
Home » The 7 Best Special Education Conferences and Workshops for Educators

The 7 Best Special Education Conferences and Workshops for Educators

The Council for Exceptional Children Conference is a stand-out for special education professionals. This conference includes workshops and seminars covering a broad range of important industry topics, like behavioral support, student advocacy, and IEP development.

Special education teachers can improve their classroom management and teaching skills through professional development. Conferences and workshops open the doors for that professional development while blending networking and collaboration opportunities for educators.

The conferences and workshops I cover below are some of the best for special education professionals to consider attending. These events allow special education teachers like you to share their experiences and wisdom with others through resources and support. Hosted by well-known special education organizations, the conferences and workshops in this guide also keep educators up-to-date with ever-evolving industry news, standards, and best practices. 

The 7 Best Special Education Conferences and Workshops for Educators

Council for exceptional children (cec) convention and expo, world congress on special needs education (wcsne) conference, learning disabilities association of america (lda) annual international conference, international association of special education (iase) biennial conference, learning without tears professional workshops, wrightslaw programs, international conference on autism, intellectual disability & developmental disabilities.

The CEC Convention and Expo is an annual conference that provides networking and professional development opportunities for special education teachers. The conference includes in-person and virtual learning components, each packed with four days worth of seminars, activities, social hours, and workshops.

Attendees can choose to purchase tickets for the in-person and virtual events or just the virtual conference. The latter includes access to more than 300 on-demand sessions plus live activities for socialization and networking. 

The one potential downfall of this conference is that its costs are confusing, as they vary by each registrant’s member type. For instance, early career members pay $359 for the entire convention or $199 for one-day attendance. However, retired members pay $269 for the full convention or $179 for one day. Prices vary if you pay in person or pay by specific deadlines.

Overall, this conference provides the most content for educators compared to others on this list. Plus, you can choose which workshops and seminars to attend, depending on your professional needs and goals.

The WCSNE Conference takes place in November each year. Until further notice, upcoming conferences will be held online, but the international conference typically occurs in different locations. Special educators can connect with industry experts from all over the world to discuss new research, network, and attend lectures for continued learning. 

The primary focus of this conference is special education research and best practices. Presenters register their panel discussions, research papers, workshops, and other learning materials to present during the conference.

In its current online format, the WCSNE Conference is more limited than usual. The in-person version hosts large exhibitions where special educators can learn more about higher learning institutions, educational technology, leadership, and more. However, online attendees can still access lectures and journal publications.

Participants can register online for £250 with early-bird pricing or £300 for regular pricing. 

LDA’s Annual International Conference is an in-person conference designed for special education teachers, social workers, school principals, and others involved in the special education system. The conference prepares professionals for continued development, provides current research and best practices, and promotes advocacy for special education students.

The four-day conference offers more than 150 workshops, seminars, and activities for attendees to pick and choose from. There’s also a pre-conference that targets a different topic each year, with the upcoming pre-conference covering mental health as it relates to at-risk students. 

Students and their parents may also attend the LDA conference to participate in the LDA Exhibit Hall. This six-hour event features exhibitions from colleges, universities, vocational schools, and other educational facilities with resources for special education students interested in higher learning. Exhibitions may also interest special education teachers looking for post-school resources for their students.

Members can attend the entire four-day conference and all events for $425 with early-bird registration or $475 by the regular registration deadline. Non-member pricing is $585 and $645, respectively, for early-bird and regular registration.

The IASE’s Biennial Conference connects special educators, administrators, and policymakers from around the world. Topics cover the breadth of special education, from designing curriculum to meet the needs of students to the governance of special education. Transition services, early childhood education, and lifelong learning are also covered topics.

The activities throughout the four-day conference include lectures, roundtables, workshops, and presentations led by industry experts. Each session lasts between 30-60 minutes and targets one focus area: research, practice, or advancing policy/advocacy for special education students.

Registration costs for the conference vary by member type, registration date, and location. Most regular members pay $635 while pricing for most non-members increases to $685.

The Learning Without Tears program targets handwriting, keyboarding, and writing development for grades Pre-K through five. Educators can attend various workshops hosted by the company to help them implement the programs effectively and get the most out of students who work with them.

Learning Without Tears offers specific workshops for special education teachers to assist students with special needs with handwriting skills. Workshops include adapting your instruction to learners’ needs, dysgraphia training, and assessing handwriting skills. These workshops may not suit special education teachers in middle and high school grades, as the content is geared more toward early education and elementary students. 

Workshop trainers are nationally certified and have expertise in special needs therapy, early childhood education, and similar fields. Workshops occur in various locations across the United States and online. Registration rates vary, with shorter workshops falling around $50 and longer workshops costing about $200 or more. 

Wrightslaw, an advocating organization for special education, produces training programs for special education teachers, administrators, specialists, and others who work with students with special needs. The Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Program is a popular one-day seminar or two-day bootcamp covering SMART IEPs, evaluations and assessments, and special education law. 

Registration fees vary between members, non-members, seminars, and bootcamps. When you register, your payment will also cover three required program textbooks. The programs are available on several dates throughout the year in different U.S. locations.

The Wrightslaw From Emotions to Advocacy training is a one-day program for parents and guardians of children in the special education system. This program teaches parents to become advocates by explaining the IEP process and developing relationships with the IEP team and other professionals who work with the child. Educators may find it helpful to recommend this program to their students’ parents or guardians or attend with them.

The CEC’s Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities (DADD) hosts the International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities . This annual conference has taken place in Florida, Hawaii, and other states.

Attendees can expect to liaise with notable special education experts who are well-versed in autism and developmental disabilities. The conference features an exhibit hall, over 300 interactive lectures and activities, and networking luncheons. Topics include current disability research, best practices for educators, and tips for improving educational outcomes for special education students.

This three-day conference gives plentiful information for educators who work with children on the autism spectrum. However, professionals who don’t work with these students as frequently may not get as much from this conference as they would from a more generalized special education conference, like the CEC Convention and Expo. 

Registration fees range from $200-$350 for the conference, but attendees can save money by bundling pre-conference training and main conference fees together.

How Do I Decide Which Special Education Conference or Workshop Is the Best for Me?

When deciding which special education conferences and workshops to add to your schedule, here are a few points you might want to consider.

Special Education Topics

While some conferences include activities and seminars on more general special education topics, others have a narrower focus, like a specific disability or a specific teaching method. You likely have your reasons for wanting to attend a conference, so it’s essential that the conference’s goals and topics align with what you want to learn.

Before registering, look on the conference’s website to view an itinerary, if available. If you can’t find one, locate contact information for a representative to ask about the topics a conference will cover.

Is the conference held entirely online? Will it be in-person at a venue near you, or will you need to travel a long distance to get there? These are important points to consider for three reasons:

  • Time away from work. If long-distance travel is a must, you may need to take extra time off work for traveling in addition to the conference dates. 
  • Costs associated with travel. Traveling to another state can add extra costs to your conference budget.
  • Your learning style. Not everyone can absorb information when they attend conferences online. Some prefer face-to-face instruction and the more collaborative and connective experience that in-person meetings offer.

Professional Development and Networking Opportunities

The best conferences provide plenty of opportunities for learning and networking. Ensure that the conference you’re interested in attending has space in its itinerary for networking events in addition to seminars and workshops. 

Also, check that the seminars and workshops can really help you develop yourself as a special education teacher. Do they cover topics relevant to you? Are they hosted by experts that you can learn from? The conference content should make you confident that you can take back lots of helpful, actionable strategies to your classroom.

Conference Costs  

Some conferences are much costlier than others, especially those that pack tons of content into three or four days. Typically, virtual conferences are more affordable than in-person events. You may also need to budget for meals, travel, and lodging if attending an in-person event. It’s crucial to consider all associated costs to determine if an event fits your budget.

To save money, consider a few common discounts. Usually, members of the hosting organization can attend for lower registration costs than non-members. Also, look into early-bird pricing that rewards registrants with lower costs for registering early.

You might also be able to ask your employer to cover some of the costs. Because professional development is a requirement for special education teachers, some organizations and schools will pay for educators to attend conferences and workshops.

Highlights: Special Education Conferences and Workshops

I recommend the CEC Convention and Expo because most special education teachers can get lots of helpful information out of it. The event includes numerous opportunities for learning and networking, which are extremely important in our field. A close second is LDA’s Annual International Conference, which packs a lot of well-rounded information into its four-day itinerary. 

The WCSNE Conference is best for educators seeking a more cultured approach to professional development and networking with special education leaders worldwide. Wrightslaw programs are perfect for organizations wishing to train their special education teachers and administrators together.

Teachers who work with children with developmental disabilities can focus on relevant topics at DADD’s International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities. And, the Learning Without Tears workshops target handwriting and writing skills in special needs students, which is perfect for teachers wanting to expand their instructional strategies in those areas.

I hope you’re able to attend one or more of these conferences. I always learn something new whenever I attend a great conference and most importantly, I feel invigorated in my work supporting students with disabilities. If you have attended one of the listed conferences above, leave a comment below and share with our readers what some of the highlights were. If there are some great conferences that I missed that you feel deserve to be included, please share! As always, let me know if you have any questions!

About the author

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Emily Cummings

I am a mom of two crazy, amazing, independent, little feminists. They bring so much light to my life and a lot less sleep. Since becoming a mother and increasingly in the last year, I have witnessed parents struggling to connect with their child's special education team with no success. I have become more aware of the gaps in our public school system and how parents may benefit from empowerment and advocacy tools.

My work experiences range from a juvenile detention center to an autism specialist in the Issaquah School District and a special education teacher in a self-contained program in the Lake Washington School District. My master's in teaching focused on special education and behavioral disorders from Seattle Pacific University. I completed my BCBA coursework from Montana State University.

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Special education professional development guide for 2023.

Special education professional development is the continuous learning and support provided to teachers to equip them with skills on how to teach and help learners with special needs in their daily activities.

Special education professional development focuses on addressing the unique needs of students in inclusive settings and provides educators with strategies to ensure student success. Teachers learn about common misconceptions surrounding inclusive settings and special education. 

Teachers also gain a deeper understanding of various disability classifications and the importance of providing appropriate accommodations and modifications to meet students' needs.

Unlike regular professional development that covers a broad range of topics such as classroom management and pedagogical skills, special education professional development focuses on specific areas such as behavior management techniques and understanding specific learning disabilities.

special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

In this guide, we’ll delve into what special education entails, the types of special education professional development, and various disability classifications.

Professional Development for Special Education

Professional development for special education refers to targeted learning opportunities designed specifically for special education teachers. These programs recognize the distinct needs and challenges faced by educators working with students with disabilities. In turn, they offer strategies and resources to support their professional growth.

Special education teachers must make the most of professional development opportunities and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and acquire the necessary tools to meet the diverse needs of their students. Special education is a dynamic field constantly evolving with new research, interventions, and best practices.

Participating in special education professional development programs offers numerous benefits. 

  • You gain a deeper understanding of the diverse range of disabilities and the specific challenges associated with each one. This knowledge enables you to develop more targeted and effective instructional strategies. 
  • Special education professional development provides you with a platform to network, collaborate and share experiences with your peers. By learning from others, you can enhance your practices and promote a collective culture of continuous improvement.
  • Professional development equips you with evidence-based practices, resources, and tools to create inclusive learning environments. It empowers you to implement accommodations and modifications that support students' access to the curriculum and foster their overall development.

Ultimately, special education professional development contributes to improved educational outcomes for students with disabilities.

Types of Special Education Professional Development

There are various special education professional development opportunities that cater to your needs as a teacher. This includes webinars, online workshops, professional learning communities (PLCs), online courses (MOOCs), educational blogs, and podcasts.

By engaging in different types of professional development, you enhance your knowledge, expand your skill set, and stay informed about the latest research and practices in the field.

Here are different types of special education professional development opportunities:

1- Webinars and Online Workshops

In today’s digital era, webinars and online workshops are a convenient and accessible way for special education teachers to engage in professional development. Organizations like Simple K12 , , and many more offer free webinars on various topics relevant to special education. 

These topics may include differentiated instruction, behavior management, assistive technology, and inclusive teaching practices. Webinars allow you to gain insights from experts, ask questions, and explore practical strategies that can be immediately implemented in your classrooms.

2- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

Joining the Professional Learning Community has immense value for special education teachers. PLCs bring together like-minded professionals interested in improving their teaching practice. You can find PLC communities locally, within school districts, or online through platforms like Twitter chats, Facebook groups, or specialized forums.

PLCs offer opportunities for collaboration, sharing of resources and ideas, and peer support. By engaging in PLCs you tap into the collective wisdom of experienced educators. You can also access diverse perspectives and gain practical insights that enhance your teaching effectiveness.

3- Online Courses and MOOCs

Special professional development has been revolutionized by Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), providing flexible and accessible learning opportunities. Platforms like Coursera , edX , and FutureLearn offer a wide range of online courses covering topics relevant to special education.

While some courses may have a cost associated with earning a certificate, many platforms allow you to audit the course and access the content for free. This flexibility enables you to learn at your own pace, acquire new skills, and stay updated on the latest research and best practices. 

Online courses often incorporate interactive activities, case studies, and discussions, providing a rich learning experience for special education teachers.

4- Educational Blogs and Podcasts

Blogs and podcasts serve as fantastic mediums for gathering insights, tips, and inspiration from experienced educators. Many special education professionals share their expertise through these platforms, providing valuable resources that can enhance teaching practices.

Educational blogs offer a wealth of information, ranging from practical strategies to reflections on teaching experiences. Podcasts provide engaging discussions and interviews with experts in the field, allowing you to stay connected and learn from thought leaders.

By exploring educational blogs and podcasts, special education teachers can gain fresh perspectives, discover innovative ideas, and access a wealth of resources to support their professional growth.

Areas of Special Education Professional Development

Special education professional development programs are crucial in improving various aspects of special education. These areas include assistive technology, dyslexia, ARD/IEP support, autism, behavior, and discipline, deaf/hard of hearing, dyslexia, evaluation, and many more.

Educators can enhance their knowledge, skills, and ability to effectively support students with diverse needs by focusing on these areas.

Let’s discuss the areas of special education professional development in brief:

  • Assistive technology- This refers to tools, devices, and software that assist learners with disabilities in accessing information, communication, and learning. The assistive devices work to compensate for a learner’s specific learning deficits. Special education professional development equips you with knowledge about different assistive technology options, how to integrate them into the curriculum, and how to customize the technology to meet individual students' needs.

This training ensures you can effectively use technology to enhance the learning experience and independence of students with disabilities.

  • ARD/IEP support- ARD (Admission, Review, and Dismissal) meetings and IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) are critical components of special education. Special education professional development provides a deep understanding of the legal requirements, guidelines, and best practices for developing and implementing IEPs. 

It covers strategies to engage families, gather relevant data, set meaningful goals, and design appropriate accommodations and modifications to meet each student's unique needs.

  • Autism- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. Special education professional development on autism equips you with evidence-based strategies to create supportive environments for students on the spectrum. You get insight into effective strategies and interventions for supporting students with ASD in various educational settings.

This training includes communication techniques, sensory integration approaches, social skills instruction, and behavior management strategies tailored to the individual's strengths and challenges.

  • Behavior and discipline- Special education professional development in behavior management equips you with techniques such as positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), functional behavior assessments (FBA), and behavior intervention plans (BIP).

This training helps you understand the root causes of challenging behaviors and implement proactive interventions.

  • Deaf/hard of hearing- Students with hearing impairments require specialized support to access the curriculum. Hard hearing focuses on learning American Sign Language (ASL), using assistive technology, implementing visual aids, and understanding the unique communication and learning needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing students. 

As an educator, you will learn about various communication methods, such as sign language and oral communication, and assistive listening devices.

  • Dyslexia- Dyslexia affects reading and spelling abilities. Special education professional development on dyslexia equips you with research-based strategies, multisensory approaches, and phonics instruction to help students with dyslexia improve their reading skills.

You learn to identify early signs of dyslexia, implement targeted interventions, and create a supportive learning environment to help students with dyslexia achieve reading success.

  • Evaluation- Accurate evaluation is essential for identifying students with disabilities and determining appropriate support and services. The evaluation focuses on assessing students' academic, social, and behavioral needs through various evaluation methods to inform appropriate educational programming and interventions. 

With evaluation training,  you gather meaningful data to develop appropriate individualized educational plans for students with disabilities.

  • Early childhood special education- Early intervention and support are crucial for young children with developmental delays or disabilities. Early childhood special education development programs address the unique needs of young children with disabilities, emphasizing early intervention, inclusive practices, and family involvement.

The program helps you to focus on age-appropriate assessment, implementing individualized learning plans, and providing play-based interventions to support the overall development of young learners.

  • Family engagement- Collaboration with families is vital in special education. This training emphasizes building strong partnerships between educators and families to create a supportive learning environment for students.

You learn effective communication strategies, involve families in the IEP process, and incorporate culturally responsive practices.

  • Low-incidence disability- Low-incidence disabilities refer to rare and severe disabilities. Training in this area focuses on understanding and addressing the needs of students with low-incidence disabilities, such as multiple disabilities or severe intellectual disabilities.

Low-incidence disability training helps you to meet the unique needs of students with low-incidence disabilities, such as multiple disabilities, traumatic brain injury, or severe intellectual disabilities.

  • Section 504- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in federally funded programs, including public schools. 

Special education professional development on Section 504 covers the eligibility criteria, evaluation process, and appropriate accommodations to support students who may not qualify for an IEP but still require reasonable accommodations.

  • Speech-language pathology- Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are crucial in supporting students with communication disorders. This area covers communication disorders and interventions, emphasizing speech and language assessment, therapy techniques, and collaboration with speech-language pathologists.

Professional development in speech-language pathology equips you with strategies for improving speech and language skills, addressing articulation and fluency issues, and promoting effective communication.

  • Special education administration-  Professional development in special education administration covers legal requirements, program evaluation, budgeting, staff supervision, and creating an inclusive and supportive school culture.

Professional development programs train special education administrators on legal requirements, program management, budgeting, personnel supervision, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

  • SPED inclusive practices- Inclusive education aims to give all students access to quality education in mainstream classrooms regardless of their abilities. SPED inclusive practice promotes inclusive education by equipping special education professionals with strategies to support students with disabilities in general education classrooms effectively.

Professional development in SPED-inclusive practices focuses on adapting instruction, providing appropriate accommodations, fostering peer support, and promoting a positive and accepting classroom environment that supports the diverse needs of all students.

  • Visual impairment- Students with visual impairments require specialized support to access educational materials and participate in classroom activities. Training in the visual impairment area focuses on understanding the unique needs of students with visual impairments and providing appropriate accommodations, assistive technology, and orientation and mobility instruction.

Professional development covers techniques such as braille instruction, orientation and mobility training, and assistive technology to enhance learning for visually impaired students.

By investing in special education professional development, you enhance your teaching practices, create more inclusive classrooms, and positively impact the lives of your students with special needs.

special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

Other Special Education Professional Developm ent Options

In addition to specialized areas of professional development, there are various options available for you to enhance your skills and knowledge in special education.

Other special education professional development options you can engage in include:

  • Joining professional organizations: You can join organizations like the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) or local special education associations. These organizations offer resources, conferences, webinars, and networking opportunities.
  • Resources for special education teachers: Look for online platforms, websites, and journals that are dedicated to providing special education resources. The resources may include lesson plans, research articles, and best practices to support teachers in their professional growth.
  • Collaborating with other educators: You can collaborate in activities with general education teachers, support staff, and other special education professionals. Collaboration fosters sharing ideas, strategies, and experiences, creating a supportive professional network.
  • Advocating for special education: As a special education professional, you can advocate for policy changes, increased funding, and improved resources for students with special needs. Advocacy can be achieved by engaging in local and national advocacy efforts, attending legislative meetings, and sharing their expertise.
  • Learning about technology in special education: You can use assistive technology, educational apps, adaptive devices, and online learning platforms. This can help you integrate technology effectively into your teaching practices.

Being a Better Special Education Teacher Every Day

With continuous education, you stay current with best practices, research-based strategies, and the evolving needs of students with special needs. You also improve your skills, expand your knowledge, and support your special education students better.

Special education professional development opportunities help you acquire new strategies, learn from experts in the field, and gain fresh insights into effective teaching methods. It also demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and a dedication to better serving your students with special needs.

Simple K12 can help you upgrade your career through special education professional development. Explore our professional development courses , workshops, conferences, and resources specifically designed to enhance your knowledge in special education.

Get to learn at your own pace and advance your skills to work in a diverse classroom.

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To Access these courses: NASET Members are required to Login and then select the link of the desired course. Visitors may view the course list and explore the description of each course below.

Course Tests and Certificates are accessible only through the online course (upon successful course exam completion).

Please Note: Each of the following National Association of Special Education Teachers' (NASET) professional development courses entitle you to CE Study Hour. Each NASET CE Study Hour is based on the requirements of each course which are rated in hour(s) for reading, comprehension and the completion of an exam at the end of the course. Please be aware that NASET CE Study Hours are not a guarantee of acceptance of evidence of professional development by school districts, since every state and/or school district may have its own standards or requirements.  To verify whether a NASET CE Study Hour is accepted by your school district or state, please contact your local or state education department.

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Naset pdp course list - alphabetical sort, course list in alphbetic order below   - to access category sorted course list - click here, accommodations and modifications (testing), adapting curriculum for students with special needs  - 2 hours, allergies: teachers' roles and responsibilities  - 2 hours, annual & triennial reviews - what special education teachers need to know, anxiety disorders-a basic overview, assistive technology: an overview, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a video lecture course, auditory processing disorders - specific types, auditory processing disorder: staff development brief, autism: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, autism spectrum disorder: an overview for teachers - a video lecture course, behavior problems:  intervention strategies, bipolar disorder, calculation of age - a video lecture course, cognitive disabilities:  helping students find and keep a job, communication and meetings with parents & staff members, communication disorders  - (see learners with communication disorders), deaf-blindness: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, deafness and hearing loss, developmental and psychological disorders in special education, developmental and psychological disorders: educational implications for special education students, developmental delay: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, disabilities in special education:  an overview of exceptional children, dispute resolutions: resolution meetings, mediation and due process hearings - a video lecture course - 2 hours, down syndrome-staff development brief, due process hearings (see dispute resolutions), dyslexia (reading disability)-specific types, dyscalculia (mathematical learning disabilities)-specific types, dysgraphia (writing disability) and dysorthographia (spelling disability) specific types, early intervention and preschool assessment - a video lecture course - 2 hours, eating disorders, eligibility (see evaluation and eligibility of children with suspected disabilities), emotional disturbance, emotional disturbance: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, employment options for students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators  - 2 hours, epilepsy-staff development brief, evaluation and eligibility of children with suspected disabilities - a video lecture course, exceptionality and special education: an overview of terms and concepts - a video lecture course, extended school year services  - 2 hours, factors affecting curriculum for students with special needs, free appropriate public education (fape) - a video lecture course, gifted and talented - (see learners with special gifts and talents), grading students with disabilities, hearing impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, high risk students in the classroom:  identification in the classroom, historical overview of the legal issues in special education - a video lecture course - 2 hours, identification and evaluation of children with suspected disabilities - a video lecture course - 2 hours, identification of children for special education services, iep (individualized education program) development  - 2 hours, iep (individual education program):  an overview, intellectual disabilities (see learners with intellectual disabilties), intellectual disability, intellectual disability: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, introduction to learning disabilities, introduction to students with severe disabilities, learners with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a video lecture course, learner with communication disorders - a video lecture course, learners with intellectual disabilities - a video lecture course, learners with learning disabilities -  a video lecture course, learners with special gifts and talents - a video lecture course, learners with traumatic brain injury - a video lecture course, learning disabilities (see learners with learning disabilities), learning disabilities: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, least restrictive environment: educational placement for children with disabilities - a video lecture course, legal issues in sped - (see historical overview of the legal issues in special education) - 2 hours, mediation (see dispute resolutions) - 2 hours, medication: an overview for professionals in special education, meetings and communication with parents & staff members, methods of assessment in special education - a video lecture course - 2 hours, multiple disabilities: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, new teacher course: meetings and communication with parents and staff members, non-verbal learning disabilities-specific types, orthopedic impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, other health impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, pervasive developmental disorders, postsecondary education and students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators - 2 hours, post traumatic stress disorder-staff development brief, preparing for the start of the school year as a special education teacher, recreation and leisure activities for students with disabilities  - 2 hours, related services - a video lecture course, related services:  an overview, roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher, residential placement options, resolution meetings (see dispute resolutions) - 2 hours, respite care, rett syndrome, schizophrenia, scoring terminology used in assessment - a video lecture course, self determination: a guide for high school educators, self-esteem - understanding the foundations of self-esteem and developing it in the classroom, sensory integration disorders-specific types, social and sexual issues for students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators, special education services: how children are identified, speech and language impairments, speech and language impairments - a video course (see learners with communication disorders), speech and language impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, spina bifida-staff development brief, statistics used in special education - a video lecture course - 2 hours, testing accommodations and modifications, test score interpretation, tourette syndrome, transition planning: a team effort, transition of students with disabilities to postsecondary education, transition services on the iep: a guide for high school educators  - 2 hours, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury - a video lecture course, traumatic brain injury: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, travel training for students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators  - 3 hours, violence and disasters: helping children and adolescents cope, visual impairments:  an overview, visual impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, visual processing disorders - specific types, vocational assessment and training: a guide for high school educators, writing a comprehensive educational report  - 2 hours, i want to start taking course now - join naset, naset pdp course list - category sort, course list in category order below   - to access alphbetical sorted course list - click here, classroom management, adapting curriculum for students with special needs, behavior problems:  intervention strategies, factors affecting curriculum for students with special needs, courses for general education teachers, exceptionality and special education: an overview of terms and concepts  - a video lecture course, free appropriate public education (fape)  - a video lecture course, curriculum issues, extended school year services, disorders and disabilities in special education, anxiety disorders-a basic overview, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  - a video lecture course, auditory processing disorders - specific types, auditory processing disorder: staff development brief, autism: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, autism spectrum disorder: an overview for teachers  - a video lecture course, bipolar disorder, cognitive disabilities:  helping students find and keep a job, communication disorders, deaf-blindness: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, deafness and hearing loss, developmental and psychological disorders in special education, developmental and psychological disorders: educational implications for special education students, developmental delay: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, disabilities in special education:  an overview of exceptional children, down syndrome-staff development brief, dyslexia (reading disability)-specific types, dyscalculia (mathematical learning disabilities)-specific types, dysgraphia (writing disability) and dysorthographia (spelling disability) specific types, early intervention and preschool assessment  - a video lecture course, eating disorders, emotional disturbance, emotional disturbance: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, epilepsy-staff development brief, hearing impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, intellectual disability, intellectual disability: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, introduction to learning disabilities, learner with communication disorders  - a video lecture course, learners with intellectual disabilities  - a video lecture course, learning disabilities: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, medication: an overview for professionals in special education, multiple disabilities: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, non-verbal learning disabilities-specific types, orthopedic impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, other health impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, pervasive developmental disorders, post traumatic stress disorder-staff development brief, rett syndrome, schizophrenia, sensory integration disorders-specific types, special education services: how children are identified, speech and language impairments, spina bifida-staff development brief, tourette syndrome, traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury  - a video lecture course, traumatic brain injury: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, visual impairments:  an overview, visual impairments: criteria for determining eligibility for special education, visual processing disorders - specific types, early intervention, educational evaluations/assessment in special education, calculation of age  - a video lecture course, evaluation and eligibility of children with suspected disabilities  - a video lecture course, identification and evaluation of children with suspected disabilities  - a video lecture course, identification of children for special education services, high risk students in the classroom:  identification in the classroom, methods of assessment in special education  - a video lecture course, scoring terminology used in assessment  - a video lecture course, statistics used in special education  - a video lecture course, testing accommodations and modifications, test score interpretation, writing a comprehensive educational report, assistive technology: an overview, iep (individualized education program) development, iep (individual education program):  an overview, least restrictive environment: educational placement for children with disabilities  - a video lecture course, related services  - a video lecture course, related services:  an overview, inclusion/ integrated co-teaching, allergies: teachers' roles and responsibilities, annual & triennial reviews - what special education teachers need to know, grading students with disabilities, meetings and communication with parents & staff members, legal issues for special education teachers, dispute resolutions: resolution meetings, mediation and due process hearings  - a video lecture course, due process hearings  (see dispute resolutions), historical overview of the legal issues in special education  - a video lecture course, legal issues in sped  - (see historical overview of the legal issues in special education), new teacher courses, communication and meetings with parents & staff members, preparing for the start of the school year as a special education teacher, roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher, parent issues in special education, procedural issues in special education, teacher effectiveness training, employment options for students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators, postsecondary education and students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators, recreation and leisure activities for students with disabilities, residential placement options, respite care, self determination: a guide for high school educators, social and sexual issues for students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators, transition planning: a team effort, transition of students with disabilities to postsecondary education, transition services on the iep: a guide for high school educators, travel training for students with disabilities: a guide for high school educators, vocational assessment and training: a guide for high school educators, working with children with special needs, learners with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a video lecture course, learners with learning disabilities  -  a video lecture course, learners with special gifts and talents  - a video lecture course, learners with traumatic brain injury  - a video lecture course, learning disabilities  (see learners with learning disabilities), adapting curriculum for students with special needs - 2 study hours.

Adapting Curriculum for Students with Special Needs -One of the most important things to keep in mind when working with students with special needs is that they can learn. In many cases, it is not the lack of understanding or knowledge that causes problems but rather the manner of presentation, response requirements, and level of presentation. Adapting curriculum for students with special needs is an essential part of being a special educator. The focus of this NASET Professional Development course will be on various strategies surrounding adaptation of curriculum for students with special needs. After taking this course you will understand the following:

  • Curriculum Adaptations
  • Ways to Adapt Instruction
  • Checklist of Suggestions for Adapting the Curriculum
  • Strategies for Adapting Tests and Quizzes
  • Adapting Response Mode
  • Working with the Child with a Learning Disability in the Classroom
  • Working with the Child with an Emotional Disturbance in the Classroom
  • Working with the Child with Intellectual Disabilities in the Classroom
  • Adapting Grading Systems
  • Reporting to Parents


Allergies: Teachers' Roles and Responsibilities - Teachers have a responsibility to be aware of important information on all their students that may impact their learning or safety. Specifically, many children may have allergies, many of which are life-threatening in nature. When you have a student with a life-threatening allergy in your class, there are issues that you need to understand in order to ensure the safety of that child. Not knowing your responsibilities places the child in jeopardy as well as potential professional and legal implications. Collaboration among parent(s)/guardian(s) and all school departments; including school nursing personnel, teachers, administration, guidance, food service, transportation services, custodial staff, and after school personnel, is essential for a successful school experience for students with life?threatening allergies and other serious health issues. The focus of this NASET Professional Development course will be on understanding life threatening allergies and the roles and responsibilities often seen by teachers when working with children diagnosed with them.


Annual & Triennial Reviews - What Special Education Teachers Need to Know - A very important role for the special education teacher is demonstrated in the annual review and triennial review process. These reviews are a legal responsibility of the district and must be provided to all classified students who reside within the school district. The Annual Review involves a yearly evaluation by the district’s IEP Committee of the student's classification and educational program. Included in these two general areas are a review of related services provided, the need to add or remove test accommodations or modifications, parents concern or requests, academic progress, transportation needs, goals and objectives and the development of a new IEP for the upcoming school year. The Triennial Review Process involves the complete reevaluation of a child classified with a disability every 3 years in order to determine whether or not the conditions upon which the original classification was determined are still evident. This course will prepare you with all the knowledge of what materials and information you will need to make a professional presentation at each of these meetings.


Anxiety Disorders - Anxiety Disorders affect about 40 million American adults age 18 years and older (about 18%) in a given year, causing them to be filled with fearfulness and uncertainty. Unlike the relatively mild, brief anxiety caused by a stressful event (such as speaking in public or a first date), anxiety disorders last at least 6 months and can get worse if they are not treated. Anxiety disorders commonly occur along with other mental or physical illnesses, including alcohol or substance abuse, which may mask anxiety symptoms or make them worse. In some cases, these other illnesses need to be treated before a person will respond to treatment for the anxiety disorder. This course will cover many of the different Anxiety Disorders.

Assistive Technology:  An Overview - As educators, you will need to be responsible for understanding and being aware of the numerous assistive technology (AT) options offered to children with special needs. With the increase of technology in today’s society, nowhere is the use more evident than in the classroom situation. This course will provide an overview of the different assistive technolgies and how they are used for specific disabilities.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that becomes apparent in some children in the preschool and early school years. It is hard for these children to control their behavior and/or pay attention. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of children have ADHD, or approximately 2 million children in the United States. This means that in a classroom of 25 to 30 children, it is likely that at least one will have ADHD.    A child with ADHD faces a difficult but not insurmountable task ahead. In order to achieve his or her full potential, he or she should receive help, guidance, and understanding from parents, guidance counselors, and the public education system.   This course offers information on ADHD and its management, including research on medications and behavioral interventions, as well as helpful resources on educational options.

What you will learn from this one-hour course:

  • Overview of Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Diagnostic symptoms of APD
  • Characteristics of Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Common skills affected
  • Auditory association processing disorder
  • Auditory Blending Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Closure Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Discrimination Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Figure Ground Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Language Classification Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Long Term-Memory Processing Disorder
  • Auditory-to-Written Expression Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Sequential Memory Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Short-Term Memory Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Visual Integration Processing Disorder
  • Auditory Verbal Reproduction Processing Disorder


Auditory Processing Disorder - Staff Development Brief - Auditory processing is a term used to describe what happens when your brain recognizes and interprets the sounds around you. Humans hear when energy that we recognize as sound travels through the ear and is changed into electrical information that can be interpreted by the brain. The "disorder" part of auditory processing disorder means that something is adversely affecting the processing or interpretation of the information. This Staff Development Brief will provide you with a good overview of auditory processing disorder.

Autism - Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) are developmental disabilities that share many of the same characteristics. Usually evident by age three, autism and PDD are neurological disorders that affect a child’s ability to communicate, understand language, play, and relate to others.  Early diagnosis and appropriate educational programs are very important to children with autism or PDD.  This course will provide the reader with a basic overview of autism and PDD and important educational considerations to consider.

Autism: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of autism.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.


Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Overview for Teachers * Video Lecture Course - Under the federal law, IDEA, autism (or autism spectrum disorder; ASD) means a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Characteristics often associated with autism are engaging in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences. The signs of ASD are usually evident in early childhood. Though it is still considered a lifelong diagnosis, with appropriate early intervention, individuals with ASD can lead productive, inclusive, and fulfilling lives. For most parents and professionals, ASD can be a very puzzling and complex disorder. This video lecture course focuses on students with autism spectrum disorders.

Topics covered include:

  • Definition of ASD,
  • Prevalence of ASD
  • Possible causes of ASD
  • Educational programming for students with ASD
  • Characteristics of students with ASD
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Teaching students with ASD

This is a course that contains two video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.


Behavior Problems:  Intervention Strategies - We hear more and more today about the chronic behavior problems of students in our schools. Some of these students have disabilities, some do not. Each needs and deserves help in learning how to behave both in school and outside of school. This course is meant to help schools answer the question, "What does the research tell us?" about promising interventions for students with a history of behavior problems. It's important to know that there is a tremendous body of research available on this subject, covering a wide variety of students, situations, and settings. It is a short overview that you can use and adapt to help your students and develop your own programs. It is helpful to read the original research (such as the articles mentioned here) to learn the details of what works and why.

Bipolar Disorder - Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But there is good news: bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. This course will provide an excellent overview of this crucial topic.


Calculation of Age * A Video Lecture Course * -  Any time you test a child, perhaps the most important piece of information you must obtain is the child’s age at the time of testing (known as Chronological Age). Miscalculating a child’s chronological age will result in faulty interpretations and scores. Therefore, it is necessary to take your time and be sure of a child’s chronological age when determining how old he or she is at the time of testing. The focus of the NASET professional development video course will be on understanding how to calculate a child’s age at the time of testing. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Chronological Age
  • Why Not Just Ask Children Their Ages?
  • Years-Months-Days
  • Right to Left Subtraction Rule
  • Rounding Up Ages
  • Calculation of Age


Cognitive Disabilities:  Helping Students Find and Keep a Job - This course is written for those involved in helping students with cognitive disabilities such as intellectual disability or autism find and keep a job. This includes parents, family members, teachers, transition specialists, job development specialists, employers, and others. It focuses on the processes involved in finding and keeping employment.

Deaf-Blindness: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of deaf-blindness.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Deafness and Hearing Loss - Hearing loss and deafness affect individuals of all ages and may occur at any time from infancy through old age. Hearing impairment and deafness affect approximately 28 million Americans. Of these 28 million, approximately 11 million have significant irreversible hearing loss, and one million are deaf. Only 5% of people with hearing loss are under the age of 17 (Deaf World Web, 2000).  The U.S. Department of Education (2004) reports that, during the 2003–2004 school year, 71,118 students aged 6 to 21 (or 1.2 % of all students with disabilities) received special education services under the category of “hearing impairment.” However, the number of children with hearing loss and deafness is undoubtedly higher, since many of these students may have other disabilities as well and may be served under other categories.  This course is designed to present a basic overview of deafness and hearing loss.

Depression - A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people who suffer from depression. This course will provide you with an excellent overview of this topic.

Developmental and Psychological Disorders in Special Education - In the course of their experience, special educators will encounter a wide variety of developmental and psychological disorders. Many may be caused by intellectual, social, emotional, academic, environmental or medical factors. It is important that you have a basic understanding of the more common ones that may be presented by certain students.  Your knowledge of these conditions can assist parents, doctors, other students in the class as well as the student him/herself.  Understanding the nature of certain disorders can enhance your total understanding of the child and the factors that play a role in the child's educational development. This course will provide a general overview of this topic.

Developmental and Psychological Disorders: Educational Implications for Special Education Students - As special educators you will be working with a wide variety of students with developmental and psychological disorders. One of the main concerns from teachers in special education involves the educational implications for children with these disorders. This course was developed to discuss and provide information on educational implications and what can be done for students with psychological and developmental disorders. 

This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with a developmental delay.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.


Disabilities in Special Education:  An Overview of Students in Special Education -When working with children with special needs it is extremely important that you have a foundation of knowledge about these students and the field of special education. Our experience has shown us that having a foundation of knowledge in this area will make it more comfortable and reassuring as you work with this population. The purpose of  Overview of Students with Disabilities in Special Education course is to provide you with a working knowledge of the varying student disabilities in special education.


Dispute Resolutions: Resolution Meetings, Mediation and Due Process Hearings * Video Lecture Course * - What happens if parents disagree with a school district over their child’s identification, evaluation and/or placement? What happens if the two parties cannot agree on what is “appropriate” for the child? When this occurs, parents can initiate a due process hearing. There, an impartial, trained hearing officer hears the evidence and issues a hearing decision. During a due process hearing, each party has the opportunity to present their views in a formal legal setting, using witnesses, testimony, documents, and legal arguments that each believes is important for the hearing officer to consider in order to decide the issues in the hearing. But there are many steps involved before a matter ever goes to due process. This NASET Professional Development course will focus on dispute resolutions in special education. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Overview of Dispute Resolutions
  • Resolution Process
  • Resolution Meetings
  • Steps Involved in Mediation
  • Confidentiality and Mediation
  • Due Process Hearings
  • “Impartial” and its Meaning
  • Parent Rights in Due Process Hearings
  • Decisions Made by Hearing Officers

Down Syndrome-Staff Development Brief - Down syndrome is the most common and readily identifiable chromosomal condition associated with intellectual disability. It is caused by a chromosomal abnormality: for some unexplained reason, an accident in cell development results in 47 instead of the usual 46 chromosomes. This course will present a basic overview of Down Syndrome.

  • Overview of Dyslexia
  • Diagnostic Symptoms
  • Complications
  • Further Key Points
  • Auditory Linguistic Dyslexia
  • Direct Dyslexia
  • Dyseidetic Dyslexia (Visual Dyslexia, Dyseidesia or Surface Dyslexia)
  • Dysnemkinesia Dyslexia
  • Dysphoneidetic Dyslexia (Mixed Dyseidetic and Dysphonetic Dyslexia)
  • Dysphonetic Dyslexia (Dysphonesia or Auditory Dyslexia)
  • Neglect Dyslexia
  • Phonological Dyslexia

Dyscalculia (Mathematical Learning Disabilities)-Specific Types - What you will learn from this one-hour course course:

  • Overview of Dyscalculia (math disability)
  • Diagnostic symptoms
  • Abstract Concepts Dyscalculia
  • Attention-to-Sequence Dyscalculia
  • Basic Number Fact Dyscalculia
  • Developmental Anarithmetria (Incorrect Operation Dyscalculia)
  • Estimation Dyscalculia
  • Language Dyscalculia
  • Measurement Dyscalculia
  • Monetary Dyscalculia
  • Navigation Dyscalculia
  • Number-Word Translation Dyscalculia
  • Spatial Dyscalculia
  • Temporal Dyscalculia
  • Overview of Dysgraphia (writing disability)
  • Definition of Dysgraphia
  • Dyslexic Dysgraphia
  • Motor Dysgraphia
  • Spatial Dysgraphia
  • Dysorthographia (spelling disability)
  • Definition of dysorthographia
  • Further key points


Early Intervention and Preschool Assessment * Video Lecture Course * - In 1986, Congress created a nationwide incentive for states to implement coordinated systems of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families by enacting P.L. 99-457. This is currently known as Part C of IDEIA. Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act provides financial assistance to states for the purpose of providing services to infants and toddlers (age birth through two) with disabilities. The purpose of these services is to enhance the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities and to minimize their potential for developmental delay. Referral to early intervention services can be based on objective criteria, screening tests, or clinical suspicion. Under IDEIA (Part C), individual states retain the right to determine eligibility criteria for early intervention services, and some require referral within a certain time period. This NASET professional development video course focuses on the importance of early intervention, as well as discussing some of the key issues in preschool assessment. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Overview and purpose of early intervention
  • Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
  • Eligibility criteria for early intervention services
  • Evaluation of infants and toddlers for early intervention services
  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
  • Purpose of the initial IFSP process
  • Notice required to families for an IFSP meeting
  • Timeline corresponding with an IFSP
  • Contents of an IFSP
  • Early intervention services available to infants and toddlers
  • IFSP Reviews
  • Transition from early intervention to preschool settings
  • Overview of preschool assessment
  • The challenge of preschool assessment
  • Working with families

This is a course that contains four video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.

Eating Disorders - Eating is controlled by many factors, including appetite, food availability, family, peer, and cultural practices, and attempts at voluntary control. Dieting to a body weight leaner than needed for health is highly promoted by current fashion trends, sales campaigns for special foods, and in some activities and professions. Eating disorders involve serious disturbances in eating behavior, such as extreme and unhealthy reduction of food intake or severe overeating, as well as feelings of distress or extreme concern about body shape or weight. This course will provide the educator with an excellent overview of this very important topic.

Emotional Distrurbance - Many terms are used to describe emotional, behavioral or mental disorders. Currently, students with such disorders are categorized as having an emotional disturbance. This course will present a basic overview of students with emotional disturbance.

Emotional Disturbance: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education  - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of emotional disturbance.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Employment Options for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for High School Educators - NASET offers a Professional Development Course on vocational assessment titled, Vocational Assessment and Training: A Guide for High School Educators . If you have not yet taken that course, it might be in your best interest to do so before taking this one, as it will lay the foundation for the principles to be discussed.

Once a vocational assessment process is complete, a student with a disability should be presented with a variety of training and work options, depending upon the results of the evaluation. Many options and directions are available.

This NASET Professional Development Course provides an overview of employment options and procedures necessary for the preparation of a student with disabilities to adult life. After reading this section, you should understand the following:

  • Internships and Apprenticeships
  • Adult education
  • Trade and Technical Schools
  • Competitive Employment
  • Supported Employment
  • How Do Parents Know If Their Children Need Supported Employment?
  • Sheltered Workshops
  • Other Avenues to Employment
  • Volunteering
  • International Exchange Programs
  • The Military
  • Starting and Maintaining a Business
  • Job Search Methods
  • Developing a Resume
  • Job Application Forms
  • Ways of Finding a Job
  • Applying and Interviewing for Jobs

Epilepsy-Staff Development Brief - According to the Epilepsy Foundation of America, epilepsy is a physical condition that occurs when there is a sudden, brief change in how the brain works. When brain cells are not working properly, a person's consciousness, movement, or actions may be altered for a short time. These physical changes are called epileptic seizures. Epilepsy is therefore sometimes called a seizure disorder. Epilepsy affects people in all nations and of all races. This course will present a basic overview of students with epilepsy.


Evaluation and Eligibility of Children with Suspected Disabilities - A Video Lecture Course - The process of a child moving from general education to special education has many steps. The federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets forth very specific steps and procedures to ensure that children with suspected disabilities are evaluated for special education and determined eligible for services in a step-by-step manner. Each step along the way often has many parts, and it is imperative as a teacher that you understand the nature of the special education process involving evaluation and eligibility. This NASET professional development course will focus on the identification, evaluation and eligibility of children with suspected disabilities. After watching this video lecture, you should understand the following:

  • Indicators of Children Who May Have a Suspected Disability and Need an Evaluation
  • How Students Are Identified For An Evaluation For A Suspected Disability
  • Child Study Teams (CST)
  • Parental Consent
  • Consent v. Agreement
  • Evaluation Standard
  • Multidisciplinary Teams
  • Discriminatory Evaluations
  • Validity and Reliability
  • Standardization
  • Comprehensive Evaluations
  • Testing and Report Writing in Native Language
  • Eligibility
  • Eligibility Committees
  • Annual and Triennial Reviews

This course contains four video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.


Exceptionality and Special Education: An Overview of Terms and Concepts - A Video Lecture Course - Special education is instruction that is specially designed to meet the unique needs of children who have disabilities. Special education and related services are provided in public schools at no cost to the parents and can include special instruction in the classroom, at home, in hospitals or institutions, or in other settings. This definition of special education comes from IDEA, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This law gives eligible children with disabilities the right to receive special services and assistance in school. Almost 7 million children ages 3 through 21 receive special education and related services each year in the United States. This lecture focuses on an overview of terms and concepts of importance in special education.

  • definition of special education
  • exceptionality
  • disability classifications
  • gender issues in special education
  • internalizing and externalizing behaviors
  • using correct language
  • accommodations and modifications
  • expectations for special educators
  • universal design for learning
  • the difference between a disability and a handicap

This course contains two video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.

Extended School Year Services - Congress enacted the Education of All Handicapped Children’s Act in 1975 to ensure that all children with disabilities receive FAPE. In 1991, with the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Congress reiterated that central standard. Inherent in the provision of FAPE is the principle that education must be individualized to meet the unique needs of each child. Because each child’s education is determined by an IEP team, specific criteria for the determination of the need for ESY were not prescribed by IDEA.

As the school year ends, parents may want to know if their children are entitled to Extended School Year Services (ESY). These services are provided to children with special needs that the school feels may lose his/her knowledge of what they learned over the summer months unless they are given added services during this time. The need for ESY services must be determined on an individual basis by the CSE.

Some students with disabilities have difficulty retaining skills during long school holidays and/or summer. If a student requires a significant amount of time to recoup mastered skills, then the IEP committee should discuss whether the student needs extended educational and/or related services during school breaks.

The determination of whether a child will receive ESY services will be made by the IEP committee; and the individualized education program (IEP) developed for ESY must include goals and objectives.

This program of services is paid for by the district and is of no cost to parents. Because of the nature of such services, all cases are determined on an individual basis, since these services will not be required by all students with disabilities. Such services are given only when the child meets certain criteria outlined by law and district policy.

Any decision regarding needed ESY programming must consider the child's history of significant regression and limited recoupment capability.  In other words, the IEP Team must look backward and forward when considering the need for ESY programming.

In addition to significant regression (the significant loss of knowledge) and/or limited recoupment (the ability to gain back what is lost), courts have set forth other ESY criteria to be applied by a Team, as follows:

  • the degree of the child's impairment
  • the parents' ability to provide structure at home
  • the child's rate of progress
  • the child's specific behavior and/or physical problems
  • the availability of alternative resources
  • the child's ability to interact with non-disabled children
  • the specific curricular areas in which the child needs continuing attention
  • the vocational and transition needs of the child
  • whether the service requested is "extraordinary" rather than usual in consideration of the child's condition.

Only when all factors are considered together by the child's Team can a determination be made as to how much service will be offered.

When there is no previous record of a child's substantial regression after a significant break in service, a Team should still consider the need for an ESY program if the following circumstances are present:

  • there is lack of progress in meeting short-term objectives over two marking periods, resulting in little or no progress made over the school year
  • there are significant regression/recoupment problems over short-term vacation periods or other breaks in the school year, and /or
  • the unique nature of any specially designed instruction or related services due to the disability of the student requires such extended school year programming.

Since proposed ESY programming must take into account the probability of substantial regression, school districts should ensure that special education service providers maintain quantitative and qualitative data regarding the child, including anecdotal records on the rates of both learning and relearning, as well as a child's attainment of IEP goals and objectives.

The focus of this NASET Professional Development Course will be on extended school year services. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Definition of Extended School Year Services
  • What are NOT ESY Services
  • Eligibility for Extended School Year Programs and Services
  • Obligation to Provide Extended School Year Programs
  • Deciding if a Student Needs Extended School Year Services
  • IEPs and ESY
  • Programs and Services with ESY
  • Length of Time for ESY
  • Recreational Programs and ESY
  • Specialized Instruction and ESY
  • Transition Services and ESY
  • Paraprofessionals and ESY
  • Concluding Thoughts

Factors Affecting Curriculum for Students with Special Needs - As a general education teacher working with students with special needs you will be heavily involved in teaching curriculum. It is therefore important that you understand the many factors that may sometimes interfere in the ability of these students to perform up to their ability while in school. Children are faced with many pressures everyday and as a result these pressures may play a role in their ability to fully concentrate in school. What you notice as a general education teacher may only be symptoms of these pressures i.e. procrastination, avoidance, resistance, lack of completion of a task, lack of attention etc. However, the real reasons behind these behaviors should be known by you so that you can, along with the special education teacher, make accommodations or adaptations to the curriculum to help these students succeed. This course is geared to informing you of the 8 factors that contribute to problems in curriculum performance by students with special needs.


Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) - A Video Lecture Course - Prior to the passage of P.L. 94-142, many students with disabilities were excluded from school entirely, and many others were offered an education that was not appropriate to their needs. ? When P.L. 94-142 was enacted in 1975, it required that States submit plans that assured all students with disabilities the right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Today, IDEIA requires that all States demonstrate that they have in effect “a policy that assures all children with disabilities the right to a free appropriate public education.” But what really is a FAPE? What’s mandated in order to provide FAPE to all children receiving special education? The focus of this NASET video course will be to discuss in detail a free appropriate public education.

  • Introduction to FAPE
  • Definition of FAPE
  • “Free”--Education Be At No Cost To The Parent
  • Hendrick Hudson District Board of Education v. Rowley
  • Educational Benefit
  • Cadillac v. Chevrolet argument
  • Best v. Appropriate
  • Defining An “Appropriate” Education
  • Graduation and FAPE

This course contains three video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.

Grading Students with Disabilities - Grading is best understood as a shorthand method of communicating complicated information about student learning and progress. A grade, such as a grade on a report card, is a summary of a teacher’s judgment of the adequacy of a student’s achievement at a particular point in time. Report card grades should reflect a student’s achievement relative to the curriculum standards he or she is working toward. When parents, teachers, or schools raise issues of grading fairness and equity, it is often the result of confusion regarding the purposes for grades, and whether a “one-size-fits-all “grading system can work for learners with special needs, including those with learning disabilities. For a grading system to be fair and equitable, it must have as its philosophical basis a belief that fairness is defined as maintaining equity and meeting individual needs – not necessarily as “equality,” which is treating all students exactly the same (Great Schools, 2015). Grading students with disabilities poses additional dilemmas. Grading systems used in general education classes are usually ill-equipped for individualization to meet the needs of a particular student, and research has documented that special education students in general education classes are at risk of receiving low or failing grades. General and special educators often fail to collaborate effectively to coordinate the general grading system with the accommodations and modifications required under a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). Even when a classroom teacher wants to individualize a grading system for a student with a disability, the teacher often lacks knowledge of how to do it. Thus, many students with disabilities receive inaccurate and unfair grades that provide little meaningful information about their achievement. The focus of this NASET professional development course will be on issues pertaining to grading students with disabilities and recommendations for teachers.

Hearing Impairments: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of hearing impairments.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.


High Risk Students in the Classroom:  Identification in the Classroom - One of the most important tools that an educator can possess is the understanding of symptoms exhibited by students that may indicate a high risk situation. While you may be involved with children with disabilities, you can often not help but see, hear about, or uncover a child that is struggling in school and whose problems may be going unnoticed.  Whether these high risk students have potential educational disabilities or other issues that may require intervention, the faster the child is identified the better chance he/she has in avoiding serious and long lasting problems. Therefore it is imperative that special educators have a pulse on the “red flag” symptoms that high risk children exhibit. This course will provide an overview of the process for identification of High Risk Students.


Historical Overview of the Legal Issues in Special Education - Generally, over the years, special education has been restructured and transformed by legislation. Today, we have a federal special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA was originally enacted by Congress in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free appropriate public education, just like other children. An “appropriate” education differs for each child with a disability because it is based on his or her individual needs. IDEA specifies in some detail how school systems and parents are to plan the education that each child receives so that it is appropriate—meaning, responsive to the child’s needs. The plan that parents and school staff develop is documented in writing through the individualized education program (IEP), which the school is then responsible for carrying out.  IDEA has been revised many times since 1975 and it remains the cornerstone of special education. But how did we get to this law? The path was not an easy one. This lecture takes teachers through the history of special education and how state and federal laws were enacted.

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
  • 14th Amendment of the US Constitution
  • 1960s—What happened during that time regarding special education?
  • Parc v. Commonwealth of PA
  • Mills vs. Board of Education of D.C.
  • Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act
  • P.L. 94-142
  • Six key provisions of P.L. 94-142
  • Key points about P.L. 99-457
  • Definition of Reauthorization
  • Today under IDEIA—What do we know?

This course contains five video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.


Identification and Evaluation of Children with Suspected Disabilities * Video Lecture Course * - The identification and evaluation of a child with a suspected disability is a critical step in the special education process.Under IDEIA 2004, each local education agency (LEA) must establish procedures by which children in need of special education and related services are identified. These are known as “Child Find” efforts. States are left to develop their own identification procedures, but IDEIA requires an active effort to identify children in need of special education services. Evaluation procedures determine “whether the child has a disability and the nature and extent of the special education and related services that the child needs.” The evaluation of a child for a suspected disability must be individualized, meaning that the procedures and methods of evaluation must address a student’s unique needs, rather than be a general assessment that can be used interchangeably with all students. The focus of this NASET video professional development course will address the step-by-step process in the identification and evaluation of a child with a suspected disability. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Overview of the evaluation of a child with a suspected disability
  • Evaluation Standards Under IDEA
  • Multidisciplinary teams (MDT)
  • Reliability
  • Components of a Comprehensive Evaluation
  • Eligibility Meetings
  • Parent Refusal to Consent

Identification of Children for Special Education Services - In order to survive as a general education teacher working with children with special needs, it is important to become very familiar with the process by which children are identified as having a disability. This process is called the special education process and involves a number of steps that must follow federal, state, and district guidelines. These guidelines have been created to protect the rights of students, parents and school districts and as a result you must be knowledgeable to assist parents and students through this involved process. Working together within these guidelines ensures a comprehensive assessment of a student and the proper special education services and modifications if required. When a student is having difficulty in school, there are many attempts made by the professional staff to resolve the problem. When these interventions do not work, a more extensive look at the student is required.

After taking this course you will:

  • Know the purpose of the special education process
  • Know about identifying high risk children
  • Know how referral are made for a suspected disability
  • Know the sources of referrals to the Child Study Team
  • Know about Child Study Teams
  • Know the membership of the Child Study Team
  • Know the options of the Child Study Team
  • Know about Pre-Referral Strategy Plans


IEP (Individualized Education Program) Development - The centerpiece of IDEIA is the requirement that each student receiving special education and related services has an individualized education program (IEP). The contents of the IEP are designed to provide a road map for the child's educational programming during the course of the coming year. The IEP is the primary mechanism for ensuring that students receive an appropriate education. An IEP summarizes all the information gathered concerning the student, sets the expectations of what the student will learn over the next year and describes the special education and related services the student will receive. The development of an IEP is a collaborative effort between the LEA and parents to ensure that a student's special education program will be appropriate and meet his or her individual unique needs. IDEIA spells out very clearly the required components of an IEP. This NASET Professional Development course will address the required components of an IEP under IDEIA. Topics covered include:

  • The child's present levels of educational performance
  • A statement of measurable annual goals
  • A description of how the child's progress toward meeting the annual goals will be measured
  • A statement of the special education placement, related services, and assistive technology services to be provided.
  • An explanation of the extent, if any, to which the child will not participate with children without disabilities
  • A statement of any accommodations or modifications in the administration of state or district-wide assessments of student achievement
  • The projected date for the beginning of the services and modifications, and the anticipated frequency, location, and duration of those services and modifications.
  • Transfer Rights at the Age of Majority

Finally, the course will conclude with a discussion of early intervention and the development of IFSPs.

This course contains six video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.


IEP (Individual Education Program):  An Overview - As general education teachers involved with students with special needs you have been given a very important responsibility in the education of these children. Our experience has shown that the resistance to working with children with disabilities usually develops from a lack of understanding, education, and skill knowledge on the part of the teachers. Once general education teachers are provided these skills and knowledge they can offer a tremendous amount to students with special needs in an inclusion setting, a mainstream setting for a child in a special education class, or in collaboration with the resource room teacher who the child sees every day from your class. The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) written for every child with special needs. While you may never be asked to write an IEP, you will provide certain information that will be included into the final version. In order to make this a very practical course we will assume nothing and explain everything that we feel you will need to know to have a working knowledge of this area of special education.

Intellectual Disability- Intellectual Disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children with Intellectual Disability may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and take care of their personal needs such as dressing or eating. They are likely to have trouble learning in school. They will learn, but it will take them longer. There may be some things they cannot learn. This course will present a basic overview of students with Intellectual Disability.

Introduction to Learning Disabilities - Learning disability is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. A learning disability can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. Almost 3 million children (ages 6 through 21) have some form of a learning disability and receive special education in school. In fact, over half of all children who receive special education have a learning disability. This course will provide you with a basic understanding of learning disabilities.  The content includes a general overview on learning disabilities pertaining to the IDEA definition , prevalence, causes, signs and characteristics, types, detection, and treatment.

Introduction to Students with Severe Disabilities - This course will cover information that will introduce you to the population of students with severe disabilities. However, to understand who is included in this population we must first clarify several concepts, definitions, and foundational issues.

At the end of this course you should:

  • Understand the legal rights of persons with severe/profound disabilities.
  • Have knowledge of the physical, cognitive, and learning characteristics of persons with severe/profound disabilities
  • Understand the difference between high and low incidence disabilities
  • Understand students classified with a 504 Accommodation Plan
  • Understand students not classified under special education who have special educational needs.
  • Understand the causes of severe disabilities
  • Understand the characteristics of students with severe disabilities
  • Understand what teachers can do when working with students with severe disabilities

The next several sections will deal with foundational principles and information that you will need to know to fully understand the population of students with severe disabilities and the related items that are required in dealing with this population.

Intellectual Disability: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of Intellectual Disability.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.


Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder * Video Lecture Course * - ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active. It is disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Scientists are studying cause(s) and risk factors in an effort to find better ways to manage and reduce the chances of a person having ADHD. The cause(s) and risk factors for ADHD are unknown. This NASET professional development is a video lecture course focusing on teaching students with ADHD.  Topics covered include:

  • Definition of ADHD
  • Types of ADHD
  • Inattention
  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsivity
  • Diagnosis of ADHD
  • Problems associated with ADHD
  • Treatment recommendations
  • Medications
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Educational interventions


Learners with Communication Disorders * Video Lecture Course * - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, defines the term “speech or language impairment” as follows: “Speech or language impairment means a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.” There are many kinds of speech and language disorders that can affect children. The characteristics of speech or language impairments will vary depending upon the type of impairment involved. There may also be a combination of several problems. Communication skills are at the heart of the education experience. Eligible students with speech or language impairments will often receive special education and related services. The types of supports and services provided can vary a great deal from student to student, just as speech-language impairments do. Special education and related services are planned and delivered based on each student’s individualized educational and developmental needs. This lecture focuses on students with communication disorders (speech and language impairments).

  • Definition of a speech and language impairment,
  • Differences between speech versus language
  • Types of speech disorders
  • Characteristics of speech disorders
  • Language disorders
  • Characteristics of language disorders
  • Causes of communication disorders
  • Teaching strategies for students with communication disorders


Learners with Intellectual Disabilities * Video Lecture Course - This NASET professional development course will provide an overview of learners with intellectual disabilities. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

Definition of intellectual disabilities Prevalence of intellectual disabilities Levels and Intensities of Support Degrees of intellectual disabilities Causes of intellectual disabilities Characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities Classroom management strategies for children with intellectual disabilities


Learners with Learning Disabilities - A Video Lecture Course - Learning disability is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. A learning disability can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. Learning disabilities (LD) vary from person to person. One person with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another person with LD. As many as 1 out of every 5 people in the United States has a learning disability. Almost 1 million children (ages 6 through 21) have some form of a learning disability and receive special education in school. In fact, more than one-third of all children who receive special education have a learning disability. This NASET professional development course focuses on teaching students with learning disabilities.  Topics covered include:

  • Definition of learning disabilities
  • Processing disorders
  • Visual processing disorders
  • Auditory processing disorders
  • Processing speed
  • Types of learning disabilities
  • Discrepancy formulas
  • Causes of learning disabilities
  • Characteristics of children with learning disabilities
  • Teaching strategies for children with learning disabilities


Learners with Special Gifts and Talents - A Video Lecture Course - According to the National Association for Gifted Children, “children are gifted when their ability is significantly above the norm for their age. Giftedness may manifest in one or more domains such as; intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or in a specific academic field such as language arts, mathematics or science…It is important to note that not all gifted children look or act alike. Giftedness exists in every demographic group and personality type. It is important that adults look hard to discover potential and support gifted children as they reach for their personal best.” There is no standard global definition of what constitutes a gifted student. Multiple definitions of giftedness are used by different groups. Most of these definitions select the students who are the most skilled or talented in a given area, e.g., the students with the most skill or talent in music, language, logical reasoning, or mathematics. Being gifted and talented does not fall into one of the 13 classifications of special education, however, these children are still considered “exceptional children”. The focus of this NASET professional development course will be on learners with special gifts and talents.

  • Definition of gifted and talented
  • Bright versus gifted students
  • Key points on giftedness
  • Teaching strategies for gifted students


Learners with Traumatic Brain Injury - A Video Lecture Course -

Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), defines traumatic brain injury “as an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psycho-social behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. The term does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or to brain injuries induced by birth trauma.” A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by the head being hit by something or shaken violently. This injury can change how the person acts, moves, and thinks. A traumatic brain injury can also change how a student learns and acts in school. The signs of brain injury can be very different depending on where the brain is injured and how severely. Although TBI is very common, many medical and education professionals may not realize that some difficulties can be caused by a childhood brain injury. Often, students with TBI are thought to have a learning disability, emotional disturbance, or an intellectual disability. As a result, they don’t receive the type of educational help and support they really need. This NASET professional development course will provide teachers with an overview of TBI.

  • Educational Definition of Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Types of TBI—Open Head Injury
  • Types of TBI—Closed Head Injuries
  • Causes of TBI
  • Deficits Resulting from TBI
  • Educational Concerns for Students with TBI
  • Classroom Management Strategies

This course contains a video lecture, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.

Learning Disabilities: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of specific learning disabilities.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.


Least Restrictive Environment: Educational Placement for Children with Disabilities - Placement decisions for students with disabilities are to be based on an existing IEP, and therefore must be made after the development of the IEP. IDEIA contains several requirements governing the location of the educational placement. Perhaps most important, IDEIA requires that children with disabilities must be educated with those without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. This requirement applies to nonacademic activities and extracurricular activities, for example, lunch and recess, as well as academic activities. The requirement that “children with disabilities must be educated with those without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate” is referred to as the Least Restrictive Environment or the LRE. The least restrictive environment is composed of various continuums of placements that range from least restrictive to most restrictive. This NASET Professional Development course will focus on the least restrictive environment (LRE). After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Overview of LRE
  • Inclusion Classrooms
  • Resource Rooms
  • Special Education Classroom (Self-Contained Classrooms)
  • Residential Facilities
  • Hospital and Homebound Instruction
  • Determining Placement of a Student
  • Annual Reviews
  • Changing Educational Placements
  • Extended School Year Services

Medication: An Overview for Professionals in Special Education - It is important for you to be well informed about medications. You should always be aware that you are to never give advice in any form concerning medications and any questions asked of you about medications should be referred to the child’s doctor. You should know what medications your students take and the dosage, and learn everything you can about them. Almost any substance that can change behavior can cause harm if used in the wrong amount or frequency of dosing, or in a bad combination. Drugs differ in the speed, duration of action, and in their margin for error. As a teacher, you may be the first person to recognize these problematic symptoms or side effects. This course is designed to help special education teachers understand how and why medications can be used as part of the treatment of mental health problems and how they may effect the student in your classroom.


Methods of Assessment in Special Education * Video Lecture Course * - Assessment in special education is a process that involves collecting information about a student for the purpose of making decisions. Assessment is primarily a problem-solving process. There are many different types of assessment methods used in the assessment process. Special educators need to be very aware of the various methods of assessment used in special education, along with their specific advantages and disadvantages. This NASET video professional development course will provide you with the most common types of assessment methods. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Definition of assessment
  • Observations
  • Types of observations
  • Observational techniques
  • Advantages and disadvantages of observations
  • Types of interviews
  • Advantages and disadvantages of interviews
  • Portfolio assessments
  • Types of portfolio assessments
  • Norm-referenced tests
  • Criterion-references tests

This is a course that contains five video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.

Multiple Disabilities: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of multiple disabilities.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.


New Teacher Course: Meetings and Communication with Parents and Staff Members - Research suggests that many of the fears that parents have regarding their children starting the school year may be alleviated by a meeting before the start of school. This would allow you, as a teacher, to get to know the parents on a more personal level, allow them to meet you on a more comfortable basis, give you an opportunity to discuss any fears or concerns, give you an opportunity to find out their child’s interests and strengths, and break down barriers that come with fear of starting school.

If you can begin this process a week before school, then consider sending home a letter to parents introducing yourself and inviting them in to the room or to just come in and get to know each other. However, you will want to make sure that your classroom is set up so that each parent gets a good feeling of organization and comfort. Keep this meeting very informal.

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities-Specific Types - What you will learn from this one-hour course:

  • Overview of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • Definition of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • Description of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • Who is affected by Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • Motoric Nonverbal Learning Disability
  • Social Nonverbal Learning Disability
  • Visual-Spatial-Organizational Nonverbal Learning Disability

Orthopedic Impairments: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of orthopedic impairments.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Other Health Impairments: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of other health impairments.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders -  As a result of the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) being published, the term Pervasive Developmental Disorder is no longer used in the nomenclature. However, since people still refer to it, we are presenting a history of PDD in this course. The term Pervasive Developmental Disorders was first used in the 1980s to describe a class of disorders. This class of disorders has in common the following characteristics: impairments in social interaction, imaginative activity, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and a limited number of interests and activities that tend to be repetitive. Over the past few years, PDD has become a subject of increased attention among parents, professionals, and policymakers across the country. This course is designed to answer some of the most commonly asked questions regarding PDD and to provide concerned individuals with other resources for information and support.

Postsecondary Education And Students With Disabilities: A Guide For High School Educators- Several years ago, students with disabilities had limited choices when it came to choose a college or university that could provide accommodations. With the advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the disabilities rights movement, accommodations for students with disabilities became commonplace. Now, one can apply to several different types of postsecondary educational institutions.

Colleges offer an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to continue their education and earn tangible evidence of education such as a certificate or degree. Junior and community colleges offer a variety of courses that, upon successful completion of the prescribed courses, may lead to a certificate or associate degree. Community colleges are publicly funded, have either no or low-cost tuition, and offer a wide range of programs, including vocational and occupational courses. They exist in or near many communities; generally, the only admissions requirement is a high school diploma or its equivalent. Junior colleges are usually privately supported, and the majority provides programs in the liberal arts field. Four-year colleges and universities offer programs of study that lead to a bachelor's degree after successful completion of four years of prescribed course work.

In high school, the school district was responsible for providing any or all support services necessary for an individual with disabilities to participate in the educational process. The college or university does not have the same legal obligation. They are required by law to provide any reasonable accommodation that may be necessary for those with disabilities to have equal access to educational opportunities and services available to peers without disabilities, if requested.

Title II of the ADA covers state-funded schools such as universities, community colleges, and vocational schools. Title III covers private colleges and vocational schools. If a school receives federal dollars, regardless of whether it is private or public, it is also covered by the regulation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, requiring schools to make their programs accessible to qualified students with disabilities.

Under the provisions of Section 504, universities and colleges may not:

  • limit the number of students with disabilities
  • make preadmission inquiries as to whether an applicant is disabled
  • exclude a qualified student with a disability from a course of study
  • discriminate in administering scholarships, fellowships and so on, on the basis of a disability
  • establish rules or policies that may adversely affect students with disabilities

For college students with disabilities, academic adjustments may include adaptations in the way specific courses are conducted, the use of auxiliary equipment, and support staff and modifications in academic requirements. These modifications may include:

  • removing architectural barriers
  • providing services such as readers, qualified interpreters, or note takers for deaf or hard-of-hearing students
  • providing modifications, substitutions, or waivers of courses, major fields of study, or degree requirements on a case-by-case basis
  • allowing extra time to complete exams
  • using alternative forms for students to demonstrate course mastery
  • permitting the use of computer software programs or other assistive technological devices to facilitate test-taking and study skills

The focus of this NASET Professional Development Course will be to cover the following areas related to postsecondary education and students with disabilities:

  • Disability-Related Support Services
  • Social Skills
  • Financial Aid
  • Disability Related Expenses
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Financial Aid
  • Issues to Consider When Looking into Postsecondary Education
  • Frequently Asked Questions about the Admissions Process
  • Checklist for Assessing Colleges for Accessibility
  • Accommodations for Specific Disabilities
  • Distance Learning and Adults with Disabilities
  • Enrolling in a Distance Learning Program Selecting a Program
  • Access to the Student Services at the College
  • Conclusion:  Keys to Success

Preparing For The Start Of The School Year As A Special Education Teacher - The best advice in preparing for a new school year is to begin as early as possible. There are many things that you can do before the start of school that will facilitate your experience and make the school year more productive for you and your students. The first day of school should not be the first day you learn about your students. This would be a major mistake and will inevitably make classroom management more difficult.  The focus of this course is to address how to prepare for the beginning of the school year. After taking this course you should understand the following steps involved in classroom preparation:

STEP #1:  Learn About Your Incoming Students

STEP #2: Learn the Number and Types of Schools Attended by Each Student

STEP #3: Review Available Medical Records

STEP #4: Review Each Student’s Permanent Record Folder

STEP #5: Review Past Teachers’ Reports or Comments

STEP #6: Review Prior Report Cards

STEP #7: Review Standardized Test Scores (Both Individual and Group)

STEP #8: Review, Very Carefully, Each Student’s IEP (Individualized Educational Program)

Recreation And Leisure Activities For Students With Disabilities - Studies indicate that between 12 and 20 percent of the American population - perhaps 40 million people - have some type of disability. That's a huge segment of U.S. society that historically has been denied access to outdoor recreation - by facilities built with only able-bodied people in mind, by a lack of special equipment and by a lack of special consideration.

In recent years, however, two things have helped open the outdoors to individuals with disabilities: First, across the nation there are several nonprofit groups with the mission of improving the quality of life for people with disabilities by providing opportunities for outdoor recreation, often using specially adapted equipment.

Another door to the outside opened in 1990, when Congress passed the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act. It ensures basic civil rights for individuals with disabilities, and requires that, on any facility built for public use, reasonable efforts be made to provide access to people with a lack of mobility.

Since then, hundreds of outdoor recreational facilities built with government funds have been designed to make access easier for the wheelchair-bound and people using walkers, canes or crutches.

Armed with the law, activists for individuals with disabilities began lobbying state and local agencies for other opportunities. Access for individuals with disabilities in the outdoors has multiplied exponentially with the construction of state and federal projects. In this NASET Professional Development Course, you will learn about:

  • Overview of Leisure Options
  • Importance of Leisure
  • Activities to Explore
  • Fitness Activities
  • Home Activities
  • Community Activities
  • · Sports Activities
  • Issues for Special Educators
  • Planning for Success
  • Considerations Before Embarking on New Leisure Pursuits
  • Advantages of Special Leisure Programs
  • Individual Concerns When Faced with Leisure Activities
  • Mastering Leisure Activity Skills

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-Staff Development Brief - A diagnosis of PTSD means that an individual experienced an event that involved a threat to one's own or another's life or physical integrity and that this person responded with intense fear, helplessness, or horror. There are a number of traumatic events that have been shown to cause PTSD in children and adolescents. Children and adolescents may be diagnosed with PTSD if they have survived natural and man made disasters such as floods; violent crimes such as kidnapping, rape or murder of a parent, sniper fire, and school shootings; motor vehicle accidents such as automobile and plane crashes; severe burns; exposure to community violence; war; peer suicide; and sexual and physical abuse. This Professional Development Course will provide you with a good overview of this very important topic.

RELATED SERVICES - A Video Lecture Course

Related Services - A Video Lecture Course -

Related services help children with disabilities benefit from their special education by providing extra help and support in needed areas, such as speaking or moving. Related services are defined in IDEIA as: “transportation, and such developmental, corrective and other supportive services….as may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education.” Related services must be provided to all eligible children in special education. But, just because a child is in special education doesn’t mean he/she will be eligible for related services. IDEIA includes a long list of related services that schools must provide to students who need them to receive a meaningful education. It is important to note, however, that this list does not include all of the services which a school district may be required to provide. The focus of this NASET professional development course will be to address some of the most common related services offered to children with disabilities. After taking this course you should understand the following:

  • Overview of related services
  • Transportation
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Psychological and Counseling Service
  • Occupational and Physical Therapy (OT/PT)
  • Orientation and Mobility Services
  • Medical Services
  • School health service
  • Parent counseling
  • Travel training


Related Services: An Overview -  What, precisely, are related services, and why are they an important part of educating children with disabilities? Who is eligible for related services, and how are related services delivered? This course examines the answers to these and other questions.

Residential Placement Options -  There may be times after a student with disabilities leaves secondary education when parents will have to explore housing alternatives other than the family home. A variety of motivations for this decision may include the following:

The physical, medical, economic, and psychological resources of some families to care for the needs of a family member with disabilities may diminish over time.

The need to foster independence and autonomy may dictate the desirability of separate housing.

Parents who are confronted with the need for residential options may face a confusing and sometimes overwhelming fund of information. A large part of this confusion is attributable to the variety of terms used to describe these available programs, i.e, group homes or community residences.

Three major factors will influence the types of service available to persons with disabilities.

First, some residential services are available only to those who are eligible for medical assistance and county services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Second, service options are based on the level of care needed. The family subsidy program aids families in keeping children with disabilities at home rather than placing them in a residential facility. For those who need some supervision and training to live independently but do not need care 24 hours a day, semi-independent Living Services (SILLS) may be an option.

Community-based waivered services or placement in an intermediate care facility (group home) are options for persons who need 24-hour supervision.

The third factor influencing the type of residential services available is the funding level for the programs. Unfortunately, the need for residential facilities far outweighs the availability of these resources. Some of this is due to a lack of funding, but there has also been tremendous resistance on the part of local communities to have such residences in their midst (not in my backyard). Historically, costly and lengthy legal fights have addressed this issue.

In this course we will try to reduce the confusion caused by the different labels. In trying to unravel the many options, it is important to be as open as possible, as two group homes may be vastly different because they serve people with different levels of disability.

Raising a child with disability or chronic illness poses other challenges. As families meet these challenges, time off can become a necessity for the caretakers. In recent years, the growth of respite care services—short-term specialized childcare—has begun to provide families with some temporary relief.

The birth of a child with a disability or chronic illness, or the discovery that a child has a disability, has profound effects on a family. When parents learn that their child has a disability or special health care need, they begin a process of continuous, lifelong adjustment. Adjustment is characterized by periods of stress, and during this time, family members’ individual feelings of loss can be overwhelming, shutting out almost all other feelings. Coping with uncertainty about the child’s development may interfere with the parents’ ability to provide support to each other and to other family members. Even when the diagnosis is clear, there are still many uncertainties—health, programmatic, and financial.

Social and community support can reduce the stress experienced by families. The support of relatives, friends, service providers, and the community can help families ease the adjustment period.

After taking this NASET Professional Development Course, you should understand the following:

  • Centers for Independent Living (CIL) 
  • Residential Services 
  • Adult Foster Care 
  • Boarding Homes 
  • Family Subsidy Program 
  • Free-Standing Weekend Respite 
  • Group Homes 
  • Semi-Independent Living Arrangements (SIL) 
  • Home Care Attendants or Personal Assistant Services 
  • Supervised Living Arrangements 
  • Intermediate Care Facility (ICF/MR) 
  • Supportive Living Units (SLU) 
  • Waivered Services 
  • Evaluating Residential Programs 
  • Making a Residence Accessible 
  • Housing Subsidies 
  • Section 8 Housing 
  • Section 202 Housing 
  • Overview of Respite Care 
  • Benefits of Respite Care 
  • Respite Care Suggestions for Parents 
  • How to Tell if a Family Could Benefit from Respite Care 
  • Federal and State Agencies for Help with Respite Care 
  • State and Local Disability or Support Groups 
  • What Parents Need to Know when Seeking Respite Care Services in their Community

Respite Care - Over the years, there has been a growing awareness that adjustment to the special needs of a child influences all family members. This awareness has generated interest and has led to the development of support services for families to assist them throughout the lifelong adjustment process. Within the diversity of family support services, respite care consistently has been identified by families as a priority need (Cohen & Warren).

Respite care is an essential part of the overall support that families may need to keep their child with a disability or chronic illness at home. United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc. (UCPA) defines respite care as a system of temporary supports for families of individuals with developmental disabilities which provides the family with relief. “Temporary” may mean anything from an hour to three months. It may also mean “periodically or on a regular basis.” It can be provided in the client’s home or in a variety of out-of-home settings,” (Warren and Dickman). Respite services are intended to provide assistance to the family, and to prevent “burnout” and family disintegration. Since not all families have the same needs, respite care should always be geared to individual family needs by identifying the type of respite needed and matching the need to the services currently available or using this information to develop services where none exist. Once identified, it is also important for families to have ready access to that type of respite, in an affordable form.

This NASET Professional Development course will provide educators with a basic understanding of respite care and its importance to families of individuals with disabilities. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Definition and Overview of Respite Care
  • History of Respite Care
  • Respite Care as a Family Support
  • Benefits of Respite Care
  • Benefits of Respite Care to the State and Communities
  • Educator Suggestions: Helping Parents Determine Whether Respite Care is Necessary
  • Contact Groups for Parents and Teachers

Seeking Respite Care Services in the Community: Questions to Ask

Rett Syndrome -  As a result of the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) being published, the term Rett Syndrome is no longer used in the nomenclature. However, since people still refer to it, we are presenting an overview of Rett Syndrome in this course. Rett syndrome is a childhood neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by normal early development followed by loss of purposeful use of the hands, distinctive hand movements, slowed brain and head growth, gait abnormalities, seizures, and intellectual disability. It affects females almost exclusively. The disorder was identified by Dr. Andreas Rett, an Austrian physician who first described it in a journal article in 1966. It was not until after a second article about the disorder was published in 1983 that the disorder was generally recognized. This course will provide the reader with an excellent insight into this autistic disorder.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher: The special education teacher in today’s schools plays a very critical role in the proper education of exceptional students.  The teacher is unique in that he/she can fit many different roles in the educational environment. However, each of these distinct roles involves a variety of responsibilities and functions. Understanding these responsibilities can only help the special educator become more familiar with the role and increase the chances for success. For instance, the special education teacher can be assigned to a variety of different educational situations. These different situations will be described in this course.

Schizophrenia - Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has been recognized throughout recorded history. It affects about 1 percent of Americans. People with schizophrenia may hear voices other people don't hear or they may believe that others are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. These experiences are terrifying and can cause fearfulness, withdrawal, or extreme agitation. People with schizophrenia may not make sense when they talk, may sit for hours without moving or talking much, or may seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking. Because many people with schizophrenia have difficulty holding a job or caring for themselves, the burden on their families and society is significant as well. This course will provide an excellent and thorough overview of this topic.


Scoring Terminology Used in Assessment * Video Lecture Course * -  Understanding the terminology used in scoring is critical when interpreting test scores. When doing the assessment of a child for a suspected disability, there will be many such terms of which you need to be aware and will calculate. It is important that when you are at committee meetings and having discussions with parents and administrators that you are able to not only report these scores but also understand what they mean. The focus of this NASET professional development video course will be on scoring terminology used in assessment in special education. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Standard Scores
  • Percentiles
  • Age Equivalents
  • Grade Equivalents

This is a course that contains three video lectures, an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation file and PDF of the PowerPoint slides for your notes.

Self Determination: A Guide For High School Educators - One of the most significant concepts to emerge in the last few decades is the awareness of the importance of self-determination in the life of an individual with a disability. For too long, professionals made decisions for people with disabilities with little input from the individual or parents. While these decisions were motivated by good intentions, they may have overlooked the desires, hopes, and aspirations that remained hidden within the person with disabilities. As our society has become more sensitive to the needs and rights of the disabled, we have moved to the concept of self-determination as a crucial element in the design of a life plan.

Self-determination is a person's ability to control his or her own destiny. A crucial part of the concept of self-determination involves the combination of attitudes and abilities that will lead children or individuals to set goals for themselves, and to take the initiative to reach these goals. To do this one must be in charge, which is not necessarily the same thing as self-sufficiency or independence, make his or her own choices, learn to solve problems effectively, take control and responsibility for his or her life, learn to experience and cope with the consequences of making decisions on his or her own.

Martin and Marshall summarize the evolving definition of self-determination in the special education literature as describing individuals who, “ know how to choose-they know what they want and how to get it. From an awareness of personal needs self-determined individuals choose goals, and then doggedly pursue them. This involves asserting an individual’s presence, making his or her needs know, evaluation progress toward meeting goals, adjusting performance and creating unique approached to solve problems ”.

Self-determination is the process by which a person controls his or her own life. This is important to everyone. According to Tom Nerney, Executive Director of the Center for Self-Determination, the five principles of self-determination are:

  • Confirmation
  • Responsibility

Developmental disability systems support self-determination when:

  • People have the freedom to plan their own life and to pursue the things that are important to them with the support of independent planning and support coordination.
  • People have the freedom to experience the same life opportunities as other people their age, connected with others in their communities.
  • Each person has authority over his own individual support budget.
  • All those involved demonstrate confirmation of the critical role self-advocates and their families must play in making decisions in their own lives and in designing and operating the system they rely on.
  • People have the freedom to choose and set up the support they need to pursue the life they envision.
  • People enjoy the freedom of economic independence and security, with opportunities to earn adequate income.
  • People take responsibility for decisions in their lives and for the support money allocated to them with the assistance of an independent fiscal intermediary.

This NASET Professional Development Course will focus on self-determination and students with disabilities. After taking this course you should understand the following:

  • Overview of Self-Determination
  • Development of Self-Determination Skills
  • Learning Self-Determination
  • Research on Self-Determination
  • Community Inclusion and the Importance of Self-Determination
  • Social Inclusion and the Importance of Self-Determination
  • Self-Advocacy and the Importance of Self-Determination
  • Promoting Self-Determination in Youth with Disabilities: Tips for Families and Professionals
  • Closing Thoughts


Self-Esteem is feeling good about yourself.  Because it is a feeling, self-esteem is expressed in the way that people behave.  However, success is important for the growth of positive feelings about oneself. High self-esteem will allow your students to keep failure situations in proper perspective. Whether or not a failure situation is perceived as a learning experience, or as a self-punishment, depends on one's level of self-esteem.

Children as well as adults will vary in the type of self-esteem exhibited.  We all feel more confident on some days than others.  Feeling low self-esteem from time to time is not a problem.  However, a pattern of low self-esteem should be observed for there to be a concern.  Teachers can easily observe children's self-esteem by seeing what they do and how they accomplish it.

What you will learn from this course:

  • Definition of Sensory Integration Disorders
  • Symptoms by Age
  • Types of Sensory Integrations Disorders
  • Tactile Defensiveness Sensory Integration Disorder (Immature Tactile Type)
  • Proprioceptive Perceptual Sensory Integration Disorder
  • Tactile Pressure Sensory Integration Disorder
  • Vestibular Dysfunction Sensory Integration Disorder
  • Sensory Modulation Disorder (SMD)
  • SMD Over Responsiveness Type
  • SMD Under-responsiveness Type
  • SMD Sensory Craver
  • Sensory Discrimination Disorder
  • Sensory Based Motor Disorder
  • Postural Disorder

Social And Sexual Issues For Students With Disabilities : A Guide For High School Educators - Today, because of the work of advocates and people with disabilities over the past half-century, American society is acknowledging that those with disabilities have the same rights as other citizens to contribute to and benefit from our society. This includes the right to education, employment, self-determination, and independence. We are also coming to recognize, albeit more slowly, that persons with disabilities have the right to experience and fulfill an important aspect of their individuality, namely, their social life and sexuality. As with all rights, this right brings with it responsibilities, not only for the person with disabilities, but also for that individual's parents and caregivers. Adequately preparing an individual for the transition to adulthood, with its many choices and responsibilities, is certainly one of the greatest challenges that parents, and others face.

In the course of human development, there is probably no greater need than to attach, connect or build gratifying human relationships. This human need is felt by all, whether with a disability or not. It is vital that all children be given the opportunities to learn and practice the social skills considered appropriate by society. All children must learn how to conduct themselves in ways that allow them to develop relationships with other people. Parents must keep in mind that social skills pervade an individual's entire life, at home, in school, in the community, and at the workplace. An example of the significance of a deficit in social skills appears to be that a large percentage (nearly 90 percent) of employees lost their jobs because of poor attitude and inappropriate behavior, rather than the lack of job skills.

Children with disabilities may find developing these skills more difficult than their peers without disabilities. Because of a variety of learning or other cognitive disabilities, visual or hearing impairments, or a physical disability that limits their chances to socialize, children with disabilities may lack the exposure and experiences required to develop appropriate social skills. Most, however, are capable of learning these important "rules" (Duncan & Canty-Lemke, 1986) and should be given opportunities to learn and practice them by professionals, parents and professionals.

The focus of this NASET Professional Development Course will be to address various concerns related to individuals with disabilities and their social and sexual issues. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • The importance of developing social skills
  • Acquiring social skills
  • How families can help widen social experiences
  • Avoiding social mistakes
  • Fostering relationships: Suggestions for young adults
  • Misconceptions about sexuality and disability
  • Defining sexuality
  • How sexuality develops
  • Sexuality education
  • Suggestions for teaching children and youth about sexuality
  • Early Signs of Puberty
  • Issues to address with the adolescent
  • The Importance of Developing Social Skills

Special Education Services: How Children are Identified - In order to survive as a general education teacher working with children with special needs, it is important to become very familiar with the process by which children are identified as having a disability. This process is called the special education process and involves a number of steps that must follow federal, state, and district guidelines. These guidelines have been created to protect the rights of students, parents and school districts and as a result you must be knowledgeable to assist parents and students through this involved process. This course will instruct in the basics of the special education process and how students are identified for special education services.


Special Education Services: A Parent's Guide - Parents often have many questions when they suspect that their child may have a disability. This course is designed to answer some of the most commonly asked questions regarding special education, the process of special education, IEPs, and many other relevant information. It has been developed expressly to respond to the information needs of parents by answering the most common questions regarding special education.

Speech and Language Impairments - More than one million of the students served in the public schools’ special education programs in the 2000-2001 school year were categorized as having a speech or language impairment. Speech and language disorders refer to problems in communication and related areas such as oral motor function. These delays and disorders range from simple sound substitutions to the inability to understand or use language or use the oral-motor mechanism for functional speech and feeding. This course is designed to present a basic overview of speech and language impairments and to provide concerned individuals with other resources for information and support.


Speech and Language Impairments: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of speech and language impairments.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Spina Bifida-Staff Development Brief - Spina Bifida means cleft spine, which is an incomplete closure in the spinal column. Although spina bifida is relatively common, until recently most children born with a myelomeningocele died shortly after birth. Now that surgery to drain spinal fluid and protect children against hydrocephalus can be performed in the first 48 hours of life, children with myelomeningocele are much more likely to live. Successful integration of a child with spina bifida into school sometimes requires changes in school equipment or the curriculum. This course is designed to present a basic overview of  spina bifida and to provide concerned individuals with other resources for information and support.


Statistics Used in Special Education * Video Lecture Course * - Statistics! This one 10-letter word tends to instill more fear and anxiety in undergraduate and graduate students than any other word we know. The fact is, whether you are an avid fan of statistics or generally do not enjoy it, you absolutely have to know statistics when you are doing special education assessment. Statistics play a vital role in the understanding of disability awareness. Although there are numerous reasons to know statistics, of primary importance to special educators is that without a proper understanding of it, you cannot interpret test results. When large sets of data are being presented, it is important that they be organized in a fashion that makes some sense to the reader. In special education, this is done through methods known as descriptive statistics. Statistics summarize and describe data. In this NASET Video professional development course, we discuss basic descriptive statistics used every day in special education. After taking this course, you should be able to understand (and in some cases be able to calculate) the following:

  • Measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode)
  • Frequency distributions
  • Standard deviation
  • Normal curve
  • Purpose of the normal curve in special education
  • Application of normal curve in special education
  • Correlations


As an educator, you will frequently be asked about the need for a student to have some type of accommodations or modifications on his or her IEP. Alternate testing techniques are accommodations or modifications that consider the individual needs of a child having a disability, and as a result, modify testing or classroom procedures or formats. These accommodations or modifications attempt to provide these students with an appropriate opportunity to participate in testing or classroom situations.

These techniques must appear on the student's IEP and provide the opportunity to demonstrate a child with a disability’s mastery of skills without being unfairly restricted by the presence of that disability. Children classified by the IEP Committee are entitled to alternate testing and classroom accommodations or modifications if there is substantiated evidence for such a need in the testing or background of the child. There are no limits as to the number of accommodations or modifications, but only include them in the IEP if they will enable the child to be more successful in school.

Because adapting the content, methodology, and/or delivery of instruction is an essential element in special education and an extremely valuable support for students, it’s equally essential to know as much as possible about how instruction can be adapted to address the needs of an individual student with a disability. The special education teacher who serves on the IEP team can contribute his or her expertise in this area, which is the essence of special education.

After taking this course, you will understand:

  • The Difference Between Accommodations and Modifications
  • Examples of Accommodations and Modifications
  • How Accommodations or Modifications are Most Often Made
  • Accommodations in Large Assessments
  • Student Eligibility for Use of Testing Techniques
  • Criteria for Allowing Use of Accommodations and Modifications
  • Accommodation or Modifications Which Modify Manner of Presentation, Manner of Response and Process Used to Derive Response
  • Special Education Teacher’s Role and Responsibilities for Implementation of Accommodations and Modifications

As an educator, you will need to understand the scores that the various professionals of the multidisciplinary team report when they do their evaluations of children for a suspected disability.  You may even be required to administer certain educational tests for a student.  Therefore, it is essential that no matter what your role in the assessment process, you understand basic statistics and scoring terminology found in test manuals and used in assessment.

This course will provide you with the most frequently used terms used in assessment regarding test administration, statistics and scoring terminology. After taking this course, you should understand the following (in alphabetical order)

  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Percentile Ranks
  • Predictive validity
  • Reliability Coefficients
  • Scaled Scores
  • Split-half reliability
  • Standard Deviation
  • Standard Error of Measurement
  • Test-retest reliability

Tourette Syndrome - Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. TS occurs in people from all ethnic groups; males are affected about three to four times more often than females. It is estimated that 200,000 Americans have the most severe form of TS, and as many as one in 100 exhibit milder and less complex symptoms such as chronic motor or vocal tics or transient tics of childhood. Although TS can be a chronic condition with symptoms lasting a lifetime, most people with the condition experience their worst symptoms in their early teens, with improvement occurring in the late teens and continuing into adulthood. The focus of this course will be to provide you with a general understanding of TS.  Course content includes information on TS pertaining to: definition, symptoms, course of action, tics, causes, disorders associated with it, diagnosis, treatment, inheritance, prognosis, and appropriate educational settings.

Transition Planning: A Team Effort - The completion of high school is the beginning of adult life. Entitlement to public education ends, and young people and their families are faced with many options and decisions about the future. The most common choices for the future are pursuing vocational training or further academic education, getting a job, and living independently. This course provides ideas and information on how students, families, school personnel, service providers, and others can work together to help students make a smooth transition. In particular, it focuses on creative transition planning and services that use all the resources that exist in communities, not just the agencies that have traditionally been involved.

Less than 30 years ago, students with disabilities had limited choices when it came to choosing a college or university that could provide accommodations. However, with the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, along with the disabilities rights movement, accommodations for students with disabilities have become more commonplace. Now, a student with a disability is able to apply to several different types of postsecondary educational institutions.

Colleges offer an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to continue their education and earn tangible evidence of education, such as a certificate or degree. Junior and community colleges offer a variety of courses that, upon successful completion of the prescribed courses, may lead to a Certificate or Associate's degree. Community colleges are publicly funded, have either no or low-cost tuition, and offer a wide range of programs, including vocational and occupational courses. They exist in or near many communities; generally, the only admissions requirement is a high school diploma or its equivalent. Junior colleges are usually privately supported, and the majority provides programs in the liberal arts field. Four-year colleges and universities offer programs of study that lead to a Bachelor’s degree after successful completion of four years of prescribed course work.

In high school, school districts are responsible for providing any or all support services necessary for an individual with disabilities to participate in the educational process. Colleges and universities do not have the same legal obligation. They are required by law to provide any reasonable accommodation that may be necessary for those with disabilities to have equal access to educational opportunities and services available to peers without disabilities, if requested.

The focus of this NASET Professional Development course is to address the transition of students with disabilities to postsecondary education.

Since the passage of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA), Public Law 94-142, in 1975, Individualized Education Programs (IEP) have been a requirement of law for all children and youth with disabilities found eligible for special education. Each student’s IEP must list goals and objectives for educational activities and include information about the student's assessment and educational placement, the instructional content areas to be addressed throughout the year, the timelines and persons responsible for activities corresponding to the goals and objectives, how student progress will be evaluated, and the related services that each student needs to benefit from his or her special education. With the newest amendments to the EHA -- now entitled the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA - a new component has been added to the IEP. Beginning no later than age 16 (under the federal law; states may differ), each student now must also have included in the IEP a statement of the transition services that he or she needs to prepare for such post-school outcomes as employment, postsecondary education, adult services, independent living, and community participation. Traditionally, the IEP has been designed for a maximum of one year, breaking annual goals into short-term objectives. With the addition of transition services, the IEP becomes longer term, with objectives spanning across several years. For the first time, planning is oriented towards life after high school, with plans including adult services agencies and community agencies, where applicable. This is an enormous step forward in the concept of preparing students educationally, and requires a great deal of insight, foresight, and planning on the part of students, parents, and school and other agency professionals.

The focus of this NASET Professional Development is course is to provide an overview of the various issues involved in transition services in the IEP for high school educators.

Traumatic Brain Injury - A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by the head being hit by something or shaken violently. This injury can change how the person acts, moves, and thinks. A traumatic brain injury can also change how a student learns and acts in school. More than one million children receive brain injuries each year. More than 30,000 of these children have lifelong disabilities as a result of the brain injury. This course is designed to present a basic overview of traumatic brain injury and to provide concerned individuals with other resources for information and support.


Traumatic Brain Injury: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of traumatic brain injury.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Travel Training For Students With Disabilities: A Guide For High School Educators - Transportation provides us all with access to the wider opportunities of society employment, postsecondary education, job training programs, recreation. Traveling by car, by cab, or by public transportation systems such as bus and subway enables us to go to work and come home, go to school or other training programs, visit friends, take care of daily needs such as grocery shopping, and enjoy recreational activities.

Yet, many individuals with disabilities have traditionally been isolated from these societal opportunities, because they lacked a means of transportation. For many, driving a car was not possible, due to a visual, physical, or cognitive disability. Public transportation systems were often inaccessible due to structural barriers. Still other individuals were unable to use the transportation systems that were available, because they lacked the training, or "know-how," to use these systems safely.

Today, the lack of access to transportation that many individuals with disabilities have experienced is changing. Recently enacted federal legislation clearly intends to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate independently and successfully in society. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recognizes the critical role that public transportation plays in the lives of many people and mandates that public transportation systems become accessible to people with disabilities. It also mandates that paratransit services are available and accessible to individuals who are unable to use public transportation.

Unfortunately, availability of transportation is not the only impediment to independent travel for people with disabilities. They must also know what systems of transport are available, how to access these, how to plan their travel, and how to execute their travel plans safely. For many individuals, learning how to travel on public transportation requires systematic training. Travel training, then, is often a crucial element in empowering people with disabilities to use the newly accessible transportation systems in our country.

To this end, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) can be of importance. The IDEA requires public schools to provide what are known as "transition services" to youth with disabilities, to prepare them for the transition from school to adult life. While accessible transportation and transportation training are not specifically mentioned within IDEA, clearly the ability to use available transportation systems may be critical to a student's transition into the adult world. Thus, both the ADA and the IDEA provide individuals with disabilities, their families, school systems, service providers, community agencies, and transit systems with compelling incentives to work together to ensure that individuals with disabilities learn how to use accessible transportation.

The focus of this NASET Professional Development Course will be to discuss transportation concerns of students and adults with disabilities. After taking this course, you should understand the following:

  • Overview of Travel Training
  • Skills Required for Traveling Independently
  • Beginning Travel Training
  • The Process of Travel Training
  • The Necessity of Travel Training Programs
  • Benefits from Travel Training Programs
  • The Importance of Equal Access to Transportation
  • Where to Look for Travel Training Programs
  • Travel Training Guidelines for People with a Cognitive Disability
  • Travel Training Guidelines for People with a Physical Disability
  • What to Look For in a Travel Training Program
  • Teaching Travel Skills to Persons who are Blind or with Visually Impairments
  • Evaluating the Quality of Programs that Teach Travel Skills
  • Public Transportation and the ADA


Violence and Disasters: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope - Helping young people avoid or overcome emotional problems in the wake of violence or disaster is one of the most important challenges a parent, teacher, or mental health professional can face. Many agencies are working to address the issue of assisting children and adolescents who have been victims of or witnesses to violent and/or catastrophic events. The purpose of this course is to tell what is known about the impact of violence and disasters on children and adolescents and suggest steps to minimize long-term emotional harm. This course will provide educators with a very good overview and practical suggestions for helping students cope with this experience.


Visual Impairments:  An Overview - The effect of visual problems on a child's development depends on the severity, type of loss, age at which the condition appears, and overall functioning level of the child. Many children who have multiple disabilities may also have visual impairments resulting in motor, cognitive, and/or social developmental delays. The rate at which visual impairments occur in individuals under the age of 18 is 12.2 per 1,000. This course is designed to present a basic overview of visual impairments and to provide concerned individuals with other resources for information and support.

Visual Impairments: Criteria for Determining Eligibility for Special Education - This course will provide you with the criteria and process used in the determination of special education eligibility for children with the suspected disability of visual impairments.  It is designed in a step-by-step format for the reader to gain a greater understanding of how diagnoses are made, and the specific requirements for eligibility.

Visual Processing Disorders - Specific Types - What you will learn from this one-hour course

  • Overview of visual processing disorders
  • Visual agnosia
  • Visual closure processing disorder
  • Visual Depth Perception Processing Disorder
  • Visual Discrimination Processing Disorder
  • Visual Figure-Ground Discrimination Processing Disorder
  • Visual Integration Processing Disorder
  • Visual Memory Processing Disorder
  • Visual Motor Processing Disorder
  • Visual Pursuit and Tracking Disorder
  • Visual Sequencing Processing Disorder
  • Visual Spatial Relationships Processing Disorder

Vocational Assessment and Training: A Guide for High School Educators - Crossing the threshold from the world of school to the world of work brings a significant change in everyone's life. School is an entitlement, meaning that it is an environment that our system of government supplies for all of our citizens. The workplace is the opposite; no one is entitled to a job.

One of the most important aspects of transition planning is the preparation of students for the world of work. Up to now, the focus has been on helping students fulfill the educational requirements for graduation from a secondary school. Now comes a very real and practical issue that can create many concerns. With the proper information and resources, this next phase of the transition process can also be very rewarding. Parents and educators must fully understand vocational options to help children make the best decisions for his or their future.

The purpose of this section is to give you a strong working knowledge of vocational assessments. After taking this NASET Professional Development Course, you should understand the following:

  • Overview of Vocational Assessments
  • Purpose of Vocational Assessments
  • Trends in Vocational Assessment
  • The Vocational Assessment Process
  • Informal and Formal Assessment
  • Levels of Vocational Assessment
  • Level I Vocational Assessment
  • Level II Vocational Assessment
  • Level III Vocational Assessment
  • Components of a Vocational Assessment
  • Other Assessment Options during the Vocational Transition Phase
  • Situational Vocational Assessment
  • Confidentiality
  • Specific Professionals Trained to Help Parents and Their Children Plan and Prepare for Employment
  • · Skills Checklist
  • Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
  • Services Provided by DRS Agencies
  • Rights and Responsibilities When Involved with DRS Services
  • Conflict Resolution Options with DRS

Writing a Comprehensive Educational Report Writing a comprehensive educational report is not a simple task. It takes knowledge and skill because it is being written for parents, teachers, and administrators, lawyers etc. After taking this course, you should be able to understand why reports need to be written, general guidelines when writing a report, and all sections of a comprehensive report. Further, we provide a completed report, so you can see how the sections come together to form the overall report. The sections you will learn about in order to complete a comprehensive educational report will include:

  • Identifying data
  • Reason for Referral
  • Background History
  • Behavioral Observations
  • Tests and Procedures Administered
  • Test-by-test analysis
  • Content area by content area analysis
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

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special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

6 Professional Development for Special Education Teachers

  • fullspedahead
  • May 20, 2024
  • Guest Blogger , Helpful Tips , Personal , Teacher Tips

As educators, our journey of learning never ends. Just as we encourage our students to strive for growth and improvement, it’s equally important for us, as teachers, to continuously seek out professional development for special education teachers. Here’s why investing in professional development for special education teachers are crucial for our growth and effectiveness in the classroom:

Stay Updated with the Latest Trends and Practices

Professional development for special education teachers allows teachers to stay abreast of the latest trends, research, and best practices in education. The field of education is constantly evolving, with new methodologies, technologies, and strategies emerging regularly. By participating in professional development workshops, conferences, or courses, teachers can gain valuable insights into innovative teaching methods and approaches that can enhance student learning outcomes.

professional development for special education teachers

Enhance Teaching Skills and Pedagogy

Engaging in professional development activities provides teachers with opportunities to enhance their teaching skills and pedagogical knowledge. Workshops and training sessions offer practical strategies and techniques for effective lesson planning, classroom management, differentiated instruction, and assessment practices. By honing their teaching skills, educators can create engaging and meaningful learning experiences that meet the diverse needs of their students.

Foster Collaboration and Networking

Professional development for special education teachers and events serve as platforms for teachers to collaborate, share ideas, and network with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Through collaborative discussions, teachers can exchange insights, perspectives, and strategies for addressing common challenges and maximizing student success. Networking with fellow educators also provides opportunities for mentorship, support, and professional growth.

Professional Development for Special Education Teachers:

Council for exceptional children.

At the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), professional development is what they do. They offer a wide variety of professional development opportunities through webinars, online courses, in-person trainings, conferences, and more. Find out how you can learn with CEC to gain evidence-based practices for students with exceptionalities and get the answers you need. This is an opportunity for you to look into your local CEC for professional development for special education teachers.

National Association for Special Education Teachers

The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) is a national membership organization dedicated to rendering all possible support and assistance to those preparing for or teaching in the field of special education.  NASET was founded to promote the profession of special education teachers and to provide a national forum for their ideas.

The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) is a national professional association that seeks to meet a critical need for many of America’s special education teachers. NASET was established as a professional organization for former, current, and future special education teachers who had no professional organization to call their own.  NASET develops and promotes professional excellence through the support of teachers who provide services to children with special needs.

International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards

For more than 20 years, IBCCES has been the industry leader in cognitive disorder training and certification for education, healthcare, corporate and travel & entertainment professionals around the globe. IBCCES provides evidence-based training and certification programs created in conjunction with its board of clinical and subject matter experts and autistic individuals to provide professionals with a better understanding of autism and other neurodivergencies.

special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

This is where I got my Certified Autism Specialist certification in 2023! This is another great website for professional development for special education teachers.

Education Modified

Education Modified is now offering research and evidence-based professional development on a range of special education topics! The offerings aim to make the work of educators easier while ensuring that student outcomes and achievement are a priority. They have a variety of trainings for you to watch and learn in their paid professional development platform!

Vector Solutions

The Vector Training Inclusive Instruction & Interventions online special education training equips administrators, teachers, and para-educators with the skills, instructional strategies, and resources needed to improve instruction and learning outcomes for all students.

They have evidence-based courses and training platform are accessible 24/7 from any device and administrators can easily assign and track completions in one convenient location. Meet everyone’s PD needs with 100+ courses on topics like Trauma, Behavior Management, Differentiated Instruction, ADHD, Dyslexia, Special Education Law, and more.

Have Dreams

They understand the complexities and uniqueness of each person with ASD and focus the programming and services on the core deficits: social skills, communication and independence.

Since its inception, Have Dreams has recognized the unmet needs of individuals living with ASD and responded by creating programs and services for children, teens and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Considered a partner for the entire lifespan, Have Dreams meets people where they are with innovative programming and compassionate care. 

Their training programs leave parents, caregivers and professionals feeling empowered to help someone with autism succeed in their daily lives. They offer training in structure teaching models and setting up autism classrooms. This is another great website for professional development for special education teachers.

Read more on the website:

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special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

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special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

Conferences for Special Education Teachers

Teachers are always learning and are always searching for new strategies, instructional methodology, and ideas to help their students learn.

Sure, we have professional development sessions provided by the districts and schools we work for… but they aren’t always geared towards special education teachers. Or it’s a slideshow that’s repeated each year.

special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

Thankfully there are dozens of national and international conferences that are held every year, and are geared towards special needs teachers, parents, and professionals.

Below are a few conferences for special ed teachers, linked with descriptions, that are recommended by fellow special education teachers. 

Wright’s Law Sessions – Various States

  • Wrightslaw special education law and advocacy programs are designed to meet the needs of parents, advocates, educators, attorneys, and health care providers who represent children with disabilities.

Statewide Annual CARD Autism Conference – Florida

Helix conference – pennsylvania.

  • Educators attend and are engaged in deep learning of the specialized strategies for students with low incidence disabilities.

Keep Talking AAC – Michigan

  • A conference for parents and professionals supporting individuals with complex and communication needs.

Institute Designed for Educating All Students (IDEAS) Conference – Georgia

  • IDEAS provides high quality professional learning environments through workshops, sessions, and networking related to teaching students with disabilities.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference – Maryland

  • Vision: Supporting the WHOLE child, meeting the diverse needs of our students.

Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence Conference – Ohio

  • Come collectively focus on common concerns and share proven solutions that address issues and challenges experienced by individuals with autism, sensory disabilities, and low-incidence disabilities across their lifespan.

Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) for the Council of Exceptional Children – Various States + International

Exceptional children conference – north carolina.

  • Committed to increasing the performance of students with disabilities, thereby enhancing their ability to graduate and achieve productive post-secondary outcomes. 

National Autism Conference – Pennsylvania

  • The Autism conference provides comprehensive, evidence-based information to assist educators, other professionals, and families in developing effective educational programming for all students with autism spectrum disorders.

Closing the Gap Conference – Minnesota

  • Deepen your assistive technology knowledge and strengthen your implementation strategies. The conference week is designed to dig deeper into critical areas that have the power—when implemented strategically—to transform your classroom, your school, your district, your practice.

special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

CARS+ Conference – California

  • CARS+ is the only organization whose sole purpose is to represent the unique needs of resource specialists and other special education teachers.

Partners in Education (PIE) Conference – Tennessee

  • Focuses on instruction and best practices for all students.

National Down Syndrome Convention – Pennsylvania

  • The NDSC cares deeply about serving the needs of all families, including those with loved ones with co-occurring autism, autism-like behaviors, or complex needs. Includes sessions like “Adult Siblings Track” and “Film Festival”.

Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) Annual Conference – International

  • Conference focused on learning disabilities.

Wired Differently Conference – Wisconsin

  • Helping students who are wired differently succeed in inclusive classrooms.

Learning Without Tears – Various States

  • Stock up on top tips, simple strategies, and new digital tools for teaching Pre-K, handwriting, and keyboarding. Workshops include free materials and easy plans that are ready for first-day-of-school implementation.

What other conferences have you attended that you would recommend to other teachers?

Have you attended one of these conferences and loved it?! Share your experiences in the comments below!

Professional conferences for special education teachers, parents, and professionals. A curated list of national and international conferences that are held every year, and are geared towards special needs teachers, parents, and professionals, recommended by fellow special education teachers. Learn more at Mrs. D's Corner.


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Online Learning

Books on a table

The Council for Exceptional Children offers a variety of online learning opportunities to help you elevate your practice. Choose from virtual events that air live or on-demand events that let you learn on your own schedule. Whether you’re looking for yourself, someone else, or an all-staff in-service, there’s something for you.  

CEC Learning Library

Curated, online courses you need to excel —in a platform that enables you to determine and reach your own learning goals. 

Meaningful & Defensible IEPs

Join us for our new quarterly webinar series with Dr. Mitchell Yell for exactly what you need to know to consistently develop educationally meaningful and legally defensible IEPs.

Upcoming Online Events

Live virtual events hosted by CEC, CEC Divisions, or CEC Units based on the topics you request most.

PD Programs

Professional development programs provide a deep dive into a specific topic. Programs might include various learning components such as live workshops, on-demand sessions, structured participant and expert discussions, learning communities, eBooks, journal articles, and other resources to support the learner throughout the program. 

Online Learning FAQs

The CEC Learning Library  is your personal online professional development center. You can access all of CEC’s online professional development offerings through this system, including live and recorded webinars and online programs, by logging in with your CEC account.

Manage your own learning history, get Continuing Education Unit (CEU)  certificates, register for courses, purchase recordings, and more.

CEC members receive access to special content through the system, including CEC Quick Takes and members-only webinars. Premier and Full members have access to additional content, including the full library of recorded webinars.

Check out this video for an overview of the system.

You can earn CEU credits for attending live webinars, and for any recorded webinars you watch through CEC's Learning Library . Each webinar, course, or program listing tells you how many CEUs you can earn for that item.

You can print your PDH certificates for any item you’ve completed through the “My History” tab. CEUs are only available for the individual who registered for the webinar, course, or program.

As many people can watch a webinar in the same location as you’d like. Only the registrant for the webinar can access the link to the live webinar or the recording, and only that registrant is eligible to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for completing the webinar.

All registrations for online learning can be done through CEC’s Learning Library . All the items available for purchase or registration can be found in the “Catalog” tab.

CEC members have access to exclusive content as part of your membership benefits . Any content included with your membership will show as a $0 option for “purchase.”

To register multiple individuals or pay using a purchase order, contact [email protected] .

After registering for a live webinar, login information to join the live event will be emailed to you. This login will be unique to you and cannot be shared.

Any items you purchase through the CEC Learning Library will automatically show up in the “My Learning” area. You can launch these webinars or courses whenever you’d like. View this video   for an overview of the system.

Live webinars are hosted through Zoom.

CEC members will have access to exclusive member content through the duration of your membership.

Any other courses or webinars can be accessed for up to one year from the purchase date. Any online programs containing live virtual events will have information about the duration of that course and materials included in the description.

All attendees of online learning agree to comply with the CEC Event Rules and Conditions , including all rules in the event information and future correspondence.

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About the Convention

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Date Time Location Information Reminder
March 12, 2025 - March 15, 2025 Baltimore Convention Center
1 W Pratt St,
Baltimore, MD 21201

CEC 2025 Baltimore

Each year at the CEC Convention & Expo, thousands of special education professionals from around the world come together to learn, share, grow, and connect. With hundreds of sessions on just about every topic in the field,  the CEC Convention & Expo is THE professional development event for special educators  to find research, tips, and strategies you can actually apply to supporting students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.

Important Dates
Early Bird ends October 24, 2024
Regular Registration ends January 30, 2025
Presenter Registration ends October 11, 2024
Hotel Cut-off February 7, 2025
Accessibility Requests due February 12, 2025

Partner with CEC at the World’s Largest Expo Supporting Special Education

You have a unique opportunity to showcase your products, programs and services to thousands of special and gifted education professionals at the CEC Annual Convention & Expo. Join us March 12-15, 2025 as we host this annual event in Baltimore, MD.  This is your prime opportunity to meet teachers, administrators, faculty, higher ed and other prospective customers who are most interested in the solutions that you offer. 

CEC 2025 Partners

Registration and Rates

Explore registration options, register online, or download a purchase order to attend CEC 2025! Consider the In-Person PLUS registration option, which includes both in-person AND virtual registration, as well as a ticket to the CEC Celebration reception.

CEC is pleased to be working with Visit Baltimore as the official and only housing bureau for the CEC Annual Convention.

Meet Our Keynotes

We are pleased to introduce our opening Keynote speaker and our Keynote panelists, who will be appearing in Baltimore, Maryland.

Schedule at a Glance

View an overview of the CEC 2025 schedule and plan your learning with us this year at convention.

Special Events

Learn about all the special events happening at this year's convention, including CEC Celebration, Yes I Can Awards, and more.

Further information about the population structure:

Gender (C 2021)
  • Krasnodar with city districts

Located in:

  • Krasnodar urban district
  • Krasnodar Kraj

Krasnodar Krai – Agro-Industrial Giant and Tourist Jewel of the Russian Federation

Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA Vol. 64, 2014, No 3, pp. 329-346

18 Pages Posted: 29 Jan 2016

Rajko Bukvic

Geographical Institute 'Jovan Cvijić' SASA

Date Written: 2014

This article provides a geographic and socio-economic description of Krasnodar Krai, one of the federal subjects of the complexly organized Russian Federation. Its size and population are comparable to the ones of smaller European countries, such as Austria, Czech Republic, Republic of Ireland or Denmark, Finland and Slovakia. In comparison to Serbia, this region is somewhat smaller and less densely populated. Its landscape and climate diversity, as well as an abundance of natural resources make a good starting point for a further economic and social development of the region. The agro-industrial complex and tourism are especially developed in this region and are considered its strong points both within Russia and outside its borders. The level of industrial cooperation between Serbia and Russia is considerably lower than in the times of SFRY and USSR. However, it will certainly increase in the future, leading to an intensification of cooperation with Krasnodar region which will not only be based on trade relations.

Keywords: Krasnodar, agro-industry, tourism, development, cooperation

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Rajko Bukvic (Contact Author)

Geographical institute 'jovan cvijić' sasa ( email ).

Djure Jakšića 9 11000 Belgrade Belgrade, 11000 Serbia

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    special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

  2. 2023 Professional Development Workshop

    special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

  3. 3 Critical Components of an Effective Professional Development Plan

    special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

  4. What is Professional Development for Teachers

    special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

  5. 2023–2024 Professional Development Series for Teachers

    special education teacher professional development workshops 2023

  6. 2022-2023 Special Education Teacher Planner

    special education teacher professional development workshops 2023


  1. Session 2

  2. D. Ed Special Education

  3. OECD Disrupted Futures 2023

  4. SCDF Workplan Seminar 2023


  1. The 7 Best Special Education Conferences and Workshops for Educators

    The Council for Exceptional Children Conference is a stand-out for special education professionals. This conference includes workshops and seminars covering a broad range of important industry topics, like behavioral support, student advocacy, and IEP development. Special education teachers can improve their classroom management and teaching skills through professional development. Conferences ...

  2. Special Education Workshops

    Paraprofessionals. Section 504. Speech-Language Pathology. Student Evaluation. Transition. Visual Impairment. Visit our Conferences page for a listing of upcoming special events. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call 713.744.6365.

  3. National Association of Special Education Teachers: Teachers Teaching

    Here's What NASET Has to Offer. Take a moment to review the various e-Publications, professional development and special education resources. NASET is proud to offer its' members free access to one of the most extensive and comprehensive sources of Professional Development courses available today. With over 100 courses ranging from 1 to 3 hours each, NASET provides it's members the opportunity ...

  4. CEC2023

    Registration is now open! Find out more about our registration options and rates . Register Online Now. CEC 2023 will also feature a virtual convention with live sessions and access to on-demand sessions starting on April 26, plus live workshops on April 25. Last Updated: 22 September, 2022. CEC 2023 Convention - Homepage.

  5. Special Education Professional Development Guide for 2023

    Published On: September 1st, 2023 · By Simplek12 Staff. Special education professional development is the continuous learning and support provided to teachers to equip them with skills on how to teach and help learners with special needs in their daily activities. Special education professional development focuses on addressing the unique ...

  6. PDP

    Course Tests and Certificates are accessible only through the online course (upon successful course exam completion). Please Note: Each of the following National Association of Special Education Teachers' (NASET) professional development courses entitle you to CE Study Hour. Each NASET CE Study Hour is based on the requirements of each course ...

  7. About CEC 2023

    March 01, 2023 - March 04, 2023. Kentucky International Convention Center 221 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40202. Details. Past Event. Housing is open! CEC is pleased to offer special hotel rates for attendees of the 2023 convention. Book your room now.

  8. Events

    Looking for Training & Professional Development, Consultation, or Content Experts? ... Administrator of Special Education Professional Leadership Standards; Standards Resources. ... Add to Calendar 2024-09-19 08:00:00 2024-09-19 15:30:00 Early Career Special Educators Workshop https: ...

  9. Webinars on Special Education

    Browse and register for free professional development on special education, ... The State of Teaching Leaders to Learn From ... May 02, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET May 2, 2023 ...

  10. Professional Development

    At the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), professional development is what we do. We offer a wide variety of professional development opportunities through webinars, online courses, in-person trainings, conferences, and more. Find out how you can learn with CEC to gain evidence-based practices for students with exceptionalities and get the answers you need.

  11. Bureau of Education & Research

    Special Education Events | Bureau of Education & Research (BER) is a sponsor of staff development training for professional educators in the United States and Canada offering seminars, PD Kits, self-study resources, and Online courses. ... Best Practices in CO-TEACHING: Effective Strategies and Realistic Solutions for Inclusive Classrooms ...

  12. Learning Library

    74. Member Price: $0.00(100% off) Non-Member Price: $29.00. See details. CEC's webinar catalog is a great way to learn more about special education and enhance your skills. Our on-demand webinars cover over 100 topics, so you can find the perfect one for you. Whether you're a teacher, administrator, or parent, we have something for everyone.

  13. CEC 2023 Convention & Expo

    March 01, 2023 - March 04, 2023. Kentucky International Convention Center 221 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40202. Details. Past Event. Each year at the CEC Convention & Expo, thousands of special education professionals from around the world come together to learn, share, grow, and connect. With hundreds of sessions on just about every ...

  14. 6 Professional Development for Special Education Teachers

    Professional development for special education teachers allows teachers to stay abreast of the latest trends, research, and best practices in education. The field of education is constantly evolving, with new methodologies, technologies, and strategies emerging regularly. By participating in professional development workshops, conferences, or ...

  15. 2023 Convention Workshops

    The virtual component of CEC 2023 will feature live, 2-hour workshops on Tuesday, April 25. ... Strengthening Induction Programs to Support the Needs of New Special Education Teachers. ... Attendance for this 6-hour session meets the 6 clock hours of professional development for Emergency/Probationary certified teachers. Spots are limited, so ...

  16. Conferences for Special Education Teachers

    Conferences for Special Education Teachers. Teachers are always learning and are always searching for new strategies, instructional methodology, and ideas to help their students learn. Sure, we have professional development sessions provided by the districts and schools we work for… but they aren't always geared towards special education ...

  17. Executive Function Training

    2024 SMARTS Executive Function Workshop. *This workshop is for current license holders only. You must be the educator assigned to the license in order to attend.*. Price: $349 ($295 for new users) As you prepare for the year ahead, it's a great time to dig deeper into the SMARTS Executive Function Curriculum at this year's Summer Workshop.

  18. 27 Must-Attend Education Conferences for Teachers in New Jersey

    The Central NJ CS Education Hub offers free professional development workshops for New Jersey teachers, covering grades K-12, with a $200 stipend for full participation. For K-5 educators, workshops focus on topics like networks and the internet, physical computing through robotics, and effective CS teaching strategies.

  19. Online Learning

    Professional development programs provide a deep dive into a specific topic. Programs might include various learning components such as live workshops, on-demand sessions, structured participant and expert discussions, learning communities, eBooks, journal articles, and other resources to support the learner throughout the program.

  20. (PDF) Professional Skills Development Through the Network Learning

    It is established that teachers are characterized by a high level of activity in realizing their own needs for self-development (89.5%) and, as a result, low values of crisis-causing factors of ...

  21. 6 Grade Multiple Subject Teacher at Paragon Collegiate Academy

    PCA has small class sizes with K-3 having approximately 20 students and grades 4-8 having approximately 25 students. Grade level core teachers are responsible for subject instruction, curriculum planning and professional development to implement the curriculum in such a way that promotes academic rigor and success for all students.

  22. Council for Exceptional Children

    Partner with CEC at the World's Largest Expo Supporting Special Education. You have a unique opportunity to showcase your products, programs and services to thousands of special and gifted education professionals at the CEC Annual Convention & Expo. Join us March 12-15, 2025 as we host this annual event in Baltimore, MD.

  23. Krasnodar (Krasnodar Krai, Russia)

    The population development of Krasnodar as well as related information and services (weather, Wikipedia, Google, images). Name Native Population Census 1989-01-12 Population Census 2002-10-09 Population Census 2010-10-14 Population Census 2021-10-01 ; Krasnodar:

  24. Krasnodar Krai

    Krasnodar Krai (Russian: Краснода́рский край, romanized: Krasnodarskiy kray, IPA: [krəsnɐˈdarskʲɪj kraj]) is a federal subject of Russia (a krai), located in the North Caucasus region in Southern Russia and administratively a part of the Southern Federal District.Its administrative center is the city of Krasnodar.The third most populous federal subject, the krai had a ...

  25. Krasnodar Krai

    Its landscape and climate diversity, as well as an abundance of natural resources make a good starting point for a further economic and social development of the region. The agro-industrial complex and tourism are especially developed in this region and are considered its strong points both within Russia and outside its borders.