Overhead Allocation vs Direct Allocation Method

Allocating overhead costs can be confusing for many accountants and business managers.

Luckily, this article will clearly explain the key differences between the two main allocation methods - overhead allocation and direct allocation - so you can determine which approach is best for your business.

You'll get an in-depth look at how each method works along with real-world examples, key advantages and disadvantages, and guidelines for when to use one over the other. By the end, you'll have the knowledge to strategically apply both techniques for more accurate costing and decision making.

Introduction to Overhead Allocation vs Direct Allocation Methods

Overhead allocation and direct allocation are two methods used in cost accounting to incorporate different types of costs into product costs.

Overhead allocation involves allocating indirect costs, like administrative expenses or factory utilities, to cost centers based on an allocation metric. For example, a company might allocate factory overhead costs based on machine hours used. This allows the company to spread overhead costs across products.

Direct allocation refers to directly tracing costs to products based on the actual resources consumed. For example, the costs of materials purchased can often be directly allocated to the units produced. Direct allocation relies on tracking precise resource consumption rather than estimates or allocation metrics.

The key differences between overhead allocation and direct allocation include:

  • Overhead allocation uses predetermined allocation rates based on estimates, while direct allocation traces actual usage
  • Overhead allocation distributes indirect costs across departments and products, while direct allocation assigns only direct costs
  • Overhead allocation relies on assumptions and may be less precise, while direct allocation relies on precise resource consumption

For example, a manufacturing company has $100,000 in annual electricity expenses at its factory. It produces two products - Product A and Product B. Last year, 40% of machine hours were used to manufacture Product A, while 60% of hours were for Product B.

Using overhead allocation, the company would allocate electricity costs based on the machine hours for each product:

  • Product A allocation: $100,000 x 40% = $40,000
  • Product B allocation: $100,000 x 60% = $60,000

Using direct allocation would be challenging since electricity costs cannot be easily traced. Direct allocation is better suited for costs like materials that are directly traceable per unit produced.

So in summary, overhead and direct allocation offer alternative approaches to incorporate different types of costs into product costs using estimates or usage data. Companies select methods based on cost types and data availability.

What is the direct method of overhead allocation?

The direct method of cost allocation is a straightforward way to allocate overhead costs to cost centers. It works by directly assigning the costs of service departments to production departments based on usage.

For example, let's say a manufacturing company has two service departments - Maintenance and Quality Control - and two production departments - Assembly and Packaging. Here's how the direct allocation method would work:

  • The costs of the Maintenance department would be allocated to the other departments based on metrics like square footage of floor space used or hours of maintenance work performed for each department.
  • The costs of the Quality Control department would be allocated based on the number of inspections performed for each production department.
  • So if Maintenance represented $100,000 in costs and Assembly used 40% of plant floor space, $40,000 of the maintenance costs would be allocated directly to Assembly.

The direct allocation method is straightforward to understand and apply. It also encourages service departments to monitor and control their costs. However, it can be seen as somewhat arbitrary because the cost allocation metrics used may not precisely capture how service departments support each production department.

Overall, the direct method provides a simple and transparent way to allocate overhead that directly assigns service department costs to benefiting departments. It works best when clear metrics are available to measure department usage.

What are the differences in the two approaches to overhead allocation?

The two main approaches to overhead allocation are the plantwide allocation method and the department allocation method. Here are the key differences:

Plantwide Allocation Method

  • Uses one cost pool to collect all manufacturing overhead costs
  • Applies the costs to production using a single predetermined overhead rate
  • Simpler to implement but less precise in tracing costs to products

Department Allocation Method

  • Uses multiple cost pools, one for each department
  • Calculates a predetermined overhead rate for each department
  • More complex but allows for better cost tracing by department

The plantwide method is easier to use but can obscure product costs since all overhead is lumped together. The department method takes more effort but provides greater visibility into how much overhead each department is generating.

Businesses should choose the method that fits their cost structure and needed level of precision. High-volume, low-complexity firms can use plantwide allocation successfully. Companies with many complex departments producing diverse products may benefit more from departmental allocation despite the extra effort required.

Which allocation method is best?

The direct allocation method is the simplest and most straightforward way to allocate overhead costs. It assigns each cost directly to the cost object that benefits from that cost, such as a specific product, service, department, or project.

Here is an overview of the direct allocation method:

  • It traces costs directly to the activity or cost object that causes the cost. This establishes a clear cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Formulas are used to assign costs. For example, machine hours may be used to allocate machine maintenance costs.
  • It is easy to understand and apply. Usage data like labor hours or kilowatts used are readily available.
  • It increases cost awareness for managers since costs are tied to their department or project.

The direct method provides the most accurate cost assignments of the allocation methods. However, it cannot assign all costs directly. Some costs, like general building maintenance or insurance, benefit multiple activities. Using the direct method exclusively can undermine managers' cost awareness.

So while the direct allocation method is best for simplicity and accuracy, most businesses use a combination of allocation approaches. They directly assign costs when feasible, while using other methods like the step-down method for support costs that benefit the entire organization. The goal is to find the optimal balance between accuracy and practicality.

What are the 3 allocation methods?

Three common methods for allocating overhead costs are:

The direct method - This is the simplest method. Overhead costs are directly traced to cost objects based on the relationship between the overhead cost and the cost object. For example, the cost of a machine used to manufacture a specific product would be directly allocated to the cost of producing that product.

The step method (or sequential method) - With this method, overhead costs are allocated to cost objects in multiple steps. Costs are first traced to cost centers, then allocated to production departments, and finally to products. This method provides more accuracy than the direct method but is more complex.

The reciprocal method - This method tries to account for the interrelationships and interdependencies between departments. Costs are allocated reciprocally between departments until they converge on a solution. This is the most accurate but also most complex method.

The choice of allocation method involves tradeoffs between simplicity and accuracy. The direct method is simplest, while the reciprocal method is most accurate in allocating shared costs.


Understanding overhead allocation.

Overhead allocation is the process of distributing a company's indirect costs, such as rent or utilities, across departments or products. Companies use allocation to incorporate overhead costs into departmental budgets or product costs. There are a few key steps in overhead allocation:

Calculating Overhead Allocation Rates

First, companies group overhead costs into pools, like factory overhead or administrative overhead. Then, they choose an allocation metric to divide up the pool, such as machine hours, headcount, or square footage. Companies calculate an overhead rate per unit by dividing the total overhead pool by the total allocation metric. For example, if total factory overhead is $100,000 and total machine hours are 50,000, the rate is $2 per machine hour ($100,000 / 50,000 hours).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Overhead Allocation

Benefits of overhead allocation include:

  • Fairly distributing indirect costs across departments based on usage estimates
  • Avoiding cost distortions from large one-time overhead expenses
  • Incorporating full product costs into pricing decisions

Drawbacks include:

  • Inaccurate allocation if poor cost drivers are used
  • Increased accounting complexity to track and allocate costs

Real-World Example of Overhead Allocation

A manufacturer has $100,000 in total factory overhead costs for the period. It chooses machine hours as the allocation metric because machine usage closely relates to overhead costs. There were 50,000 machine hours over the same period.

The overhead rate is $2 per machine hour ($100,000 total costs / 50,000 machine hours). This $2 rate is then used to allocate factory overhead to products based on their individual machine hour usage.

Delving into Direct Allocation Method

The direct allocation method assigns costs directly to products and services based on the actual quantities of resources they consume. For example, if a batch of products uses 500 pounds of materials costing $1,500, the direct material cost per pound is $3. This $3 per pound rate is then used to assign material costs to those products.

Tracing Costs with the Direct Allocation Method

With direct allocation, companies connect specific cost elements like materials and labor directly to products based on actual quantities consumed during production and service delivery. For example:

If a product requires 5 hours of direct labor at a rate of $20 per hour, its direct labor cost would be 5 * $20 = $100.

If a service uses 2 pounds of materials that cost $5 per pound, its direct materials cost would be 2 * $5 = $10.

By tracing costs based on precise resource usage data, companies can accurately assign costs and avoid estimates that may be inaccurate.

Direct Allocation Method Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Accurately traces costs based on actual quantities of resources used
  • Avoids estimates that could be incorrect
  • Simplifies accounting and analysis compared to indirect allocation


  • Cannot allocate some indirect costs like administrative expenses
  • May require significant effort to gather precise resource consumption data

Direct Allocation Method Example

ABC Manufacturing produces two products - Product A and Product B. Last month:

  • Product A used 300 lbs of materials costing $900 total
  • Product B used 200 lbs of materials costing $600 total

Total materials cost = $900 + $600 = $1,500

Total materials used = 300 lbs + 200 lbs = 500 lbs

Direct material cost per lb = Total material cost / Total lbs used = $1,500 / 500 lbs = $3 per lb

  • Direct material cost for Product A = 300 lbs * $3 per lb = $900
  • Direct material cost for Product B = 200 lbs * $3 per lb = $600

By using the direct allocation rate per pound, ABC Manufacturing accurately assigned material costs to each product based on actual usage quantities.

Comparative Analysis of Allocation Methods

This section will directly compare overhead allocation and direct allocation across several factors to highlight when each method is preferable.

Evaluating Cost Allocation Accuracy

Direct allocation traces precise consumption so tends to be more accurate. Overhead allocation relies on allocation metrics which could be flawed.

Some key points on accuracy:

  • Direct allocation directly traces costs to cost objects based on actual usage or consumption. This avoids distortions from allocation metrics that may not fully capture usage.
  • Overhead allocation relies on developing allocation rates based on metrics like machine hours, labor hours, etc. The choice of metric can impact accuracy - a poor metric may not represent true overhead consumption.
  • For example, if machine hours are used to allocate maintenance costs, some machines may require more maintenance than others per hour of usage. This could distort costs for those cost objects.
  • In general, direct allocation will be more accurate as it avoids these allocation metric issues. But where direct tracing is not feasible, overhead allocation still enables some cost assignment.

Complexity in Accounting for Allocations

Direct allocation is simpler with less accounting needed to tally consumption. Overhead allocation requires developing and updating allocation rates.

Some considerations around complexity:

  • Direct allocation is transaction-based - costs are directly traced to cost objects as the underlying transactions occur. Little additional accounting is needed.
  • Overhead allocation requires developing allocation rates by analyzing overhead costs and usage metrics. As business activities change, these allocation rates need to be updated.
  • Maintaining allocation rates and analyzing their accuracy adds an additional accounting burden compared to direct allocation.
  • However, direct allocation also has complexity tracking detailed usage transactions across potentially thousands of cost objects. Judgement is needed in balancing accounting costs and accuracy.

Assessing the Potential for Cost Distortion

Direct allocation can have volatility from large one-off expenses. Overhead allocation smooths costs over time for steadier accounting.

On cost volatility:

  • Direct allocation exposes cost objects to actual usage costs as they occur. This could result in volatility - for example, if a large unplanned repair expense hits the maintenance overhead pool.
  • Overhead allocation spreads costs consistently over the allocation metric, smoothing out volatility. The repair expense is spread out over months of machine usage rather than hitting machine cost objects all at once.
  • However, there is also a risk that overhead allocation hides true changes in cost levels. If expenses rise, it may take months for this to fully flow through to cost objects.

In summary, the choice between direct and overhead allocation involves several tradeoffs around accuracy, complexity, and volatility. Applying both methods selectively can balance these factors.

Cost Allocation Methods in Practice

This section outlines best practices companies can apply when allocating different cost types to improve accuracy while balancing complexity.

Strategic Use of Allocation Methods

Use direct allocation for costs easily traceable to outputs like materials and labor. Apply overhead allocation for administrative and facilities costs based on sound allocation metrics.

Direct allocation should be used for costs that can be easily and accurately traced to individual products, services, or other outputs. This includes direct materials, direct labor, commissions, and other variable costs.

Overhead allocation is better suited for costs related to facilities, administration, and other activities that indirectly support production. Examples include rent, utilities, management salaries, IT, HR, etc.

Choosing the right allocation method for each cost type improves accuracy while minimizing undue complexity. Striking this balance is key.

Maintaining Accurate Allocation Bases

Review allocation metrics like machine hours routinely to ensure they still reflect how overhead costs are actually driven.

Common allocation bases like labor hours, machine hours, square footage, etc. should be reviewed periodically.

As business activities change over time, initial allocation metrics may no longer represent the true factors driving overhead costs.

Regularly verifying and updating allocation bases as needed improves the accuracy of overhead allocation and avoids misstatement on financial reporting.

Variance Analysis in Cost Allocation

Compare allocated overhead costs to actual overhead outlays each period. Investigate and adjust allocation rates when significant or persistent variances arise.

Variance analysis reveals when costs allocated to outputs deviate significantly from actual overhead costs incurred.

Uncovering the root causes of persistent variances can indicate when allocation bases/rates need refinement.

While periodic variances are expected, consistent and material differences warrant further analysis and potential reallocation.

Step Method Cost Allocation

Explore the step method as an alternative to direct and overhead allocation, detailing how it sequentially allocates costs among departments.

The step allocation method involves:

  • Identifying shared costs to allocate across departments/cost centers.
  • Allocating the largest shared cost pool first.
  • Allocating second largest shared cost pool next using updated cost figures.
  • Repeating for remaining pools from largest to smallest.

Step allocation aims to improve accuracy by removing already allocated costs from remaining pools before next allocation round.

This prevents distortion from allocating the same costs twice.

Step method can be complex to set up but improves precision.

Conclusion: Integrating Overhead and Direct Allocation for Effective Costing

In summary, overhead allocation relies on estimates while direct allocation traces actual usage. Direct allocation is simpler but cannot assign all costs. Strategically leveraging both methods can optimize accuracy and provide full product/service costing.

Recap of Overhead Allocation

Overhead allocation distributes indirect costs through rate estimates which could be inaccurate if based on flawed metrics. For example, using floor space to allocate rent costs may not reflect actual usage. However, overhead allocation allows the allocation of shared costs across departments.

Recap of Direct Allocation

Direct allocation connects specific cost elements to outputs based on actual quantities consumed. For example, attributing material costs by tracking the actual units used per product. This provides greater accuracy but is limited to costs with traceable consumption data.

Balancing Allocation Methods for Comprehensive Costing

Companies should use both overhead allocation for indirect costs and direct allocation for direct costs to incorporate full costs into output pricing. This balances accuracy with completeness. For instance, combine floor space allocation for utilities with direct material attribution for inventory. The blended approach provides the most comprehensive and meaningful costing.

Related posts

  • How to Calculate Overhead Rate in QuickBooks
  • Cash Flow Statements: Preparing Direct vs Indirect Method
  • Management Accounting vs Cost Accounting
  • Cash Flow Statement Direct Method vs Indirect Method

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2.3 Assigning Manufacturing Overhead Costs to Jobs

Learning objective.

  • Understand how manufacturing overhead costs are assigned to jobs.

Question: We have discussed how to assign direct material and direct labor costs to jobs using a materials requisition form, timesheet, and job cost sheet. The third manufacturing cost—manufacturing overhead—requires a little more work. How do companies assign manufacturing overhead costs, such as factory rent and factory utilities, to individual jobs?

Answer: Recall from Chapter 1 "What Is Managerial Accounting?" that manufacturing overhead consists of all costs related to the production process other than direct materials and direct labor. Because manufacturing overhead costs are difficult to trace to specific jobs, the amount allocated to each job is based on an estimate. The process of creating this estimate requires the calculation of a predetermined rate.

Using a Predetermined Overhead Rate

The goal is to allocate manufacturing overhead costs to jobs based on some common activity, such as direct labor hours, machine hours, or direct labor costs. The activity used to allocate manufacturing overhead costs to jobs is called an allocation base The activity used to allocate manufacturing overhead costs to jobs. . Once the allocation base is selected, a predetermined overhead rate can be established. The predetermined overhead rate A rate established prior to the year in which it is used in allocating manufacturing overhead costs to jobs. is calculated prior to the year in which it is used in allocating manufacturing overhead costs to jobs.

Calculating the Predetermined Overhead Rate

Question: How is the predetermined overhead rate calculated?

Answer: We calculate the predetermined overhead rate as follows, using estimates for the coming year:

Key Equation

*The numerator requires an estimate of all overhead costs for the year, such as indirect materials, indirect labor, and other indirect costs associated with the factory. Custom Furniture Company estimates annual overhead costs to be $1,140,000 based on actual overhead costs last year.

**The denominator requires an estimate of activity in the allocation base for the year. Custom Furniture uses direct labor hours as the allocation base and expects its direct labor workforce to record 38,000 direct labor hours for the year.

The predetermined overhead rate calculation for Custom Furniture is as follows:

Thus each job will be assigned $30 in overhead costs for every direct labor hour charged to the job. The assignment of overhead costs to jobs based on a predetermined overhead rate is called overhead applied The assignment of overhead costs to jobs based on a predetermined overhead rate. . Remember that overhead applied does not represent actual overhead costs incurred by the job—nor does it represent direct labor or direct material costs. Instead, overhead applied represents a portion of estimated overhead costs that is assigned to a particular job.

Question: Now that we know how to calculate the predetermined overhead rate, the next step is to use this rate to apply overhead to jobs. How do companies use the predetermined overhead rate to apply overhead to jobs, and how is this information recorded in the general journal?

Answer: As shown on the timesheet in Figure 2.4 "Timesheet for Custom Furniture Company" , Tim Wallace charged six hours to job 50. Because manufacturing overhead is applied at a rate of $30 per direct labor hour, $180 (= $30 × 6 hours) in overhead is applied to job 50. The journal entry to reflect this is as follows:

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Recording the application of overhead costs to a job is further illustrated in the T-accounts that follow.

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When this journal entry is recorded, we also record overhead applied on the appropriate job cost sheet, just as we did with direct materials and direct labor. Figure 2.6 "Overhead Applied for Custom Furniture Company’s Job 50" shows the manufacturing overhead applied based on the six hours worked by Tim Wallace. Notice that total manufacturing costs as of May 4 for job 50 are summarized at the bottom of the job cost sheet.

Figure 2.6 Overhead Applied for Custom Furniture Company’s Job 50

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*$180 = $30 per direct labor hour × 6 direct labor hours.

Selecting an Allocation Base

Question: Although we used direct labor hours as the allocation base for Custom Furniture Company’s predetermined overhead rate, organizations use various other types of allocation bases. The most common allocation bases are direct labor hours, direct labor costs, and machine hours. What factors do companies consider when deciding on an allocation base?

Answer: Companies typically look at the following two items when determining which allocation base to use:

Link to overhead costs. The goal is to find an allocation base that drives overhead costs, often called a cost driver The allocation base that drives overhead costs. . For example, if a company’s production process is labor intensive (i.e., it requires a large labor force), overhead costs are likely driven by direct labor hours or direct labor costs. The more direct labor hours worked, the higher the overhead costs incurred. Thus direct labor hours or direct labor costs would be used as the allocation base.

If a company’s production process is highly mechanized (i.e., it relies on machinery more than on labor), overhead costs are likely driven by machine hours. The more machine hours used, the higher the overhead costs incurred. Thus machine hours would be used as the allocation base.

It may make more sense to use several allocation bases and several overhead rates to allocate overhead to jobs. This approach, called activity-based costing , is discussed in depth in Chapter 3 "How Does an Organization Use Activity-Based Costing to Allocate Overhead Costs?" .

  • Ease of measurement. An allocation base should not only be linked to overhead costs; it should also be measurable. The three most common allocation bases—direct labor hours, direct labor costs, and machine hours—are relatively easy to measure. Direct labor hours and direct labor costs can be measured by using a timesheet, as discussed earlier, so using either of these as a base for allocating overhead is quite simple. Machine hours can also be easily measured by placing an hour meter on each machine if one does not already exist.

Why Use a Predetermined Overhead Rate?

Question: The use of a predetermined overhead rate rather than actual data to apply overhead to jobs is called normal costing A method of costing that uses a predetermined overhead rate to apply overhead to jobs. . Most companies prefer normal costing over assigning actual overhead costs to jobs. Why do most companies prefer to use normal costing?

Answer: Companies use normal costing for several reasons:

  • Actual overhead costs can fluctuate from month to month, causing high amounts of overhead to be charged to jobs during high-cost periods. For example, utility costs might be higher during cold winter months and hot summer months than in the fall and spring seasons. Maintenance costs might be higher during slow periods. Normal costing averages these costs out over the course of a year.
  • Actual overhead cost data are typically only available at the end of the month, quarter, or year. Managers prefer to know the cost of a job when it is completed—and in some cases during production—rather than waiting until the end of the period.
  • The price charged to customers is often negotiated based on cost. A predetermined overhead rate is helpful when estimating costs.
  • Bookkeeping is simplified by using a predetermined overhead rate. One rate is used to record overhead costs rather than tabulating actual overhead costs at the end of the reporting period and going back to assign the costs to jobs.

Using a Manufacturing Overhead Account

Question: Using a predetermined overhead rate to apply overhead costs to jobs requires the use of a manufacturing overhead account. How is the manufacturing overhead account used to record transactions?

Answer: The manufacturing overhead account tracks the following two pieces of information:

First, the manufacturing overhead account tracks actual overhead costs incurred. Recall that manufacturing overhead costs include all production costs other than direct labor and direct materials. The actual manufacturing overhead costs incurred in a period are recorded as debits in the manufacturing overhead account. For example, assume Custom Furniture Company places $4,200 in indirect materials into production on May 10. The journal entry to reflect this is as follows:

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Other examples of actual manufacturing overhead costs include factory utilities, machine maintenance, and factory supervisor salaries. All these costs are recorded as debits in the manufacturing overhead account when incurred.

Second, the manufacturing overhead account tracks overhead costs applied to jobs. The overhead costs applied to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate are recorded as credits in the manufacturing overhead account. You saw an example of this earlier when $180 in overhead was applied to job 50 for Custom Furniture Company. We repeat the entry here.

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The following T-account summarizes how overhead costs flow through the manufacturing overhead account:

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The manufacturing overhead account is classified as a clearing account An account used to hold financial data temporarily until it is closed out at the end of the period. . A clearing account is used to hold financial data temporarily and is closed out at the end of the period before preparing financial statements.

Underapplied and Overapplied Overhead

Question: Because manufacturing overhead costs are applied to jobs based on an estimated predetermined overhead rate, overhead applied (credit side of manufacturing overhead) rarely equals actual overhead costs incurred (debit side of manufacturing overhead). What terms are used to describe the difference between actual overhead costs incurred during a period and overhead applied during a period?

Answer: Two terms are used to describe this difference— underapplied overhead and overapplied overhead .

Underapplied overhead Overhead costs applied to jobs that are less than actual overhead costs. occurs when actual overhead costs (debits) are higher than overhead applied to jobs (credits). The T-account that follows provides an example of underapplied overhead. Note that the manufacturing overhead account has a debit balance when overhead is underapplied because fewer costs were applied to jobs than were actually incurred.

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Overapplied overhead Overhead costs applied to jobs that exceed actual overhead costs. occurs when actual overhead costs (debits) are lower than overhead applied to jobs (credits). The T-account that follows provides an example of overapplied overhead. Note that the manufacturing overhead account has a credit balance when overhead is overapplied because more costs were applied to jobs than were actually incurred.

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Business in Action 2.1

assignments rather than allocations should

Source: Photo courtesy of prayitno, http://www.flickr.com/photos/34128007@N04/5293183651/ .

Job Costing at Boeing

Boeing Company is the world’s leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Boeing provides products and services to customers in 150 countries and employs 165,000 people throughout the world.

Since most of Boeing’s products are unique and costly, the company likely uses job costing to track costs associated with each product it manufactures. For example, the costly direct materials that go into each jetliner produced are tracked using a job cost sheet. Direct labor and manufacturing overhead costs (think huge production facilities!) are also assigned to each jetliner. This careful tracking of production costs for each jetliner provides management with important cost information that is used to assess production efficiency and profitability. Management can answer questions, such as “How much did direct materials cost?,” “How much overhead was allocated to each jetliner?,” or “What was the total production cost for each jetliner?” This is important information when it comes time to negotiate the sales price of a jetliner with a potential buyer like United Airlines or Southwest Airlines .

Source: Boeing , “Home Page,” http://www.boeing.com .

Closing the Manufacturing Overhead Account

Question: Since the manufacturing overhead account is a clearing account, it must be closed at the end of the period. How do we close the manufacturing overhead account?

Answer: Most companies simply close the manufacturing overhead account balance to the cost of goods sold account. For example, if there is a $2,000 debit balance in manufacturing overhead at the end of the period, the journal entry to close the underapplied overhead is as follows:

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If manufacturing overhead has a $3,000 credit balance at the end of the period, the journal entry to close the overapplied overhead is as follows:

assignments rather than allocations should

Alternative Approach to Closing the Manufacturing Overhead Account

Question: Although most companies close the manufacturing overhead account to cost of goods sold, this is typically only done when the amount is immaterial (immaterial is a common accounting term used to describe an amount that is small relative to a company’s size). The term material describes a relatively large amount. How do we close the manufacturing overhead account when the amount is material?

Answer: If the amount is material, it should be closed to three different accounts—work-in-process (WIP) inventory, finished goods inventory, and cost of goods sold—in proportion to the account balances in these accounts.

For example, suppose a company has $2,000 in underapplied overhead (debit balance in manufacturing overhead) and that the three account balances are as follows:

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The $2,000 is closed to each of the three accounts based on their respective percentages. Thus $1,200 is apportioned to WIP inventory (= $2,000 × 60 percent), $600 goes to finished goods inventory (= $2,000 × 30 percent), and $200 goes to cost of goods sold (= $2,000 × 10 percent). The journal entry to close the $2,000 underapplied overhead debit balance in manufacturing overhead is as follows:

assignments rather than allocations should

Although this approach is not as common as simply closing the manufacturing overhead account balance to cost of goods sold, companies do this when the amount is relatively significant.

Key Takeaways

Most companies use a normal costing system to track product costs. Normal costing tracks actual direct material costs and actual direct labor costs for each job and charges manufacturing overhead to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate. The predetermined overhead rate is calculated as follows:

  • A manufacturing overhead account is used to track actual overhead costs (debits) and applied overhead (credits). This account is typically closed to cost of goods sold at the end of the period.

Review Problem 2.3

  • Chan Company estimates that annual manufacturing overhead costs will be $500,000. Chan allocates overhead to jobs based on machine hours, and it expects that 100,000 machine hours will be required for the year. Calculate the predetermined overhead rate.
  • Why might Chan Company use machine hours as the overhead allocation base?
  • Chan Company received a bill totaling $3,700 for machine parts used in maintaining factory equipment. The bill will be paid next month. Make the journal entry to record this transaction.
  • Job 153 used a total of 2,000 machine hours. Make the journal entry to record manufacturing overhead applied to job 153. What other document will include this amount?

Assume Chan Company incurs actual manufacturing overhead costs of $470,000 and applies overhead of $510,000 for the year. Account balances are as follows: WIP inventory, $25,000; finished goods inventory, $25,000; and cost of goods sold, $50,000.

  • Is overhead overapplied or underapplied? Explain your answer.
  • Make the journal entry to close the manufacturing overhead account assuming the balance is immaterial.
  • Make the journal entry to close the manufacturing overhead account assuming the balance is material.

Solutions to Review Problem 2.3

The predetermined overhead rate is calculated as follows:

If Chan’s production process is highly mechanized, overhead costs are likely driven by machine use. The more machine hours used, the higher the overhead costs incurred. Thus there is a link between machine hours and overhead costs, and using machine hours as an allocation base is preferable.

Machine hours are also easily tracked, making implementation relatively simple.

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A total of $10,000 (= $5 per machine hour rate × 2,000 machine hours) will be applied to job 153 and recorded in the journal as follows:

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This amount will also be recorded on the job cost sheet for Job 153.

  • Overhead is overapplied because actual overhead costs are lower than overhead applied to jobs. Also, the manufacturing overhead account has a credit balance.

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*Amounts are calculated as follows. Allocation amount = percent of total × the overapplied balance of $40,000.

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6.4 Compare and Contrast Traditional and Activity-Based Costing Systems

Calculating an accurate manufacturing cost for each product is a vital piece of information for a company’s decision-making. For example, knowing the cost to produce a unit of product affects not only how a business budgets to manufacture that product, but it is often the starting point in determining the sales price.

An important component in determining the total production costs of a product or job is the proper allocation of overhead. For some companies, the often less-complicated traditional method does an excellent job of allocating overhead. However, for many products, the allocation of overhead is a more complex issue, and an activity-based costing (ABC) system is more appropriate.

Another factor to consider in determining which of the two major overhead allocation methods to use is the cost associated with collecting and analyzing information. When making their decision regarding which method to use, the company must consider these costs, both in time and money. Table 6.6 compares overhead in the two systems. In many cases, the ABC method is more expensive in terms of time and other costs.

The difference between the traditional method (using one cost driver) and the ABC method (using multiple cost drivers) is more complex than simply the number of cost drivers. When direct labor is a large portion of the product cost, the overhead costs tend to be consistently driven by one cost driver, which is typically direct labor or machine hours; the traditional method appropriately allocates those costs. When technology is a large portion of the product cost, the overhead costs tend to be driven by multiple drivers, so using multiple cost drivers in the ABC method allows for a more precise allocation of overhead.

As shown with Musicality’s products, not only are there different costs for each product when comparing traditional allocation with an activity-based costing, but ABC showed that the Solo product creates a loss for the company. Activity-based costing is a more accurate method, because it assigns overhead based on the activities that drive the overhead costs. It can be concluded, then, that the cost and subsequent gross loss for each unit’s sales provide a more accurate picture than the overall cost and gross profit under the traditional method. The image below compares the cost per unit using the different cost systems and shows how different the costs can be depending on the method used.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Traditional Method of Calculating Overhead

The traditional allocation system assigns manufacturing overhead based on a single cost driver, such as direct labor hours, direct labor dollars, or machine hours, and is optimal when there is a relationship between the activity base and overhead. This most often occurs when direct labor is a large part of the product cost. The theory supporting the single cost driver is that the cost driver selected increases as overhead increases, and further analysis is more costly than it is valuable. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. These are advantages of the traditional method:

  • All manufacturing costs are classified as material, labor, or overhead and assigned to products regardless of whether they drive or are driven by production.
  • All manufacturing costs are considered to be part of the product cost, whereas nonmanufacturing costs are not considered to be production costs and are not assigned to products, regardless of whether the costs are based on the products. For example, the machines used to receive and process customer orders are necessary because product orders must be taken, but their costs are not allocated to particular products.
  • There is only one overhead cost pool and a single measure of activity, such as direct labor hours, which makes the traditional method simple and less costly to maintain. The predetermined overhead rate is based on estimated costs at the budgeted level of activity. Therefore, the overhead rate is consistent across products, but overhead may be over- or underapplied.

Disadvantages of the traditional method include:

  • The use of the single cost driver does not allocate overhead as accurately as using multiple cost drivers.
  • The use of the single cost driver may overallocate overhead to one product and underallocate overhead to another product, resulting in erroneous total costs and potentially setting an incorrect sales price.
  • Traditional allocation assigns costs as period or product costs, and all product costs are included in the cost of inventory, which makes this method acceptable for generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Think It Through

Abc method and financial statements.

There are pros and cons to both the traditional and the ABC system. One advantage of the ABC system is that it provides more accurate information on the costs to manufacture products, but it does not show up on the financial statements. Explain how this costing information has value if it does not appear on the financial statements.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating an Activity-Based Costing System for Allocating Overhead

While ABC systems more accurately allocate the costs based on the various resources used to make the product, they cost more to use and, therefore, are not always the best method. Management needs to consider each system and how it will work within its own organization. Some advantages of activity-based costing include:

  • There are multiple overhead cost pools, and each has its own unique measure of activity. This provides more accurate rates for applying overhead, but it takes more time to implement and results in a higher cost.
  • The allocation bases (i.e., measures of activity) often differ from those used in traditional allocation. Multiple cost pools allow management to group costs being influenced by similar drivers and to consider cost drivers beyond the typical labor or machine hour. This results in a more accurate overhead application rate.
  • The activity rates may consider the level of activity at capacity instead of the budgeted level of activity.
  • Both nonmanufacturing costs and manufacturing costs may be assigned to products. The main rationale in assigning costs is the relationship between the cost and the product. If the cost increases as the volume of the product increases, it is considered part of overhead.

There are disadvantages to using ABC costing that management needs to consider when determining which method to use. Those disadvantages include:

  • Some manufacturing costs may be excluded from product costs. For example, the cost to heat the factory may be excluded as a product cost because, while it is necessary for production, it does not fit into one of the activity-driven cost pools.
  • It is more expensive, as there is a cost to collect and analyze cost driver information as well as to allocate overhead on the basis of multiple cost drivers.
  • An ABC system takes much more to implement and operate, as information on cost drivers must be collected in an objective manner.

The advantages and disadvantages of both methods are as previously listed, but what is the practical impact on the product cost? There are several items to consider at the product costs level:

  • Adopting an ABC overhead allocation system can allow a company to shift manufacturing overhead costs between products based on their volume.
  • Using an ABC method to better assign unit-level, batch-level, product-level, and factory-level costs can increase the per-unit costs of the low-volume products and decrease the per-unit costs of the high-volume products.
  • The effects are not symmetrical; there is usually a larger change in the per-unit costs of the low-volume products.
  • The cost of the products may include some period costs but not some of the product costs, so it is not considered GAAP compliant. The information is supplemental and very helpful to management, but the company still needs to compute the product’s cost under the traditional method for financial reporting.

Link to Learning

Changing from the traditional allocation method to ABC costing is not as simple as having management dictate that employees follow the new system. There are often challenges that begin with convincing employees that it will provide benefits and that they should buy into the new system. See this 1995 article, Tapping the Full Potential of ABC , illustrating some of Chrysler ’s challenges to learn more.

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  • Authors: Mitchell Franklin, Patty Graybeal, Dixon Cooper
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Principles of Accounting, Volume 2: Managerial Accounting
  • Publication date: Feb 14, 2019
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/principles-managerial-accounting/pages/1-why-it-matters
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/principles-managerial-accounting/pages/6-4-compare-and-contrast-traditional-and-activity-based-costing-systems

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How agile teams make self-assignment work: a grounded theory study

  • Open access
  • Published: 04 September 2020
  • Volume 25 , pages 4962–5005, ( 2020 )

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assignments rather than allocations should

  • Zainab Masood 1 ,
  • Rashina Hoda 2 &
  • Kelly Blincoe 1  

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Self-assignment, a self-directed method of task allocation in which teams and individuals assign and choose work for themselves, is considered one of the hallmark practices of empowered, self-organizing agile teams. Despite all the benefits it promises, agile software teams do not practice it as regularly as other agile practices such as iteration planning and daily stand-ups, indicating that it is likely not an easy and straighforward practice. There has been very little empirical research on self-assignment. This Grounded Theory study explores how self-assignment works in agile projects. We collected data through interviews with 42 participants representing 28 agile teams from 23 software companies and supplemented these interviews with observations. Based on rigorous application of Grounded Theory analysis procedures such as open, axial, and selective coding, we present a comprehensive grounded theory of making self-assignment work that explains the (a) context and (b) causal conditions that give rise to the need for self-assignment, (c) a set of facilitating conditions that mediate how self-assignment may be enabled, (d) a set of constraining conditions that mediate how self-assignment may be constrained and which are overcome by a set of (e) strategies applied by agile teams, which in turn result in (f) a set of consequences, all in an attempt to make the central phenomenon, self-assignment, work. The findings of this study will help agile practitioners and companies understand different aspects of self-assignment and practice it with confidence regularly as a valuable practice. Additionally, it will help teams already practicing self-assignment to apply strategies to overcome the challenges they face on an everyday basis.

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1 Introduction

The success of any software project depends heavily on the execution of the related management activities (Pinto and Slevin 1988 ). These activities primarily include organizing the software teams, allocating tasks, and monitoring time, budget, and managing resources (Boehm 1991 ; Jurison 1999 ) and carried out differently depending on the project management approach followed. In traditional software development, a project manager plays a key role in task allocation (Guide 2001 ; Nerur et al. 2005 ; Stylianou and Andreou 2014 ). The duties of a project manager include planning, assigning, and tracking the work assigned to the project teams. Work is typically allocated keeping in mind the knowledge, skills, expertise, experience, proficiency and technical competence of the team members (Acuna et al. 2006 ).

In contrast to the traditional development processes, agile software development offers a different approach towards managing the software development cycle particularly task allocation. Instead of the manger assigning the tasks, the team members pick tasks for themselves through self-assignment . This concept of self-assignment is unique to agile software development and emerges from the two principles in the agile manifesto i.e. ‘ The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams’, ‘Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need and trust them to get the job done’ (Beck et al. 2001 ). Even though self-assignment is not directly specified by these principles, but they build the motivation and highlight the significance to study self-assignment.

In theory, agile methods, particularly the Scrum methodology, encourage self-assignment for the allocation of tasks among team members (Hoda et al. 2012 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). Self-directed task allocation or self-assignment is also considered a fundamental characteristic of self-organized teams (Vidgen and Wang 2009 ; Deemer et al. 2012 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ; Strode 2016 ; Hoda and Noble 2017 ). Typically, agile methods like XP, Scrum, and Kanban encourage team members to assign tasks or user stories to themselves (Schwaber and Sutherland 2011 ; Deemer et al. 2012 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). The different agile methods refer to this notion through different terminologies such as self-assigning , signing up and pulling (Beck 2005 ; Lee 2010 ; Deemer et al. 2012 ). We refer to it as self-assignment in this study. Unlike agile practices that have been well-studied such as pair programming (Williams et al. 2000 ), daily stand-ups (Stray et al. 2016 ), and retrospectives (Andriyani et al. 2017 ), it is unclear how self-assignment works in agile projects making it a promising area to study.

In practice, the transition from the manager-led allocation to self-assignment is easier said than done. This transition may not happen in one day due to multiple reasons. The manager may not trust teams and individuals (Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ; Stray et al. 2018 ) and resist adopting new ways of working and delegates tasks. The team members may not be comfortable to self-assign tasks themselves due to lack of confidence. Some members may always pick familiar tasks, and others may prefer self-assigning exciting tasks (Vidgen and Wang 2009 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ; Strode 2016 ; Masood et al. 2017b ). The team members may self-assign low priority desirable tasks ignoring the high priority ones (Masood et al. 2017b ). This indicates that self-assignment can be challenging to practice. The related research does not cover the various aspects of self-assignment in-depth such as comparing the benefits of practicing self-assignment to manager-led allocation, challenges of practicing self-assignment. Additionally, limited information on the strategies agile practitioners follow to overcome the challenges of self-assignment increases the gap in the current research. Therefore, there is a need to investigate how self-assignment works in agile teams to answer several open questions such as: What leads to practicing self-assignment? What facilitates self-assignment in agile teams? What constrains self-assignment in agile teams? How do agile practitioners overcome the constraining conditions?

This research is part of a broader study which aims to cover various aspects of self-assignment in multiple phases. As part of our future work, we plan to study various aspects of self-assignment in multiple phases. Some of these aspects are understanding the self-assignment process, motivational factors to self-assigning tasks, role of manager in self-assignment. The focus of this paper is to investigate what leads to practicing self-assignment, conditions influencing the self-assignment process, strategies to overcome the constraining conditions, and any consequences of adopted strategies. It is to be noted that other aspects such as the self-assignment process which includes how and when self-assignment is practiced in agile teams, in what form teams and individual self-assign tasks, and factors individuals keep into account while self-assigning work items are part of the complete doctoral study on self-assignment. Some of the data from phase1 of this study has been published (Masood et al. 2017a ; Masood et al. 2017b ) and reported as preliminary research on self-assignment in related works in this paper (in Section 2 and 5.1 ).

This study involved 42 participants representing 28 agile teams from 23 software companies based in New Zealand, India, and Pakistan. We collected data in two phases through pre-interview questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and observations of agile practices such as daily stand-ups, iteration planning meetings, and self-assignment during task breakdown sessions. As a result of applying data analysis procedures, we present our grounded theory of making self-assignment work that describes what leads to and facilitates self-assignment, strategies used by the agile teams to make self-assignment work despite constraining conditions, details of the phenomenon of making self-assignment work, along with causal conditions, context, intervening conditions, strategies, and consequences. Additionally, we provided a list of practical implications and recommendations for agile teams, scrum masters and managers practicing self-assignment or teams that are transitioning into self-assignment.

The main contributions of this study are that it illustrates in-depth theoretical knowledge of self-assignment as a task allocation practice in agile teams. Future researchers can refer to this study for understanding the different aspects of self-assignment. Secondly, the practical strategies and recommendations presented in this study will contribute to the software industry by helping managers and agile teams overcome the hurdles and challenges faced in practicing self-assignment.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes related works, section 3 summarizes the research method, sections 4 presents the findings of this research and Section 5 discusses the findings and compares with related work with recommendations for agile community and future researchers. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2 Related Works

Software project management comprises of a set of activities which include but are not limited to project planning, scope definition, cost estimation and risk management (Boehm 1991 ; Jurison 1999 ). In the conventional process of software development, the activities for project planning such as project schedule, resource and task allocation are taken care of by the project manager (Nerur et al. 2005 ; Stylianou and Andreou 2014 ). Resource and task allocation are considered important activities in the project planning phase irrespective of what methodology is used in software development. The project manager is considered to be a single point of contact with the sole responsibility of taking the task allocation decisions and managing the project scope and team (Stylianou and Andreou 2014 ). The project manager role is both critical and challenging as the competence of the project manager and how well they plan and execute these activities significantly contributes to the success of the project. In fact, the managers’ decisions on allocating developers and teams to project tasks and scheduling developers and teams are considered one of the key indicators of success of a software project (Stylianou and Andreou 2014 ).

With the advent of agile software development more than two decades ago, task allocation is no longer the lone responsibility of a manager (Nerur et al. 2005 ); rather, it is meant to be shared within an empowered development team. Agile introduced light-touch management (Augustine et al. 2005 ) giving autonomy, empowerment and flexibility to development teams and valuing customers through engagements without forfeiting governance (Beck et al. 2001 ; Augustine 2005 ; Carroll and Morris 2015 ). One of the fundamental characteristics of agile methods is that they support task assignment as a team- and individual-level activity and disregard the traditional role of the project manager w.r.t. tasks delegation (Nerur et al. 2005 ). Typically, teams practicing agile methods self-assign technical tasks or user stories during the development cycle (Hayata and Han 2011 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). Agile methods are seen to term this self-assignment differently such as “volunteering”, “signing up”, “committing”, and “pulling” (Beck 2005 ; Lee 2010 ; Deemer et al. 2012 ). Empirical studies have been conducted on novice (Almeida et al. 2011 ; Lin 2013 ) and experienced agile teams (Masood et al. 2017a ; Masood et al. 2017b ) to study task allocation decisions, strategies and workflow mechanisms. These studies inform us that tasks assignment in Agile teams is not the sole responsibility of the manager or other team members.

Self-directed task allocation or self-assignment is acknowledged as a fundamental characteristic of self-organized teams (Vidgen and Wang 2009 ; Deemer et al. 2012 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ; Strode 2016 ; Hoda and Noble 2017 ). Yet, research on self-assignment in agile software teams has been limited in scale and depth. The focus of such studies has mostly been around task allocation in global software development (Simão Filho et al. 2015 ). Mak and Kruchten ( 2006 ) proposed an approach to address issues that managers face for task-coordination and allocation in global software development environments using agile methods. The proposed solution and Java/Eclipse-based distributed tool ‘NextMove’ was meant to facilitate project managers in the prioritization of current tasks and generation of suitability ranking of team members against each available task helping project managers in making day-to-day task allocation decisions. Other researchers have proposed approaches (Mak and Kruchten 2006 ), models (Almeida et al. 2011 ) and frameworks (Lin 2013 ) to address task allocations problems in global software development contexts where agile was being used. The unique context of global software development implies the challenges of task allocation were more to do with the teams being distributed rather than them practicing agile methods.

Self-assignment of tasks has also been observed in open source software (OSS) development in both commercial and non-commercial projects (Crowston et al. 2007 ; Kalliamvakou et al. 2015 ). In an empirical study (Crowston et al. 2007 ), developers’ interaction data from three free/libre open source software (FLOSS) projects was examined to understand the process by which developers from self-organized distributed teams contribute to project development. Self-assignment was reported as the most common mechanism among five task assignment mechanisms, the remaining being, (a) assign to a specified person, (b) assign to an un-specified person, (c) ask a person outside project development team, and (d) suggest consulting with others. Task allocation in FLOSS development was seen to not involve any micro-management or task delegation through a project manager or an employer. Since these teams are composed of volunteers, the task assignment was mostly based on the personal interests of the contributor. The study identified several drawbacks such as people picking work, they are not good at or lacking prior experience which could impact the quality of the contribution and may require review by others. Similarly, developing code management practices and designing and using such tools is challenging when multiple developers contribute to the same parts of the project.

Existing research on self-assignment in co-located, e.g. non-distributed and non-open source, agile teams is very limited. Self-assignment in new agile teams is seen to happen as a gradual process, retaining a manager’s role at the beginning for tasks delegation (Hoda and Noble 2017 ). Our preliminary work conducted on a dataset of 12 agile practitioners from four teams of a single company based in India confirmed five main types of task allocation approaches in agile teams: manager-driven, manager-assisted, team-driven, team-assisted, and or self-directed (Masood et al. 2017a ). With time and experience, agile teams seem to dispose of the command and control attitude and are instead seen to move towards manager-assisted or team-assisted assignment and, in some cases, towards practicing self-assignment over time (Hoda and Noble 2017 ; Masood et al. 2017a ). As a part of that preliminary work, we also identified some motivational factors that agile developers take into account while self-assigning tasks such as technical complexity, business priority, previous experience with similar tasks, and others (Masood et al. 2017b ). However, we do not know in-depth what strategies the teams use to make self-assignment work despite certain intervening conditions. In this study, we investigated how self-assignment works in agile teams in a way that it’s not only beneficial to individuals, teams, and projects but also to the organizations.

Here we presented an overview of the related works of task allocation in agile software development. We will revisit them in light of our findings in Section 5 , comparison to related work .

3 Research Method

After considering a number of potentially suitable methodologies such as Case study (Yin 2002 ), Ethnography (Fetterman 2019 ), and Grounded Theory (Glaser 1978 ; Strauss and Corbin 1990 ), we adopted Grounded Theory (GT). The interest of researchers towards generating a theory to explain how agile teams make self-assignment work using a cross-sectional dataset not limited to few cases or organizations led the researchers to use GT. The intention is to uncover self-assignment from empirical data rather than validating any existing theories or hypotheses. Also, the focus of this study is around understanding the process, investigating strategies, and exploring underlying behaviours, and influencing factors, and so GT was particularly well-suited.

GT comes in various versions, Classical/Glaserian , Strauss and Corbin, and Charmaz Constructivist , we employed the Strauss and Corbin version due to several reasons:

It follows a more prescriptive approach than classical GT (Coleman and O’Connor 2007 ; Kelle 2007 ) leading the researcher through clear guidelines, and, as a novice GT researcher, the first author found this useful.

It builds on research question which is open ended and drives the direction of research (Strauss and Corbin 1998 ).

It provides an additional analytic tool for axial coding in the form of a coding paradigm, which can help GT researchers identify the categories, sub-categories, and their relationships much earlier in contrast to classical GT theory where this emerges after multiple rounds of analysis (Seidel and Urquhart 2016 ).

The study comprises of two phases, each including multiple iterations of data collection and analysis as shown in Fig. 1 . In the first phase, we explored the task allocation process in Agile teams. In the second phase, we narrowed down our focus to self-assignment as a specific task allocation process. We collected the data in multiple rounds, data of each round was analysed before collecting more data to ensure theoretical sampling. This was done until we reached theoretical saturation. This is evident from our interview questions which were revisited and revised to meet the narrowing focus of the GT study. The primary data sources for phase1 were face-to-face interviews and for phase2 were pre-interview questionnaires, face-to-face semi-structured interviews, and team observations of agile practices. We describe these in the following sections. The additional documents, such as interview guides, pre-interview questionnaire etc. can be found as supplementary material (Masood et al. 2020 ).

figure 1

Phases of iterative Data Collection & Analysis (DSM = Daily Stand-Up; SPM = Sprint Planning Meeting; TBS = Task Breakdown Session; CR = Code-Review; RET = Retrospective; TRI=Squad Triage; BP = Backlog Prioritization)

3.1 Data Collection & Analysis (Phase1)

Phase1 aimed to investigate the task allocation process in agile teams. The focus was to study the task allocation strategies in agile teams. The authors collectively prepared the interview guide (all authors), conducted semi-structured interviews (second author), transcribed the interview recordings (first author) and analysed (all authors) to reduce any bias and improve internal validity through researcher triangulation. The interview guide designed to collect data for this phase focused on four main areas (Fig.  2 ):

professional background: e.g. please tell me about your professional background

agile experience e.g. how long have you been using agile practices?

current team and project, e.g. which practices have been used regularly on this project?

task allocation practices e.g. how does task allocation happen in your team?

figure 2

Examples of interview questions for Phase1 and 2

We sent invitation to the “Agile India” group to recruit participants for phase1. An Indian software company responded with a willingness to participate in the study. We interviewed 12 participants in-person from that company. Table 1 summarizes the demographics of the participants (P1-P12), highlighted in lighter shade of grey. Each interview took approximately 30–60 min. These face-to-face interviews helped to record the verbal information and capture the interviewee’s expressions and tone (Hoda et al. 2012 ). All these interviews were recorded and transcribed for analysis. The data collected from phase1 was manually added in NVivo data analysis software. The data collected helped in developing an initial understanding of task allocation in agile teams. We applied open coding, the Strauss and Corbin GT’s procedure of data analysis (Strauss and Corbin 1990 ) on participants’ transcribed interview responses. During open coding, we labelled the data with short phrases that summarize the main key points. These were further condensed into two to three words, captured as codes in the NVivo. As a result of data analysis, different concepts from similar codes emerged, one the most prominent of which was task allocation through self-assignment. Others included manager-driven, manager-assisted, team-driven, and team-assisted task allocation (Masood et al. 2017a ). The results of phase1 directed us to focus on self-assignment as the substantive area of the study in the next phase.

3.2 Data Collection (phase 2)

Phase2 aimed to investigate self-assignment as a task allocation practice and explore how agile teams make self-assignment work. The goal of the study was to build a theory to identify what leads to and facilitates self-assignment process, what strategies are used by the agile teams to make self-assignment work, and the consequences of these strategies. As with phase1, the authors collectively prepared the instruments i.e. pre-interview questionnaire and interview guide (all authors), conducted interviews (first author), and analysed them (all authors) to mitigate potential bias. The pre-interview questionnaire gathered basic and professional details of the participants and the interview guide was primarily used to facilitate the interviewer and the interview process to collect details around various aspects of self-assignment. The interview guide was refined throughout to accommodate the exploratory nature of the study. All the interviews conducted during phase2 were transcribed for analysis either by the first author or the third-party transcribers. The pre-interview questionnaire and the interview guide used to collect data during the phase2 focused on the following main areas (Fig. 2 ):

current team and project, e.g. which agile practices have been used regularly on this project?

Various aspects of self-assignment, e.g. How does self-assignment take place in your team? What problems do you (as a developer)/your team (as a manager) face while picking up tasks? Please provide an example with how these problems were solved.

Following Grounded Theory’s guidelines of refinement and constant narrowing-down, the interview focused on self-assignment and its various aspects. From phase1, we noticed that capturing participants’ demographics data was taking a significant amount of time during the interview, sometimes leaving interesting aspects unexplored. So, for phase2, demographics and supporting details such as professional background, agile experience, current team and project related details were gathered using a pre-interview questionnaire filled by each participant before their interview.

To recruit participants for phase2, we sent invitations to multiple online groups, and those who showed willingness to participate verbally or through emails were contacted. Social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Meetups groups such as “Agile Auckland”, “Auckland Software Craftsmanship” served as useful platforms to recruit participants in New Zealand. Once a participant contacted us showing their willingness, we requested them to share basic and professional details through the pre-interview questionnaire. The details gathered from the pre-interview questionnaire also helped us limit our context to individuals and teams who practice self-assignment at some level and with varied frequency (always, frequently, rarely, and occasionally). Agile teams not practicing self-assignment were out of scope. We conducted 30 more interviews (28 in-person and 2 via Skype). These semi-structured interviews were conducted for 30–60 min per participant. Table 1 summarizes the demographics of the participants involved in the phase2 of study in darker shade of grey.

The first author attended multiple sessions of agile practices while observing agile team ‘T11’ comprised of 7 members. This included attending four daily stand-ups of duration 10–15 min each, two one-hour sprint planning meetings for two sprints, two-hours task-breakdown sessions for two sprints, one 30-mins code-review session, four squad triage sessions of 10–15 min each which focused on the outstanding issues requiring clarifications, discussions or any decisions, one backlog prioritization 30 mins, and an hour long retrospective meeting. Figure 3 . captures some glimpses of the sessions attended during these observations. Observations of practices supplemented our understanding of the self-assignment process, practices, and strategies followed by the teams.

figure 3

Team T11 Observations (Top left: Sprint Planning, Top right: Task Breakdown & Allocation Session, Bottom left: Physical Task Board, Bottom right: Digital Task Board)

The entire study involved 42 participants represented through numbers P1 to P42 for confidentiality reasons. Table 1 summarizes the demographics of all the participants. Participants were working for software companies developing software solutions for healthcare, accounting, finance, transport, business analytics, and cloud services. Participants were working in New Zealand (71.5%) and India (28.5%) and varied in gender with 86% male and 14% female. Age and professional experience varied from 2 to 25 years of experience. They were directly involved in the software development with job titles as developer, consultant, product owner, architect, lead developer, and scrum master. Most of the participants were practicing Scrum, whereas some used a combination of Scrum and Kanban. They used agile practices such as daily meetings, customer demos, pair programming, iteration planning, release planning, reviews and retrospectives.

3.3 Data Analysis (phase 2)

The Strauss and Corbin’s version of GT comprises of three data analysis procedures: open, axial, and selective coding (Strauss and Corbin 1990 ). All these procedures were interwoven and were conducted mainly by the first author with the underlying steps such as defining emerging codes, concepts, sub-categories, and categories being thoroughly discussed on an on-going basis, and finalized with the co-authors, including a GT expert. The use of analytical tools such as diagramming, whiteboarding, and memo writing facilitated the analysis process. The quantitative data was collected using a pre-interview questionnaire and the qualitative data in the form of transcripts, observation notes, and images were uploaded in NVivo. Figure 4 provides a step-by-step example of applying all these procedures.

figure 4

Example of applying Grounded Theory data analysis procedures, Open Coding, Axial Coding, Selective Coding

Open coding

We started the data analysis with open coding, in which all the interview transcripts were analysed either line by line or paragraph by paragraph as appropriate and represented with short phrases as codes in the NVivo software. With constant comparison within same and across different transcripts, we grouped similar codes to define a concept , a higher level of abstraction. Sometimes, multiple concepts were generated from single quotes as shown in a few examples in Fig.  4 . These concepts were identified in the data and sometimes defined in terms of their properties and dimensions to contextualize and refine the concepts. The extent to which this could be done relied on the level of details were shared by the participants. Then, we integrated concepts into the next level of data abstraction, categories . The outcome of open coding was a set of concepts and categories.

Figure 4 illustrates the open coding and constant comparison procedures using multiple examples, starting from the raw interview transcripts of the participants [P13, P18, P21, P26, P31], and observation notes [T11] listing the category, concept, property and dimensions for each transcript excerpt as examples. For example, excerpt from P13 resulted in multiple concepts ‘picking complex tasks’, ‘lacking expertise’, ‘demanding effort’ . All these were grouped under the category ‘barriers to self-assignment’. These came from the answers to questions like ‘ What problems and challenges do you (as a developer)/your team (as a manager) face while picking up tasks? ’. In addition to concepts and categories, we also identified properties and dimensions. Properties are ‘ characteristics that define and explain a concept’ and dimensions are ‘variations within properties’ . For example, one of the participants P31 shared that their presence influenced people’s self- assignment choices and decisions. This led us to classify ‘ intervention’ as a property, and ‘ intervention level’ as a dimension (see Fig. 4 ). The open coding process was applied on the entire data set (interviews and observations) of the study. This way all the conditions, strategies and consequences were identified, categorized, and reported. The categorisation was discussed during regular team meetings and refined with constant feedback from the co-authors.

Axial coding

Next, we applied axial coding, a ‘process of systematically relating categories and sub-categories’ . Sub-categories are also concepts that refer to a category providing further clarifications/details. Strauss recommends using ‘analytical tools’ to define relationships between categories and sub-categories (Strauss and Corbin 1990 ). One such tool is Coding Paradigm which guides the researcher to illuminate the conceptual relationships between concepts/categories by identifying the conditions, actions/interactions, and consequences associated with a phenomenon. Strauss proposed variants of the coding paradigm to facilitate axial coding (Urquhart 2012 ). All of these are used as analytical tools and organization schemes (Corbin and Strauss 2008 ) which help to arrange the emerging connections and identify the relationships. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the very few software engineering research studies (Giardino et al. 2015 ; Lee and Kang 2016 ) that apply and illustrate an in-depth application of Strauss and Corbin’s Grounded Theory, including the use of their “coding paradigm” (in Fig.  5 , presenting the Phenomenon, Context, Causal Condition, Intervening Conditions, Strategies, and Consequences).

figure 5

How agile teams make self-assignment work (using Strauss’s Coding Paradigm, including Phenomenon, Context, Causal Condition, Intervening Conditions, Strategies, and Consequences)

In Selective Coding , we started building a storyline presenting the essence of our study where each sub-category and category captured a part of the whole story of making self-assignment work (presented in Fig. 4 ). How agile teams make self-assignment work emerged as the most prominent and central phenomenon from our data analysis process (described in section 4 ) that was binding all the sub-categories together, strengthening the relationships identified during the axial coding. It was during the selective coding, we confirmed which relational phrases such as ‘mediates’, ‘overcome by’, ‘give rise to’ were fitting well to our entire theory model in Fig. 5 . It was also during the selective coding, when theoretical saturation was reached and no new concepts, categories or insights were identified. Then, finally we revisited and refined the categories to make sense of the entire theory explaining the phenomenon.

We present our grounded theory of making self-assignment work in agile teams . The section is structured to follow Fig. 5 . which visually represents our theory and illustrates its categories in the following sub-sections in detail. In the following sections, we present all our findings that comprise the overall theory (Fig. 5 ), including plenty of quotations from the raw data and sample observation notes/memos.

The grounded theory of making self-assignment work in agile teams explains the ( a ) context (described in section 4.2 ) and ( b ) causal conditions that give rise to the need for self-assignment (described in section 4.3 ), ( c ) a set of facilitating conditions that mediate how self-assignment may be enabled (described in section 4.4.1 ), ( d ) a set of constraining conditions that mediate how self-assignment may be constrained (described in section 4.4.2 ) and which are overcome by a set of ( e ) strategies applied by agile teams (described in section 4.5 ), which in turn result in ( f ) a set of consequences (described in section 4.6 ), all in an attempt to make the central phenomenon, self-assignment, work.

4.1 The Phenomenon – How Agile Teams Make Self-assignment Work

One of the key findings of our study is that self-assignment is not as easy and straightforward as might be expected. It comes with challenges and requires a set of strategies to make it work in practice. Our findings indicate clearly that self-assignment does not simply imply picking whatever tasks team members want. Development team members are bound to choose tasks based on their business needs and priorities as stated by P30.

‘It’s not just like, go out there and choose whatever you want to work on…it’s like team commits, and whatever they’ve committed, they’ve selected tasks from a triaged [prioritized] list and they’re committing to that work.’ – P30, Lead Developer

We identified that transitions to self-assignment does not happen automatically but teams with a positive mindset, an encouraging Scrum Master who values teams and empowers autonomy, and the use of effective strategies lead to effective self-assignment smoothly. As such, the key phenomenon identified in our analysis was “ how agile teams make self-assignment work ”.

4.2 The Context– Contextual Details and Conditions

Beyond the demographics captured in the pre-interview questionnaires (participant age, gender, experience, etc.), other contextual details emerged during our in-person interviews and while observing team practices to understand how self-assignment works. The variation in the team setup (co-located, distributed), work experience (novice, experienced) and team’s agile experience (novice, transitional, mature) can have influence on the facilitating/constraining conditions and corresponding strategies. We will see that the contextual conditions vary in their application. For example, strategies identified to facilitate self-assignment in distributed team contexts were different to those for co-located team context. Similarly, strategies for new team members were different from those for mature, experienced teams. While manager intervention may not be a constraining condition for teams with flat structure without managers and so the strategies cannot be applied in such settings. Teams self-selecting their tasks at the beginning of the sprint may have different constraining conditions when compared to teams which self-assign the tasks during the sprint. The contextual details are best understood in relation to the related conditions and strategies, and so these contextual details are weaved into our descriptions in the following sub-sections.

4.3 The Causal Conditions – Leading to Adopting Self-assignment

In this study, the participants were questioned about why they chose to self-assign. In result, we identified many different reasons for adopting self-assignment. The most common cause was it being a natural part of the agile transformation represented as U1. Other causes reported by the participants are related to issues with manager-driven assignment referred by U2. We used the term ‘manager’ to refer to all management roles (i.e. project managers, scrum masters, and team leads).

4.3.1 U1: Natural Part of Agile Transformation

The most common rationale [ N  = 10] behind opting to practice self-assignment evolved naturally with an understanding of the scrum methodology (Deemer et al. 2012 ) and agile manifesto (Beck et al. 2001 ). As teams adopted agile methods, they also became more self-organized.

‘...It [self-assignment] naturally started off that individuals in a team are responsible to go and select ... So, I think it was just our understanding of the Scrum methodology and agile Manifesto’ –P42, Technical Lead

4.3.2 U2: Issues with Manager-driven Assignment

Issues with the manager-driven assignment approach caused some participants to drift towards self-assignment. These issues include growing frustrations among team members, lack of motivation, low quality of work and inaccurate estimates.

Growing frustrations among team members

A quality assurance analyst P36 identified frustrations as a cause that led to the team adopting self-assignment. The Scrum Master may not always be aware of frustrations of the team, as explained by the participant, recalling a particularly challenging experience:

‘It was one Quality Assurance Analyst, she broke down, saying that I can’t do it anymore. She was required [assigned] to test something in the cloud, introducing her in just the last minute… When I saw her collapsing down, I had lots of empathy with her. And then in our retrospective, I also started exploding and I’m not taking any allocation. This is all going wrong. The scrum master went back, she came again, and she said, I will not allocate anything, you, as a team, sort out the distribution.’ –P36, Quality Assurance Analyst

Lack of motivation

Some participants described that team members are more motivated and happier when they have some level of ownership and when they see value in what they’re doing. For example, participant P41 highlighted lack of motivation as a reason to replace the manager-driven task allocation with self-assignment and participant P40 revealed happiness among team members with self-assignment.

‘Prior to this [self-assignment] they [team members] were less motivated’ –P41, Senior Architect ‘With self-assignment people are happier. They feel more in charge of what they’re doing, they have that sense of ownership.’-P40, Consultant

Low quality

It was also indicated that when it was someone else in the team assigning the tasks, the quality of the work was not that good. This could be because the person assigning the task may not always be well-aware of an individual’s technical skills and interests.

‘[Earlier] most of the time it was Scrum Master or the PM’s say who’s going to do what….and the quality of the output wasn’t that great’ – P37, Head of Product Delivery

This in a way is correlated with lack of motivation as work quality is good when the team members are motivated and more committed.

‘When they [team members] are motivated, I see them delivering exceptional results’ –P41, Senior Architect

Inaccurate estimates

It was also reported that the shortcomings of manager-driven task allocation helped participants take up self-assignment. One of these shortcomings was the possibility of making wrong assumptions because the manager was not always fully aware of the actual implementation details, underlying technical risks, and the expected time to perform a task, potentially leading to inaccurate estimates.

‘When a manager hands it [user stories/tasks] down, often they’ll either make estimates, and then they’ll hold you to their estimates and then there are all sorts of problems. – P15, Technical Lead & Scrum Master

The developer P16, agreed with the Scrum Master’s point of view.

‘Team deciding on their own capacity is better than being handed down [estimates] because if a manager puts their finger in the air and makes a wrong assumption, that sends unrealistic message to the business’ – P16, Developer

4.4 The Intervening Conditions – Conditions Influencing Self-assignment

These causal conditions led agile teams to adopt and practice self-assignment. Next, we will see what and how the intervening conditions influence the self-assignment process. We have elaborated these conditions as factors that facilitate or constrain our phenomenon. The conditions that facilitated the self-assignment process are described as facilitating conditions in sub-section 4.4.1 and the conditions that hindered the process are mentioned as constraining conditions in sub-section 4.4.2 . These are listed in Table 3 .

4.4.1 Conditions Facilitating Self-assignment

There are certain facilitating conditions, which are broad, general conditions that influence the phenomenon. The phenomenon can be facilitated provided these conditions are met. In this study, we identified nine facilitating conditions classified into three categories. Some of these are specified as attributes of the artefacts and agile practices, others as attributes of people.

Artefacts-related facilitating conditions

Agile teams create artefacts in the course of product development. These artefacts are useful in tracking product progress, providing transparency and prospects for inspection and adaptation to the stakeholders (Schwaber and Sutherland 2011 ). Some of the common Scrum artefacts are Product backlog, Sprint backlog, Definition of Done (DoD), etc. (Deemer et al. 2012 ). Attributes of agile artefacts were reported to facilitate self-assignment, such as F1 ( appropriate task information ), F2 ( appropriate task breakdown ), F3 ( well-defined Definition of Done ), and F4 ( well-groomed product backlog ). These are detailed through examples below.

F1: Appropriate task information. Requirements-related work items in agile are generally defined as epics or features (for high-level requirements) and user stories or tasks (for lower level requirements) (Bick et al. 2018 ). High-level work items are generally allocated to the development teams who break them down into user stories and technical tasks either individually or collectively. Providing enough information on the work items was seen to be of vital importance to effective self-assignment and is identified as the most important facilitating condition as stated by a majority of the participants [P14, P18, P19, P20, P22, P26, P28 - P31, P37, P40-P42]. The team members understand the problem and feel confident to self-assign if sufficient details are provided against the work items. Having comprehensive information not only helps the development team understand the problem and propose solutions but also identifies the task dependencies involved and the impact it makes on other modules. Particularly, this supports the junior team members who are initially hesitant to ask for help. Additionally, with enough details on the tasks, it is quite unlikely that team members will have to go to other team members for getting clarifications and instead rely on themselves. This is accepted by both the managers and the developers as indicated in quotes below.

‘It [task] should have enough details, that’s the most important thing.’ –P22, Developer ‘You’ve got to make sure that you have enough information either in the card or in the explanation so that they (team members) do feel confident with taking on that task.’ – P14, Technical lead & Developer

F2: Appropriate task breakdown . Appropriate level of granularity while breaking down tasks is seen to drive the work allocation in the right way. This indicates that it’s not just the task’s comprehensiveness that makes it understandable to team members, but the way the breakdown is done also adds clarity on it. For example, while defining a form if developers start writing about every field name as a task, most of the time will be taken defining it which is not useful in any way. If the tasks are not broken down appropriately it could lead to ambiguity resulting in assignee’s lack of confidence to complete the task on time. A more decent breakdown of tasks facilitates the individuals in making reasonable choices as it makes the tasks clearer, more understandable, and easier to do.

‘The key is not to split tasks to such a smaller level so that it becomes very difficult to allocate. You want granularity but you want a certain level of granularity’ – P18, Software Architect

F3: Well-defined Definition of Done. DoD provides clarity to work item’s (feature, story, or task) definition and is considered met when it fulfils the customer’s acceptance criteria. If the acceptance criteria or DoD is vague and lacks clarity, then there is a potential risk of wrong interpretations of the work items. The team members may not pick them to avoid discussions required to gain clarity or assume the task could be harder to complete. They may not pick them considering that fleshing out the right acceptance criteria would be an additional task. Well-defined done criteria help in making effective choices while self-assignment tasks, as stated by P27.

‘It is important that done criteria is properly defined at the beginning of the sprint or whenever the task is available, with insufficient DoD they [team members] are unlike to choose the work’ – P27, Developer

F4: Well-groomed product backlog . Agile teams perform product backlog grooming and refinement sessions mainly to refine and improve user stories, and to estimate and prioritize the backlog items (Deemer et al. 2012 ). A well-refined structure in the product backlog seems to contribute as a facilitating factor towards effective self-assignment. The backlog should not be only well-groomed but also consistent so that it’s not undergoing extraneous changes in priorities. With too many changing priorities, the backlog can be unwieldy and challenging to manage as indicated by P29.

‘If you have an environment where the backlog of stories coming up, or switching the priorities, or changing every day, then it’s hard’ – P29, Developer & Scrum Master

Well-defined and detailed artefacts and concepts such as the technical tasks or user stories, product backlog and definition of done facilitated self-assignment.

Practices-related facilitating conditions

Facilitating conditions consisted of practices such as F5 ( collective estimation and task breakdown ) and F6 ( estimation before prioritization ).

F5: Collective estimation and task breakdown entails a combined effort involving everyone in the team (Deemer et al. 2012 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). This helps in getting input from all the team members, sometimes defending their individual estimates, sharing assumptions and knowledge, keeping all on the same page, therefore providing all team members the opportunity to choose any task. This collective estimation and effort support collective awareness of the task. No one can disregard a task as the team members collectively perform the breakdown and estimation of tasks, share the information, help and indicate the right direction so the chances of mistakes and inaccurate estimates can be less.

‘During the planning we do everything together, sharing, creating the tasks, it means that everyone knows and owns those tasks. So, no one could say I didn’t grab a task, it’s not my estimate’ – P15, Technical Lead & Scrum Master

F6: Estimation before prioritization. In a few cases, it is seen as important to estimate tasks well in advance of the sprint. Having estimations a few iterations ahead of the sprint was seen to help the teams practice self-assignment since it ensures a long list of tasks is available to choose from providing more options for the team to select and exercise autonomy. This provides an opportunity to get prepared for the work in advance allowing the team to move tasks as per their and business needs. As a result, team members can commit to tasks of their choice.

‘We made sure that we were about 4 to 5, maybe more, Sprints ahead in estimation at any point in time. So the problem with prioritising before estimation is that when the team commits, the set of options is very small so they don't actually feel like they’re exercising autonomy. So by giving us the flexibility to be 5-6 Sprints ahead, allowed the team to go, ‘you know, if we do this thing that’s in Sprint number 4 now, you know, we’re preparing the groundwork for something that’s coming later, let’s move that up’. And now the team starts self-organising or practicing autonomy’ – P30, Lead Developer

As reported, this worked well in an experienced autonomous team of developers who were free to bring items into the backlog, based on their requirements. The team was doing estimations within a two-week Sprint, product grooming three times, every two weeks. It should be noted that estimating 4–5 sprints in advance may not be practical in all settings due to time constraints. However, estimating 2–3 sprints ahead may not be that unrealistic as a trade-off for the team to self-organize and practice autonomy.

People-related facilitating conditions

Some attributes of the people involved in the self-assignment, such as F7 ( In-depth product knowledge ), F8 ( Good understanding of problem ), F9 ( People behaviour including technical self-awareness, sense of ownership, understanding of importance ) are also reported to mediate the self-assignment process.

F7: Strong product knowledge. Strong in-depth product knowledge makes developers and testers familiar with different areas of the application. That makes them more competent, and they are more comfortable to make the right choices when self-assigning tasks. It is likely to build their confidence, increase productivity, and improve their work quality.

‘Well naturally whoever knows the area of work, the piece of software or the problem that needs to be addressed that’s most productive’ – P20, Lead Developer

F8: Good understanding of problem. Also, understanding the work items and associated problems plays an important role as acknowledged by both developers and Scrum Masters. With an incorrect understanding of a problem, it is possible that the attempts to resolve the problem will also be flawed. Therefore, having a mutual and accurate understanding of the problem is important for self-assignment. Developers are typically seen reluctant to choose the tasks that they do not understand well as indicated by P29.

‘Having a good understanding of the stories that need to be done, I think that is important. If I have many questions about a story, I can’t self-assign, because I don’t know what needs to be done.’ – P29, Developer & Scrum Master

F9: People Behaviour. Additionally, other behaviours and attitudes that were reported as facilitating conditions by multiple experienced managers and team members were: self-awareness of technical abilities as a team or as individuals and having sense of ownership and commitment. If the individuals and teams are well-aware of their technical abilities, they would make reasonable choices individually or collectively.

It has been acknowledged both by the managers and agile team members that when people select a task, they have the freedom to choose their own direction which boosts their motivation to perform better.

‘The most important thing in my view is people have buy-in, they commit and agree on the tasks that they want to go and do. And I think that gives them a sense of ownership, it gives them a sense of choice and commitment.’ –P42, Technical Lead

With this autonomy and opportunity to choose, one can naturally grow responsibility and commitment towards that work enabling a sense of ownership. On the other hand, if the team members are being forced to work on something, they are less likely to own it. This indicates if these attitudes are manifested in individuals, they can help to facilitate the self-assignment process.

4.4.2 Conditions Constraining Self-assignment

We identified ten conditions that were seen to constrain self-assignment through posing some challenges. Similar to the facilitating conditions, these fall under Practices, Artefacts and People-related conditions.

Artefacts-related constraining conditions

The only constraining condition reported in this study under artefacts is C1 ( Self-assignment for Dependent tasks ) which is listed below.

C1: Self-assignment for Dependent tasks. Some tasks rely on other tasks to be completed before they can be started. This can sometimes be challenging as some developers may pick work which may have a dependency on other tasks in the sprint. If the team members are unaware of these dependencies, they will likely self-assign such tasks, which can lead to slow or minimal progress.

‘Certain stories are dependent, but we avoid that as much as possible’ – P32, Developer ‘We try to avoid having dependant tasks, but it happen’ – P16, Developer

Practices-related constraining conditions

C2 ( Urgent Work ), C3 ( Tracking work distribution and accountability ), and C4 ( Distance Factor ) are identified as constraining conditions influencing the self-assignment process.

C2: Urgent Work. Many participants indicated that urgent work coming during the running sprint is one of the most influential factors that constrains practicing self-assignment [P13, P14, P16, P18, P19, P21, P23, P25, P28, P30, P33-P36, P40, P41]. When there is some high priority urgent task, e.g. a high impact bug in some part of the application or a show-stopper support reported by the customer, then self-assignment is constrained. An example of such work is shared below.

‘When product owner is getting feedback from the app stores about…..being annoying for customers…., Well guys, it’s really important that we squeeze this in as customers are really complaining about it’ – P23, Test Analyst

This is sometimes disturbing for the team members as it supersedes their ability to choose and takes away time and resources from the ongoing sprint. One of the participants disclosed this as follows:

‘Obviously, there are urgent stuff that just gets put onto my desk’ –P19, Developer

Another participant indicated that they could refuse to take up such urgent things but find it culturally incorrect. This could be because knowing the urgent nature of the work, and still not showing a willingness to work on such task may not please the manager or contradicts the team or business interest.

‘ Although we can say no, we’re not gonna do it, but it wouldn’t be culturally nice to say that ’ – P23, Test Analyst

C3: Tracking work distribution and accountability. Multiple team members choosing the tasks on the go during the running sprint gets challenging as no single individual is directly accountable for any specific issue which is reported later on. This is because multiple people contribute to one story by committing to different tasks. For instance, a story X may consist of 10 tasks, and if these tasks are done by five different developers, it could be hard to backtrack an issue as so many developers have been involved in the development of the story as stated by one participant. However, this is not reported to happen frequently.

‘ You may get [into situations], like if there’s a problem found [later], there may be less ownership on, maybe five people worked on a story, well, whose bug is that, yeah (laughter).’ – P15, Technical Lead & Scrum Master

As the team members are given freedom to choose tasks they may not choose wisely and make wrong estimations. The reasons could be that they try to impress a manager by taking more, long or complicated tasks or want to show their efficiency by working harder. This can sometimes lead to situations where the product is delayed due to the fact the person is not able to finish the tasks they committed. They are given a choice, but their wrong choice led to significant delays. However, managers sometime feel that people are not choosing enough tasks for a sprint.

‘The only bit of it[self-assignment] that I don’t like is it can get a little bit unambitious in terms of what can I get done. Like it’s easy to have an expectation set of 20 points per person, per Sprint for example. And mentally that’s what I tend to think …But sometimes I wonder if there would be more that could be done if people worked harder...And I felt like either somebody wasn’t working on their tasks or it wasn’t getting done’ – P31, Development Manager

One the other hand, one of the participants P20 shared the experience of penalizing by over-committing more tasks in a particular sprint and acknowledged picking amount of work that they are sure to accomplish.

I [team member] remember my took on a lot of work through, and hadn't finished things at the end of the sprint and so things were uncompleted and he [Manager] doesn't like that. So, I felt like trying to work hard is penalized. So, what happens now is I’ll do all the work in the sprint, won’t take on anything else’ – P20, Lead Developer

C4: Distance Factor. The distance factor , or remote location of teams and working across different time zones, seems to influence the application of self-assignment in some way as brought up by a couple of participants. This especially happens when half of the team is sitting close to the Product Owner or the client while the other half don’t have Product Owner or the client representative. They don’t get as much connectivity as the collocated ones and particularly disadvantaged when people don’t speak very clearly during discussions, missing some important piece of information. Similarly, the collocated members get an edge of expressing their interest for any task grabbing it earlier, enjoy the opportunity to show their enthusiasm and collaborate with the client in person. When the development team is collocated, it enhances communication and coordination of activities while picking tasks, e.g. sharing prior knowledge on a task, less or no pair programming with a remote team member. Working with teams in different time zones is more challenging. There is a good chance to struggle to get a task of interest if teams are operating in different time zones.

One of the team members who worked remotely revealed that being away from team physically sometimes jeopardized practicing self-assignment in its true essence.

‘Sometimes we are on remote call, client and US team are together in same room, when they start picking the tickets, having discussions, everyone is interested doing that work they have advantage of raising their hands they will quickly say ‘Hey, I'm interested ...they have advantage.... auction never starts here’ –P1, Tech Lead ‘If some person is on a different time zone, he’s still sleeping, and the job comes in today, how can he know, how can he assign himself on that? I’m going to do it.’ – P33, Tester

One manager shared how working dynamics such as real physical presence, missing facial expressions and gestures, sharing thoughts and skipping offline talks and different insights can undermine the self-assignment for people working remotely.

‘If you’re not in the room with seven other people, you’re on a speaker phone, you can’t see what’s going on, don’t experience the dynamic. And then people vote because you’re not seeing the hands go up, you’re not influenced by the democratic process. So, you have a different thought or insight because everybody else has been talking about it offline or whatever the case may be so, there’s a gap.’ – P30, Lead Developer

While observing one of the stand-up meetings [T11], one developer who used to work remotely for a couple of days every week due to some personal situation seemed disadvantaged. The daily stand-up was a lot harder, he had to dial in for it, and the team had to relocate to the recreation area for making the call. While observing the stand-up, we also noticed that the people weren’t speaking very clearly, so he probably did not hear half of it and even his voice broke up once during the call. Above we have included a memo (Fig. 6 .) saved in NVivo on to exemplify the influence of distance factor on making self-assignment work.

figure 6

Memo on influence of distance factor on self-assignment

Some intervening conditions apply to a specific context as identified by memo (See Fig. 5 .), e.g. distance factor is specified as one of the constraining factors, but this only applies when one or more team members are working remotely. These constraining conditions lead to certain action/interaction strategies which are adopted by agile individuals and teams as presented in Fig. 7 .

People-related constraining conditions

Some of these constraining conditions are associated to people’s behaviours. These are C5 ( Manager Intervention ), C6 ( Inadequate expertise & resources ), C7 ( Multiple people interested in similar tasks ), C8 ( Self-assigning tasks not skilled at ), C9 ( Self-assignment for new team members ), and C10 ( Personality Traits ).

C5: Manager Intervention. Some technical managers or leads were often found proposing or suggesting their way of doing things. This emerged as another intervening condition in letting team members practice self-assignment. The managers may not necessarily push their decisions, but team members may not like this interference while performing the task. They rather prefer doing it on their own without any directions as shared by P19.

‘But there definitely been times when he [manager] looked over and given suggestions. So, I don't really mind but I prefer him to not be there just so I can do it [task] on my own.’ – P19, Developer

On the other side, manager intervention can also be inadvertent. One manager talked about instances when it’s not their intention to assign tasks but the gestures like looking at someone during the daily stand-up, asking a question about a task or discussing an issue gives them an indication that the manager wants them to pick it. Another manager accepted that there are still times when they could not resist assigning a task, limiting the team members to make their own choices.

‘I guess there are still times where I might go up to someone and effectively assign them the task, because I’ve asked them a question and then I’ve said can you look into this... So that still does happen.’ – P31, Development Manager

Similarly, while observing team’s sprint planning meeting, this was also noticed that the manager having an eye contact with one of the developers while elaborating a story might have influenced the developer choosing the story as that team member was seen to self-assign that story.

C6: Inadequate Expertise & Resources . As another constraining factor, sometimes inadequate or limited resources are seen to influence the smooth execution of self-assignment. As an example, in a team with one tester, there is no option of choosing tasks. As an exceptional case, when most of the members in the team happened to be away, then also self-assignment is kept back.

‘There’s no self-assignment, because the Quality Assurance Analyst is a single person, he cannot, it’s only the Quality Assurance Analyst who can take up the thing –P29, Developer & Scrum Master

Also, sometimes managers and scrum masters have to assign tasks to keep a balance for equal distribution of work among the resources. For instance, if there is a high priority task that must be assigned, it goes to the person who is free but if it was not high priority, it could just go in the queue. Participant P21 shared an example of this as:

‘I [Scrum Master] tend to have something in my mind about who might be assigned partly because I want to make the logistics work, this person becomes free, this person has some other work therefore it probably goes to the person who is free.’ – P21, Scrum Master

From these examples, it is evident that sometimes when the resources are not fully available the manager has to purposely suspend self-assignment. Also, to keep a check and balance. This indicates that the availability of expertise and resources also impacts the self-assignment process.

C7: Multiple people interested in similar tasks. There are times when many developers/testers are interested in picking same tasks. This could be due to the level of ease or interest, potential for outside endorsement, opportunity to learn new technology etc. However, it could sometimes get challenging to not let the same people pick the fascinating ones, keeping an equal balance among all the team members and getting the full benefits of self-assignment.

‘As you’re [team] working down the board, getting stories done, you know, maybe the one [task] everyone wants to do is story number 4…’ –P3, Technical Lead & Scrum Master

C8: Self-assignment tasks not skilled at. Different instances were revealed around people’s reactions as constraining factors towards self-assignment. Developers and testers are seen to choose tasks that they might be interested in doing to explore and learn new things, and this sometimes ends up into low productivity, needing more help or making wrong estimations. This is because they may perceive the level of difficulty and effort required to complete the task incorrectly. The task could be more challenging and time-consuming than initially anticipated. But an encouraging manager has to outweigh these, firstly for the promising benefits of employee satisfaction through some control over what they pick for themselves and secondly allowing them to try, learn and improve their skills. However, this can be challenging as the task may need to be estimated accordingly or given more time for completion. It is also reported that sometime someone picks a task they are not skilled at and struggle later on which is indirectly encountered as another challenge with self-assignment.

‘A person might go and take a task that they’re not the right person for. So e.g. there might be a very specialist task in a security piece of work, and a person who might not have self-awareness might go and pick it up. And rather than them doing it in an hour, it might take about three days’ –P42, Technical Lead

C9: Self-assignment for new team members. Newcomers are neither well-acquainted with their fellow members nor with the team’s development processes in the beginning. They require some time to settle in, understand development practices, build trust and co-ordination with other team members. Similarly, introducing new members to self-assignment seems challenging, irrespective of being a novice or experienced professional they need some assistance to understand the team’s task assignment process in addition to getting an understanding of the technical domain and code base.

‘They’re [new member] just starting to know everything [process & project] and in a complex project as this, if you ask me, I would like them [Manager] to assign as I don’t know a thing about it’ – P33, Tester

C10: Personality Traits. Some people struggle in having confidence in their own choices, it might be part of their personality, or the culture they come from or due to lack of self-confidence. For instance, the shy or introvert members may find it intimidating to self-assign a task. They sit back while others self-assign tasks leaving behind the ones not picked up by others. Then, there are also less-confident members who may have the right skillset and knowledge to perform the task but are scared to raise their voice or are under the impression that other team members may be more capable of performing that task quickly and more efficiently. They have a natural tendency to believe in other opinions more and seen more comfortable with working on tasks assigned by others.

‘There are members who don’t want to pick something, it’s hard for them to step in front of the team and take something, rather than getting something. And that is a personal attitude, and that’s hard and if you have a team where more than one is like that, it’s hard to counter…’ – P32, Developer

4.5 Actions/interactions Strategies– To Workaround Challenges of Self-assignment

The constraining conditions described in sub-section 4.4.2 steer the individuals and teams to adopt strategies for overcoming the undesirable effects of the phenomena. We identified 14 strategies, which we describe in this sub-section and are illustrated in Fig. 7 .

figure 7

Action/Interaction Strategies for constraining conditions. The rectangular boxes represent constraining conditions, and the round-cornered boxes represent the strategies. Dashed lines link the constraining conditions with their respective strategies

S1: Task delegation

Task delegation is the most common strategy [ N  = 16] used for an urgent piece of work (C2) and when the team is short of resources (C6). Our analysis suggests that very high priority tasks are assigned directly to the person considered best suited, the specialists as indicated by a lead below.

‘So typically, I’d pick one of the more specialist people who know what’s going on and say ‘hey, can you please jump in and grab this task?’ – P14, Technical lead & Developer

Sometimes the task is allocated to the most suitable person with the desired technical skillset, at other times it may be directed to a person who has done similar work in the past as expressed by Participant P21 through an example:

‘We made a change in partition manager [module] three months ago, and this is related to that change. ‘You did that change, so you understand it. Can you go and do it?’ – P21, Scrum Master

This can result in a quick solution to the problem but was perceived as a threat to autonomy as the team members are no longer allowed to choose their own tasks, rather the assignment is being enforced on them through their manager.

S2: Offering work

An uncommon strategy [ N  = 6] practiced to address urgent work (C2) is that the manager will post a message through online channels, like slack or email, or during the stand-up indicating the high priority of the task and let the team members choose. Listed is an example where true autonomy can be easy to practice by providing the opportunity of choice as a variant of self-assignment in the form of volunteering.

‘X [Manager] posts a message that this ticket is priority, can someone have a look and then everyone will volunteer’ – P33, Tester

S3: Manager’s absence from task allocation sessions

To minimize the influence of the manager (C5), teams are seen to conduct the task allocation sessions without them. It helps them choose their tasks without the manager’s persuasion.

‘Had to persuade dev manager that [stepping out] would work and worked in other places till he reckoned and agreed the team was a bit more mature and he would step back letting them assign the tasks themselves and do their own breakdown.’ –P21, Scrum Master

Managers seem to have this self-realization too as expressed by P31.

‘I felt that I could be a little bit coercive too by saying yeah, X would be best to work on that one, and then suddenly he’s assigned to it by default only because I said that. And so that’s why I don’t participate in those meetings.’ – P31, Development Manager

We observed during a sprint planning meeting [T11], the manager briefed all the user stories to the team, and they collectively estimated them. Then the manager left the meeting room, and the team conducted the task breakdown session without him.

S4: Facilitating self-assignment

The scrum master is seen to play an influential role for ensuring an even distribution of work within the team (C3). When managers believe people are not choosing enough tasks for a sprint, it is the scrum master who is seen investigating the underlying cause. People may not be picking more tasks due to low confidence, no experience, lack of interest, other commitments such as working on other business as usual tasks, or to help others. In exceptional cases, when multiple team members show interest in similar tasks (C7), sometimes it’s the scrum master who intervenes to keep a balance ensuring everyone gets equal opportunities to learn and grow by experimenting new things.

Similarly, individuals and teams new to agile practices (C9) sometimes are seen struggling to adopt to that level of self-organization due to multiple reasons such as team member’s background, experience and attitude. It was shared by the scrum master [P21] that they started practicing self-assignment only to be part of the project initially i.e. practicing it for new development work. This was done to persuade their technical manager who had concerns around meeting a deadline when client demanded quick completion of work. SMs’ shared their experiences, when they had issues trying to get some members to take ownership and operate autonomously. There are diligent members who have no trouble picking tasks voluntarily, while it is also not unusual that there are members who barely self-assign unless everyone else in the team has self-assigned tasks. They rely on the SM to suggest them what tasks to self-assign. In such cases, scrum masters and managers are seen to play a primary role to encourage team members to volunteer and steer the team in the direction of self-organization as indicated below.

‘I am trying to get people in the way of thinking more with agile mindset. But also try not to push them too hard or too fast, cos then they kind of resist it’ –P29, Developer & Scrum Master ‘We’re trying to build a culture where people volunteer for stuff when Sprint planning happens. But we don’t have a team that is currently groomed with that attitude and mindset. So, we’re coaching them to be at that stage, so we ask them to call themselves out on what they want to work on, because they’re unsure of what to pick up first’– P26, Product Owner

Similarly, a good coaching conversation or one-on-one mentoring by the scrum master is reported as a strategy to help people who are not comfortable in raising their voices and choosing work for themselves (C10). However, as indicated by the participant this does not happen straightaway and demands a supportive scrum master and consistent team support to help shy, introverted people make choices and feel confident in their decisions.

I had one colleague, he was very silently, he was not really talking, he was a wonderful developer, he was really, really good, but he was not able to step in front of the team and take something. And I worked very long with him together, and we ‘taught’ him, and mentored him on a friendly way. It took a while, a long while ……… Because I taught him, I was kind of his mentor … and he learned it. – P32, Developer

This also goes back to the type of culture the team possesses. In an environment where people can have open discussions and address such problems either on individual or team level, this is easy to address. On an individual level, it is mostly the scrum master, mentor or coach who is responsible to facilitate the self-assignment process providing the guidance and helping them to overcome individual problems towards self-assignment. On the team level, the development team members work together to facilitate self-assignment, e.g. senior peers are also seen to play a significant role to support the junior team members.

S5: Self-assigning the next available task

When many people show interest in the same tasks (C7), for most of the teams the sprint rule of self-assigning the next available task automatically handles such situations. The first person who runs out of work can take the next available task on the storyboard. A senior participant shared that even being a senior developer, if he likes to do a task, at times he misses out because of this rule. This naturally addresses the issues of short of work, unequal distribution, under-committing, and over-committing of tasks (C3). In this scenario, it is to be ensured that there are enough tasks on the board so that no one gets short of work. It was observed during the sprint planning meeting [T11] that the scrum master included few stories as ‘could have’ to ensure everyone has work. These were treated as stretch tasks for the sprint.

‘As you’re[team] working down the board, getting stories done, you know, maybe the one[task] everyone wants to do is story number four, but no one can go to it until story number three has no more tasks they can work on. So, but the first person who runs out of tasks above that story will grab the task.’ – P15, Developer & Scrum Master

S6: Active participation and use of tools

Software tools facilitate self-assignment by providing all the information related to a work item in one place. They serve as central source of information and enable teams to stay up to date, increase transparency and visibility of work items. The use of online tools is identified as a useful strategy in keeping the remote members involved during the allocation process (C4). These tools make self-assignment easier as the team members can just access the tool irrespective of their location, look at the product and sprint backlog and self-assign items. The moment a task is selected it reflects the assignee details against the task. It serves as the single source of truth for everyone making the progress visible to people inside and outside the team, highlighting if people are picking up work, how long they are taking to accomplish the tasks or even used as a platform to ask or offer others help. These tools assist the team members to collaborate and communicate actively.

‘That’s the reason why we’ve got systems. So, for example, if I decided to work on this task, I’ll go into the system, assign that task against my name, and then nobody can take it from there. So, you can’t work on a task unless it has been assigned to you’ – P37, Head of Product Delivery

The remote team members are expected to engage more than the non-remote members, as they may be missing information and important discussions due to their physical absence. A participant stated that remote members need to participate more actively than the non-remote members.

‘So, you know, I always say that if you’re remote, you’ve got to do more work to engage, and the people that are not remote don’t care about your remoteness actually’ – P30, Lead Developer

S7: Highlighting dependencies

Another way to address dependencies between stories or tasks was through highlighting blockers on the story board to notify others that this task has dependency (C1).

‘We’ve got these little magnetic red things, we just go and put a blocker on them [dependent tasks], and the team knows why it’s a blocker. When the person finishes that card, they’ll pull it off, and often they’ll just pick that card as the next one anyway, just because they’ve finished it, and it’s unblocked.’ – P14, Technical lead & Developer

S8: Isolating dependent tasks

The team shared several ways they handle dependent tasks (C1) and some of them are reported to work well. The most effective and common method [ N  = 14] stated to face the challenge of dependent tasks is isolating dependent tasks across sprints. One sprint takes care of first part of dependency while the next handles the other dependent part.

‘The way we do it [dependent tasks] is we do identify that this will block this one. Because we’re only doing one-week sprints we sometime put the two cards in two different sprints. So, there’s immediately like a divorce between sprints, so you say hey we’ll do this one and this one, this one and this one, and often that works quite well.’ –P14, Technical lead & Developer

S9: Standalone task definition

Defining tasks in a way that they are kept mostly independent from the start is another shared strategy to address dependent tasks (C1). For example, defining a task in one step (including front- and back-end) is seen to be practiced instead of segregating them into front-end and back-end tasks which is more likely to increase dependency and cause delays.

‘So, its start to finish, like from the front end to the back end. So, we [team] don’t have a story where it’s just the front end, and a story that’s just the back end, so that then becomes a dependency.’ – P16, Developer ‘When they [team] slice a story or even the tasks, they create tasks that are what we call atomic, and are standalone.’ –P42, Technical Lead

S10: Flexible estimations

The most common strategy [ N  = 8] that is reported when developers pick tasks, they are not good at (C8) is to give more time i.e. over-estimate such tasks. P15 stated how team estimation goes low in such cases below.

‘If someone picks [a task] up, and they’re not familiar with it, our [team] estimate starts maybe too low. So, we would expect them to meet up that expectation, and say, maybe it was five hours, maybe the guy says it’s going to take me eight hours or 10 hours. And once it gets too big, you go, okay, do you need some help on that’ – P15, Developer & Scrum Master

S11: Task’s reassignment

In a few reported cases, the work gets taken away from the struggling person (C8) and given to others to accomplish the deadline. Team members find this removal from tasks as demotivating, so this is not specified as a preferred action. Others prefer passing on such tasks as indicated below.

‘If someone was struggling, they may give it away, but it’s never been taken’ –P15, Developer & Scrum Master ‘We’ve had examples where work has been picked up by somebody, and they’ve had to pass it onto somebody else to do, that happens.’ – P23, Test Analyst

Similarly, another participant specified considering task’s urgency to decide whether they will provide assistance or take away the task from them.

‘In those instances, two choices; either we put a mentor to work along with him and train him. If it’s not time critical, that’s what we would prefer doing. If it’s time critical, then we just take the task away from him and assign it someone else.’ – P37, Head of Product Delivery

S12: Pairing up with experienced resources

Teaming up with experienced resources and providing assistance to speed up the completion is also reported when someone has self-assigned a task, they are not good at (C8). This was also observed during the task breakdown session where two developers worked in parallel, one who was the module specialist worked on the development part of the story, while the other new to the module chose to prepare the unit tests for that story. This was how they were pairing up to work outside their expertise. When multiple developers are interested in similar tasks (C7), senior developers providing assistance is reported as another strategy where senior team members play the role of a mentor leading the other developer through completion of that task sharing knowledge.

‘Don’t just take the work and do it yourself [senior team members], even though it is easier for you, it’s good for them [member picking work not good at] teach them to do it’ – P29, Developer & Scrum Master

Similarly, new team members (C9) are seen pairing up to other experienced team members to obtain help. Having assistance from the day they started, is proven to be useful for new team members. This helps to build confidence over the time.

‘Just explain to them [new member], you work from the top down, and grab the next task that, that you think you can work on. We’ll probably do it, for the first few weeks, we’ll probably help him [new member] choose his tasks that might be easier for them to get into. Because they may not really understand what the tasks are. But after that, they’ll just grab something.’ –P15, Developer/Scrum Master

Pairing up the new team member with some senior developers is also reported to help them learn and fit in the team as indicated by P14.

‘I kind of buddied them up with one of my more senior dev [developer]. So, I made it very clear with him [Sr. Developer] that he was really responsible for making sure that this developer was up to speed. And because there was a buddy system, like she would always go to him first for some advice, for some help, and it was part of his day to day business that he had to help her’. – P14, Technical lead & Developer

At stages when the team members are found struggling with tasks, they have self-assigned (C8), some strategies are reported to address these situations. This is apparent in the shorter Sprints where tasks that are not accomplished get automatically noticed, and people start asking about the obstacles and offering help.

S13: Informal team discussions and negotiations

Managers shared multiple strategies e.g. involving all members in team discussions to develop mutual understanding and collective ownership for sprint tasks. This way all team members gained insights into the tasks, increasing their understanding from a technical point of view. So, having these conversations allowed them to make well informed self-assignment decisions. Similarly, another strategy is to encourage team members to have open informal discussions when multiple members are interested to work on the same task. This way everyone gets the opportunity to speak up if they want to work on that task. Team members are also seen negotiating with each other to work on tasks that interests them but picked by others (C7).

‘There’s always room for a team member to say, Look! I’ve seen that you’ve assigned yourself to this card. Do you mind if I do it, I’ve got particular skills in this area? That happens, it does happen’ – P23, Test Analyst

On the other hand, a couple of participants indicated this has never been a serious concern and most of the time team members are happy with whatever is on the top of the board.

S14: Fixed work assignment

One of the participants shared another strategy where they had a role ‘the bug manager’ in the team for the new team member (C9). The new team member was only responsible to handle all the bugs and ensure the stability of the platform. This way the new member was introduced to various areas of the application which helped them to explore, learn, and expand their knowledge with practice.

When I [new] joined the team... how do you [team] want me to be the bug manager, when I don’t know anything about your platform? Oh, it’s not, our platform now. So, I was for two weeks the bug manager, and after the two weeks, I knew the platform. – P32, Developer

4.6 Consequences – Of Strategies to make Self-assignment Work

The aforementioned strategies are used to overcome situations introduced by the constraining conditions and facilitate the process of self-assignment. These adopted action/interaction strategies helped to practice self-assignment positively, but there are also instances when undesired behaviours of practicing self-assignment are reported as negative consequences of adopted strategies. A list of consequences of these strategies, either positive, negative or both, are listed in Table 4 . Details on which consequences relate to each strategy are presented in Table 5 with a few examples elaborated below.

Manager’s absence from task allocation sessions (S3)

The manager may not know the nuts and bolts of a particular task while delegating it. Letting individuals choose takes off the responsibility from the manager allowing them to use their time and energy for other important and useful tasks. The strategy of not having the manager in assignment sessions (S3) results in effective utilization of manager’s time (N2+) as they will be able to invest their time on handling bigger problems then deciding which work should be done by whom.

This promotes autonomy (N1+) and increases opportunity to learn, grow and improve (N6+). It will provide individuals a chance to work on different tasks irrespective of their skillset supporting more cross-functionality (N7+) in the team. Team members can take on tasks outside of their areas of speciality which help them develop different skills offering them an opportunity to learn, grow and improve (N6+) their skills as stated by a developer.

‘It gives an opportunity for the individual to work on tasks that they would like to improve their skills on’ – P17, Developer

This improvement is not limited to individual’s technical skills, but also provides an opportunity to work on unexplored parts of the product. This technical learning can be more impactful when complemented with extensive product knowledge for career development and growth.

‘That way [self-assigning] we start discovering parts of the software that you not familiar with’ –P20, Lead Developer

This autonomy helps developers with effective self-management (N13+) and control their tasks. They could manage their own work e.g. prioritizing smaller, easier or harder tasks first suiting their convenience. The time they spend to ask to someone about the next task is utilized increasing productivity (N8+).

Task delegation (S1)

When an urgent piece of work arrives (C2) or the team is short of resources (C6) and task delegation (S1) is chosen as a strategy, then the manager would want them to work on areas where they would remain focused on their core activities and prior experience as acknowledged below:

‘Had it been me [manager] assigning, I would have always gone with my past experience and said, you’ve done it before, you do it quickly. So, the learning opportunities would have reduced in that kind of a scenario’ –P37, Head of Product Delivery

With this task delegation, autonomy (N1-), the opportunity to learn and grow (N6-) will be compromised resulting in threat to cross-functionality (N7-) and healthy team culture (N3-). Furthermore, empowering team members to choose instead of enforcing delegations automatically fosters healthy team culture (N3+) in the long run as indicated by one of the participants.

‘It [Delegation] will give you some sort of sense of progress in the short term if somebody micromanages other people, I guess you will get some traction and you will get some movement. But I don’t think in the long term that is sustainable or beneficial for the type of culture that we want to have’ –P42, Technical Lead

But at the same time since the task, in this case, will be done by an experienced person so the chances of errors will be less, the quality (N5+) of the work will be good and the maintenance time will not be more (+) compared to a situation where issues could arise due to lack of knowledge or experience. This would get things going quickly (+).

4.7 Volunteering and Offering Work (S2

If volunteering and offering work (S2) is chosen as a strategy then it encourages individuals to choose asserting autonomy (N1+) which naturally fosters a healthy team culture (N3+). However, depending on who picks the tasks, another contextual condition e.g. if an experienced person picks the task this is typically beneficial as the task will be done quickly (N4+) due to previous experience and the quality will not be downgraded (N5+).

‘I have experience in this, let me just pick this up and do it, and they can quickly resolve it. So, we’re able to respond quicker to the customer’s problems’ –P37, Head of Product Delivery

On the other hand, if task is being picked by an unskilled or inexperienced team member, then this can lead to a delay to deliver (N4-) with a potential compromise on quality (N5-).

5 Discussion

We found that agile teams are seen practicing self-assignment either as part of achieving self-organization and agile transformation or to address issues with manager-driven assignment, as described in sub-section 4.3 . We identified that self-assignment is influenced by a set of intervening conditions i.e. facilitating and constraining conditions which can either facilitate or hinder its adoption as addressed in sub-section 4.4 . We also found that different strategies are used to mediate the adoption of self-assignment (sub-section 4.5 ) with all the ensuing consequences specified in sub-section 4.6 . These intervening conditions can also be understood w.r.t. impact they make. e.g. people choosing tasks they are not skilled at is one of the primary challenges, as this leads to delay in delivering but sometimes this is acknowledged as the price for promoting learning and keeping people happy, and is accepted by managers as a trade-off to bear the benefits of self-assignment. However, there needs to be a balance, if all team members choose tasks, they are not skilled at, then this would definitely affect the team’s productivity and become a major constraining condition. But if one or two team members, choose tasks outside of their comfort zone that would not make a big difference. So, part of the manager (i.e. scrum master/coach/mentor) role is to ensure that assignments are not leading to failures, imposing risks on the broader context while balancing the need for learning and cross-functionality consistently.

It can also be seen from our data analysis that participants workaround some of the constraining conditions through different strategies. By definition, these strategies are used to ‘overcome the undesirable effect of the phenomena’. However, we found that some of the strategies, in fact, are geared towards avoiding self-assignment (e.g. S1, S11, S14) and do not have a positive impact on the team or the process. For example, when urgent work comes in, a major constraining condition, tasks are delegated to the most skilful person as the most obvious strategy which is an underlying threat to autonomy. On the other hand, if the manager asks for volunteers rather than enforcing decisions on them, they will feel they are still making a choice and exercising autonomy, which could give better outcomes. Knowing and understanding the priority and impact of the work, it is generally expected that only experienced or skilful person would be the one choosing such work. Interestingly, most of the strategies (e.g. S3, S4, S10) help facilitate and make self-assignment work within their settings. The analysis of data also shows that remote location does not necessarily affect the self-assignment decisions. It may, however, impact communication among the team members like any other agile practices, e.g. remote daily stand-up, retrospective, etc. which can introduce some challenges. Similarly, dependent tasks are specified as one of the constraining conditions, but it may be the poor planning and breakdown of tasks that can cause delays not the self-assignment choices.

The consequences specified in this study can be interpreted as pros and cons of the strategies to practicing self-assignment for individuals, teams and organizations. For instance, the opportunity to learn, grow and improve and self-management can be inferred as individual benefits, healthy team culture as a team benefit and improved quality and fast delivery as organizational benefits arising from the strategies of promoting self-assignment. On the contrary, situations such as taking away a task could influence the well-being of an individual negatively, i.e. demotivate them, delegating a task to a specialist frequently would stall the growth of the other team members, keeping flexible estimates can lead to delayed delivery eventually impacting customer satisfaction and organizational reputation. Our results showed that the scrum masters, technical managers, and team leads play a significant role in mediating these negative consequences to make self-assignment work in a sustainable manner. It would be useful to delve deeper into how the manager or team can mitigate and manage for these negative consequences in future studies. Interestingly, these pros and cons of strategies can also be interpreted as long or short-term consequences depending on the impact they make e.g. within a relatively short period of time, the impact (effective use of manager’s time) from not having manager involved in task allocation sessions can be seen. Similarly, delegating tasks might seem to be a fast way of getting the work done, but the impact it makes may not be beneficial for healthy team culture in the long run. On the other hand, outcomes like healthy team culture, improved quality, and better all-round teams may not be achieved instantaneously but will be evident over a period of time.

5.1 Comparison to Related Work

Although no other studies dedicatedly addressed self-assignment, there are some related studies addressing benefits and challenges of self-assignment as part of their findings.

Self-assignment helps to keep the teams motivated as identified by one of the empirical studies on agile challenges (Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). This has also been supported by our results. Our study also reveals how self-assignment benefits individuals, teams and organizations. Researchers identified some challenges around self-assignment. Poor self-assignment can lead to loss of cross-functionality when the team members pick familiar and simple tasks (Vidgen and Wang 2009 ; Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). However, Scrum master’s continuous monitoring and support can help the teams to address the risk of losing cross-functionality (Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). Our results also acknowledged that the Scrum master plays a significant role in facilitating self-assignment in agile settings. Some examples include ensuring an even distribution of work with equal opportunities to learn and grow, good coaching conversations providing guidance, and helping team members to overcome individual problems towards self-assignment. Team members avoiding boring tasks (Strode 2016 ) is identified as another challenge. Team members are often hesitant to pick tasks with unclear requirements and acceptance criteria (Hoda and Murugesan 2016 ). These were identified as reasons to self-assignment challenges.

Our study identified other factors that make self-assignment challenging. These are C1: Self-assignment for Dependent tasks, C2: Urgent Work, C3: Tracking work distribution and accountability, C4: Distance Factor, C5: Manager Intervention, C6: Inadequate expertise & resources, C7: Self-assigning tasks not skilled at, C8: Multiple people interested in similar tasks, C9: Self-assignment for new team members, and C10: Personality Traits. In addition, we present a list of strategies such as S1 (Task delegation), S2 (Offering work), S3 (Manager’s absence from task allocation sessions), S4 (Facilitating self-assignment), S5 (Self-assigning the next available task), S6 (Active participation and use of tools), S7 (Highlighting dependencies), S8 (Isolating dependent tasks), S9 (Standalone definition), S10 (Flexible estimations), S11 (Task’s reassignment), S12 (Team-up with experienced resources), S13 (Informal team discussions and negotiations), and S14 (Fixed work assignment) to overcome these challenges [C1-C10]. It is also pointed out that multiple developers are seen interested in similar tasks due to their individual preferences. We have reported some of these individual preferences as motivational factors developers consider while self-assigning tasks (Masood et al. 2017b ) in one of our preliminary study.

5.2 Implications

Findings articulated in this study have direct significant implications for researchers and agile practitioners. The main contribution of this research is a theory of making self-assignment work based on rich empirical data. It adds to the limited agile literature on self-assignment and will assist researchers and practitioners in agile community. Other researchers can expand on this research while exploring various aspects of self-assignment and validating the study’s theoretical model (Fig. 5 ) in similar or different settings. This research has implications for agile practitioners. Our descriptions of the positive consequence of self-assignment should encourage novice agile teams and their managers to attempt and engrain self-assignment as a key practice. It will also assist agile teams struggling to practice self-assignment find solutions to their challenges as shared in this study. Our findings can also be used as a guide for the managers to facilitate self-assignment by empowering team members. The theory of making self-assignment work is presented in a form that can be understood and applied through well-defined: (a) context and (b) causal conditions (c) facilitating conditions, (d) a set of constraining conditions (e) strategies applied by agile teams, and (f) a set of consequences to make self-assignment work. Agile practitioners can benefit from these findings in multiple ways. For example, the mapping between constraining conditions and enabling strategies (captured in Fig. 7 ) can be used to find relevant strategies to tackle the constraints faced by agile practitioners in their unique contexts. For example, they could have flexible estimations (S10) foreseeing any delays. In situations when the assignee struggles to complete the task within the committed time, they should be encouraged to reassign (S11) i.e., pass it on or ask for help without fear or discomfort. The scrum master and the team can mutually decide to help or take away a task considering the task’s urgency. As another strategy, teaming up with an experienced member (S12) would help individuals get familiar and speed up the completion time.

From the data analysis and findings of this study, some of the recommendations for managers and teams are presented below. These recommendations are based on the strategies illustrated in the section 4.5 and in some cases one recommendation is related to multiple strategies indicated through the corresponding S#.

5.2.1 Recommendations for Managers and Teams

Managers can play a supporting role and encourage team members to choose tasks for themselves to gain benefits of self-assignment (S4).

Managers can ensure that the self-assignment decisions do not lead to increased specializations or threaten cross-functionality, rather assignment choices provide equal opportunities to learn (technology, applications, and tools) to maintain a balance of knowledge sharing (S4).

Managers can guide the team members if they feel they have committed to something which is hard to accomplish. However, they should avoid discouraging members to pick complex tasks. Taking away tasks from the team members is also not recommended (S4).

Once required information has been conveyed among the team and estimates and task breakdown is done, the manager can step out from the assignment sessions (S3).

If an urgent task comes in during a running sprint, the manager can ask for volunteers rather than imposing tasks on someone. Knowing the time pressure, it is likely that person with relevant skills will pick such a task (S2).

If multiple people are interested in working on the same task, they can either pair up (S12) or the manager can step-in and let one of them pick a task (S4), ensuring that the next time the other one gets to select their preferred task (S13).

The manager in collaboration with the team can monitor the status of the tasks on their preferred project management platform, e.g. Trello, JIRA, or a physical Scrum board. For instance, if an assigned task has the same status (e.g. “in progress”) for a long time it could be an indication of the assignee struggling to complete that task (S4, S6). Such issues can also be explicitly shared during the daily standup.

Managers can initially let the new team members observe the team allocating their tasks and understand the task allocation strategies. Other team members can help them choose easier tasks (S4) or pair them up with senior members for better understanding of the process (S12).

If someone selects a task, they are not familiar with or skilled at, the estimate for the task should take this into consideration and be kept generous to allow for extra effort (S10).

The team members miss updating their tasks on their preferred project management platform, which can potentially lead to issues e.g. multiple people working on similar tasks. Automatic reminders through tools or reminders in daily stand-ups can be useful to remind them to update their tasks regularly (S6).

Individuals can pick tasks in the presence of other team members e.g. at planning or at stand-up. This way other team members who have more knowledge about the task can provide assistance and transfer relevant knowledge if needed (S13).

The manager or team could include some ‘stretch tasks’ in every sprint, i.e. a few extra tasks ready, elaborated and estimated, in reserve, so team members can self-assign and complete them if they happen to finish all the other tasks early (S5).

After picking a story or task, if it turns out to be a significant unit of work, then the assignee or the team should break them down into sub tasks and set their status to unassigned on their preferred project management platform so that other members can self-assign them (S11).

Teams starting with self-assignment can initially apply for a part of their project e.g. new development features, enhancements etc. rather practicing for the entire project (S4).

5.3 Evaluation

We used Strauss and Corbin’s criteria list to evaluate the empirical grounding of the study (Strauss and Corbin 1998 ). We will address these criteria QC1-QC7 one by one. During open coding, we generated the concepts both in-vivo from the practitioners and conceptual codes given by the authors (QC1: Are concepts generated?). Figure 4 shows an example of how these were generated, and the coding process was applied. We systematically defined the relationships between concepts and categories and conceptual linkages applying coding paradigm during axial-coding. The coding processes used in the study resulted in concepts and categories with well-defined properties and dimensions (QC2: Are the concepts systematically related? QC3: Are there many conceptual linkages and are the categories well developed? Do categories have conceptual density?). While the study reports a single central phenomenon (making self-assignment work), it does determine conditions under which the phenomenon happens keeping into account the underlying variations and dimensions (QC4: Is variation built into the theory?). We gathered data from agile practitioners from various companies and different settings to examine concepts in different conditions so that our theory is representative of the contextual variations and wider agile community. We have used the participants’ real quotes, anecdotes, and experiences to define the concepts, associated properties and dimensions and have explained with examples (QC5: Are the conditions under which variation can be found built into the study and explained?). We have presented the research methodology (Section 3 ) and provided the sufficient data (coding examples, interviewers quotes, excerpts from interview guides and pre-interview questionnaire (Fig. 2 ) and research process details (Section 3 ) to justify the reliability of the process (QC6: Has process been taken into account?). The authors have explained the study’s analysis and findings in corresponding sections and believe the theoretical findings make a significant contribution to the current literature filling the gap with a comprehensive study on self-assignment. The presented theory and particularly the strategies and recommendations are beneficial for the agile practitioners (QC7: Do the theoretical findings seem significant, and to what extent?).

5.4 Limitations and Threats to Validity

This study has covered a limited review of related literature in research area as not much is available in literature about self-assignment as a way of task allocation in agile software development. We have not attempted to review the research findings which are not related to agile and software development and acknowledge that as a limitation. Our data set is limited to agile practitioners who showed willingness to participate. We have kept the participants, their companies, products, and third-party clients’ data confidential to adhere to the human ethics policy governing this study.

The study includes team practices observations from one company only. The strategies reported by the participants were based on data from phase 2 which involved co-located team members. Few participants shared their past experiences of working in remote settings, or instances where few members worked remotely so it is hard to differentiate strategies more suitable for co-located or distributed teams from the current dataset, this is included as a limitation and potential area for future research. The paper reported the important role the managers play to facilitate self-assignment. However, it is yet to be explored that how managers reconcile individual preferences with team priorities and business goals to make self-assignment beneficial for individuals, teams, and project outcomes. The study did not evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies used to work around the constraining conditions, which can be an exciting area for potential future work.

In this section, we describe the validity of the overall research method and findings. The data collected does not represent the entire agile community and we cannot claim generalizability . However, we employed data triangulation through multiple data sources (participants varying in roles, experiences, skillset, context, environment, culture, companies & domains) on a large dataset to mitigate the threats of lacking generalizability in the study. A detailed description of the data collection methods (pre-interview questionnaires, interviews & observations), context in which the research was conducted, and the findings are presented in the paper to benefit other researchers who wish to apply these to different contexts and settings. To mitigate the threat to internal validity concerning the author’s potential bias towards GT procedures, the coding activities and model representation were discussed and shared for insights with the experienced co-authors throughout the study. We observed the team practicing self-assignment and collected supporting artefacts (e.g. whiteboard images, screenshots from the management tools) from the team to verify the statements made by the team members during the interviews. Additionally, collecting same information from different team members also validated the integrity of the data. We have provided interview quotes as examples to mitigate the reporting bias. To mitigate the risk of possible inadequate description of study constructs , we adopted in-vivo and explanatory descriptive labels for codes, concepts and categories to capture the underlying phenomenon without losing relevant details.

6 Conclusion

Self-assignment is not an easy and straightforward practice to follow. In this paper, we demonstrated how self-assignment works in an agile environment. Through interviews with 42 software professionals representing 28 different agile teams from 23 different software companies, and applying the Strauss and Corbin GT procedures, we present the grounded theory of making self-assignment work in agile teams. The theory explains the context and causal conditions that give rise to the need for self-assignment e.g. natural part of agile transformation, issues with manager-driven assignment. It presents a set of facilitating conditions that mediate how self-assignment may be enabled e.g. appropriate task information, collective estimation, and task breakdown. It also presents a set of constraining conditions that mediate how self-assignment may be constrained e.g. urgent work, manager intervention which are overcome by a set of strategies applied by agile teams e.g. manager’s absence from task allocation sessions, flexible estimations, facilitating self-assignment. These strategies result in a set of consequences either positive, negative or both. The study also provides a set of recommendations which can be used by agile practitioners to make self-assignment a valuable practice in their settings. While more empirical work is in progress, it is believed that these findings are a first step towards addressing multiple facets of self-assignment in depth within software agile world and provides a platform for further work. Future work would investigate self-assignment from an individual versus manager’s perspective, such as exploring the factors software developers consider while self-assigning tasks, trade-offs to reconcile individual preferences with product goals.

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We would like to thank all the participants for their valuable inputs to this study. This study was conducted under approval from the Human Participants Ethics Committee at the University of Auckland.

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Department of Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Zainab Masood & Kelly Blincoe

Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Rashina Hoda

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Masood, Z., Hoda, R. & Blincoe, K. How agile teams make self-assignment work: a grounded theory study. Empir Software Eng 25 , 4962–5005 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-020-09876-x

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Published : 04 September 2020

Issue Date : November 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-020-09876-x

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Inspired Economist

Cost Allocation: The Key to Understanding Financial Efficiency

✅ All InspiredEconomist articles and guides have been fact-checked and reviewed for accuracy. Please refer to our editorial policy for additional information.

Cost Allocation Definition

Cost allocation is a financial accounting process that involves assigning various costs incurred by a business to the specific activities or elements used or benefitted from incurring these costs. Its purpose is to accurately represent the financial contribution of different parts of a business, providing insights into areas of efficiency or inefficiency, ultimately contributing to pricing and strategic decisions.

Methods of Cost Allocation

There are several methods of cost allocation that organizations can employ, each with their own merits and applications based on the specific circumstances, requirements, and objectives of the business.

Direct Allocation

Direct allocation, sometimes referred to as the direct method, is the most straightforward approach to cost allocation. Simply put, this method entails assigning costs directly to the appropriate cost objects, such as departments, products, or services, without taking into account whether those costs were incurred by multiple cost objects.

This method is predominantly used in situations where it is relatively easy to identify the specific cause-and-effect relationship between incurred costs and cost objects. Thus, it is particularly suitable for settings where resources are worn-out by specific departments, products, or services.

Step-Down Allocation

In contrast to direct allocation, the step-down method, also known as the sequential method or the stair-step method, allows for a more comprehensive spread of costs. This method begins with allocating the costs of the service department that provides the most services to other service departments. The total cost of each service department, including the allocated costs, is allocated step-by-step until all service departments have been allocated.

The step-down method is useful in situations where there are multiple service departments and some serve others more than they are served. It allows for a more distinct tracing of costs, improving the accuracy of indirect cost allocation. However, it can be somewhat arbitrary in terms of deciding which department's costs should be allocated first.

Reciprocal Allocation

The reciprocal allocation method, also known as the simultaneous or algebraic method, is the most accurate and complex of the allocation methods. It accurately accounts for the mutual services provided among service departments.

The use of reciprocal allocation is recommended in situations where an organization has service departments that provide significant amounts of mutual services to each other. Although it requires a certain level of mathematical sophistication, this level of detail and precision can yield more accurate cost assignments and can facilitate better decision-making.

Remember, the key is for an organization to select the method that best fits its unique settings, demands, and operational stipulations. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and hence a well-informed decision is critical to optimally assign costs and enhance economic efficiency.

Criticality of Cost Allocation

Understanding the criticality of cost allocation goes beyond just marking it as a method of sharing costs. It plays a substantial role in the effective operation of a business in various ways:

Accurate Product Cost

One of the main benefits of cost allocation is achieving accurate product cost. With costs properly allocated, the actual costs incurred in producing a given product or service are easily identifiable. This not only facilitates pricing decisions, but also measures the profitability of each product or service. An inaccurate cost allocation can lead to distorted product costs. This could mean over-pricing, which can discourage customers, or under-pricing, which could lead to business losses.

Operational Efficiency

Cost allocation assists in measuring operational efficiency. For example, if a particular department is consistently exceeding its allocated budget, it might be a sign that the operations in that department are not as efficient as they should be. Management can then delve into the department's operations to identify and rectify the inefficiencies. By allocating and reviewing costs, businesses can highlight areas of wastage, inefficiency, and potential improvement.

Meaningful Financial Reports

Lastly, cost allocation supports the generation of meaningful financial reports. Such reports provide deep insights to stakeholders – be it managers, investors, or creditors. They relay important information about business performance, profit generation, asset utilisation and cost management. Without proper cost allocation, these reports could be misleading, making it difficult for stakeholders to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, cost allocation is not merely an accounting formality, but a tool that can significantly impact a company's ability to accurately price products, operate efficiently, and provide meaningful financial information. Its criticality in business operations cannot be overstated.

Cost Pools and Cost Drivers in Cost Allocation

In cost allocation, consistency and accuracy are paramount. And two concepts play a significant role in ensuring this: Cost Pools and Cost Drivers .

Role of Cost Pools in Cost Allocation

Cost pools are essentially aggregations of individual costs that relate to a specific task or factor. They play an essential role in simplifying the cost allocation process. Rather than assigning may individual costs to specific products, services, or departments, firms organize these costs into cost pools that can be allocated based on a common denominator – the cost driver.

Role of Cost Drivers in Cost Allocation

Cost drivers are the actual basis upon which these costs are allocated. They are units of activity or volume that cause a business to incur costs. Typical cost drivers include direct labor hours, machine hours, or units produced. Cost drivers serve as a measure of resource consumption and establish an ongoing basis of measurement for the cost pool.

Connection Between Cost Pools and Cost Drivers

The allocation of cost pools across different departments or products is driven by these cost drivers. In essence, cost drivers provide the linkage between the collected costs (cost pools) and the segments to which those costs are assigned. They provide a consistent basis for distributing costs in the cost pool to the relevant cost objects.

Selecting Appropriate Cost Drivers

Choosing the right cost driver is crucial for accurate cost allocation. Firms should select cost drivers that have a strong correlation with the root cause of costs. This is often derived through a cause-and-effect relationship. For instance, if a factory's costs are primarily driven by machine operations, then 'machine hours' might be an appropriate cost driver.

Likewise, if a service-based organization incurs more costs due to labor, 'labor hours' could serve as the key cost driver. Firms need to ensure that chosen cost drivers reflect a degree of variance. If certain costs have little variability, regardless of changes in the driver, that driver may not be appropriate.

In summary, cost pools and cost drivers are critical elements of the cost allocation process. They enable firms to aggregate related costs and to distribute them in a consistent, fair manner based on a measurable factor. The careful selection of cost drivers ensures that costs are allocated in a way that accurately reflects the realities of an organization's operations.

Cost Allocation in Decision Making

Cost allocation in decision making is integral to multiple areas of a business. A few of these areas, such as pricing, budgeting, and investment decisions, leverage cost allocation heavily.

Role of Cost Allocation in Pricing

In most businesses, pricing decisions directly involve cost allocation. To competitively price a product or a service, firms must divide the total costs into units of a product or service. This process allows them to determine the minimum price to cover the costs and achieve the desired profit margin.

For instance, a manufacturing company using varied types of raw materials, labor, and machinery might initially find it difficult to ascertain the price of one finished unit. Cost allocation, however, provides a mechanism to allot each cost element to each unit. Thus, unit costs drive the ultimate pricing decisions and influence the firm's competitiveness in the market place.

Impact of Cost Allocation on Budgeting

Cost allocation affects budgeting, virtually shaping every financial decision a company makes. Businesses, with clarity on cost division across departments, processes, or products, can plan budgets more effectively. They can identify which areas are cost-intensive and adjust the budget proportionately. Without the right cost allocation, a budget may not accurately reflect the financial resources needed or generated by different business segments.

For example, an IT company might allocate shared costs like server expenses, software license fees, and maintenance costs based on the users or usage in different departments. This allocation helps formulate realistic budgets, ensuring cost efficiency and operational effectiveness.

Cost Allocation and Investment Decisions

Investment decisions constitute another crucial area where cost allocation aids informed decision-making. When evaluating the profitability of an investment opportunity, whether it’s a new project, acquisition, or expansion, companies must understand the associated costs thoroughly.

By correctly allocating costs, companies can more accurately calculate potential returns, leading to more informed investment decisions. Misplacing or underestimating costs might mistakenly make an unprofitable investment appear profitable, resulting in detrimental financial outcomes.

In summary, the process of cost allocation serves to bridge the gap between operational activities and financial management. This linkage is vital in making strategic business decisions, from setting product prices to planning budgets to making investment decisions. Therefore, understanding cost allocation is fundamental to business' financial success.

Challenges and Criticisms of Cost Allocation

Despite their usefulness, implementing cost allocation methods can often be fraught with several challenges. Some of these obstacles are intrinsic to the process of allocation, such as the complexity of accurately tracing costs to specific cost objects and the subjectivity inherent in some allocation bases.

Arbitrary Allocation

One frequent criticism is the arbitrariness of some allocative decisions. For instance, in the allocation of indirect costs, the choice of allocation base (e.g., labor hours, machine hours, etc.) can be somewhat subjective. Some critics argue that this introduces a degree of arbitrariness that may distort the true cost picture.

While there is no perfect solution to this problem, efforts can be made to ensure that the chosen allocation bases are logical and justifiable given the nature of the costs being allocated. Some organizations may also choose to use multiple allocation bases for different types of costs to minimize this arbitrariness.

Overemphasis on Full Costing

Another criticism of cost allocation is its overemphasis on full costing. Full costing attempts to assign all costs, both direct and indirect, to cost objects. However, this approach can lead to the inclusion of irrelevant costs in decision-making processes, which might not add any value. For example, the inclusion of fixed costs, which are incurred regardless of the level of output, may not be helpful in short-term pricing decisions.

In response to this, some firms might opt to use variable costing as a supplement, which includes only those costs that change with production volume. This can provide a more relevant basis for operational and tactical decision-making.

The Use of Assumptions

Different cost allocation methods rely on different assumptions. These assumptions may not always hold true and can lead to inaccurate cost data. For example, the assumption of cost homogeneity in a cost pool may lead to inappropriate allocations if the costs in the pool are driven by different activities.

To mitigate this, it's essential to carefully examine and validate the assumptions underlying a chosen allocation method. Continuous review and refinement of cost pools and allocation bases can also help in keeping allocations realistic and meaningful.

Inaccurate Estimations

Cost allocations also rely heavily on estimations. Inaccurate estimations can lead to over or under-allocation of costs.

To address this challenge, organizations can develop robust estimation methods and validate their cost estimates periodically. This will not only reduce inaccuracies but also enhance the credibility of the cost data generated.

In conclusion, while cost allocation is not without its challenges and criticisms, these can be managed and mitigated through thoughtful and informed management practices. Regular reviews and audits, coupled with the use of technological tools for data collection and analysis, can further enhance the accuracy and relevance of cost allocation in an organization.

Principles of Cost Allocation within a Business Entity

Cost allocation within a business entity should uphold certain principles for the process to be fair, efficient, and effective. The guiding principles of cost allocation are causality, benefits received, fairness, and ability to bear.

Causality refers to the direct correlation between costs incurred and the activities leading to them. When a certain activity or set of activities within an organization results to specific costs, the principle of causality suggests that these costs should be allocated to that activity or activities. This kind of cost allocation allows businesses to link each cost with the function that drives it, making it easier to manage costs and improve profitability.

Benefits Received

The principle of 'benefits received' posits that costs should be shared among departments or units depending on the extent to which they benefit from the cost pool. If a department derives more value from a resource or service, then it should bear a higher proportion of the cost. Consequently, such a sideways view of cost allocation can incentivize departments to be more efficient in how they use shared resources or services.

Fairness is a crucial principle in cost allocation. The goal is to distribute costs in a manner that all departments or units perceive as just. This rarely means each department pays an equal share of the costs; rather, the distribution takes into account factors like usage, value derived, and department size. Unfair allocation could demoralize departments or units, leading to internal conflicts and reduced productivity.

Ability to Bear

The 'ability to bear' principle suggests that costs should be allocated considering the unit's capacity to absorb the cost. Here, larger or more profitable departments may shoulder a larger share of the costs. However, it is important that the application of this principle does not stifle the growth potential of smaller or less profitable units.

These principles aim to allocate costs in a way that reflects the operational realities of an organization while promoting fairness and operational efficiency. By adherently diligently to these principles, an organization can ensure a seamless and fair cost allocation process.

Cost Allocation and Its Implications on CSR and Sustainability

Correlation between Cost Allocation and CSR Efforts

Cost allocation plays a significant role in a company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. Resources, both tangible and intangible, are frequently limited within organizations. The allocation of these resources can either inhibit or promote CSR activities. If CSR is not viewed as a business priority, resources may not be allocated sufficiently to develop and implement effective initiatives. Conversely, if an organization is committed to its CSR responsibilities, it will allocate costs accordingly to ensure its efforts are adequately funded and supported.

Inappropriately allocating costs could lead some stakeholders to wrongly believe that an organization is not committed to its CSR responsibilities. Therefore, cost allocation not only influences the actual implementation of CSR measures but also political and public perceptions of an organization’s ethical and social responsibilities.

Impact of Cost Allocation on Sustainability Measures

Sustainability measures are another key area impacted by cost allocation. When it comes to sustainability reporting, cost allocation is essential. The amount of funds set aside for these initiatives can boost a company's green programs or alternatively limit their scope. This can vary from energy-efficient modifications to the infrastructure, reduction in waste production to policy changes that minimize an organization’s environmental footprint.

The strategic decision-making process is a critical area where the effects of cost allocation are evident. If sustainability is significant for an organization, the costs associated with these measures will likely be prioritized in strategic decisions. Leaders must consider both short-term financial implications and long-term societal and environmental impacts. Particularly, these decisions bear a direct influence on the company's reputation and sustainability.

Moreover, cost allocation decisions have a bearing on the company's external communication as well. Specifically, when it comes to issuing sustainability reports, the allocation of costs provides an explicit representation of the company's commitment to sustainable practices.

Making strategic decisions with sustainability implications in mind could increase costs in the short-term but prove beneficial and cost-saving in the long run. Therefore, it is essential that decision-makers view cost allocation as not just a financial concern but a critical aspect of their CSR and sustainability efforts.

Cost Allocation as a Reflection of Organizational Priorities

Through the lens of CSR and sustainability, the implications of cost allocation are evident in the allocation decisions made by an organization. How a company chooses to allocate its costs is a reflection of its values and priorities. If sustainability and ethics are prioritized, cost allocation will support corresponding initiatives. If not, cost allocation can inadvertently communicate non-commitment to external stakeholders, potentially adversely affecting the organization's reputation and market position.

Cost Allocation across Different Industries

Although cost allocation is a universal concept in all kinds of businesses, the way it is implemented can differ significantly between industries.

The Manufacturing Industry

For the manufacturing sector, cost allocation is primarily linked with material costs, labor costs, and overhead expenses, which are apportioned to individual products. By allocating costs following these categories, companies are better positioned to price their products accurately. For instance, in direct material cost allocation, a manufacturing company can include the expenditures related to raw materials required to produce a particular product.

However, this straightforward approach can face complications when dealing with shared or indirect costs. For example, in a factory that builds both toasters and microwaves, how would one allocate the cost of shared raw materials, like steel or energy used in the factory? It becomes even more complex with overhead costs like salaries of administrative staff and, maintenance and depreciation of machinery, where a direct relationship between the cost and product isn’t apparent.

The Service Industry

On the other hand, within the service industry, cost allocation is traditionally more abstract. Labor cost is typically the most significant category, but costs associated with physical resources, like office spaces or computer equipment, also become relevant. Unlike manufacturing, services can't inventory their output in advance of demand. Service industries often allocate costs according to service hours provided or the number of clients served, but this also raises unique challenges.

For instance, a law firm may find it challenging to allocate the cost for a lawyer who handles various cases simultaneously. Similarly, a hospital might struggle with cost allocation for shared resources, such as an MRI machine used by multiple departments. These challenges necessitate creative and fair methods to spread costs and ensure profitability.

The Retail Industry

In the retail industry, purchasing and storing inventory comprise a significant portion of costs. Transportation costs, warehouse expenses and inventory buying costs are examples of costs that are allocated across various products. However, deciding on an allocation basis can be complex. While using sales volume might seem the easiest route, it might distort cost allocation for slow-moving or seasonal products.

As seen above, the cost allocation methods differ across industries due to their operational divergences, and each faces its unique set of challenges. Therefore, it's crucial for a business to understand the approach that works best for its industry and specific situation.

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3.3: Approaches to Allocating Overhead Costs

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  • Page ID 846

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( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

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Learning Objectives

  • Compare and contrast allocating overhead costs using a plant-wide rate, department rates, and activity-based costing.

Question : Managers at companies such as Hewlett-Packard often look for better ways to figure out the cost of their products. When Hewlett-Packard produces printers, the company has three possible methods that can be used to allocate overhead costs to products—plantwide allocation, department allocation, and activity-based allocation (called activity-based costing). How do managers decide which allocation method to use?

The choice of an allocation method depends on how managers decide to group overhead costs and the desired accuracy of product cost information. Groups of overhead costs are called cost pools 1 . For example, Hewlett Packard’s printer production division may choose to collect all factory overhead costs in one cost pool and allocate those costs from the cost pool to each product using one predetermined overhead rate. Or Hewlett Packard may choose to have several cost pools (perhaps for each department, such as assembly, packaging, and quality control) and allocate overhead costs from each department cost pool to products using a separate predetermined overhead rate for each department. In general, the more cost pools used, the more accurate the allocation process.

Plantwide Allocation

Question : Let’s look at SailRite Company, which was presented at the beginning of the chapter. The managers at SailRite like the idea of using the plantwide allocation method to allocate overhead to the two sailboat models produced by the company. How would SailRite implement the plantwide allocation method?

The plantwide allocation 2 method uses one predetermined overhead rate to allocate overhead costs.Regardless of the approach used to allocate overhead, a predetermined overhead rate is established for each cost pool. The predetermined overhead rate is calculated as follows (from Chapter 2): $$\text{Predetermined overhead rate} = \frac{\text{Estimated overhead costs}}{\text{Estimated activity in allocation base}}$$When activity-based costing is used, the denominator can also be called estimated cost driver activity. One cost pool accounts for all overhead costs, and therefore one predetermined overhead rate is used to apply overhead costs to products. You learned about this approach in Chapter 2 where one predetermined rate—typically based on direct labor hours, direct labor costs, or machine hours—was used to allocate overhead costs. (Remember, the focus here is on the allocation of overhead costs. Direct materials and direct labor are easily traced to the product and therefore are not a part of the overhead allocation process.)

Using SailRite Company as an example, assume annual overhead costs are estimated to be $8,000,000 and direct labor hours are used for the plantwide allocation base. Management estimates that a total of 250,000 direct labor hours are worked annually. These estimates are based on the previous year’s overhead costs and direct labor hours and are adjusted for expected increases in demand the coming year. The predetermined overhead rate is $32 per direct labor hour (= $8,000,000 ÷ 250,000 direct labor hours). Thus, as shown in Figure 3.1, products are charged $32 in overhead costs for each direct labor hour worked.

Figure 3.1.png

Product Costs Using the Plantwide Allocation Approach at SailRite

Question : Assume SailRite uses one plantwide rate to allocate overhead based on direct labor hours. What is SailRite’s product cost per unit and resulting profit using the plantwide approach to allocate overhead?

The calculation of a product’s cost involves three components—direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. Assume direct materials cost $1,000 for one unit of the Basic sailboat and $1,300 for the Deluxe. Direct labor costs are $600 for one unit of the Basic sailboat and $750 for the Deluxe. This information, combined with the overhead cost per unit, gives us what we need to determine the product cost per unit for each model.

Given the predetermined overhead rate of $32 per direct labor hour calculated in the previous section, and assuming it takes 40 hours of direct labor to build one Basic sailboat and 50 hours to build one Deluxe sailboat, we can calculate the manufacturing overhead cost per unit. Manufacturing overhead cost per unit is $1,280 (= $32 × 40 direct labor hours) for the Basic boat and $1,600 (= $32 × 50 direct labor hours) for the Deluxe boat. Combine the manufacturing overhead with direct materials and direct labor, as shown in Figure 3.2, and we are able to calculate the product cost per unit.

Figure 3.2.png

*$1,280 = 40 direct labor hours per unit × $32 rate.

**$1,600 = 50 direct labor hours per unit × $32 rate.

The average sales price is $3,200 for the Basic model and $4,500 for the Deluxe. Using the product cost information in Figure 3.2 , the profit per unit is $320 (= $3,200 price – $2,880 cost) for the Basic model and $850 (= $4,500 price – $3,650 cost) for the Deluxe. Recall from the opening dialogue that SailRite’s overall profit has declined ever since it introduced the Deluxe model even though the data shows both products are profitable.

Question : The managers at SailRite like the idea of using the plantwide allocation approach, but they are concerned that this approach will not provide accurate product cost information. Although the plantwide allocation method is the simplest and least expensive approach, it also tends to be the least accurate. In spite of this weakness, why do some organizations prefer to use one plantwide overhead rate to allocate overhead to products?

Organizations that use a plantwide allocation approach typically have simple operations with a few similar products. Management may not want more accurate product cost information or may not have the resources to implement a more complex accounting system. As we move on to more complex costing systems, remember that these systems are more expensive to implement. Thus the benefits of having improved cost information must outweigh the costs of obtaining the information.

Department Allocation

Question : Assume the managers at SailRite Company prefer a more accurate approach to allocating overhead costs to its two products. As a result, they are considering using the department allocation approach. How would SailRite form cost pools for the department allocation approach?

The department allocation 3 approach is similar to the plantwide approach except that cost pools are formed for each department rather than for the entire plant, and a separate predetermined overhead rate is established for each department. Remember, total estimated overhead costs will not change. Instead, they will be broken out into various department cost pools. This approach allows for the use of different allocation bases for different departments depending on what drives overhead costs for each department. For example, the Hull Fabrication department at SailRite Company may find that overhead costs are driven more by the use of machinery than by labor, and therefore decides to use machine hours as the allocation base. The Assembly department may find that overhead costs are driven more by labor activity than by machine use and therefore decides to use labor hours or labor costs as the allocation base.

Assume that SailRite is considering using the department approach rather than the plantwide approach for allocating overhead. The cost pool in the Hull Fabrication department is estimated to be $3,000,000 for the year, and the cost pool in the Assembly department is estimated at $5,000,000. Note that total estimated overhead cost is still $8,000,000 (= $3,000,000 + $5,000,000). Machine hours (estimated at 60,000 hours) will be used as the allocation base for Hull Fabrication, and direct labor hours (estimated at 217,000 hours) will be used as the allocation base for Assembly. Thus two rates are used to allocate overhead (rounded to the nearest dollar) as follows:

  • Hull Fabrication department rate: $50 per machine hour (= $3,000,000 ÷ 60,000 hours)
  • Assembly department rate: $23 per direct labor hour (= $5,000,000 ÷ 217,000 hours)

As shown in Figure 3.3, products going through the Hull Fabrication department are charged $50 in overhead costs for each machine hour used. Products going through the Assembly department are charged $23 in overhead costs for each direct labor hour used.

Figure 3.3.png

The department allocation approach allows cost pools to be formed for each department and provides for flexibility in the selection of an allocation base. Although Figure 3.3 shows just two rates, many companies have more than two departments and therefore more than two rates. Organizations that use this approach tend to have simple operations within each department but different activities across departments. One department may use machinery, while another department may use labor, as is the case with SailRite’s two departments. This approach typically provides more accurate cost information than simply using one plantwide rate but still relies on the assumption that overhead costs are driven by direct labor hours, direct labor costs, or machine hours. This assumption of a causal relationship is increasingly less realistic as production processes become more complex.

The plantwide and department allocation methods are “traditional” approaches because both typically use direct labor hours, direct labor costs, or machine hours as the allocation base, and both were used prior to the creation of activity-based costing in the 1980s.

Key Takeaway

Regardless of the approach used to allocate overhead, a predetermined overhead rate is established for each cost pool. The plantwide allocation approach uses one cost pool to collect and apply overhead costs and therefore uses one predetermined overhead rate for the entire company. The department allocation approach uses several cost pools (one for each department) and therefore uses several predetermined overhead rates.


Kline Company expects to incur $800,000 in overhead costs this coming year—$200,000 in the Cut and Polish department and $600,000 in the Quality Control department. Total annual direct labor costs are expected to be $160,000. The Cut and Polish department expects to use 25,000 machine hours, and the Quality Control department plans to utilize 50,000 hours of direct labor time for the year.

  • Assume Kline Company allocates overhead costs with the plantwide approach, and direct labor cost is the allocation base. Calculate the rate used by the company to allocate overhead costs.
  • Assume Kline Company allocates overhead costs with the department approach. Calculate the rate used by each department to allocate overhead costs.
  • The plantwide rate is calculated as follows: $$\begin{split} \text{Predetermined overhead rate} &= \frac{\text{Estimated overhead costs}}{\text{Estimated activity in allocation base}} \\ \\ &= \frac{\$ 800,000}{\$ 160,000} \\ &= \text{\$ 5 per \$ 1 in direct labor cost} \end{split}$$
  • The department rates are calculated using the same formula as the plantwide rate. However, overhead costs and activity levels are estimated for each department rather than for the entire company, and two separate rates are calculated: $$\text{Cut and Polish department} = \frac{\$ 200,000}{25,000\; machine-hours} = \text{\$ 8 per machine-hour}$$$$\text{Quality Control department} = \frac{\$ 600,000}{50,000\; direct\; labor\; hours} = \text{\$ 12 per direct labor hour}$$


  • A collection of overhead costs, typically organized by department or activity.
  • A method of allocating costs that uses one cost pool, and therefore one predetermined overhead rate, to allocate overhead costs.
  • A method of allocating costs that uses a separate cost pool, and therefore a separate predetermined overhead rate, for each department.

assignments rather than allocations should

Attorney & personal finance expert

Student debt, student loans, credit cards, side hustle, why asset allocation is essential for investing.

  • February 15, 2024

Amanda Claypool

Written by:

When you’re building an investment portfolio one of the most important things you’ll need to do is choose the types of assets you’ll include in it. Will you stick with stocks and bonds or will you venture into the world of commodities and alternative investments?

Determining which assets to invest in is only half the battle. Once you’ve decided on your investment strategy you’ll want to figure out how much of each you’ll include in your portfolio too. This is your asset allocation. Do you want to go all in on Bitcoin or do you want to hedge some of your risk with a few U.S. Treasuries?

Asset allocation is an important way to ensure your investments work for you to help you reach your financial goals. A diversified portfolio can help make sure you don’t overexpose yourself to too much risk and can prevent you from being left high and dry when you’re ready to cash in on your investments.

assignments rather than allocations should

Erika Taught Me

  • Asset allocation is a process of determining how to split up the investments in your portfolio.
  • Asset allocation is important because it diversifies your portfolio, mitigating risk
  • To maintain your asset allocation you’ll want to periodically rebalance your portfolio among various asset classes, including stocks, bonds and cash.
  • Asset allocation will vary from person to person and depends on your personal goals, risk tolerance, and the time horizon.

What is asset allocation?

Asset allocation is how you’ll put your investment strategy into action. It determines which assets you’ll buy and how many of each you plan to include in your investment portfolio . 

A diversified portfolio typically includes assets like stocks , bonds , and cash. Investors can diversify further by including other types of assets like real estate, commodities, or cryptocurrency in the mix. 

Having different types of assets in your portfolio allows you to create diversity, which can help protect your investments from being exposed to too much risk. That’s because different assets react to the market differently. An economic downturn, for example, may cause stock prices to take a sharp dip but because bonds are guaranteed by the government, they might not experience the same decline. 

When you’re thinking about how to allocate your assets, the two most important principles you’ll need to consider are risk tolerance and time horizon.

Risk tolerance

Risk tolerance is your personal appetite for how much risk you’re willing to take on. If you’re looking to speculate on price changes in foreign currencies, for example, you might have a high-risk tolerance. But if you’re nearing retirement and want to protect your nest egg, you might have a low-risk tolerance that will lead you to take a more conservative approach to managing your investments.

Risk tolerance gauges the trade-offs you’ll have to make to earn a reward for your investment. Typically the higher the reward is, the greater the risk. Knowing your personal risk tolerance can help you create an asset allocation that's aligned with your risk appetite.

Here's more about risk tolerance .

Time horizon

You’ll also want to consider the time horizon you’ll be investing in when you allocate the assets in your portfolio. Some investors prefer to buy assets they intend to hold for a long period of time while others buy and sell assets quickly to make a quick buck. Your preference for how long you want to hold an asset and when you expect to start seeing a return on your investment will shape the asset classes you acquire. 

How does asset allocation work?

Asset allocation works by dividing your portfolio between different asset classes. It starts by setting a financial goal and figuring out when you’ll need to generate a return on your investment. From there you can identify the right mix of assets to include in your portfolio to help you achieve your goals that is in line with your expectations for generating a return. Determining the right mix of assets to include in your portfolio will depend on your personal tolerance for risk and the amount of time you plan to invest for.

Asset allocation for high-risk tolerance

Let’s say you’re 22 years old and you just started investing through your company’s 401(k) plan. You are just at the start of your career and won’t need to tap into your retirement savings for several decades. That means your time horizon is long. Because you’re just getting started you don’t have much to lose. You feel OK taking big risks now if that means you’ll have a sizable retirement to cash in on later on.

Someone who fits this description would have a high-risk tolerance and a long time horizon. They might consider allocating 80% to 90% of their portfolio to stocks and the rest to bonds and cash. From there, they can choose how to allocate their stocks further. Let’s say they want to capitalize on economic growth in the market so they allocate 50% of their stocks to large-cap companies and companies in the S&P 500. The rest they allocate to more predictable, stable companies like pharmaceuticals or healthcare.

Over time asset allocation can change. As you get closer to retirement or approach the time when you want to cash out your investment you might opt for a more conservative asset allocation strategy.

Asset allocation for low-risk tolerance

Let’s say you’re 55 years old. You have a sizable portfolio and want to protect what you have. Instead of investing in high-growth stocks, your focus is now on preserving your capital. You might change your asset allocation so that 60% of your portfolio is in stocks while the remaining 40% is in bonds and cash. Within your stock allocation, you might shy away from high-risk tech companies to invest in companies that provide more stability.

Asset allocations can and should change over time as your goals and preferences change. When you’re younger and time is on your side you might conclude you have room to make mistakes. When you’re older and nearing retirement, you don’t want to take on too much risk. You want to avoid high-risk moves that could leave your entire portfolio to lose value during an economic downturn or change drastically due to market conditions.

Hand holding pen with graph, piggy bank, calculator. Guide on understanding what is asset allocation and why is it important

Why asset allocation is important

Asset allocation is important because it diversifies risk while also increasing opportunities for greater rewards. The market constantly changes and not all industries or assets are impacted by it in the same way.

The commodities market illustrates this point well. Commodities include physical goods like oil, coffee, wheat, and corn. A drought affecting the crop yield of coffee, for example, will decrease the supply in the market. This will drive prices up in the short term. This is good for someone trading in coffee, but it might not be good for consumers buying coffee. An investor who invests in both coffee beans and Starbucks would be able to diversify their risk because they are able to capture the price rise in raw coffee beans, mitigating their exposure to waning consumer demand for morning coffee runs.

When you invest in multiple assets across different industries you’re able to spread out your risk more evenly. This can lead to more reliable returns over the long run.

Asset allocation is also important because it can be calibrated to when you’d like to achieve your goals. If you want to retire early you can invest in assets that generate higher returns. If you just want to buy and hold for the long run, you can choose an asset allocation that will provide predictable returns in line with the historical average annual returns of the stock market.

Asset allocation examples

To better illustrate asset allocation, here are a few examples to consider based on age:

With age-based asset allocation, an easy rule to follow is to subtract your age from 100. If you’re 40 years old, you subtract that from 100. The difference, 60, is what you’d consider allocating in stocks.

Time is an important variable to consider with asset allocation. If you have a long time horizon you have room to take risks and absorb shocks during a downturn in the market. If you have a shorter time horizon, you don’t have as much room for error.

Related: What is value investing in stocks

How to rebalance your asset allocation

Fortunately, there are things you can do to calibrate your portfolio as your preferences change. Rebalancing is a process of bringing your asset allocation back into alignment with your financial goals. By regularly checking in on how your investments are doing, you’ll likely discover some perform better than others. You can prune out low-performing investments and make new investments that will perform better.

An easy way to rebalance your portfolio is to schedule a time to do it. Set a reminder on your calendar every six months to sit down and review your brokerage account. 

You can also rebalance your portfolio more frequently when there are shifts in the market. For example, let’s say you invested in a tech unicorn that exploded in value. While that’s great for your portfolio, it might mean this single stock now constitutes 80% of your portfolio’s value — more than you’ve allocated for stocks. 

If you’re in your 40s and want stocks to represent 40% of your portfolio you might rebalance by selling some of your unicorn stock and putting the difference toward bonds or cash. You still get to keep the stock in your portfolio but by rebalancing you move some of it into safer assets, protecting it from risk if the stock suddenly goes down.

There isn’t a right or wrong approach to rebalancing but checking in on your portfolio regularly can alert you to changes that need to be made.

Robo advisors

Robo advisors are one way to automate the rebalancing process. They use software and algorithms to manage your investments for you, making regular adjustments to your portfolio. This includes allocating your assets and periodically rebalancing them. By automating the process, robo advisors are an easy solution to passively manage your investments.

The downside of relying on a robo advisor to manage your portfolio and periodically rebalance it is that you don’t have much say in how it’s done. You’ll have access to limited options. While this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll increase your risk exposure, it does mean you will be limited in your ability to capitalize on gains in the stock market.

Target date funds

Target date funds, also known as lifecycle funds, are a type of mutual fund that automatically shifts its asset allocation based on a time in the future. For example, someone who plans to retire in 2060 can choose a target date fund for that year. Over time a portfolio manager will automatically rebalance the asset allocation so that it increasingly focuses on preserving capital.

The main downside of target date funds is that they aren’t tailored to an individual’s unique financial goals and risk tolerance. They can be an easy way to help you achieve a specific long-term goal, like retirement, but they can limit your growth potential. You’ll only be exposed to assets within the fund and will have limited say over how they are allocated. If you have a high-risk tolerance, this can be a missed opportunity.

Related: Active vs Passive Investing: Which Strategy is best for you

What is a good asset allocation?

A good asset allocation will depend on an individual's personal preferences and risk tolerance. If your goal is to use your portfolio to generate income, your asset allocation will be different than someone who wants to capitalize on growth in the market.

These are a few ways to think about asset allocation-based financial goals:

  • Generate income from your portfolio: 70% in bonds and cash, 30% in stocks or other assets
  • Keep your portfolio balanced: 40% in bonds and cash, 60% in stocks or other assets
  • Grow your portfolio: 80% in stocks or other high-growth assets and 20% in bonds and cash

As a general rule of thumb, the closer you are to reaching a major planned financial goal, like retirement, the more conservative you’ll want your asset allocation to be. This will help preserve your capital so you can begin drawing on it without taking unnecessary risks.

What should my asset allocation be for my age? 

As you get older, you’ll want your asset allocation to shift toward more conservative products like bonds. One way to look at it is to use the rule of 100. Subtract your age from 100. The difference represents the percentage you should allocate toward stocks. For example, if you are 30 years old, you’ll want to consider investing 70% of your portfolio in stocks and high-growth securities while keeping 30% in bonds and cash to begin protecting your capital.

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assignments rather than allocations should

I'm an award-winning lawyer and personal finance expert featured in Inc. Magazine, CNBC, the Today Show, Business Insider and more. My mission is to make personal finance accessible for everyone. As the largest financial influencer in the world, I'm connected to a community of over 20 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. I'm also the host of the podcast Erika Taught Me. You might recognize me from my viral tagline, "I read the fine print so you don't have to!"

I'm a graduate of Georgetown Law, where I founded the Georgetown Law Entrepreneurship Club, and the University of Notre Dame. I discovered my passion for personal finance after realizing I was drowning in over $200,000 of student debt and needed to take action-ultimately paying off my student loans in under 2 years. I then spent years as a corporate lawyer representing Fortune 500 companies, but I quit because I realized I wanted to have an impact; I wanted to help real people and teach them that you can create a financial future for yourself.

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Our aim is to help you make financial decisions with confidence through our objective article content and reviews. Erika.com is part of an affiliate sales network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites, such as MileValue.com. This compensation may impact how and where links appear on this site. This site does not include all financial companies or all available financial offers. This in no way affects our recommendations or article content.

How to reallocate marketing budgets to drive growth

With budgets under increasing pressure, marketers must allocate every dollar with precision and purpose.

Often, however, budget managers feel tied down by expectations from marketing managers, commitments to sponsorships, and upfront media buys. With little latitude for significant changes to their budgets, they carve up spending by business-unit size or simply tweak last year’s plan.

When allocating budget dollars, most marketers use three factors: spend criteria (e.g., sales, profit, market share, competitive intensity); weights and guardrails (e.g. minimum/maximum thresholds, weighting of criteria); and allocation unit (e.g. market, product, brand, etc.).

The problem is that budgeting criteria are often retrospective and are not aligned within the organization. The CEO may be focused on recent sales growth or how to increase EBITDA, for example, while the CMO is looking to boost brand-health scores and market share. A lack of alignment on allocation metrics usually leads to a mindset of “Let’s stick to what we’ve done before.”

Meanwhile, guardrails for spending and the weight given to any one criterion (sales, market share, etc.) are often determined by instinct rather than by a detailed understanding of business drivers. Added to this, allocation units are often broad, and budget managers don’t drill down to uncover pockets of prospective growth at, for example, the sub-brand or micro-geography level. What companies need is an analytical, forward-looking approach that allocates marketing dollars to customer segments as well as products or geographies that have the highest growth potential rather than to those that have traditionally performed well.

Here are three ways to improve allocation logic:

Blend corporate finance and marketing thinking. Instead of looking at inputs like market share or competitive pressure (share of voice) to inform budget allocations, look down the road to ROI drivers.

One auto OEM (original equipment manufacturer) that we worked with used corporate-finance principles— market growth, competition, and internal economics—to project future profit pools for brands and geographies and made a base allocation for each of its regional markets. It then tweaked the budget according to its business goals in a given region and its related marketing needs, such as the launch of a new product or the need to increase brand share. Allocations were further refined to reflect the profit feedback loop or factors specific to a given region, such as the ratio of share of voice to share of market.

The result? About a quarter of the overall marketing budget was allocated to a few key regions in order to meet business goals. The marketing team got better support from management for future budget allocations, and the marketing budget as a whole was much better aligned with the organization’s strategic direction.

Similarly, a global consumer-electronics company used discounted cash-flow techniques to estimate the value of each of its businesses and make initial allocations of marketing spend. The company then adjusted these allocations for business objectives, such as revenue or margin goals for a particular region. As a result, it reallocated about 20 percent of its marketing funds, compared with an average of 12–15 percent it would have reallocated using traditional models.

Engage the organization around facts, not feelings. When it comes to judging how to weight a given criterion or set guardrails for spending, sophisticated regression models beat gut feeling every time.

Here’s one example: A telecom company looking for a fact-based method for allocating  discretionary spending to particular regions recently tested 60 drivers of business performance, including brand-specific characteristics, external drivers, and competitive intensity. It then applied linear regressions to test model accuracy and the relative influence and statistical significance of each driver. It found that it could fine-tune its marketing allocations by using a combination of internal and external drivers, and as a result, ended up shifting about 30 percent of its marketing dollars from large, saturated markets to small markets with greater opportunities for growth. Moreover, by using the regression-based model, it was able to increase customer acquisitions by 3 percent.

In another instance, a European retailer that frequently had to increase local media advertising in order to maintain sales decided to adopt a granular approach. It enlarged its focus from 200 cells to about 2.4 million, each including household data (socio-demographics, income, and amount and frequency of customer purchases by retail category). The organization then matched these cells to a broad media database to identify the best marketing vehicles for each.

As a result, the organization reallocated the entire advertising budget from roughly defined regions to a micro-cell level and put sales growth back on track. In addition, the match with target-group criteria rose 150 percent, and spending on leaflet distribution dropped 30 percent.

Stage the implementation. Don’t go cold turkey. A drastic budget shift in one year could complicate vendor relationships and marketing activities. Your organization may have product-launches or campaigns it cannot alter. Budgeting shifts can and should be phased in through pilot programs that offer early evidence of success and learnings along the way.

One option is to set caps on budget reallocation. One consumer-electronics company, for example, made sure that no business unit's budget was reallocated by more than 30 percent in the first year. You can also earmark a percentage of funds for marketers to use in response to marketplace developments. Select a handful of brands or markets for a pilot, set clear ROI goals—for example, a lift in sales or margins for Brand A—and establish a feedback loop from markets to the management, where budgeting decisions are made. Measure performance against those goals. And if the pilot works, scale up.

Traditional budgeting approaches have been stretched to their limits. Organizations must migrate toward more granular, analytical, and forward-looking approaches if they want to make their dollars work for them.


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    assignments rather than allocations should

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    assignments rather than allocations should


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  2. Actual Usage Allocation Method: A Case Study

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  1. GFEBS L230E: Cost Management Process Overview Course Assessment

    Assignments, rather than Allocations, should be utilized where possible unless the quantities of products and services cannot be tracked or are cost prohibitive. TRUE _____ is cost master data that represents a group of resources within a Cost Center. These resource groups have capacity and a unit of measure such as: labor hours, machine hours ...

  2. Affected Business Areas

    Funds Management: Includes budget authority, fund allocation, maintaining funds availability, performing funds analysis, budgetary accounting, and generating reports. Cost Management: Includes capturing cost accounting data, performing cost assignment, cost accumulation, revenue accumulation, cost monitoring, and generating reports. Financials ...

  3. Overhead Allocation vs Direct Allocation Method

    Direct allocation relies on tracking precise resource consumption rather than estimates or allocation metrics. ... The direct method provides the most accurate cost assignments of the allocation methods. However, it cannot assign all costs directly. Some costs, like general building maintenance or insurance, benefit multiple activities. ...

  4. How To Assign Tasks To Team Members Effectively? Our Full Guideline

    Open the desired task, click "Assignee", and choose the right team member (s). Keyboard shortcuts: Hover over the task and press "A" to open the Assignee picker. Press the space bar to assign yourself. This way makes assigning tasks easier and quicker!

  5. Trivantis Player


  6. Assigning Manufacturing Overhead Costs to Jobs

    The assignment of overhead costs to jobs based on a predetermined overhead rate is called overhead applied The assignment of ... An allocation base should not only be linked to overhead costs; it should also be measurable. ... The use of a predetermined overhead rate rather than actual data to apply overhead to jobs is called normal costing A ...

  7. GFEBS L230E Cost Management Process Overview Course Assessment.pdf

    Assignments, rather than Allocations, should be utilized where possible unless the quantities of products and services cannot be tracked or are cost prohibitive: TRUE . 6. _____ is cost master data that represents a group of resources within a Cost Center.

  8. GFEBS L432E Cost Collection and Allocation Flashcards

    Cost Collection and Allocation are key components of Cost Management because they. Link fund expenditure data with functional and operational data. The first step in the Cost Management process is to. Create Master Data Elements. Internal orders are cost collectors used to plan, collect, monitor, and settle the costs of internal jobs and tasks.

  9. 6.4 Compare and Contrast Traditional and Activity-Based ...

    The allocation bases (i.e., measures of activity) often differ from those used in traditional allocation. Multiple cost pools allow management to group costs being influenced by similar drivers and to consider cost drivers beyond the typical labor or machine hour. This results in a more accurate overhead application rate.

  10. 3.5: Using Activity-Based Costing to Allocate Overhead Costs (Part 2)

    Notice that the three pie charts in the illustration are of equal size, representing the $8,000,000 total overhead costs incurred by SailRite. Figure 3.5.9 3.5. 9: - The Three Methods of Overhead Allocation. Overhead Rates: 1 Allocated based on direct labor hours (DLH): $8,000,000 ÷ 250,000 DLH = $32 per DLH.

  11. Cost Allocation

    There are five main steps in the cost allocation process: Layout all program services or products and supporting activities. Find direct and indirect expenses. Find and utilize proper allocation ...

  12. Why Allocating Costs Is Important for Your Small Business

    Rent must be allocated between the two departments. The calculation would be: $15,000 (rent) ÷ 7,500 (square feet) = $2 per square foot. Next, Ken, will calculate the rental cost for the plant ...

  13. Cost Allocation Methodology Best Practices

    Whenever possible, identify the basis of the allocation method before purchasing or ordering the goods or services. Across a department or research group, apply appropriate allocation methodologies that best fit the expense types and allocation cost basis, rather than using the same methodology for all costs in the department.

  14. PDF The Multi-unit Assignment Problem: Theory and Evidence from Course

    Allocations.—An allocation in this environment is a measurable assignment of courses to students. We denote by a s student s's allocation of courses. An allocation. 9 We use the terms "students" and "courses" because of our application. We could equally use the generic terms "agents" and "objects.".

  15. What Is Cost Allocation? (Definition, Method and Examples)

    Cost allocation is the process of identifying, accumulating and assigning costs to specific cost objects. A cost object can be a specific product or product line, a particular service you offer, a production-related activity or a department or division in your company. To make a connection between a cost and its cost object, you can choose a ...

  16. How agile teams make self-assignment work: a grounded theory ...

    Abstract. Self-assignment, a self-directed method of task allocation in which teams and individuals assign and choose work for themselves, is considered one of the hallmark practices of empowered, self-organizing agile teams. Despite all the benefits it promises, agile software teams do not practice it as regularly as other agile practices such ...

  17. Cost Allocation: The Key to Understanding Financial Efficiency

    Cost Allocation Definition. Cost allocation is a financial accounting process that involves assigning various costs incurred by a business to the specific activities or elements used or benefitted from incurring these costs. Its purpose is to accurately represent the financial contribution of different parts of a business, providing insights ...

  18. GFEBS L230E: Cost Management Process Overview Course Assessment

    Assignments, rather than Allocations, should be utilized where possible unless the quantities of products and services cannot be tracked or are cost prohibitive. True. False. 5 of 15. Term _____ is cost master data that represents a group of resources within a Cost Center. These resource groups have capacity and a unit of measure such as: labor ...

  19. Assignments and Allocations Overview

    Labor Assignments. There are two types of Labor assignments: Resource (a person by name) and Skill. On Resource assignments, the OBS node is fixed since people are members of one and only one resource OBS node. On Skill assignments the resource OBS node defines the range of resources from which a person with the Required skill is needed.

  20. 3.3: Approaches to Allocating Overhead Costs

    Answer. Using SailRite Company as an example, assume annual overhead costs are estimated to be $8,000,000 and direct labor hours are used for the plantwide allocation base. Management estimates that a total of 250,000 direct labor hours are worked annually. These estimates are based on the previous year's overhead costs and direct labor hours ...

  21. PDF Sponsored Cost Allocation Methodology Guidance

    • Apply different allocation methodologies across a department or research group to best fit the expense type and allocation cost basis, rather than using the same methodology for all costs in the department. • Document the allocation methodology prior to, or concurrently with, the costs being incurred and allocated.

  22. Allocation vs Assignment

    Noun. ( en noun ) The act of assigning; the allocation of a job or a set of tasks. This flow chart represents the assignment of tasks in our committee. The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category. We should not condone the assignment of asylum seekers to that of people smugglers. An assigned task.

  23. Why Asset Allocation Is Essential for Investing

    Over time asset allocation can change. As you get closer to retirement or approach the time when you want to cash out your investment you might opt for a more conservative asset allocation strategy. Asset allocation for low-risk tolerance. Let's say you're 55 years old. You have a sizable portfolio and want to protect what you have.

  24. Chapter 5: Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management

    Unlike the traditional full-absorption cost system, activity based costing assigns: a) Costs to individual products based only on non financial variables b) Costs to individual projects based on various activities involved c) Overhead to individual products based on some common measure of production volume d) Only costs that can be directly traced to individual products *Gleim 3.1.3

  25. Fair item allocation

    Fair item allocation is a kind of the fair division problem in which the items to divide are discrete rather than continuous. The items have to be divided among several partners who potentially value them differently, and each item has to be given as a whole to a single person. This situation arises in various real-life scenarios:

  26. How to reallocate marketing budgets to drive growth

    When allocating budget dollars, most marketers use three factors: spend criteria (e.g., sales, profit, market share, competitive intensity); weights and guardrails (e.g. minimum/maximum thresholds, weighting of criteria); and allocation unit (e.g. market, product, brand, etc.). The problem is that budgeting criteria are often retrospective and ...

  27. Cost Assignment Summary Flashcards

    The major distinguishing features of ABC compared with traditional costing systems are that ABC systems assign costs to activity cost centres rather than departments. ABC systems thus tend to use a greater number of cost centres in the first stage of the allocation process.

  28. Should I Do an Asset Sale or Share Sale When Selling My Business?

    Definition: In an asset sale, the seller transfers specific assets and liabilities of the business to the buyer, rather than the shares of the company. Scope: The seller retains ownership of the legal entity, while the buyer acquires selected assets such as equipment, inventory, intellectual property, and contracts. B. Share Sale:

  29. 20 Best Team Task Management Software Reviewed In 2024

    Its focus on core task management functionalities rather than an overload of features makes it perfect for those who need straightforward task tracking. Standout features & integrations: Standout features include task prioritization, intuitive scheduling options, and progress tracking, which help users stay organized and focused. It also offers ...

  30. New US liver transplant policy raises cost and equity concerns ...

    At the University of Kansas Medical Center, liver transplant volume fell about 40% in the first two years under the new allocation policy, costs increased about 15% per transplant, and the number ...