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Writing a Thesis Statement for a World Literature Paper--PowerPoint

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Use the link above or the viewer below to access a PowerPoint workshop on writing a thesis statement for a world literature paper. The file includes notes for instructors who wish to use the PowerPoint in the classroom but is also a useful student resource. See also the Purdue OWL's general resource on thesis statements .

Persuasive & Argumentative Papers

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  • Choosing a position
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  • Narrowing/broadening your topic
  • Persuasive structure
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  • Introduction
  • Thesis statement
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What is a thesis statement.

A thesis statement is a sentence that directly states the central idea of your written assignment. In essays, a thesis statement is usually included in the introduction. In longer pieces of writing, it may appear further along, but still near the beginning.

A successful thesis has the following characteristics:

  • it is  interesting  to the readers
  • it is  specific
  • it narrows down the scope of the topic to "make it  manageable "

What are some examples of a thesis statement?

Your thesis is generally one of the harder sentences to write, especially for those new to writing research papers.  You want the reader to know with this one statement what your stance on the topic is and what you intend to prove with your research.  Some good examples of a thesis statement would be:

  • While cake and pie are both desserts, the structure, ingredients, and ease of transportation sets pie apart from its main competitor.
  • An analysis of video game profit margins reveals one challenge facing game developers: the success of AAA games and the popularity of independent titles.
  • In the movies  Shaun of the Dead  and  28 Days Later , the opening sequence establishes the tone and theme of the film through non-diegetic sound, methodical pacing, and striking visuals.

I don't know what my thesis is yet!

That's ok! As you develop your essay or research paper, your thesis may change. Revise it to reflect the scope and the central idea of your writing.

Writing evolves in stages; sometimes, you may not know what your thesis will be until you start to write. The concept of a  working thesis  is important here.

What is a working thesis?

A working thesis  should have two parts: a topic part, which states the topic, and a comment part, which makes an important point about the topic. 

  • Topic:  Cake and pie are both desserts but are very different
  • Comment:  pie is the clear winner because its better structured, has a bigger variety of fillings, and is much easier to take with you
  • Topic:  Difference in profit margins: AAA games vs Indie titles
  • Comment:  indie titles are growing in popularity and may make the smaller teams more money than what programmers get from AAA titles
  • Topic:  There were a lot of zombie movies in the 00s but only a handful really stick out as "noteworthy"
  • Comment: Its not just about the tone of the movie, but how they pace it.  The sound and visuals have to be unique but not jarring or hokey.  
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  • Last Updated: May 21, 2024 4:49 PM
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The Thesis Statement in a Persuasive Text

Alys Avalos-Rivera

In another chapter, we discussed the features of an informational essay. In this chapter, we will guide you to understand the essential elements of a similar type of academic text: the persuasive essay. Although informational and persuasive writing follow similar principles such as an orderly presentation of ideas that should be supported with evidence (e.g. facts, arguments, or examples), their purposes differ. The objective is written to take a stance (specific point of view) with respect to a controversial topic and persuade the audience to adopt the writer’s position. Because of this difference, the thesis statement of the persuasive essay needs to introduce the writer’s position in the controversy featured in the essay. Also, the preview of the essay’s structure should outline the arguments that the author will use to support his/her stance.

Should the US drinking age be lowered?

In the US, drinking alcoholic beverages is illegal for people under 21 years of age (minimum legal drinking age or MLDA). This law has long caused a great deal of disagreement and debates. While some people think it is paradoxical that young people of 18 cannot enter a bar but still go to war, others believe that the law is the best way to keep youth away from irresponsible and heavy drinking episodes (also called binge drinking). The following texts were written by readers of the New York Times” Room for Debate page to express their opinions about the subject. [1]

  • Read the comments and underline the readers’ main arguments (reasons to support one position or the other).
  • Identify which readers are against lowering the minimum drinking age (CON) and which are in favor (PRO)?
  • Which arguments seem the least convincing? Which are the most persuasive? Why?

Content focus: Rating thesis statements

Considering these features, in the following task you will analyze how six college students drafted their thesis statements for a persuasive essay on the MLDA controversy. In the prompt used by the instructor for this assignment, students were required to address the following purposes:

  • Present the PROs and CONs of the MLDA to a group of college students’ parents.
  • Persuade the parents to vote in favor of lowering the MLDA to 18 years of age.

In other words, the writers need to take a stance on the issue. Read the Thesis Statement and assess how well each one fulfills the purposes given above and to what extent. Rate the Thesis Statement using a scale from 1 to 6, where 6 will stand for the best Thesis Statement and 1 will be given to the poorest. Be prepared to explain the reasons you have to support your rating.

a. The United States has more accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol than other countries where there is no MLDA (        )

b. Young people should be allowed to drink without legal restrictions based on their age, which is ridiculous (        )

c. Parents should teach their children how to drink alcohol in moderation.  (        )

d. Lowering the MLDA will allow parents to introduce their children to alcohol use under the supervision and reduce the rate of accidents caused by drunken drivers (        )

e. A reduction in the MLDA will help neutralize teenagers’ obsession with drinking, allow parents to monitor their children first encounters with alcohol, and reduce the rate of accidents caused by irresponsible drinking.   (        )

f. Having the MLDA fixed at 21 is only increasing young people’s fascination with drinking in unsafe environments and using false IDs.     (        )

Guidelines for a thesis statement

What should be considered when drafting a thesis statement for an essay that aims to persuade the audience to take a stand in a controversial issue? Think of some possible guidelines to write an effective persuasive TS taking into account the following:

  • How should you address your audience?
  • Where in your text should you introduce your stance?
  • What language features (words, phrases) could be useful?
  • How can you connect your TS with the main arguments you will use in your essay?

Write your guidelines below and discuss them with your colleagues and your instructor:

In some of the thesis statements listed above, the writers use modal verbs such as will and should . The first one ( will ) is used to predict the results that could be achieved if the authorities follow a specific course of action regarding the MLDA. The second one ( should ) is used to recommend what should be done with respect to the MLDA. These and other modal verbs that express advice, convey an obligation, or predict an outcome are often used to introduce the writer’s stance because they are useful to express the speaker’s desires, or his/her ideas of how the world should be. Other modal verbs that are also used with these purposes are: must, can, could, ought to, and also the semi-modal have to .

When using modal verbs to compose your thesis statement, however, you should be careful to select the one that best represents your purpose. The meaning of your thesis statement can change a great deal if you use one or the other. Read the following examples and explain how the meaning has changed with each modal (in bold):

*Although ought to and must are accepted as standard forms, they are not used in Academic English very often because they imply a strong and categorical position. Scientists usually abstain from categorical statements because these expressions do not convey that the writer remains open to new possibilities. Scientist prefer to maintain a more open attitude in their writing in case new evidence is discovered in the future that can change their points of view about the world.

Although the participants in the Room for Debate’s and Star Wars pages hold different points of view regarding very different topics, they all engaged in their online discussions with a common purpose: persuading their audience of their point of view. They do so in a succinct fashion because their audience does not usually invest much time in reading blog posts that are too long and complex. Therefore, effective blog/forum posters try to be direct and present one single point per post. On the contrary, academic persuasive writing needs to be more detailed and provide the audience with more than just the author’s point of view.

  • https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2015/02/10/you-must-be-21-to-drink ↵

The Thesis Statement in a Persuasive Text Copyright © 2020 by Alys Avalos-Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Persuasive Essay.

Published by Claribel Smith Modified over 5 years ago

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persuasive research writing thesis statements


Apr 02, 2019

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Persuasive RESEARCH WRITING &amp; Thesis STATEMENTS. Persuasive Research Essay Sponsored by: The OWL at Purdue. Persuasive Writing: The Argument. Argument : This is the basis of the persuasive research paper.

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Persuasive RESEARCH WRITING & Thesis STATEMENTS Persuasive Research Essay Sponsored by: The OWL at Purdue

Persuasive Writing: The Argument • Argument: • This is the basis of the persuasive research paper. • The staff at Charles Sturt University in Australia defines an argument as "a series of generalizations or propositions, supported by evidence or reasoning and connected in a logical manner, that lead to a justified conclusion. You must sustain your argument by giving evidence and reasons." • The approach in persuasive research writing is to take a stand on an issue and use evidence to back-up your stance, not to explore or flesh out an unresolved topic. • This stance, this debatable statement, or this interpretation is known as your thesis.

Essays & Thesis Statements • The term essay comes from the French word essai, or "attempt“ • You are attempting to convince the reader of a debatable or controversial point of view. • That point of view - your thesis - is the core of this breed of paper. • A plan of attack for the backbone (the main focus) of your paper. • You need to refine a topic before figuring out the main focus of your paper: your thesis statement. • You can't afford to waste time wandering aimlessly around the library, or even worse, in your paper. • You need to know what your ultimate purpose is and what you need to know and do to get there. • In most persuasive essays, thesis statements are generally found in the introductory paragraph(s), which makes sense considering your reader will get frustrated if your persuading point isn't stated early on.

Defining Features of a Thesis • It is a one or two-sentence statement that explicitly outlines the purpose or point of your paper. • A thesis is to a paper what a topic sentence is to a paragraph. • It should point toward the development the reader can expect your argument to take, but does not have to specifically include 'three supporting points'as you may have once learned. • Because the rest of the paper will support or back up your thesis, a thesis is normally placed at or near the end of the introductory paragraph(s). • A reasonable person could disagree with you if you only gave the thesis and no other evidence. • Also, someone should be able to theoretically argue against it(how successfully will depend on how persuasive you are).

Defining Features of a Thesis • A thesis takes a side on a topic rather than simply announcing that the paper is about a topic (the title should have already revealed your topic). • Don't tell a reader about something; answer the questions "how?" or "why?“ • A thesis is sufficiently narrow and specific that your supporting points are necessary and sufficient, not arbitrary; paper length and number of supporting points are good guides here. • A thesis argues one main point and doesn't squeeze three different theses for three different papers into one sentence.

The So What? Test The Test it Must Pass

The So-What? Test • Be sure to choose a topic worth arguing about or exploring. • This means to construct a thesis statement about a problem that is still debated, controversial, up in the air. • So arguing that drinking and driving is dangerous - while you could find a ton of evidence to support your view - would be pretty worthless nowadays. • Who would want to read something they already knew? • You wouldn't be persuading them of anything and all your work would be pretty meaningless. • During the topic-formulating stage, always keep asking "SO WHAT?", "WHO CARES?" or as Barbara Frum says: "Tell me something new about something I care about." • That will automatically make your paper significant and interesting both for you to write and the reader to study.

So What? • When you do come up with a good thesis, always make sure it passes The So What? Test or begin again. • Don't worry though; remember that at this point in the process, your thesis is tentative. • It may change after you do research or as you write and that's perfectly okay (as long as it is Coffin-approved). • It is important, however, for you to think about the point of your paper now before you read what the experts in your field have to say.


Researching • Hunting for resources and recording the information. You have a focus, a goal, a purpose--in essence, the bones of your essay. • But now you need flesh for those bones; that's where research comes in. • The research step you are about to embark on will possibly be a relief because now you can finally gather some proof for your readers to support your controversial thesis. • You will gather this outside knowledge and integrate it with your own ideas. • The research step is what distinguishes this genre from other kinds of essays.

Supporting Evidence • With a good thesis and an outline, you know what you want to say and how you want to say it. Now your essay needs the weight of evidence to support your thesis and convince your reader. • Evidence consists of specific examples or opinions of others which support and illustrate your thesis. • Try to give several examples rather than just one. You want to make sure that there is sufficient evidence for you to make a strong point; the evidence must also be relevant and reliable. • Evidence comes from either primary or secondary sources. • The primary source is the text on which you are commenting, or documents that deal directly with your topic. • Secondary sources are opinions or interpretation of others on the topic (your essay itself becomes a secondary source, should anyone wish to quote it). • Although secondary sources can help support your view, your instructor is still interested in what you think about the work.

PLAGIARISM The Gateway to a Life of Crime

Plagiarism • Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of someone else's thoughts or wording either by incorrect documentation, failing to cite your sources altogether, or simply by relying much too heavily on external resources. • Plagiarizing does not give due credit to the party who really came up with the language and/or idea, and also fails to inform the reader that the information originated from an outside source. • Plagiarizing undermines your academic integrity. • It betrays your own responsibilities as a student writer, your audience, and the very research community you were entering by deciding to write a research paper in the first place. • Whether intentional or, as is more often the case, inadvertent, the result is that some or all of another author's ideas become represented as your own. • It's like lip-synching to someone else's voice and accepting the applause and rewards for yourself.

Plagiarism • Plagiarism also includes the re-use of the same paper for more than one course or "buying" a paper from another student. • If it feels like cheating or an easy way-out, and the moral and intellectual consequences don't sound alarm bells, stop and think of the serious repercussions you could incur. • Because it is intellectual theft, plagiarism is considered an academic crime with punishment anywhere from an ZERO on that particular paper to dismissal from the course to expulsion from school. • If that scares you, it shouldn't, because there is no reason it has to happen to you. • Avoid plagiarism by using effective note-taking skills and properly incorporating sources - direct quotations, summaries, or paraphrases - within your own insights so that it is clear where and which sources were consulted to support and supplement your own discussion. • Your research paper won't be some cheap throw-together of unoriginal thoughts but a credible, cohesive piece of writing not in spite of but because of your intellectual honesty.

More on Essay Outlines Later in the Research Process The Essay Outline The Framework for the Essay

The Outline: Mapping it Out • Like the frame of a house combines with the building materials, the outline combines the "bones" of your thesis with the "flesh" from your research and insights to construct a unified essay body. • An outline is the organizational plan for your paper. • You know your starting point: your introduction and thesis/research question. • You know your destination: some sort of summative and thoughtful conclusion. • But how are you going to get from one to the other? What's your vehicle? • See, an outline doesn't just help you articulate what you plan to say, but also how you're going to move from supporting paragraph to supporting paragraph, how you're going to get where you want to go.

The Importance of Outlines • If you can't articulate your paper even in point form, you won't be able to do it effectively in prose. • If you find problems as you outline, it's easier to fix them now than to try to revamp a 3rd draft. It's always easier to scrap a note than a paragraph or whole essay. • When things click into place, an outline gives you confidence. It helps you to realize that, maybe just maybe, you really do know what you're talking about! • Markers don't appreciate mental diarrhea or The Shotgun Technique: writing down everything you know about the subject (a common fault). It is like firing a shotgun and hoping that some of the many pellets hit something." Have respect for your reader. • Outlines make drafting less stressful not only by pointing out the relationship of your ideas to each other and to the thesis, but because you now have small manageable chunks to tackle. • Coffin is much more agreeable to looking over an outline than an early draft. The outline will tell him more about whether you’re on the right track.

Constructing an Outline • You're may be intimidated by the research materials and notes amassed in front of you...but that’s not a bad thing. • Carefully read the index cards and look for common trends. • They're going to be separated from each other but gather them together. • Cards with common trends will probably form a sub-topic for the paper. • You can classify using a variety of techniques. • Using index cards, group the ones that go together and shuffle them around to achieve the best order of ideas. • You can also do this on paper: use different-colored symbols or highlighters to classify related ideas.

Constructing an Outline • Once you're happy with what you've got, you may find that some sections are strong and fleshed-out whereas others are weaker. • Do some more research where needed or see if two "weak" sections just couldn't fit under one stronger heading. • Perhaps as hard as you try, your points fit together but not with the overarching argument you're making (thesis). • In that case, don't be afraid to re-evaluate your thesis; it may just need a tweak. • Your evidence may be great but if it supports a different thesis, your readers won't see how great it is because they'll be expecting something else. • Don’t prove the wrong thesis. • Now that you have thesis and support (research question and answers) fitting together, the really hard work is done!

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Writing a Persuasive Essay - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

persuasive essay thesis statement powerpoint

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay i. introduction a. start off with a general statement (hook sentence), not the thesis statement. example hook sentence: getting ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • A. Start off with a general statement (Hook Sentence), NOT the thesis statement.
  • Example hook sentence Getting revenge can become an obsession for many people. Some really crave that kind of closure when theyve been wronged.
  • B. Transition Sentence a sentence that connects the hook sentence to the text.
  • Example transition sentence In the epic poem, Beowulf, vengeance is a common theme. Many of the characters desire to get even.
  • C. Background/Summary Sentences Give some background information on the topic and explain instances of what youre talking about.
  • Example background sentences Beowulf wants to get even with Grendel for killing the Danes. Hrothgar wants revenge on Grendels mother for attacking his people. Grendels mother cannot believe her son was murdered and goes after who did it.
  • D. Thesis Statement This is where you put it all together and state your side and your THREE REASONS to back up your side.
  • Example thesis statement In Beowulf, the theme of vengeance is exemplified through the actions of Beowulf, Hrothgar, and Grendels mother.
  • Getting revenge can become an obsession for many
  • people. Some really crave that kind of closure when
  • they have been wronged. In the epic poem, Beowulf,
  • vengeance is a common theme. Many of the
  • characters desire to get even. Beowulf wants to get
  • even with Grendel for killing the Danes. Hrothgar
  • wants revenge on Grendels mother for attacking the
  • Danes. Grendels mother cannot believe her son was
  • murdered and goes after who did it. In Beowulf, the
  • theme of vengeance is exemplified through the
  • actions of Beowulf, Hrothgar, and Grendels mother.
  • A. Topic Sentence the topic of the paragraph. This is the first reason you mentioned in your thesis statement.
  • You must stay in the order you presented in that thesis statement.
  • Use a transition word or phrase to start it off (First/The first reason why/One reason why)
  • Example topic sentence First, Beowulf is a character who regularly seeks vengeance in the poem.
  • B. Explanation of topic sentence Explain what you meant with the topic sentence (take it a step further)
  • Example explanation sentence He wants revenge against Grendel for attacking the Danish people.
  • C. Introduction of the quote from the text All body paragraphs must include a quote from the text.
  • You must introduce the quote, however. You cant just puke it into the paragraph.
  • Example introduction-of-quote sentence When he is preparing to fight Grendel, he makes a formal boast, promising the Danes he will get even for them.
  • D. Quotation From Text You include a quote from the text, but you must LEAD IT IN with a short phrase.
  • The quote must have quotation marks around it.
  • Make sure you have the parenthetical citation at the end of each quote, otherwise its PLAGERISM.
  • If you use more than one line, use the slash symbol ( / ) to separate the lines.
  • Example quotation sentence Beowulf promised, I meant to perform to the uttermost/what your people wanted or perish in the attempt,/in the fiends clutches (lines 634-636).
  • E. Explanation of Quote You must explain the quote. You CANNOT just put the quote in the paragraph and leave it unexplained. Otherwise, it does not prove your point and your side at all.
  • Example explanation sentence This text shows, he is getting revenge against Grendel for the Danes. The fiend he is talking about is Grendel. This is the part in the poem when he is about to go into the battle.
  • F. Closing Sentence This sums up the paragraph and wraps up this topic/reason.
  • Example of closing sentence Beowulf needs to get even for the people of Denmark.
  • First, Beowulf is a character who regularly seeks vengeance in the poem. He wants revenge against Grendel for attacking the Danes. When he is preparing to fight Grendel, he makes a formal boast, promising the Danes he will get even for them. Beowulf promised, I meant to perform to the uttermost/what you people wanted or perish in the attempt,/in the fiends clutches (lines 634-636). This text shows he is getting even revenge against Grendel for he Danish people no matter what. The fiend is Grendel, and this is when Beowulf is about to battle him. Beowulf needs to get even for the people of Denmark.
  • A. Reworded Thesis Statement In this paragraph, the thesis statement comes first, but reword it so it doesnt sound boring.
  • Example reworded thesis Beowulf, Hrothgar, and Grendels mother all want revenge.
  • B. Summary sentence of First Body Paragraph Write one sentence which summarizes what was in Body Paragraph 1.
  • Example summary sentence(s) 1 Beowulf stands up to Grendel to help out Danes and get vengeance for them. He completely succeeds.
  • C. Summary sentence of Second Body Paragraph Write one sentence which summarizes what was in Body Paragraph 2.
  • Example summary sentence(s) 2 Hrothgar is out to get Grendels mother for what she did. His people need protection.
  • D. Summary sentence of Third Body Paragraph Write one sentence which summarizes what was in Body Paragraph 3.
  • Example summary sentence(s) 3 Grendels mother tries to kill Beowulf in anger over the death of her son.
  • E. Closing Sentence/Final Statement Wrap up the entire essay with a statement to send your reader off.
  • Example final statement Many people want to get even with someone at some point in their life. The characters in Beowulf are no different.
  • Beowulf, Hrothgar, and Grendels mother all want revenge. Beowulf stands up to Grendel to help out the Danes. He completely succeeds. Hrothgar is out to get Grendels mother for what she did. His people need protection. Grendels mother tries to kill Beowulf in anger over the death of her son. Many people want to get even with someone at some point in their life. The characters in Beowulf are no different.

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