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Analysis of Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on May 25, 2021

Frequently anthologized, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” exemplifies Flannery O’Connor’s southern religious grounding. The story depicts the impact of Christ on the lives of two seemingly disparate characters. One is a grandmother joining her son’s family on a trip to Florida. Accompanied by a silent daughter-in-law, a baby, two unpleasant children, and her smuggled cat, she wheedles the son into making a detour to see a plantation that she remembers from an earlier time.

Moments of recognition and connection multiply as the seemingly foreordained meeting of the grandmother and the killer she has read about in the paper takes place. She upsets the basket in which she has hidden her cat; the cat lands on her son’s neck, causing an accident. Soon three men appear on the dirt road, and the grandmother recognizes one of them as the notorious killer the Misfit.

what is a good man essay

Flannery O’Connor/National Catholic Register

O’Connor weaves the notion of punishment and Christian love into the conversation between the Misfit and the grandmother while the grandmother’s family is being murdered. Referring to the similarity that he shares with Christ, the Misfit declares that “Jesus thrown everything off balance” (27), but he admits that unlike Christ, he must have committed a crime because there were papers to prove it. When the grandmother touches his shoulder because she sees him as one of her own children, she demonstrates a Christian love that causes him to shoot her.

This story typifies O’Connor’s mingling of comedy, goodness, banality, and violence in her vision of a world that, however imperfect, most readers inevitably recognize as part of their own. O’Connor views the world as a place where benevolence and good intentions conflict with perversity and evil, and her protagonists frequently learn too late that their lives can crumble in an instant when confronted by the very real powers of darkness.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Kessler, Edward. Flannery O’Connor and the Language of Apocalypse. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1986. Orvell, Miles. Flannery O’Connor: An Introduction. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1991

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A Good Man is Hard to Find

Flannery o’connor.

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Good Man: Introduction

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Historical Context of A Good Man is Hard to Find

Other books related to a good man is hard to find.

  • Full Title: A Good Man is Hard to Find
  • When Written: 1955
  • Where Written: Milledgeville, GA
  • When Published: 1955
  • Literary Period: Southern Gothic
  • Genre: Southern Gothic Short Story
  • Setting: Twentieth Century Rural South
  • Climax: The Grandmother reaches out and touches The Misfit, exclaiming, “You’re one of my own children,” and he shoots her three times.
  • Antagonist: The Misfit
  • Point of View: Third-person, mostly following the Grandmother

Extra Credit for A Good Man is Hard to Find

Fifteen Minutes of Fame. At the age of five, a photographer came to take photographs of one of O’Connor’s chickens, which she had taught to walk backwards. Film footage of this later made national newsreels.

Not Well Received. At ten years old, O’Connor began to write a series of sketches of her family members. Later in life, she described the collection, “My Relatives,” as “not well received.” Many of her family members were apparently displeased with how they were portrayed.

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Flannery O’Connor’s ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ is one of the best-known short stories by Flannery O’Connor (1925-64), who produced a string of powerful stories during her short life. First published in the collection A Good Man Is Hard to Find in 1955, the story is about an American family who run into an escaped murderer at a plantation.

Before we offer an analysis of some of the key details of the story, here’s a brief summary of its plot.

Plot summary

The story is about a grandmother, her son named Bailey, Bailey’s wife, and the couple’s three children, named June Star, John Wesley, and simply ‘the baby’. The family are going on holiday to Florida. At the beginning of the story, the grandmother points out to her son that a notorious criminal, known as the Misfit, is on the loose and she doesn’t think they should be going on vacation to Florida when the Misfit is rumoured to be heading there.

On their way to their destination, the grandmother tells the children a story of how she was courted by a wealthy man who used to leave her a watermelon every day with his initials, E. A. T., inscribed in it. However, one day a black boy saw the word ‘EAT’ on the watermelon and ate it. This story amuses the children.

The family then stop off for lunch a barbecue diner, The Tower, run by a man named Red Sammy, who talks to the grandmother about the Misfit. It is Red Sammy who remarks, ‘A good man is hard to find’, in reference to the dangerous convict on the loose.

When the family get back on the road, the grandmother persuades her son to take a detour to a plantation she remembers from her youth. She embellishes the story by inventing details, such as the idea that a secret panel concealed the family silver in the house.

However, she has misremembered where the plantation is: Tennessee, rather than Georgia (where the family are). When the grandmother’s cat escapes from his basket and frightens Bailey, he crashes the car into a ditch.

Another car approaches them. It contains three men, one of whom the grandmother recognises as the notorious Misfit. He seems familiar to her, as though she has known him for years.

When she blurts out that she recognises him, the Misfit tells them that it would have been better if she hadn’t recognised him. He talks to the grandmother while his two accomplices lead Bailey into the woods and shoot him. They then do the same with Bailey’s wife and the children. The grandmother tries to flatter the Misfit into sparing her life, telling him that she knows he’s a good man, but to no avail.

The story ends with the grandmother addressing the Misfit as one of her own ‘babies’ or ‘children’; the Misfit shoots her dead. The Misfit has the final word, observing that the grandmother would have been a good woman if she had had someone there ‘to shoot her every minute of her life.’

The character of the grandmother is central to the dramatic power of ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’. The first two words of the story are ‘The grandmother’; the story begins with her warning her son about the escaped Misfit and ends with her being shot dead by the Misfit; the story opens with the third-person narrator’s reference to Bailey as the grandmother’s ‘only boy’ but ends with her addressing the Misfit as one of her ‘own children’.

And although ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ is narrated by an impersonal third-person narrator, in terms of the story’s focalisation we remain close to the grandmother’s perspective on events, seeing things through her eyes and gaining access to her thoughts and feelings as the story approaches its shocking and dramatic climax.

The skill of O’Connor’s writing lies in her ability to shuttle rapidly between comedic moments poking gentle fun at the grandmother and darker plot developments. The point is not that the shift between these two very different modes seems awkward or out of place, but that O’Connor lends the already shocking moments at the end of the story an even more alarming element, through juxtaposing them with lighter comic interludes.

A central theme of O’Connor’s story is, as the title makes clear, goodness: note how the grandmother and Red Sammy’s repeated references to a ‘good man’ meet their match in the Misfit’s statement at the end of the story that the grandmother would have been a ‘good woman’ if someone had been there to (threaten to) shoot her at all times.

This statement of the Misfit’s also highlights another theme O’Connor is exploring: that of crime and punishment. The Misfit tells the grandmother that the punishments he has undergone don’t match with the crimes he has committed. But the story contains a religious angle, too, as exemplified by the grandmother’s epiphany at the end of the story, in which – when confronted with her own imminent death – she reaches out and acknowledges her killer as one of her ‘children’.

This blessing is in stark contrast to the Misfit, who – in almost Dostoevskian fashion – characterises Christianity as a case of either giving up anything and following Christ or rejecting him and doing as one pleases. Anything – murder, burning down someone’s house – is permissible and constitutes the only true pleasure one can get from life.

The grandmother’s final act of blessing (forgiveness, or a last desperate attempt to save her own life?) raises this petty, racially prejudiced, and comical old woman far above the level of the nihilistic Misfit and all he represents.

Of course, it may also be significant that the Misfit – who was accused by one of the prison psychiatrists of killing his own father – personally kills the grandmother, who represents an old and outmoded America. Flannery O’Connor’s story is about a changing America, and the text is marked by the Grandmother’s continual reminiscences about a better, simpler life when she was younger.

The story’s title, taken from Red Sammy’s conversation with the Grandmother in which they lament that the world has become debased and degraded during their lifetimes, places this mood and tone at the centre of the story.

In this connection, the grandmother’s attitude towards African-Americans is already outdated, even in 1955 when the story first appeared.

Her racial stereotypes , such as associating African-Americans with watermelons, the offensive words she uses to describe the black boy they pass in the car, and her casual presumptions about the lives of black people all mark her out as a representative of an older American outlook which is about to be entirely laid to rest with the onset of the US Civil Rights movement. (The Montgomery Bus Boycott , for example, occurred at the end of 1955, the year the story appeared.)

Final thoughts

Viewed this way, ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ might be productively analysed alongside a another key American text from the 1950s: Tennessee Williams’ play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , also from 1955, similarly deals with the generational gap between an older America and the younger Americans who represent a new attitude, especially regarding race.

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Discovering Good | Analysis of A Good Man is Hard to Find

By David Dingfelder

Flannery O’Connor explores the meaning of the word “good” through her short story A Good Man is Hard to Find . After a series of deceptions and wrongdoings, O’Connor depicts a grandma leading her family to be killed by a runaway outlaw named “The Misfit.” While the family was traveling to Florida for vacation, the true journey follows the grandma as she begins to understand the true meaning of the word “good” – the most general and most frequently used adjective of commendation in the English language (Oxford English Dictionary). To define a word so commonly overused and socially defined, O’Connor builds the concept of her definition of “good” through the grandma’s interactions with the other characters in the story. By virtue of her interactions with her family, Red Sammy, and “The Misfit,” the grandma transitions from complete ignorance, to misunderstanding, and finally to acceptance of what it means to be “good.”

Initially depicting the grandma as a flawed character with an entirely misconstrued understanding of the word enables O’Connor to establish what does not qualify as “good.” In addition to the grandma’s heedless acts of deception, the narrative uses children as a pure and untainted lens of judgment to expose the flaws in the grandma’s character. In response to the Grandma’s opening efforts to switch the vacation destination, the little girl June delivers a deeply profound critique: “[The grandma] Wouldn’t stay home for a million bucks
 She has to go everywhere we go” (1). The establishment of Grandma’s flaws continues as O’Connor parallels the grandma’s perception of herself with the games of the children. Prior to departing on the trip, the grandma dresses with trimmed “collars and cuffs” so that “anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady” (2). This insight into the grandma’s mindset is soon followed by the description of the children identifying clouds in the sky. While seemingly insignificant, the sky serves as an extended metaphor for the grandma’s understanding of goodness across the work. The children identifying clouds signal the grandma’s clouded understanding of what it means to be “good.”  Rather than worrying about the wellbeing of her son or her family in the event of an accident, the grandma is primarily concerned with others perceiving her as a lady. The clouds symbolize the opinions of others that block to the true meaning of goodness, the sun.

The interaction between the grandma and Red Sammy initiates O’Connor’s discovery of the misunderstandings and contradictions involved in the word “good.” Early into the grandma’s discussion with Red Sammy, the definition of the word “good” becomes confounded as the grandma calls Red Sammy “a good man” immediately after Red Sammy defines a car as “good.” Instead of taking this as a compliment, Red Sammy is “struck with this answer” (6). Juxtaposing these uses of the same word exemplifies its overuse and stale meaning – explaining why Red Sammy feels no sense of satisfaction when complimented. O’Connor furthers the problematic use of the word when Red Sammy states, “a good man is hard to find” (6). This statement is riddled with irony as the word “good” is used profusely but a “good man” is uncommon – creating a paradox with which O’Connor argues that a word that represents anything also represents nothing. The conversation with Red Sammy also highlights the inconsistency in Grandma’s definition of “good.” The grandma compliments Red Sammy for being naïve and gullible with his interactions with the two boys stealing gas, yet condemns her granddaughter for her insightful and honest comment earlier. It becomes apparent that the grandma is not only flawed but she is also unsure of how to become good.

Through the grandma’s interaction with “The Misfit,” the story paints the grandma’s reverse bildungsroman moment by depicting a profound environment that accompanies her change in grieving and perceptions surrounding what it means to be good.

A raw and honest atmosphere is developed as O’Connor describes the cloudless sky with nothing around the grandma but the woods (9). Contrary earlier in the work, the clouds that blocked the sky had cleared, symbolizing the clarity in the grandma’s perception of goodness. Further, this moment of reckoning takes place on the side of a dirt road with the woods in the background – a natural and profound environment. The use of imagery hints towards the deeply philosophical understanding of morality and goodness that the grandma gains from this interaction.

The shift in the grandma’s grieving signifies the acknowledgment of what it means to be good. Immediately after the grandma realizes that the man was “The Misfit,” she selfishly questions, “You wouldn’t shoot a lady, would you?” (11). The use of the word “lady” again demonstrates that the grandma is still solely concerned about the perception of others, in addition to her not caring about her family. However, her grieving changes as she starts wailing “Bailey boy” for her son (12). This appears to be the first time in the work that the grandma is concerned about someone other than herself. This transition expresses O’Connor’s belief that goodness is an internal trait that is portrayed to – rather than perceived by – others. When the grandma stopped worrying about her perception and started worrying about her family is when she became good.

Further, O’Connor argues that goodness transcends superficial actions such as practicing religion. Despite the grandma’s attempts to pray, “she opened and closed her mouth several times before anything came out” (15). Her inability to pray symbolizes that prayer and religion do not equate goodness.  This realization is what causes the grandma to understand that no actions define what it means to be good. Despite their differences, the grandma now understands that little differentiates her and the misfit, stating, “Why you’re [The Misfit] one of my babies. You’re one of my own children” (16). In denial, The Misfit recoils at the accusation that he is good too and shoots the grandma three times. The grandma dies happily with “with her legs crossed under her like a child’s and her face smiling up at the cloudless sky,” tying back into the innocence and purity associated with children (16).

O’Connor’s development of a definition for the word “good” ultimately serves as a social critique. Due to the overuse of the word, the definition of “good” has been spread too thin, depriving the word of true meaning. While a grave ending, this short story serves as a reminder of that “goodness” is not obtained through performative demonstrations or self-centered thoughts. O’Connor’s choice to never fully define the word “good” indicates how the definition of “good” continues to elude us. On the path to becoming good, the first step is identifying what does not qualify as good.

Sources Cited

“Definition of Good.” UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries, Oxford English Dictionary,

O’Connor, Flannery.  “A Good Man is Hard to Find.”  American Studies at the University of

Virginia, 2009,   Originally published in

T he Avon Book of Modern Writing .  New York: Avon Publishing, 1953, pp. 27-33.

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A Good Man Is Hard to Find Analysis: Essay Example & Summary

Are you about to write  A Good Man Is Hard to Find theme essay? Then, make sure to check this sample out! Here, you’ll find the story’s summary, moral lesson, themes, and other aspects of the analysis. Keep reading to get some inspiration for your A Good Man Is Hard to Find thesis! 

A great writer Flannery O’Connor has always been a central figure in American literature. Just like her colleague Nadine Gordimer, she covered the moral issues in her bizarre stories. Her short story A Good Man is Hard to Find provides a solid ground for literary analysis. Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find analysis will help you better grasp the story.


A Good Man is Hard to Find appeared in 1955 and remains a widely-discussed story up till nowadays. Flannery O’Connor combined the most thoughts-provocative issues of that time in a short piece (Kinney 1). Although society has developed since then, people still deal with the problems mentioned by Flannery O’Connor. A Good Man is Hard to Find analysis will discuss two key themes of the story: selfishness and individualism.

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Summary

A Good Man is Hard to Find is a tragic short story about a family. A grandmother, father, mother, and three kids are going to visit Florida. At first sight, they seem to be good country people. However, there are many pitfalls. Their older children – John Wesley and June Star – are very boorish and ignorant. The mother devotes herself to her kids, not having enough time to live a fulfilled life. The father seems to be annoyed by his children. Finally, the grandmother thinks only about herself, not paying enough attention to the family.

Despite the rumors about the escaped prisoner, The Misfit, the family goes on a trip. While on the way to Florida, the grandmom suddenly remembers an old plantation. Many years ago, she was astonished by its incredible beauty. So, she convinces Bailey, the father, to go off the road and visit that place. Being unsure if she is pointing in the right direction, the grandmother loses her control. As a result, she does not manage to hold her cat. It jumps on Bailey’s shoulder, causing a car accident.

Fortunately, everybody stayed alive. But then, the real troubles start. Trying to deal with the situation, the family hopes somebody will stop by them and offer help. Suddenly, the car appears on the road. The three men get out of the car, and the grandmom recognizes The Misfit among them. In desperate attempts to save her life, the grandmother tries to convince the criminal that he is a good man. She asks him to pray to become closer to Jesus. However, her effort is useless. Ultimately, The Misfit commands to kill all the family members and kills the grandmom himself. That is how dramatically the story ends. 

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Literary Analysis

Selfishness and individualism are the essential themes covered in the story A Good Man is Hard to Find . In the story, the grandmother prioritized her interests rather than the interest of her family. As a result, the tragic ending occurred to everybody. With the example of the grandmom, the author shows how the desire to achieve personal needs affects society.


The main character of the story – the grandmother – is an entirely selfish woman. Her selfishness reflects in the way she acts, the way she interacts with her family, and even in the way she dresses up.

The grandmother is always concerned about her appearance. She is obsessed with the idea of being a lady. So, she dresses up in elegant dresses and fancy hats. She hopes that “in case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady” (O’Connor 2). Thus, she does not spend time with her grandchildren or help her daughter-in-law with household chores. Instead, the grandmother devotes all her time to herself, choosing appropriate dresses and hats.

Besides being ignorant, the grandmom is also a manipulative woman. She effectively manipulates her family members to suit her interests. For example, she takes her cat on a trip despite Bailey’s prohibition against doing that. She just thinks her cat would miss her if she left it alone at home. As a result, the cat becomes a cause of a terrible car crash.

Moreover, the grandmother manipulates her family to see a plantation she saw many years ago. After taking a nap in the car, she suddenly remembers a beautiful place she visited while young. She wants to recall these memories, so she urges her son to go off the road. The grandmother is sure that Bailey will not be willing to spend much time on an old plantation. Thus, she lies to her grandchildren’s children about a secret panel with plenty of silver in that house. The woman says: “It’s not far from here, I know. It wouldn’t take over twenty minutes” (O’Connor 5). In reality, she does not know for sure how long it would take to reach that place. However, her sense of self-importance makes her lie to her family. She manipulates her son to achieve the desired result.

Grandmom’s selfish purposes create dangerous circumstances for the family. Being under the pressure of his mother, Bailey follows her directions. As a result, they get into a car accident and meet The Misfit. 


In addition to selfishness, the grandmother’s character traits also include individualism. In the story, the woman’s individualism is confronted with the individualism of the Misfit. Both characters achieve their own needs through surrounding people. They take whatever they need and move forward, not taking into consideration the needs of others. As a result of this behavior, the world becomes a place where “community holds no value” (Hooten 198).

Both the grandmom and The Misfit are predisposed to be humane. For example, the woman tries to convince the prisoner about the significance of spiritual values. Thus, she has a clear image of what kindness means. Similarly, The Misfit seems to be a well-behaved person from first sight. For instance, he apologizes for being dressed improperly. Nevertheless, in the inner battle of good and evil, evil wins in both characters. 

Therefore, individualism takes the upper hand in the character set of both: the grandmother and the Misfit. While being ignorant of other people, the woman and the criminal destroy society. Their individualistic nature becomes a real threat to the surrounding people. 

The analysis of A Good Man is Hard to Find reveals an intriguing aspect. The grandmother and The Misfit have very similar personalities. They both are ready to lie, manipulate, and murder to fulfill their desires.

A Good Man is Hard to Find essay covers Flannery O’Connor’s concern. The themes of selfishness and individualism worry the author. This issue is critical and should be dealt with immediately. If people keep being selfish individualists, the world will become a group of “self-focused wanderers without a community who use others as means to their own ends” (Hooten 197).

  • Gresham, Stephen. Things Darkly Buried: In Praise of A Good Man Is Hard to Find. 2010, Shenandoah , 1-2: 17-18. Web.
  • Hooten, Jessica. Individualism in O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find. 2008, The Explicator , 4: 197-198. Web.
  • Kinney, Arthur F. A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Overview. 1994, Reference Guide to Short Fiction. Noelle Watson. Detroit: St. James Press 1-2. Print.
  • O’Connor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. 2 011, Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing: Custom Edition . X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1-12. Print.

How do you start A Good Man Is Hard to Find analysis essay?

The best way to start an essay on A Good Man Is Hard to Find is to state a clear thesis statement. First, decide on the main points you are going to present. Then, develop a strong thesis, including those ideas. Put everything in words and impress your audience from the very beginning of your essay.

What is the main theme of A Good Man Is Hard to Find?

A Good Man Is Hard to Find covers a lot of crucial issues. However, the central theme is the destructive nature of selfishness and individualism. Flannery O’Connor points out that these traits lead to the establishment of an immoral society.

How would you describe the grandmother in A Good Man Is Hard to Find?

The grandmother is a woman from the Old South. She considers herself an elegant and graceful lady. In fact, she is a selfish, judgmental, and manipulative granny. She gets what she desires by disrespecting the people that surround her.

What is the message in A Good Man Is Hard to Find?

Flannery O’Connor’s message is that human compassion and grace may change even the most ignorant person. It is best seen during the final encounter between the grandmother and The Misfit.

Is the Misfit a good man?

It is a controversial question, and the reader needs to decide for himself. On the one hand, The Misfit is a dangerous escaped convict. He does not feel responsible for his actions and does not believe in God. On the other hand, he compares himself to Jesus. The Misfit gets into a deep philosophical conversation with the grandmother.

What literary devices are used in A Good Man Is Hard to Find?

A Good Man Is Hard to Find is full of literary devices. The author uses symbolism, irony, foreshadowing, and philosophical thoughts that awaken conversations. These literary devices help the reader understand the story’s moral and experience it better.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — A Good Man Is Hard to Find — An Analysis of Flannery O’connor’s Story, a Good Man is Hard to Find


An Analysis of Flannery O'connor’s Story, a Good Man is Hard to Find

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Words: 1403 |

Published: Jan 15, 2019

Words: 1403 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Works Cited

  • Atwood, M. (2003). Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bandy, S. (2002). A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Flannery O'Connor Reconsidered. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 6(2), 132-137.
  • Bloom, H. (Ed.). (2008). Flannery O'Connor's A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Infobase Publishing.
  • Foley, M. (1997). 'Where you come from is gone': Flannery O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find' and Symbolism. Studies in Short Fiction, 34(2), 247-256.
  • Friedman, M. (2009). "Not a Picture You'd Want to Be in": Teaching Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" in Introductory Literature Classes. College Literature, 36(4), 89-112.
  • Gentry, M. L. (1999). Flannery O'Connor's Misfit and the Mystery of Evil. Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, 52(2), 135-143.
  • May, G. (Ed.). (2009). Flannery O'Connor: New Perspectives. University Press of Mississippi.
  • O'Connor, F. (1953). A Good Man Is Hard to Find.
  • O’Connor, W. V. (1988). The Regional Writer as Prophet: Flannery O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'. The Journal of Religion and Literature, 20(3), 33-47.
  • Schroeder, J. E. (1992). The Paradox of Human Suffering and Divine Grace in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction. Christianity and Literature, 41(1), 39-56.

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An Analysis of Flannery O'connor’s Story, a Good Man is Hard to Find Essay

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A Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay

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Works cited.

A Good Man is Hard to Find is one of the most successful works written by Flannery O’Connor. The short story was written in 1953 and published together with other works she had done earlier under the same title. This short story best epitomizes O’Connor’s work, her themes, and her style of writing. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how A Good Man is Hard to Find best brings out themes and styles that characterize O’Connor’s writings.

A Good Man is Hard to Find portrays a disparity of violent action with hilarious and carefully created characters and a philosophy that underlines her staunch Roman Catholic faith. The short story is disturbing and entertaining at the same time- a feature that characterizes most of O’Connor’s writings, notably Wise Blood . The story begins on a naïve perspective, but instantly changes when O’Connor introduces a character known as Misfit, a convict who broke out of jail.

Through Misfit, the author examines the Christian perception of grace- that true forgiveness from God can be received just by asking. The Grandmother, a main character in the story, is a petty, bad tempered, and imperious, but receives God’s grace before she dies. Despite her mainly negative traits, she treats Misfit as one of her own children. For O’Connor, God’s pardon is an energy not controlled by a person, something unmerited, or a moment of revelation.

In A Good Man is Hard to Find , O’Connor explores the theme of grace through her two characters: Misfit and Grandmother. The most observable point on this theme in the story is when Misfit and the Grandmother both receive God’s grace despite their many faults, sins, and limitations. Christian theology teaches that God’s gifts are given even to the person least likely to receive them, forgiveness is among these gifts.

Looking at the characters, none of them is worthy of God’s grace. Grandmother deceives her children, controls her son, and whines frequently about the inadequacy of the current and seems unaware of the world around her. She believes that she is superior and is the most appropriate person to judge others, for instance, she orders Misfit to pray yet she cannot even come up with an articulate prayer. Misfit, for his part, is a convicted murderer who escaped from prison.

Despite the two characters’ flaws, God grants them forgiveness, signifying that even persons with similar traits as Misfit and Grandmother can receive God’s salvation.

O’Connor’s was raised in a Roman Catholic background and she has reflected this upbringing in most of her writings, frequently drawing a lot of debate due to her callous representation of religion. Although her works are frequently violent in nature, they are based on her conviction and divinity.

Besides, her characters frequently face violent of ruthless situations that force them into actions that awaken or change their faith, such as Grandmother in A Good Man is Hard to Find . For O’Connor, writing was a way of expressing her Christian faith on paper. We observe Misfit and Grandmother undergo a moment of grace and are their sins are pardoned; this is precisely what the roman catholic teaches, or Christianity in general.

Many of the writings by O’Connor contain scenes of epiphany, a moment when a character receives pardon, or God’s forgiveness. This style is evident in her writings such as Good Country People and A Good Man is Hard to Find. Throughout this story, O’Connor expresses how hard it can be for a non-Christian to change his/her ways. The moment of grace (epiphany) takes place when “The Grandmother’s head cleared for an instant” and she “saw Misfit’s face twisted close to her own as if he were going to cry” (O’Connor, pp. 374-375).

She was moved with Misfit’s desire to be assured of actions that Jesus did and those he did not do, and realized that she was responsible for him. She tells her “Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children” (O’Connor, pp. 375). Grandmother demonstrates a moment of grace, despite her earlier acts of meanness, and receives God’s grace.

Symbolism is a style that O’Connor uses in most of her stories. As a writer of fiction, combined with her Catholic background, she preferred to use symbols to express her faith and beliefs through her characters. A number of works such as Good Country People make use of symbolism. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, there are a number of symbols. The Misfit’s portrait of Jesus and Grandmother’s epiphany are representations of her religious beliefs.

Grandmother has a hat that she frequently wears to show that she is a woman, however, this hat represents her distorted moral principles. While preparing for the journey with other family members, she wears her tie so that in case of an accident, it would be known that she was a woman. She is very indifferent to the fact that she will be dead by then and other persons, including her three grandchildren, would possibly be dead. Her only concern is her position as a woman, an absurd reason that exposes her meanness and distorted moral codes.

Irony is a common feature in Flannery O’Connor’s works, and A Good Man is Hard to Find is no exception. For example, Bailey’s mother pictures herself as an upright woman, but her actions prove otherwise. She dresses excessively, is deceitful, uses racist terms, and resents America’s positive contribution to Europe after war.

In fact, she foolishly utters that she knows Misfit. We only know her true picture when the story takes a disastrous turn. Eventually, she is killed by Misfit, whom she had claimed to know, even though she dies after redeeming herself by reaching out to her killer.

O’Connor’s writings are frequently characterized by extreme use of violence and this has led critics to question her Christian background. Most instances of violent are normally carried out by narcissistic characters with depressing lives. A Good Man is Hard to Find portrays many scenes of extreme violence and these are committed by Misfit, the murderer who escaped from prison.

Misfit shoots Grandmother as well as Bailey’s mother. However, the violence serves a role: it makes Grandmother and Bailey’s mother to realize how vile their mean behavior towards others was. Ultimately, we see both women changing their behavior before their deaths, moreover, Grandmother’s epiphany forms the climax of the story.

O’Connor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories. California: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). A Good Man Is Hard to Find.

"A Good Man Is Hard to Find." IvyPanda , 20 Feb. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'. 20 February.

IvyPanda . 2019. "A Good Man Is Hard to Find." February 20, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "A Good Man Is Hard to Find." February 20, 2019.


IvyPanda . "A Good Man Is Hard to Find." February 20, 2019.

Becoming The Man You Want To Be: Characteristics Of A Good Man

Most boys look to their fathers or grandfathers for how to speak, act, and behave. Other important men throughout their lives also demonstrate the characteristics of good men. Life can be a great vehicle for teaching men about the characteristics they wish to enhance and those they'd like to leave behind. Long-term friendships and romantic relationships also serve as inspiration for cultivating certain character traits. As men journey through life, how they respond to hardships and mistakes will ultimately shape their identities.

Choosing the type of man you want to become

While there is no singular definition of a good man, there are a few qualities of a good man you can aspire to.

Good men learn how to accept their faults. They consider themselves works in progress, and they're intent on improving their character. It's nearly impossible to be 100% objective with yourself, so if you're a man who is serious about working on your character, it will help to be open to constructive criticism from partners or friends.

Many of men's fears of commitment may stem from issues they experienced during childhood or adolescence. Additionally, men of today might struggle with society's expectations of them to be masculine and act manly. In 2017, researchers from Promundo conducted the "Man Box"  study , which was the first comprehensive study that looked at the attitudes and behaviors related to manhood, on Australian men between the ages of 18 and 30. 

Participants in the survey were questioned on masculine characteristics such as being self-sufficient, acting tough, keeping physically fit, being heterosexual, using aggression to solve problems, and exhibiting sexuality. The results showed that most men feel like they have to model society's expectations for a male identity.

When you become closer to the man you want to become, it also makes you more your friends, family, and romantic partners. Read on to challenge yourself on improving the following characteristics of a good man.

Let go of an "It's my way or the highway" attitude

As a man, you may have gotten used to people letting you have your way. Have you ever thought to question whether they're letting you have your way because you're wise and they respect you or if it's because they'll feel bullied or inferior if they don't? 

Take some pressure off yourself! You don't have to be in charge all the time. You don't have to call all the shots or have all the right answer. A man with a good character knows who he is and for what he stands. He stands ready to explain his opinions and viewpoints, but doesn’t feel the need to impose them on anyone. When challenged or presented with an opposing perspective, he doesn’t instinctively double down or go on the defensive.

Demonstrate active listening and emotional intelligence

In healthy social interactions, good listening isn't a passive activity. Part of having good character is being an active listener. Listen to what others are saying, remember it, and find ways to engage in conversation with them. 

What does active listening look like? Whether seated or standing, orient your body facing the person speaking to you, which shows that you are focused on them. Be mindful not to interrupt them with connections to your own life; simply take in their words and nonverbal communication and periodically signal – through nodding, facial expressions, etc. – that you are hearing them. You can reiterate their words to show you understand them and ask them open-ended questions to prompt them to continue sharing their experiences and emotions.

Active listening is a hallmark of emotional intelligence. Through listening to others – which includes paying attention to their nonverbal cues – you can learn a lot about what motivates people while fostering meaningful relationships simultaneously.

Set ambitious yet realistic goals

Your goals and ambitions don't have to be so lofty that they’re actually unattainable. Good men don’t feel like they have to be the best at everything, though they may have particular talents in various realms. 

Just as you're trying to improve yourself as a person, having goals means that you're interested in growing and learning. Setting goals and working towards them is an attractive quality for everyone. In setting goals, the SMART strategy is often beneficial ; set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. A good man sets goals he knows he can attain with hard work and doesn’t strive to cut corners.

Express good character with your speech

What you say and how you say it is a clear expression of your character. A man of good character works at becoming well-spoken. He's a good communicator who can articulate his thoughts and feelings with clarity and emotion. People of both genders enjoy conversing with someone who has a strong vocabulary and relatable personality.

Show kindness to all people

Men are often characterized as being rough and tough . While that may be true for some men, there's no excuse for being unkind under any circumstances. Being kind sometimes means going out of your way for people, but it can also mean speaking kindly even when someone hasn't been kind to you. 

Men who are routinely kind to everyone demonstrate that everyone has equal importance in their eyes. People notice men who are rude to their colleagues or friends. Unkind people are generally not attractive partners. A man who expresses kindness to children and animals shows that he has kindness in his heart.

Be comfortable in your own skin

Men of good character are comfortable with themselves. People are drawn to them because they navigate social situations easily. There's never a worry about going to an event and not having a good time dealing with an embarrassing situation.

Show open-mindedness

Being self-assured is a desirable quality. It's also important to be flexible and keep an open mind. An open-minded man has much to learn from his relationships with others. Circumstances change. The world is changing. People change. To have good character means maintaining a sense of self and still having the ability to be adaptable.

Demonstrate good hygiene

A man who takes care of his outer appearance shows that he's interested in taking care of every part of himself. Regular showers, cleanliness, and neatness demonstrate that a man takes good care of his body. He brushes and flosses his teeth and pays attention to his grooming. It shows that he cares enough about himself to take care of his health and wellness.

Value honesty

Honesty and integrity are important characteristics for everyone. Men who value honesty in others will demonstrate it in themselves and expect it from others with whom they associate. Honest men can be trusted in transactions, finances, and relationships.

Avoid drawing negative attention to yourself

While men need to present themselves well in dressing, speaking, and interacting with others, it doesn't mean that they need to draw attention to themselves in negative ways. He dresses comfortably and in style without being flashy or outlandish. He contributes to group conversation without dominating the discussion or impressing his views on others. He values the insight and perspectives of his friends and his partner. When necessary, he is equally comfortable standing alone on an issue.

Maintain a sense of integrity

A man with integrity will stay true to himself and to his word. He'll also stay true to his partner. If he states that he'll do something, you can guarantee that it will get done. You can rely on men with integrity because they'll stick around through thick and thin. Along with integrity comes deep respect for themselves and others. As a side benefit of having a high standard of integrity, it builds a strong sense of courage in these men because they regularly stand up for their beliefs.

Breaking the mold and becoming your own man

As the Box Man study showed, many men aren't comfortable caving to society's expectations for how they should speak and act. Giving in to these expectations can cause men to lose their self-esteem and interfere with their relationships. If this sounds like you, it's important to know that you're not alone. Help is available when you get matched with a counselor from  Regain who can help you explore and exhibit your true self despite anyone else's expectations for your manhood.

Speaking of societal expectations – men may face a unique set of barriers to seeking mental health services. In a recent study involving male survey respondents, only 30% were likely to confide in a family member or doctor when faced with distressing symptoms (which is lower than the rate for females). Lack of mental health literacy is cited as another barrier, suggesting that if men had an awareness of symptomology and knew what warning signs for which they should be vigilant, they might be more inclined to seek support. Finally, 70% responded “likely” or “most likely” when asked if societal expectations of men to be strong, independent, and fearless contributed as a barrier to help-seeking.

Regain may be a more accessible therapy venue for males because it does not require traveling to a physical in-person therapist’s office. Your online therapist will work alongside you in a nonjudgmental, professional manner to help you reach your goals, just as a coach or supervisor. You might think of seeking therapy as a way to challenge yourself, change your perspective, or learn something new – all behaviors representative of a “good man.” The convenience of being able to schedule appointments at times that work for your schedule can also contribute to a sense of autonomy and agency that is often central to masculinity.

Online therapy has helped many people of all genders to overcome a host of mental health-related concerns, relationship questions, and other challenges. In one study , 96 participants engaged in ten sessions of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) over a five-week period while others were placed in a waiting list control group. Results showed that PTSD severity and other psychopathological symptoms were significantly improved for the iCBT treatment group; additionally, these people experienced greater reductions of co-morbid depression and anxiety compared to the control group. PTSD, depression, and anxiety are all treatable via online measures, and are hardly an exhaustive list when it comes to the reasons males seek mental health support.

As much as the aforementioned qualities of good men may resonate with others, men don't have to fit a rigid stereotype of being masculine to be good men. Additionally, what’s attractive or considered “good” in a man or person can vary from culture to culture. 

Whether men are tall, dark, handsome, and buff, or whether they're short, pale, and have average looks, every man has the capability of improving their attitude, habits, and emotional intelligence. It's less important to work on all weaknesses at once than it is to pick a few areas and work on those first. It all comes down to whether you choose to work on improving yourself. If you’d like to enlist the help of a neutral, encouraging licensed therapist, you can reach out to Regain for support at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do you become the man you want to be?

When trying to become the man you want to be, don’t be afraid to embrace your authentic self. Being genuine and true to yourself is the first step towards becoming the best version of yourself. 

Have a vision for who you want to be and identify the steps needed to get there. Focus on identifying what motivates you and use that factor to remove as much self-doubt as you can. It’s important to believe in yourself and acknowledge that you can become the man you want to be by taking the first step in trying to be better.

What does becoming a man mean?

At the end of the day, becoming a man means being true to yourself and your values. To become the best version of yourself, don’t be afraid to show the world who you are inside and for what matters you’ll stand. 

Oftentimes people believe becoming a man means acting tough, using aggression to solve problems, and being extremely fit. However, these are society’s models of expectation for the male identity and can strongly impact a man’s mental health. 

Becoming a man is about focusing less on what society deems you should be and becoming who you actually want to be. Set goals and ambitions for yourself and be as kind to yourself and others as possible. Stay open-minded and ensure you are compassionate with others, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the best man you can be.

How do I become a new man?

Starting the journey to becoming a new man can be a long and challenging, yet rewarding, road.  Four major tips for becoming a new man  include: 

  • Take the time for introspection into who you are
  • Build a purpose for your life
  • Be someone others can depend on and look up to
  • Don’t settle for societal expectations of who you should be

A man’s mental health can deteriorate if they place too much emphasis on fitting a preconstructed image that others expect from them, so check out recommended reading on avoiding feeling as if you need to meet somebody else’s expectation of you.

What should a woman want from a man?

Different women want different things from men, and there is no right or wrong as to what a woman wants. In any relationship, qualities such as honorability, fairness, ethicality, and kindness are often sought after, so ensuring you exemplify these qualities in your daily life is good for your mental health and relationships. 

Any partner should seek another who completes them and challenges them in the best of ways. As a man or a woman, it’s important to be true to yourself and who you are, rather than act like somebody you are not. By doing so, the right person may bump into you one day. 

There are recommended reading materials for creating genuine relationships with others, whether platonically or romantically, that can help anybody develop the skills and traits needed to succeed in relationships.

What is a real man?

A real man is honest and open about who they are and willing to stand up for what they believe in. Being a man driven by goals and purpose is a great way to build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals. 

A real man is someone who others can rely on and turn to for their friendship and someone who pushes you to be the best possible version of yourself. There is no single image of what a true man looks like, rather a culmination of different traits that can be exemplified in different but meaningful ways.

How Can I Be A Good Man In Society

What are five characteristics of a good man, what makes a good human, what are the three things a woman wants in a man, how do i know if i’m a good person what are some examples of a good man what does it mean to truly be a man how do you know a real man how does a good man treat a woman what three things does a man need in a relationship.

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    A good man sets goals he knows he can attain with hard work and doesn't strive to cut corners. Express good character with your speech. What you say and how you say it is a clear expression of your character. A man of good character works at becoming well-spoken. He's a good communicator who can articulate his thoughts and feelings with ...

  23. A Good Man Is Hard to Find

    In A Good Man Is Hard to Find, O'Connor employs a third-person narrator who tells the story from the Grandmother's perspective.The narrative style fluctuates between limited omniscience and full ...