
  • (Sep 15) Course page is online.
  • (Sep 15) Please register to the Moodle system. You will submit your assignments using Moodle.
  • (Oct 16) Homework assignment 1 is available.
  • (Nov 10) Homework assignment 2 is available.
  • (Nov 25) Homework assignment 3 is available.
  • (Dec 14) Homework assignment 4 is available.

Course Description

This course introduces the abstract data types of lists, stacks and queues, and shows how one can implement them in C++ using fundamental data structures. It also introduces recursion and algorithm analysis.

Instructor: (Office: EA 418, Email:
Lectures: Tue 13:30-15:20 (EE 05), Fri 08:30-10:20 (EE 05)
Instructor: (Office: EA 418, Email:
Lectures: Wed 08:30-10:20 (EE 05), Fri 13:30-15:20 (EE 05)
Instructor: (Office: EA 426, Email:
Lectures: Mon 08:30-10:20 (EE 05), Wed 13:30-15:20 (EE 05)

Teaching Assistants

  • Mahmud Sami Aydın (EA 507; sami.aydin[at]
  • Cihan Erkan (EA 427; cihan.erkan[at]
  • Utku Gülgeç (EA 425; utku.gulgec[at]
  • Klea Zambaku (EA 518; klea.zambaku[at]

Office Hours

  • Selim Aksoy: by appointment
  • Aynur Dayanık: by appointment
  • Frank M. Carrano and Timothy Henry, Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors , 7th edition, Pearson, 2017 (textbook, ebook).
  • Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, C++ How to Program , any edition, Prentice Hall, 2011 or newer (recommended).

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  • B-Z01: BİLGE-GÜL
  • Assignment 1 : Due 23:59 on November 6, 2022
  • Assignment 2 : supplementary files , Due 23:59 on November 23, 2022
  • Assignment 3 : Due 23:59 on December 11, 2022
  • Assignment 4 : Due 23:59 on December 23, 2022

Homework assignments will be posted on this page. Assignments are expected to be turned in by 23:59 on the due date. You should upload your solutions to the homework assignments using Moodle before the deadline.

Late submissions will not be accepted. Thus, please make sure that you start working on the assignments early enough and submit them on time.

Please make sure you fully understand the Bilkent University Policy on Academic Honesty (in Turkish) and the Rules and Regulations of the Higher Education Council (YOK) (in Turkish) . Cheating and plagiarism on exams and homework assignments will be punished according to these regulations.

A very important guideline on academic integrity is the Honor Code for Introductory Programming Courses (CS 101/2 and 201/2) in our department. Please make sure that you are fully aware of these guidelines.

Grading Policy

Midterm exam:40%
Final exam:40%
  • collect at least 30% of EACH of the first three homework grades, AND
  • collect at least 30% of the midterm grade.

The instructors also reserve the right to set other thresholds for passing grades.

Due to the YOK (Higher Education Council) regulations, we are taking attendance and will report it to the Department at the end of the semester.

When you are in doubt, ask. Use office hours. If you cannot visit us during office hours, you can always ask questions or arrange meetings by e-mail. Study regularly for the course and attend classes. Do your assignments on time and pay attention to the instructions for submitting assignments. Always make sure that the code you submitted does compile and run correctly.

Related Links

  • Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors (7th ed., Carrano and Henry) home page
  • Mark Allen Weiss home page
  • Deitel & Deitel home page
  • Dive Into GNU C++ on Linux
  • Dive Into GNU C++ with Cygwin on Windows
  • Dive Into Microsoft Visual C++ .NET
  • Dive into Microsoft Visual C++ 6
  • Dive Into Borland C++ 5.5
  • GCC: GNU Compiler Collection
  • Minimalist GNU for Windows
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Eclipse Open Source IDE
  • Code::Blocks C++ IDE
  • Dev C++ IDE
  • C/C++ Reference
  • C++ Resources Network
  • GNU Standard C++ Library
  • Linux tutorial by the course TAs
  • Linux command summary [ summary1 | summary2 ]
  • C Programming in Linux by Ibrahim Korpeoglu
  • Compiling C and C++ Programs
  • GCC and Make: Compiling, Linking and Building C/C++ Applications
  • Makefile Tutorial
  • MIT course on useful tools for CS education
  • Linux distributions
  • Tools for memory leaks
  • PuTTY: Free Telnet/SSH Client


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  • Virtual University
  • CS201 - Introduction to Programming

CS201 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion


Re: CS201 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

Semester: Spring 2020 CS201 – Introduction to Programming Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 16-6-2020

Instructions Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment: It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o Assignment is submitted after due date. o Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt. o Assignment is copied (From internet/students).

Software allowed to develop Assignment

Objectives: In this assignment, the students will learn: • How to fill / populate a two-dimensional array using given source data. • How to write user defined functions and pass an array to them as parameter. • How to use if statement and do while loop. • How to calculate the percentage in elements of array. • How to display array elements.

Assignment Submission Instructions You are required to submit only .cpp file on the assignments interface of CS201 at VU-LMS. Assignment submitted in any other format will not be accepted and will be graded zero marks.

Problem Statement Write a menu in C++ which should show the country code and name at the start of application:

  • Press 0 for Pakistan.
  • Press 1 for China.
  • Press 2 for Italy.
  • Press 3 for UK.
  • Press 4 for Iran.
  • Press 5 for France.
  • Press 6 for Turkey.
  • Press 7 to exit. Instructions to write C++ program:

 Write functions to calculate % of recovered patients, % of deaths in specific country . Following function names should be used for consistency.

To display all elements in matrix form showElements( );
Percentage of death PercentageDeath ( ):
Percentage of recovered PercentageRecovered();

Source data:

Country Code Total Cases Total Deaths Total Recovered
0 560,433 22,115 32,634
1 156,363 19,899 34,211
2 84,279 10,612 0
3 82,160 3,341 77,663
4 71,686 4,474 43,894
5 56,956 1,198 3,446
6 5,374 93 1095

Sample Output: First, user will call the showElements() method to display all the data in matrix form: Then, it will display a menu to calculate the percentage of dead and recovered persons for specific country:


Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 11-15. Deadline: The deadline to submit your assignment solution is 16-6-2020. Your assignment must be submitted within the due date through VU-LMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date.

Discussion is right way to get Solution of the every assignment, Quiz and GDB. We are always here to discuss and Guideline, Please Don't visit Cyberian only for Solution. Cyberian Team always happy to facilitate to provide the idea solution. Please don't hesitate to contact us! %(red)[NOTE: Don't copy or replicating idea solutions.] Quiz Copy Solution Mid and Final Past Papers Live Chat

@zaasmi said in CS201 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion :

code please?

Raazia Gul

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Cs201 assignment 1 solution fall 2022 | download solution in pdf from website free assignment / gdb, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});.

cs201 assignment 2 solution fall 2022


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

•                      Assignment is submitted after due date.

•                      Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

•                      Assignment is copied (From internet/students).

Recommended tool to develop Assignment

•          Dev C++


To enable students to understand and practice the concepts of:

•          Data Types and Variables

•          Arithmetic and Logical Operators

•          Expression Solving

•          If-else Statements

•          Repetition Structure

•          Function

Assignment Submission Instructions

You have to submit only .cpp file on the assignments interface of CS201 from your LMS account. Assignment submitted in any other format(like doc, docx, pdf, giff,jpg etc.) will be scaled with zero mark . So, check your solution file format before submission.

For any query related to assignment, please contact [email protected] .

Lectures: 1 to 10

Write a C++ program to prompt the user to enter the S cale and the n print the E mployee ’s Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance and Total Pay by using a function.

Calculations are given as:













Note: The scale should be between 1 and 3 otherwise the system will ask for the correct scale again.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int employee(int scale){

int salary, houseRent, allowance, totalPay;


//switch statement

case 1: //case1

salary = 50000;

houseRent = salary * 10/100;

allowance = 3000;

totalPay = salary + houseRent + allowance;


cout<<" The Basic Salaryis  : \t"<<salary <<"\n The House Rentis  : \t"<<houseRent <<"\n Utility Allowance: \t"<<allowance <<"\n The Total Payis : \t"<<totalPay;

//break statement

case 2: //case1

salary = 70000;

allowance = 5000;

case 3: //case1

salary = 90000;

allowance = 7000;

cout<<"Incorrect Range... \nEnter the scale of employee(1-3)";

cout<<"\t \t CS201 assignment 1 Solution Fall 2022";

cout<<"\n \t \t by Abdul Hadi E Services ";

cout<<"\n \t   -------------------------------------------- \n";

cout << "Enter your scale of the employee (1-3): ";

cin >> scale;


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cs201 assignment 2 solution fall 2022

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cs201 assignment 2 solution fall 2022

 December 2022



To enable students to understand and practice the concepts of:



You have to submit only file on the assignments interface of CS201 from your LMS account.

For any query related to assignment, please contact .


Write a C++ program to prompt the user to enter the Scale and then print the Employee’s Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance and Total Pay by using a function.

Calculations are given as:


Note: The scale should be between 1 and 3 otherwise the system will ask for the correct scale again.

As a result, you should have the following output:

The user enter 1:

If the user enter 2:

The user enter 3:

If the user enters input other than 1, 2 and 3. Then program should prompt the user to enter the correct scale of the employee again.


  Lectures Covered: 1 to 10

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cs201 assignment 2 solution fall 2022


cs201 assignment 2 solution fall 2022

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CS201 Assignment 2 Solution Fall 2022-2023


using namespace std;

class Matrix Property {

int matrix[2][2];


for (int i=0;i<2:1++){ for (int j=0;j<2: j++) { matrix[1][j] = 0;

MatrixProperty(int a[2][2]) {


void setMatrix(int arr[2][2]) {

cs201 assignment 2 solution fall 2022

for (int i=0;i<2:++) {

for (int j=0;j<2;j++) { matrix[1][j] = arr[i][j];

friend MatrixProperty Transpose MatrixProperty &m) {

MatrixProperty transpose:

for (int i=0;i<2:1++){

for (int j=0;j<2: j++){

transpose matrix[i][j] = m.matrix[j][i];

retum transpose:

MatrixProperty operator+(const MatrixPropaty &m) {

MatrixProperty result;

for (int i=0:1-2:++) { for (int j=0;j<2; j++){

result.matrix[i][j] = matrix[i][j] +m_matrix[i][j];

return result;

void display(MatrixProperty &m) {

for (int i=0;i<2:i++) {

for (int j=0;j<2; j++) {

cout<<m.matrix[i] <<“”;

cout << endl;

int main() {

int A[2][2]={(1, 2), (3,4));

int B[2][2] ((5.6), (7,8));

MatrixProperty matl, mat2, mat3, mat4:

mat 1.setMatrix(A);


mat3 = mat1 + mat2;

mat4 Transpose(mat3);

cout<<” “<<<<endl:

cout<<<<” “<<<<endl:

cout<<<<” ——————————————————————————-

———————- “<<<<endl:

cout<<“Matrix A:”;



cout<<“Matrix B:


cout<<“Sum of Matrix A and B: “:


cout<<“Transpose of Matrix (A+B): “:



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CS201 GDB No 1 Solution Fall 2022

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CS201 GDB No 1 Solution Fall 2022

If you come across any GDB solutions for the Fall of 2022, please visit our GDB section to navigate the Fall GDB Solution page. You can leave a comment below, and we will do our best to respond as soon as possible.

Study solution is an educational platform that provides students with a free VU assignment solution for educational purposes. The VU assignment solutions offered by this platform are developed by professional and experienced educators who are experts in their respective fields.

CS201 GDB No 1 Solution Fall 2022  this Virtual University assignment solution is created keeping in mind the specific requirements of the students and the VU curriculum. The Virtual University assignment solution offered by Study Solution is reliable, accurate, and up-to-date.

In addition, the free VU assignment solutions offered by this platform are easy to understand and use. This makes it an ideal platform for students who want the best results in their VU assignments.

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Study Solution provides you with the best possible VU assignment solution file . Our team of experts is highly qualified and experienced in delivering VU assignment help .

CS201 GDB No 1 Solution Fall 2022,  we provide you with the VU assignment solution file free of cost. You can use all VU assignment solution files for your VU assignments. We assure you that our VU assignment help will help you get good grades on your assignments.

We understand that Virtual University can be a challenging place, especially for new students. That is why our Virtual University Assignment Solution is here to help. Contact us today through the comment section for all your Virtual University Assignment Solution needs.

VU is a top-rated university, and the assignments are a big part of the curriculum. Many students find it challenging to complete their VU assignments on time; this is where Study Solution comes in. We provide VU assignment solutions that are plagiarism-free and of high quality. We also offer 24/7 customer support so that you can get all your doubts cleared. So what are you waiting for?

Please Note:

  • Please do not copy and paste; else, you will receive zero marks.
  • Please gather ideas for your unique solution.
  • If you discover a mistake, please correct it as soon as possible.
  • Please double-check your assignment requirements before submitting your assignment.
  • If the Solution file is incorrect, please let us know in the comments section below, and we will correct it as soon as possible.
  • Dear students, please check all your assignment requirements before submitting your assignment.
  • Dear Student, please don’t submit the same solution file.
  • Please collect the ideas below and make your solution file for good marks.
  • If the solution file is wrong or there is any mistake, please let us know below. We will try to update it as soon as possible.
  • Please check your file carefully before submitting whether the file works appropriately or not.
  • Please double-check all of your assignments before sending them to the instructor.
  • You will receive zero marks if you submit the same file as before.

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