How to Write A Letter of Recommendation (Format & Sample Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

By Mike Simpson

a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

The best way to discuss your letter of recommendation is clearly by beginning with a little role playing ( wink wink ).

Imagine you’re at a huge party. The room is filled with people you’ve never met and you’re standing awkwardly off to the side, unsure of what to do. You want to interact but you don’t know a single person there.

Sure, you could go up and start introducing yourself to people but that’s always tough.

You keep looking around, trying to find somebody – anybody – you know. Then, out of the corner of your eye you spot a familiar face! Whew, you’re saved!

You rush over to your friend and suddenly that strange feeling of being totally alone in a crowd is gone.

“Boy am I glad to see you,” you tell your friend.

“Are you here alone?” they ask.

You nod and look around the room, again taking in the crowd of total strangers. Let’s be honest…it’s a little intimidating. “You’re the only person I know here.”

“Well that’s not good. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the gang!”

Your friend takes you by the arm and pulls you into the crowd. They not only introduce you by name to everyone, but also go so far as to even brag a bit about knowing you, sharing short stories about funny and smart you are as well as how hard working you are and how proud they are to know you.

Within minutes you’ve met everyone and suddenly you’ve gone from being an awkward outsider to an insider with a whole new slew of people to hang out with.

Nice, huh?!

Being in the job market and going to interviews with hiring managers is a little bit like going to that party where you don’t know anyone. It’s tough to walk into a room and suddenly find yourself having to interact with total strangers.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a friend who could help you out?

No, we don’t mean you should start using the buddy system for all your interviews, but it is possible for an interviewer to have a good heads up as to who you are and what some of your best qualities are.

So just what do you call this amazing pre-introduction?

A letter of recommendation.

Having a well written recommendation letter can do more to help you get a job than almost any other piece of paper in your job hunting arsenal.

A letter of recommendation (sometimes also called a reference letter ) is a document where the writer (also called the referee) breaks down the potential job seeker’s skills, qualities, and abilities based on the job for which they’re applying and relates personal anecdotes and examples to help give the reader an inside look at their personality and work ethic.

To go back to our earlier party scenario, that letter of recommendation is acting like your friend and introducing you to potential employers. Not only is it giving your name, but also highlighting some of your best qualities that might not be revealed should a hiring manager just be looking at your resume .

In this article, we’re going to break down reference letters into two parts: what to do if you’re writing one and what to do if you’re asking for one to be written for you .

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

No matter what stage of your career you’re in, knowing how to write a solid recommendation letter can only help you. Not only may you be asked to write a letter of recommendation for a coworker or colleague, but knowing what goes into one will only make asking for your own letter later on easier and more effective.

Let’s start with how to respond if you’re asked to write one.

Hopefully the person asking you to write one is a solid candidate for whatever position they’re applying for. In that case writing a letter should be fairly straight forward and simple. (We’ll have a template at the end of this post for you to build off of.)

But what if the person asking you for a letter isn’t someone you feel comfortable writing one for?

Maybe they’re not right for the position they’re applying for.

Maybe they don’t have the skills in place yet for the job.

Maybe it’s someone you don’t know well enough to really recommend for anything.

Then again, maybe it’s someone you just don’t like and writing them a glowing letter feels like lying.

There are a million reasons you might not want to write a letter for someone. So how do you say no gracefully?

How To Decline a Request to Write One

First off, keep in mind that a letter of recommendation is more than just a piece of paper that says nice things about someone. It’s also a written document that you, as the writer, are staking your reputation on.

By writing one, you’re vouching for someone and putting your reputation as a professional and brand on the dotted line, as well as the company’s reputation and brand.

Whoa! Suddenly that letter became a whole lot more heavy, didn’t it?!

First thing first, check your employer/employee handbook. Many employers actually have a pretty firm policy in place that forbids employees from writing letters of recommendation.

Of course, even if your company doesn’t explicitly forbid it, you can refuse to write them on the grounds that you don’t do it for anyone due to potential liability issues.

It’s also perfectly acceptable (and always preferred) to be honest with whoever is asking, especially if you’re asked to write one for someone you don’t know well or don’t feel comfortable writing one for.

Without going too far into detail (and certainly without being intentionally mean or devastating) a simple “I’m sorry, I’m flattered you’ve asked me but I don’t feel comfortable writing one for you because I don’t feel we’ve worked together long enough/closely enough to truly speak to your talents and abilities,” (or a variation of that same theme.)

If you know your letter, no matter how hard you try, is not going to be positive, don’t waste your time or the time of the person requesting the letter by trying to write one. And whatever you do, don’t lie in the letter . Saying no is so much easier and so much more professional than sending out a letter padded with fluff, half-truths, and/or full out lies.

Again, remember, it’s not just a letter, it’s your reputation.

But what if you say yes? How do you write a good letter of recommendation for someone you’re truly interested in helping?

If You Agree to Write a Letter of Recommendation

Let’s start with the basics.

At their core, letters of recommendation are essentially just personalized praise for someone.

You’re highlighting a person’s qualifications and skills and giving a potential employer more information about who they are beyond just what their resume might tell someone .

Start your letter out with a bit of genuine praise and enthusiasm for the individual. Make sure whoever is reading the letter knows instantly that the person you are writing about is someone you genuinely believe in.

Don’t be ridiculous about your praise…and be sincere.

Make sure you also indicate how you know the person and for how long.

When it comes time to talk about the person you’re recommending, blanket statements are a great way to start out but don’t forget to also go into specifics, especially as it relates to the position they’re applying for or the job they’re going for.

Try to relate a personal story about how you observed/witnessed/noticed the individual using their skills/knowledge/abilities in a positive way.

Leave room for growth as well.

Make sure you’re not putting the person you’re writing about so high on a pedestal that it comes off as disingenuous or false. Say where they’ve improved and/or grown and that they’re continuing to learn and grow as they continue in their career.

Close your letter with a positive statement relating to the person you’re writing about and their ability to take on this new role/job. Again, keep it realistic and brief.

Proper Letter of Recommendation Format

Now that we’ve gone over the basics, let’s look at recommendation letter formatting!

It’s first and foremost a letter, so sticking to the same rules we’ve gone over countless times for other forms of correspondence ( cover letters , resignation letters , letters of interest , etc.) still stand.

Keep it professional. Keep it focused. Keep it to one page.

Legibility is “Rule Number 1” when writing any sort of letter, so make sure you stick to fonts that are easy to read.

Sans Serifs fonts are fonts which are are known for being “easy of the eyes” which basically means that a hiring manager reading it won’t have any issues trying to figure out what they’re looking at or run into any kind of eye strain or other difficulties.

The Sans Serifs fonts that we consistently recommend are Arial ,  Verdana ,  Trebuchet MS ,  Century Gothic ,  Gill Sans MT ,  Lucida Sans and  Tahoma as well as our favorite,  Helvetica . Helvetica works well because it is the perfect combination of both clarity and style.

You also want to be very careful when you are deciding what font size you are going to use. The strategy of making everything tiny so you can fit it all onto one page won’t make a great impression with the hiring manager who reads your colleague’s letter of recommendation.

Try to stay between 10.5 and 12 points . Any smaller and it’s hard to read.

Okay, let’s pull this all together and see how an example letter might look. Ready? Here we go:

Letter of Recommendation Sample

Look, we get that trying to write a letter like this for the first time can be an intimidating task, so below we’ve provided you with a great sample letter of recommendation that you can easily model your letter after:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your City, State, Zip Code] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email]

[Name] [Title] [Organization] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Last Name],

I am writing to you to confidently recommend [Name] as a candidate for [position] with [Company].

As a [position], [Name] has worked with me at [Company] for [length of time].

During that time, I thoroughly enjoyed working with [Name]. While employed with us here at [Company], [Name] demonstrated critical skills, knowledge and abilities that will make [him/her] a valuable employee to your company.

While working with [Name], I observed on several occasions that [his/her] knowledge of [specific subject/skill] was extensive. In fact, on numerous occasions [Specific story related to their skills at a particular job or task that relates directly to the position they are now applying for].

In addition, [Name] is a team player and has demonstrated time and time again a willingness to go above and beyond. [Name] is a hard-working, dependable, knowledgeable individual and I consider [him/her] to have been a true asset to myself, the team and the company overall.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [your contact information here] should you have any questions or would like to discuss [Name]’s qualifications and skills in greater detail. I would be more than happy to expand further on my endorsement.

[Your Name]


Wow, now that’s a great letter of recommendation template to use!

Of course, it’s just a sample template and you should absolutely use it as a guide…but be sure to tweak it to fit your individual needs. Remember, specifics are what get people hired so make sure you include those in your letter and be ready to back them up should a potential employer call you to ask for further details and clarification (another reason to NEVER LIE or OVEREXAGGERATE!).

If you still feel like you need a few more samples to look over, you should definitely check out TemplateLAB . They have a lot of different options there to assist you.

Of course, like everything in life, there are ways to write your letter and ways not to write your letter. Let’s quickly go over what not to do.

Top 5 Mistakes

1. writing a letter for someone you don’t want to write one for:.

We touched briefly on this before but we’ll go over it again because it’s so important.

Never write a letter for someone you don’t want to!

Again, there are a million good reasons NOT to write a letter but only ONE good reason to write one…and that reason is you genuinely and honestly believe the person you are writing the letter for is a good candidate for the position and you’re ready to stake your personal and professional reputation on that belief.

If you can’t honestly say that is true, then do NOT write the letter. No.


This goes hand in hand with mistake number 1. If you don’t know the person well enough to write specifics, then it’s probably a good sign you shouldn’t be writing the letter in the first place.


It’s always a good idea to ask the person you’re writing the letter for exactly how your letter will be used so you can properly tailor  it.

Anyway, if there is a specific job they’re applying for, ask them if you can take a look at a copy of the job posting/write up. It won’t do anyone any good if you write a glowing letter that completely misses the specifics of the job they’re applying for.

If the letter you’re writing is more of a general letter of recommendation (great for recent grads or people new to the job market) you still want to try to work some specifics into what you write to help them out. Ask them what sort of jobs they will be using the letter for and tailor your content based on that.

The more information you have about what sort of work they want to do and how the letter will be used, the more effective you can make your letter.


It might seem like you’re doing the person you’re writing the letter for a favor by overstating their abilities, but in actuality all you’re doing is setting them up for failure. When you build up a potential employers expectations for an individual, you’re essentially making promises the job seeker can’t keep.

Not only could that have serious ramifications for them if they’re hired into a position they’re unprepared/unqualified for, but it also calls into question your ability as a professional to assess quality work.


This extends beyond just the usual grammar/spell checking and should also cover making sure you’re spelling the recipient’s name correctly as well as the name of the individual you’re writing the letter for.

Nothing screams “I don’t really know this person that well” quite like spelling their name wrong…and if you don’t know them well enough to spell their name right, what else do you not know about them? It throws the entire letter into doubt, including the validity of your endorsement.

Ok, so the last few sections dealt with the recommendation letter writer – or the person who is asked to write a letter of recommendation.

But what if you’re the one asking for the letter…not writing it yourself? So glad you brought that up!

How to Ask For a Letter of Recommendation

Asking for a letter of recommendation can be a nerve wracking experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

In many cases, the individual you’re asking will feel flattered that you trust them enough to write that letter for you.

And speaking of flattery, it doesn’t hurt to let them know why you consider their opinion of you to be important either, especially in a professional capacity.

Let the person you’re asking know why you value their opinion and how you feel their professional experience will help you in your pursuit of your next job.

Yes, this might seem like simple flattery, and it certainly doesn’t hurt to give a little ego boost along with your request, but more importantly, it shows the person you’re asking that you’re doing your research and making sure that the letter they write is right for the job you’re applying for.

You’re demonstrating to them that you trust their opinion and feel comfortable allowing them to assess you and share that opinion with your potential future employer.

Who To Ask For One

Always keep in mind what jobs/positions/companies you’re applying to and make sure your letters are relevant to that job/position/company.

It’s okay to have a letter from someone outside of the industry you’re applying to, especially if you’re in a career transition, but you want to make sure no matter what that the content of the letter directly relates to the job you’re going for.

In other words, choose a person that will offer a reference that is relevant to the industry.

Speaking of relevance, make sure you’re only using letters that are current. Using a letter that is old or outdated is only going to make you look bad. You want to use a letter that relates directly to the work you’re currently doing and/or applying to do.

You also want to make sure it’s someone who knows you well enough to be able to honestly assess you and your skills . At the same time, you also want someone who is going to be objective in their assessment.

What to Include in a Letter of Recommendation

Now let’s talk about what should be in that letter and the best way to make sure it covers what you want it to cover is to give your writer all the relevant information up front.


Hey, we get it, everyone’s busy and not everyone is going to be eager to write you a personalized letter. In many instances, when you ask someone for a letter, they’ll agree to sign one as long as you write it up.

Do NOT fall for this.

While it might be tempting to write your own letter of recommendation (and really, who knows you better than you do?) you’re not doing anyone any favors, yourself most of all.

Because these letters tend to come off as over the top and insincere. You want your letter to read “ objective and sincere ” and it is tough to accomplish when you are singing your own praises.

Instead, try suggesting that you’ll write up some specifics and ideas and then let them elaborate on those in their own words.

It’s also a great idea to provide the person writing your letter with specific achievements and recent interactions.

You should also include any details you feel might be relevant to the job you’re applying for as well as examples of skills you have demonstrated that will help you with your future work as well.

This echoes the “tips” we offered earlier in this article that cover “tailoring” the letter. Make sure the person writing your letter understands that the letter will be much more powerful if it highlights the knowledge , skills and abilities that your company puts the most value in (and of course making the case that you possess those qualities) .

Again, the idea isn’t to write your own letter, but to provide whoever is writing the letter with enough solid information to make it easier on them.

Finally, make sure you let the person writing your letter know how much you appreciate both their time and the letter.

Dropping them a little note is not only a great way to say thank you but will also go a long way towards future requests should you have to ask them for another letter of recommendation again down the road.

Top 5 Recommendation Letter-Securing Tips

1. give your writer enough time to write the letter:.

Writing a personalized letter of recommendation for someone is a big deal. Make sure when you ask someone for one that you’re showing them respect and appreciation for what you’re asking by giving them enough time to get the task done.

Asking someone for a letter 24 hours later means you run the risk of ending up with a sloppily written rush job. Always provide plenty of lead time and follow up with gentle reminders, but try not to be annoying or put too much pressure on the individual writing the letter.


The ultimate goal of any job seeker required to provide a letter of recommendation is to have one that is specifically tailored to the job you’re applying for and the best way to make sure that happens is by providing your writer with as much information as possible.

If you’re applying for a specific job, include a copy of it with your letter so they can tailor what they share about you. Feel free to also include a list of applicable accomplishments and achievements. Remember, you’re not writing the letter for them, but making sure that their task is easy and painless.


Having a letter of recommendation from the desk of the CEO of your company might seem like a great idea, but unless you’re working directly with this person and they know your work personally, it’s essentially a useless letter.

Don’t try to impress a potential employer by giving them a letter full of generic compliments written by someone who barely knows you. While it might look good in theory to get a letter from the head of the company, employers would much rather have a letter from someone who really knows you and is aware of your skills and abilities and can speak directly to your contributions to and history with the company.


It’s great to have a well written letter of recommendation but asking for one from someone who has little to no relevance to the job you’re applying for is basically a waste of time for you both.

If you’re applying for a job as an upper level accountant with a multi-national corporation, it really won’t do you much good to bring in a letter from your local dog groomer who you’ve worked with a few times before while in college .


It is absolutely human nature to want to know what others think of you, but in the case of recommendation letters, sometimes not knowing is better off than knowing.

Confused? Don’t be. Let me explain.

In some instances applications which ask for letters of recommendation also include a form where you can waive your rights to read what those letters say. (Generally this is most true in the world of academia, but is sometimes also included in the professional world as well, so it’s worth covering here briefly.)

Why would you ever say okay to this form and waive the right to know what your letters say about you?

Going back to human nature – a person will generally be more honest and candid in what they write if they know that you’re not going to be reading the letter yourself. Of course, this is a great way to make sure the person you’re asking to write your letter is the right person for the job.

If you have any doubts about what they might write, then that’s probably a good indicator that they shouldn’t be the person you choose to ask.

Putting it All Together

So there you have it! More information than you ever thought possible for letters of recommendation. We’ve covered both how to write a solid letter for someone as well as how to ask for one for yourself and given you a great letter of recommendation template to help build your own off of.

Regardless of what side of the letter you are on (writer or receiver) keep in mind that a well written letter is a lot like your friend at our role playing party.

You want them to give you the best possible introduction without totally blowing smoke up the tail pipe of whoever is reading it. Keep your letters brief, keep them targeted, keep them realistic and honest, and as always…

a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

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Reference letter vs. recommendation letter: what's the difference?

Susan Shor

Letter of reference

Letter of recommendation, what to include.

As you look to the future of your career, one thing is certain: you will need the backing of friends, colleagues, or trusted professors and advisors, probably in the form of a reference or recommendation letter. These letters offer a future employer or admissions committee a view of you from the perspective of those around you. But which one do you need and what’s the difference between the two?

In this blog, we will discuss the answer to that question plus the following topics:

What is the purpose of reference and recommendation letters?

  • Reference letter vs. recommendation letter

When to use a letter of reference vs. a letter of recommendation

How to ask for a recommendation or reference letter.

Before comparing a letter of reference and a letter of recommendation, it’s important to understand why these messages are valuable. Employers, recruiters, prize committees, and other groups who will be judging your resume, cover letter, and application statements see only what you choose to reveal. While that is valuable, they may also want to know how others assess you.

The purpose of either type of letter is to create a more rounded view of your skills, talents, and how you relate to others. These letters also offer evidence that the way you have presented yourself is accurate in the eyes of your friends, colleagues, or bosses.

So what’s the difference between a letter of reference and a letter of recommendation? Let’s get right to it.

Reference letter vs. recommendation letter: what’s the difference?

These two types of correspondence have much in common. Both aim to bolster your application by explaining the great qualities you have that make you an excellent fit for the position. Both may be written by a person who knows you well as a worker or student.

That’s where the similarities end. The major contrast between a reference letter and a recommendation letter is that a reference letter is a general document that can be used for a variety of opportunities. It extolls your virtues as a person and points out your strong work ethic, communication skills , or other abilities that apply to a wide range of positions.

A recommendation letter, on the other hand, is written as evidence of your qualifications for a specific job or opportunity and goes into detail about what the letter writer believes makes you the right choice.

: :
A general assessment of character, skills, or philosophy of work An assessment of the requirements for a specific opportunity

There are times when it is appropriate to include a reference letter and others for which a recommendation letter is a better choice. How do you know when to use a reference letter or a recommendation letter? 

A letter of reference is a great idea if you are looking for an informational interview, know you will be entering the job market, but have not identified a specific position, or are applying to many positions, awards, or fellowships with different requirements.

This letter is more of a character reference since it does not target one position. The writer may introduce you and address the qualities you possess that make you an upstanding person, student, or employee. Since it is more general, you may use this letter multiple times. This is valuable if you are applying for scholarships, career recognitions, or requesting a meeting with a representative of a company where you would like to work, but which does not have an appropriate opening at the time.

A letter of recommendation is the preferred choice if you are applying for a job opening or a defined internship or fellowship in a field in which you already have experience. Why? Because a recommendation is just that—a message from a person who believes you are right for the job to a person who is evaluating your qualifications.

A recommendation letter’s purpose is to address the skills, attributes, and experience that the letter writer has observed in you and your work that apply to the position you seek. It speaks directly to your job or academic performance and may end with a clear statement of confidence in you. The writer may directly state, “For these reasons, I believe [your name] will be an excellent [the position you seek]” or something to that effect.

Statistical facts between the differences of a reference letter vs a recommendation letter

Before you ask for a letter, you need to ask yourself two important questions:

  • Which do I need: a recommendation letter or a reference letter?
  • Who should I ask to write it?

The purpose of the letter will dictate which of the two you need. Who you should get to write the letter is, however, a bit trickier.

If you are a student or recent graduate, the best people to ask are academic advisors or professors who know your achievements well. Also, consider any mentors you have had at an internship or other work environment. The best letters will come from people who can address the skills required for the situation to which you are applying.

If you are already in the workforce, your top choices should be former bosses and colleagues. If you have a great relationship with your current boss and they already know that you are looking for an opportunity that doesn’t exist at your company, you may ask them for a recommendation . However, we don’t suggest springing your job dissatisfaction on your boss if they don’t know you are looking for a career change.

Of course, only ask people who you know can honestly give you a great review.

Understand that not everyone will be comfortable writing a referral or recommendation, so be courteous and offer them the chance to think about it.

When you approach a potential letter writer, make sure to give them both plenty of time to write the letter—meaning, well in advance of your application deadline—and a clear list of what the letter must include. 

To ensure that the letter meets the requirements of your application process, you should include pertinent information that will help them write the letter. For students, this may be your date of graduation, GPA , fields of study, and any information about the program or job to which you are applying.

For professionals, you may attach your resume, if you have an up-to-date version, the listing for the job you want, and any other information you feel will help your contact write a more complete letter.

In both cases, make sure you include any forms that must be filled out and all information on how the letter needs to be submitted.

Say thank you

It never hurts to follow up with a thank you email after a person has written your letter. It takes time and thought to write a letter of recommendation or reference and you want the writer to know you appreciate their efforts.

Key takeaways

  • A letter of reference is a great idea if you are applying to many internships or scholarships or want to talk to a company about future opportunities.
  • A letter of recommendation offers support for a specific job or placement and should include praise for your skills and accomplishments .
  • Be deliberate with who you choose to ask for a letter and understand that not everyone will be comfortable doing so.
  • Make sure you include all the information your letter writer will need to develop an excellent letter of recommendation or reference.

This baby name will be most successful at landing a job

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation [With Tips & Template]

Background Image

Every now and then, applying for a position will require that you also submit a letter of recommendation. 

Or, maybe, a coworker will ask you to write a recommendation letter for their new job application.

If you're not certain how to go about it, don't worry - nothing about recommendation letters needs to be complicated. Especially once you learn the nitty-gritty of the topic. 

This is exactly what this article is here to teach you!

What is a Recommendation Letter?

What should a letter of recommendation include.

  • How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

3 Types of Recommendation Letters

  • How to Ask For a Recommendation Letter
  • Recommendation Letter Template

A letter of recommendation is a formal document confirming and recommending a person’s work, skills, or academic performance and potential. 

Typically, a recommendation letter is required for: 

  • University admissions
  • Fellowships or internship positions
  • Job applications
  • Volunteering opportunities

You should ideally write a recommendation for someone whose abilities and work ethic you are familiar with - for example, a colleague, student you taught, your employee, or someone you supervised at work.

Similarly, if you’re the one asking for a recommendation letter, you should ask someone who can attest to your professional or academic abilities. 

The types of recommendation letters are:

  • Academic recommendation letters.
  • Employment recommendation letters.
  • Character recommendation letters.

Here’s what each type of recommendation letter is about:

#1. Academic Recommendation Letters

Academic recommendation letters are typically required to be submitted by students during the admission processes of graduate and undergraduate schools. 

Generally, each prospective student is requested to submit up to three references, which can be written by any education professional familiar with the candidate’s academic background. 

Academic reference letters include:

  • Recommendation letter for undergraduate/graduate school
  • Recommendation letter for a scholarship
  • Recommendation letter for a fellowship program

#2. Employment recommendation letters 

This type makes up the most popular type of recommendation letter.

Sometimes, employers can ask you to submit up to 3 recommendation letters as part of your job application.

More often, though, a recruiter might ask you for recommendation letters if they already like your resume and want to learn more about you. 

Employment recommendation letters are written by former - or current - coworkers, employers, or supervisors.

If you can choose, pick someone with more years of experience than you. After all, the more senior they are, the more weight their recommendation carries.

Employment recommendations include: 

  • Recommendation letter for a coworker
  • Recommendation letter for a (former) employee

#3. Character recommendation letters

Character recommendation letters, also known as personal references, are used to describe an individual’s personality by someone who knows them well, including close friends, coworkers, or employers. 

Personal references serve many purposes, the primary ones being court cases dealing with criminal issues such as drunk driving offenses, or legal situations such as child adoption procedures. 

It is not uncommon, however, to have a potential landlord or even immigration officials ask for a personal reference. 

Personal references include: 

  • Recommendation letter for a friend
  • Recommendation letter for a tenant
  • Recommendation letter for a patient

Recommendation letters follow a particular format and layout that make writing them significantly easier. 

In this section, we’ll cover how to do each the right way, starting with:

Letter of Recommendation Format

A letter of recommendation includes the following sections: 

  • The salutation ; if you are addressing someone whose name you know or writing a personal recommendation letter, the salutation can be addressed to “Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr. Smith.” Otherwise, you may use the generic “to whom it may concern.”
  • The introduction , which first and foremost includes your statement of recommendation (i.e. “ it is my pleasure to recommend… ”). It is common to also briefly state who you are and what your expertise is.
  • The overview, or a description of the applicant’s top skills, attributes, and strengths.
  • A personal story describing more of the applicant’s skills and qualifications.
  • The closing statement , or the final call for action, is where you encourage the recruiter to contact you if additional information is needed.
  • The signature , where you repeat your name and include your full contact information.

Letter of Recommendation Layout 

When it comes to the layout of the recommendation letter, all you need to do is follow some basic formatting rules. Here are the most important ones: 

#1. One page length. This rule applies to resumes too, but it’s even more essential for the recommendation letter. Recruiters go through hundreds of them, so chances are they appreciate concise, to-the-point letters that don’t waste their time. And besides, a good recommendation letter doesn’t have to be an essay to get the recruiter ‘hooked’ - especially if you follow the above format. 

#2. Single-spaced lining, with space between paragraphs . This also keeps your reference letter within the limit by shortening the text. 

#3. Traditional font. Don’t go for something too creative - pick a classic that works. We recommend Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Ubuntu, Roboto or Overpass.

#4. 1” margins on all sides . This creates enough white space around the margins and makes the letter easy to read. Additionally, the text should be aligned to the left - although this is a standard alignment for most documents.    

#5. 10-12pt font size . This is the font size range that makes the document easy to read. Adjusting the font size is another good way to keep your recommendation letter within the length limit.

Recommendation letters usually follow similar layout rules as resumes. Learn more about font size and style from our article on the best resume font, size, and format . 

Recommendation Letter Template 

Struggling to write a recommendation letter? 

Just follow our tried-and-tested template! 

To whom it may concern: 

[Recommend the referee for the position they are applying for.]

[Briefly introduce yourself and state your position/ job title , as well as your work experience .]

[Tell how you know the referee and describe their top skills, qualifications, and strengths.]

[Share a personal story with the referee where you highlight their strong points and key achievements .]

[Add a few more of the applicant’s skills and positive traits, preferably fitting the job description.]

[Show your availability to provide additional information for the referee if needed.]

Best Regards

[Your full signature and contact information]

How to Ask for a Recommendation Letter 

Need to ask someone for a recommendation letter? Here’s what you need to know.

The go-to person for your recommendation letter will depend on the type of reference you’ll need. 

For example, if you need an employment recommendation letter , your top choices should involve people who are familiar with your work ethic and professional abilities, but with whom you’ve also had a positive professional relationship. For example:

  • Your team lead
  • Department head
  • CEO of the company
  • Direct manager
  • A coworker you’ve worked with together on a project

If you are a recent graduate with little work experience, you can ask a mentor or college professor to write you a professional reference. 

In case you need an academic recommendation letter , consider asking a professor with whom you’ve worked closely and can positively attest to your academic potential and achievements.

Your thesis advisor, for example, would make a good choice to ask for an academic reference. If you never wrote a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, any professor who knows you as more than just a face in a sea of students should do the trick. 

Finally, keep the following in mind when the time comes to ask for a recommendation letter: 

  • Whoever you end up asking, talk to them about it in advance . Then, follow up with a formal email that should contain all reference-related information, such as the submission details and deadline. The email can also include a description of what you’re currently doing (professionally, academically, or independently), what qualifies you for the position, and some relevant skills, achievements, or noteworthy facts.
  • If you’re asking for a professional recommendation letter, make sure to also include your resume and the job description in the follow-up email. This way, the person writing the letter will know more about you and your new position and will be able to write a more relevant recommendation by tailoring your skills to the job, or by mentioning some of your (relevant) achievements.
  • Notify the contacts you’ll be asking - considering that in most cases recruiters ask for up to three recommendation letters - at least two weeks in advance. This will give them enough time to prepare and write a good recommendation letter. This is especially important for academic references because professors are usually writing several recommendation letters simultaneously.
  • Consider attaching a recommendation letter template such as the one provided in this article to your email. The template will considerably ease or guide them through the process of writing the letter.
  • Follow up by sending thank you notes to everyone who writes you a recommendation letter. Sending a letter of appreciation is a courtesy act that will let them know you are grateful for the time and effort they took to recommend you positively.

If you’re also looking to update your resume or create one, head over to our guide on how to write a resume in 2024 !

5 Tips on How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

There’s more to writing a recommendation letter than just following the layout instructions or sticking to the format.

We’re referring to content quality, which happens to be the trickiest part of the process. 

In this section, we’ll teach you how to write a recommendation letter that will impress the recruiter and help your referee!

Tip #1. Write an Attention-Grabbing Introduction  

First things first - the introduction.

This is where you need to grab the reader’s attention and get them interested in reading the recommendation letter. 

How to go about it? Before formally (and briefly) introducing yourself, aim to write an attention-grabbing recommendation statement, instead of a generic one the recruiter probably knows by heart already. 

Let’s explain this more practically: 

Dear Mr. Smith, 

I am pleased to recommend Sarah McKay for the Communications Assistant position.

Nothing wrong with this introduction at first glance, right? It’s a standard way of opening a recommendation letter after all. 

Well that’s exactly what’s wrong with it - it’s way too common. No, this probably won’t get your application disqualified, but it won’t impress the recruiter either.

Want yours to strike the right note? Try something like this instead:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am sincerely glad to be the one recommending Sarah McKay for the Communications Assistant position.

This recommendation statement is not significantly different from the previous one, except for one thing: it gives the reference letter a head start by implying that recommending Sarah is an honor. And that’s more likely to get the recruiter’s attention - or, at least, curiosity. 

In case you’re struggling to come up with an attention-grabbing introduction, simply mention one of the following points, and you’re good to go: 

  • A little-known fact about the candidate. 
  • Your general consideration of the candidate’s qualities.
  • A remarkable achievement or award the candidate might have won.  

Tip #2. Establish a Meaningful Relationship With the Candidate 

All recommendation letters explain what the relationship with the referee is before listing their skills and qualifications. 

To make the recommendation more meaningful, you should show the recruiter you are just the right person to attest to the candidate’s abilities. And that’s not something you can convey by simply stating how you know them. Take the following example:   

I have taught Jake Political Science for four years. 

Does this example tell the recruiter how you know the applicant? Sure, it does. 

But it does so in a boring way and without establishing a convincing relationship with them. For all the recruiter knows, Jake is just one out of a thousand students you’ve taught over the years.

It has been a pleasure for me to teach Jake for four years and guide him through his remarkable Bachelor’s thesis in Conflict Resolution.

Notice the difference? This example specifies the writer is Jake’s thesis advisor, which makes the recommendation all the more meaningful. 

Tip #3. Tailor Your Recommendation to the Application 

Want to put in the extra effort and make sure your referee truly stands out?

Tailor the recommendation letter to the job / university program they’re applying for.

Tailoring your letter to the candidate’s application is easiest when you’re recommending someone for employment (you can just check the job requirements), but it works for any type of recommendation (incl. academic). All you need to do is match the referee’s skills and strengths to whatever they’re applying for. 

Let’s assume, for example, that you’re recommending a co-worker for a marketing manager position.

Some of the job requirements are: 

  • +5 years of professional experience in marketing
  • Experience developing marketing campaigns 
  • Excellent communication skills 
  • Project-management and multi-tasking skills 

To tailor your recommendation to the job requirements, all you need to do is mention them as your referee’s best qualities. For example: 

Even after seven years working together, Ema’s skillful way of effectively communicating with clients and co-workers alike doesn’t cease to amaze me. It only comes second to her multi-tasking abilities, which I’ve witnessed throughout the many marketing campaigns we have developed and managed. 

As you can see, there’s not much to it. 

All you need to do is check the job requirements, pick several skills and qualifications, and make them part of your referee’s top skills, strengths, or personality traits.  

Tip #4. List the Candidate’s Achievements 

Mentioning some of the candidate’s achievements is another great way to help your referee really stand out.

After all, skills, strengths, and character traits are awesome, but they can also come across as meaningless if you can’t back them up with facts. 

What do we mean by this?

Let us explain:

Here’s how a typical personal story in a recommendation letter looks like:

I came to truly appreciate Eric’s work ethic, passion, and attention to detail the first time I assigned him to do a report on child trafficking. Eric was respectful of journalistic ethics but also willing to chase the story relentlessly, believing in its value and importance. 

Sure, this is a perfectly acceptable personal story. 

However, it doesn’t do much more than just list the referee’s skills, traits, and work experience through a subjective lens. 

What we’re saying is, it doesn’t really sell the candidate.

Now, let’s compare it to the following:

Eric’s ability to chase after difficult stories first became apparent when I assigned him a report about child trafficking. Despite the challenging topic, Eric not only pulled through but achieved more than expected by a) identifying a trafficking ring that put more than 50 minors into forced begging, b) interviewing 10 of the older minors and managing to bring that trafficking network down once the reportage went public and c) increasing the TV Channel’s ratings by 40% in 3 weeks. 

By mentioning those achievements, your account of the candidate’s experiences is a lot more “factual,” as well as impressive for the recruiter.

Not sure which achievements to include? Check out these 101+ achievements to list on your resum e !

Tip #5. Polish Up Your Recommendation Letter

Finally, here’s 5 more simple tips to get your recommendation letter ready:

  • Maintain positive rhetoric . At no point throughout your reference letter should the recruiter sense a hint of doubt regarding the applicant’s skills and qualifications.
  • Don’t overdo the positivity. Extremes are never good - which means being overly positive might also come across as a bit suspicious or weird (even if everything you're saying is true). 
  • Follow the submission instructions . A bunch of employers, but also educational institutions, will provide instructions on how to submit the recommendation letter. We recommend you ask the candidate to double-check them and give you a heads up, because if you submit the recommendation letter wrong, the candidate might lose their chance.
  • Use a business tone . Even when you’re being creative, your writing tone should maintain a business tone - polite, and as formal as possible.
  • Mind your grammar and spelling . This is another tip that goes for all things application-related. You won’t compromise the referee’s chances with a typo, but your recommendation won’t matter much either if it’s filled with simple grammar/spelling mistakes. Run your letter through a grammar and spell-check app once you’re finished with it, just to be on the safe side of things.

Recommendation Letter FAQ

Still have some questions on how to write a letter of recommendation?

Find your answers below!

1. What is a professional letter of recommendation?

A professional letter of recommendation - also called an employment recommendation letter - refers to an official document that is typically required when you apply for a job and which describes the applicant’s professional skills, experiences, and qualifications. 

Professional letters of recommendation are typically written by current or previous employers or supervisors. A coworker can also write you a professional letter of recommendation, but it’s not as optimal as a coworker is not really an authority figure (and might just be a friend doing you a favor instead of being honest).

2. What should be written in a letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation generally follow the following format: 

  • A formal salutation
  • An introduction (which includes a recommendation statement and your professional title)
  • An overview of some of the applicant’s skills, strengths, or qualifications, which you can tailor to the application
  • A personal story where you can mention some of the applicant’s achievements
  • A closing statement and call for action
  • A signature , with your contact information

3. Who should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

If you’re asking for an academic letter of recommendation, you can ask:

  • Current or former professors
  • Academic mentors
  • Thesis advisors

If you’re asking for a professional recommendation letter, though, you can ask:

  • Current or former employers
  • A supervisor or professional mentor
  • Former professors
  • Experienced coworkers

4. How do you start a recommendation paragraph?

To keep the recruiter reading your recommendation letter interested, you should start with an attention-grabbing introduction - specifically, an interesting recommendation statement. 

This statement is the opening sentence of the letter and it should optimally express your conviction to recommend the applicant in a non-generic way. 

If you’re struggling with coming up with something creative, just start with one of the following:

  • A little-known or impressive fact about the candidate
  • Your general consideration of the candidate’s qualities
  • A remarkable achievement, or an award the candidate might have won

5. How do you end a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation concludes with a call to action or a request towards the recruiter   showing your availability and willingness to provide additional information if needed. After mentioning that you remain available to discuss the candidate’s qualifications, you may finalize the letter with your signature - your name, title, and company.

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope this article will make the process of writing a recommendation letter easier for you. 

Let’s go over some of the main points we covered: 

  • A letter of recommendation is a formal letter confirming and recommending a person’s work, skills, or academic performance and potential.
  • Recommendation letters follow a particular format and layout. The format typically consists of 1) the letterhead and full contact information, 2) a salutation, 3) an introduction, 4) an overview, 5) a personal story, 6) a closing sentence and 7) your signature.
  • The three types of recommendation letters are employment, academic, and character recommendation letters.
  • Who to ask for a recommendation letter depends on the type of reference you need. As a rule of thumb, pick someone who knows your skills and strengths well and whom you’ve had a positive experience (professional or academic) with.

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Reference Letter vs Recommendation Letter: What’s the Difference? [Examples]

Kaleena Stroud

3 key takeaways

  • A reference letter is typically used for applying to internships, scholarships, and entry-level positions at companies.
  • A letter of recommendation is typically used to support your candidacy for a specific job or placement.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder can help you craft compelling achievements to use as a base for every endorsement letter.

Whether you're applying for your dream job or seeking admission to an academic program, you may need a letter that endorses your skills and qualifications to help you get your foot in the door.

But what’s the difference between a reference letter vs recommendation letter? And how do you know which one is right for your situation? In this article, you’ll the key differences, when to use each one, and get examples and templates to use as a guide.

Struggling to secure strong endorsement letters? Use Teal’s AI Resume Builder to craft personalized achievements that make it easy (and faster) for your writers.

Reference letter vs recommendation letter: what’s the difference?

Botha  reference letter and recommendation letter are written with the same goal: to bolster a candidate’s application. Both are written by someone you know who has the authority to speak on your behalf. 

Is a reference letter the same as a recommendation letter?

So is a letter of reference the same as a letter of recommendation? Simply stated, no. Because they are similar, these two terms are often confused for one another but key differences set them apart.

Letter of reference vs letter of recommendation

A comparison of a reference letter vs recommendation letter

Referral vs reference letter

When it comes to a referral vs a reference letter, a referral letter is typically written by someone who is recommending you for a position based on their professional relationship or connection to the company (for example, an internal employee).

Unlike a reference letter, which focuses on your skills and qualifications, a referral letter emphasizes the referrer’s belief in your ability to succeed in the role. While both are professional endorsements, a referral is more about leveraging connections.

What is a reference letter?

A letter of reference is a general endorsement of a person’s abilities or work ethic. It is closely related to a character reference. Broad in scope, it can be used multiple times for various opportunities such as applying for scholarships, career recognitions, or job openings.

Submitting a reference letter, as opposed to adding references to your resume, is optimal in most cases.

Purpose of a reference letter

  • Focuses on your qualities as a person, student, or employee
  • Created for future or general use
  • Can be used multiple times, for a variety of purposes
  • Less formal than a recommendation letter
  • Can help you get an interview

Who writes a reference letter

A reference letter is usually written by someone who knows you well enough to speak about your character and work ethic but may not have directly supervised or managed you.

The writer of a reference letter could be a:

  • Former supervisor
  • Community leader 

The key is that this person can provide a general endorsement of your abilities, strengths, and professional demeanor that can be applied to multiple contexts, (think: job applications, scholarships, or general recognitions). And because reference letters are often broader in nature, it’s important to choose someone who can speak to your overall character and potential, rather than focusing on specific job-related skills.

What is in a reference letter?

A reference letter typically focuses on your character, work ethic, and personal qualities. It includes a brief overview of the relationship between you and the person writing the letter, followed by examples of your positive traits or achievements. Since a reference letter is not usually tied to a specific role, it can be reused for various opportunities, making it a versatile endorsement of your overall abilities and reliability.

What is a letter of recommendation?

A recommendation letter, also called a letter of recommendation , is a formal document written that discusses a person’s suitability for a role or details their abilities, attributes, work ethic, and specific achievements. Its purpose is to address specific skills as they relate to the position you’re applying for. 

What is the purpose of a letter of recommendation?

  • Focuses on your skills, work experience, and work ethic
  • Requested as part of the mandatory documents
  • Created with a specific role in mind
  • Can only be used for said role
  • Can help you land the next step or the official role 

What is in a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is more detailed and specific to the job or program you’re applying for. It highlights your skills, accomplishments, and qualifications directly related to that opportunity. The letter will explain the relationship between you and the writer, then provide examples of how your achievements align with the job or program requirements. A recommendation letter is customized for one particular use, offering strong support for your application.

Who should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

Recommendation letters are more specific. They’re typically written by someone who has worked closely with you in a supervisory or academic capacity. 

This person needs to be familiar with your work and achievements in a particular context—whether that's a job or academic environment.

Ideal writers for recommendation letters include:

  • Current or former managers
  • Direct supervisors
  • Professors who can attest to your abilities

The purpose is to provide a targeted endorsement, so choosing someone who has firsthand experience of your work and can directly relate your skills to the role is important.

When to use a reference letter or letter of recommendation

If you get the basics but are still asking yourself, “Should I use a letter of reference or recommendation?” here’s how you know when to use a reference letter over a recommendation letter:

When to use a letter of reference

In a job setting, drumming up a few great letters that assess your skills or abilities could influence if the hiring manager or recruiter will invite you to an interview. 

In an academic application setting, these can influence whether you’re considered for an open-ended opportunity such as a scholarship or award.

Use a letter of reference:

  • When seeking an informational or first-round interview
  • If you’re entering the job market without a specific position in mind
  • When applying for multiple awards or fellowships with varying requirements

When to use a letter of recommendation

In both a job and academic setting, a recommendation letter supports your candidacy for an opportunity at hand. If you already have experience in your field and you’re applying to a specific position, this is typically the right fit. 

Use a letter of recommendation:

  • When a letter of recommendation is specifically requested by an organization
  • As part of an application package for an academic opportunity, such as grad school

You can see these two letters have their own specific purpose. A recommendation letter cannot replace a reference letter and vice versa. But regardless of the endorsement letter you choose, it should align with the other materials in your application, such as your resume and cover letter, to present a cohesive narrative.

Streamline letters of recommendation and reference letters

Make it easy for your letter writers to help you by providing a list of your top achievements upfront—saving them time and ensuring they highlight the best parts of your experience. This not only speeds up the process but also helps create a cohesive application that aligns your resume, cover letter, and reference or recommendation letters.

Need help crafting specific accomplishments for your letters? Teal’s AI Resume Bullet Point Generator can guide you in writing and organizing your wins, making it easier for your letter writer to mention your professional achievements. (Plus, you can store as many versions as you need on the Teal platform, so you’re never left rushing at the last minute.)

Reference letter example

Below are some examples of reference letters to help you understand what a well-rounded recommendation looks like. Reference letters can vary in style, but this sample offers a clear structure and tone that you can expect from this professional endorsement.

A reference letter example

Reference letter sample

Dear Hiring Manager, I highly recommend John Davis for any project management or operations role. I worked with John for three years at VisionTech Solutions, where he consistently led his team with strong leadership, attention to detail, and an ability to handle multiple high-priority projects. John managed a team of 10 and oversaw key projects, including the implementation of a workflow system that improved efficiency by 25%. His clear communication skills and problem-solving abilities were essential in delivering results on time and exceeding client expectations. John's work ethic and critical thinking make him an excellent fit for any organization. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Email] for further details. Best regards, Sarah Thompson Director of Operations VisionTech Solutions

Reference letter template

If you need a simple framework, this fill-in-the-blank template can be easily customized to suit your needs. You can also hand it off to your letter writer (along with a list of accomplishments) to save them time and ensure they cover all the key points.

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I’m  writing to recommend [Candidate’s Name] for [position] at [company name]. During [his/her/their] time at [company name], [he/she/they] consistently demonstrated [mention skills or qualities] and played a key role in [specific achievements and projects]. [Candidate’s Name] is skilled in [list specific skills] and would be a valuable asset to any team. [His/Her/Their] [mention strong personal qualities or work ethic] will undoubtedly contribute to [company name]. Please contact me at [your contact information] if you need further information. Best regards, [Name] [Title] [Company Name]

Example of a character reference letter

A character reference letter focuses on your personal qualities and moral character and is typically written by someone who knows you outside of a work environment. It’s often used in situations where professional experience isn’t the main focus, think situations like volunteering or applying for a position that values integrity and trust.

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I’m writing to provide a character reference for [Candidate’s Name]. I have known [him/her/them] for [number of years] and have always found [him/her/them] to be [mention character traits, such as trustworthy, hardworking, kind, etc. - consider terms from the website or application that are important to the reader]. [Candidate’s Name] consistently demonstrates [specific qualities, such as honesty or compassion] and is known for [specific example of how they’ve shown those qualities]. I believe [he/she/they] would be an excellent fit for any role that values [key qualities such as integrity or teamwork]. Please feel free to contact me at [your contact information] for further information. Sincerely, [Name] [Relationship to the Candidate] [Contact Information]

Example of a personal reference letter

A personal reference letter is often written by a friend, colleague, or mentor who can speak to your general abilities and character, but it’s less formal than a professional recommendation. 

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I'm writing to provide a personal reference for Sarah Green. I have known Sarah for over five years through our involvement in various community initiatives, and I can confidently say she is a dedicated and reliable individual. One example of Sarah’s commitment was during our annual charity event, where she played a key role in organizing activities, coordinating over 50 volunteers, and helping raise 30% more than our goal. Her ability to motivate and lead others while staying organized made the event a huge success. Sarah is passionate about giving back and always brings a positive attitude to any project she’s involved in. I believe her qualities would be an asset to any cause or organization she chooses to support. Please feel free to contact me for more details. Best regards, James Parker Community Volunteer Coordinator

Letter of recommendation example

Below is a letter of recommendation example highlighting specific skills, accomplishments, and qualifications for a particular role. Use this as a guide to understand how a detailed and targeted recommendation is structured to support an application.

Recommendation letter sample

Dear James, I'm thrilled to recommend Sarah Miller for the sales leadership role at Apex Sales Agency. Having had the pleasure of working closely with Sarah for the past three years at SalesPro Solutions, I can attest to her exceptional leadership skills and dedication to driving results. Sarah joined our team as a sales associate and quickly distinguished herself as a natural leader and therefore was promoted to a sales supervisor within a year. One particular instance that stands out is when Sarah spearheaded a project to revamp our sales training program. Recognizing the need for a more comprehensive approach, Sarah led a team in developing interactive modules that enhanced the skills of our existing sales representatives.  What truly sets Sarah apart is her strategic mindset and ability to identify growth opportunities. Last year, she led a cross-functional initiative to penetrate a new market segment. Through meticulous market research and targeted outreach efforts, Sarah successfully secured several key accounts, resulting in a 27% increase in revenue within that sector.   In conclusion, Sarah Miller is a dynamic leader who possesses the vision, drive, and interpersonal skills needed to excel in the sales leadership role at Apex Sales Agency. I am confident she will make significant contributions to your team and help elevate your company to new heights. Sincerely, Kevin Williams Sales Manager SalesPro Solutions

Letter of recommendation template

Need help understanding how to write a letter of recommendation ? Fill out this template below with specific examples.

Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to recommend [Candidate's Name] for the [name of role] position. As her former [Position Title] at [Company you both worked at], I had the great fortune of watching [him/her/them] demonstrate exceptional [professionalism/work ethic/dedication] and a deep understanding and knowledge of the [industry/field] during [former employee’s dates]. [First Name] excels in [relevant skill #1], [relevant skill #2], and [relevant skill #3]. [His/Her] ability to [specific strength #1] and [specific strength #2] makes [him/her/them] a valuable asset to any team. One of [Candidate's] greatest strengths is [mention a particular strength or attribute]. [He/She] consistently [mention a specific achievement or action] and [mention another specific achievement or action]. Moreover, [Candidate] exhibited exceptional [leadership/mentoring/communication] skills and a natural ability to work effectively with [his/her] colleagues. [He/She] played a pivotal role in [mention any specific leadership or mentoring roles] and [share an example or anecdote demonstrating leadership or mentorship]. In summary, I have no hesitation in recommending [Candidate's Name]. [He/She] is an exceptionally talented individual with a proven track record of success and a genuine passion for [the industry/field]. [His/Her] dedication, professionalism, and outstanding work ethic make [him/her] a valuable asset to any organization. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or clarification regarding [Candidate's Name] qualifications and experience. Sincerely, [Name] [Position] [Company/Organization]

How to ask for reference and recommendation letters

Both letter types should be written by someone who can attest to a person’s character traits, such as a former employer, mentor, or teacher. Unlike a recommendation letter, a reference letter can also be written by a coworker, colleague, or long-time friend, since it focuses more on a character reference rather than specific skills and work ethic. 

How to ask for a reference letter 

  • Ask coworkers or superiors soon after leaving the workplace.
  • Ask instructors or mentors soon after the semester or school year is over.
  • Send a request to whomever can provide a positive review.

If you don’t have the right person’s email address or feel their schedule is too busy, consider requesting a LinkedIn recommendation .

Asking for a recommendation letter

  • Choose someone with a job title relevant to the opportunity, who’s able to speak to your qualifications.
  • Give context on the specific opportunity and how it relates to your past work.
  • Provide suggestions to the letter writer or consider writing sample bullet points for them.

Always thank the person for their time, and for writing the recommendation letter.

Tips for submitting reference and recommendation letters

Knowing how to submit reference and recommendation letters properly is just as important as how they're written.

Correctly handling the submission process ensures your application is organized, professional, and easy for the recipient to read. Here are some tips to follow when sending them:

1. Use attachments

Always send your resume, cover letter, and reference or recommendation letters as separate attachments so it's easy to open and review each document individually.

2. Label appropriately

Clearly label each attachment using a professional format. For example, "John_Doe_Resume.pdf," "John_Doe_Cover_Letter.pdf," and "John_Doe_Reference_Letter.pdf."

3. Include context

If you're sending your documents via email, make sure to mention that you’ve attached your resume, cover letter, and reference or recommendation letter(s) so nothing gets overlooked.

4. Avoid zip files

Unless explicitly requested, avoid sending your documents in a zip file. Attach each document individually to make it more convenient for the recipient to access and review.

Complement your endorsement letters

Your reference and recommendation letters are crucial in supporting your qualifications and achievements. They provide a deeper, personalized insight into your skills, giving the reader a clearer picture of what you bring to the table. 

To make the most impact, your resume, cover letters, and professional endorsement letters should tell a unified story about your experience and skills. When they tie together, they create a clear narrative, making it easier for the reader to see why you’re the perfect fit for their org.

With Teal’s tools, you can streamline this process by aligning your resume, cover letters, and references seamlessly. Teal's AI can help you ensure consistency across all materials—faster—helping you present a cohesive and polished application.

‍ Sign up for Teal for free to create a tailored, cohesive application package today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a letter of recommendation replace a reference.

A letter of recommendation cannot replace a reference and vice versa. Each letter has its own specific purpose and use case.

What is the difference between a letter of recommendation and a personal reference?

A personal reference is broad in scope. It can be used multiple times for various opportunities such as applying for scholarships, career recognitions, or job openings at companies.

What is an example of a reference letter?

A reference letter should follow the standard business letter format. It speaks directly to your skills and characteristics and may state something along the lines of “For these reasons, I believe [your name] would make an excellent [general position you seek].” 

What is the purpose of a reference letter?

A reference letter is created to bolster your application by explaining the great qualities you have. This helps the application reviewers understand who you are and see how you could fit in the role.

Are reference letters still relevant?

Yes, a reference letter is still a valuable part of the application process. If you get a glowing review from a respectable professional contact, it can help influence the decision making process.  

a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

Kaleena Stroud

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  • How to Write a Letter of...

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

11 min read · Updated on August 25, 2022

Susan Shor

Writing a letter of recommendation is an honor, but also a big responsibility. Take the guesswork out of creating something that can make or break a colleague or student's candidacy.

As a trusted colleague, boss, or friend, you may be asked to write a letter of recommendation. That says a lot about the esteem in which others hold you and you should take it as an honor. Because you want to do a good job to ensure the person you are writing about has the best shot at the position they want, you need to understand how to write a letter of recommendation.

But what exactly is a letter of recommendation and how should you go about writing one? There's no mystery. Once you understand what goes into a great recommendation letter and how you can compile one, you'll be equipped to help that star student or employee make their next life move.

In this blog we will detail the steps to take and the following:

What is a letter of recommendation?

Recommendation letter examples

Types of recommendation letters

Recommendation letter format

Tips for writing a letter of recommendation

Mistakes to avoid

A letter of recommendation is a formal introduction and reference for a person seeking a new job or academic role. Letters of recommendation are typically written by a former employer, professor, client, or colleague whose attestation to your skills and qualities will impress the reader.

If you are asked to write a letter of recommendation, you can be sure that the requester believes you will have good things to say about their professional qualities and why you believe they are an excellent candidate for this new role.

A great recommendation letter, like a great resume or cover letter, entices the reader to want to learn more about the candidate and to offer them an interview to discuss the opportunity further.

Not everyone who requests a recommendation letter is asking because they have entered the job market. An employee may be returning to school to get an advanced degree, or applying for a certification program or fellowship.

Each different purpose requires a slightly different letter-writing approach. There are two main types of letters of recommendation you as a supervisor, client, manager, teacher or other superior may be asked to write:


Academic letter of recommendation

Colleges, universities, and other post-graduate programs often seek letters of recommendation as part of the application process. These letters may also play a role in whether a candidate receives a scholarship or other financial assistance.

Academic letters of recommendation should focus on who the applicant is as a person and what insight and dedication they will bring to the academic department or program. Your job as an academic letter of recommendation writer is to offer an unbiased perspective on the applicant's personality, but also on their ability to grasp new concepts and any other skills and attributes that will make them an excellent student.

Employment letter of recommendation

Typically written by supervisors, managers, or clients, employment recommendation letters are focused on the attributes that will make the letter's subject an excellent employee. If you are asked by a person you supervise to write a letter of recommendation and it is not against company policy, make sure you honestly believe the person is a quality candidate. Your name will be on the letter, too.Teachers, academic advisors, and university professors may also be asked to write employment recommendations, especially if their students are searching for their first job or first job in a new field.

Exercise caution

Be aware that many employers will not allow you to write a recommendation letter for a colleague. They will, instead, suggest that you refer the person to the Human Resources Department, which will merely confirm a person's tenure with the company.

Before you begin to write, it will help to understand what goes into a reference letter. Any letter of recommendation should follow a standard format. Here are the components you need to include:


Closing statement and signature

You may also consider including a personal anecdote if you feel comfortable doing so and it illustrates a positive quality about the letter's subject.

You may be asking yourself, “How do I write a letter of recommendation?” Take it one section at a time. Below, we offer detailed information on what each section should contain and recommendation letter example text for each.

Since this is a formal letter, your greeting should also be formal, unless the person for whom you are writing the letter asks you to keep it casual. You can't go wrong with Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last name] since you are relying on the information given to you by the letter's subject. 

If you do not know who the recipient of the letter is, kindly suggest that a letter with a personalized greeting goes a lot farther than one with a generic greeting. Above all, avoid the stilted “To Whom It May Concern” if at all possible.

The beginning of a recommendation letter serves an important purpose: It tells the reader who you are writing about and why. Although it may seem less than creative, one of the best ways to start is simply by adapting the following letter of recommendation examples intro: 

“I am pleased to recommend Sarah Peterman for the financial analyst manager position at Holdfield Century Inc. I have supervised Sarah for four years at Rosano Industries and feel she would be outstanding in this role.”

This format works for a candidate applying for a university program by simply changing the job and prospective employer's name to the academic program and university's name. 

The overview comprises the bulk of your letter of reference; it is the middle two or three body paragraphs. This may be the most difficult section to write because it is here that you explain why you believe the candidate is worthy. To help guide you, try answering the following questions:

What words best describe the candidate's work style?

What qualities help them excel and make them right for the new role?

What project or achievement stands out from their tenure?

What story or personal anecdote can you tell that will illustrate the best of the candidate?

Peg each piece of the information you share with a skill or attribute necessary for the new role. Make sure you connect the dots and explain exactly how each quality builds a case for the candidate.

Here is a recommendation letter example for the overview:

“I remember when Sarah began working in my department. She was eager to learn and, in fact, quickly developed an understanding of business modeling and our proprietary accounting system. Sarah is not afraid to ask clarifying questions and is always ready to lend a hand to get the job done. 

“In the course of our four years of working together, Sarah has taken every opportunity to stretch and grow as a financial analyst. In fact, I believe she is ready to move into the role of financial analyst.

“Just last week, I entrusted Sarah with completing and presenting our five-year business forecast at the company's quarterly meeting. I offered her this opportunity because I knew not only that she would do a fabulous job, but also that she was outgrowing her role as my subordinate. She did not disappoint. Her presentation was flawless and her analysis spot-on.”

Closing statement

You've written a recommendation letter that makes a great case for the candidate. Now you need a few sentences that remind the reader that you believe they are ready for their next move and you believe they have chosen wisely.

Here is a letter of recommendation example for a closing statement:

“After having managed Sarah for four years, I can attest to her dedication, determination and knowledge of business processes and strategies. Holdfield Century Inc. would be lucky to have Sarah in the position of finance manager.”

Finally, sign off with Sincerely or Regards, your full name, your title, and the company for which you work.


Anna Chavez

Financial analyst manager

Rosana Industries”

Tips for writing a good letter of recommendation

When writing a letter of recommendation, there are some hints to keep in mind that will make the process easier and more fruitful for the candidate. After all, you wouldn't have agreed to write the rec letter unless you believed in the candidate and wanted to help them.

Here are some tips for writing a great letter of recommendation.

Make sure you don't waste a word. You have only a few paragraphs to convince a hiring manager or admissions officer that the person you have chosen to endorse is an excellent candidate. Unless it's relevant, don't take space mentioning that they love soccer or knitted you a beautiful sweater for your birthday.

If you link each sentence to a quality necessary for the position, you won't have any trouble with this.

Use descriptive words to make a strong case. If possible, ask the candidate for the job listing or requirements for the academic program. Incorporate necessary attributes into your sentences. If creativity falls high on the list of requirements and you can honestly say it's true, write a phrase such as “creative thinker” or “able to develop creative solutions to thorny business problems.”

Get specific. The best letters of recommendation offer pointed examples, not platitudes. They offer data, details, and reasons for your high praise. “Kenton is a great employee” pales in comparison to “Kenton has never missed a deadline and often turns in his high-quality work early.” If you're in a data-driven industry, cement the case with relevant figures.

Check the facts with the letter's subject. It's not your career you're writing about. Do a little research to make sure you don't miss a key fact or accomplishment. Don't be shy about double-checking the details or even asking the candidate to refresh your memory.

Now that you know what you should do, here are a few things you should not . 

Don't say yes to writing the letter if you can't make an honest recommendation. A tepid letter of recommendation may be worse than none at all. Perhaps your underling has learned from the mistakes she made during her tenure as your employee and just needs a fresh start. That doesn't mean you have to write a recommendation letter. It's OK to say no.

Damning with faint praise. This is definitely a case where a less than ringing endorsement will have the recipient reading between the lines. That old saw, “if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all” applies here. Certainly do not write an anti-recommendation letter. Instead, let the candidate's resume, cover letter, and interview stand on their own.

The flipside: Hyperbole. While you don't want to get negative, you also don't want to go over the top with your language. The statement, “Kayla's art is among the best in the world” may have the reader thinking, “Really? Compared to Frida Kahlo, Picasso, and Rembrandt?” Keep it real. “Kayla's graphic designs have helped our customers increase traffic to their websites by 20%” is much more realistic and offers a better idea of what Kayla can do.

To be asked to write a letter of reference is an honor. It says that the person trusts you and believes you know their best qualities.

Follow the structure above, using a professional tone. Make it clear that you highly recommend the candidate for that position.

Choose a personal, but professionally related, anecdote to illustrate the candidate's outstanding qualifications for the job or academic program.

It is better to say no than to write a letter of recommendation that doesn't praise the candidate.

Make sure you have all the details right by doing some research and double-checking your facts

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How to write a letter of recommendation (with examples)

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What’s a letter of recommendation?

Format of a letter of recommendation, tips for writing a letter of recommendation, letter of recommendation examples, how to write a letter of recommendation for a friend, start writing.

Sometimes, a former colleague pops up in your inbox to ask you for a favor. This time, it’s a letter of recommendation. If you loved working with this coworker, you’d jump at the opportunity to help them out.

There’s only one problem: you’ve never written a letter like that before. You don’t even know where to begin — it’s time to learn how to write a letter of recommendation.

Writing an effective letter of recommendation takes time, thoughtfulness, and insight into the person’s background and character. 

If you’re willing to write a letter for this person, you’re likely overflowing with praise for them. But how do you balance your high regard with professionalism? This article discusses what a letter of recommendation is and how to write an effective one. It also includes valuable examples to get you started.

A letter of recommendation highlights a person’s skills, knowledge, and experience to bolster an application. Someone who knows a candidate writes one of these letters to vouch for them, expressing why they’re the best person for the opportunity.

A professional letter of recommendation is usually addressed to a hiring manager, admissions committee, or potential employer. You might also need to write one for someone applying for any of the following:

A new home or apartment 

Scholarships, grants, or awards

A new job 

Fellowship programs 

Graduate or professional school programs

As the letter writer, your communication skills are tested since you’re responsible for painting a positive picture of this person. Someone you once managed might be changing careers ; they need you to highlight their transferable skills .

Your letter could include positive comments about how they have strong public speaking skills and experience juggling multiple deadlines simultaneously.

Research has shown that people referred for a job are 4x more likely to be offered it than those without a referral. While a recommendation isn’t necessarily an internal referral, these letters show that someone credible vouches for the letter’s subject to have this position. A good letter of recommendation can make or break an application.


Letter of recommendation versus letter of reference

Let’s not confuse a letter of recommendation for a reference letter. While a letter of recommendation focuses on skills, knowledge, and experience, a reference letter describes a person’s character. It’s when you describe their work ethic and personal qualities. Both letters require specific examples and details, but they address different aspects of a person.

A reference letter:

Used for generic reasons 

Doesn’t have to be for professional reasons

Provides an overview of a person’s character and qualities

A letter of recommendation:

Used for specific positions or opportunities

Includes details and examples

Written by someone in an authoritative position, like a former manager or professor

You could be a little rusty when it comes to formatting a letter — or maybe this is completely new to you. One CBS poll found that 37% of Americans said it's been over five years since they've written a personal letter , and 15% had never done it at all. Don't fret if you relate. It’s never too late to learn a new skill.

Writing a letter of recommendation requires you to flex your organizational skills . If that’s something you struggle with, you might benefit from a letter of recommendation template. We've got you covered. 


Here are five sections you should include in your letter:

Greetings: Keep this section short and sweet. This is where you address the recipient of the letter. Make sure you know how to spell their name and title properly, or write a general greeting like "To whom it may concern" or “Dear [University Name] admission committee.”

Introduction: In your introduction, explain who you are, your relationship to the candidate, and why you recommend them for the opportunity. Consider briefly explaining why you're writing this letter and hint at what you'll discuss further down.

Body of the letter: This section contains the most important information. It'll include an overview of the person's past experiences, skills, and industry knowledge. Make sure to share short personal anecdotes with details that illustrate their abilities. For instance, you might describe the person's communication skills by using an example of when they were part of a large research project you worked on together and had to communicate effectively with team members. 

Closing statement: A good letter needs a solid closing statement. It's your chance to summarize your points and highlight why you're giving this person a strong recommendation. Be succinct and thorough, but avoid repeating details.

Your signature: It's time to finish your letter. Add your signature and contact information at the very end to signal it's over.

Understanding how to structure your letter will help organize the writing process. Make sure you’re thoughtful with your words and pay attention to the details .

Here are five tips to consider when writing a letter of recommendation:

Collect all the necessary information before you begin writing

Keep a positive voice, but avoid clichés 

Tailor your tone to the situation 

Focus on highlighting the most important details

Proofread your letter several times

The things you include in a letter for someone hoping to gain admission into graduate school differ from someone trying to secure a job offer. Each letter follows the same format, but the details are different.

You may find that getting the first few words down is the hardest, and that's understandable. But once you start your introduction, the rest of the letter will follow suit.


Here are three examples of how to start letters of recommendation for different scenarios, plus a few things to keep in mind for the rest of the letter:

1. Recommendation letter for a job

It's my pleasure to recommend [Person's name] for the Data Scientist role at X Company. I was [Person's name] supervisor from 2011-2021 and valued their deep knowledge of software programs, time management skills, and prior experience.

Above all, their innovative problem-solving techniques helped our team excel on projects. I've watched their skills grow immensely and think they'd be an ideal candidate for the job.

Next, share detailed examples of the person's problem-solving techniques and expand on how much they've grown throughout the years. Finish the letter by telling this employer how lucky their company would be to have this candidate based on your examples and their skills. 

2. Recommendation letter for graduate school

I highly recommend [Person's name] for admission to the [program] at X University. I am a psychology professor at Y University and had the pleasure of teaching [Person's name] in [course code] during their bachelor's degree in nutrition.

[Person's name] stood out from the other students because of their ability to research topics with exceptional depth and use feedback to strengthen their knowledge on how best to present nutritional studies. They thrive in collaborative environments because of their superb teamwork skills and communicate effectively with peers and colleagues.

Consider finishing the letter by expanding on the candidate's research topics and explaining some of the reasons why they have good teamwork and communication skills. It will help to know more about the program they’re applying to and which strengths to emphasize.

Each admissions committee will have different criteria, so tailor your examples to reflect the skills they’ll need to succeed. 

3. Recommendation letter for a scholarship

I highly recommend choosing [Person's name] for your annual marketing scholarship. I'm a former coworker of [Person's name] from 2015-2022 and saw firsthand how skilled they execute marketing strategies and intuitively understand data to predict future trends.

[Person's name] started as an intern and has since secured a full-time paid position. In their time at X Company, they demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and a high level of professionalism, which is why they'd be an ideal candidate for your scholarship. They would represent your scholarship and their school with dignity and integrity. 

The body of your letter should include references to specific projects the person worked on and how they’ve become a great leader in the workplace to show the selection committee why they best meet the scholarship’s criteria.

If a friend has asked you to write them a personal letter of recommendation, it won’t be as professional in tone as a letter a former employee or manager requests. It will act more like a reference letter by leaning on their character while highlighting strengths and accomplishments.


Here are a few things to consider when writing a letter of recommendation for a friend:

Ask for details: It would be tough to provide specific examples without details about what you’re recommending them for. Asking your friend for details on where they’re applying will help you structure your letter and pack it with the most valuable information.

Explain your relationship: This doesn’t have to be long but describe how you know the person. Explain if you have a professional working relationship or if you’ve known each other since childhood. This gives you credibility as a letter writer. 

Share your contact information: Include ways for people to contact you for a potential follow-up. Consider using your work email address or LinkedIn profile.

You could encounter a situation where you don’t want to write a letter of recommendation for a friend. Whatever your reason is, don’t feel pressured to write a letter. Learning how to say “no” helps you solidify your boundaries and honor your values.

Learning how to write a letter of recommendation tests your organizational and communication skills. You need to be precise and articulate with your praise — and that’s not easy, especially if you’ve never written a letter of recommendation before.

These letters are for various purposes, like landing a job, getting into a school, or signing a lease agreement. No matter the purpose, these letters should meet the same guidelines. You’ll always benefit from being detailed, asking the person questions for greater clarity about the application, and including all necessary sections. 

Remember that writing a letter of recommendation requires your authentic self . You have to be honest with your recommendation and reasons for offering it. After you’ve written it, be proud of yourself. You’ve taken the time to do something kind for someone else, and kindness never goes out of style.

Understand Yourself Better:

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Maggie Wooll, MBA

Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

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How to Write Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation: How to Write [+Examples]

Learn how to write a letter of recommendation. Find tips, examples, and a template to download. Learn how to properly ask for a letter of recommendation.

Steven L.

Worried about how to write a letter of recommendation or who and how to ask for one?

We’ve got both sides of the coin covered! You are going to learn all that in the next few minutes!

A letter of recommendation, also called a “reference letter” or “recommendation letter”, can be personal or professional.

In most cases, you need letters of recommendation for professional use such as job applications, college admissions, and scholarships.

But there may be situations when a personal reference letter from a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance can be used.

The goal of every kind of recommendation letter is the same: to prove that you are worthy of the job or the task at hand.

In this post, we are going to mostly focus on the professional aspects of recommendation letters.

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation mean a lot to the person you are writing it for.

Their next big job opportunity depends upon what you are going to write about them.

This person thinks highly of your relationship with them to ask for your written recommendation.

So, you have to be very careful and honest about it.

When someone asks for a recommendation letter from you, make sure you know enough about the person and are well prepared to write one for them.

If your associate did not provide it already, get all the necessary information from them like the job posting and their resume to tailor your reference letter to their specific needs.

If you think you are not in a suitable position to write a positive letter of recommendation for them, it is very important that you frankly let them know that.

It is better to not write a letter at all than to write a not so impressive or boring one.

How to Start a Letter of Recommendation

After the letterhead and the contact information of both the parties, you should start by directly addressing the person, the group, or committee you are writing to.

Make sure you have that information from the person you are writing for.

Start by writing:

Dear Clara/ Dear Ms. Jones/ Dear Hiring Manager/ Dear Board Members

Try to avoid the bureaucratic phrase “To Whom It May Concern” unless you have no other options.

Then, jump into the opening paragraph of your letter with a hook.

Explain for whom you are writing, how you know the person, and why you are willing to write this recommendation letter for the person.

It could be something like this:

Dear Ms. Jones,

With utmost confidence, I can vouch for the immense capabilities Marian Adams possesses as a Software Engineer. I have worked as her supervisor at XYZ Corporation for five years where I have seen the magic she performs with her code.

Marian Adams is no ordinary programmer. As her supervisor at XYZ Corporation for five years, I have seen her work with awe and amazement. I can assure you that there are very few software engineers out there with as much depth and knowledge as her.

These samples effectively answer the who, why, and how questions with enough appeal for the hiring manager to take it seriously.

How to Write the Body of a Letter of Recommendation

After you have established the tone and setting with the first paragraph, it is time to expand on the applicant’s core strengths, capabilities, and your own experience with him/her.

It can be a single or multiple paragraphs depending on your needs.

First, make a list of the person’s most impressive skills, strengths, experiences, achievements, and your own observations about them.

Then, pick the ones that are most relevant to the job they are applying to.

Try to provide real-life examples of their successes as witnessed by you.

Real examples and stories work like magic in a recommendation letter.

Try to create something like this:

During the time we worked together, I have seen how dedicated she is towards her work and how skillfully she overcomes complex challenges that are essential to being a software engineer.

Her solutions to problems are thorough and enhance the team’s overall performance. Once, I saw how she came with the perfect code in a day where the whole team was struggling for two weeks.

Any software project she was a part of, the management knew from the very beginning that it would be a grand success.

If I ever end up having my own business, she is going to be my lead engineer for sure!

How to Close a Letter of Recommendation

You should always close the letter of recommendation with your final verdict about the applicant and with a call to action.

Invite the reader for an in-person call or follow-up email to further discuss any other questions that the reader might have.

It could be something similar to this:

I would whole-heartedly recommend Marian for your Software Engineer position and I believe you should seize the opportunity to have a dynamic and skilled programmer on your team. Please contact me if you need further information about her. I would be glad to help you and Marian as much as I can.

How to Write a Targeted Letter of Recommendation

While writing a letter of recommendation, you should always keep it focused on the job in question.

Go through the job post and the resume of the applicant.

Find out the main keywords related to the job requirements, responsibilities, and skills.

Then, incorporate those keywords into your letter as naturally as possible.

The use of keywords should feel like it naturally fits into your description. Not forced into the text just to make an impression.

Take a look at this job posting for an Audio Engineer on Indeed:

Job Posting Example

What are the keywords you should focus on?

Team player, productive attitude, skilled in operating acoustics equipment, and artistic objectives – these are the keywords with maximum impact here.

Now, use the ones that you have witnessed in the applicant while working with him in any scope.

Dear Mr. Jones,

It is with great enthusiasm that I personally recommend Stewart Price for the position of Audio Engineer at AFK Entertainment Inc. I have worked with him at numerous events as his supervisor. His skills in operating acoustics equipment and productive attitude is something that I seldom witnessed in others.

He is a wonderful team player and knows how to fulfill the artistic objectives of the project in the best way possible.

Did you notice how the keywords have been used above?

It should flow naturally into your letter.

Examples of Letters of Recommendation

So far, you have read all about the inner workings of how to write a recommendation letter.

Now, let’s have a look at some practical examples.

You can use the specific example template below that fits your situation and tailor it to your needs.

General Letter of Recommendation

The example used above to explain the step by step formation of a recommendation letter can be seen as a great example of a general letter of recommendation.

Let’s stitch the parts together:

Dear Ms. Jones, 

With utmost confidence, I can vouch for the immense capabilities Marian Adams possesses as a Software Engineer. I have worked with her at XYZ Corp for five years where I have seen the magic she performs with her code. 

During the time we worked together, I have seen how dedicated she is towards her work and how skillfully she overcomes complex challenges that are essential to being a software engineer. 

Her solutions to problems are thorough and enhance the team’s overall performance. Once, I saw how she came with the perfect code in a day where the whole team was struggling for two weeks. 

Any software project she was a part of, the management knew from the very beginning that it would be a grand success. 

I would whole-heartedly recommend Marian for your Software Engineer position and I believe you should seize the opportunity to have a dynamic and skilled programmer on your team. Please contact me if you need further information about her. I would be glad to help you and Marian as much as I can. 

Best regards, 

Jacqueline Meyers

Letter of Recommendation for a College Student

A letter of recommendation for students might be needed when the applicant is applying for a scholarship, a particular academic program, or a job.

Dear Mr. Davis, 

It is with great enthusiasm and pleasure that I recommend Samuel Johnson for the College Scholarship Program. I had the wonderful opportunity to know Samuel as his instructor for a philosophy course where I was blown away by his agility with complex ideas and thought processes. 

I firmly believe that he will complete his graduation as one of the top students in his class and will become one of the thought leaders in the art, literature, and philosophy space of academia.

Time and again, he has impressed me with his class performance and academic essays. The level of maturity of his thoughts is seldom witnessed in students of his age. 

I wish him all the success in life and whole-heartedly recommend him for the scholarship program. You may contact me without hesitation if you have any further questions. 


Professor Andrew Wilson

Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School

A letter of recommendation for graduate school is required for pursuing higher studies after graduation.

The applicant may need it while applying for admission into a master’s, doctorate, or similar program.

Dear Admission Committee, 

It is an honor to personally recommend Samuel Johnson for admission into your esteemed graduate school. I had the wonderful opportunity to know Samuel as his instructor for the philosophy course of his bachelor’s program, where I was blown away by his agility with complex ideas and thought processes. 

It was no surprise to me that he went on to complete his graduation as one of the top students in his class. I firmly believe that he will become one of the thought leaders in the art, literature, and philosophy space of academia.

Time and again, he has impressed me with his class performance and academic essays. The level of maturity in his thoughts is seldom witnessed in students of his age. 

I wish him all the success in life and whole-heartedly recommend him for the graduate program. 

You may contact me without hesitation if you have further questions. 

Make sure to highlight the academic excellence and any special award or achievements of the applicant along with your positive personal views.

Letter of Recommendation for an Intern

You want a bright future for your interns, right?

They always try their best.

Here’s how to help your interns move forward in their career with a positive letter of recommendation:

I am writing on behalf of Marian Adams to whole-heartedly recommend her for the position of Junior Graphics Designer at XYZ Inc. With utmost confidence, I can vouch for the immense capabilities Marian Adams possesses as a Graphic Designer. She has worked closely with me at XYZ Corp as an intern with the digital marketing team for six months where I have seen the magic she performs with her designs. 

During the time we worked together, I have seen how dedicated she is towards her work and how skillfully she visualizes complex ideas into impressive designs.

Her solutions to problems are creative and have enhanced my team’s overall performance. Her ability to adapt to changes and engage with the team members has impressed me as I have never seen an intern be so confident and qualified before. 

I would have hired her as a permanent employee if she was not interested in the position at your esteemed organization.

I would sincerely recommend Marian for your Graphic Designer position and I believe you should seize the opportunity to have a dynamic and intuitive designer on your team. Please contact me if you need further information about her. I would be glad to help you and Marian as much as I can. 

Do not forget to showcase the applicant’s dedication and passion the most, as an intern may not be much of an expert yet, but it’s their passion that will make them one.

Letter of Recommendation for a Coworker

Writing a recommendation letter for a coworker is often the easiest.

You know so much about them and have so many fond memories that you shouldn’t lack great things to write.

With utmost confidence, I can happily vouch for the immense capabilities Marian Adams possesses as a Software Engineer. I have worked with her at XYZ Corp for five years where I have seen the magic she performs with her code. 

Her solutions to problems are thorough and have enhanced the team’s overall performance. Once, I saw how she came with the perfect code in a day where the whole team was struggling for two weeks. 

I would whole-heartedly recommend Marian for your Software Engineer position and I believe you will take the opportunity to have a dynamic and skilled programmer on your team. Please contact me if you need further information about her. I would be glad to help you and Marian as much as I can. 

As a coworker, you should try to create a much closer view of the applicant’s core strengths and positive character traits.

Also, don’t forget to mention some of their achievements that you have witnessed and how hard they worked for those.

Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

A teacher is all about care, patience, and understanding.

They are the most cherished personalities for their students.

This is how you can best portray a teacher in a letter of recommendation:

It is with great pleasure, I personally recommend Marian Adams for the role of Senior Lecturer at your esteemed institution. I had the opportunity to witness the immense capabilities she possesses as a Teacher at XYZ College for five years. Time and again, I was awestruck by her charismatic teaching methodologies and practices.

During the time we worked together, I have seen how dedicated she is towards her work and how skillfully she overcomes complex challenges that are essential to being a teacher.

Her ingenious methods of teaching and care for the students made her one of the most popular teachers at the institution among students, parents, and staff alike. Her patience coupled with creative modes of teaching has helped our underperforming students to raise their grades by 20% on average. 

I would whole-heartedly recommend Marian for your Senior Lecturer position and I believe you will take the opportunity to have a dynamic, caring, and experienced teacher for your students. Please contact me if you need further information about her. I would be glad to help you and Marian as much as I can. 

You can write about the impact the teacher had on the lives of their students, how they were loved by all, and how they took care of the underperforming students.

Letter of Recommendation for a Nurse

A recommendation letter for a nurse should be as flawless as the nurse themself.

Dear Mr. Jones, 

It is with utmost confidence that I personally recommend Marian Adams for the role of Senior Nurse at your esteemed institution. 

I had the opportunity to witness her caregiving skills and love for nursing as her supervisor at the XYZ clinic for five years. Time and again, I was awestruck by her charismatic personality and the amount of patience she has for patient care. 

During the time we worked together, I have seen how dedicated she is towards her work and how skillfully she overcomes complex challenges that are essential to being a nurse.

Her calmness, level-headedness makes her indispensable for any emergencies at my unit. She never complains about the long hours she was often subjected to as a nurse and took it as an opportunity to care for more humans in need. 

I would whole-heartedly recommend Marian for your Senior Nurse position and I believe you will take the opportunity to have a dynamic, caring, and experienced nurse for your patients. Please contact me if you need further information about her. I would be glad to help you and Marian as much as I can. 

The most amount of focus should be on their caregiving skills, patience, calmness, and the ability to work under pressure.

Personal Letter of Recommendation

Personal letters of recommendation are generally used for such things as court hearings, renting a house, or immigration purposes.

However, a personal recommendation letter can also be used for a job application.

This is especially true if it is the applicant’s first job or he/she had a significant gap in employment and has no professional connections who can write a reference letter.

The structure and guidelines for writing a personal letter of recommendation are quite the same as you would write a professional one.

Just keep the focus on your experience with the person and the relevance of their success stories in relation to the job they are applying to.

Dear Hiring Manager,

It is with immense joy that I am recommending Jason Miller for the position of Junior Data Analyst at your esteemed organization. I have known Jason since he was a teenager and am grateful for having him as a helpful neighbor and a trusted friend. 

We became close friends due to the common interest we have in computer science and statistics. I met him at a volunteer event in the neighborhood and we instantly bonded over our ideas regarding the bright future of data and analytics discipline.

He has helped me numerous times with his ingenious ideas and practical skills in Python to solve the problems I was facing at my office as a data engineer. I have witnessed his cheerful and helpful spirit when we participated in many of the same volunteering events to help the community. He always walks the extra mile to help the people around him and to do as much as possible to solve their problems. 

I wish him all the success in life and guarantee that he will be a great asset to your data team. Please let me know if you need further information about Jason. I would be glad to chat.

Peter Powell

In a personal recommendation letter, you can be a bit closer to the person as a human rather than a worker.

So, it is okay to focus on their being a good human if you don’t have much to say about them professionally.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

One of the most crucial parts of getting an effective letter of recommendation is to know who and how to ask for it.

Who to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

In the case of a professional recommendation letter, the following persons would be most suited to provide you with a great letter of recommendation.

  • You former bosses, supervisors, and managers who appreciate your work.
  • Your coworkers with whom you have worked closely with.
  • Your teachers or professors for academic applications like scholarships or school programs.
  • Recommendation letters from teachers can also have an impact in the case of job applications. Especially if you are a new graduate.
  • For personal recommendation letters, you can pick from your friends, neighbors, people you have volunteered with, or other acquaintances who know you enough to say something good about you.

While choosing the person to approach for a letter of recommendation, always pick the ones who know the most about you and have the most positive ideas about your academic and professional achievements.

Tips for Asking for a Letter of Recommendation

It is always better to ask for a recommendation letter face to face in a polite manner.

Explain your needs for the letter in clear terms and tell them everything about why you need it.

Provide them with all the information they might need for writing the letter, such as the job posting, your resume, the course or scholarship details if it is for academic purposes.

You may even include a memory or success that you shared to help your reference get started.

Always leave the option open for them to say no to your request, as you don’t want to make them feel pressured.

The ones who are really willing to help you out are the ones who are likely to offer the most impressive reference letters.

After you ask them for the letter, you can say something like:

quote icon

It would be completely okay if you are busy right now or think that you might not be the right person to write a letter of recommendation for me. Please don’t hesitate to decline.

(Want recommendations on LinkedIn? Take a peek at  How to Properly Ask for a Recommendation on Linkedin .)

Sample Emails for Requesting a Letter of Recommendation

In case you don’t have the opportunity to ask for a recommendation letter face-to-face, an email will also work quite well.

Here are two sample emails for asking for a letter of recommendation.

How to Ask a Professor for a Letter of Recommendation

Approach the professor with whom you have worked most closely.

Provide them with all the necessary information that they might need to write a great letter.

Subject: Request for a letter of recommendation 

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this finds you well. 

Recently, I have applied for the ABC Scholarship Program of JNU University and they require a recommendation letter for my application to be evaluated. 

I believe there is no other person more suited than you to write one for me. 

Would it be possible for you to write me a recommendation letter for the scholarship?  

I have attached a copy of the scholarship detail and my application here. 

Thank you very much for taking the time to consider this request.  


Jane Thomas 

If the professor you are writing to may not remember you so well, it is okay to reference the courses you took with them or any academic activities that might remind them of you.

How to Ask your Employer for a Letter of Recommendation

Your boss is busy.

You have to keep it short and simple and include all the information that he/she might need.

Subject: Request for a letter of recommendation

Recently, I have applied for the position of Senior Data Scientist at the XYZ Corporation and they require a recommendation letter for my application to be evaluated. 

I believe there is no other person more suited than you to write a recommendation letter for me as we have worked together for more than 7 years at ABC Inc. 

You have seen my work up close and personal and are very well acquainted with my level of expertise in the field of data science and engineering, especially my statistical modeling that identified all the high-potential customer accounts so effectively.  

Would it be possible for you to write me a recommendation letter for the position?  

I have attached a copy of the job posting, my application, and resume here for your consideration. 

Thank you very much for taking the time to consider this request. 

Apart from including all the necessary information, you should also hint at your successes and achievements so that it is easy for them to recall and include those in the recommendation letter.

Key Takeaways

We have reached the end of this comprehensive and all-inclusive guide to letters of recommendation.

The key takeaways of this article are:

  • Letters of recommendation are important for the person you are writing for, so you should write the letter carefully with honesty.
  • Make sure you get all the information you need to write the letter from the person you are writing for.
  • Tailor the letter to the specific needs of the situation.l
  • Use real-life examples and success stories of the person as witnessed by you.
  • Praise their skill, expertise, and experiences along with a couple of personal traits.
  • Ask for recommendation letters from the people who know you well enough and have a positive impression of your professional abilities.
  • Provide information to the writer so that they can write an effective letter.

For more career advice, check out the rest of our blog.

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a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

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List of References vs Letter of Reference: What’s the difference?

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a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation

A list of references or a letter of reference (also called a letter of recommendation) is often a necessary component of your job search or your application to an academic program. While one is a list of the contact information of carefully selected references and the other is a formal written letter, they both serve as important pieces of the application process.

What is a list of references?

A list of references is an organized document listing the names and contact information of people who have agreed to attest to the skills, abilities, and character of the person being recommended. Essentially you are sharing the phone number and email address of strategically selected references who have agreed to speak about your credibility and qualifications. Your potential employers will contact your listed references to ask questions about the level of your skills and expertise, your character, work ethic, strengths and weaknesses, and so on. This list of references is important to help employers determine whether you’re a good fit for the role and provides the employer insight about you as a candidate above and beyond what is presented on your resume.

What is a letter of reference (often called a letter of recommendation)?

A letter of reference/recommendation is a formal letter in which the writer speaks to the skills, abilities, and character of the person being recommended. Essentially your thoughtfully selected reference writes a letter in support of your credibility and qualifications as it relates to the graduate school program, fellowship, scholarship, or opportunity that you are applying for. A letter of reference is a tremendous addition to your application as it explains that regardless of the grades on your transcript and beyond the experiences listed on your resume that you have the character traits and abilities needed to succeed in the program or role that you’re applying for.

Who should you ask to be a reference?

The best candidates to consider asking to write you a letter of reference/recommendation or to be included on your reference list are people that have favorable insight into your work habits, skills, and abilities. Consider asking a current or previous professor, your club advisor, athletic coach, or previous employer, anyone who has first-hand knowledge of your strengths and can recommend you for the opportunity you’re applying for. References can be the determining factor between you and another candidate so spending the time to select people who know you well and you have confidence will have good things to say about you is an important aspect of the application process.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

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a cover letter is also called a letter of recommendation


Recommendations and references have a similar role in a selective process. Recommendations are usually formal, confidential letters provided to a graduate school or other academic-based program, while references are used by employers to confirm qualifications before making an offer.

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation provide a detailed and persuasive argument for why and how the subject of the letter (you) should be admitted to the program you are applying for.

Typically, letters of recommendation are used as part of an application, most often for advanced degree programs but also for selective programs like fellowships, scholarships, or experiential learning. For example, a letter of recommendation is required for applications to the Yawkey Nonprofit Internship Program.

These letters are usually sent directly to the admissions office or selection committee rather than provided to the applicant. Some recommenders also choose to provide a copy to the person they are writing the letter about.

Ask people who can write about your relevant strengths and who will submit a recommendation on time.

You may need to ask different people, depending on what you are applying for. Some applications may require a personal recommender as well as an academic or professional one.

  • Ask those who know you well: They will be able to write a more comprehensive and detailed letter.
  • Ask those who can write a strong and relevant recommendation: You want a recommender who thinks highly of you—particularly in areas relevant to what you are applying for.
  • Ask those who can submit the letter on time: A glowing letter that arrives late won’t help you.

In order to plan ahead, have an honest conversation with the people you would like to ask for a recommendation well in advance of starting your application.

  • Could they be a strong recommender?
  • If not, what steps can you take to improve or to help them get to know you better?
  • What are the qualities or criteria that they use to determine whether they can provide a strong recommendation?

When to Ask

Ask at least three weeks in advance of the submission date.

Give them plenty of time to make a decision about writing the letter and so that it is as persuasive as possible. Make sure they are aware of the official deadline in addition to your timeline, especially if you would like them to submit the letter early.

Ask in an email.

Wait for an Honest Answer

The person needs time to consider your request. You want all recommendations to be strong ones. If someone you ask feels as though they cannot write a strong recommendation, it is better that they decline, so that you can ask someone else.

Package the Details

You should include all of the necessary details as well as additional helpful information all in one place. This makes it easier for them to reference what they need to know and make a decision. If the topic initially comes up during a meeting or conversation, send a follow-up email as a formal request and so that you can provide all of the details they will need.

  • What you are applying for
  • Any requirements in content or format
  • Timeline—your preferred timeline and/or the actual deadline
  • How and/or where to submit the letter

Additional Suggestions

  • Why you chose them as a recommender, either generally or for a specific program
  • A copy of your resume
  • A copy of items that speak to why you are applying, either for the field generally or for a specific program, such as a personal statement or application essay
  • Anything else that helps

Request: Write a Letter of Recommendation

Dear _____________, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that I was really inspired after _____________, and it has led me to decide to pursue ___________. I am in the process of applying for ________. My application requires a recommendation letter from a ______ [their role: professor, former or current supervisor, etc.] and since __________ [the reason you are asking this person specifically], I was wondering if you would be willing to write a strong recommendation about me for my application. If so, the application is due __________, which allows four weeks to complete the letter. I would also be happy to meet with you if you would like to learn more about why I am applying to ____________ and what skills make me a good fit for it. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing back regarding your decision. Best, Your Name

After Asking

It is your job to prompt your recommender to write and submit the letter on time. If needed, send a gentle reminder a week before the deadline and ask if they need more information.

After your recommender submits the letter, be sure to follow up and thank them.

Follow-Up: Deadline Reminder

Dear _____________, Thank you again for agreeing to write a recommendation letter for my application to ________. I wanted to check in as the deadline is ________, just one week from today. Please let me know if there’s any additional information that would be helpful to you in writing the letter. Best, Your Name

Asking for Future Applications

If you think you might need letters of recommendation in the future, it is better to request them while you are still at BU and have good relationships with faculty or others you want to ask. Dossier service platforms like Interfolio will keep the letters confidential until you are ready for them to be submitted to an admissions or selection committee.


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    A list of references or a letter of reference (also called a letter of recommendation) is often a necessary component of your job search or your application to an academic program. While one is a list of the contact information of carefully selected references and the other is a formal written letter, they both serve as important pieces of the ...

  21. Letter of recommendation

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