Module 6: Learning Styles and Strategies

Class-time to study-time ratio, learning objectives.

  • Describe typical ratios of in-class to out-of-class work per credit hour and how to effectively schedule your study time

Class- and Study-Time Ratios

After Kai decides to talk to his guidance counselor about his stress and difficulty balancing his activities, his guidance counselor recommends that Kai create a schedule. This will help him set time for homework, studying, work, and leisure activities so that he avoids procrastinating on his schoolwork. His counselor explains that if Kai sets aside specific time to study every day—rather than simply studying when he feels like he has the time—his study habits will become more regular, which will improve Kai’s learning. 

At the end of their session, Kai and his counselor have put together a rough schedule for Kai to further refine as he goes through the next couple of weeks.

Although Kai knows that studying is important and he is trying to keep up with homework, he really needs to work on time management. This is challenging for many college students, especially ones with lots of responsibilities outside of school. Unlike high school classes, college classes meet less often, and college students are expected to do more independent learning, homework, and studying.

You might have heard that the ratio of classroom time to study time should be 1:2 or 1:3. This would mean that for every hour you spend in class, you should plan to spend two to three hours out of class working independently on course assignments. If your composition class meets for one hour, three times a week, you’d be expected to devote from six to nine hours each week on reading assignments, writing assignments, etc.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the 1:2 or 1:3 ratio is generally more appropriate for semester long courses of 18 weeks. More and more institutions of higher learning are moving away from semesters to terms ranging from 16 to 8 weeks long.

The recommended classroom time to study time ratio might change depending on the course (how rigorous it is and how many credits it’s worth), the institution’s expectations, the length of the school term, and the frequency with which a class meets. For example, if you’re used to taking classes on a quarter system of 10 weeks, but then you start taking courses over an 8 weeks period, you may need to spend more time studying outside of class since you’re trying to learn the same amount of information in a shorter term period. You may also find that if one of the courses you’re taking is worth 1.5 credit hours but the rest of your courses are worth 1 credit hour each, you may need to put in more study hours for your 1.5 credit hour course. Finally, if you’re taking a course that only meets once a week like a writing workshop, you may consider putting in more study and reading time in between class meetings than the general 1:2 or 1:3 ratio.

If you account for all the classes you’re taking in a given semester, the study time really adds up—and if it sounds like a lot of work, it is! Remember, this schedule is temporary while you’re in school. The only way to stay on top of the workload is by creating a schedule to help you manage your time. You might decide to use a weekly or monthly schedule—or both. Whatever you choose, the following tips can help you design a smart schedule that’s easy to follow and stick with.

Start with Fixed Time Commitments

First off, mark down the commitments that don’t allow any flexibility. These include class meetings, work hours, appointments, etc. Capturing the “fixed” parts of your schedule can help you see where there are blocks of time that can be used for other activities.

Kai’s Schedule

Kai is taking four classes: Spanish 101, US History, College Algebra, and Introduction to Psychology. He also has a fixed work schedule—he works 27 hours a week.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
8:00 AM
9:00 AM Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101
10:00 AM US History I US History I US History I Work
11:00 AM College Algebra Intro to Psychology (ends at 12:30) College Algebra Intro to Psychology (ends at 12:30) College Algebra
12:00 PM
1:00 PM Work (start 12:30 end 4:30) Work (start 12:30 end 4:30) Work (start 12:30 end 4:30)
2:00 PM Work Work
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM

Consider Your Studying and Homework Habits

When are you most productive? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Block out your study times accordingly. You’ll also want to factor in any resources you might need. For instance, if you prefer to study very early or late in the day, and you’re working on a research paper, you might want to check the library hours to make sure it’s open when you need it.

Since Kai’s Spanish class starts his schedule at 9:00 every day, Kai decides to use that as the base for his schedule. He doesn’t usually have trouble waking up in the mornings (except for on the weekends), so he decides that he can do a bit of studying before class. His Spanish practice is often something he can do while eating or traveling, so this gives him a bit of leniency with his schedule.

Kai’s marked work in grey, classes in green, and dedicated study time in yellow:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7:00 AM
8:00 AM Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101
9:00 AM Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101
10:00 AM US History I Spanish 101 US History I Spanish 101 US History I Work
11:00 AM College Algebra Intro to Psychology (ends at 12:30) College Algebra Intro to Psychology (ends at 12:30) College Algebra
12:00 PM Spanish 101 Spanish 101 Spanish 101
1:00 PM Spanish 101 Work (start 12:30 end 4:30) Work (start 12:30 end 4:30) Work (start 12:30 end 4:30) Spanish 101
2:00 PM US History I Work Work Intro to Psych
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM College Algebra College Algebra College Algebra
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM Intro to Psych Intro to Psych
9:00 PM US History I US History I
10:00 PM

Even if you prefer weekly over monthly schedules, write reminders for yourself and keep track of any upcoming projects, papers, or exams. You will also want to prepare for these assignments in advance. Most students eventually discover (the hard way) that cramming for exams the night before and waiting till the last minute to start on a term paper is a poor strategy. Procrastination creates a lot of unnecessary stress, and the resulting final product—whether an exam, lab report, or paper—is rarely your best work. Try simple things to break down large tasks, such as setting aside an hour or so each day to work on them during the weeks leading up to the deadline. If you get stuck, get help from your instructor early, rather than waiting until the day before an assignment is due.

Schedule Leisure Time

It might seem impossible to leave room in your schedule for fun activities, but every student needs and deserves to socialize and relax on a regular basis. Try to make this time something you look forward to and count on, and use it as a reward for getting things done. You might reserve every Friday or Saturday evening for going out with friends, for example. Perhaps your children have sporting events or special occasions you want to make time for. Try to reschedule your study time so you have enough time to study and enough time to do things outside of school that you want to do.

Feet propped up in a hammock

When you look at Kai’s schedule, you can see that he’s left open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings. While he plans on using Sundays to complete larger assignments when he needs to, he’s left his Friday and Saturday evenings open for leisure.

Now that you have considered ways to create a schedule, you can practice making one that will help you succeed academically. The California Community College’s Online Education site has a free source for populating a study schedule based on your individual course load.


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What is a Credit Hour?

AIC uses the industry-standard Carnegie Unit to define credit hours for both traditional and distance courses.

Each credit hour corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours of student engagement per week for a traditional 14-week course or 6 hours per week for a 7-week course. This time may be spent on discussions, readings and lectures, study and research, and assignments.

Most courses at AIC are three credit hours.

Credits to be earned Hours per week,
7-week course
Hours per week, 8-week course Hours per week, 14-week course
1 credit 6 hours 5 hours 3 hours
3 credits 18 hours 16 hours 9 hours
6 credits 36 hours 32 hours 18 hours
12 credits 72 hours 63 hours 36 hours

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How to Learn

How Much Time Do College Students Spend on Homework

by Jack Tai | Oct 9, 2019 | Articles

Does college life involve more studying or socializing?

Find out how much time college students need to devote to their homework in order to succeed in class.

We all know that it takes hard work to succeed in college and earn top grades.

To find out more about the time demands of studying and learning, let’s review the average homework amounts of college students. expert, Jack Tai, CEO of shows how homework improves grades in college and an average of how much time is required.

How Many Hours Do College Students Spend on Homework?

Classes in college are much different from those in high school.

For students in high school, a large part of learning occurs in the classroom with homework used to support class activities.

One of the first thing that college students need to learn is how to read and remember more quickly. It gives them a competitive benefit in their grades and when they learn new information to escalate their career.

Taking a speed reading course that shows you how to learn at the same time is one of the best ways for students to complete their reading assignments and their homework.

different reading techniques

However, in college, students spend a shorter period in class and spend more time learning outside of the classroom.

This shift to an independent learning structure means that college students should expect to spend more time on homework than they did during high school.

In college, a good rule of thumb for homework estimates that for each college credit you take, you’ll spend one hour in the classroom and two to three hours on homework each week.

These homework tasks can include readings, working on assignments, or studying for exams.

Based upon these estimates, a three-credit college class would require each week to include approximately three hours attending lectures and six to nine hours of homework.

Extrapolating this out to the 15-credit course load of a full-time student, that would be 15 hours in the classroom and 30 to 45 hours studying and doing homework.

These time estimates demonstrate that college students have significantly more homework than the 10 hours per week average among high school students. In fact, doing homework in college can take as much time as a full-time job.

Students should keep in mind that these homework amounts are averages.

Students will find that some professors assign more or less homework. Students may also find that some classes assign very little homework in the beginning of the semester, but increase later on in preparation for exams or when a major project is due. 

There can even be variation based upon the major with some areas of study requiring more lab work or reading.

Do College Students Do Homework on Weekends?

Based on the quantity of homework in college, it’s nearly certain that students will be spending some of their weekends doing homework.

For example, if each weekday, a student spends three hours in class and spends five hours on homework, there’s still at least five hours of homework to do on the weekend.

how much time do college students spend on homework

When considering how homework schedules can affect learning, it’s important to remember that even though college students face a significant amount of homework, one of the best learning strategies is to space out study sessions into short time blocks.

This includes not just doing homework every day of the week, but also establishing short study blocks in the morning, afternoon, and evening. With this approach, students can avoid cramming on Sunday night to be ready for class.

What’s the Best Way to Get Help with Your Homework?

In college, there are academic resources built into campus life to support learning.

For example, you may have access to an on-campus learning center or tutoring facilities. You may also have the support of teaching assistants or regular office hours.

That’s why OneClass recommends a course like How to Read a Book in a Day and Remember It which gives a c hoice to support your learning. 

Another choice is on demand tutoring.

They send detailed, step-by-step solutions within just 24 hours, and frequently, answers are sent in less than 12 hours.

When students have on-demand access to homework help, it’s possible to avoid the poor grades that can result from unfinished homework.

Plus, 24/7 Homework Help makes it easy to ask a question. Simply snap a photo and upload it to the platform.

That’s all tutors need to get started preparing your solution.

Rather than retyping questions or struggling with math formulas, asking questions and getting answers is as easy as click and go.

Homework Help supports coursework for both high school and college students across a wide range of subjects. Moreover, students can access OneClass’ knowledge base of previously answered homework questions.

Simply browse by subject or search the directory to find out if another student struggled to learn the same class material.

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Discover the weekly number of hours online students study

One of the most common pieces of feedback from students who are new to an online degree program is that they are surprised by the amount of time it takes to succeed in their online courses.

Common misconceptions of online degree programs are that they're easy to complete or take less time than traditional college classes. But with proper planning, you can set yourself up for success in your classes.

How long are ASU Online courses?

ASU Online’s undergraduate and graduate courses are structured in seven and a half week sessions, rather than 14-week semesters.

How many hours should I plan to study per credit hour?

A good rule of thumb is to dedicate six hours a week for each credit hour you take — so for a standard three credit class, you can expect to spend 18 hours per week on it. In other words, if you are signed up for two or three courses during a session and each course is worth three credits, you should plan to spend between 36 to 54 hours a week on coursework.

This may seem daunting, particularly for students who work full-time jobs or have parental responsibilities in addition to their coursework. The good news is it’s doable! Every term, online students who juggle work, parenting, activities and more are making the time and succeeding in their classes. Spending dedicated hours each week on assignments, reading and studying is a great way to stay on top of your work and avoid falling behind.

How to catch up in an online course

Time management is the key to success with online classes.

One of the key benefits of online learning is that you can create your own schedule and study whenever works best for your individual needs. Students with full-time careers often make time for school in the evenings and on weekends, while students with young children may complete their coursework while their children are at school.

Just as in a traditional college setting, it can be difficult to set aside time to study each day. Time management skills for online students are key to setting yourself up for success with online courses. You can use a calendar to keep track of due dates and schedule time to work.

Resources to help you build good time management skills

Helping you build time management skills is an essential part of the ASU Online experience. When you know how to successfully balance your obligations in a healthy way, you can reach your full potential — personally, professionally and academically.

As an ASU Online student, you have access to a support network that provides tailored guidance to help you balance your goals with your busy life. Our comprehensive support network includes success coaches available to support you from orientation to graduation, who provide time management advice and best practices to help you stay on track.

Everything you need to know about ASU Online classes and degree programs

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Savvy Calculator

How Many Hours Should I Study Per Credit Calculator


Calculating the number of hours one should study per credit can be crucial for effective academic planning. The “How Many Hours Should I Study Per Credit Calculator” serves as a handy tool to help individuals manage their study time efficiently. This article will guide you through using the calculator, provide the formula used for calculations, offer examples, address frequently asked questions, and conclude with a brief summary.

Using the calculator is straightforward. Enter the number of credits for a specific course, and the calculator will provide an estimate of the recommended study hours. Follow the steps below to utilize this valuable tool:

  • Input the number of credits for the course.
  • Click the “Calculate” button.

The result will be displayed, indicating the suggested study hours per credit for optimal academic performance.

The calculator employs a precise formula to determine the study hours per credit. The formula is as follows:

Study Hours = Number of Credits Total Study Hours ​

This formula ensures a fair and accurate distribution of study time based on the credit load of each course.

Let’s consider an example where a course has 3 credits, and the total recommended study time is 15 hours. Using the formula, the calculation would be:

Study Hours = 3 15 ​ = 5  hours per credit

The result, in this case, would be 5 hours per credit.

Q: How is the suggested study time determined?

A: The suggested study time is calculated by dividing the total recommended study hours by the number of credits for a specific course.

Q: Can I use this calculator for any type of course or subject?

A: Yes, the calculator is designed to be versatile and can be used for any course or subject.

Q: Is this calculator based on scientific research?

A: Yes, the calculator’s formula is derived from established educational research and best practices.

The “How Many Hours Should I Study Per Credit Calculator” provides a practical solution for students seeking efficient time management. By inputting the number of credits, users can obtain a tailored recommendation for study hours, ensuring a balanced approach to academic success.

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  • May 30, 2024

How College Credits Work And Why They Matter?

How College Credits Work And Why They Matter?

College credits are the building blocks of academic progress, representing the successful completion of coursework at the college or university level. These credits serve as a quantitative measure of the knowledge and skills acquired through lectures, assignments, projects, and assessments. Earning college credits is crucial for students pursuing a degree, as they pave the way for academic advancement and eventual graduation.

A typical bachelor's degree requires 120-180 college credits, that includes general education courses, major-specific classes, and electives. The number of credits needed per semester varies, but full-time students generally take 12-15 credits to maintain their degree progress. Having better overall idea on credit transfer policies, credit calculation methods, and credit evaluation procedures is essential for students seeking to maximize their academic journey and potentially reduce the overall time and cost of earning a degree.

What are College Credits?

College credits are units that measure the amount of learning achieved in academic courses at accredited colleges and universities in the United States. According to federal guidelines, one college credit hour reasonably approximates one hour of classroom instruction and two hours of independent work per week.

Meaning of College Credits

A college credit is a quantitative measure of the academic work completed by a student. It represents the number of hours spent in the classroom, combined with the expected hours dedicated to homework, studying, and other out-of-class assignments.

Credit Hour Calculation

  • Most college courses are worth three or four credits, although some may range from one to five credits.
  • 1 credit = 1 hour of classroom instruction + 2 hours of independent work per week

For example, a three-credit course would involve approximately three hours of classroom time and six hours of independent work each week over the course of a semester.

Credit Requirements for Degrees

  • To earn an associate degree, students generally need to complete a minimum of 60 college credits.
  • For a bachelor's degree, the minimum requirement is typically 120 college credits, although this can vary by institution.

Enrollment Status and Credits

  • College credits are also used to determine a student's enrollment status, which is crucial for financial aid eligibility.
  • Full-time enrollment typically requires a minimum of 12 credits per semester, while part-time enrollment is defined as less than 12 credits.
Enrollment Status Credits per Semester
Full-time 12 or more credits
Part-time Less than 12 credits

It is essential for students to understand college credits as they represent the building blocks of academic progress and serve as a measure of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies.

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How College Credits are Calculated?

The calculation of college credits is based on a standardized formula that considers the time spent in the classroom, as well as the expected hours dedicated to independent study and homework. Here's a breakdown of how college credits are typically calculated:

Credit Hour Definition : According to federal guidelines, one college credit hour is equivalent to one hour of classroom instruction and two hours of independent work per week over a 15-week semester.

Course Credit Calculation : Most college courses are worth three or four credits, although some may range from one to five credits. The number of credits assigned to a course is determined by the following equation:

  • 1 credit = (1 hour of classroom instruction + 2 hours of homework) per week x 15 weeks

Classroom Time vs. Independent Work : The ratio of classroom time to independent work may vary depending on the course type and instructional mode. Courses with more hands-on activities or lab components may have a higher proportion of classroom time, while lecture-based courses typically require more independent study time.

Credit Requirements by Degree Level : To earn an associate degree, students generally need to complete a minimum of 60 college credits. For a bachelor's degree, the minimum requirement is typically 120 college credits, although this can vary by institution and program.

Credit Distribution by Year : The number of credits required for each academic year may follow a specific pattern, with fewer credits needed in the early years and more credits required as students progress towards their degree. Here's a common distribution:

Year in College Number of Credit Points Required
Freshman 0-30 credits
Sophomore 31-60 credits
Junior 61-90 credits
Senior 91-120 credits

It's important to note that credit calculations may vary slightly across institutions and programs, but the general principles remain consistent. Students should consult with their academic advisors or refer to their institution's policies for specific credit requirements and calculation methods.

How Many Credits Are Needed Per Semester During College?

The number of college credits required per semester depends on whether a student is enrolled full-time or part-time. Here's a breakdown of the typical credit requirements:

Full-Time Enrollment

  • To be considered a full-time student, you typically need to enroll in 12-15 credit hours per semester.
  • This translates to taking four to five classes, assuming each class is worth three credits.
  • The specific number of credits required for full-time status may vary slightly across institutions, but 12 credits is generally the minimum.
Enrollment Status Credits per Semester
Full-time 12-15 credits

Part-Time Enrollment

  • For part-time enrollment, you need to take fewer than 12 credit hours per semester.
  • This typically means enrolling in three or fewer classes, depending on the credit value of each course.
  • Part-time students have more flexibility in managing their course load, but it may take longer to complete their degree program.
Enrollment Status Credits per Semester
Part-time Less than 12 credits

Factors Affecting Credit Load

The number of classes and credits you take per semester can be influenced by several factors:

  • Degree requirements: Your specific degree program may have a recommended course plan outlining the number of credits needed each semester to graduate on time.
  • Academic goals: If you aim to graduate early or take advantage of opportunities like study abroad programs, you may need to adjust your credit load accordingly.
  • Personal circumstances: Work, family commitments, or financial considerations may impact the number of credits you can realistically take each semester.

It's essential to consult with academic advisors and carefully plan your course schedule to ensure you meet the credit requirements for your desired enrollment status and make steady progress toward your degree.

Types of College Credits

There are typically three main types of college credits that undergraduate students earn towards their bachelor's degree:

1. General Education Credits

General education credits, also known as GEs or core curriculum, provide a broad foundation across various subjects. Students usually complete these in their first two years, covering areas like:

  • Mathematics
  • Social Sciences
  • Arts and Humanities
  • English Composition
  • Foreign Language
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Natural Sciences
  • First-Year Orientation
  • Critical Thinking
  • Scientific Method

While some courses are mandatory (e.g., English 101 and 102), others may vary across institutions. Generally, around 60 general education credits are required for a bachelor's degree.

2. Major Requirements

After completing general education requirements, students focus on their chosen major's specific coursework. These classes are directly related to the student's area of study. Academic advisors guide students through the required courses and their sequence to ensure timely graduation.

Most majors require approximately 30 credit hours, though this can vary across programs. Some colleges even allow students to design their own interdisciplinary majors.

3. Elective Credits

Even after fulfilling general education and major requirements, students often need additional credits to reach the typical 120 credits required for a bachelor's degree. Elective courses provide flexibility to explore diverse subjects and interests.

While elective choices are generally unrestricted, some courses may have prerequisites or be limited to specific majors. Students can also use their elective credits to pursue a minor, complementing or contrasting their major. Around 30 elective credit hours are typically needed for a bachelor's degree.

The distribution of these three credit types varies across institutions, but understanding their roles is crucial for effective academic planning and timely degree completion.

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Calculating GPA from College Credits

Calculating your grade point average (GPA) is a crucial aspect of your academic journey, as it serves as a quantitative measure of your academic performance. Your GPA is calculated based on the grades you receive in each course and the corresponding credit hours. Here's a breakdown of how to calculate your GPA:

  • Assign Point Values to Letter Grades

First, assign a numerical value to each letter grade you receive:

  • A = 4.0 points
  • B = 3.0 points
  • C = 2.0 points
  • D = 1.0 point
  • F = 0.0 points
  • Calculate Quality Points

For each course, multiply the numerical value of the letter grade by the number of credit hours for that course. The result is the quality points earned for that course.

  • Course 1: A (4.0 points) x 3 credit hours = 12.0 quality points
  • Course 2: B (3.0 points) x 4 credit hours = 12.0 quality points
  • Calculate Total Quality Points and Total Credit Hours

Add up the quality points earned for all courses, and separately, add up the total credit hours for all courses.

  • Divide Total Quality Points by Total Credit Hours

Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours to obtain your GPA.

GPA = Total Quality Points / Total Credit Hours

Unweighted vs. Weighted GPA

There are two main methods for calculating GPA: unweighted and weighted.

Unweighted GPA

An unweighted GPA is a straightforward calculation that does not consider the difficulty level of the courses. Each letter grade is converted to its numerical equivalent, and the total is divided by the number of courses taken.

  • Course 1: A (4.0 points)
  • Course 2: B (3.0 points)
  • Course 3: C (2.0 points)
  • Course 4: A (4.0 points)

Total points = 4.0 + 3.0 + 2.0 + 4.0 = 13.0 Number of courses = 4 Unweighted GPA = 13.0 / 4 = 3.25

Weighted GPA

A weighted GPA takes into account the varying difficulty levels of courses by assigning different weights or credit hours to each course. Typically, more challenging courses are given higher credit hours, which impacts the GPA calculation.

Course Letter Grade Grade Points Credit Hours Total Points
Literature A 4.0 2 8
Civics B 3.0 1 3
Statistics C 2.0 3 6
Foreign Lang A 4.0 2 8
Chemistry A 4.0 2 8
Comp. Science B 3.0 3 9
Total - - 13 42

In this example, the total points for all subjects add up to 42, and the total credit hours are 13. To calculate the weighted GPA, divide the total points (42) by the total credit hours (13), resulting in a GPA of approximately 3.23.

It's important to note that the specific GPA calculation method may vary across institutions, and students should consult their academic advisors or refer to their institution's policies for accurate guidelines.

Proper Method to Use Credit Transfer from One College to Another

Whether you are currently attending college and looking to transfer to a new school or a former college student looking to return and complete a degree, one of the most important questions to ask before enrolling in a new school is, "How many of my credits will transfer and apply to my degree?"

The largest barrier to a transfer student completing a bachelor's degree is losing credits when transferring to a four-year institution. The more credits they lose, the less likely they are to complete their degree. When schools reject credits, they force students to pay twice to retake courses, costing them more time and money, and driving up the cost of a degree.

There are several steps that can be taken to get those rejected credits to transfer. This will take some extra effort, but in the end, it can save you lots of time and money and make a bachelor's degree more affordable and accessible.

The Credit Transfer Challenge

The average transfer student loses more than 40 percent of their credits. Research and data from the National Center for Education Statistics and the Government Accountability Office suggest that the average community college student who transfers to a public four-year institution, the most common transfer path, loses an average of 20 percent of their credits. This loss of credits would be equivalent to almost an entire semester of credits and would delay the student's time to graduate.

One of the major reasons schools give for rejecting credits is that they say the transfer courses are not comparable or as rigorous as the ones offered at their school. The schools also claim that if the students don't retake those courses, they won't be academically prepared to do well in upper-division classes. However, research has shown that the more credits a student can successfully transfer to a school, the better they do academically and the more likely they are to eventually graduate from that school.

Strategies for Successful Credit Transfer

Ensure that the schools have transcripts from every college you have attended. There are also several other ways to earn college credits, such as Advanced Placement courses in High School, Military credits, and CLEP exams. Additionally, some colleges may award credit for work or life experience.

When you receive your transfer credit evaluation, look closely to see how many of your courses and credits were eligible to transfer and how many of those courses and credits actually applied to your bachelor's degree. Pay attention to how many credits met general education requirements, major requirements, and elective credits.

Appeal the transfer credit evaluation decision if necessary. The evaluation is usually done by the admissions office, which may be understaffed and responsible for hundreds or even thousands of evaluations. Many students don't appeal these decisions, or their appeal may only consist of a follow-up conversation or email with the same office that did the initial evaluation.

Speak with the academic department at your potential transfer school that teaches the courses that were rejected. Colleges are decentralized, which means that faculty in the departments decide what courses they will and will not accept. Departments can also do a "course substitution," allowing a student to take a different course than the one required for their degree.

Before the meeting with the academic department, be prepared with as much information as possible, including your grades in those courses, your knowledge of the subject matter, and how hard you have worked to get to this point in your academic career. You can also mention data showing that transfer students do just as well, if not better, academically as students who start at four-year schools their freshman year.

If the department still refuses to accept those credits, ask if there is another way you can prove your knowledge of that subject matter, such as an assessment or a portfolio showing your prior knowledge or experience.

By following these strategies, you can increase the likelihood of successfully transferring your credits and applying them towards your bachelor's degree, ultimately saving time and money on your academic journey.

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Time Management Calculator

Students often believe they do not have enough time to study for exams, participate in extracurriculars, have jobs, and have a social life. Students often plan their day and then use the leftover time to study. If you plan your priority activities first (i.e. eating, sleeping, studying, working, etc.), you will still have time to do everything else that you want to do. This time calculator will help you understand how you are organizing your time throughout the week.  

  • Enter the number of credits you are taking.  The calculator will then automatically calculate your class and study time. This calculation is based on the idea that for every hour you are in class, you should spend about 2-3 hours studying outside of class. You can adjust this if you believe you are taking a class that requires less than this ratio but we encourage students to consider budgeting this amount of time first.
  • Enter the number of hours you spend on other activities. The calculator assumes that you will be getting 8 hours of sleep each night. This should remain the same! Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to improve your time management.
  • Based on your results adjust your time as needed to achieve a positive and sustainable work/life balance. Small changes can help you organize your time more efficiently!

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Credit Hour Guidance

On This Page

Assigning Credit for Courses Determining Instructional Vs Supplemental Time Guidance for Non-Traditional Courses Contact

Assigning Credit for Courses

What is a "credit hour".

A credit hour is a precise measurement reflecting the amount of work and time associated with a single academic credit. It includes the amount of instruction and supplementary assignments required for each credit a student earns when successfully completing a course. It can also be referred to as a “semester hour."

Which courses are required to meet the credit hour standard?

All courses that grant academic credit are required to comply with the credit hour standard. This is a federal, state, and accreditation requirement.

What, exactly, is required?

For each credit associated with a course, the course must include the appropriate amount of instructional time and supplementary assignment time associated with a single credit according to the federal definition of a credit hour . The total amount required per week for a course will be determined by the length of the course and the number of credits conferred to a student who successfully completes the course.

How do I calculate what is required?

One credit requires at least:

  •  750 minutes of instructional time (15, 50-minute “hours” of required instruction)
  • 1500 minutes of supplementary time (30, 50-minute “hours” of required supplementary assignments)

Sample Calculation

Minimum instructional time required per credit is calculated by multiplying the number of credits awarded by 750 minutes. For example:

  • A 3-credit course would need to include at least 2,250 minutes of instructional time (750 minutes x 3 credits = 2,250 minutes) in a given semester.
  • If a 3-credit course meets for 140 minutes per week, for 14-weeks (140 minutes x 14 weeks = 1,960 minutes), there would need to be an additional 290 minutes of instructional time  completed outside of the classroom in order to meet the credit hour requirement (2,250 minutes - 1,960 minutes = 290 minutes).
  • Please see the ‘What counts as instructional time?’ section below for a few examples of the kinds of instructional activities that instructors often use outside the classroom.  

How does satisfying the instructional and supplementary time requirements for courses translate into weekly minutes for a 15, 14, or 7 week course?

Supplementary time is calculated in the same manner, with 1500 minutes required for each credit granted.

Determining Instructional Vs Supplemental Time

What counts as “instructional time?”

Any activity within a course that is BOTH required, and involves supervision, can count!


  • Lectures, seminars, recitations - Synchronous as well as asynchronous classes, lectures, field or laboratory activity, or recitations with the opportunity for interaction between students and instructors
  • Experiential learning under the direct supervision of a faculty member: laboratory, field trip, clinicals; supervised online labs, simulations or activities within the community; 
  • Group discussion with a TA or instructor
  • Proctored exams & quizzes
  • Mandatory office hours with professor
  • Synchronous online discussion with instructor participation
  • Any synchronous activity with multiple students, engaged in various forms of group instruction under the supervision of an instructor
  • An asynchronous learning activity involving academic engagement in which the student interacts with technology that can monitor and document the amount of time that the student participates in the activity
  • Taking an exam online
  • Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction
  • Pre-recorded lecture that covers a course topic where task completion is tracked and confirmed
  • TA or instructor mediated discussion board where discussion of an issue requires triple-layer response (ie. original post, responses to three classmates posts, responses to responses)
  • Class discussion: asynchronous discussion area that allows the instructor to expand upon the lecture, answers questions, and also facilitates post-lecture Q&A and general student interaction.
  • Small group work: stipulating that small groups meet in a web-conferencing and/or asynchronous discussion areas to work on an iterative deliverable for a group project; for example, discussing and producing an outline of their final report. TA or instructor feedback is required.
  • Asynchronous as well as synchronous classes, lectures, field or laboratory activity, or recitations with the opportunity for interaction between students and instructors
  • Experiential learning: supervised online labs, simulations or activities within the community; for example, a series of required online modules

Your syllabus should demonstrate that the total instructional time associated with the credits for the course meet the federal definition. This is easy to achieve when the required meeting times for the course (lectures, labs/recitations) add up to the federal definition. When the total required meeting time falls short, you must specify the additional supervised activities that count toward instructional time that students are required to complete in the course. You should be specific about what they are, when they take place, and the time associated with each required activity.

It is simple, all required work a student must conduct to successfully complete a course that is NOT supervised counts as supplementary time. For example: reading assignments, writing, exam preparation, research, homework assignments, study time, unsupervised lab work, unsupervised group work, etc.

No. The credit granted for a course should reflect the work required by the student (supervised and unsupervised) according to the federal definition of a credit hour. If course requirements exceed the minutes associated with the credits for the course according to the federal definition, the instructor should either modify the requirements to match the definition, OR increase the credits associated with the course in line with the federal definition.

Guidance for Non-Traditional Courses

Non-traditional courses may articulate unique means of meeting the credit hour requirements for the course relative to standard lecture courses, yet all work requirements in the course must be established and documented. The total required time and work in the course must match the total amount of time required for the course based on the credits granted.

In the rare cases where a variable credit course is offered, the instructor must provide separate syllabi that reflect the appropriate requirements associated with each version of the course. Instructional and supplementary time must match the credits granted. It is NEVER acceptable to have a single set of requirements for a course that grants variable credits to students who complete the same requirements.

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  • Teaching and Learning

Questioning the Two-Hour Rule for Studying

  • August 28, 2017
  • Lolita Paff, PhD

studying in the library

F aculty often tell students to study two hours for every credit hour. Where and when did this rule of thumb originate? I’ve been unable to track down its genesis. I suspect it started around 1909, when the Carnegie Unit (CU) was accepted as the standard measure of class time. [See Heffernan (1973) and Shedd (2003) for thorough histories of the credit hour.] The U.S. Department of Education defines the credit hour as “One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester…” The expectation was the norm when I was in college in the 1980s and more seasoned professors indicate it was expected in the 1970s too.

Is the two-hour rule relevant today? Why two hours? Why not one? Or three? Study resources and tools have changed dramatically in the past century. Typing papers, researching, and collaborating required a lot more time in prior decades. Personal computers, mobile devices, and the Internet have dramatically changed what goes on in and out of class, yet the two-hour rule persists.

What should be done during study time? Of bigger concern than the emphasis on time is the lack of direction about what to do during those hours. Some schools (Binghamton University, is one) require that course syllabi state what students might do outside of class, “completing assigned readings, studying for tests and examinations, participating in lab sessions, preparing written assignments, and other course-related tasks.” That’s a start, but it’s not enough.

Before we blame students by saying they should already know what to do, let’s consider an example. I studied classical piano for a dozen years. Each week the teacher would instruct on notation, technique, and interpretation. Lessons always included detailed descriptions and a discussion of what I was to do during practice. How long I was to practice was only an estimate. The emphasis was on what needed to be done, not how long it would take. Practice time consisted of warm-up exercises, scales, and work on compositions. I didn’t always practice diligently (sorry, Mrs. Farr), but I consistently knew what I should be doing during practice to improve as a pianist.

Can most students say the same? A statement on the syllabus, particularly one that emphasizes policies, probably doesn’t get much attention from students during study time. Likewise, a teacher’s admonition to “study X hours per week” is easily forgotten or ignored. In addition, we lose credibility with our students if we tell them to “study two hours per credit” for no other reason than that’s the way it’s always been done. We should be more concerned with outcomes than time.

Shift focus from time to task. I recognize that telling students to study doesn’t mean it will happen. I’m also not suggesting everything students do outside of class should be graded. But instead of telling students how long to study, emphasize mastery. Provide examples of active learning strategies so they can use their time more effectively. In addition to active reading assignments and graded homework, the following activities promote engagement and go beyond students’ typical study strategies, such as creating note cards or “looking over” their notes.

  • Practice Problems: Provide extra, ungraded problems. Suggest they mix different types of problems to simulate an exam. Ask them to solve problems they’ve created. Provide additional problems and hold back the solutions to allow students some time to work without the answers. Consider incorporating a couple of these questions on exams to motivate practice.
  • Rewrite Notes in Your Own Words: Rewrites are an opportunity to “replay” what was said and done in class. Be intentional about asking students if they have questions about what they’ve written in their notes. Occasionally set aside a couple of minutes in class for students to compare notes and seek clarification.
  • Concept Maps: Students can use note cards to accomplish deep understanding if they try to connect single pieces of information on each card to other concepts through a concept map. These can be drawn by hand or created with software. Emphasize substance over form. The purpose is to make connections and see the content from different perspectives (Berry & Chew, 2008).
  • Respond to Learning Reflection Prompts: How is X related to Y? What other information would you want to find? What was the most challenging topic in the chapter? How does this material connect to what you learned before? Reflection prompts promote connections across topics, helping students see content more holistically. Incorporate reflection in graded work as appropriate. Reflection assignments can be independent and ungraded or incorporated in class or online.
  • Quiz to Learn: Provide sample questions or ask students to create multiple-choice questions as part of their study activities. Occasionally use one or two student-created questions on exams, or reward exceptional examples with extra credit.
  • Crib Sheets: Even if they’re not allowed during an exam, the process of identifying what to put on a “cheat” sheet and organizing the information promotes thinking about the relative importance and relationships among concepts. Set aside a few minutes of class time for students to compare and contrast their sheets as part of student-led exam review.

I think it’s time to retire the two-hour rule. For many students, studying is something only done before an exam and homework is completed because it’s graded. If we want to develop self-directed learners, these narrow conceptions of what it means to “study” must change. Teachers broaden and reshape students’ perceptions of homework and study by de-emphasizing time and focusing on substance. We can help students see class time, study time, and homework as an integrated system of activities designed to advance learning. We do that by being as specific and intentional about structuring students’ out-of-class study activities, graded or otherwise, as we are about what goes on during class.

References: Berry, J.W. & Chew, S.L. (2008). Improving Learning Through Interventions of Student-Generated Questions and Concept Maps. Teaching of Psychology, 35: 305-312.

Binghamton University Syllabus Policy. Accessed: July 26, 2017.

Heffernan, J.M. (1973). The Credibility of the Credit Hour: The History, Use and Shortcomings of the Credit System. The Journal of Higher Education , 44(1): 61-72.

Shedd, J.M. (2003). The History of the Student Credit Hour, New Directions for Higher Education, 122 (Summer): 3-12.

US Department of Education Credit Hour Definition. Accessed: July 26, 2017

Dr. Lolita Paff is an associate professor of business and economics at Penn State Berks. She also serves on the advisory board of the Teaching Professor Conference.

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how many hours of homework per credit

Table of Contents

  • Credit Hour Definition
  • Course Proposals and Changes
  • Credit Hour Reviews
  • Office of Assessment and Planning
  • Office of the Associate Academic Vice President – Undergraduate Studies

Implementing Procedures

  • University Curriculum Handbook

Related Policies

  • Academic Credit, Grades, and Records Policy
  • Internships Policy
  • Registration Policy
  • Tuition and Fees Policy

Contents, Related Policies, Applicability ▾

This policy defines a credit hour and describes the processes designed to assure that the definition is followed throughout the university.

The university measures academic credit in credit hours. In accordance with federal regulations, a credit hour for all courses and programs at the university is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than:

  • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  • At least an equivalent amount of work as required in #1 of this definition for other academic activities as established by the university, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

The university has determined that fifty minutes of classroom or direct faculty instruction reasonably approximates one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction. BYU’s fifteen-week semesters and seven-and-a-half-week terms may include an examination period.

The university’s credit hour definition does not dictate a particular amount of classroom time versus out-of-class student work. Also, credit hours may be assigned to courses for an amount of work represented by verifiable student achievement of institutionally established learning outcomes. Credit may be awarded on the basis of documentation of the amount of work a typical student is expected to complete within a specified amount of academically engaged time, or on the basis of documented student learning calibrated to that amount of academically engaged time for a typical student.

Condensed course offerings may not grant more than one credit hour per week unless special authorization is obtained from the academic vice president.

New courses and changes to existing courses’ credit hours are reviewed by the University Curriculum Council (UCC) and must be consistent with the above credit hour definition to be approved. See the University Curriculum Handbook for details on UCC reviews.

In connection with academic unit reviews and academic support unit reviews, a unit that offers university credit must review all of its courses and other credit-bearing activities to ensure the accuracy and reliability of credit hour assignments. The review should examine, for example, syllabi, course learning outcomes, the amount of time scheduled for classroom or direct faculty instruction, academic activities, assignments, the types of assessment methods used (e.g., examinations, papers, projects, performances), course evaluations, and evidence of student achievement to confirm that the credit hour assignments comply with the university’s credit hour definition. The unit must report on the review to the Office of Assessment and Planning. If deficiencies are found, the unit must make corrections to comply with the credit hour definition.

For questions about this policy, contact the responsible office(s) listed above.

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Time Managment Calculator

Time management.

How much time should you be studying per week? Research suggests that students should spend approximately 2-3 hours, per credit hour, studying in order to be successful in their courses. STEM classes often require 3-4 hours, per credit hour, of studying to be successful.

  • Think about how you normally study. Where do you study? What time of the day do you prefer to study?
  • Consider using the Intense Study Session/Pomodoro Technique . Take a break every 40-45 minutes, walk around your room, or stretch to help keep you motivated.
  • Do you review the lecture material immediately after class? Doing this give the best chance for retaining the information and understanding the material.


  • Do you tend to put assignments, reading or prepping for an exam off until the last minute?
  • Do you always end up cramming for exams at 3am.? Do you always find yourself doing an "all-nighter"?
  • Are you feeling like you can never get enough sleep and don't have time for recreation or student activities?

If this sounds like YOU,you may be suffering from: PROCRASTINATION

It's a common student disorder affecting up to 75-95% of students which, if left to run unchecked, may result in missed assignments, low grades, stress and poor mental health.

Time Management Calculator

Sometimes the simple act of writing down and planning out how your time is being spent each day, helps you determine different ways to more efficiently manage your time. This time management calculator may help you manage your time more efficiently. (Adapted from the University of Connecticut)


  • Each question is asking you to submit an average
  • You must answer the questions in order.
  • Insert your "Hours Per Day" for Questions 01-05 and click "Multiply" for each.
  • Next, insert your "Hours Per Week" for Questions 06-09.
  • Click "Add" to total your "Hours Per Week" for all activities (except studying).
  • Click "Subtract" to find out how many hours you have left for studying each week.
On the average, how many hours do you sleep in each 24 hour period, including those afternoon naps?
On the average, how many hours a day do you engage in grooming activities?
On the average, how many hours a day do you spend on meals, including preparation and clean-up time?
How much time do you spend commuting to and from campus and how many times do you do this during a week?  Include the amount of time it takes to park and walk from your car or the bus stop to class.
On the average, how many hours a day do you spend doing errands?
On the average, how many hours do you spend each week doing co-curricular activities (student organizations, working out, church, etc.)?
On the average, how many hours a week do you work at a job?
How many hours do you spend in class each week?
On the average, how many hours per week do you spend with friends, going out, watching TV, going to parties, etc?
Click the Add button to compute the number of hours you are spending each week engaged in daily living activities and school activities.
There are 168 hours in a week. Now you can click the Subtract button to find out how many hours remain for studying, since this is not one of the activities included above.

  • Course & Curriculum Design

Credit Hours and Time Equivalencies

The general rule provided by the U.S. Department of Education and regional accreditors is that one academic credit hour is composed of 15 hours of direct instruction (50-60 minute hours) and 30 hours of out-of-class student work (60-minute hours). This means that a student spends 45 total hours of time on 1 credit, and 135 total hours (45 hours of direct instruction and 90 hours of out-of-class student work) over the course of a semester in a typical 3 credit class. Time per week calculations for various course lengths can be found further down the page.

There can be nuances in the way this is applied depending on the type of course you are delivering. For online courses, one must distinguish between direct instruction and student work “outside the classroom,” see below. For study abroad courses, student work expectations are replaced with cultural engagement time. In experiential courses, the distinction between direct instruction and out-of-class time is dropped altogether and the time is combined to become 45 hours per credit. (See the WVU Catalog credit hour definitions for more details.)

When working with online and hybrid courses, it can become difficult to distinguish direct instruction from student work “outside the classroom.” The TLC provides the following basic guidance.

“Direct instruction” includes:

  • In-class lecture (for hybrid courses)
  • Text in a learning module
  • Video (instructor or departmentally created)
  • Video from other sources (equivalent to a guest speaker or a movie watched during class time)
  • Multimedia interaction (learning objects)
  • Discussions, blogs, wikis
  • Exams and quizzes
  • Any instructor-guided activity including small group activities
  • Any assignment or activity you would traditionally do “in-class”

“Out-of-class student work” includes:

  • Videos or podcasts created by authors other than the instructor intended to replace readings
  • Prep of presentations
  • Group work that traditionally would be done “outside of class”

Estimating how much time an activity or reading will take can be tricky. There are numerous course workload estimators available on the web, as well as websites that offer tables of time equivalencies for common activities. Students may also participate at different speeds, so start with a good base and refine your content and activities over time.

In accordance with federal regulations, online distance education courses are required to have regular and substantive instructor-initiated interactions, which will include both direct instruction and student work. All students in a course should have similar opportunities for instructor interaction, which is particularly important for courses with a mix of on-site and distance students like HyFlex.

See our page on substantive interaction for more information.

Incorporating active learning in online and hybrid courses may make it more difficult to map “in-class” time to traditional categories of “direct instruction.” However, instructor-led activity, or group work centered around instructional activities (active learning), would also be appropriate to count as class time, in contrast to student work outside of class, and in many cases could also fulfill the regular and substantive instructor-initiated interaction requirements. The above lists are not exhaustive.

If you are exploring this topic you can also request TLC assistance .

Course Time Per Week

The amount of time that should be offered in a course per week will vary with the length of the course.

Time per week over 15 weeks:

1 Credit Course: 1 hr direct instruction, 2 hrs student work 3 Credit Course: 3 hrs direct instruction, 6 hrs student work

Time per week over 8 weeks:

1 Credit Course: ~2 hrs direct instruction, 4 hrs student work 3 Credit Course: ~6 hrs direct instruction, 12 hrs student work

Time per week over 6 weeks:

1 Credit Course: 2.5 hrs direct instruction, 5 hrs student work 3 Credit Course: 7.5 hrs direct instruction, 15 hrs student work

Time per week over 5 weeks (see the section on Compressed Courses below):

1 Credit Course: 3 hrs direct instruction, 6 hrs student work 3 Credit Course: 9 hrs direct instruction, 18 hrs student work

Time per week over 3 weeks (see the section on Compressed Courses below):

1 Credit Course: 5 hrs direct instruction, 10 hrs student work 3 Credit Course: 15 hrs direct instruction, 30 hrs student work

Compressed Courses

Courses less than 6 weeks may be eligible to be delivered as compressed format courses. Compressed format courses must be marked as such in CIM Courses , must contain sufficient content for students to meet the course outcomes, must have regular and substantive instructor-initiated interaction, must use the same or similar key assessments as standard format courses, but do not need to meet the typical time-based credit hour requirements. These courses receive higher assessment scrutiny from the Department of Education and thus the Provost’s Office, and are required to show comparison student performance data to standard deliveries of the course.

Correspondence Courses

Correspondence courses have similar assessment requirements to compressed courses but do not need to meet the requirements for regular and substantive instructor-initiated interaction. See the WVU catalog on Modality Definitions for more information.

Code of Federal Regulations: Chapter 34, §600.2 .

WVU Catalog: Credit Hour Definition

WVU Catalog: Modality Definitions

WVU College of Law: Determination of Credit Hours Worked

RICE: Workload Estimator (calculator)

Penn State: Hours of Instructional Activity Equivalents (HIA) for Undergraduate Courses

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Credit Hours and Calculation

Credit hours in online/hybrid courses.

Per the Wake Forest University Registrar ,

Semester Credit Hour is the quantitative unit used to measure coursework. The number of semester credit hours assigned to a course reflects the outcomes expected, the mode of instruction, scheduled in-class time, additional formal meeting times, and the amount of outside preparatory work expected for the class.

Faculty members expect students to work an average of two hours outside of class for every hour spent in the classroom. Therefore, if a student were to take the standard 15-hour course load, the student would be expected to spend approximately 15 hours in the classroom and approximately 30 hours outside of the classroom, for an average total of 45 hours of classroom work, study, writing, research, etc. each week. For a 15-week semester, this translates into 135 hours of work per semester per course and 675 hours per semester for a full course load.

Please note that some graduate or professional programs may have higher requirements.

These standards are in alignment with the requirements set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations :

Credit hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l) , a credit hour is an amount of student work defined by an institution, as approved by the institution’s accrediting agency or State approval agency, that is consistent with commonly accepted practice in postsecondary education and that –

(1) Reasonably approximates not less than –

(i) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different period of time; or

(ii) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1)(i) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours; and

(2) Permits an institution, in determining the amount of work associated with a credit hour, to take into account a variety of delivery methods, measurements of student work , academic calendars, disciplines, and degree levels.

The university’s regional accreditor, SACS, also requires that via its Principles of Accreditation that an institution

“…implements policies for determining the amount and level of credit awarded for its courses, regardless of format or mode of delivery .”

Thinking about Credit hours for Blended and Online Courses

Accreditation and regulatory requirements typically establish expected workloads, based on credit hours, that identify a balance between in-class vs. out-of-class work. Since online and blended learning opportunities can disrupt the in-class vs. out-of-class distinction, it is important to ensure that courses offered in these modalities provide students with (1) an overall workload commensurate with normal credit-hour expectations and (2) a comparable level of interaction to replace any face-to-face hours lost. To that end, the workload balance in an online or blended class should aim for the same balance as a traditional face-to-face course, where instructor-mediated/directed learning activities are allowable replacements for face-to-face instructional hours. Lists detailing the general characteristics of these activities and their examples are included below.


  • Align with course/lesson learning outcomes
  • Generally formative in nature
  • Designed to promote and/or assess higher-level skills: application, analysis, evaluation, creation
  • Provide substantive feedback to the learner
  • (avoid passive learning, examples of which include: reading, watching lectures, listening to podcasts, studying for an exam, writing that does not include substantive feedback, etc.)
  • Synchronous class meetings on a video-conferencing platform
  • Asynchronous online discussions
  • Group project/presentation work that requires meaningful collaboration
  • Structured, intentional contact with the instructor 
  • Formative quizzes that provide answer-specific feedback
  • Guided Learning Modules (i.e. interactive lessons)
  • Responsive video or audio (i.e. bi-directional learning tool)
  • Reflective writing (i.e. journal, blog, reading response, peer-editing) that includes interactive feedback from the instructor and/or classmates

Once a course’s particular methods, approaches, and  strategies have been chosen and development has begun, the Workload Estimator tool can assist you in approximating and comparing the amount of work and time required for a class versus the number of academic hours it is supposed to represent. The Rutgers University Office of Instructional Design has also developed a Planning Time Calculator that might be useful in conjunction with the Workload Estimator.

Example: These are based on the above numbers for the University’s standard credit hour calculations. Some numbers have been rounded up for the sake of convenience.  (These estimates are based on 3 hours of study time)


8 Weeks

12 Weeks

15 weeks

3 Credits

19 hours per week

12.5 hours per week

10 hours per week

2 Credits

12.5 hours per week

8 hours per week

7 hours per week

1 Credit

6 hours per week

4 hours per week

3 hours per week

The examples presented above are not exhaustive, and as with any instructional strategy these activities will only be as good as their implementation. Consultation and training in their design, implementation, and assessment are recommended, and the Office of Online Education is available to provide such guidance.

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Undergraduate Courses

University policy defines one undergraduate credit hour as approximately 30 real hours of student work, both in class and out of class. Thus, a 4-credit course should engage students for 120 hours over the course of the term. Lower-division courses must meet one hour a week in class (lectures, sections, labs, etc.) for each credit hour. Upper-division courses may meet for one fewer hour (e.g. 3 hours a week for a 4-credit course) so long as out-of-class work makes up the difference.

Graduate Courses

One graduate credit hour denotes 40 hours of work per term. Graduate students in 4xx/5xx courses are therefore expected to perform roughly a third more work than their undergraduate counterparts. Be specific about the additional expectations for graduate students in 5xx courses; grading them more stringently is not sufficient. 5xx- level work must be more in-depth and of higher quality than 4xx-level work. Per the GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement, graduate students in 5xx courses may not lead discussion sessions, lecture for the instructor, lead group projects, or in any way take responsibility for undergraduate students’ learning experiences unless the course is itself a pedagogy course. Law courses require 56 hours per credit per 14-week semester.

For courses to be offered in an online/hybrid format, instructors must answer an additional question explaining how their pedagogy ensures a level of faculty-student engagement equivalent to that for a conventional classroom-based course.

EXAMPLE for a 4-credit undergraduate course that meets 3 hours per week.

Lecture (Note: 50-minute session = 1 hour; 80-minute session = 1.5 hours3020 lectures @1.5 hours
Discussion Sections101 hr/week
Assigned Readings50~100 pages (approx. 5 hrs) per week
Writing Assignments303 hrs/week on homework

For Course Approval

The Student Engagement Inventory (SEI) is checked against the syllabus to ensure that the proper amount of credit is awarded to the course given the work it requires. To ensure that the number of credits requested corresponds to the student workload described in the syllabus, instructors should tally up and briefly explain the number of hours per term a typical student is expected to spend. For each applicable category, indicate the total expected hours and provide a brief explanation. For reading and writing assignments, indicate the total number of required pages. Highlight any divergence from what a non-specialist reviewer might consider normal (e.g., a dense philosophical text read at a rate of five pages an hour).

Graduate students in 4xx/5xx courses are expected to perform not only additional work, but work that is more in-depth and of higher quality as befits a graduate-level course. Be specific about the additional expectations for graduate students in 5xx courses; grading them more stringently is not sufficient. Be aware that requiring graduate students in 5xx courses to lead discussion sessions, lecture for the instructor, lead group projects, or in any way take responsibility for undergraduate students’ learning experiences is not an acceptable differentiation (unless the course itself is a pedagogy course) and is in violation of the GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Approved By:  University Senate       

Revision History: From “UOCC Procedures for Curricular Changes” - Revised August 2009; updated March 6, 2015 (see page 19); updated August 2017; Minor corrections Jan 2018 for consistency; updated for US18/19-09 Feb 2019.

Original Source: UOCC Procedures for Curricular Changes -

Planning for credit hours compliance in an online course

A man sitting at a desk writes on a piece of paper

How this will help:

How do you know how much work is in a credit hour? For many of us, credit hours indicate how long and often your class meets in person. What happens when that “classroom” moves online? Regardless of how we are teaching (face-to-face, distance, or online) student engagement and workload should be relatively even across courses with similar credit hour requirements. 

A credit hour is an expectation: students gain a better understanding of how much work the course will entail. The same is true for faculty, a credit hour helps you manage your time, your workload, and the amount of content. You most likely know what a 3 credit course “feels” like. At least, you likely do with your normal in-person classes. But what about online? Time frequently feels different in online spaces. If you are running synchronous videoconferences in place of lectures, what might that change for the experience of both students and instructors? Let’s consider the next section as an example.

How might credit hours look in an online course

Online instruction will feel very different than what you are used to; in the space you occupy with students, in the amount of time the material takes, and in the perceived effort that you all put forth to teach and learn together. This difference will confound the contexts on which we would normally rely to guide us. “Am I assigning too much reading?” you might ask yourself, “Or maybe not enough?”

A 3-credit hour, 15-week course might look like this in each format:

two 1.5-hour lectures/week4-5 short videos on key content/week
one 1-hour discussion section/week2 discussion postings + 3 responses/week
50-100 pages of reading/weekOne 30-45 minute videoconference/week
three 5-page papers50-100 pages of reading/week
a midterm with 10 hours of study/prepthree 5-page papers
a final exam that anticipates 20 hours of study/prepa midterm with 10 hours of study/prep
a final take-home exam that anticipates 20 hours of study/prep

The primary difference is that instead of focusing on “seat time” (how often and long students are in the physical classroom), online learning focuses on total effort or course effort. Course effort recognizes that some activities (like asynchronous discussions) require time to engage with the material and create, as opposed to face-to-face classes where only presence is counted. If you compare the two formats, there isn’t a lot of difference in terms of assignments given. Often, the largest difference will be that there are fewer lectures and more engagement through class discussions. A class discussion in a face-to-face class will be bounded by seat time in the class. An equivalent discussion in an online format for a student might take 2-3 times as long, as an asynchronous online discussion often takes longer than in-person discussions. Students might first compose an original post (basically a 250-500 word essay), then read and respond to several of their classmate’s posts. Recognizing these nuances can help you and your students properly level set the expectations for work in the course, leading to a more positive experience for all involved.

How do I make these time estimates?

We recommend using a commonly used tool called the Workload Estimator from Rice University ( )  to help estimate how much time students should be spending working based on readings and assignments. This tool takes into account not only reading and writing but also what type of reading or writing is assigned. For example, it takes less time to reflect than it does to synthesize research. For things like class discussion postings, make an estimate of how long you would like the post to be, and consider it a narrative writing piece for purposes of estimating time. These guidelines are helpful to create baseline expectations, and can potentially be refined as you develop your own experiences in these spaces.

Practical tips

  • Filming a lecture can be straightforward for counting time, but there might be other time to account for, including time spent reviewing any potential notes or slide decks that are shared.
  • Changing between many tasks has transition time that may not be accounted for, but that will have an impact on your students. Be mindful of administrative tasks that you might inadvertently give to your students while changing modality. For example, you may send more emails in an online course than you did in your face-to-face class, which is also part of instruction.
  • Learning (and teaching!) online requires good time management, accurate estimates for the amount of time different tasks will take will benefit your students’ ability to plan their online study habits, benefitting both students and faculty.

University of Michigan

CAI – Keep complying

Other Resources

Rice University – Workload calculator 

Rochester Institute of Technology –  Calculating time on task in online courses 

Loyola University Maryland – Online calculator users guide 

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Are you actually studying 1 hour per credit outside of class each week?

Basically, the idea is that for every credit in the class, you need to spend an hour outside of it studying/prepping for it. I have 14 credits this semester, so I *need* to study an additional 42 hours a week to be properly prepared.

I have classes every day of the week, some are 50 minutes, some are 2 hours. But somehow I'm supposed to find 42 extra hours to study? I understand it's important, but I don't understand how it's possible to spend 20-30 hours IN class and then 42 hours OUTSIDE of class and still have a life. And I don't mean party, I mean literally exist.

So how many hours a week outside of class are you putting towards your classes?

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  • Expected Time per Course Credit: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities

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Governing policy.

Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

An hour of instructional time refers to the 50-minute block of scheduled instructional time. The general expectation for total scheduled instructional time for a 3-credit course during the typical 15-week semester would be 2,250 minutes (3 credits x 15 weeks x 50 minutes).

In accordance with federal financial aid and Higher Learning Commission guidelines, 15 weeks is the standard academic term length. The full academic term runs from the first day of the semester until the last day of final exams.

The expectation for total instructional time for a course applies to all academic terms. Courses scheduled during the May session, summer session, or any other special terms have the same expectation for total instructional time per credit. For example, a 3-credit course would be expected to have 2,250 minutes of total scheduled instructional time.

This chart provides some sample calculations.

Yes. The instructional and student workload expectations per credit are the same, regardless of the method of delivery of the course (for example, online, classroom, or a combination of delivery methods). Instructional time for online courses may include pre-recorded lectures or scheduled online class time.

In the majority of cases, the standard for instructional time is met when the number of instructional hours per week equals the number of credits for the course. However, the instructional hours do not need to be spread out evenly by week.

No. A significant amount of homework, assigned reading, or other student-led activities outside of class generally cannot be used to justify a schedule with fewer instructional hours than the standard. 

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  1. Homework Credit vs. Time (per problem)

    how many hours of homework per credit

  2. Credit Hour Calculations

    how many hours of homework per credit

  3. Homework: More Time on Task

    how many hours of homework per credit

  4. How Much Time Should Be Spent on Homework Based on Grade?

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  1. Class-Time to Study-Time Ratio

    Learn how to plan your study time based on the recommended ratios of in-class to out-of-class work per credit hour. See an example of a weekly schedule for a college student taking four classes.

  2. Credit Hour Workload Calculator

    Each credit hour corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours of student engagement per week for a traditional 14-week course or 6 hours per week for a 7-week course. This time may be spent on discussions, readings and lectures, study and research, and assignments. Most courses at AIC are three credit hours. Credits to be earned.

  3. COMPLETE guide to university credit hours in the U.S. [2024]

    College Credit Hours Explained. So to calculate a college credit, you need to know the hours you are spending on classroom work and homework per week and the number of days and weeks in your semester. The calculation for a credit is, 1 credit = (1 hour classroom work + 2 hours homework)/ per week x (15 weeks/semester).

  4. How Much Time Do College Students Spend on Homework

    Learn how college students spend one to three hours of homework for each credit per week and how to get on-demand homework help. Find out how to read faster, study smarter and improve your grades with

  5. How Many Hours of Work Per Online Course Credit

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  6. How Many Hours Should I Study Per Credit Calculator

    Example. Let's consider an example where a course has 3 credits, and the total recommended study time is 15 hours. Using the formula, the calculation would be: Study Hours=315=5 hours per credit. The result, in this case, would be 5 hours per credit.

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  8. What Are College Credits?

    A college credit is a unit that measures learning at accredited colleges and universities in the United States. According to federal guidelines, one college credit hour "reasonably approximates" one hour of classroom learning plus two hours of independent work [ 1 ]. That means for the average three-credit course, you can expect to spend ...

  9. Time Management Calculator

    This time calculator will help you understand how you are organizing your time throughout the week. Enter the number of credits you are taking. The calculator will then automatically calculate your class and study time. This calculation is based on the idea that for every hour you are in class, you should spend about 2-3 hours studying outside ...

  10. Credit Hour Guidance

    Sample Calculation. Minimum instructional time required per credit is calculated by multiplying the number of credits awarded by 750 minutes. For example: A 3-credit course would need to include at least 2,250 minutes of instructional time (750 minutes x 3 credits = 2,250 minutes) in a given semester.; If a 3-credit course meets for 140 minutes per week, for 14-weeks (140 minutes x 14 weeks ...

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    The U.S. Department of Education defines the credit hour as "One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester…". The expectation was the norm when I was in college in the 1980s and more seasoned professors indicate it was ...

  12. Credit Hour Policy

    Credit Hour Policy. This policy defines a credit hour and describes the processes designed to assure that the definition is followed throughout the university. The university measures academic credit in credit hours. In accordance with federal regulations, a credit hour for all courses and programs at the university is an amount of work ...

  13. Time Managment Calculator

    This time management calculator may help you manage your time more efficiently. (Adapted from the University of Connecticut) Instructions. You must answer the questions in order. Insert your "Hours Per Day" for Questions 01-05 and click "Multiply" for each. Next, insert your "Hours Per Week" for Questions 06-09.

  14. PDF Credit hour guidance for online and hybrid courses

    minutes of 'contact' hours, and at least another two hours of out-of-class activities for each unit of credit the students will earn in a course. Approximate hours of teaching and learning per week for a standard 15-week semester2 # of Credits In-class Out of class Weekly Total Term Total 1 1 (50 minutes) 2 3 45

  15. Credit Hours and Time Equivalencies

    This means that a student spends 45 total hours of time on 1 credit, and 135 total hours (45 hours of direct instruction and 90 hours of out-of-class student work) over the course of a semester in a typical 3 credit class. Time per week calculations for various course lengths can be found further down the page.

  16. Credit Hours and Calculation

    7 hours per week. 1 Credit. 6 hours per week. 4 hours per week. 3 hours per week. The examples presented above are not exhaustive, and as with any instructional strategy these activities will only be as good as their implementation. Consultation and training in their design, implementation, and assessment are recommended, and the Office of ...

  17. Credit Hour and Student Workload Policies (Policy)

    50. ~100 pages (approx. 5 hrs) per week. Writing Assignments. 30. 3 hrs/week on homework. TOTAL HOURS. 120. For Course Approval. The Student Engagement Inventory (SEI) is checked against the syllabus to ensure that the proper amount of credit is awarded to the course given the work it requires.

  18. Planning for credit hours compliance in an online course

    A 3-credit hour, 15-week course might look like this in each format: FACE-TO-FACE. ONLINE. two 1.5-hour lectures/week. 4-5 short videos on key content/week. one 1-hour discussion section/week. 2 discussion postings + 3 responses/week. 50-100 pages of reading/week. One 30-45 minute videoconference/week.

  19. PDF Defining and Assigning Credit Hours Policy

    Defining and Assigning Credit Hours Policy . Updated 12/13/2021 . ... homework, travel, or orientation. Credit hours are calculated on the basis of instructional time, which is ... Component Number of Minutes of Classroom Based Instructional Time Per Credit . Lecture (LEC) 750 Seminar (SEM) 750 Discussion (DIS) 750

  20. Are you actually studying 1 hour per credit outside of class ...

    The actual credit hour system in the US is that you should be doing 2 hours of outside work each week per credit hour. So if you have a 4 credit course you should be doing 8 hours outside of class. 4 of those classes = 32 outside of class. It's actually 2 to 3 hours.


    minimum of 30 hours of student homework are required for each unit of credit. Workshops require at least 15 through 45 contact hours plus an appropriate number of homework hours. One- unit workshop with no homework are expected to have at least 45 contact hours while one-unit workshops with 30 hours of homework are expected to have 15

  22. PDF How to Calculate: Credit Units / Class Time / Course Classifications

    Four credit units require students to work on that course for about 180 (45x4) hours in some combination of class/instructional time and out-of-class time. This definition does not vary with instructional mode. Note also that the definition is for a minimum amount of student work per credit ('no less than'). 1 hour instruction per week x 15 ...

  23. FAQ

    The expectation for total instructional time for a course applies to all academic terms. Courses scheduled during the May session, summer session, or any other special terms have the same expectation for total instructional time per credit. For example, a 3-credit course would be expected to have 2,250 minutes of total scheduled instructional time.