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Business Plan vs Business Profile

Do you know the difference between a business plan and a business proposal? These are two very different business documents, each serving a distinct purpose.

A business plan documents your vision for your business and how you intend to achieve that vision. It contains financial projections of what the business will cost to develop and operate plus an estimation of the revenues to be generated. Its purpose is to provide a reasonably detailed explanation of your business for use by potential investors, suppliers, prospective employees, accountants, attorneys and other people who need a quick but comprehensive understanding of what your company does and its potential for success. The primary reason for a business plan is to record and convey information.

You will need a business plan for two reasons. First, your business plan is your blueprint to success — it outlines the steps to move from business idea to business success. If your research reveals that your idea isn’t destined for success, isn’t it better to know it now than a year later when you may have lost thousands of dollars?  Spending time to do this provides you with information previously not considered, and gives you a workable strategy to follow for the period covered by the plan.

Secondly, if you are hoping to raise funds through a bank or an angel, don’t even consider approaching them unless you have a thoroughly researched business plan in your hand. Experts estimate that it takes approximately six weeks to develop a business plan, so whipping one up the day before your appointment with your banker won’t work.

A business proposal is a document that you submit to another enterprise proposing a business arrangement.  They are limited in scope to a particular project or need. A business proposal also generally has a specific audience. There are two main categories of business proposals: invited and non-invited.

An example of an invited proposal – government and large corporations wanting to purchase services or products from private suppliers often post public tenders inviting contractors to bid. You will be competing against all bidders that noticed the posting and responded.

Similarly, some businesses will send Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to a selection of businesses that they are willing to consider as a potential supplier. In this case, you will be competing against perhaps five businesses that the client has already handpicked as suitable.

In a non-invited proposal, you might have an idea for a product or service that would be of benefit to Company X. You submit a proposal to that Company suggesting a business relationship.

In this case, you don’t know if the company is open to your proposal or whether they will like your proposed idea. However, if they do like the idea, you won’t be competing against numerous other bidders. Your proposal has to sell not only your concept but also your company. It must convince the client that not only is the service/product potentially valuable to them, but you and your company are credible and stable.

Whether invited or non-invited, your proposal must be well researched, well written and contain a reasonable budget. Spend time on this document and you’ll be ahead of the people who threw something together on the maxi.

In conclusion, a business plan and a business proposal have different purposes and goals. A business plan is a factual broad description of a company and its prospects. A business proposal is a focused sales document intended to describe how a company will approach a project.   A business plan is a written presentation of fact. A business proposal is a quote and call to action.

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what is the difference between company profile and business plan

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Home » Business Plans

How to Write a Detailed Company Profile for a Business Plan

If you own a company, the only way for people to have a quick preview of what your company is all about, the products or services you offer, and who are the owners of the company is through your company profile. This section of your business plan will fundamentally answer two important questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you plan to do ?

Answering these questions in a succinct and simple manner would provide an ample introduction of why you are in business, why you are different from the competition, what you have going for you, and why investing in your business would be a good bet.

In essence, if you want to introduce your company to potential clients or to organizations calling for bids and submission of proposals, then you must have a detailed and self-explanatory company profile.

Interestingly, there are several business doors a good company profile can open. For example, an angel investor who is looking to invest in a business would naturally read through the profiles of all the companies he or she is interested in.

The company profile that catches his or her fancy would no doubt be the company he or she would invest in. This is just a bit of what a good company profile can do for a business.

This section of your business plan also offers you the opportunity, if you haven’t done so before, to evaluate and document the intangible facets of your business principles, ideals, and cultural philosophies that will allow you to better grasp your own corporate identity. Here are the necessary components that should go under your company profile:

What is a Company’s Profile?

A company profile is a formal introduction of your business. It usually contains all you would want potential clients, investors, and the general public to know about your business. It is used as a marketing tool and it is your company’s unique selling point.

A complete company profile is expected to contain the vision, mission, and goals of the company, a detailed description of the product and service offering of the company, the profile of the founding members of the company, a brief story of how the company got started and what they intend to achieve. So also, information like company name, address, phone number, website and email et al must be part of your company profile.

Components of your Company’s Profile

  • Structure of your business ( sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, or an incorporated company )
  • The date your business was established ( for existing businesses )
  • The nature of your business ( what are you selling, or what are you planning to sell ?)
  • The industry you are in
  • Business vision, mission, and values
  • Background information on your business or its history
  • Business Objectives ( short and long-term )
  • The Business team

Now, let’s discuss tips for tackling some of the more tricky components in the list above:

If you are looking forward to writing a top selling company profile, then the following guide will come in very handy for you.

Study Other Company Profiles

The first step when it comes to writing a good company’s profile is to study other profiles. To better put it, you should go source for companies that are doing the same thing as your do; companies that are selling the same services or products as you do.

If you study their profiles properly, you will be able to have a clear-cut idea of what you should capture in your own profile, and of course, you will be able to improve on it to make yours better.

Please note that you are not expected to plagiarize any company’s profile when writing yours because you can be sued for plagiarism.

Create an Outline

The next step to take after you must have carefully studied several companies’ profiles is to create an outline of your own profile. You can start this by making use of bullet points to highlight the main points you want to make in your company profile.

You should also figure out the angle you want your readers to see your company from, what your company represents, and of course the caliber of people that formed the company et al. This will help you determine what information you need to gather.

Interview Potential Clients

If you truly you want to capture information on your company profile that will resonate with your potential clients, then you will need their inputs. Some of the ways you can get their input is to interview them or via questioners and surveys.

Please make sure that you are prepared with your questions but also be ready to follow the natural flow of the conversation. Ask questions during your meeting that you think readers will want to know.

Pose questions that will encourage your potential clients to give you useful information. Ask them to share anecdotes. Avoid yes or no questions. You want them to open up. Make sure to record and transcribe the entire interview.

As you review their answers on paper or on your computer, highlight the best quotes that can guide you to describe and give reasons why your products or services will better serve them.

Start Writing Your Company Profile

Once you are done with gathering the information that will aid you in writing a fantastic company profile, what is left for you is to start writing. You can settle down in your study, library, hotel room, or any location that will give the concentration that is needed for this all important task.

Although a company profile is not expected to be a large document, but it should capture all that your company represents, the products and services your company offers, and of course all that you want people to know about your company. This information can be captured in a simple and easy to understand format.

Put Your Best Foot Forward

No matter how fantastic your company is especially as it relates to your product and service offering, there will still be some drawbacks that can dissuade potential clients from patronizing your products or services.

For example, if you have someone who has been involved in financial crime in time past as a founding member of your company or a financier of your company, it will not be a wise decision to capture such a person in your profile.

What is expected from you when writing your company profile is to put your best foot forward by projecting people without any controversy around them.

Please note that your company profile is supposed to capture a brief profile of the board of directors, executive members, and key persons that are part of the company.

Edit and Edit

After you have finished writing your profile, you should make sure that it is properly edited. You can contract the editing to a professional. Although it is going to cost you a bit, but trust me, it is worth every cent you will spend.

Please note that you shouldn’t just settle for just one editor, you can give it out to two or more editors to edit until you get a perfect piece. This is important because a good company profile will easily sell your company (products and services) to potential clients with little or no additional effort from your end.

In Conclusion;

A company profile is an essential part of a business plan and a business plan cannot be complete without a company profile. So, when writing your business plan, make sure you come up with a good and highly sellable company profile, and the guide you have here will help you achieve this.

More on Business Plans

What Is a Company Profile? (And How to Write One)

Whether you’re creating content for an established business or a startup, a company profile should be part of your plan. In this post, we’ll discuss what a company profile is, and how to write one.

A company profile can be an effective way to highlight the business to customers or stakeholders. And you’ll quickly find that it is a vital part of business communication.

It’s a way to state what your business stands for, what your goals are, and where you place your focus. As well as featuring all the practical information that anyone might need to know about your company.

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What Is A Company Profile?

company profile

A company profile is a professional introduction to your business. It informs potential customers, stakeholders and the general public about your products, services, and business as a whole.

A company profile can be anything from a few sentences to an entire page on your website – most businesses have a long and short version – and is a good way to differentiate yourself from other businesses.

Why Is It Important?

company profile

A company profile is important for several reasons. It is a set of guiding words that describe your business.

Use it to shape how employees talk about your company and present a cohesive and consistent vision of the company to people outside of it.

A good company profile will get used frequently. These words can be copy and pasted into all kinds of other documents – grant applications, social media profiles, websites, professional directories and more.

A well-written company profile communicates three key things:

  • It persuades others to interact and engage with your company. The profile should entice people to learn more.
  • It includes contact information to build business credibility and tell people how to get in touch with your business.
  • It tells your company story and sets a vision for the future. It should mention where you’ve been and where you are going.

How to Write a Company Profile

company profile

When it comes to actually writing a company profile, start with a plan.

  • Outline a purpose. A company profile will get used in a lot of places. Outline what you want each audience to know and tailor the writing to match.
  • Pick a style that matches your brand. Your company profile should read like the other elements on your website. Use the same voice so it feels like it belongs to your company.
  • Highlight your mission and tell a story. A well-written company profile often has a narrative that makes people want to know more.
  • Include plenty of relevant information at a glance. While the company profile might include a few paragraphs of narrative, you can also use bulleted lists to highlight products or services or key company information. Also, make sure to include a block with contact information and links to your website or social media profiles.
  • Spellcheck and edit several times. Nothing is worse than a company profile with errors in it.

Once your write a company profile, you’ll likely edit to a couple of versions:

  • Long version for applications and business documents
  • Short version for quick introductions or descriptions
  • About us page on your website version that includes the full company profile
  • Tiny version for about lines in social profiles

Where Will You Use a Company Profile?

company profile

You will get a lot of mileage out of a company profile. The great thing about having this description written and ready to go is that you can make small tweaks to use it almost anywhere you need to post business information.

Using the company profile as a starting point will ensure that you post consistent business listings everywhere you provide information.

This includes in web and print materials distributed by your company, as boilerplate content for media and press releases, as descriptions for team members when they have speaking engagements, on social media in profiles for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, in job descriptions and applications, and anywhere you need to tell people about your business.

A company profile is an important element in your overall brand strategy.

Don’t Be Afraid to Design Your Own

company profile

While most of the focus is on writing a company profile, the design matters as well.

While you can’t always dictate what a company profile will look like, you can design it on your website or print pieces.

Don’t overlook this important part of your overall design. Too often, company profile pages are stripped down and look like an afterthought rather than a key element in the design. (Did you know that About pages are some of the most read on the web?)

Stick to trusted design principles when planning how company profile information will look.

  • Add visuals that relate to your company. Use images of products or services or team members in action.
  • Use white space to your advantage.
  • Format intentionally and use the same structure as the rest of the design.
  • Show off with testimonials, awards or fun company information.
  • Organize content into logical sections that are easy to read at a glance.

Every company – no matter how big or small – can benefit from having a strong company profile. This language will get used everywhere and helps establish consistent messaging for your company or brand.

Having a strong company profile will save you time and effort in the long run because you will have a set of guiding words that you can use time and time again to describe your business, product or service.

Marketing and Sales

What is a business profile how to make one, highlight your company by making its resume. learn what a business profile is and how to write a great one. plus, read up on some best practices to follow..

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

Imagine delivering the perfect elevator pitch about your coaching business –– including a concise company description that covers your services, vision, and mission –– and it hits the mark. 

And this is only possible through a well-crafted business profile, which summarizes your experience, values, and goals and tells potential clients what sets your coaching practice apart.   

Draft a precise piece of write-up you can use on your coaching website and other marketing platforms, and invite a wealth of clients to your practice. 

Here’s everything you need to know about what a business profile is and how to create one. 

What is a business profile?

A business profile tells a story about the founder(s), what inspired them to build the business, the company’s vision and mission, and more. It should also outline the company’s goals and achievements, such as the number of clients served, retention rate, and awards (if any). It’s typically available on a company website’s “About Us” page.

Your coaching bio may hit many of the same points, but company profiles differ, thanks to their strong focus on values and objectives. 

As such, company profiles are not only attractive for clients but also investors. Strong annual metrics and positive testimonials create confidence among the investor community. 

How to make a business profile

Organize your thoughts and perfect your coaching business’ marketing message by writing your company profile. Here’s how: 

  • Determine your profile’s purpose: Perhaps you’re trying to raise money from investors. Or maybe you want to attract new customers. Your profile’s intent can change during your company’s development, but try to pinpoint why you’re writing this document. That said, don’t share it on your website. The purpose should stand to guide you. 
  • Share your story: Write an honest recap of your history. It’s acceptable to be vulnerable in this section. You’re trying to emotionally connect with your future clients in a company profile, not just share facts about how far you’ve come. Tell them what makes you different and how hard you work. If you’re a solo-prenuer, include your education and training at the beginning of this description.
  • Write a tight mission statement: Tell the reader your work, target clientele, and unique selling points (USPs). There’s no need to wax poetic. Keep this section to a sentence or two for maximum impact.
  • Tell your business’s story: Include a chronological summary of your coaching business. Talk about how you opened and grew your business. Remember, your business profile differs from a coaching bio and a business plan. In a profile, you’re trying to paint a picture of your company. A bio focuses on personal and professional accomplishments. And a business plan includes strategizing marketing, sales, and operations. 
  • List your coaching services: Tell the reader about your one-on-one programs, coaching packages, and group programs. Mention your proprietary coaching method (if any). 
  • Include a good word: If you have testimonials from previous coaching clients, include them. Your words will undoubtedly go far in describing your business and mission, but the feedback from others provides a unique, first-hand perspective on your coaching skills.

Additional ideas for your coaching profile

  • Brag a little: Let’s break a myth –– you don’t seem pompous when flexing your accomplishments; rather, it adds value to your profile. Include milestones such as writing a book, starting a successful blog, or receiving awards. 
  • Include a call to action (CTA): If you post your business profile on your webpage, invite viewers to contact you for more information, follow your social media accounts, or receive a free coaching orientation call. 
  • Add contact information: If you include a CTA or are using your profile in marketing materials or on your professional site, be sure to provide contact information, such as phone number, email address, physical address, and website link. Give potential customers or investors multiple avenues to reach you. 


Tips for effective profile writing

Take your profile from good to great with the following tips:

  • Read business profile examples: Check out the about pages of your favorite brands for business profile inspiration. For instance, Starbucks provides a strong example of a profile that’s exceptionally brief, lists the most essential business details, and represents the company's voice. Nike shows how to break information into unique sections, links to pages that provide more detail, and uses a visually impactful business profile format. If you’re looking for a stellar business description example from the coaching industry, check out Cortney McDermott’s page . She tells her story in a captivating and personal way. Or, take a look at personal trainer and coach Michelle Lavergne’s webpage . She explains her strengths through punchy and encouraging sentences, pushing potential clients to take the first step toward fitness.  
  • Make the profile easy to digest: Make your business profile readable –– textually and visually. Cut insider terms that only a coach would know and won’t resonate with your clients or investors. Scrape back the language and leave out excess words. Try to be as direct as possible. And when you publish the profile on your website or in marketing or investor materials, use fonts and spacing that are easy on the eyes. Avoid long paragraphs without breaks. 
  • Keep it relevant: Your business profile is an opportunity to explain your practice thoroughly. While the description doesn’t have to be overly brief, it should be pertinent. Avoid repetition or unnecessary material. 
  • Update your profile regularly: As your business changes, regularly update your description to reflect shifts, especially costs and packages. This eliminates future conflicts with clients. Also, include information about new certifications, ways your practice has grown, and services you’ve added to your offering.

Take your coaching business to the next level

Writing a business profile is an excellent step toward formalizing and marketing your coaching practice. It instills confidence and trust in clients. 

You can also up the professionality of your company by using a customer relationship management (CRM) tool . Practice’s platform , designed with coaches and small business owners in mind, allows you to securely store client data, send messages and documents, and securely receive payment. Try it today .

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How to Write a Company Overview for a Business Plan

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When you start a company, you ideally want it to grow. If you’re seeking business funding to scale your business or an initial investment to get your business off the ground, you’re going to need a business plan . Putting together a business plan can be an intimidating process that involves a lot of steps and writing — but breaking it down piece by piece can help you accomplish this seemingly insurmountable task.

One small piece of your business plan is the company overview, so let’s take a look at what that is, exactly, check out some company overview examples and go over how to make a company overview of your very own.


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What is a company overview?

A company overview provides the reader of your business plan with basic background information about your company so they have an understanding of what you do, who the management team is and what customers your business serves.

The company description is the second piece of a business plan, falling right after the executive summary. Similar to the executive summary, your company overview will be short and succinct. Your reader needs to have a grasp on what your business does and who your customers are, even if they have limited time.

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

Why do I need a company overview?

The company overview is the part of your business plan that gives the basics and background of your business. It’s the foundation on which you will build the rest of your business plan.

If you’re looking to appeal to investors or potential clients, you need a reader to make an informed decision about your company. Before they can do that, they must know what your company does and who your customer is. Lenders in particular need a reason to keep reading, since they see tons of business plans regularly. The company overview provides those answers, and it will help you get a better sense of your business so you can firm up things like your marketing plan.

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What should I include in a company overview?

The exact elements that you need in your company overview will depend upon what details of your business are important, but there are some foundational elements that will be included in every company overview.

Once you’ve covered the basics, you can include any other minor details that will benefit a reader who will need to make an informed decision about your business.

Basic company information

Consider the company overview like an introduction for your business. In the opening paragraph of your company overview, you’ll want to include basic company information. That includes:

Your company name: This should be the official name of your business, exactly as it is written when you registered your business with the state.

Business structure: Your reader will want to know what business entity your company comes in: sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership or corporation.

Location(s): Share where your business is headquartered and other locations the business owns.

Ownership and management team

Break down who owns your business and how each owner is involved with the business. What shares of the company belong to whom? If you have a highly involved management team, share their names and key roles with the company as well.

Company history

Part of what makes your company unique is its history. And, even startups have some history. Don’t put too much focus on this section, but do add some personality and interesting details if possible, especially if they relate to your company culture.

Mission statement

Your company’s mission statement should be included in the company overview. If you don’t yet have a company mission statement, that’s okay. Think of a mission statement as the purpose of your company.

If you don’t have one, you can create one with your team. Or you can simply replace the mission statement with a problem statement. Your business idea should exist to solve a problem or pain point faced by your customers. Share what that problem is and what your business does to solve it. That’s essentially your mission statement.

Product/service and customer

This section of the company overview is where you can share the nitty-gritty details of your business. Talk about what product or service you provide and to whom you provide it. You can share some numbers here, but in general, save the numbers for later in your business plan.

The company overview should give the reader a general understanding of your business, your product or service, and your customer. If they’re interested to know more, they’ll reach out to you for a meeting or take the time to read the rest of your business plan. Keep it simple and straightforward here.

Future goals

While concrete details and facts about your business are important to whoever is reading your company overview, it’s also important to share your dreams and your vision. If you’re writing a business plan for a business that’s already in place, it’s very likely you’re looking for business financing to scale or solve a business problem. If you’re just starting out, though, then it’s likely you’re hoping to find startup funding.

The section on your future business goals should include a brief description of your growth goals for your business. Where you are now tells the reader a lot, but they also want to know where you plan to go.

A company overview is comprised of many small parts. Each part shares just a little bit more about your company with your reader.

Tips for writing a company overview

While a company overview is simply the details of your company written out, it might not be easy to write. Break it down into small steps and use these tips to make putting together your company overview just a little bit easier.

Start with the elevator pitch

If your business is already in operation, then you likely have an elevator pitch. Your company overview can start off with your elevator pitch.

The first paragraph of your company overview should include just a few sentences that explain your business and what you do. The shorter and clearer this is, the more likely your reader will understand and keep reading.

Stick to the basics

It’s tempting to pile on all the details when you’re writing a company overview. Remember, many of the details of your company, including the numbers, will be included in later sections of your business plan.

Your company overview should include only the most basic details about your company that the reader needs to know.

Be passionate

When you share the history, mission statement, and vision for the future of your company, it’s okay to show your passion. You wouldn’t be in business if you didn’t love what you do.

Your excitement for your business could spark interest for the reader and keep them engaged with your company overview and business plan.

Keep it succinct

When you’re passionate about something, it’s easy to get carried away. Remember that you’ve got plenty of space for details in your business plan. The company overview should be just the most basic information someone needs to understand your business.

It’s OK if your first draft of your company overview is long. Simply go through and edit it to be shorter, removing unnecessary details and words each time you read through it. Clear, concise descriptions are more likely to be read and to keep the reader reading to other sections of your business plan.

Have structure

Your company overview is just one piece of a multi-tiered business plan. Creating a clear structure for your business plan makes it easier to read. The same is true for your company overview.

Your business plan should have chapters, one of which is the company overview. Then, you can further break down the content for easy skimming and reading by adding sub-chapters. You can denote these breaks in content with bold headers.

While you can break down each section of the company overview with bold headers based on the above suggestions, you can also interweave some information together, such as the company structure and leadership structure. Each section should be only a few sentences long.

Write it later

If you’re struggling to write your company overview, come back to it. Write the rest of your business plan first and then write your company overview.

While this might seem like the opposite way of doing things, knowing what will be contained in the rest of your business plan can help you to focus in on the very most essential details in the company overview and to leave everything else out.

Get a test reader

If you’re struggling to edit down your company overview, get a test reader. Ideally, you’ll want to ask someone who doesn’t know a lot about your business. They’ll help you understand whether or not you’ve clearly communicated your message.

Proofreading is the final step in editing something you’ve written. This type of editing looks for typos, misspellings and grammatical errors that have been missed. Many of these small errors can be difficult to spot in our own writing, so be sure to ask someone who hasn’t seen multiple drafts of your company overview.

Company overview examples

If you don’t want to shell out for business planning software, but would still like some company overview examples to get you started, there are many places online you can look to for help getting started, like the Small Business Administration and SCORE.

Many successful companies also have some version of their company overview made public as their company profile page online. There are some variations from the company overview steps we’ve listed above, of course, but you can use the language and style of these company overview examples for inspiration:

Starbucks company profile .

Puma company page .

TaskRabbit About page .

Peloton company page .

Nestlé About page .

If you’re still feeling stuck, or want more company overview examples, try searching the websites of your favorite companies for more information. You might be surprised what you find — the Nestlé page, for example, has more information about their strategy and business principles.

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What Is a Business Plan?

Understanding business plans, how to write a business plan, common elements of a business plan, the bottom line, business plan: what it is, what's included, and how to write one.

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

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A business plan is a document that outlines a company's goals and the strategies to achieve them. It's valuable for both startups and established companies. For startups, a well-crafted business plan is crucial for attracting potential lenders and investors. Established businesses use business plans to stay on track and aligned with their growth objectives. This article will explain the key components of an effective business plan and guidance on how to write one.

Key Takeaways

  • A business plan is a document detailing a company's business activities and strategies for achieving its goals.
  • Startup companies use business plans to launch their venture and to attract outside investors.
  • For established companies, a business plan helps keep the executive team focused on short- and long-term objectives.
  • There's no single required format for a business plan, but certain key elements are essential for most companies.

Investopedia / Ryan Oakley

Any new business should have a business plan in place before beginning operations. Banks and venture capital firms often want to see a business plan before considering making a loan or providing capital to new businesses.

Even if a company doesn't need additional funding, having a business plan helps it stay focused on its goals. Research from the University of Oregon shows that businesses with a plan are significantly more likely to secure funding than those without one. Moreover, companies with a business plan grow 30% faster than those that don't plan. According to a Harvard Business Review article, entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than those who don't.

A business plan should ideally be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect achieved goals or changes in direction. An established business moving in a new direction might even create an entirely new plan.

There are numerous benefits to creating (and sticking to) a well-conceived business plan. It allows for careful consideration of ideas before significant investment, highlights potential obstacles to success, and provides a tool for seeking objective feedback from trusted outsiders. A business plan may also help ensure that a company’s executive team remains aligned on strategic action items and priorities.

While business plans vary widely, even among competitors in the same industry, they often share basic elements detailed below.

A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors and guiding a company's strategic growth. It should address market needs and investor requirements and provide clear financial projections.

While there are any number of templates that you can use to write a business plan, it's best to try to avoid producing a generic-looking one. Let your plan reflect the unique personality of your business.

Many business plans use some combination of the sections below, with varying levels of detail, depending on the company.

The length of a business plan can vary greatly from business to business. Regardless, gathering the basic information into a 15- to 25-page document is best. Any additional crucial elements, such as patent applications, can be referenced in the main document and included as appendices.

Common elements in many business plans include:

  • Executive summary : This section introduces the company and includes its mission statement along with relevant information about the company's leadership, employees, operations, and locations.
  • Products and services : Describe the products and services the company offers or plans to introduce. Include details on pricing, product lifespan, and unique consumer benefits. Mention production and manufacturing processes, relevant patents , proprietary technology , and research and development (R&D) information.
  • Market analysis : Explain the current state of the industry and the competition. Detail where the company fits in, the types of customers it plans to target, and how it plans to capture market share from competitors.
  • Marketing strategy : Outline the company's plans to attract and retain customers, including anticipated advertising and marketing campaigns. Describe the distribution channels that will be used to deliver products or services to consumers.
  • Financial plans and projections : Established businesses should include financial statements, balance sheets, and other relevant financial information. New businesses should provide financial targets and estimates for the first few years. This section may also include any funding requests.

Investors want to see a clear exit strategy, expected returns, and a timeline for cashing out. It's likely a good idea to provide five-year profitability forecasts and realistic financial estimates.

2 Types of Business Plans

Business plans can vary in format, often categorized into traditional and lean startup plans. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) , the traditional business plan is the more common of the two.

  • Traditional business plans : These are detailed and lengthy, requiring more effort to create but offering comprehensive information that can be persuasive to potential investors.
  • Lean startup business plans : These are concise, sometimes just one page, and focus on key elements. While they save time, companies should be ready to provide additional details if requested by investors or lenders.

Why Do Business Plans Fail?

A business plan isn't a surefire recipe for success. The plan may have been unrealistic in its assumptions and projections. Markets and the economy might change in ways that couldn't have been foreseen. A competitor might introduce a revolutionary new product or service. All this calls for building flexibility into your plan, so you can pivot to a new course if needed.

How Often Should a Business Plan Be Updated?

How frequently a business plan needs to be revised will depend on its nature. Updating your business plan is crucial due to changes in external factors (market trends, competition, and regulations) and internal developments (like employee growth and new products). While a well-established business might want to review its plan once a year and make changes if necessary, a new or fast-growing business in a fiercely competitive market might want to revise it more often, such as quarterly.

What Does a Lean Startup Business Plan Include?

The lean startup business plan is ideal for quickly explaining a business, especially for new companies that don't have much information yet. Key sections may include a value proposition , major activities and advantages, resources (staff, intellectual property, and capital), partnerships, customer segments, and revenue sources.

A well-crafted business plan is crucial for any company, whether it's a startup looking for investment or an established business wanting to stay on course. It outlines goals and strategies, boosting a company's chances of securing funding and achieving growth.

As your business and the market change, update your business plan regularly. This keeps it relevant and aligned with your current goals and conditions. Think of your business plan as a living document that evolves with your company, not something carved in stone.

University of Oregon Department of Economics. " Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Business Planning Using Palo Alto's Business Plan Pro ." Eason Ding & Tim Hursey.

Bplans. " Do You Need a Business Plan? Scientific Research Says Yes ."

Harvard Business Review. " Research: Writing a Business Plan Makes Your Startup More Likely to Succeed ."

Harvard Business Review. " How to Write a Winning Business Plan ."

U.S. Small Business Administration. " Write Your Business Plan ."

SCORE. " When and Why Should You Review Your Business Plan? "

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

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Business Plan vs. Business Proposal

Back to Business Plans

Written by: Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

Edited by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on February 27, 2023 Updated on December 11, 2023

Business Plan vs. Business Proposal

A business plan and a business proposal are similar documents. In fact, in some cases the terms can be used interchangeably, such as when both aim to attract investment. 

But generally speaking, a business proposal tends to have broader scope, and this handy guide lays out precisely how these two common terms differ. 

FeatureBusiness PlanBusiness Proposal
PurposeOutlines a company's mission, vision, and means to achieve its goals.Proposes a specific project or solution to a client or potential partner.
AudienceInvestors, stakeholders, financial institutions, and internal team.Potential clients, partners, or businesses.
ContentExecutive Summary
Company Description/Overview
Products/Services Offered
Market Analysis
Marketing and Sales Strategies
Operations and Management
Financial Plan
Problem Statement
Proposed Solution
Terms and Conditions
DurationGenerally, long-term. Speaks to the company's overall direction.Usually short-term, addressing a specific project or need.
FocusComprehensive view of the business, including strategies, resources, and financial projections.Focuses on a particular problem or need and the solution the company offers.
UseTo guide the company's direction and attract investments or loans.To secure a contract, partnership, or client engagement.
Update FrequencyPeriodically, as the company evolves or when significant changes occur in the market or industry.As needed for different clients or projects.
FormatMore detailed and structured. May have appendices with additional information.Typically more concise, tailored to the client or project.
  • What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a detailed document laying out how the business will function and develop in its first few years. The key is the “plan” part of the name, as it will specify how you will launch, gain customers, operate, make money, and, with any luck, expand. 

Yet what many first-time business owners seem to forget is that a business plan is not a static document. The initial version is based largely on assumptions, supported by research. But as you run your business you’ll learn what works and what does not and make endless tweaks to your plan.

Thus, creating a business plan is not a one-time action – it’s a dynamic and continuous process of crafting and adapting your vision and strategy. 

Components of a Business Plan

A business plan is generally much more detailed and broader than a business proposal, and has several elements :

  • Executive Summary  
  • Company Description/Overview
  • Products or Services Offered 
  • Market Analysis 
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies
  • Operations and Management  
  • Financial Plan
  • What is a Business Proposal?

A business proposal is created in connection to a specific business deal being offered by one party to another. As mentioned, when you take a business plan to an investor, you’re proposing a business relationship, so in this case a business plan and a business proposal are much the same.

But a business proposal could also be for others purposes, including:

  • Bringing on a partner
  • Proposing a management contract to a person you want to hire 
  • Proposing a business relationship with a potential customer 
  • Proposing a partnership with another company
  • Suggesting a deal to a member of your board of directors

A business proposal may offer specific terms for the potential relationship, or it may be just about the benefits the relationship will bring, with terms to be negotiated later. Essentially, it’s a sales tool to get people or companies to do business with you in some way. 

Business proposals can be structured in various ways, but usually, they’ll include a summary of what your company can offer, a scope of the work to be done together, and sometimes, a price quote or a proposed structure of the business relationship.

Clearly, a business plan and a business proposal are similar – and can even be one and the same. At the same time, they can also serve very different purposes. Unlike a business plan, a business proposal can have a variety of aims and thus does not have a “one size fits all” structure. 

Whichever one you need, be sure to take your time with the research and writing so your business has the best chance for success. 

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How To Write An Effective Business Profile

Writers Write shares business writing tips and resources. In this post, our guest blogger defines a business profile and gives you steps to write an effective business profile.

In previous posts, we have shared a variety of step-by-step guides for various business correspondence , In this post, we look at writing a business profile.

What Is A Business Profile?

Before we delve into the steps of writing a business profile, let’s try to define what a business profile is? How is it different from a business plan?

A business profile gives a general idea of what a business is about and a glimpse into your organisation’s business plan.

A business profile includes values and objectives. It shows some of the major clients you’re working with, or have worked with in the past. It also gives an idea of where your business is headed. It shows your vision and mission.

Some describe a business profile as “a Curriculum Vitae for your company”. It shows your company’s skills and strengths.

Important to note when writing a business profile:

  • Keep it short and engaging. People have busy schedules, and only read through if it captures their attention.
  • Study other business profile especially the ones in your industry. Observe the style and tone .
  • Use accurate, up-to-date details.
  • Use clean and concise words. Don’t use language that requires a dictionary to understand.
  • Watch your formatting . Keep it clean.

Depending on your industry and the objectives of the company, most businesses follow these steps.

8 Steps For Writing A Business Profile  

Step 1: Put your basic information first. (About Us)

  • What is the business about? Are you a clothing designer? Is it a construction company?
  • Briefly explain your vision and mission and goal as a company.

Step 2: Who you are.

  • 5- 10 lines should suffice. Don’t make it too long.
  • Include your company history. How did you start? What drove you to start your company? Make it personal and relatable. What kind of clients do you service?
  • Include your experience and expertise. For example, “I have more than 15 years in project management. I have a passion to tackle real challenges.”

Step 3 : Show your company service offering.

  • List all your business activities.
  • Do you provide services to a specific market, or is it for the general public? What is your target market? Include a sentence explaining your choice of the target market.
  • Include the areas you work in. Do you operate locally, regionally, or internationally?

Step 4 : What are your guiding values?

  • This is the foundation upon which your company is established. It includes how you run your business, and your company policy.
  • They guide your business so that you can manage your internal operations, and how you relate with your customers. Basically, it’s about both internal and external relations.
  • Respect and courage.
  • Health and safety.

Step 5: Strengths

Mention why your company should be the preferred one. Why should clients choose you over other companies with the same service offering?  See the examples below to help you.

  • Quality and service offering. Speak about offering high quality service in order to meet client expectations.
  • Health and safety policies. For the safety of both your staff and clients.
  • Staff development and training. Talk about how you equip your staff with skills and knowledge. Your clients become confident in your company if they know you know what you are doing.

These are just of the few examples of how you can show the strengths of your company, like I mentioned, each business profile should be designed according to your company’s needs. This is just a guideline to help you get started.

Step 6: Your Certification

Why certification?

  • You must have some kind of certification relevant to your industry.
  • Certification builds credibility, and gives your clients, industry leaders, and potential investors confidence in your business.
  • It shows your commitment to your clients
  • It demonstrates your dedication to keep abreast with industry standards, innovation, and continuous training/learning.
  • It provides recognition of your unique skill set and knowledge of your products and services

Step 7: Show who your current or past projects/clients are.

Clients show what you are able to deliver on.

  • Clients can vouch for your integrity, commitment, reliability etc.
  • It is easier to trust a company with references.
  • If possible, include details such as the size of the project. It gives a better picture of your ability to deliver.

Step 8: The Team

Include a basic company organogram to show the different skills of the core team.

Tailor this according to your purpose and what you want to communicate to your audience.

Put your company contact details (telephone number, email addresses, social media handles, website etc.) and the physical location of the business (unless you run a purely online business).

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Business Plan Executive Summary Example & Template

Kimberlee Leonard

Updated: Jun 3, 2024, 1:03pm

Business Plan Executive Summary Example & Template

Table of Contents

Components of an executive summary, how to write an executive summary, example of an executive summary, frequently asked questions.

A business plan is a document that you create that outlines your company’s objectives and how you plan to meet those objectives. Every business plan has key sections such as management and marketing. It should also have an executive summary, which is a synopsis of each of the plan sections in a one- to two-page overview. This guide will help you create an executive summary for your business plan that is comprehensive while being concise.

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The executive summary should mimic the sections found in the business plan . It is just a more concise way of stating what’s in the plan so that a reader can get a broad overview of what to expect.

State the company’s mission statement and provide a few sentences on what the company’s purpose is.

Company History and Management

This section describes the basics of where the company is located, how long it has been in operation, who is running it and what their level of experience is. Remember that this is a summary and that you’ll expand on management experience within the business plan itself. But the reader should know the basics of the company structure and who is running the company from this section.

Products or Services

This section tells the reader what the product or service of the company is. Every company does something. This is where you outline exactly what you do and how you solve a problem for the consumer.

This is an important section that summarizes how large the market is for the product or service. In the business plan, you’ll do a complete market analysis. Here, you will write the key takeaways that show that you have the potential to grow the business because there are consumers in the market for it.

Competitive Advantages

This is where you will summarize what makes you better than the competitors. Identify key strengths that will be reasons why consumers will choose you over another company.

Financial Projections

This is where you estimate the sales projections for the first years in business. At a minimum, you should have at least one year’s projections, but it may be better to have three to five years if you can project that far ahead.

Startup Financing Requirements

This states what it will cost to get the company launched and running. You may tackle this as a first-year requirement or if you have made further projections, look at two to three years of cost needs.

The executive summary is found at the start of the business plan, even though it is a summary of the plan. However, you should write the executive summary last. Writing the summary once you have done the work and written the business plan will be easier. After all, it is a summary of what is in the plan. Keep the executive summary limited to two pages so that it doesn’t take someone a long time to peruse what the summary says.

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It might be easier to write an executive summary if you know what to expect. Here is an example of an executive summary that you can use as a template.

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

Bottom Line

Writing an executive summary doesn’t need to be difficult if you’ve already done the work of writing the business plan itself. Take the elements from the plan and summarize each section. Point out key details that will make the reader want to learn more about the company and its financing needs.

How long is an executive summary?

An executive summary should be one to two pages and no more. This is just enough information to help the reader determine their overall interest in the company.

Does an executive summary have keywords?

The executive summary uses keywords to help sell the idea of the business. As such, there may be enumeration, causation and contrasting words.

How do I write a business plan?

If you have business partners, make sure to collaborate with them to ensure that the plan accurately reflects the goals of all parties involved. You can use our simple business plan template to get started.

What basic items should be included in a business plan?

When writing out a business plan, you want to make sure that you cover everything related to your concept for the business,  an analysis of the industry―including potential customers and an overview of the market for your goods or services―how you plan to execute your vision for the business, how you plan to grow the business if it becomes successful and all financial data around the business, including current cash on hand, potential investors and budget plans for the next few years.

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Kimberlee Leonard has 22 years of experience as a freelance writer. Her work has been featured on US News and World Report, and Fit Small Business. She brings practical experience as a business owner and insurance agent to her role as a small business writer.

Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of directors of two non-profit organizations seeking to revitalize her former railroad town. Prior to joining the team at Forbes Advisor, Cassie was a content operations manager and copywriting manager.

Difference Between a Business Plan & a Business Proposal

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Why Create a Business Plan?

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A business plan and a business proposal are very different documents, with different purposes and goals. A business plan is a factual broad description of a company on the executive and operational level. A business proposal is a focused sales document intended to describe how a company will approach a project, state the value of the project to the client and solicit the client's business. A business plan is a written presentation of fact. A business proposal is a quote and call to action.

Reasons for a Business Plan

A business plan documents your vision for your business and how you intend to achieve that vision. It contains financial projections of what the business will cost to develop and operate plus an estimation of the revenues to be generated. Its purpose is to provide a reasonably detailed explanation of your business for use by potential investors, suppliers, prospective employees, accountants, attorneys and other people who need a quick but comprehensive understanding of what your company does and its potential for success. The primary reason for a business plan is to record and convey information.

Reasons for a Business Proposal

Proposals may be unsolicited business ideas presented to a potential customer or partner, or they may be answers to requests for proposal submitted to your company by a potential client. They are limited in scope to a particular project or need. A business proposal also generally has a specific audience. The primary reason for a business proposal is to solicit or develop a business opportunity.

Business Plan Structure

A business plan has three elements: description of the business model, the marketing model and financial projections. It consists of informative sections, including the executive summary, business description, marketing model, analysis of industry competition, build-out plan, operations plan, introduction of management, and a discussion of financial issues and projection of results. It is introduced by an executive summary, which can be a dense abstract or a longer marketing tool to attract interest in the business plan. The business plan is an informational document designed to factually display your company's operations and potential.

Business Proposal Structure

A business proposal written in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) should follow the format requested in the RFP. Generally, this involves a quick description of your company's services and products that are relevant to the goals of the RFP, a reiteration of the scope of work, answers to specific questions posed in the RFP and a quote detailing materials, tools, labor, delivery and other elements of the cost of the project.

An unsolicited business proposal intended to create and develop a business opportunity follows essentially the same format but anticipates questions the potential client might have. A proposal is more of a marketing document, designed to convince the audience to do business by presenting a value proposition and a call to action.

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Victoria Duff specializes in entrepreneurial subjects, drawing on her experience as an acclaimed start-up facilitator, venture catalyst and investor relations manager. Since 1995 she has written many articles for e-zines and was a regular columnist for "Digital Coast Reporter" and "Developments Magazine." She holds a Bachelor of Arts in public administration from the University of California at Berkeley.

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  • 4 What Is the Relationship Between the Business Plan, Marketing Plan & Sales Plan?

Business Plan and Proposal: Everything You Need to Know

A business plan and proposal are two different documents with two different purposes and functions. 3 min read updated on July 26, 2024

A business plan and proposal are two different documents with two different purposes and functions. A business plan is a document that clearly spells out how a business intends to realize its objectives and goals, while a business proposal is a sales document that a business entity uses to request a contract from a client.

Business Plan vs. Business Proposal

A business plan and a business proposal are different from each other by content, goals, writing style, and structure. The major difference between both is that a business plan is a document that presents facts, while a business proposal is a request for a deal and a quotation of prices.

A Business Plan

You can think of a business plan as the documentation of a company's grand vision. Business plans are naturally tactical. It's like stating where and when you want to start, when you want to get to the next point in view, and how you intend to accomplish that progress. A business plan includes descriptions of how the business is intended to run, the details of financial goals, possible business rivalry, marketing strategy, executive summary, and other factors that affect a company's planned business growth.

A business plan is particularly effective in making potential investors interested in a company (especially a startup company that's yet to make a name in its industry). Additionally, a business plan can provide an idea of what a company requires for professionals such as attorneys, accountants, and potential employees. A business plan distinctly describes the scope of the business, and in so doing, clears your thoughts as a business owner.

The business plan should be honestly made because it's the outline of the company's vision. It indicates whether or not the business goals of the company are realistically achievable. Experts say an effective business plan would take approximately six weeks of thorough research and groundwork to create. In other words, you typically can't create an effective business plan in one day, present it to potential investors the next day, and achieve desired results.

A Business Proposal

A business proposal goes to a prospective client directly from an established business. It's an attempt to sell a business entity's service or product to a client, and not an attempt to sell the business itself. Also, a business proposal isn't an estimate. Though costs and certain other details will be provided in the business proposal, an estimate is a lot more unofficial and simply a provision to skim over the costs. It doesn't present the entire picture.

Basically, business proposals show a particular idea, such as a new, profitable undertaking. The proposal is intended to get investors to support the particular business endeavor being suggested. For instance, a well-known eatery chain may wish to extend its business to a nearby state. Such an eatery would have to compose a business proposal in order to get the financial support of its target investors.

Though the business proposal provides an overview of what the company does (similar to a business plan), its major objective is to provide the details of the suggested business idea, including providing answers in advance for any concerns that could be raised by potential investors.

Components of a Business Plan

Basically, a business plan has three components: business model description, sales tactics, and financial goals. However, more elaborately, it has the following sections of information:

  • Executive summary
  • Description of products and services
  • Industry analysis (analysis of possible business rivalry)
  • Marketing strategy
  • Operating plan
  • Structure of leadership
  • Internal analysis
  • Built-out plan
  • Introduction of management
  • Financial goals (deliberations on monetary concerns, and how to address them and achieve expected results).

Solicited vs. Unsolicited Business Proposals

A solicited business proposal, when presented in response to a request for proposal (RFP), should be in the format requested by the client in their RFP. The same format may or may not be used for an unsolicited business proposal. Its purpose is to suggest and develop a business idea. Therefore, it's recommended to use the same format or some other format that's well-known in the field of endeavor.

An unsolicited business proposal offers a business entity the flexibility to choose what structure they deem appropriate. However, the proposal is expected to meet industry standards, no matter what format is used. For instance, it should emphasize major areas of interest, be thoroughly researched, offer a proposition of value, and feature a call to action.

If you need help with a business plan and proposal, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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What is the Difference Between a Business Profile and a Company Profile?

When you start a business, you are required to make an investment of time, money, and resources. All these things are required to create a strong brand that can help you to grow your business. But all these things will be useless if your brand is not strong and attractive.

So, to start your business you need to have a business profile. A business profile will include basic information about your business. This profile will be your first step to building your brand.

A business profile is also known as a company profile or a business entity profile. When we talk about company profile it means that you have the right to trade and sell the products in a particular area. A company profile is also used to create a business license. You need to apply for the company profile once you have started your business.

In the business profile, there are various sections that are mentioned as follows:

Basic Information: In this section, you need to mention all the information about your business. Your name, address, contact number, email, and website are some of the information that should be mentioned. It is the basic information that is required to create a business license. You need to make sure that you mention all the required information about your business.

Company Information: In this section, you need to mention the complete information about your company. The legal documents, employees, addresses, and other information will help you to create a strong brand.

Management Information: In this section, you need to mention the management information of your business. In this section, you need to mention the details of the management team and also mention their information.

Financial Information: In this section, you need to mention the complete financial information of your company. This section will help you to calculate the profit and loss of your company.

In conclusion, the above information about a business profile will help you to get a clear idea about your business. If you are starting a new business, then you need to make sure that you are providing complete information in this section. So, if you want to make sure that you have provided all the required information, then you can use the free online business profile generator.

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Business Plan vs. Business Proposal

business proposal vs. business plan

The terms “business plan” and “business proposal” are sometimes used interchangeably, however, they are very different. The main difference between a business plan and a business proposal is that a business plan documents your growth strategy while a business proposal is a specific ask for someone to take an action you desire (e.g., buy your product/service, invest in your company, partner with you, etc.).

In this article, we will define a business plan and a business proposal and give you examples of when each is appropriate for you to use.  

What is a Business Plan?

professional business plan

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Business Plan Structure

Typically, the business plan structure contains the following 10 components:

  • Executive Summary
  • Business Description & Overview
  • Market Research & Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Marketing Strategy & Plan
  • Operations Plan
  • Management Team
  • Financial Projections & Plan

It is recommended that a business plan is updated annually to adjust for changes in the industry trends and the business itself.  

What is a Business Proposal?

business proposals

In terms of what you are asking from them, it can be anything that involves funds and time on their end including cash investment, product development assistance, and even employees if they have applicable skill sets.  

Business Proposal Structure

An invited business proposal is written in response to an RFP. A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that invites potential suppliers to submit business proposals. How to write a business proposal depends on the format requested and the questions included in the RFP.

The following are the components that usually make up a business proposal:

  • Brief description of your company’s services/products as the proposed solution to the goals of the RFP
  • Reiteration of the scope of the particular project
  • Responses to questions asked in the RFP
  • Cost of the project, including drafting services, materials, tools, labor, delivery and other expenses

An unsolicited business proposal is essentially the same format, but it will solicit the client’s business while anticipating the clients’ concerns and issues. A business proposal is more of a marketing document than an offer because it attempts to persuade the potential client to do business by demonstrating your value proposition and a call to action.  

So, What’s the Difference Between a Business Proposal vs. a Business Plan?

In a business proposal, company representatives typically work with the customer to tailor a business proposition that is attractive to both parties. This usually comes in the form of a written document detailing the services and cost associated with fulfilling an offer or request but can also include electronic contracts.

In contrast, a business plan is a description of your company on the executive and operational levels aimed at investors for raising financial support or other stakeholders in order to facilitate long-term growth. For example, an investor will want to know about how different departments within your business interact with one another, while somebody who will be implementing your product probably only needs more limited information such as design specs because they are not going into production themselves.

A business proposal may provide you with more details of the project, but it does not include information about your company’s operations or future plans.  

Examples of Business Plans vs. Business Proposals

  • When you give a potential investor your business plan which includes all sorts of information about how we will achieve your goals together as well as the amount of money it’s going to take. The business proposal is for them to write you a check in return for interest/principal payments or a percentage of your company.
  • You might be getting partners involved in your business who will help with product development and distribution. You are offering them a business proposal to work together. However, they may request to see your business plan to better understand your goals, potential profitability, and how you plan to reach these goals before deciding to work with you.
  • Your existing business has been so successful that you decide to outsource the social media marketing efforts to a freelancer to free up more of your time. The freelancer would provide a business proposal stating their terms and conditions along with the agreed-upon pay arrangement for their services. This change in organizational structure may be noted in your business plan to demonstrate expansion and financial stability to continue growth.
  • In your business plan , one of your goals is to grow your client base by 5% each month. You identify potential clients in need of your services or products and send an unsolicited business proposal to demonstrate how your products or services can benefit them in order to develop a new prospective client list.

The business plan is a roadmap for your company’s present and future, while the business proposal has to do with what you are asking someone else for money.  Applying this difference into practice can be difficult at times because business plans are often marketed as business proposals. However, it is important to be able to identify the difference between a business plan and business proposal in order to maximize their effectiveness and importance with potential investors or partners.

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Business Plan vs. Business Proposal

What's the difference.

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a business over a specific period of time. It serves as a roadmap for the business and is typically used internally to guide decision-making and operations. On the other hand, a business proposal is a document that is created to pitch a specific product or service to potential clients or investors. It outlines the benefits, costs, and potential outcomes of the proposed project in order to persuade the recipient to take action. While a business plan focuses on the overall strategy and operations of a business, a business proposal is more targeted and specific to a particular project or opportunity.

AttributeBusiness PlanBusiness Proposal
PurposeOutlines the goals and strategies of a businessProposes a specific project or service to a potential client or investor
AudienceInternal stakeholders, investors, lendersExternal clients, investors, partners
LengthCan be comprehensive and detailedUsually shorter and more focused
ScopeCovers all aspects of the businessFocuses on a specific project or opportunity
ImplementationGuides the execution of the business strategyOutlines how the proposed project will be carried out

Further Detail


When it comes to starting a new business or expanding an existing one, having a well-thought-out plan is essential. Two common documents used in the business world are the business plan and the business proposal. While they may sound similar, they serve different purposes and have distinct attributes that set them apart.

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a business. It serves as a roadmap for the business and is typically used internally to guide decision-making and track progress. On the other hand, a business proposal is a document that is used to pitch a product or service to potential clients or investors. It outlines the benefits of the offering and explains why the recipient should choose to work with the business.

One of the key differences between a business plan and a business proposal is their scope. A business plan is typically a long-term document that covers all aspects of the business, including marketing, operations, and financials. It is meant to provide a comprehensive overview of the business and its goals. On the other hand, a business proposal is more focused and specific. It is tailored to a particular project or opportunity and is designed to persuade the recipient to take a specific action, such as investing in the business or purchasing a product.

Another difference between a business plan and a business proposal is their content. A business plan typically includes sections such as an executive summary, company description, market analysis, marketing strategy, operational plan, and financial projections. It is a detailed document that provides a thorough overview of the business and its operations. In contrast, a business proposal is more concise and focused. It usually includes sections such as an introduction, problem statement, proposed solution, benefits, and pricing. The goal of a business proposal is to persuade the recipient to take a specific action, such as signing a contract or making a purchase.

Business plans are typically used internally by business owners, managers, and stakeholders to guide decision-making and track progress. They are also used to secure funding from investors or lenders. A well-written business plan can help attract investors and convince them of the viability of the business. On the other hand, business proposals are used externally to pitch products or services to potential clients or investors. They are often used in sales and marketing efforts to generate new business opportunities. A well-crafted business proposal can help win new clients and grow the business.

In conclusion, while business plans and business proposals may sound similar, they serve different purposes and have distinct attributes that set them apart. A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a business, while a business proposal is a focused document that is used to pitch a product or service to potential clients or investors. Understanding the differences between the two documents is essential for any business owner looking to start or grow their business.

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The difference between a business plan and a business proposal

Whether you are in business, employment, or college pursuing a degree, understanding the basics of a business proposal is a skill that you must have. Most people use the terms business plan and business proposal interchangeably. These two documents are very different. A business plan is different from a business proposal in terms of content, structure, writing style, goals, and purpose. The most important difference to note is that a business plan is a written presentation of fact while a business proposal is a price quote and a call to action.

According to an article on , a business plan is a document that outlines a detailed description of how a business is set up. It is a 5-year plan of a business showing the company structure, products and services, market findings from research, marketing strategy, planned budget and financial projections. It can be simply defined as the factual and wide description of a business and its projections. A business plan can be drawn by a start-up as well as a going concern.

A business proposal is a purposeful sales document formulated to illustrate how a business will carry out a project, give the value of the project to the prospective client and ask for the client's business. Therefore, it is a document that a business submits to another enterprise or organization putting forward a business arrangement.

A business plan ideally comprises three elements: description of the business model, the marketing strategy and financial projections. It includes informative sections, specifically the executive summary, business description (products and services), marketing plan, industry analysis (competitor analysis), build-out plan, internal analysis, operations plan, leadership structure or introduction of management, and financial projections -- discussion of financial concern and projection of results. The opening page is the executive summary. It can be an intense abstract or a detailed but precise marketing tool to draw interest in the plan. The business plan is an informational document intended to factually showcase the company's operations, goals and potential.

According to Sean Kerner from Tech Republic, the format of a business proposal depends on whether it solicited or unsolicited. A solicited proposal and in response to an RFP should take the format called for in the RFP. Usually, this entails a quick description of the services and products offered by your business and clearly showing their relevance to the goals of the RFP, a replication of the scope of work, response to specific questions raised in the RFP and a quotation detailing materials, equipment, labor, delivery and other basics of the project outlay. An unsolicited business proposal may or may not take the same format. The intention is to create and develop a business opportunity, and so it is advisable to follow the same format or any other that is popular with the industry or business. Be keen to address all the questions that the potential client might have. With an unsolicited proposal, it is up to you to decide the structure. Whichever format you choose, ensure that the proposal is professional, highlights key areas of interest, presents a value proposition, is thoroughly researched and loaded with facts and with a call to action.

A business plan is required for two main reasons. It clearly defines the scope of the business and in the process clarifies your thinking as the proprietor of the business. It offers you information that had not been considered previously. Simply put, it documents the vision of the business and how it will be achieved. This guides the business towards a practical strategy to guide the business for the time-frame enclosed by the plan. It is the blueprint to success of the business. It outlines strategies for converting the ideas into core competencies. It also presents the financial projections of starting and operating the business as well as estimation of revenue generation from business activities. Secondly, it offers comprehensive business information for use by potential investors and employees, suppliers, accountants, attorneys and other stakeholders. The primary function for a business plan is to record and pass on information.

A business plan is also used to raise funds in form of a business loan, venture capitalist, angel investors or incubation. When approaching these money lenders you must present a thoroughly researched and realistic business plan. The investors need to be sure that you are confident and truthful about the market statistics and financial projections indicated in the report. A business plan should be as truthful as possible because it is the blueprint and vision of the company. It provides a checklist of whether the objectives of the business are on track. According to experts, a professional business plan requires about six weeks of in-depth research and preparation. It is not possible to whip one a day before your appointment with investors.

The reason for a business proposal can be well explained based on the type of the proposal. There are two major types of business proposals: invited and non-invited. An invited proposal is submitted in response to an advertisement from the buyer or client. For instance, organization and government agencies wanting to purchases services and products from private suppliers invite contractors to place their bids. Alternatively, some businesses ask for Request for Proposals (RFP) from a selection of suppliers that they willing to consider as a prospective partner. In each case, the business is competing against other bidders. It is in the interest of your business to present a competitive and compelling business proposal.

Non-invited or unsolicited proposals are submitted to potential clients even when they have not requested for one. In this scenario, you give suggestions to the company or organization to purchase services or products in return for funds. For instance, you can tender a proposal to develop an app for an organization or training services for its staff. The most important thing in both cases is to come up with well researched offer to convince buyers. A business proposal is limited to the scope of the specific project or need. In addition, it has a specific audience. The primary function for a proposal is to solicit or grow a business opportunity.

You can look a business plan as more of an internal document. A proposal on the other hand is an external document used for presenting or selling the business to an external player. A business plan guides the activities of the business internally in terms of marketing strategies and revenue projections that should be achieved. A proposal shows the external players such as governments, donors or business partners what the business is all about and how it intends to carry out a project at hand or use the opportunity to generate revue for both partners.

For more information, here is an article on how to write a business proposal . An Introduction to Business Plans

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Related Readings

Proposal writing tips, a business proposal checklist to help you win more clients, 8 reasons why paper-based business proposals are dead and digital business proposals are superior, what is a business proposal and how to write it for b2b sales.

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Difference Between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

Table of contents

It’s natural to get confused between a business proposal and a business plan if you are planning to turn your idea into reality. While business proposals and plans may sound similar on the surface, they have differences — such as distinct purposes and formats. 

A business plan describes your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. A business proposal, on the other hand, proposes a specific solution to a problem or opportunity and helps you persuade the relevant stakeholder to invest in your business. 

However, writing a business proposal or a business plan can be challenging, especially if you are confused about their purpose. In this blog, we will explain the difference between a business plan and a business proposal and its major components.

Business Plan

A business plan tells the investors how you plan to ship your product to enough people to clock revenue. It’s about the strategies that will make you the first buck. 

A business plan keeps your team on the same page — you can use it as a guiding light. It can help you track the progress of your business, give you a roadmap, and help you make decisions about your business’s future.

Plus, it can be helpful when it comes to pitching your business idea to a third party, for example, when seeking a loan.

Components of a Business Plan

A business plan is majorly divided into three sections, which include an executive summary, a sales and marketing strategy, and a financial plan. 

An executive summary is a brief, clear, and compelling overview of your business. It is usually the first section of the document, and it contains the most important information, such as your strengths. 

These can be further broken down into the following sections:

  • Description of products and services, including mission, vision, and objectives of the business
  • Target market
  • Competitive advantage
  • Industry and Competitor Analysis
  • Marketing strategy
  • Operating plan
  • Team structure and qualifications
  • Internal business analysis
  • Management introduction 
  • Financial analysis
  • Cash flow statement or sales forecast
  • Break-even analysis

Business Proposal

A business proposal is a separate written document that outlines a specific business opportunity, project, or idea and presents it to potential clients. 

It intends to persuade them to take action, such as accepting a business deal or entering into a partnership, thereby helping you get new customers or partners. 

A business proposal should be customized to the needs and interests of the receiver. A generic proposal will rarely help you meet your business goals. 

At the same time, ensure your proposal is well-organized, persuasive, and creative. Check out these free business proposal templates to impress your clients. 

Solicited and Unsolicited Business Proposals

Proposals are solicited from you, or you send them on your initiative. 

You write a solicited proposal in response to a prospect’s or customer’s request for a product. They may ask you verbally, or they may issue a written request for proposals (RFP). A solicited business proposal contains a detailed description of the product, service, or solution that you offer to solve the customer's problem or need. It’s generally easier to write because you know what the customer wants or expects. 

But if you’re writing the proposal on your own, which is the case with unsolicited business proposals, then you’re convincing the receiver to work with you or buy from you. Such proposals are often challenging to write because you have to convince them they have a problem and you have a solution.

Components of a Business Proposal

The following are the key components of a business proposal :

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Problem statement
  • Scope of work
  • Benefits of Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Call to Action (CTA)

Business Plan vs. Business Proposal

While a business plan outlines your goals and explains how you will achieve them, a proposal sells your product to potential customers.

In the following table, we have summarized the main differences between a business plan and a business proposal:

what is the difference between company profile and business plan

Streamline the proposal creation process

To wrap up, a business proposal is a document that pitches your products or services to a potential client, while a business plan outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections for your business. 

With business management software like Cone, you can easily streamline and automate your proposal creation while ensuring your proposals are bespoke and customized. Sign up for free and experience the seamless proposal creation process for yourself. While you’re at it, check out other business proposals and management resources we have for you.


Pitch Deck Fire

  • by Stacie Sterren
  • What is a Pitch Deck

Whether you’re a first time founder, a hopeful entrepreneur or a serial startup guru, you’ve likely pondered “What is the difference between a pitch deck and a business plan?” Which one came first? Why would you use a pitch deck over a business plan? Or, why would you use a business plan over a pitch deck? Are business plans archaic? Is a pitch deck just a pretty business plan? What works best for your startup? And at what time? Do you even need either one? These are important questions. Especially when your time is limited as you are building and growing your company.

Before we can answer these questions, let’s talk about what a pitch deck and a business plan are.


A pitch deck is a presentation that contains 10-20 slides. The pitch deck presentation is either sent to investors as a pdf to get them interested in taking a meeting with the entrepreneur, or used as a visual aid during a live presentation to either investors or other audiences like pitch competitions. Sometimes pitch decks are used for both.

A pitch deck is meant to share information about your business. Who does it serve and why, the size of the market, your special sauce and how you will win in that space. It lays out clear go to market strategies, and delves into some detail on future opportunities. It relies on your research of your industry and understanding of your business’ plan for launch and growth. The pitch deck helps an investor see where you are, where you are going and enables them to decide if they want to help you get there. The goal of a pitch deck is to score an in-person meeting or to kick off the conversation with an investor about joining your funding round.

  • 10-20 slides
  • Highly Visual
  • Used to Get Investors Attention


A business plan is a fully researched 10-100 page document. The document is used to store and convey in detail your business’ plans for the next 1,3, 5 years. The business plan lays out the research you’ve done in your industry and competitors. It discusses your sales, marketing, and operational plans. It takes into account your financial analysis, assumptions on growth and success, and lays out a map of where your company will be and how it will get there.

The business plan goes into detail on the management team and what unique skills they bring to the table. The document usually includes a significant number of charts, depictions and pictures. But it relies heavily on text to convey the information. The business plan is used as a document that is shared with potential investors for them to use as a reference point when deciding whether or not to invest in your company. It is often used in a due diligence step in the funding process. The goal of a business plan is to lead you and your team members down the path of success over the next few years, and to show an investor how you plan to be successful with their investment.

  • 10-100 Pages
  • Highly Text-Based
  • Used to Get Investor Buy-in

Which Came First, the Pitch Deck or the Business Plan?

The business plan is a longstanding document that has been been used in the building and planning and funding of businesses for quite some time. Possibly as long as  businesses  have been a thing. If you can believe that. It is a basic document really, it is the plan for the enterprise which you are setting out on.

To ensure that you are successful, you should carefully plan how you will be successful, and make those decisions based on thorough research. You need to understand your customers and their problems as well as your competitors and their weaknesses. Before the existence of Venture Capital firms and other now widely available forms of equity funding, banks gave out loans to businesses to help them get started. But in order to choose who to give the loans to, they needed to make sure that they would be able to pay those loans back. A business plan was required to convey to the banker the viability of the venture. It has been a staple ever since. Banks still require business plans for loan applications today. Some request or accept pitch decks too, but not usually instead of the business plan.

It is not clear who put together the very first pitch deck, or since exactly when investors have been looking for the pitch deck, but we can deduce a few things from history. Venture Capital firms really started to gain traction as a viable source of funding during or right before the tech boom of the 90’s. They played a big role in bank-rolling the launch and growth of many 90’s startup companies. Back then, it took a lot of capital to set up the infrastructure needed to start a large tech company. Websites needed to be built and coded, infrastructure (like servers, mainframes & networking components). They needed to be purchased and set up and run and maintained.

But, online companies looked nothing like traditional businesses. Like a restaurant or a manufacturer–it was all a little too uncertain and risky for banks to give out loans. So, venture capitalists and angel investors filled the void. They offered funding in exchange for equity.

The Beginning of the Business Pitch Deck

I imagine in the beginning these groups read the full business plans of potential deals. But as the venture capitalists got more busy, received more applications, and more and more founders looked to equity instead of debt financing, they likely couldn’t read a whole business plan for every applicant. One pagers and executive summaries helped, but even these were tiresome text-heavy documents to read through all day long. There was a need for a shorty, easier to digest document.

In comes graphic design tools for the masses. Microsoft PowerPoint was invented in 1987, and grew in it’s popularity through the 90’s. The appeal of PowerPoint was that you could use it to project a visual aid as you spoke to your audience. This meant they could see additional information, charts and pictures that provided more context to your speech. So founders started using these technologies when pitching to investor during those initial meetings.

Somewhere along the line, the ease and visual nature of the Slide Deck merged with the long-form business plan. And founders started sending visual documents created in PowerPoint and other slide deck design tools to investors before they met them.

So which came first the pitch deck or the business plan? The pitch deck is a child of the business plan. The business plan came first, then the pitch deck.

Why You May Not Need Both a Pitch Deck and a Business Plan

All of that said, today you may not need both a pitch deck and a business plan. It depends on your business stage and what your goals are. A business plan is a thorough document that contains “the plan” itself. If you have “the plan” itself written down in a variety of documents or sources of information than you may not need an official business plan document in the traditional sense. And at least not a 100 page one.

If you are looking to work with a pitch deck designer, it may be advantageous to have a full or partial business plan. Your pitch deck designer will most likely not assist you with business decisions and strategies. Rather, they will work with you–the expert–to tell your plan, ensure it is compelling to the investor audience, and well designed and visually appealing. You need to have a concept. And likely need to have done some level of research into your industry and competitors to work with a designer on your deck. But, you needed that anyway just to be an effective founder.

When You Need a Business Plan and Not a Pitch Deck

  • If Seeking Debt Financing: Banks still review business plans, so you will need a business plan if you’re looking to get any kind of loan from a bank.
  • When Raising Over $500K: If you’re raising a lot of money, you better have a plan for what you’re going to do with it. Investors will be doing due diligence, be prepared.
  • When You Have Co-founders / Co-owners: When you have several cooks in the kitchen, it is helpful to have a written and agreed upon plan to make sure everyone stays on track and executes the way you intended. This should be a living document that is updated over time and as things change.

When You Need a Pitch Deck and Not a Business Plan

  • When You are Seeking Equity Funding: If you’re looking for funding from venture capitalists, angel investors or saavy friends and family, you need a clear pitch deck.
  • If You’re Networking with Investors: Not ready to get investment now, but have the opportunity to network with investors? You should have a pitch deck ready. First impressions are important, especially when building influential relationships.
  • When Your Pitch in a Competition: In the startup community there are a lot of pitch events and competitions designed to give founders a chance to get exposure and practice pitching their company. You definitely need a pitch deck.
  • When You Are Seeking CoFounders: If you’re looking for cofounders, there is no better way to convey to them your concept, and the value you can bring to the table than through a pitch deck.
  • When You Apply to an Accelerator: Many accelerators require a pitch deck in order to apply. They use the deck to evaluate your company and decide whether or not you should join the next cohort.

Which is More Important, the Pitch Deck or the Business Plan?

In can be argued that the pitch deck is more important than the business plan, because it is likely to actually be seen by others. If you don’t have a good business pitch deck, you won’t get the opportunity to talk in more detail with potential investors. You won’t excite and evangelize the startup community and your early team around the company’s growth. And, it may ruin your ability to connect with key mentors and partners that could catapult your startup business.

That said, with no plan, the pitch deck will not work. Investors see pitches day-in and day-out. They can sense a snake-oil salesman, an impossible tech product, and an unprepared founder from a mile away. If you don’t know your stuff, then the best pitch may help you get the meeting, but it won’t help you get funding. But today, the plan doesn’t have to be in the form of a traditional text-based business plan.

I hope this has helped you to better evaluate the differences between pitch decks and business plans. And help why you might choose to develop one or each of them for your startup. If you’re building your pitch deck, I strongly encourage you to work with pitch deck experts. We  evaluated different options for getting your pitch deck designed here (including DIY, all the pros and cons).

Stacie Sterren

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Business Plan vs Proposal: An In-Depth Comparison

Business Plan vs Proposal An In-Depth Comparison Featured Image

Explore the distinguishing factors and circumstances that make a Business Plan or Business Proposal more fitting for driving success and growth in your enterprise. Gain insights into the purpose, audience, and strategic value of each document, and learn when it’s best to utilize a Business Plan or pitch with a Business Proposal.

Table of Contents

What is the Main Difference Between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal?

The main difference between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal is that a business plan is a formal document that outlines the company’s goals, strategies, market analysis, financial needs, and projections for the future, aimed at providing a roadmap for the business’s success and often used to secure funding or guide the management team. On the other hand, a business proposal is a tailored document created to pitch a specific product, service, or solution to a potential client or partner, detailing how the business can fulfill a particular need or solve a specific problem for the recipient, often with the goal of initiating a transaction or project.

Understanding Business Plans and Business Proposals

A Business Plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company’s objectives, strategies, market analysis, financial forecasts, and operational structures. It primarily serves as an internal roadmap for the company’s strategic direction and helps to attract investors by showcasing the company’s potential for growth and profit. Business plans are often developed during the foundational stages of a company and updated periodically to guide the company through different stages of growth.

A Business Proposal , on the other hand, is a targeted pitch provided to a specific client or partner to convince them to do business with you. Unlike a business plan, a business proposal is not a broad overview of the entire company. Instead, it is a customized suggestion that outlines how your business can solve a particular problem or meet a specific need of the prospective client. The proposal highlights the benefits of selecting your company’s products or services and typically includes pricing, terms, and conditions for a potential engagement or project.

Key Differences between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal

  • Purpose : A business plan is primarily used for strategic planning and securing investment, while a business proposal is aimed at winning a specific contract or project.
  • Audience : The audience for a business plan is typically potential investors, stakeholders, or company management. On the other hand, the business proposal is directed towards a specific client or partner.
  • Focus : A business plan covers the entire company’s goals and operations, whereas a business proposal targets a specific offering for the client.
  • Details : While business plans include detailed financial projections and market analysis, business proposals focus on how your company can meet the client’s needs and the costs associated with your proposition.
  • Frequency : Business plans are created infrequently, often at startup or significant growth stages, while business proposals are generated as needed when pursuing new business opportunities.
  • Structure : Business plans have a standard structure, including an executive summary, company overview, products/services, and financials, whereas proposals are tailored to the client’s request.
  • Standardization : Business plans tend to follow a similar format from one to the next, while proposals are highly customized to align with the potential client’s requirements.
  • Duration : The time horizon in a business plan can span several years, reflecting long-term planning, but a business proposal typically concerns the timeframe for a specific project or service offering.

Key Similarities between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal

  • Strategic Elements : Both documents outline strategic approaches, whether for the company as a whole or a specific project.
  • Research : Thorough market research is essential in creating either a business plan or a business proposal to ensure feasibility and competitiveness .
  • Objective Setting : Each document includes clear objectives that the company wishes to achieve, be it long-term company goals or objectives of a contract.
  • Persuasive Nature : Both are meant to be persuasive documents that convince the reader to invest in the company or to hire the company for services/products.
  • Professional Presentation : A business plan and a business proposal should both be presented in a professional manner, well-organized and free of errors, to make the best impression.
  • Financial Information : Financial aspects are crucial in both; while a business plan may have more comprehensive financial projections, a proposal should still outline costs and pricing models.
  • Action Plan : Action steps or milestones are outlined in both to guide the intended strategy into practical steps or to give the prospective client a clear timeline for project completion.

Advantages of a Business Plan Over a Business Proposal

  • Clarity and focus : A business plan provides a clear roadmap for your company , detailing your objectives, strategies, and financial projections. It enables you to stay focused on your long-term goals and the steps required to reach them.
  • Risk assessment : It allows for a thorough risk assessment, helping you foresee potential challenges and devise strategies to mitigate them.
  • Investor attraction : A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors and lenders as it showcases the viability and profitability of your business idea.
  • Strategic planning : The business plan acts as a strategic planning tool, helping you to align your short-term and long-term goals with the overall vision of the business.
  • Operational guidance : It provides detailed operational guidance, outlining day-to-day activities, management responsibilities, and the organizational structure.
  • Performance tracking : By setting benchmarks and performance metrics, a business plan makes it easier to track progress and measure success over time.
  • Market analysis : A business plan includes an extensive market analysis, offering insights into your target market, competition, and market trends, which are crucial for making informed decisions.

Disadvantages of a Business Plan Compared to a Business Proposal

  • Inflexibility : A business plan can be quite rigid, with a focus on long-term strategies and projections that might not adapt well to rapid changes in the market.
  • Time-consuming : Preparing a comprehensive business plan requires a significant amount of time and effort, potentially diverting resources from immediate business opportunities.
  • Outdated information : A business plan might quickly become outdated if the market or the company’s circumstances change, requiring frequent revisions.
  • Cost : The production of a business plan can be costly, especially if it necessitates the expertise of consultants or outside advisers.
  • Overemphasis on planning : There’s a risk of over-planning and under-executing, where too much time is spent on creating the perfect business plan instead of taking action.
  • Complexity : A business plan’s complexity might be intimidating or overwhelming for small business owners who may prefer the simplicity and directness of a business proposal.
  • Less tailored : While a business proposal is often customized to the needs and interests of a specific client or investor, a business plan is a broader document that may not address specific concerns or questions from potential stakeholders.

Advantages of a Business Proposal Over a Business Plan

  • Focus on Specificity : A business proposal is usually tailored to a specific client or project, which means it’s highly targeted and practical. This specificity allows the business to directly address the client’s needs and provide a customized solution that a general business plan cannot offer.
  • Rapid Execution : Proposals tend to be shorter and more concise, which allows for quicker evaluation and a faster start on the project. Businesses can get to work immediately after the proposal is accepted, shortening the time from planning to action.
  • Persuasive Element : A business proposal aims to persuade a particular client or investor to buy into the idea, product, or service. This persuasive nature means that proposals often focus on benefits and competitive advantages, potentially leading to a higher success rate in securing funding or partnership.
  • Adaptability : Since a proposal is typically for a particular client or project, it can be easily adjusted for different opportunities or audiences without reworking an entire business plan. This adaptability makes it more versatile in responding to market changes.
  • Ease of Preparation : A business proposal can be less daunting to create than a full-blown business plan as it generally does not require as much market analysis and financial forecasting. It allows the business to focus on the immediate opportunity rather than extensive strategic planning.
  • Potential for Immediate Feedback : When you present a business proposal, you often do so in a setting that allows for immediate questions and feedback. This gives you the chance to quickly address concerns, modify your offer, and improve the chances of an agreement.
  • Enhanced Relationship Building : Crafting a proposal requires understanding the client’s needs and objectives deeply, often leading to stronger client-business relationships. This rapport can be beneficial for both future business and referrals.

Disadvantages of a Business Proposal When Compared to a Business Plan

  • Lack of Long-term Vision : A business proposal is often focused on the immediate project and may not outline the long-term strategic direction of the company as comprehensively as a business plan would.
  • Limited Scope : Proposals generally address specific aspects of a business’s operations rather than providing a complete picture. This narrow focus might overlook broader opportunities or challenges that a business plan would typically account for.
  • Missed Detail : While business proposals are succinct, the brevity can sometimes result in the omission of important details that would be standard in a business plan, such as thorough market analysis or full financial projections.
  • Potential Dependency : If a company relies too much on individual proposals for direction, it might find itself without a cohesive strategy which a business plan is designed to provide. This can lead to a reactive rather than proactive business approach.
  • Risk of Assuming Knowledge : Proposals may assume that the reader has a certain level of understanding about the company or product, which can be a risky assumption if the reader is new to the business or its offerings.
  • Need for Customization : Each business proposal needs to be customized for its intended audience, which can be resource-intensive when dealing with multiple prospects or regular tender submissions.
  • Limited Investor Appeal : Investors often prefer to understand the comprehensive strategy and the broader financial implications of a business, something a focused business proposal may fail to communicate in comparison to a detailed business plan.

Situations When a Business Plan Is Preferable to a Business Proposal

  • Establishing Clear Direction : When a new business is just starting out, laying out a comprehensive business plan is crucial for establishing a clear direction and objectives for the business. It serves as a roadmap for where the owners want to take the company and how they plan to get there.
  • Securing Funding from Investors : A business plan is generally required for entrepreneurs seeking investment or loans. It presents detailed financial projections, market analysis, and business strategies that are essential to convince investors or banks to finance the venture.
  • Long-term Strategic Planning : For setting long-term goals and defining the vision of the business, a business plan is more appropriate because it takes a broader view of the business’s place in the market and its growth strategy over the coming years.
  • Developing Comprehensive Financial Projections : A business plan includes detailed financial forecasts that cover multiple years. This level of detail is necessary for stakeholders to understand the financial trajectory and potential of the company .

Situations When a Business Proposal Is Preferable to a Business Plan

  • Responding to Specific Client Requests : A business proposal is tailored to the needs and specifications of a potential client or partner. When a business wants to offer solutions to another company’s problem, a proposal is best suited for outlining how it will meet those specific needs.
  • Competitive Bidding Situations : When entering a bid to win a contract, a business proposal is more advantageous as it focuses on why the business is the best fit for the project, detailing its approach, unique benefits, and value proposition.
  • Establishing Partnership Agreements : If a company is looking to form a collaboration or partnership, a business proposal lays out the terms and benefits of the partnership, which is more specific than the broader scope of a business plan.
  • Project-driven Opportunities : For businesses that operate on a project-by-project basis, such as construction or consulting, business proposals are the better tool. They provide prospective clients with a detailed breakdown of the objectives, strategies, and costs for each unique project.

What components should be included in a business plan?

  • Executive Summary : An overview of the business and its strategy
  • Company Description : Legal establishment, history, start-up plans, etc.
  • Market Analysis : Industry, market and competitor research
  • Organization and Management : Business and management structure
  • Service or Product Line : Description of what you’re selling
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies : How you’ll attract and retain customers
  • Funding Request : Your current funding requirements
  • Financial Projections : Balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statement forecasts
  • Appendix : An optional section that includes résumés, permits, and other legal documents

How often should a business plan be revised?

A business plan should be reviewed and revised at least annually, or more frequently if there are significant changes in the market, the business model, or if new challenges or opportunities arise .

In what scenarios is a business proposal unnecessary?

A business proposal may not be necessary when transactions are straightforward and do not require detailed explanations, such as standard retail sales or when there is already an established relationship with the client based on trust and familiarity.

Can a business proposal lead to a long-term relationship with a client?

Absolutely. If a proposal leads to a successful project and client satisfaction, it can serve as the foundation for a long-term business relationship and future projects or collaborations.

What is an unsolicited business proposal?

An unsolicited business proposal is one that is offered without an explicit request from the potential client. It often reflects the proposer’s initiative to identify potential needs of the recipient and offer solutions to unaddressed challenges.

How can you make a business proposal stand out?

To make a business proposal stand out, it should clearly articulate the unique value proposition, be tailored to the client’s specific needs, contain compelling and concise content, and demonstrate a deep understanding of the client’s industry and challenges.

Are there any legal considerations when drafting a business proposal?

Yes, a business proposal should ensure that all claims and statements are truthful and that no proprietary or confidential information is disclosed without permission. Additionally, the terms and conditions should be clearly outlined to avoid any misunderstandings, and if accepted, it can be the basis for a legally binding contract.

Business Plan vs Proposal Summary

The decision between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal hinges on the specific requirements, goals, and context of your enterprise. A Business Plan lays the foundation for your company’s long-term strategy, risk mitigation, and operational guidance, with an expansive view of the business’s aims and the means to attract investors. Conversely, a Business Proposal concentrates on the immediacy of client-specific projects, presenting a tailored solution with a persuasive edge to secure contracts and foster client relationships swiftly.

AspectBusiness PlanBusiness Proposal
A formal document outlining a company’s strategic direction, goals, and requirements.A customized document designed to pitch a product or service to a potential client.
Used for strategic planning, securing investment, and internal guidance.Aimed at winning a specific contract or project by addressing a client’s needs.
Potential investors, stakeholders, and company management.Specific clients or partners with particular needs or requests.
Broad, covering all areas of the business including long-term goals and operations.Specific to an offering that aligns with the client’s issue or challenge.
In-depth market analysis, financial projections, strategies, and organizational details.Customized solutions, benefits, pricing, and terms for a prospective engagement.
Prepared infrequently, at startup or significant growth stages.Generated as needed when seeking new business or responding to RFPs.
Standardized with sections like executive summary, market analysis, and financials.Custom-tailored to the client’s request, often varying in structure.
Long-term outlook, often spanning multiple years.Focused on a specific project or service timeframe.
Follows a consistent format for different uses.Highly customized to the potential client’s requirements.
May seem inflexible due to its long-term and broad nature.Adaptable and specific to client or project needs.
Provides a thorough business model and can attract investors with detailed planning.Directly addresses a client’s needs and can initiate business quickly.
Can be time-consuming, costly, and may require frequent updating.Lacks long-term strategic details and may depend excessively on the prospects.
When establishing a new business, seeking funding, and defining long-term strategy.When targeting a client request, competitive bidding, and project-specific opportunities.
Both outline strategic approaches, require research, set clear objectives, are persuasive in nature, and include financial information and action plans.

About The Author

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Hidayat Rizvi

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what is the difference between company profile and business plan

What Is the Difference Between a Prospectus & a Business Plan?

by Candace Webb

Published on 26 Sep 2017

The difference between a business plan and a prospectus is straightforward and clear. Essentially, a business plan presents positive ideas for growth and success, while a prospectus pulls back the curtain and exposes any legal, financial or industry risks and problems the company has faced. Both are important aspects of the business world because one shows what can be while the other shows what currently exists.

A prospectus is a detailed description of the business. It should always include information about the competition as well as the business's property or properties on which the business is located. In addition, a prospectus includes a list of directors and how much they are paid for their services, including perks.

Prospectus Onus

Another duty of a prospectus is to accurately and clearly outline risks of the business. This means disclosure of all past or current legal issues facing the company, a lack of business management history and industry issues such as pending legislation that can negatively impact operations. It is the duty of the prospectus to draft a crystal clear picture of anything that may go wrong or has already gone wrong for the business. In addition, it should provide a full disclosure of the business's finances as audited by a certified public accountant.

Business Plan

A business plan outlines several aspects of a proposed or expanding business. The business plan opens with an executive summary, which gives a synopsis of what the plan will include. The plan also includes an analysis of the current market, with tangible methods of competing in the market. The organizational structure should be included; however, it is not necessary to go into detail other than showcasing how all of the departments, directors or objectives fit together for the benefit of the company.

Money Matters

A funding request is the primary purpose for business plan development. It showcases your skills at planning a business for your potential funding source. Financial analysis, plans for future growth and the cost of your needs should all be included.

While a prospectus unveils any and all financial risks and issues with the company, a business plan focuses on money making strategies. It presents ideas for marketing, sales and future expansions that will increase the bottom line. The business plan is a positively presented game plan for making the business work.

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The Difference Between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal

The Difference Between a Business Plan and a Business Proposal

A business plan and a business proposal are very different documents. If you do an Internet search for how to write a business proposal, the results are predominantly focused on writing a business plan. Nevertheless, the two documents have different purposes and goals. A business plan is a factual broad description of a company and its prospects. A business proposal is a focused sales document intended to describe how a company will approach a project, state the value of the project to the client, and solicit the client's business. A business plan is a written presentation of facts. A business proposal is a quote and call to action.

Reasons for a Business Plan

A business plan documents your vision for your business and how you intend to achieve that vision. It contains financial projections of what the business will cost to develop and operate plus an estimation of the revenues to be generated. Its purpose is to provide a reasonably detailed explanation of your business for use by potential investors, suppliers, prospective employees, accountants, attorneys, and other people who need a quick but comprehensive understanding of what your company does and its potential for success. The primary reason for a business plan is to record and convey information.

Reasons for a Business Proposal

Proposals may be unsolicited business ideas presented to a potential customer or partner, or they may be answers to requests for proposals submitted to your company by a potential client. They are limited in scope to a particular project or need. A business proposal also generally has a specific audience. The primary reason for a business proposal is to solicit or develop a business opportunity.

Business Plan Structure

A business plan has three elements: description of the business model , the marketing model, and financial projections. It consists of informative sections, including the executive summary, business description, marketing model, analysis of industry competition, build-out plan, operations plan, the introduction of management, and a discussion of financial issues and projection of results. It is introduced by an executive summary, which can be a dense abstract or a longer marketing tool to attract interest in the business plan. The business plan is an informational document designed to factually display your company's operations and potential.

Business Proposal Structure

A business proposal is written in response to an RFP--A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that solicits proposal, often made through a bidding process, by an agency or company interested in procurement of a commodity, service or valuable asset, to potential suppliers to submit business proposals --should follow the format requested in the RFP.

Generally, this involves a quick description of your company's services and products that are relevant to the goals of the RFP, a reiteration of the scope of work, answers to specific questions posed in the RFP and a quote detailing materials, tools, labor, delivery and other elements of the cost of the project. An unsolicited business proposal intended to create and develop a business opportunity follows essentially the same format but anticipates questions the potential client might have. A proposal is more of a marketing document, designed to convince the audience to do business by presenting a value proposition and a call to action.

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Denise grier.

Denise Grier is a freelance writer, pro blogger, SEO and WordPress expert.

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What is a sample business plan and how can it be used to provide a company overview?

June 24, 2024 /

A sample business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a company. It serves as a blueprint for entrepreneurs and business owners to understand and communicate their business model, target market, competitive advantage, and growth potential. By providing a company overview, a sample business plan helps stakeholders, investors, and potential partners gain insights into the organization’s mission, vision, and overall direction. It can be used as a tool to attract funding, guide decision-making, and align the efforts of the team towards achieving the company’s objectives.

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I've worked at Costco for 18 years. These 8 perks make a membership worth it.

  • Costco announced plans to increase membership fees, but shopping at the store still has its perks.
  • If you ask me, Costco's gas prices and concierge service are worth the membership.
  • I save money by earning cash back through my executive membership.

Insider Today

It's been a long time coming, but Costco finally announced plans to raise its membership fees earlier this month.

Starting September 1, the gold-star card is set to rise from $60 to $65, and the warehouse's executive membership will be $130 instead of $120.

As a Costco employee , I still think there are plenty of perks to having a membership (even if it's going to be a little more expensive).

From saving money by bulk-buying groceries to taking advantage of executive membership rewards, there are tons of reasons it's beneficial to shop at the warehouse.

Whether you're on the fence about renewing your account or just curious about maximizing your membership perks, here are eight reasons a Costco card is worth it.

The warehouse has a very flexible return policy on most merchandise

It seems most people have heard of Costco's flexible return policy. The store guarantees customer satisfaction and offers a full refund for most products sold in-store. Even memberships are refundable if customers are dissatisfied.

Because employees can scan customers' membership cards, shoppers don't need to present a receipt to return products.

That being said, there are some exceptions: Costco has a 90-day return policy on select electronics and appliances. Gift cards , tickets, and precious metals are also nonrefundable.

Costco's gas prices are usually pretty cheap

Fuel prices may fluctuate, but you're more than likely to save some cash by pumping gas at Costco. The members-only gas stations offer plenty of pumps staffed with helpful attendants, and some stores even have car washes.

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Costco members can pay to pump gas through their physical membership card, on the Costco app, and in some locations, even via a Costco Pay Fob.

At my store, staff members compare warehouse prices to local gas stations weekly.

The executive membership, in particular, offers great perks

Though the new $65 gold-star membership will get you through the doors, it'll still be pretty basic.

On the other hand, the executive membership gives customers 2% cash-back rewards on qualified purchases. The maximum cash-back reward for an executive card is currently $1,000, but once membership costs increase, it's set to shift to $1,250.

This membership option is great for customers who spend at least $62,500 at Costco annually, as they'll earn the maximum cash back.

The food court offers great deals and tasty options

Anyone dining at Costco's indoor or outdoor food courts must have a membership to purchase their meal.

Costco is known for its $1.50 hot-dog-and-soda combo and 18-inch pizzas that cost less than $10.

Buying in bulk can save most households money

Shopping in bulk can seem overwhelming if you don't have a big family to feed. But buying some everyday products in bulk, such as toilet paper, water, paper towels, and toothpaste, can save money in the long run.

The wholesale warehouse usually offers cheaper prices on clothing, electronics, and household necessities than its competitors, too.

I'd say my family of four saves almost $1,000 each year, not including the 2% cash-back rewards I accumulate through my executive membership.

If you're making a major purchase, Costco has a handy concierge service

Are you looking to buy a television, washer, dryer, or refrigerator? Luckily, Costco offers a concierge service on major appliances, computers, and tablets at no extra charge.

The concierge service helps with technical-support issues and provides a two-year manufacturer's warranty extension from the date of purchase on select items.

Some common exclusions, such as physical or liquid damage, apply to these warranties.

Costco's hearing-aid center offers free exams and competitively priced devices

Costco has some of the best deals on hearing aids and accessories I've seen. Most locations even provide free hearing-aid screenings.

Even better, Costco offers a hearing-aid warranty, follow-up appointments, device cleanings, and checkups. Members can make appointments in-store or by phone. 

Members have access to useful services and insurance 

Costco memberships are great for in-store or online shopping , but cardholders can also use them for perks outside the warehouse.

The warehouse offers a bottled-water delivery service, deals on travel packages, and opportunities for members to save money on home and pet insurance. You can even get discounts on solar-panel installation.

For example, I used Costco Travel — a service with deals on hotels, rental cars, and cruises exclusively for members — to go to Disneyland. I received a $100 gift card to spend on merchandise or food and a $25 Costco gift card that I put toward my rental car.

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