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an essay on how i spent my mid term break

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Michael Olafusi

Michael Olafusi

an essay on how i spent my mid term break

haha seriously

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an essay on how i spent my mid term break

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Utilizing Spring Break

How I Write and Learn

By Aiden, a Writing Center Coach

I’ve been counting down the days until Spring Break—as I write this, we’ve reached single digits! I can’t wait to spend time with my parents and friends without the stress of classes. If you’re like me, you might be a little bit worried about balancing assignments and a fun time off. I’m here to share my strategies for making sure that my rest and relaxation is not sacrificed to my rigorous coursework. 

If I don’t take time during Spring Break to step away from my commitments as a student, I’d be risking burnout. While Spring Break is only a week long, I have found that its proximity to LDOC makes it just the sort of break I need! I’m going to get to visit with people, play fun board games, perhaps marathon a show or two, and take time for myself! Note that I am not planning to spend every second getting as much of an essay done as possible. 

The tips I’ll share below are approaches I use to guide myself away from the urge to spend all of the break dedicated to class work or other school-related commitments. I have found that the most effective utilization of Spring Break doesn’t have to be doing as much school work as possible: it can be caring for yourself.

Making Progress while Practicing Self-Care.

Set out a planner for upcoming assignments and other commitments

One resource I love is the Writing and Learning Center’s “Semester At-A-Glance” calendar! My roommate and I both have one up on our walls. They use theirs to track assignment due dates and exam days, and I use mine more as a general guide to see progress throughout the semester. I like to add all my exams and large assignments to the calendar at the beginning of the semester. Then I can look back to see not only what I have coming up, but also what I’ve accomplished. The “Semester At-A-Glance” calendar is great because it also includes Spring Break!

It is particularly helpful to plan around Spring Break since it is a short amount of time but an important opportunity to practice self-care!. Looking at the calendar can help me plan certain days for certain activities.. I can see when I’ll be traveling, what days I am free, and where I have blocks of time that I can reserve for work.

Another approach I use is making a to-do list. Earlier this semester, I found myself working on multiple academic and personal projects at once and felt a little stressed out. I ended up making a to-do list of what I needed to complete for each class and when each was due. It looked something like this:

  • Internship application due Feb 2 2. ENGL assignment due Feb 3 3. CHIN test Feb 5

I did not start off with a lot of detail. For my list, I first focused on the major tasks and the deadlines I set for myself.  I put my list on a post-it note and put it up in my room where I would see it everyday. This was helpful in making sure I was aware of my deadlines without having to remember when they were. Having deadlines on my calendar and in a to-do  list just made sure that I would not miss anything important!

For Spring Break, a calendar or to-do list might include things like internship/job applications, midterm assignments and exams, end-of-semester work and exams, and more. Rather than letting myself worry about what I have to do over the rest of the semester during Spring Break, I will create a clear plan to help me figure out what are my must do’s   and what can wait until after Spring Break.

Track current progress on each task

The next part of this strategy for me is to add more detail! Breaking a project down into little steps can make it feel less daunting overall. One way to do this is by using SMART goals; this approach offers a guide to make sure that a plan is specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time sensitive. Also, in the context of Spring Break, I can assign certain aspects of a project to a specific day. This helps me to avoid procrastination and develop a more balanced workload habit.

Having a more detailed schedule helps me to spread my work over the entire break, while still making sure to leave plenty of time for myself! Spring break is a necessary and much welcome break, but it also isn’t as long as winter or summer! A big assignment like a large project or midterm paper due the week after break can be very scary. If I’m nervous about it, I might hesitate and not start writing until the end of the break, creating a lot of anxiety and stress for myself, and potentially contributing to burnout and exhaustion.

However, if I take an approach that breaks the assignment down into smaller chunks, it feels more manageable and I am more likely to do them and spread them out. Rather than leaving it at “midterm paper due,” I might set up something like this:

Midterm paper due March 22 1. Brainstorm – Monday 2. Outline – Tuesday 3. Intro + thesis – Wednesday 4. Body paragraphs first draft – Thursday 5. Revise existing writing – Friday 6. Conclusion and final review – Saturday

I can also switch it up if I know there is a certain day of Spring Break I want to dedicate more time to other activities, like hanging out with friends. Knowing what I have to do, even if it seems like a lot, can help me to relax. If I am worried about forgetting something or prone to catastrophizing with the amount of work I  have on my plate, having a list of everything laid out can help keep me calm.

Spring Break Work Life Balance

Breaks don’t need to be deserved or earned; resting is essential to wellbeing and a sign of your maturity and preparedness for college life and beyond 

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” —Audre Lorde. This and other ideas relating to radical self-care can show us that caring for ourselves is necessary to maintain our ability to care for others.

If at the end of Spring Break I find myself stressed out and studying for a test at the last minute, I might consider staying up really late and sacrificing my sleep to counteract my procrastination. But I can take a step back and consider if the “studying” I attempt while exhausted will really be more helpful to me than getting decent sleep and relying on the other work I have done in class and prior test preparation.

I apply this approach to general life as well. Realizing when I  need a break before it’s absolutely necessary is a skill that has taken time and  practice. I plan to let Spring Break be a time for prioritizing myself as an individual rather than solely as a student . It’s also important for me to have a support system that helps encourage these practices and good habits. 

Setting up things with others can be fun!

Some examples that first come to my mind are planning to have a game night, watching a show, doing a craft, spending time with a pet, etc. In all, it’s important that these are all concrete things that you enjoy and want to do.

Stereotypical self-care things like marathoning a TV show or doing a facemask can be fun, but for me it is also important to do activities that energize me in other ways. For example, hanging out with friends, spending time outside, doing an activity I haven’t been able to make time for during the semester like an art or craft, or whatever else brings me joy. These are things that I can plan an entire day for if I want, or integrate into a day where I’m also working on school things. I often find it motivating to have afternoon commitments; if I want to finish two pages of an essay one day and am going to an event with a friend at dinnertime, that sets a clear time for me to complete my work.

I hope these tips will be helpful! Have fun over Spring Break and try using a strategy shared here to make sure that school work isn’t all you do over the week. I know I can’t wait to go home and keep my laptop shut for at least a full day.

This blog showcases the perspectives of UNC Chapel Hill community members learning and writing online. If you want to talk to a Writing and Learning Center coach about implementing strategies described in the blog, make an appointment with a writing coach , a peer tutor , or an academic coach today. Have an idea for a blog post about how you are learning and writing remotely? Contact us here .

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Mid -Term Break Essay

Filed Under: Essays

The poem ‘Mid-Term Break’ by Seamus Heaney is a first person ballad concerning the death of a boy’s 4-year-old brother while he was away at boarding school, and the individual reactions of each of his family members towards the tragedy. Poet Seamus Heaney did well at taking the extremely heavy subject of a child’s death, and producing a substantially lighter poem that still resonated the right emotions for the theme of the poem. In my opinion, ‘Mid-Term Break’ can be broken up into three different sections.

The first of these sections includes Stanza 1, where the boy is still at school. The first section of the poem describes the main character waiting in the sick bay for someone to drive him home, which tells the reader that something bad has happened before the poem has begun, because the main character is being sent home because of some kind of misfortune or tragedy. The second section of ‘Mid-Term Break’ is the largest, and lasts from stanza two to stanza five. This section is also the darkest and most vibrant in imagery of the poem.

The second section talks about the boy being greeted by a house full of strangers after the death of his younger brother, and the different ways each of his family members are handling the situation. The tone changes from section one to a deeper, more sad feel, as the writer is describing things like the main characters father crying, and old men offering their condolences to a child. Stanzas two, three and four develop the storyline in the form of the writer leading the reader through the house, as the main character is made uneasy by things like his father crying, the baby laughing in the pram, and people whispering about him.

The Essay on Main Character Poe Romantic Man

Romantic literature is such that an author writes in an attempt to convey his feelings on what the world should be like. It is unrealistic, unreasoning, and imaginative writing. William Cullen Bryant and Edgar Allen Poe are two examples of romantic writers. Though Poe fits the mold of a romantic writer it is obvious that his writings do not mirror those of Bryant or many other known romantic ...

Stanza five is where the poem begins to explain the tragedy, through the last two lines “at ten o’clock the ambulance arrived, with the corpse, stanched and bandaged by the nurses. ” The third part of the poem is begins at stanza six and goes all the way until the finish. This part, for me, was the most emotional of the three, and really defines the theme and feel of the poem. The ending sentence of stanza six, “I saw him for the first time in six weeks, paler now… ” tells the reader that the boy had been away for an extended period of time, and in theory, didn’t get to say goodbye to his little brother.

The third section also ties up the poem, as it takes the storyline from the previous waiting at school to grieving with his family, and finishes with a simple explanation of the tragedy, and brief feeling of regret that the boy didn’t spend more time with his brother. A Mid-Term Break usually means holidays, time off school or fun, which is the complete opposite to the themes of the poem. Although the title suggests that the poem is going to be revolving around a holiday, the reader soon discovers that the poem is dealing with a much darker subject, a death in the family.

In the opening part of the poem there is a worrying atmosphere, which for me is clear through the line “knelling classes to a close. ” This line suggests that the main character hasn’t been made aware of what has happened, but leads the reader to imagine that whatever has happened, cannot be good. The second section is where the reader knows that someone has died, and that it is an immense heartbreak for the family. This is clear through the first two lines of stanza two, where the strong, solid fatherly figure of the boy is rendered distraught and upset by the tragedy, leaving the main character virtually helpless in his own grief.

The second section also starts to introduce the reader to the deeper meaning of the poem, which is the main character becoming an adult, as the main character is feeling uneasy, and partially numb, as he doesn’t know how to react to the situation as a child. The sentence “as my mother held my hand in hers and coughed out angry tearless sighs” also gives the reader an insight into just how shattered the family is after the death, as his mother is described as being ‘too upset to cry,’ and that the main character feels that he now has to step up, being the oldest child, and comfort his family as an adult.

The Essay on Decorum Est Poem Reader Frost

Death is something that every person will have to deal with at some point in his or her life. The poems 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and 'Nothing Gold Can Stay' both deal with the concept of death, but in very different ways. They provide views of what death can be like from opposite ends of the proverbial spectrum. Death can be a very hard thing to experience, and the emotions that it evokes can be ...

The final part of the poem is the boy goes to the room where his brothers body is being is laid out. This is the event that the entire poem has been moving towards, essentially the climax of the whole poem. The final stanzas of the poem emphasise how tragic the event is, by leading the reader to imagine the younger brother as a helpless, pure, and peaceful child. Through the line “He lay in the four foot box as in his cot,” the younger brothers youth and purity is better exemplified.

The imagery used in the third section of ‘Mid-Term Break’ is the ‘last goodbye’ when the main character goes to visit his younger brother, as he hasn’t seen him in six weeks. This ‘final goodbye’ is the peak of emotion in the poem, and takes the awkward subject of peace and gives it a form of peace and serenity. The final goodbye also refers back to the deeper meaning of becoming an adult, as the main character is not only saying goodbye to his baby brother, but also his childhood. Seamus Heaney’s choice of words in this poem is what made it so emotionally raw.

The central feeling of loss and sadness in the poem is expressed through phrases like “I met my father crying,” “angry tearless sighs” and “old men standing up to shake my hand. ” The phrase “I met my father crying” tells the reader that the main character feels as though his father had been transformed into a different person by the tragedy, and he was ‘meeting’ him for the first time. The lines “it was a hard blow,” “the baby cooed and laughed and rocked in the pram” and “whispers informed strangers I was the eldest” all add a second feeling of a certain awkwardness to the poem, which defines a child reacting to death brilliantly.

The Essay on Brother Allie Holden People Reader

In J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, a young man named Holden Caulfield goes through many misadventures during a three day stay in New York. Holden acts like a careless teenager but the reader gets the feeling that he cared once and wishes that he could again. He has what is almost an obsession with death and is constantly dwelling on the death of his brother Allie, who died of leukemia. He ...

The description of the dead brother at the end of the poem uses a warm and peaceful semantic field to contrast the previous emotions and feeling of the poem, and leave the reader with the idea that while the death of a child is ugly and horrific, that doesn’t mean that is the way the baby brother should be remembered. The grammatical features of ‘Mid-Term Break’ are used to emphasise the misery and numbness of death. The phrase “Counting bells knelling classes to a close” suggests that the writer is describing the knelling of a church bell rather than the ringing of a school bell, which refers to the idea of a funeral.

The whole poems use of first person view gives the main character a feeling of detachment and isolation, as he is describing other people’s reactions to the tragedy throughout the poem, but he never describes how he feels. This feeling of isolation is also reflected through the form of rift that the death has caused through the main characters family. The main character seems to be detached from his family upon arriving home from school as he notices people talking about him being away at school, and in the same line that “his mother held his hand in hers and coughed out angry tearless sighs. The disconnection of the one sentence, split into two stanzas, shows the reader the disconnection between the boy and his mother, and his family in general. He does not feel the closeness or comfort of holding her hand; he feels a kind of awkward numbness to the situation and doesn’t know how to react. The final description of the corpse uses calm nouns and adjectives, instead of the gory description of the horrific accident.

For example, Seamus Heaney used expressions like “I saw him for the first time in six weeks, paler now,” “wearing a poppy bruise,” “he lay in a four foot box” and “the bumper knocked him clear” to leave the reader with the idea that the dead brother is nothing but a vulnerable, pure child. In ‘Mid-Term Break’ there is no concrete rhyme scheme, which says to the reader that the lack of rhythm makes the poem less optimistic and enjoyable. The general sounds of the poem are blank or free verse, therefore the poem tells the story without the use of rhyme.

The Essay on Death Penalty for Children

The death penalty issue has always been one of the most important issues of the contemporary system of justice. Years ago the majority of the criminals were male over 20 years old, but nowadays the situation has changed. Not only adults are sentenced but children who are under 18 years old nowadays they commit murders and other terrible crimes. However, a child is always a child and if he commits ...

The free verse style suits the poem well, as the story being told is so raw with emotion and has such a sad feeling to it that the abrupt style of the poet tells the story well. This also meant that the one line at the end of the poem that did rhyme was emphasised even more. This line is important to the poem as it reflects the appalling subject of a four year olds death. The fact that he was only four stresses the tragedy the family if faced with. Seamus Heaney vividly represented a child’s journey into maturity through the form of a death in the family in ‘Mid-Term Break. The writer used the perfect combination of sounds, words and syntax to express how he felt during the series of events that occur for a child after a death in the family, and did well at letting the audience live through the experience. Not only did Seamus tell the story of a boy’s baby brother’s death, but he also explained the feeling of isolation and detachment that a child has to experience when his/her parents are struck with a tragedy. The poem leaves the reader with the feeling or idea that a child is isolated on his journey

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an essay on how i spent my mid term break

an essay on how i spent my mid term break

Mid-Term Break Summary & Analysis by Seamus Heaney

  • Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis
  • Poetic Devices
  • Vocabulary & References
  • Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme
  • Line-by-Line Explanations

an essay on how i spent my mid term break

“Mid-Term Break” was published by Irish poet Seamus Heaney in his 1966 book Death of a Naturalist. The poem is about Heaney’s brother, who was killed by a car in 1953 when he was only 4 years old, and Heaney only 14. Personal and direct, the poem describes the unexpected ways his family’s grieves as they confront this tragedy. It also notes the way that grief may upset traditional social roles.

  • Read the full text of “Mid-Term Break”

an essay on how i spent my mid term break

The Full Text of “Mid-Term Break”

“mid-term break” summary, “mid-term break” themes.

Theme The Nature of Grief

The Nature of Grief

Line-by-line explanation & analysis of “mid-term break”.

I sat all ... ... drove me home.

an essay on how i spent my mid term break

In the porch ... ... a hard blow.

The baby cooed ... ... for my trouble'.

Lines 11-13

Whispers informed strangers ... ... angry tearless sighs.

Lines 14-15

At ten o'clock ... ... by the nurses.

Lines 16-18

Next morning I ... ... in six weeks.

Lines 18-22

Paler now, ... ... for every year.

“Mid-Term Break” Symbols

Symbol Bells

  • Line 2: “bells”

Symbol Snowdrops

  • Line 16: “Snowdrops”

Symbol Candles

  • Line 17: “candles”

“Mid-Term Break” Poetic Devices & Figurative Language

End-stopped line.

  • Line 2: “close.”
  • Line 3: “home.”
  • Line 4: “crying—”
  • Line 5: “stride—”
  • Line 6: “blow.”
  • Line 10: “trouble'.”
  • Line 11: “eldest,”
  • Line 13: “sighs.”
  • Line 15: “nurses.”
  • Line 18: “now,”
  • Line 19: “temple,”
  • Line 20: “cot.”
  • Line 21: “clear.”
  • Line 22: “year.”
  • Lines 1-2: “bay / Counting”
  • Lines 7-8: “pram / When”
  • Lines 8-9: “embarrassed / By”
  • Lines 9-10: “hand / And”
  • Lines 12-13: “hand / In”
  • Lines 14-15: “arrived / With”
  • Lines 16-17: “Snowdrops / And”
  • Lines 17-18: “him / For”
  • Line 8: “in, and”
  • Line 12: “school, as”
  • Line 15: “corpse, stanched”
  • Line 16: “room. Snowdrops”
  • Line 17: “bedside; I”
  • Line 18: “weeks. Paler”
  • Line 21: “scars, the”
  • Line 22: “box, a”


  • Line 1: “c,” “b”
  • Line 2: “C,” “b,” “c,” “l,” “c,” “l”
  • Line 3: “cl”
  • Line 4: “m,” “m”
  • Line 5: “H,” “h”
  • Line 12: “A,” “a,” “a,” “m,” “m,” “h,” “m,” “h”
  • Line 13: “h,” “a”
  • Line 14: “A,” “a,” “a”
  • Line 15: “b,” “b”
  • Line 16: “S”
  • Line 17: “s,” “s”
  • Line 18: “F,” “f,” “s,” “P”
  • Line 19: “p,” “b,” “h,” “l”
  • Line 20: “H,” “l,” “f,” “f”
  • Line 22: “f,” “f,” “f,” “f”
  • Line 2: “e,” “e,” “o”
  • Line 3: “o,” “o,” “o”
  • Line 4: “I,” “y,” “y”
  • Line 5: “a,” “a,” “i,” “i”
  • Line 6: “i,” “i,” “i,” “i,” “a,” “a”
  • Line 7: “a,” “au,” “a,” “a”
  • Line 8: “I,” “a,” “I,” “a”
  • Line 9: “a,” “a”
  • Line 11: “i,” “i”
  • Line 12: “a,” “a,” “a”
  • Line 13: “a,” “a,” “i”
  • Line 14: “A,” “a,” “i”
  • Line 15: “a,” “a,” “a”
  • Line 16: “o,” “oo”
  • Line 17: “A,” “a,” “oo,” “i,” “I”
  • Line 18: “i,” “i”
  • Line 19: “o,” “o,” “e,” “e”
  • Line 20: “o,” “i,” “i,” “o”
  • Line 21: “au,” “o”
  • Line 22: “ou,” “oo,” “oo,” “o,” “y,” “ea”
  • Line 1: “s,” “ll,” “n,” “n,” “c,” “ll,” “s,” “ck,” “b”
  • Line 2: “C,” “n,” “b,” “ll,” “s,” “kn,” “ll,” “cl,” “ss,” “s,” “cl,” “s”
  • Line 3: “t,” “t,” “cl,” “r,” “r,” “r,” “m,” “m”
  • Line 4: “m,” “m,” “th,” “r,” “r”
  • Line 5: “H,” “h,” “n,” “n,” “r,” “n,” “h,” “s,” “r,” “d”
  • Line 6: “d,” “b,” “w”
  • Line 7: “b,” “b,” “c,” “d,” “nd,” “d,” “nd,” “r,” “ck,” “d,” “r,” “m”
  • Line 8: “c,” “m,” “n,” “n,” “m”
  • Line 9: “d,” “m,” “n,” “nd,” “m,” “nd”
  • Line 10: “t,” “rr,” “t,” “r”
  • Line 11: “rs,” “r,” “s,” “t,” “r,” “rs,” “s,” “s,” “t”
  • Line 12: “m,” “m,” “h,” “d,” “m,” “h,” “d”
  • Line 13: “h,” “r,” “s,” “t,” “r,” “t,” “r,” “ss,” “s,” “s”
  • Line 14: “t,” “t,” “rr”
  • Line 15: “r,” “s,” “s,” “n,” “d,” “nd,” “b,” “nd,” “d,” “b”
  • Line 16: “S,” “d,” “s”
  • Line 17: “nd,” “nd,” “s,” “s,” “d,” “e,” “s,” “d,” “s”
  • Line 18: “F,” “r,” “f,” “r,” “st,” “t,” “s,” “x,” “s,” “P”
  • Line 19: “p,” “pp,” “l,” “t,” “p,” “l”
  • Line 20: “l,” “f,” “r,” “f,” “b,” “x,” “c”
  • Line 21: “c,” “r,” “m,” “r,” “ck,” “m,” “c”
  • Line 22: “f,” “r,” “f,” “t,” “f,” “t,” “f,” “r,” “r,” “y,” “y,” “r”
  • Line 20: “He lay in the four-foot box as in his cot.”
  • Line 19: “Wearing a poppy bruise”


  • Line 7: “The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram”
  • Line 20: “four-foot box”
  • Line 22: “A four-foot box, a foot for every year.”

“Mid-Term Break” Vocabulary

Select any word below to get its definition in the context of the poem. The words are listed in the order in which they appear in the poem.

  • In His Stride
  • Four-foot box
  • (Location in poem: Line 1: “college”)

Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme of “Mid-Term Break”

Rhyme scheme, “mid-term break” speaker, “mid-term break” setting, literary and historical context of “mid-term break”, more “mid-term break” resources, external resources.

Seamus Heaney's 10 Best Poems — A list of Heaney's 10 Best Poems from the Telegraph—offering a good introduction to his broader work.

Heaney Restrospective — A critical appraisal of the poet's life and work, from Naomi Schalit.

Seamus Heaney's Life — A detailed biography from the Poetry Foundation.

Seamus Heaney Reads "Mid-Term Break" — The poet reads his own poem aloud for the Poetry Ireland Lunchtime Reading Series.

Heaney's Family on Life with the Poet — In an article for the Guardian Newspaper, Seamus Heaney's family reflect on life with Heaney.

LitCharts on Other Poems by Seamus Heaney


Death of a Naturalist

Out of the Bag

Personal Helicon

Requiem for the Croppies

Storm on the Island

The Tollund Man

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on how i spent my summer vacation.

Summertime is the most awaited time of any student’s life . It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull routine of school and studies.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Most importantly, summer vacations give us a chance to explore new things. We can adopt new hobbies like painting, dancing, singing and more during this time. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to visit our grandparents or to someplace abroad. Summer vacations bring all types of fun, however, these particular summer vacations were the most memorable for me. My parents made me join a summer camp which was too much fun and then we visited our grandparents’ place.

Summer Camp

As the first day of my summer vacations started, I started getting bored easily. Mostly so because all my friends had gone to someplace or the other. My parents noticed this and decided to send me to a summer camp. Our school itself was organizing one in which my parents got me enrolled.

At first, I thought it would be of no use and would be equally boring. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. The summer camp was one of the best experiences of my life. I got the chance to indulge in so many activities and in fact, it was the first time where I discovered my talent for painting.

We got up early in the morning at 7 o’clock, despite no school. We had trainers who would teach us different things each day. On the first day, I got to learn karate, which was very amusing and helpful. Further, I learned how to play sports like basketball , table tennis, and volleyball.

Finally, came my most awaited part. We were taught painting and unique tips to master this art. I learned it quickly and started enjoying painting. My passion for painting began from this summer camp , and I will forever be indebted to it.

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My Grandparents’ Place

After my summer camp ended, my whole family decided to visit my grandparent’s village . It is situated away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents so I was very excited to visit their village.

We stayed there for over two weeks, and that throughout that time, I was at my best behavior. I used to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning to take a stroll with my grandfather. Then all the family members would get together to have breakfast full of healthy things and fresh fruits from the farm nearby.

In the evening, we would sit by our grandmother’s bed and listen to stories. Then, my siblings and I used to go to the terrace and play games. We would also gaze at their stars all night, as we did not get that in the city.

In short, this is how I spent my summer vacation. It was definitely one of the best times of my lives. I got to learn new things and spend valuable time with my grandparents. I feel blessed to have a loving family with whom I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Q.1 Why are summer vacations important?

A.1 Summer vacations are the most important and awaited time of a student’s life. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine. Furthermore, summer vacations protect students from the scorching heat and give them a chance to visit hilly stations.

Q.2 How can one utilize their summer vacation?

A.2 There a lot of ways to utilize a summer vacation. It can be done through indulging in many activities. One can join summer camps which teach new skills to students. One can also pay a visit to their grandparents or to some chilly place or abroad to enjoy it to the fullest.

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How I Spent My Holiday Break

Rest. Relaxation. Rejuvenation. We look forward to our holiday breaks as a way to refresh ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. We look forward to spending time with our families and staying at home adjusting to a new routine of no alarm clocks, no papers to grade, no lessons to plan.

When we come back from our holiday break, we’re ready. We’re going to begin a new unit plan, or we’ve adjusted an old one, or our guest speaker has been scheduled. The point is, we’re ready to be with our students and begin again.

Why then did students seem so tense, so anxious before their most recent holiday break? It wasn’t a sense of impending joy they were feeling, but more a sense of impending doom. 

I noticed that many students’ trepidation was on overdrive. About a week before our scheduled break, I stood outside my office during passing time. But this particular morning I noticed the hallway language. Sure, every once in a while one might hear a curse word said by a negligent student. But, one “bomb” after another was exploding in my little corner of the world. I found myself encouraging students to be aware of their language, be courteous to their peers, and be on their way to their next class. When I mentioned to a colleague that something must be up, he quipped, “Just a full moon.”

However, as the days wore on, it became evident there was more to this than just a full moon. The students were surly and fretful, and some were downright sad. While I was looking forward to all the wonderful things that come with time off, what could some of my students be looking forward to? I began to wonder.

As much as our students might complain about school, about teachers, and about homework, let’s not forget about all of the things that we do provide, things that can’t be measured in data-driven reports and standardized tests. Schools provide a routine, a scheduled haven from life’s curveballs. We provide directions, both written and verbal, on what to do. And let’s face it, on some days that may be all a student can do. We provide socialization, the opportunity to see friends and catch up on the latest news. We give students a reason to get up in the morning.

Therefore, the holiday break could be a stinging slap of change from the warm embrace of their reality. Their routine has now changed. A routine created by a bell system now allows students to do whatever they want; they are making decisions and perhaps allowing temptations too challenging to overcome. Directions are no longer clear to them, and it’s quite possible that no adult is home to offer important directives. Now the student becomes the adult taking care of siblings and in charge of household chores. Finally, socialization is cut off. Being at home may be a stressful—it may be a violent place where basic social skills are nonexistent.

As we move into second semester and into third quarter, I know another break is looming in the not too distant future. I can’t help but feel a little worried for some of them. How can one offer a sense of calm before what could be considered a storm of change?

I don’t have all the answers; none of us do. We don’t have control over our students’ parents, their households, or their friends. But we do have power over our words and actions. Here are some suggestions to help our students slide into a smooth transition that may not be too jarring or too sudden.

First, don’t oversell the break. Are you consistently referring to time off? “After break,” “don’t forget about the break,” “when we get back from break.” Perhaps too much “breaking” will cause our students to break beyond their limits. While we might need to refer to the time, let’s try to put it in the proper perspective.

Next, let’s offer students a list of pertinent websites or movies that they might enjoy reading and watching during this time. Appeal to your students—after all, you know their likes and dislikes. Also, offer students some hopeful, inspiring films you think they may want to watch. A positive message lets them know you care. 

Also, the value of reading could allow them to escape to another time and place. Offering some contemporary poetry anthologies to take home sends the message that you’ll be thinking of them.

Finally, a brief handwritten message offers a sense of belonging and connectedness. Let them know that you will be thinking about them with a personalized note.

As we move on toward third quarter, excited over all the possibilities of progress, we know how quickly time moves. Let’s take a few moments to reflect on those students who won’t be fortunate enough to enjoy what some of us might take for granted. Be mindful of our language in creating a sense of departure. Create those lists and compose those notes.

Hopefully, instead of hearing curses in the hallways, we might hear a joyful noise. What was once anxiety might be replaced by a sense of assurance that we will be together again, very soon—rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated.

This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.

Free Essay – How I Spent my Mid-Term Holiday

What i did during my mid-term break.

The midterm break is a great time to relax from the hectic academic schedule and do something that will help you feel refreshed mentally and physically.

For days, I had been anticipating this break as an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones while also engaging in some restorative pursuits. I went home for the first few days of the vacation to be with my loved ones. We took day trips to some of our favorite spots in the city. We hiked to a neighboring hill for a bird’s-eye view of the metropolis. My mood was elevated, and I had a sense of renewal, when I spent time with my loved ones. I had hoped to use this time to hone my culinary chops while relaxing and rejuvenating.

I experimented with different recipes with the aid of my mum, who is a fantastic cook. I tried my hand at a wide variety of cuisines, from Italian pasta to Chinese dumplings, all in the name of perfecting my culinary skills. By the conclusion of the vacation, I felt confident enough to add many new dishes to my repertoire of expertise. I also intended to read some backlog I’d accumulated.

Unfortunately, my busy academic schedule leaves me little opportunity to indulge in my passion for reading books for pleasure. During the break between semesters, I caught up on some of my favorite novels and found some new authors to love. When I read, I could forget about my problems and focus entirely on the plot and characters. Over the break, I also made time for regular workouts.

I joined up for several online fitness courses and tried out some new exercise routines. Not only did it keep me physically active, but it also helped me relax and feel better about myself. Last but not least,

I indulged my artistic side. I wish I had more time to devote to my artistic pursuits, since I truly enjoy doing so. In my free time, I did a lot of drawing and painting. I even took an online course to improve my skills as an artist and apply what I’ve learnt in the future.

In summary, I was quite relieved to get a few weeks off in the middle of the semester. I made the most of my vacation by spending time with loved ones, exploring new culinary possibilities, and engaging in my favorite pastimes. Now that the break is over, I’m raring to get back to school with all of my usual vigor and excitement.

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Spring Break Personal Narrative Essay and Journal Writing Activities

ELA Spring Break Writing Activities for middle school

Spring break not only gives students and teachers a chance to refresh before the last quarter of the school year, but it also offers a fun backdrop to teach personal narrative essay writing. Coming back from break, my middle school students often need a nudge back to “learning mode” so I like to use spring break journal prompts as the brainstorm activities for a personal narrative writing lesson.

When I taught 6th grade in an urban setting, my students didn’t tend to travel anywhere for spring break, but they always had a bazillion stories to share about how they spent their days off from school. I love this energy and willingness to share, but with state testing on the horizon, we need to maximize our instructional time with purposeful learning.

Motivating young writers often requires some creativity, so when you have students bursting with stories about their adventures, you must seize the moment! This is exactly why I created this spring break journal prompt and personal narrative writing resource.

spring break journal prompts

Whether your students go to the beach or opt to stay home, they always have great stories to share with the class. This resource provides all the tools you need to get them excited about writing on the first days back from break. From brainstorm and idea worksheets, to writing prompts and outline templates, I created this resource to be engaging and easy to implement.

You can make this resource as elaborate or as minimal as you see fit.  This can be utilized as a full-blown personal narrative essay resource by progressing through the journal prompts, brainstorm organizer, writing outline worksheet, and rubrics. You could also break the resource up into parts to utilize as a morning work resource for students to complete upon their return.  Check it out, I promise your students will have a lot of fun reflecting.

spring break writing activties

I have included a rubric in this unit to help you communicate expectations with students. Here are some things to look for in personal narrative writing…

  • Student writing includes a clearly written story with a narrator/main character.
  • The piece is organized with a logical sequence of events and incorporates dialogue, consistent pacing, and thorough description of characters and events.
  • Transition words are included to signal shifts from one time frame to another.
  • Student included a conclusion that follows the narrated experiences and events.

As a bonus, I recently added a digital version to this resource. It is offered as a Google Slides file that you can incorporate with Google Classroom. This gives you another option for use beyond the printable PDF file. Download the resource today at TPT for only $3.75 .

Safe travels if you are heading off on your own spring break adventure!

ELA Sub Plans Bundle $19.00

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Published: May 14, 2021

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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Henry Divine Leave a comment

How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Table of Contents

English Essay Writing or Composition on How I Spent My Last Holiday

There are many topics that you may be required to write an essay on in your English language classes. But writing an essay about how you spent your last holiday is one of the most enjoyable. The reason is because it brings back lovely memories as you thoughtfully reflect on your holiday experience and put them in writing.

As you write, your goal is to capture your readers’ attention and sustain their interest from the beginning of the essay till the end.

You can achieve this goal by:

  • writing clear and simple sentences.
  • using so, but, and, because and other transition words to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly throughout your essay.
  • being as descriptive as possible by using adjectives that paint a vivid picture of what you are saying.
  • being honest and authentic as you share your feelings about your experience.

I will give you a basic outline that you can develop into the compelling essay you have in mind.

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Basic Outline for Composing an Essay on “How I Spent My Last Holiday”

Here is a basic outline that will help you to write a good composition about how you spent your last holiday:


You need to begin your essay with a catchy opening sentence that would grab your reader’s attention. Then quickly introduce the topic or purpose of your essay, and say where you went for the holiday and what you did.

Body Paragraphs

Just like you would do in the body of any other essay, divide your holiday experience into several key events or activities.

Then describe each event or activity in details in different paragraphs. Remember that, as much as possible, each paragraph should focus on a specific event or activity.

The number of paragraphs would depend on the number of words the essay is expected to cover.

Whatever the target word-count, ensure that your essay is vivid and engaging by using sensory details. It’s simple. Just describe what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt during each experience.

Then reflect on the significance or impact of each event or activity. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from it? Did it change your perspective on anything? And so on.

This is where you end your essay. A good conclusion would provide a brief summary of the key points of your essay, including the lessons you learned.

You can tell whether the holiday experience met your expectations, and how you feel about it even at the point of penning down your essay. Then state whether you plan to do anything in the future drawing inspiration from your holiday experience.

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Sample How I Spent My Last Holiday Essays

The following are sample essays of different word counts on how I spent my last holiday. You can choose any composition that comes close to your own holiday experience and use it to craft yours.

My Relaxing Holiday 200 Words

My last holiday was amazing! I did not travel to any new or interesting location, but I had a lot of fun staying home. I took time to enjoy early morning sleep every day. This alone felt like a treat after waking up early for school the entire term.

In the afternoons, I went outside to play with my friends. We played the soccer ball around in the park, and would enjoy pretending to famous athletes.

Sometimes during the holiday, it would rain. And when that happened, I just stayed inside and got cozy. I got a good book and devoured it with a mug of hot chocolate by my side. I also liked watching funny movies with my family and munching on popcorn.

In some evenings, we had barbecues in the backyard. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, while Dad told us stories about when he was a kid. I don’t think that anything can feel more special than spending so much time together.

Although I did not travel anywhere, my holiday was full of fun and relaxation. I feel recharged and ready to go back to school now!

My Last Holiday Adventure 250 Words

Since I have been spending my holidays, none had been as enjoyable as the last one. When we vacated last term, I spent two weeks at home in order to assist my parents in farm work. After this, I left for Onitsha in order to visit some places of interest.

I visited the modern and popular Niger bridge which links Onitsha and Asaba, Mid-West. I also visited the famous Onitsha Main Market. It has no rival in comparison in West Africa just as Ibadan Liberty Stadium has no comparison in West Africa. When I was being taken round the great Onitsha Main Market by a friend, I observed that traders in their respective stalls felt at home. Some of them tuned in their radio sets. They were happy.

I spent one week at Onitsha and departed for Enugu. When I was at Enugu I visited the Eastern Nigeria Parliament, and I saw Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Statue just close to the house of Assembly. I also visited Enugu Airport and several other places of interest. I spent five days in Enugu and departed for Lagos by a train. “Lagos Limited”, and that was my first time of entering train. When I reached Lagos, I hardly believed that it was a town in Nigeria. It was very beautiful indeed just like London.

When I was in Lagos, I went to the House of Representatives, the Senate, National Stadium, Air- port, Tinubu Square and other places of interest.

I spent 5 days in Lagos and returned home to resume School. I wrote a story on all my observations in the journey.

My Last Holiday Essay 300 Words

Last summer, I went on a trip that I will not easily forget. This is because it meant much more to me than just a vacation; rather, my perception was changed.

I had never been in Thailand before the holiday but only heard of its beauty. Finally visiting the country made my holiday worthwhile. The place was so different from home! Their market was busy with many colorful items for sale and their food was so delicious. I tried several new and amazing dishes, and they were all lovely. While in Thailand, I couldn’t fail to notice how beautiful their temples are with roofs gold plated and other carvings done wonderfully.

I am an outdoor kind of person. That is why spending time in nature during my holiday made me very happy. Some days I would hike through forests while others would find me relaxing at the beach. On one fine morning, I woke up early to witness sunrise over New Zealand’s mountains. It was simply breathtaking and that made me feel alive.

Lastly, to add some holiday fun into it; i did some daring activities too. For instance, skydiving and bungee jumping were included in my itinerary. Although at first scared, it turned out pretty awesome! I learned that it’s good to challenge yourself and try new things sometimes.

Looking back on my last holiday, I feel very grateful for all the experiences I had. I discovered a lot of new things and also made new friends. Yes, the holiday is over, but the memories I made will stay with me forever.

From the samples above, you can see that the key to writing a good essay about your holiday is to engage your readers with descriptive details and thoughtful reflections.

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an essay on how i spent my mid term break


Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Holiday in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

My holiday fun.

I spent my holiday with family and friends. We went to a nearby beach. The sun was warm, and the water looked like shiny blue glass. I built sandcastles and collected pretty shells. My sister and I laughed a lot.

Visiting the Zoo

One day, we visited the zoo. I saw lions, elephants, and monkeys. The monkeys were funny; they played and swung from trees. I learned that elephants love to splash in water.

Enjoying Ice Cream

Every evening, we ate ice cream. My favorite flavor is chocolate. It was the best part of the day.

Reading Time

At night, I read storybooks. Stories of adventure and magic filled my dreams. It was a peaceful way to end my days.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

My last holiday was a fantastic break from school and homework. I spent it in a way that made every day exciting and special. I’m going to share with you all the fun things I did.

Visiting My Grandparents

The first part of my holiday was spent at my grandparents’ house. They live in a small village surrounded by beautiful fields. Every morning, I would go for a walk with my grandfather and he would tell me stories from when he was young. My grandmother baked delicious cookies and I helped her decorate them.

Playing and Learning

Back at home, I played a lot with my friends. We rode bikes, played soccer in the park, and had a picnic on a sunny day. I also read a couple of interesting books. They were adventure stories that took me to far-off lands without leaving my room.

Trying New Things

I tried to learn something new during my holiday. I started learning how to play the guitar. My fingers hurt at first, but by the end of the holiday, I could play a whole song. It felt great to learn something by practicing a little every day.

Helping Around the House

I also helped my parents with chores. I learned to make a few simple dishes and helped with cleaning. It made me feel responsible and grown-up.

In conclusion, my holiday was a mix of fun, learning, and spending time with my loved ones. I enjoyed every moment and was ready to start school again with fresh energy and new stories to tell.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Introduction to my holiday.

My holiday was a time full of fun and relaxation. I had been waiting eagerly for it, and when it finally came, I made sure to enjoy every moment. This essay is about how I spent those wonderful days.

The first thing I did was visit my grandparents who live in a small village. They have a big house with a garden full of fruits and flowers. Every morning, I would help my grandma water the plants. She taught me the names of different flowers. My grandpa and I would go for walks in the evening, and he would tell me stories from his childhood. I loved listening to his adventures.

Learning to Cook

During my stay, my grandma also taught me how to cook simple dishes. We made pancakes, cookies, and even a small cake. I enjoyed mixing the ingredients and decorating the cake with icing and colorful sprinkles. It was a messy but fun activity, and the best part was eating what we had made.

Reading Books

At home, I spent a lot of time reading books. I had brought a few storybooks with me, and I read them under the shade of a big tree in the backyard. The quiet time with my books was peaceful, and it let my imagination run wild with the adventures in the stories.

Playing with Friends

I also met some kids in the village and made new friends. We played many games like hide and seek, tag, and soccer. Playing outside in the fresh air was exciting, and we would play until the sun set. I felt happy and free running around with my new friends.

Learning a New Hobby

My uncle, who lives near my grandparents, is good at painting. I asked him to teach me, and he was happy to. He showed me how to hold a paintbrush and mix colors. I painted a picture of the sunset one evening. It wasn’t perfect, but I was proud of it. Painting became a new hobby for me to enjoy.

Helping Around

I also helped around the house. I learned to do small tasks like setting the table for meals and feeding the chickens. It felt good to be helpful and to learn how to do new things.

Conclusion: A Memorable Holiday

My holiday was filled with new experiences and joy. I learned, played, and spent quality time with my family. It was a break from my regular school routine, and I felt refreshed and ready to go back to school with lots of stories to tell my friends. This holiday will always be a special memory for me.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Personal Challenges
  • Essay on Personal Beliefs
  • Essay on Personal Aspirations

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an essay on how i spent my mid term break

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A Glimpse at Me

Meredith Carrington

Blackwell Lake

When I picture my childhood, little Meredith is almost always at her grandparent’s house on Blackwell Lake. That place has had the pleasure of a front row seat in the evolution of Meredith. Each year was highlighted by the finite days at the lake. My mom had to constantly fight the battle with me to apply sunscreen. I guess my logic that I’d be in the water all day anyways wasn’t enough of an excuse to avoid the freezing torture of sunscreen spray. To my own misfortune, no amount of sunscreen ever saved my pale skin from a painful sunburn. I also tried to use this as an argument point, but clearly there wasn’t much logic behind that one either. It was a constant battle every summer. Burn, apply aloe, peel, repeat. My mom wouldn’t fight to get me out of the water to reapply sunscreen, though. She went as far as “feeding the dolphins” when we weren’t ready to get out, but needed a snack break.

As I grew up, my siblings and I began having two-three day long sleepovers at our grandparents. It was a treat to wake up, throw on our swimsuits, and run down the hill straight to the lake everyday after being used to waiting all week until we could drive the 45 minutes again. One of our best moments as siblings was taking the canoe out to the middle of the lake, and then my brother, being like any older brother, purposefully tipped the canoe. Turns out tipping a canoe rightside up and getting back in is nearly impossible. My grandma still recalls her fear when she realized I was wearing my glasses. Thankfully, I kept my head above water and my glasses firmly stayed on my face the whole swim back.

The older I got the more I desired quality bonding time with my sister. Our routine became swimming fairly far off the dock with our “life jacket diapers” on so we could easily float while we talked. Out there we had the privacy to talk about whatever we could possibly imagine. We still do this every summer. When my cousins are around, we paddle the raft far enough out to avoid the weeds. Once we drop the anchor, chaos proceeds. Times on the raft could range from “King of the Raft” to practicing our dives to rating who has the best jumps. Every time it seemed as if we got even farther from shore, leading us to question the ability of the anchor.

Lake days are the best when there’s an equal amount of chaos and leisure. Reading while lounging on a chair or flat on my stomach against the dock has produced some of the best midday naps. There’s no better feeling than days in the sun on Blackwell Lake. Above all else, I have the fondest memories of when the sun begins to set. It’s in those moments that my sister and I raid my grandma’s closet for sweatpants and a sweatshirt for our group walk around the lake. After a few walks, you’d think my sister and I would plan ahead and pack our own sweatpants and sweatshirts, but the comfort of wearing our grandma’s clothes is really what we are searching for. Minnesota summer evenings never really get that chilly anyways, especially with a fresh burn warming my skin. To this day, I have never left my grandparents’ house without them waving goodbye to us from the window.

I have been fortunate enough to visit Boston a surprising amount of times already. For two years, my sister went to college out east so I got to go on a lot of Boston trips. One vivid occurrence was the Wednesday of MEA, and we had quite literally no intention of flying to Boston to see my sister anytime soon. I was a senior in high school, and taking an online PSEO college class. MEA and midterms aligned that year so I was busy working on an essay at my favorite coffee shop. I was already stressed with submitting this midterm on time considering I just began writing it that same day when my dad called me to come home. We were leaving in an hour to drive to the airport and fly to Boston tonight. To say I had a mental breakdown would not accurately describe my emotions at that moment. Looking back I can’t believe that I reacted that way to learning I was leaving for a spontaneous trip to Boston AND getting to see my sister. I did end up submitting my essay on time…I wrote it on the 2.5 hour drive to the airport and on the 2 hour flight, and once we landed I quickly logged onto the Boston Logan International Airport wifi and submitted my midterm. Crisis averted.

One of the coolest feelings about traveling to a city across the country is when certain landmarks start to become familiar. This trip was roughly my third time in Boston, and I could recognize Boston University now everytime we drove out of the city to go pick up my sister from Wellesley College. At the time, Boston University was my dream school. The reason for this trip was for my sister’s conference cross country meet. Another benefit of this trip was some of our hometown best friends were also visiting Boston as a family vacation. As a group, we watched my sister, Maddie, run at the meet and then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening together. We walked around the city looking for food to bring back and snack on at the hotel. We got to share our favorite Italian restaurant with them, and make even more Boston memories. This by far was one of my favorite Boston experiences, and to think I almost ruined it by letting a midterm determine my emotions.

The last time I was in Boston was when we road tripped out there to move my sister back home. This was equally special because our best friend, Malory, road tripped with us. We had this joke of how many hours we could go before we argued, but surprisingly there wasn’t a single argument the whole way there and back. It was really special to get to show our best friend all of the places we have come to love about Boston over the last two years. Malory and I began the tradition of getting slushies in every state we stopped in. We still hold the highest praise to the man working at the Travel Plaza in Indiana who gave us our slushies for free. I definitely cannot recall the taste of the slushie, but it was by far the best for that reason alone. The biggest reward was when we were all reunited on the drive back home with my sister.

Boston holds the most memories with my family. My dad once got pulled over a mile away from Wellesley College at 1 a.m. when we were desperately trying to get to Maddie after a long travel day. We once got absolutely drenched in a downpour on the walk to our favorite Italian restaurant. We were definitely the most unpresentable and cold ones there that evening. My sister and I once bought stuffed penguins from the New England Aquarium, and walked around with them zipped into our jackets for the rest of the day. Don’t remind me about the 10 mile Freedom Trail walk… It was definitely really educational, but I shouldn’t have worn sandals. I relentlessly called my best friend a Loyalist the entire trip after she ordered tea in Boston of all places.

Boston holds such vivid and unique memories for me. All thanks to my sister for dreaming big and attending college 1,546 miles away from home. It has been almost three years since I’ve been back. Maddie, Malory, and I have been dreaming on a girls trip back to Boston after we all graduate. I know without a doubt, Boston will continue to produce exciting memories.

The first time I went to Colorado was for my cousin’s wedding, and by the second time I visited Colorado (two years later) they were already divorced. But that’s not necessarily important to my story. However, that first trip did spark something in me. Following getting back home, I broke up with my first boyfriend. My family still questions me about that decision since he was seemingly perfect, but I just knew. In a way, I guess I was predicting the outcome of my cousin’s marriage. Colorado sparked my most vivid memory of ever following my gut without any other true reason why. It’s one of those moments where it feels like something groundbreaking happened to you. I like to credit Colorado for this shift in me, but maybe I just happened to have this realization while I also happened to be in Colorado. Either way, Colorado became one of my favorite places. I realized how much beauty was in the world, and the feeling of being 100% present with nature.

On that first trip, I would wake up and immediately go sit on our porch. Wifi barely worked at the resort which was a blessing. I didn’t feel the urge to mindlessly scroll. At any moment an elk could be seen walking past the cabins, and I’d feel like a fool for missing that for something on my phone screen. Since it was my first time in Colorado, I was very determined to write it all down in my journal. I remember writing about how I wish I never had to leave. There was something special about Colorado that felt comforting like home. For a home body like myself, that was a huge deal. It was my first experience where I actually wanted to be somewhere else rather than be at home.

The second time I went to Colorado, my family stayed at the exact same resort as the first time. At this point, I felt like a regular at the YMCA of the Rockies. Almost immediately, my brain got to thinking about how much I have changed since the last time I was here. I had gone through two break ups, graduated from high school, and completed my first year of college since. My first trip symbolized a changing point in my life in regards to my emotions. This second trip symbolized all of the growth and challenges I’ve experienced to get to this point. It might seem dramatic to have all of these deep realizations over just a place, but there’s something really unique about staying at literally the exact same place a second time.

This second trip was a planned vacation with my family as well as with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Every summer my family goes on a road trip, but this Colorado 2023 trip was by far my favorite vacation I’ve ever been on. For once, I had nothing occupying my mind except where I was. After years of distracted vacations due to various reasons (usually a silly high school boyfriend), I was fully submerged into my surroundings. I credit the mountains, the people I was with, and the people that were no longer in my life. Losing some of the biggest sources of anxiety can make any experience more enjoyable. Colorado was a breath of fresh air – literally. Once again I experienced that sense of home. At this point, I had already completed my first year at UMD, but Duluth has never given me the same feeling as my short visits to Colorado. I’m manifesting someday moving to Colorado, ideally Boulder.

I want to say I love Duluth and how much I’ll miss this place in a few months, but that’s not entirely accurate. I will miss certain aspects about my time here like the endless people you could meet on any given day. The endless opportunities and people to meet are exciting, especially when you’re from a small town. I have had the normal amount of ups and downs during my college career, but to repeat another cliche: I have grown so much since going to college. College is usually only one chapter in someone’s life, and Duluth and the people here will forever be written in ink in my college chapter. Years down the road when someone asks me about my freshman roommate, there will only be each other in that story. There’s something niche about dining hall meals that makes you miss it and never want to experience it again at the same time.

Duluth taught me I can pick myself back up. For once, I didn’t have people who knew me for years surrounding me everyday. I didn’t have the comfort of being completely known by these strangers I met on some random day. I used to describe my college experience as lonely. Now, I have the ability of being utterly content with being alone. Honestly, about 70% of the time I prefer it. Duluth taught me that you can be in a beautiful place, but truly it’s the people you surround yourself with that matter. Duluth brought me (illegally) cramped car rides filled with music and laughter. On one illegal adventure we even got pulled over, but the cop either didn’t see or didn’t comment on our very filled backseat. I couldn’t believe our luck. A bonfire night out on Park Point taught me the tradition of ‘smelting’ along the Lake Superior shore. One man even dared me to participate in the tradition of biting a smelt’s head off, a tradition I was fully okay to not participate in. Those same nights I felt the sharp thrill of jumping in Lake Superior. The bitter cold slightly paralyzes you upon first contact, but the adrenaline rush is always worth it. We always planned to jump in once we were ready to leave so we didn’t freeze the rest of the night. Usually that plan worked except one time we reached the car, and the driver realized he had lost his keys…that was a cold night searching every inch of the sand. By the time we located them and arrived back to campus, my leggings had literal frost frozen onto them. We never lost a pair of keys a second time.

No other place means as much to me as my hometown. I can travel to beautiful places, and move to an entire new city, but nothing gives me the peace and comfort of being home. Growing up in a small town requires you to get creative. Over the years, my friends and I have perfected growing up in a small town. Our go-to hangout usually consisted of getting food at one spot, and then ice cream from another. Most evenings ended in us at someone’s house playing Mario Kart or watching a terrible movie we can laugh at. If it’s my lucky night then we will play a few rounds of Spoons. It has become a joke that no one wants to sit next to me during Spoons since I tend to get overly competitive. There may have been one too many snapped plastic spoons. On summer days we sometimes go play tennis, resulting in me with another horrible sunburn, of course. I like to think I’m fairly adequate at tennis, but my real tennis players best friends enjoy humbling me. I have two best friends that live on lakes so we try to fit in as many lake days as possible when we are all home at the same time. It has been an adjustment from spending 24/7 in high school together to texting the group chat about when each other’s spring break is this year. However, once we are back together, we switch right back into the good old days when we all lived within minutes of each other.

I have had the privilege of growing up in the same town, same house, my whole life. My home has seen every stage of Meredith. Our family room has heard my angry wails after getting stuck on the water tunnel in a never-ending loop on the Koopa Cape course on Mario Kart while playing with my siblings. Followed by the polite recommendation by my dad that maybe it’s time to be done for the night. It’s still my least favorite course… My sister’s bedroom has clocked an infinite amount of hours of us playing with our Barbie’s and American Girl dolls. My bedroom was once transformed into a classroom when I had my teacher phase. Our swingset was also once transformed into my horse stables when I went through that phase as well. We still have the chair where I hid my hair after I decided to cut my own hair after my sister called me ugly (so I claim, I don’t actually remember if that’s true or if I just wanted an excuse). Our front yard holds my footprints after countless hours running routes while my dad threw “long bombs” to me. As well, all of the volleyball practice (a sport I never even played) and softball pitching practice (a sport I did actually play). Our driveway holds every shot I made and missed during the 10,000 shot challenge every summer, and the cut throat 2v2 basketball games we played every night after supper. No place has had as much of an influence on me than my hometown. Every inch of Morris holds a memory.

A Picture Book Copyright © 2024 by Meredith Carrington. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Essays on How I Spend My Mid-Term Holiday

Honorable members, To improve the quality of services, we have changed the design and structure of FG study quiz.Which has changed the address of some old pages. If you are not getting the required content/page please go to this link معزز ممبران، خدمات کے معیار کو بہتر کرنے کے لئے ہم نے ایف جی اسٹڈی کوئز کے ڈیزائن اور ڈھانچے کو تبدیل کیا ہے۔جس سے کچھ پرانے صفحات کا ایڈریس تبدیل ہوچکا ہے۔اگر آپ کو مطلوبہ مواد/صفحہ نہیں مل رہا تو براہ کرم اس لنک پر جائیں

Essays About Myself | How I Spend My Mid-Term Holiday The climate of Murree suits me well, but there is a time in the year, usually when the rainy season is well advanced. When I begin to feel tired. This year I was feeling slack and not inclined for work, so I was quite pleased when my cousin Asim who had come down to have his eyes tested by an oculist asked me to come back to Murree for a few days with him. My father gave permission so I went off gladly.

I shall never forget my first impressions of the lovely scenery of the hills. I had never before been far from Murree and pictures of hill scenery had altogether failed to convey to me a true picture of the beauty and majesty of the lofty. Slowly the bus puffed its way up the slopes. There were other boys in the bus and they agreed that the engine was saying I think I can. Slowly and with effort. When it reached the top of the hill and started to produce smoke fast again it was saying " I knew I could I knew I could".

But the hills covered with noble trees and picturesque rocks and great valley lying in between all combined to fill my mind with a sense of awe and admiration. I am told that there is more impressive scenery in the New Murree Hills but nothing will make me forget the rapture of that first sight of the deodar trees. My uncle's house is just outside Murree and we went frequently for walks across the open country.

I found at once a great difference in the air. It seemed to be Murree stimulating more refreshing. Frequently I was not content to walk but had to run a little from pure joy of living. The splendid apples of Murree were no longer available the season being too late for them but I tasted some of the finest figs have ever enjoyed. Murree is a fresh clean city and the pure airs always sweep through the streets.

I thought of the olden times now people used to live in these snow covered hills, I went to enjoy Kashmir Point. There I had beautiful scenery. Later I went to Pindi Point. There I enjoyed the chair lift. All it looked wonderful. It was as if the week I spent there passed like a cinema film which had been shown much too fast and I regretted having to leave, though cheered with a promise that I should return in the coming summer and perhaps even visit the neighbouring beauty spot of Murree Hills. Essays About Myself,mid term break essay plan,how i plan to spend my mid term break,how i spent my last holiday essay,how i spent my semester break,how i spent my holidays school essay,how i spent my holiday essay 200 words,essay on how i spent my holidays at home,how i spent my last school holiday

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My December Holiday Essay For Students

The winter holidays are an exciting time of year filled with fun traditions, tasty foods, and quality time with family and friends. Last December, my family and I took a holiday trip that I will never forget. In this essay, I will share some of the highlights from my December holiday. I will discuss our travels, the special celebrations we enjoyed, and what I learned from the experience.

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My December Holiday

Travel plans.

As part of our holiday preparations, my family researched different destinations to visit over our school break. After much debate, we settled on a one-week road trip along the coast of California (Topic Sentence). For the first part of our journey, we packed up our suitcases and snacks and embarked on an eight-hour drive from our home in Northern California down to Los Angeles (Transition). Hitting the road for long periods of time can be tiring, so we listened to Christmas music and audiobooks to pass the time and keep our energy up. Taking breaks to stretch our legs at scenic overlooks also helped the drive feel shorter.

Arrival (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); in Los Angeles

Upon arriving in LA, our first stop was checking into our hotel for a few nights of exploring the city (Topic Sentence). We spent one afternoon at Disneyland, enjoying the festive decorations and riding our favorite attractions like the teacups (Example). On another day, we toured Hollywood Boulevard and snapped photos beside the handprints of famous movie stars at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Our hotel was located near the Santa Monica Pier, so one evening we strolled along the beachfront shops and played amusement park games for prizes (Example). Los Angeles was bustling with holiday cheer and offered the perfect mix of activities to start our winter getaway.

Christmas Eve in San Diego

After a few enjoyable days in Los Angeles, we packed up and continued on to San Diego for Christmas Eve (Transition). We checked into a cozy hotel downtown and walked nearby to see the iconic San Diego Zoo all lit up for the night (Topic Sentence). What really stood out was attending midnight mass at a historic Spanish church near our hotel. It was a beautiful service with traditional carols and readings about the nativity story that put me in the Christmas spirit (Example). For dinner, my family cooked up a feast of tamales, potatoes, and fruit salad in our mini kitchen before exchanging gifts by the fireplace (Example). Spending quality time together made it feel just like Christmas, even though we were on vacation in a new city.

Our December holiday trip up and down the California coast was full of wonderful new experiences and memories. I learned that holidays are about more than presents or fancy meals—they are a chance to appreciate your family through shared moments of laughter and bonding (Topic Sentence). The natural scenery, festive celebrations in cities, and time unplugged from technology refreshed my mind and spirit. Looking back, that one special week created lasting memories that I will cherish for many years to come. I am grateful that my parents planned such a meaningful getaway for our family during my winter school break.

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    Essays on How I Spend My Mid-Term Holiday. To improve the quality of services, we have changed the design and structure of FG study quiz.Which has changed the address of some old pages. The climate of Murree suits me well, but there is a time in the year, usually when the rainy season is well advanced. When I begin to feel tired.

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