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Table of contents, unraveling the banana chips manufacturing process.

  • 17 April, 2024

banana chips manufacturing process

Starting a Banana Chips Business

Before delving into the intricacies of the banana chips manufacturing process, it is essential to start with a solid foundation. This begins with thorough market research and a well-crafted business plan.

Market Research

Conducting comprehensive market research is crucial for understanding the demand and potential profitability of a banana chips business. Some key areas to focus on during market research include:

Target Market: Identify your target audience, which in this case would be health-conscious consumers who enjoy nutritious and flavorful snacks. Research their preferences, buying habits, and demographics.

Competitor Analysis: Study existing banana chips brands and manufacturers to understand their product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, marketing techniques, and overall market share. This analysis will help you identify gaps in the market and potential areas for differentiation.

Trends and Consumer Preferences: Stay updated on the latest trends in the snack industry, including flavor innovations, packaging trends, and emerging dietary preferences. This knowledge will allow you to tailor your product to meet the evolving demands of consumers.

By conducting thorough market research, you can gain valuable insights that will help shape your business strategy and increase the chances of success.

Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is essential for outlining the roadmap of your banana chips business. It serves as a comprehensive document that details your goals, strategies, and financial projections. Here are key components to include in your business plan:

Executive Summary: Provide an overview of your business, including its mission, vision, and unique selling proposition. Briefly highlight the market opportunity and your competitive advantage.

Company Description: Provide a detailed description of your banana chips business, including its legal structure, location, and any relevant history or industry experience.

Market Analysis: Summarize the findings from your market research, including the target market, consumer trends, and competitive landscape. Explain how your banana chips product will meet the needs of the target market.

Product Line: Describe the different types of banana chips you plan to offer, including flavors, packaging options, and any unique features or benefits.

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Outline your marketing and sales approach, including branding, pricing, distribution channels, and promotional activities. Consider incorporating digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience.

Operations and Management: Explain the operational aspects of your business, including the banana chips manufacturing process, equipment requirements, and staffing needs. Highlight any key partnerships or suppliers.

Financial Projections: Provide detailed financial projections, including startup costs, monthly expenses, revenue forecasts, and profitability analysis. Consider seeking professional advice to ensure accurate and realistic projections.

By developing a robust business plan, you will have a clear roadmap for success. It will also serve as a valuable tool when seeking funding from investors or financial institutions.

As you move forward with your banana chips business, make sure to continuously evaluate and adapt your strategies based on market feedback and changing consumer preferences. With a strong foundation in place, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the banana chips manufacturing process and achieve success in the industry.

Banana Chips Manufacturing Process

To produce delicious and crispy banana chips, it is essential to understand the manufacturing process. This section will guide you through the key steps involved in producing banana chips, including selecting the right bananas, processing steps, and the choice between frying and drying.

Selecting the Right Bananas

Choosing the appropriate type of banana is crucial for achieving high-quality banana chips. Unripe or slightly ripe plantains are commonly used due to their lower sugar content and firmer texture, which results in crispier chips ( Gelgoog ). Ripe bananas tend to become mushy and soft after frying or drying, which can affect the texture and overall quality of the chips.

Processing Steps

The process of making banana chips involves several steps to ensure the desired taste, texture, and appearance. The key processing steps include:

Purchasing and Selecting: Acquire fresh and quality bananas that are suitable for making banana chips. Choose unripe or slightly ripe plantains with a firm texture and vibrant color.

Washing and Peeling: Thoroughly wash the bananas to remove any dirt or impurities. Peel the bananas and discard the peels.

Blanching (Optional): Blanching is an optional step that helps preserve the color and texture of the banana slices. It involves briefly immersing the banana slices in boiling water, which inactivates enzymes responsible for browning and softening. Blanching can help maintain the crispness of the chips ( Gelgoog ).

Frying or Drying: The next step is to either fry or dry the banana slices. Frying involves submerging the slices in hot oil until they turn golden brown and crispy. On the other hand, drying can be achieved using natural sunlight, a solar dehydrator, or a low-temperature oven. Drying is considered a healthier alternative to reduce the fat content of the chips ( Gelgoog ).

Removing Excess Oil (for Fried Chips): If you choose to fry the banana chips, it is important to remove excess oil to enhance their texture and reduce greasiness. This can be done by placing the fried chips on absorbent paper towels to soak up the excess oil.

Seasoning: After frying or drying, the banana chips can be seasoned to add flavor. Common seasoning options include sugar, salt, cinnamon, or other spices according to personal preference.

Cooling and Packaging: Allow the banana chips to cool completely before packaging them in airtight containers or bags to maintain their freshness and crispness. Ensure that the packaging is sealed properly to prevent moisture and air from affecting the quality of the chips.

Frying vs. Drying

The final step in the banana chips manufacturing process is determining whether to fry or dry the banana slices. Frying produces chips with a characteristic crispy texture and a rich flavor. However, it is important to consider the higher fat content associated with frying.

Drying the banana slices, whether by natural sunlight, a solar dehydrator, or a low-temperature oven, is a healthier alternative that reduces the fat content of the chips. Dried banana chips can still provide a satisfying crunch, while minimizing the oil absorption.

By understanding the banana chips manufacturing process, you can ensure the production of high-quality and delicious chips. Experiment with different flavorings and packaging techniques to create unique and appealing products that cater to the preferences of health-conscious consumers. For more information on starting a banana chips business, check out our article on banana chips business plan .

Equipment and Space Requirements

To start a banana chips business, it’s important to have the right equipment and allocate sufficient space for the manufacturing process. This section will cover the essential machines required and the space allocation needed for a successful banana chips production.

Essential Machines

The main components of a banana chips production line typically include:

Banana Slicer: This machine is used to slice the bananas into thin and uniform pieces, ensuring consistent frying or drying results.

Banana Washing Machine: It is essential to clean the bananas thoroughly before further processing. A banana washing machine helps remove dirt, debris, and any potential contaminants from the bananas.

Frying Machine or Drying Equipment: Depending on the desired outcome, a frying machine or drying equipment is used to process the banana slices. The frying machine is used for traditional fried banana chips, while drying equipment is employed for a healthier alternative by reducing the fat content.

Seasoning Machine: After frying or drying, the banana chips can be flavored with various seasonings such as sugar, salt, or cinnamon. A seasoning machine ensures even distribution of the desired flavors.

Packaging Machine: Once the banana chips are ready, a packaging machine is used to pack them into appropriate containers or bags, ensuring freshness and extending shelf life.

For a more automated and efficient production process, a full-automatic frying banana chips production line can be considered. This line includes all the necessary machines mentioned above, streamlining the manufacturing process and increasing productivity ( Banana Process ).

Space Allocation

The space requirements for a banana chips production line can vary depending on the size and capacity of the machines used. Generally, a minimum of 100 square meters is recommended for a frying banana chips production line. This space allows for the proper arrangement of equipment, production flow, and storage of raw materials and finished products ( Banana Process ).

It is important to allocate space efficiently, ensuring a smooth workflow and easy access to all machines. Consider the layout of the production area, allowing ample space between machines for operator movement, maintenance, and cleaning. Additionally, designate separate areas for raw material storage, packaging, and quality control to maintain a hygienic and organized production environment.

Proper ventilation and temperature control are also crucial to maintain the quality and freshness of the banana chips. Adequate airflow and temperature regulation within the production area help optimize the frying or drying process, ensuring consistent and desirable results.

By investing in the essential machines and allocating sufficient space, you can establish a productive and efficient banana chips production line. Remember to consider the capacity requirements of your business, as well as future expansion possibilities. With the right equipment and well-organized space, you’ll be well on your way to manufacturing delicious and high-quality banana chips to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers.

Flavoring and Packaging

Flavoring and packaging play essential roles in the success of a banana chips business. These aspects not only enhance the taste of the banana chips but also attract consumers through visually appealing packaging. Let’s explore the seasoning options and packaging techniques commonly used in the banana chips industry.

Seasoning Options

Banana chips can be made plain or coated with various flavors and seasonings to cater to different taste preferences. Common types of seasoning used for banana chips include salt, sugar, chili, garlic, onion, and other spices ( Banana Process ). The choice of seasoning largely depends on the target market and the desired flavor profile.

To create a unique and appealing flavor, businesses can experiment with different combinations of seasonings. For instance, sweet varieties of banana chips can be flavored with sugar or cinnamon for a delightful taste experience. Savory options, on the other hand, can incorporate spices like chili or garlic for a tangy and slightly spicy kick.

Using a seasoning machine can simplify the process of evenly coating the banana chips with the desired flavors. This ensures consistent taste throughout the batch, making it easier to meet consumers’ expectations and preferences.

Packaging Techniques

In addition to flavoring, effective packaging is crucial to attract consumers and protect the quality of banana chips. Here are some packaging techniques commonly used in the industry:

Flexible Pouches : Flexible pouches made of materials like plastic or foil are popular for packaging banana chips. They provide a barrier against moisture and oxygen, keeping the chips fresh for a longer period. These pouches are often resealable, allowing consumers to enjoy the chips over multiple sittings.

Tubes and Canisters : Tubes and canisters provide an eye-catching and convenient packaging option for banana chips. They are often made of durable materials like cardboard or plastic and can be resealed to maintain freshness. These packaging options are particularly suitable for premium or gift-oriented products.

Clear Containers : Transparent containers allow consumers to see the product inside, showcasing the quality and attractiveness of the banana chips. Clear containers can be made of glass or plastic and often come with airtight lids to preserve freshness.

When designing the packaging, it’s essential to consider labeling requirements, nutritional information, and branding elements. Clear and informative labeling helps consumers make informed choices while reinforcing brand identity. Additionally, incorporating attractive graphics and vibrant colors can make the packaging visually appealing and stand out on store shelves.

By offering a variety of seasoning options and utilizing effective packaging techniques, businesses can cater to diverse consumer preferences and create a strong brand presence in the market. Remember to stay up to date with industry trends and consumer demands to continually innovate and meet the evolving needs of health-conscious consumers.

For more information on starting a banana chips business, refer to our sections on market research and business planning . If you’re interested in exploring different packaging ideas, check out our article on banana chips packaging ideas.

Quality Control and Storage

As with any food product, ensuring the quality and freshness of banana chips is crucial to maintain customer satisfaction. In this section, we will explore key aspects of quality control and proper storage techniques for banana chips.

Ensuring Freshness

To guarantee the freshness of banana chips, it is important to follow proper manufacturing and storage practices. Once the banana chips have been fried or dried, they should be allowed to cool completely before packaging. This helps to retain their crispness and prevent the growth of bacteria. According to Foxy Folksy , banana chips can be stored in a dry, airtight container to maintain their texture and extend their shelf life. Properly stored banana chips can last for weeks.

For additional measures to restore crispness, an alternative method suggested by Foxy Folksy involves baking the banana chips at a low temperature for 5-10 minutes. This helps to remove any moisture that may have accumulated, thereby revitalizing the chips’ crunchiness.

Storage Recommendations

Proper storage of banana chips is essential to maintain their freshness and quality over time. Here are some storage recommendations to consider:

Dry and Cool Environment : Banana chips should be stored in a dry and cool environment to prevent moisture absorption, which can lead to sogginess and spoilage. Avoid storing them in areas with high humidity or direct sunlight.

Airtight Containers : To protect the banana chips from exposure to air and moisture, it is advisable to store them in airtight containers. This helps to maintain their crispiness and prevent them from becoming stale.

Avoid Refrigeration : Refrigeration is not recommended for storing banana chips as it can introduce moisture and impact their texture. It is best to store them at room temperature in a cool, dry place.

By following these storage recommendations, you can ensure that your banana chips remain fresh and flavorful for an extended period.

In summary, maintaining freshness and quality is crucial in the production and storage of banana chips. Proper cooling, packaging, and storage practices are essential to preserve their texture, taste, and shelf life. By adhering to these guidelines, you can offer customers a delightful snack that retains its crispiness and deliciousness over time.

To learn more about starting a banana chips business, the manufacturing process, and packaging ideas, refer to our related articles on how to make banana chips, banana chips business plan , and banana chips packaging ideas.

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How to Start Banana Chips Manufacturing Business

  • June 4, 2023
  • by Rupak Chakrabarty

banana chips manufacturing business

Do you want to start a small-scale banana wafer manufacturing factory? Find here detailed banana chips making business project sample profile. The article includes the machine details, production process, project cost, raw materials, and license requirements.

Basically, chips are the ready-to-eat popular food item. It comes under the FMCG segment. Like the potato chips , the demand for good quality banana chips is increasing especially in the urban areas. Also, the small towns and suburbs are the emerging market for banana chips.

Generally, people consume banana wafers as a snack food. In India, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar, and Karnataka are the major banana producing states. As the shelf life of a ripe banana is very low, it is an excellent item for preservation too.

If you live in a banana producing area, then you can definitely consider initiating this business. The most interesting thing is the project requires a very small amount of capital investment. Also, you need a small space for the unit operation.

8 Steps Guide to Start a Banana Chips Making Business

Step 1: analyze the banana chips market.

Overall the banana chips are the very popular food item. However, you need to find out what are the established brands. Also, check their packaging style, quantity packing, and MRP. Definitely, you can study the local market and online marketplaces too. These will help you in taking the necessary decisions in establishing your unit.

Step 2: Craft the Banana Chips Business Plan or Project Report

After getting sufficient information, you will need to craft the business plan or project report. Basically, a project report helps in getting finance from the banks, and in initiating the project smoothly. Broadly, a project report includes two different parts. These are technical aspects and financial analysis. The cost involvement depends on the technical aspects heavily. Here, we have provided a sample project cost format for your ready reference.

Banana Chips Project Cost 

  • Land and Building = On lease
  • Plant machinery = 4.290 Lakh
  • Laboratory equipment = 0.600 Lakh
  • Transport vehicle = 4.600
  • Cost of power connection = 0.100 Lakh
  • Cost of electrification = 0.100 Lakh
  • Erection and commissioning = 0.300 Lakh
  • Cost of machinery spares = 0.100 Lakh
  • Cost of office equipment = 1.000 Lakh
  • Company formation expenses = 0.100 Lakh
  • Gestation period expenses = 0.300 Lakh
  • Initial advertisement and publicity = 9.000 Lakh
  • Contingencies = 0.500 Lakh

The figures may vary depending on the unit size.

Step 3: Arrange Finance

After getting the entire project cost, you can concentrate on arranging the capital. You can apply for both fixed cost and working capital costs. Otherwise, you can also apply for one of them. If you want financial assistance only for machinery buying, then apply for machinery hypothecation. Also, check if there any Govt. subsidy is available for this project.

Step 4: Licensing & Registration

First of all, you will need to form a business organization. For the small-scale operation, you can go for proprietorship or LLP or Pvt. Ltd company. Get the Trade License from the local Municipal Authority. Also, register with MSME online registration.

In starting the banana chips making business, you will need to obtain the FSSAI registration. Also, apply for BIS registration to maintain the quality standard. You must maintain the quality specification according to the BIS notification. Apply for the NOC from the State Pollution Control Board. You can secure the brand name of the company through the Trademark Registration. Finally, apply for the GSTIN for tax payment.

Step 5: Unit Establishment

The entire project implementation may take 6 months of time. The first step is securing an appropriate land with a covered area. Generally, you can operate a small-scale unit with a 1000 Sq Ft of covered area. If you don’t have your own space, it’s better to start the unit in a lease area. You have to do the electrification work. Ensure an adequate amount of water supply and a good transport facility.

Step 6: Banana Wafers Manufacturing Machine & Cost

Now, you have to procure the machinery. If you are a beginner, start the unit on a small-scale basis. As your business grows, you can convert it to fully-automatic banana chips making unit. Some of the basic machinery list you can follow here.

  • Washing tank
  • Peeling knives
  • Slicing machine
  • Rinsing and spinning machine
  • Batch frier
  • Spice coating pan
  • Sealing machine with inert gas flushing arrangement
  • Laboratory equipment

The cost of an automatic banana wafers manufacturing machine at present in the range of Rs. 25 thousand to Rs 65, 000 depending on the features and production output.

Step 7: Raw Materials

The major raw material is the raw banana. Also, you need cooking oil, salt, and spices. Additionally, you need the packaging consumables. In the retail packing, you will need to maintain the inside moisture content of the product. You can use heavy layer corrugated cartons for the bulk packaging

Step 8: Banana Chips Production Process

First of all, procure a good quality banana. Wash the raw banana thoroughly to remove any adhering dirt or sand. Peel the skin manually and slice the fruit with the thickness ranging from 1.8 mm to 2.5 mm.

Then dip the slices into a blanching tank to remove surface starches and prevent browning at the time of frying. The slices are subjected to centrifugal spinning in the spinner whereby excess moisture is removed. Finally, fry the slices in medium hot oil to give golden brown chips. Drain the excess oil from the chips. Then the chips are dusted with salt and spices in the coating pan before being packed. The product is flushed with nitrogen gas in the pouch so as to prevent the development of rancidity.

Generally, retail distribution is the best way to capturing the market in the FMCG segment. Also, you can concentrate on the institutional sales. To get long-term success in the banana chips manufacturing business, you must ensure the sustainable sales volume throughout the year.

simple business plan of banana chips

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Profit in Banana Chips Making Business(Cost to Start)

Table of contents, the market potential for banana chips making business to make a good profit, steps to start banana chips making business in india, license, registrations, and permissions for banana chips making business, the machinery required for banana chips making business, raw materials required for the banana wafers making business, steps in banana chips making process , investment or cost to initiate banana chips making business in india, profits in banana chips making business.

Profit in Banana Chips making business in India (Cost to Start)

Hello readers, in this blog we will discuss the  banana chips making business in India .  Banana chips making business  is considered as one of the  small manufacturing business from home . Banana chips are also known as “Banana Wafers” is basically a banana dried slices. The banana belongs to the genus Musa herbaceous plants that are sweet and soft. This kind of banana is also called as “Desert Banana.”  Do you want to start Banana Wafers Making Business?

Ideas to start and make a profit from Banana Chips making

This blog provides complete information about  how banana chips are made;  licenses and permissions required starting  banana wafers or chips making business , what are the  main raw materials needed for the preparation of banana chips ;  banana chips making a business plan; banana chips making cost; and many other things. If you go through banana chips making a project plan  blog where you can get full information about how you can begin  banana chips business  with less investment.

Good  quality banana chips  have a great export potential in which the Indian Government has permitted a tax holiday for five years for the FPI (Food Processing Industry). Presently, people are mostly consuming the banana in very diverse forms and preparations, so a huge  market for banana chips  is there and they can be sold in the below places: Clubs, in pan shops railway stations and airline caterers, schools and college canteens army establishments, retails outlets bars and pubs, bus stands roadside eateries.

In case if you miss this: Profit in Red Chilli Powder Production .

Steps to start Banana Chips making.

In India, banana is one of the best and  profitable cash crops . About 16.17 million MT productions it is increasing widely across India in about 4.83 lakh hectares of land. Because the banana is an ingenious product that is prepared using a small slice that is deep-fried until it develops into a crispy and crunchy product. You can initiate banana chips  making project plan  by going through the simple mentioned below:

  • Step – 1:  Firstly, you must know banana wafers making business prospects in the market
  • Step – 2:  Secondly, you should know the registration process and  licenses for banana chips making business .
  • Step – 3:  Thirdly, you must know the  banana chips business plan , cost production unit, and machinery information.
  • Step – 4:  After that, you must know what are the raw materials needed for the  banana wafers or chips making business .
  • Step – 5:  Then after, banana chips making business project plan flowchart
  • Step – 6:  Finally,  banana chips plant cost  information.

In India, the most of banana produced is consumed in fresh form. It is also important to get registration and for that, you must follow these below steps.

  • Firstly, you have to obtain a license from FSSAI, as it comes under the food business. You also need to register with Udyog Aadhaar MSME which helps you in attaining the different funding and  subsidies for banana wafers making business .
  • Secondly, you must apply for the food business operator license that is vital for packaged food and selling in the country.
  • Thirdly, you should obtain a trade license from the local municipal authority for  banana chips making business .
  • After that, you need should check with FPO Act and is important for  banana chips plant cost .
  • Then after, even though it is a micro and small unit you must register your banana wafers chips making business with ROC as a proprietorship firm. If you need to start it as a large scale business then you are permitted to register it as a Pvt. Ltd. Or LLP
  • Also, GST registration must be done for  banana chips making a business project plan .
  • Finally, obtain a  banana wafer making business  factory license.

Banana being greatly perishable thus any person who begins as a small-scale business can plan for a  semi-automatic banana wafers manufacturing unit  which will yield every year around 50 tons of banana wafers for every two working shifts within 300 working days. The following are needed machinery for the banana chips making business.

  • Electrically-operated dryer with trolleys and 96 trays.
  • Automatic Sealing Machine.
  • Slicer made of SS with attachments and electric motor.
  • Coal-fired Furnace
  • Cutting and peeling knives
  • Weighing scale
  • Aluminum utensils

Along with the above equipment, you must have the following things for arranging your  banana chips plant cost .

  • Must sustain the surroundings hygienically.
  • Next to save the cost of workers you can plan for a  fully automatic banana manufacturing machine .
  • For the good connectivity for the roads, you must select a well-drained region or a place. So that it is valuable in the manufacture of raw materials.
  • There is also a need for sufficient quantities of water and power supply.
  • Finally, getting the  fully automatic banana chips manufacturing machine  then a large quantity of banana wafers production is produced.

You can even produce the following: banana chips, banana powder, banana pulp, and many more using raw bananas. Thus the varieties of banana which are appropriate for  banana chips manufacturing  are mentioned below:

The above raw materials or ingredients are being used for the  banana wafers making business  and make sure care must be taken to get them in the required quantity. Along with the above materials, you may also need materials like pouches or plastic bags, cardboard boxes or corrugated boxes, printed polythene bags, etc. for packaging and marketing.

You may also check this: How to Make Money from Groundnut Oil Production .

How banana chips are prepared  is a major question for any individual. The  banana wafers’ preparation  is easy as well as simple. The preparation  process of banana chips  could be explained easily in the following:

  • You must sort the best bananas for the preparation. To examine if the raw banana is a good or damaged one.
  • Next is to wash the good bananas.
  • Thirdly, you should peel and trim the bananas.
  • After that, cut the bananas into proper slices as per your desired size and shape.
  • Later, wash the bananas after cutting them into required slices.
  • Keep the slices in sunlight for drying.
  • Now, deep fry them properly using sufficient edible oil.
  • You must include adequate salt as per the taste.
  • In addition to that, add the spices for flavors purpose and for the best taste.
  • Finally, keep them in a cool place for cooling.

After banana wafers or banana chips are prepared, you have to pack them in plastic bags or pouches. You can even use or sell the banana peels as biodegradable to the compost making units.

The banana chips are basically served as an appetizer, side dish, or snack. The  banana chips manufacturing unit  mostly depends on the following: production output and machine expense.

  • Primarily, the working capital should be about Rs. 8,00,000 and the semi-automatic machine ranges from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 3,00,000. The fully automatic machine costs range from Rs. 3,50,000 to Rs. 6,00,000.
  • Secondly, you will achieve the turnover across 47.77%.
  • Finally, you can amend the capacity of the  banana chips making business project plan  and cost as per your need.
  • The cost of raw materials includes Rs. 50,000
  • The packaging cost includes Rs. 10,000
  • The other miscellaneous charges include is Rs. 10,000

The  banana chips business profit  ranges from 50% to 60% as it has high demand in the market. So, you can expect a profit of Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 6,00,000 per year in small-scale business. You can even start  banana chips making at home , as it requires a very small space to start with.

To reduce the input costs and increase the profit, you can start a commercial Banana Farming .

I’m from Bhutan n I’m going to planing to Start small scale bananas chips making business project plan. For that I need costing Rs 100000 bananas chips making machine Then I need help from ur company side Thank you

Hello Good Morning, I a from Nigeria Planning to start a small scale Banana Chips ,

Could you advise on the Chips making/slicer to Buy.

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How To Start Banana Chips Business In Philippines 

Banana is a common fruit with soft and glutinous pulp, delicious and delicious. Rich in vitamins and trace elements, it is deeply loved by the public. Bananas can not only be used directly but also can be made into various products such as banana chips. Today, the editor will discuss with you how to start a banana chip business in the Philippines and increase the added value of banana products.

The business plan of banana chips in the Philippines mainly includes the market of banana chips, the advantages of banana chips in the Philippines, and the composition of equipment.

Market P rospect O f B anana C hips

In pursuit of health, more and more people are choosing fresh and natural snacks or gluten-free, paleo diets, but their cravings for delicious snacks are not necessarily put down. Banana chips are made by peeling, slicing and frying bananas. They not only retain most of the nutrients and deliciousness of bananas but are also easy to store and carry. They are a very popular snack.

Nowadays, no matter in dry goods stores, roasted seeds and nuts shops or supermarkets, we can always see the figure of banana slices. The small yellowish flakes always make people want to stuff them into their mouths. Banana chips have a broad market and promising prospects, which will lead the development trend of banana deep processing.

How To S tart B anana C hips B usiness  In P hilippines?

The island climate, soil and water, geographical location and other factors in the Philippines are the most suitable for banana planting. Coupled with the long history of banana planting, Philippine bananas have formed a unique place in the aspects of planting, harvesting, packaging and preservation, cold chain transportation and sales. A set of mature standardized operation modes.

As the origin of the Philippines, bananas and various banana products are an indispensable delicacy in people’s lives. Every April 15th is Banana Day in the Philippines. On this day, various activities about bananas are held all over the country to express the Filipino people’s love for bananas.

Therefore, the banana chips business in the Philippines has the advantages of good origin, good taste, mature technology and large sales volume. The banana slices made also have a strong banana fruit aroma. Each slice is full and thick, with a crisp taste. It is a daily home leisure snack with a large consumption.

Machines C ommonly U sed T o S tart B anana C hip B usiness

(1) Slicer: The sliced banana slices are neat in shape and uniform in thickness, which meets the processing needs of export products.

(2) Blanching machine: color protection and sterilization of banana slices.

(3) Fryer: The frying process can get more crispy and delicious banana slices.

(4) De-oiling machine: It is mainly used to remove the oil stored on the surface of the fried banana chips, so that it has the advantages of beautiful appearance, good taste, easy storage, easy packaging, and saving cooking oil.

(5) Banana chips seasoning machine: The drum seasoning machine is used for seasoning in the production process of banana slices so that the seasoning is evenly sprinkled on the banana slices.

(6) Banana chips packaging machine: Automatically complete quantitative cutting, bag making, filling, counting, sealing, slitting, outputting finished products, labeling, printing and other work.

Our company has been adhering to the idea of making the production of banana chips easier and safer for many years, attracting many customers. Exquisite craftsmanship, excellent technology, and high-quality after-sales service make the number of customers continue to increase. In order to meet the different needs of customers, we constantly introduce new products, which can be customized according to specific requirements, and are well received by our customers. Customers with related needs for banana chip processing, please contact me, our company will provide you with detailed banana chips processing solutions.

I love bananas and this is a great article, very useful for a banana lover like me. Thank You For Sharing!

I want to start this kind of business can u help me

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  1. How to Create a Lucrative Banana Chips Business Plan

    Remember to regularly review and update your business plan as your banana chips business evolves and market conditions change. By thoroughly researching the market and formulating a solid business plan, you will set the stage for a successful banana chips business. These initial steps will provide a strong foundation for your future endeavors ...

  2. A Business Plan for Banana Chips Making Business

    The price of a fully automated machine varies between Rupees 3,50,000 and Rupees 6,00,000. Secondly, you'll obtain a 47.77 percent turnover rate. Lastly, you may change the banana crisps producing business project's volume and pricing to suit your needs. Rupees. 50,000 is included in the prices of raw materials.

  3. Marketing Plan Banana Chips

    Marketing Plan Banana Chips - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides information about banana chips production in the Philippines. It discusses bananas as a crop in the Philippines and their uses, including for making banana chips. It then details a proposed banana chips production business called Miles Company that ...

  4. 10 Profitable Banana Based Business Ideas: Low Cost ...

    10 Profitable Banana Based Business Ideas. The Rising Demand for Banana Flour: A Promising Small-Scale Business Idea. Starting a Banana Chip Manufacturing Business: A Lucrative Small-Scale Venture. Exploring the Potential of Banana Fiber Products in Small-Scale Businesses. Exploring the Viability of Banana Wine Production as a Small-Scale Business.

  5. Commercial Banana Chips Business Plan Philippines

    Step 2: Create a Banana Chips Business Plan. Once you have enough information, you will need to develop a business plan or project report. and determine input costs. Step 3: Licensing and Registration. When starting a new business, you first need to form a business organization - carry out company registration. Step 4: Building the Factory.

  6. Banana Chips Marketing Plan

    This document provides a marketing plan for JKalinga's Banana Chips. It begins with an executive summary that outlines the company's banana chip product - made from cardava bananas and packed in 25g bags. It notes the market opportunity in the Philippines as a top banana producer. The situational analysis section covers the macroenvironment, market, and consumers. Politically and economically ...

  7. Business Plan

    The business is owned and operated by 6 students and will have a kiosk on campus to sell banana chips, which are one of the company's main products. The plan outlines the company's mission, products, market analysis, organizational structure, and financial projections. It projects earning a profit of 95 pesos within the first production cycle.

  8. Unraveling the Banana Chips Manufacturing Process

    For more information on starting a banana chips business, check out our article on banana chips business plan. ... It is important to allocate space efficiently, ensuring a smooth workflow and easy access to all machines. Consider the layout of the production area, allowing ample space between machines for operator movement, maintenance, and ...

  9. Business Plan

    The business has many competitors expected in cities but Banana Chips Beanery stand most for its unique ambiance of a place where people are comfortable with their chosen aura of theme division. The business will garner exact location in urban cities particularly across crossroads and busy roads will people tend to stop by, shop, and eat.

  10. Banana Chips Making Business Project Plan Profile with Machine ...

    As your business grows, you can convert it to fully-automatic banana chips making unit. Some of the basic machinery list you can follow here. The cost of an automatic banana wafers manufacturing machine at present in the range of Rs. 25 thousand to Rs 65, 000 depending on the features and production output.

  11. Profit in Banana Chips Making Business(Cost to Start)

    The banana chips business profit ranges from 50% to 60% as it has high demand in the market. So, you can expect a profit of Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 6,00,000 per year in small-scale business. You can even start banana chips making at home, as it requires a very small space to start with.


    Our banana chips production business: IBM (INDI BANANA MART) , aims to meet the increasing demand for healthy and convenient snacks in the market. We will specialize in producing high-quality ...

  13. Business Plan: ON Flavored Banana Chips

    The document outlines a business plan for a company called Banana'bes that will produce flavored banana chips. The company sees an opportunity in the market as no other local producers offer this product. Banana'bes will offer 5 flavors of baked, not fried banana chips packaged in 75g bags. The target customers are people aged 15-50 who want a healthy snack alternative to potato or corn chips ...

  14. How To Start Banana Chips Business In Philippines

    Machines Commonly Used To Start Banana Chip Business. (1) Slicer: The sliced banana slices are neat in shape and uniform in thickness, which meets the processing needs of export products. (2) Blanching machine: color protection and sterilization of banana slices. (3) Fryer: The frying process can get more crispy and delicious banana slices.


    Banana chips Manufacturing unit

  16. Table OF Contents 0

    be offered. The banana chips could provide nutritional information about the banana chips. This could be done through educational materials, online resources, or collaborations with health and wellness organizations on campus. PRODUCTION PROCESS To make banana chips, you will needed these following ingredients: 1.

  17. Business Plan

    The document summarizes a business plan for a snack food business called Crispy Chips Delight operated by 6 partners. The business will sell banana chips, kamote chips, and pineapple juice at Belison National School. It details the products, vision, marketing plan including pricing, location, and promotion strategies. It also includes organizational charts, staffing plans, equipment needs, and ...

  18. Business Plan Output

    This business plan is made by Banana Corner, a food stall which offers a variety of banana snacks and desserts. Banana Corner is built with the idea of solving the students' problem about the affordability and convenience of buying food in the concessionaire. The business would not only sell unique and fresh banana products but also render ...

  19. Business Plan 1

    Business-Plan-1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document is a business plan for a student-run banana chip company called Apicius. It outlines the company's product (banana chips with chocolate drizzled), mission to provide healthy snack options, and marketing strategy to sell on campus and in local stores.