Northwestern University Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the Northwestern essay prompt? With tips from a Harvard graduate,’s guide to the Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 will show you how to write an engaging Northwestern University supplement essay that will maximize your admissions odds. If you need help crafting your Northwestern supplemental essays, create your free  account  or schedule a no-cost advising consultation by calling (844) 836-8250.

Northwestern  Supplemental Essays — Quick Facts:

  • Northwestern has an acceptance rate of 9%— U.S. News  ranks Northwestern as a  most selective  school.
  • We recommend answering the Northwestern essay prompt thoughtfully and thoroughly in order to increase your chances of admission.

Does Northwestern have supplemental essays?

Yes! In addition to the personal statement that you’ll write for the  Common App  or  Coalition App , all applicants must respond to  one Northwestern essay prompt . We will discuss this Northwestern supplement essay in detail later in this guide.

Note that students who apply to additional programs within Northwestern—such as Northwestern’s  Integrated Science Program  or  Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences —may be asked to write additional Northwestern supplemental essays. For more information on these programs and their requirements, visit the Northwestern  website . This guide, however, will focus on the primary Northwestern essay prompt required for all applicants.

What are the Northwestern supplemental essays?

The Northwestern essay prompt can be boiled down to one classic question—why Northwestern?

You’ve likely encountered similar prompts during your college process. However, while the Northwestern essay prompt might seem straightforward, that doesn’t make it any less important. Rather, this “Why Northwestern” essay can make or break your application. After all, admissions officers want to admit students who will attend their institutions. Strong Northwestern supplemental essays will demonstrate a genuine engagement with Northwestern and its offerings.

We’ll discuss the full Northwestern essay prompt in more detail later in this guide. Still, as you brainstorm for your Northwestern supplement essay, think about why you want to attend Northwestern. Your Northwestern University supplement essay should cite specific reasons why Northwestern is right for you. Once again, the best responses to the “Why Northwestern” essay will show that students have done their research.

Visit the Northwestern website, take a campus tour, or speak to current students about their experiences. Think about classes you’d like to take, professors who interest you, clubs you would like to join, and more. Strong Northwestern supplemental essays will reveal a deep engagement with the university and its offerings.

Is the Northwestern supplemental essay required?

Yes—all applicants must complete the Northwestern supplement essay to be considered for admission.

However, don’t let the “Why Northwestern” essay scare you. Instead, view the required Northwestern University supplement essay as a chance to introduce yourself to the admissions team. Your readers already know your grades and test scores. A great response to the Northwestern essay prompt can boost your candidate profile and help you stand out in the admissions process.

Remember, the Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 are your opportunity to show demonstrated interest (DI). DI is used by universities like Northwestern to determine how interested a student is in attending their school. Last year, there were over  39,000  applicants to Northwestern. Demonstrated interest, communicated through Northwestern supplemental essays can make the difference between two statistically similar students. The individual who has clearly demonstrated their enthusiasm about Northwestern in their “Why Northwestern” essay, beyond the obvious reasons for attending (prestige, reputation, etc.), is more likely to be admitted. As you approach the “Why Northwestern” essay, think about the fact that 13.7% of colleges said that DI was considerably important in freshman admissions, and another 25.5% said it was  moderately important . Students with authentic, personal, and engaging Northwestern supplemental essays have a higher chance of admission!

How do I write the Northwestern supplemental essay?

So far, we’ve talked about the importance of research, engagement, and authenticity in the Northwestern University supplemental essay.

Completing the additional Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 for the science and social programs? Don’t worry—you can use the breakdown below for the “Why Northwestern” essay to help you craft engaging responses to those Northwestern supplemental essays as well. The science and social programs also ask for demonstrated interest in their prompts—specific reasons that draw you to that program and Northwestern University. The direction that we provide will help you articulate that clearly in all of your Northwestern supplemental essays 2021.

How to Write Northwestern Supplemental Essays — Question 1 (Required)

Now that we’ve discussed some elements of strong Northwestern supplemental essays, let’s break down the Northwestern essay prompt:

While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community. In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond. (300-word maximum)

As we’ve discussed, this is a classic “Why Northwestern” essay. However, before we describe strategies for writing your Northwestern supplement essay, let’s focus on the language this Northwestern prompt uses.

Defining the Prompt:

This Northwestern essay prompt centers around engagement. Namely, it asks “how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community” as well as “how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities” at Northwestern. In evaluating the Northwestern supplemental essays 2021, the admissions team wants to identify students who will actively enrich the academic, artistic, cultural, and social communities at Northwestern. Your Northwestern University supplement essay allows you to show what impact you’d make on Northwestern’s campus.

As you brainstorm for your “Why Northwestern” essay, keep this idea of active engagement in mind. Northwestern doesn’t want to admit students who will passively experience campus life without offering their own contributions. Instead, they want students who will be active participants in the spaces they occupy.

Next, notice that the Northwestern supplemental essay asks for “specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities” that interest you. These Northwestern essay prompt categories are intentionally broad and could include clubs, classes, programs, libraries, and many other facets of Northwestern. No part of campus life is off-limits for your Northwestern University supplement essay!


We’ve unpacked the Northwestern supplemental essay—now, let’s start brainstorming.

Begin brainstorming for your “Why Northwestern” essay by researching the school. Think about what first attracted you to Northwestern. Was it the region? The campus? The programs? Any of these things could form the basis of your Northwestern University supplement essay.

Make a list of everything about Northwestern that interests you. Feel free to include broader topics—you likely won’t use these broader answers in your Northwestern supplement essay, but they can help you find specific topics that excite you. For instance, if you’re interested in exploring Chicago, write that down. Then, look into specific  clubs  at Northwestern that work within the community. For example, which of the two sentences, better reflects demonstrated interest in a Northwestern supplement essay?

Ex. 1. Since visiting at the age of five, I’ve always wanted to attend school in Chicago.

Ex. 2. I would love to join Northwestern’s Botany and Bees organization. Their work with the Evanston Environmental Association and other organizations in and around Chicago is one of the reasons that I decided to pursue a degree in environmental studies at Northwestern.

The second sentence is obviously a better answer to a “Why Northwestern” essay than the first. An admissions officer reading Northwestern supplemental essays would breeze right through the first applicant’s essay—there are many schools in Chicago—an applicant only looking to attend a school in the area could apply to any other college. The second sentence, however, is quite specific to Northwestern, you wouldn’t be able to miss the applicant’s interest.

Defining “community”:

Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 will answer the question of “how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community.” Notice how the Northwestern supplement essay emphasizes  community . Unlike some “Why school” essays, the “Why Northwestern” essay explicitly asks you not to think about yourself in isolation. Instead, successful Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 will emphasize how, in specific terms, you hope to relate to the communities—academic, social, extracurricular, or otherwise—that make up Northwestern University.

As you brainstorm your Northwestern supplement essay topics, remember that there are no wrong answers. While you’ll eventually want to reference specific professors, clubs, courses, and opportunities in your Northwestern University supplemental essay, use this brainstorming session to be honest with yourself. Strong Northwestern supplemental essays will come from authentic self-reflection.

Freewriting and reflection exercises

Once you’ve made this list, it’s time to get specific. Begin with a structured free-writing session. What that looks like: identify three of the resources, opportunities, and communities that most appealed to you from your research of Northwestern. Set a timer and write on each subject for 10 minutes, spending a total of 30 minutes writing. Were there any topics you wrote about easily? Any topics that you struggled to write about? Make note of these until you identify your strongest topics.

For more information on reflection exercises and choosing a topic for your supplemental essays, you can read our  blog article .

Let’s look at another example. Say you were interested in studying sustainable energy and were particularly interested in Northwestern’s programs. This already gives you plenty to discuss in your Northwestern supplement essay. However, you could make your Northwestern essay prompt even stronger by including more specific details. You might use your “Why Northwestern” essay to talk about your interest in the Argonne-Northwestern Solar Research Center or your desire to assist certain key professors in their research. Strong Northwestern supplemental essays will show the admissions team that you’ve considered Northwestern’s offerings and that you care about making an impact on their community.

Additionally, the interest you write about should line up with the rest of your application. For instance, if you’ve written your personal statement on poetry and have spent little time engaging with STEM fields academically, it may not be wise to describe an interest in computer science—unless, of course, you can complement that interest with related classes and extracurriculars! Your Northwestern supplement essay should enrich your candidate profile, not muddle it.

Hopefully, after a thorough brainstorming session, you’ve found solid topics for your Northwestern supplement essay. These resources, opportunities, and communities should relate specifically to the Northwestern essay prompt—if you can swap out Northwestern for any other school and the essay works, then you’ll need to go back to the drawing board.

Congratulations—you’ve begun crafting your Northwestern supplement essay! Now, it’s time to start writing.

Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 have a limit of 300 words. This isn’t a lot, so you’ll want to use each word wisely to maximize your essay’s impact. As you start to draft your Northwestern supplement essay, however, try not to get hung up on the word count. Save your stress for revisions—for now, focus on getting words on the page.

You might choose to open your essay with an anecdote. To return to the renewable energy example, you could write about your experience working with an environmental advocacy group. You could then connect that work to your desire to make a change using Northwestern’s resources. This can be an effective way to show your reader where your interests originate and how they’ve made you who you are. You can also discuss how Northwestern’s resources inform your educational and career goals.

Additionally, don’t lose sight of the Northwestern essay prompt’s emphasis on community. As you write, think about how your interests relate to your future professors and peers. Will joining a specific club help you find like-minded people? Do you hope to meet your future research partner in one of Northwestern’s labs? The best Northwestern supplemental essays will reveal a dedication to community as well as an engaging set of individual interests.

Once you’ve written your Northwestern supplement essay, you can start thinking about the word count. Look at each word and ask yourself whether it belongs. While cutting phrases, sentences, and even whole paragraphs might feel discouraging, careful editing will make your writing stronger!

Finally, the best Northwestern supplemental essays will tell a story. In reading your “Why Northwestern” essay, the admissions team should be able to determine what interests you, where these interests come from, and how these interests will inform your place in the Northwestern community.

Northwestern Supplemental Essay Draft Key Questions:

  • Does your Northwestern supplement essay draft mention specific resources, organizations, and/or opportunities you hope to pursue at Northwestern?
  • Do you emphasize the role community plays in your hopeful future at Northwestern?
  • Does your draft authentically reflect your interests?
  • Do you show you’ve done your research on Northwestern University and its offerings?
  • Does your draft complement the rest of your application?

Is the Northwestern supplemental essay important?

Yes! The Northwestern supplemental essays 2021, like previous years’ essays, have a major impact on admissions.

As a  highly selective  university, Northwestern receives thousands of applications from qualified candidates each year. In fact, their  admissions rate  is falling steadily. What does this mean? More students are applying, but the university’s open seats aren’t increasing. Candidates often have similar grades, test scores, and even extracurricular achievements. This can make it hard for any student to stand out. Don’t let this discourage you from applying. Use every available tool at your disposal, including the “Why Northwestern” essay to make a case for why you should be admitted.

Your Northwestern University supplement essay lets you show the admissions committee what makes you special. Essentially, your Northwestern supplement essay is an introduction and case for admission. Your readers don’t take this lightly, and neither should you!

Remember, the strongest Northwestern supplemental essays 2021 will allow the admissions team to visualize a particular student on Northwestern’s campus. Your Northwestern supplement essay has a lot of power—use it wisely.

Northwestern Supplemental Essays: Final Thoughts

The Northwestern University supplement essay prompt might seem intimidating. However, don’t let this discourage you! As long as you approach your Northwestern supplement essay with consideration and planning, you can write an essay sure to stand out.

In the research phase of answering the Northwestern supplemental essay, make sure to check out our free webinar on Northwestern University. In this 60-minute panel with a Q&A session, two Northwestern alumni discuss their experiences applying to and attending the university.

A well-crafted Northwestern University supplement essay can make a huge difference to the admissions team. Use this guide to help you craft an engaging Northwestern essay that will boost your chances of admission. Finally, don’t forget to revise, edit, and proofread your final Northwestern supplement essay. You might also ask a parent, counselor, advisor, or other trusted adult for a second pair of eyes.

To see examples of essays written by our advisors who were admitted to Northwestern, check out last year’s blog article.

We hope this guide helped you gain a stronger understanding of the Northwestern supplemental essays 2021. Good luck!

This Northwestern supplemental essays guide was written by Abbie Sage, Harvard ’21. For more resources on Northwestern, click  here . Want help crafting your Northwestern supplement essay? Visit to create your free  account  or  schedule a no-cost advising consultation  by calling (844) 836-8250.

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Required, Supplemental, and Optional Application Elements

Completing Your Northwestern Application

A quick checklist of application components can be found on our main  Apply page . Below, you can find help related to application components, such as your letters of recommendation or personal statements, and answers to common questions.

Standardized Test Scores

Northwestern will remain test-optional for the 2024–25 admissions cycle. We will not require ACT or SAT scores from first-year or transfer candidates applying for fall 2025 entry.

If students choose to take an SAT or ACT, there is no preference for either exam—and will review a “superscore” for both tests. For students who take the SAT or ACT more than once, this means that our system will combine the highest section scores across multiple test dates and calculate a “superscore” that will override the high score from a single sitting in our database. Applicants are not obligated to report scores from all test dates, though are welcome to do so.

  • For students who take the ACT section tests, we will factor any individual section scores into your ACT superscore. You may utilize ACT’s new superscore reporting option to report an official superscore.
  • Students may self-report all SAT and ACT scores, but   please do not calculate your own ACT superscore —report your highest ACT section scores and your highest composite score from a single test date, and our system will calculate the ACT superscore. Admitted students who choose to enroll will be required to submit official SAT or ACT test scores that confirm highest self-reported section/composite scores prior to matriculation.

Letters of Recommendation

TIP: Letters of recommendation should be from individuals who can best speak to the range of your strengths and abilities.

We require two letters of recommendation.

One letter should come from your high school counselor. This could be your college counselor, guidance counselor, academic advisor, career center specialist or whoever can to best speak to your overall high school curriculum and involvement within the context of your high school. The second letter should come from one of your teachers who can address your strengths as a student in the classroom; this recommender should most likely be a teacher from one of your core subject areas, in your junior or senior year.

If you have an additional reference who would like to submit a letter on your behalf, we will accept supplemental letters of recommendation. It is in your best interest that each letter provides new or different information about you.

Personal Statement and Supplemental Essay(s)

Northwestern 2024–25 first-year writing supplements.

We have designed these writing supplements to help us understand your experiences throughout high school and imagine what kind of Northwestern student you may become. The supplemental questions below touch on areas we see as important for building Northwestern’s Class of 2029, but you should feel free to repurpose essays you’ve written for other applications (including the Common/Coalition Application personal essay, which we no longer require) if they tell the story you’d most like to share.   

We also know there may be information or qualities not covered in our supplemental questions that  you  see as important to your application. To that end, we welcome—but by no means expect—your submission of a personal essay or additional information in the Common Application.

The following question is required for all Common Application and Coalition with Scoir applicants (optional for QuestBridge applicants). Please respond in 300 words or fewer:

  • We want to be sure we’re considering your application in the context of your personal experiences: What aspects of your background (your identity, your school setting, your community, your household, etc.) have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially, or otherwise?

We encourage you to answer at least one and no more than two of the following questions. Please respond in fewer than 200 words per question:

  • Painting “The Rock” is a tradition at Northwestern that invites all forms of expression—students promote campus events or extracurricular groups, support social or activist causes, show their Wildcat spirit (what we call “Purple Pride”), celebrate their culture, and more. What would you paint on The Rock, and why?
  • Northwestern fosters a distinctively interdisciplinary culture. We believe discovery and innovation thrive at the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives, and academic interests. Within this setting, if you could dream up an undergraduate class, research project, or creative effort (a start-up, a design prototype, a performance, etc.), what would it be? Who might be some ideal classmates or collaborators?
  • Community and belonging matter at Northwestern. Tell us about one or more communities, networks, or student groups you see yourself connecting with on campus.
  • Northwestern’s location is special: on the shore of Lake Michigan, steps from downtown Evanston, just a few miles from Chicago. What aspects of our location are most compelling to you, and why?
  • Northwestern is a place where people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world can study, live, and talk with one another. This range of experiences and viewpoints immeasurably enriches learning. How might your individual background contribute to this diversity of perspectives in Northwestern’s classrooms and around our campus?

Northwestern 2024–25 Transfer Writing Supplements

We have designed our writing supplements to help us understand your experiences in school and imagine what kind of Northwestern student you may become. Our supplemental questions touch on areas we see as important for shaping our incoming transfer cohort, but you should feel free to repurpose essays you’ve written for other applications (including the personal essay, which we no longer require) if they tell the story you’d most like to share. 

We also know there may be information or qualities not covered in our supplemental questions that you see as important to your application. To that end, we welcome—but by no means expect—your submission of a personal essay or additional information, which you can upload via your Northwestern portal. 

The following questions are required for all applicants. Please respond in 300 words or fewer:

  •  We want to be sure we’re considering your application in the context of your personal experiences: What aspects of your background, your identity, or your school, community, and/or household settings have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially, or otherwise?
  • Please share with us why you would like to transfer to Northwestern.

Activity Chart

TIP: The activity chart is your opportunity to be thorough about the depth and range of your involvement, whatever it may be.

The activity chart is your chance to explain any and all activities in which you’ve been involved outside of your high school classes. Provide as much detail as you can, explaining any abbreviations or acronyms that may be unique to your school. If you have held any leadership positions or received any awards, honors or distinctions, be sure to include that information on the activities chart as well. There’s no “right answer” to what kind of activities we like to see: Northwestern has over 500 different clubs and activities on campus, so we appreciate a very wide range of activities and value diversity of student interests.

As of the 2024–25 admissions cycle, Northwestern no longer offers alumni interviews as an optional part of the application process. Prospective students can still connect with our incredible alumni through new Alumni Conversations, an opportunity to learn about Northwestern via diverse alumni perspectives . In these settings, you’ll steer the discussion toward connections and topics that matter most to you: maybe you want to hear from someone who comes from the same part of the world as you do. Or you may be looking for perspectives on academic or career interests from a Northwestern graduate with expertise in those areas. Or perhaps you want to explore a shared identity or background. These one-on-one conversations are designed to enhance your college search as you seek authentic insights into a best-fit community. Head to the Alumni Conversations page to learn more.

Glimpse Video Submissions

While our application volume is such that we cannot offer interviews, students applying from US high schools are welcome to record a Glimpse video if you wish to add a more candid voice to your application. (Students applying from international high schools can skip ahead to learn about a similar opportunity through InitialView .)

Glimpse allows you to share a 60–90 second video helping us get to know you better: your values, your perspectives, your background or experiences—whatever you feel matters and may not otherwise come through fully in your other application materials. These videos are entirely optional, and students who choose not to submit a Glimpse video are at no disadvantage in the review process. For more information about Glimpse, including information about Glimpse fee waivers and collaborations with Community Based Organizations, please visit the Glimpse website here .

All Glimpse videos must be submitted by November 7  for Early Decision or January 17  for Regular Decision.

InitialView Interviews

For students applying from international high schools, Northwestern accepts interviews from InitialView . Similar to Glimpse videos, InitialView interviews are not required and applicants without one are at no disadvantage in our review process. InitialView does not review or rate the interviews. Evaluation is done only by members of the admissions committee and provides an additional source of information and perspective about your English language proficiency, personal qualities, academic interests, and potential fit for Northwestern.

All InitialView interviews for the 2024–25 cycle must be completed by November 7  for Early Decision or January 17  for Regular Decision.

Selecting Early or Regular Decision

TIP: If Northwestern is a school that, if admitted, you would attend without hesitation, applying Early Decision best positions you within a competitive applicant pool. If you’re applying for financial aid, we use the same need-based process for financial aid awards for early decision and regular decision; your aid package will be the same regardless of when you apply.

If Northwestern is a top choice, and you feel comfortable applying through the Early Decision process, you are strongly encouraged to consider applying Early Decision. We use the same review criteria for both early and regular decision. Applicants in both cycles are very competitive. Last year we enrolled approximately 50% of our incoming freshman class from early decision. To learn more, please visit our   Application Options   page.

Northwestern allocates financial aid on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Should you receive an offer of admission, your financial aid (including scholarships) will not differ whether you apply under the early decision or regular decision time frame. Please use our  Net Price Calculator  to determine your expected family contribution. Northwestern guarantees to meet 100% of the demonstrated need between your expected family contribution and the total cost of attendance.

Applications That May Require Additional Materials

Some applications may require materials in addition to an application for undergraduate admission. Below, you will find a list of requirements for Bienen School of Music, Integrated Science Program (ISP), Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences (MMSS) and School of Communication's Musical Theater Program. For questions pertaining to the content of submission of supplemental application material, please contact the corresponding office directly. 

Bienen School of Music

In addition to an application for undergraduate admission,  all   undergraduate applicants to the Bienen School of Music must submit a   Bienen School Supplement.   Submitting the Supplement ensures that the Bienen School of Music is aware that you are applying for a music major, and provides a portal to submit music application materials. Bienen School applicants also register for auditions via the Supplement.

Supplement materials:

  • Music   prescreening and/or portfolio materials
  • Music teacher recommendation letter (required, submit via  Bienen School Supplement )

See instructions and deadlines for submitting the supplement.   Please note that many supplement deadlines fall prior to those of the general application for admission. 

Integrated Science Program (ISP)

Students who wish to apply to the Integrated Science Program must also complete an ISP application using the  online application .

The application processes to Northwestern and to ISP are separate. Admission to Northwestern is not a guarantee of admission to the ISP and the status of your ISP application will not affect your Northwestern general acceptance decision. 

  • For an updated list of required materials, please see the   ISP website .

ISP application considerations:

  • Your high school preparation should include four years of mathematics, including one year of calculus, and four years of science, including chemistry and physics. Taking AP Physics and Chemistry is highly recommended.
  • You should complete the study of one-variable differential and integral calculus before enrolling in ISP. If you will not complete this study in high school, we will ask you to outline how you plan to fulfill this requirement. 

See instructions and deadlines for submitting the supplement. 

Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences (MMSS)

Students who wish to apply to the Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences program must also complete an MMSS application using the  online application . 

The application processes to Northwestern and to MMSS are separate. Admission to Northwestern is not a guarantee of admission to the MMSS and the status of your MMSS application will not affect your Northwestern general acceptance decision. 

MMSS application considerations:

  • A strong high school curriculum, including a year of calculus, is required for admission. 

School of Communication Applicants to the Music Theatre Certificate Program

Students applying to the Northwestern University School of Communication Theatre Major who are interested in pursuing admittance to the Northwestern University Music Theatre Certificate Program are encouraged to submit an   optional   Music Theatre Supplement.

Students who are interested in Music Theatre and are applying to the Bienen School of Music   do   not   need to submit this Music Theatre Supplement. Bienen School of Music Voice Majors   must   audition for the program after their first quarter of study. 

Supplement materials include:

  • How do you see yourself contributing to the future of music theatre as a field?
  • How can a liberal arts education in music theatre at Northwestern bring you closer to your specific goals?
  • Please prepare two contrasting musical selections that you love to sing. 
  • Video of a monologue, dance, instrumental skills, etc.

Visit the School of Communication for Music Theatre Supplement instructions and deadlines, including a complete list of requirements.

Special Circumstances

TIP: Use the “Additional Information” section of the Common Application to share any information that may have significantly impacted your academic performance or other involvement.

If you have experienced any special or outstanding circumstances that may have interrupted or significantly affected your academic performance in high school, you may write about those in the “additional information” section of the Common Application. If your high school counselor is aware of these circumstances, he or she may also use the Counselor Recommendation to explain this information. Should you have additional circumstances that need to be addressed, you can email a brief summary to  [email protected] .

Confidentiality and Mandated Reporting

While we treat the information in your application with utmost confidentiality, we feel it’s important to share with our applicants that all Northwestern employees, including our Undergraduate Admissions staff, are Mandated Reporters, which means we are responsible for reporting to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance all allegations of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment), discrimination based on a protected category, and harassment based on a protected category of which we become aware in the scope of our work for the University. We are also responsible for reporting suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect . Should we come across any such allegations or evidence of child abuse and/or neglect in application materials, we are required to report that information to the appropriate office/entity.

Once You’ve Hit “Submit”

TIP: Once you’ve submitted your application, keep an eye on your email account associated with your Common Application or Coalition Application – that’s where we’ll send any important updates regarding your application status.

Congratulations! You’ve completed your application. Sit back and relax. Keep your eye on the email address associated with your Common Application or Coalition Application. If we are missing any of your application materials, you will receive an email from  [email protected] . Otherwise, you’ll hear from us with an admission decision by mid-December for Early Decision applicants, by the end of March for Regular Decision applicants, or by the end of June for transfer applicants.

Need to submit an update or want to check on the status of your application? Once your application has been submitted, we will email a personalized link with instructions on how to access the Applicant Status Portal, which can be used to monitor the progress of your application.

6 Northwestern Essay Examples & Why Northwestern (2024)


Writing your Northwestern supplemental essays can be tricky, but they're important because your responses can have a big effect on your application chances.

Along with your personal statement essays , Northwestern offers students the chance to respond to a "Why Northwestern" essay prompt as part of its writing supplement.

In this article, I've gathered 6 essays that worked that helped get students admitted into Northwestern recently.

What is Northwestern University's Acceptance Rate?

Getting into Northwestern is quite difficult. Last year, a record 51,554 students applied to Northwestern.

And Northwestern had an overall admit rate of only 7%. Or in other words, about 1 in 13 students get accepted.

Northwestern University Acceptance Scattergram

To get into Northwestern, you've got to stand out from the crowd, which you can do by writing a strong writing supplement section.

What are the Northwestern Supplemental Prompts for 2022-23?

The Northwestern writing supplement for this year only asks one essay question of 300 words: Why Northwestern?

''Why Northwestern'' Statement :

While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community.

In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond.

6 Northwestern University EssaysThatWorked

Here are 6 of the best Northwestern essays that worked, including example essays for the "Why Northwestern" statement prompt.

I've also included some great Common App essays from admitted Northwestern students.

Get inspired and start writing your "Why" statement with the help of these examples.

  • Northwestern University Essay Example #1
  • Northwestern University Essay Example #2
  • Northwestern University Essay Example #3
  • Northwestern University Essay Example #4
  • Northwestern University Essay Example #5
  • Northwestern University Essay Example #6

"Why Northwestern?" Essay Example #1

Prompt: "Why Northwestern" Statement:

In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond. (300 words max)

I love Northwestern’s academic flexibility, including the freedom of the curriculum to explore a variety of fields and the emphasis on cross-department study. Also, the quarter system provides a faster pace of learning and the opportunity to take more classes than a semester school.

Specifically, I am excited by the Spanish and Portuguese department and the classes on Hispanic and Lusophone culture, literature, and phonetics. For example, the accelerated Portuguese program is a perfect way to pick up the language at a faster pace using my prior knowledge of Spanish. I intend to supplement my language acquisition through the study abroad programs offered at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro or an affiliate program in Santiago, Chile. Additionally, the GESI program in Costa Rica is another intriguing opportunity through its intersectionality. It will allow me to combine a practical application of my language skills with studies in environmental conservation that I find a pressing and interesting issue. As an open-minded learner keen to forge links between academic fields of study, I believe I would be an excellent fit for the program.

I am also interested in Linguistics and pursuing undergraduate research or possibly undertaking the coterminal BA/MA program. The opportunity to link my research to a modern language of choice and investigate, for example, regional variation in Latin American Spanish or how Portuguese loanwords have infiltrated native Amazonian languages sounds fascinating and exciting.

Finally, the unique sense of community at Northwestern captivated me when I visited campus. The residential college system, the school spirit at Wildcat games, and the friendliness of the students I met, one of whom described the school as “the most welcoming place ever”, were all emblematic of this atmosphere for me. I think I will thrive in such a dynamic and inquisitive place.

"Why Northwestern?" Essay Example #2

The only reason I fear going for lunch in a hotel is probably because I wouldn’t choose between fried chicken and roasted meat and so is my dilemma over my college major. The multifaceted whole brain approach at McCormick, however, grants me the perfect opportunity to pursue my interest in Computer Science whilst acquiring the appropriate skills in entrepreneurship to a one day startup as an innovator.

As a NU computer scientist, I particularly look forward to Software Development EECS 473 – NUvention: Web, through which I would not only learn intricacies of Software development, but have related studies in real time software development in relation to market requirements in CS+X that would form a base for a startup. That would also provide a bridge for me to join Prof Todd Warren at Farley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation where I would specifically join the NUvention; Web + Media. Through this unparalleled program I would have the intimacy of working in a team with fellow wild cats towards an innovative business project. The results of which will be an introduction to the Northwestern Innovation and New Ventures Office (INVO) through which I look forward to gaining practical exposure in launching businesses to the general public.

Outside McCormick, I would be excited to pursue the Managerial analytics Certificate program at Kellogg to acquire intelligent business management skills, let off steam at SPARK exploring hacks while fostering entrepreneurial habits, and eventually joining preparations for the Benedictine Eagle Invite at the Henry Crown Sport’s Pavilion (SPAC) with the NU track club. I may not the best of singers, but I do have intense phases of music obsessions and where best to let it off than taking non major classes at Bienen and, joining one of the numerous Acapella groups as I await Armadillo day!

"Why Northwestern?" Essay Example #3

Why Northwestern? Because this introduction was so difficult to write; because I cannot possibly summarize these reasons in one introductory sentence. Simply put, my interests span across a wide range, and Northwestern has a place for them all.

As an enthusiastic programmer and advocate for positive minority representation in the media, I hope to combine both these interests and conduct research on the influence of media on society. To my delight as a prospective communications major, the School of Communication's research labs showcase project topics ranging from the depiction of STEM in media to improving digital communication. I look forward to taking advantage of the high-quality research, internship and even career opportunities offered to explore my ideas.

My multiple passions keep me creative and energetic, and I plan to continue pursuing them at Northwestern. With years of editing and writing experience for school publications under my belt, for instance, I hope to join the staff of Helicon and North by Northwestern . Last but not least is the constant school spirit and sense of inclusion present within campus. During my campus tour, each tour guide seemed genuinely excited to introduce prospective students to the school. As my particular tour guide described the quarter system and tradition of guarding and painting the rock with passion in her eyes, I knew that only at Northwestern could I find students as enthusiastic about the school itself as they are about their majors. I also spotted many students of color while visiting; as an Asian woman, Northwestern's focus on diversifying reassures me that not only will I not be judged for my background, but that I will get to meet students of all ethnicities and cultures.

College is a time of self-discovery, and I firmly believe I can see my dreams become reality at Northwestern.

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"Why Northwestern?" Essay Example #4

I felt the cold sheets beneath me and the beeping sounds of a monitor next to my bed, my chest moving up and down and my body sinking into the mattress. I opened my eyes and was greeted with a plastic surgeon holding the cyst that was once in the corner of my eye. Medicine, I decided, was my destiny.

Flash forward to 8th grade, the year I decided to read 100 books. Emerson, John Green, Ernest Cline--you name the author, I read them. I became instantly inspired to learn to write like the wonderful authors I had read. So, writing, I decided (maybe), was my destiny.

Wait--or was it medicine? Well, perhaps it can be both.

The thing I find most striking about Northwestern is its emphasis on the word “AND.” Northwestern students can love computer science AND music theory, poetry AND Latin History, journalism AND business--I can love science AND English. At Northwestern, my interests would not be hindered by strict and unwavering guidelines. Rather, they could be effortlessly streamlined and integrated into one another. I could go from ​PSYCH 361--Brain Damage and the Mind to ENG 206 - Reading and Writing Poetry to Carol Clayberger’s Lab to continue my extensive research on T-lymphocytes, similar to that I conducted at UPMC. I would be learning each level of the human psyche, communicating my thoughts through writing, and putting them into action through my research.

At Northwestern, I plan to take advantage of the various resources that would enable me to pursue my passions, find new ones, and combine them into one, pulling from both sides of my brain. I know that I am right for Northwestern and Northwestern is right for me because we have a mutual understanding of what education should look like--emphasis on “AND,” not “OR.”

"Why Northwestern?" Essay Example #5

Think Purple: Aspiring journalist dreams of being a Wildcat F​iled under ​A​dmissions​, ​Top Stories

After brochure browsing, website wandering, and campus canvassing what felt like hundreds of different schools, it took Daisy Conant exactly 32 seconds on the Northwestern University campus to realize she had found the one.

“Northwestern is undefinable in the best way, an addicting hub of intellectuality, creativity, and school spirit - something especially appealing to a football lover,” laughed Conant. “But what excites me most about NU is the opportunity to study at the Medill School of Journalism.”

A writer with hopes of becoming a foreign correspondent, Conant has always been drawn to people and their stories, especially those completely unfamiliar to herself and her experiences. Once learning she could start on day one at Medill acquiring investigative journalism experience writing an enterprise story and end on day 600 with a journalism residency and international experience already under her belt, she was hooked.

“Conducting groundbreaking research on the socioeconomic disparities in the CPS system for the Medill Justice Project, spending a semester abroad reporting on cultural crisis in Greece, interning at the Post - at Medill, my options are boundless,” remarked Conant. “I could explore the world of print news writing in-focuses for the Daily Northwestern, dabble in magazine editing laying out spreads for North by Northwestern, even try my hand at broadcast reporting for WNUR.”

A journalist at heart, Conant is fascinated with the intersections of other disciplines. As an NU student she would be free to engage her passions for international studies and business through outside concentrations in addition to investigative journalism, uncovering the adventures (and discovering the tenacious Wildcats) that lie between Evanston and the shores of Lake Michigan. “My story is just beginning,” said Conant. “And Northwestern is the perfect lede.”

Northwestern Essay Example #6

Prompt: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (100-250 words)

I held my breath as my trembling fingers, made for the enter key, my eyes glued to the screen savoring every moment. In a split of a second, the results of my sleepless nights were imprinted on the screen.

>>>syntax error

I felt my eyes became watery but I quickly forged a smile convincing myself I wasn’t about to cry.

However disappointed I felt that moment, it wasn’t something new to me. I am not a natural programmer and I have failed more than a million times when running my codes. In fact, I have gotten used to failing, that anytime I get it right on the first attempt I assume I got lucky and I redo the code. Every time I get a syntax error I have eventually learned something new from the code. It’s at these moments that I have learnt more about my world.

Through coding, I have learnt to appreciate shortcomings in life as room for improvements. I have come to understand being raised in a camp in Chalbi dessert is a chance for me to have the first-hand experience of what needs to be done to make the world a better place. I stopped being disappointed I was born in a less tech-savvy country and seen it as an opportunity for me to create an impact with the much I have learnt. I understand with every syntax error, every life obstacle, I learn and take a step closer to a perfect code, achieving my dreams.

What Can You Learn From These Northwestern Essays?

These 6 Northwestern essays that worked show you exactly what it takes to write successful "Why Northwestern?" essays. Answering the "Why Northwestern" statement as best you can is the key to having a successful Northwestern application.

What did you think of these Northwestern essays?

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How to Write Northwestern University Supplemental Essays

Northwestern University

Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/26/24

Northwestern University is a popular addition to any college list. If you're ready to enjoy the vistas Lake Michigan offers, get ready to write the Northwestern supplemental essay. 

Northwestern University is a popular school for many applicants due to its location near Chicago and its focus on interdisciplinary studies. Writing a compelling essay is a pivotal step for showing your fit with the school's values. 

With a rigorous Core Curriculum , the Northwestern essays demonstrate to the admissions committees why you're an excellent fit for their school. It shows that you've done the research necessary to understand how its course offerings mesh with your educational goals. 

This article provides tips for tackling Northwestern's supplemental essays, along with examples of essays that were successful. Crafting the perfect essay for Northwestern doesn't have to be difficult - read on to learn how to write a masterful essay and get into Northwestern ! 

Northwestern Supplemental Essay Prompts 2024-2025

You'll need to write a personal statement as part of the Common Application or Coalition Application which should be a direct response to this prompt below. Your response should be no more than 300 words. 

Northwestern Personal Statement Prompt

“We want to be sure we’re considering your application in the context of your personal experiences: What aspects of your background, your identity, or your school, community, and/or household settings have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially, or otherwise?”

Additionally, you have the option of responding to one or two of these optional Northwestern essay prompts. While it is not required, you’re highly encouraged to write at least one .

“Painting “The Rock” is a tradition at Northwestern that invites all forms of expression—students promote campus events or extracurricular groups, support social or activist causes, show their Wildcat spirit (what we call “Purple Pride”), celebrate their culture, and more. What would you paint on The Rock, and why?”

“Northwestern fosters a distinctively interdisciplinary culture. We believe discovery and innovation thrive at the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives, and academic interests. Within this setting, if you could dream up an undergraduate class, research project, or creative effort (a start-up, a design prototype, a performance, etc.), what would it be? Who might be some ideal classmates or collaborators?”

“Community and belonging matter at Northwestern. Tell us about one or more communities, networks, or student groups you see yourself connecting with on campus.”

“Northwestern’s location is special: on the shore of Lake Michigan, steps from downtown Evanston, just a few miles from Chicago. What aspects of our location are most compelling to you, and why?”

“Northwestern is a place where people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world can study, live, and talk with one another. This range of experiences and viewpoints immeasurably enriches learning. How might your individual background contribute to this diversity of perspectives in Northwestern’s classrooms and around our campus?”

Northwestern University

How to Write Each Essay Prompt For Northwestern

Writing each essay can be difficult, so we’ve created an outline on how to tackle each one. Below, you’ll find an analysis of each prompt and tips on how to best write your essay.

How to Write Northwestern Supplemental Essay #1 + Analysis and Tips

"Painting “The Rock” is a tradition at Northwestern that invites all forms of expression—students promote campus events or extracurricular groups, support social or activist causes, show their Wildcat spirit (what we call “Purple Pride”), celebrate their culture, and more. What would you paint on The Rock, and why?"

Analysis of Prompt #1: This creative prompt allows applicants to demonstrate their interests, values, background, and how they would engage with campus life at Northwestern. It reveals what matters most to applicants.

Tip #1 : Choose a design that ties to your background, interests, or values not already showcased elsewhere in your application. Explain the deeper meaning and importance behind what you would paint.

Tip #2 : Use vivid imagery and details to help the admissions officers visualize and understand your rock design and its significance to you.

Tip #3 : Explicitly connect your idea for the rock to how you envision contributing to campus life at Northwestern as a student. Show your enthusiasm for engaging with the community.

Tip #4 : If applicable, relate your rock design to your intended major, academic interests, or future goals to showcase fit with Northwestern's offerings.

Tip #5 : Brainstorm creative ways to get your message across visually that would grab attention and interest from the Northwestern community.

How to Write Northwestern Supplemental Essay #2 + Analysis and Tips

"Northwestern fosters a distinctively interdisciplinary culture. We believe discovery and innovation thrive at the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives, and academic interests. Within this setting, if you could dream up an undergraduate class, research project, or creative effort (a start-up, a design prototype, a performance, etc.), what would it be? Who might be some ideal classmates or collaborators?"

Analysis of Prompt #2: This prompt allows applicants to demonstrate creativity, passion, and knowledge of Northwestern's interdisciplinary focus. It's a chance to show original thinking and innovative ideas.

Tip #1 : Choose a unique yet feasible topic at the intersection of multiple disciplines. Avoid overly broad or already offered topics. Explain what would be explored.

Tip #2 : Show in-depth knowledge of the topic and Northwestern's ability to support the idea through collaborations across schools and disciplines. Name specific programs or professors.

Tip #3 : Describe what students and collaborators could gain from this experience and why it would be impactful. Use vivid language that gets the reader excited about the idea.

Tip #4 : Emphasize how the class or project aligns with and furthers your academic interests and future aspirations. Relate it to your major or career goals.

Tip #5 : Explain why you are the ideal student to make this idea a reality by citing your background knowledge, skills, or relevant experience with the topic or project type.

How to Write Northwestern Supplemental Essay #3 + Analysis and Tips

"Community and belonging matter at Northwestern. Tell us about one or more communities, networks, or student groups you see yourself connecting with on campus."

Analysis of Prompt #3: This essay reveals applicants' interests and goals not shown elsewhere. It demonstrates the desire to be actively engaged in campus life.

Tip #1 : Choose a student organization, club, or campus community tied to background, values, or goals not already discussed in other essays.

Tip #2 : Convey why involvement with this group deeply matters to you and how it would lead to personal growth.

Tip #3 : Describe specific leadership roles, events, or initiatives you want to participate in and your potential contributions.

Tip #4 : Explain how belonging to this community would allow you to make an impact on campus aligned with your aspirations.

Tip #5 : If relevant, relate the group back to your intended major, academic discipline, or future career goals.

How to Write Northwestern Supplemental Essay #4 + Analysis and Tips

"Northwestern’s location is special: on the shore of Lake Michigan, steps from downtown Evanston, just a few miles from Chicago. What aspects of our location are most compelling to you, and why?"

Analysis of Prompt #4: This essay reveals applicants' academic and professional goals and how Northwestern's location supports those interests. It demonstrates knowledge of the resources available nearby.

Tip #1 : Research opportunities in Chicago related to your academic discipline or career aspirations. Explain which specific options excite you.

Tip #2 : Provide examples of how you would take advantage of the location based on your goals and enrichment opportunities that inspire you.

Tip #3 : Describe any previous experiences that spark your interest in engaging with Chicago resources or motivate you to explore the location.

Tip #4 : Relate location details back to specific Northwestern offerings such as courses, faculty, or programs that would complement or further these goals.

Tip #5 : Convey genuine enthusiasm and personal reasons why proximity to Chicago appeals rather than just facts about the city itself.

How to Write Northwestern Supplemental Essay #5 + Analysis and Tips

"Northwestern is a place where people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world can study, live, and talk with one another. This range of experiences and viewpoints immeasurably enriches learning. How might your individual background contribute to this diversity of perspectives in Northwestern’s classrooms and around our campus?”

Analysis of Prompt #5: This essay reveals applicants' academic and professional goals and how Northwestern's location supports those interests. It demonstrates knowledge of the resources available nearby.

Tip #1 : Consider all aspects of your identity or background that aren't highlighted elsewhere, including cultural, ethnic, religious, geographic, socioeconomic, or personal experiences.

Tip #2 : Explain specific viewpoints, values, or insights your life experiences have instilled in you that shape your perspectives and provide examples.

Tip #3 : Emphasize what you can positively contribute to classroom discussions and campus life by sharing these diverse perspectives with others.

Tip #4 : Describe how your background has made you more understanding and equipped to connect across differences.

Tip #5 : Conclude by reiterating why your diversity of perspectives would enrich learning and dialogue at Northwestern.

Examples of Northwestern Supplemental Essays That Worked

The following essays were written by successful applicants who were admitted to Northwestern University. We provide feedback explaining why each essay effectively demonstrated the applicant's fit with Northwestern.

Sample Essay #1

“I would paint a butterfly on “The Rock”. This choice is deeply rooted in my identity as an Indigenous person, where the butterfly holds profound symbolism of transformation and metamorphosis.

In Indigenous cultures, the butterfly represents not only physical transformation but also spiritual growth and renewal. It embodies the idea that change is a natural part of life and that through struggle and perseverance, one can emerge stronger and more beautiful. This symbolism resonates with my own journey and the experiences of many Indigenous individuals who have faced adversity, colonization, and the challenges of preserving their cultural heritage.

Painting a butterfly on "The Rock" would not only celebrate my culture but also serve as a reminder to the Northwestern community of the importance of embracing change and transformation. It would symbolize the resilience of indigenous peoples and the beauty that can emerge from the process of personal and collective growth.

Moreover, the butterfly's presence on "The Rock" would promote awareness and appreciation of Indigenous cultures, fostering a sense of unity and understanding within the Northwestern community. It would encourage conversations about the significance of Indigenous symbolism and the importance of recognizing the contributions of Indigenous peoples to our shared society.”

Why Essay #1 Worked

This essay uses the symbolism of the butterfly in Indigenous cultures to convey the writer's personal growth and tie it to promoting cross-cultural understanding at Northwestern. The vivid explanation allows the admissions officers to visualize the rock design and shows the applicant's passion for celebrating their heritage.

Sample Essay #2

“My dream project would be groundbreaking undergraduate research aimed at exploring the potential of homeopathic remedies in breast cancer treatment. Having tragically lost three family members to cancer, I am fervently driven to investigate alternative, less invasive approaches to combat this devastating disease. Witnessing their suffering and the toll that harsh medicines took on their health has underscored the urgency of exploring gentler alternatives.

My ideal research project would assemble a diverse team of students from various academic backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, complementary medicine, and patient care.  

We would analyze the impact of homeopathic remedies on cancer cells, patient well-being, and quality of life. Additionally, we would collaborate with oncologists, herbalists, and holistic healthcare practitioners to bridge the gap between conventional medicine and alternative therapies. Together, we could unlock the untapped potential of nature's medicine cabinet.

This research project not only aligns with my personal passion but also exemplifies Northwestern's interdisciplinary ethos by bringing together students and experts from diverse fields to tackle a critical issue. We would strive to provide hope and more compassionate, effective treatment options for those battling breast cancer while minimizing the harm that traditional treatments can inflict on their bodies.”

Why Essay #2 Worked

This essay outlines an ambitious yet feasible interdisciplinary research project aligning with Northwestern's values. It demonstrates the writer's interest in collaborating across fields to make an impact. The deeply personal motivation for studying cancer treatments also allows the essay to stand out.

Sample Essay #3

“I eagerly anticipate joining the pre-med community at Northwestern, a vibrant and supportive network where my passion for medicine will find a nurturing home. This community embodies my aspirations and values, as it fosters collaboration, learning, and a shared commitment to healthcare.

Within the pre-med community, I envision forging meaningful connections with fellow aspiring healthcare professionals who, like me, are driven by a deep desire to make a positive impact on people's lives. Together, we will navigate the challenging path toward medical school, sharing experiences, supporting one another through rigorous coursework, and collectively striving for excellence.

Furthermore, I am excited about the potential to engage in healthcare-related volunteer opportunities and research projects that Northwestern offers. These experiences will not only enrich my academic journey but also deepen my connection to the broader healthcare community on campus.

In the pre-med community, I see myself not only as a student but as an active participant in a collective mission to contribute to the well-being of others. Northwestern's commitment to community and belonging aligns perfectly with my vision for my pre-medical journey, and I eagerly anticipate becoming a part of this inspiring network.”

Why Essay #3 Worked

This essay conveys the applicant's alignment with Northwestern's tight-knit campus community. It spotlights their passion for medicine and desire to support fellow pre-med students. The emphasis on participating in healthcare-related activities shows their commitment to active engagement.

Sample Essay #4

“Growing up in Chicago, Lake Michigan was a place of cherished memories. My father and I would spend countless hours fishing on its shores, forging a bond that would shape my values and dreams.

As I embark on my own academic journey at Northwestern, I find myself drawn to this beautiful shoreline, which symbolizes both my roots and my aspirations.

My father, a dedicated Northwestern alumnus, left a lasting impact on my life. In his final moments, he expressed a profound sense of incompleteness. His legacy has become my driving force. Coming to Northwestern and being near Lake Michigan is, for me, a way to complete his mission. I aim to study political science and eventually law, follow in his advocacy footsteps, and work towards helping others in a way that he felt he couldn't.

This location is not just where I come from; it's where I am actively choosing to build my future and honor my father's memory. Northwestern's setting connects me to my biggest inspiration and reminds me of the potential for positive change in the world, making it the perfect place for my academic and personal growth.”

Why Essay #4 Worked

This essay uses vivid imagery and personal connections to showcase the significance of Northwestern's location. Linking their goals to continue a family legacy gives deeper meaning to studying there. It aligns location with values.

Sample Essay #5

“Growing up in foster care, I always had a suitcase packed by the door. This constant state of preparedness, always getting ready to move to a new place, made it challenging to ever feel truly at home. Yet, Northwestern represents the kind of community I've longed for—a place where individuals with diverse backgrounds from around the world come together to learn and connect.

Throughout my life, adaptability and resilience have been my constant companions. I've learned to embrace change, connect with people from various walks of life, and navigate through different environments.

This background has taught me the value of empathy, understanding, and the significance of creating a sense of belonging for others, as it's something I often yearned for during my journey through foster care. My experiences have honed my ability to bridge gaps, mediate conflicts, and foster connections among individuals from diverse backgrounds.

My story serves as a reminder that diversity goes beyond cultural or ethnic differences, encompassing a wide range of life experiences that can enrich our collective learning and strengthen our sense of community.”

Why Essay #5 Worked

This essay offers a compelling background story and emphasizes the applicant's ability to connect across differences. It underscores their unique perspectives that would enrich campus diversity. The focus on empathy and community is well-aligned.

Get More Sample Essays Here!

The prep doesn’t stop there. View our database of over 190 essay examples from some of the top schools. 

Still have questions about Northwestern essays? We’ve got you covered! Check out the section below for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you’re looking for a complete Northwestern application guide, check out our college guides directory .

1. How Many Supplemental Essays Does Northwestern Require?

Northwestern requires one 300-word supplemental essay and also provides four additional 100-word essay prompts that are optional but highly encouraged. At least one of the optional essays is recommended.

2. When Are Northwestern Supplemental Essays Due?

The Northwestern supplemental essays are due at the same time as the rest of the Northwestern application. Typical deadlines are January 1 for early decision and January 5 for regular decision.

3. How important are the supplemental essays for Northwestern?

The Northwestern supplemental essays are very important for the admissions decision. Along with your Common App essay, they allow you to explain why Northwestern is the right school for you and how you will positively contribute to campus life. Put time into crafting a thoughtful, well-written response.

4. Will Northwestern Always Have the Same Supplemental Essay Prompt? 

No supplemental essay at any college is set in stone. Schools can change their supplemental essay prompts each cycle, but they usually revolve around the same themes. 

5. Is Northwestern’s Activity Chart Another Supplemental Essay? 

No, but it is another mandatory piece of your application. The activity chart is your opportunity to describe your extracurricular activities in detail and include their depth and scope. 

Final Thoughts

Northwestern's supplemental essay gives you a chance to showcase your fit beyond test scores and grades. Research the school to find specific connections between your goals and Northwestern's offerings. Use vivid examples and anecdotes to illustrate what makes you a great match for the Northwestern community. With thoughtful responses, you can boost your chances of admission.

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What do we think about the new supplemental essays?

It seems that for this year NU has scrapped the old "why NU" supplemental essay and replaced it with one required and some optional supplements. They also aren't requiring the big Common App essay/personal statement anymore.

Here is the required supplement (300 words):

We want to be sure we’re considering your application in the context of your personal experiences: What aspects of your background, your identity, or your school, community, and/or household settings have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially, or otherwise?

Here are the optional supplements (200 words each, no more than 2):

Painting “The Rock” is a tradition at Northwestern that invites all forms of expression—students promote campus events or extracurricular groups, support social or activist causes, show their Wildcat spirit (what we call “Purple Pride”), celebrate their culture, and more. What would you paint on The Rock, and why? Northwestern fosters a distinctively interdisciplinary culture. We believe discovery and innovation thrive at the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives, and academic interests. Within this setting, if you could dream up an undergraduate class, research project, or creative effort (a start-up, a design prototype, a performance, etc.), what would it be? Who might be some ideal classmates or collaborators? Community and belonging matter at Northwestern. Tell us about one or more communities, networks, or student groups you see yourself connecting with on campus. Northwestern’s location is special: on the shore of Lake Michigan, steps from downtown Evanston, just a few miles from Chicago. What aspects of our location are most compelling to you, and why? Northwestern is a place where people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world can study, live, and talk with one another. This range of experiences and viewpoints immeasurably enriches learning. How might your individual background contribute to this diversity of perspectives in Northwestern’s classrooms and around our campus?

To me the required one basically seems like their way of skirting around the recent AA decision. As a current student I think the optional supps 1 and 4 are really interesting just because they're unique to NU, which is pretty clever. What do y'all think?

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Northwestern Federal District, Russia

Northwestern federal district - overview.

Northwestern Federal District is a federal district of the Russian Federation located in the north and north-west of its European part. It was formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2000.

The administrative center and the largest city of the district is St. Petersburg - a city of federal significance.

The population of Northwestern Federal District is about 13,899,000 (2016), the area - 1,686,972 sq. km.

North West district map, Russia

Northwestern federal district - features.

Most of the territory of Northwestern Federal District is located in the European north. The climate is temperate and subarctic. The air has a high humidity. One of the characteristic features of this federal district is a large number of marshes, lakes and rivers.

Northwestern Federal District is washed by the seas of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans making the climate relatively warm in winter and cool in summer in the northwest of the district. In the north winters are severe, summers are relatively short and warm.

The territory of the district is mostly flat, located in the zone of mixed forests, taiga, forest-tundra, and tundra. About 50% of the forest resources of the European part of Russia are concentrated here.

The largest rivers are the Northern Dvina and Pechora. Also in Northwestern Federal District, mainly in the western part, there are numerous lakes, including the largest lakes in Europe - Ladoga and Onega. The federal district has almost half the water resources of the European part of Russia.

The district has access to the Baltic, White, Barents, Kara seas and borders with Finland, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus.

About 72% of Russian apatite reserves, 77% - titanium, 45% - bauxite, 19% - mineral waters, 18% - diamonds and nickel are concentrated here. Extraction of oil and coal plays an important place in the economy of the district.

The district share in industrial production of Russia is about 12%, in the production of agricultural products - 6.2%. The electric power industry of the district includes two nuclear power plants - the Leningrad NPP and Kola NPP.

This federal district has the largest ports of Russia - the seaport of St. Petersburg, the Murmansk Sea Commercial Port, the Kaliningrad Port and the Arkhangelsk Port.

Northwestern Federal District nature

Karelia Republic

Karelia Republic

Author: Mikhail Grizly

Komi Republic

Komi Republic

Author: Nikolay Alexandrov

Novgorod region

Novgorod region

Author: Alexander Valterovich

Northwestern Federal District - Cities and Regions

In total, there are 152 cities and towns on the territory of Northwestern Federal District. The level of urbanization is about 84%.

North West Federal District includes the following 10 federal subjects of Russian Federation:

The largest cities of North West Federal District are:

  • Velikie Luki
  • Cherepovets

North West district of Russia photos

Northwestern federal district churches.

Church in Novgorod oblast

Church in Novgorod oblast

Author: Semyonov A.V.

Church in Pskov city

Church in Pskov city

Author: Oleg Alexandrov

Church in St. Petersburg

Church in St. Petersburg

Author: Alex Grachov

Northwestern Federal District sights

Kremlin in Veliky Novgorod

Kremlin in Veliky Novgorod

Author: Sergey Duhanin

Monastery in Novgorod region

Monastery in Novgorod region

Author: Yuriy Luchin

Monastery in Vologda region

Monastery in Vologda region

Author: Roberto Ribotta

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Rating: 2.3 /5 (411 votes cast)

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Mikhail Lomonosov

Born: Denisovka, Archangelsk Province - 19 November 1711 Died: St. Petersburg - 15 April 1765

Mikhail Lomonosov was the great polymath of the Russian Enlightenment. Born in the deepest provinces of Northern Russia, he managed to gain a first-class education through a combination of natural intelligence and sheer force of will, and went on to make significant advances in several fields of science, as well as writing one of the first Russian grammars, several volumes of history, and a great quantity of poetry. In short, he was instrumental in pulling Russia further into the modern world, and in helping to make St. Petersburg a centre of learning as great as almost any in Europe.

Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka (now Lomonosovo), a village about 100 kilometers south-east of Arkhangelsk on the Severnaya Dvina river. His father was a peasant fisherman who had grown rich transporting goods from Arkhangelsk to settlements in the far north. His mother, the daughter of a deacon, died when he was very young, but not before she had taught him to read. From the age of ten, he accompanied his father on voyages to learn the business.

In 1730, however, determined to study, he ran away from home and walked over 1 000 kilometers to Moscow. Claiming to be the son of a provincial priest, he was able to enroll in the Slavic Greek Latin Academy, where he studied for five years before being sent on to St. Petersburg's Academic University. The following year (1736), he was a select group of outstanding students sponsored by the Academy of Sciences to study mathematics, chemistry, physics, philosophy and metallurgy in Western Europe. Lomonosov spent three years at the University of Marburg as a personal student of the philosopher Christian Wolff, then a year studying mining and metallurgy in Saxony, and a further year travelling in Germany and the Low Countries. While in Marburg, he fell in love with and married his landlady's daughter, Elizabeth Christine Zilch.

Due to lack of funds to support his young family, Lomonosov returned to St. Petersburg at the end of 1741, and was immediately appointed adjunct to the physics class at the Academy of Sciences. In 1745 he became the Academy's first Russian-born Professor of Chemistry, and in 1748 the first chemical research laboratory in Russia was built for him.

Throughout his career at the Academy, Lomonosov was a passionate advocate for making education in Russia more accessible to the lower ranks of Russian society. He campaigned to give public lectures in Russian and for the translation into Russian of more scientific texts. In this, he found himself in conflict with one of the founders of the Academy, the German ethnologist Gerhard Friedrich Miller (whose views on the importance of Scandinavians and Germans in Russian history Lomonosov also hotly disputed). By composing and presenting at an official Assembly of the Academy in 1749 his ode to the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Lomonosov gained considerable favour at court and a powerful ally in his pedagogical endeavours in the form of Elizaveta's lover, Count Ivan Shuvalov. Together, Lomonosov and Shuvalov founded Moscow University in 1755. It was also thanks to Shuvalov's influence that the Empress granted Lomonosov a manor and four surrounding villages at Ust-Ruditsa, where he was able to implement his plan to open a mosaic and glass factory, the first outside Italy to produce stained glass mosaics.

By 1758, Lomonosov's responsibilities included overseeing the Academy's Geography Department, Historical Assembly, University and Gymnasium, the latter of which he again insisted on making open to lowborn Russians. In 1760, he was appointed a foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, and in 1764 he was similarly honoured by the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna. The same year, he was granted by Elizaveta Petrovna the rank of Secretary of State. He died 4 April 1765, and was buried in the Lazarev Cemetery of St. Petersburg's Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

Much of Lomonosov's work was unknown outside Russia until many years after his death, and even now it is more the extraordinary breadth of his inquiry and understanding, rather than any specific grand advancements in a particular field, that make him such a seminal figure in Russian science. Among the highlights of his academic career were his discovery of an atmosphere around Venus, his assertion of the Law of Conservation of Mass (nearly two decades before Antoine Lavoisier), and his development of a prototype of the Herschelian telescope. In 1764, he arranged the expedition along the northern coast of Siberia that discovered the Northeast Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. His works also contained intuitions of the wave theory of light and the theory of continental drift. He made improvements to navigational instruments and demonstrated the organic origin of soil, peat, coal, petroleum and amber. Without knowledge of Da Vinci's work, he developed a working prototype of a helicopter.

He wrote the first guide to rhetoric in the Russian language, and his Russian Grammar was among the first to codify the language. His Ancient Russian History compared the development of Russia to the development of the Roman Empire, a theme that would become increasingly popular in the 19th century. His poetry was much praised during his lifetime, although it has been largely ignored by posterity.

Lomonosov is remembered in central St. Petersburg in the names of Ulitsa Lomonosova ("Lomonosov Street"), Ploshchad Lomonosova ("Lomonosov Square") and the adjacent bridge across the Fontanka River. During the Soviet Period, his name was given to the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, and hence to the nearby metro station, Lomonosovskaya. The Soviets also renamed the suburban town of Oranienburg as Lomonosovo. In 1986, a magnificent monument to Lomonosov was unveiled in front of the Twelve Colleges, the main campus of St. Petersburg State University, acknowledging the enormous debt that institution owes the great polymath who is rightfully considered the father of Russian science.

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Paul Krugman

Kamalanomics, Revealed: A Solid Center-Left Agenda

Vice President Kamala Harris walking across an airport tarmac as she prepares to board Air Force Two.

By Paul Krugman

Opinion Columnist

On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris gave her first big economic policy speech as the Democratic presidential nominee. It was, of course, very different from the “economic” speech and news conferences Donald Trump has held in the past couple of weeks.

For one thing, Harris actually outlined her economic proposals, rather than veering off onto topics like who has the biggest crowds and how windmills are killing birds . For another, she doesn’t seem to have said anything demonstrably untrue — a sharp contrast with Trump, who lied or distorted the facts about twice per minute during an event at Mar-a-Lago.

But what about the substance? The usual suspects are claiming that Harris revealed herself to be an extreme leftist. Even some middle-of-the-road economic commentators have been hyperventilating, saying that she’s essentially calling for price controls, which is odd, because she didn’t say anything like that.

All in all, Harris staked out a moderately center-left position, not too different from President Biden’s original Build Back Better agenda, which he was able to implement only in part because in an evenly divided Senate, Joe Manchin had an effective veto.

So let’s go through the substance, working off a fact sheet released by the Harris campaign, which provided more detail than the speech itself.

The most important and, as I see it, best proposal was for the restoration of an expanded child tax credit , which the Biden administration implemented in 2021 but expired at the beginning of 2022 because Democrats didn’t have a big enough congressional majority. This credit significantly reduced child poverty while it was in effect; Harris would supplement it with an even bigger credit for families with children in their first year.

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  23. Opinion

    The most important and, as I see it, best proposal was for the restoration of an expanded child tax credit, which the Biden administration implemented in 2021 but expired at the beginning of 2022 ...

  24. LL62

    Heliport information about LL62 - N'yusar [N'yusar Heliport], SPE, RU