Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 dan Jawaban

Berikut contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan jawabannya dalam bentuk pilihan ganda serta essay. - Sejumlah c ontoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 berikut dapat menjadi salah satu bahan latihan menghadapi Penilaian Tengah Semester atau Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS).

Soal-soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 telah disesuaikan dengan buku materi Kurikulum Merdeka terbitan Kemdikbudristek (2022). Selain itu, isinya bervariasi dengan ragam pertanyaan pilihan ganda serta soal isian jawaban ( essay ).

  • Contoh Soal PTS Informatika Kelas 7 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban
  • Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Semester 1 & Jawabannya
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Selain untuk berlatih menjelang ujian PTS, sejumlah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 berikut ini juga dapat dipakai sebagai bahan belajar. Dengan begitu, kualitas pemahaman siswa terhadap materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 bisa ditingkatkan.

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 beserta jawabannya dalam bentuk pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan essay .

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Complete the sentence below with the suitable words!

I ..... with my family at around 6.15. We usually have boiled eggs, milk with toast, butter and jam.

A. Have breakfast

B. Breakfast

C. Had breakfast

D. Do breakfast

2. Complete the dialogue below!

Doni: Hi, Dara. How are you?

Dara: I am fine, thanks.

Doni: I'd like you to meet dewa. Dara, this is dewa.

Dara: Hello, I am dara (......)

Dewa: nice to meet you, too. Hey, are you from Bali?

Dara: No, I am not. I am from surabaya.

The correct aswer is....

A. Glad to see you.

B. Hang on a minute.

C. Wow! You are.

D. It's nice to meet you

Jawaban: D.

3. Choose the correct answer!

Roni: Excuse me, Are you Doni?

Doni: Yes, that's me.

Roni: May I introduce myself? I'm Roni. How do you do?

Doni: .....

a. How are you?

b. How do you do?

c. Nice to see you.

d. What's up?

4. Choose the best aswer to complete the dialogue!

Dina: Hello, Eddy. It’s been a long time.

Eddo: Hi, Dinda. How are you doing?

Dina: ..... How about you?

Eddo: Great. So happy to see you again.

B. I’m doing fine

C. I’m little bit sick

D. I have to go now

5. Choose the best aswer to complete the dialogue!

Bella: Chintya, my mom is waiting at home. I’ll go home first.

Chintya: Okay, Bella. See you tomorrow.

Bella: .......

A. It’s very kind of you

B. I’m fine thank you

C. Nice to meet you

6. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression!

Shakila : (1)..... dr. Ryan?

dr. Ryan : Morning, Shakila.

Shakila : How is your life, dr. Ryan?

dr. Ryan : (2)... , thank you. And you?

Shakila : I'm fine, too.

dr. Ryan : Good. Just keep your health.

Shakila : Okay. You, too. Thanks

A. (1) Good day; (2) thanks

B. (1) Good evening; (2) I'm not good

C. (1) Good morning; (2) I'm great

D. (1) Good afternoon; (2) Yes

7. Read the dialogue below!

Siti: Hi, guys. How are you?

Mamat: Hi, Siti ... Thanks

The best expression to complete the dialog is...

A. I am good

B. We are fine

C. It is no problem

D. You are welcome

8. Complete the dialogue below with the suitable expression!

Tyas : Hello, Ratih. (1) .... ?

Ratih : Hi, Tyas. I'm doing Ok. And you?

Tyas : As you see, I'm very well. Do you still study from home?

Ratih : Sure, I do. By the way, I have to go home now.

Tyas : Ok. (2) ....

Ratih : Bye. Just keep your health

A. (1) Who are you; (2) Good bye

B. (1) How are you; (2) Take care

C. (1) Who is going with you; (2) Who are you

D. (1) How is everything with you; (2) Lets go

9. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is...

Messi : Dad, may I accompany mother going to market

Father : Sure. But you have to wear your mask

Messi : Okay, Dad. ......

Father : You're welcome

A. Good bye

B. I'm sorry

10. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is...

Karmila: Sorry, I didn't mean to drop your book.

Hinata: ...

A. It doesn't matter

B. See you later

C. Pretty well

D. Not at all

11. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is...

Hana: Please forgive me, Rani.

A. See you.

B. It's okay.

C. I don't know.

D. You're welcome

12. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is...

Dad: Have a nice dream, Dear!

Dito: .....

A. Good job, Dad.

B. Good bye, Dad.

C. Good night, Dad.

D. Good evening, Dad.

13. The best expression to complete the dialogue is...

Edo: Hi, Rio. Long time no see. How are things?

Rio: ...... How about you?

Edo: Just fine. Thanks.

B. I’m doing well, thanks.

C. Never mind.

D. Nice to meet you.

14. Complete the dialogue below with the suitable expression!

Nindy : Samsul, I would like to introduce Intan to you. She is my cousin. Intan, this is Samsul. He is my classmate.

Intan: How do you do?

Samsul: .... Pleased to meet you.

Intan: Pleased to meet you too, Samsul.

A. How do you do?

B. I am feeling well

C. Very well, thanks

D. See you tomorrow

15. Complete the dialogue below!

Cantik: Hello, Salma. How is it going?

Salma: (1).......

Cantik: Why? What is the matter?

Salma: (2).....

Cantik: Get well soon!

Salma: I am grateful

A. (1) I am feeling unwell; (2) I have got fever

B. (1) I am feeling great; (2) It's okay

C. (1) I am feeling fine; (2) Just so good

D. (1) I am good; (2) Very well

16. Complete the dialogue below!

Rina: Oops .....! I broke your face shield

Amir: Never mind. I still have another one in my drawer.

A. Thanks for the shield

B. I don't have a shield

C. Excuse me

D. I am sorry

17. Read the dialogue below!

Elisa: Hello. Elisa is speaking.

Rahma: Hello Elisa. How's life?

Elisa: I am good. What are you doing?

Rahma: I'm staying at home. I'm studying online. How about you?

Elisa: So am I. How is your online studying?

Rahma: Not so well. I still like face-to-face learning.

Elisa: I do. I miss our teachers and classmates.

Where does the text probably takes place?

B. At phone

C. At school

D. In test room

18. Arrange the following words into a good sentence!

(1) Thank - (2) ruler - (3) me - (4) for - (5) you - (6) borrowing - (7) the

A. 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 2

B. 1 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 2 - 6 - 3

C. 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 7 - 3

D. 1 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 2

19. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialog.

(1). Very well, Ma'am. What about you?

(2). Morning, Sekar. How are you doing?

(3). Good morning, Ma'am.

(4). I'm fine. Thank you.

A. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1

B. 3 - 4 - 1 - 2

C. 3 - 2 - 1 - 4

D. 3 - 4 - 2 - 1

20. Read the dialogue below!

Mila : Hi, My name is Kamila. You can call me Mila .

Dian : Hi, Tiara. I am Dian Indah. My nickname is Dian. Glad to meet you Mila.

Mila : It is glad to meet you too.

The bolded expression is the way how Mila … herself.

C. apologizes

D. introduces

21. The best expression to complete the text below is...

Annisa: ... My name is Annisa. I am a student at SMP.

A. Good morning. I have a name

B. I'd like to introduce myself

C. You want to know me

D. Hi, guys. Here is me

22. Read The text below for answer questions number 23 - 25.

Hello, guys. My name is Insania. My nickname is Sania. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on July 14th. I am from Semarang. I live at Pattimura Street Number 10. I live with my parents and two siblings. We are a happy family.

What is the girl's call name?

C. Nickname

23. The word "siblings" in the sentence "I live with my parents and two siblings" means....

A. grandpa and grandma

B. mother and father

C. brother and sister

D. uncle and aunt

25. The word "We" in the sentence "We are a happy family" refers to...

A. the writer

B. the family

C. Sania and her family

D. Sania's parents and siblings

B. Soal Essay

-Pak Edo likes cycling. (a) ..... goes cycling almost every morning. (b) ..... bicycle is very expensive.

-Monita and her father love hiking. (c) ..... like to walk in the countryside. (d) ..... preferred hiking trail is Matang Kaladan Hill.

-Ibu Ida Ayu loves listening to music. (e) ..... likes KPop very much. (f) ..... favorite boy band is BTS.

-Sinta and Tamara love playing badminton. (g) ..... always play badminton on Sunday morning. (h) ..... want to be a professional badminton players one day.

2. Read the text below and answer the questions!

My favorite snack is banana fritters. My mom makes them almost every afternoon. She fries them in hot oil until they look golden brown. I like them because they are crispy and crunchy outside, but sweet and soft inside.

Sometimes, I add sprinkles, grated cheese, or palm sugar on top of them. Can you imagine how delicious they are? It’s inger-licking good!

Write "true" or "false" for each statement below based on the text above!

a. Banana fritters taste savory. (....)

b. Banana fritters are very soft outside. (....)

c. Galang loves grated cheese for topping. (....)

d. Galang’s mom makes banana fritters for breakfast. (....)

e. Galang’s mom uses a frying pan to make banana fritters. (....)

3. Choose the article in the brackets (a/an) that completes each sentence correctly!

a. Monita needs (a/an) oven to bake the cake.

b. It takes (a/an) month for Monita to learn to make a black forest.

c. Would you like (a/an) pack of cassava chips?

d. There is (a/an) orange in the fridge.

e. Can I have (a/an) bowl of soup, please?

f. There is (a/an) egg in the basket.

g. Monita’s father makes (a/an) plate of fried rice for breakfast.

h. Monita is reading (a/an) recipe.

4. Write an instruction for the following situations!

a. Situations: Monita and her mom are in the kitchen. She wants Monita to peel and cut the carrot to make vegetable soup.

b. Situation: Ibu Posma asks Sinta to buy cooking oil.

c. Situation: Ibu Posma asks Galang to prepare some plates for dinner.

d. Situation: Sinta asks Ara to wash her hands.

a. Answer: Peel and cut the carrot!

b. Answer: Buy some vegetable oil!

c. Answer: Don’t forget to prepare some plates for dinner!

d. Answer: Wash your hands!

5. Complete the sentences with there is or there are!

a. .... a pan and a frying pan in the kitchen.

b. .... a dipper in the living room.

c. .... a desk and a chair in Galang’s bedroom.

d. .... a bed and a dressing table in Galang’s sisters’ bedroom.

a. There are

b. There is

c. There are

d. There are

Cinta: Good afternoon, Maam.

Mrs. Lila: (a).... How's life?

Cinta: (b).... , Maam. Thanks. And you?

Mrs. Lila: Very well. Thank you. Sorry, I have to go now.(c).... , Cinta.

Cinta: Bye, Maam. (d)....

Mrs. Lila: See you.

a. Good afternoon

b. I'm fine / Fine / Very well / Great / Good / Ok

c. Good bye / bye

7. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression!

Roni: (a)... , Sir. I'm late.

Mr. Prapto: (b)... , but don't do it again next.

Roni: All right. (c)... , Sir

Mr. Prapto: (d)...

a. I am sorry / Sorry / I am really sorry

b. That's all right

c. Thank you / thanks

d. You are welcome / don't mention it / it's my pleasure

8. Read the text below and aswer the question!

Library of SMP Nusa Bangsa

Name: Galang Pratama

Student ID Number: 12.2020.0212

Date of Birth: June 14th, 2007

Address: Jl. Melati no.4 Klaten

How old is Galang now?

Jawaban: 16 years old

9. Fill in the blank with the suitable words!

Good morning everybody. I would like to (a)... myself. My name is Samuel Putra. People usually call me Sam. I (b)... Sudirman Street Number 20, with my parents and two siblings. My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher at a Junior High School. My eldest brother is a technician in a factory. My second brother is a university (c)... . I love my family much. I love (d).... books, especially about Science Fiction. I usually play games with my Siblings. I love spending time with (e)... . That's all and thank you.

a. introduce

10. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence!

a. Mahardika - me - you - I - Dika - can - am - call

b. am - first - I - in - child - the - family - my

a. I am Mahardika, you can call me Dika

b. I am the first child in my family.

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50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban

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WISLAH.COM – Berikut “ 50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban ” untuk membantu siswa mempersiapkan diri menghadapi penilaian tengah semester. Soal-soal ini disusun berdasarkan materi dari buku “English for Nusantara” yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia pada tahun 2022.

Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) adalah momen penting untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan. Dengan berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal latihan, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka, sehingga mereka dapat lebih fokus dalam belajar dan memperbaiki area yang masih membutuhkan perhatian.

A. 40 Soal Pilihan Ganda PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

  • What do you say when you want to introduce yourself to someone new? a. How are you? b. What’s your name? c. My name is… d. Nice to meet you. Jawabannya: c
  • Galang’s hobby is fishing. What does he need to bring when he goes fishing? a. A racket and shuttlecock b. A fishing rod and a bucket c. A ball and a net d. A book and a pen Jawabannya: b
  • Monita’s favorite snack is banana fritters. How does she describe the texture of banana fritters? a. Sticky and soft b. Crispy and crunchy c. Sweet and sour d. Savory and spicy Jawabannya: b
  • What is the Indonesian word for “hobby”? a. Hobi b. Pekerjaan c. Sekolah d. Keluarga Jawabannya: a
  • Andre’s favorite food is rica-rica chicken. How does he describe the taste? a. Sweet b. Sour c. Spicy d. Salty Jawabannya: c
  • What is the English word for “pisang goreng”? a. Fried bananas b. Banana fritters c. Banana chips d. Banana cake Jawabannya: b
  • When you meet someone in the morning, what do you say? a. Good night b. Good afternoon c. Good evening d. Good morning Jawabannya: d
  • Galang lives in Kalimantan. Where does he come from? a. Jakarta b. Surabaya c. Kalimantan d. Bali Jawabannya: c
  • What is the English word for “teman sekelas”? a. Classmate b. Teacher c. School d. Friend Jawabannya: a
  • Monita likes to read novels in her free time. What is her hobby? a. Reading b. Writing c. Singing d. Dancing Jawabannya: a
  • What do you say when you want to end a conversation politely? a. Hello b. How are you? c. Goodbye d. Nice to meet you Jawabannya: c
  • Andre’s personality is described as “friendly”. What does it mean? a. He is easy to get along with b. He is always happy c. He is very smart d. He likes to help others Jawabannya: a
  • What is the English word for “saudara kandung”? a. Siblings b. Parents c. Cousins d. Friends Jawabannya: a
  • Monita’s hair is “straight”. What does it mean? a. Her hair is curly b. Her hair is not curly c. Her hair is short d. Her hair is long Jawabannya: b
  • Galang goes fishing once a week. How often does he go fishing? a. Every day b. Twice a week c. Once a week d. Never Jawabannya: c
  • What is the English word for “memancing”? a. Swimming b. Fishing c. Hiking d. Cycling Jawabannya: b
  • Andre introduces his friend, Sarah, to Galang. What does he say? a. Sarah, this is Galang b. Galang, this is Sarah c. Nice to meet you, Sarah d. How are you, Galang? Jawabannya: b
  • Monita describes her cake as “soft and fluffy”. What does it mean? a. The cake is hard b. The cake is dry c. The cake is light and airy d. The cake is sweet Jawabannya: c
  • What is the Indonesian word for “recipe”? a. Resep b. Masakan c. Bahan d. Alat Jawabannya: a
  • Galang’s mother is a “penjahit”. What is her job in English? a. A teacher b. A tailor c. A doctor d. A chef Jawabannya: b
  • Which of the following is NOT a hobby? a. Fishing b. Reading c. Studying d. Cycling Jawabannya: c
  • Which of the following is NOT a physical trait? a. Tall b. Friendly c. Curly hair d. Short Jawabannya: b
  • Which of the following is an example of a greeting? a. Goodbye b. See you later c. Nice to meet you d. Good morning Jawabannya: d
  • Which of the following is an example of a parting? a. Hello b. How are you? c. See you later d. What’s your name? Jawabannya: c
  • Which of the following is the correct way to introduce someone? a. This is my friend, Budi. b. Budi, this is my friend. c. Nice to meet you, Budi. d. How are you, Budi? Jawabannya: a
  • What is the English word for “enak”? a. Delicious b. Spicy c. Sweet d. Sour Jawabannya: a
  • What is the English word for “asin”? a. Sweet b. Sour c. Salty d. Bitter Jawabannya: c
  • Which of the following is NOT a cooking tool? a. Spatula b. Frying pan c. Sugar d. Knife Jawabannya: c
  • Which of the following is NOT a cooking ingredient? a. Flour b. Eggs c. Spoon d. Salt Jawabannya: c
  • What do you say when you want to ask someone’s opinion about food? a. What is your favorite food? b. Do you like this food? c. How does this food taste? d. What is the texture of this food? Jawabannya: b
  • “Saya suka nasi goreng karena rasanya gurih.” Which of the following sentences is the correct translation for the Indonesian sentence above? a. I like fried rice because it is savory b. I like fried rice because it is sweet c. I don’t like fried rice because it is savory d. I don’t like fried rice because it is sweet Jawabannya: a
  • “Dia tidak suka makanan pedas.” Which of the following sentences is the correct translation for the Indonesian sentence above a. He likes spicy food b. He doesn’t like spicy food c. She likes spicy food d. She doesn’t like spicy food Jawabannya: d
  • What is the Indonesian word for “ingredients”? a. Resep b. Bahan-bahan c. Alat-alat d. Makanan Jawabannya: b
  • What is the Indonesian word for “utensils”? a. Resep b. Bahan-bahan c. Alat-alat d. Makanan Jawabannya: c
  • Which of the following sentences is an example of an imperative sentence? a. Please pass the salt b. What is your favorite food? c. I like fried chicken d. Do you like pizza? Jawabannya: a
  • “Aduk adonan hingga rata.” Which of the following sentences is the correct translation for the Indonesian sentence above? a. Stir the batter until smooth b. Bake the batter until smooth c. Fry the batter until smooth d. Boil the batter until smooth Jawabannya: a
  • “Panaskan minyak dalam wajan.” Which of the following sentences is the correct translation for the Indonesian sentence above? a. Heat the oil in a pan b. Cool the oil in a pan c. Pour the oil in a pan d. Mix the oil in a pan Jawabannya: a
  • What is the English word for “menggoreng”? a. To bake b. To fry c. To boil d. To steam Jawabannya: b
  • What is the English word for “memanggang”? a. To bake b. To fry c. To boil d. To steam Jawabannya: a
  • “Masukkan telur satu per satu.” Which of the following sentences is the correct translation for the Indonesian sentence above? a. Add the eggs one by one b. Crack the eggs one by one c. Beat the eggs one by one d. Fry the eggs one by one Jawabannya: a

B. 10 Soal Essay PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

  • Introduce yourself in English. Include your name, age, and hobby. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) Hello, my name is [Nama]. I am [Usia] years old. My hobby is [Hobi].
  • Describe your favorite food in English. Mention its name, taste, and texture. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) My favorite food is [Makanan]. It tastes [Rasa] and its texture is [Tekstur].
  • Write a short paragraph about your best friend. Describe their personality and physical appearance. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) My best friend’s name is [Nama]. [Dia] is [Sifat] and [Sifat]. [Dia] has [Ciri fisik] and [Ciri fisik].
  • Explain how to make your favorite snack in English. List the ingredients and steps involved. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) My favorite snack is [Snack]. To make it, you need [Bahan-bahan]. First, [Langkah 1]. Then, [Langkah 2]. Finally, [Langkah 3].
  • Translate the following Indonesian sentence into English: “Saya suka membaca buku di waktu luang saya.” Jawabannya: I like reading books in my free time
  • Translate the following English sentence into Indonesian: “My sister’s hobby is playing the piano.” Jawabannya: Hobi saudara perempuan saya adalah bermain piano.
  • Write a dialogue in English between two friends discussing their favorite hobbies. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) Friend 1: What’s your hobby? Friend 2: I like to play basketball. What about you? Friend 1: My hobby is reading books.
  • Describe a traditional Indonesian food in English. Mention its name, ingredients, and how it is served. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) A traditional Indonesian food is [Makanan]. It is made from [Bahan-bahan]. It is usually served with [Pelengkap].
  • [Bahan 3] Steps:
  • [Langkah 1]
  • [Langkah 2]
  • [Langkah 3]
  • Imagine you are meeting a new classmate from a different country. Write a conversation in English where you introduce yourselves and ask each other about your hobbies and interests. Jawabannya: (Contoh jawaban) You: Hi, my name is [Nama]. What’s your name? New classmate: Hello, I’m [Nama]. Nice to meet you. You: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? New classmate: I’m from [Negara]. You: Wow, that’s interesting! What’s your hobby? New classmate: I like to [Hobi]. How about you? You: I enjoy [Hobi].

Demikian “50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban”. Semoga dapat memberikan referensi belajar yang bermanfaat bagi siswa dan membantu mereka meraih hasil yang memuaskan dalam penilaian tengah semester. Jangan lupa untuk terus berlatih dan mengasah kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda!

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50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban - Pusat Referensi Pilihan



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25 contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban.

foto: Pixabay/Geralt

Bisa jadi bahan latihan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1.

6 Oktober 2022 20:25 - Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sudah dipelajari sejak Sekolah Dasar (SD) hingga Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Itu artinya, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dipelajari selama 12 tahun atau wajib sekolahnya anak Indonesia.

Agar lebih mudah paham mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, berikut ini rangkumkan 25 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 disertai kunci jawaban, pada Kamis (6/10).

Dengan banyak berlatih soal, maka kesempatan dalam mendapatkan ilmu lebih cepat prosesnya. Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini ditujukan sebagai bentuk latihan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1. Semoga bermanfaat.

Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 pilihan ganda.

1. Manda: How are you, Salma? Salma: I'm good Manda. How about you? Manda: ..... Salma: Get well soon. Manda: Thanks a lot.

A. I have a mother finger B. I have a plant C. I have a headache D. I have a husband E. I have a esophagus

Jawaban: C. I have a headache

2. Two days before Sunday is...

A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday E. Saturday

Jawaban: D. Friday

3. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue. 1. Hello, Sinta! 2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you 3. His name’s Hartawan 4. Nice to meet you, Atiqah. 5. Hi, Atiqah 6. Atiqah, this is my father.

A. 5–1–4–3–2–6 B. 5–1–3–6–2–4 C. 5–1–6–3–2–4 D. 5–1–2–3–6-4 E. 5-1-6-4-3-2

Jawaban: C. 5-1-6-3-2-4

4. Anna: Hi, I'm Anna. ..... Mark: My name is Mark.

A. What about you? B. It's nice to see you C. What's your favorite food? D. See you later E. What's your name?

Jawaban: E. What's your name?

5. When we meet somebody at 5 p.m. we greet him...

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night E. Good dawn

Jawaban: B. Good afternoon

6. Mother : Have a nice dream, my dear. Son : ….

Jawaban: C. Have a nice dream, mom

7. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late? Rama : … I have a flat tire.

A. Thanks B. No problem C. I’m sorry D. Get well soon E. Sure

Jawaban: C. I'm sorry

8. I have friend. His name is Aliando Syarif. He was born in 2005. He comes from Pringsewu. He likes fried chicken.

Which statement is TRUE according to the text above..

A. Aliando is seventy years old B. Aliando is seventeen years old C. Aliando is an Artist D. Aliando is handsome boy E. Aliando is her friend

Jawaban: B. Aliando is seventeen years old

9. Chandra is a philatelist. She is very fond of collecting … A. Envelopes B. Letters C. Stamps D. Coins E. Paper

Jawaban: C. Stamps

10. Luke has a dog. James takes … for a walk everyday.

A. It B. Him C. Them D. Its E. That

Jawaban: A. It

11. My dad bought some oranges, … were very sour. The appropriate pronoun is …

A. It B. They C. We D. He E. That's

Jawaban: B. They

12. The hunter shot the tiger with a …

A. Knife B. Scissors C. Sword D. Gun E. Pan

Jawaban: D. Gun

Magang: Ricka Milla Suatin

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