Essay On Self Confidence

500 words essay on self confidence.

Self-confidence refers to the state of mind where a person pushes their boundaries and encourages belief within oneself. It is something which comes from self-love. In order to have confidence in yourself, one must love oneself to get freedom from constant doubt. This essay on self confidence will help you learn more about it in detail.

essay on self confidence

The Key to Success

It won’t be far-fetched to say that self-confidence is the key to success. If not, it is definitely the first step towards success. When a person has self-confidence, they are halfway through their battle.

People in school and workplaces achieve success by taking more initiatives and being more forward and active in life. Moreover, they tend to make better decisions because of having confidence in oneself.

Thus, it makes them stand out of the crowd. When you stand apart, people will definitely notice you. Thus, it increases your chances of attaining success in life. Alternatively, if there is a person who does not trust or believe in himself, it will be tough.

They will find it hard to achieve success because they will be exposed to failure as well as criticism. Thus, without self-confidence, they may not get back on their feet as fast as someone who possesses self-confidence.

In addition to gaining success, one also enjoys a variety of perks as well. For instance, you can find a job more easily. Similarly, you may find the magnitude of a difficult job lesser than it is.

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Importance of Self Confidence

Self-confidence allows us to face our failure and own up to it in a positive light. Moreover, it helps us to raise many times. This helps instil a quality in use which ensures we do not give up till we succeed.

Similarly, self-confidence instils optimism in us. People who have self-confidence are not lucky, they are smart. They do not rely on others to achieve success , they rely on their own abilities to do that.

While self-confidence is important, it is also important to not become overconfident. As we know, anything in excess can be bad for us. Similarly, overconfidence is also no exception.

When you become overconfident, you do not acknowledge the criticism. When you don’t do that, you do not work on yourself. Thus, it stops your growth. Overlooking all this will prove to be harmful.

So it is essential to have moderation which can let you attain just the right amount of self-confidence and self-love which will assure you success and happiness in life.

Conclusion of the Essay on Self Confidence

All in all, a person will gain self-confidence from their own personal experience and decision. No one speech or conversation can bring an overnight change. It is a gradual but constant process we must all participate in. It will take time but once you achieve it, nothing can stop you from conquering every height in life.

FAQ on Essay on Self Confidence

Question 1: What is the importance of self-confidence?

Answer 1: Self-confidence allows a person to free themselves from self-doubt and negative thoughts about oneself. When you are more fearless, you will have less  anxiety . This is what self-confidence can offer you. It will also help you take smart risks and get rid of social anxiety.

Question 2: How do you develop self-confidence paragraph?

Answer 2: To develop self-confidence, one must first look at what they have achieved so far. Then, never forget the things you are good at. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so focus on your strengths. Set up some goals and get a hobby as well. Give yourself the pep talk to hype up your confidence.

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  • Essay On Self Confidence

Self Confidence Essay

500 words self confidence essay.

Self-confidence is essential in achieving goals and success in your life. A person needs to have self-confidence to achieve success. Self-confidence is something that comes from within. It helps people think freely without any negativity and focus on their goals. A self-confident person has fewer chances of failure. People cannot achieve their goals without self-confidence because they are optimistic, eager, and positive by nature. It is also vital in leading a healthy and happy life. This Essay on Self Confidencewill help students know the importance of self confidence and boost their confidence.

Knowledge is the key to self-confidence. It helps you to understand your capabilities. The power of knowledge can be used to protect yourself from failure. If knowledgeable people surround you, they will support you and even advise you with good ideas and suggestions.

Definition of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a term defined to explain people’s state of mind that makes them push boundaries and encourages them to believe in themselves. Self-confidence has the power to motivate people to do things that seemed to be impossible for them. A self-confident person possesses an attitude that nothing is impossible, and they accomplish everything in life. It is important to have strong self-confidence, to avoid failure in life.

The concept of self-confidence is divided into three levels; self-confidence based on feeling, self-confidence based on belief and self-confidence based on knowledge. These three levels are used in different combinations, and a person who lacks these three levels would typically be less confident.

Self-confidence helps a person improve their career, as it is simple for them to follow the rules and regulations of their job. It helps them to achieve success in their life. It also helps to strengthen relationships and work on leadership and communication skills. Overall, we can say that self-confidence is necessary to become independent in life.

The Key to Success

It won’t be wrong to say that self-confidence is the key to success or the initial step towards success. People in workplaces and schools achieve success when they voluntarily take the initiative and come forward actively in life. They even participate actively in the decision-making process, as they feel confident in themselves. If a person is self-confident about himself, he has won half the battle.

People will notice you when you make yourself unique and stand apart from the crowd. Thus, it helps in attaining success in life. A person should believe in himself to gain self-confidence. Self-confidence is necessary if you want to move forward in your career, too. Success comes with lots of perks. For example, you can find your desired job efficiently.

People with less self-confidence are scared of getting criticised and exposed to failure. So, you should work on your self-confidence to get back on your feet and succeed in life.

Importance of Self Confidence

A person with self-confidence can face any kind of challenge in life. They are not scared of hurdles because they are confident that they can handle any situation. On the other hand, some people are afraid of failure, making them under-confident. A person who lacks self-confidence will get scared and leave the task midway.

Self-confidence is considered the first step towards success. In today’s society, people who lack confidence are looked down upon. They are always neglected and left behind in the race of life.

However, many people are famous because of their extraordinary achievements. Success cannot be achieved overnight. It is a long process of hard work, patience and passion towards your desired field.

Conclusion of the Essay on Self Confidence

To live a successful and healthy life, self-confidence is an essential trait. For people who keep themselves calm and compose, everything seems more straightforward. People face challenges at some point, but they remain confident enough to trust their abilities and work accordingly.

A person gains self-confidence with their own experience. No one can bring changes overnight, nor can they be obtained from others. It is a slow and constant process, and we all should participate in it. It takes time, but once you achieve it, nothing can stop you from conquering every height in life. So, to hype up your confidence, always give yourself a pep talk.

From our BYJU’S website, students can also access CBSE Essays related to different topics. It will help students to get good marks in their exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Self confidence Essay

How to build self-confidence.

One can build self-confidence by setting achievable goals, thinking positively and through constant practice and hard work.

Why is self-confidence important?

Self-confidence helps us to move freely with other people and also improves our communication in the workplace.

How does self-confidence affect success?

People who are confident automatically spread an aura and are more likely to get hikes and promotions.

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Essays About Confidence: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Confidence is an important quality everyone should have; if you are writing essays about confidence , have a look at our featured examples and writing prompts .

What is confidence ? This quality shows a belief that we are enough; we are happy with who we are and proud of every part of ourselves. When we are confident, we do not doubt ourselves or others, and to an extent, we are quite brave and trusting.

We can be confident in ourselves or others; however, it is important to remember that too much confidence is detrimental. When we are too confident in others, we can fail to see their shortcomings. This applies to ourselves as well; in this case, we are also much more likely to develop negative traits such as arrogance.


5 Top Essay Examples

1. the dark side of having confidence by tomas chamorro-premuzic, 2. self confidence essay by stanley graves, 3. what real confidence looks like by jessica wildfire.

  • 4.  Where Confidence Comes From by John Gorman
  • 5. ​​Personal reflections on self-confidence by Jeremy Jordan

1. What Does it Mean to Be Confident?

2. what makes you feel confident, 3. how do you lose confidence, 4. who embodies confidence for you, 5. why is confidence important, 6. confidence vs. arrogance, 7. a time you showed confidence.

“Although Asian cultures are much more prone to foment self-criticism, humility, and self- knowledge (over self- confidence , arrogance, and narcissism), the West may be globalizing narcissism, probably not in a deliberate attempt to reduce the work ethic and humility of the East, though it may well have that effect. One of the most toxic and problematic cocktails combines high aspirations with a low work ethic—the very definition of narcissistic entitlement. The only fix is to get a reality check and risk becoming depressed, unless you distort reality forever.”

Chamorro-Premuzic discusses a phenomenon by which people have so much confidence that it transforms into narcissism and arrogance. He enumerates some of the negative effects of too much confidence , including a lack of self-awareness and humility, while commenting on society’s almost toxic obsession with confidence and self-esteem. In this essay, he stresses that not everyone needs to be super confident and that humility is a useful attribute to have as well. 

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“Self- confidence is something that cannot be taught. It is up to someone to decide how much belief that they possess inside of themselves. I am at the point where I realize that I must first believe in myself before others will believe in me. Nobody teaches us to be happy or sad. They are natural feelings that come along as we develop mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically.”

In his essay, Graves explains the aspects of self- confidence . Fake self- confidence is when people project themselves as proud and confident when in reality, this is a front to make them seem more impressive than they are. Temporary self- confidence is when an achievement of yours helps you feel confident, even if this feeling fades after a while. The author discusses that true self- confidence is when one truly believes in themselves and their capabilities. 

“Nobody forges confidence that we can just slip on like a bat suit. It would be great if it were that easy. Instead, we demonstrate confidence through actions. We perform acts of confidence , even when we’re feeling nervous. We do it every time we make a plan, take a chance, seek out solid advice, confront our faults, and handle a tough situation because others depend on us.”

Wildfire explains the difference between fake and real confidence and some ways to build the latter. She gives examples of things confident people do, such as exploring new opportunities, taking feedback, whether good or bad and admitting when they are wrong or uncertain. Rather than thinking of confidence as something possessed, Wildfire encourages readers to think of it as exercised through our actions. 

4.   Where Confidence Comes From by John Gorman

“It isn’t entirely translatable to every area of my life, but more of it exists now than there did before I’d started falling. Confidence is, in fact, a product of repetition … but not a product of success — it’s a product of failure. It’s knowing what the fall feels like and being familiar enough with it that you can be comfortable with the risk.”

Gorman discusses his idea of confidence , both what it is not and what it should be. It is not inherent, nor comes from our successes; instead, it is a product of a healthy mindset and learning from one’s mistakes, using those mistakes to improve oneself. The key to confidence , Gorman says, is to take our failures as opportunities to improve ourselves rather than defeat. You might also be interested in our list of essays about effective leadership and essays about attitude .

5. ​​ Personal reflections on self-confidence by Jeremy Jordan

“A great deal of learning takes place while you’re struggling; when you do something new, your brain is taking in a lot of information that may not be immediately processed. The way I see it is that I should load up my brain with as much information as possible so there’s more data to learn from. Rather than not seeing results and giving up, I place trust in the learning process and know that my efforts will be rewarded.”

Jordan gives readers tips on improving one’s confidence . He says to surround yourself with supportive people, have good communication skills , and sometimes take risks, among other tips. Most importantly, however, he explains the importance of understanding failure, pain, and struggle, embracing them, learning from our setbacks, and using them to improve. 

7 Writing Prompts on Essays About Confidence

What does it mean to be confident?

People have many ideas of what confidence is or should be. Define confidence in your own words, describe what it means, and discuss what you think a healthy expression of confidence is. Draw inspiration from personal experience and give anecdotes describing certain people in your life to support your position. 

What inspires confidence in you? It may be someone in your life, a personal achievement, or other factors. Reflect on what makes you feel confident and describe it in your essay. Explain how it allows you to be more confident and give tips to people looking to find their confidence . 

Confidence can be lost just as quickly, if not faster than it is built up. Especially in the 21st century, various factors cause people to lose confidence , particularly among the youth. Research some of these and discuss each one in detail. Explain how each can make someone feel less confident and how one can regain this confidence . Check out these articles about beauty .

We all have role models we look up to. Regarding confidence , reflect on who you look to when you need a boost of confidence . It may be a loved one, a public figure, or even a fictional character; no answer is bad as long as it is adequately explained.

Confidence is said to be essential for success. In your essay, explain why confidence is so important in life. Support your explanation with ample evidence from your opinions and other sources; describe some situations in which confidence would be beneficial such as in interviews, public speaking, and social situations. 

Confidence vs. Arrogance

Arrogance is often considered the “negative form” or “negative effect” of confidence ; there is a strong correlation between the two. Look into their similarities and connection, then differentiate the two. Also, explain how you can express confidence without being confident to the extent that it comes off as arrogant. 

For an exciting essay, look back on a time you are proud of wherein you showed confidence . Retell the story in detail, such as the events leading up to it and what made you “behave confidently.” Explain why you felt the way you did, how exactly confidence was manifested, and the effects of your confidence or confident actions. 

If you’re looking for more ideas, check out our essays about bullying topic guide ! If you still need help, our guide to grammar and punctuation explains more.

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Self Confidence Essay | Essay on Self Confidence for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Self Confidence Essay: Self-confidence can be defined as the belief and assurance you feel towards yourself. It is not something you are taught in school, as confidence has to come from inside. In a way, it’s freedom from doubting about every step you take in life.

Self-confidence is one of the most important routes you have to take in your path to success. It makes a person independent, eager, optimistic, loving and positive.

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Long and Short Essays on Self Confidence for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Self Confidence” for reference.

Long Essay on Self Confidence 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Self Confidence is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Self-confidence is a state of mind where someone pushes their boundaries and encourages belief from the very beginning, and this comes from a place of self-love. You ought to love yourself to gain that freedom from doubting your actions.

Self Confidence is the key to success, or we can say it the first step towards success. If a person possesses self-confidence, then he/she has inevitably won half the battle.

We see people in school, workplaces and public sectors who have achieved success be more initiative, more forward and active, and more confident with their decisions, making them stand out from the crowd.

But when it comes to a person who cannot trust themselves or believe in themselves, success is a hard gain for them. They become more vulnerable to criticism and failure. They also find it super hard to get back on their feet and carry on.

Everyone who has self-confidence gets to enjoy various perks that come along with that state of mind. One of them being is finding the magnitude of a difficult job lesser than it is.

It helps you face your failure and own up to it in a positive light. It helps you rise multiple times to believe that you will excel and improve in your next attempt.

If you somehow lack this ability, there are high chances of you overcoming with pessimism. Simple jobs and daily chores feel like a challenge in every way. It’s harder for them to take a stand and they are most likely not to be taken seriously.

You can now access more Essay Writing on the topic Self Confidence and many more topics.

But one why does it make a self-confidence person more persist-able to success? — It’s not because they are lucky, or smarter, or because of something external. It’s because self-confident people understand the impact of believing in themselves and relying on their abilities.

Though being confident in themselves is one of the best abilities to acquire, but one must also be familiar with the fine line separating self-confidence with overconfidence. Excess of anything is bad, and self-confidence is no exception to that rule.

Overconfident people tend not to acknowledge every form of criticism and work on it. People who are experiencing tend to overlook the other side of the coin and embrace themselves now and then, which at some point in time proves harmful. Their narcissism leads them to spiral down in the tunnel of failure.

So having moderation helps one attain just the right amount of self-confidence and self-love that will assure them success and satisfaction and happiness that we’d all love to experience from life.

The way to gain self-confidence is completely personal and an internal decision, so no speech or essay or conversation will leave a person lacking; it changes all at once.

Just like self-love, self-confidence takes time to acquire. But once you start believing in yourself, no one can stop you from conquering all the heights in your life and career.

Short Essay on Self Confidence 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Self Confidence is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

See yourself as the self-confident person you want to be, and before you know it, you will become that person. That’s how self-confidence works! Once you decide your mindset, nobody can stop you.

You have to start deciding for yourself as this comes from within. Exude confidence even if you don’t feel like it. Encouragingly talk to yourself and try to stay away from negative thoughts and people. Surround yourself with positive and confident people. This will become a habit and will build confidence.

This confidence will ultimately form opportunities for success, and their success builds up another block of self-confidence within a person, and the cycle repeats.

Therefore we come to see, self-confident people perceive themselves as able to achieve those things they set out to do, and this perception creates reality in their lives.

So start looking at yourself differently, in a positive way. It can change your life and help your confidence level to rise.

10 Lines on Self Confidence Essay in English

1. Self-confidence is the key to success. 2. The confidence of a person can be seen in the work done by that person. 3. A person with self-confidence can alone face the biggest problems or challenges in his/her life. 4. A self-confident rarely give up as they strive to achieve success even if it takes multiple tries. 5. We should overcome your fears and weaknesses to become self-confident. 6. One should avoid negativity and try to get surrounded by positivity to do much better. 7. Self-confident people should always be careful not to become overconfident. 8. To develop self-confidence, one must also start loving themselves. 9.  Every person should have self-confidence because it is essential for us to have confidence in us for doing any work. 10. We all should have faith in ourselves, and that will become the reason for our success.

FAQ’s on Self Confidence Essay

Question 1. What’s the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem?

Answer: Self-confidence is the belief that you have in yourself, and self-esteem is how much you love yourself.

Question 2. Can you “fake” self-confidence?

Answer: When you first start building your self-confidence, it’s okay to fake it a bit. There is a famous saying — “fake it until you make it.”

Question 3. Can self-confidence lead you to success?

Answer: Absolutely! The more self-confident you are, the more attracted you will be to success.

Question 4. Can meditation increase self-confidence?

Answer: Yes, meditation can help you to develop this skill, but it is you who needs to believe in yourself to become self-confident.

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Essay on The Power of Self-Confidence in English for Students Exams

January 11, 2024 entranciology Full Essays and Articles For All Competitive Exams 0

Self-confidence is a powerful attribute that shapes our thoughts, actions, and overall approach to life. It is the belief in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. The journey to self-confidence is a personal and transformative experience that empowers individuals to navigate challenges, pursue goals, and embrace a positive outlook. In this essay, we explore the significance of self-confidence and the impact it has on personal growth and success.

Definition of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the assurance in one’s own abilities, talents, and worth. It goes beyond external validation and is rooted in a deep understanding and appreciation of one’s capabilities.

Building Blocks of Self-Confidence

a. Self-Awareness: Understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, and values is fundamental to building self-confidence. This awareness provides a solid foundation for personal growth. b. Positive Mindset: Cultivating a positive mindset involves challenging negative thoughts and embracing a constructive approach to challenges. Optimism fuels self-confidence and resilience in the face of setbacks.

Benefits of Self-Confidence

a. Courage to Take Risks: Self-confidence empowers individuals to step out of their comfort zones and take calculated risks. It is the driving force behind innovation, entrepreneurship, and personal development. b. Effective Communication: Confident individuals are more adept at expressing themselves clearly and assertively. Effective communication fosters positive relationships and opens doors to opportunities.

Overcoming Challenges

a. Resilience: Self-confident individuals exhibit resilience in the face of adversity. They view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, bouncing back from setbacks with determination. b. Adaptability: Confidence enables adaptability, allowing individuals to navigate change with composure and flexibility. Rather than fearing change, they embrace it as a chance for evolution.

Career and Personal Success

a. Professional Growth: Confidence plays a pivotal role in career advancement. Individuals who believe in their abilities are more likely to pursue ambitious goals, seek promotions, and excel in their chosen fields. b. Personal Achievements: Whether in academics, sports, or personal endeavors, self-confidence fuels the pursuit of goals. It serves as the driving force behind accomplishments and the realization of one’s potential.

Cultivating Self-Confidence

a. Setting Realistic Goals: Establishing achievable goals and working towards them gradually builds confidence. Celebrating small victories contributes to a positive self-image. b. Continuous Learning: Expanding knowledge and skills fosters competence, a key component of self-confidence. Lifelong learning instills a sense of mastery and proficiency.

Healthy Self-Confidence vs. Arrogance

It is important to distinguish healthy self-confidence from arrogance. While self-confidence is rooted in humility and self-awareness, arrogance often stems from insecurity and a need for external validation. True confidence coexists with empathy and respect for others.

In conclusion, self-confidence is a transformative force that empowers individuals to lead fulfilling and successful lives. As an internal compass guiding thoughts and actions, self-confidence is a catalyst for personal growth, resilience, and achievement. By fostering a positive mindset, embracing challenges, and continuously cultivating self-awareness, individuals can unlock their inner strength and unleash the full potential of their capabilities. The journey to self-confidence is a lifelong pursuit that shapes not only individual destinies but also contributes to the collective empowerment of society.

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Essay on Building Self Confidence

Students are often asked to write an essay on Building Self Confidence in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Building Self Confidence

What is self confidence.

Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. It is a key part of success in life. When you believe in yourself, you can face challenges with ease. Self-confidence is not about being perfect, but about knowing your worth even with your flaws.

Importance of Self Confidence

Building self confidence.

Building self-confidence takes time and effort. Start by setting realistic goals and working towards them. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Learn from your mistakes instead of feeling bad about them. Try to stay positive and surround yourself with positive people.

Role of Positivity

Being positive can boost your self-confidence. Try to focus on the good things in your life. Be kind to yourself and others. Remember, everyone makes mistakes. It’s how you learn and grow. So, always stay positive and believe in yourself.

250 Words Essay on Building Self Confidence

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and one’s abilities. It’s like a bright light inside you that shines when you believe in what you can do. It’s a key part of success and happiness.

Why is Self Confidence Important?

Being self-confident helps you face challenges and overcome fears. It helps you do better in school, sports, and hobbies. Self-confident people are more likely to try new things, take risks, and solve problems.

Building self-confidence is like building a muscle. It gets stronger with practice. Here are some steps to build your self-confidence.

Start by setting small goals that you can achieve easily. Achieving these goals will make you feel good about yourself and boost your confidence.

Positive Self-Talk

Speak to yourself in a positive way. Instead of saying “I can’t do this”, say “I will try my best”. This positive self-talk can help build your confidence.

Don’t Fear Failure

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s part of learning. Don’t be scared of failing. Instead, learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

Believe in Yourself

The most important step in building self-confidence is to believe in yourself. You are unique and capable. Believe in your abilities and let your confidence shine.

Remember, building self-confidence takes time. Be patient with yourself, keep trying, and never give up. You can do it!

500 Words Essay on Building Self Confidence

Self-confidence is important for many reasons. First, it helps you to feel good about yourself. This feeling can make your life happier and more enjoyable. Second, it helps you to reach your goals. When you believe in yourself, you are more likely to take action and work hard to achieve what you want. Third, it helps you to handle stress and problems better. If you trust your ability to solve problems, you won’t panic or feel stressed when things go wrong.

Steps to Build Self Confidence

Set realistic goals.

Start by setting goals that you can achieve. They should be challenging, but not impossible. When you achieve these goals, you will feel proud of yourself. This can boost your self-confidence.

Practice Regularly

Just like learning a new skill, building self-confidence requires practice. Try to do things that make you uncomfortable or scared. The more you do them, the more confident you will become.

Think Positively

Your thoughts can affect your self-confidence. Try to think positively about yourself and your abilities. If you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, learn from it and move on.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Take care of your body.

Your physical health can affect your self-confidence. Try to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. When you feel good physically, you are more likely to feel good mentally.

Building self-confidence is a journey, not a destination. It’s about learning to trust yourself and your abilities. It’s about facing your fears and overcoming challenges. And most importantly, it’s about believing in yourself, even when things get tough. So, start today, take small steps, and watch your self-confidence grow.

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essay on confidence in english

How to Develop Self Confidence Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The first step is preparing for the journey

The second step is setting out to begin the journey, the third and the final step is accelerating towards success.

Self-confidence is ones status of being assured and having a strong belief in himself and his abilities. A person who is self-confident does not struggle too much to make decisions. This essay paper focuses on the three main steps of developing self-confidence. They include; initial preparation, setting out for the process, and accelerating towards success. The final success is determined by both self-efficacy and esteem.

This is the journey to self-confidence that may be long or short depending on the person in question. It’s good for a person to identify first where he is, and his destination. The person should focus on what he has already achieved, at least ten of his best achievements. These should be written somewhere for references.

While still preparing for the journey, it’s good to think about your strengths. This part should include weaknesses, opportunities and threats, but put emphasis on strengths. The other important aspect is managing ones mind by defeating inner talks that can deter the confidence. The final part of preparing for the journey is, committing yourself to succeed.

The right way should be towards the set goals. At this stage one should gather all the knowledge he or she requires so as to succeed. This involves looking for the required skills and acquiring them to be fully equipped. Let the basics be the starting point of the whole process, thus one should not emphasis on perfection but do simple things successfully.

The main objective here would be to set small goals, achieving them successfully, and rejoicing for the achievements. There is no need of setting big challenging goals at this point. While still setting up for the journey, one should keep his or her mind on the positive side. This can be achieved through rejoicing for the attained success. On the other hand, ones mind should also have some techniques of handling failure. Mistakes are inevitable especially when one is trying something for the first time.

At this stage one start feeling some self-confidence developing. There will be several achieved small goals in step 2 to be celebrated in this stage. One feels there is a room for making bigger goals with tougher challenges. Here the person feels more committed than before. At this point some people tend to be over confident due to over stretching themselves.

This should not be the case, as one should stay grounded. Its advisable now for one to evaluate himself or her to see how far is the development. While doing self-evaluation, one finds it simple to identify some unique strategies for developing self-confidence. Stretching bit by bit without overdoing it will lead to a top level of self-confidence.

In conclusion , each step of the three main steps is connected to the other. The first step of preparing for the journey is setting the base for the next step. The crucial aspects set in step two are the ones being celebrated in step three making the process a success.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 22). How to Develop Self Confidence.

"How to Develop Self Confidence." IvyPanda , 22 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'How to Develop Self Confidence'. 22 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "How to Develop Self Confidence." July 22, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "How to Develop Self Confidence." July 22, 2018.


IvyPanda . "How to Develop Self Confidence." July 22, 2018.

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Self-Confidence Essay: Writing Guide, Topics, & Sample

The picture provides introductory information on a self-confidence essay.

Problems with self-confidence are relatively common, especially among teenagers and young adults. We all have experienced a lack of self-confidence in certain situations.

What can be the main factors causing low self-esteem?

  • Fear and anxiety. It comes from self-doubt and the comparison of yourself to others.
  • Lack of motivation. It happens because of criticism or other factors.
  • Lack of support. Approval or help from peers or mentors is essential.
  • No sense of authenticity. Feeling confident in who you are, gives a great source of power.

It is essential to address these issues as soon as possible. They can lead to problems with communication, personal growth, and difficulties in studies or career.

In this article, our expert team explains how to write a paper about self-confidence. You’ll find writing tips, topics, and an essay example at the end.

  • ✍️ Writing a Self-Confidence Essay
  • 🧾 82 Topics
  • ✒️ Essay Sample

✍️ Essay on Self-Confidence – How to Write

Let’s start with the basics. Follow the steps below to prepare your paper smartly.

1. Choose a Topic

When you write about self-confidence, try to make your topic more specific .

Example of a bad topic: Why is self-confidence important to every person?

Example of a good topic: The connection between self-confidence and studying performance among first-year students.

The first topic is rather general and probably very common. The second one is narrower and implies that you have researched and prepared the paper.

2. Make an Outline

Planning your essay will save you some time and help you focus on the essential aspects.

Here is how to build an outline:

Present the issue. After providing some background, finish the paragraph with a thesis statement.
Describe the points mentioned in your thesis.
and synthesize the information.

3. Research

Depending on the topic, you might need to conduct research. Don’t choose sources like Wikipedia or forums in your paper; read them only to overview the issue.

Here is why research is always beneficial:

  • Information inspires, even if you don’t plan to use particular materials.
  • Sources will add your writing some quality and competence.
  • It will help you define if your topic is overused or too narrow.

Use these tips to write an essay easily:

  • Start with body paragraphs and finish with a conclusion or introduction.
  • Create several drafts or versions of your essay and choose the best one.
  • Proofread and check for plagiarism.
  • If you write a narrative essay based on personal experience, don’t forget about the academic requirements.

🧾 82 Self-Confidence Essay Topics

Here is our selection of the best self-confidence essay topics.

  • The correlation between self-confidence and career expectations. Use research to show the connection between ambitions and confidence.
  • How does stereotyping affect self-confidence in communication? Explain your opinion about popular stereotypes and people’s ability to confront them using their confidence. 
  • The reasons why self-esteem is as important as intelligence in the educational sphere. Describe your experience or use statistics to prove this statement.
  • The factors that influence the formation of children’s self-esteem. Describe the aspects connected with family, peers, education, hobbies, etc. 
  • What professions demand a high level of self-confidence? Choose from one to three careers and explain the role of confidence in them.
  • What are the negative sides of being too self-confident? Use something you have experienced, a real story, or a book or film plot to develop this topic.
  • Why are many people confident only in some spheres of their life? Describe this phenomenon and connect it with your life or research data. 
  • Discuss the impact of self-confidence in relationships with family members. Write about the competition that often takes place in families and how it is connected with confidence.
  • How not to let criticism harm self-confidence. Explain how to embrace problems and use criticism for your personal growth.
  • What is the difference between having high self-esteem and being selfish? Compare these concepts and provide your readers with similarities and differences. 
  • How do bullying and discrimination affect teenagers’ self-esteem? 
  • Describe the situation when you wish you had more self-confidence.
  • Adolescents’ depression: Issue analysis.
  • The factors that show that a child has problems with self-confidence.
  • Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy.
  • Is it easier for self-confident people to succeed in life?
  • Low self-esteem women and their relationships with men.  
  • How to prepare for a public speech if you are not confident enough?
  • Depression development and its causes.
  • How does self-esteem affect romantic relationships?
  • Digital self-harm, causes, and interventions: Annotated bibliography.
  • Define the importance of self-confidence in stressful situations.
  • Motivational strategies to enhance the student’s self-efficacy.
  • What are the best strategies to boost self-confidence as a student?
  • How does a divorce affect children’s self-esteem?
  • Digital self-harm overview: Causes and interventions.
  • How does self-confidence influence people who work in creative industries?
  • Social psychology: Group influence on the self.
  • Define the word “confidence” using your life experiences.
  • Depression in adolescents.
  • Is it possible to lose your confidence completely?
  • The developing discipline and self-concept in early to mid-adolescence.
  • The importance of counseling in educational institutions.
  • Competence and self-esteem in human relations.
  • How to define if you have issues with self-confidence?
  • Is self-confidence a character feature you have naturally or need to develop?
  • Self-harm and suicide among adolescents .
  • How to define if the person is confident based on their body language?
  • How does child neglect affect a child’s self-esteem in adulthood?
  • Is it easier for confident people to make friends?
  • Suicide prevention: Bullying and depression.
  • Do you consider yourself a confident person?
  • What are the negative outcomes of being too self-confident?
  • Define what is meant by “child neglect becomes self-esteem.”
  • How does capitalism regard individualism and self-confident people?
  • What are the things self-confidence depends on?
  • Childhood bullying: Depression and suicidal attempts.
  • Do you need a specialist to eliminate problems with self-confidence?
  • Native American adolescent females and self-esteem concerns.
  • How does self-confidence influence life choices?
  • How would you explain the word “self-confidence” to someone who doesn’t speak English?
  • Bullying and participation in classes.
  • How does learning new things boost students’ self-confidence?
  • Instagram addiction and self-esteem in high school students.
  • Why should teachers do their best to boost their students’ self-confidence?
  • How does lack of self-confidence affect kids’ motivation to learn?
  • Childhood trauma and bullying: Adulthood effects.
  • The connection between self-confidence and social acknowledgment in high school.
  • Obesity and self-esteem in children and adolescents.
  • How does lack of self-confidence affect mental health?
  • How to embrace failures as a self-confident person?
  • The relationship between bullying and participation in physical education classes.
  • How can parents influence children’s self-esteem?
  • The role of self-confidence in nursing clinical practice.
  • How does external motivation help to build self-confidence?
  • Teenage suicide: The silent killer of the youth.
  • How do sports help to build your self-confidence?
  • Bullying in schools: History, causes, and solutions.
  • What is the difference between self-love and self-confidence?
  • Self-esteem measurement scale proposal.
  • What are the challenges underconfident teenagers face at school?
  • The influence of a toxic social environment on self-confidence. 
  • Teenage suicide factors and psychological aspects.
  • The connection between stress resilience and self-confidence among young adults.
  • Risk factors for deliberate self-harm.
  • How to practice self-confidence daily?
  • The relationship between teenage suicide and depression.
  • Does overcoming challenges and solving problems make you more self-confident?
  • LGBTQ students’ bullying in schools.
  • Describe your experience when self-confidence helped you to succeed.
  • Statistics: Teachers’ self-efficacy and gender.
  • The importance of self-confidence in a highly competitive environment.

✒️ Self-Confidence and Healthy Life Essay

In the end, check our examples of a self-confidence essay.

When we start thinking about leading a healthy lifestyle, the first things that come to our minds might be nutritious food, regular sports, and getting enough sleep. It can be not so obvious, but having enough self-confidence is a reasonable basis for a healthy lifestyle. Self-confidence influences mental and physical health because it defines how you treat yourself and your relationships and enables you to enjoy your accomplishments fully. If you are self-confident, you value and treat yourself the way you deserve it. Wasting your time and effort on the things you do not need becomes redundant. It also means that you are optimistic and know what you want most of the time. Such an approach helps to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Self-confident people surround themselves with positive relationships that are beneficial for their health. They are not afraid to say “no” to those they do not like. Self-confidence also helps you establish relationships based on mutual respect and understanding each other’s self-worth. This is how you can protect yourself from toxic people and useless interactions. Knowing that you succeeded because you deserve it brings more positive emotions. When you lack self-confidence, you might undervalue your effort and think that you simply got lucky. Confident people know that they invested their resources and received a particular reward. Establishing this logical connection not only maintains but also boosts confidence. Self-confidence can be a great thing to start with if you want to improve your health. It also makes you surround yourself with the right people and experiences. Knowing your self-worth, having a positive social circle, and appreciating your achievements are always beneficial to mental health.

We hope this article was full of useful information for you. Here’s a list of other materials and study tools we recommend considering:

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Confidence Essay

Confidence Essay | Self Confidence Essay for Students and Children in English

Confidence Essay: Confidence can be characterized as the conviction and affirmation you feel towards yourself. It isn’t something you are educated in school, as confidence needs to come from inside. As it were, it’s independence from questioning about each progression you make throughout everyday life. Confidence and trust are two interlinked words.

Confidence is perhaps the main course you need to take in your way to progress. It is the key to progress. It makes an individual free, excited, idealistic, cherishing and positive. Find essays on Confidence or Self-confidence in the article given here for students of schools and colleges. Reading the essays here will help you to boost your own confidence and you can lead a fearless life ahead.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Essay on Self Confidence 350 Words in English

Self-confidence can be characterized as faith in yourself and your capacities. It is essentially independent of the question. It isn’t something that can be educated. It is something that we grow inside without help from anyone else. It is vital to carry on with a sound and cheerful life.

Self-confidence is valuable and imperative to accomplish objectives and satisfy your desires. Confident people achieve their goals always. One can’t accomplish his/her objective in existence without confidence in light of the fact that a self-assured individual is autonomous, energetic, hopeful, adoring and positive commonly.

The individual who needs Self-confidence is absolutely inverse. He/she is disengaged, sub-par, discouraged, confounded and delicate to analysis and disappointment. It doesn’t imply that a certain individual consistently gets accomplishment throughout everyday life except he/she takes life challenges emphatically. They gain from their slip-ups and continue to attempt to accomplish better throughout everyday life.

There are different ways by which one can chip away at and improve his/her confidence. Right off the bat, have faith in yourself and figure out how to say what you feel. A great many people deal with this issue of not denying something they don’t care for. It is essential to say ‘no’ amiably on the off chance that you are not happy with something. Try not to feel remorseful about it. There isn’t anything amiss with it.

Another approach to improve your confidence is to never presume. Numerous individuals have this propensity for regulating the negative. For instance, you are going to a drawing rivalry and you are apprehensive. Don’t overthink it. You are picked for this rivalry since you are acceptable at drawing. Try not to allow your negative presumption to shake your confidence.

Laying out sensible objectives is a decent practice to support confidence. We ought not lay out our objectives too high or too low as both can influence your Self-confidence severely. Too significant standards make one under-sure as she/he will be unable to accomplish and the too low objectives can create one presumptuous as one can accomplish it without any problem.


Long Essay on Confidence 600 Words in English

Confidence is a Key to Success. A few groups are brought into the world with it, some need to work for it, and others don’t have a clue how to acquire it. It is something possibly one has or doesn’t, however, can generally be refined over the long run. The inquiry that many needs responded to is “how would I be able to deal with acquiring confidence?” With the right companions, trust and time, we can easily achieve confidence in our life.

The indication of confidence is simply the “conviction and one’s forces or capacities.” Everybody is deficient with regards to trust in something; not every person is great. Regardless of whether it be giving a discourse before the class, contending in an enormous rivalry, or tolerating one’s appearance, individuals come up short on the confidence expected to appreciate life. Positive thinking is the confidence that prompts accomplishment. There is no hope without expectation and confidence.” This statement is totally evident since supposing that one doesn’t have confidence they can never accomplish or go past what they need to do.

As of late, I have battled with trust in quite possibly the main parts of my life: volleyball. With homework, I feel totally positive about my work, however, with volleyball, it is an alternate story. Recently, I have been disappointed and awkward with my presentation, rather than the facilitation that I used to play with. After each slip-up, I would get down on myself and not shake it off, similar to one ought to. It has been difficult for me to discover how to gain and arrive at confidence. Through a few discussions from mentors and colleagues, I, at last, accept that I am a sufficient player and that I can’t allow the strain to get to me. Every other person saw it other than me. I have discovered that on the off chance that one can’t have faith in having the option to accomplish something, one won’t do it. One actually should be positive about what they do to succeed. I’m gradually fabricating my confidence by having faith in myself and confiding in my capacities.

A few groups have such an excess of confidence that they are not hesitant to do anything. Others are the direct inverse and are frightened of being judged or disparaged by others. Fearlessness can’t be educated, yet is reached by the person when they choose to trust in themselves. To achieve fearlessness, one needs to accept that they can do the job needing to be done. It can’t be refined for the time being, yet gradually gets more grounded and more grounded throughout some undefined time frame. One of the significant approaches to acquire confidence is behaving like one is sure, in any event, when not. Acting will move into really acting naturally certain and having high confidence. Another approach to acquire confidence is by conversing with others. My illustration of acquiring confidence is a genuine confirmation that this works. Conversing with individuals that consideration will lift one up by discussing one’s stupendous abilities, boosting confidence level right away.

All in all, confidence is a trademark that everybody battles with at a certain point, yet can be accomplished by confiding in one’s capacities and talking with others that are steady. Imprint Twain once said, “The most exceedingly terrible depression is to not be alright with yourself.” Being OK with oneself is the way to accomplishment and pleasure throughout everyday life, so start without a doubt.

FAQ’s on Confidence Essay

Question 1. What is self-confidence?

Answer: Self-confidence can be characterized as the conviction and affirmation you feel towards yourself. Confidence is quite possibly the main course you need to take in your way to progress. It makes an individual free, energetic, hopeful, adoring and positive.

Question 2. Why is confidence important?

Answer: Confidence assists us with feeling prepared for life’s encounters. At the point when we’re sure, we’re bound to push ahead with individuals and openings, not move in an opposite direction from them. Also, if things don’t work out from the start, confidence assists us with attempting once more. If confidence is low, then we cannot achieve our targets or goals easily. Confidence helps us to gain fearlessness and less anxiety.

Question 3. Confidence is the key to what?

Answer: Confidence is the key to success.

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Essay on Self Confidence

Being positive is a key component that can help you to achieve success in life. When you have a positive outlook on life, it can help you to set and achieve goals, while also giving you the confidence to overcome any obstacles that come your way.  Being confident allows you to recognize your own potential and take risks, while also helping you to remain resilient in the face of adversity.

With a positive attitude and confidence, you can set yourself up for success in any endeavor. Therefore, we will discuss here about self confidence in detail and know about the key to success.

Short and Long Self Confidence Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on Self Confidence in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Self Confidence will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Self Confidence Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Self-confidence is when we believe in our abilities, talents, and strengths.

2) Self Confidence helps us believing in ourselves and our abilities.

3) Self Confidence pushes us to reach our goals.

4) Self Confidence helps us to focus on successes instead of dwelling on your mistakes.

5) Self-confidence allows us to take risks and try new things even if they make us feel uncomfortable.

6) Self Confidence allows us to celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small.

7) If we will be self-confident, it helps us believing that we are worthy of being happy and successful.

8) With self-confidence, we can focus on the present and take action to make our dreams come true.

9) To be self-confident everytime, we must make our surrounding positive everytime.

10) Self-confidence is the key to achieve whatever we want in our life.

Short Essay on Self Confidence (250 – 300 Words)


Self-confidence is the belief in one’s ability to succeed and make decisions. It plays a huge role in how a person feels about their life, which then influences their behavior, attitude, and performance. Having self-confidence is important for succeeding in many areas of life including relationships, work, and overall happiness.

The Benefits of Self-Confidence

Having self-confidence can help an individual to make better decisions, increase their self-esteem, set clearer goals, and ultimately achieve more in life. People who have more self-confidence are often more likely to take risks, be creative, and try new things, helping them to learn more and gain new experiences.

Developing Self-Confidence

Self-confidence can be improved by being aware of one’s own strengths and setting achievable goals. One should be realistic when it comes to setting goals and figure out how to achieve them in a step by step manner. Additionally, challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to gain new experiences and improve your overall confidence. 

Positive Thinking

Having positive self-talk and thinking positively can help with self-confidence. Having a positive attitude and focusing on the good in each situation can help improve the outlook on life and increase one’s self-confidence.

Self-confidence is an important tool to have in life and can help an individual to be more successful, feel happier, and open themselves up to new experiences. Developing self-confidence can be done with positive thinking, setting achievable goals, and recognizing one’s strengths. Ultimately, self-confidence will make life more enjoyable.

Long Essay on Self Confidence (500 Words)

Self-confidence is the foundation for a successful and meaningful life. It is the ability to trust in your judgement, have faith in yourself and be resilient in the face of adversity. Having a healthy level of self-confidence can open us up to possibilities and give us the courage to take on life’s challenges. It can motivate us to take risks and create opportunities for ourselves. On the other hand, a lack of self-confidence can limit us and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It’s important to recognize the importance of self-confidence and to be aware of how to build and maintain it.

What Is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence can be defined as the “belief in oneself and one’s abilities”. It is the ability to have faith in yourself and a willingness to take risks. It is the capacity to believe that you can handle any challenge or difficult situation that is presented to you. Having a healthy amount of self-confidence can help one to be courageous and take risks that might lead to success.

Signs of Low Self-Confidence

Low self confidence is a lack of faith in one’s own abilities and qualities. People with low self confidence often find it difficult to take risks and can feel inadequate in certain situations. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, depression, and a lack of social support.

A lack of self-confidence can manifest itself in various ways. Here are some common signs of low self-confidence:

• Unrealistic or negative self-talk

• Fear of failure

• Difficulty making decisions

• Low self-esteem

• Needing validation from others

• Avoiding challenges

• Seeking approval from others

• Feeling overwhelmed by tasks

Building Self-Confidence

Building self confidence involves having an optimistic outlook, challenging negative thoughts, setting achievable goals, and celebrating successes. It is an important process which can help to bring more positivity and success into life. It is possible to build and maintain a healthy amount of self-confidence. Here are some tips to help you develop and maintain self-confidence:

• Identify/work on weaknesses: Identify areas that you need to work on and take steps to improve yourself.

• Monitor your self-talk: Pay attention to your inner self-talk and challenge any negative thoughts that come up.

• Take risks: Don’t be afraid of taking risks and exploring new opportunities.

• Set goals and challenges: Set realistic goals and challenges for yourself and work to achieve them.

• Face your fears: Don’t be afraid of challenges and work to overcome your fears.

• Focus on your strengths: Pay attention to and develop your strengths, and use them to achieve goals.

Self-confidence is an important part of life and can help you reach your goals and create meaningful relationships. It is important to recognize the signs of low self-confidence and to take steps to build and maintain a healthy amount of self-confidence in order to reach your potential. There are many resources available to help you build your self-confidence and find the courage to take on life’s challenges.

I hope the above-provided essay on Self Confidence will be helpful to you in understanding the role and importance of confidence in the journey of success or in our entire life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about Self Confidence

Ans. Developing a positive attitude involves reframing your thoughts to look for the good in every situation, practicing gratitude, and setting achievable goals.

Ans. Having too much self-confidence can lead to arrogance and an inability to accept criticism or feedback.

Ans. Maintaining self-confidence requires regular self-care, setting realistic goals, and being mindful of your thoughts and emotions.

Ans. Set yourself realistic and attainable goals, break them down into manageable steps, and reward yourself for your accomplishments.

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The official magazine for TIPsters in 4th–6th grade

Turning Fear into Confidence—A Personal Essay

October 14, 2020

Facing obstacles throughout your life is inevitable, and the obstacles you overcome can define who you are as a person. Not only will this build character and self-confidence, it will show others how strong you remained and inspire them to overcome their own challenges.

But overcoming obstacles is no simple task. Most obstacles are incredibly hard and testing. Yet, by overcoming them, you will come to understand why they are important. The significance of overcoming obstacles in life is to make you more grounded, courageous, and wise. For me, one of these life-altering obstacles emerged during my undergraduate years.

I had a serious fear of public speaking. There were times where I would struggle with presentations and in-class discussions. When these sessions would take place, my fear built up in a pressure cooker of discouragement and convulsive anguish. I felt humiliated before my teachers, partners, and most of all, my close friends. I soon realized, however, that the same people who seemed to be the source of my fear became my lifeline, their inspirational words filling my mind and heart with positive thoughts.

Seeing my struggles, my peers tried to build me up, to increase my confidence in myself and convince me that anything, including overcoming my fear of public speaking, could be accomplished with enough enthusiasm and belief in oneself.

The obstacles we face in life can distort how we see ourselves and cripple our ability to face our fears. By facing these conflicts head on, though, we can completely flip their effect on us, transforming them into experiences that strengthen our resilience and push the boundaries of what we think is possible to achieve.

Taking everything into account everything I’ve learned from this experience and many others like it that I’ve encountered in my life, it’s clear that obstacles are impossible to avoid, and when you do encounter them, you must view them as learning opportunities. You might just surprise yourself at how easily you overcome them.

essay on confidence in english

This post was written by Duke TIP’s outgoing Marketing & Communications intern, Christina Gordon. Christina graduated from North Carolina Central University in the spring of 2020.

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About Duke TIP

The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit organization that has served over three million academically talented students in grades 4–12 since it was founded in 1980. Collaborating with educators and parents, TIP helps gifted students assess the extent of their academic abilities with above-grade-level testing, recognizes them for their achievements, and provides them with a variety of enrichment benefits as well as accelerated face-to-face and online educational programs.

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Self-confidence Essays

Brief description of confidence.

Confidence is the belief in oneself and one's abilities. It is a crucial trait that enables individuals to face challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with determination. Confidence plays a significant role in personal growth, professional success, and overall well-being.

Importance of Writing Essays on This Topic

Writing essays on confidence is essential for academic and personal exploration as it allows individuals to delve into the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of confidence. It also encourages self-reflection and critical thinking, leading to a deeper understanding of how confidence impacts various aspects of life.

Tips on Choosing a Good Topic

  • Consider personal experiences: Reflect on moments when your confidence was tested or strengthened.
  • Explore societal influences: Examine how confidence is shaped by cultural norms and societal expectations.
  • Analyze the psychology of confidence: Delve into the cognitive and emotional factors that contribute to confidence levels.

Essay Topics

  • The role of confidence in overcoming adversity
  • Cultural differences in the perception of confidence
  • The impact of social media on self-confidence
  • How confidence affects leadership effectiveness
  • The relationship between confidence and success
  • Overcoming self-doubt and building confidence
  • The influence of family dynamics on confidence development
  • Confidence and its impact on mental health
  • Gender differences in confidence levels
  • The connection between confidence and risk-taking
  • The importance of self-confidence in public speaking
  • Exploring the concept of body confidence
  • Confidence and its role in decision-making
  • Building confidence in the workplace
  • Confidence and its relation to imposter syndrome
  • The intersection of confidence and resilience
  • Confidence and its influence on relationships
  • The impact of childhood experiences on adult confidence levels
  • Confidence and its connection to motivation
  • The role of education in nurturing confidence

Concluding Thought

Exploring the topic of confidence through essay writing provides valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior and personal development. By engaging with this topic, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, ultimately leading to personal growth and self-improvement.

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essay on confidence in english

English Summary

Essay on Confidence in English

The ability to believe in one’s own ability in the face of doubt and suspicion is the true definition of confidence. Confidence is often the difference between achievers and contenders.

It encourages a positive outlook and an industrious attitude. The key to building confidence comes down to having a good image of one’s own strengths and skills. 

Human beings are social animals and are subject to constant evaluation and judgment. This can be nerve-wracking for some people who try to question their own abilities. This shows an acute deficiency of self-belief.

They often end up sacrificing their dreams and aspirations and settle for a lesser version of themselves. On the flip side, a confident person is self-assured in his abilities as well as deficiencies.

Confidence can come naturally to some people while others have to strive to gain it. Some people are born with impregnable self-belief which can give them extra energy when compared to others. However, a confident attitude can be learned over time by following a proper strategy.

One should always remember that no one person is without faults or errors and everybody makes mistakes. Important thing is to learn from your errors and not repeat them in the future.

Such valuable lessons can help improve self-esteem and self-belief. An optimistic approach to life can help you overcome your weakness and difficult circumstances and rise above other people’s doubts.

Another important point is to focus on one’s skills, abilities and good traits. It is essential we harness our talents and develop our skills to maximize our potential. These will in the long term compensate for the things we lack and provide balance to our personality and life.

It can feed into our ego and desires and cause much damage to our overall potential. Overconfidence can also colour our opinions of others and make us underestimate their abilities.

Overall, confidence in itself can work in different ways. If used judiciously and for good, it can lead to remarkable successes and strength of character. On the other hand, lack of confidence or excess of it can lead to disastrous implications and arrogant misjudgments.

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Essay on Self Confidence

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Self-confidence is the inner belief in one’s own abilities and judgment. It is a vital aspect of personal development, influencing success, mental health, and overall happiness. This essay delves into the essence of self-confidence, its significance, how it can be built and maintained, and its impact on an individual’s life.


Self-confidence is not merely a trait one is born with but a quality that is nurtured over time. It involves trust in one’s capabilities, decisions, and ability to face challenges. Unlike arrogance, which may stem from an overestimation of one’s abilities, self-confidence is a balanced and realistic appraisal of one’s own worth and capabilities.

The Significance of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is crucial for several reasons. It empowers individuals to take risks, embrace new challenges, and pursue their goals with perseverance. Confident individuals are more likely to succeed in various aspects of life, including academic achievements, careers, and personal relationships. Furthermore, self-confidence contributes to mental well-being, reducing the likelihood of issues such as anxiety and depression.

Building Self-Confidence

Building self-confidence is a process that involves various strategies:

  • Positive Self-Talk : Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations can significantly impact self-perception and confidence levels.
  • Setting and Achieving Goals : Achieving small goals can boost confidence by providing evidence of one’s capabilities.
  • Learning New Skills : Acquiring new skills enhances self-efficacy, contributing to higher self-confidence.
  • Overcoming Challenges : Facing and overcoming challenges reinforce the belief in one’s abilities.
  • Seeking Support : Encouragement from friends, family, and mentors can bolster self-confidence.

Maintaining Self-Confidence

Maintaining self-confidence requires consistency in practicing self-affirmation, seeking new challenges, and embracing lifelong learning. It’s also essential to avoid comparing oneself to others, as this can undermine self-confidence. Instead, focusing on personal growth and achievements can help maintain a healthy level of self-confidence.

The Role of Self-Confidence in Success

Self-confidence plays a pivotal role in achieving success. It enables individuals to approach tasks with a positive mindset and resilience, significantly increasing the likelihood of success. In the academic realm, confident students are more likely to participate in class, seek help when needed, and excel in their studies. In the professional world, self-confidence facilitates effective communication, leadership, and the ability to navigate challenges.

Self-Confidence and Mental Health

There is a strong link between self-confidence and mental health. High self-confidence can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to a more fulfilling life. Conversely, low self-confidence can contribute to mental health challenges. Therefore, fostering self-confidence is not only beneficial for achieving external success but also for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

Challenges to Self-Confidence

Despite its importance, building and maintaining self-confidence can be challenging. External factors such as failure, criticism, and societal pressures can diminish self-confidence. Internal factors, such as perfectionism and self-doubt, can also hinder its development. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial for fostering a healthy level of self-confidence.

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

To overcome challenges to self-confidence, individuals can adopt several strategies:

  • Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity : Viewing failure as a chance to learn and grow can mitigate its negative impact on self-confidence.
  • Seek Constructive Feedback : Instead of avoiding criticism, seeking and using constructive feedback can be a powerful tool for improvement and confidence-building.
  • Practice Self-Compassion : Being kind to oneself during difficult times can prevent self-criticism from eroding self-confidence.
  • Set Realistic Expectations : Setting achievable goals and acknowledging one’s limitations can prevent disappointment and bolster self-confidence.

In conclusion, self-confidence empowers individuals to face life’s challenges with resilience and optimism. It is not a fixed trait but a quality that can be developed and enhanced over time. As such, fostering self-confidence is an investment in one’s future, laying the foundation for success, well-being, and personal satisfaction.


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Essay on self confidence

Essay on self confidence 11 Models

Essay on self confidence, This topic deals with several important issues, as it shows how to gain self-confidence. And we talk through it about the importance of self-confidence for a person. And what happens when a person has a great deal of confidence.

Through what we will present to you, you will know how to gain self-confidence and what are the reasons that help a person to have self-confidence.

And we will know what is the difference between self-confidence and vanity, because they are two qualities that some believe are similar, and therefore we must know the difference between them in detail.

Essay on self confidence

When a person gets old, he knows that the real reason for success in life, whether personal or working life, is self-confidence.

The reason is that it is an attribute that makes a person strong among others, so no one can overthrow him or take his place.

Also, self-confidence makes a person strong in his decisions and quick in his reactions, which makes him a successful person who moves forward quickly and does not go back.

As for the person who is not confident in himself, he prefers to live in darkness for most of his life, so he does not go out to the light and does not participate in the battle of life because of fear of society and fear of people’s view of him.

You will find him withdrawing from any gathering or participation even if someone has good skills, but he wastes his skills and does not care to develop or use them.

And because the person who is not confident in himself escapes, he gives a great opportunity to people who are less than him in experiences but who have great self-confidence.

But how do people gain self-confidence? Why do some others lose this confidence?. The reason is the way a child is raised from an early age.

The child must be raised in a way of encouragement all the time, so that the child feels accomplished, even if it is simple achievements.

It is necessary to refrain from criticizing the child continuously, because the criticism makes the child feel weak and unable to do something right.

One of the annoying things that makes a child lose confidence in himself and cannot gain it again is that he is constantly compared to others. This conveys a message to the child that he is not important and that others are better than him in everything.

The correct way to raise a confident child is to encourage him for what he has done and motivate him to do better things next time. If the parents want to compare the child with others, they can compare the child with himself in the past, in order to motivate him to return to what he was before.

Self esteem essay

Self-esteem is one of the most important qualities that a person must have. The meaning of self-esteem is that a person loves himself and appreciates it appropriately, without underestimating or exaggerating.

If a person underestimates himself, he will develop a lack of self-confidence.If a person overestimates himself, he reaches the stage of arrogance and condescension to others.

As for the right person, he is the one who knows his own destiny and knows his weaknesses and strengths. And when he recognizes his weaknesses, he does not get frustrated and his self-confidence is not shaken, but he works intensively to strengthen his weaknesses so that he can get up and walk forward.

A person’s self-respect or appreciation helps a person to live in a successful and calm manner in various aspects of his life. The person who appreciates himself is successful in work, and you find him moving forward in a distinctive way.

And you find him successful in his personal life, whether it is a marriage relationship or his relationship with his family and relatives.

She finds him socially successful with friends and co-workers. As for the relationship with those who manage his work or the leader who gives him orders, he acts with him appropriately without clashing.

Self confidence essay in English

A person gains self-confidence from those around him, whether family or society. If the parents are very prudent, they deal with the child in a healthy way, so they do not bully or criticize him continuously. Also, parents should encourage their children in what suits their skills and abilities.

One of the things that loses the child’s self-confidence is that the parents are determined to compare him with others.

But if they can discover the talents of their children, they will direct them to a path suitable for them, which will make them successful.

After the child grows up, he begins to go out to society, which may be cruel to children, such as when his friends at school meet him with bullying terms. He may be subjected to violence and be underestimated by teachers within the school.

And when he is subjected to study and tests, he will discover that he is not smart enough and that some of his colleagues are superior to him, which causes comparisons between him and them and great frustration for him. All of these things make the child begin to feel inferior.

Low self esteem essay

Lack of self-respect or lack of self-esteem have one meaning, which is a person’s hatred of himself and looking down on him.

This happens because of the frequent criticism of this person in childhood, whether from the father, mother, or those around him.

One of the reasons is also the lack of interest in the child so that his talents are not discovered or his abilities are recognized, and he grows up without any advantage and feels frustrated and unimportant. Irresponsibility makes the person feels weak and unable to do anything on his own.

The child must be given some responsibilities, the difficulty of which varies according to his age, in order to try to perform them well, so that he can feel the strength of his personality.

Neither looking at others nor comparing yourself with them makes you stronger and more successful, but if you look at them and compare yourself to them, you will feel frustration and failure and over time you will hate yourself and look at it in an inferior way.

You must learn to look at the aspects of your life in a positive way, and to avoid negative thinking that destroys human life.

Lack of self confidence essay

Lack of self-confidence is one of the problems that destroy people’s lives, whether their personal lives or at work.

We can clearly see the characteristics of an insecure person, who keeps a low profile and prefers solitude.

If he is in a place with a number of people, he prefers to remain silent and not participate. And shows on his face traces of tension and sweating. If someone looks at him, he turns his face and avoids looking into the eyes of others.

One of the reasons why a person loses confidence is to believe that he is inferior to those around him. This belief may be implanted inside him because of an old problem he was suffering from, or because of a defect in his external appearance that he is unable to fix.

If he suffers from a problem with his weight or the shape of his face, or if he suffers an accident that leads to a certain deformity, he will not be able to maintain his confidence in himself without the help of a specialist doctor.

Narrative essay about self confidence

When I was four years old, I had an accident that broke my teeth and made it difficult to speak. When I went to nursery school, my classmates started bullying me because of the difficulty of speaking.

This bullying affected my personality, which made me afraid to speak, so I was silent and did not talk to anyone.

And the years passed and I didn’t talk, until I got new teeth.

Even though I had new teeth and was able to speak well, I was terrified and thought everyone was looking at me and waiting for me to speak until they made fun of me.

My mother told me that I should go to a doctor to help me overcome this fear. When I went to the doctor he started talking to me in successive sessions until I was able to recover and speak freely, without fear of other people’s judgment.

I have learned to trust myself and love myself as I am so that others will love me. And I learned that a person who feels inferior and insecure, sees others the same way he sees himself. If you want people to see you in a special way, you must first see yourself with this distinction.

Self esteem essay in english

Respect or love of a person for himself is how a person views himself and whether he trusts her and her capabilities or does not have confidence in her.

But there are several ways you can train yourself to trust your abilities, one of which is to learn how to reject something that is not right for you without fear.

Do not do something that you are not convinced of due to pressure from those around you. Do not do anything because you are afraid of society or criticism of others.

You must maintain your personal boundaries, which are like a wall of protection for you from violating your personal boundaries.

You must learn to make your own decisions without referring to others and the hesitation that is clear evidence of a lack of self-confidence.

It is not right to criticize and reduce yourself whenever you make a mistake or make an incorrect decision, but you can know what your mistakes are and try to learn from them for the next time.

Try to look at the words of thanks and compliments that some people say to you and not avoid them or take them as a compliment, because it can often be true and you deserve it.

Essay about self worth

If you want to value yourself, you must know the reasons that lead to the loss of self-esteem in order to avoid them.

One of the most important of these reasons is that you have an accident in your childhood that causes you to change your appearance, which leads to others bullying you.

Or you are born with something different from others, and you are classified as an abnormal person, which leads to a feeling of inferiority.

But these accidents and the things you were born with cannot be changed, and they could happen to anyone else.

Therefore, you must strengthen your character and not be affected by this bullying.

A person may be beautiful and not have any visible issues that require bullying, but he suffers from a loss of self-confidence due to the large number of criticism and belittling him.

Destructive criticism occurs when parents believe that the more they criticize the child, the more he maintains hygiene and excels in school.

But what happens is the opposite, as the child loses confidence in himself and falls backward, causing him to fail for the rest of his life.

My self esteem essay

I have learned that if I want to have self-respect, I must have certain qualities, one of which is to be a balanced, calm person, with a great deal of self-compassion and peace. I have to be confident in not being shaken when a sick person bullies something about me.

Bullying is different from constructive criticism. Bullying is based on the form and things that a person has no power to change.

As for constructive criticism, it is about the things that a person does, but he can change them with something better.

I also learned that I must take my decisions seriously, learn from all past mistakes, and never repeat my mistakes again.

Organizing and arranging is one of the most important things that make a person successful and self-confident, and therefore he will appreciate and love himself, because organization facilitates the tasks you perform and saves you time. A person who values ​​himself never thinks negatively, but only sees the glass as half full.

Unlike people who do not value themselves, they only look at the negatives and cannot see the positive aspects in life in general or in other matters related to work and personal life.

I want to improve my self confidence essay

If you want to improve your self-confidence, you must know what self-confidence means and why it is one of the necessities of life.

Self-confidence means loving yourself and recognizing your strengths, knowing what your weaknesses are and working to strengthen them. If you trust yourself, you will walk and sit among others without fear or hesitation.

One of the most important things that you must do in order to strengthen your confidence in yourself is to look at things in an appropriate way, and do not look at them in a huge and illogical way, such as someone who believes that those around him look at his actions and criticize his actions, and his thinking is the result of a lack of self-confidence.

Also, in order to strengthen your self-confidence, you must not be afraid of others and their criticism, but behave yourself.

You should feel from the inside that you are a strong person who can sit and talk among others, and can make good decisions without fear of error. All of these things strengthen your self-confidence and improve your personality.

Short paragraph about self confidence

When a person moves freely and be himself in front of those around him, he is confident in himself. But if a person is afraid of being in the midst of people and backs away from talking and participating, then he is a person who lacks confidence and does not have a good self-esteem.

This state of distrust appears to others noticeably, as it appears on his face and body movements that reveal the tension and fear he feels.

If a person wants to treat his lack of self-confidence, he must know what is the cause of this problem. One of the main causes of mistrust is being bullied at a young age, or being criticized excessively.

Also, if a person is very sensitive, they look at things exaggeratedly, such as believing that everyone is watching their behavior, or that they look at them critically, although sometimes people may look at you with admiration.

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Essay On Self Confidence – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When An Writing Essay On Self Confidence For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on self confidence for kids, a paragraph on self confidence for children, short essay on self confidence for kids, long essay on self confidence for children, what will your child learn from an essay on self confidence.

Schools usually teach the knowledge, discipline, and manners that are helpful to children in leading their life. However, self-confidence is not something someone can teach, as it should develop inside of a person. One simple and easy way in which a parent can improve their kid’s self-confidence is by making them write an essay on self-confidence in English. Self-confidence is one of the most vital qualities your kid should develop, increasing their courage and positivity. It is also a key to success which helps your kid to be more independent and optimistic in life. Essay writing is a good start for children as it increases their creativity, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Check out this essay on self-confidence for classes 1, 2, and 3 that introduces your kid to the value of self-confidence in an easy manner.

Below are some tips to consider while writing an essay on self-confidence for lower primary kids from grades 1, 2, 3, and above. These crucial points will assist in solving your kid’s doubts regarding how to write about self-confidence.

  • Firstly, ensure you have the basic idea about self-confidence and its importance.
  • Mention what self-confidence is and how it will be helpful in your life.
  • Highlight the advantages of being confident in one’s life.
  • Point out how self-confidence can help you achieve your life goals and dreams.
  • Mention your inspirational person or quote that helps in boosting your self-confidence.
  • Conclude the essay on a positive note and try to include stories or real-life examples in the essay.

For writing the best essay that stands out, students can refer to these few lines on self-confidence that increase their confidence levels and provides the freedom from doubting themselves. Kids can also include these essential lines in an essay for classes 1 and 2 students.

  • Self-confidence helps in having a broad mindset and positive thoughts in life.
  • It helps in improving courage and getting rid of fear in life.
  • Fearlessness and freedom from doubting one’s abilities can make an average person attain success and reach greater heights.
  • Self-confidence helps to face the biggest ever challenges and problems in life without any other person’s support.
  • A person with self-confidence achieves life goals with incredible speed and enthusiasm.
  • Self-confidence allows one to be a better person in any phase of life.
  • It improves positive qualities like optimism, kindness, passion, love, etc., and helps you eliminate negative thoughts.
  • Self-confidence is the starting step to conquering success and achieving respect in any field of life.
  • Self-confidence gives you a unique personality and character.
  • A self-confident person knows the difference between being confident and overconfident. They also have self-love and possess faith in themselves even when no one believes in them.

Self-confidence is considered one of the main qualities a person should possess to live a better and happy life in a world of chaos. It means having belief and faith in one’s abilities and strengths. Refer to this paragraph below that helps write the best essay for students.

People having self-confidence are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They set realistic expectations in their life and achieves them more quickly than others. They are eager and passionate about their work and fill the entire room with positivity and cheerfulness. They do not need any person in supervision to complete the tasks and achieve their dreams. They have a positive attitude and work for their goals both in hard and smart ways. They also make mistakes and get the failure but believe in getting up and bouncing back at double speed every time they fall and finally achieve unbelievable successes in life.

Self-confidence is a trait to be developed from a very early age. Check out this short essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 students. This essay will introduce your kid to self-confidence and make them realise their strengths and weaknesses at a very young age.

One of the first things one notices in a person is the way a person speaks and carries themselves. And one of the determining factors is the self-confidence of that person. Self-confidence makes you hope for the best and prepare for the worst situations. You can eventually be self-confident by saying positive words and affirmations daily to yourself. Self-confidence takes you to places which seemed impossible before. It gives you self-motivation, passion, and strength to achieve anything and everything in life. It’s not that self-confident people can never experience failures in their life. But from every failure, they gain experience and learn something valuable essential for their final success. Self-confidence also improves how a person expresses themselves and helps them stand for their values and beliefs. Another way a person can gain self-confidence is through abundant knowledge and books. So, be the best version of yourself by keeping your self-confidence high.

Short essays are helpful to elementary and lower primary students. With upgrading to higher grades and exposure to in-depth knowledge, students need to focus on long essays and paragraphs, which helps them to write the best essay compared to others. This long essay for class 3 students can also be useful to children from grades 4, 5, 6, and above.

What Is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence is the essential quality that helps any person to accomplish the impossible and reach greater heights in life. It helps to become a better person every day by improving vital skills in life like communication, leadership, teamwork, discipline, etc. It acts as a defence shield against criticisms from other people and helps to build a better career and be successful in life.

Benefits Of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence attracts positivity and repels any negativity. It improves a positive attitude and optimistic mindset. It helps your kid to know the importance of self-love, self-care and self-belief. It is also helpful for your kid in building healthy relationships and friendships that matter the most.

How Self Confidence Is The Key To Success

Successful people are not who don’t fail but those who don’t give up on a small failure. Self-confidence boosts a person’s ‘never give up’ attitude and helps them easily accomplish even the more challenging tasks. With this never give up attitude and positive mindset, kids can pass every difficulty in life.

How To Boost Self Confidence?

Having self-confidence is the best thing a person can have. But sometimes, people have a hard time possessing it. To boost self-confidence and improve the best mindset, one can talk positively to themselves, practice mediation, have a calm mind, do not overthink, stop doubting oneself, and follow any inspirational person they admire.

Besides developing self-confidence and practising it, your kid will learn how to improve their thought process and give structure to their vocabulary. Through this, they will learn new words, pronunciations, grammar, and various valuable skills. They will now perform their everyday tasks with improved confidence levels and courage.

1. How Is Self Confidence Different From Self Esteem?

While self-confidence is having faith in oneself, self-esteem refers to self-respect, which is the overall opinion of oneself. People with healthy self-esteem respect themselves and others and are not afraid to voice their views and ideas.

2. What Happens If You Don’t Have Self-Confidence?

Without self-confidence, you will lose hope and faith in yourself. Every situation and the task appears to be difficult, and life will eventually fall into a sorrowful pit.

This essay on self-confidence will improve kids’ writing skills and vocabulary. Students also learn how to form a sentence, creating a meaningful essay.

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5 steps to gaining confidence in essay writing

The student perspective series

Amelie Streller

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First year university students often feel pressure to achieve academic success while also participating in the stereotypical student experience such as joining societies, attending events, and making new friends. Balancing this with new academic processes such as increased workloads and prescriptive referencing rules—all vastly different to the experience at secondary school or college— can be challenging.

As a second-year student at Durham University, I’d like to share my story about how managing new writing challenges built my confidence and helped me maintain integrity , even when deadlines were quickly approaching. Here are a few pointers to build your confidence and reduce stress during the essay writing process. And if you're an educator, why not share my tips with your students?

Your first essay does not need to be perfect. Learning something new is, after all, one of the main reasons for attending university. By putting too much pressure on yourself, you are prone to feeling exhausted and burnt out, so instead, be your strongest ally. Use the comprehensive feedback your professors provide to hone your skills and improve your next piece of work. Often UK universities have policies in place that state your first year does not impact your final degree classification, providing the opportunity for you to learn, improve, and impress in second and third year.

Writing an essay can be hard when there are so many distractions. My advice is to invest your time well to minimise stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed during the writing and submission process. Increased planning will make essay writing much more enjoyable; instead of writing and researching for two days straight, you’ll be working on your essay for just a couple of hours every few days. In addition, you’ll have time for leisure activities such as going for walks, hanging out with friends or even watching Netflix.

In your first few weeks at university, professors quickly start discussing citation and referencing. It is important to know which referencing style your university uses, for example Harvard, MLA or APA. This is often covered in introductory lectures or shared with you in your Learning Management System, like Blackboard or Canvas, but if you’re struggling to locate it, make sure you ask your lecturer before you start your assignment.

Referencing, overall, does not need to take hours. A key tip is keeping track of all your references throughout the research process. If you wait until the end of your essay to start referencing, you run the risk of forgetting the origin of your quotes and being forced to remove them from your assignment since you should not include a quote without a full citation and reference.

The final step is submitting your paper. Try to keep in mind that all essays are learning experiences and you can relax after submission. Your institution might make you submit your assignment through an academic integrity software, such as Turnitin. This stage can sometimes induce anxiety for students, but, if harnessed correctly, education software, like Turnitin, can support students rather than inhibit them. If you have done your research, tried your best and your work is your own, you should have nothing to worry about.

Your module leaders are experts at writing academic papers and should be able to help you understand an assignment's requirements. Lecturers often have marking criteria that is a guide for them but can also benefit you in understanding how your teachers plan to mark your essay so you can plan and write in a way that meets their expectations.

These steps have been designed to help you build confidence in your own academic writing and produce high quality work that oozes integrity. Copying or bypassing rules may seem the easiest way to avoid these stressful situations, but from my experience, learning to write your own work and being confident in your own abilities is not only crucial at university but also later in life. Give those essays a go, make mistakes, and learn from them!

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Nell Irvin Painter’s understanding of America is beautiful and bracing. We should listen.

“I Just Keep Talking” brings together wide-ranging and pointed essays by the author of “The History of White People.”

essay on confidence in english

From the opening sentences of her new collection, “ I Just Keep Talking: A Life in Essays ,” historian Nell Irvin Painter addresses readers in a voice brimming with knowledge, clarity and, most delightfully, confidence. As she writes, it would have been a terrible thing had she died young, “during the full-blown era of White-male-default segregation, discrimination, and disappearance that wound down only yesterday. I would have disappeared from memory, just another forgotten Black woman scholar, invisible to history and to histography.” And poor readers would have been deprived of her droll wit and self-assured wisdom.

It’s no small thing that in an era filled with grievances based on injuries that are sometimes profound and often perceived, Painter makes it clear that she has not come to this memoir to reclaim a lost or damaged part of herself. She recounts her response to an admirer who once inquired about what she did for healing. “‘Nothing,’ I said. ‘I’m not broken.’ Not broken, but on occasion frustrated, indignant — self-righteously — pissed off with cause, often exhausted, but mostly and permanently grateful for the people who have protected me, mentored me, supported me over so many decades.” This is an invigorating introduction, full of certainty and strength. Painter has moved through her professional life always knowing her worth, never doubting her intelligence and believing that those who might refuse to listen to her insight would be lesser for their decision.

Perhaps it requires a historian to fully grasp the importance — or at least the impact — of telling one’s own story with a certain brio. Painter, 81, is an esteemed historian retired from Princeton University who studied painting later in life, including at the Rhode Island School of Design. (She wrote about that experience in an earlier memoir, “ Old in Art School .”) The essays in “I Just Keep Talking,” which reflect upon the meaning of “Whiteness,” our understanding of enslavement and the power of nuance, among other subjects, are accompanied by her artwork, which sometimes amplifies her words and sometimes stands in their stead. It is a beautiful book. But its power ultimately rests in the sentences, not the pictures.

In some cases, Painter turns her attention to long-ago history, such as the legacy of Sojourner Truth. She informs readers that the 19th-century abolitionist and women’s rights activist did not utter the most famous phrase attributed to her: “Ain’t I a woman?” If Truth had, in fact, asked the question, Painter says, society’s answer would have been “no.” The answer not only would have reflected the circumstances of the times but would have undercut the way in which Truth understood her power and the skill with which she used it.

The Truth sketched by Painter, in an essay from 1994, is more complex than the one who has been reduced to a misattributed slogan. Truth eschewed the trappings of intellectualism and freedom as used by orator Frederick Douglass, and built her “public persona to establish that what had happened to her — her enslavement, rather than her reason — lent her a unique wisdom.”

Painter’s assessment of Truth is searing, sad and deeply revealing to a lay reader. Truth understood a reality of her time, which is that “in the eyes of most nineteenth-century Americans to be both memorable and woman at the same time simply was not possible. Black women’s individual experience had either to be reconstructed as something emblematically Negro — that is, as enslaved — or to be erased.”

As always, understanding our history means understanding ourselves. We carry our history with us: what we’ve learned in textbooks, what has been burnished in familial oral histories and what has been prettied up by politicians. Painter reminds us of history’s complications and subtleties. She encourages civilians — not just activists or academics — to ask all the pertinent questions, even the uncomfortable ones or those that are contrary to our individual politics and preferences.

What did slavery do to those who were in bondage? But also, what did it do to those who enforced it? Painter is insistent in her refusal to cave to the “national hunger for simplifying history.” She is a dogged corrector of the public record. She has even included in this book a letter to the editor she had published in the New Yorker in 2022, in which she carefully disentangles Truth from the famous slogan.

Painter does not limit her sharp critiques to distant ancestors and abolished institutions; she considers still-vibrant personalities and more recent upheavals. She takes us back to the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas in 1991, during which Anita Hill, in the pre-#MeToo era, testified to Thomas’s sexual harassment of her. Painter highlights the way in which Thomas forced Hill into the role of spoiler of circumstances that were not yet a fait accompli.

“In a struggle between himself and a woman of his same race, Thomas executed a deft strategy,” Painter writes. “He erected a tableau of White-Black racism that allowed him to occupy the position of the race . By reintroducing concepts of White power, Thomas made himself into the Black person in his story. Then, in the first move of a two-step strategy, he cast Anita Hill into the role of Black woman as traitor to the race .”

Painter continues: “The most common formula expressing minority status is ‘women and Blacks.’ As the emblematic woman is White and the emblematic Black is male, Black women generally are not as easy to comprehend symbolically.”

The racial and gender dynamics that were evident during that 20th-century Shakespearean drama continue to resonate in this century. Black music mogul Sean Combs faces accusations of harassment and violence by women over whom he wielded power. Thomas remains a controversial figure, facing scrutiny over his ethics on the bench and questions about potential conflicts of interest . And Hill has become a revered standard-bearer of a new generation of women who have spoken their truth under daunting circumstances, including Christine Blasey Ford during the 2018 confirmation hearings of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

History simply refuses to remain in the past.

Painter is also the author of “The History of White People” (2010), an exploration of how and why certain individuals were sorted into that racial category. Its sweeping audacity left some observers bemused, not by what it said about our construction of race but by the skin color of the woman who wrote it. Painter has swagger. And in this memoir, she takes advantage of all the privileges of a historian to take an arm’s-distance look at a people, not just those who look like her . She explains Whiteness and how the concept politically evolved during the presidency of Donald Trump .

Whiteness had always been the default, the standard against which all others were measured. Social and political acceptability were based on how closely one hewed to the White ideal. To claim Whiteness as an identity, however, was problematic, because those who did so were white nationalists and supremacists. They were members of the Ku Klux Klan. White pride was a political hand grenade.

“What the time of Trump does for us now is make White Americans visible as raced Americans, as raced counterparts to Black Americans. Long-standing assumptions — that only non-Whites have racial identities, that White Americans are individuals who only have race if they’re Nazis or White nationalists — those assumptions no longer hold,” Painter writes in an essay from 2018. “I’m turning the glass around to focus on what living in a slave society did to non-Black Americans and to the society as a whole.”

Painter puts muscle and heart into history so that her readers can easily, but thoughtfully, draw the lines between past and present. Her history is inclusive, not in a pandering or self-consciously correct way, but because her artful telling of it is full of complexity that’s both beautiful and bracing.

“Once we can write the words ‘trauma’ and ‘slavery’ in the same sentence, we will have enriched our understanding of slavery’s human costs, for enslaved, enslavers, and bystanders,” she writes.

In her memoir, Painter offers an intellectual history of herself, but also a history of us. We’re lucky that she continues to talk. What she has to say can help us more fully understand ourselves — but only if we’re willing to listen.

I Just Keep Talking

A Life in Essays

By Nell Irvin Painter

Doubleday. 418 pp. $35

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Unleash Your Voice: Speak with Confidence and Purpose

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Hello, I am Elsja, a highly motivated and dedicated English language teacher with a passion for helping students achieve their linguistic goals. With a strong background in TEFL and a commitment to creating engaging and interactive lessons, I strive to provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters growth, creativity, and success. I am excited to work with students of all ages and proficiency levels, and I am confident in my ability to adapt my teaching style to meet the unique needs of each learner.

Newly certified TEFL teacher with a strong foundation in language acquisition and teaching methodologies. Completed intensive training in lesson planning, classroom management, and language assessment. Eager to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting and gain hands-on experience in teaching English as a foreign language. Proficient in creating engaging and interactive lessons, with a focus on student-centered learning and cultural sensitivity. Ready to bring enthusiasm, creativity, and a passion for language learning to a dynamic and supportive teaching environment.

Let's embark on an exciting journey of language learning together. With my dedication, engaging lessons, and adaptability, I am here to support you in achieving your linguistic goals. Together, we will create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where growth, creativity, and success thrive.

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    4. Don't stress about essay submissions. The final step is submitting your paper. Try to keep in mind that all essays are learning experiences and you can relax after submission. Your institution might make you submit your assignment through an academic integrity software, such as Turnitin.

  23. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out ...

  24. Nell Irvin Painter's 'I Just Keep Talking' is beautiful and bracing

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  25. Elsja N., Unleash Your Voice: Speak with Confidence and Purpose

    About the tutor. Hello, I am Elsja, a highly motivated and dedicated English language teacher with a passion for helping students achieve their linguistic goals. With a strong background in TEFL and a commitment to creating engaging and interactive lessons, I strive to provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters growth ...