers start smoking?
  • Why should every citizen vote?
  • When is it ok to lie?
  • What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?
  • Why is humor an important life skill?
  • How are self-driving cars the future of transportation?
  • What is the role of CCTV cameras?
  • Use of the Internet without any geographical restrictions
  • Importance of medication
  • Why do good grades matter?
  • Everyone should become a vegetarian
  • Will technology save or destroy the world?
  • Social media has done more damage than good
  • Parents should be able to pick the gender of their child
  • Women have always been smarter than men
  • People should live on Mars
  • Euthanasia is justified
  • Effects of Peer-to-peer technology
  • Intelligence is not enough
  • Goals are good for you
  • When I grow up…
  • If I ruled the world…
  • Laughter is the best medicine

Impromptu Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Importance of Manners
  • Why should the government cut all the foreign aid?
  • Why should girls be allowed in the football teams?
  • The need for Calorie counts on the fast-food menu list
  • How is the current tax system harming the working middle class?
  • Need for cybersecurity protocols
  • Is it true that uniforms take away individuality?
  • Introverts or extroverts
  • Real learning occurs outside the classroom
  • Social media destroys a person's self-esteem
  • Paying more taxes is a good thing
  • Humans should have had control over the weather
  • Immigration laws should be less rigid
  • Nonsmokers should be at the top when receiving organs
  • It is impossible to go back to living without technology
  • The use of painkillers should be limited
  • Child abuse turns people into psychopaths
  • Can thriller movies increase your stress levels?
  • Children should have the freedom to pick their own religion
  • Motherhood is still valued in today’s society
  • Colors affect the way how we feel
  • Discipline is not a dirty word
  • Team sports build strong individuals
  • Children learn what they live with
  • How can money make the world go round?

For more ideas, you can explore our article on  persuasive speech topics . It has 100+ unique topic ideas to help you choose a topic that can engage and persuade your audience.

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Funny Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Your favorite nickname and how you got it
  • Three things you are scared of
  • Favorite cartoon character
  • How to impress your boss?
  • Ways to overcome phobias
  • Procrastinating is beneficial for psychological health
  • Why do people hate Monday?
  • How to make your parents proud?
  • Important reasons to laugh
  • How love differs from romantic movies?
  • If I could time travel...
  • The worst household chore
  • There is no such thing as normal
  • Famous people who have been fashion victims.
  • Fools are always broke
  • Plants have feelings just like us
  • Things cartoon characters taught us
  • My most profitable mistake
  • How to deny reality?
  • Cities are for people, not cars
  • A good sense of humor is essential
  • Tell us how to become a millionaire
  • If cats/dogs ruled the world
  • If I could design a school

Impromptu Public Speaking Topics

  • Peace is possible
  • Art is essential to life
  • Tips to prevent fraud
  • Uniforms stifle individuality
  • Victims of the fashion industry
  • Being young is overrated
  • Plants have feelings too
  • Conservation is survival
  • Funny terms and phrases
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • Summer is the best of times. Why?
  • Who is an average person?
  • The most important lesson of my life
  • Explain the best way to teach an old dog a new trick
  • Describe the life cycle of a frog or butterfly
  • My three favorite animals
  • What would you find in my closet?
  • Three things that scare me
  • Great things about snow days
  • Things you can make out of the snow
  • How to spend a rainy day?
  • How to walk a dog?
  • Great things about the sea
  • The best parts of a parade

Creative Informative Speech Topics

  • The economic growth of China
  • Role of market research before starting a business
  • How to handle dissatisfied customers?
  • How to start a conversation?
  • Deaf people use emotions to communicate
  • Enlist famous parliamentary debates
  • Global leadership is an unrealistic dream
  • Progressive taxation in social services
  • Disastrous economic crisis
  • Tax saving knows it all
  • Buying a house? A complete process
  • Effective strategies for smart investments
  • Tips and tricks to save money in college
  • How to deal with money problems?
  • History of currency
  • Insomnia and its types
  • Is the media biased to the left-wing?
  • What is Photojournalism?
  • Role of artificial intelligence in rehabilitation
  • Role of the family during the process of rehabilitation
  • The morality of zoos
  • Three keys to a happy life
  • You are what you eat
  • Why is it important to meditate?
  • What are you grateful for?

Entertaining Speech Topics

  • How to confuse someone?
  • The story of the perfect husband
  • How to irritate someone?
  • Inappropriate gifts by a stranger
  • Ten things you better not say in court
  • The biggest lie on the work floor
  • Fun games to play at the beach
  • Short girl problems
  • Eating things you don’t like
  • How to escape from trouble?
  • Five ways to annoy your parents
  • Three bad business slogans
  • Strange New Year resolutions
  • Fun houseplants in your home
  • Funny facts about women
  • Funny facts about men
  • Why I could never be a doctor
  • The ugliest fashions of today
  • If women had mute buttons
  • The advantages of being a man
  • Love is a choice
  • Ghosts I'd like to meet
  • Real love is not the stuff of pop songs
  • If I were an animal, I'd be a...
  • How to annoy an older sister?

Extempore Topics for Students

Good extempore topics are those that help the speakers deliver a good speech easily and within the given timeframe.

Simple Topics for Extempore Speech

  • Positives of social media
  • Impacts of social media on youth
  • Social media- a boon or bane
  • Reality TV- positive or negative?
  • Should school students be given homework?
  • Are co-ed schools better than single-sex schools?
  • Is online education as good as regular classroom education?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  • Are video games harmful or beneficial to children?
  • Are beauty pageants degrading to women?
  • Are celebrities good role models, for youngsters?
  • How important are fathers in a child’s life?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Is capital punishment a deterrent to crime?
  • Are our schools producing good citizens?
  • Are exams necessary?
  • Should corporal punishment be banned in schools?
  • Are private schools better than government schools?
  • Should students be paid for getting good grades?
  • Is cheating in exams justified?
  • Are online friends as good as real friends?
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Is ragging in colleges a menace or a way of socializing?
  • Are hostel students better disciplined than day scholars?
  • Is the education system in India merit-based or rote-learning based?

Easy Topics for Extempore Speech

  • Why do people fear public speaking?
  • The art of persuasion
  • The power of body language
  • How to be a better listener?
  • The importance of eye contact
  • Tips for conquering stage fright
  • The benefits of taking risks
  • How to handle constructive criticism?
  • The value of teamwork
  • The importance of a positive attitude
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Pursuing your dreams
  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Time management tips
  • Making effective decisions
  • The power of positive thinking
  • The importance of open communication
  • Dealing with stress
  • Creating a healthy lifestyle
  • The importance of education
  • The impact of technology on society
  • Managing finances
  • Building relationships
  • Traveling the world
  • The meaning of life

2-minute Speech Topics

Here are some good topics that would help you deliver a good speech in 2 minutes;

2-minute Speech Topics for Adults

  • Life is what you make it- so make it something worth living!
  • You only live once, but if you live right, once is enough!
  • It's never too late to turn your life around and achieve success!
  • Everyone has a story to tell- so make yours worth listening to!
  • Don't be afraid to take risks- they often lead to great rewards!
  • Learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones to success!
  • Persevere through the tough times and come out stronger on the other side!
  • Embrace change and use it as an opportunity to grow and improve!
  • Never give up on your dreams- they are worth fighting for!
  • Live each day to the fullest and make the most of every opportunity!
  • Be kind to others and always try to make a positive difference in their lives!
  • Never take anything for granted, and always be thankful for what you have!
  • Cherish your friendships and relationships- they are priceless treasures!
  • Be true to yourself and always stay true to your values and beliefs!
  • Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in even if it means standing alone!
  • Be courageous and never give in to fear or adversity!
  • Always strive to be the best that you can be and never settle for less!
  • Never give up on yourself- you are your own best advocate!
  • Pursue your passions and let them lead you to your purpose in life!
  • Follow your heart and let it guide you to where you are meant to be!
  • Let go of the past and focus on living for today and tomorrow!
  • Make each day count and never take a single moment for granted!
  • Don't be afraid to dream big- the sky's the limit!
  • Never give up on your hopes and dreams- they are what make life worth living!
  • Always remember that you are never alone- you have the support of family and friends!

2-minute Speech Topics for Students

  • How to make a perfect cup of tea?
  • How to get over stage fright?
  • The benefits of meditation
  • Why you should never give up on your dreams?
  • How to deal with anxiety and stress?
  • The importance of a good night's sleep
  • How to stay healthy and fit?
  • The importance of mental health awareness
  • Why you should believe in yourself?
  • How to achieve your goals?
  • How to be happy and content with what you have?
  • The key to success
  • How to manage your time?
  • The importance of taking risks
  • How to deal with failure?
  • How to be a good leader?
  • Why is teamwork important?
  • How to handle stress and anxiety?
  • The importance of staying positive and motivated
  • How to overcome obstacles?
  • How to be successful?
  • The importance of setting goals
  • How to stay focused and disciplined?
  • How to be a good role model for others?

We hope that these easy impromptu speech topics can help you find a topic idea of your interest. Start preparation once you are done with the topic selection.

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Cordon J.

Cordon. is a published author and writing specialist. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years, providing writing services and digital content. His own writing career began with a focus on literature and linguistics, which he continues to pursue. Cordon is an engaging and professional individual, always looking to help others achieve their goals.

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50 Impromptu Speech Topics

17 May, 2020

6 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

When it comes to impromptu speaking, most students get lost and confused. That's because the very idea of giving speeches on the fly sounds like an impossible mission to them. But as the idiom goes, small strokes fell great oaks.

Impromptu Speech Topics

What Is An Impromptu Speech?

What is an impromptu speech?

Before moving to practice, let’s define impromptu speech first. It’s a speech that students give without preliminary preparation or, in some cases, with limited time for preparation. An impromptu speech is typically given at classes, meetings, debates or other informative events. Before the topic presentation, it’s essential to create a list of points to be revealed during the speech or address an essay writer to get the paper for practicing your speech delivery. Now that you know the impromptu speech definition, it’s time to figure how to make your speech stand out. 

What Are The Top Impromptu Speech Tips?

What Are The Top Impromptu Speech Tips?

The secret of the magnetic narrative lies in a proper setting which allows to deliver stellar presentations and make the audience genuinely engaged in an impromptu speech. The top advice includes the following:

The Structure Counts. All persuasive speech topics have a definite structure which cements the content and allows to plan the flow of ideas easily. You could appeal to emotions while talking about the impromptu speech subject in the introduction, tell an amusing story related to it in the main body, and end up resuming the topic in conclusion. 

Practice is Everything. The real value of an impromptu speaking practice is that it allows to understand how you sound, analyze potential mistakes and fix them. An excellent way to do it is to imagine a large audience in front of you so that it’ll be less stressful to speak in front of real people. Meanwhile, don’t forget to record yourself or ask a friend to listen to your impromptu speech and give structured feedback.

Be Concise but Comprehensive. Once you enter the stage and start speaking, it’ll take a few seconds for the public to understand if you’re a subject-savvy or pretend to be one. The worst solution in the latter case is to say very lengthy and vague sentences that don’t bring value to listeners. And if your impromptu speech is too long, people will eventually get bored. That’s why it’s recommended to speak briefly and never go beyond the accepted time frame if you want to leave a good impression on the public.

impromptu speech topics

50 Good Impromptu Speech Topics

The list of impromptu speech subjects extends to hundreds. The most frequently used impromptu topics include the following:

1. Business:

  • Successful business owners delegate well
  • A dress code shouldn’t be necessary for an office
  • Team building events are crucial to team motivation
  • Importance of social media in marketing
  • Finance advice for beginners
  • Marketing as an investment and not an option
  • Small business ideas and opportunities
  • A clear mission statement is a key to an organization’s development

2. Humorous:

  • Reasons why your topic is fun
  • Postponing tasks is beneficial for psychological health
  • The most awkward situation in my life
  • Funniest childhood memory
  • Home assignments are bad for your health
  • A time I ran away from home
  • Vegetables have feelings – stop carrot cruelty
  • Why Mondays should be banned
  • Why you should never-ever marry at college

3. Persuasive:

  • Why is art important?
  • Is euthanasia ethical?
  • Is it better to be a night owl or an early bird?
  • Cigarettes should be illegal
  • Facebook makes society less happy
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Why manners are important
  • Reasons why dogs are man’s best friends
  • Should genetically modified foods be sold in grocery stores?
  • Should animal testing be illegal?
  • Healthy food choices for students
  • We should protect endangered animals
  • Are introverts the best business leaders?
  • You can become a millionaire

4. How – To:

  • How to combine travel and freelancing
  • How to become a musician
  • How to be happier in a relationship
  • How to make stress your best friend
  • How to learn a new language
  • How to become successful
  • How to write a book and become famous
  • How to make a pizza
  • How to cheat at poker
  • How to become a comedian
  • How to make your parents proud

5. Personal:

  • If I ruled the word
  • The most challenging thing I’ve ever done
  • A job I’d love to have
  • An important lesson I’ve learned
  • Three things that scare me
  • A day in my life
  • My favorite book
  • Three surprising facts about me

If the question “Can someone write my speech ” springs to your mind too often, it’s high time to consider using professional assistance. So, if you want to know how to give an impromptu speech or how to prepare for an impromptu speech, follow these impromptu speaking tips. And make sure to use our services to get a top-notch paper and get prepared for your impromptu speech topic.

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topics for impromptu speech for high school students

Below you will find 50 topics for impromptu student speeches.

  • My three favorite animals.
  • What you would find in my closet. Make something up.
  • What you’d find under my bed.
  • The best letter of the alphabet.
  • Why your mom/dad is special.
  • A day that stands out.
  • The best surprise ever.
  • If I had a million dollars to give away.
  • If cats/dogs ruled the world.
  • A trip to remember.
  • My favorite day of the year.
  • If I could only eat three foods forever.
  • If I could design a school.
  • Why books are important.
  • Three surprising facts about me.
  • How to impress your parents.
  • How to plan a party.
  • A job I’d love to have.
  • A day in my life.
  • If I could have dinner with anyone.
  • If I could travel through time.
  • My favorite book.
  • An important lesson I’ve learned.
  • What I’ve learned from cartoons.
  • The smartest cartoon character.
  • Three things I’d change if I ruled the world.
  • Why sports are important.
  • The worst chores at home.
  • Why I deserve an allowance.
  • If I were in charge of school lunches.
  • If I had invented school.
  • The best theme park rides.
  • Whom do you admire most?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • How to achieve your dreams.
  • Why you need a baby brother.
  • How to annoy an older sister.
  • How to save money.
  • Three things that scare me.
  • Great things about snow days.
  • Things you can make out of snow.
  • How to spend a rainy day.
  • How to walk a dog.
  • Great things about the ocean.
  • Things I’ll never eat.
  • How to be a slacker.
  • Why I like my town.
  • The best parts of a parade.
  • Interesting things you see in the sky.
  • Things to remember when you’re camping.

An experience with a bully.

17 Hacks to Motivate Students to Interact ...

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Matthew Lynch

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

In this article:

High School

Middle school, elementary school, school speech topics checklists, list of school speech topics.

school speech topics

  • Girls are under more pressure in high school.
  • Schools must not sell unhealthy foods.
  • Cyberbullies should be suspended from school.
  • Peer pressure will help students grow.
  • Parents must not pay kids for good grades.
  • Students don’t spend enough time reading books.
  • Class sizes make a big difference.
  • Schools must get involved with obese students weight issues.
  • All students should join the gym.
  • Schools should offer rewards for good test scores.
  • Cheerleading isn’t a sport.
  • The media is to blame for the pressure of girls wanting perfect bodies.
  • Mass-shooting in schools can be prevented.
  • 16 is an appropriate age to start dating.
  • The in crowd is usually the most insecure group.
  • Failing is a blessing in disguise.
  • Students do not know how to live in the moment.
  • Fashion isn’t all that important.
  • The methods used to deal with bullies are not effective.
  • Private schools are not better than government schools.
  • Co-ed schools are better than single-gender schools.
  • Recess time must be extended.
  • Standardized tests are not a measure of a students ability.
  • Textbooks shouldn’t be replaced by technology in high schools.
  • Students shouldn’t be graded for gym.
  • Birth control should be available at schools.
  • Cheating at school is getting worse.
  • Sugary drinks should not be sold at school.
  • Healthy school lunches are a lost cause.
  • Boys hide their body image pressure.
  • Smoking makes students outcasts.
  • ‘Name and shame’ does not change teenage behaviour.
  • Bystanders must be held responsible for not intervening when there is trouble at school.
  • Gay students need older gay role models.
  • It should be illegal for under 21’s to buy cigarettes.
  • Grouping students by ability only benefit the smartest ones.
  • Students are less religious than their parents.
  • It is important to have a mix of friends to socialize with.
  • Kids purposely make parenting hard.
  • Helping a friend isn’t always good.
  • Not every teacher has the ability to inspire students.
  • High school kids don’t need helicopter parents.
  • High schools don’t recognize a student’s full potential.
  • Class sizes should not exceed 20 students.
  • Extra online classes are worth it.
  • School should be all year round.
  • Parents embarrass their kids too much.
  • Attractive students have an advantage over others.
  • Students have no interest in government matters.
  • Hard work is more important than talent.
  • The morning after pill shouldn’t have an age restriction.
  • Group work in class should be kept small.
  • The best way to learn is alone.
  • Teachers don’t use technology to its full potential.
  • Dropping out of high school should be an illegal offense.
  • The racial make up of a school is important.
  • Outings to museums have no educational value.
  • Creativity isn’t something that can be taught.
  • Students have too much workload.
  • Untidy handwriting is a sign of intelligence.
  • Student’s interests will change in high school.
  • It is important to take career assessment tests.
  • Students do not have to get involved with everything in high school.
  • Weekend jobs make students more responsible.
  • It is important that students volunteer in fields of interest.
  • Students must know their place in the classroom.
  • Teachers want to create leaders.
  • Tutors are necessary even with good grades.
  • Locker room talk is demeaning to female students.
  • Driving must be taught in High School.
  • Plagiarism is getting out of hand.
  • The importance of not being a follower.
  • Students should focus school work ahead of a social life.
  • Students should leave a team if they are never chosen to play.
  • Leaving high school with no clear career path isn’t a bad thing.
  • Students should always have condoms with them.
  • Never shrug off small assignments.
  • High school should be treated as if it were a job.
  • Web filters at school are not restrictive enough.
  • There is too much focus on sports in high schools.
  • All students should get involved in exchange programs.
  • Group projects only cause conflict.
  • Teachers should be allowed to refuse problem students in their classes.
  • Principals don’t help develop teachers enough.
  • Corporal punishment is abuse.
  • Robotics now and in the future – is it helpful in the daycare business?
  • Your most embarrassing moment at school and the way you saved your face, solve and fix the awkward situation.
  • Amazing discoveries or facts you have never heard of before and like to introduce to your class.
  • Adventure racing and famous heroes on motorbikes – so-called off the road movie clips could be nice video aids Such as Steppenwolf.
  • Astronomical signs and their meanings. Make it personal by asking a volunteer to give all the info you need.
  • Nursing your parents when they get older. Lots of young people do that in their spare time, and they do not often speak about it. Take a chance and show them the world of voluntary care by friends, children, and neighbors.
  • Islands in Oceania, in the tropical Pacific Ocean region. There where the date line starts.
  • Railroads and trains from 1850, and great train builders and engineers is a high school speech topic to work out.
  • How to visit and enjoy an art museum with an audio guide tour on your ears.
  • Strange experiences in a restaurant or bar and the moral lesson you draw after that.
  • Hurricanes, how they start and their international accepted standards for name giving (boys and girls names from a to z).
  • Food photography is much difficult than you think.
  • A narrow escape from trouble …
  • How to organize surprise parties.
  • Why are television soaps popular – did you know a whole team of scenarists writes the storylines – often three per edition?
  • I want a new law on … Well feel free to repair and remedy abuses.
  • What do you think about often when you enter the school?
  • What have you always wanted to do and did not have the courage to ask or really act?
  • What would you like to change and why? This one is especially good as graduation input and output.
  • Things we can’t understand.
  • What are your community activities?
  • Suggestions for a school field trip in the autumn.
  • Dream explanation, ask for dreams, explain them. Consult dream reading professional and keep away from the shabby occult business.
  • Rhetorical questions, Socratical debating techniques.
  • Great places to go in the world.
  • Hiking trails nobody knows and you want to share.
  • See Europe in seven days after high school!

Middle school speech topics for public speaking and oral writing assignments from outdoor activities to Greyhound racing and Rodeo riding to sports games. I have brought into being several themes, suggestions and easy to develop ideas for school:

  • My hobby and pet peeves.
  • Free time activities that you can recommend.
  • What brands or products are popular in this school and why?
  • Unusual experiences in the last year.
  • Outdoor activities, and indoor activities on a rainy day.
  • Why we are no longer kids but are called young adults.
  • Suggestions for fun weekends.
  • Animation characters and their voices.
  • Antarctica research of penguins.
  • Aviation pioneers.
  • Celebrities, actors, and actresses.
  • Computer games are great middle school speech topics if you have an interested audience who likes to game at home.
  • Flying discs tricks on the beach side.
  • Foreign flags and their story – perhaps you should play the anthems too for a full picture.
  • Reasons to abandon grounding rules.
  • Rodeo riding: how to survive more than 30 seconds on the riding machine 🙂
  • Strange world records set in history.
  • Skateboarding tips and tricks, safe on the sidewalks.
  • Greyhound racing and the bet systems that are used.
  • The world would be a better place if … (fill in your highest dreams)
  • Environmental problems in our community.
  • Fashion trends in the last century.
  • Pen pals or email pals; how traditional patterns have changed.
  • My favourite sports games on television.
  • My checklist for if you move to another town.
  • Kid cooking is cool – if you know how to prep recipes 🙂
  • My trip abroad to Europe or Latin-America.
  • Monitoring butterflies in the field outside and in our garden.
  • Aztec masks and their amazing stories and secrets hidden inside.
  • Mythological monsters such as the Minotaur and Nymphs.
  • How to organize a fun weekend for the whole family.
  • If I was born hundred years ago, I would be …:
  • African masks and their meaning in holy rituals.
  • Ancient Chinese emperors and their interesting uniform and dress looks.
  • The Ice Age; when, how and the causes are good K-6 subjects to come across.
  • Pollution sources in our world, and what to do about them in a cost-friendly way at home.
  • A Day In the life of a kid in Ancient Rome, compare it with your own modern life.
  • Discovering caves are cool grade 6 speech topics to tell something more and show them the work of speleologists.
  • Traditional fairy tales from around the world – remember the thick book of the Grimm Brothers?
  • Puppets and their funny looking but indeed very serious theatrical performances from Java, Indonesia.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank (book or movie) and the meaning today.
  • My penpal or better: email-pal from the other side of the world.
  • The secrets of the Egypt King Tutankhamun.
  • If I was a journalist, I should investigate …
  • If I won one million dollars, I would …
  • When I am grown up I want to become a / an …
  • Last weekend I was at …
  • The funniest thing that ever happened to me this month or year.
  • Things that make you happy right away if you have the power to buy or dictate.
  • Ways I use to relax.
  • Favorite sports moments.
  • The character I want to be in a movie the hero with heroic courage / or the villain who gets the worst of it in the end.
  • My most memorable vacation trip till now.
  • The best summer camp games I have ever played and enjoyed very much.
  • My favorite spot in the woods near our cabin.
  • Your most favorite memories are also great grade 6 speech topics too to talk about in school.
  • When you take a walk in the woods, you can see more than you might think …
  • Recipes for kids, orally like your favorite meals and food.
  • Cool home computer games I like to play, criticize, review and share in class.
  • The day I was sick and I must see the doctor.
  • Pot and care for a plant or small vegetable ishard labor and needs patience.
  • How to make a marionette puppet – a grade 8 speech topic for the artistic
  • Birds in our backyard, you’re perplexed about the miles they flew to get there.
  • Oceans of the world: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic gulf streams.
  • A ride in a truck for transporting heavy objects.
  • What is a decent dress code for a serious dinner at official moments:
  • My musical instrument and the lessons I take.
  • Why giraffes have long necks.
  • Animals I should take in Noah’s Ark – and the philosophy behind it.
  • Why I like to dance my favorite dance.
  • I cope with fear of public speaking for this grade 8 speech by … (secret tactic)
  • Magic tricks with simple playing cards for every unexpected occassion.
  • Exotic fruits and vegetables in grocery stores; look up where they come from.
  • Best 3D paper models: cars, robots, spaceships, airplanes, buildings.
  • Things to expect when your mother is pregnant.
  • Birds, bears and rabbits spend the winter by sleeping, why?
  • My first visit to a dentist: the correct way to brush and floss your teeth.
  • Family members I admire: uncles, aunts, nieces or nephews.
  • Music festivals and the big logistics puzzle of the organizing parties involved.
  • History of the Panama Canal, and the way the pilotage handle very big ships.
  • How does global warming affect the icebergs?
  • If I was my father or mother for one day.
  • My favorite era in history.
  • What’s in my room at home.
  • The school field trip I would like to make.

Elementary school speech topics on animal keeping, favorite things to do at home or the playground and specific hints that lead to innumerable variations:

  • What makes me happy.
  • Our last vacation trip.
  • Fairy tale characters you would like to talk with.
  • Magic tricks you can show.
  • Funny things my pet has done. A great quantity of this special theme is to be sorted out of animals and keeing them at home. Do consult your atending if you may bring an animal in class. In case of hesitation – do not cross this line:
  • My favorite family story.
  • Oceans in the world.
  • My neighbourhood.
  • Funny Halloween costumes, inspires to lots of funny elementary school speech topics.
  • A visit to the doctor, dentist.
  • How does it feel to wake up an being a giant?
  • Places I lived.
  • Why I want to travel in space to the interstellair universe.
  • The best paper airplanes withput less folding work.
  • How boomerangs return to their sender.
  • Circus clowns in all sorts and characters.
  • My one-day internship at the fire department.
  • Fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
  • The best fishing spots.
  • My best birthday ever.
  • I am good at …
  • This is the song I like to sing every day is: …
  • Making puzzles of thouands pieces and the tricks I have learned.
  • Police uniforms or fire department attire outfits.
  • What can you see in the zoo?
  • Musical instruments in an full orchestra.

School speech topics tips for verification and 1-2-3 step checking at the secondary middle, high and elementary public speaking homework assignments on teaching skills. In a nutshell: they are easy to answer questions to make a better choice for creating the best result.

Also on this page, you will discover tips to concrete communication issues and education resources. They lead you in the right direction; you only have to use your fantasy.

Let the imaginary juices flow in your brains!

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Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Read all my checks for writing subjects and after you have completed that task follow all secure education idea links to the online education lists I have shaped and modified in class education material:



More aggravated lists of themes and valuable information regarding different subjects for future generations education are below. As well as a summary of the implications and / or requirements of what you have found, and school speech topics you could analyze in class.

You can sort out any ideas you like to talk about in oral lessons, scan the possible suggestions and think about what your audience like to hear you talking about: cite short passages and quotation excerpts from well-known experts in the field of research, or refer to good knowledge illustrations and sustainable proof.

Learn to gather material from outside sources about your thread for grades 9 through 12 learning, and deliver your opinion strongly and concisely. Give plain reasons for something you believe. Foster support for your solution, theory or device.

This is principally beneficial for achieving higher education institute assertiveness when you are on stage and put two or more views together, and provide a reason for putting them together by logical reasoning. Another method is approaching the subject matter in both positive and negative lights.

Tracing how something has induced artificially from an earlier state to its current form could welcomed by higher pedagogic instructors.

Next tip: workout extensive information on indoor and outdoor recreation activities to tempt your public to explore other activities than dating, dancing and drinking in a local bar.

Sports is a candidate for finding senior graded school speech topics. E.g. sport as profession to earn a living. With a scientific twist you make it more sophisticated, and because you’re highly qualified and have an actively learning attitude you are able to get their thesis commitment.

Some moves that matter in lower classes are the so-called critize teaching skills, often described as asking and wondering through critical inquiry:

You can help your teacher and fill her or him with enthusiasm by going extracurricular in proposing a particular judgment on a certain top topicality and examen the validity of the arguments by criticizing. This has been in practice in the late seventies – when things went the old-fashioned and more severe way 🙂 – but this technique has made a terrific comeback and is now used in grades 5 through 8 homework assignments.

Many of my visitors look for sixth grade inspiration, or class 6 if you live in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Primary 5 or 6 in Singapore, and 6ГЁme in France for example. Anyway, in what country you are right now does not matter; all school speech topics are created for children in the range of eleven and twelve years old.

The same holds good for class conversations of (usually) thirteen to fourteen years old who try to cover explanations of various objects and their meaning in the accustomed world of the eight grade population.

Children speak the truth, is often said 🙂 And that saying is more than true. Give them something to chew on in public – from colouring plates to planting and caring for trees – and it is so easy, a younger persons can do it 🙂

More for girls and boys – although it depends on the specific age or progress of the pupils – can be found at this index number two. Help them to be able to get to know the material, and to make the first steps on the path of learning the rudimentary public speaking skills (that are valuable for their whole life).

I have shaped a list that also contains some reference information for nursery and primary and kindergarten material.


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Ceremonial Speech Topics

9 thoughts on “224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]”

The topics are 1: the worst day in my life 2: how can we take care of our elders at home. 3: good qualities about your classmates. 4: how I learnt cycling. 5: if you are alone at home and a stranger enters what would you do.

My topic ideas are: Why I hate speeches (for middle school or elementary school) My favorite type of music (for elementary school) Why parents shouldn’t spank their children and better ways to punish children (for elementary school)

The key to success is positive thinking

My favorite holiday

Wow. Just wow.

mental health is an important issue

“Prayer should be compulsory”…that’s my suggestion of a topic

At school there should be a free period where you can do anything you want

Why is the canteen so expensive?

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100+ Impromptu Speech Topics

delivering an impromptu speech topic

An impromptu speech is a speech that is not planned or written in advance. The speaker has to think on their feet and come up with something compelling to say, often in a very short amount of time.

It is usually given in response to a prompt, such as a question from an audience member or a topic that has been provided at events such as Toastmasters and debating competitions.

You might also have to deliver an impromptu speech in social settings, such as parties or gatherings. If you are at a party and someone asks you to give a toast, you can deliver an impromptu speech. If you are at a wedding reception, where you’re the best man or maid of honor, you may be asked to say a few words.

Impromptu speeches can be challenging to deliver because you have limited time to prepare and you may not be familiar with the topic. But it is one of the best ways to overcome the fear of public speaking . The best impromptu speeches are usually short, so try to keep yours under 5-8 minutes.

Tips for choosing an impromptu speech topic

Here are a few tips to help you choose an impromptu speech topic:

  • Choose a topic that you are familiar with : This will help you feel more comfortable when speaking and make it easier to come up with points to support your argument.
  • Make sure the topic is interesting : If you are bored by the topic, chances are your audience will be too. Choose something that is controversial or thought-provoking to keep your audience engaged.
  • Avoid topics that are too personal unless necessary : Stick to topics that are general and can be related to the majority of people in your audience. Save the personal stories for later.
  • Choose a positive story : Negativity is a downer, so try to choose a topic that is uplifting or at least neutral. You want your audience to leave feeling good, not worse.

Tips for delivering an impromptu speech

Typically, you have around 30 seconds to a minute to prepare for an impromptu speech. Here are some tips to help you deliver a successful impromptu speech:

  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about : When you are passionate about the topic you’re going to speak about, it will come through in your voice and mannerisms. This will help you make your impromptu speech more dynamic and interesting. Your audience will be able to sense your enthusiasm and get them engaged.
  • Keep it simple : Don’t try to cram too much information into your impromptu speech. Choose one main point and stick to it. This will make it easier for you to stay on track and ensure that your audience understands what you’re saying.
  • Prepare quickly : While you don’t have a lot of time to prepare for your impromptu speech, it is important to have a general understanding of your topic before you deliver it. Try to get a feel for the flow and structure of your speech in your head. This will help you to think on your feet and respond to questions from the audience, as well as give you the opportunity to iron out any kinks.
  • Start strong : Grab your audience’s attention from the very beginning with an interesting opening line. This will set the tone for the rest of your speech and ensure that people are listening to what you have to say. A little bit of humor can help ease the tension and engage your audience from the start. Just be careful not to offend anyone!
  • Speak slowly : Nerves can make you speak quickly, but try to slow down and take deep breaths. This will help you project your voice and control the tempo of your speech.
  • Use Gestures : Gestures can help emphasize your points and make you appear more confident. If you find a visual aid around you that’s suitable, use it as a prop. Just don’t overdo it!
  • Engage your audience : Throughout your impromptu speech, try to engage your audience as much as possible. Ask questions, use humor, and make eye contact. This will keep people interested in what you’re saying and make them more likely to remember your message.
  • Conclude with an important message : End your impromptu speech on a high note with a powerful conclusion. This will leave your audience with a positive impression of you and your talk.
  • Follow up : After your impromptu speech, be sure to follow up with any questions or comments from the audience. This shows that you are interested in their feedback and willing to engage in further discussion.

Easy Impromptu Speech Topics

1. The worst-case scenario.

2. What I would do with a million dollars.

3. My first car.

4. The best day of my life.

5. A time when I was extremely embarrassed.

6. My biggest fear.

7. The most interesting place I have ever been.

8. If I could have any superpower, what would it be?

9. The best/worst gift I have ever received.

10. A time when I had to face a difficult situation.

11. If I could be anyone for a day, who would it be?

12. My favorite childhood memory.

13. Something that I am passionate about.

14. A time when I had to overcome a challenge.

15. The best/worst vacation I have ever taken.

16. A time when I made a fool of myself.

17. If I could go back in time, what would I change?

18. A person who has had a significant influence on my life.

19. My biggest accomplishment.

20. My biggest failure.

21. A time when I was treated unfairly.

22. A hobby or interest that I have.

23. Something that I am afraid of.

24. A time when I had to make a difficult decision.

25. The best/worst job I have ever had.

26. My favorite/least favorite subject in school.

27. A time when I was proud of myself.

28. A time when I was disappointed in myself.

29. An event that changed my life.

30. A time when I helped someone.

31. A time when I was helped by someone.

32. A place that I have always wanted to visit.

33. My favorite/least favorite food.

34. My favorite/least favorite season.

35. My favorite/least favorite animal.

36. Something that I am good at.

37. Something that I am bad at.

38. My favorite/least favorite movie.

39. My favorite/least favorite book.

40. My favorite/least favorite TV show.

41. A time when I was really angry.

42. A time when I was really happy.

43. A time when I was really scared.

44. Something that made me laugh.

45. Something that made me cry.

46. A time when I was really frustrated.

47. A time when I was really bored.

48. A goal that I have.

49. A New Year’s resolution that I have made (and kept).

50. Something that I am looking forward to in life.

Hard Impromptu Speech Topics

1. The pros and cons of social media

2. The rise of populism around the world

3. The impact of climate change on our generation

4. Technology addiction and its effect on our mental health

5. Should wealthy nations do more to help refugees?

6. Is a college education worth the cost?

7. Are we becoming too reliant on technology?

8. Should the legal drinking age be raised?

9. Is our society too materialistic?

10. Are we doing enough to protect the environment?

11. The controversial issue of abortion

12. Should capital punishment be abolished?

13. Is there too much pressure on young people to succeed?

14. The mental health crisis among young people

15. The problem of fake news

16. Is our education system preparing students for the real world?

17. Are we becoming too reliant on artificial intelligence?

18. Should genetic engineering be regulated?

19. The ethical implications of cloning

20. Should animals be used for scientific research?

Impromptu Speech Topics for Middle School Students

1. A time when you had to stand up for yourself.

2. A time when you had to stand up for someone else.

3. A time when you made a difficult decision.

4. A time when you faced a challenge.

5. A time when you were proud of yourself.

6. A person who has inspired you.

7. A place that is special to you.

8. A memory that makes you smile.

9. An event that changed your life.

10. Something that you are passionate about.

11. A hobby or interest that you have.

12. A time when you overcame a fear.

13. A lesson that you have learned in life.

14. A goal that you are working towards.

15. A person who has had a positive impact on your life.

16. A time when you were proud of someone else.

17. Something that you are grateful for.

18. A time when you faced a difficult situation.

19. A challenge that you are currently facing.

20. A decision that you made that you are proud of.

Impromptu Speech Topics for College Students

1. What was your most embarrassing moment?

2. What is your favorite TV show and why?

3. What would you do if you were president for a day?

4. How do you study for exams?

5. Who is your hero and why?

6. What are your thoughts on love and relationships?

7. What is your favorite social media platform and why?

8. What is your take on beauty and standards of attractiveness?

9. Do you think college is worth the investment?

10. What are your thoughts on failure?

11. What do you think about change?

12. Are you a risk-taker?

13. Do you think people can truly change?

14. How do you deal with stress and anxiety?

15. What are your thoughts on success?

16. Do you have any fears or phobias?

17. What is your favorite memory?

18. What are your thoughts on time management?

19. What do you think about procrastination?

20. What is your opinion on technology and its impact on society?

Impromptu Speech Topics for High School Students

2. What are your thoughts on love?

3. What is your favorite memory?

4. Who is your hero and why?

5. What would you do with a million dollars?

6. What is your biggest fear?

7. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

8. What are your thoughts on failure?

9. What makes you happy?

10. What is the meaning of life?

11. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?

12. What are your thoughts on religion?

13. Do you think people can change?

14. What is your view on politics?

15. What is art?

16. What is beauty?

17. What is the most important thing in life?

18. What do you think happens after death?

19. Do you think people are capable of goodness?

20. What does it mean to be human?

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topics for impromptu speech for high school students


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Impromptu Speech Topics

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Demonstrative Speech Topics

Imagine having been invited to attend a charity dinner. Then one of the organizers indiscriminately selects you to give a speech on a particular impromptu topic. Daunting, right? But you do not have to be scared of such a scenario because, as it turns out, the key secret to tackling any speech is always preparation. Addressing an audience is terrifying, even to the most experienced orators. However, you can enhance your confidence and give any speech without fear if you practice. Since impromptu speeches are considered the most difficult to deliver, you will be in a good place if you can master their dynamics. Achieving this requires an understanding of a variety of impromptu speech topics. This article from our speech writing service seeks to explain the meaning of spontaneous speech topics and provides a list of several speech concepts for you to practice.


Contact StudyCrumb to get professional help with writing a speech for any occasion. From impromptu speeches to academic writing, our writers can compose outstanding texts on any topic. Send us ‘ write my assignment for me ’ request and enjoy an excellent outcome.

Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

An impromptu speech is delivered without prior preparation or organization. Before presenting the speech, you should come up with a topic that is suitable for both the occasion and the event. Mostly, you are given 1 to 3 minutes to prepare and deliver the speech lasting 5-10 minutes. It is commonly used in debates, weddings, public speaking classes, etc. Impromptu speech topics refer to the random topics people discuss in their speeches. In other words, it is anything that you choose to talk about. These topics can focus on any theme depending on the creativity and knowledge level of the speaker. A random speech may cover your aspirations, past experiences, trends, imaginations, etc.

A good impromptu topic can make it easy for you to deliver your speech. To choose good impromptu topics , you will have to look at the following tips:

Mostly, impromptu speeches are short and simple, and you are given only a few minutes to prepare them. Consequently, it would help if you came up with a fitting topic for your listeners. Sometimes choosing topics for impromptu speech may be harder than its delivery. The following steps will guide you on how to select a random topic for speech:

If you have a hard time preparing a speech, consider using a professional writing service. Buy a speech from StudyCrumb and get a text that will impress your audience. 

Do you intend to enhance your communication and speech delivery significantly? Then you are in the right place because we have listed the best impromptu speech topics to nourish your competence. Go through this list and find one that suits you:

To get more ideas, you can browse other our blogs with topics in different fields. Start with education action research topics . Choose something that is familiar to you. 

Are you searching for good topics for impromptu speeches? Look no further because you can select any random speech topic from the following list:

Are you looking for intriguing impromptu ideas for topics? Then you are in the right place. The following impromptu topics list will both intrigue and interest your audience:

If you are looking for random topics for speech, pay attention to speech and debate impromptu topics. These are used to create random speeches that derive contrary opinions. Check out the following list:

Do you wish to make people laugh with impromptu prompts? Then you are lucky because the list below contains ideas for funny impromptu speech topics:

When considering the topic for your speech, it is better to look for an easy impromptu speech topic. This is because complex impromptu speeches topics may be hard to deliver. Below is a list of topics that are easy to give.

Creativity is an area that is highly utilized in designing improv speech topics. If what you are looking for is creative speaking prompts, the list below will satisfy your curiosity:

There are several impromptu speech questions that you need to ask to trigger the interest of your audience. If this is what you are searching for, then the following list has a variety of impromptu speech prompts to get you going:

For those searching for uniqueness in their addresses, the list below presents unique impromptu speech topics that will blow your audience's minds:

One of the aims of a speech is to persuade the audience. To achieve this, you will be required to deliver speech prompts to sway your listeners. The following is a list of persuasive impromptu topic ideas:

Any time you are in public, you can be required to deliver an impromptu speech. This is why the topic should be introduced to students from a young age. If you are a student, you should make an effort to practice impromptu speeches. This will polish your communication skills and elevate your confidence level. To improve your delivering skills, make sure to look at the following random impromptu speech topics to help you generate concepts for your speech.

Learning to deliver spontaneous addresses should go as far as middle school. There are several impromptu topics for middle school children. The following list presents tips for quick speech topics:

Impromptu speech delivery is an essential part for high school students. The following are ideas of topics for an impromptu speech for high school students:

If you are looking for ideas of impromptu speech topics for college students or demonstrative speech topics , then you are in the right place. The list below are examples of college impromptu speech topics:

You can never exhaust the list of ideas for impromptu speech topics. But if by now you are still looking for more inspiration, here is a extra list of impromptu speech ideas that will fire up your creativity:

By now you are familiar with the definition of impromptu topics and also know how to select an impromptu topic for your speech. Therefore, you have moved a step closer to improving your delivery skills. The above examples are just a scope of impromptu speech topics you can use to develop your own. After going through this list, you can select an impromptu topic that captures your interest and start practicing your speech delivery method. Only by practicing can you become an expert in prompt delivery. 

  • Simple: must be simple and uncomplicated to be understood by the audience.
  • Limited: ought to be limited so you can cover it within a few minutes.
  • Interesting: should be engaging to grab the audience’s attention.
  • Situational: supposed to be suitable to the situation or event in which it is delivered.
  • Identify the nature and purpose of the event. Your topic should be relevant to the occasion.
  • Know your audience. You should recognize the common features of your audience before selecting a topic that is relevant to them.
  • Think of your personal knowledge, and experiences. Always look for a topic that interests you or one that you are most knowledgeable about.
  • Ensure that the topic is relevant i.e., it coincides with current issues.
  • Brainstorm and make a short list of fitting topics.
  • Decide on which topic you are going to talk about and commit to it.
  • The world has become a global village.
  • Imperative lessons that I have learned in life.
  • Online communication is killing real-life connections.
  • Your favorite stand-up comedian.
  • If I ruled the world.
  • Does color affect a person's mood?
  • Is beauty dependent on the beholder?
  • Children become their environment.
  • My favorite childhood memory.
  • Do we overrate being young?
  • How do we define a hero?
  • Do sports teams build strong characters?
  • People are killing the earth.
  • Man is to error.
  • Plants do feel too.
  • Importance of goal setting.
  • What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
  • Why do we love junk food so much?
  • A way to improve your mental health .
  • Can education cure ignorance?
  • Laughter is the best remedy.
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  • Superhero culture in our society.
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  • The day I fell in love with baseball.
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  • Who is your favorite person?
  • If you had the ability to fly like a bird, what would you do?
  • Can inadequate nutrition affect a person's beauty?
  • Music affects a person's mental health.
  • We are unknowingly using traditional herbs.
  • Is global warming a myth?
  • A nerve-wracking novel I read.
  • Social media has promoted racism.
  • Have you ever witnessed a bank robbery?
  • How the media controls the way we think.
  • Why you should stop constantly checking social media.
  • How did the Christmas celebrations start?
  • Why women should be allowed to be priests.
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  • How to survive in the jungle.
  • First aid for someone unconscious.
  • How can I help someone who is drowning?
  • How can I improve my popularity?
  • Requirements for becoming a baseball player.
  • How can I avoid being mugged?
  • Learning more than one language.
  • Vegetarians' lifestyle is overrated.
  • Prevent cheating in exams.
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What Are Impromptu Speech Topics?

What makes a good impromptu topic, how to choose an impromptu speech topic, best topics for impromptu speech, good impromptu speech topics, intriguing impromptu topics ideas, debatable random speech topics, fun impromptu speech topics, easy impromptu speech topics, creative impromptu speaking topics, interesting impromptu questions, unique topics for impromptu speech, persuasive impromptu speech topics, list of impromptu speech topics for students, impromptu speech topics for middle school, impromptu speech topics for high school, impromptu speech topics for college, bonus impromptu speech ideas, final thoughts on speech prompts.

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  • The 4 main speech types
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  • Delivery overview
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  • 9 vocal aspects
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Speech Topics - 100s of them!

By:  Susan Dugdale   | Last modified: 01-10-2023

Speech ideas ordered by speech type & theme 

So you're preparing to give a speech.

The next step, unless you've been told or you've already decided for yourself, is choosing a topic.

What will you talk about?  There are literally so many possibilities.

To make choosing a subject easier, here's a collection of speech topic suggestions arranged either by speech type,  age group or theme. 

  • Demonstration speech topics  (5 pages: 738 + topics)
  • Speech topics for kids  (2 pages: 150 + topics)
  • Persuasive topics  (6 pages: 998+ topics)

125 examples of narrative speech topics

  • 60 vocal variety and body language topics

145 good cause and effect topics for students

  • Fun public speaking topics  (2 pages:165 topics)
  • 180+ interesting topics for students  (1 page: 180 + topics)
  • Good informative speech topics  (1 page: 100s of topics)
  • Commemorative speech topic ideas  (1 page: themes)
  • Argumentative/controversial speech topics  (1 page: 290 topics)
  • Easter themed speech topics  (1 page: 32 topics)
  • Impromptu speech topics  (4 pages: 570 topics)
  • Printable impromptu speech topics  (98 proverbs or quotations ready-to-go)

Teacher or student, these lists are for you.

I hope they're useful! Happy speaking, Susan

Demonstration speech ideas

Image: row of men's neckties. Text: Demonstration speech topic possibilities-How to knot a tie.

These are the 'show and tell' or 'how to' speeches where you demonstrate a skill, make something, or explain how something works. Think of these speeches as stepping through a process from beginning to end, showing and explaining every step of the way.

The goal of them is often to inspire those listening to try whatever is being shown for themselves.

I have five pages of topics specifically selected because they are good for demonstration speeches. You'll see the lists are adaptable to meet the needs of people of middle school age and upwards.

  • 290 themed 'how to' demonstration speech ideas   
  • 6 themed demonstration topic lists using the magic of 'how'
  • 50 soft skill 'how to' demonstrative speech topics
  • 100+ 10-minute, or less, demonstration speech topics
  • 188 funny how-to speech topics

Return to Top

Speech topics for kids

Graphic: painting of a girl swinging on a tire swing. Text: Graffiti is art. Speech topics for middle school.

I've got two pages of speech topics especially chosen with children in mind. They're mainly for kids in the middle school age bracket (11 - 14 years old) but are readily adaptable for those either younger or older.

Both pages are really useful if you're a teacher or parent looking for inspiration! I've carefully put together lists covering social/community issues, arts and culture, sports and games, food, fun and whimsy, hobbies, and more. 

-  8 themed lists of speech topics for children

- 50+ elocution topics for kids

Persuasive speech topics

Image: plate with the remains of a piece of chocolate cake. Text: Having your cake and eating it too is fair. Fun persuasive speech topics -

Convince me!

Change my mind!

Challenge my thinking!

Convert me!

And, if appropriate, make me laugh!

Whatever topic you choose you will be expected to take a position on it and persuade your audience to consider what you're saying about it seriously.

For example:

'To be vegan is the only right, and moral way to live.'

'Good or right thinking is a matter of opinion.' 

My six persuasive speech topic pages are below.

  • 50 good persuasive speech topics
  • 5 0+ persuasive speech topic ideas
  • 105 fun persuasive speech topics
  • 309 easy persuasive speech topics
  • 310 persuasive speech topics for college
  • 108 feminist persuasive speech topics

Chalkboard with text written in white chalk: What's your story? 125 narrative speech topics.

125 strong ideas for effective story telling speeches, preparation guidelines, plus a printable narrative speech outline.

If you're looking for suggestions for the Toastmasters Level Three Project 'Connect with storytelling' these will get you off to a great start.

Go to: 125 examples of narrative speech topics

60 vocal variety & body language topics

Label: Your Body Speaks - 60 vocal variety and body language speech topics.

60 speech topic ideas to help you work with body language and gesture. They're perfect for evocative personal storytelling speeches or for either of these Toastmasters Pathway projects:

  • Level 2: Learning Your Style: Effective Body Language or,
  • Level 1:  Mastering Fundamentals: Vocal Variety and Body Language

Go to 6 0 vocal variety and body language speech topics

WW2 cause and effect speech topic question with outline of soldiers in background

Cause and effect topics for speeches and essays to challenge, connect and make a difference. With explanations, examples and a free printable blank fish bone diagram, (an extremely useful visual cause and effect analytical tool), to download for your own use.

Go to 145 good cause and effect topics

Fun public speaking topics

Image:drawing of a man laughing.Text: The purpose of life is to be happy.

They're silly; deliberately daft and ridiculous!

These speech topics focus on light-hearted nonsense, tilting the world side-ways, giving your audience a glimpse of it funny side-up.

Gems include:

  • 'How to procrastinate like a professional',
  • 'How to look innocent',
  • 'Why lying can be useful', ...

Go on. Make them snort with laughter. Visit:

  • 60 fun public speaking topics for kids of all ages 
  • 1 88 funny how-to speech topics

180 + interesting speech topic ideas

Image: young girl with badge showing Facebook thumbs up icon on her tee-shirt. Background text: Please like me, please like me, please like me...

Here's a page of topic suggestions encouraging people to push beyond ordinary.

There's a bundle of 50 ideas around the growing influence of social media, a collection of 45 thought provoking suggestions centered on your very own community and family history, 61 'weird' topics, and more. 

You only need ONE truly bright and original idea, right?

Have a look here for it.

There are  180  interesting speech topic ideas   to browse through. 

Good informative speech topics

Informational speech topics button

An informative speech does what its title says: it informs. It gives the facts about the topic. Not people's feelings about the subject - just the facts.

Informational speech topic possibilities are quite truly endless.  Use my page as a beginning to set your own creative juices in motion.

Visit:  100s of good informational speech topics

Commemorative speech topic ideas

Definition of the word commemorate.

A commemorative or tribute speech honors the memory of  a person, a group, an institution, a thing, an event or an idea.

Use this  commemorative speech topic helper  page (and its resource links) to identify the right topic and theme to match the event you've been asked to speak at.

239 controversial or argumentative speech topics

Image:drawing of homeless man on street sitting a heart shaped beam of light. Text: The homeless on our streets need our help.

These topics are deliberately provocative. They cover four broad areas affecting us all: the food we eat, our children (from infancy through to teenage years), and the communities/countries we live in.

In addition to the 239 topics there are comprehensive guidelines about choosing the best topic: one fitting yourself and your audience. 

Find yourself a controversial speech topic .

Note: these topics are best suited for high school and college students.

32 Easter themed speech topics

Graphic : drawing of palm tree lined street leading to old buildings. Text: What is the history of Palm Sunday? 30+ Easter themed speech topics.

Easter - what is its history? What are the special days, like Palm Sunday, all about? What do bunnies and chocolate eggs have to do with it? Why does the White House have a tradition of egg-rolling as part of its Easter celebrations?

Use this page of 32  Easter speech topic possibilities  to find an idea for an inspirational  demonstration or an interesting informative speech.

Impromptu speech topics

Graphic - antique light bulb. Text: Dozens of bright ideas for impromptu speaking topics.

Help! I have a class and need lots of impromptu speech topics for them to practice with.

You've got them here. I have four pages of topics for impromptu speeches.

You'll find them suitable for middle school and upwards. They're great for public speaking clubs too.

  • 200 impromptu speech topics
  • 150 1 minute speech topics - with sample speech outlines, speeches: full text & audio
  • 11 themed sets of fun topics for impromptu speeches
  • 80+ themed table topic questions, with printables   

And last, but not least there's ...

98 printable impromptu speech topic cards, an almost* instantly available resource for busy public speaking teachers.

If you're time-poor and need a grab-and-go solution to your "HELP! I want speech topics for my public speaking class, and I need them now" problem, check these out.

Printable Impromptu Speech Topic Cards

Graphic: girl riding a wolf. Text: Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.

* It'll take you 5 minutes to select the set you want, (proverbs or quotations), pay, and have it downloaded ready for printing. You'll be getting 98 themed speech topic cards - a great reusable resource for $4.75.

& One Minute Speeches!

Another almost instantly available resource. - one minute speeches

A fun and hugely effective impromptu speaking activity. You get topics + instructions for the core activity, plus three advanced variations for $5.95. Take a look - One Minute Speeches .

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  • Demonstration speech topics
  • Impromptu speech topic cards
  • Thank you quotes
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topics for impromptu speech for high school students

100+ Best Impromptu Speech Topic for Public Speaking

Impromptu Speech Topics

Delivering or planning to write an impromptu speech topic is considered to be a quite challenging task, especially for students and newbie. Thus, it is most important to ace writing these speeches. Once you get an expert in composing this speech, then writing under other topics like commemorative speech topics , persuasive speech, etc. will be quite easier for you to prepare.

Delivering this speech is an incredible method to rehearse random thinking and speaking. The reason why students find this as the most difficult speech to prepare is that you will have less planning time, probably just a couple of minutes for composing an impromptu speech topic.

Though the speech would be of brief length, yet it must follow a structure to follow. A paper helper says that is imperative to guarantee that what you are stating is unmistakably perceived by others. 

You can likewise investigate our detailed guide on the most proficient method to compose a speech to obviously comprehend the structure of the speech. In case you are not that good at public talking, then pick a topic that can effectively boost your level of confidence. Furthermore, you ought to know some impromptu speech topics that will assist you with building confidence in writing a wide range of speeches and discussions.

For knowing so, take a detailed look at this blog, but before that, it is recommended to know in brief what exactly impromptu speech is.

What is the Impromptu Speech? 

An impromptu speech is a sort of speech that is usually prepared by the students within a specified short time-limit or often without any preliminary preparation. Unlike that of demonstrative speech topics , one gets a limited time framework of 1-3 minutes for preparing a speech that lasts around 5-7 minutes. Sometimes, even the preparation time is being reduced to 1 minute and you are expected to prepare it within your mind with no extra time to jot down the points on a paper.

These types of speeches are gaining huge popularity because it is being widely used for practicing communication skills and testing public speaking. Most commonly, these speeches are delivered at meetings, debates, competitions, classes, and other informative events.

Prior to when you deliver the speech, it is quite important to create a list of exceptional points that you should include in it for making your speech stand out from the rest. You can also go through the next section to get some relevant tips on picking the right topic for your impromptu speech.

Quick Tips to Pick the Right Impromptu Speech Topic:

When you are about to choose a good topic for your impromptu speech, many questions arise in your mind that whether it should be argumentative or debatable topics or the topic should be a neutral one. Well, the truth is that you will not get enough time to think upon this matter at that point. 

Thus, to help you out in this matter, here we have provided some quick tips which you can easily consider while picking up the best speech topic.

  • Select a topic that you are well aware of : Attempt to pick a topic you know about or effectively acquainted with or something you anxiously need to discuss. Avoid selecting topics that you are less knowledgeable about and have less experience. 
  • Choose a researchable topic : If you get a little bit of time for preparation of the speech, then always go for a topic that is researchable so that you can take a quick look at the facts to get to know more about it.
  • Pick a topic with a limited scope : Pick a topic or thought where the scope is restricted so you can cover all its significant aspects. 
  • Add value to your chosen topic : If you have already chosen a topic then add value to it by sharing your personal experience, speaking of something that has motivated or inspired you.
  • Keep the objective in mind : You must remember the goal of the speech, that is, to convince and educate your audience, similar to that of persuasive speech topics . Along these lines, pick a topic that meets these criteria.

List of Some Interesting Impromptu Speech Topics:

Regardless of the topic that you choose for your impromptu speech, it should convince your audience at the last. Consider buying a essay online from experienced writers to ease your convenience, who can guide you with diverse topics for your impromptu speech by meeting your expectations. 

You can choose any of the topics given below and proceed with writing the speech. Similar to that of commemorative speech, you need to create a speech outline beforehand and then focus on creating your final draft of the speech.

Persuasive Impromptu Speech Topics 

  • Social media should have stricter rules for censorship
  • English classes should be made compulsory for all field of studies
  • E-books are quite better than traditional paper books
  • Should tipping in restaurants be made obligatory?
  • How the working middle class gets affected by the current taxation system?
  • Why there is an urgent need for cybersecurity protocols?
  • Should immigration laws be made less rigid?
  • Child abuse transform normal people into psychopaths
  • Motherhood is incomparable and is still valued in today’s society

Impromptu Speech Topics for Middle School

  • How to make the most of your weekends?
  • My exceedingly awful professional training 
  • Online correspondence can never be comparable to genuine fellowship
  • What is the ideal age for a youngster to get a smartphone? 
  • A celebrity whom you intend to meet and why
  • Things that you usually fail to learn at school
  • If I would have been a detective, I would….
  • A lesson that I learned after making a mistake
  • If I become a famous person, I could choose to be…
  • Are animals stress relievers?

Impromptu Speech Topics for High School

  • How can you prepare your favorite dish
  • How to prevent bullying at school?
  • How can you become a professional essay writer?
  • Creativity can neither be learned nor be taught
  • How to ace your college interview?
  • How to become a professional blogger
  • Failure teaches you lessons that your teacher cannot
  • How to update yourself learning new skills
  • How peer pressure can be a good motivator
  • What are the five things that you are best at

Impromptu Speech Topics for College Students

  • Excellent management strategies to boost your productivity
  • How to find good internships while studying
  • Role of a dress code in a professional workplace
  • Importance of social media marketing
  • Why scholarships are not always fair
  • How to make the internet a better and safer place
  • Should students be provided with an option to choose their own roommates
  • How to prevent yourself from financial scams
  • Discuss some of the best ideas for small businesses

Impromptu Speech Topics for Debate

  • Role of CCTV cameras in personal and commercial space
  • Why humor is considered as a prominent skill for life
  • How intelligence is different from that of wisdom
  • Is social media responsible for more damage than good
  • Are self-driving cars the future of transportation
  • How technology is saving or destroying the world
  • How different it would be if the internet can be used without any restrictions geographically
  • What is a peer to peer technology
  • How climate change affects global warming
  • Why good grades still matter in the professional field

Entertaining Impromptu Speech Topics

  • What are some strange new year resolutions
  • How to become a perfect husband
  • What are some of the ugliest fashions that prevail nowadays
  • What are some fun games to play at the beach
  • Most inappropriate gifts that you have ever received
  • 5 Best ways to make your parents laugh
  • Most entertaining lies that you have come across while on the work floor
  • 10 things not to say in court

Controversial Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Do online catalogs successfully replace physical libraries?
  • How the increase in crime rates is related to violent video games
  • Why female priests are not acceptable in some religions
  • Does the death penalty has lost its place in this modernized society?
  • Should human cloning be banned?
  • Churches and religious organizations should pay taxes
  • Is it fair enough to fire the employers if robots manage to cope up with their functions?

Public Speaking Impromptu Speech Topics

  • How to overcome sports trauma
  • How lying can be good depending upon the circumstances
  • How to prevent yourself from fraudsters
  • Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
  • Important things to keep in mind to achieve your goals
  • How conservation is equivalent to survival
  • How art is essential to life
  • The most useful lesson of my life
  • Talk about some conflict resolution methods that work for you
  • If I had the power to change the world, I would…..
  • My role model in life

Creative Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Talk about the history of currency
  • Global leadership- An unrealistic dream
  • How is media biased to the happenings in the politics
  • Smart strategies to make effective investments
  • Importance of market research while starting a start-up business
  • How emotions are used by deaf people for communication
  • Significance of artificial intelligence in rehabilitation

These are some customized topics for writing your impromptu speech. You can choose any of them as per your choice and requirement and proceed to write the speech.

In case, you are stressed out, then ping us to write an essay introduction , conclusion, or an entire paper. We have professional experts who will help you out in writing papers of your choice, be it any speech writing or essay writing. Our services are transparent and we deliver quality papers timely. So, you can reach out to us to get all sorts of academic help without risking your academic future!

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topics for impromptu speech for high school students

Impromptu Speech Topics For All Ages

Impromptu speech topics

Impromptu speech helps you learn to think on your feet – a useful skill in life. You may practice impromptu speaking if you belong to Toastmasters or another public speaking group. You will be given a topic to prepare quickly. Looking at common speech topics will help you know what to expect.

Public speaking is pretty scary for the average person , even when asked to speak on a topic you are familiar with. Impromptu speeches take this even further, giving little to no preparation time to deliver a speech on a given topic.

This article explores the art of impromptu speaking (sometimes called spontaneous or extempore speaking – although there are subtle differences between the two).

It will include tips and tricks for delivering effective impromptu speeches, common impromptu speech topics, and strategies for overcoming nerves and providing a successful off-the-cuff speech.

Table of Contents

What Are Examples Of Impromptu Speeches?

Impromptu speeches happen in various settings and situations, some of which include:

  • Being asked to say a few words at a wedding, funeral, or other occasions where you may be called upon to give a toast, express condolences, or share a personal story.
  • Giving a quick status report of a project at work or being called upon to give an impromptu presentation or pitch to colleagues, clients, or stakeholders.
  • Belonging to a public speaking group like Toastmasters , where you may be asked to give an impromptu speech as part of an exercise or competition.
  • Random questions in a job interview or similar situation which require you to think on your feet and respond quickly and coherently.
  • Participating in a debate where you may be called upon to respond to an opponent’s argument or make a point on the spot.
  • Encountering unexpected situations where you may need to speak up spontaneously, such as in an emergency or unexpected meeting.

Wedding speech - impromptu speech topics

In each of these situations, impromptu speaking skills come in handy , and developing these skills helps individuals communicate effectively and confidently in various contexts.

While they may seem intimidating, impromptu speeches offer a unique opportunity for speakers to demonstrate their ability to think on their feet, articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively, and engage with their audience.

What Is The Value In Learning To Make Impromptu Speeches?

Learning to make impromptu speeches is a valuable skill that offers several benefits. Here are a few points on why learning how to speak spontaneously helps you in life:

  • Impromptu speeches teach you how to think quickly and respond to unexpected situations. This skill is useful in various cases, such as job interviews, negotiations, and presentations.
  • Making impromptu speeches boosts self-confidence and helps you overcome stage fright while speaking in public. By practicing impromptu speaking, you can become more comfortable speaking in front of others and gain confidence in your ability to communicate effectively.
  • Impromptu speeches help you improve your communication skills by teaching you to articulate your thoughts clearly and effectively. This skill is beneficial in personal and professional settings, as it helps you communicate your ideas more clearly and persuasively.
  • Making impromptu speeches is useful in life . It helps you navigate unexpected situations and communicate your ideas effectively. Whether you are presenting a proposal at work, speaking in front of a group, or simply conversing with someone, the ability to think on your feet and communicate clearly is a valuable asset.

Selecting An Impromptu Speech Topic To Fit The Time

Impromptu speeches are relatively short, typically taking 1 to 5 minutes. However, in some cases, impromptu speeches last 5 to 7 minutes, especially if the speaker is experienced and can think on their feet.

In most cases, the time allotted for preparation for impromptu speeches is usually 1-3 minutes . The speaker must organize their thoughts and structure their speech relatively quickly.

While challenging, it forces the speaker to think quickly and concisely, leading to a more effective and engaging speech.

It’s important to note that the length of impromptu speeches varies depending on the context in which they are given. For example, impromptu speeches in a classroom or public speaking competition may be shorter than those in a professional setting, such as a job interview or business meeting.

1. What Is The Best Topic For A One-Minute Speech?

The best topic idea for a one-minute speech is concise, engaging, and easily understood. Try “A famous person I admire and why” as an example.

Impromptu speech topics - famous person - Barack Obama

2. What Is The Best Topic For A Two-Minute Speech?

These topics must be focused, relevant, and concise. An engaging modern-day issue would be “A cartoon character that reflects my personality.”

3. Which Topic Is Best For A 3-minute Speech?

Three-minute speeches should be informative and allow the speaker to deliver a clear and concise message.

Something everyone relates to is “Why is my favorite movie my favorite movie?” or “How has technology affected modern society, and how has it changed the way we live, work, and communicate?”

Organizing An Impromptu Speech

Impromptu public speaking is nerve-wracking, especially when only given only a couple of minutes to prepare.

However, with less preparation time, you are forced to think quickly and speak confidently, making impromptu speaking a valuable skill to develop.

When preparing for an informative speech, it is important to focus on the main points and structure your address in a way that is easy to follow.

Start with an attention-grabbing opening , state your thesis, and support your argument with evidence and examples. Finally, end with a memorable conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

How Can You Practice To Make Yourself Ready?

You can use several strategies to feel more comfortable and confident speaking spontaneously. One approach is to practice giving short speeches on various topics without much preparation . This allows you to become more comfortable with thinking on your feet and speaking extemporaneously.

Another helpful technique is to practice active listening and critical thinking . When conversing with others, try to listen closely to their points of view and think critically about how you might respond if asked to speak on that topic.

This helps you develop your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively, even on issues you are not familiar with.

Use your best friend, partner, or family member as a target audience.


Joining a public speaking group like Toastmasters is an effective way to practice impromptu speaking.

Many Toastmasters meetings include informal debate competitions and an impromptu speaking component, where members are given a topic and a short time to prepare a speech. This practice hones your improvisational speaking skills in a supportive, structured environment.

Finally, remember that preparation is key . While you can’t know the specific topic you’ll be asked to speak on, you can still prepare yourself by practicing active listening, developing a broad knowledge base, and keeping up with current events.

With these strategies in place, you will feel more confident and ready to tackle any impromptu speaking challenge that comes your way.

Toastmasters prepares speakers with impromptu speech topics

Public Speaking Courses And Other Learning

Public speaking courses are an excellent way to hone your skills. These courses teach you the basics of speech writing and give you the tools you need to create powerful and persuasive speeches.

Additionally, studying strong individuals who have excelled in public speaking, like Martin Luther King Jr. or Malala Yousafzai , are great role models.

Good Impromptu Speech Topics

Impromptu speaking has many genres containing excellent subjects for debates.

Three general impromptu speech topics that are thought-provoking and relevant to society could be:

  • Making schools teach financial literacy
  • Lowering the voting age to 16
  • The ethical implications of gene editing

Here are some more good examples of impromptu speech topics:

Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive speech topics require persuasion and evidence to support the speaker’s point of view. Several good examples are:

  • Should college education be free for all students?
  • Should the death penalty should be abolished
  • Should be a blanket ban on the plastic used in retail goods?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of remote working
  • How to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Parenting using tracking apps to monitor their children’s whereabouts

These subject help develop speakers’ confidence, critical thinking, public speaking, and communication skills,

Should plastic bags be banned - an impromptu speech topic

Informational Speaking

Some speeches are to pass along information, not persuade. Creative information speech topics include

  • The benefits of mindfulness meditation
  • The history of video game consoles
  • How to build your own furniture from scratch

Less Serious Subjects

Topics don’t need to be always serious. Maybe you would like to concentrate on more entertaining speech topics. Aome more light-hearted subjects are

  • Why cats are better than dogs
  • Putting pineapple on pizza ,
  • The worst pickup lines of all time.
  • The art of telling dad jokes
  • A beginner’s guide to creating your own viral TikTok video
  • How to impress your friends with magic tricks

Topics For The Younger Generation

Hot topics vary by age, as topics become more complex and multidimensional.

Middle School Students

  • The importance of teamwork
  • Staying motivated
  • Social media’s impact on our lives

Impromptu speech topics for middle school

High School Students

  • The importance of mental health awareness
  • The impact of technology on interpersonal communication
  • The role of social media in promoting social activism a rewarding challenge

College Students

  • The benefits and drawbacks of online learning
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence and automation
  • The impact of climate change on global politics and society

How Long Do Impromptu Speeches Tend To Be?

It’s important to note that the length of impromptu speeches varies depending on the context in which they are given.

For example, impromptu speeches in a classroom or public speaking competition may be shorter than those in a professional setting, such as a job interview or business meeting.

Extempore Topics for Students

Extempore speaking refers to a speech delivered after some brief preparation . The speaker is given a topic or a general idea of what they will be speaking about, and then they have a short time to prepare their speech. This type of speech requires the speaker to think quickly and coherently organize their thoughts.

Good extempore topics help the speakers deliver a good speech easily and within the given timeframe.

Simple Topics For Extempore Speech

Here are five simple topics that are good examples of extempore speeches:

  • The most important lesson of my life
  • Global warming: A threat to our planet
  • Eye of the beholder: How beauty is subjective
  • Junk food: The unhealthy truth
  • Peer pressure: How to resist it

Impromptu speech topics - junk food

Two-Minute Speech Topics

Here are three effective speech topics you can give in a couple of minutes:

  • Personal experience: A life-changing moment
  • My favorite book/movie/TV show and why
  • The most successful person I know

These focused and concise topics make them suitable for a 2-minute speech. They are also relevant and engaging and can be approached from different angles.

Two-minute Speech Topics For Adults

Here are three effective two-minute speech topics specifically for adults:

  • The importance of financial planning for a secure future and strategies for effective budgeting.
  • The benefits of a positive mindset and strategies for cultivating a growth mindset\
  • The value of effective communication in personal and professional relationships.

Two-Minute Speech Topics For Students

Here are three effective two-minute speech topics specifically for students:

  • Good grades: How to achieve academic success
  • The benefits of volunteering in the community and how it positively affects personal growth and development.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and strategies for using it healthily and safely

Impromptu speech topics - volunteering

These topics are relevant and engaging for students and address important issues relevant to academic and personal growth.

Enhance Your Impromptu Speech Abilities

Impromptu speeches are a great way to improve your public speaking skills and quick-thinking abilities. With no time to prepare, you must rely on your state of mind and sense of humor to deliver a well-constructed speech.

If you struggle to develop speech ideas, consider engaging and informative topics like phobias, rainy days, reality TV, and zoos. However, the fount of topics runs deep!

Real learning comes from experience , so don’t be afraid to practice your impromptu speaking skills in front of others. Remember that even professional athletes have to practice and improve their skills constantly. With time and practice, you, too, can develop your own superpowers as a speaker.

Adam Howarth

Adam covers the topic of Public Speaking for Digital Authority. From his first experience of oratory with his school debating society to his more recent experiences of promoting the local business scene in Wrexham, Wales, he has always been involved in public speaking.

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85 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For High School Students

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people”

These words by the renowned comedian Victor Borge clearly highlight the power of using humor to bring people together. When it comes to persuasive speeches, incorporating a touch of humor can make all the difference. Humor captures the attention of people and connects with them on a personal level which helps make a lasting impression, fulfilling the purpose of a persuasive speech. 

In this blog post, you’ll find a list of funny persuasive speech topics for high school students to help them learn how to use the power of humor to engage the audience while giving a presentation or a speech. Get ready to unleash your inner comedian, challenge the status quo, and inspire laughter while making a compelling point. Remember, my fellow mischief-makers, humor is the secret weapon that can transform any persuasive speech into a rip-roaring adventure. So buckle up, hold onto your funny bones, and let’s embark on this laughter-filled journey of persuasive mischief!

Funny persuasive speech topics for high school students

  • Why cats make better pets than dogs
  • The benefits of procrastination
  • The art of being awkward
  • Why pizza should be considered a vegetable
  • The joys of being a couch potato
  • Why Mondays should be eliminated
  • The secret to being a professional video game player
  • The importance of napping in school
  • The perks of being short
  • The art of taking the perfect selfie
  • Why chocolate should be its own food group
  • The benefits of wearing mismatched socks
  • The science behind laughter
  • How to win an argument even when you’re wrong
  • The best excuses for not doing homework
  • The joys of eating dessert first
  • How to become an expert at taking naps
  • The magic of duct tape
  • The importance of wearing pajamas to school
  • The secret to being a professional procrastinator
  • The art of making funny faces in the mirror
  • Why school should start at noon
  • The benefits of laughing at your own jokes
  • The joys of eating breakfast for dinner
  • The science of funny pick-up lines
  • How to survive a boring class
  • The importance of having a good sense of humor
  • The perks of being a class clown
  • The secret to winning an argument with your parents
  • The art of making funny noises
  • Why wearing pajamas all day is fashionable
  • The benefits of watching cat videos on YouTube
  • The joys of talking to yourself
  • The science behind funny dance moves
  • How to become an expert at using emojis
  • The importance of having a funny ringtone
  • The perks of having a messy room
  • The secret to writing a funny persuasive speech
  • The art of telling cheesy jokes
  • Why sarcasm is the best form of communication
  • The benefits of having a funny nickname
  • The joys of eating dessert for breakfast
  • The science behind funny internet memes
  • How to survive a zombie apocalypse with humor
  • The importance of laughing at your own mistakes
  • The perks of having a funny voice
  • The secret to making your teacher laugh
  • The art of creating funny prank videos
  • Why bad puns are actually good
  • The benefits of using funny GIFs in conversations
  • The joys of making funny faces behind people’s backs
  • The science behind funny YouTube videos
  • How to become an expert at making funny animal sounds
  • The importance of having a funny alarm clock
  • The perks of having a funny email signature
  • The secret to making people laugh without saying a word
  • The art of writing funny captions for Instagram photos
  • Why awkward moments make the best memories
  • The benefits of using funny memes in school presentations
  • The perks of having a funny voicemail message
  • The secret to making funny faces in class without getting caught
  • Why laughing at yourself is a sign of confidence
  • The benefits of having a funny signature move
  • The joys of eating ice cream in the winter
  • The importance of having a funny desktop wallpaper
  • The perks of having a funny profile picture
  • The secret to making people laugh through written communication
  • The art of delivering a funny introduction
  • The benefits of starting a laughter club in school
  • The joys of creating funny doodles in class
  • How to become an expert at telling funny anecdotes
  • The secret to making funny faces in photos without looking awkward
  • Why telling jokes during presentations can improve your grades
  • The benefits of using humor to diffuse tense situations
  • The joys of making funny voices during storytelling
  • The science behind why puns are universally funny
  • How to become an expert at creating funny social media posts
  • The importance of using humor to cope with stress
  • The perks of having a funny ringtone for each of your friends
  • The art of creating funny skits for school events
  • Why laughing at your own mistakes is a sign of self-acceptance
  • The benefits of using humor in persuasive writing
  • The joys of organizing a school-wide prank day
  • The science behind why funny videos go viral
  • The importance of using humor to connect with others

How to choose the best topic?

Humor has a remarkable ability to engage an audience, break down barriers, and make your message memorable. Whether it is quotes for seniors , lunch box notes , or reunion quotes , infusing humor can effectively communicate your ideas while ensuring a delightful experience for your listeners.

Now, let’s explore the key pointers to help you choose the best persuasive funny topic:

  • Consider your audience: Take into account the preferences, interests, and sense of humor of your audience. Tailor your topic to their tastes to maximize engagement and enjoyment.
  • Find relevance: Look for topics that have a connection to your audience’s lives. Explore everyday situations, common experiences, or current events that can be presented in a humorous and relatable way.
  • Combine unexpected elements: Think outside the box and combine unrelated ideas or concepts to create a humorous twist. Unleash your creativity and embrace the unexpected to generate laughter and intrigue.
  • Balance humor and persuasion: While humor is essential, ensure that your topic still serves a persuasive purpose. Find a balance between entertaining your audience and effectively conveying your message or call to action.
  • Test your ideas: Share your potential topics with friends, family, or colleagues with a similar sense of humor. Gauge their reactions and seek feedback to determine which topics elicit the most laughter and enthusiasm.

Humor has the remarkable ability to captivate an audience, break down barriers, and make our messages unforgettable. By infusing our speeches with wit and comedic charm, we can effectively communicate our ideas while leaving a lasting impression. 

Remember, the key to a successful funny persuasive speech lies in understanding our audience, finding relevance in our topics, and striking a balance between humor and persuasion. Now, go forth, and discover a myriad of funny and quirky topics discussed above, challenging the conventional and inviting laughter into your persuasive endeavors. Let your persuasive speeches resonate with humor and charm.

topics for impromptu speech for high school students

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Students

  • Homework Tips
  • Learning Styles & Skills
  • Study Methods
  • Time Management
  • Private School
  • College Admissions
  • College Life
  • Graduate School
  • Business School
  • Distance Learning
  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

If you are planning a persuasive speech, you should think about a topic that can engage your audience. For this reason, you may want to consider a few topics before settling on the one that allows you to be more descriptive and entertaining.

Another important factor when picking a persuasive speech topic is to choose one that can provoke your audience. If you stir up a little emotion in your audience members, you'll keep their attention.

The list below is provided to help you brainstorm. Choose a topic from this list, or use it to generate an idea of your own. It could even be an idea that opposes the proposed example. For instance, instead of arguing American workers should be guaranteed a three-day weekend by law, you could argue why this shouldn't be the case.

How to Pick a Good Persuasive Speech Topic

Persuasive speeches are generally meant to convince an audience to agree with an idea you present. The topics can range from political to scientific or societal, and professional to personal—or even fun. They can be almost anything.

Just remember, a persuasive speech is different than a persuasive essay because you are presenting to an audience. So as you decide on a topic, think about your audience and decide on a subject matter that will be appropriate, compelling, and engaging to discuss. Perhaps it's a timely issue attracting a lot of news coverage, or maybe you want to be motivational and encourage a healthy activity. Whatever it is, structure your argument with a hook to capture attention , a clear definition of the topic or issue, and finally, your proposed solution or opinion.

100 Examples of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Studying martial arts is good for mind and health.
  • Competitive sports can teach us about life.
  • Reality shows are exploiting people.
  • Community service should be a graduation requirement for all high school students.
  • The characteristics that make a person a hero.
  • It's important to grow things in a garden.
  • Violent video games are dangerous.
  • Lyrics in a song can impact our lives.
  • Traveling and studying abroad are positive experiences.
  • Journal writing is therapeutic.
  • You should spend time with your grandparents.
  • A laptop is better than a tablet.
  • Religion and science can go hand in hand.
  • School uniforms are good.
  • All-female colleges and all-male colleges are bad.
  • Multiple-choice tests are better than essay tests .
  • We should not spend money on space exploration.
  • Open-book tests are as effective as closed-book tests.
  • Security cameras keep us safer.
  • Parents should have access to students' grades.
  • Small classes are better than big classes.
  • You need to start saving for retirement now.
  • Credit cards are harmful to college students.
  • We should have a royal family.
  • We should protect endangered animals.
  • Texting while driving is dangerous.
  • You can write a novel.
  • Recycling should be required in the U.S.
  • State colleges are better than private colleges.
  • Private colleges are better than state colleges.
  • We should do away with penny coins.
  • Fast food containers hurt the environment.
  • Plastic straws are harmful to the environment.
  • You can eat and enjoy healthy snacks.
  • You can become a millionaire.
  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • You should own a bird.
  • It's unethical to keep birds in cages.
  • Liberal arts degrees prepare graduates to be better workers than other degrees.
  • Hunting animals should be banned.
  • Football is a dangerous sport.
  • School days should start later.
  • Night school is better than day school.
  • Technical training is better than a college degree.
  • Immigration laws should be more lenient.
  • Students should be able to choose their schools.
  • Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Grass lawns should be prohibited.
  • Sharks should be protected.
  • We should do away with cars and go back to horse and carriage for transportation.
  • We should use more wind power.
  • We should pay more taxes.
  • We should do away with taxes.
  • Teachers should be tested like students.
  • We should not interfere in the affairs of other countries.
  • Every student should join a club.
  • Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling.
  • People should stay married for life.
  • Smoking in public should be illegal.
  • College students should live on campus .
  • Parents should let students fail.
  • Giving to charity is good.
  • Education makes us happier people.
  • T​he ​ death penalty should be outlawed.
  • Bigfoot is real.
  • We should increase train travel to save the environment.
  • We should read more classic books.
  • Fame is bad for young children.
  • Athletes should stay loyal to teams.
  • We should reform our prisons.
  • Juvenile offenders should not go to boot camps.
  • Abraham Lincoln was the best president.
  • Abraham Lincoln gets too much credit.
  • Students should be allowed to have cell phones in elementary, middle, and high school.
  • College student-athletes should be paid for playing.
  • Elderly citizens on fixed income should receive free public transportation.
  • Colleges and universities should be free to attend.
  • All American citizens should complete one year of community service.
  • Students should be required to take Spanish language classes.
  • Every student should be required to learn at least one foreign language .
  • Marijuana should be legal for recreational use nationwide.
  • Commercial testing of products on animals should no longer be allowed.
  • High school students should be required to participate in at least one team sport.
  • The minimum drinking age in the U.S. should be 25.
  • Replacing fossil fuels with cheaper alternative energy options should be mandated.
  • Churches need to contribute their share of taxes.
  • The Cuba embargo should be maintained by the U.S.
  • America should replace income taxes with a nationwide flat tax.
  • Once they reach the age of 18, all U.S. citizens should be automatically registered to vote .
  • Doctor-assisted suicide should be legal.
  • Spammers—people who bombard the internet with unsolicited email—should be banned from sending junk mail.
  • Every automobile driver should be required to take a new driver's test every three years.
  • Electroshock treatment is not a humane form of therapy.
  • Global warming is not real.
  • Single-parent adoption should be encouraged and promoted.
  • Gun companies should be held accountable for gun crimes.
  • Human cloning is not moral.
  • Religion does not belong in public education.
  • Juveniles should not be tried as adults.
  • American workers should be guaranteed a three-day weekend by law.
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  6. Impromptu Speech Topics 1 .docx

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  5. My High School Graduation Speech

  6. Impromptu speech "Myself" (Just try to speak out)


  1. 80 Impromptu Speech Topics For High School Students

    Creative impromptu speech topics for high schoolers. The significance of humor in life. Technology's effects on society. The advantages of reading. The parent's role in their child's education. The force of goodwill. Significance of time management in life. Impact of climate change in everyday life.

  2. 50 Topics for Impromptu Student Speeches

    Things I'll never eat. How to be a slacker. Why I like my town. The best parts of a parade. Interesting things you see in the sky. Things to remember when you're camping. An experience with a bully. Cite this Article. This list of speech topics plus tips for making impromptu speeches will help students learn to feel comfortable making a speech ...

  3. 200+ Good Impromptu Speech Topics • My Speech Class

    This statement will generate good impromptu speech topics high school. Make a report about the best features of your PlayStation or X-box. Or take your favorite video games to develop impromptu speech topics for high school. SUMMARIZE - Describe concisely the main points of a good speech topic, without examples or details. E.g.

  4. 60 Impromptu Speech Topics to Choose From For Your Next Speech

    Here are some informative impromptu speech topics to choose from: The life and legacy of a historical figure you admire. The process of climate change and its effects on the environment. The benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental health. The origins and cultural significance of a traditional holiday.

  5. 45 Impromptu Speech Topics and Ideas

    For an impromptu speech, you'll generally have 1-3 minutes of preparation for a speech lasting 5-8 minutes. Tougher speech events can reduce this preparation time down to 30 seconds and require you to plan your speech mentally, without any paper to write notes on. Impromptu speeches are often given as part of university and college debates.

  6. Impromptu public speaking topics: 200 good speech ideas

    There are 200 impromptu public speaking topics here split into four random (un-themed) lists of fifty: 50 impromptu topics. Yet another 50 random speech topics. Then 50 more good impromptu speech topics. And finally, 50 funny impromptu speech topics. Plus links to more impromptu speech topics and activities.

  7. 150+ Interesting Impromptu Speech Topics To Choose From

    Good Impromptu Speech Topics for Students. Here are some of the topics for impromptu speech for students to improve their communication skills. Simply know your audience and focus on the way you are delivering the speech. Impromptu Speech Topics for Middle School. My Role model and Best friend; Celebrity you would like to meet and why

  8. 50 Impromptu Speech Topics

    50 Good Impromptu Speech Topics. The list of impromptu speech subjects extends to hundreds. The most frequently used impromptu topics include the following: 1. Business: Successful business owners delegate well. A dress code shouldn't be necessary for an office. Team building events are crucial to team motivation. Importance of social media ...

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    other limited preparation events, students have far more time to think, outline, and practice their speech than the seven minutes allotted in Impromptu to choose a topic and deliver a speech. The event is also different in its high level of autonomy. The speech can be light-hearted or serious, and subjects range from

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  13. 100+ Impromptu Speech Topics

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  14. 100+ Compelling Impromptu Speech Topics for Students

    1. Introduction: Introduce your speech make it as catchy as possible to attract your readers. 2. Body: Usually happens to be three paragraphs, including details of the speech in every. 3. Conclusion: Just as catchy as the introduction was, make sure the conclusion gives a hit, too, leaving the readers wanting more.

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  16. Almost 100 Impromptu Speech Topics for Your Perfect Performance

    Find a relevant story from your life. Tell us about your experiences with the subject. This should not be funny - be yourself, and it will bring you closer to the audience. Pick up some strong arguments. This will enhance speech and help to gain the confidence of the audience. Look for evidence.

  17. Impromptu Speech Topics

    Impromptu Speech Topics. By UT TOPS February 15, 2019. The following list contains neutral questions for impromptu speaking. These items can be chosen at random or used systematically in classes. What could the rich do to better understand the poor? The best letter of the alphabet.

  18. 1 minute speech topics

    150 one minute speech topics. You'll find 150 impromptu 1-minute speech topics, split into 3 groups: 50 one minute speech topics for children from middle school age and up. 50 business/work/career themed 1 minute speech topics more suitable for adults. 50 fun/nonsensical/absurd just a minute speech topics for adults. But wait, there's more!

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    You've got them here. I have four pages of topics for impromptu speeches. You'll find them suitable for middle school and upwards. They're great for public speaking clubs too. 200 impromptu speech topics; 150 1 minute speech topics - with sample speech outlines, speeches: full text & audio; 11 themed sets of fun topics for impromptu speeches

  20. 100+ Best Impromptu Speech Topics for Public Speaking

    Creative Impromptu Speech Topics. Talk about the history of currency. Global leadership- An unrealistic dream. How is media biased to the happenings in the politics. Smart strategies to make effective investments. Importance of market research while starting a start-up business.

  21. Impromptu Speech Topics For All Ages

    Impromptu speaking has many genres containing excellent subjects for debates. Three general impromptu speech topics that are thought-provoking and relevant to society could be: Making schools teach financial literacy. Lowering the voting age to 16. The ethical implications of gene editing.

  22. 85 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For High School Students

    Funny persuasive speech topics for high school students. Why cats make better pets than dogs. The benefits of procrastination. The art of being awkward. Why pizza should be considered a vegetable. The joys of being a couch potato. Why Mondays should be eliminated. The secret to being a professional video game player.

  23. 100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Students

    100 Examples of Persuasive Speech Topics. Studying martial arts is good for mind and health. Competitive sports can teach us about life. Reality shows are exploiting people. Community service should be a graduation requirement for all high school students. The characteristics that make a person a hero.