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Britannica Money

  • Introduction

Key products and services

1976: garage days and the first apple computer, 1977–1978: apple ii and early commercial success, 1979: innovations—gui, mice, and icons, 1980–1985: competition from ibm, macintosh, and steve jobs’ exit, 1985–1997: leadership struggles after jobs and wozniak, 1997–2010: renaissance and reinvention.

  • 2011–present: Tim Cook as CEO and the first trillion-dollar company

garage where William Hewlett and David Packard began their company, HP

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that revolutionized the technology sector through its innovation of computer software , personal computers , mobile tablets, smartphones , and computer peripherals.

One of the most recognizable brands in the world, Apple created the first commercially successful personal computer and was also the first to bring the graphical user interface (GUI) into mass adoption.

Founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976, Apple set new benchmarks in product innovation, user-centric functionality, aesthetics and design, and multiproduct integration. Apple redefined and transformed the capabilities of modern computing. Further, Apple innovated the industry by establishing a marketplace ecosystem for third-party application developers, leveraging this new economy to expand its products’ functionalities and strengthen its position. The company is headquartered in Cupertino, California .

Graphic artwork represents music of the seventies - (source file includes the fifties, sixties, eighties, and nineties, 50s, 60s, 70, 80s, 90s, decades)

  • Mac computers. Evolving since 1984, the Mac line has set standards in the world of personal computing.
  • iPhone. Essentially a sophisticated computer packaged in a flat cube, the iPhone was a game changer in mobile technology, altering the way people communicate and consume media.
  • iPad. Bridging the gap between smartphones and laptops, the iPad opened up a new market for digital tablets since its debut in 2010.
  • iPod. A digital music player, the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the Sony Walkman, the iPod revolutionized the music industry in 2001, transforming the way listeners consume music.
  • Apple Watch. Launched in 2015, the Apple Watch is among the most dominant products in the wearable tech sector.
  • MacBook. Apple’s brand of laptop computer, the MacBook has become a mainstay in personal and professional environments.
  • Apple TV+. As Apple’s entry into the streaming entertainment services, Apple TV+ has become a dominant player in the subscription-based entertainment sector.
  • AirPods. Since the product’s launch in 2016, AirPods have become a leader in the wireless audio market.

The genesis of Apple Inc. sprang, not from a vision of an ambitious venture, but from a more modest aspiration: Stephen G. Wozniak had a lifelong dream of building his own personal computer.

Wozniak was inspired by the Altair 8800, the first commercially successful microcomputer launched in 1975. Further encouraged by his friends at the Homebrew Computer Club, a hobbyist group, he quickly developed a simple gaming motherboard: his first personal computer.

first Apple computer

Wozniak, then a 26-year-old engineering intern at Hewlett-Packard , presented his design to his employer. When the company expressed no interest, Wozniak teamed up with a former high school classmate, 21-year-old Steve Jobs. The two decided to set up their operations in the Jobs family garage, founding Apple Inc. on April 1, 1976, along with Ronald Wayne, an experienced tech industry executive who would play a role in helping facilitate and integrate the young founders’ company vision and operational pursuits.

Jobs and Wozniak each held a 45% stake in the company; Wayne had a 10% partnership stake. To fund their venture with working capital, Jobs sold his Volkswagen minibus and Wozniak his programmable calculator.

With the help of its first angel investor and Intel Corporation veteran Armas Clifford “Mike” Markkula, the company unveiled its inaugural product, the Apple I, in July 1976 at a Homebrew Computer Club meeting. Selling for $666.66, the Apple I was a bare motherboard with a basic CPU , random access memory (RAM), and video capabilities, but no keyboard or monitor. Nevertheless, the company’s first product marked the garage start-up’s first success—however minor—selling 200 units that year. Later that year, Ronald Wayne decided to leave the fledgling company, selling back his 10% share for $800.

In January 1977, with Markkula providing his expertise and seed funding of $250,000, Apple Inc. was incorporated .

Apple II, the company’s next product, was released in April 1977 and became the first widely distributed microcomputer. It was a commercial success; some 5 or 6 million units were sold over the next decade.

This new iteration hinted at a slight design breakthrough with its custom-molded plastic casing, a departure from the steel-encased designs of the time. The Apple II also included color graphics, sound, and television plug-in capabilities. Selling for a base price of $1,298, it was perceived as a user-friendly product, contributing to its success among general consumers.

Having achieved its first milestone in the larger consumer market, the company boosted its competitive position when Wozniak introduced a disk controller enabling an affordable floppy disk drive. This inclusion enhanced Apple II’s data storage and retrieval, making it faster and more reliable.

In 1979, Jobs led a team of engineers to see the innovations created at the Xerox Corporation ’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in California.

Apple's Lisa computer

At PARC, they were shown three features that would serve as the company’s game-changing innovations:

  • The functional graphical user interface (GUI), featuring on-screen windows
  • A pointing device known as a mouse
  • The use of icons (pictographs) in place of awkward command line instructions

These features would be integrated into two key projects in development: the Apple Lisa (released in 1983) and the Apple Macintosh (1984). (Xerox would later sue Apple in 1989, claiming it stole the idea for its graphical user interface. The lawsuit was dismissed in 1990 on technical grounds, with the court saying Xerox chose the wrong venue to argue most of its legal points.)

The idea was to develop low-cost and user-friendly personal computers that would introduce the two innovative features—the GUI and mouse—to mass consumers. Although both computers sported these new features, they were designed to appeal to different audiences. The Lisa was geared toward business professionals, while the Macintosh targeted the broader consumer market.

Apple’s profits and size grew at a historic rate. By 1980 the company netted over $100 million and had more than 1,000 employees. In December 1980, Apple went public, offering 4.6 million shares at $22 each.

Apple’s initial public offering (IPO) was the biggest since 1956 when Ford Motor Company went public. Further, by the end of 1980, Apple’s nearly $2 billion valuation was greater than Ford’s.

IBM enters the PC market. As a formidable contender in the emerging PC market, Apple would soon face competition from IBM , the computer industry’s leading player.

IBM launched its own version of the personal computer in 1981, breaking with its tradition of using only proprietary hardware components and software. Instead, IBM built its PC using readily available components, including an Intel microprocessor and a disk operating system (DOS) from Microsoft Corporation .

Because other manufacturers could use the same hardware components that IBM used and license DOS from Microsoft, new software developers could count on a wide IBM PC–compatible market for their software. The system soon had a new spreadsheet program, Lotus 1-2-3, that changed computing and created what would later be known as a “killer app”: a software program (application) so useful that it propels hardware sales.

IBM’s PC won instant support and popularity in the business community, and the Apple II was unable to dislodge IBM’s position. Flanked by its existing suite of business computing products, IBM’s new offering struck a fatal blow to the yet-to-be-released Apple Lisa.

Upon its debut in 1983, the Lisa’s $9,995 price tag was more than five times the cost of an IBM PC. If cost alone didn’t guarantee its commercial underperformance compared to IBM, the Lisa also had numerous hardware issues and incompatibilities that made its performance sluggish compared to its competition.

The Lisa was an epic failure for the company’s foray into the business computing market. But Apple fared better in the general consumer market with the release the following year of a product that might even be considered iconic, culturally perhaps more so than functionally.

Apple launches the Macintosh. Following its failed Lisa launch, Apple prepared for a second product release, hoping to gain a stronger, if not dominant, position in the market. The new product was the Macintosh computer.

Although Jef Raskin led the Macintosh research project as early as 1979, Steve Jobs took over the project in 1981, having been removed from the Lisa project due to collaborative tensions. Jobs’ intervention and contentious disagreements with Raskin on the project’s vision and direction prompted Raskin to leave the company in 1982.

Introduced to the world via television commercial during Super Bowl XVIII on January 22, 1984, Apple immediately became a household name. The commercial, directed by Ridley Scott , struck a hard, albeit symbolic, blow against IBM, associating it with the dystopian and villainous authority of George Orwell’s novel 1984 .

In contrast, the ad portrayed Apple as the countercultural hero of the story—a symbol of freedom, progress, and innovation.

The Macintosh’s integration of a user-friendly GUI, all-in-one design, and affordable price of $2,500 made it accessible and appealing to businesses and technical users but also, and perhaps more importantly, to general consumers. Although the ad profoundly affected viewers, becoming one of the most iconic commercials in Super Bowl history, it generated more cultural buzz than commercial sales.

Despite ecstatic media reaction, the Macintosh initially sold below Apple’s expectations. The Mac, as it came to be known, had insufficient memory and storage capacity. It lacked essential features like cursor keys and a color display, both of which were considered standard amenities for PCs at the time.

Furthermore, skeptics doubted that adults would ever want to use a machine that relied on the GUI, condemning it as “toylike” and wasteful of computational resources.

In the wake of the poor sales performance, Jobs was ousted from the company in September 1985 by chief executive officer (CEO) John Sculley. (Wozniak had left Apple in February 1985 to become a teacher.)

Upon exiting Apple, Jobs founded another computer company, NeXT Inc., in 1985. The next year, he purchased Lucasfilm’s Computer Graphics Division to create Pixar Animation Studios . The founding of both companies, although outside the scope of Apple’s development at the time, would prove instrumental to the company’s forthcoming era of innovation in technology (NeXT’s technology was the foundation of macOS) as well as design and user experience (what is now called UX).

Under Sculley, Apple made steady improvements to the Mac—most notably, the introduction of an affordable laser printer along with Aldus Corporation’s PageMaker, the Mac’s first killer app (1985). Together, these two innovations launched the desktop publishing revolution for consumers and businesses alike. The graphic arts and publishing industries quickly became the Mac’s single most important market.

In 1987, the Mac II and Mac SE were introduced. The Mac II was the first of the Mac line to incorporate color graphics and a modular design, while the Mac SE was the first of its series to offer an expansion slot (later including a hard drive bay as a standard feature).

Although these products boosted Apple’s popularity among consumers, as evidenced by its growing base of one million users, the company would soon be mired in legal challenges that impeded its pace and progress.

Apple litigates while PCs innovate. The Mac’s incompatibility with Apple II software, a problem the company initially ignored, slowed educational sales and compelled the company to retain its outmoded Apple II line through 1993, hampering its progress as an industry innovator.

Consumer sales suffered as Apple discouraged game development out of fear that the Mac would not be taken seriously in the business community. Moreover, Microsoft , after an unsuccessful attempt to secure an agreement to market the Mac OS on the Intel processor, introduced Windows , its own graphical operating system .

Apple litigated for years, in vain, to stop Microsoft from copying the “look and feel” of its operating system, although the Mac OS itself drew upon Xerox’s PARC GUI. Meanwhile, as successive versions of Windows improved and competition among multiple PC manufacturers led to greater innovation and lower prices, fewer consumers were willing to pay the premium Apple had commanded owing to its reputation for quality.

As the 1980s drew to a close, Apple would find itself facing a few more legal headwinds (including its legal battle with Xerox over the graphical user interface):

  • In 1989, Apple Corps Ltd., the Beatles’ record label, sued Apple for trademark issues related to the company’s name and logo. The legal battle spanned several years; it escalated in the 2000s when Apple introduced iTunes and the iPod , thereby entering the music industry.
  • Also in 1989, Apple disposed of unsold Lisa units in a landfill in Logan, Utah. This event became part of tech lore, a symbol of the company’s biggest innovative flop. Meanwhile, Jobs released the NEXTSTEP operating system—a significant development, as it would later serve as the basis for Apple’s Mac OS X upon Jobs’ return to the company.

Apple-IBM rapprochement. In a surprising move, Apple and IBM announced an alliance in 1991. In addition to signing a technology agreement with Motorola, Inc. to develop a next-generation chip, known as the PowerPC, Apple and IBM created two new software companies to develop operating system software: Taligent, Inc., and Kaleida Labs, Inc.

Taligent was expected to enable versions of both the Mac OS and the IBM OS/2 to run on a new computer hardware standard, the common hardware reference platform (CHRP). Kaleida Labs was to develop multimedia software.

But as both companies began to quarrel over CHRP engineering specifications and costs mounted to about $400 million for Taligent and $200 million for Kaleida Labs, Apple pulled out with little to show for its investment.

Apple’s Newton and Claris flops. Sculley also promised more than Apple could deliver with Newton, a personal digital assistant ( PDA ) that suffered from poor handwriting recognition and diverted company engineering and financial resources.

In addition, the company vacillated over Claris Corporation, its software division, first reorganizing it as an independent company and then reabsorbing it when it began shifting more resources to Windows software.

Apple continues to flounder. In 1993, Sculley was replaced by Michael Spindler as CEO. Spindler’s most notable achievements were the successful migration of the Mac OS to the PowerPC microprocessor and the initiation of a shift away from Apple’s proprietary standards.

Nevertheless, Apple struggled with marketing projections, accumulating large unsalable inventories of some models while simultaneously unable to meet a billion dollars in orders for other models.

Combined with drastic quality control problems, notably a defective line of monitors and some highly publicized combustible portable computers, these failings brought Spindler’s reign to an end in early 1996 with the appointment of Gilbert F. Amelio.

In 1996, Apple made a pivotal move that would profoundly affect its strategic direction. After several attempts to develop a replacement for its aging Mac operating system, Apple purchased NeXT Software, Inc., the company that Jobs had founded after being ousted from Apple in 1985.

Building on this move, Apple, under Amelio’s leadership, began cutting operating costs and reestablishing quality controls. Despite these efforts, only a small percentage of new computer buyers were choosing Macs over Windows machines. Apple’s financial situation was dire toward the end of its second decade.

Jobs, now an advisor to Apple’s embattled CEO, quickly became disenchanted with the company’s direction, selling all but one share of the Apple stock he had received in the NeXT sale.

When Apple failed to become profitable under Amelio and its worldwide market share fell to roughly 3%, the board of directors in mid-1997 recruited a surprising temporary replacement: Jobs, who for the first time became the undisputed leader of the company he cofounded.

The return of Jobs: iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Upon retaking the helm, Jobs immediately set about revitalizing the company, announcing an alliance with erstwhile foe Microsoft, ending the half-hearted (and profit-draining) program to license the Mac OS, streamlining the company’s multiple (and confusing) product lines, and launching the iMac, the first of many affordable and innovative products to come from the now-revitalized company.

Steve Jobs

Apple branded its products as part of an upscale lifestyle, or “iLife,” by emphasizing sleek, minimalist, and aesthetically pleasing designs (like the iMac) that looked more like modern art than machinery.

Designed to revive Apple’s consumer and educational appeal, the iMac quickly became the all-time best-selling Mac, lifting Apple’s U.S. market share to roughly 13.5% in August 1998 from a record low of 2.6% in December 1997. Moreover, Apple had a profitable fiscal year in 1998, its first since 1995.

Apple iMac

In 2001 Apple introduced iTunes , a media player and library software to store, organize, and play digital audio files converted to MP3 format. Later the same year, Apple began selling the iPod , a portable MP3 player, which quickly became the market leader. (The term podcast , combining iPod and broadcast , is used as both a noun and a verb to refer to audio or video material downloaded for portable or delayed playback.) Later models added larger storage capacities or smaller sizes, color screens, and video playback features.

In 2003 Apple began selling downloadable copies of major record company songs in MP3 format over the Internet . The iPod Nano digital music player, one-fifth the size of the original iPod, was introduced by Apple in 2005. By 2006 more than one billion songs and videos had been sold through Apple’s website .

In 2007 Apple introduced the touch screen iPhone , a cellular telephone with capabilities for playing MP3s and videos and accessing the Internet. More than just a mobile computer and media player merged with a phone, it pioneered multi-touch features that shaped the way users interact with technology.

iPod Nano

Although the iPhone was designed for the broader consumer market, one of its biggest competitors— BlackBerry , designed by the Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM)—was the dominant mobile communications device among business users.


In response, Apple sought to dislodge RIM’s position in 2007–2009 by differentiating the iPhone and innovating mobile functionalities that changed consumers’ needs and expectations, including:

  • Multi-touch screen functionalities that allowed users to swipe, pinch (zoom), and type on a digital keyboard. This was a significant departure from RIM’s products, which had physical keys.
  • Combining text and email—the functionalities the BlackBerry specialized in—with phone, Internet browsing, and iPod capabilities.
  • Compatibility with Mac computers, giving the iPhone integrative capabilities that far exceeded those of the BlackBerry.
  • Upgrading the iPhone in 2008 to make it compatible with 3G wireless networks and retrofitting it with global positioning system (GPS) capabilities.
  • Creating an ecosystem of third-party apps (Apple’s App Store) that accelerated the iPhone’s extended capabilities beyond devices, like the BlackBerry, that relied on in-house development.

Apple’s dual focus on consumer needs and business integration, positioning the iPhone as a daily extension of home and work life, eventually gained market share from RIM.

By June 19, 2009, when Apple released the iPhone 3GS (which sold one million units in the first three days), the company’s share of the smartphone market had reached about 20% (compared with about 55% for the BlackBerry line of smartphones).

In addition to hardware changes such as a three-megapixel digital camera that could record digital videos and an internal digital compass capable of working with various mapping software, the iPhone 3GS included a new operating system, the iPhone OS 3.0.

The new system included support for voice-activated controls and peer-to-peer ( P2P ) play of electronic games with other iPhone users over Wi-Fi Internet connections. The latter feature was part of Apple’s strategy to compete in the portable gaming market with the Nintendo Company ’s DS and the Sony Corporation ’s PSP. The iPhone can also be used for reading electronic books, or e-books. E-books in iPhone-compatible formats can be purchased over the Internet from electronic book dealers such as the iTunes store and Amazon.com .

In 2010 Apple unveiled the iPad, a touch screen device whose size and function bridged the gap between a laptop computer and a smartphone. The iPad was a multimedia tablet that allowed users to operate it with the same set of finger gestures as the iPhone. Designed with a touch screen capable of displaying high-definition video, the iPad also provided access to apps via iTunes and the App Store.


In 2011 Apple introduced iCloud, a cloud computing service in which a user’s applications, photographs, documents, calendars, and recently purchased music would be stored on iCloud servers and automatically updated on a user’s devices. Some analysts saw iCloud as Apple’s plan for a future in which users could dispense with the personal computer as the primary place to store data.


APPLE'S INC.  is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronic, software and personal computers. The mission statement of Apple is “Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along the OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPod’s and iTunes online store. Apple reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.” The vision of the company is “To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.”       Apple operates 300 retail stores in ten countries; they also have an online store where hardware, software products are sold. Apple products include Mac (desktop computers /laptops ), iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes, and other products.

Some ways that Apple uses the Web:

  • To advertise their products (Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes,  and other products).
  • To see their products.
  • To have other services to assist you.
  • To have videos to help you set up your Apple 


  • To download data software, updates for Apple
  • To communicate with other Apple users around the world.
  • To contact them for further information.

Introduction (cont.)

Apple is a consumer based industry. The success or failure depends upon how well the products are received by the customers. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors that affect company’s success or failure. Opportunities and Threats are external factors the impact the company’s growth. SWOT analysis is performed on each segment individually. It also states and evaluates how well the product meets the consumer's needs and comparing itwith the competitors and focusing on the current and future market.

  • Brand – is extremely important. Apple is one of the most established and healthy IT brands in the world, and has a very loyal set of enthusiastic customers that advocate the brand. Such powerful loyalty means that Apple not only recruits new customers, it retains them. This means they come back for more products and services from Apple, and the company also has the opportunity to extend new products to them, for example the iPod.
  • Design and Innovation  – Apple’s design teams’ primary motivation is to make intuitive products that will allow users to be up and running without having to read instruction books. They set the standard for designing hardware and software products. Apple computers are experts in developing their own software and hardware products.

Strengths (cont'd) :

  • Retail  – In addition to having their online iTunes store, Apple has opened an additional online store called the App Store. These online stores are strengths in that they allow Apple to maintain a continual stream of revenue rather than having to wait solely upon new product development.

Weaknesses :

  • Faulty products – It is reported that the Apple iPod Nano may have a faulty screen. The company has commented instantly that a batch of its product has screens that break under impact, and the company is replacing all faulty items
  • Very proprietary and controlling – Apple would not open their operating system to outsiders to develop hardware to work with other company products, keeping hardware sales to itself.
  • To much reliance on CEO Steve Jobs.


  • Technological Innovations – Apple has the opportunity to develop its iTunes and music player technology into a mobile phone format. A version of Apple's iTunes music store has been developed for the phone so users can manage the tracks they store on it. New technologies and strategic alliances offer opportunities for Apple.
  • Extend new products to loyal customers – Expanding loyal customer base with the release of iPod and the iPhone and later the iPad.
  • Podcasts – are downloadable radio shows that can be downloaded from the Internet, and then played back on iPods and other MP3 devices at the convenience of the listener. The listener can subscribe to Podcasts for free, and ultimately revenue could be generated from paid for subscription or through revenue generated from sales of other downloads.
  • Competition – The biggest threat to IT companies such as Apple is the extremely high level of competition in the technology markets. Since they are a successful company, they attract competition from Dell, HP, Sony, and Toshiba. Apple puts emphasis on researching and developing and marketing in order to retain its competitive position. The popularity of Apple’s iPods’ and Macs’ (computers) are subject to demand. If economies begin to weaken, it will affect demand negatively.
  • Substitute products – There is a high substitution effect of products in the innovative and fast moving IT consumables market. Technology is changing rapidly in the markets. Just yesterday it was CD’s, now its iPod’s. Tomorrow’s technology might be entirely different.
  • Low prices of the competitors – Apple price itself out of the personal computer industry, which is a big problem. This leads to competitors selling their product at a lower price than an apple product.
  • Technical advancements – Microsoft launched Microsoft Vista, Windows 7 which is gaining market share.


The culture of Apple was based on the fact that individuals who are self-motivated will do more work if they do not have a manager/supervisor examining their every action. The unique structure of Apple had allowed it to grow and react more quickly to changes than its competitors. The reason for this quick response is because it is easier to get a project started if there are only a few people to obtain approval from. Apple initially grew fast, because decisions were made at the lowest possible level.

  • Corporate/Company Culture:

Apple has a startup level urgency when the direction comes from Steve. If you have a project that Steve is not involved in, it will take months of meetings to move further. If Steve wants it done, it will be done as fast as possible. The best way to get any work done was to say it’s for Steve and you would probably have it the same day.

For Apple, design is everything. Steve Jobs strongly believes this. When you have a leader that knows and believes in the impact of design, it is easier to make everyone else follow. When the entire company focuses on the design of a product, the result is breathtaking products. This is exactly how Apple does it; they strive for perfection. If at any point in time they make a mistake with a product, or if it’s not perfect in its own unique way, it’s simple, they would not let it go to the public.


The organizational structure of Apple was focused on placing decision making in the hands of the people in the field. Apple was doing exceedingly well and had gotten the attention of many people around the world because the company was performing extremely well and was very responsive to changes that were made. However, after years of success, Apple found themselves in a financial nightmare. Apple suffered problems specifically in the accountability of spending and in economic decision-making. With employees making decisions at different levels of the organization, it is difficult for the corporate office to keep track of spending and purchasing.

Organisational Structure of Apple's Inc


The environment in Apple is one that changes really quickly.

  • Economic Environment

     Apple is not the market leader of the computer industry although, it is only 7%. In the computer industry Apple has many competitors, like Dell, HP, Sony and Toshiba. Due to the economic crisis, Hong Kong has a very high inflation rate. People will not want to purchase such an expensive product like Macbook, but with an increase on their income level might just change their mind. It will increase the willingness of the public to purchase the Apple products.

  • Technological and Information Environment:

      Apple has many well-known software programs, like iOS and iWork. All of them are particularly designed for the Mac computers, there are the comparative advantage of Apple. Apple also make good use of the technology to develop many multi-functional products, and improving the existing programs.


 Apple’s business strategy is to “Think Different”. 

Apple’s ability to align marketing strategy and 

business strategy with product development

leaves competitors in the dust. Their strategy is

product differentiation and strategic alliances.

  • Product Differentiation:

Product differentiation is a viable strategy, especially if the company uses theoretical distinctions for product differentiation.  Those that are relevant to Apple are product features, product mix, and their reputation. Apple prides itself on its innovation. Apple established a reputation as an innovator by offering some easy-to-use products that cover a broad range of segments.

A company’s differentiated product will appear more attractive comparing to substitutes, thus reducing the threat of substitutes.  If suppliers increase their prices, a company with a differentiated product can pass that cost to its customers, thus reducing the threat of suppliers. A company attempts to make its strategy a sustained competitive advantage.  For this to occur, a product differentiation strategy that is economically valuable must also be uncommon, difficult to imitate, and the company must have the organization to take advantage of this.

  • Strategic Alliances:

                        There is economic value in strategic alliances. In the case of Apple, there was the opportunity to manage risk and share costs, facilitate tacit collusion, and manage uncertainty.  It would have been applicable to the industries in which Apple operated.  Tacit collusion is a valid source of economic value in network industries, which the computer industry is.  Managing uncertainty, managing risk, and sharing costs are sources of economic value in any industry.  Although Apple eventually realized the economic value of strategic alliances, it should have occurred earlier.


                The value chain highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies and information systems will have the greatest impact. The chain analyzes the firm as a series of primary and support activities that add value to a firm’s products or services. Primary activities are directly related to production and distribution, whereas support activities make the delivery of primary activities possible.

Primary Activities

Support Activities


There are four types of Competitive Strategies:

  • Low Cost Leadership

      This strategy involves the firm winning market share by appealing to customers. This is achieved by having the lowest prices in the target market segment, or at least the lowest price to value ratio. To succeed at offering the lowest price while still achieving profitability and a high return on investment, the firm must be able to operate at a lower cost than its rivals. There are three main ways to achieve this:

  • The first approach is achieving a high asset turnover.
  • The second dimension is achieving low direct and indirect operating costs.
  • The third dimension is control over the supply/procurement chain to ensure low costs.
  • Differentation

        A differentiation strategy is appropriate where the target customer segment is not price-sensitive, the market is competitive or saturated, customers have very specific needs which are possibly under-served, and the firm has unique resources and capabilities which enable it to satisfy these needs in ways that are difficult to copy. These could include patents or other Intellectual Property (IP), unique technical expertise, talented personnel, or innovative processes. Successful brand management also results in perceived uniqueness even when the physical product is the same as competitors. This way, Starbucks could brand coffee, and Nike could brand sneakers. Fashion brands rely heavily on this form of image differentiation.

  • Focus on market Niche
  •   Marketing niche strategy based on customer needs and wants are the most sustainable – this usually arises when the mass-market product does not produce the item required.
  • Marketing niche strategy can also be created if there are social and cultural differences within a single community that may require that changes may be required to be made to a product or service. This regularly gives rise to a niche market.
  •    Marketing niche strategy is also created through exclusive rights – such as brands, trademarks, patents etc. For example under the main brand a niche brand can be created to serve special customer needs e.g. Marketing niche strategy is also achieved through adopting particular delivery channels.
  • Strengthen Customer and Supplier Intimacy

     Customer and supplier intimacy strategy uses information systems to develop strong ties and loyalty with customers and suppliers. Strengthening customer and supplier intimacy can be an extremely effective strategy in itself. Through making transactions and conditions in general, easier and more user friendly for customers and suppliers, the intimacy of the firm and customer/supplier will increase. This offers great incentive for both customer and supplier to continue doing business with the firm. Customer intimacy is a concept from marketing, which describes the ability of a supplier to become accepted and known as the regular partner with its customer. Customer intimacy is the largest source of your growth, sustainable competitive advantage, and profit. Strengthen Customer and Supplier Intimacy: apply information systems to tighten long-term relationship and create brand loyalty with customers and suppliers, including increasing switching costs.

The Strategies that affect Apple Inc. are:

  •           Differentiation
  •           Focus on Market Niche
  •           Strengthen Customer  and Supplier Intimacy
  •   Differentiation

                    Apple Inc. can use differentiation as a competitive strategy to fight the competitive forces, since they have a range of products that stand out against all other products in the electronic industry. For example Apple's design skills or Pixar's animation prowess is one way of showing that this company sis different. This business approaches the non-price sensitive customer and delivers exactly what the customer need.  

  • Focus on Market Niche

    Apple Inc. can also use this competitive strategy since, this company uses high ‘modern-day’ technology that assist the ‘modern-day’ man in every aspect of life. Apple designs products with a unique style that will satisfy the customer that wants a particular feature which the mass product will not entail. 

Apple Inc. can also use this strategy since, they are a well-known organization and although they may be a part of brand loyalty, in order to fight other competitive forces, they may need to keep in touch with their customers and even suppliers. This method helps both customer and supplier to keep doing business with the firm and also assist in company growth, sustainable competitive advantage and increase in profits.

There are three types of information systems that affect Apple Inc. ability to effectively execute the specific strategies:

  •           Transaction Processing Systems
  •           Management Information Systems
  •           Decision Support Systems

         Transaction processing systems (TPS) automate the handling of data about business activities or transactions. The analysis and design of TPS, means focusing on the firm’s current procedures for processing transactions, whether those procedures are manual or automated. The goal of TPS development is to improve transaction processing by speeding it up, using fewer people, improving efficiency and accuracy, integrating it with other organizational information systems or providing information not previously available. Therefore, this is a suitable information system that will assist Apple Inc. to effectively execute the competitive strategies discussed above.


       A management information system (MIS) is a system that provides information needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively. Management information systems involve three primary resources: technology, information, and people. It's important to recognize that, the most important resource is people. Management information systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization. Hence, management information systems can be used in Apple Inc. to assist in effectively executing the competitive strategies identified above.


A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. Typical information that a decision support application might gather and present are:

·         Inventories of information assets (including legacy and relational data sources, cubes, data warehouses, and data marts),

·         Comparative sales figures between one period and the next,

·         Projected revenue figures based on product sales assumptions.

Therefore, this type of information system is definitely needed in a business such as Apple Inc. 

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Published by Earl Sparks Modified over 6 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "APPLE."— Presentation transcript:


Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne

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Maria Verros /2/09 stock trends jump to “ignited the personal computer revolution” “reinvented the personal computer” “ lead the industry in.

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A PPLE I NC.. What is Apple Inc.? Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation Design electronics and computer software As of January of 2010,

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How Apple Is Organized for Innovation

  • Joel M. Podolny
  • Morten T. Hansen

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When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, in 1997, it had a conventional structure for a company of its size and scope. It was divided into business units, each with its own P&L responsibilities. Believing that conventional management had stifled innovation, Jobs laid off the general managers of all the business units (in a single day), put the entire company under one P&L, and combined the disparate functional departments of the business units into one functional organization. Although such a structure is common for small entrepreneurial firms, Apple—remarkably—retains it today, even though the company is nearly 40 times as large in terms of revenue and far more complex than it was in 1997. In this article the authors discuss the innovation benefits and leadership challenges of Apple’s distinctive and ever-evolving organizational model in the belief that it may be useful for other companies competing in rapidly changing environments.

It’s about experts leading experts.

Idea in Brief

The challenge.

Major companies competing in many industries struggle to stay abreast of rapidly changing technologies.

One Major Cause

They are typically organized into business units, each with its own set of functions. Thus the key decision makers—the unit leaders—lack a deep understanding of all the domains that answer to them.

The Apple Model

The company is organized around functions, and expertise aligns with decision rights. Leaders are cross-functionally collaborative and deeply knowledgeable about details.

Apple is well-known for its innovations in hardware, software, and services. Thanks to them, it grew from some 8,000 employees and $7 billion in revenue in 1997, the year Steve Jobs returned, to 137,000 employees and $260 billion in revenue in 2019. Much less well-known are the organizational design and the associated leadership model that have played a crucial role in the company’s innovation success.

  • Joel M. Podolny is the dean and vice president of Apple University in Cupertino, California. The former dean of the Yale School of Management, Podolny was a professor at Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
  • MH Morten T. Hansen is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a faculty member at Apple University, Apple. He is the author of Great at Work and Collaboration and coauthor of Great by Choice . He was named one of the top management thinkers in the world by the Thinkers50 in 2019. MortentHansen

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Apple will host the 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders on February 28, 2024 at 9:00 am P.T. in a virtual format. You can access the meeting by visiting www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/AAPL2024 on the day of the meeting. The bank, broker, or other organization that holds your Apple shares will be issuing proxy materials to you that will include a unique control number. You’ll need that unique control number to access the meeting, and vote during the meeting. The record date for the meeting is January 2, 2024. Additional details about the meeting and the matters to be voted on are available in our proxy statement.

Apple will host the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders on March 10, 2023 at 9:00 am P.T. in a virtual format. You can access the meeting by visiting  www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/AAPL2023 on the day of the meeting. The bank, broker, or other organization that holds your Apple shares will be issuing proxy materials to you that will include a unique control number. You’ll need that unique control number to access the meeting, and vote during the meeting. The record date for the meeting is January 9, 2023. Additional details about the meeting and the matters to be voted on are available in our proxy statement. 

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Company- Apple

Transcript: Job Opening marketing for distribution Apple Codes Company- Apple Ticker Symbol- AAPL SIC Code- 3571 Electronic Computers NAISC Codes- 334111, 51121,334611 The Board of Directors is made up with 8 C.E.O's of different companies with Arthur D. Levinson, Ph. D. being the man in charge. Apple product that's bought by customers or company. Senior Leaders for Apple social responsibility Board of Directors Apple Company Inc... One of the job openings thats being offered is hardware Engineering. The task of this job is not easy the job for this job title is to Take the best-loved products on the planet and continually make them better. In 2012, 1.3 million workers and managers received Apple-designed training about local laws, their rights as workers, occupational health and safety, and Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct. The Apple senior leaders is created with 9 top earning employees to keep the company in good shape with Tm Cook being the C.E.O of the senior leaders. One year after Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs announced the company’s industry-changing iPhone on January 9, 2007, at the Macworld convention in San Francisco, the share price of Apple’s stock has more than doubled to a January 9, 2008, value of $179.40

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Apple Company

Transcript: The iPod Touch, created in 2007, is one of Apple famous products and one of the most comun among the people. The Apple Company Apple's firts product was created by Steve Jobs and his college friend Steve Wozniak on the garage of his house, in 1976. Steve Jobs (R.I.P) Over 6 Million iPod Touch units have been sold. In 1989 Apple released the Macintosh Portable, the first portable computer Apple created, and with this the the PowerBook series. Apple is famous because of its products and its hystory is a stunning one. The Apple II was introduced by the now famous company in 1977. This launched Apple into a succesful business About 200 units were produced Price:$2,495 In 1972 Jobs began working on the Apple Lisa team, but he got kicked out due to infighting, but continued working on another project... The Macintosh.(1984) It all started with this man About 40,000 units were produced About 70,000 units sold. Price: $666.66 The iMac, created in 1998, led to various of the most famous Apple products like the iPod and the iPad Steve Paul Jobs. (1955-2011) Price:$1289 Macintosh tv ad

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Company Powerpoint

Transcript: Shared a Photo Work Experience The The main headquaters is located in Au Bon Pain Photos like comment share like comment share Status Update like comment share Company Powerpoint Education Location: Shared a Link Interests

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Transcript: Apple is an American multinational corporation that manufactures its own hardware, software and operating systems to run on your operating system and ancillary equipment for your hardware, among other things. HISTORY Apple products in market is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products are the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Its software includes the OS X and iOS operating system; the iTunes media browser; and the iLife and iWork creativity and production suites. Apple is the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia It was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and started making computers in a garage that evolved, in 1981 Wozniak had an accident and left the company for what Jobs looking for someone to head up with him, after several conflicts Jobs finished out company in 1985 but returned in 1996 after Apple had a crisis with thousands of huge losses and it was he who brought the idea of the iMac computer that was what Apple repositioned in the market. OBJECTIVES Pick up the new iPad and suddenly, it’s clear. You’re actually touching your photos, reading a book, playing the piano. Nothing comes between you and what you love. To make that hands-on experience even better, we made the fundamental elements of iPad better — the display, the camera, the wireless connection. All of which makes the new, third-generation iPad capable of so much more than you ever imagined strengths of the company its market is currently worldwide showing all its grandeur in this audience of technology A remarkably slim design that still makes room for a larger display and a faster chip. Ultrafast wireless that doesn’t sacrifice battery life. And all-new headphones designed to sound great and fit comfortably. So much went into this iPhone. So you could get even more out of it. This company is very important to me as it is one of the best positioned in the current market design, and provides a lot of learning of the new industrial design, which is what I'm studying. Global Design One of the philosophies of Apple is that nothing is impossible and the tougher project should work more inclusive and collaborative, so it is important to work in multidisciplinary teams to achieve targets all members contributing ideas to that the product exists and is as close as possible to the original idea. Such was the case of the creation of iMac, Jobs sought to work on a future product that was always a step ahead of the others and that was not only an update, however when this computer designers proposed seemed too futuristic and impossible, but worked to accomplish and what this invention was rescued Apple from bankruptcy Universidad Autónoma De Colombia Diseño Industrial Ingles 4Sara Navarro Bonett

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Company PowerPoint

Transcript: I picked this company because Nestle is a Worldwide organization and you can find one at most of the malls you go to, and their food is amazing. Nestle Toll House Good Food, Good Life With instant coffee, baby food, and bottled water in the mix, Nestlé crunches more than just chocolate. The world's #1 food and drinks company in terms of sales, Nestlé is also the world leader in coffee (Nescafé). It also makes coffee for the home-brewing system, Nespresso. Nestlé is one of the world's top bottled water makers (Nestlé Waters), one of the biggest frozen pizza makers (DiGiorno), and a big player in the pet food business (Friskies, Purina). Its most well-known global food brands include Buitoni, Dreyer's, Maggi, Milkmaid, Carnation, and Kit Kat. The company also owns Gerber Products. North America is Nestlé's most important market. Why Nestle is better Baby foods Bottled water Cereals Chocolate & confectionery Coffee Culinary, chilled & frozen food Dairy Drinks Food service Healthcare nutrition Ice cream Petcare Weight management Competitors Mars, Incorporated DANONE MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL, INC. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Chairman) Paul Bulcke (CEO) Wan Ling Martello (CFO) Brands Its most well-known global food brands include Buitoni, Dreyer's, Maggi, Milkmaid, Carnation, and Kit Kat. Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (1866) Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé (1867) Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (1905) Continued Nestle Toll House Why? Nestlé is the world's biggest food manufacturer, with almost 450 factories spread across the globe, and a portfolio that ranges from baby foods to pet care, from chocolate to mineral water. Its world-famous brands include Nescafe, Kit Kat and Perrier, among many others. The group also owns a large shareholding in cosmetics company L'Oreal. As with other food companies, recent years have seen a greater concentration on a focused food and beverage business. In particular Nestlé has leveraged its performance in sectors such as ice cream and petfoods with an aggressive acquisition strategy. At the same time, it has placed health and wellness at the forefront of its agenda, developing the widest possible range of nutritionally balanced products under the overall umbrella "Good Food, Good Life". See also Nestlé USA, Nestlé UK, Nestlé Australia, Nestlé Latin America and Nestlé Japan. Competition ...is committed to enhancing people's lives by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at all times of the day. Nestle is an overall amazing company that has all different kinds of food and brands. It has a few competitors but nothing too major that can tear apart the company. ...is committed to enhancing people's lives by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at all times of the day. Company PowerPoint Overview

a presentation about apple company

Apple company

Transcript: Apple company Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs were interested in electronics while being in high school. After graduation they both dropped college and began working for companies in Silicon Valley. Steven Wozniak designed the Apple 1. After that thy solled it . Many people didn't have interest in the Apple 1 thats why they didn't have much success until 1977 when the Apple 11 was invented. Apple 11 was a great machine because it was the first one who came with a plastic case and included color graphics. Sales further increased. With the increase sales they made the Apple 111 after that Apple had several thousand employees, Apple was amazing. Until 1981 A saturated market made it more difficult to sale computers. Apple lost 40 employees and Wozniak was in an accident, Jobs chairman of Apple computer in March. Most selled products Apple 111 http://apple-history.com/h1 Products The Apple company plans initiate a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share sometime in the fourth quarter of its fiscal. Also the company's board of directors have authorized a $10. billion share repurchase program commencing in the companies fisical 2013. They say they ahd made investments in their business to increase shops and more business. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2012/03/19Apple-Announces-Plans-to-Initiate-Dividend-and-Share-Repurchase-Program.html Technology company Apple 11 The most selled are the apple macs, Ipads, Ipad 1, Ipad 2, Ipad 3 and Ipad mini. I phones, Most selled I phones now are I phone 4s and I phone 5 which just started selling. Apple company future plans History, Founders, products of the company

a presentation about apple company

Transcript: "Cubing" Method Cubing is a brainstorming strategy outlined in the book, Writing, by Gregory Cowan and Elizabeth Cowan (New York: Wiley, 1980). With cubing, like with other brainstorming methods, you start with one topic, challenge or issue. Then, you apply six points of view (like the six sides of a cube) to the issue. copy and paste as needed to add notes to your brainstorm iCloud Apple Internal Contradiction Apple Maps Introduction Associate it What does the subject make you think of? Apply it Describe the subject's uses. Describe it Examine the subject closely and describe what you see. Use any reasoning to argue for or against the subject. Argue For or Against It Analyze it Break the subject into parts. Tell how it is made. Compare it What is it similar to? What is it different from?

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Apple Powerpoint

Transcript: Eddy Cue (Internet Software and Services) Scott Forstall (iOS Software) Jonathan Ive (Industrial Design) Bob Mansfield (Hardware Engineering) Peter Oppenheimer (Chief Financial Officer) Phillip W. Schiller (Worldwide Marketing) Bruce Sewell (General Counsel) Jeff Williams (Operations) Eddy Cue Apple Stock Info - iTunes users are reportedly receiving refunds because of hackers. - Reports of iTunes Store accounts cleaned out by thieves. - iTunes accounts and information are being changed because of hackers. - Tim Cook (New) Phillip W. Schiller $310.50 $496.75 52-Week High: Kevin Lee CEO: Executives/Senior VP: Services Future of APPL stocks Even though Apple has some controversy with iTunes, it is still said that the stock is going to be going up. Peter Oppenheimer - Steve Jobs (died) If you invest in a APPL stock you will most likely have a gain. Jeff Williams Div/Yield: N/A Apple I computers were first sold at the "Homebrew Computer Club" which was sold for $666.66. With it's overly popularity on Apple computer designs, it started to have many sales all around the country. Then later, all around the world. Interesting Fact: Prev. Closing price: New products: Evaluation Apple also made the first consumer digital cameras. The Apple Quicktake was launched in 1994 and was discontinued later in 1997. Apple sells over 1 Million computers per year. How it was found: Products / Services History of the Apple logo iMacs / Macbooks iPhone / iPod Touch Headphones Wireless Mouse / Keyboard 52-Week Low: 476.68 Overall: - iPhone 4s - iPad 2 / iPad3 52-week graph Esablished / Founders: Products THANK YOU iTunes thieves: P/E Ratio rate: Ticker symbol: AAPL The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Free Tutoring for any products you are having a problem with. (Computers, applications, etc) CEO / Executives Jonathan Ive Apple is incorporated with NASDAQ stock About Apple Scott Forstall FIN April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California Bob Mansfield Steve Job, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne Bruce Sewell 14.04 Current News Apple Research Project

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Apple's Top Leaders Use This Simple Presentation Hack to Make Their Slides Instantly Memorable

Steve jobs began using this presentation formula long before it caught on..


Your audience is overwhelmed with data, numbers, and statistics in their daily lives. When they're watching your presentation, they certainly don't want to be bombarded by another barrage of numbers. But in most cases, you can't avoid meaningful statistics that provide the evidence for your pitch or proposal. What's a speaker to do?

The folks who design Apple's slides have a solution. It's brilliant. It works. And you can do it easily in your next presentation. Here's the simple hack: Stick to one number per slide.

For an example, look no further than Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference held earlier this month.

When Apple CEO  Tim Cook  began talking about a new release of Apple's mobile operating system (iOS 13), he said: "iOS has the highest customer satisfaction in the industry, with an incredible 97 percent." The slide had one number in large font--97 percent. In smaller font beneath the number, a sentence read: "Customer satisfaction for iOS 12."

That's it. One number and one sentence.

Few leaders know numbers as well Cook does. He's capable of poring over excel spreadsheets for hours and catching the one discrepancy that everyone else overlooked. Yet, when Cook delivers public presentations, he's careful to focus on one number on one slide. Only after he's done explaining the statistic does he move to another slide.

"Our adoption rate is industry leading as well," Cook continued. "Eighty-five percent of iOS customers are on the latest release." What number is the one and only statistic on the slide? You got it--85 percent.

Cook isn't the only Apple presenter who follows the formula. All of Apple's senior executives use the same presentation template.

When Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, took the stage to show off the new features of iOS 13 for the iPhone, he rattled off a series of numbers related to the phone's performance. Each number got its own slide.

According to Federighi, the new OS allows phones to unlock FaceID 30 percent faster, downloads are 50 percent smaller, and updates are 60 percent smaller--all making apps a faster experience. In this order the slides read:

30 percent Faster FaceID unlock 50 percent Smaller app downloads 60 percent Smaller app updates

Steve Jobs began using the formula of one number or theme per slide long before business professionals even started thinking about designing presentations more effectively.

When I wrote The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs , I cited a presentation he delivered for the second version of the iPad. In the first five minutes, his slides altogether contained a total of just 33 words. To put that into context, it's said that the average presentation slide contains 40 words--that's on each slide.

Even today, most speakers create slides that look more like documents with numbers, charts, and bullet points. This is exactly the wrong way to present information that's intended to be recalled and acted upon. According to neuroscientists, our brains are energy hogs. The brain evolved to be as efficient as possible and to save energy. If it has to work too hard to figure out a slide, it tunes out.

Stick to one theme--one number--per slide. Your audience will thank you.

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Top 10 apple company PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

Our Apple Company PowerPoint presentations are meticulously designed, fully editable, and customizable to cater to your specific needs. These presentations are a comprehensive compilation of Apple's journey, its business model, product range, market share, competitive landscape, and strategic initiatives. They offer a deep dive into Apple's corporate profile, making it an excellent resource for business analysts, market researchers, students, and educators alike.The use cases for these presentations are vast. For a business analyst, it provides a detailed overview of Apple's business operations and strategies, aiding in competitive analysis and strategic planning. Market researchers can use these presentations to understand Apple's market position, product portfolio, and customer base better. For students studying business or technology, these presentations offer a wealth of knowledge about one of the world's leading tech companies. Educators can use them as a teaching aid to explain various concepts like innovation, marketing strategies, or competitive advantage using Apple as a case study. In a nutshell, our Apple Company PowerPoint presentations are a versatile tool, adaptable to various use cases, and can be personalized to suit your presentation needs.

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Apple investor funding elevator pitch deck ppt template

Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Apple Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the thirty five slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

Join your hands with this Apple Investor pitch deck to devise presentation that help you get funded without much a hassle. Apple Inc. is one of the major multinational technology firms that focus on developing and selling consumer electronics and online services. It offers a variety of services such as payments, marketing, shipping, and customer engagement tools. The Pitch Deck will help you present a short summary of Apple with details about its mission statement, and its offerings. It covers slides about various concerns faced by limiting user experience in terms of difficulty in operating, fixed buttons, outdated user interface. This deck also covers slides regarding unified solutions to handle concerns by introducing revolutionary devices catering to all problems. The pitch deck incorporates slides about salient features of products rendered by Apple, potential market size and market of Apple. Also, you can talk about profitable business model, various products and services offered, the value proposition of Apple. The pitch deck comprises of slides catering to the competitive landscape, strategic positioning of Apple products, sales and distribution channels for customer reach, and key members involved in the apple management team. Grab this deck now and get ready to convert your potential investors into your clients.

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Apple Customer Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Brochure CP SS

Mentioned slide displays company primary customer base. It comprises of general consumers, small and mid-size businesses, education, enterprises, and government agencies. Introducing Apple Customer Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Brochure CP SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on General Consumers, Education, Government Market, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Mentioned slide displays company primary customer base. It comprises of general consumers, small and mid-size businesses, education, enterprises, and government agencies.

  • General Consumers
  • Government Market

a presentation about apple company

Apple Company Profile Powerpoint Presentation Slides CP CD

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Apple Company Profile Powerpoint Presentation Slides CP CD is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the forty nine slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

A corporate profile is a comprehensive snapshot of an organization, aiding investors and stakeholders in assessing its worth and performance. Explore our professionally crafted Apple Company Profile PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, you will find an array of crucial components. To begin with, it covers essential aspects like the executive summary, company introduction, mission and vision, core values, business model, global footprint, significant historical milestones, and more. Additionally, the profile provides insights into the leadership team, key statistical data, and revenue growth from 2018 to 2022. Furthermore, the Business Profile templates delve into the financial facets, encompassing gross profit, operating profit, net profit, assets and liabilities, cash flow, and more. It also outlines the strategies adopted, including product differentiation, marketing, and distribution strategies. Lastly, the IT Company Profile slides include a SWOT analysis to evaluate business performance, highlight future expectations, and showcase the organizations commitment to corporate social responsibility CSR. It concludes with practical examples of Apples real world accomplishments. Download our fully editable and customizable template, compatible with Google Slides, to tailor it to your needs.

  • Business Profile
  • IT Company Profile
  • Apple Inc Business Outline
  • Iphone Corporate Profile
  • Business Financials

a presentation about apple company

Global Presence Apple Company Profile Ppt Inspiration CP SS

Mentioned slide shows Apple company global presence along with number of store in different countries. It includes company head office, location of multiple Apple stores such as US, China, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Global Presence Apple Company Profile Ppt Inspiration CP SS. This template helps you present information on one stages. You can also present information on Global Presence using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Mentioned slide shows Apple company global presence along with number of store in different countries. It includes company head office, location of multiple Apple stores such as US, China, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc.

  • Global Presence

a presentation about apple company

Shifting From Blue Ocean Company Overview Apple Ppt Icon Design Templates Strategy SS V

The following slide exhibits general overview of Apple company. Mission and vision statement, key stakeholders, details, products and services offered and major facts and figures are the key elements of Apple company which is mentioned in the slide. Introducing Shifting From Blue Ocean Company Overview Apple Ppt Icon Design Templates Strategy SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with six stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Mission And Vision Statement, Key Stakeholders, Products And Services, Consumer Electronics And Software Services, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

The following slide exhibits general overview of Apple company. Mission and vision statement, key stakeholders, details, products and services offered and major facts and figures are the key elements of Apple company which is mentioned in the slide.

  • Mission And Vision Statement
  • Key Stakeholders
  • products and services
  • Consumer Electronics And Software Services

a presentation about apple company

Icons Slide For Apple Company Profile Apple Company Profile Ppt Icons CP SS

Introducing our well researched set of slides titled Icons Slide For Apple Company Profile Apple Company Profile Ppt Icons CP SS. It displays a hundred percent editable icons. You can use these icons in your presentation to captivate your audiences attention. Download now and use it multiple times.

Our Icons Slide For Apple Company Profile Apple Company Profile Ppt Icons CP SS are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Icons Slide

a presentation about apple company

Apple Employee Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS

Following slide provides insights into Apple employee base and revenue earned per employee. It showcases yearly growth on Apple employee base and yearly revenue earned per employee. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Apple Employee Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Employee Base, Revenue Per Employee. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Following slide provides insights into Apple employee base and revenue earned per employee. It showcases yearly growth on Apple employee base and yearly revenue earned per employee.

  • Employee Base
  • Revenue Per Employee

a presentation about apple company

Apple Segmentation Strategy Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS

Mentioned slide provides insights into Apple Segmentation strategy. It provides detailed information about geography, demographics, behavioral, and psychological segmentation. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Apple Segmentation Strategy Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Geography, Demography, Behavioural using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Mentioned slide provides insights into Apple Segmentation strategy. It provides detailed information about geography, demographics, behavioral, and psychological segmentation.

  • behavioural

a presentation about apple company

Apple Subsidiaries Apple Company Profile Ppt Professional CP SS

Mentioned slide outlines Apple Inc. subsidiaries in multiple countries. It includes counties such as US, Mexico, Ireland, Australia, Canada, China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, and India. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Apple Subsidiaries Apple Company Profile Ppt Professional CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Canada, Australia, Ireland. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Mentioned slide outlines Apple Inc. subsidiaries in multiple countries. It includes counties such as US, Mexico, Ireland, Australia, Canada, China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, and India.

a presentation about apple company

Apple Competitors Apple Company Profile Ppt Inspiration CP SS

Mentioned slide provides information about company competitors by various segments. It includes competitors by laptops Pc, Smartphones, and electronic products. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Apple Competitors Apple Company Profile Ppt Inspiration CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Dell, Samsung, Sony. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Mentioned slide provides information about company competitors by various segments. It includes competitors by laptops Pc, Smartphones, and electronic products.

Google Reviews

apple company

Apple Company

Oct 03, 2014

6.11k likes | 17.35k Views

Apple Company. Outline. Profile of Apple Inc. Company stock performance Apple products. Apple, Inc. Mission Statement:

Share Presentation

  • apple company
  • apple products
  • greener apple
  • apple shipped 2
  • profile apple corporation ipod


Presentation Transcript

Outline • Profile of Apple Inc. • Company stock performance • Apple products

Apple, Inc. Mission Statement: “Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings.”

History of Apple, Inc. 1976 • Apple Computer Company founded. 1983 -1984 • Enters Fortune 500. • John Sculley becomes president and CEO. • Apple airs “1984” during Super Bowl. 1985 • Jobs forced out of company 1993 • Sculley forced out. 1997 • Steve Jobs returns to Apple. 2007 • Apple changes name to Apple, Inc.

What Does Apple Do? • Apple is an innovative company that manufactures, markets, and sells many kinds of consumer electronic devices. • Apple has developed a series of computers, phones, portable media players, software, and many other products that have advanced technology from what it used to be, as well as creating new needs from the consumers.

A Greener Apple… • With the recent concern with global warming, Apple has decided to take a stand and do a few things to help lessen their carbon footprint on the environment.

Profile - Apple CorporationCompany Stock Performance Graph shows a five-year comparison of cumulative total shareholder return for the Company.

Profile - Apple CorporationiPod and Computer Growth • Apple shipped 2,319,000 Macintosh computers, representing 44 percent unit growth and 47 percent revenue growth over the ending 2007 quarter. • Apple sold 22,121,000 iPods during the quarter, representing five percent unit growth and 17 percent revenue growth over the same quarter. Quarterly iPhone sales were 2,315,000. [Corporate Release January 22nd, 2008]

Apple Products

History of Apple Products 1977 Apple II (first personal computer) • Cost $1,298 • 1 MHz microprocessor and 4-48 KB of RAM. 1983-Lisa • Cost $10,000 • 5 MHz processor and 1 MB of RAM. 1984 Macintosh • Cost $2,495 • 8 MHz processor and 128-512 KB of RAM. *1985 Steve Job’s forced out 1987 Macintosh II • Cost $3,898 • 16 MHz processor and 128-512 KB of RAM. *1997 Steve Job Returns TODAY…

iMac All-In-One 1998 iMac- All-In-One • Cost $1,299 • 233 MHz processor, 256 Mb of RAM and • 4 GB of Storage Space. 2002 iMac- All-In-One • Cost $1,299 • 700/800 MHz processor, 1 GB of RAM and • 60 GB of Storage Space. 2008 iMac- All-In-One • Cost $1,199-$2,199 • 20” – 24” screens. • 2.4-3.06 GHz processor, 4 GB of RAM, and • 250-500GB of Storage Space. • CD / DVD burner drive. • iSight camera- you can video chat with friends and family. • iLife ’08-photo, iDVD, iWeb: create a photo book, make a movie, build a blog, compose a song, etc…

The iPod • 160 GB iPod Classic: $349 • 40,000 songs for • Weighs 5.7 ounces • 200 hrs of video • Photo Album • 2.5-inch Color Display • 4 GB iPod Nano: $199 • 2,000 songs for • iPod nano commercial • 2 GB iPod shuffle: $69 • 500 songs

#1 Music Store in the World Compatible with PC or Mac Turn CD’s into digital music files, plus purchase songs, movies, etc…on iTunes. Music Movie Rentals Audiobooks Free Podcasts TV Shows iPod Games iTunes

iPhone 3GTwice as Fast. Half the Price • 16 GB G3 iPhone $349 • Cell phone • iPod Touch • GPS • App Store • Calendar • Internet: browse the web, e-mail, weather, take notes, view maps, etc...

  • More by User


Apple Think Different Mac mini Grym dator från Apple™, it has got it all, man! iPod iPod, the revolutionary mp3 player 20-60gb of space, 12h of battery time. Power Mac G5 Liquid Cooling Dubbla processorer - dubbel prestanda. Grafikmotor från nVidia eller ATI.

820 views • 4 slides

Apple Maintenance Company

Apple Maintenance Company

Apple Maintenance Company. Professional Installation Customized Topography Heavy Gauge Liner Boulders, Slate and River Rocks Waterfalls, Spill Ways and Rivers Aquatic Plants and Fishes. Anatomy of a Water Garden. Ground Layout- Topography. Ground Layout- Topography. Heavy Gauge Lining.

463 views • 12 slides

Apple Kids Education Pvt. Ltd. - Company Profile

Apple Kids Education Pvt. Ltd. - Company Profile

Bharatbook.com introduces report on Apple Kids Education Pvt. Ltd. - Company Profile report also covers the financial analysis of the company including the balance sheet depicting the key financial figures for FY 2007-10.

368 views • 12 slides

Apple Company Overview

Apple Company Overview

Apple Company Overview. Apple Timeline. 1976- Apple is incorporated 1980- Apple goes public 1991- IBM and Apple make an alliance 1997- The Apple Store opens! 2000- iTunes is introduces 2001- iPods hit the shelves 2007- Apple goes wireless with the iPhone 2010- iPad is released

1.31k views • 0 slides

Apple Watch App Development Company USA

Apple Watch App Development Company USA

Orion Infosolutions leading Apple Watch App development company India, UK,& USA work in Apple SmartWatch application & build high quality UI design for apps & wearable devices.

307 views • 6 slides

Apple Pharmaceuticals - Leading Pharmaceuticals Company in India

Apple Pharmaceuticals - Leading Pharmaceuticals Company in India

Apple pharmaceuticals is one of the fastest growing Pharmaceutical organization in India, Deals with Anti Cancer Medicine, Hepatitis Drugs Online Wholesaler,Supplier, Distributors, Exporters in India. For more details visit http://myapplepharma.com or call +91-9987711567

117 views • 7 slides

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App With us

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App With us

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App With us We are the apple watch app development company, who create an apple watch app using best technology in apple watch development. For More Information: https://www.aistechnolabs.com/apple-watch-app-development/

27 views • 1 slides

Interesting Facts About Apple Company | Newsifier

Interesting Facts About Apple Company | Newsifier

Apple was founded in 1976 on the date of April Fools (Stupid Day). Apple was the picture of Newton in the first logo. Not so much Apple’s product name was also Newton https://newsifier.info/8-interesting-facts-about-apple-company/ https://newsifier.info/

102 views • 5 slides



Apple Infoway is one of the well known and trusted Seo Company in Chennai. We provide the best and quality web designing services based on the clientu2019s requirements. We also offer SEO and SEM services to your websites and make them visible to all search engine results.

158 views • 13 slides

Digital Marketing Company in Chennai - Apple Infoway

Digital Marketing Company in Chennai - Apple Infoway

Apple Infoway is one of the Best Digital Marketing company in Chennai, results with better quality as per expectation proves to be the best Search engine optimization service/solutions, we are leading in developing digital marketing strategy, services & technology.r https://appleinfoway.com/best-digital-marketing-company-chennai.php

81 views • 5 slides

Best Apple Watch app Development company / 8882008087

Best Apple Watch app Development company / 8882008087

We are the best apple watch app development company, itmnc group is a top software development company in india, Hire top iPhone app developers. URL: http://www.itmncgroup.com/services/apple-watch-development We are the best apple watch app development company, itmnc group is a top software development company in india, Hire top iPhone app developers. URL: http://www.itmncgroup.com/services/apple-watch-development

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Apple apple apple iphone Factors

Apple apple apple iphone Factors

Apple apple apple iphone Elements

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SMM company in Chennai|SMO Company in Chennai| Apple Infoway

SMM company in Chennai|SMO Company in Chennai| Apple Infoway

Apple Infoway is one of the Best social media marketing companies in Chennai, Experts in SMO Services like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Linkedin etc. Contact: 91-93800 37777.

59 views • 5 slides

SMM company in Chennai|SMO Company in Chennai| Apple Infoway

Apple Infoway is one of the Best social media marketing companies in Chennai, Experts in SMO Services like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Linkedin etc. Contact: 91-93800 37777

126 views • 11 slides

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

We are the Apple Watch App Development Company, who create an apple watch app using best technology in apple watch development. Visit For More Information: https://www.aistechnolabs.com/apple-watch-app-development/

36 views • 1 slides

Apple Tv App Developer Company - Develop Apple Tv apps with Experts Developers

Apple Tv App Developer Company - Develop Apple Tv apps with Experts Developers

Hire apple tv app developer to get customized Apple tv app development services. Our app tv developer will customise your tvos app according to your business needs.

49 views • 1 slides

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

We are the apple watch app development company, who create an apple watch app using best technology in apple watch development. Visit For More Information: https://www.aistechnolabs.com/apple-watch-app-development/

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

32 views • 1 slides

Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

We are the Apple Watch App Development Company, which creates an apple watch app using best technology in apple watch development. Visit For More Information: https://www.aistechnolabs.com/apple-watch-app-development/

597 views • 1 slides

Best Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

Best Apple Watch App Development Company - Create An Apple Watch App

Want to create an apple watch app? We are the best apple watch app development company, who create an apple watch app using best technology in apple watch development. Contact AIS Technolabs now!contact for services [email protected] & tel: 19176688461. For more go to : https://www.aistechnolabs.com/apple-watch-app-development/

51 views • 1 slides

Apple apple apple iphone Components

Apple apple apple iphone Components

167 views • 4 slides

Best Apple Watch App Development Company

Best Apple Watch App Development Company

We are the best apple watch app development company, who make an apple watch app utilizing best innovation in apple watch development. For more go to: https://www.aistechnolabs.com/apple-watch-app-development/

110 views • 1 slides

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  • Apple Company Template

The multinational company Apple Inc. is one of the most important in the world of technology today, it is responsible for the design and marketing of software and intelligent equipment. Among its best known products are computers, laptops, smart watches, AirPods and the various presentations of iPhone cell phones. Let us tell you that our Apple Company template is in charge of gathering each of the features of the brand, so we recommend you to use it in commercial presentations of technology.

The professional design of Apple Company template for PowerPoint and Google Slides allows you immediate interaction with information graphics, animations and site maps 100% editable. In its 30 slides you will find a varied list of vectors, text boxes, icons and high quality images inspired by technology. You also have the possibility to download this ppt resource for free and use its versatile format to choose to edit your presentation in desktop programs or online platforms like Canva.

Free Apple Company Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Apple Company Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

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Apple’s iPhone 15 debunks the “full-line” semiconductor supplier myth

From time to time, I’ll get a presentation from a company announcing a new product, usually a new chip, that includes a statement like this:

“We’re the only semiconductor maker with a full line of FPGAs, from the smallest, most cost-efficient devices to the most advanced, leading-edge devices.”

“We’re the only full-line semiconductor supplier, offering everything from diodes to the most advanced processors and FPGAs.”

Perhaps these companies are channeling Walter Brennan, who often said “No brag, just fact,” in the title role of the old TV western series “The Guns of Will Sonnett.” The series ran from 1967 to 1969 in the U.S., and Brennan was a familiar actor who had a bunch of movie and TV series credits to his name.

When I hear statements like the above from semiconductor companies, I’m sure that I disappoint them by my total lack of enthusiasm for this statement. Semiconductor companies have tried for decades to present themselves as full-line suppliers, where “full-line” means different things to different people. Full-line semiconductor suppliers from the 1960s and 1970s that offered everything from diodes and transistors to ICs included Fairchild Semiconductor (now part of ON Semiconductor), Motorola’s Semiconductor Products Sector (now split between ON Semiconductor and NXP), Philips Semiconductor (now NXP), Siemens’s semiconductor division (now Infineon), various incarnations of SGS (now STMicroelectronics), and Texas Instruments. However, the semiconductor business has become so diverse that no one company can make everything. There are now so many fascinating niche semiconductor applications that often require unusual process technologies, such as silicon on insulator (SOI) for low power applications, gallium arsenide for RF applications, and silicon carbide for power devices. No semiconductor company has the resources to fill all these niches.

Certainly, this aspiration to be seen as a full-line vendor makes some sort of sense from a business perspective. After all, the more parts one supplier can capture on a circuit board, the bigger the served available market (SAM) for that vendor. However, it is rare for one supplier to offer the best device for every “socket” on the board. (Sorry, the use of the term “socket” is an old one, and we don’t socket devices any more as a rule, but the habit lives on.)

An infographic from the business information consolidator Quartr brought this home for me. The infographic shows the three major circuit boards in an Apple iPhone 15 and it lists the brands for many of the major chips used on these boards.

Here’s the Quartr infographic:

a presentation about apple company

Apple’s iPhone 15 uses chips from many suppliers. Image credit: Quartr

The iPhone 15’s logic board revolves around Apple’s own A17 Pro processor, and that processor series gets plenty of press. Apple set a precedent for system companies when it started making its own processors. This is not a new practice. The semiconductor industry is filled with examples of systems companies such as IBM, AT&T, and HP that started developing specialized semiconductors for their own systems designs. Amazon and Meta are more recent examples. However, none of these systems companies tried or are trying to make every required chip.

The iPhone 15 logic board shown in the above image also contains chips from Bosch, Broadcom, Cirrus Logic, Renesas, SK hynix, ST, and Texas Instruments. The memory board incorporates chips from Cirrus Logic, Kioxia, NXP, and Texas Instruments. The RF board incorporates chips from Broadcom, NXP, Qualcomm, Qorvo, Skyworks, and ST. This menagerie of chip suppliers illustrates the emptiness of the “full-line supplier” assertion and is a very familiar situation to any systems-level design engineer. You try to pick the best component for a given application, and no company makes the best devices for every possible niche.

Standard interfaces have paved the way for democratic system design, and Intel stands out as one company that has done the most to foster this democracy by developing or leading the development of universal interface standards such as PCI, PCIe, and the many flavors of USB. Other near-universal interface standards include the many flavors of Ethernet, the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) standard and its closely allied Camera Serial Interface (CSI), I2C, I3C, and SPI, while the specialized DDR interface standards allow for the mixing and matching of DRAM DIMMs. The industry abounds in standard interfaces that permit the easy mixing and matching of ICs from myriad semiconductor makers.

However, business considerations sometimes overshadow the egalitarianism of interface standards and act as a counterweight to the democracy of system design. At least one current semiconductor company CEO is famous for his extremely aggressive pricing tactics. This individual reportedly would meet with a customer, look at their board design, and inform them of the sockets that he expected to win. These expectations would then become a significant component in some bare-fisted price negotiations.

Government agencies take a dim view of such strong-armed tactics. In 2010, Intel agreed to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) consent order that included language prohibiting Intel from using “threats, bundled prices, or other offers to exclude or hamper competition or otherwise unreasonably inhibit the sale of competitive CPUs or GPUs.” The company was fined by the European Commission (EC) in 2009 for similar behavior. In 2022, the European Union’s (EU) General Court partially annulled the EC’s 2009 fine, but it confirmed that Intel’s had abused its dominant market position under EU competition rules, so the EC imposed a smaller fine.

Intel is not the only technology maker under the scrutiny of the FTC or the EC. It’s merely the most visible recipient of the FTC’s attention. In 2021, the FTC approved a final order that prohibits Broadcom from entering into certain exclusivity or loyalty agreements with customers for the supply of key chips used in broadcast set top boxes and DSL, and fiber broadband devices. The order also prohibits Broadcom from conditioning access to these chips based on exclusivity or loyalty agreements. These agreements and rulings do affect corporate behavior when they have teeth.

In my experience, design engineers are largely buffered from these sorts of business shenanigans, which are in no way limited to semiconductors and the electronics industry. However, buyers and executives are fully immersed in this world because pricing and purchasing are two of the intersection points between the technology and business sides of semiconductor manufacturing, marketing, and sales. These interface points make things messy, messier than engineers might prefer, but they’re an ever-present aspect to business in general, so we’re stuck with them for as long as people are calling the shots.


Peter Westberg, 10 of Our Current Favorite Visuals , Quartr, June 20, 2024

FTC Settles Charges of Anticompetitive Conduct Against Intel , August 4, 2010

Antitrust: Commission re-imposes €376.36 million fine on Intel for anticompetitive practices in the market for computer chips , September 22, 2023

FTC Approves Final Order Requiring Semiconductor Supplier Broadcom to Cease Its Anticompetitive Conduct , November 4, 2021


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a presentation about apple company

Apple announces Chief Financial Officer transition

Text of this article

August 26, 2024


CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today announced that Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri will transition from his role on January 1, 2025. Maestri will continue to lead the Corporate Services teams, including information systems and technology, information security, and real estate and development, reporting to Apple CEO Tim Cook. As part of a planned succession, Kevan Parekh, Apple’s Vice President of Financial Planning and Analysis, will become Chief Financial Officer and join the executive team.

“Luca has been an extraordinary partner in managing Apple for the long term. He has been instrumental in improving and driving the company’s financial performance, engaging with shareholders, and instilling financial discipline across every part of Apple. We’re fortunate that we will continue to benefit from the leadership and insight that have been the hallmark of his tenure at the company,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO.

“For more than a decade, Kevan has been an indispensable member of Apple’s finance leadership team, and he understands the company inside and out. His sharp intellect, wise judgment, and financial brilliance make him the perfect choice to be Apple’s next CFO.”

During his time as CFO, Maestri enabled essential investments and practiced robust financial discipline, which together helped the company more than double its revenue, with services revenue growing more than five times.

“It is the greatest privilege of my professional life to serve the world’s most innovative and admired company, and to work side by side with a leader as inspirational as Tim Cook,” said Maestri. “I’m looking forward to the next stage of my time at Apple, and I have enormous confidence in Kevan as he prepares to take the reins as CFO. He is truly exceptional, has a deep love for Apple and its mission, and he embodies the leadership, judgment, and values that are so important to this role.”

Parekh has been at Apple for 11 years and currently leads Financial Planning and Analysis, G&A and Benefits Finance, Investor Relations, and Market Research. Prior to this role, Parekh led Worldwide Sales, Retail, and Marketing Finance. He began his tenure leading the financial support of Apple’s Product Marketing, Internet Sales and Services, and Engineering teams.

Before joining Apple, Parekh held various senior leadership roles at Thomson Reuters and General Motors, where he also had extensive global experience. Parekh is an electrical engineer with a Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Michigan and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

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Transfer a copy of your Apple Music playlists to another service

From Apple's Data and Privacy page, you can request to transfer the playlists that you’ve made in Apple Music to YouTube Music.

Transfer playlists from Apple Music

When you transfer playlists to YouTube Music, they aren’t deleted from Apple Music.

The transfer process typically takes a few minutes, although it might take up to several hours depending on the number of playlists that you’re transferring.

This service is available to Apple account holders where Apple Music is available . It isn’t available for child accounts or Managed Apple ID accounts.

Before you transfer

You need an active Apple Music or iTunes Match subscription

You need an active YouTube Music account

Join Apple Music

What you can transfer

Only the playlists that you've created (including collaborative playlists that you own) are transferred

Music files aren't transferred

Non-collaborative shared playlists and curated playlists aren't transferred

Folders in which you've organized your Apple Music playlists aren't transferred

Playlists can include only songs available on YouTube Music. If your playlists contains other audio files — such as podcasts, audio books, or user-uploaded audio files — they won't be transferred.

How to transfer your Apple Music playlists to YouTube Music

Go to Apple's Data and Privacy page , then sign in to your Apple ID account.

Select “Transfer a copy of your data.”

Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your transfer request. To start the transfer, you’ll need to sign in to your YouTube Music account.

When you start a transfer, Apple sends email notifications to the email addresses associated with your Apple ID account.

You can check the status of or cancel your transfer on Apple's Data and Privacy page .

When your transfer is complete

You receive a confirmation email from Apple that the transfer is complete.

Your playlists appear in the Library tab in YouTube Music.

If a song is missing from a playlist, it might not be available in YouTube Music.

If you update a playlist after it has transferred, it won't update in the other service.

If you cancel your transfer, playlists that have already transferred remain in YouTube Music.

Transfer a copy of your music playlists to Apple Music

Learn how to transfer a copy of your music playlists from another service to Apple Music

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Find what’s been asked and answered by Apple customers.

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Huawei Sets Up Apple Showdown With Event Hours After New iPhone

  • Shenzhen company announced new product showcase for Sept. 10
  • Apple and Huawei are competing for China’s premium consumer

Customers at an Apple Store in Washington.

Customers at an Apple Store in Washington.

Huawei Technologies Co. is preparing to launch new products at an event mere hours after Apple Inc. ’s debut for the iPhone 16, setting the stage for the two tech giants’ next clash.

Consumer group chief Richard Yu announced the Sept. 10 reveal on Weibo, teasing “an epoch-making product” that took five years of work and investment. Huawei plans to unveil the world’s first commercial-ready smartphone that folds twice, according to a person familiar with its plans. The company is also preparing an Aito electric vehicle launch, though the final products to be released are subject to change, the person said, asking not to be named discussing private plans.


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  4. Презентация Apple

  5. Apple inc presentation and information |project Apple company Analysis📈📊

  6. Apple WWDC 2013 Keynote Address HD Complete


  1. Apple Inc.

    Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that revolutionized the technology sector through its innovation of computer software, personal computers, mobile tablets, smartphones, and computer peripherals. One of the most recognizable brands in the world, Apple created the first commercially successful personal computer and was also the first to bring the graphical user ...

  2. Apple Inc.

    Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered in Cupertino ... the first two Apple Store retail locations opened in Virginia and California, offering an improved presentation of the company's products. [103] [104] [105] At the time, many speculated that the stores would fail, but they became highly ...

  3. Apple Inc.

    APPLE'S INC. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronic, software and personal computers. The mission statement of Apple is "Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along the OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPod's and iTunes online store.

  4. Apple Inc Presentation And Google Slides Templates

    Apple Inc Presentation Slides. Apple Inc. is a pioneering technology company founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Renowned for revolutionizing the tech industry, Apple has redefined user experiences with iconic products like the Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad. Our Apple Inc.-inspired PowerPoint template embodies the ...

  5. APPLE.

    Presentation transcript: 1 APPLE. 2 Introduction Apple Inc. (previously Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation. Apple Inc. ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II. The company's best-known products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.

  6. How Apple Is Organized for Innovation

    When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, in 1997, it had a conventional structure for a company of its size and scope. It was divided into business units, each with its own P&L responsibilities.

  7. Apple company presentation by Tia Campbell on Prezi

    Apple company Prezi (AAPL) By: Tia Campbell introduction view introduction view introduction view #2 Introducton view #2 By: Tia Campbell 7th tech my prezi project products products Apple makes the iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, iPod, Mac, and Apple TV. Company Information Apple Inc.

  8. Apple Company

    Apple Company ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Apple is an American technology company headquartered in California. It designs consumer electronics such as the iPhone, iPad and Mac computers. [1] Apple has had success due to its focus on high growth industries, strong marketing, and creating an ...

  9. Our Values

    Achieving that takes innovation, collaboration, and a focus on serving others. It also means leading with our values in the technology we make, the way we make it, and how we treat people and the planet we share. We're always working to leave the world better than we found it, and to create powerful tools that empower others to do the same.

  10. Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results

    CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA October 28, 2021 Apple today announced financial results for its fiscal 2021 fourth quarter ended September 25, 2021. The Company posted a September quarter revenue record of $83.4 billion, up 29 percent year over year, and quarterly earnings per diluted share of $1.24. "This year we launched our most powerful products ...

  11. Investor Relations

    Apple and 4-H are bringing technology to a new generation of learners. August 21, 2024. 4-H has expanded to include greater access to technology, thanks in part to support from Apple and its Community Education Initiative.

  12. Apple company powerpoint template

    The Macintosh. (1984) It all started with this man About 40,000 units were produced About 70,000 units sold. Price: $666.66 The iMac, created in 1998, led to various of the most famous Apple products like the iPod and the iPad Steve Paul Jobs. (1955-2011) Price:$1289 Macintosh tv ad.

  13. Apple's Top Leaders Use This Simple Presentation Hack to Make Their

    When Apple CEO Tim Cook began talking about a new release of Apple's mobile operating system (iOS 13), he said: "iOS has the highest customer satisfaction in the industry, with an incredible 97 ...

  14. Top 10 apple company PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    Experience the innovation and creativity of Apple Company with our pre-designed PowerPoint presentations. Fully editable and customizable, our templates allow you to showcase Apple's cutting-edge technology and groundbreaking products with ease and sophistication. Ideal for business presentations, tech seminars, or educational purposes.

  15. Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results

    The Company posted a September quarter record revenue of $90.1 billion, up 8 percent year over year, and quarterly earnings per diluted share of $1.29, up 4 percent year over year. Annual revenue was $394.3 billion, up 8 percent year over year, and annual earnings per diluted share were $6.11, up 9 percent year over year.

  16. PPT

    Apple, Inc. Mission Statement: "Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings.". History of Apple, Inc. 1976 • Apple Computer Company founded. 1983 -1984 • Enters Fortune 500.

  17. Apple Company Template

    Free Apple Company Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Main features. 30 slides 100% editable. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all screens. High quality royalty-free images. Included resources: charts, graphs, timelines and diagrams. More than 100 icons customizable in color and size.

  18. Apple's iPhone 15 debunks the "full-line" semiconductor supplier myth

    Apple's iPhone 15 uses chips from many suppliers. Image credit: Quartr . The iPhone 15's logic board revolves around Apple's own A17 Pro processor, and that processor series gets plenty of press. Apple set a precedent for system companies when it started making its own processors. This is not a new practice.

  19. Apple Stock: Is It A Buy Ahead Of iPhone 16 Launch Event?

    Apple's iPhone revenue dipped nearly 1% to $39.3 billion and accounted for 46% of the company's total sales in fiscal Q3. Meanwhile, Apple's iPad tablet sales jumped 24% to $7.2 billion thanks to ...

  20. Apple announces Chief Financial Officer transition

    August 26, 2024. PRESS RELEASE. Apple announces Chief Financial Officer transition. CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today announced that Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri will transition from his role on January 1, 2025. Maestri will continue to lead the Corporate Services teams, including information systems and technology, information security, and real estate and development, reporting to ...

  21. Apple Rally Fueled by AI Promises Approaches a Crucial Test

    Apple Inc.'s upcoming iPhone release has sent its stock price soaring because of promised artificial-intelligence features. Those gains appear vulnerable, at least in the short term, if history ...

  22. Transfer a copy of your Apple Music playlists to another service

    Before you transfer. You need an active Apple Music or iTunes Match subscription. You need an active YouTube Music account. Join Apple Music. What you can transfer

  23. Huawei Sets Up Apple Showdown With Event Hours After New iPhone

    Huawei Technologies Co. is preparing to launch new products at an event mere hours after Apple Inc.'s debut for the iPhone 16, setting the stage for the two tech giants' next clash.