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how to do a cover letter for fax

How to Write a Fax Cover Letter

A fax cover letter or fax cover sheet is a must to protect sensitive documents from accidental disclosure. Without it, you risk exposing confidential information, especially if you regularly send faxes to healthcare, legal, and financial institutions.

Depending on the severity of the situation, you may face severe consequences, such as paying hefty fines for noncompliance. You also risk losing your client’s trust, which could negatively affect your sales and business reputation.

Luckily, learning how to write a fax cover letter is relatively easy. Here’s what you need to do.

What to put on a fax cover sheet?

A fax cover sheet typically includes the recipient’s name and fax number, the sender’s name and fax number, the number of pages being sent, and a brief message or subject line. It may also include the date, the fax machine’s phone number, and any additional information or instructions.

Table of Contents

Is a Fax Cover Letter Necessary?

  • What Should a Cover Sheet Include?

Fax Cover Letter Example

How to Write a Fax Cover Letter

Yes, including a fax cover letter is essential. For one thing, it tells your recipient who you are and your purpose for faxing. If your fax contains confidential information, the person who receives it can forward the document to the correct recipient using the information provided in the cover sheet.

Besides, you can’t always guarantee a successful transmission. What if you entered the wrong fax number? The office you’re trying to send your fax probably has a shared fax machine, so there’s a possibility that your document could fall into the wrong hands.

There’s no telling when things could go wrong, so including a cover letter can help secure your faxes . It also helps your business stay compliant, especially if there are privacy and confidentiality standards like HIPAA , GDPR, GLBA, and UETA that you need to uphold.

How to Write a Fax Cover Letter 2

What Should a Fax Cover Sheet Include?

The first step in writing a fax cover letter is knowing what information to include. Make sure it contains the following:

Sender’s name and contact information

This section should include your name, office address, fax number, email, and mobile number. Displaying these details on the cover sheet will make it easier for recipients to contact you. An excellent example would be when you are broadcasting promotional messages. You can have recipients send their replies via email or a toll-free fax number .

Sender’s company name and logo

For business fax cover letters, it’s a must to include your company name and logo. Even if your fax might be treated as spam, your recipients can tell at first glance whether the fax comes from a trusted and reliable source. They simply need to see the cover letter logo.

Date and time of fax transmission

This is crucial if you’re sending faxes with time-sensitive information. You can refer to the time and date shown on the cover sheet to verify the validity of a transaction. It also serves as proof in case there’s a need to confirm the document’s authenticity or double-check whether the fax has been successfully delivered.

Total number of faxed pages

Displaying this information can help recipients verify whether there are missing pages. When showing the total number of pages, you should always include the fax cover sheet in the count. For example, the total page count should be six when faxing a five-page membership form.

Recipient’s name and contact information

Including this information is a must whether you are faxing documents to single or multiple recipients. This way, the person or department can quickly identify the document’s addressee. If you cannot provide a specific name, you can indicate your recipient’s job position or title. For example, you can address your fax to the head of marketing or external relations officer.

How to Write a Fax Cover Letter

Confidentiality notice

A confidentiality or privacy notice is necessary to warn recipients about the prohibited use of confidential information. You must include this notice every time you fax a document that contains private information, like a laboratory request or financial report. You can also include a notice asking the recipient to destroy the document copy in case they receive it by mistake.

Summary or description

When applicable, you can also write a summary or overview of your fax message. This way, your recipient will have a general idea of what your fax message is about. You can also include a list of all the documents attached.

Relevant notes

Adding relevant notes can help identify whether your fax message requires urgent attention. It can be as simple as a checklist displaying the actions that you’d like your recipient to do. Here are a few examples of the options you can include in your relevant notes:

  • Please reply
  • Please comment
  • Please review

As long as you keep these pointers in mind, you’ll learn how to write a fax cover sheet or letter in no time.

Below is a fax cover letter sample that you can use as a reference.

No time to write a personalized fax cover letter ? There are professionally designed fax cover sheet templates that you can customize to suit your needs and preferences. With templates, you can spend less time writing and more time faxing.

Effortlessly Create Fax Cover Letters With iFax

With iFax , you can save yourself from the hassle of creating fax cover letters from scratch. All you need to do is send a fax, then choose a cover page from the menu. You may also customize it to suit your needs and preferences.

To add a cover letter to your fax, you simply need to:

  • Log in to your iFax web dashboard.
  • Click New Fax > Compose Fax.
  • Select a cover letter by scrolling through the menu.
  • Remember to add the receiver’s information, sender’s information, privacy notice, and relevant notes.
  • To add your company logo, click the three dots icon at the top-right of the compose window. Select Add Logo, then upload your logo. Click Save.
  • Add the documents you want to fax and click Send.

Try it yourself and see how easy it is to fax with professionally designed fax cover letters.

Create an account for free or request a demo .

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Kent is a content strategist currently specializing in HIPAA-compliant online fax. Her expertise in this field allows her to provide valuable insights to clients seeking a secure and efficient online fax solution.


HIPAA-compliant and lightning-fast.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Cover Letters / Free Fax Cover Letter (Sheet) Templates

Free Fax Cover Letter (Sheet) Templates

A Fax Cover Letter , sometimes referred to as a fax cover sheet, goes at the beginning of any faxed document. It displays important information that lets the recipient know whom the document is intended for.

These cover letters usually include a brief description of the contents, its purpose, and how to contact the sender.

It is different from a regular cover letter.  A regular cover letter is usually sent with resumes and other business reports to non-familiar entities to introduce applicants and their qualifications.  On the other hand, it usually precedes a document detailing what information the recipient will find in the fax. In most cases, these accompany documents whose correspondents are somewhat familiar with each other.

Whereas sending important documents and messages using a fax machine is not common in the contemporary technological world, some companies may still prefer to use fax over electronic mail. If you are applying for a job position using the machine, you can include both the fax cover sheet and the regular cover letter along with your resume. The ideal format for sending these documents will be a fax cover letter, a traditional cover letter, and your resume.

Free Templates

Free Fax Cover Letter Sample 01 for Word

Need for a Fax Cover Letter

A fax cover letter is essential anytime you send professional correspondence or classified documents using the fax machine.

For instance

If a company requests that you fax a copy of your company’s financial data, it is crucial that you include a cover sheet describing what you sent, why, and whom it is intended for.

In some cases, employers may be specific about how they want job applicants to apply and submit their job application documents. In such cases, applicants must follow the submission guidelines to ensure that their documents reach the potential employer safely and at the right time. If an employer requires a paper copy of your job application forms and resume, sending them via fax can be quicker than traditional mail. Given such a case, including a brief, strong, and professional cover letter along with your application documents will certainly help the recipient determine the importance of your fax.

Benefits of Usage

These cover letters are essential anytime you send information or important documents using the traditional fax machine or the eFax. They not only provide context for your document but also give it a more formal and professional look.

The following are the main advantages/benefits of using these:

Keeps information safe

When you send information or communicate to another person through fax, the recipient will receive the message as a paper copy. And in most cases, companies and businesses usually have one fax machine accessible to everyone within the company. Including a cover letter that discloses who the fax is from, whom it is intended for, what is in the fax, and whether it is confidential will help keep your private information safe.

Helps your information reach the intended person

It usually discloses where the document needs to go and whom it is intended for. This is important, especially where the receiving company or business uses one fax machine for the entire employee pool, in that it ensures the document ends up in the hands of the right person.

It makes it easier for the recipient to contact you

The cover letter usually includes the sender’s contact information. If the recipient of the faxed document wants to contact you for clarification or further questions, this will be helpful as it displays your contact details.

What to Include in the Cover Letter

The contents of the cover letter may differ, as different companies follow different formats or different templates.

However, the following are the general contents that are used for official correspondence in most corporations:

Company name and logo

A professional fax cover letter should contain the sender’s company name at the top of the page. If the company has a business logo, it should also be prominently displayed at the top of the page, so that the recipient immediately knows which company sent the fax.

Sender’s contact information

A covering sheet must include the sender’s contact information. You can include your relevant contact details, including your name, phone number, email address, and your company’s business address. If you are applying for a job position, including your contact details in the cover sheet makes it easier for the potential employer to contact you for an interview or additional clarifications.

Recipient’s name

If the faxed document is intended for a single person that you are already familiar with, you can include the recipient’s name on the cover letter. However, if you are sending the fax to an unknown recipient, the company in general, or multiple people within the company, you can include the company name in your cover letter.

If you are applying for a job position, it is important to conduct some background research to find out more information about the company and the hiring manager’s name. If you are unable to identify the name of the hiring manager, you can include a general title on the cover letter, such as Dear Hiring Team/Manager.

Date and time of fax transition

Including the date and time of transition in the cover letter is crucial, especially when sending time-sensitive information. Generally, the traditional fax machine and the eFax automatically print the date and time of transmission at the topmost part of the cover letter. However, in some cases, the machine’s calendar and the clock may be off, meaning that you will have to manually include the date and time of transmission on your faxed document.  

Number of pages of the faxed document

It is essential that you include the total number of pages of the document in your cover letter. When filling out the number of pages, ensure that you include the cover letter sheet as part of the total pages. This ensures that the recipient receives all of your attached documents, and in case they find that some pages are missing, they will let you know.

The subject of the fax

The subject includes a brief description of what the fax is all about and why you are sending it. From this section, the recipient gets a fair idea about its importance.

Summary or description of the document attached

An official fax correspondence cover page may also include a summarized description of the attached documents. This can include information on what the document is all about, the document’s total number of pages, a privacy notice (if applicable), the urgency level of the attached materials, and any other relevant information.

Confidentiality statement, if required

If you are sending sensitive data, such as medical information, personnel records, or company financial data, it is essential to include a confidentiality statement at the bottom of your cover letter. The confidentiality statement typically states that the fax contents are solely meant for a certain recipient, and any unauthorized use or disclosure of that information is prohibited. Some cover letters also include a notice to unintended recipients asking them to contact the sender if they receive the fax in error.

Using a few sentences, let your recipient know what they will find in your fax. This encourages them to read the rest because they have already established its importance. If you have attached several documents, such as your resume and covering letter, you can use this section to list all the documents you have attached in the order you sent them.

Clear instructions

If you expect the recipient to follow up or perform other action upon receipt of your documents, you can state that in your cover letter.

Relevant notes

The cover sheets typically include an additional note section or a blank area for further instructions.

The most relevant notes include:

  • Please reply
  • Kindly comment

Type your relevant notes clearly, and include a phone number or email where the recipient can contact you. The relevant notes section is especially important when sending company documents that need to be reviewed, but you can always omit this section when applying for a job.

A cover letter template is a pre-designed document that serves as a front page for your fax communication, providing essential information and enhancing the professionalism of your correspondence. Our selection includes a range of professionally designed templates, each tailored to different purposes and industries. Best of all, these templates are readily available for free download, ensuring the utmost convenience for you. Whether you are a business professional or an individual seeking to streamline your fax communications, our templates offer a hassle-free solution with numerous benefits.

company name and logo

[sender’s name]

[sender’s mailing address]

[sender’s phone number]

[sender’s email address or website(optional)]

Recipient’s name and title]

Recipient’s company name and address]

Recipient’s fax number]

[sender’s name and fax number]

Date and time of fax transition]

[Total number of pages, including the cover letter sheet]

SUBJECT LINE: [Write the subject of your fax, for example, Hr Assistant Job Application Materials]

[Paragraph one: using a few sentences, describe the contents] for example;

I have attached the following documents:

• Cover letter for Hr assistant job

• Relevant academic certificates

• Employer recommendation letter

[Paragraph 2: Let the recipient know why you are sending the documents].

For example, I am sending this fax in response to your job posting for an HR Assistant date August 21, 2021. Based on the job description and qualifications criteria, I am well suited for the job. Kindly review my attached job application materials to see my qualifications, skills, and relevant experience.

I look forward to positive feedback from you.

[Relevant notes: Mark on the appropriate note that is relevant to your contents]




Following are some free samples for you:

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am pleased to forward the requested technical specifications and contract details for the “GreenTech Innovations” project. These documents provide comprehensive information on our proposed renewable energy solutions, including solar panel installations and wind turbine integration for your Techville campus.

Please review the attached specifications and contract at your earliest convenience. I am available for any queries or further discussions at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected].

I look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Best Regards,

Senior Consultant

EcoTech Enterprises

456 Renewable Road

EcoCity, OR 97035

Subject: Submission of Grant Proposal for “Youth Empowerment Program”

Dear Ms. Johnson,

Enclosed, please find the detailed grant proposal for our “Youth Empowerment Program.” This initiative aims to provide career-oriented workshops and mentorship programs to underprivileged youth in Edutown. The proposal outlines our objectives, program structure, budgetary needs, and the projected impact on the community.

Your review and feedback on this proposal are highly valued. For any further information or discussion, feel free to contact me at (555) 987-6543 or [email protected].

Thank you for considering our proposal. We are eager to make a positive impact in our community together.

Warm regards,

Linda Brown

Program Director

Community Connect

321 Unity Blvd.

Hope City, NY 10010

The provided fax cover letters serve as useful instructional guides for individuals seeking to compose professional fax correspondence, due to several key elements that they incorporate. Firstly, they adhere to a clear and formal structure, which is essential in business communication. Each letter begins with the date, followed by the recipient’s details, including their name, position, company, and address, thereby ensuring that the fax is directed to the appropriate individual. This is a critical aspect, as it personalizes the communication and aids in proper routing within an organization.

Moreover, the subject line in the second sample provides a succinct summary of the content, an approach that enhances clarity and aids the recipient in understanding the context of the letter immediately. Both samples exhibit a professional tone, using courteous language and a respectful salutation, which is essential to maintaining professionalism.

The body of each letter is concise yet informative, outlining the purpose of the correspondence and the contents of the fax. This clarity of purpose is crucial in business settings where time is often of the essence. The letters also include the sender’s contact information, an important aspect that facilitates easy follow-up or clarification.

In conclusion, these samples are instructive in demonstrating the key components of effective business fax cover letters: clear structure, personalized addressing, concise content, and professional tone. Such attributes are vital for ensuring that the communication is received, understood, and acted upon appropriately in a professional environment.

Tips for Writing the Cover Letter

Once you have understood the general format of the cover letter, you can easily input the information that you want to communicate in the letter. However, while writing your cover sheet, there are essential tips that you need to consider to ensure effective communication and to make your fax look neat and professional.

These include:

Check for repeating information

Naturally, the receiver of your documents will read your documents as soon as they read the cover sheet. Therefore keep it brief and avoid including any repeated information as this will make it too long. Keep in mind that long cover letters are less likely to be read.

Offer sufficient details

Make sure to include enough descriptive details in your cover letter, including your name, the number of pages, the recipient’s name and contact information, the purpose, and your reason for sending it, to keep the recipient wanting to read through the rest of the fax. However, avoid providing too much information as the recipient will think that they have read enough to get its gist.

Consider the Recipient Business Hours

If you want the recipient to read the letter on the same day, you should send it before they close business.

If the recipient closes the shop at 5.00 pm, if the cover letter is received past the time, they will probably read it the next day.


If the fax is confidential, the cover letter should also be marked as“ confidential” to ensure the intended person only reads the information.

Keep it Neat and Professional

You should avoid slang and unofficial language in your cover letter. The details in the letter will inform the recipient of what to expect in the fax.

Key Takeaways

A cover letter is a sheet that precedes documents sent through the fax machine.  To write an effective cover letter that immediately communicates the essential information to the recipient, include the sender’s contact information, company name and logo, recipient’s contact information, and briefly state the purpose and contents of your fax. Your cover letter should also include the document’s total pages to ensure that the recipient receives all the documents. Finally, make sure to include the date and time of fax transmission-especially for time-sensitive documents.

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Haley S.

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Fax Cover Letter

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Fax Cover Letter

Author : Brent Weight and Jon Wittwer

License : Limited Use

Fax Cover Letter vs. Fax Cover Sheet

There is a difference between a fax cover letter and a fax cover sheet . The cover letter is a more personal detailed informative page whereas the cover sheet is less personal and usually includes much less information. A cover letter usually is sent along with resumes and other business reports to non-familiar entities. A cover sheet usually accompanies a document where the correspondents are somewhat familiar with each other. For a cover sheet, you can download our Fax Cover Sheet Template .

Tips for Fax Cover Letters

  • Keep it simple. Too much information will quickly throw off your recipient and make them less likely to care about what's in the rest of your fax.
  • Keep it neat and clean. Your fax cover letter is a representation of what your recipient will see in the rest of your transmission. Use clean and concise language. Just because you understand a word does not mean the recipient will, so avoid using slang terms and technical jargon.
  • Give as much information as necessary to keep the recipient wanting to read through the rest of the fax. If you give them too much information, the recipient will think they have read enough to get the gist of it.
  • Pay attention to the recipient's business hours. Some businesses may be open until 8 or 9 but they only want to get faxes between the hours of 8 to 6. If received later, the information may be marked as received the following business day.
  • Long letters are less likely to be read, so keep your fax cover to one page.
  • Make sure a fax cover letter is marked as CONFIDENTIAL if the accompanying documents are confidential.

Sample Fax Cover Letters

Example 1 - fax containing documents to sign.

The ABC Barn 123 S. 1000 E. Ste. 1 Business Town, Business State 12345 (123) 456-7890 www.abcbarn.com

TO: C.E.O. Gary Fischer (987) 654-3210

FROM: C.E.O Sarah Tobler (123) 456-7890

DATE: 1/1/15 Pages: 5 (Including cover letter)

The following pages contain the summary of our plans to incorporate your recently acquired company into our business circle and will outline what we plan to do with everyone that worked for you. Also included is a copy of the purchase agreement that we have both signed as part of this merge.

I am sending this fax to you so that you and I both have a copy of the plans and an extra copy of the purchase agreement and I would appreciate it if you could send me back a signed copy so that I know that you received my fax and that you are ok to proceed with our company's plans.


Example 2 - Fax Cover Letter for Submitting a Resume

James Henry III 1 Fiji Way Your Town, Your State 98765 568 974-2013 www.myresume.com

TO: Taco Tower H.R. (987) 654-3210

FROM: James Henry III (123) 456-7890

DATE: 1/1/15 Pages: 3 (Not including cover page)

This fax contains my Resume and the accompanying cover letter for the position as Assistant Manager at your 2398 Kings Way location.

I am sending this fax in response to the ad I found on craigslist advertising for the Assistant Manager position and, once you read the contents of this fax, you will see that with my background I am extremely qualified for the job and I hope to hear back from you soon.


References and Resources

  • Microsoft Template Gallery - templates.office.com - Includes a few Fax Cover templates.
  • The Scanner-Friendly Resume - www.njit.edu - Provides tips for making a resume that can be easily and correctly read by a scanner.
  • Choosing an Online Fax Service - labnol.org - This article can help you figure out what to do when you need to send a fax without access to a fax machine.
  • How to Make a Simple Cover Letter - yourbusiness.azcentral.com - A step-by-step guide to making a fax cover letter using different computer programs.

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Fax Cover Sheet

  • Free Fax Cover Letter Template Examples (PDF, Word)

by faxcoversheet | Aug 28, 2023 | Blank | 0 comments

Fax cover letter comes in handy when it comes to sending important documents securely. Fax is still used as a mode of communication even though there are plenty of communication modes available.

If you have important or confidential documents to send for work, school, or personal matter then do check out the fax cover letter templates here and download a suitable one for your use.

There is a section on a cover sheet where messages, comments, or other important information can be added. Faxing is a part of government offices, medical sector, professional sector, and academic sector.

A fax cover letter is the very first thing that the recipient would see. The contact information of both sender & receiver, fax number, fax subject, etc is written on a cover letter.

Fax Cover Letter PDF Example

If you are wondering what’s written on a cover letter then please note that the date, number of fax pages, name & address of recipient, fax number, fax subject, a short messages is usually covered on a cover letter. For a business fax cover sheet, there is a section to include the name & logo of a company for branding purposes.

Fax Cover Letter PDF

Download PDF

Free Fax Cover Letter Template Word

Check out the editable fax cover sheet template below. You can download this letter in .doc word format. You can make the necessary changes as per your work need or requirement.

Fax Cover Letter Template Word

Download Word

Blank Fax Cover Letter Sample

A blank fax cover page has empty fields where information can be added by a sender. The sample of blank fax cover sheet is shared below.

Blank Fax Cover Letter

How to Make a Fax Cover Sheet

Making a fax cover sheet is no rocket science, you need to have a basic knowledge of using MS Word to create a fax cover sheet. Creating a cover letter from scratch may consume some time and efforts. In order to save the time & efforts of our users, here we have shared free fax cover sheet samples and examples, download or print any of the cover sheet from here and use it for your work requirement.

Many people wonders why faxing is still relevant? Faxing is one of the oldest and secure mode of communication specially when it comes to send confidential information.

You can see the use of fax machines in government offices, medical offices, and many companies as well. If you are a part of the organization or business where faxing is done then make sure to know about the cover sheet or letter, how to make it, how to properly fill it, and what’s the purpose of using it.

Free fax cover pages are shared on this page that can be used for both personal and professional work. For business or professional work, make sure to add logo and name of a company, use the formal font & design only. For personal work, you can choose to add whatever font or design you like. A variety of cover letters are available here, download any of the template, and print as many copies as you want.

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Fax cover templates

Use customizable fax cover templates for seamless communication. make a fax cover sheet for your business using these templates in minutes..

Fax cover page template surrounded by 3D design elements

Free fax cover page templates

If you or your business still use fax machines, it’s important that you have a professional fax cover sheet. Fax cover sheets will make communication a breeze. They can also protect the content of your fax if it contains sensitive information. Explore a variety of fax cover page templates that you can quickly and easily edit in Word. There are a variety of fax cover sheet templates available: choose from simple fax cover sheet templates or colorful fax cover sheet templates. You can customize each fax cover page to match your company branding. For example, you can add your company colors to the fax cover page for a professional look. These fax cover page templates include space for your logo, your company name, and contact information like your phone number and email. You can also enter the number of pages in your fax and the subject. Explore more templates that you can use for your business .

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7 Best Fax Cover Letter Samples [Free]

Fax Cover Letter

Want to write a Fax cover Letter When sending a fax, it is always best to include a cover letters. This helps the recipient to understand what the fax is about, and who it is from. It also helps to ensure that the fax is received and reviewed in a timely manner. There are many different ways to write a fax cover letters, but there are some essential elements that should always be included.

The first element is the sender’s information. This should include the sender’s name, address, and phone number. The second element is the recipient’s information. This should include the recipient’s name, address, and fax number. The third element is the date. The fourth element is a short description of the document or documents being sent. The fifth element is any additional information that might be helpful to the recipient, such as “urgent” or “confidential”.

By including all of these elements, you can be sure that your fax will be properly received and reviewed. Additionally, using one of the seven best fax cover letter samples below can help you to create a professional and effective fax cover letter.

How To Write a Fax Cover Letter

A fax cover letter is an important part of sending a fax. It is a sheet that gives the recipient of the fax important information about who is sending the fax and what it is for. A fax cover letters also serve as a way to introduce the sender and can help to build rapport between the sender and recipient. There are many different types of fax cover letters, but there are 7 that stand out as the best.

The first type of fax cover letter is the standard cover letter. This type of cover letter is perfect for when you need to send basic, no-frills fax. It includes all of the essential information, such as the sender’s name and contact information, the date, and the recipient’s name and contact information.

The second type of letter is the customized fax cover letter. This type of letter allows you to include more personal information about yourself and your company. It can also use to include a logo or other branding elements.

The third type of letter is the short fax cover letter. This type of letter is perfect for when you need to send short fax – one that is less than one page in length. It includes all of the same essential information as a standard letter, but it takes up less space.

The fourth type of fax cover letter is the long fax cover letter. This type of fax cover letter is perfect for when you need to send long fax – one that is more than one page in length. It includes all of the same essential information as a standard fax cover letter, but it allows you to include more detailed information about yourself and your company.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Fax Cover Sheet Example

Fax Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I am sending you this fax in regards to (insert issue here). I have enclosed (type of document) for your review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (insert contact information here).

Thank you for your time,

Related: Finance Cover Letter: 07 Samples & Examples ideas

Fax Cover Sheet Example

I am sending a fax to ____________ (name/department) at ___________ (company name). The document is _____ pages long, including this cover sheet. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems receiving the fax.

Contact Information (phone number

Related: Administrative Assistant Cover Letter: 15 Examples & Templates Included

Fax Cover Sheet Printable

Please find attached a printable fax cover sheet. This can use for sending important information or documents quickly and easily.

(Your name)

Related: 7+ Best Art Director Cover Letter Examples

Fax Cover Letter Template

I am sending you this fax in regards to (name of issue). This is a very important matter that needs to address as soon as possible. I have included all of the relevant documentation and information regarding this issue in this fax.

Please review the information and get back to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

(Your contact information)

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Generic Fax Cover Sheet

I am sending you this fax in regards to ___________________________. Enclosed, you will find ____________________________. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at _____________________.

Your name here

Related: Generic Cover Letter: 09 Samples & Examples

5 Things to Include In a Fax Cover Letter

  • The fax cover letters should include the name and address of the sender, as well as the name and address of the recipient.
  • The fax cover letters should also include the date on which the fax will be sent.
  • The fax cover letters should briefly describe the contents of the fax.
  • The fax cover letters should indicate whether or not the recipient is expected to reply to the faxs.
  • Finally, the fax cover letters should include a daytime telephone number in case the recipient needs to contact the sender. By following these simple guidelines, you can be sure that your fax will be received and understood by its intended recipient.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

The best way to get started with fax cover letters is to find some samples online. There are plenty of sites that offer free fax cover letter templates, and you can easily find one that suits your needs. Once you have found a template, simply fill in your contact information and message. Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number so that the recipient can easily get in touch with you. You may also want to include a brief message about why you are sending the fax.

For example, you might say that you are sending a resume or application for a job. Keep your message clear and concise, and be sure to proofread it before sending it. With a little bit of effort, you can easily create professional fax cover letters that will help to improve your chances of getting your application noticed.

Fax Cover Sheet Printable

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How to Write a Fax Cover Sheet

Resources » Other Topics (Non-PDF) » How to Write a Fax Cover Sheet

Fax Cover Sheet Examples and Answers to FAQs

Cartoon like illustration of a woman using a copier or fax machine at work

So how do you make a fax cover sheet? What does a fax cover sheet look like? This guide will show you how to create a fax cover sheet and enclose it with your faxed document.

Many modern businesses prefer faxing documents as opposed to emailing or sharing them through a cloud storage service. Although this may initially seem inconvenient — and even a bit antiquated in the modern day of digital file transfers — you can actually fax documents online without the need to buy a fax machine or printer. 

When you send a fax, you should always include a fax cover sheet. 

A fax cover sheet, or cover letter, is a page added before your faxed document that provides some key information about you (the sender), the recipient, and the document that you’ve sent. You can think of a fax cover sheet as the envelope that encloses a letter that you want to send through the mail. Just like an envelope, the fax cover sheet also protects the content of the fax. The person who receives the fax can reference their identity with the sender’s identity that you’ve enclosed in the fax cover sheet to ensure they’re the correct recipient.

You don’t have to create a fax cover sheet when faxing a document, but it’s a great way for your fax to appear professional, reach the intended recipient, and stay private. 

What Goes in a Fax Cover Sheet? 

Before, we mentioned how PDF.Live allows you to fax documents online. When doing this, the tool will actually create a fax cover letter for you. That contains all the information necessary for a fax cover sheet. So how do you create a fax cover letter using the PDF.Live online fax tool?

  • Upload your PDF to the PDF.Live fax tool . 

Screenshot showing what PDF Live's fax upload field looks like.

Either drag and drop your PDF from your computer into the tool or click Select File to Fax and navigate to where your PDF is stored on your computer. 

  • Enter your recipient’s information. Check Add Free Custom Cover Letter

Screenshot showing what the built in cover sheet looks like when you send a fax by PDF Live.

On the left side of the online fax tool, you’ll see two tabs: PDF File and Cover Letter. When entering your recipient’s information, PDF.Live has an option to add a free custom cover letter to your PDF. This customer cover letter serves as a fax cover sheet and will contain all the relevant information. 

  • Review your fax cover letter.

Screen shot showing what a completed cover sheet looks like in PDF Live

Cover Letter Format for Fax

The fax cover letter generated by PDF.Live is generally what a fax cover letter should look like and contain. Your fax cover letter will include:

  • The recipient’s phone number
  • The sender (your) phone number
  • The recipient’s name
  • The sender’s name
  • The fax document “subject” (think of this as an email subject line!)
  • A message to the sender

When you click Send , PDF.Live will enclose this fax cover letter before your faxed document. This makes it easier for the recipient to find out who sent the document and why to get it processed faster. When faxing a document through PDF.Live, no physical versions are necessary – you can fax entirely through your web browser. Clicking Send will immediately send your fax out. It may take a couple of minutes, so refer to our Faxing PDF guide to learn more about how it works.

What to Write on a Fax Cover Sheet

You don’t have to write a personal message on the fax cover sheet, but if you have special requests or instructions, this is where you do it. For example, you might write: “Please email me at [email protected] to confirm that you received all 11 pages of my fax.”

This space could also be where you put privacy requests, as in: “This fax contains private information that is intended only for the recipient named on this cover sheet.” 

You might also include instructions on why you are sending the fax, if it isn’t obvious: “Hey, Smitty. I picked up this sale brochure from a property for sale near you, and I thought it might be what you’re looking for. Give me a call and we can take a look together!” 

There’s really no need to write a long letter; keep the messages short and to the point.

Printable Fax Cover Letter Form / Template (Free Download)

If you don’t want to make a fax cover letter through PDF.Live, you can use the cover letter provided in the above image as a screenshot. You can also search “Fax cover sheet templates” to find fax cover letter examples. You’ll just need to edit to add your personal information. For example, here is a fax cover sheet template from Microsoft . 

PDF.Live includes a free fax cover sheet within our online faxing tool, but if you prefer to create your own, here is a free PDF template that includes the basics for sending a fax.

Download a free blank fax cover sheet template from PDF.Live. 

If you’re having trouble adding a cover page to the PDF you want to fax, consider using PDF.Live’s Merge Tool to add an extra page or pages to the beginning of your PDF.

Illustration 175864261 © Studiostockcreator | Dreamstime.com

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Free Fax Cover Sheet

How To Make a Simple Cover Letter For Fax [Step By Step]

In today’s digital era, the Simple Cover Letter For Fax machine might seem like a relic of the past, overshadowed by the convenience of email and cloud-based document sharing. However, it’s essential to recognize that the fax machine continues to hold its ground in specific industries and scenarios, where security, authenticity, and compliance are paramount.

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  • Basic Fax Cover Sheet
  • Professional Fax Cover Sheet
  • Confidential Fax Cover Sheet
  • Personal Fax Cover Sheet
  • Google Docs Fax Cover Sheet
  • Make a Simple Cover Letter For Fax

Whether you’re navigating the intricacies of healthcare, dealing with legal documentation, or communicating with government agencies, faxing remains a trusted means of transmitting sensitive information.

What makes faxing persist in this digital age? The answer lies in its unique attributes. Faxes provide physical, hardcopy records of document transmissions, offering a level of assurance and permanence that digital methods often lack. Moreover, faxes are considered more secure than email, as they operate on dedicated phone lines, reducing the risk of data breaches.

In these contexts, the fax cover letter emerges as a critical component of the faxing process. It serves as a formal introduction to your transmitted documents, providing essential information about the sender, clarifying the fax’s purpose, and furnishing any specific instructions necessary for the recipient’s understanding.

This guide is your comprehensive resource for mastering the art of crafting a simple yet effective fax cover letter. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the world of faxing, you’ll discover valuable insights to create a fax cover letter that not only conveys professionalism but also enhances the clarity and efficiency of your fax communications.

Fax Cover Letter

In the digital age, where emails, cloud storage, and instant messaging dominate our communication landscape, the fax machine may appear as a relic from a bygone era. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that in specific industries and situations, faxing remains a steadfast and indispensable method for transmitting documents.

Whether you’re dealing with confidential medical records, legal contracts, or sensitive financial information, the fax machine continues to play a pivotal role in ensuring secure and authenticated document exchange.

Fax Cover Letter

Why, you might ask, does faxing persist when more modern alternatives are readily available? The answer lies in its unique qualities. Fax machines provide a tangible, hardcopy record of document transmissions, a feature especially prized in fields where legal and regulatory compliance is paramount. Additionally, faxes are often deemed more secure than email, as they operate over dedicated phone lines, reducing the risks associated with digital communication.

Fax Cover Sheet

At the heart of the faxing process is the fax cover letter, a document often underestimated in its significance. It serves as the gateway to your transmitted documents, offering critical information about the sender, clarifying the fax’s purpose, and providing specific instructions for the recipient.

In this guide, we will delve into the art of crafting a simple yet effective fax cover letter, whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of fax communication.

How To Make a Simple Cover Letter For a Fax

In an increasingly digital world, the fax machine might seem like a relic of a bygone era. However, it remains a relevant and necessary tool in various professional contexts. 

In these sectors, where sensitive information and compliance with regulations are paramount, faxing offers a level of security and authenticity that digital methods often struggle to match.

The Simple Cover Letter For Fax is a fundamental element of this traditional yet enduring communication method. It serves as an introduction to the documents being transmitted and provides essential context for the recipient.

Beyond basic identification of the sender and recipient, a well-constructed fax cover letter can clarify the purpose of the fax, highlight any urgent or critical information, and specify actions the recipient should take upon receiving the documents.

This guide is designed to help you navigate the process of creating a simple yet effective Simple Cover Letter For Fax. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to faxing, these insights will enable you to craft a cover letter that not only conveys professionalism but also enhances the clarity and efficiency of your fax communications, ensuring that your important documents reach their destination securely and with precision.

Simple Cover Letter For Fax

In an age where electronic communication has taken center stage, the fax machine might seem like an outdated technology. However, it’s important to acknowledge that in various professional sectors, faxing remains an essential means of transmitting documents.

Industries such as healthcare, legal services, and finance rely on faxes for secure and authenticated document exchange. Faxing offers a level of tangible, hardcopy security that digital methods often cannot replicate.

Simple Cover Letter For Fax

When it comes to sending a fax, the fax cover letter is an often underestimated but crucial component. It acts as a window into your transmitted documents, offering vital information about the sender, clarifying the purpose of the fax, and providing any specific instructions necessary for the recipient’s understanding. A well-constructed fax cover letter not only conveys professionalism but also enhances the clarity and efficiency of your fax communication.

Creating a simple yet effective Simple Cover Letter For Fax is a valuable skill, even in our digital age. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to craft a fax cover letter that ensures your documents are not only securely transmitted but also clearly understood by the recipient.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to faxing, these insights will help you make the most of this traditional yet enduring method of document transmission, ensuring that your important documents reach their destination securely and with precision.

how to do a cover letter for fax

How to Write a Fax Cover Sheet

Effectively sending a fax takes more than just transmitting the pages of the actual document. Without also including a fax cover sheet as page one, you expose yourself to a few easily avoidable risks, like disclosing confidential information, creating uncertainty about the intended recipient or document purpose, or simply appearing unprofessional. 

Luckily, it’s easy to create a fax cover sheet and include one with every fax you send. We’ll show you how.

Write Your Fax Cover Sheet in 3 Easy Steps

If you’re going to send a fax, you want to make sure to include a fax cover sheet with every transmission. The cover sheet makes the who, what, and why about your fax crystal clear to the receiver. A fax cover sheet also serves as a layer of protection for confidential or sensitive documents.

Fax cover sheets are easy to create, and it takes just three steps.

  • Decide How You Want to Send Your Fax
  • Identify All Essential Cover Sheet Information
  • Create A Fax Cover Sheet Template

Ready to level up your faxing game? Let’s get to it.

1. Decide How You Want to Send Your Fax

Today, you have options when it comes to faxing documents. The option you choose dictates how you’ll create a fax cover sheet. 

Use a Traditional Fax Machine

Readers of a certain age surely remember fax machines of old. These are standalone units where you manually type in the recipient’s fax machine telephone number on a keypad, then listen to ringing and the random beeps and hums until your call is connected to the recipient’s fax machine. 

If you haven’t had to fax anything since the early 2000s, you might think those old-fashioned fax machines are obsolete. But you’d be wrong. There are many businesses and organizations that still rely on traditional fax machines to send important documents.

Why? Fax machines can be used without any internet connection, you just need a working telephone line. If your internet connection goes down, you can still fax. Plus, with a traditional fax machine, you don’t have to worry about your physical fax being sent to someone’s spam email folder where it is overlooked. 

Likewise, your faxed documents don’t become part of internet traffic. This eliminates the risk of being intercepted during transmission. And you’ll never question whether your fax was successfully sent, since the confirmation page that prints out at the end offers proof of when, where, and to whom your fax was sent. 

So don’t write off using a traditional fax machine. Depending on your business needs, it may be the preferable way to share important documents with third parties.

Subscribe to an Online Fax Services

Of course, there’s a higher-tech solution for faxing, too. With the advent of online fax services, you can leverage the power of your computer or smartphone to share documents with others–no fax machine or dedicated telephone line needed.

Online fax services offer a number of other benefits, too. They keep all your faxes digitally organized in a single location. They also secure your faxes with 256-bit SSL encryption, the most secure protection publicly available, to keep your information protected as it moves through the cloud.

But one of the biggest features is convenience. With an online fax service, you can send and receive faxes from your computer, tablet, mobile device, and even a fax machine. Yes, that’s right–if you do have a traditional fax machine, it can be incorporated into your online fax service, giving you even more flexibility.

Best of all, online fax services include the option to automatically include a fax cover sheet with every fax you send. You set up your preferred cover sheet options once, and the service takes care of it after that. A fax cover sheet is automatically created for you every time you use the service.

If this type of convenience sounds good to you, check out our comparison guide to the best online fax services . Whether you send just a few faxes each month or are a power faxer, there’s a service that’s perfect for you.

2. Include All Essential Cover Sheet Information

As you create your fax cover sheet, keep in mind that its purpose is to make things crystal clear for the recipient. The more information you include, the better the chance of your document getting to the right person right away.

The information you include also depends on the nature of what you’re sending. Private documents, business contracts, and employment agreements are just a few things that demand a specialized fax cover letter noting the confidential nature of the documents. In some cases, like medical records, specific disclaimer language is required by law.

Basic Information to Include on Every Fax Cover Sheet

No matter what you’re sending, at a minimum your fax cover sheet should include the following:

  • Sender’s company info : Display this information clearly to make it easier for the recipient to recognize your fax as a legitimate business communication. 
  • Sender’s direct contact information : Include a direct dial telephone number or extension for the fax sender, so they can be quickly contacted with questions or issues related to the fax transmission. 
  • Recipient’s name and fax number : Note this on the cover sheet so the fax can be easily sent by anyone and quickly delivered to the correct recipient upon arrival.
  • Number of total pages : Include the fax cover page in your total page count so the recipient can verify they received all pages.
  • Date of transmission : Include the date you sent the fax so the recipient can easily see when you sent it, no matter when they personally receive it.
  • Short message : Explain the purpose of the fax and any special instructions, so the recipient knows why they received it and what they need to do next.

Special Requirements for Confidential Fax Cover Sheets

If you’re faxing anything that contains sensitive or confidential information, you’ll want to be sure that it is clearly noted on your fax cover sheet. While such a notice won’t eliminate the possibility that someone other than your intended recipient will view the information, it does provide a warning, which is the best you can do when sending a fax.

In addition to all the basic information listed above, there are two additional things to include when sending private documents. 

The word CONFIDENTIAL should be prominently displayed on the fax cover sheet. Use a large font and capitalize all letters for maximum impact. The point is to make it easily known that the pages that follow are intended only for the named recipient’s eyes.

A confidentiality clause should also be included, usually at the bottom of the page in smaller font. Again, it isn’t going to eliminate the chance that your fax is viewed by someone other than the receiver, but it at least explains the importance of the confidential materials. You can find many examples of confidentiality clauses, like the one in the example below, by doing a basic Google search.

As a general best practice, you can create a single fax cover sheet that includes these confidentiality notations, and then use the same cover sheet no matter what you fax–confidential or not. Here’s an example of what such a multipurpose sheet might look like.

Example of a fax cover sheet with a confidentiality clause at the bottom

HIPAA-Compliant Fax Cover Sheets

There’s a separate category of faxes that have special legal requirements for their cover sheets. Any time you transmit a patient’s healthcare information via fax, you’re governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This set of U.S. laws is more commonly known as HIPAA.

It’s very important to be HIPAA compliant when sending faxed medical records. Violating HIPAA can result in large fines.

While HIPAA laws themselves don’t spell out exactly how to design a compliant fax cover sheet, there are basic elements that must be included. In addition to the bullet list above, a HIPAA-specific disclaimer is required. This can replace or be in addition to the general confidentiality disclaimer discussed above. 

Here’s an example of what a HIPAA-compliant fax cover sheet might look like.

Example of a HIPAA compliant fax cover sheet with the HIPAA confidentiality clause at the bottom

Now that you know what to include on your fax cover sheet, it’s time to create your own. 

3. Create A Fax Cover Sheet Template

Let me help you streamline all your future faxes. The best way to do that is with a template.

A template helps you avoid reinventing the wheel every time you send a fax and saves you cumulative time and effort.

If you choose to use an online fax service, it should provide a template you can customize. The service will walk you through the process to create your fax cover sheet when you sign up for a plan.

But even if you intend to send most of your faxes through the online service, there still might be an occasion when you need to send something manually on a fax machine. For those situations, you’ll still want to have a fax cover sheet available. 

And if you’re not using an online fax service, you’ll need to create a fax cover sheet on your own. So no matter what, it’s a good idea to design and keep a fax cover sheet template on hand.

Using Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or other word processing software is the fastest and easiest way to create a fax cover sheet template that you can use again and again. You can find and modify these templates in the software’s template library or import a template from a third-party source.

We picked Microsoft Word for this example since they have a very robust library of fax cover letter templates. Here’s how to create a personalized fax cover sheet template.

From the Word main menu, select File > New from Template .

Image of Microsoft Word file menu with a red arrow pointing to the New From Template menu options

In the search bar, type in Fax to display all the available fax cover sheet templates.

Microsoft Word template document search bar with red arrow pointing to it

Select the template you prefer, then choose Create .

Microsoft Word template documents display screen with red arrow pointing to Fax Cover Sheet template document

Edit the template to your specifications, then click File > Save as Template .

Image of Microsoft Word File menu with red arrow pointing to Save as Template menu option

Name your new template , then click Save . Note: The default location will be Word’s template directory, and the default file extension will be .dotx . Do not change either of these settings.

Microsoft Word file saving pop up screen with red arrow pointing to Save  As field and Save button

Your new template should now appear at the top of the screen anytime you visit the Word start screen, as shown below.

Microsoft Word new file window with red arrow pointing to ABC Company Fax Template that was created in the preceding steps

And that’s all there is to it. Once you create a new fax cover sheet template, it will be ready to electronically fill in anytime you need it. Alternatively, you can print a few and keep them close to the fax machine for those last-minute transmissions. 

Final Thoughts About Writing a Fax Cover Sheet

Whether you use an online fax service or still rely on your trusty fax machine, a fax cover letter is an essential part of the faxing process. They’re easy to create and should be included with every transmission you send.

Make sure you include key information on your fax cover sheet and that it is the first page of your fax. This way the person on the receiving end knows exactly what and why they’re getting something from you.

how to do a cover letter for fax

Create a fax cover sheet in Word for the web

It's quick and easy to make a fax cover sheet like this while you're online.

Fax Cover template

Choose one of our fax templates , and open it in Word for the web to make it yours.

click More on Office.com

To print the fax cover sheet, press Ctrl+P, and wait for the Print dialog.

Note:  If you don't see a Print dialog box, click the link for opening a PDF version of your fax cover sheet. From there, use the PDF program's Print command.


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How to Send a Fax

Last Updated: March 4, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Mitch Harris . Mitch Harris is a Consumer Technology Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mitch runs his own IT Consulting company called Mitch the Geek, helping individuals and businesses with home office technology, data security, remote support, and cybersecurity compliance. Mitch earned a BS in Psychology, English, and Physics and graduated Cum Laude from Northern Arizona University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 986,055 times.

Whether you are a young whipper snapper who's never heard of a fax before, or you've been around the block but just forgotten, you'll probably need to know how to send a fax at some point. Keep in mind that there are a number of variations between fax machines, so you should consult the manual or instructions for your personal machine if you have them on hand. Using most machines requires inserting a cover letter, dialing the fax number and sending your fax on its way.

Before Sending the Fax

Step 1 Create the cover letter.

  • The cover letter includes information like the recipient’s name, the content of the fax, and how many pages it includes. It should also include the sender’s information, such as name and fax number, so that the recipient will know whom it came from and can reply if necessary.

Step 2 Dial the fax number.

  • The country code (the number 1 for US phones and fax numbers) will also sometimes need to be dialed before local numbers but only when the area code is also required. The country code is almost always necessary to dial long distance numbers.
  • You will often also need to dial 9 before dialing long distance numbers. Check the specifications for or ask about your individual fax machine.
  • Be sure that the number you are using is the fax number and not the phone number of the person you are trying to reach. Often the numbers will be listed next to each other on business cards and it is easy to misread it or look at the wrong number.

Step 3 Determine the feeding method.

  • If the folded-down corner has the lines, this means the sheets must be fed into the fax machine with the blank side facing you.
  • If the folded corner is blank, this means you must feed the machine with the front side of the paper facing you.

Step 4 Fax the right material.

  • The most common size paper for fax machines, as with printers, is A4 or American letterhead.

Sending the Fax

Step 1 Use your fax machine to send the fax.

  • You will notice that, after pressing send, the machine will make a series of beeps and whirring sounds. This is normal. These sounds are how fax machines communicate with each other. When a fax has successfully gone through, you will usually hear a long, clear beep after a few minutes. When a fax encounters a problem and does not go through, you will usually hear it make a horrible sort of death-keen. If you hear this horrible sound, you should check on the fax machine to assess the problem.

Step 2 Use the internet to send a fax.

  • PamFax is an excellent faxing service for Skype. This program charges a small fee, however.
  • HelloFax is a service that integrates well with Google Drive, allowing you to easily fax Google documents. It includes a certain number of free faxes and then charges a fee.

Brandon Phipps

Brandon Phipps

You can send a fax from your computer without a traditional fax machine. There are several services available that allow you to send faxes online. It can be a convenient option if you don't have access to a fax machine or if you prefer to handle your faxing needs electronically.

Step 3 Use email to send a fax.

  • You can check if the fax number is covered by looking online.
  • Use this formula to create the address to which you will send the email: “[email protected]”
  • Remove the quotations, exchange the numbers for the fax number (including country and area code), and first and last for the name of the person you are sending it to.
  • Note that only the text in the text box will appear on the fax. You cannot attach PDFs or any other material with this method.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Always enter the entire number, including the area code and a number 1 for long distance. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Most fax machines will have instructions by them. Let the wisdom of those that have come before you guide you on your journey... Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to do a cover letter for fax

  • If you are sending confidential information, be aware that ANYONE can read a fax that is printed. Double-check the number before you send it, and make sure the recipient is expecting your fax. Thanks Helpful 41 Not Helpful 9

Things You'll Need

  • Cover Letter
  • Papers to be faxed
  • Recipient's fax number
  • Fax machine or computer

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About This Article

Mitch Harris

To send a fax using e-mail, start by checking online to see if the fax number you wish to send something to is able to receive faxes this way. If it is, compose a new e-mail and select the address line. Then, type the first and last name of the recipient with an underscore in between, followed by the “@“ symbol. After the “@“, add the fax number with the country and area code, then “.iddd.tpc.int” to finish the address. Finally, include what you want to fax within the body of the e-mail and hit “Send.” For tips on how to send a fax using a regular fax machine or an internet service such as HelloFax, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Do a Fax Cover Sheet as a Word Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a fax cover sheet in Microsoft Word is a relatively straightforward process that can add a professional touch to your documents. Simply open a new Word document, choose a template or create your own, fill in the necessary information, and you’re ready to send your fax.

After completing your fax cover sheet, you’ll be able to attach it to your faxed documents, providing the recipient with important information such as the sender’s details, the number of pages being sent, and any additional notes or instructions.


Ever been in a situation where you needed to send a fax, but wanted to make sure it looked professional and provided all the necessary information? That’s where a fax cover sheet comes in handy. Whether you’re a small business owner, a job applicant, or just someone who needs to send a document via fax, knowing how to create a fax cover sheet in Microsoft Word can save you time and make sure your document stands out.

But wait, it’s the digital age, so why are we still talking about faxes? Believe it or not, many industries like legal, healthcare, and government still rely on faxing due to its secure nature and legal validity. Plus, not everyone has moved to email or online document transfer just yet. So, having the know-how to whip up a fax cover sheet can come in quite handy.

How to Do a Fax Cover Sheet as a Word Template

The following steps will show you how to create a professional-looking fax cover sheet using Microsoft Word.

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word

Open Microsoft Word on your computer.

Opening Microsoft Word is the first step because it’s the program we’ll be using to create our fax cover sheet. Make sure you have a version of Word that’s 2007 or newer to access all the necessary features.

Step 2: Choose a Template

Go to the “File” menu, select “New,” and then choose a fax cover sheet template.

Microsoft Word offers a variety of templates, including several for fax cover sheets. By choosing a template, you’re halfway done with your cover sheet as the basic layout and necessary fields are already provided.

Step 3: Customize the Template

Fill in your personal information and customize the template as needed.

This step involves putting your touch on the template. You can change fonts, colors, or even add a logo to make your fax cover sheet stand out. Be sure to include details like the recipient’s name, your contact information, and the subject of the fax.

Step 4: Save Your Document

Once you have filled in all necessary information, save your document.

Don’t forget to save your work! This way, you can reuse the cover sheet in the future and only need to update the specific details for each fax.

Professional AppearanceA well-designed fax cover sheet presents you as a professional, which can be particularly beneficial in business or legal transactions.
Organizational ToolIt helps you organize your information and ensures the recipient knows exactly what the fax entails, reducing miscommunication.
CustomizableWord templates are easily customizable, allowing for personal branding and tailoring to specific requirements.
Time-ConsumingWhile templates are faster than creating from scratch, customization can still be time-consuming, especially for those not proficient in Word.
Learning CurveThose unfamiliar with Word might find navigating and choosing the right template challenging.
Technical IssuesDependence on technology means that technical issues like software crashes could disrupt the process.

Additional Information

Now, you might be thinking, “Why can’t I just write a quick note on the front page and send it off?” Well, you could, but a fax cover sheet ensures that your document is received and handled correctly. It’s like the address on an envelope – it tells the recipient where it’s going, who it’s from, and what to expect inside.

Additionally, a cover sheet can provide a layer of confidentiality, especially if the contents are sensitive. By including a confidentiality statement, you alert the recipient to handle the information with care. As for customization, don’t be afraid to add a bit of your personality or company branding. Just remember to keep it professional!

Lastly, even though we’re focusing on creating a fax cover sheet as a Word template, keep in mind that there are online fax services that allow you to send faxes without a physical fax machine. These services often provide their own cover sheet options, but knowing how to make your own gives you greater control over the look and information.

  • Open Microsoft Word
  • Choose a fax cover sheet template
  • Customize the template with your details
  • Save your document

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i use a fax cover sheet for email.

Yes, you can. Although it’s not commonly done, attaching a fax cover sheet to an email can provide the same organizational benefits.

Do I need a fax machine to send a fax cover sheet?

Not necessarily. Online fax services allow you to send faxes, including a cover sheet, without a physical fax machine.

Is it mandatory to use a fax cover sheet?

While not mandatory, it is considered professional and is highly recommended, especially for business or official documents.

Can I add a logo to my fax cover sheet?

Absolutely! Customizing your fax cover sheet by adding a logo can enhance your brand’s recognition.

What should I include on a fax cover sheet?

At minimum, your fax cover sheet should include the sender’s contact information, the recipient’s name and fax number, a subject line, the date, and the total number of pages being sent.

Mastering the art of creating a fax cover sheet as a Word template is a skill that may seem outdated but remains relevant in many professional settings. Whether you’re communicating with a business that still relies on faxes or submitting confidential documents, a well-crafted fax cover sheet speaks volumes about your professionalism and attention to detail.

Having the savvy to customize templates in Word not only saves time but also allows you to tailor every communication to the task at hand. Remember, every point of contact, including a simple fax cover sheet, is an opportunity to make an impression.

Don’t miss out on that chance by overlooking the importance of a polished and informative cover. So, the next time you find yourself about to send a fax, take a moment to create a cover sheet that represents you and your purpose effectively.

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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