Barack Obama as President of the United States Research Paper

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George Washington

Abraham lincoln, theodore roosevelt, john f kennedy, franklin d. roosevelt, works cited.

As the forty fourth president of the United States, President Barrack Obama has accomplished several feats. Being the first African American president in the history of the United States is in its self a phenomenal achievement though other elements factor in as well.

Since his inception in 2008, president Obama faced many great challenges, the immediate one being the 2007 to 2008 global recession which was severe in the United States in particular. Through a number of financial policies and stimulus packages, president Obama was able to lift America from the verge of depression and though the economy is not yet completely stable, progress is evident throughout the nation.

President Obama was also prominent in his attempt to reach out to the Islamic community which has for a long time been considered to be at odds with American capitalist ideology. The president went to great lengths to symbolize a new beginning to the way America and Islamic nations coexisted and he also endeavored to convince Russia to abandon its nuclear weapons program all of which won him universal appeal.

With such sentimentalism for global peace, president Obama was nominated for and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. more recently, the president signed into legislation one of the most controversial yet significant bills in American history, which allowed for the provision of comprehensive medical insurance to every American citizen regardless of their income.

With such outstanding accomplishments, president Obama has outdone many of his predecessors though from my perspective, president Obama has not accomplished enough to be ranked as one of the top five presidents in United States history. This essay takes a comparative look at the accomplishments of my prospective top five American presidents in history vis-à-vis Barrack Obama’s accomplishments.

George Washington was an exceptional soldier who fought for America in several wars such as the 1754 mission to Fort Duquesne and the Monongahela expedition of 1755 where he provided admirable leadership and motivation (Skidmore 51).

Though America was still under the colonial British rule, he went ahead to chair meetings in 1774 which saw the adoption of Fairfax Resolves which led to the declaration of independence. He was also an elected delegate First Continental Congress which called for the unification of all states and was also present at the First Virginia Convention consequently playing a major role in the liberation of America from the British(Murray & Blessing 79).

His broad leadership was not only in meetings and when it emerged that America had to fight for its liberation, Washington was the leader of the Continental Army that fought in the American Revolutionary War against the British from 1775 to 1783 eventually gaining their liberation from the Kingdom of Great Britain and ensured sustained peace with Britain with the signing of the Jay Treaty in 1795(Eland 112).

This earned Washington a lot of respect from his compatriots and his selfless leadership was an inspiration to many which saw him being unanimously elected as the first President of the United States of America in 1789. George Washington was also keen in trying to avoid unnecessary conflict and was of the option of building a strong and stable nation through a central government supported by a viable a tax system and managed through a national bank (Skidmore 53).

As such he issued the Proclamation of Neutrality which basically isolated the United States from involvement in foreign conflicts. He served as the US President for two terms and turned down offers to serve a third term thus establishing the policy that limits the serving duration of a U.S president to two years (Eland 110).

America’s sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln just like Barrack Obama was a lawyer, though in comparison, their backgrounds were quite different since Lincoln hailed from a relatively poor family. Lincoln and Obama were also Illinois state legislators and members of the United States House of Representatives before they were elected as president.

One unique aspect of Abraham Lincoln is that he had about eighteen months of formal education and the rest of his academic accomplishments were self taught through avid reading and outstanding retention of information (Murray & Blessing 85). Though both presidents faced tough opposition especially when they were about to occupy the presidential office the southern states posed a great threat to Lincoln’s presidency by asserting that they would secede if he became president(Ridings & McIver 26).

Once he was appointed, seven cotton-growing states in the South affirmed themselves as a new nation called the Confederate States of America (Murray & Blessing 85). In addition, civil war broke out when Union troops were attacked at Fort Sumter. To settle the unrest, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation and put it into effect in 1863 which effectively put an end to slavery with the help of passing of the Thirteenth Amendment.

Black men were also in a position join the Union Army and Navy which was previously impossible and ultimately the Confederation states were overcome and the North and South were reunited(Bose & Landis 79). Abraham Lincoln also put into effect the Morrill Act which allowed agricultural and mechanical colleges to be put up in each state. He also availed large tracts of land in the west for low prices through the Homestead Act in order to settle majority of freed rebels, homeless families and slaves.

He also approved the National Banking Act which facilitated the establishment of the first paper currency which would be managed through a new network of national banks. His Pacific Railway Acts of 1862 and 1864 allowed for the establishment of the first transcontinental railroad which was responsible for expanding the trade and transport industries in America (Murray & Blessing 86).

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States of America and was often referred to as one of the ablest presidents of the progressive era. Roosevelt unlike Obama was aggressive in his attempts to establish equality such as control of monopolies in industry, trade and commerce, implementation of the anti-trust act and the execution of progressive ideology (Eland 92).

Roosevelt main commitment was to the public which led him to close down registered businesses also known as trusts in transport and banking that were defrauding the public through manipulating the supply of products hence selling them at high prices (Murray & Blessing 89). Roosevelt personally ordered the indictment of large companies under the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act such as Northern Securities Company and J. D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company (Ridings & McIver 28).

In addition, Roosevelt saw through congress the ‘Pure Food and Drug Act’ and the ‘Meat Inspection Act’ which saw a cleaner and hygienic approach to the way food was handled.

The public had been outraged by the unhygienic conditions in the food processing plants and the acts allowed for sanitation in handling and packing of food as well as meat inspection in the plants which is applied to date (Bose & Landis 84). Roosevelt conservatism efforts saw the passing of the ‘Antiquities Act’ which facilitated the construction of 18 new National Museums, more than 40 bird sanctuaries, a number of national forests as well as four game reserves in the United States(Eland 121).

Similar to Barrack Obama, John F Kennedy was relatively young when he was elected as the 35th president of the United States. He had similar intentions to Barrack Obama with regards to peace though Kennedy went even further to establish the Peace Corps (Skidmore 35). During his reign, America had a strained relationship with the Soviet Union regarding Europe and ideology.

The relationship between the soviets and America was especially tense in Germany regarding the east and west which saw the two nations on the brink of war. Kennedy was however quick to intervene and was able to prevent war with the soviets but the standoff led to the construction of the Berlin wall. Kennedy also signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty which was aimed at close down any existing nuclear test sites (Ridings & McIver 33).

In addition to ending racial discrimination, President Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which ensured that all American citizens held equal rights in terms of living and employment and affirmed his commitment by creating the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.

As the 32nd President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt was in a similar situation as Barrack Obama, in that during his tenure America went into depression (Eland 102). Unlike Obama who injected billions of dollars into the economy to revive growth, Franklin D. Roosevelt created ‘The New Deal’ that encouraged the increasing construction of buildings and bridges.

Since the construction needed labor, an increasing number of people received employment which in turn spurred economic growth thus ending the depression (Eland 104).

In addition, Roosevelt helped correct the abuses that were taking place in Wall Street through the SEC, created jobs in collaboration with the TVA, WPA as well as other public works projects. Roosevelt was also president at the time World War II was taking place and he was able to lead the nation through the crisis and built a security network to shield America from foreign invasion (Bose & Landis 70). He also established social security which ensured that old and jobless citizens had an income.

President Barrack Obama has made significant contributions to America’s foreign relationship and as such, he has accomplished considerable actions. However, some of the preceding presidents accomplished exceedingly more due to the fact that they either led America through an enormous crisis or transitioned the nation to a greater level.

The only crisis in America during president Obama tenure in office was the recession which nevertheless posed a big challenge to the administration. America has not transitioned during Obama’s tenure and hence George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, John F Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt outrank him in as far as great accomplishments are concerned.

Bose, Meena & Landis Mark. The Uses and Abuses of Presidential Ratings . New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2003. Print.

Eland, Ivan. Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty . Oakland, California: Independent Institute. 2009. Print.

Murray, Robert & Blessing, Tim. Greatness in the White House: Rating the Presidents, from Washington Through Ronald Reagan . University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press. 1994. Print.

Ridings, William & McIver, Stuart. Rating the Presidents: A Ranking of U.S. leaders, from the Great and Honorable to the Dishonest and Incompeten t. Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing, 1997. Print.

Skidmore, Max. Presidential Performance: A Comprehensive Review . Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co. 2004. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 10). Barack Obama as President of the United States.

"Barack Obama as President of the United States." IvyPanda , 10 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Barack Obama as President of the United States'. 10 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Barack Obama as President of the United States." July 10, 2018.

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114 Barack Obama Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, served two terms from 2009 to 2017. His presidency was marked by numerous historical events and policy decisions, making him an intriguing subject for academic essays. If you're looking for inspiration for your next essay, here are 114 Barack Obama essay topic ideas and examples to consider:

The impact of Barack Obama's presidency on race relations in America.

Analyzing the rhetoric and communication strategies used by Barack Obama during his presidency.

The influence of Barack Obama's childhood and upbringing on his political career.

The role of Michelle Obama in shaping her husband's presidency.

Barack Obama's foreign policy approach towards the Middle East.

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its significance in Obama's presidency.

Assessing Obama's response to the 2008 financial crisis.

The role of Barack Obama in promoting clean energy and combating climate change.

The impact of Obama's economic policies on job growth and the national debt.

Analyzing the effect of the Obama administration's immigration policies.

The significance of Obama's decision to normalize relations with Cuba.

The Obama administration's approach to criminal justice reform.

Evaluating Obama's efforts to advance LGBTQ+ rights.

The impact of Obama's education policies on the American school system.

The role of social media in Barack Obama's political campaigns.

Assessing the effectiveness of Obama's stimulus package in revitalizing the economy.

The legacy of Barack Obama in terms of LGBTQ+ rights.

Analyzing Obama's handling of the Syrian civil war and the rise of ISIS.

The impact of Obama's drone strike policy on counterterrorism efforts.

The role of the Affordable Care Act in reducing healthcare disparities.

Evaluating Obama's approach to gun control and the Second Amendment.

The effects of the Obama administration's immigration policies on border security.

Analyzing the Obama administration's response to the 2010 BP oil spill.

The impact of Obama's "My Brother's Keeper" initiative on minority communities.

Obama's efforts to address income inequality and the wealth gap.

The significance of Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

Assessing Obama's legacy in terms of criminal justice reform.

The impact of Obama's "pivot to Asia" policy on US-China relations.

Analyzing Obama's strategy in dealing with Russia's annexation of Crimea.

The role of healthcare reform in Obama's overall policy agenda.

Obama's approach to cybersecurity and protecting US interests online.

The impact of Obama's executive actions on immigration reform.

The significance of Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

Analyzing Obama's efforts to promote renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions.

The role of Obama's race and identity in shaping public perception and criticism.

The impact of Obama's "Fast and Furious" gun trafficking scandal.

Assessing the Obama administration's response to the Ebola outbreak.

Obama's role in the Paris Climate Agreement and global environmental efforts.

Analyzing the Obama administration's approach to veterans' issues and healthcare.

The significance of Obama's decision to withdraw US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The impact of Obama's cybersecurity initiatives on national security.

The role of Obama's economic policies in addressing income inequality.

Analyzing Obama's strategy in dealing with North Korea's nuclear program.

The impact of Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.

Assessing Obama's approach to drug policy and the legalization of marijuana.

Obama's efforts to promote diplomacy and multilateralism in international relations.

The significance of Obama's executive actions on immigration and DACA.

Analyzing the Obama administration's response to the Flint water crisis.

The impact of Obama's Clean Power Plan on the energy industry.

The role of Obama's immigration policies in shaping public opinion and political discourse.

These 114 Barack Obama essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of subjects related to his presidency. Whether you're interested in his domestic policies, foreign relations, or personal background, there's a topic here to suit your academic needs. Remember to conduct thorough research and present a well-structured argument to make your essay compelling and informative.

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Primary Sources: U.S. Presidents: Obama

  • General Sources
  • Adams, J.Q.
  • Harrison, W.H.
  • Johnson, A.
  • Harrison, B.
  • Roosevelt, T.
  • Roosevelt, F. D.
  • Johnson, L.B.
  • Bush, G. W.
  • Primary Sources: America (U.S.A.)

Primary Sources: Barack Obama

  • Inaugural Address (2009)
  • Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention
  • A More Perfect Union 2008 more... less... Barack Obama A More Perfect Union delivered 18 March 2008, Philadelphia, PA
  • Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama

Book Sources: Barack Obama

  • A selection of books/e-books available in Trible Library.
  • Click the title for location and availability information.

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  • Combine these these terms with the event or person you are researching. (example: civil war diary)
  • Also search by subject for specific people and events, then scan the titles for those keywords or others such as memoirs, autobiography, report, or personal narratives.
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  • Last Updated: Jun 6, 2024 1:41 PM
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  • DOI: 10.32920/ryerson.14660397
  • Corpus ID: 240860090

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Michelle Obama's early days in the vibrant heart of Chicago shaped not just her character but also her destiny. Born Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on a crisp January day in 1964, she opened her eyes to a world teeming with possibilities, even amidst the challenges of the South Side. Fraser and Marian Robinson, her hardworking parents, wove a tapestry of love, discipline, and aspiration around their children, Michelle and her older brother Craig, in their modest South Shore apartment. Life in […]

Barack Obama: a Historic Journey to Becoming America’s First Black President

When Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States in 2008, it was not just a political victory; it was a monumental chapter in the annals of American history. His election as the first black president marked a profound change in the nation's narrative, breaking centuries-old racial barriers and redefining the American dream. But the significance of this event goes beyond just a historical first; it's a story of societal evolution, a reflection of changing attitudes, […]

Full name :Barack Hussein Obama II
Height :1.87 m
Vice president :Joe Biden (2009–2017)
Children :Malia Ann Obama, Sasha Obama
Education :Harvard Law School (1988–1991)

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How to Write an Essay About Barack Obama

Understanding barack obama's legacy.

Before writing an essay about Barack Obama, it is essential to understand his impact and legacy both as the 44th President of the United States and as a public figure. Obama's presidency marked a series of significant milestones and policies that left a lasting impact on American politics and society. Start your essay by providing a brief background about Obama, including his early life, education, and rise in politics. Discuss his historical significance as the first African American president and the context in which he was elected. Understanding Obama's key domestic and foreign policies, his leadership style, and his contributions to issues like healthcare, economic reform, and international diplomacy is crucial for a comprehensive analysis.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay about Barack Obama should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about Obama's presidency, political ideology, or legacy. For instance, you might explore the impact of the Affordable Care Act, analyze Obama's approach to international relations, or discuss his influence on American political discourse. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your topic.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from various sources, including Obama's speeches, policy documents, biographies, and analyses by political experts. This might include statistical data on policy outcomes, excerpts from Obama’s memoirs, or commentary from political analysts. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Be sure to consider different perspectives and address potential counterarguments.

Analyzing Obama's Presidency and Impact

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing key aspects of Obama's presidency and his broader impact. Discuss specific policies and initiatives, their implementation, and their short-term and long-term effects. Explore the challenges Obama faced, such as economic crises, political opposition, and global issues, and how he addressed them. Also, consider the social and cultural significance of his presidency in the context of American history.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of Barack Obama's contribution to American politics and society. You might also want to reflect on his ongoing influence after his presidency and his role in current political discussions.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, educators, or political analysts to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on Barack Obama will not only demonstrate your understanding of his presidency but also your ability to engage with complex political and historical topics.

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Barack Obama essays

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Barack Obama. Even the name itself carries weight. Born in the tropics of Honolulu, Hawaii, this man’s journey from a diverse family background to the White House is nothing short of a modern American fairytale. As the first African-American president, his significance can’t be understated.

The early stages: foundations of a... Barack Obama. Even the name itself carries weight. Born in the tropics of Honolulu, Hawaii, this man’s journey from a diverse family background to the White House is nothing short of a modern American fairytale. As the first African-American president, his significance can’t be understated. The early stages: foundations of a political giant

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, if you wandered into the Illinois State Senate, you might’ve seen a young, eloquent senator passionately advocating for healthcare reforms or ethics overhauls. That was Obama, cutting his teeth in the tricky world of politics, building alliances, and marking himself as a leader with a vision.

2004 was a whirlwind year for Obama. Imagine being a relatively unknown figure and then overnight, after a speech at the Democratic National Convention, becoming the talk of the country! His message was clear and unifying, and people began to believe that, perhaps, he was destined for more significant roles.

The presidential years: steering the ship

Obama’s decisions were like a tightrope walk. However, with the introduction of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, he aimed to pump life into a floundering economy. And who could forget the healthcare debates? Regardless of one’s stance, the Affordable Care Act undeniably left its mark on the U.S. healthcare system.

Obama’s foreign policy? Complex. There were highs, like the Iran Nuclear Deal, which many saw as a step towards global security, and the rekindling of relations with Cuba. However, like any other leader, challenges like Syria’s civil unrest and the rise of new terror factions kept him on his toes.

Obama’s presidency wasn’t just about policies. It was about breaking ceilings, inspiring a generation, and sparking conversations about race, identity, and America’s role in the 21st century.

Life after the Oval Office

Since leaving the presidency, Obama has embraced a role as an elder statesman and mentor. He’s penned memoirs, delivered speeches, and even started a podcast with Bruce Springsteen!

Even out of office, Obama remains a pivotal figure. He’s been vocal about social issues, ensuring his influence persists in this ever-changing world.

When the dust settles and we look back at American history, it’s undeniable: Barack Obama’s narrative will stand out. It’s a story of breaking barriers, facing unprecedented challenges, and leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s fabric. As someone who’s witnessed it unfold, I can’t help but wonder: what’s next for this trailblazer?

After hearing Obama’s story, how many kids saw in themselves the potential for greatness? Obama became a symbol, whether it was his tales of growing up, grappling with his identity, or his accounts of resilience in the face of challenges. He showcased that with determination and passion, the ceilings of yesteryears can become the floors of today.

Amidst all the policy discussions and global trips, another side to Obama that resonated with many – was his role as a father and husband. Photos of him goofing around with Sasha and Malia, or the evident camaraderie with Michelle, painted the portrait of a man deeply rooted in his family’s values.

Every leader is with detractors and challenges, and Obama was no exception. Healthcare reforms, while historic, were divisive. Decisions, both domestic and foreign, were dissected and often criticized. And let’s not forget the weight of being the “first” – the first African American president. With that title came expectations and pressures unimaginable to most.

Obama’s era was one of growing polarization in American politics. Bridging divides wasn’t just a lofty goal but a daily necessity. Was it a balancing act? That is an understatement of the century.

Obama’s presidency symbolizes a shift, an evolution of American society. Policies aside, he ushered in a period of introspection about who we are as a nation and where we’re heading.

It’s said that a leader’s true impact is measured by the conversations they start, not just by the decisions they make. If that’s the metric, then Obama’s legacy is profound. From race and identity to global responsibility and climate change, his sparked dialogues continue to shape the national consciousness.

The final word

It’s funny how history works. Today’s controversies become tomorrow’s discussions and, eventually, a part of the grand tapestry of the past. Barack Obama, with his strengths, flaws, victories, and challenges, has firmly etched his place in that tapestry. As I ponder his journey, I’m reminded of the power of stories – and he is a narrative that I believe will inspire, teach, and resonate for generations to come.

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Barack Obama: Life in Brief

Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States—becoming the first African American to serve in that office—on January 20, 2009.

The son of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father, Obama grew up in Hawaii. Leaving the state to attend college, he earned degrees from Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Obama worked as a community organizer in Chicago, where he met and married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson in 1992. Their two daughters, Malia Ann and Natasha (Sasha), were born in 1998 and 2001, respectively. Obama was elected to the Illinois state senate in 1996 and served there for eight years. In 2004, he was elected by a record majority to the US Senate from Illinois and, in February 2007, announced his candidacy for president. After winning a closely fought contest against New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic nomination, Obama handily defeated Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican nominee for president, in the general election.

When President Obama took office, he faced very significant challenges. The economy was officially in a recession, and the outgoing administration of George W. Bush had begun to implement a controversial "bail-out" package to try to help struggling financial institutions. In foreign affairs, the United States still had troops deployed in difficult conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

During the first two years of his first term, President Obama was able to work with the Democratic-controlled Congress to improve the economy, pass health-care reform legislation, and withdraw most US troops from Iraq. After the Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 2010, the president spent significant time and political effort negotiating, for the most part unsuccessfully, with congressional Republicans about taxes, budgets, and the deficit. After winning reelection in 2012, Obama began his second term focused on securing legislation on immigration reform and gun control, neither of which he was able to achieve. When the Republicans won the Senate in 2014, Obama refocused on actions that he could take unilaterally, invoking his executive authority as president. In foreign policy, Obama concentrated during the second term on the Middle East and climate change.

Obama left the presidency, at age fifty-five, after his constitutionally limited two terms ended on January 20, 2017. He announced plans to remain in Washington, DC, until his younger daughter finished high school and, as a former president, to play a restrained but active role in public affairs. He also devoted energy to raising money and planning for the opening of the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, Illinois.


Michael Nelson

Professor of Political Science Rhodes College

More Resources

Barack obama presidency page, barack obama essays, life in brief (current essay), life before the presidency, campaigns & elections, domestic affairs, foreign affairs, family life, impact and legacy, related video.

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Inside the Obama Presidential Archives

Respecting tradition while embracing change.

The Obama Foundation is committed to supporting the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to lay the foundation for enhanced public access and engagement with the archives of the Obama presidency. Learn more about NARA’s work to make the archive available digitally and how artifacts and records will be made available at the future Obama Presidential Center.

Obama Presidential Records At-a-Glance

Graph stating 95% of Obama's records are digital.

All of the official presidential records of the Obama administration are owned and managed by NARA. This includes 1.5 billion pages of “born digital” records—emails, PDFs, digital photos, tweets—that have no paper equivalents—along with roughly 30 million pages of paper documents and 30,000 physical artifacts. Together, these “born-digital” and digitized records and artifacts will make up  NARA’s Obama Presidential Library. (Opens in a new tab)

NARA will maintain ownership and management of these records and make them available under the same standards and practices under which they have always administered records, in accordance with the  Presidential Records Act. (Opens in a new tab)

Barack Obama sits in a leather chair at a wood desk in the golden light of a table lamp holding a piece of paper in his hand. Behind him are a grandfather clock and large oil painting.

Just as with other Presidential Libraries, NARA will have a distinct staff dedicated to preserving, reviewing, and providing access to the Presidential Records of the Obama Administration. They will help the public, including historians and other researchers, find and access the born-digital and digitized records.

For the 30 million pages that will be digitized, the original paper documents will be preserved by NARA at a facility they administer, and made available to the public under the same policies and practices as other digitized NARA collections.

Considering the increasing volume of born-digital records,  NARA’s creation of a digital library aligns with changes in the expectations of the public that NARA’s holdings be available free and online. (Opens in a new tab)

Archives and Artifacts at the Obama Presidential Center

The Obama Presidential Center Museum  will tell the story of President Obama’s historic path to the presidency framed within the larger story of American history—including a spotlight on Chicago’s prominent role in the civil rights movement and its history of community engagement.

A rendering of the Museum Building is shown from the North.

While the Museum itself will be paid for and managed by the Foundation, a substantial number of the records and artifacts on display will be loaned to the Foundation by NARA, allowing visitors to engage with presidential items as they do at other NARA-run presidential museums.

barack obama research paper essay

Catching Up with the Curator: The Obama State China Service

This may include items such as manuscripts of President Obama’s major speeches or the many state gifts presented to President and Mrs. Obama by world leaders. These loaned records and artifacts will be subject to NARA’s standards for the display of any NARA record or artifact. Some examples from the NARA-controlled archives will appear physically in display cases or digitally.

The Museum’s collections and curatorial staff is determining plans to provide research access to any items collected by the Obama Presidential Center Museum. Museum exhibits will include a range of objects from our own collections, or from other institutions, alongside those on loan from NARA’s holdings.

Ready for more?

Read our full fact sheet for more information about the Obama Presidential archives.


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Research Frequently Asked Questions

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Are the Barack Obama Presidential records available for research?

Yes. Obama Presidential records became subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests on January 20, 2022. Guidance and tips on submitting FOIA requests can be found here . 

How can I access Obama Presidential records?

Barack Obama Presidential records are stored and preserved by the National Archives . However, they are not accessible to the public. Records, both digitized and born-digital, will be made available for research online via the Obama Library website and the National Archives Catalog (NAC) . NARA is digitizing textual (paper) records as quickly as possible. Textual records will be scanned in their original order and organized by folder, so researchers can still read the documents in their correct context.

How can I request records not yet available for public research?

Anyone may request access to Presidential records not yet available for public research by submitting a written Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Guidance and tips on submitting FOIA requests can be found here .

What types of records are available for research?

Textual records.

The Barack Obama Presidential Library holds more than 30 million pages of textual (paper) Presidential records from the Executive Office of the President (EOP). View the Finding Aids page for more information on records released via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Audiovisual Records

The Barack Obama Presidential Library holds over 600 cubic feet of audiovisual recordings and the 3 million digital photographs created by the White House Photo Office. The audiovisual holdings predominantly include materials from President Obama's time in the White House, many of which are already available in the public domain. View the  Audiovisual Records page for more information. 

Please contact the  Office of Barack and Michelle Obama  for information on pre-and post-presidential audiovisual records.

Electronic Records

NARA's Electronic Records Archive (ERA) system  stores and processes electronic records from the Barack Obama Administration. The Executive Office of the President (EOP-ERA) version of the system exclusively stores unclassified Presidential records, such as emails and shared drive files.

Over 250 TB of records were ingested into EOP-ERA at the close of the Obama Administration, including:

  • Over 300 million e-mail messages
  • Over 3 million digital photographs
  • Over 30 million other electronic records

These electronic records are preserved within EOP-ERA in groups called Search and Access Sets (SAS). Records are included in a SAS based on the system that originally created the records. SAS includes data created by electronic data systems used for email management, photograph organization, visitor records, scheduling, and other functions.

EOP-ERA also contains files from hard drives on White House computers, including home drives maintained by individual staffers and shared drives used across White House offices. Hard drives are organized by the White House component, and thereunder by individual offices or staff members:

  • CEA (Council of Economic Advisers)
  • EXR (Executive Residence)
  • NSC (National Security Council)
  • OA (Office of Administration)
  • PIAB (President’s Intelligence Advisory Board)
  • WHO (White House Office): This drive contains the majority of the offices that have not already been named, including (but not limited to) Chief of Staff, Domestic Policy Council, Office of the First Lady, Speechwriting, Press Office, etc.

View the Finding Aids page for more information on records released via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. 

What are classified and closed records?

The National Archives and Records Administration aims to provide as much access to records as possible. However, certain records must be withheld for restrictions and/or exemptions outlined in the  Presidential Records Act (PRA) , as amended, and the  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) . The information not released includes national security, confidential advice, and personal privacy information. Researchers are alerted to the exemption of records or portions of records. Withdrawal markers on documents provide the reason(s) why the information has been withheld or redacted.

Can I appeal the closure of records restricted under the PRA and FOIA?

Yes. Original requesters may file an appeal challenging the status of records closed under the PRA and/or FOIA provisions.

Can I request declassification of national security information?

Yes. All national security records responsive to a FOIA request will be reviewed. Any records restricted under the national security provisions of the PRA and FOIA are eligible for a declassification review.

Researchers may also file a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request for specific national security classified records.  Guidance and tips on submitting MDR requests can be found here .

How does copyright law affect my research?

The United States Copyright Law (P.L. 94-553) provides statutory protection for the authors or producers of original works. The copyright law gives the author and his or her heirs the sole right of publication for the term of the copyright. The use of copyrighted material requires the permission of the holder of the copyright. Permission to reproduce copyrighted materials contained in the holdings of the Obama Presidential Library must be obtained from the copyright holder. The copyright law does not apply to material in the public domain or material produced by government employees in the course of their official duties. Researchers with specific questions about copyright law should obtain legal advice. Federal employees are not authorized to provide guidance with regard to copyright laws.

How do I cite my sources?

Citing or documenting sources used in research serves many purposes. Correctly citing sources gives credit to the authors of the words, ideas, photographs, videos, or artifacts incorporated into your work. Citing sources also provides authority to information shared and allows information to be discovered by others. Guidelines for citations for records retrieved from the Barack Obama Presidential Library can be found here . 

Visit this site for additional information on citing sources from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

What materials are not held at the Obama Presidential Library?

Campaign and transition materials.

As per the Presidential Records Act (PRA) , campaign and transition records are considered "personal records," rather than "presidential records." Campaign and transition materials are  NOT included in our collection. For more information on the PRA, including an in-depth description of what is and is not considered records, view the PRA guide here .

Vice President Joe Biden's official records

Vice President Biden's records are NOT housed at the Barack Obama Presidential Library. These records are at the National Archives and Records Administrations in Washington, DC. For information on these records of Vice President Biden please contact the Archival Operations Division :

Archival Operations Division- Vice Presidential Materials National Archives and Records Administration 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Room G-7 Washington, DC 20408 [email protected]

barack obama research paper essay

Are there additional research resources you recommend?

We recommend non-partisan resources for those who want to learn more about President Obama, the National Archives and Records Administration holdings, and learners or researchers looking for general government research information. 

The Obama Administration

  • Archived White House Websites and Social Media The White House websites and certain social media accounts were "frozen in time," on the last day of President Obama’s term in office. 
  • Public Papers of the President: Barack Obama The Government Publishing Office (GPO) maintains a digital version of Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, which includes published documents and speeches. 
  • Executive Orders of President Barack Obama List of all Executive Orders signed by President Obama, as compiled in the Federal Register. 

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

  • NARA’s main website includes an overview of policies and lists of records available for research, lesson plans and other resources for educators, and information about the NARA facilities across the country.
  • National Archives Catalog NARA’s online catalog enables researchers to search for descriptions of NARA’s records and provides online access to collections that have been digitized.
  • The Center for Legislative Archives The Center for Legislative Archives is the branch of NARA responsible for preserving and processing the records of the US Congress.
  • Presidential Records on A section of NARA's main website that highlights Presidential Records. Additionally users can explore Presidents' Daily Diaries and Schedules.

General Government Research

  • The American Presidency Project A project of the University of California - Santa Barbara, the American Presidency Project provides a searchable interface for Presidential materials from George Washington to Donald J. Trump.
  • The Miller Center of Public Affairs The Miller Center of Public Affairs, part of the University of Virginia, maintains an online collection of biographies, essays, exhibits, oral histories, speeches, photographs, and oral histories about the U.S. Presidential administrations.
  • Gov Info, Government Printing Office Online access to official Federal resources from all three branches of the Federal Government published by the U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Formerly known as THOMAS, the website for Congress includes a search engine for legislative information including bills and resolutions, calendars, and the Congressional Record.
  • White House Historical Association The White House Historical Association provides insight into the cultural significance of the White House itself, with online exhibits on traditions, furnishings, and holidays, plus biographies of the First Families.
  • CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room The Central Intelligence Agency’s electronic, searchable library of documents has been released through FOIA requests.
  • Department of State, Office of the Historian The Office of the Historian of the State Department provides a chronological list of Presidential and Secretary of State travel, visits from foreign leaders, and more.
  • Foreign Relations of the U.S. (FRUS) Compiled by the Department of State, the “FRUS,” series is the official historical record of U.S. foreign policy and diplomatic activity.

barack obama research paper essay

How can I research the records of other U.S. Presidents?

The Presidential Library system is composed of fifteen Presidential Libraries, which bring together the documents and artifacts of a President and his administration and present them to the public for study and discussion without regard for political considerations or affiliations. Overseen by the National Archives and Records Administration, Presidential Libraries and Museums belong to the American people and help us learn about our nation and our democracy. Use these links to find information about presidential documents, the U.S. Presidents, and Presidential Libraries.

  • Presidential Libraries Visit the Presidential Libraries online or discover how you can visit a Presidential Library in-person. 
  • General Research resources compiled by the National Archives. 
  • Inaugurations The 20th amendment to the Constitution specifies that the term of each elected President of the United States begins at noon on January 20 of the year following the election. Each President must take the oath of office before assuming the duties of the position. These sources can be used to gain a greater understanding of U.S Presidential Inaugurations. 
  • The 25th Amendment Learn more about the Presidential Order of Succession. 
  • Presidential Collections Online resources for researching individual Presidents. 
  • First Ladies Online resources to learn more on the contributions of the First Ladies. 
  • Portraits and Photographs of Presidents and First Ladies Gain digital access to portraits, paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other likenesses of the Presidents and First Ladies. 
  • Salaries and Retirement Benefits of U.S. Presidents These resources describe the pension and benefits granted to former Presidents and policy implications, along with up-to-date salary and benefit information for the President, the Vice President, and high-ranking government officials. 
  • Presidential Documents Here you will find various government documents, including Compilation of Presidential Documents, Economic Report of the President, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, along with website links to Executive Orders, Proclamations, and other Presidential documents. 
  • Founders Online If you are interested in the ideas behind the founding of our democracy, you can use Founders Online to go straight to the source. Founders Online collects in one place the papers, written by or addressed to, seven key figures of the era: John Adams, along with son John Quincy Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. You can access annotated first drafts of the Declaration of Independence, the spirited debate over the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the records of the very beginnings of our national story. Also available is firsthand details of the Founders’ personal lives as told in their own voices. 

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The Obama Presidential Library That Isn’t

barack obama research paper essay

By Jennifer Schuessler

  • Feb. 20, 2019

The Obama Presidential Center promises to be a presidential library like no other.

The four-building, 19-acre “working center for citizenship,” set to be built in a public park on the South Side of Chicago, will include a 235-foot-high “museum tower,” a two-story event space, an athletic center, a recording studio, a winter garden, even a sledding hill.

But the center, which will cost an estimated $500 million, will also differ from the complexes built by Barack Obama’s predecessors in another way: It won’t actually be a presidential library.

In a break with precedent, there will be no research library on site, and none of Mr. Obama’s official presidential records. Instead, the Obama Foundation will pay to digitize the roughly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the administration so they can be made available online.

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.

The plan was revealed, with little fanfare, in May 2017. Few details of the digitization were made public until Tuesday, when the foundation and the archives unexpectedly released a legal agreement outlining procedures for creating what is being billed as “first digital archives for the first digital president,” which they say will democratize access.

But as awareness of the plan has spread, some historians see a threat to future scholarship on the Obama administration — and to the presidential library system itself.

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    President Barack Obama has become the first sitting president to publish an academic paper, Forbes reports. The paper, though not peer reviewed, was fact checked for 2 months before being published in the The Journal of the American Medical Association. "United States Health Care Reform: Progress to Date and Next Steps" dives into the recommendations Obama has for the next president to improve ...

  7. (PDF) Obamacare: An ethical analysis of his leadership and the health

    Paper type Research paper. ... Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign website constructs a particular image of the candidate. This essay will show that defines Obama as a ...

  8. [PDF] Barack Obama's Speeches and Addresses: a Narrative and Framing

    Barack Obama's Speeches and Addresses: a Narrative and Framing Analysis. This Major Research Paper analyzes four of President Obama's addresses or speeches leading up to and during the initial year in his second presidential term by asking two crucial questions that existing literature has overlooked. Scholars have primarily focused on the ...

  9. Barack Obama: a Study in Transformational Leadership

    Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, is often lauded for his dynamic and transformational leadership style. His tenure was marked by significant challenges and achievements, and his approach to leadership provides a compelling study in modern political science. This essay aims to dissect the key components of Obama's ...

  10. President Research Paper: Barack Obama

    830 (2 pages) Downloads. 78. Download for Free. Important: This sample is for inspiration and reference only. Get Custom Essay. I am writing my research paper on the forty-fourth president Barack Obama. He served two terms as President, Joe Biden served as Obama's vice president. He has made a big difference in our lives today and has had many ...

  11. A Style of His Own: A Rhetorical Analysis of President Barack Obama's

    President Obama's 2009 and 2013 inaugural addresses. As a result of this analysis, this paper. will argue that President Obama's presidential rhetoric in his inaugural addresses differs from. past presidents in that his rhetoric is more secular based and more inclusive of immigrants and. minorities.

  12. PDF The Interpersonal Metafunction Analysis of Barack Obama's

    Memorial Address "I have a dream". As one of the most successful speeches in America's history, Barack Obama's Victory Speech maintains most of the prominent features of speeches as a special discourse type. The above factors make contributions to the reliability and validity of the research result of this paper. 3.

  13. Barack Obama Research Paper

    This paper analyzes the history of the Democratic Party as well as the biography, platform, and criticism of Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States of America, and the 1st African American president. Amongst many other accomplishments, Obama was a civil rights attorney, professor, and a senator.

  14. Barack Obama Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    Words: 763 Pages: 3 5278. Barack Obama was born on August 8th, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, to his mother, Ann Durham, and his father, Barack Sr., who met at the University of Hawaii Manoa campus. His father was from Kenya and was the first-ever student from an African country to attend this university.

  15. Barack Obama Essays & Research Papers

    Barack Obama Biography Essay. Barack Obama. His path to the presidency Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii. His father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., did not play a significant role in Obama's life, while he was growing up.


    Barack Hussein Obama or usually called Barack Obama became the 44th American. President and was the first African-American President to serve as President of the United. States. He served as ...

  17. Essay On Barack Obama

    Barack Obama Research Paper. Obama's Presidency Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States, making history by becoming the first African American to serve in the office on January 20, 2009. He has always been a leader in a true sense.

  18. Research Guides

    The Government Publishing Office (GPO) maintains a digital version of Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, which includes published documents and speeches. Executive Orders of President Barack Obama; List of all Executive Orders signed by President Obama, as compiled in the Federal Register. Research. The American Presidency ...

  19. Barack Obama: Life in Brief

    Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States—becoming the first African American to serve in that office—on January 20, 2009. The son of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father, Obama grew up in Hawaii. Leaving the state to attend college, he earned degrees from Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

  20. Inside the Obama Presidential Archives

    Archives and Artifacts at the Obama Presidential Center. The Obama Presidential Center Museum will tell the story of President Obama's historic path to the presidency framed within the larger story of American history—including a spotlight on Chicago's prominent role in the civil rights movement and its history of community engagement. 1/ ...

  21. Research Frequently Asked Questions

    Public Papers of the President: Barack Obama The Government Publishing Office (GPO) maintains a digital version of Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, which includes published documents and speeches. Executive Orders of President Barack Obama List of all Executive Orders signed by President Obama, as compiled in the Federal ...

  22. The Obama Presidential Library That Isn't

    At the end of the Barack Obama presidency, some 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the White House and 30,000 artifacts were shipped to a former furniture store outside Chicago ...