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Theology Dissertations and Theses

The Theology Dissertations Series is comprised of dissertations authored by Marquette University's Theology Department doctoral students.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

The Beauty of a Good Appetite in a Social Media Age , Megan Heeder

Place in Luke-Acts: A Geocritical Reading of Synagogue, House, and Temple , Daniel Mueller

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The Universality of God in Amo’s Oracles and Creation: A Historical-Critical Approach within a Catholic Context , Alexandra Bochte

Trinitarian Theology as a Resource for the Theology of Education , Anne Bullock

Existential Thomism and the Ecstasy of the Sexed Body , Kathleen Cavender-McCoy

Ecumenical Traditions: Byzantine and Franciscan Theology in Dialogue , Gino G. Grivetti

Person and Society: The Trinitarian Anthropology of Henri de Lubac , Sara Hulse

Moved to Compassion: Envisioning Parables in the Gospel of Luke , Patrick J. O'Kernick

In the Power of the Spirit: Toward an Agapeic Ethic of Spirit-Baptism , Caroline Rose Redick

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Ethical Functions of Deuteronomic Laws in Early Second Temple Judaism , Paul Cizek

Finding Paul in the Fourth Gospel: John 8 and the Reception of the Apostle to the Gentiles , Jason Hitchcock

“Now I Will Recall the Works of God”: Allusion and Intertextuality in Sirach 42:15-43:33 , Gary Patrick Klump

The Human Person Fully Alive: The Transformation of the Body, Brain, Mind, and Soul of Humanity in the Encounter with the Divinity , Christopher Krall

Maximus the Confessor in Aquinas's Christology , Corey John Stephan

Rewriting the Ending: Malachi's Threat and the Destruction of the Temple in the Gospel of Mark , John Michael Strachan

Behold the Beasts Beside You: The Adaptation and Alteration of Animals in LXX-Job , James Wykes

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Biased in a World of Bias: A Cognitive and Spiritual Approach to Knowing Racial Justice , Stephen Calme

Where is Wisdom? Privileging Perspectives in the Book of Job , Israel McGrew

Being and Naming God: Essence and Energies in St. Gregory Palamas , Tikhon Alexander Pino

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Reception of the Economic Social Teaching of Gaudium et Spes in the United States from 1965-2005 , David Daniel Archdibald

Unity and Catholicity in Christ: The Ecclesiology of Francisco Suárez, S.J. , Eric DeMeuse

Filled with 'The Fullness of the Gifts of God': Towards a Pneumatic Theosis , Kirsten Guidero

Cathedrals of the Mind: Theological Method and Speculative Renewal in Trinitarian Theology , Ryan Hemmer

Fire in the Bread, Life in the Body: The Pneumatology of Ephrem the Syrian , David Kiger

Looks That Kill: White Power, Christianity, and the Occlusion of Justice , Wesley Sutermeister

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Beyond Slavery: Christian Theology and Rehabilitation from Human Trafficking , Christopher Michael Gooding

The Ambiguity of Being: Medieval and Modern Cooperation on the Problem of the Supernatural , Jonathan Robert Heaps

Widow As the Altar of God: Retrieving Ancient Sources for Contemporary Discussions on Christian Discipleship , Lisa Marin Moore

The New Day of Atonement: A Matthean Typology , Hans Moscicke

"The Present Evil Age": The Origin and Persistence of Evil in Galatians , Tyler Allen Stewart

A Sweet Influence: St. Bonaventure’s Franciscan Reception of Dionysian Hierarchy , Luke Vittorio Togni

Transforming the Foundation: Lonergan's Transposition of Aquinas' Notion of Wisdom , Juliana Vazquez Krivsky

Infideles Et Philosophi: Assent, Untruth, and Natural Knowledge of the Simple God , Jeffrey M. Walkey

Confessing Characters: Coming to Faith in the Gospel of John , Dominic Zappia

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Eighteenth-Century Forerunners of Vatican II: Early Modern Catholic Reform and the Synod of Pistoia , Shaun London Blanchard

The Media Matrix of Early Jewish and Christian Literature , Nicholas Andrew Elder

Imagining Demons in Post-Byzantine Jerusalem: John of Damascus and the Consolidation of Classical Christian Demonology , Nathaniel Ogden Kidd

Hoc Est Sacrificium Laudis: The Influence of Hebrews on the Origin, Structure, and Theology of the Roman Canon Missae , Matthew S. C. Olver

Reconciling Universal Salvation and Freedom of Choice in Origen of Alexandria , Lee W. Sytsma

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Doubt of the Apostles and the Resurrection Faith of the Early Church , J. D. Atkins

The Two Goats: A Christian Yom Kippur Soteriology , Richard Barry

Exodus as New Creation, Israel as Foundling: Stories in the History of an Idea , Christopher Evangelos John Brenna

Christus Exemplar: the Politics of Virtue in Lactantius , Jason Matthew Gehrke

Image and Virtue in Ambrose of Milan , Andrew Miles Harmon

A God Worth Worshiping: Toward a Critical Race Theology , Duane Terrence Loynes Sr.

The Cry of the Poor: Anthropology of Suffering and Justice in Health Care From a Latin American Liberation Approach , Alexandre Andrade Martins

The First Thing Andrew Did' [John 1:41]: Readers As Witnesses in the Fourth Gospel , Mark L. Trump

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Creator Spirit, Spirit of Grace: Trinitarian Dimensions of a Charitological Pneumatology , Wesley Scott Biddy

The Economic Trinity: Communion with the Triune God in a Market Economy , David Glenn Butner Jr.

Judgment, Justification, and the Faith Event in Romans , Raymond Foyer

Primeval History According to Paul: "In Adam" and "In Christ" in Romans , Timothy A. Gabrielson

Scripture in History: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible , Joseph K. Gordon

Gary Dorrien, Stanley Hauerwas, Rowan Williams, and the Theological Transformation of Sovereignties , David Wade Horstkoetter

The Mystical and Political Body: Christian Identity in the Theology of Karl Rahner , Erin Kidd

Love the Stranger for You were Strangers: The Development of a Biblical Literary Theme and Motif , Helga Kisler

Theo-Dramatic Ethics: A Balthasarian Approach to Moral Formation , Andrew John Kuzma

No Sympathy for the Devil: The Significance of Demons in John Chrysostom's Soteriology , Samantha Lynn Miller

Truly Human, Fully Divine: The Kenotic Christ of Thomas Aquinas , Gregorio Montejo

Didymus the Blind, Origen, and the Trinity , Kellen Plaxco

ITE, MISSA EST! A Missional Liturgical Ecclesiology , Eugene Richard Schlesinger

From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas , Benjamin Suriano

Blinded Eyes and Hardened Hearts: Intra-Jewish Critique in the Gospel of John , Nathan Thiel

Monarchianism and Origen's Early Trinitarian Theology , Stephen Edward Waers

Sanctification as Virtue and Mission: The Politics of Holiness , Nathan Willowby

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Word Became Flesh: An Exploratory Essay on Jesus’s Particularity and Nonhuman Animals , Andy Alexis-Baker

RENOVATIO: Martin Luther's Augustinian Theology of Holiness (1515/16 and 1535-46) , Phillip L. Anderas

Models of Conversion in American Evangelicalism: Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge and Old Princeton, and Charles Finney , Mark B. Chapman

The Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit: Eschatology and Pneumatology in the Vineyard Movement , Douglas R. Erickson

The All-Embracing Frame: Distance in the Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar , Christopher Hadley

"Make My Joy Complete": The Price of Partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians , Mark Avery Jennings

The Unsettled Church: The Search for Identity and Relevance in the Ecclesiologies of Nicholas Healy, Ephraim Radner, and Darrell Guder , Emanuel D. Naydenov

Seeing Two Worlds: The Eschatological Anthropology of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification , Jakob Karl Rinderknecht

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Palliative Care's Sacramental and Liturgical Foundations: Healthcare Formed by Faith, Hope, and Love , Darren M. Henson

"Now These Things Happened As Examples For Us" (1 Cor. 10:6):the Biblical-Narrative Depiction Of Human Sinfulness , Stephen Frederick Jenks

Love For God And Earth: Ecospirituality In The Theologies Of Sallie Mcfague And Leonardo Boff , Rebecca A. Meier-Rao

Stabilitas In Congregatione: The Benedictine Evangelization Of America In The Life And Thought Of Martin Marty, O.s.b. , Paul Gregory Monson

The Word Is An Angel Of The Mind: Angelic And Temple Imagery In The Theology Of John Mansur, The Damascene. , Elijah Nicolas Mueller

"heavenly Theologians": The Place Of Angels In The Theology Of Martin Luther , Christopher J. Samuel

"a Spreading And Abiding Hope": A. J. Conyers And Evangelical Theopolitical Imagination , Jacob Shatzer

Receptive Ecumenism And Justification: Roman Catholic And Reformed Doctrine In Contemporary Context , Sarah Timmer

Mary's Fertility As The Model Of The Ascetical Life In Ephrem The Syrian's Hymns Of The Nativity , Michelle Weedman

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Church as Symbolic Mediation: Revelation Ecclesiology in the Theology of Avery Dulles, S.J. , Abraham B. Fisher

Christological Name Theology in three Second Century communities , Michael D. Harris

Transcending Subjects: Hegel After Augustine, an Essay on Political Theology , Geoffrey J.D. Holsclaw

Circumcision of the Spirit in the Soteriology of Cyril of Alexandria , Jonathan Stephen Morgan

Toward a Renewed Theological Framework of Catholic Racial Justice: A Vision Inspired by the Life and Writings of Dr. Arthur Grand Pré Falls , Lincoln Rice

Emerging in the Image of God: From Evolution to Ethics in a Second Naïveté Understanding of Christian Anthropology , Jason Paul Roberts

Isaac of Nineveh's Contribution to Syriac Theology: An Eschatological Reworking of Greek Anthropology , Jason Scully

Between Eden and Egypt: Echoes of the Garden Narrative in the Story of Joseph and His Brothers , Brian Osborne Sigmon

Rediscovering Sabbath: Hebrew Social Thought And Its Contribution To Black Theology's Vision For America , Christopher Taylor Spotts

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Opening First-World Catholic Theology to Third-World Ecofeminism: Aruna Gnanadason and Johann B. Metz in Dialogue , Gretchen Baumgardt

Love and Lonergan's Cognitional-Intentional Anthropology: An Inquiry on the Question of a "Fifth Level of Consciousness" , Jeremy Blackwood

Andrew G. Grutka, First Bishop of the Diocese of Gary, Indiana (1957 to 1984): "Where There is Charity, There is God." , Anthony Bonta

The Election Controversy Among Lutherans in the Twentieth Century: An Examination of the Underlying Problems , John M. Brenner

Yves Congar, O.P.: Ecumenist of the Twentieth Century , Paul Raymond Caldwell

Theo-Poetics: Figure and Metaphysics in the Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar , Anne Carpenter

Sacrament and Eschatological Fulfillment in Henri de Lubac's Theology of History , Joseph Flipper

Spirit and Flesh: On the Significance of the Reformed Doctrine of the Lord's Supper for Pneumatology , Christopher Ganski

A Comparison of the Kenotic Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Sergei Bulgakov , Katy Leamy

Ontological Subordination in Novatian of Rome's Theology of the Son , Daniel Lloyd

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Master of Theology Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2021 2021.

Poverty Alleviation in the Rural Areas of Kunene Region in Namibia: The Role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) , Jeremia Ekandjo

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Missional Discipleship Within the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria , Innocent Webinumen Anthony

Empowering Laity to Engage in Pastoral Care Ministry: A Proposal for Capacity Building and Supervision for Larger Congregation with Special Reference to Kohima Ao Baptist Church, Nagaland, India. , Tsuwainla Jamir

The Social Role of Worship: A Reading of Micah 6:1-8 , Khin Win Kyi

Murmuring Met with Mercy and Grace: An Examination of the Pre-Sinai Wilderness Wanderings Traditions , Anna Rask

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A Reinterpretation of Chin Christian Spirituality Beyond One Century in the Light Of Martin Luther's Freedom Of a Christian , Bawi Dua

New Every Morning: Epectasy as a Theology for Innovation , Joel Hinck

The Church’s Call to Minister to Refugees: A Case Study on Liberian Refugees in Minnesota , Rufus Kudee

Apostolicam Ecclesiam: Socio-Liturgical Interpretation of the Mission of the Church in the Perspective of Friedrich Nietzsche's "Antichrist" , Sebastian Ryszard Madejski

Developing Adaptive Leaders: An Initial Intervention for Transforming a Church Culture , Molly Schroeder

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Need for Older Adults’ Ministry in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) , Bitrus Habu Bamai

Luther's Understanding of Grace and Its Implications for Administration of the Lord's Supper in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) , Yelerubi Birgamus

Living the American Dream: Faith Formation and the Missio Dei Dilemma among Seventh Day Adventist African American Immigrant Families , Enock Ariga Marindi

Lakota Cultural Fusion and Revitalization of Native Christian Identity , Kelly Sherman-Conroy

The Word-of-God Conflict in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in the 20th Century , Donn Wilson

The Rupture That Remains: A Trauma-Informed Pastoral Theology , Eric Worringer

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Challenge of Being in the Minority: Palestinian Christian Theology in Light of Christian Zionism Post-1948 , Medhat S. Yoakiem

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Towards Beloved Community: Racial Reconciliation through Multiracial Missional Churches , Gray Amos Kawamba

Sanctification in Adolescence: How Karl Barth’s Two-Fold Critique of the Church Could Influence Youth Ministry Practices Today , Joel Vander Wal

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Absolving Word : Luther's Reformational Turn , Matthew W. McCormick

The Defiled Imago Dei and Forgiveness: The Tensions Between Ethnicity and Humanity in the Image of God in the Context of the Ethiopian Churches , Wondimu Legesse Sonessa

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Widowhood Care and Empowerment in 1 Timothy 1:3-16: A Case Study of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Christ as a Paradigm for African Instituted Churches , Millicent Yeboah Asuamah

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Understanding the Nature and Impact of Alcoholism : Implications for Ministry in Kenya , Margaret Kemunto Obaga

Theses/Dissertations from 1963 1963

An Approach to the Interpretation of the Self-Designation of Jesus: The Son of Man , Marlin Eugene Ingebretson

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Home > Academic Departments > School of Theology and Seminary > Graduate Papers/Theses

School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

Submissions from 2022 2022.

(Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13 , Ninh Van Nguyen

(Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality , Toan Van Phan O.Cist

Submissions from 2021 2021

(Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ , Katryna Bertucci

(Master's Thesis) The Glory of the Lord Whose Likeness is as the Appearance of a Human Being/Adam: A Study of Ezekiel’s Son of Man/Adam Anthropology , Timothy R. Schmeling

(Graduate Paper) The Power, (Problem), and Potential of Prayer , Meghan E. Stretar

Submissions from 2020 2020

(Graduate Paper) How Can Catholic Youth Programs Improve the Youth’s Connection To the Mass? , Elizabeth Cook

(Graduate Paper) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: A Glimpse Into the Theme of Righteousness Through the Anthropology, Theology, and Spirituality of the Psalms , Elizabeth Cook

(Graduate Paper) Introducing Queer Theology , Cole Epping

(Graduate Paper) Taking Care of the Forgotten: A Pastoral Response to the Hospice Care Professional , Constance Friebohle

(Graduate Paper) A Global Church in the Local Parish: Fostering Intercultural Competency for Indonesian Catholic Ministry in the United States , Janice Kristanti

(Graduate Paper) The Indispensability of Inculturation For Effective Evangelization: Revisiting The Evangelization of Sub-Saharan Africa , Mark Obeten

(Graduate Paper) Seeking a New Paradigm for Youth Ministry of Waegwan Abbey, South Korea , Cyprian Ji-Eung Ryu

(Graduate Paper) The Catholic Church and the Turn of the 20th Century: An Anthropology of Human Flourishing and a Church for Peace , Maria Siebels

(Graduate Paper) The Wounded Body of Christ: Social Trauma in Pastoral Care , Kelsi Watters

Submissions from 2019 2019

(Graduate Paper) A Non-Dualistic Reading of Body and Soul in the Gospel of Matthew: Focusing on Matthew 10:39 in the Context of Discipleship , Alexander Blechle

Submissions from 2018 2018

(Graduate Paper) Catholic Social Teaching and the Christian Responsibility to the Poor , Rose Aspholm

(Master's Thesis) Not Quite Calvinist: Cyril Lucaris a Reconsideration of His Life and Beliefs , Stephanie Falkowski

(Graduate Paper) Life or Death and Other False Dichotomies: A Theology of Hospice , Kayla Stock

Submissions from 2017 2017

(Master's Thesis) On Dionysian Theological Methodology , Joseph Arrendale

(Graduate Paper) The Transcendence of the Apprehension of Beauty , Mary Abigail Coleman

(Graduate Paper) The Paradox of Remarkable/Unremarkable Julian of Norwich , John P. Fitzgibbons

(Book Chapter) Agape Unbound in Silence and Deep River , Elizabeth Cameron Galbraith

(Graduate Paper) Formed for Diverse Communion: Toward Developing An Ecumenical Formation Process for New Members of Holy Wisdom Monastery’s Sunday Assembly , Rosy Kandathil OSB

(Graduate Paper) A Garden Enclosed, A Fountain Sealed Up: Paradoxical and Generative Metaphors of Enclosure in Medieval Female Anchoritism , Cody Maynus Obl.S.B.

(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Mark , Nancy McCabe

(Master's Thesis) A Theological Retrieval of Communal Parenting as a Moral Response to Baby Stealing and Childlessness in Nigeria , Henry U. Omeike

(Graduate Paper) Do This, in Memory of Me! , Joseph Qiu-Lin Zhang

Submissions from 2016 2016

(Master's Thesis) A Church Built on Charity: Augustine's Ecclesiology , Michael J. Clinger Jr

(Graduate Paper) A Story of Identity in the Christian East , Manya Gustafson

(Graduate Paper) Jude's Enochian Apocalypse , Lucian López OSB

(Graduate Paper) Matthew's Least Brothers and It's Application in the Catholic Church , Runbao Zhang

Submissions from 2015 2015

(Electronic Book) Illuminating Christ , Jessie Bazan

(Master's Thesis) Gifting Freedom to the Samaritan: Considerations on access to both the sacramental event and salvation for those who, for whatever reason, find themselves outside the Church, and the consequences of identity for the Church in gifting such access , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) My Brother's a Jerk and Dad's Gonna Spank Him: Roles and Relations in Obadiah , Aletta Stumo

Submissions from 2014 2014

(Graduate Paper) Christology, Theology, & Evolution in Celia Deane-Drummond's Christ and Evolution , Trevor Beach SJ

(Graduate Paper) Joy as Illumination: Participation in God's Life-giving Trinitarian Love , Trevor Beach SJ

(Graduate Paper) Consideration of the Church's Identity and Mission, Predicated on the Church Be-ing 'Ligamen' (Bond) , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) Observations on the Performative Force of the Qyama and the Ihidaye, and its Pertinancy Today , C. A. Chase

(Graduate Paper) Christ, the Meeting Point of Sacramental and Trinitarian Theology , Nathan Peter Chase

(Graduate Paper) The Christological Remnants within Eucharistic Prayers , Nathan Peter Chase

(Master's Thesis) With Eyes That See: The Role of Spiritual Vision in the Ascent of Nyssen Noetic Theology , Benjamin Rush

(Master's Thesis) St. John of the Cross and the Denudation of the Soul , Wesley Sutermeister

Submissions from 2013 2013

(Graduate Paper) A History and Analysis of the Missel Romain pour les Diocese du Zaire , Nathan Peter Chase

(Graduate Paper) The Development of the Epiclesis: Alexandrian or Syrian? , Nathan Peter Chase

Submissions from 2011 2011

(Graduate Paper) Short-Term Solution, Long-Term Problem: The Rite of Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and its Use in the United States of America , Christopher Angel

(Graduate Paper) Welcome (Back): The Use of Initiatory Elements in the Reconciliation of Heretics to the Early Church , Christopher Angel

(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Matthew: The Temple Cleansing in 21:12-17 , Kasey Devine

(Graduate Paper) The "Ladder" of the Lord's Plagues , Kasey DeVine

Submissions from 2010 2010

(Graduate Paper) St. John Chrysostom and His Message of Social Justice Today , Joel Cassady

(Graduate Paper) Trinitarian Christology: The Grammar of The Christian Faith and the Foundation for a Theology of Religious Pluralism , Eric Christensen

(Graduate Paper) Entering into the Profound Mystery: Yves Congar’s Via Media on the Salvation of People of Non-Christian Religions , Elizabeth M. Cunneen

Submissions from 2009 2009

(Graduate Paper) Ego Eimi Formula and a Sense of Continuity in John’s Gospel Chapter Sixth (Jn 6: v.20, vss.35-58) , John Changjin Bai

(Graduate Paper) Jesus the Christ as a Jun-Zi in Confucian Perspectives , John Changjin Bai

(Graduate Paper) An Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:1-3 , Gregory Congote OSB

(Graduate Paper) Gregory Palamas and Hesychasm , Gregory Congote OSB

(Graduate Paper) Modern Usury: The Moral Challenge of Credit Cards in Light of Catholic Teaching and Practice in the Past and the Present , David R. Smoker

Submissions from 2008 2008

(Graduate Paper) Community in the Theology of Søren Aabye Kierkegaard , Nicholas Coffman

(Graduate Paper) Jean-Luc Marion’s Theology of Eucharistic Presence , Nicholas Coffman

(Graduate Paper) Proclaiming the Truth of Beauty , Larry Fraher

(Graduate Paper) Augustine of Hippo and Elizabeth de la Trinite: A Conversation across the Centuries , Vernon W. Goodin

(Graduate Paper) "Who Do You Say That I Am?" The Role of Story in Christology , Vernon W. Goodin

(Graduate Paper) Sufficere, “It Is Enough”: Avarice vs. Simplicity and Detachment in the Rule of Saint Benedict , Arlen M. Hanson

(Graduate Paper) Stories in Stained Glass: An Analysis of the Stained-Glass Windows at Saint Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin , Timothy A. Johnston

(Master's Thesis) Wittgenstein and Worship: Investigations of Liturgical Language-Games and Their Formative Role in Christian Identity , Michelle Kathleen Weber

Submissions from 2007 2007

(Graduate Paper) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Prophet & Martyr , Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB

(Graduate Paper) Saint Basil: Monastic Reformer , Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB

(Graduate Paper) Looking at Conflict Diamonds Through the Lens of Catholic Social Teaching , Heather Cherpelis

(Graduate Paper) “Allegorical Typologies” of the Eucharist: An Analysis of Some Eastern Liturgical Commentaries , Nathaniel G. Costa

(Graduate Paper) “For All the Saints”: A Feast for All People and All Time , Nathaniel G. Costa

(Graduate Paper) Eternal Hope: The Story of Sr. Mary Luke Tobin and Other Women who Participated in Vatican Council II , Megan S. Enninga

(Graduate Paper) Vulgar and Ascetic Christians: the Myth of a Higher Spirituality The rhetoric of monastic profession as a second baptism , August L. Gothman

(Graduate Paper) Active Participation and the Song of the Assembly , William Griffiths

(Graduate Paper) Transforming both the gifts and the people: Eucharistic presence , William Griffiths

(Graduate Paper) “You Can Become All Flame”: Do the Desert Fathers Have Anything to Say to Us Today? , Arlen M. Hanson

(Graduate Paper) Toward a Domestic Ecclesiology: The "Domestic Church" Finds Articulation in Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" , Craig James St. Clair

(Graduate Paper) Celebrating the Communion Rite , Jay Stimac

(Graduate Paper) Karl Rahner: On Grace and Salvation , Nicole Streit

(Graduate Paper) One Body, One Spirit, One Priesthood; Many Members, Many Charisms, Many Ministries: Reflections Anglican and Catholic , Cody C. Unterseher

(Graduate Paper) Arianism, Athanasius, and the Effect on Trinitarian Thought , Andy Witchger

(Graduate Paper) How the Parish and School of St. Agnes Creates Vocations , Andy Witchger

Submissions from 2006 2006

(Graduate Paper) How Paul and the Jerusalem Council Might Speak to Division in the Twenty-First Century Church , Mary Birmingham

(Master's Thesis) Becoming One Spirit: Origen and Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer , Hilary Case OSB

(Graduate Paper) Syncletica: Urban Ascetic and Desert Mother , Susan Dreyer OSB

(Graduate Paper) The Education of Heloise in Twelfth-Century France , Susan Dreyer OSB

(Graduate Paper) A Woman of the Reformation , Megan S. Enninga

(Graduate Paper) A Key and Classic Text: Ephesians 5:21-33 , Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers

(Graduate Paper) Concealing to Reveal: Modesty in Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body , Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers

(Graduate Paper) Sex in the City of God , Diana Macalintal

(Graduate Paper) The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ecclesial Discipleship and Redemption , Diane Draxler Pederson

(Graduate Paper) The Spiritual Potential of Poetry , Carl Schlueter

(Graduate Paper) Complicating the Poor Widow’s Gift: Exegesis on Mk. 12:41-44 , Timothy Traynor

(Graduate Paper) "We Should Glory in the Cross:" The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and its Contemporary Liturgical Significance , Cody C. Unterseher

Submissions from 2005 2005

(Graduate Paper) Hermeneutics and Liturgical Space: Interpreting the Domus Ecclesiae - Domus Dei , Gregory Reed Beath

(Graduate Paper) Eros: Human and Divine , Denae M. Fielder

(Graduate Paper) And the Question Became Flesh: Jesus the Catechist in the Gospel of John , Diana Macalintal

(Graduate Paper) Hesychast Prayer: Attending the Cosmic Banquet of the Heart , Tamara Ann Moore

(Graduate Paper) A Study in Spiritual Lineage: The "Influence and Noninfluence" of Pseudo-Dionysius on The Cloud of Unknowing , David M. Odorisio

(Graduate Paper) The Cistercian Spirit in Stone , David M. Odorisio

(Graduate Paper) Architectural Reforms of Eucharistic Reservation , Diane Draxler Pederson

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How to Write a Paper on a Biblical or Theological Topic

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Writing research papers is an excellent way to learn because it trains you to gather information, interpret it, and persuasively present an informed opinion. The process teaches you a great deal, but it also equips you to contribute to ongoing discussions on a given topic.

Here’s the basic process of writing a research paper on a biblical or theological topic, either for a class or for your own personal research. Start at the top, or skip to what topic interests you most.

  • Pick a topic
  • Research your topic
  • Construct an outline
  • Draft your paper
  • Revise and refine

Pick a Topic

Choosing the topic you want to research is often easier said than done. But perhaps the best advice to get the ball rolling is to narrow your scope. When your topic is too broad, you’ll likely find too much information (much of it unhelpful). But when your topic is appropriately focused, you can hone in on the information you need to gather and get down to the business of interpreting it.

For example, choosing to write a paper on the topic of sanctification is too broad to be helpful. But if you narrow your focus to a specific question about sanctification (for example: How do spiritual disciplines contribute to our sanctification?), you’ll find better direction for your research.

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert on the question you want to find an answer to—that’s what the research process will accomplish. You should, however, have an interest in the question and in finding an answer (or several!) to it.

For more on the process of researching and writing a paper, check out these resources:

  • The Craft of Research  – particularly chapter 3
  • Writing & Research: A Guide for Theological Students  by Kevin Gary Smith
  • Logos Academic Blog:   Work with Librarians to Help Students Write Better Papers

Logos Theological Topic Workflow

The Theological Topic Study Workflow in Logos guides you through the steps of studying a theological topic. It taps into the Lexham Survey of Theology and the built-in Theology Guide to give you the topic’s broader context, basic concepts, and issues associated with the topic. Review the biblical support and go deeper in your theological study by reading relevant sections from systematic theologies.

Research Your Topic

With your topic selected, it’s time to find the resources you’re going to use and dig into them. You may find that one resource offers the best discussion of your topic, but you can’t stop there! Researching well means considering opinions that differ from each other (and probably from your own). It’s in the conversation that emerges from engaging with multiple perspectives on a topic that real insight and understanding emerge.

Start the research phase by reviewing literature and building your bibliography, then consult standard sources and peer-reviewed journals.

1. Conduct a literature review and build your bibliography

The process of conducting a literature review and building a bibliography is an iterative process. It’s not a one-time step but a step you’ll return to repeatedly as you move through your research.

Essentially, in this step, you’re discovering what resources exist and cataloging them. As you begin to read the resources you discover, you’ll likely find references to other works that you’ll then want to read.

theological research thesis

Logos Topic Guide

The Topic Guide gathers information from your library about a topic or concept. Using the Logos Controlled Vocabulary dataset , the guide finds topics in your Bible dictionaries and other resources that correspond to the key term you enter.

2. Consult standard sources

Encyclopedias, commentaries, theological dictionaries, concordances, and other theological reference tools contain useful information that will orient you to the topic you’ve selected and its context, but their biggest help to you at this stage will in their bibliographies. Be sure to check the cross-references often.

theological research thesis

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, rev. ed.  by E. A. Livingstone and F. L. Cross

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, since its first appearance in 1957, has established itself as the indispensable one-volume reference work on all aspects of the Christian Church. This Revised Edition, published in 2005, builds on the unrivaled reputation of the previous editions. Revised and updated, it reflects changes in academic opinion and Church organization.

theological research thesis

Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity (3 vols.)  by Angelo Di Berardino

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity covers eight centuries of the Christian church and comprises 3,220 entries by a team of 266 scholars from 26 countries representing a variety of Christian traditions. It draws upon such fields as archaeology, art and architecture, biography, cultural studies, ecclesiology, geography, history, philosophy, and theology.

theological research thesis

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT) (10 vols.)  by Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, Geoffrey William Bromiley

This monumental reference work, complete in ten volumes, is the authorized and unabridged translation of the famous Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, known commonly as “Kittel” and considered by many scholars to be the best New Testament dictionary ever compiled.

3. Consult peer-reviewed journals

Even if you’re writing on a single text (like John 15:1–8 or Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite’s The Divine Names), you need to see what your contemporaries have to say about it to situate your research in its context. This means consulting peer-reviewed journals. As you read, you’ll discover where scholars agree and disagree and how the study of that topic has advanced over time.

theological research thesis

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (11 vols.)

The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures is an academic, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the Hebrew Bible, and provides a forum for critical scholarly exchange. You’ll find hundreds of articles from top Hebrew scholars on trends in Hebrew and Old Testament scholarship, including historical, literary, textual, and interpretive topics.

Construct an Outline

This step is incredibly important, but it’s often overlooked. Start by refining your topic based on your research, then arrange your notes and research materials into a clear outline that will guide you toward a convincing and coherent argument.

See chapters 8 and 9 of  The Craft of Research  for more guidance on constructing your outline.

Draft Your Paper

You are now ready to draft your paper. Your initial focus is to expand your outline into paragraph form as straightforwardly as possible. While your outline will be essential as you draft, you don’t have to stick to it absolutely. You may discover as you write that a different structure or organization will better advance your argument. While you’re at it, add relevant quotations from your research to clarify your points or support your arguments.

Revise and Refine

Notice the word “draft” in the previous step. That word is intentionally selected because, arguably, the most important part of the writing process is in your revisions. Drafting gets the ball rolling, but revising is where you refine and revise your previous drafts, ensuring your argument is clear and forceful.

Before you send your final paper, you’ll want to make sure you’re writing clearly and using the right style. If you are in school, follow the rules of your academic handbook. If not, adopt a common style guide like APA, Turabian, or the  SBL Handbook of Style , and consult online guides like  EasyBib  or the  Chicago Manual of Style   for help. You can also find helpful writing advice in  The Elements of Style .

If there are multiple paragraphs, just add another paragraph tag. If you need more padding, use an additional text block section as you see below.

While this structure is helpful, you may find that some variation of it works better for you. Go with what works because, at the end of the day, a thoroughly researched and well-written paper is what you’re after.

See how Logos can power research and aid you in the writing process.

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Theology Theses and Dissertations

Theology Theses and Dissertations

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School of Theology and Religious Studies

  • Faculty and Staff
  • Theses and Dissertation Proposals
  • Area and Degree Tracking Sheets
  • Graduation and Commencement
  • Admission to Candidacy for the Doctoral Degree
  • Student Advising
  • Preparing the Doctoral Defense
  • Comprehensive Exams

M.A. Proposals

A reader for the thesis is assigned from the faculty; the director and reader are responsible for approving the proposal and placing it in the student's file. The student, with the help of a faculty member who serves as director, will prepare a one-page thesis proposal that presents the background, purpose, method, and contribution of the thesis. The proposal with a selected bibliography will be submitted to the Director of the Academic Area for approval and will then go to the M.A. Committee for final approval.

S.T.L. Proposals

The S.T.L. candidate will work in conjunction with the Director and Reader of the thesis in preparing the proposal. When the Director and Reader approve the proposal, it will then be submitted to the faculty of the Academic Area for approval. Subsequently the proposal is submitted to the members of the Ecclesiastical Degree Committee for approval. The proposal is kept in the student's file.

Doctoral Proposals

These regulations apply to PhD and STD proposals. A student, who has been formally admitted to candidacy, is eligible to submit a doctoral proposal. The following guidelines for the dissertation proposal must be carefully followed:

The Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Approval Process

Initial steps of the process.

The student is responsible for securing a director and two readers who will form the dissertation committee. Generally, the committee members should be STRS faculty and hold the degree of Ph.D. or D.Phil. The readers may hold the D.Min. degree if they bring relevant experience to the committee.

The Ph.D. Proposal Committee will use a rubric for evaluating proposals that specifies the instructions articulated in the university guidelines for proposals. The proposal should be organized as follows:

  • Background / state of the question
  • Methodology
  • Contribution / Originality
  • Apended biography (additional two pages)

Evaluation of the Proposal by the Ph.D. Proposal Committee

  • Once the director has determined that the proposal is ready to be evaluated, the proposal must be approved by the student's academic area.
  • The student must send the Chair of the Ph.D. Proposal Committee an electronic copy of the proposal.
  • The student must provide the Chair with two forms: a. Doctoral Dissertation Topic and Committee Request for Approval Form (signed by the area director, the dissertation advisor, and the student) b. Ph.D. Proposal Recommendation by the Academic Area Form (signed by area director)
  • When the Chair has received both forms and the electronic copy of the proposal, the proposal will go before the Ph.D. Proposal Committee. The Ph.D. Proposal Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month. The Chair should receive all documents by the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
  • At the Committee meeting, the student's director is asked to be present to answer any questions the Committee may have. The proposal may be approved by the Committee either "as is" or on the understanding that small-scale emendations will be made. In the latter case, it is the responsibility of the director to communicate the requested emendations to the student and to ensure that these are made by the student. Once the emendations have been made to the director's satisfaction, the student should submit the revised proposal to the Ph.D. Proposal Committee Chair. The Committee may also decide that the proposal requires major reworking and needs to be resubmitted to the Committee after revision. In this case as well, the director is responsible for conveying the Committee's remarks to the student and ensuring that the student makes the recommended revisions. Once this has been done to the director's satisfaction, the student should forward the revised proposal to the Ph.D. Chair who will bring it before the Committee at its next meeting.

Final Stages of the Dissertation Proposal Approval Process

Once the Ph.D. Proposal Committee Chair has the student's proposal as approved by the Committee (or revised in accordance with the Committee's comments) as well as the two required documents listed above, the Chair will write the student a letter officially informing them that the proposal has been approved by the Committee. A copy of that letter will be included in the student's file, which the Chair will submit to the STRS Dean. The Dean will either approve the proposal as submitted and sign the "Request for Approval Form" or ask for changes, which the Dean will communicate to the director and the student. The director and student will make changes and resubmit the proposal to the Dean.

Once the Dean has signed the proposal, he will transmit the student's file to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. The Dean of Graduate Studies will have the proposal assessed by an evaluator outside STRS. On the basis of that evaluation, the Dean of Graduate Studies will either approve the proposal as submitted or ask that it be revised in minor or major ways, and will so inform the student and director. If revisions are necessary, they will need to be made by the student in consultation with the director. The revised proposal must then be resubmitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies, who, in all cases, makes the final decision regarding the approval of the proposal.


Theological Research and Writing: 2. Theological Information

  • 1. Research
  • 2. Theological Information
  • Research Question and Thesis
  • Bibliography
  • Information Retrieval
  • 5. Evaluating Sources
  • 7. Use the Tutor

What you'll learn:

 Before you move on to the next page, you will:

  • Gain understanding about the nature of theological information.
  • Understand the difference between popular, scholarly, and trade information.
  • Understand the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary resources.

Some Formats Unique to Theology

theological research thesis


Peer-review is a process by which a team of credentialed scholars approves an article for publication.   In journal databases you can usually filter search results to only include articles that are peer-reviewed.  Peer-reviewed articles are therefore considered quality resources for conducting research.

PRIMARY SOURCES Primary information is the information being studied. In history, writings from the period being studied are primary.  Primary information sources are original, raw, and uninterpreted.  In theology and Biblical studies, the Bible is the foremost example of a primary source.  Church records are a primary source.  If one is studying the fathers of the church, for example, their writings would be the primary source.

SECONDARY SOURCES Secondary sources interpret primary sources.  A commentary on a book of the Bible is a secondary source because it represents a secondary party's interpretation of the book.  Sometimes, a source can be primary for one purpose and secondary for another.  An ancient commentary on a book of the Bible is a secondary source when studying the Bible, but a primary source when studying the church fathers.

The Nature of Theological Information

     Information functions differently across academic disciplines.  Theology has much in common with subjects in the humanities, like history. Theological information comes in various "packages."  The scholarly monograph is still the most common package for theological information.  Thus, theological information "moves slower."  Old books are as useful as new ones.

   Other areas of study can be researched exclusively online, but theology is best studied in a library, with relevant scholarly monographs at hand.  Academic journals are very important for theological research, but books are absolutely essential and most often used.  Information in other forms, such as trade literature and web pages will supplement scholarly monographs and journal articles, but should never be consulted exclusively.  

    Theology students need to use the resources that contain the best information.  Books - whether physical or digital - are the primary "package" for theological information, followed by journals.

THEOLOGICAL INFORMATION "PACKAGES" Reference Resources:  Encyclopedias, dictionaries, lexicons, concordances, bibliographies, and handbooks belong in this category.  Use them to investigate a topic or to find a good list of authoritative sources.

Monographs:  A volume containing one work on a specific subject.  Usually written by one author, but not always.  Complete in itself.  Most commentaries on books of the Bible are monographs.

Serials:  Also known as periodicals, serials are continuing works that are not complete in themselves.  Usually consists of works by more than one author, such as an academic journal.  Serials offer information on the cutting edge of theological scholarship.  The theological conversation moves quickly through scholarly journals.

Multi-Author books:   A book on  a single subject or closely related subjects with essays or chapters by multiple authors. The works are collected in order to convey scholarly communication on a topic.  Sometimes the authors come from the same school of thought, and sometimes the authors oppose one another on the topic. These resources are great for incorporating multiple points of view into one's research on a particular topic.

SCHOLARLY:  These resources are the work of credentialed experts in a given field.  Scholarly monographs are easy to identify by the presence of footnoted or endnoted references. Scholarly periodicals are easy to identify by their relatively plain design and scholarly references.  Scholarly periodicals are  peer-reviewed.  

POPULAR:  Resources that are written for general consumption by the average reader.  These resources often lack references for cited works, and the author may not be highly credentialed to write upon the subject.  Popular periodicals are easy to identify by the abundance of pictures and sidebars, and the articles are short and easily digestible by most readers.

TRADE:   Trade resources were created by insiders for a particular industry, such as a professional association.  Articles are not scholarly, but are written for people within that industry.  Examples for this in the realm of theology would be a magazine for pastors or music ministers.

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TERTIARY SOURCES Tertiary sources are primarily those which list, organize, recommend, and annotate primary and secondary sources.  A biography is a tertiary source.  An index of journal articles, or an online database is also a tertiary source.  Your textbook can be a tertiary source if you use it as an introduction to new information sources on a particular topic.  Handbooks and guides are tertiary when they function in this way as well.

SO WHAT?   In theological research, tertiary sources will help you find secondary sources for the study of primary sources.  For instance, you can use a  commentary survey  (tertiary) to help you find the best  commentaries  (secondary) on a book of the  Bible  (primary).

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Volume 75, Issue 1, April 2024

Yhwh as a woman in labour: the controlled pregnant female body in labour.

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Qoheleth’s Use of Proverbial Sayings: The Example of Ecclesiastes 7:1–12

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Ma in biblical studies.

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Against UAP Disclosure?


In a recent Patheos post, “ UAP Transparency Act?”, I relied on a diachronic assumption, namely, the U.S. government is resistant to disclosing any UAP information that might weaken national security. To date, congressional supporters of the UAP Transparency Act have not insisted that national security be sacrificed on behalf of UAP disclosure.

Here is a thesis to consider: within the UAP Disclosure movement certain bad actors — wannabe military contractors or international intelligence agencies — press for revelations of reverse engineered technologies useful for weapons manufacture and deployment. Why might we consider such a thesis?

For and Against UAP Disclosure

Since 2017, the pressure for UAP disclosure has increased dramatically in magnitude. Yes, Steven Greer ’s notorious passion for disclosure continues with no flagging in zeal. But the new wave of disclosure lobbying — including congressional testimonies leading to federal legislation — have deluged us with both controversy and gravitas. The hue and cry is clear: tell us, Uncle Sam, what do you know about UAP?

As a discomfited futurist, let me imagine the following forecast: some disclosure advocates will attempt to break through the wall of national security secrecy in the name of UAP disclosure. Could we imagine that either spies or wannabe contractors would be so motivated to gain hitherto secret weapons technology that they might try to pry open Top-Secret vaults with a UAP crowbar?

To my knowledge this has not yet happened. So, this is speculation. Necessary precautionary speculation.

Science and the Freedom of Information Act

theological research thesis

Why do ufologists cry out so loudly for disclosure? Because we want data for scientific investigation, data for what we now call “ UAP Studies .”

“Unidentified flying objects do exist,” writes veteran ufologist Jacques Vallee . “They are astounding physical anomalies that have the ability to affect the perception of time and space and the consciousness of those who come close to them. They should be seriously and calmly investigated by the full power of science” (Vallee 2008, Kindle 3373).

The full power of science? Yes, indeed. But certainly, the full power of other disciplines as well. I put public theology on the list of research disciplines.

theological research thesis

“The answer to the UFO phenomenon must come from the world of science and academia,” says physicist Robert Powell of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies  (Powell 2024, 120). Powell and other researchers have benefitted from access to government repositories by invoking the Freedom of Information Act. Uncle Sam has coughed up data about UAP this way. The world needs all the Vallee’s and Powell’s we can get.

The thesis we debate here speculates that bad actors could infiltrate the UAP disclosure movement, drilling holes in the national security barrier in order to learn about reverse-engineered technologies useful in weapons development. How realistic is this scenario? We know that today’s weapons contractors already have security clearence above their military counterparts. Such technological knowledge is already secret. And contracters have access. So, does this count against our thesis?

Regardless, we need to ask: how could UAP disclosure take place without risking national security?

Protecting National Security

theological research thesis

I like reading the published works of multidisciplinary scholar Dr. Jensine Andresen, who has published a number of books on ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) and UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena). During the 2023 debate in Washington over disclosure legislation, Doctor Andresen made clear her position: do not sacrifice national security on the altar of UAP disclosure.

“I do not support the proposed legislation because I think it compromises U.S. national security,” she wrote. Why might national security be at stake? Because it makes sensitive information regarding alien technology “available to spies” (Andresen, Hyperconvergenece: Religion, Politics, and UFOs 2023, 37, 61).

There be wisdom here.

Against UAP Disclosure to Protect National Security? No.

Certainly, national security is all too frequently used as an excuse to cover up what should be exposed to public scrutiny. Yes, there are abuses. Even so, national security still requires security. It requires an occasional red stamp reading, “Top Secret.”

But sharing this precautionary speculation is not intended to argue against UAP disclosure. Not in the least.

I’m grateful to Robert Powell and other ufologists who heroically knock on steel government doors with Freedom-of-Information battering rams.

SR 1184 UFO 14 Against UAP Disclosure?

UFO Whistleblowers

Pentagon, show us the aliens!

UFOs on Capitol Hill

UFOs and Atomic Weaponry

Are UFOs demonic?

UFOs and Aliens at the Vatican

No! No! UFO

Are UFOs our Celestial Saviors?

  • UAP Transparency Act

theological research thesis

Ted Peters directs traffic at the intersection of science, religion, and ethics. Peters is an emeritus professor at the Graduate Theological Union , where he co-edits the journal, Theology and Science , with Robert John Russell on behalf of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences , in Berkeley, California, USA. Along with Martinez Hewlett, Joshua Moritz, and Robert John Russell, he co-edited, Astrotheology : Science and Theology Meet Extraterrestrial Intelligence (2018). Along with Octavio Chon Torres, Joseph Seckbach, and Russell Gordon, he co-edited, Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy (Scrivener 2021). Along with Arvin Gouw and Brian Patrick Green, he co-edited Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics (Lexington 2022).

Ted is former Louisiana State Director of MUFON investigations. He is also author of UFOs: God’s Chariots? Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Religious Yearnings in the Age of Extraterrestrials (Career Press New Page Books, 2014). See his website: TedsTimelyTake.com .

Andresen, Jensine. 2023. Hyperconvergenece: Religion, Politics, and UFOs. Independent: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/197292604-hyperconvergence.

Powell, Robert. 2024. UFOs: A Scientist Explains What we Know and Don’t Know. Lanham MD: Roman and Littlefield.

Vallee, Jacques. 2008. Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception. Kindle. San Antonio TX: Anomalist Books.

  • Public Theology
  • Science and Religion
  • Jensine Andresen
  • National Security
  • Steven Greer

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  1. Sample Online Student Theses

    About. Below are downloads (PDF format) of the M.A. (Religion) theses of some of our graduates to date. Note: Certain requirements for current thesis students have changed since earlier theses were completed. Thesis Topic. Student. Year. Trinitarian Scriptures: The Uniqueness of the Bible's Divine Origin. Gregory Cline.

  2. Open Access Dissertations and Theses

    The Open Access Dissertations and Theses Collection consists of electronic versions of dissertations and theses produced by students of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Boyce Digital Library search box searches the full text of these dissertations. The dissertations within this collection are available to all researchers, however ...


    CREATING A RESEARCH SPACE. Identify a relevant and significant "research territory" by naming it and citing some previous research in the field. Establish a "niche" within that territory. where "x marks the spot" of your thesis/argument. Occupy the "niche" by stating the specific nature of your research, your proposed argument ...

  4. Theology Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. The Universality of God in Amo's Oracles and Creation: A Historical-Critical Approach within a Catholic Context, Alexandra Bochte. Trinitarian Theology as a Resource for the Theology of Education, Anne Bullock.

  5. Master of Theology Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2018. PDF. The Need for Older Adults' Ministry in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), Bitrus Habu Bamai. PDF. Luther's Understanding of Grace and Its Implications for Administration of the Lord's Supper in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN), Yelerubi Birgamus. PDF.

  6. Theological Research Exchange Network

    The Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) is a library of over 26,077 theological thesis/dissertation titles representing research from as many as 153 different institutions. Titles may be ordered online through our search and order system. TREN also makes available conference papers presented at annual meetings of several academic ...

  7. School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

    Submissions from 2022 PDF (Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13, Ninh Van Nguyen PDF (Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality, Toan Van Phan O.Cist Submissions from 2021 PDF (Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ, Katryna Bertucci

  8. Finding DMin Theses

    TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network. Most digitized thesis projects are available in the catalog through TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network).See for instance, the 2001 thesis by Virginia Asel, "History of the First Congregational Church of Royalston". You can also access TREN directly through the list of library databases or links found in this guide.

  9. Theological Research and Writing

    From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research. This link opens in a new window; This link opens in a new window; Michael Kibbe. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2016. ... Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2022. Doing Theological Research: An Introductory Guide for Survival in Theological Education. This link opens in a new window; This link ...

  10. PDF Theological Research and Writing PT 703

    From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2016. Strunk, William and E.B. White The Elements of Style. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000. (note this is the fourth edition. There are many editions of this book…you are free to read another edition if you wish.) You will also need to use: Turabian, Kate L.

  11. How to Write a Paper on a Biblical or Theological Topic

    Here's the basic process of writing a research paper on a biblical or theological topic, either for a class or for your own personal research. Start at the top, or skip to what topic interests you most. Pick a topic. Research your topic. Construct an outline.

  12. Theology Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021. The Notion of Evil in the Qur'an and Islamic Mystical Thought, Irfan Asghar. Personhood, Particularity, and Perichoresis: The Doctrine of the Trinity in Identity and Faith Formation, Tabitha Petrova Edgar. Monks Praise the Female Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: Hild of Whitby and Edith of Wilton, Lori Ferguson.

  13. Dissertations, Theses, and Projects

    This thesis is an examination of pastoral ministry in seventeenth century London during the Great Plague of 1665-66. ... rationale, purpose, and goals for the project. It also includes the research ... Leading Revitalization Through Prayer at Jeffersonville Baptist Church in ... the biblical-theological narrative ... View more. DSpace software ...

  14. From topic to thesis : a guide to theological research

    From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research offers a third option. This affordable and accessible tool walks students through the process, focusing on five steps: finding direction, gathering sources, understanding issues, entering discussion and establishing a position. Its goal is to take students directly from a research assignment ...

  15. Writing

    Some of the research papers you write at BMA seminary will require a special focus. It may seem that you do not need a traditional research question. For instance, you may be doing a special introduction to a book of the Bible in which you are presenting research on such facts as the author, audience, date, purpose, and overall message of the book.

  16. Theological Research and Writing: 3. Developing a Topic

    Theological Research and Writing: 3. Developing a Topic. A Guide to Cutting Edge Critical Thinking; Cutting Edge Research and Writing at BMATS. Home; 1. Research; 2. Theological Information ... Learn how to write a thesis statement; Use Your Study Bible! HCSB Study Bible by Holman Bible Editorial Staff (Editor) Call Number: R 220.5208 H431.

  17. From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research

    Kibbe, in From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research, offers a rare combination of clarity, accessibility, and methodological insight to help the intermediate researcher in theology.His guidance is helpful not only for those in formal study, but also for pastors and for other professionals who still conduct research, even if in a less formal setting or requiring a less formal ...

  18. From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research

    Its goal is to take students directly from a research assignment to a research argument --in other words, from topic to thesis. ISBN: 9780830851317. Publication Date: 2015-12-31. Author: Michael Kibbe. Publisher: IVP Academic.

  19. Research Question and Thesis

    Your thesis statement is the short answer to your research question! Topic: Jesus' treatment of gentiles in the gospels. Research Question: What is Jesus' attitude toward gentiles according to the gospels? Thesis Statement: The gospel writers used the words of Christ and narrative accounts of His deeds to show that Jesus saw gentiles as outsiders who were being drawn near with the coming ...

  20. Theses and Dissertation Proposals

    A reader for the thesis is assigned from the faculty; the director and reader are responsible for approving the proposal and placing it in the student's file. The student, with the help of a faculty member who serves as director, will prepare a one-page thesis proposal that presents the background, purpose, method, and contribution of the thesis.

  21. This Is How You Find the Right Sources For Theological Research

    For those who are serious about doing good research into this area, Google is not the right place to go. ATLAS (American Theological Library Association Serials) is the #1 database for academic theology studies. You can use it for Biblical Studies, Church History, Missiology, Practical Ministry, Theology, Biblical Counseling, and even World ...

  22. Research Methods in Systematic Theology

    Research Methods In Systematic Theology Dr Annang Asumang Learning Outcomes 1. Define the tasks of the branches of Systematic Theology 2. Explain the key subjects in systematic theology of ... MA Thesis; Luther Seminary 05/06/2023 Daniel Institute MASM; Dr Asumang 10 . 05/06/2023 6 Disciplinary Branches in Systematic Theology

  23. Theological Research and Writing: 2. Theological Information

    Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by R. Laird Harris; Gleason L. Archer; Bruce K. Waltke Word study tools are an important part of theological research and a necessary part of original research. These include lexicons of the Bible in multiple languages and concordances. This theological wordbook contains essays on important Hebrew words in the Old Testament.

  24. Volume 75 Issue 1

    Publishes contributions that cross the entire range of theological research, scholarship and interpretation. Ancient and modern texts, inscriptions, and documents that have not before appeared in type are also reproduced.

  25. Transfer Information

    RTCH 500 (Research, Writing & Ministry Preparation) RTCH 680 (Research Methods) THES 690 (Thesis Defense) MA in Christian Ministry (M.A.C.M.) Maximum transfer limit: 18 hours; Degree age limit: 10 ...

  26. Against UAP Disclosure?

    I put public theology on the list of research disciplines. "The answer to the UFO phenomenon must come from the world of science and academia," says physicist Robert Powell of the Scientific ...