• Communications
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  • Academic Publishing Guide
  • Building a Graduate School Resume or CV

Choosing Between a Thesis or Non-thesis Master's Degree

  • Expert Guide to Studying Abroad
  • FAQ: Online Master's Degrees
  • Grad School Guide Book
  • Graduate School for Students with Disabilities
  • Green Graduate Degrees
  • How to Be a Successful Grad Student
  • How to Choose the Right Graduate Program
  • How to Get a Master's Degree in an Unrelated Field
  • How to Transfer College Credits in Grad School
  • How to Write a Winning Personal Statement
  • Inside Graduate Admissions
  • Ivy League Grad Schools
  • Master's Degrees for Veterans
  • Master's Degree for Women
  • Mental Health in Grad School
  • Progressive LGBTQ Graduate Degrees
  • Should You Apply for a Graduate School Assistantship?
  • Surviving Grad School with a Family
  • Taking a Gap Year Before Grad School
  • Women in STEM Graduate Resources
  • Writing a Successful Statement of Purpose
  • Alternative Ways to Pay for School
  • The Best Part-Time Jobs During Grad School
  • Company Funded Graduate School
  • FAFSA For Grad Students
  • Financial Aid Resources
  • Graduate Student Loans
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  • Crushing the GRE Guidebook
  • GMAT Guidebook
  • Guide to the LSAT
  • MCAT Prep for Medical School
  • Study Guide: Exam Resources
  • TOEFL Prep for Non-Native English Speakers
  •       Resources       Choosing Between a Thesis or Non-thesis Master's Degree

As of 2015, approximately 25.4 million Americans held advanced degrees , with more citizens joining these ranks each year. As studies continue to show the career advancement and salary benefits of completing a master's degree, more and more students elect to pursue advanced educations. When considering their options, many question whether to enroll in a master's requiring a thesis or not. The following guide examines some of the reasons degree seekers may want to write a thesis while also highlighting why they might not. Students on the fence about this important decision can find expert advice, actionable tips, and relevant guidance to help them make an informed choice in the guide that follows.

Understanding the Master's Thesis

What is the difference between a thesis & non-thesis master's program, the decision not to do a thesis.

As students research various master's programs in their chosen discipline, it's common to find that many degrees require a thesis – especially if they want to enter a research-heavy field. While this word gets thrown around a lot in academia, some learners may want more information regarding what it entails in order to make an informed decision.

What is a Master's Thesis?

The master's thesis is an original piece of scholarship allowing the student to dig into a topic and produce an expanded document that demonstrates how their knowledge has grown throughout the degree program. These documents require significant independent research of primary and secondary sources and, depending on the subject, may require interviews and/or surveys to support the overarching argument.

Individual schools and departments dictate the length of these documents, but they typically range between 60 and 100 pages – or approximately 20,000 to 40,000 words. While tackling a document of such heft may seem overwhelming at first, learners need not fret. Each master's candidate receives a faculty advisor early in their tenure to provide support, feedback, and guidance throughout the process. Because the final thesis is expected to be of a publishable quality, learners seeking the highest marks typically send their supervisor excerpts of the document as they write to ensure they are on the right track.

When picking a thesis topic, no magical formula exists. Students should consider their interests and read extensively on that topic to get a better sense of existing scholarship. They should also speak to other academics working in that sphere to familiarize themselves with ongoing projects. Only after they feel reasonably well-read should they begin looking for uncovered angles or interesting ways of using emerging methodologies to bring new light to the topic.

When considering formatting, degree seekers should check with their specific schools and departments, as they may have unique requirements. To get a general understanding of what to expect, learners can review Simon Fraser University's guidelines on thesis formatting. After completing the thesis, some programs require an oral defense before a committee while others read the document and provide a grade. Check with your prospective schools to get a better sense of procedure.

Format & Components of a Master's Thesis

While this guide attempts to provide helpful and actionable information about the process of deciding whether to follow a thesis or non-thesis track in a master's program, readers should remember that specific components and requirements of a thesis vary according to discipline, university, and department. That being said, some commonalities exist across all these – especially when it comes to what students must include in their final drafts.

As the first section a reader encounters after moving through the table of contents and other anterior text, the introductory allows the writer to firmly establish what they want to accomplish. Sometimes also called the "research question" section, the introductory must clearly state the goals of the paper and the overarching hypothesis guiding the argument. This should be written in a professional yet accessible tone that allows individuals without specializations in the field to understand the text.

This section allows learners to demonstrate their deep knowledge of the field by providing context to existing texts within their chosen discipline Learners review the main bodies of work, highlighting any issues they find within each. Constructive criticism often centers around shortcomings, blind spots, or outdated hypotheses.

Students use this section to explain how they went about their work. While scientists may point to a specific method used to reach conclusions, historians may reference the use of an emerging framework for understanding history to bring new light to a topic. The point of this section is to demonstrate the thought processes that led to your findings.

This section allows for learners to show what they learned during the research process in a non-biased way. Students should simply state what information they gathered by utilizing a specific framework or methodology and arrange those findings, without interpretation, in an easy-to-read fashion.

After providing readers with all the necessary information, the discussion section exists for candidates to interpret the raw data and demonstrate how their research led to a new understanding or contributed a unique perspective to the field. This section should directly connect to the introduction by reinforcing the hypothesis and showing how you answered the questions posed.

Even though the previous sections give prospective degree seekers a better sense of what to expect if they decide to write a thesis during their master's program, they don't necessarily help learners decide whether to pursue a thesis or non-thesis track. The following section highlights some of the reasons students frequently choose to complete a thesis or bypass the process altogether by providing a pros and cons list.

Why a Thesis Program

  • Especially when entering a research-heavy discipline, completing a thesis shows prospective schools and employers that you possess the skills needed for researching and writing long-form reports.
  • Students hoping to pursue a Ph.D. stand in better stead with admissions panels if they wrote a thesis during a master's program.
  • Individuals hoping to enter a field that values syntax and grammar often better their writing skills by completing a thesis.
  • Students who write a thesis can submit the final product to various academic journals, increasing their chances of getting published.
  • Theses expand students' understanding of what they're capable of, deepen their ability to carry out an argument, and develop their skills in making connections between ideas.

Why a Non-thesis Program

  • Because they don't require a significant written product, non-thesis master's tend to take less time to complete.
  • Often mirrors a bachelor's program in terms of structure, allowing learners to complete classes and take exams without a great deal of research or writing.
  • Students who excel in project-based assignments can continue building skills in this arena rather than focusing on skills they don't plan to use (e.g. research)
  • Provides learners the opportunity to work more closely and more frequently with faculty on real-world projects since they don't spend hundreds of hours researching/writing.
  • Allows learners to take more classes and gain hands-on skills to fill the time they would have spent researching and writing a thesis.

How to Choose a Master's Program: FAQs

Within some academic disciplines and professional fields, research and writing plays a key role in work done on a daily basis. Because of this, master's programs in these fields require learners to complete theses to compete against peers and be seen as competent in their work. Other disciplines, conversely, rely on other tools to accomplish work and progress ideas – making theses less important.

Yes. Master's programs focused more on application than research typically don't require a thesis – although they may still give students the option. Examples of common non-thesis master's programs include nursing, business, and education.

Even though non-thesis students won't be writing a 100-page paper, that doesn't mean they avoid completing a significant project. In place of a thesis, most applied master's programs require students to take part in at least one internship or complete a culminating project. These projects typically ask learners to take what they learned throughout coursework and create an expansive final project – examples include case studies, creative works, or portfolios.

While students who followed a non-thesis path routinely receive acceptance to Ph.D. programs, those with theses often find the process easier. Even if a learner pursues a Ph.D. in a discipline that isn't research-heavy, admissions panels still want to get a sense of your academic interests and ability to engage in independent, nuanced thought. Students with theses can provide solid proof of these skills, while those without may struggle to demonstrate preparedness as thoroughly.

The answer to this question depends on many factors, but typically it is okay not to do a thesis if you plan to enter a field that doesn't depend heavily on research or writing, or if you don't plan to complete a Ph.D.

Students wanting to work in academic, research, or writing should always opt for the thesis track. They should also follow this path if they have any doctoral degree aspirations.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to complete a thesis rests with the individual student. Figuring out how to proceed on this front requires lots of careful consideration, and learners should ensure they consider various aspects before coming to a final decision. The following section helps students consider how they should and should not come to a conclusion.

Dos and Don'ts of Choosing a Thesis or Non-thesis Program

  • Consider the longevity of your decision: will you feel the same in 5-10 years or are you making a decision based on current desires?
  • Talk to others who with experience in this area. Ask them questions about their decision-making process and if they regret their choice.
  • Research potential thesis topics before starting a program. Going in with a game plan can help you feel more confident and settled about the process than if you're scrambling for a topic while in school.
  • Reach out to prospective schools to speak with faculty and/or current students following both tracks. This will provide knowledge specific to the school while also expanding your network if you choose to attend there.
  • Research Ph.D. entrance requirements to ascertain if the majority expect learners to possess a thesis when applying. This will give you a sense of whether you may experience issues later on if you do not complete one.
  • Decide not to complete a thesis simply because you have never taken on such a task and feel overwhelmed or fearful that you will fail.
  • Complete a thesis simply because you think it will look good on your resume. Theses require intense devotion over an extended amount of time; learners who complete them without conviction often find the process miserable.
  • Forget to research alternatives to writing a thesis. Just because you don't complete a research paper doesn't mean a non-thesis track lacks rigor or challenging coursework.
  • Forget to read examples of theses by previous students. If you feel overwhelmed by the task, reading work other people have done can often make the task at hand feel less scary.
  • Let yourself off easy by taking the non-thesis path. If you find you have extra time in the program, talk to your advisor about taking more classes, develop meaningful projects for yourself, or see about presenting at an academic conference.

From the Expert

Sudiksha Joshi

Sudiksha Joshi, Ph.D. is a learning advocate. Her mission is to empower our youth to think bigger, bolder thoughts and forge a career path that will change the world. She taps into her natural curiosity and ability to identify strengths to help students and those in transition find their path from feeling lost in the traditional ways of achieving success to charting their own path. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Medium and LinkedIn.

Why might a student decide to follow a thesis track? Why might they follow a non-thesis track?

A student might decide to take a thesis track if she/he wants to pursue a Ph.D. Also, if the students want to focus on careers where research and writing have a strong focus, the students opt for the thesis option. Research assistantships at the graduate level are also more often available to students who opt for the thesis option.

A student who might feel that writing is not one of their strengths might choose to go the non-thesis track. Likewise, a student who has other work commitments may find a non-thesis option more convenient.

Do you have any tips for deciding on a program?

I chose a thesis option because being able to conduct independent research was a big reason to go to graduate school. Also, showing the ability that I could do research was what afforded me research assistantships which meant that my tuition was paid for and I got a stipend that paid for expenses while I was in graduate school. This also allowed me the opportunity to work closely with the faculty mentor that provided me with the support and the accountability I wanted.

I would not recommend taking a non-thesis option if all the degree requires is for you to take courses. You have little to show in terms of your learning other than your grades unless you are already working on something on the side that does that for you and all you need is a certificate.

Opt for a non-thesis option if you can still work closely with a professor or on a project and if you'd rather be involved in multiple projects rather than focus on a single project. If you already have a good (informed) reason for choosing one over the other, go for it.

What's the most important thing to consider when choosing a program?

The most important thing to consider when choosing a program is getting excited about the projects that at least one of the faculty members are involved in. Do some research and see why you are excited about a particular work that at least one of the faculty members have been involved in.

Who should students talk to when considering options?

Students should talk to other students and also reach out directly to the graduate coordinator and even individual faculty members. This means that students should have done prior homework and have some good questions ready. Asking good questions will get you at least halfway through to make the right decision.

Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

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Updated April 1, 2024

Lauren Mastbaum

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Are you ready to discover your college program?

mba no thesis

Each year, thousands of students enroll at U.S. business schools, working toward their MBAs. As access to and interest in online learning have continued to increase, more students can pursue these in-demand degrees from the comfort of their homes.

Colleges, too, have shifted their approach to recruiting MBA students. As more and more business schools shift away from requiring GMAT scores, the focus has turned to other indicators of success. Keep reading to learn about top online MBA programs with no GMAT requirements.

The Best MBA Programs Online That Don't Require GMAT

The school and/or program descriptions below were drafted using natural language generation technology and have been edited for clarity and accuracy.

We use trusted sources like Peterson's Data and the National Center for Education Statistics to inform the data for these schools. TheBestSchools.org is an advertising-supported site. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. from our partners appear among these rankings and are indicated as such.

#1 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities

  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Online + Campus

Located in Minneapolis, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities offers an online master of business administration. The MBA program builds specialized skills for leadership roles in the business field and related industries. A master's degree can also train candidates for roles in new industries.

The master's curriculum emphasizes current research in business administration. Learners specialize the program by choosing from a variety of electives. The master's program builds on prior business experience gained during a bachelor's program.

Online enrollees complement the classroom experience with internship opportunities in their local area. Many institutions provide libraries and fitness centers for use by students living on campus. The program encourages graduate students to participate in hands-on experiences and networking events to grow their professional connections.

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities at a Glance:

Type of School: Public, four-year

Admission Rate: 70%

Total Online Master's Programs: 6

Program Name: Master of business administration

Graduate Tuition In State: $17,580

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $27,204

#2 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

The University of Cincinnati

  • Cincinnati, OH

The online master of business administration at the University of Cincinnati prioritizes flexibility. Graduates train for leadership roles in the field while earning their degree from the MBA program. Earning a master's degree can also help candidates pursue new career opportunities.

The master's curriculum emphasizes the best practices in business administration. Learners choose electives or a specialization to stand out in a competitive job market. The master's program builds on undergraduate training or professional experience in the business field.

Online enrollees work with the MBA program to arrange professional internships at approved locations in their area. Many institutions provide libraries and fitness centers for use by students living on campus. Graduate students expand their professional network through internships and online events.

The University of Cincinnati at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 76%

Total Online Master's Programs: 28

Graduate Tuition In State: $13,224

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $24,966

#3 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Southeastern Oklahoma State University, located in Durant, enrolls master's students in its online business administration program. The MBA program strengthens industry-specific skills, preparing graduates for leadership responsibilities. Earning a master's degree can help candidates advance in their current career or pursue a new career path entirely.

The master's curriculum emphasizes both practical and theoretical approaches to business administration. Learners choose electives and concentrations to prepare for focused career paths. Applicants with prior experience in business administration or a related field often meet the admission requirements.

Online enrollees can often complete professional internships at approved locations in their own community. Many institutions provide libraries and fitness centers for use by students living on campus. The MBA program encourages professional development activities, including networking events, so graduate students can expand their professional connections.

Southeastern Oklahoma State University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 79%

Total Online Master's Programs: 12

Graduate Tuition In State: $4,716

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $10,872

#4 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Southern Methodist University

Southern Methodist University, located in Dallas, enrolls master's students in its online business administration program. Graduates train for leadership roles in the field while earning their degree from the MBA program. A master's degree can also train candidates for roles in new industries.

The master's curriculum explores business administration research and methodologies. Learners specialize the program by choosing from a variety of electives. Applicants with prior experience in business or a related field often meet the admission requirements.

Online enrollees work with the program to arrange professional internships at approved locations in their area. The common facilities and services offered at most universities, such as the library or gym, are accessible to students who live on campus. Graduate students expand their professional network through internships and online events.

Southern Methodist University at a Glance:

Type of School: Private, nonprofit, four-year

Admission Rate: 53%

Total Online Master's Programs: 25

Graduate Tuition In State: $40,896

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $40,896

#5 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Bentley University

  • Waltham, MA

From its campus in Waltham, Massachusetts, Bentley University hosts a top-ranked master of business administration program. The MBA program helps graduates move into leadership roles and increase their earning potential. A master's degree can also lead candidates to new career paths.

The master's curriculum covers theoretical and practical approaches to business administration. Learners individualize the program to prepare for focused careers. The master's program recommends individuals have a background in business before applying.

Online enrollees complement the classroom experience with internship opportunities in their local area. Those who live near campus can enjoy the common amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. The MBA program encourages professional development activities, including networking events, so graduate students can expand their professional connections.

Bentley University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 58%

Total Online Master's Programs: 2

Graduate Tuition In State: $40,992

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $40,992

#6 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Regent University

  • Virginia Beach, VA

The MBA program at Regent University, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, uses a flexible distance learning format. The master of business administration program helps graduates move into leadership roles and increase their earning potential. A master's degree allows candidates to move up the career ladder or pursue a new career path.

The master's curriculum covers methodological and research perspectives on business. Learners choose electives and concentrations to prepare for focused career paths. The master's program builds on undergraduate training or professional experience in the business field.

Online enrollees meet any in-person requirements, such as internships, at approved sites in their local area. Common facilities and services offered at most universities, like the library or gymnasium, are accessible to students living near campus. Graduate students can build professional connections through virtual networking events and other activities.

Regent University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 50%

Graduate Tuition In State: $15,552

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $15,552

#7 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Excelsior University

The online master of business administration program is offered by Excelsior University from its Albany, New York, campus. Graduates train for leadership roles in the business field while earning their degree from the MBA program. After completing a master's degree, candidates often advance in their current field or pursue new opportunities.

The master's curriculum incorporates theoretical and applied approaches to business. Learners individualize the program to prepare for focused careers. The master's program recommends that applicants have a business background.

Online enrollees complement the classroom experience with internship opportunities in their local area. Those who live near campus can enjoy the common amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. Graduate students grow their professional connections through internships and virtual networking events.

Excelsior University at a Glance:

Total Online Master's Programs: 24

#8 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Baker College

From its campus in Owosso, Michigan, Baker College hosts a master of business administration program. The MBA program emphasizes specialized skills, preparing graduates for increased responsibilities and a higher earning potential. Earning a master's degree helps candidates move into a new career path or advance in their current field.

The master's curriculum emphasizes the best practices in business administration. Learners can focus the program with electives or a concentration. The master's program recommends a background in business for applicants.

Online enrollees coordinate with the program to complete internships at approved sites in their local area. Those who live near campus can enjoy the common amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. The program hosts networking events and other professional development activities to help graduate students expand their professional connections.

Baker College at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 54%

Graduate Tuition In State: $12,510

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $12,510

#9 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Missouri Baptist University

  • Saint Louis, MO

Graduate students seeking an online business administration degree can enroll in the master's program at Missouri Baptist University, located in Saint Louis. The MBA program builds specialized skills for leadership roles in the business field and related industries. A master's degree can also lead candidates to new career paths.

The master's curriculum blends theory and practice to provide an advanced understanding of business administration. Learners prepare for focused career paths by choosing electives and concentrations. Applicants who majored in business or a related field often meet the admission requirements.

Online enrollees meet any in-person requirements, such as internships, at approved sites in their local area. Those who live near campus can enjoy the common amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. Internships and other practicum activities build both hands-on experience and professional connections.

Missouri Baptist University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 65%

Total Online Master's Programs: 10

Graduate Tuition In State: $10,256

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $10,256

#10 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Angelo State University

  • San Angelo, TX

From its campus in San Angelo, Texas, Angelo State University offers an online master of business administration. The MBA program helps graduates move into leadership roles and increase their earning potential. After completing a master's degree, graduates often pursue career advancement in their current field or a new one.

The master's curriculum covers methodological and research perspectives on business. Learners take specialized courses to stand out in a competitive job market. Applicants without a degree in business or a related field may need to complete prerequisite requirements to enroll in the program.

Online enrollees meet any in-person requirements, such as internships, at approved sites in their local area. Many institutions provide libraries and fitness centers for use by students living on campus. The program hosts networking events and other professional development activities to help graduate students expand their professional connections.

Angelo State University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 78%

Total Online Master's Programs: 13

Graduate Tuition In State: $4,119

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $11,481

#11 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Parker University

From its campus in Dallas, Texas, Parker University offers an online master of business administration. The MBA program strengthens specialized skills, preparing graduates for leadership roles with a higher earning potential. Earning a master's degree can help candidates move into a new career path or advance in their current field.

The master's curriculum explores theoretical and practical perspectives in the business field. Learners choose electives and concentrations to prepare for focused career paths. The master's program recommends that applicants bring a background in business or a related field.

Online enrollees gain hands-on experience during professional internships in their local area. The common facilities and services offered at most universities, such as the library and gym, are accessible to students who live on campus. Graduate students also build professional connections by attending networking events.

Parker University at a Glance:

Total Online Master's Programs: 4

Graduate Tuition In State: $12,870

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $12,870

#12 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

North Park University

  • Chicago, IL

North Park University, located in Chicago, enrolls master's students in its online business administration program. The MBA program encourages career training throughout its curriculum, preparing graduates for leadership positions. With a master's degree, candidates also pursue new career opportunities.

The master's curriculum explores theoretical and practical perspectives in the business field. Learners focus the program with electives or a concentration. The master's program builds on prior business experience gained during a bachelor's program.

Online enrollees work with the program to identify internship opportunities at approved sites in their local communities. Students who live near campus can access the library and gymnasium as well as the equipment and facilities available at most institutions. Graduate students grow their professional connections through internships and virtual networking events.

North Park University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 44%

Graduate Tuition In State: $13,896

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $13,896

#13 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Emporia State University

  • Emporia, KS

Graduate students interested in earning a master of business administration can pursue their degree from Emporia State University. The MBA program strengthens specialized skills, preparing graduates for leadership roles with a higher earning potential. A master's degree can also lead candidates to new career paths.

The master's curriculum examines theoretical and practical perspectives on business. Learners focus the program with electives or a concentration. The master's program builds on undergraduate training or professional experience in the field.

Online enrollees can often complete professional internships at approved locations in their community. On-campus students benefit from the library and gym facilities provided by many institutions. Graduate students also build professional connections by attending networking events.

Emporia State University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 86%

Total Online Master's Programs: 17

Graduate Tuition In State: $6,547

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $20,365

#14 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Bushnell University

From its campus in Eugene, Oregon, Bushnell University hosts a top-ranked master of business administration program. The MBA program strengthens industry-specific skills, preparing graduates for leadership responsibilities. A master's degree allows candidates to move up the career ladder or pursue a new career path.

The master's curriculum emphasizes current research in the business field. Learners take electives and other specialized courses to gain career-specific training. The admission requirements include a background in business or a related field.

Online enrollees work with the program to find internship opportunities in their local area. Those who live near campus can enjoy the common amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. The MBA program hosts networking events and other professional development activities to help graduate students expand their professional connections.

Bushnell University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 68%

Total Online Master's Programs: 7

Graduate Tuition In State: $17,640

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $17,640

#15 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Lincoln Memorial University

  • Harrogate, TN

Lincoln Memorial University, located in Harrogate, Tennessee, offers a flexible online MBA program. The master of business administration program draws on a rigorous curriculum that prepares graduates for leadership responsibilities. Earning a master's degree often helps candidates move into a new career path or advance in their current field.

The master's curriculum explores theoretical and practical perspectives in the business field. Learners specialize the program by choosing from a variety of electives. The master's program builds on undergraduate training or professional experience in business.

Online enrollees gain hands-on experience during professional internships in their local area. The common facilities and services offered at most universities, such as the library and gym, are accessible to students who live near campus. The program hosts networking events and other professional development activities to help graduate students expand their professional connections.

Lincoln Memorial University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 69%

Total Online Master's Programs: 15

Graduate Tuition In State: $20,705

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $20,705

#16 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Blue Mountain College

  • Blue Mountain, MS

The online master of business administration program at Blue Mountain College, located in Mississippi, prioritizes flexibility. The MBA program emphasizes specialized skills, preparing graduates for increased responsibilities and a higher earning potential. With a master's degree, graduates can also pursue new career opportunities.

The master's curriculum examines advanced theories and practices in business. Learners focus the program with electives or a concentration. The master's program builds on undergraduate training or professional experience in the business field.

Online enrollees complete internship programs in their local area to gain hands-on experience. Students who live near campus can access the library and gym, as well as other amenities and facilities. Graduate students also build professional connections by attending networking events.

Blue Mountain College at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 99%

Total Online Master's Programs: 3

Graduate Tuition In State: $10,530

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $10,530

#17 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Spring Hill College

The MBA program at Spring Hill College, located in Mobile, Alabama, uses a flexible distance learning format. Graduates train for leadership roles in the field while earning their degree from the master of business administration program. After earning a master's degree, graduates can pursue careers in various industries.

The master's curriculum explores advanced methodologies and research in business. Learners focus their training by choosing electives based on their interests and career goals. The program encourages applicants to gain experience in business before applying.

Online enrollees complete internship requirements at approved sites in their own community. Those who live near campus can enjoy the amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. Internships and other practicum activities build both hands-on experience and professional connections.

Spring Hill College at a Glance:

Graduate Tuition In State: $7,182

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $7,182

#18 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Tennessee Wesleyan University

The online MBA program is offered by Tennessee Wesleyan University from its Athens campus. The master of business administration program builds specialized skills for leadership roles in the business field and related industries. A master's degree can also lead candidates to new career paths.

The master's curriculum emphasizes the best practices in business administration. Learners take electives and other specialized courses to gain career-specific training. Applicants without a background in business may need to complete prerequisite courses before enrolling in the MBA program.

Online enrollees add to their resume by pursuing internship opportunities at approved locations in their area. Common facilities and services offered at most universities, like the library and gymnasium, are accessible to students living on campus. The program encourages graduate students to participate in hands-on experiences and networking events to grow their professional connections.

Tennessee Wesleyan University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 61%

Graduate Tuition In State: $18,490

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $18,490

#19 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

The University of Saint Mary

  • Leavenworth, KS

The University of Saint Mary, located in Leavenworth, Kansas, offers a flexible online master of business administration. The MBA program emphasizes industry-relevant knowledge and skills, preparing graduates for decision-making responsibilities. After completing a master's degree, candidates often advance in their current field or pursue new opportunities.

The master's curriculum blends theory and practice to provide an advanced understanding of business administration. Learners prepare for focused career paths by choosing electives and concentrations. The master's program recommends a background in business or a related field for applicants.

Online enrollees can often complete professional internships at approved locations in their own community. Those who live near campus can enjoy the amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. Graduate students grow their professional connections through internships and virtual networking events.

The University of Saint Mary at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 60%

Graduate Tuition In State: $11,124

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $11,124

#20 Top Online MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirement

Wichita State University

  • Wichita, KS

From its campus in Kansas, Wichita State University offers an online MBA program. The master of business administration program uses a rigorous curriculum to prepare graduates for advanced roles in the field. A master's degree can also lead candidates to new career paths.

The master's curriculum incorporates theoretical and applied approaches to business. Learners choose electives or a specialization to stand out in a competitive job market. The master's program builds on undergraduate training or professional experience in business administration.

Online enrollees gain hands-on experience during professional internships in their local area. Those who live near campus can enjoy the amenities and facilities available at most institutions, such as the library and gym. Internships and other practicum activities help learners build hands-on experience and professional connections.

Wichita State University at a Glance:

Admission Rate: 80%

Graduate Tuition In State: $5,544

Graduate Tuition Out of State: $13,615

Featured Online MBA Programs

Why are schools waiving or not requiring the gmat.

The reasons a school may waive the GMAT are different than the reasons for eliminating the GMAT altogether. A school may waive the GMAT for two reasons. Firstly, if you apply with a stellar undergraduate GPA and exceptional work experience, you may get a waiver. Secondly, some schools created a temporary waiver following the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the case of schools no longer requiring the GMAT, you will find this more common with online MBAs. These programs recognize that applicants have a wide spectrum of experiences and educational backgrounds and allow them to decide which elements of their application best showcase their preparedness.

Even if a school doesn't require the GMAT, you may find that taking the exam still makes sense based on other application components.

What Is the GMAT?

The GMAT — or the Graduate Management Admission Test — is a standardized, multiple-choice exam used to measure readiness for graduate-level work. Many graduate business schools and MBA programs require it.

How Much Does the GMAT Cost?

As of 2023, it costs $275 to take the GMAT at an in-person testing location in the U.S. and $300 to take it online. Pricing and regulations vary by country .

How Long Does the GMAT Take?

The current version of the GMAT takes three hours and seven minutes to complete. You can also choose to use two optional eight-minute breaks. The exam breaks into four sections, including:

  • 31 quantitative reasoning questions
  • 36 verbal reasoning questions
  • 12 integrated reasoning questions
  • One analytical writing assessment

Most test-takers spend 8-12 weeks preparing for the GMAT, but timelines can vary based on how much preparation you need to feel confident.

How Many Times Can You Take the GMAT?

  • Candidates can take the GMAT up to five times in a rolling 12-month period. Only two of those five attempts can be online.
  • Candidates can take the GMAT a lifetime maximum of eight times.

Who Cares About GMAT Scores?

Even though some schools may no longer care about GMAT scores, that doesn't mean every employer feels the same. Consulting firms, and some investment banks, frequently require GMAT scores when hiring interns and employees.

Other types of companies you may encounter who want to know your GMAT scores include managerial recruiters, financial planning institutions, and risk management firms. These employers see GMAT scores as a helpful metric when identifying the strongest candidates, given that many receive a large number of applications for each position.

What Is the GRE?

The GRE — or Graduate Record Examination — is a more generalized graduate-level standardized test used by graduate, business, and law schools worldwide.

How Much Does the GRE Cost?

As of 2023, in most areas of the world, the GRE costs $220 . Test fees in India and China are slightly higher. Some people may qualify for a fee reduction voucher.

How Long Does the GRE Take?

Overall testing time lasts about three hours and 45 minutes, plus a 10-minute break.

The test covers three subjects broken into six sections.

  • Analytical Writing
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning

Kaplan recommends 1-3 months of study time for the GRE . Top performers typically study over 100 hours before taking the exam.

How Many Times Can You Take the GRE?

You can take the GRE up to five times within any rolling 12-month period. There must be at least 21 days between each test.

Who Cares About GRE Scores?

The same type of employers who care about GMAT scores frequently still care about GRE scores, as they provide one more metric for comparing candidates and making informed decisions.

GRE scores also prove valuable for MBA graduates who may decide to attend law school later. In addition to colleges and universities wanting these metrics, many law firms also review GRE scores as part of the hiring process.

Admission Requirements in Place of GMAT Scores

In the absence of GMAT scores, what do online MBA program administrators look for in potential candidates? Below, we examine some of the top requirements for online MBA programs that do not require GMAT scores.

Work Experience

Advanced degrees, professional licensure, letters of recommendation, essay or personal statement, when you need to take the gmat or gre.

Even though many MBA programs no longer require applicants to take the GMAT or GRE, you may want to include your scores anyway — especially if parts of your application could be stronger.

If your undergraduate GPA is low or you lack work experience, an impressive GMAT score may help bolster your admission chances.

What If the School Requires the GMAT or GRE?

Many programs continue to require standardized test scores for admission. Here's how to prepare for them:

  • Figure out which schools on your list require test scores.
  • Decide which test you should take — do the schools you're looking at accept both exams? Is preference given to one over the other?
  • Set aside plenty of time to study and sit for your exam.
  • Ideally, give yourself enough time to retake the exam at least once in case you want to improve your initial score.


Test scores might be optional — but picking an accredited school definitely isn't. If you're going to invest your time and money into business school, you want future employers to trust that your education is legit.

Accreditation matters for three reasons:

  • 1 It means the school has gone through a rigorous vetting process.
  • 2 It signals to employers that your degree is valuable.
  • 3 It indicates that the program does a good job of supporting students and preparing them to succeed in the workforce.

Some organizations that accredit MBA programs include:

  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
  • International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)
  • Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)

Graduate Success

Strong student outcomes are a good indicator of a high-quality online MBA program.

Below are a few questions you can ask and research:

  • How long does it take for graduates to land a job
  • What are their average earnings in the short and the long term
  • How active is the alumni network when it comes to helping new graduates make important connections and get interviews
  • What career resources does the program provide

Students can earn general or specialized MBA degrees. Generalist programs focus on versatile, transferable skills with broad, cross-industry applications. Specialized programs develop more specific proficiencies for particular industries or targeted areas of professional practice.

Schools vary with respect to the specializations they offer. Some business schools feature many concentration options. Others offer a limited selection or focus solely on generalist business education.

The following list describes common specializations that may interest learners with particular career goals:


Organizational leadership, supply chain.

MBA concentrations in accounting combine a business core with rigorous study of advanced accounting topics. Specialized accounting-focused coursework typically covers subjects including financial reporting, financial analytics, and managerial accounting. MBA programs in accounting also usually cover auditing and business and corporate taxation. Some also delve into nonprofit and public-sector accounting principles.

Featured Online Master's in Accounting Programs

Specialized MBA programs in economics train students to apply both general and specific economics theories and principles to business management. Coursework integrates applied economics with best practices in business management, developing students' abilities to make strategic business decisions based on macroeconomic and microeconomic factors and indicators. Graduates emerge with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in analytics-focused management roles.

Featured Online Master's in Economics Programs

MBA programs in entrepreneurship endeavor to build a strong combination of leadership and business management skills. They typically appeal to self-starters who plan to launch their own ventures. In these programs, students build a combination of advanced skills in areas including business financing, marketing, project management, social innovation, and product and service design. Other common topics include the venture capital landscape, business law, and entrepreneurial strategy.

Featured Online Master's in Entrepreneurship Programs

Finance specializations focus on enterprise banking, accounting, and investment management. After building a strong base of strategic business finance knowledge, students explore advanced topics, including financial statement analysis, investment management, securities, derivatives, and financial technology. This specialization prepares students for future roles in financial planning, financial analysis, and capital management.

Featured Online Master's in Finance Programs

By definition, all MBA degrees cover business management. However, management specializations delve deeper into the mechanics of business operations. Programs with management specializations teach students how to optimize efficiencies and leverage specific management techniques for strategic and competitive advantages. Students can also pursue more targeted MBA management degrees. Examples include MBAs in management consulting, human resource management, and project management .

Featured Online Master's in Management Programs

Marketing specializations provide targeted education on the processes and strategies businesses use to bring successful products and services to market. Course content focuses on topics like market research, consumer analysis, product design and user experience, and product pricing. MBAs in marketing also typically place a strong emphasis on sales strategies and techniques.

Featured Online Master's in Marketing Programs

MBAs in organizational leadership equip students with the management skills needed to succeed in high-visibility, high-profile organizational roles. In addition to standard MBA coursework in business and operations management, learners cover ethics, law, social responsibility, coaching, and leadership theory. Curricula may also cover evidence-based research in leadership and business management topics.

Featured Online Master's in Organizational Leadership Programs

MBAs in supply chain management apply core concepts in accounting, finance, marketing, and competitive analysis specifically to supply chains. Students also build negotiation, inventory management, forecasting, logistics, and process analysis skills. Some programs supplement these topics with general coursework in relevant mathematical areas, including probability and statistics.

Featured Online Master's in Supply Chain Logistics Programs

Taxation-focused MBA degrees combine the specialized tax topic coverage of master of science programs in taxation with business management coursework. Curricula tend to focus heavily on technical topics in enterprise and corporate taxation and tax strategy. They also train students to analyze the tax implications and potential tax consequences of business decisions and accounting strategies.

Featured Online Master's in Taxation Programs

Accreditation for online mba programs with no gmat requirements.

Enrolling in programs that lack accreditation can make it difficult or impossible for you to receive federal student aid , transfer credits, apply for licensure, or find a job.

Schools can receive accreditation from one of several regional bodies. These bodies assess colleges and universities to ensure they provide meaningful support services, maintain relevant curricula, and employ qualified faculty. Use the U.S. Department of Education's Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs to make sure your chosen school is accredited.

Programmatic accreditation matters because it ensures MBA programs meet industry expectations and teach students about relevant topics. Important organizations that accredit online MBA programs with no GMAT requirement include the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs .

MBA Employment Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , business and financial professionals made a median annual wage of $76,850 in May 2022, far higher than the median annual salary of $46,310 for all jobs. A 2023 report by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) projects that MBA graduates earn a median annual salary of $125,000.

GMAC also reported that post-pandemic, demand for MBA graduates is more robust than ever: 91% of recruiters planned to hire MBA grads in 2023.

Salary Opportunities for MBA Graduates

If you have ever wondered what you can do with a business degree , take a look at popular specializations and jobs for online MBA graduates .

Frequently Asked Questions About MBA Programs Without the GMAT

Is the gmat being phased out.

A new GMAT, known as the GMAT Focus Edition, is set to roll out in November 2023. Registration is now open . This new test focuses on more business-specific topics and also takes nearly an hour less to complete.

Can you be exempt from taking the GMAT?

Yes. Even if the online MBA program you plan to apply to requires GMAT scores, you can still request a waiver. Reasons for exemption typically revolve around academics and professional experience, though some schools still offer waivers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do you qualify for a GMAT waiver?

Many schools offer waivers for applicants who achieved a high GPA during undergraduate studies, but they may also offer them for those with significant professional experience. You must contact each school and ask for a waiver to begin the process.

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MBA programs soon.

Ateneo Graduate School of Business

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Mba program, about the program, distinctive features, the ateneo-regis mba program curriculum, the ateneo-regis mba program course sequence, course descriptions, contact details.

mba no thesis

An accelerated executive program that uses a facilitated learning mode to prepare workplace-based, experience-driven professionals to take on the challenges of today’s rapidly changing competitive environment

The Ateneo de Manila University (est. 1859) and Regis University of Denver, Colorado (est. 1877), share a long and storied Jesuit tradition of excellence and service. It is therefore unsurprising that these two institutions, with so much in common, should come together and draw on their areas of relative expertise to come up with a collaborative program, the Ateneo-Regis MBA.

Ateneo’s Graduate School of Business has long utilized a facilitated learning approach to workplace-based education, while Regis University has over time mastered the use of an accelerated mode of adult learning. Under a Program Development and License Agreement signed between the two institutions in 1997, a groundbreaking Ateneo-Regis MBA program was developed that used an accelerated facilitated learning mode to deliver a high-quality, high-impact executive MBA to workplace-based, experience-driven professionals who are prepared to take greater responsibility for their own learning and are ready and able to use their workplaces as their learning laboratory.

The Ateneo – Regis MBA Program will arm executives and business leaders of today with the theories, skills, value frameworks, and adaptive learning outlook that they will need in order to keep up with tomorrow’s dynamic and rapidly changing competitive environment.

  • Developed by two distinguished Jesuit higher-education institutions: the Ateneo de Manila University, and Regis University (Denver, Colorado)
  • Modular in its approach, with specified daily learning outcomes, activities and assignments
  • Focused not just on theories and techniques, but also on values and personal transformation
  • Requires a total of 14 courses (42 units in total), made up of 12 core courses and 2 electives
  • Non-thesis program, with an integrating Strategic Management paper as the terminal requirement


  • Student-centered focus that requires students to take greater responsibility for their own learning
  • Workplace-based approach will require students to draw on their personal and professional experiences, and apply their learnings to their work even as they undergo the program
  • Professors are facilitators of learning rather than lecturers
  • Accelerated program requiring only 8 sessions of 4 hours each, for a total of 32 contact hours per course
  • Maximum of 25 students per class


  • The Ateneo-Regis MBA Program is a non-thesis program designed for senior managers and executives whose corporate responsibilities limit their time for pursuing graduate degrees and are thus compelled to complete the program as quickly as possible through accelerated methods. The program is also designed for senior practitioners whose learning styles and outcomes are achieved through their own direct participation in learning activities without too much classroom interface.
  • Each term of the Ateneo-Regis MBA Program lasts for eight (8) weeks. Each course meets once a week for four (4) hours from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. The maximum number of students per class is twenty-five (25) except for Strategic Management and Quantitative Methods in Management where the maximum number of students per class is twenty (20).
  • The regular load is one (1) subject per term, but a maximum of two (2) courses is allowed.
  • The program can be completed in two (2) years and two (2) terms if one (1) course is taken per term. If two (2) courses are taken per term, the program can be completed in fourteen (14) months, or one (1) year and one (1) term.
  • Each course has a detailed learning guide (module) for the entire course. The module serves as the road map for both the students and their professors. Each meeting haswell-defined goals and objectives. The reading materials and cases for each session are provided prior to the start of each class session.


The curriculum for the Ateneo-Regis MBA Program includes analytical learning through time intensive courses designed specifically for working adults. The design of the courses recognizes that adults learn most effectively and most rapidly through a process of self-learning, bringing both life and work experiences that can be a learning resources for the other students in the class.

Self-learning occurs before class so that each participant can contribute in a meaningful way to group discussions and be an effective resource in shared-learning. Shared-learning occurs in the classroom, where each participant learns from the life and professional experiences of others.

  • Leadership Effectiveness (TSLEADER) The course introduces the students to a depth of thinking about individuals and collective patterns of leadership practices. The course will guide students to reflectively process or understand leadership patterns and dynamics as applied in their personal and professional lives. Critical thinking and ethics-based reasoning and decision making are emphasized.
  • Quantitative Methods for Managers (TSQUANTI) The course introduces the students to quantitative and statistical methods and models that will enhance business decision-making processes. Topics include mathematical modeling, linear programming, probability, decision theory, PERT/CPM, forecasting, inventory management, queuing theory, and monte-carlo simulation techniques.
  • Operations Management (TSOPEMAN) The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, techniques, and applications of contemporary production and operations management (OM). It is a practical course that covers strategic, tactical and operational issues involved in both manufacturing and service operations. In addition to the traditional OM topics, the course also includes quality management, supply chain management and e-Commerce.While providing students with technical and quantitative tools, it will focus more on the managerial aspect of operations, as well as on the ethical and social implications of OM decisions.
  • Managerial Accounting (TSMANACC) Managers need information in their planning and control functions. Financial information is necessary not only to determine the financial position and operating results of a firm but also to help managers make decisions on how best to optimize the resources entrusted to it by its many stakeholders. Resources are measured in terms of cost, and effective cost management is vital to ensure the best possible profit and return to the firm.The course is a study of accounting and cost management concepts. The topics include the analysis of financial statements, cost constructs and cost accumulation methods, the relationship of cost, volume, price and mix and how they can increase margins, variable costing, standard costing, operational and capital budgeting, segment reporting, relevant costing, and cost control strategies. In discussing the various topics emphasis will be given on decision making, its ethical implications especially on the quality and reliability of information, and its impact on business and national development.
  • Financial Management (TSFINMAN) The course deals with the application of contemporary finance theory to the solution of management problems. The focus is on policy formulation and decision-making under uncertainty. Critical evaluation of concepts is emphasized to assess their usefulness in practical business situations. Problem-solving methodology is used to illustrate the theories and tools in financial decision-making.The course likewise tackles the ethical issues and dilemmas faced by the finance manager in his day-to-day work and how these are solved. The learners will be taught how to resolve these issues using an ethical decision analysis framework. The course also discusses the implications of financial management decisions in the life of the enterprise and how such impacts the national economy as a whole.
  • Management Dynamics (TSMANDYN) The course is designed to provide the foundation for the development of knowledge and skills in professional management in different organizational settings. It focuses on the key management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in building a dynamic business portfolio. It will develop skills in integrating technology, ethics and social responsibility, in responding to the transforming situations and challenges of the real world.
  • Human Resource Management (TSHUMRES) The course emphasizes the alignment of Human Resource Management practices and programs with the goals and strategies and values of the organization. This course presents powerful tools for analyzing strategic alignment that will enable the learner to understand the most vital resource of the organization – its human resources.It provides a fresh perspective on the role of HR and its function as change agent in partnership with top management and how together, they can build one of the most critical sources of sustainable competitive advantage – an organization whose design, culture, and people are aligned with strategy and values.It addresses human resource topics such as reward systems, performance management, high-performance human resource systems, training and development, recruitment, retention, work-force relationships from a strategic standpoints.
  • Marketing Management (TSMARKMA) The course is designed to provide learners with knowledge on the fundamental concepts and practices of Marketing in the context of the new economy. It will focus on the formulation and implementation of marketing strategies in the areas of brand equity, products and services, pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and competition. These strategies will be discussed considering the current business environment including such realities such as hyper competition, digitalized technologies and the empowered consumer. The course will also help learners gain a good understanding of administrative processes where Marketing plays a central role in the game of demand creation, customer satisfaction and customer relation management. Furthermore, it will also show how ethical and socially responsible Marketing practices can help in nation-building.
  • Economics for Managers (TSECOMAN) The course focuses on the basic economic concepts and principles as applied to business situations. Microeconomic concepts such as scarcity, opportunity costs, marginalism, and efficiency will never lose their central role in economics as long as scarcity itself exists. Macroeconomic concepts like GDP and GNP, employment and unemployment, inflation and deflation, balance of payments and foreign exchange rates will remain to be the primary concerns of all economies. These micro and macro concepts are integrated into a framework that will assist business leaders and managers in coping with the challenges arising from changes in a competitive business environment.The course will provide students with a working knowledge and skills of how consumers, firms and industries behave in a complex macroeconomic environment, thus helping them arrive at rational, optimal, and efficient choices. These informed choices when added up to the choices that other people make, translate into better societal choices.
  • Demand Management (TSDEMMAN) Demand Management is an approach employed by supply chain managers to see to it that business needs are appropriately satisfied and resources are utilized in optimal ways. This elective course is designed to study the operational and strategic management of demand and to examine the role of supply chain practitioners in this area with the objective of improving organization’s competitiveness. The course will tackle the crucial and practical elements associated with specifying requirements and planning supply, and will present tools that supply chain managers can use in performing their functions.
  • Economic Development (TSECODEV) The course deals with the economics of long-term growth and development. It focuses on areas and issues of policy-making that are likely to remain of primary concern in the efforts of underdeveloped and developing countries to achieve economic growth and development.
  • Electronic Commerce (TSE-COMME) The course is designed to guide managers through the process of overcoming the fear of change and embracing the benefits of e-commerce for customers, employees and shareholders. The economic evidence of the growth of e-commerce and its benefits for streamlining the business relationships between a company and its customers, suppliers, and employees are examined. The highest pay-off e-commerce applications and principles of using e-commerce to create competitive advantage are identified.How companies are getting CEOs on board, how they are managing their change process to create effective e-commerce strategies, and how they create cultures that can sustain the benefits of change in the future are discussed.
  • Entrepreneurship (TSENTREP) Entrepreneurship is the ability to see opportunities where others see only problems, to turn those opportunities into an actual business venture, and to manage that venture into growing, viable enterprise. Entrepreneurship is for those who see an alternative to employment and are not daunted by the challenges of setting up their own business.This course will strive primarily to inspire and to encourage entrepreneurship, through the examination, discussion and analysis of contemporary entrepreneurs. Furthermore, to ensure the viability of any entrepreneurial venture, this course will provide a framework of evaluation techniques to apply and pertinent issues to consider, when investigating business opportunities.The focus on this course is on relatively small businesses, from inception to start-up to early establishment.
  • Family Business Management (TSFAMBUS) Family businesses compose most of enterprises operating in the country. Their success contributes to its over-all economic health. Understanding how they are managed, including the dynamics of the family within the business, adds to help maintain the healthiness of the enterprise.The course will expose the students on the dynamics and communication issues in a family. They will learn leadership and relationships inherent in the business and how these are intertwined in the ownership, governance and management of the same. Ownership legacy, sibling rivalries, professionalism, succession, and strategic planning are some of the topics that will be covered in this course. Family businesses in the Asian context will be discussed in line with their successes and failures.
  • Financial Analysis for Decision-Making (TSFINDEM) The course deals with the understanding and analysis of financial information for decision-making. The importance of financial information has never been emphasized until the issues of transparency, good corporate governance, and investor relations cropped up as corporate scandals. Because of the uncertainty brought about by the chaotic environment, there is need for more accurate financial information on a timely basis so that corporate financial management decisions and investor decisions will be guided.Critical analysis, diagnosis, and evaluation of financial information are emphasized in this course as applied in practical business situations. Problem-solving methodology is used to illustrate the theories and tools in financial decision-making including the use of technologies to help with the analysis.Because of the impact of transparency in corporate and investor relations, this course will tackle the ethical issues and dilemmas involving financial information and reporting.
  • Financial Engineering (TSFINENG) Financial Engineering is a course on the basic concepts and the application of the principles of financial innovation – the process that seeks to adapt existing financial instruments and processes and to develop new ones so as to enable financial market participants to cope more effectively with the changing world.
  • Global Market Analysis and International Trade (TSGLOBMA) This course presents the challenges of marketing goods and services in foreign markets. The cultural, political, geographic, technological, and economic influences on international marketing will be discussed. This course also covers international market research and the application of the four P’s in an international setting. Students are expected to assimilate this new knowledge in analyzing international marketing management problems, using techniques and strategies necessary to incorporate and apply “the market concept” into the framework of the global marketplace.
  • Marketing Communication (TSMARCOM) The course introduces the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), which is the approach that more and more marketing and communications professionals are using to face the rapid growth of internet, the biggest challenges in the contemporary market place. An increased rate of advertising clutter in most traditional media, a more product knowledgeable and demanding consumer, higher pressures from manufacturers to retail chains and a global economy are only a few characteristics of today’s ever-evolving business environment.The course will provide a review of the basic concepts of marketing, communications, segment marketing, positioning, and target market or to apply the most common consumer behavior techniques. It will also provide an opportunity for students to understand the target market(s) and, design an IMC campaign.
  • Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (TSINVEMA) The course deals with the application of the principles of investment analysis and portfolio management to corporate and personal finances. The steps and procedures involved in the investment process are discussed and simulated by the students to provide them with skills at creating their own corporate or personal investment portfolios in the future. Risk and return management strategies are discussed and analyzed as they apply not only to the global investment setting but also to the specific investment situations in the Philippine market.The ethical dimensions of investment decisions will also be tackled as part of this course.
  • Law in the Business Environment (TSLAWBUS) The course introduces the learner to the various laws that are relevant in the business environment. The course equips the student with an understanding of how business decisions and operations are directly influenced by law.In the first half of the course, the student will study the law on Contracts, Credit Transactions, Labor-Management Relations as well as Partnerships and Corporations for the purpose of attaining a working familiarity with basic legal concepts and principles.For the rest of the course, the emphasis will be on Good Corporate Governance. Here, the student will study the recent issuance of the SEC regarding corporate governance and how it impacts on the way corporations are run.
  • Leading Organizational Change (TSLEADOC) The course will provide students with competence on how to lead change. The course will explore the dynamics of organizational change as well as models of leading organizational change in business and management. Various concepts will be learned including the forces and the conditions behind organizational change, the types and levels of change, the resistance to change and the constructive strategies necessary to manage the uncertainties of change in organizations.
  • Project Management (TSPROJMA) The course takes the view of the project manager as a leader who manages projects effectively using appropriate tools and concepts in project management. It provides a framework for managerial and leadership effectiveness leading to the acquisition of professional skills to handle complex problems frequently encountered in project management. It involves the study and understanding of the core processes for initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing projects under various circumstances. The course also includes the human side of project leadership and its strategic perspectives as applied in various types of organizations. The conceptual framework, the methodologies and the issues that will be highlighted in this course can be applied to a number of business decisions and change management situations. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of such applications will be covered.The project environment is a team environment and a significant component of this course is team-based. With the guided learning offered in this course, the students are expected to be able to tackle projects in a controlled and coordinated manner and be aware of how to align their projects to achieve maximum benefits during execution.
  • Lean Six Sigma (TS6-SIGMA) The course covers the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma for both manufacturing and service businesses. Lean Six Sigma is a business and data-driven, process-oriented, benefit-driven, disciplined-based approach to reducing waste and minimizing defects in any type of process. Lean Six Sigma focuses on the reduction of waste, on increasing profitability, breakthrough improvement, and customer satisfaction.Students are provided an overview of Lean, Six Sigma and the DMAIC problem-solving methodologies. Included are both statistical and non-statistical techniques used for continuous process improvement such as process definition, SIPOC, process flow diagrams, data collection techniques, measurement techniques, causes of process variation, pareto diagrams, histograms, cause and effect diagrams, DOE (Design Of Experiments), ANOVA Gage R&R, FMEA control charts and process capability analysis, collectively called QC Tools.
  • Supply Chain Management (TSSUPMAN) The course covers concepts, trends, processes and techniques involved in the management of activities from the procurement of materials and services, to their transformation into intermediate goods or final products, and ultimately to their distribution and delivery to customers. The course will discuss procurement, inbound logistics, supply chain strategies, electronic procurement and warehousing and distribution. It will deal with managerial processes that span across functional areas within individual firms and links suppliers, trading partners, distributors, and customers across organizational boundaries. The course will also consider logistics, technology, network design, and administration of supply chains from the standpoint of business strategy and global competition.
  • Strategic Management (TSSTRAMA) The course serves as the capstone course for the MBA program. It aims to enable the learners to develop and implement cross-functional decisions towards the attainment of their organizations’ vision, mission and objectives using strategic management principles and integrating knowledge and skills learned from the other MBA courses.The learners will apply the strategic management process consisting of strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation, as well as the various analytical frameworks and strategy formulation tools that can aid them in decision making. Through this course, the learners’ strategic thinking capability is expected to be strengthened as they are made to critically analyze and integrate information about their companies’ external and internal environment in the local and global context, and to use this in formulating and implementing innovative strategies that can help their companies build a sustainable competitive advantage. The learners will likewise be made to understand the different strategy choices and to evaluate strategic management issues and concepts that are important to managing in today’s global environment. This course also aims to promote among its learners ethical business decisions, the practice of corporate social responsibility and making a contribution towards nation building.
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  • CLARK FIELD, PAMPANGA Mobile no. 09190788569 email: [email protected]
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  • Emmett and Miriam McCoy College of Business
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (General Flex Non-thesis Option)
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  • College of Applied Arts
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Flex Computer Information Systems Concentration)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Flex Engineering Technology Concentration)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Flex Healthcare Administration Concentration)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Flex Human Resource Management Concentration)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Flex International Business Concentration)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Flex Supply Chain Management Concentration)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (Full-​Time Cohort)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (General Flex Non-​thesis Option)
  • M.B.A. Major in Business Administration (General Flex Thesis Option)
  • Department of Accounting
  • Department of Information Systems and Analytics
  • Department of Finance and Economics
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Marketing
  • College of Education
  • College of Fine Arts and Communication
  • College of Health Professions
  • College of Liberal Arts
  • College of Science and Engineering
  • Graduate Faculty

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Major in Business Administration (General Flex Non-thesis Option)

Program overview.

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree with a major in Business Administration in the McCoy College emphasizes the knowledge and tools needed for professional success and is designed for those individuals who expect to pursue careers in the management of organizations in either the public or private sector. The curriculum provides broad-based, generalized education with the flexibility to meet individual needs. Students may choose an optional concentration in one of six areas of study in a flexible format or select a full-time cohort program.  The general Flex M.B.A. program can be completed at either the San Marcos or Round Rock Campus.  For the Flex M.B.A. program concentrations, some specialized courses may only be offered at the San Marcos Campus or the Round Rock Campus.  The Full-Time Cohort program is available exclusively at the San Marcos Campus.

Students in the Flex M.B.A. program with a  Computer Information Systems Concentration learn how technology has changed the way business operates and how to harness the power of technology in various business management settings.

The Flex M.B.A. with an  Engineering Technology Concentration is offered in cooperation with the Department of Engineering Technology, an academic division of the College of Science and Engineering. M.B.A. students pursuing the Engineering Technology Concentration should find enhanced career opportunities with companies oriented significantly toward manufacturing.  

Students interested in careers related to international business may choose to seek the Flex M.B.A. degree with an  International Business Concentration . This program is designed to provide focused study in international business including cultural, historical, and political issues. While this program is available to all students in the M.B.A. program, it is especially well suited for undergraduate students in the international studies undergraduate program.

If a student's interest is the healthcare industry, the Flex M.B.A. with a  Healthcare Administration Concentration may be for them. Offered jointly with the College of Health Professions, the program combines academic content from both colleges to prepare students for a successful career in healthcare.

For those interested in the field of human resources, a Flex M.B.A. with a Human Resource Management Concentration is available. This program provides information on organizational change, staffing, compensation and benefits, and international HR.

Students in the Flex M.B.A. program with a Supply Chain Management Concentration will obtain the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage the supply chain process in today's global marketplace.

The  Full-Time Cohort  M.B.A. is offered exclusively at the San Marcos Campus.  In addition to the core courses, students must complete an internship and an international trip in a specific semester as outlined for each cohort group.

Application Requirements

The items listed below are required for admission consideration for applicable semesters of entry during the current academic year. Submission instructions, additional details, and changes to admission requirements for semesters other than the current academic year can be found on The Graduate College's website . International students should review the International Admission Documents page for additional requirements.

  • completed online application
  • $55 nonrefundable application fee


  • $90 nonrefundable application fee with international credentials
  • baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited university (Non-U.S. degrees must be equivalent to a four-year U.S. Bachelor’s degree. In most cases, three-year degrees are not considered. Visit our  International FAQs  for more information.)
  • official transcripts from  each institution  where course credit was granted
  • an overall competitive GPA or a competitive GPA in the last 60 hours of undergraduate course work (plus any completed graduate courses)
  • responses to specific essay questions
  • resume/CV detailing work experience, extracurricular and community activities, and honors and achievements
  • two letters of recommendation from persons best able to assess the student’s ability to succeed in graduate school
  • GPA and GMAT/GRE Requirement The GMAT/GRE is not required for applicants with an overall 3.5 GPA or a 3.5 GPA in the last 60 hours GPA of undergraduate course work. If the GPA falls below the minimum requirement, the official GMAT or GRE (general test only) with competitive scores will be required in order to be considered. The Graduate College will notify applicants via email should this occur. 

Approved English Proficiency Exam Scores

Applicants are required to submit an approved English proficiency exam score that meets the minimum program requirements below unless they have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or the equivalent from a country on our  exempt countries list .

  • 19 listening
  • 19 speaking
  • official PTE scores required with 52 overall
  • official IELTS (academic) scores required with a 6.5 overall and minimum individual module scores of 6.0
  • official Duolingo scores required with a 110 overall
  • official TOEFL Essentials scores required with an 8.5 overall

This program does  not  offer admission if the scores above are not met.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree with a major in Business Administration requires 36 semester credit hours.

B A 5100  and  B A 5351 should be taken in the first semester, and MGT 5313  should be taken in the last term because it serves as the capstone course that includes the comprehensive examination.

Any student enrolled in a graduate degree program in the McCoy College of Business Administration can earn no more than two grades of C or lower. Even if the grade of C or lower was replaced with a higher grade as a result of repeating the course, the original grade counts as a “strike” under this policy. Upon earning the third C (or lower), the student is automatically placed on academic suspension and permanently dismissed from their degree program without any possibility of readmission to their program or another degree program in McCoy College. The 3 C Policy takes precedent over probationary status. So, if a student earns a third C they are automatically dismissed from their program permanently; even if probation does not occur. 

Course Requirements

 Electives are available in accounting, business law, computer information systems, economics, finance, management, marketing, quantitative methods, and disciplines outside the field of business. A maximum of three elective hours may be taken outside of business, but the courses must be approved by the graduate advisor before the student enrolls  in the course.

Comprehensive Examination Requirement

The comprehensive examination consists of a consulting project with companies in the community.  The exam is a written paper and oral presentation at the end of the semester, associated with capstone course MGT 5313 .  If the student fails, they must retake the capstone course, MGT 5313 , the following term.  

Students who do not successfully complete the requirements for the degree within the timelines specified will be dismissed from the program.

Master's level courses in Business Administration:  ACC , ANLY ,  B A ,  BLAW ,  ECO ,  FIN , ISAN ,  MGT ,  MKT

Courses Offered

Students must complete the appropriate background course or its equivalent before enrolling in   elective courses.

Accounting (ACC)

ACC 5315. Selected Topics in Financial Accounting.

The study of specialized financial accounting topics, existing and prospective, necessary for an advanced understanding of financial reporting. Topics include: pensions and post-retirement benefits, deferred taxes, derivatives, share-based payments, interim and segment reporting and emerging issues of the Emerging Issues Task Force. Prerequisite: ACC 3314 with a grade of “B” or better.

ACC 5316. Advanced Accounting.

A study of accounting for business combinations and consolidated financial statements. Additional selected topics may include accounting for multinational operations, interim reporting, SEC reporting, partnership and governmental and not-forprofit accounting. Prerequisite: ACC 3313 with a grade of “B” or better.

ACC 5320. Auditing.

A study of the underlying theory of external financial auditing including professional ethics, auditing standards and procedures, and the role of auditor’s judgment. (Suggested for CPA eligibility). Prerequisite: ACC 4313 with a grade of “B” or better. Corequisite: ACC 3314 with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5323. Accounting Data Analytics.

This course introduces students to the process of making decisions using data-driven techniques. Specifically, this course emphasizes question formulation, hypothesis development, data analysis, model building, and model testing using business case studies. Prerequisite: ACC 3313 with a grade of "C" or better.

ACC 5340. Individual Income Tax.

A study of the tax concepts and issues involved in an individual’s employment and personal life, and in sole proprietorships, property transactions, tax administration and tax practice. Regulatory and ethical issues are incorporated into the discussion. This course may not count as an elective in any master's program in the McCoy College of Business. Prerequisite: ACC 3313 with a grade of “B” or better.

ACC 5350. Professional Accounting Research.

This course provides a study of the sources of authoritative standards in financial accounting. The course develops procedures for identifying the applicable accounting issues, locating appropriate authority, and communicating the results of professional research. Corequisite: ACC 3314 with a grade of “B” or better.

ACC 5352. Financial Statement Reporting and Analysis.

A study of financial statement reporting and analysis. Use of tools and skills will be used to analyze and interpret financial reports for assessing financial performance of firms to facilitate investment, lending, and other financial decisions in a variety of business contexts. Prerequisite: ACC 3305 or ACC 5361 either with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5355. IT Auditing.

A study of the IT audit: The process of collecting and evaluating evidence of IT system practices and operations. The course develops understanding of the procedures to test whether the systems are safeguarding assets, maintaining data security and operating effectively and efficiently. Prerequisite: ACC 3305 with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5357. Regulation and Professionalism.

This course will cover the professional and legal responsibilities and liabilities of the accounting profession and tax preparers; the commercial law applicable to business transactions; and the legal structure of business organizations. It will also provide a basic overview of corporate and partnership taxation, focusing on current topics and developments. Prerequisites: ACC 3313 and [ACC 4328 or ACC 3308 ] both with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5361. Accounting Analysis for Managerial Decision Making.

Use of accounting information for improving managerial decision making. Emphasis is on understanding the practice of business management, budgeting, cost behavior, and operational, internal, and management control. Prerequisite: B A 5352 with a grade of "C" or better.

ACC 5362. Cost and Managerial Accounting Theory.

A study of recent developments and topics in the area of cost and managerial accounting. Includes a discussion of quantitative techniques and their applicability to accounting problems. Prerequisites: ACC 3365 or ACC 5361 either with a grade of “B” or better.

ACC 5366. Business Entity Taxation.

Federal income tax provisions affecting business decisions, with an emphasis on C Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, and Partnerships. An introduction to the choice, formation, organization, operation and distribution rules or the preceding business entities. Prerequisite: ACC 3313 and [ACC 4328 or ACC 3308 ] both with grades of "B" or better.

ACC 5369. Special Studies in Accounting.

Directed study and research on selected accounting topics, including the development of accounting thought and research in; advanced tax topics, international accounting, professional ethics and managerial and financial accounting. Courses will be offered as independent instruction. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

ACC 5370. Internship in Accounting.

Experiential learning during which the students work in accounting. This work experience may be in public, industry, or governmental accounting units. The student is immersed in a variety of intensive work assignments with increasing levels of responsibility. Students taking ACC 5370 for credit may not take ACC 5680 for credit. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

ACC 5372. Tax Research.

An examination of the sources of tax authority, which include its primary sources (legislative, judicial, and administrative), as well as secondary sources. The course also develops procedures for identifying the applicable tax issues, locating appropriate tax authority, and communicating the results of tax research. Prerequisite: ACC 4328 or ACC 3308 with a grade of "B" or better. Corequisite: ACC 3314 with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5373. Fraud Examination.

An introduction to the theory and techniques used to prevent, detect, and solve occupational and financial fraud and corruption schemes. Includes forensic accounting procedures, interviewing techniques, rules of evidence, documentary evidence gathering, report writing and other aspects of litigation support. Prerequisite: ACC 3305 or ACC 3313 with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5375. Business Information Consulting.

Integrative capstone for the MSAIT program using principles and concepts applied through the analysis and presentation of case studies dealing with current issues or emerging trends in the fields of accounting and information technology for the accounting professionals serving as consultants. Prerequisite: ACC 3305 with a "B" or better.

ACC 5377. Partnership Taxation.

A comprehensive study of the tax implications of conducting a business as a partnership or as a limited liability company. Life-cycle analysis and tax planning considerations are emphasized. Prerequisite: ACC 4328 or ACC 3308 or ACC 5366 with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5378. Tax Practice, Procedures, Audits and Controversy.

This course focuses on the procedural aspects of tax planning and tax return preparation. Coverage includes IRS enforcement tools and corresponding taxpayer rights, audits and appeals, civil and criminal penalties, and statutory relief provisions. Professional standards and ethical considerations in tax practice are emphasized. Prerequisites: ACC 3314 and [ACC 4328 or ACC 3308 ] both with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5389. Corporate Governance and Ethics.

A study of the corporate governance and ethical issues in accounting, including ethical reasoning, integrity, objectivity, independence, core values and professional issues. Prerequisite: ACC 3313 with a grade of "B" or better. Corequisite: ACC 4313 with a grade of "C" or better.

ACC 5390A. International Accounting.

A study of the impact of international business activity on accounting standard setting. This course investigates the development of international accounting standards and compares those standards to US standards. Students taking ACC 4390A for credit may not take ACC 5390A for credit. (MULT) Prerequisite: ACC 3313 with a grade of "B" or better.

ACC 5390G. Sustainability Reporting.

This course on sustainability reporting strategies will examine analytical methods and reporting techniques used by for-profit and non-profit companies to support sustainable operations.

ACC 5390L. Exploring Accounting Oversight in Washington, D.C..

This course offers an immersive learning experience in Washington, D.C. The course bridges classroom theory with real-world practice, providing a holistic understanding of the regulatory landscape through exploration of the key institutions shaping the accounting profession. The core of the course consists of guided visits to these institutions. Prerequisite: ACC 4313 with a grade of "C" or better.

ACC 5680. Internship in Accounting.

This internship involves experiential learning over one entire semester during which the students work in accounting. This work experience may be in public, industry, or governmental accounting units. The student is immersed in a variety of intensive work assignments with increasing levels of responsibility. Students taking ACC 5370 for credit may not take ACC 5680 for credit. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

Analytics (ANLY)

ANLY 5199B. Thesis.

This course represents a student's continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Graded on a credit (CR), progress (PR), no-credit (F) basis.

ANLY 5299B. Thesis.

ANLY 5332. Optimization for Business Analytics.

This course introduces optimization theory and applications for analyzing and solving business decision-making problems. The students will learn to apply in various business domains optimization concepts and tools such as linear programming, integer/mixed-integer programming, and other classes of optimization models.

ANLY 5334. Statistical Methods for Business.

This course provides the quantitative foundation for business analysis and decision making. Topics include inferential statistics, regression analysis, and other analytical/modeling techniques with wide applicability in decision-making and problem solving in all functional areas of business.

ANLY 5335. Forecasting and Simulation.

This course introduces the concepts and principles of forecasting and simulation techniques as applies to planning and decision making in organizations. Topical coverage includes time series forecasting, causal forecasting, discrete event simulation, and continuous-event simulation techniques.

ANLY 5336. Analytics.

This course introduces analytics which refers to the process of transforming data into information for making decisions. The topics include the introduction to analytics, visualization, analytics applications, and challenges related to business data. Students will learn how to use software, conduct data analysis and communicate their results.

ANLY 5338. Operations Management.

This course introduces the processes and strategies to create, produce, and deliver goods and services that drive organizations' overall success. It will highlight operational and tactical problems organizations typically confront and introduce the concepts and analytical tools (both process and systems based) used to deal with these problems.

ANLY 5342. Probability and Statistical Models.

This course introduces the concept of probability and probability distributions. It includes general and generalized linear models, inflated and mixture models, and hierarchical models. Model validity and choice will also be discussed.

ANLY 5343. Data Mining.

This course covers data mining concepts and applications of data mining techniques to solve business problems. It emphasizes algorithms such as classification, clustering, association, and text mining. Model selection and assessment are also emphasized. Prerequisite: ANLY 5336 with a grade of "C" or better.

ANLY 5369. Independent Study in Analytics.

This course focuses on individual in-depth research. Students, in consultation with a faculty member, choose a selected area of study in quantitative methods and work independently on a specialized project. Course may be repeated with approval of department chair. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

ANLY 5390A. Statistical Computing.

This course covers programming and statistical computing concepts. Programming concepts include data manipulation, data structures, control structures, functions, basic algorithms, and matrix manipulations. Statistical computing topics include numerical linear algebra, Monte Carlo methods, and numerical optimization.

ANLY 5395. Internship in Analytics.

This course is based on experiential learning while the student works in quantitative methods and statistics. Students will integrate both professional and academic experiences through the internship with an external employer. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

ANLY 5399A. Thesis.

This course represents a student's initial thesis enrollment. No thesis credit is awarded until the student has completed the thesis in Data Analytics and Information Systems. Graded on a credit (CR), progress (PR), no-credit (F) basis.

ANLY 5399B. Thesis.

ANLY 5599B. Thesis.

ANLY 5999B. Thesis.

Business Administration (B A)

B A 5100. Business Professional Development Seminar.

This course is designed to contribute to the development of the business professional. Academic content is supplemented by training in soft skill topics to better prepare the students for a successful business career. Repeatable for credit with different topic.

B A 5351. Organizational Performance and Competitive Advantage.

This course is designed to provide an integrative understanding of the firm. A variety of organizational models and perspectives will be incorporated to facilitate understanding of the complexities of the firm, its environments, and its relationships with stakeholders. Includes focus on case analysis issues and communication skills.

B A 5353. Understanding and Analyzing Organizational Problems.

An introduction to the concepts of economic theory and optimization, with an emphasis on developing skills in data and economic analysis to solve business problems. Coverage includes prices, costs, market structures, macroeconomic policies, and optimization. Corequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

B A 5368A. MBA Full Time Cohort International Experience.

This course will focus on developing an understanding and analysis of issues related to business challenges in another country. Students will gain first-hand experience with the business practices, culture and economy of another country. Corequisite: MGT 5313 with a grade of "C" or better.

B A 5396. Internship in Business Administration.

This course is based on experiential learning while the student works in business administration. Students will integrate both professional and academic experiences through the internship with an external employer. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

B A 5398. Independent Study in Business Administration.

This course focuses on individual in-depth research. Students, in consultation with a faculty member, choose a selected area of study in business administration and work independently on a specialized project. Course may be repeated with approval of associate dean for graduate programs. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

Business Law (BLAW)

BLAW 5310. The Employment Relationship.

A study of trends in the rapidly evolving “law of workplace,” with emphasis on how lawmakers attempt to balance the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

BLAW 5315. Legal Issues in International Business.

This course examines legal issues relevant to international business transactions, emphasizing international trade, licensing of intellectual property, and foreign direct investment. Environmental, dispute resolution, labor, e-commerce, marketing, and ethical issues will also be discussed. (MULT).

BLAW 5333. Legal Issues of Sustainability and Responsibility.

Diverse frameworks and analytical methods underlying our understanding of sustainability are explored, including the legal aspects & impact on business, society, environment and economy. Topics include corporate governance, globalization, urbanization, energy, human population, food, natural resources, water and equity.

BLAW 5364. Commercial Law.

A traditional business law course which examines sales, negotiable instruments, creditor’s rights and remedies, secured transactions, bankruptcy law, personal property, bailments, real property and landlord-tenant relationships. Prerequisite: BLAW 3301 with a grade of "C" or better.

BLAW 5368I. International Business Ethics.

This course examines the legal and ethical challenges inherent in international marketing, international environmental and energy practices, international labor and employment practices, trade negotiations, foreign direct investment, intellectual property licensing, technology development, data collection mining, corporate tax inversion, and global corporate social responsibility. Students will also discuss the individual behavioral, organizational, and cultural factors that influence ethical and unethical business decisions in the global business environment.

Economics (ECO)

ECO 5302. Economic Theory and Policy.

An intensive study of micro-and macroeconomic concepts; the price system as it functions under competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly; national income measurement and determination; business cycles; money and banking; monetary policy; fiscal policy and economic stabilization. May not be counted as an elective MBA course. This course does not earn graduate degree credit.

ECO 5310. International Economics.

Examination of the patterns of trade and finance among nations, integrating the topics of exchange rates, trade barriers, customs unions, and macroeconomics policy into a unified treatment of international economic relations. (MULT) Prerequisite: B A 5353 with a grade of "C" or better.

ECO 5316. Managerial Economics.

The application of economic theory and analysis to the formulation of business policy, including demand analysis, production theory, linear programming, and pricing policy. (MBA with Technology Emphasis students complete TECH 5315 .) Prerequisite: QMST 5334 with a grade of "C" or better.

ECO 5320. Emerging Market Economies.

The course focuses on the structural characteristics of the emerging market economies, with an emphasis on analyzing the salient economic challenges and opportunities facing contemporary emerging market economies. Prerequisites: B A 5353 with a grade of "C" or better.

Finance (FIN)

FIN 5322. Investment Analysis.

This course cover the application of finance theory to investment analysis. Topics include modern investment theories, asset pricing models and derivative pricing models, with a focus on application of derivatives to manage risk exposure. Prerequisite: B A 5352 with a grade of "C" or better or FIN 3312 with a grade of "D" or better.

FIN 5332. Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets.

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the strategies for creating and managing portfolios. At the end of this course, students should understand the tools for investment management. Topics covered include portfolio construction and analysis, risk analysis, asset class management, derivatives, and portfolio performance analysis. Prerequisite: FIN 5322 with a grade of "C" or better.

FIN 5338. International Investments and Financial Management.

Examination of economic incentives and rationale for international investment and financing. Topics include exchange rate risk exposure and management, global debt and equity investment and financing, foreign currency derivative markets, and general investment and financing strategy in global capital market. (MULT) Prerequisite: B A 5352 with a grade of "C" or better.

FIN 5347C. Real Estate Investment.

An application of capital budgeting to real estate investment decisions. Prerequisite: FIN 5387 with a grade of "C" or better.

FIN 5352. Financial Management.

This course introduces students to the major considerations in financial decision making. These considerations are analyzed by exploring the role of financial managers in creating value and maximizing shareholder wealth within the constraints of legal and ethical behavior. The development of critical thinking, quantitative applications, and analytical skills are major goals of this course because the topics require knowledge of specialized problem-solving techniques. Prerequisite: ACC 5361 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: QMST 5334 with a grade of "C" or better.

FIN 5387. Managerial Finance.

Concentrates on the finance function, analysis and budgeting of funds,management of current assets, short and intermediate-term financing requirements, long-term debt policy and capital structure, capital budgeting, and the concept of cost of capital. Risk and return trade-offs also are studied. Prerequisite: B A 5352 with a grade of "C" or better.

Information Systems (ISAN)

ISAN 5199B. Thesis.

ISAN 5299B. Thesis.

ISAN 5318. Information Technology in Digital Economy.

This course provides an understanding of the issues in managing organizations' information assets. The course examines users' issues and challenges within the Information Technology (IT) management arena as part of a firm's business and IT strategy. The course provides frameworks and management principles that current or aspiring managers can employ with the challenges of implementing rapidly advancing technology. The focus is on managerial rather than technical issues. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

ISAN 5355. Database Management Systems.

This course explores the concepts, principles, issues, and techniques for managing data resources using database management systems. Topics include techniques for analysis, design, and development of database systems, creating and using logical data models, database query languages, and procedures for evaluating management software. Students will develop a management information system.

ISAN 5357. Computing for Data Analytics.

This course focuses on fundamentals of programming. Students will learn to design and implement applications, and programmatically handle a variety of data management functionalities.

ISAN 5358. Agile Project Management For Business Professionals.

This course provides an in-depth study of the project management body of knowledge as applied to Information Technology, emphasizing Agile methodologies and the processes of managing scope, costs, schedules, quality, and risks. Topics Include program management, system planning and design methodologies, material & capacity requirements, human, cultural, & international issues, and their impact on the organization.

ISAN 5360. E-Commerce: Strategies, Technologies, and Applications.

This course is designed to familiarize students with current and emerging e-commerce technologies. Topics include Internet technology for business advantage, reinventing the future of business through e-commerce, business opportunities in e-commerce, and social, political, global, and ethical issues associated with ecommerce.

ISAN 5364. Data Warehousing.

This course allows students to familiarize with current and emerging data warehousing technologies that play a strategic role in business organizations. Topics include data warehouse development life cycle, data warehouse navigation, data quality, and performance issues. Prerequisite: ISAN 5355 with a grade of "C" or better.

ISAN 5367. Machine Learning.

This course focuses on deriving actionable knowledge from data using algorithms and industry standard tools. Topics covered are the complete process, key technologies, core machine learning algorithms, and programming used for business intelligence. Prerequisite: ISAN 5357 and ANLY 5336 both with grades of "C" or better.

ISAN 5368. Information Security.

This course covers the analysis, design, development, implementation, and maintenance of information security systems in communication networks. Topics include legal, ethical, professional, and personnel issues, concepts, theories, and processes of risk management, technology; cryptography theory and practice; and physical and hardware security.

ISAN 5369. Independent Study in Information Systems.

This course focuses on individual in-depth research. Students, in consultation with a faculty member, choose a selected area of study in Information Systems and work independently on a specialized project. Course may be repeated with approval of department chair. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

ISAN 5370. Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence.

This course uses information technology integrations in enterprises for operational control and business intelligence is examined via Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications in customer relationships management, accounting, finance, purchasing, production control, sales, marketing, and human resource management. Emphasizes managerial issues surrounding the need, selection, and implementation of ERP systems.

ISAN 5371. Accounting Information Systems and Controls.

This course examines accounting information systems and controls and their role in the current technology-intensive business environment. Emphasis is placed on contemporary technology and applications, information technology and business information systems assessments, design of internal controls to satisfy regulation and policy requirements, control concepts, theories, and processes, information systems auditing, systems development life cycle, and information structure, data transfer, and transaction cycles. Prerequisite: ACC 3313 or ACC 5361 either with a grade of "C" or better.

ISAN 5378. Information Security Policies and Compliance.

This course focuses on the technology and managerial issues related to information policies, regulations, and compliance that assure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and computer systems. Topics include information security policy, regulations, laws, standards, framework, compliance, and governance. Prerequisite: ISAN 5368 with a grade of "C" or better.

ISAN 5390A. Introduction to Design Thinking.

This course provides an overview and hands-on introduction to Design Thinking and the human-centered design process. Topics include an introduction, defining the problem, ideation, and concept generation, prototyping & testing, refining, and launching.

ISAN 5395. Internship in Information Systems.

This course provides students with opportunities for experiential learning by contributing to a computer information systems project. The course enables integration of professional and academic experience through internship with an external employer. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

ISAN 5399A. Thesis.

This course represents a student's initial thesis enrollment. No thesis credit is awarded until the student has completed their thesis. Graded on a credit (CR), progress (PR), no-credit (F) basis.

ISAN 5399B. Thesis.

ISAN 5599B. Thesis.

ISAN 5999B. Thesis.

Management (MGT)

MGT 5199B. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s continuing thesis enrollments. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding.

MGT 5299B. Thesis.

MGT 5301. Graduate Assistant Development.

Completion of this course is required as a condition of employment for graduate assistants. The course is seminar based and covers topics related to employment responsibilities. This course does not earn graduate degree credit.

MGT 5310. Organizational Change Management.

Presents an overview of the process of change in an organization and stresses the key issues involved in reengineering and renewing organizations. Problems dealing with stress and conflict during major change will be explored along with practical ideas on building effective teams to make change possible and sustainable.

MGT 5311. Process Improvement Management in Organizations.

Learn existing and latest developments in process improvement techniques for continuous improvement and the role of quality as a system for establishing an organization’s competitive advantage. Process mapping is emphasized and assessment of effectiveness in the interactions of the managerial and technical systems of organizations is also studied.

MGT 5312. Seminar in Management.

Development of philosophy, strategy, and tactics in managing an enterprise. Administrative processes common to all enterprises, such as entrepreneurship, business and society, leadership and group behavior in organizations, business ethics, and international management. (Course may be repeated for credit with different course focus.).

MGT 5313. Strategic Management.

An integrative approach to policy formulation and administration (decision making) to achieve organization objectives. Should be taken the last semester of student’s MBA program. Prerequisite: ACC 5361 and FIN 5387 and MKT 5321 and QMST 5334 all with grades of "C" or better.

MGT 5314. Organizational Behavior and Theory.

Organizational behavior and structure as influenced by environmental variables and system relationships. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

MGT 5315. New Venture Management.

This course provides an overview of the entrepreneurial process from the initial idea through start-up, growth, and harvest. Students learn how to write a business plan, manage all the elements of an entrepreneurial business, and develop a better understanding of the requirements of the entrepreneurial life path.

MGT 5318. Cross-Cultural Management.

The global environment requires sensitivity to and the adaptation of leadership and management skills and practices, and the culture-bound differences in workplace behavior and attitudes. Explores how differences in cultural core values shape behavior and attitudes of workers, managerial colleagues, and negotiating partners. (MULT) Prerequisites: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

MGT 5321. Supply Chain Management.

A variety of tools and frameworks provide students and understanding of the basis behind supply chain decision making. Topics include supply management concepts, demand-supply management, pull/push system, capacity and resource allocation, performance measurement, relationship assessment, and outsourcing in an integrated supply chain. Require graduate standing.

MGT 5325. Managing Business Creativity.

This course focuses on the means by which businesses and individuals foster and maintain their creative and innovative skills. Key topics include: idea generation and refinement, idea screening, prototype development, and feasibility analysis. Objectives are met through classroom exercises, case analysis, guest speakers, and individual and team projects.

MGT 5330. Seminar in Human Resource Management.

A study of current developments and practices in human resource management, including employment laws; planning, recruitment and selection; training and development programs; wage and benefits administration; performance management, human relations and productivity; labor relations; safety and health; an current contributions to human resource management theory.

MGT 5333. Problems in Business Administration.

The student is here given the opportunity to work in the field of his special interest, particularly in the subjects of accounting, business law, marketing, statistics, finance, and insurance. The course will be conducted by conferences between the student and instructors concerned. Problems will be assigned as nearly as possible for the needs of the individual student.

MGT 5335. New Venture Launch.

The purpose of this class is to ensure students gain a full understanding of what it takes to start and grow a business. Students learn the process of creating a new venture from the inside by planning, organizing and launching an actual business. Prerequisite: MGT 5315 with a grade of "C" or better.

MGT 5336. Compensation and Benefits.

This course addresses the rewards systems in organizations. Strategic and technical considerations in designing, administering and managing compensation and benefits plans in organizations, including job analysis and evaluation, wage levels and structures, legal issues, individual and group incentives, and benefits are considered.

MGT 5337. Organizational Staffing.

A study of the methods involved in recruitment and selection of employees with an emplasis on measurement, job analysis, performance appraisal, legal issues, and the role of human resource planning and strategy. This course relies on statistics to teach students to make reliable and valid employment decisions.

MGT 5338. Human Resource Development.

A study of theoretical and applied perspectives on needs assessment, design, development delivery and evaluation of training and development as well as organizational change and development.

MGT 5339. International Human Resource Management.

A study of challenges that decision makers consider when managing their human resources across the globe. Drawing on theories and models from cross-cultural and international management areas, this course covers such topics as globalization, culture, emerging international assignments, and expatriate recruitment, selection, training, repatriation, and career management. (MULT).

MGT 5380A. Business Ethics Leadership.

This course examines a variety of ethical issues in business from multiple stakeholder perspectives (top management, employees, community members, etc.). The course is designed to enhance moral awareness and facilitate individual development with respect to making ethical decisions that contribute to effective corporate management and leadership.

MGT 5380C. Group Dynamics in Organizations.

This course explores the theoretical framework of group interactions as well as the practical workplace challenges associated with organizing, participating on, and managing teams and groups. It addresses the development and use of teams to improve business organizations and is recommended for graduate students preparing for business careers. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "B" or better.

MGT 5380D. Labor Relations and Negotiation.

This graduate level course is a study of labor organizations and their impact as well as negotiation and conflict resolution issues. The course will examine the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), union and employer rights under the NLRA, union organizing, collective bargaining, negotiation, contract administration, mediation and arbitration. Corequisite: MGT 5330 with a grade of "C" or better.

MGT 5380E. International Leadership.

Course will include lectures, business engagements, cultural excursions, and a service-learning project. To reinforce the theories discussed in class students will interact directly with managers, employees, and international business professionals, learn perspective on cultural and leadership issues. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

MGT 5380F. Management for Organizational Sustainability.

This course is designed to take a broad look at Sustainability from both Ecological and Organizational perspective.

MGT 5380G. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Managers.

This course provides a basic foundation in artificial intelligence for students of the business school by introducing a means to make economically sound decisions regarding the implementation areas. In this course all students of the business school may implement small projects in the functional disciplines of the business school (e.g. marketing, finance, etc.). It could also be of interest for students of the School of Engineering.

MGT 5390. Managerial Data Analysis.

Designed to prepare managers to make more effective decisions based upon evidence from data analysis. Covers all elements of the general linear model from t-tests to multiple regression analysis. Involves acquiring and analyzing data for prediction and explanation, developing reports with actionable recommendations, and communicating results for managerial decision-making.

MGT 5391. Managing the Communication Process.

The study and application of theory and psychology of managerial communication using written, oral, and technological modes to communicate within the business environment. The course includes the process and product approach to graphics, leadership, problem solving, prioritizing, interviewing, and communicating change.

MGT 5395. Graduate Business Internship.

Integration of professional and academic experience through internship with an external employer. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

MGT 5399A. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s initial thesis enrollment. No thesis credit is awarded until student has completed the thesis in MGT 5399B .

MGT 5399B. Thesis.

MGT 5599B. Thesis.

MGT 5999B. Thesis.

Marketing (MKT)

MKT 5199B. Thesis.

MKT 5299B. Thesis.

MKT 5321. Marketing Management.

A study of the planning and coordination of marketing functions, marketing policies, and the analysis of marketing administration. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

MKT 5322. Marketing Research Methods.

An advanced study of the marketing research process to include problem formulation, determination of sources of information and research design, design of data collection forms, design of the sample, collection of the data, analysis and interpretation of the data, preparation of the research report, and oral presentation of the research findings. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 and QMST 5334 both with grades of "C" or better.

MKT 5323. Qualitative Research in Marketing.

This course examines qualitative methods as used in marketing and market research. Topics include the design and execution of qualitative research projects using various qualitative methodological approaches. Activities include application of qualitative methods for conducting research. Students will apply learning in a qualitative research project.

MKT 5330. International Marketing.

An application of marketing concepts to the global business environment. Examines marketing in the light of international economic, social, cultural, business, and environmental factors. Prerequisite: B A 5351 with a grade of "C" or better.

MKT 5331. Integrated Marketing Communications.

An analysis of consumer behavior in the marketplace and its application to the preparation and presentation of a complete integrated marketing communications plan for a local, regional, and/or national client. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 with a grade of "C" or better.

MKT 5335. Services Marketing.

Services dominate the U.S. economy and are becoming critical for competitive advantage in companies across the globe and in all industry sectors. This course examines the foundations of services marketing, which are necessary to create, promise, and deliver a successful, interactive customer experience. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 with a grade of "C" or better.

MKT 5340. Digital Marketing.

This course examines marketing strategies in the digital environment. It examines the latest technology and analytical tools used in e-marketing and e-commerce, including online advertising, mobile marketing, social media marketing, search marketing, email marketing, and web analytics. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 with a grade of "C" or better.

MKT 5341. Social Media Marketing and Analysis.

This course provides a conceptual foundation and practical approach for conducting social media analysis and developing a social media marketing plan and/or campaign will be presented. Students will gain hands-on experience using social media strategically to achieve desired marketing goals through a hands-on project. Students will also earn applicable digital marketing certifications. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 with a grade of "C" or better or instructor approval.

MKT 5345. Marketing Analytics.

This course is a study of the scientific approach that connects customer data and competitive information to drive marketing decision-making. The course explores customer data analysis techniques and their theoretical foundations that are applied to real world business problems. Students will learn software, conduct data analysis and communicate the results. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 and QMST 5334 both with grades of "C" or better or instructor approval.

MKT 5346. Contemporary Topics in Marketing Analytics.

This course covers contemporary topics in marketing analytics. Students will learn (1) concepts and methods in strategic marketing analytics, (2) analytical and mapping tools in geospatial data and information, (3) concepts and methods in Bayesian Networks, (4) Topic Analysis using big data in marketing, and (5) other emerging analytical tools and methods in marketing. Prerequisite: QMST 5334 with a grade of “C” or better or instructor approval.

MKT 5347. AI and Data Visualization for Marketing.

This course consists of applied training in foundational topics for artificial intelligence and data visualization. It covers both prediction as well as classification problems. While many technical aspects are covered, the main emphasis is on knowing how to apply a wide range of modern techniques to specific marketing problems. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 and QMST 5334 both with grades of "C" or better or instructor approval.

MKT 5348. Python for Marketing Analytics.

This course consists of learning Python and using this programming language for data analysis and visualization. This course will help to leverage the power of historical data and to develop models that project future trends. Python will be used for exploratory data analysis, market forecasting, customer segmentation, deep learning, social media analysis and analysis of marketing images and videos. Prerequisite: MKT 5321 and QMST 5334 both with grades of "C" or better or instructor approval.

MKT 5350. Strategic Marketing Analysis and Planning.

This course examines strategic marketing decision making through the analysis and interpretation of marketing intelligence, metrics, and dashboards. Topics will include data-driven decision making on marketing challenges pertaining to customers, brands, marketing mix decisions, online strategy and social media, market performance, and firm profitability. Prerequisite: MKT 5322 with a grade of "C" or better.

MKT 5395. Independent Study in Marketing.

Individual problems or topics will be designed and completed to emphasize selected areas of study in Marketing. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

MKT 5397I. Entrepreneurial Marketing.

Entrepreneurship involves the discovery, implementation, and pursuit of new business opportunities. Successful execution of an entrepreneurial idea requires an effective marketing plan and related skills. In this course, we will investigate how marketing concepts (product, price, promotion, place, people, processes, brand image, segmentation, targeting, positioning, quality perceptions) can facilitate entrepreneurs' realization of their ideas. A conceptual foundation and practical approach for developing an entrepreneurship-focused marketing plan will be discussed. Using a hands-on approach, students will gain skills and knowledge on the effective use of marketing concepts to achieve entrepreneurial goals. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

MKT 5398. Internship in Marketing.

Internship in marketing is an external employer supervised, experiential learning course that enables a student to integrate professional and graduate business coursework. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

MKT 5399A. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s initial thesis enrollments. No thesis credit is awarded until student has completed the thesis in Marketing Research and Analysis.

MKT 5399B. Thesis.

MKT 5599B. Thesis.

MKT 5999B. Thesis.

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mba no thesis

  • October 15, 2023
  • Academic Advice

Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Programs: Which is Right for You?

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Continuing your educational journey within your chosen field is an experience that fosters personal and professional growth. The next milestone in your academic path often involves pursuing a Master’s degree , with options ranging from thesis-based programs to non-thesis alternatives.  Deciding between these two paths is significant as it shapes your academic and career paths.

But how can you decide which is right for you before getting decision fatigue?

Let’s explore the difference between thesis vs. non-thesis Master’s programs, their unique characteristics, and reasons for choosing one or the other. 

Do You Have to Write a Thesis for Your Master’s Program?

Whether you have to write a thesis for your Master’s program depends on the specific requirements of the program you’re enrolled in. It’s important to note that while not all Master’s programs require writing a thesis, a significant number of them do.

What is a Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Program?

A thesis Master’s program involves completing a large research project spanning over several semesters. Students are expected to conduct original research on a specific topic under a faculty advisor’s guidance, culminating in a thesis likely to be published. Completing and defending the thesis is a crucial part of the degree requirement.

A non-thesis Master’s program doesn’t involve a specific research focus but rather a more coursework and practical experience, allowing students to gain specific skills and knowledge applicable to their field of study. After completing their program’s core course requirements, students can choose any of the electives to meet their degree requirements. Depending on the institution, you may be required to do a Master’s Degree Capstone project, including reviewing previous courses, a comprehensive exam, or a summary project. 

Why Choose a Thesis Master’s Program?


Thesis Master’s programs offer several advantages, be that contributing to new findings in your field, close collaboration with professors and researchers, and standing out to potential employers with your abilities to work independently and analyze complex issues. However, the primary advantages are:

Research Experience

Thesis programs allow you to conduct extensive research on a specific topic that piques your interest.  This way, you’ll gain expertise and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. 

Academic Growth 

Writing a thesis helps sharpen your critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills. It also challenges you to think independently, analyze a large amount of data, and draw meaningful conclusions. Furthermore, it prepares you for doctoral studies, familiarizing you with the rigor of independent research and equips you with the necessary skills to succeed.

Why Choose a Non-Thesis Master’s Program?

Non-thesis master’s programs also come with numerous advantages for students, including flexibility in scheduling, a range of career opportunities, shorter competition time, etc. Here are the main advantages: 

Non-thesis programs prioritize coursework, fostering the development of practical skills and their real-world application. This approach enables you to actively engage in hands-on learning experiences highly sought after in today’s job market. Critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and leadership abilities are some of those skills.

Suitability for Professionals

Another advantage to pursuing a non-thesis Master’s program is that it doesn’t take as much time as the thesis Master’s programs. That way you can enter the workforce faster. It’s also well-suited for professionals already established in their field who are seeking to further their education and advance in their careers. 

The Academic and Career Outcomes of Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Programs


The academic outcomes for the thesis Master’s program graduates involve preparation for Ph.D. programs , opening doors to advanced research and specialized roles in research institutions. This provides solid research skills and helps them publish their work. Common career paths for graduates include research positions in academia, government, or private sectors. Some also pursue teaching careers in colleges and universities. Degree programs that usually require a thesis include sciences, social sciences, engineering, and humanities (history, philosophy, and language studies).

Non-thesis Master’s program graduates typically achieve academic outcomes focused on mastering practical, directly applicable skills within their field. While these programs are more career-oriented, graduates can still pursue a Ph.D. They can benefit from diverse career options in different settings and find employment in managerial, administrative, or specialized roles in their field. Degree programs that don’t usually require a thesis are business, education, healthcare administration, IT management, etc.

Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Programs, That is the Question 

With their abundance of advantages, choosing between the two can be pretty tricky. So, let’s compare thesis vs. non-thesis Master’s programs and help you make an informed decision. 

Personal and Career Goals

A thesis Master’s program is ideal if you’re interested in furthering in academia and want to pursue a Ph.D ., as these programs can provide the necessary tools to enhance your credentials for research-based careers. Meanwhile, a non-thesis Master’s program will suit you better if you’re seeking to gain practical skills to integrate into the industry immediately, as they can include practical projects or internships according to industry demands. 

Time and Financial Considerations

Thesis Master’s programs can extend the duration of your studies, as researching, writing, and defending the thesis can take several semesters to complete and can cause financial strain due to additional costs like lab fees and materials. In contrast, non-thesis ones can help you enter the job market promptly as they are shorter, allowing you to save time and money.

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Field of Study and Program Requirements

When deciding between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program, a crucial element to take into account is the field of study and the program’s specific requirements. A thesis Master’s program is better suited for those pursuing research-oriented fields, while a non-thesis program is a more fitting choice for individuals with a strong focus on their career. Furthermore, program requirements for thesis programs require substantial research to culminate in a thesis, whereas non-thesis ones require capstone projects, internships, or comprehensive exams. 

Switching from a Non-Thesis to a Thesis Master’s Program, or Vice Versa

Switching from a non-thesis to a thesis Master’s program, or vice versa, is possible in many institutions, although the process and requirements may vary. Switching from a non-thesis to a thesis program generally requires getting approval from the academic advisor or department, completing additional research methodology classes, finding a thesis advisor, and applying to the thesis program. 

Switching from a thesis to a non-thesis Master’s program requires having at least a 3.0 GPA, getting approval from the academic advisor, transferring credits of research methodology classes, and formally applying to the thesis program.

Choosing between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program ultimately depends on your career goals, research interests, and personal preferences. Thesis programs provide a robust foundation for research-oriented careers and advanced studies, while non-thesis programs offer practical skills tailored for immediate industry integration. Regardless of your choice, both paths offer unique advantages, ensuring you gain the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in your chosen field. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the difference between a thesis vs. non-thesis master’s program.

The key difference between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program is that thesis Master’s programs require original research and completion of a thesis, whereas non-thesis ones focus on coursework and practical experiences. 

Do I have to write a thesis for a Master’s program?

If you’re pursuing a research-oriented Master’s degree in sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, etc., you’ll probably have to write a thesis. Whereas, if you’re pursuing a Master’s degree in education, business healthcare administration, or IT management, you’re more likely not to have to complete a thesis. 

Is a thesis required for all Master’s degree programs?

Although a thesis isn’t required for all master’s degree programs, many programs require one.

What should I consider when deciding between a thesis and non-thesis program?

There are several factors to consider when choosing between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program, including your career goals, interest in research, duration of studies, personal strengths and preferences, cost, and program requirements.

Are there any financial and duration differences between thesis and non-thesis Master’s programs?

There can be financial and duration differences between thesis and non-thesis Master’s programs. Thesis programs can be more expensive as you’ll have to spend additional resources on materials, lab fees, and data collection. In contrast, the main cost for non-thesis programs is tuition fees, which can be slightly lower. Furthermore, thesis programs require additional time to conduct research, write, and defend the thesis. In contrast, non-thesis programs allow students to earn the degree in a shorter period. 

Why should I choose a thesis Master’s program?

You should choose a thesis Master’s program if you’re interested in a research-heavy discipline and want to showcase your knowledge and expertise in an evidence-based, thorough thesis. 

Why should I choose a non-thesis Master’s program?

You should choose a non-thesis Master’s program if you want to enter the workforce earlier, don’t want to spend several semesters collecting data, and want to focus more on application than research.

Can non-thesis Master’s graduates still pursue doctoral studies later?

Yes, non-thesis Master’s graduates can still get accepted into a doctoral program. However, thesis Master’s graduates can go through the process more efficiently, as admissions panels want to gain insight into your academic interests and ability to engage in nuanced thought.

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Learn more about the non thesis MBA options in the Philippines

  • September 30, 2021

Juggling the rigors of a full-time job with home responsibilities is hard enough. But when you decide to take the leap for your post grad, you also sign up for the additional workload. Many professionals hoping to take their master’s choose to forgo the opportunity for fear of not being able to balance it with the rest of their life. Compiling and submitting a thesis dissertation is not only time-consuming, but also labor-intensive and expensive. But what if you didn’t have to write a thesis to earn your master’s? Discover the benefits of taking a non-thesis MBA today and find out how to enroll in the program!

masters student smiling

Hang on, will my MBA program be valid without a thesis?

Taking a non-thesis master’s degree does not make you any less worthy of that master’s diploma. Contrary to popular belief, submitting and publishing a dissertation is not the only way to earn your master’s degree! This provides many working professionals a more sustainable option of pursuing their desired post-grad studies.

How does a non-thesis MBA in the Philippines differ from a traditional MBA?

A traditional thesis-based MBA has very different outputs, learning, outcomes, and program lengths from a non-thesis MBA. And while it is the lesser-known option of the two, a non-thesis MBA does have its unique advantages over its dissertation counterpart!

Expected Outputs

A thesis-centric master’s program relies heavily on research work. Students can expect research to become their primary tool and can expect to do large amounts of reading and writing to gain the knowledge for their specialization. A non-thesis MBA may provide some relief due to its familiar approach to your bachelor’s education; one that focuses primarily on coursework for developing your skills and expertise in the field. Expect to do a lot of written assignments and group works while taking comprehensive exams. Unlike a dissertation which gears you for a research-based contribution, a non-thesis program is meant to hone your skills for an added edge in your career’s progress.

Program Length

A typical thesis-based MBA can last between one to three years on average. For a non-thesis master’s program, this period is usually shorter. While thesis-based MBAs take a more concentrated approach with slow, tedious work but less subjects, a non-thesis MBA packs more subjects into the program. While this may seem like more work to you, it also means that you get your degree sooner despite the higher amount of coursework.

Educational Trajectory

The option of a non-thesis MBA is especially better if you are decided that your master’s degree will be your last foray into formal education after your bachelor’s degree. The research work in a thesis-based program hone necessary skills for writing dissertations, which are a main requirement for accomplishing your doctorate. If your career is one whose highest academic program stops at master’s, or if you have no plans to pursue a PhD in the future, then a non-thesis program is a great option for you!

Career Path

If you work in an industry that does not heavily rely on research, and you don’t need a PhD to make the most out of your career, then sticking to non-thesis program is definitely the better, more advantageous choice. Due to the nature of the course output, non-thesis students will have more time to observe hands on learning from real-world demonstrations of the skills necessary to their field.

If you are involved in a business career and are decided on taking a master’s degree that you can balance with the other aspects of your life, consider one of the Philippines’ most versatile non-thesis master’s programs. OEd’s Online Master’s in Business Administration balances research, theories, and practical, hands-on techniques that you can apply to your work performance. Find out how much master’s degrees cost and discover why OEd is the reasonable and sustainable choice for non-thesis post graduate learning!

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What Is The Difference Between A Thesis Or Non-Thesis Master’s Degree?

Students finished their masters

If you’re looking forward to enrolling in a master’s degree program, it helps to comprehend what a master’s thesis entails clearly. Some learners still can’t explain the primary difference between a non-thesis master’s degree and a thesis master’s degree. In this article, we help you understand the difference as we highlight other vital facts about the topic. So, let’s do this!

What Is a Master’s Thesis?

What is the length of a master’s thesis, structure and details in master’s thesis, why you should choose a master’s thesis program.

  • The Difference between Thesis and Non-Thesis Program

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Non-Thesis Master’s Program?

Thesis or non-thesis master’s degree faqs, make a decision today.

A master’s thesis is a lengthy and comprehensive scholarly paper that lets you dig deeper into your field of expertise and manifest your growth as a learner. Suppose you undertake a research-oriented degree; you will need to give your graduate school a thesis. That is the best way to portray your practical skills ahead of culmination.

For instance, if you are a psychology major, you might be asked to write a thesis showing the relationship between color and mood. Based on your program, your skills and ability will be weighed differently. It all depends on what the graduate school wants its students to have. The good thing is with the perfect thesis statement; you will have a chance to prove your statement or idea on paper, develop your argument, and come up with a masterpiece.

Your master thesis will be between 40 and 300 pages long, which doesn’t include the bibliography. Many factors can affect the actual length of your thesis for your master’s. For instance, your dissertation topic for masters and method of analysis will be used to determine the appropriate pages to write.

The examiner will ensure that students receive clear instructions on how to handle the thesis. Note that most of the time, you will have a period of two semesters to complete your thesis. Well, that’s enough time to meet all requirements.

Provided you are interested in writing a master’s thesis, it is advisable to develop the right topic early in your academic program. That way, you will have ample time to come up with great research questions so that you submit a top-quality project.

Would you like to know the structure and details of a master’s thesis? The structure is the basis of writing a master thesis that wins you not just a master’s degree but also scholarly recognition. Here’s the information on a relevant structure you need to follow:

  • The Summary: In this section, you must indicate your introduction alongside the research questions. Aside from the method of data collection and analysis, you also need to include the master’s degree paper finding and conclusion.
  • Introduction: In the introduction, you need to clarify the context of your research question. Don’t forget to mention the existing knowledge and previous research as well as your thesis question.
  • Theory: Your theory lets you mention what other individuals have to say about the same subject matter. This comes in handy when you are dealing with empirical research.
  • Method: In the method chapter, it is crucial to portray where your research, as well as the method, positions itself in the field of science. Don’t make your method chapter too long and descriptive.
  • Presentation of Data and Findings : Here is where you must indicate your findings from the data you had analyzed. You must show your examiners that you have a deep understanding of the requirements, such as the research question.
  • Discussion: Discuss your findings in plain language. You might want to relate your findings to the previous research to showcase your relevance throughout the project.
  • Summary and Implications : Now that you are ending the thesis for your masters, make sure you summarize your main points. Make it brief and clear. If you forgot to clarify something in your master’s degree paper, here is the right place to do that.

There are many reasons students need to write a master’s degree thesis. If you want to have the best learning experience and show that you are a smart graduate, then writing a dissertation for a master’s thesis is something you should embrace. More so, if you choose to write a thesis for masters:

  • You will have the rare chance of delving deeper into the field of research, becoming a student with an in-depth understanding of their course and career as a whole.
  • You will notice that most companies prefer students with thesis papers on their portfolios, and you can simply be one of them if you choose a thesis master.
  • It is the best way to indicate that you have gained adequate writing skills and possess an inborn willingness to learn.
  • Defending your thesis program shows that you have competitive critical thinking skills as well as public speaking skills.

The Difference Between Thesis and Non-Thesis Program

What’s the difference between thesis and non-thesis masters? Well, if you opt for a non-thesis program, you won’t have to write a lengthy, compressive research paper to attain the graduation requirements. Note that whether you choose a thesis or non-thesis master’s, at the end of your program, you will need to submit your final paper to show your critical thinking skills.

Also, if you go for a non-thesis program, your final project can either be a field experience or a capstone project. Those are the main differences you need to know about a master’s degree thesis and non-thesis program.

A thesis is a primary requirement in most fields of research. However, not all master’s programs will require you to complete a thesis. To be precise, some institutions or fields will let you choose between a thesis and a non-thesis master’s program. The same applies to a PhD; you can opt for PhD without a thesis (non-thesis PhD).

The pros of a non-thesis master’s program are not that strong. But they are still worth mentioning. The main advantage of a master’s degree without a thesis is that you:

  • You will have a smooth learning experience
  • You won’t have to spend time thinking about research skills.
  • You are free from conducting detailed research analysis and writing a lengthy project.

On the flip side:

  • A non-thesis master’s degree might not show you as a competent student.
  • Your employers might not be able to know whether you have the required communication and critical thinking skills.
  • Since you won’t have the chance to post your thesis on a scholarly website, your credibility would be hard to determine.

Does Every Master’s Degree Require a Thesis?

The shortest answer is a resounding no. Not all master’s degrees require a thesis. However, the institution will allow you to choose whether you would like your program to be a thesis or a non-thesis one. As we already mentioned, there are lots of benefits you can enjoy when you go for the thesis master’s program.

Aside from showing that you’ve got incredible analysis skills, writing a thesis shows that you are serious about your field of expertise. But if you don’t want to write a lengthy paper, then you have the freedom to avoid choosing a thesis master’s program. A master without a thesis is still worth it.

Do We Have Any Tips For Choosing A Program?

Yes! There are essential tips that can help you choose the best program. Here are some of them for your reference:

  • You should know where your passion lies: It is advisable not to pick a program because it is marketable. If you don’t like it, you won’t excel in it. If you have a strong passion for something, even if it is not quite interesting, you can thrive and earn good money from it.
  • Know your abilities : Some programs are so tough that only the most resilient students can complete them. If you are not willing to go beyond the limits trying to break the ice, you should not go for that program.
  • Know the duration of the program : Some programs only need two years to complete, while some will run for up to six years. Think about the time you have left to complete a course and make up your mind based on that.

How Long Does it Take to Write a Master’s Thesis?

There’s no specific time you need to complete your master’s thesis. It is all about your program and the type of school committee you are dealing with. We have already seen that in most cases, you will need to complete your master’s degree thesis in two semesters.

Some institutions might give you a shorter period or a more extended period. If you feel that you have a short deadline, it is better to begin your master’s degree dissertation as soon as possible. Even if you have six months or one year to write your thesis, you need to start early enough. Remember, the time might seem lengthy, but the thesis might be a lengthy and comprehensive one as well.

Now that you know the difference between a thesis and a non-thesis master’s degree, you can go ahead and make your decision today. But if you want to have the best learning experience and a rewarding outcome, you can order the professional thesis master’s help and receive the most helpful assistance for your dissertation.

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Best MBA Programs & Schools in the Philippines

Exploring your options for earning an MBA degree?

Maybe you’re stuck in a career rut. Or you’re going along just fine, but you want to fast-track your growth in the company. Or you’re aiming for something more ambitious, like becoming the next Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.

Whatever pushed you to consider an MBA degree, take the time to decide if it’s right for you. Yes, an MBA education is beneficial to one’s career in many ways, but it isn’t for everyone. 

To make that all-important decision, be informed about different MBA programs and business schools that offer them. 

Here’s everything you need to know about taking an MBA degree in the Philippines.

What is an MBA Course?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is a graduate degree that provides students with in-depth theoretical and practical training to develop technical and leadership skills for key management roles. 

This graduate business degree, typically taken by early-career and mid-career professionals, is more advanced than an associate or bachelor’s degree in business administration.

Usually completed in two years, MBA programs in the Philippines cover a range of business-related subjects, including finance, accounting, economics, marketing, operations, and strategy. 

In some business schools, MBA students may either take a general track or specialize in a particular field such as entrepreneurship, strategic management, operations management, marketing management, or people management.

Requirements and Eligibility for MBA in the Philippines

Before you start looking for business schools and sending your application, check first if you qualify for an MBA program and have all the documents that your target university requires.

Keep reading to learn more about eligibility and document requirements for admission to an MBA school in the Philippines.

How do you qualify for an MBA degree?

1. You must be a graduate of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Since an MBA is a master’s degree (meaning it’s on a higher level than a bachelor’s degree), you should have at least a four-year undergraduate degree from an accredited university or college . 

MBA schools in the Philippines require a bachelor’s degree in any course related to business or management, such as business administration, business management, or accountancy. 

Graduates of other fields—such as engineering, information technology, and even nursing—may still qualify for an MBA program.

However, they must take at least 15 to 18 units of relevant undergraduate business courses, also called pre-MBA courses or bridge courses. Required preparatory courses for non-business degree holders usually include management, accounting, business law, and marketing units. 

2. You need at least two years’ work experience.

If you’re a fresh graduate, wait a little while and gain some work experience first before applying for an MBA program. 

Top MBA schools in the Philippines such as the AIM, Ateneo, and UP, for instance, require at least two years of experience working in a company or running a business. 

Special consideration may be given to prospective MBA students with shorter work history but with experience in community service, volunteer work, or any field where leadership skills are used.

This MBA requirement makes sense because exposure to the corporate world provides a realistic perspective of how businesses operate, helping students better understand the theories and practices on business management in their MBA classes.

3. You should pass a graduate admissions test (and interview, if there’s any).

Remember the college entrance tests you took when you were applying for an undergraduate degree? Before being admitted to an MBA program, you’ll also have to pass an admissions test to prove your readiness for graduate school.

You may take an exam administered by the business school itself. Alternatively, you can take any of the following exams and submit your test result to the university:

  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
  • Graduate Records Examination (GRE)
  • NMAT by GMAC

All these exams are accepted by leading business schools in the Philippines for admission to their MBA programs. To take a graduate admissions test, you’ll be required to register and pay a fee.

Foreign applicants (except for those from native English-speaking countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia) must also take and pass the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) to prove their English proficiency. 

MBA schools require international applicants to hit a certain score for admission. For example, those who wish to be admitted to the UP MBA program must have TOEFL scores of at least 550 (paper-based exam) and 90 (online exam). 

Lastly, you may have to pass an interview if the business school requires it. The Lyceum of the Philippines University, for instance, interviews each applicant to determine if he/she is a good fit for the MBA program.

Related: College Courses in the Philippines [Complete List]

What are the requirements for an MBA program?

In general, here are the documents that MBA applicants need to prepare and submit:

  • Accomplished application form
  • Latest Transcript of Records
  • Recent 2 x 2 or passport-size ID photos
  • Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
  • Certificate of Employment (or Certificate of Business Registration for self-employed applicants)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Recommendation/Referral letters from employer and professor/adviser
  • Personal essay/statement
  • Marriage Certificate (for married female applicants)
  • Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Credentials (for transferees)

In addition to those document requirements, foreign applicants should also present their study permit or working visa issued by the Bureau of Immigration and a photocopy of their passport data page.

Also, be prepared to pay an application fee ranging from Php 600 to Php 1,000+. Higher rates may apply to foreign applicants.

Top Business Schools in the Philippines

When studying an MBA degree, you’re investing a considerable amount of time and money. And so, your choice of business school matters. For recruiters and hiring managers, your graduate degree holds a higher value if you earn it from a top-tier business school.

Fortunately, some business schools in the Philippines are world-renowned for their excellent quality of instruction and global influence. 

Here are the top MBA schools in the Philippines based on Eduniversal Business Schools Ranking 2019 . Eduniversal is a Paris-based global rating agency that ranks the best business schools worldwide based on their international influence. Six local business schools made it to the latest Eduniversal ranking. 

Also included in this list of the best MBA schools are universities and colleges designated as Centers of Excellence by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in Business Administration.

Note: The costs provided here refer only to the tuition fee and don’t include miscellaneous fees and other fees. Tuition rates may also change over the years. 

1. Asian Institute of Management – Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business

MBA program duration: 12 months Tuition fee: US$ 28,500 (approximately Php 1.44 million)

Known as the pioneer in management education in Asia, the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) was built by the Harvard Business School as well as business and academic luminaries in the Philippines.

For over 50 years, the AIM’s W. SyCip Graduate School of Business has been the training ground for leaders and managers from not only the Philippines but also the United States, India, China, South Korea, and nearly 50 other countries.

The AIM currently holds the 18th spot in the Eduniversal Business Schools Ranking in the Far East Asia region, with a 4 Palmes of Excellence distinction (top business school with significant international influence).

The AIM’s flagship program, the Master in Business Administration (MBA), is a full-time degree program consisting of four terms that can be completed in a year. MBA students may choose any of these specializations: general management, finance, sustainable finance, fintech, business analytics, or digital marketing . 

For a hands-on learning experience, MBA students are assigned to over 300 real-world business cases through working as consultants for the AIM’s partner companies and organizations. This trains students to use critical and innovative thinking in making decisions, strategies, and action plans.

Location: Asian Institute of Management, 123 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City Contact number: (02) 8892-4011 ext. nos. 3005 (for Filipino applicants) / 1852 and 3001 (for foreign applicants) Email address: [email protected] Website: https://mba.aim.edu/

2. De La Salle University – Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business

MBA program duration: Two years Tuition fee: Php 3,816 per unit (Total: Php 137,376 for 36 units)

One of the big 4 universities in the Philippines , the De La Salle University (DLSU) is also considered one of the best business schools in the country, being a CHED Center of Excellence in Business Administration. 

DLSU ranks 29th among the best business schools in Far East Asia, with Eduniversal recognizing it with 3 Palmes of Excellence (excellent business school with reinforcing international influence).

DLSU’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is a 36-unit management program that develops professionals for higher-level management positions. The business school allows working students to pursue an MBA on a partial academic load basis.

Location: Ground Floor, Faculty Center, De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila Contact number: (02) 524-4611 local 130  Email address: [email protected] Website: https://www.dlsu.edu.ph/colleges/rvrcob/

3. Ateneo de Manila University Graduate School of Business

MBA program duration: Two years and four months Tuition:

  • MBA Standard Program – Php 18,545 per course (Total: Php 352,355 for 19 courses)
  • Middle Managers MBA Program – Php 30,581.05 per course (Total: Php 428,134.70 for 14 courses)
  • Ateneo-Regis MBA Program – Php 24,610.65 – Php 31,781.75 per course, depending on the campus (Total: Php 344,549 – Php 444,944.50 for 14 courses)

The Ateneo de Manila University is a CHED Center of Excellence in Business Administration. Its  Graduate School of Business has earned 3 Palmes of Excellence from Eduniversal, which means it’s an “excellent business school with reinforcing international influence.”

The institution makes high-quality MBA education accessible in the Philippines with its six campuses in Makati, Pampanga, Laguna, Cebu, and Iloilo.

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business offers three MBA programs, each catering to different kinds of professionals.

  • MBA Standard – A non-thesis leadership and management development program for young professionals who have been working for at least two years and want to hone relevant skills for a higher-level management position. Offered on a part-time basis, this program consists of 52 units with classes held on weeknights or Saturdays.
  • Middle Managers MBA – A non-thesis program for senior managers and supervisors who want to further develop their leadership and managerial skills for key senior and CEO roles in the future. MBA classes for middle managers are held one night per week from 6 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
  • Ateneo-Regis MBA  – A non-thesis executive program developed by the Ateneo in partnership with Regis University in Denver, Colorado. This accelerated program is for executives and senior managers who have at least five years of work experience but limited time for pursuing an MBA degree because of their workplace responsibilities. The regular load is one course per trimester, with each term lasting for two months. Each course meets one night per week for four hours.


  • Rockwell Campus – Ateneo Professional Schools, #20 Rockwell Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City
  • Salcedo Campus – Ateneo Professional Schools, 130 H.V. Dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City
  • Clark Campus – Berthaphil, Ground Floor, Unit 5, Clark Center 09, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Clark Freeport, Zone, Pampanga
  • Sta. Rosa Campus – 2nd Floor, Paseo 3A Building, Brgy. Don Jose, Paseo de Sta. Rosa, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
  • Cebu Campus – Ground Floor Cebu Holdings Center, Cardinal Rosales Avenue, Cebu Business Park, Cebu City
  • Ateneo de Iloilo – Pison Avenue, Mandurriao, Iloilo City

Contact numbers: 

  • Rockwell Campus – (02) 8899-7691 local 2206 or 2207
  • Clark Campus – (045) 4990970 / 4990971 / (0998) 550-9910
  • Sta. Rosa Campus – (049) 541-0415 / 541-2987
  • Cebu Campus – (032) 231-9478 / 232-1665
  • Iloilo Campus – (033) 396-6506 / (0995) 1017-978

Email addresses: 

Website: http://gsb.ateneo.edu/

4. University of the Philippines Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business

MBA program duration:

  • Day program (full-time) – One year and eight months
  • Evening program (part-time) – Two years and eight months

Tuition fee: Php 4,500 per unit (Total: Php 189,000 for 42 units)

Founded over 100 years ago, the UP Virata School of Business is the leader in management education in the Philippines. 

Like the business schools of DLSU and Ateneo, the UP Virata School of Business is recognized by Eduniversal with 3 Palmes of Excellence for its “reinforcing international influence.”

UP’s MBA program is offered on a full-time (day program) or part-time (evening program) basis. This non-thesis program equips students with advanced management skills necessary for decision making in a highly competitive business environment. At the end of the program, students are required to take a comprehensive exam instead of submitting a thesis.

Location: University of the Philippines Bonifacio Global City, 32nd Street, BGC, Taguig City Email address: [email protected] Website: http://vsb.upd.edu.ph/mba-msfinance-program

5. University of Santo Tomas UST Graduate School

MBA program duration: Two years Tuition fee: 

  • Php 2,181 per unit for Filipino students (Total: Php 98,145 for 45 units)
  • Php 2,855 per unit for foreign students (Total: Php 128,475 for 45 units)

The UST Graduate School has earned 2 Palmes of Excellence from Eduniversal, with a distinction of being a “good business school with strong regional influence.” 

UST’s Master in Business Administration program has a Level IV accredited status from the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA).

It’s the PACUCOA’s highest recognition of exemplary academic programs in the Philippines, with prestige and authority comparable to MBA programs in excellent foreign universities.

MBA students of UST can choose one management track to focus on: finance, human resources, production and operations, marketing, or strategy.

Location: Ground Floor, Thomas Aquinas Research Complex Building, University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Manila Contact number: (02) 731-5396 Email address: [email protected] Website: http://graduateschool.ust.edu.ph/

6. University of San Carlos School of Business and Economics

MBA program duration: Three years Tuition fee: Php 19,500 – Php 35,000 per year (Total of Php 58,500 – Php 105,000 for three years)

Established in 1595, the University of San Carlos (USC) is the oldest existing educational institution in the Philippines.

The USC is one of the largest universities in Cebu and Visayas, with eight CHED Centers of Excellence, including one in Business Administration.

This Catholic university’s business school has 1 Palme of Excellence from Eduniversal for its “considerable local influence.” Its Master in Business Administration program is also Level III-accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU), which means it meets the rganization’s standards of quality education.

Location: University of San Carlos Downtown Campus, P. del Rosario Street, Cebu City Contact number: (032) 253-1000 / 255-8392 Website: http://www.usc.edu.ph/academic/department/31

7. José Rizal University Graduate School

MBA program duration: Two years Tuition fee: Php 36,000 – Php 66,000 per year

The José Rizal University (JRU) is a CHED Center of Excellence in Business Administration.

Its Master in Business Administration program is one of the top 10 MBA programs in the Philippines, according to the Fund Assistance to Private Education (FAPE) and Evaluation of Graduate Education in the Philippines (EGEP)

JRU’s MBA program has been awarded a Level II accreditation by the PACUCOA, recognizing its excellence in curriculum, research, faculty, and instruction, among other criteria.

JRU offers two types of MBA programs: a thesis program consisting of nine core courses and one elective and a non-thesis program consisting of nine core courses and three electives.

MBA students have four options for their specialization: entrepreneurship, retail management, supply management, or organizational development.

Location: José Rizal University Graduate School Office, Ground Floor, JRU Tower, 80 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City Contact number: (02) 8531-8031 local 11 or 77 Email address: [email protected] Website: http://jru.edu/graduate-school

8. Central Philippine University School of Graduate Studies

MBA program duration: Two years Tuition fee: Php 1,020 per unit (Total: Php 39,780 for 39 units / Php 42,840 for 42 units)

The Central Philippine University (CPU) is a CHED Center of Excellence in Business Administration. Its Master in Business Administration program has a Level IV accreditation from the Association of Christian Schools, Colleges, and Universities Accrediting Agencies, Inc. (ACSCU-AAI). 

The MBA program is offered in two tracks: a 39-unit thesis program and a 42-unit program specializing in tourism and hospitality management.

CPU’s graduate school provides research-based and outcome-based education integrated with Christian values to develop students’ problem-solving, research, and practical skills.

It takes pride in its strong partnerships with Asian institutions in China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Myanmar.

Location: Central Philippine University, Lopez Jaena Street, Jaro, Iloilo City Contact number: (033) 329-1971 to 329-1979 local 2140 Email address: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: https://cpu.edu.ph/master-in-business-administration/

9. Miriam College – College of Business, Entrepreneurship & Accountancy 

MBA program duration: Two years Tuition fee: Php 2,400 per unit (Total: Php 103,200 for 43 units)

Like the USC, Miriam College is a designated CHED Center of Excellence in Business Administration, with a PAASCU Level III-accredited Master in Business Administration program. 

Miriam’s MBA program is a 43-unit, non-thesis program that prepares students for key positions in strategic management, human resource management, or innovation management.

It also offers a general track for those who want to learn multiple disciplines. This business school in Quezon City takes a modular, project-based approach to learning. MBA classes are held on weekends, which is ideal for working students.

Location: Miriam College, Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Contact number: (02) 8930-6272 local 8240 or 3435-9263 Email address: [email protected] Website: https://www.mc.edu.ph/mba

10. Lyceum of the Philippines University – Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies

MBA program duration: Two years Tuition fee: Php 29,000 – Php 50,000 per year (Total: Php 58,000 – Php 100,000 for two years)

A CHED Center of Excellence in Business Administration, the Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) offers two Master in Business Administration programs that develop modern managerial skills through both quantitative and qualitative studies.

One is a regular MBA program (thesis/non-thesis), and another program allows specialization in marketing management or people management.

LPU’s MBA classes are module-based, and each subject meets for five consecutive Saturdays. 

Location: Jose P. Laurel Building, Lyceum of the Philippines University, 33 Muralla corner Real Streets, Intramuros, Manila Contact number: (02) 8527-8251 to 56 local 105 Email address: [email protected] Website: https://manila.lpu.edu.ph/index.php/academics/graduate-school

11. University of Mindanao

MBA program duration: 2.5 years Tuition fee: Php 19,500 – Php 28,000 per year (Total: Php 48,800 – Php 70,000 for 2.5 years)

Founded in 1946, the University of Mindanao is among the oldest and largest universities in the southern Philippines.

It’s awarded a Center of Excellence in Business Administration and autonomous status by CHED—meaning it’s considered a premier educational institution that meets CHED’s quality and excellence standards. Its graduate school is also the first in Mindanao to receive accreditation by any accrediting agency.

Location: Bolton Street, Davao City, Davao del Sur Contact number: (082) 221 0190  Email address: [email protected] Website: https://umindanao.edu.ph/public/college/ps

Advantages of Having an MBA in the Philippines

Attending a top business school in Metro Manila to earn an MBA degree can set you back an average of Php 100,000 up to a million pesos. But that’s only the financial cost. 

Non-monetary costs are involved as well, like enduring sleepless nights and sacrificing weekend plans with family and friends. Not to mention the strict admission requirements you have to meet to enter an MBA school.

Given its expensive and demanding nature, an MBA program can be off-putting and discouraging for some. 

Now you ask—is an MBA worth your money, time, and effort? 

Taking an MBA can be the best investment you’ll ever make. That is, if you consider the following benefits of an MBA degree.

1. Higher Earning Potential

The most important and practical advantage of an MBA degree is the higher salary compared to bachelor’s and even other master’s degrees. 

According to a report by Emolument , a crowdsourced pay data platform, MBA is the second highest-paying degree in the Philippines, next to Masters in Management. MBA graduates earn an average annual salary of Php 3.25 million (around Php 270,000+ monthly). 

The MBA salary estimate of PayScale , a compensation comparison website, is more conservative at an average of Php 719,000 per year (around Php 60,000 monthly).

Still, it’s a higher amount compared to the salaries of other degree holders. It’s about twice as much as the salary of those with a regular college degree.

Research has shown that it takes two to four years to recover the investment made with an MBA education. Not bad for an ROI, considering that the benefits of an MBA can last through your entire career.

2. Faster Career Advancemen t

Aside from the financial perks, another motivation that pushes professionals to pursue an MBA degree is giving their career a boost . With an MBA degree, you’re raising your chance of securing a top-level management position.

In short, it’s easier and quicker to get promoted with an MBA attached to your name.

Why is that so? An MBA program equips students with the necessary skills to succeed in a particular field. It provides more in-depth knowledge of business and management than a bachelor’s degree in business administration. As a result, MBA graduates become experts in their specific fields.

3. Easier to Change Careers

Planning to break into a new industry for enhancing your career? Taking an MBA is a sensible first step.

Having an MBA degree opens up plenty of career opportunities across a wide range of industries—something that most professionals with a different educational background may not qualify for.

Studying an MBA degree is not just for those who want to succeed in the business sector.

It’s also for professionals aiming to advance their career in other industries such as financial institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions. This is because the technical and soft skills gained from an MBA program are useful in any leadership position across all industries .

Here are just a few career options available to MBA graduates in the Philippines:

  • Operations manager
  • Business development head or analyst
  • Management analyst or consultant
  • Business strategist
  • Business professor
  • Marketing head
  • Sales manager

4. Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Not all MBA students aspire to climb the corporate ladder. Some aim to become their own boss.

If you prefer to start your own company (rather than staying an employee forever), an MBA education can help you develop the necessary skills for launching and growing a business .

Among the must-have entrepreneurial skills you can gain from an MBA school are related to leadership , people management, marketing, product development, crisis management, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Some may argue that a formal education, much less an MBA degree, is not really needed to run a successful business. While that may be true in a few cases, MBA graduates still have the edge over their non-MBA counterparts. 

Nine in every 10 startups fail because of mistakes ranging from lack of market need to failure to pivot. The knowledge and skills students learn from studying an MBA help them avoid, or at least minimize, the common mistakes that startups make .

Particularly, case studies in MBA programs teach students to identify and solve real-life problems based on actual experiences of businesses.

Related: 150+ Profitable Small Business Ideas in the Philippines

5. Strong Professional Network

MBA students have great opportunities to connect with influential people—like classmates who are professionals within and outside the industry, or professors with on-field management experience.

This widens your professional network, which can help you achieve your career goals in one way or another after grad school.

Interacting with people you meet in graduate school also gives a fresh perspective on life, as you exchange new ideas and explore strategies and solutions to various problems in your case studies.

The lessons you pick up along the way will be invaluable to whatever career path you take after your MBA education.

Also Read: Complete List of Business Events in the Philippines

6. Sense of Pride and Personal Achievement

An MBA degree not only boosts one’s resume but also earns respect from colleagues, friends, and family.

The hard work and perseverance MBA students put into their graduate studies cannot be underestimated—and so, they deserve the prestige that comes with their degree.

Internally, there’s a sense of pride and fulfillment in earning a master’s degree, especially if it’s an MBA.

It’s only natural to feel you’ve accomplished something great, considering that it takes tons of guts, patience, and determination to overcome the difficulties of earning an MBA education.

This increases your confidence in many aspects of managing a business, from creating strategies to making tough decisions and taking risks.

mba no thesis

About Venus Zoleta

Venus Zoleta is an experienced writer and editor, specializing in personal finance and digital marketing.

She has been a regular columnist for some of the biggest business & finance publications in the Philippines, such as MoneyMax.ph and Filipiknow.net.

Hoping to retire early, she started investing and bought a home in her early 20s. This crazy cat mom eats ramen like there's no tomorrow.

Education: University of the Philippines (B.A. Journalism) Focus: Personal Finance, Personal Development, and Entrepreneurship

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mba no thesis

February 26, 2021 at 9:55 pm

What school offers mba in quality management system

mba no thesis

April 3, 2021 at 12:17 pm

What school offers MBA 100% on line class.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Business

50+ Management Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Business/management/MBA research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a business/management-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of  research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the management domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Business Research Topics

  • Business /management strategy
  • Human resources (HR) and industrial psychology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Operations management
  • International business
  • Actual business dissertations & theses

Strategy-Related Research Topics

  • An analysis of the impact of digital transformation on business strategy in consulting firms
  • The role of innovation in transportation practices for creating a competitive advantage within the agricultural sector
  • Exploring the effect of globalisation on strategic decision-making practices for multinational Fashion brands.
  • An evaluation of corporate social responsibility in shaping business strategy, a case study of power utilities in Nigeria
  • Analysing the relationship between corporate culture and business strategy in the new digital era, exploring the role of remote working.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainability practices on business strategy and performance in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry
  • An analysis of the effect of social media on strategic partnerships and alliances development in the insurance industry
  • Exploring the role of data-driven decision-making in business strategy developments following supply-chain disruptions in the agricultural sector
  • Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the influence of market orientation on business strategy and performance in the video game publishing industry
  • A review of strategic cost management best practices in the healthcare sector of Indonesia
  • Identification of key strategic considerations required for the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 to develop a circular economy
  • Reviewing how Globalisation has affected business model innovation strategies in the education sector
  • A comparison of merger and acquisition strategies’ effects on novel product development in the Pharmaceutical industry
  • An analysis of market strategy performance during recessions, a retrospective review of the luxury goods market in the US
  • Comparing the performance of digital stakeholder engagement strategies and their contribution towards meeting SDGs in the mining sector

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Human Resources (HR)

  • Exploring the impact of digital employee engagement practices on organizational performance in SMEs
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • An evaluation of remote employee training and development programs efficacy in the e-commerce sector
  • Comparing the effect of flexible work arrangements on employee satisfaction and productivity across generational divides
  • Assessing the relationship between gender-focused employee empowerment programs and job satisfaction in the UAE
  • A review of the impact of technology and digitisation on human resource management practices in the construction industry
  • An analysis of the role of human resource management in talent acquisition and retention in response to globalisation and crisis, a case study of the South African power utility
  • The influence of leadership style on remote working employee motivation and performance in the education sector.
  • A comparison of performance appraisal systems for managing employee performance in the luxury retail fashion industry
  • An examination of the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction in blue-collar workplaces, A systematic review
  • Exploring HR personnel’s experiences managing digital workplace bullying in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the success of HR team integration following merger and acquisition on employee engagement and performance
  • Exploring HR green practices and their effects on retention of millennial talent in the fintech industry
  • Assessing the impact of human resources analytics in successfully navigating digital transformation within the healthcare sector
  • Exploring the role of HR staff in the development and maintenance of ethical business practices in fintech SMEs
  • An analysis of employee perceptions of current HRM practices in a fully remote IT workspace

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Finance & Accounting

  • An analysis of the effect of employee financial literacy on decision-making in manufacturing start-ups in Ghana
  • Assessing the impact of corporate green innovation on financial performance in listed companies in Estonia
  • Assessing the effect of corporate governance on financial performance in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea
  • An evaluation of financial risk management practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the role of leadership financial literacy in the transition from start-up to scale-up in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • A review of influential macroeconomic factors on the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender
  • An examination of the use of financial derivatives in risk management
  • Exploring the impact of the cryptocurrency disruption on stock trading practices in the EU
  • An analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in academic publishing houses
  • A comparison of financial ratios performance in evaluating E-commerce startups in South Korea.
  • An evaluation of the role of government policies in facilitating manufacturing companies’ successful transitioning from start-up to scale-ups in Denmark
  • Assessing the financial value associated with industry 4.0 transitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Exploring the role of effective e-leadership on financial performance in the Nigerian fintech industry
  • A review of digital disruptions in CRM practices and their associated financial impact on listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring the importance of Sharia-based business practices on SME financial performance in multicultural countries

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Ideas: Operations Management

  • An assessment of the impact of blockchain technology on operations management practices in the transport industry of Estonia
  • An evaluation of supply chain disruption management strategies and their impact on business performance in Lithuania
  • Exploring the role of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry of Malaysia and its effects on improving operational efficiency
  • A critical review of optimal operations management strategies in luxury goods manufacturing for ensuring supply chain resilience
  • Exploring the role of globalization on Supply chain diversification, a pre/post analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • An analysis of the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription-based business models
  • Assessing the cost of sustainable sourcing practices on operations management and supply chain resilience in the Cocao industry.
  • An examination of the adoption of behavioural predictive analytics in operations management practices, a case study of the
  • Italian automotive industry
  • Exploring the effect of operational complexity on business performance following digital transformation
  • An evaluation of barriers to the implementation of agile methods in project management within governmental institutions
  • Assessing how the relationship between operational processes and business strategy change as companies transition from start-ups to scale-ups
  • Exploring the relationship between operational management and innovative business models, lessons from the fintech industry
  • A review of best practices for operations management facilitating the transition towards a circular economy in the fast food industry
  • Exploring the viability of lean manufacturing practices in Vietnam’s plastics industry
  • Assessing engagement in cybersecurity considerations associated with operations management practices in industry 4.0 manufacturing

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: International Business

  • The impact of cultural differences in communication on international business relationships
  • An evaluation of the role of government import and export policies in shaping international business practices
  • The effect of global shipping conditions on international business strategies
  • An analysis of the challenges of managing multinational corporations: branch management
  • The influence of social media marketing on international business operations
  • The role of international trade agreements on business activities in developing countries
  • An examination of the impact of currency fluctuations on international business and cost competitiveness
  • The relationship between international business and sustainable development: perspectives and benefits
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in emerging markets such as the renewable energy industry
  • An analysis of the role of internationalisation via strategic alliances in international business
  • The impact of cross-cultural management on international business performance
  • The effect of political instability on international business operations: A case study of Russia
  • An analysis of the role of intellectual property rights in an international technology company’s business strategies
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and international business strategy: a comparative study of different industries
  • The impact of technology on international business in the fashion industry

Topics & Ideas: Leadership

  • A comparative study of the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance
  • An evaluation of transformational leadership in today’s non-profit organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and productivity
  • An analysis of the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation
  • The influence of diversity and inclusion on leadership practices in South Africa
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on leadership in the digital age
  • An examination of the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing business environment: examples from the finance industry
  • The relationship between leadership and corporate culture and job satisfaction
  • An evaluation of the role of transformational leadership in strategic decision-making
  • The use of leadership development programs in enhancing leadership effectiveness in multinational organisations
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational trust and reputation: an empirical study
  • An analysis of the relationship between various leadership styles and employee well-being in healthcare organizations
  • The role of leadership in promoting good work-life balance and job satisfaction in the age of remote work
  • The influence of leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation in the technology industry
  • An investigation of the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural leadership effectiveness in global organizations

Business/Management Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a business-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various management-related degree programs (e.g., MBAs, DBAs, etc.) to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Sustaining Microbreweries Beyond 5 Years (Yanez, 2022)
  • Perceived Stakeholder and Stockholder Views: A Comparison Among Accounting Students, Non-Accounting Business Students And Non-Business Students (Shajan, 2020)
  • Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Ecological Paradigm among Business Students in Southern California (Barullas, 2020)
  • Entrepreneurial opportunity alertness in small business: a narrative research study exploring established small business founders’ experience with opportunity alertness in an evolving economic landscape in the Southeastern United States (Hughes, 2019)
  • Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study (Culver, 2021)
  • Analyzing the Drivers and Barriers to Green Business Practices for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ohio (Purwandani, 2020)
  • The Role of Executive Business Travel in a Virtual World (Gale, 2022)
  • Outsourcing Security and International Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Human Rights Violations (Hawkins, 2022)
  • Lean-excellence business management for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq (Mohammad, 2021)
  • Science Data Sharing: Applying a Disruptive Technology Platform Business Model (Edwards, 2022)
  • Impact of Hurricanes on Small Construction Business and Their Recovery (Sahu, 2022)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Topic Ideation

If you’d like hands-on help to speed up your topic ideation process and ensure that you develop a rock-solid research topic, check our our Topic Kickstarter service below.

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Great help. thanks


Hi, Your work is very educative, it has widened my knowledge. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for helping me understand how to craft a research topic. I’m pursuing a PGDE. Thank you


Effect of Leadership, computerized accounting systems, risk management and monitoring on the quality of financial Reports among listed banks

Denford Chimboza

May you assist on a possible PhD topic on analyzing economic behaviours within environmental, climate and energy domains, from a gender perspective. I seek to further investigate if/to which extent policies in these domains can be deemed economically unfair from a gender perspective, and whether the effectiveness of the policies can be increased while striving for inequalities not being perpetuated.

Negessa Abdisa

healthy work environment and employee diversity, technological innovations and their role in management practices, cultural difference affecting advertising, honesty as a company policy, an analysis of the relationships between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription based business model,business corruption cases. That I was selected from the above topics.

Ngam Leke

Research topic accounting

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Think of yourself as a member of a jury, listening to a lawyer who is presenting an opening argument. You'll want to know very soon whether the lawyer believes the accused to be guilty or not guilty, and how the lawyer plans to convince you. Readers of academic essays are like jury members: before they have read too far, they want to know what the essay argues as well as how the writer plans to make the argument. After reading your thesis statement, the reader should think, "This essay is going to try to convince me of something. I'm not convinced yet, but I'm interested to see how I might be."

An effective thesis cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." A thesis is not a topic; nor is it a fact; nor is it an opinion. "Reasons for the fall of communism" is a topic. "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" is a fact known by educated people. "The fall of communism is the best thing that ever happened in Europe" is an opinion. (Superlatives like "the best" almost always lead to trouble. It's impossible to weigh every "thing" that ever happened in Europe. And what about the fall of Hitler? Couldn't that be "the best thing"?)

A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay.

Steps in Constructing a Thesis

First, analyze your primary sources.  Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication. Does the author contradict himself or herself? Is a point made and later reversed? What are the deeper implications of the author's argument? Figuring out the why to one or more of these questions, or to related questions, will put you on the path to developing a working thesis. (Without the why, you probably have only come up with an observation—that there are, for instance, many different metaphors in such-and-such a poem—which is not a thesis.)

Once you have a working thesis, write it down.  There is nothing as frustrating as hitting on a great idea for a thesis, then forgetting it when you lose concentration. And by writing down your thesis you will be forced to think of it clearly, logically, and concisely. You probably will not be able to write out a final-draft version of your thesis the first time you try, but you'll get yourself on the right track by writing down what you have.

Keep your thesis prominent in your introduction.  A good, standard place for your thesis statement is at the end of an introductory paragraph, especially in shorter (5-15 page) essays. Readers are used to finding theses there, so they automatically pay more attention when they read the last sentence of your introduction. Although this is not required in all academic essays, it is a good rule of thumb.

Anticipate the counterarguments.  Once you have a working thesis, you should think about what might be said against it. This will help you to refine your thesis, and it will also make you think of the arguments that you'll need to refute later on in your essay. (Every argument has a counterargument. If yours doesn't, then it's not an argument—it may be a fact, or an opinion, but it is not an argument.)

This statement is on its way to being a thesis. However, it is too easy to imagine possible counterarguments. For example, a political observer might believe that Dukakis lost because he suffered from a "soft-on-crime" image. If you complicate your thesis by anticipating the counterargument, you'll strengthen your argument, as shown in the sentence below.

Some Caveats and Some Examples

A thesis is never a question.  Readers of academic essays expect to have questions discussed, explored, or even answered. A question ("Why did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?") is not an argument, and without an argument, a thesis is dead in the water.

A thesis is never a list.  "For political, economic, social and cultural reasons, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" does a good job of "telegraphing" the reader what to expect in the essay—a section about political reasons, a section about economic reasons, a section about social reasons, and a section about cultural reasons. However, political, economic, social and cultural reasons are pretty much the only possible reasons why communism could collapse. This sentence lacks tension and doesn't advance an argument. Everyone knows that politics, economics, and culture are important.

A thesis should never be vague, combative or confrontational.  An ineffective thesis would be, "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because communism is evil." This is hard to argue (evil from whose perspective? what does evil mean?) and it is likely to mark you as moralistic and judgmental rather than rational and thorough. It also may spark a defensive reaction from readers sympathetic to communism. If readers strongly disagree with you right off the bat, they may stop reading.

An effective thesis has a definable, arguable claim.  "While cultural forces contributed to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the disintegration of economies played the key role in driving its decline" is an effective thesis sentence that "telegraphs," so that the reader expects the essay to have a section about cultural forces and another about the disintegration of economies. This thesis makes a definite, arguable claim: that the disintegration of economies played a more important role than cultural forces in defeating communism in Eastern Europe. The reader would react to this statement by thinking, "Perhaps what the author says is true, but I am not convinced. I want to read further to see how the author argues this claim."

A thesis should be as clear and specific as possible.  Avoid overused, general terms and abstractions. For example, "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because of the ruling elite's inability to address the economic concerns of the people" is more powerful than "Communism collapsed due to societal discontent."

Copyright 1999, Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University

12 Best Online DBA No Dissertation Programs [2024 Guide]

We’ve identified 15 accredited Online DBA No Dissertation Programs for 2024. Want to get a Doctorate in Business without a dissertation? Here’s how!

Online DBA No Dissertation

If you truly want to set yourself apart in the business world, taking your education to the next level with a Doctorate in Business Administration can do just that.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Earning your DBA will not only enhance your credentials but can also help ensure that you’re at the forefront of modern business leadership. And now, it’s possible to get enrolled in online doctoral programs without a dissertation .

Universities Offering No Dissertation Online Doctorate of Business Administration Degree Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format. In addition, the universities included below offer Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs that do not require a dissertation.

1. Bellevue University

Bellevue is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

2. California Southern University

CalSouthern is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

3. Capella University

  • Online DBA – General Management
  • Online DBA – Organizational Leadership and Development
  • Online DBA – Strategy and Innovation

Capella is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

4. Franklin University

Franklin is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

5. Indiana Wesleyan University

  • DBA – Accounting
  • DBA – Healthcare Administration
  • DBA – Management

IWU is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.

6. Liberty University

  • DBA – Finance
  • DBA – Healthcare Management
  • DBA – Human Resources
  • DBA – Information Systems
  • DBA – International Business
  • DBA – Leadership
  • DBA – Marketing
  • DBA – Non-Profit Leadership and Management
  • DBA – Project Management
  • DBA – Strategic Management
  • DBA – Strategic Media and Digital Content
  • DBA – Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Liberty University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

7. Thomas Edison State University

  • DBA – General Management
  • DBA – Human Resource Management
  • DBA – Organizational Leadership

TESU is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

8. Trevecca Nazarene University

Trevecca is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

9. Trident University

Trident is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission.

10. University of the Incarnate Word

UIW is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

11. Walden University

  • DBA in Accounting
  • DBA in Energy Management
  • DBA in Entrepreneurship
  • DBA in Finance
  • DBA in Global Supply Chain Management
  • DBA in Healthcare Management
  • DBA in Homeland Security
  • DBA in Human Resource Management
  • DBA in Information Systems Management
  • DBA in International Business
  • DBA in Leadership
  • DBA in Marketing
  • DBA in Project Management
  • DBA in Social Impact Management
  • DBA in Technology Entrepreneurship
  • DBA – Self-Designed

Walden is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.

12. Wilmington University

WilmU is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Online DBA No Dissertation Programs

Select the doctoral field that most interests you to jump to that section of the guide:


General business, healthcare management, homeland security, human resource management, information systems management, international business, project management, supply chain management.

With a Doctor of Business Administration, you can increase your potential responsibility, respectability, and annual earnings.

accountant working on his computer

To help businesses manage their money, consider a specialization in Accounting. An accounting concentration aims to prepare doctoral students for careers as Certified Public Accountants, chief financial officers, budget analysts, financial managers and auditors.

Classes cover various disciplines in the accounting field, such as managerial accounting, cost allocation and data analysis.

two young entrepreneurs working

Challenge yourself to become a more innovative leader through a DBA specialization in Entrepreneurship.

You can put this degree into practice as a trailblazer in a startup, or you can apply the principles in an established business setting. Your classes may cover ways to encourage creativity and new ideas, and you can talk about how to market successfully in today’s business world.

Your studies should also include information on how to go about financing business endeavors and providing wise financial leadership.

team of financial analysts in a meeting

Professionals with a concentration in Finance may be well-suited for executive positions in corporations, banks or nonprofit organizations. For example, with this degree, you might choose to pursue a career in investment banking or hedge fund management.

In preparation, your coursework will cover important topics in the field of finances, such as asset pricing, credit risks, business leadership, and microeconomics.

You will probably discuss both domestic financial matters and those that relate to conducting business in an international setting.

business professionals meeting in a conference room

Do you know that you want to earn an advanced business degree , but you’re not interested in settling on one specific specialty? Pursuing a generalist DBA can allow you to study many aspects of this field.

You may be able to select electives from multiple specializations in order to design a course of study that addresses your particular areas of interest.

Your coursework may cover corporate leadership, change navigation, and sustainable marketing.

healthcare professionals in a meeting

From insurance companies to hospital systems, many healthcare organizations require experienced business professionals. With a specialization in Healthcare Management, you could also pursue work in the pharmaceutical industry, the nonprofit sector or the government.

Typical studies in this degree discuss how healthcare is delivered and factors that can disrupt that process.

Healthcare management students also need to study ethics, pricing factors, legal regulations and access to care.

male security guard guarding a building

The safety and security of people and infrastructure are vitally important. You can play a role in protecting these critical assets when you obtain a DBA with a concentration in Homeland Security.

Some experts in this area work for government agencies, but others play leadership roles in the private sector.

You and your classmates can explore ways that security issues have changed over time and how they affect modern business practices.

head of human resource department talking to an employee

The success of a business depends on its people. If you have a passion for ensuring that organizations are equipped with the best talent, then a specialization in Human Resource Management could be right for you.

In this program, you can study planning for future needs, managing costs, outsourcing tasks and abiding by contracts.

After graduation, you may head up a human resources team, serve as a corporate executive or become a recruiter.

information system administrator with colleague checking their data base

To blend your passions for technology and business, choose a concentration in Information Systems Management for your DBA.

Not only can you learn ways to make the most of technology in your organization with this degree, but you can also explore ways to be innovative and forward-thinking with tech.

This degree program can help prepare you to run networks, maintain databases or perform research so you can help your company gain an edge over the competition.

multi-ethnic team of businessmen having a meeting

In many ways, global markets are becoming more connected, and businesses are becoming more international. A specialization in International Business can help you operate in markets around the world.

You can study business law in different countries and the roles of various global financial institutions.

This program can prepare you for a leadership position in a business with worldwide offices, or you can use your training to become a consultant for various companies.

team of professionals having a meeting

Nearly every top position in the business world requires strong leadership skills. You can gain an advantage in this area by earning a DBA with a Leadership specialization.

A well-rounded degree program can help you learn how to lead your organization through change, work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and apply principles of human motivation.

Your coursework may also address topics of ethics, professional responsibility and environmental sustainability.

digital marketers collaborating on a project

Businesses rely on marketing professionals to build awareness of their brand, analyze trends and create a positive image of their company. With a Marketing concentration, you can explore topics like these in-depth. Your classes may help you learn more about performing marketing research and understanding how consumers make decisions.

You can also explore different marketing channels, including digital media and business-to-business (B2B) marketing.

Career options may include advertising executive, media director, or research lead.

team of marketing professionals collaborating on a project

When an organization has an objective to accomplish, a project management professional may be the person in charge of overseeing the process from beginning to end.

A concentration in Project Management can help equip you with the skills necessary for leading major projects, navigating obstacles and guiding organizations through times of change.

In addition to becoming a project manager, you could work as a third-party consultant.

logistics manager checking the products in a factory

There are many steps involved in transforming raw materials into consumer-ready goods. Even after the manufacturing process is complete, there’s the additional task of getting items onto store shelves and into consumers’ hands.

You can work toward becoming an expert in overseeing this process from beginning to end by earning an online DBA with a specialization in Supply Chain Management.

Common course topics in this specialization include international operations, logistics management and quality assurance.

Careers & Salaries

A doctoral degree can give you the necessary credentials to help you land a top-paying job . Salaries vary depending on position and geographic region, but top executives make an average of $107,680 per year. Financial managers may earn $134,180 annually, and that field is growing at a rate of about 15 percent (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

  • Because analysts work in many areas of the business world, you could choose a specialty like budgeting, operations or data.

Computer Information Systems Manager:

  • In this managerial role, you can take charge of a company’s computers and networks as well as the ways that data is handled.


  • Third-party consultants help organizations or employees improve their operations by suggesting ways to save money or streamline processes.


  • Although there is financial risk involved in launching startups, entrepreneurs often find the experience thrilling.

Financial Manager:

  • You can oversee an organization’s financial matters, such as tracking spending and making projections, in this management position.

Human Resources Manager:

  • HR directors deal with personnel issues. They may coordinate benefits, resolve disputes, maintain policies and acquire talent.

Marketing Manager:

  • As a marketing professional, you might be in charge of advertising, brand recognition or consumer research.

Operations Manager/Top Executive:

  • In this role, you could be responsible for providing leadership and direction as well as overseeing daily operations.
  • With a position in academia, you can teach business principles to undergraduate or graduate students.

Accreditation for Online Doctorate in Business Administration Programs

logos of the six regional accreditors

Every reputable online college bears regional accreditation. This is an institution-wide distinction for schools that do a good job of educating students.

Among others, regional accreditors include:

  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
  • Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
  • WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC)

Many business schools also seek accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) . This accreditation is available only for programs related to business or accounting. Although there may be good programs without AACSB accreditation, this industry-specific certification serves as a reassuring sign that your DBA program meets or exceeds industry standards.

Professional Organizations

Joining a professional organization can be an excellent way to further your knowledge and network with other business professionals. Members often have access to newsletters, job postings, conferences, discounts and online training materials.

  • American Management Association
  • American Society of Association Executives
  • National Association for Female Executives
  • National Management Association

Financial Aid

Many online doctoral students rely on financial aid to fund their studies. The first step to qualifying for assistance is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Your financial aid package may consist of grants, loans, scholarships, work-study or fellowships from government, university or private sources.

Can You Get a Doctoral Degree in Business Online?

Online DBA programs are an excellent option for many students, and, often, they require no on-campus residency requirements. For this reason, online doctorate studies are often a great choice for busy professionals. Accredited online programs are just as rigorous and comprehensive as their traditional counterparts.

 What’s the Difference Between a Ph.D. and a DBA?

Ph.D. in Business programs can prepare you to conduct original research. People with this degree often teach at universities.

DBAs are professional doctorates in which you apply existing knowledge to real-world problems. Those with DBAs often work in corporations or other business settings.

What’s a Dissertation Really Worth?

A dissertation for a doctorate is often used as an evaluation tool at the conclusion of the program. Its purpose is to demonstrate that you have acquired sufficient skills and knowledge in your field. Most doctorates have a dissertation component, but others do not require a dissertation and rely on projects or alternative evaluation methods.

Can I Work While I Pursue My Doctorate in Business Administration Degree?

Yes, many online DBA students are able to balance school and work. Online universities often design their programs with working professionals in mind. They offer accelerated schedules and flexible formats that can help you fit school into your busy life.

What Are the Advantages to Earning My Doctorate Online?

If you earn your doctorate degree online , you can take classes from a reputable, accredited school without having to move across the country or quit your job. You can study from wherever you are, and you can take classes and complete coursework whenever it fits into your schedule.

How Long Does it Take to Get an Online Doctorate in Business Administration?

The length of your doctorate in business administration program will depend whether you enroll full-time or part-time and how long it takes you to complete your dissertation or another final project. On average, most students spend three to four years working toward DBA completion.

Start Earning Your DBA and Don’t Worry about Writing a Dissertation!

DBA student working on her laptop in a university library

While a dissertation can certainly be useful for proving your expertise, it isn’t necessary for all doctoral programs. You can become an expert in your field and continue working with your new credential faster when you don’t have to write a dissertation.

Look into the universities above to see which programs provide a curriculum that matches your interests, and don’t forget to apply for financial aid at the same time as you’re applying to your doctoral programs. We suggest applying to 3-5 doctoral programs to help ensure acceptance.

mba no thesis


  1. (PDF) Faculty of Business Administration Guidelines on Writing the MBA

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  2. Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2022 with No GMAT Required

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  4. MBA Degree Online,Top Part Time MBA Programs,Best Online MBA Programs

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  5. (PDF) MBA Dissertation Capstone

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  6. The MBA Thesis Explained

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  1. 7 Steps Problem Statement Template! (𝙎𝙀𝑪𝙍𝑬𝙏!)

  2. 10 Finance & 10 Marketing MBA RESEARCH THESIS TOPICS 2024

  3. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Thesis Final Defense ❤️ #happyday #viralvideo #mba #defense

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  6. Small Implementations that Can Change Your Experience during Research/Thesis| Tips


  1. The 50 Easiest Online MBA Degree Programs

    This 36-credit convenient and accessible online MBA is priced between $20,000 and $29,999 in total tuition classifying it as average in affordability. U.S. News & World Report has recognized the Graduate & Professional Studies for offering the 205th best online MBA in the nation.

  2. Choosing Between a Thesis & Non-Thesis Master's Degree

    Choosing Between a Thesis or Non-thesis Master's Degree. As of 2015, approximately 25.4 million Americans held advanced degrees, with more citizens joining these ranks each year. As studies continue to show the career advancement and salary benefits of completing a master's degree, more and more students elect to pursue advanced educations ...

  3. Best Online MBA, No GMAT Needed

    Minneapolis, MN. 4 years. Online + Campus. Located in Minneapolis, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities offers an online master of business administration. The MBA program builds specialized skills for leadership roles in the business field and related industries. A master's degree can also train candidates for roles in new industries.

  4. MBA (Non-Thesis) Online Program in the Philippines

    An online MBA (non-thesis) course is the same as a traditional course both in terms of curriculum and credits earned. Online degrees go through the same accreditation process from CHED as all the other traditional schools. The biggest difference between the two is the flexibility that comes with online learning.

  5. What to Think About When Choosing Between a Thesis & Non-Thesis Master

    A thesis master's degree is more research intensive. Students who aim to work on a thesis can expect to do more reading and writing as they specialize their knowledge. The coursework is generally centered around preparation for a final thesis, building their skills in research, data collection, analysis, and writing.

  6. The Best No-GMAT Online MBA Programs 2024

    The cohort of innovators and visionaries delivers a diversity of thought. A master's thesis option is included, where EMBA students develop and launch business ideas. This excellent online EMBA features world-class research faculty and inspiring practitioners and has no GMAT requirement. ... This no-GMAT MBA will surely put the knowledge and ...

  7. Best Online MBA Programs for 2024

    Advertising. Topping Fortune's ranking of online MBA programs with no GMAT/GRE are: 1. University of Florida, 2. University of Maryland, 3. University of Pittsburgh.

  8. The 30 Best No-GMAT Online MBA Degree Programs

    The Maine MBA is ranked among the top 100 online MBA programs by U.S. News. Additionally, this program is one of the most affordable MBAs you can earn, with tuition rates below $14,999 for the entire program. This convenient 30 credit program consists of 24 hours of core business courses and six hours of electives.

  9. Ateneo-Regis MBA

    The Ateneo-Regis MBA Program is a non-thesis program designed for senior managers and executives whose corporate responsibilities limit their time for pursuing graduate degrees and are thus compelled to complete the program as quickly as possible through accelerated methods. ... Tel. no. 88997691 locals 2206 or 2207 email: rockwell.gsb@ateneo ...

  10. Top 25 MBA Programs With No GMAT Requirement Online for 2021

    A capstone course in Strategic Management is also required. Columbia College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission to award this online MBA with no GMAT requirement. U.S. News & World Report has ranked the program among the best online MBA degree programs in the nation. Net Price: $25,065.

  11. Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Major in Business

    No thesis credit is awarded until the student has completed the thesis in Data Analytics and Information Systems. Graded on a credit (CR), progress (PR), no-credit (F) basis. ... linear programming, and pricing policy. (MBA with Technology Emphasis students complete TECH 5315.) Prerequisite: QMST 5334 with a grade of "C" or better. 3 Credit ...

  12. Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master's Programs: Which is Right for You?

    Conclusion. Choosing between a thesis and a non-thesis Master's program ultimately depends on your career goals, research interests, and personal preferences. Thesis programs provide a robust foundation for research-oriented careers and advanced studies, while non-thesis programs offer practical skills tailored for immediate industry integration.

  13. The Best No-GMAT MBA Programs 2024

    On-campus learners connect with MBA students worldwide. Dynamic business leaders from Dallas's Fortune 500 companies influence the program. The no-GMAT MBA degrees are for you if you want to gain the skills and global alums connections needed to take your career to the next level. Admissions Email: [email protected] Admissions Phone: 800-472-3622

  14. Why Should I Consider Non Thesis Masters?

    A thesis-centric master's program relies heavily on research work. Students can expect research to become their primary tool and can expect to do large amounts of reading and writing to gain the knowledge for their specialization. A non-thesis MBA may provide some relief due to its familiar approach to your bachelor's education; one that ...

  15. The 30 Easiest Online Master's Degree Programs For 2021

    San Francisco, California is home to the Academy of Art University that offers a variety of online programs including a master's degree program in Advertising, Animation & Visual Effects, Fashion, and Communications & Media Technology. Artistic students efficiently complete graduate programs in as few as 18-24 months. Students who will graduate from their programs land in productive jobs in ...

  16. Deciding Between a Thesis & Non-Thesis Master's Degree

    The shortest answer is a resounding no. Not all master's degrees require a thesis. However, the institution will allow you to choose whether you would like your program to be a thesis or a non-thesis one. As we already mentioned, there are lots of benefits you can enjoy when you go for the thesis master's program.

  17. 11 Best MBA Programs & Schools in the Philippines

    MBA classes for middle managers are held one night per week from 6 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Ateneo-Regis MBA - A non-thesis executive program developed by the Ateneo in partnership with Regis University in Denver, Colorado. This accelerated program is for executives and senior managers who have at least five years of work experience but limited time ...

  18. Masters in Business Administration

    The 24/7 platform accessibility liberates the students to manage their time and learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere. Your Message. The OEd MBA program is a self-paced online learning program intended for business professionals, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and employees in both the public and corporate sectors.

  19. MBA Research Topics In Business (+ Free Webinar)

    Here, we'll explore a variety of research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership. NB - This is just the start…. The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps.

  20. Developing A Thesis

    A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay. Steps in Constructing a Thesis. First, analyze your primary sources. Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication.

  21. Online MBA Capstone Projects and Thesis Guide

    This page offers a general guide to MBA capstone and thesis projects. Below, find an overview of the key differences between the two types of projects, typical steps to research and writing, capstone project examples, and answers to common questions -- all accompanied by expert advice from an MBA faculty member.

  22. 12 Best Online DBA No Dissertation Programs [2024 Guide]

    CalSouthern is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. 3. Capella University. Online DBA - General Management. Online DBA - Organizational Leadership and Development. Online DBA - Strategy and Innovation. Capella is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. 4. Franklin University.

  23. The MBA Thesis Explained

    An MBA thesis usually ranges from 100 to 300 pages- from the introduction down to the last page, excluding the bibliography. However, the length generally depends on different factors, like the method of study or the subject matter. There is no 'correct' word count or page length to aim for.