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  • Mar 26, 2024
  • 11 min read

How to Write a Job Application Letter (Tips and Examples)

Your guide to getting your foot in the door.

Joanna Zambas

Joanna Zambas

Content Manager and Career Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Illustration of an applicant writing a letter

Do you have your heart set on a specific company but have never seen them post a single vacancy? And are you on the verge of giving up completely, and convinced you’re going to be jobless and broke for the rest of your life?

Well, don’t crumple your  perfectly written résumé  in a ball of paper just yet — there’s still hope for you!

All you need to do is write an awesome job application letter.

Application letters are a great way to get your foot in the door of a company that hasn’t advertised a position or when you’re applying for an academic program or an  internship .

So, what are you waiting for?

Read on to find out how to write a great job application letter (and land that  dream job  of yours in the process)!

What is a job application letter/email?

Whereas cover letters are used when applying for a specific vacancy, and include details which are complementary to what’s on the applicant’s résumé, application letters are submitted when there is no job opening, and they tend to be more detailed.

Unlike cover letters, which usually span about one page, application letters can be twice as long.

How should you structure your letter?

The structure and formatting of your application letter is just as important as the words you use to sell your skills and enthusiasm for the job. The pointers below will help you deliver your message in a professional and effective way.

Sender’s address

Begin your letter with your address listed in the left-hand corner of the page. In the US, it’s acceptable to list your address in the right-hand corner. (Skip this step if you’re going to send your application via email.)

If you’re applying via email, create an email address for professional use if you haven’t already. This should include your first and last names or initials — no nicknames or years of birth! Two appropriate examples are [email protected] and [email protected] .

As with any official letter, include the date of your letter below your address.

Subject line

The  subject of your email  should make the manager want to read more and not automatically press the “Delete” button. It could be something like: “Social Media Expert with over 5 Years of Experience”.

Inside address

The company’s address should appear a few lines below your address and the date. Skip this if you’re sending an email.

As with any formal letter, you need to open with the correct formal salutation (such as “Dear Mr [surname]” or “Dear Ms [surname]”).

It’s also best to find out who the head of the department is, and address your letter directly to them to show that you’ve taken the time to really do your research. If you begin with “Dear Hiring Manager”, for example, you’re potentially destroying your chances of getting the job you’re applying for.

Opening paragraph

The opening paragraph should provide details on why you’re getting in touch.

Think about what you want to achieve with this letter before forming your answer. For example, you could say that it’s been a dream of yours to work for the company and that you feel that, given the chance, you’d love to bring new skills and ideas to the table. You can also highlight any qualifications you have here.

Middle paragraph(s)

This is where you will explain why you’re suitable for the position by listing skills you’ve developed through previous work experience . Remember that this shouldn’t be a word-for-word copy of your résumé; rather, you should use this as an opportunity to expand on notable achievements.

And make sure you tailor the content of your letter to the particular job title and company you’re applying to — you don’t want to ramble on about irrelevant details.

Final paragraph

Finally, focus on what you bring to the table and how the company can benefit from your skills and experience. If you have statistics and figures to back up your claims, even better!

For example, if you’re an experienced project manager, you could say how you want to showcase your leadership skills and help the company reach its desired turnover, and then back this up with statistics on how you did just that in previous positions.

You should close your letter with a call-to-action. For example, you could say something like: “I look forward to hearing back from you to discuss any possibilities”. And don’t forget to thank the reader for their time!

Your name and signature

If you’re sending this by snail mail, opt for a handwritten signature. If, on the other hand, you’re sending an email, simply write your name, followed by your contact information.

Most application letter templates (and formal letter templates in general) use the Times New Roman typeface at 12 points. Other recommended fonts include Arial, Georgia and Calibri.

Tips for writing your letter

When it’s time to write an application letter, bear the following points in mind to ensure that your document captures the hiring manager’s attention and successfully creates the impression that you’d make a good fit for their company.

1. Include bullet points

Bullet points can be used as an effective formatting tool when writing your application letter. They can demonstrate points clearly and concisely, as well as help with the overall layout, allowing for bite-sized, readable chunks of information.

2. Make sure the language you use is easy to read

You might be a literary wizard , but those long words won’t impress the hiring manager if they make your letter difficult to read.

3. Use positive language

Positivity is the way forward when it comes to selling your skills to a potential employer. Therefore, you should use positive words when explaining your previous work experience.

These words include “assisted”, “conducted”, “executed”, “proposed” and “recommended”, which (when used right) can demonstrate your contribution and dedication to your role and organization.

4. Be creative

Depending on the industry that you’re interested in, you can be a bit creative with your approach . This means that you don’t have to follow the conventional structure of a cover letter, and can instead adopt a more story-like approach.

Should you add any attachments?

Since application letters are not submitted in response to particular job ads, but rather serve as an inquiry into any unadvertised openings which may be available, they tend to be standalone documents. That is to say they are not typically accompanied by other files.

Whereas cover letters are concise, tailored to the job posting and accompanied by résumés, your letter of application will be a more extensive account of your skills and experiences.

That being said, if you’re applying for a creative position such as that of a video editor or blog writer, it makes sense to include a few samples of your work that best represent your talent and ability.

Job application letter samples

The following application letter samples can give you an idea as to what to include in your letter, as well as how to structure it effectively.

1. Job application email sample

Dear Mr Cannon,

I have long been following your company’s growth and progress, being extremely passionate about clean, renewable energy. I remember coming across XYZ Renewables back in the early 2000s, when it was still in its early startup stages, and I admire how your leadership has grown the company since.

Having gained extensive experience as a solar consultant over the last decade, I have kept an eye out for any job opportunities with XYZ Renewables. This is why I am writing to you today: to express a keen interest in working with you in the future, should any solar consultation vacancies become available at your company.

In my current role at ABC Energies, I train new hires in advising and liaising with clients, as well as in designing and installing solar systems that cater to the needs and budget of our clients. I carry out the same duties myself, and have been commended for my customer service skills and technical know-how in solar systems installations. Over the last year, I have overseen and facilitated transactions totaling upwards of $1 million.

I appreciate you taking the time to read through my application. I hope that my skills and work experience can contribute to a fruitful collaboration down the line.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Rowling

2. Internship application email sample

Dear Ms Kipling,

Ever since I was a sophomore in high school, I’ve dreamed about pursuing an undergraduate degree in interior design and going on to work for an award-winning architectural firm. During my studies at AB College, where I graduated from just over a month ago, I became exposed to the works of various such firms, including your own.

XY Designs stood out to me for the simplicity of its designs (I am also a fan of Scandinavian interiors!) as well as its clever use of natural lighting and earthy colors and textures. In particular, I was impressed with the renovation of the Workwell coworking space you undertook and completed in 2022.

I believe that working alongside the designers on your team and under your mentorship would be an invaluable experience, which is why I am reaching out to enquire about any potential internship opportunities you may have this coming summer. During my studies, I have become proficient in using SketchUp and 3Ds Max, and completed my final project on Scandinavian interiors and architecture specifically. I am attaching a link to my final project portfolio below.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear back from you soon.


3. Academic application letter sample

Gregory Allen Department of English AB University Syracuse, NY

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dear Mr Allen,

During my undergraduate studies in animation, I discovered — quite unexpectedly — a passion for writing, and specifically writing for film and television. Although up until that point I had believed myself to be a VFX artist in the making, the discovery caused me to reconsider. Today, I am writing to express my interest in the Creative Writing MA program at AB University.

During my final year at Arts College, I produced a screenplay for a short film, and found that setting up the scene and creating a whole new world in words was far more fascinating to me than trying to recreate it by moving around and rendering pixels on a screen. I received the highest mark out of everyone on my course for that piece of writing; and that was followed by my screenwriting professor’s recommendation: the way he spoke about AB University’s history and faculty removed any sort of doubt from my mind. It all became clear: this was to be my new path.

I have attached some writing samples, as per the application guidelines: my final-year screenplay as well as two pieces of prose I wrote in my free time. I hope that you may consider my application for a spot on the Creative Writing course.

I look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for your time!

Best wishes,

Things to remember

From writing the first draft of your application letter to editing it and adding the final touches, remember to do the following:

1. Do your research

Research is one of the most important steps when it comes to  job searching ; you need to make sure that you know all there is about the organization you’re targeting and you should have a clear understanding of what their company culture is like.

2. Don’t forget to proofread

This goes without saying, but never send your application letter off without proofreading it. With so many readily available editing tools online, there’s no excuse for a careless typo or wordy sentences. Grammarly and Hemmingway are two of the most popular programs to help you perfect your writing.

3. Use their style of writing

You can usually guess a company’s style of writing from their website and publications. So, it’s important to try and keep your letter in line with this so they can see that you’re a real match for the position and that they’d be silly to not invite you for an interview.

Final thoughts

Whether you go to write a cover letter or an application letter, or even to put together a portfolio for a prospective employer to see, the same thing applies: everything you include must be related to the position you’re hoping to land.

So, before you’ve started writing, take time to consider which of your skills, qualities and achievements best portray you as a strong candidate , and how you can best convey your interest in (and suitability for) the company as a whole.

Have you ever written an application letter before? Do you have any other tips to share with fellow jobseekers? Leave us a comment in the comments section below!

Originally published on August 21, 2018. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

Finding a Job

Job Applications

application letter 2017


Written Business Communication

Waiter Application Letter Sample

Job Application Letter Sample | How to Write It Effectively

In today’s competitive job market, your job application letter is often your first opportunity to make a lasting impression on a potential employer. It serves as your initial introduction, a glimpse into your qualifications, and a chance to showcase your enthusiasm for the position. Whether you’re a fresh graduate embarking on your career journey or a seasoned professional looking to take the next step, mastering the art of crafting a compelling job application letter is essential. See a job application letter sample. After making some modifications, you can address your letter to the hiring managers.

In this article, we will reveal the tricks to writing job application letters, exploring the key components that make up an effective application. We’ll provide valuable insights and practical tips that can help you, as a candidate for the job, stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of landing that dream job. From understanding the purpose of the letter to tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for, we have got you covered.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the secrets of writing a job application letter that grabs the attention of recruiters and HR managers, read on. Your next career opportunity might be just a well-written letter away.

Advertised Job Application Letter Sample (Vacancy)

See the following vacancy application letter sample:

Dear Mr. Williams,

I am aware of the driver position advertised in today’s local newspapers. Therefore, I would like to put forward my application for the position.

You can also see a concise resignation letter sample and an email resignation letter sample here. 

Buy 119+ Effective Business Letter Samples here.

Inquiry Job Application Letter Sample

Recommended job application letter sample.

I am writing to express interest in the Registered Nurse position recommended by one of your doctors at your hospital, Dr. Rubyleen.  She and I were colleagues when we were working at Makati Public Hospital.

In October 2015, I graduated from Makati Health College with an Associate of Science in Nursing.  In my resume, you will see that my experience matches the qualifications listed for this position. I heard about this job through Dr. Rubyleen, who gave me a recommendation letter attached to this application letter.

You might need a professional resignation letter sample or a polite resignation letter sample before you apply for a new job.

How to Write a Job Application Letter

The Format and the Paragraphs

Your detailed information and your interest in the job.

Your application letter or cover letter should provide your contact information, the job title you are applying for, and why you are qualified for the job. In addition to that, your application letter should explain the reasons for your interest in a certain organization.  It should also state your most relevant skills or experiences. 

The Employer’s Benefit If They Choose You

Your application letter should also inform the employer what benefits they will get if they select you as their employee. In addition to that, please make sure that you state the time that is comfortable for the employer and you to have an interview and how you will follow up. Get a sample recommendation letter sample from an employer here.

Some people state how much salary they expect when they write a job application letter. You can also do this if your intention is to increase your salary. However, if you are between jobs or unemployed, it is advisable that you not mention this matter in it. 

Job Application Letter Opening Sentences


You can begin with:

“I just met with Susan Doherty from your firm, and she strongly recommended that I send you my resume. She is sure that I am the ideal candidate for the position of system manager.”

If you write a letter based on someone’s suggestion, you can start with these:

“I enjoyed our meeting at the Big Motorcycle Club. As you suggested, I am sending you this additional information to review before we get together. Victoria Ltd. suggested I contact you regarding opportunities in your warehouse division. My background documents considerable success in the areas of loss prevention and asset recovery, which I understand are high on your list of requirements.”

Website’s Info and Someone’s Recommendation

This one is based on the website’s information and someone’s recommendation:

“I am writing to express my interest in the international marketing position open at My colleague Amanda White recommended that I contact you directly about this position.”

Based on the recommendation:

“I have the pleasure of being acquainted with one of your staff, Rachel Jones. She let me know about the open position and recommended that I contact you. I graduated from…”

See Acceptance Letter Samples and Their Significance for Business . 

Highlighting Skills and Qualifications

  • These sentences are also good to open the letter while highlighting your skills and qualifications: “As a fresh University of Seychelles graduate, I am confident that my computer skills, plus my well-honed interest in technological advances, and my recently completed education in computer science make me a strong candidate for a position as an entry-level software engineer at your highly regarded company.”

Setting Similarities With Recruiter

  • If you have the same background as the recruiter, you can write: “Before deciding to apply, I did some research and discovered that we’re both Philippines University grads. I hope this will be a harbinger of good things to come and that we will be doing our best in the workplace. As a new graduate, I’ve been hoping to find the kind of position you’re staffing because I have exactly the background you’re asking for.”

Inquiry or Advertised Vacancy

Many business owners advertise their vacant positions in their company to get the best employees. In that case, you have to write your application letter accordingly.

Known Available Vacancy

When you know there is an available position, you can begin with this: “I am very interested in the entry-level position that is available at Jakarta Investment Partners. I recently graduated from the University of Indonesia, and my courses in investments, finance, and business have given me a solid base upon which I plan to build my career.”

Vacancy Advertised on Newspapers

Based on newspapers: “I’m writing to express my interest in the Editorial Assistant position listed on Finance Newspapers. I am confident that my related experience and excellent capabilities will meet your requirements for this position.”

Also based on advertisements in newspapers: “I am writing to apply for the dining room manager position advertised in the Times Herald. I graduated from Bandung International Hotel University five years ago, and I am sure my experience at the Hilton Hotel will enrich the company’s standard of service.”

For Teachers

This is for teachers: “I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. With experience working at both the elementary and high school levels, as well as in activities outside of the traditional classroom, I have a diverse background with much to offer.”

Once you have included all the necessary details, you are ready to submit your cover letter to the hiring managers.

See if you need a bartender resume example here.

Application Letter Format

Applicant’s personal identity, body of the letter, the first paragraph, the second paragraph, the third paragraph, complimentary close.

The last thing we have to put in our application letter is our signature. Learn more about parts of business letter here.

More Tips on Writing Application Letters

Tips on Writing Application Letters. As a conclusion, pay attention to the following tips on writing an application letter: 

  • Why are you writing? Mention the job you are applying for and where you found the listing .
  • What you have to offer the employer: mention why your skills and experience are a good fit for the job .
  • Express your gratitude to the personnel manager for considering you, and note how you will follow up.

See the following application letter samples. They are written in Full Block Style.

Teacher Job Application Letter Sample

Teacher Job Application Letter Sample

Sultan Haruddin

Jl. Sukaindah no. 5 Sukarajin I

Kel. Cikutra Kec. Cibeunying Kidul

Bandung, 40124

January  01, 2021

Dr. Mark Harrison Bandung International High School Bandung, 40120

Dear Mr. Harrison,

Please accept my application for the position of English Trainer at Bandung International High School you offered. Since I have an educational background and experiences matching your criteria, I am enthusiastically ready to be a part of your team. At the beginning of this humble proposal, please allow me to highlight my qualifications for teaching English. Recently, I just got two Teaching Knowledge Test certificates from the Cambridge English Language Assessment.

For your information and consideration, please allow me to give you my background and experiences. From 2010 to 2015, I worked as an English tutor in American Prep, an educational institution that delivered home tutoring to different international school students such as Binus, BSJ, Tiara Bangsa, etc. From 2016 to 2017, I worked for English First PT Summa Harmony. Finally, from October 2017 up to the present time, I have been working in SD Al-Azhar 46, Depok.

I thank you for offering me this position. Should you need to contact me, you can call me at this number: 0813 8000 5555, or preferably email me at [email protected].

Download the letter here.

See also an English teacher resume example or a pharmacist resume example here.

Driver Job Application Letter Sample

Driver Job Application Letter

I am aware of the driver position advertised in today’s local newspapers. Therefore, I would like to put forward my application for the position. I have a proper driving license and have been working as a bus driver for ten years in Miami. 

I am a reliable and trustworthy employee and am ready to work long hours. In addition, I am punctual and capable of driving safely and carefully under any circumstances.

Please let me assure you that I could do very well in your company, as I usually did at my former employer.

I thank you very much for considering me for this post. Should you need to contact me, you can do so by calling or emailing me at the number or email address in my attached resume.

Sincerely yours,

Job Application Letter for Financial Research Assistant Sample

Financial Research Assistant

Job Application Letter  Sample for Marketing Manager

Application Letter  Sample for Marketing Manager

Job Application Letter Sample for Reporter

Reporter Application Letter Sample

John Magellan 35 King Albert Park Singapore 2159 Telephone 7785427

Download the letter in Google Drive.

Job Application Letter Sample For System Manager

Application Letter Sample For System Manager

Human Resources Department Carnival Cruise Line Copenhagen, Denmark

Dear Sirs, I am writing to inquire whether your company will have any available positions to be opened in the near future that are in line with my skills and educational background.  My name is George Martin, and I am 23 years old. I graduated from Harvard University majoring in information technology.

I have had two years of experience as a system manager at the Boston University of Computer Science in Boston. Therefore, I am confident that I will perform a job that meets your standards.

For further information, I have attached my CV and references. I would be grateful if you could give me an opportunity for an interview at any time that is available.   Thank you for considering this application, and I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

Yours sincerely,

George Martin

Waiter Job Application Letter Sample

See the following cover letter template for waiters:


Raul Kabayan

Job Application Letter Sample for Nurses


Download the application letter in Google Drive . 

See also a financial research assistant resume example or an insurance agent resume example here. 

Scholarship Application Letter Sample

[Your Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Scholarship Committee Name] [Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear Members of the Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in applying for the [Scholarship Name] as advertised on [Source of Scholarship Information]. As a dedicated and driven individual, I believe that this scholarship would greatly assist me in pursuing my educational and career goals.

I am currently a [Your Current Year] student at [Your Current College/University], majoring in [Your Major]. Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently maintained a strong GPA and have actively participated in extracurricular activities related to my field of study. I am particularly passionate about [highlight a relevant area of interest or achievement].

This scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden of my education and allow me to focus more on my studies and professional development. It is my sincere aspiration to excel in [your career aspiration] and make a meaningful contribution to [a relevant industry or field].

I sincerely request the opportunity to be considered for the [Scholarship Name] and kindly ask for your support in making my educational dreams a reality. Enclosed, please find my completed application form, academic transcripts, and letters of recommendation.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of being awarded this scholarship and will be extremely grateful for your support.

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Number]

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Circular Letter Sample

Order Letter Sample

Invitation Letter Sample

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application letter 2017

  • Julian Talbot
  • Jul 27, 2017
  • 10 min read

How to write a job application letter that gets you to interview

"The only purpose of a job application letter is to be invited to interview."

After you've read this and downloaded a template for the job application letter , you might also like to know my thoughts on how to turn a job interview into a job offer .

There was a time when I sent out roughly 100 job application letters without even a single job interview. It was disheartening. I eventually worked out a 2-page template that landed 5 job interviews from 5 job application letters and that's what I'd like to share with you today.

application letter 2017

I've since stopped using that particular template because I've found better ways to win jobs than applying for them, but that is a topic for another article. In any case, an example of the template is included at the end of this article. And, if you would like a version of it in MS Word format, it is on my DOWNLOADS page under the Templates category.

If you've already landed a job interview (or after this letter helps you find one) you might also like this article: " How to Turn a Job Interview Into a Job Offer ".

But back to my terrible track record of job applications ... In my defence, my CV was much leaner in 1995 than it is today. I was also living in a remote part of Australia and applying for jobs around Australia and all over the world. To be blunt though, my application letters clearly sucked! I tried not to take it personally and kept trying new approaches, including resorting to doing some reading and asking colleagues for advice. That led to that successful 2-page job application template I mentioned above. Over the years, I've also skimmed or read over 1,000 job applications and interviewed hundreds of people, so I have developed a pretty good sense for what works and what doesn't. But first to the basics. The following graphic outlines the essence of a strong application letter.

Process to write a strong job application letter

Get the formalities right Don't try to wow people with your creative design sense, unless you're applying for a creative design job. Stick to the standard format expected of a formal business letter. Your name and contact details, plus the date on the right hand side. Details of the recipient and subject on the left. Text should be justified. This is partly a matter of following convention, and partly a matter of making it look professional. Keep it short & smart The application letter should be short, sweet, smart and to the point. One of my mistakes in the past was trying to write War & Peace , responding to each selection criteria with a page of text. Simple rule of thumb is to include enough to 'weed you into contention'. Most people include enough information to weed themselves out. If they ask you, for example, for your experience with accounting software, just respond to this. Don't say you're an expert with Xero software unless they specifically ask for that. If they are looking for MYOB expertise, mentioning Xero is more likely to see you weeded out of contention rather than offered an interview. Managers and recruiters read a lot of applications and have limited time, so be precise and specific. They don’t need to know the names of every company you have worked for that’s what CV is for. Start with a strong statement It’s important to open with something that will get the recruiter’s attention. Your application letter needs to start with a strong statement outlining why you want to apply for the job and why at this company. Share what you can give to the company and what the company can give you. This requires research on your part; find out more about the company, its business, and exactly why the job and company are a good fit for you. The applicants who have researched the company they are applying to always make a good impression. Keep it relevant

Make sure that every application letter you send out is tailored to the job you are applying for. It’s important to include skills and experience that are relevant only to this job. You need to show that you have the skills required which relate to the list of essential skills and qualifications that employer is looking for. Anything in your application that doesn’t meet the requirements listed in the ad should be left out of the application. Always remember that you need to fit these points in neatly and naturally. Sell yourself In most cases your application letter is the first chance potential employers have to get to know you, so don’t miss the opportunity to sell yourself. This isn’t the time to be too modest about your achievements. Include anything you feel is relevant to the role and makes you the right candidate for the job. Tell them why are you strong fit for the role and the company. Double-check your application letter Rule 1: No typos! Rule 2: No typos! You might write a great application letter only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with a couple of typos or misspelling a name. People will forgive one or two if you have a great CV, but I have, more than once, rejected application letters that say things such as " I have to great attention to detail ". Back to the earlier point; don't give them any reasons to weed you out. Check the spelling and grammar of your application letter to detect any possible little errors that could turn away a potential employer. If you’re not great at spelling or grammar, or even if you are, get a friend to look it over before you press 'send'.

Send it as a PDF

Unless they specifically ask for a different format (e.g. MS Word) always send it as a PDF. That way, the formatting will always look as you intended it. And you'll get a chance to make sure that it has consistent spacing, fonts, headings, etc. Close well

Finish with something positive and upbeat. Explain how your experience or worldview will help you succeed at the job. Let them know when you’ll be available for interview (and work) and that you look forward to hearing from them.

"Remember, the only purpose of the application letter is to get you an interview. All else is fluff, and likely to exclude you from the interview list."

The Template

There is no such thing as a 'silver bullet' for job application letters but this is as close as I have come.

application letter 2017

Page 2 of the Job Application Letter Template

application letter 2017

And the text version of the letter ...

If you'd like to simply copy and paste, here is the text version. If you'd like to download the template in MS Word format, just subscribe to my newsletter.

Julian Talbot 10 No Such Place Tribeca ACT 2604 Tel: 555 555 555 [email protected]

February 9th, 2017

Recruitment [email protected]

Re: Advertised Position – Manager/Boss/CEO

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am replying to your advertisement in the New York Times in which you seek a suitably qualified person to fill the role of Manager/Boss/CEO in your Corporate Services Division [J1].

I have over 15 years <boss & management> experience across a range of industries including commercial, healthcare, resources, and Defence. [J2] While my resume provides a general outline of my work history, problem solving abilities, and some achievements, I have taken the time to summarise my applicable skills for you in the table below. I hope this allows you to use your time effectively today. [J3]

Your requirements: [J4]

Proven leadership and management skills sufficient to manage a highly skilled and diverse team of professionals.

Proven executive leadership and mentoring experience at departmental level in complex environments with staff of up to 200.

Team leader in a range of organisations including public sector, defence force, volunteer groups, security, and the resources industry. [J5]

Performance Leadership Program (Woodside/McKinsey)

Appropriate qualifications combined with substantial senior level experience in managing a large portfolio of leased and owned properties, preferably within a public sector environment;

Strong commercial experience including responsibility for property portfolio’s to $200M and annual property services budgets to $8M.

Team Leader on a review project for a $25M property services contract which delivered savings of 10% per annum through development of audit systems, Codes of Practice, contractor management systems, and Business Process Re-engineering.

Specification, tendering, evaluation, and implementation of a $17M Security contract which delivered ongoing savings of 15% ($3M).

Professional Certificate in Property Portfolio Management (UWS)

Certified Protection Professional (CPP) Accreditation (ASIS) [J6]

Excellent understanding of Government policy, direction and objectives in relation to the commercial and public interest performance of Commonwealth owned and leased properties;

Current role as Security and Risk Management Specialist for the Department of Health and Ageing is responsible for writing policy, strategic guidelines, and Chief Executive Instructions.

The role also involves provision of security, insurance, and risk management advice across the Department including assisting Property Branch with interpretation and implementation of risk management practices and the Commonwealth Protective Security Manual (PSM).

Contract Risk and Relationship Management (Woodside/PMMS) [J7]

Outstanding client relationship management skills including the ability to build credibility with Austrade staff at all levels as well as a wide range of external organisations;

Demonstrated ability to maintain sensitive relationships and manage internal and external stakeholder expectations in a variety of roles including as client, contractor, service provider, and consultant. [J8]

Demonstrated ability to contribute effectively and develop strong relationships at senior levels in a range of culturally and politically sensitive environments within Australia and internationally. [J9]

Decision Making & Problem Solving (Pilbara Technical College)

Excellent communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills;

Highly developed written communication skills including policy and procedure development, inductions, training manuals, business cases, and multi-site ISO 9000 implementation.

Extensive experience as a presenter, trainer, and facilitator for audiences at all levels which has developed strong communication, negotiating and influencing skills.

Certificate IV - Workplace Trainer & Assessor (Pilbara Technical College)

Proven high-level strategic, analytical and conceptual thinking skills including the ability to anticipate key issues and generate creative and practical solutions;

Delivered annual cost savings of 13% ($800,000) [J10] for Woodside Energy Ltd. by challenging the status quo, applying commercial risk analysis to contracting strategies, implementing policy changes, and structural reform.

Developed and implemented the Strategic Security Risk Management System for Australia’s largest resources project (NW Shelf Project). [J11]

Initiated, researched, and prepared a critically and commercially acclaimed property management strategy to release $140M capital via an Unlisted Property Trust. [J12]

Currently studying Master of Risk Management (Monash University)

Demonstrated commitment to Austrade’s values including personal development and being a team player.

Introduced and managed employee consultative committees for Chubb, PT Koba Tin, and Australasian Correctional Management.

Established and implemented staff EEO and OHS [J13] training programs in Australia’s network of Immigration Detention Centres.

Extensive record of personal development as illustrated by my resume together with the highest standards of probity, integrity and conduct as will be confirmed by referees.

Certificate IV in Occupational Health & Safety (IFAP)

My career includes experience in a variety of positions and a range of industries, all of which have required me to take a strategic view and consider downstream impacts [J14] to develop and implement systems. My success in this has been achieved through developing good working relationships, providing credible leadership, direction and advice, considering the views of others and providing feedback when required. My strong interpersonal communication skills and ability to work as part of a team [J15] have contributed to my success.

I believe my experience, technical skills, and behaviours make me an ideal candidate for the position and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the role at an interview. I can be contacted via email ([email protected]) or on 555 555 555 if you should have any questions. [J16]

Yours faithfully,

Julian Talbot [Sent electronically] [J17]

[J1] Remind them which job.

[J2] Get them interested

[J3] Explain why such a short response to criteria

[J4] My full response to criteria is in this table and the ‘Your requirements’ are the ‘Selection Criteria’ If they don’t have ‘Selection Criteria’ (and some people don’t) then analyse the advertisement closely and work out what is important to them. It will be in the body of the ad. If you really can’t work it out, see if you can ring someone to ask what their current issues and challenges are. Why are they recruiting?

[J5] Provide just enough information to respond to the criteria. Never enough for the recruiter to weed you out. Eg: If they are looking for IT skills, tell them about your 3 years working on an IT project – do NOT describe it as 3 years working on a Microsoft Sharepoint project.

[J6] Relevant qualifications in italics.

[J7] In italics at the bottom of each response to the selection criteria, include a course or professional accreditation that is relevant. At least one but no more than two.

[J8] This is a bit of a generic statement but again, it’s designed to highlight that I’ve worked in a number of roles, so have extensive experience working well with people. And to make the reader curious. I didn’t want to satisfy their curiosity with this letter, I wanted to stoke their curiosity.

[J9] This is another ‘motherhood statement’ and could be improved by adding some numbers. But it did the trick. I landed an interview and eventually the job. The main focus of this paragraph is to explain the big picture.

[J10] Numbers work! Use numbers wherever you can. They are much stronger than simply saying “achieved cost savings’. Without numbers, you may as well just say, “I’m a nice person, kind to animals … “ etc.

[J11] Bask in the reflected glory of your previous employers!

[J12] More numbers. And hopefully unusual enough to get attention.

[J13] Only use acronyms if they are so ubiquitous that you are 100% certain the reader of your letter will understand them.

[J14] Close with key words that will have resonance for this particular job.

[J15] Every job requires these so communications skills are a good place to close.

[J16] Closing. Short & sweet.

[J17] Note the Footer has my name and contact email, just in case the two pages are separated somehow.

How to Turn a Job Interview Into a Job

If you'd like to know how to convert a job interview into a job, my thoughts on that topic are at this link .

If you've read this far, you know that I've stuffed up a lot of job application letters. I've also made a mess of at least my fair share of job interviews. I'm fairly creative so you can also take it for granted that I know many different ways to 'fail' at job applications. The best advice I can give you is to not follow my advice at all but to be even more creative and make different mistakes from mine, at least until you achieve some success. Persistence is my only 'success secret', so don't say you haven't been warned if this job application template only lands you with a rejection letter when you are the 25th person that day to use the same 2-page template!

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  • Job Application Documents

How to Write a Job Application Letter (with Examples)

Last Updated: June 8, 2024 Fact Checked

Sample Letters

Introduction, body paragraphs, closing your letter, expert q&a.

This article was written by Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Shannon O'Brien is the Founder and Principal Advisor of Whole U. (a career and life strategy consultancy based in Boston, MA). Through advising, workshops and e-learning Whole U. empowers people to pursue their life's work and live a balanced, purposeful life. Shannon has been ranked as the #1 Career Coach and #1 Life Coach in Boston, MA by Yelp reviewers. She has been featured on, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. She received a Master's of Technology, Innovation, & Education from Harvard University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 10,691,237 times.

So, you’ve found your dream job and want to make sure you nail the job application process. You double- and triple-check the criteria—they’re asking for a cover letter. What does that mean, and how do you write it? A cover letter or letter of application is a single page that sums up why you want and deserve the job. Think of it as an extension of your resume; a sales pitch for why you’re the perfect candidate. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide full of examples and tips on how to write a letter of application for a job. With our help and a little finesse, you may soon be calling that dream job your own.

Things You Should Know

  • Format your application letter single-spaced and in Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font that’s 10- to 12-point in size.
  • Open your letter with an engaging and confident first paragraph that briefly includes your qualifications, where you found the job, and your overall interest in the position.
  • Show your personality in the body paragraphs by describing the passions that relate to the position in 1 or 2 sentences.
  • Use keywords (like leadership, communication, and detail-oriented) from the job description throughout your letter to show that you’ve done your research.

application letter 2017

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Personal website and/or portfolio link (if you have one)

Step 4 Provide the company’s information.

  • If you don’t know the hiring manager's name, search the company’s website or refer to the name of the individual who originally posted the job opening.
  • If you’re in doubt about who to address your letter to, use “[Department] Hiring Manager.”

Step 5 Open your letter with a formal greeting.

  • If you don’t have the employer or hiring manager’s name, use a general but professional opening, “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear [Department] Hiring Manager.”

Step 1 Explain what drew you to the job.

  • Be short and specific in this opening paragraph—save those details for later.
  • Think of your first paragraph as a sales pitch. What can you say that’ll grab their attention immediately? Is there something you have that other candidates don’t that make you more qualified for the position?
  • Show the employer that you’re familiar with the company and job application by noting keywords and characteristics valued by the company.
  • For example: “I write to apply for the Office Manager position at Acme Investments, Inc. I am an excellent fit for this position, as demonstrated by my extensive background in management and proven success as a corporate administrator.”

Step 2 State where you found the position.

  • Companies appreciate when job candidates include this information because it lets them know where people are searching for jobs.
  • Only include a company contact or friend’s name if you have their permission. This way, they’ll be ready to answer any questions about you and your character later.
  • You may write something like: “John Smith recommended that I get in touch with you about the general manager position at EnviroRent,” or “I came across the available position on LinkedIn and believe I am a strong candidate.”

Step 3 Explain why hiring you would benefit the company.

  • For instance, if the company needs someone who can lead a team and handle multiple projects at once, note what team projects you’ve led in previous positions and how you improved overall productivity.
  • If you have numerical data or stats to back up your accomplishments, include them! This is your time to brag about your achievements and show how you’ve excelled in the workplace.

Step 1 Summarize your strengths, qualifications, and experiences.

  • Scan the job application for keywords like leadership, communication, management, and detail-oriented. Then, highlight in your letter how you have these characteristics or skills.
  • Avoid embellishing any of your qualifications. Remember, an employer can always double-check the facts.
  • If you’re not sure what to write, refer to your resume or CV. What have you done that matches the job description best, and how can you elaborate on it?
  • For example: “In my previous role, I successfully supported an office of 100 personnel and honed my management and interpersonal skills through customer service and clerical responsibilities.”

Step 2 Include details that aren’t on your resume.

  • For instance, you could express how the company has impacted you personally and why that’s driven you to apply for the position.
  • Although you want to provide details, keep it short. Stick to a 1 to 2-sentence description rather than a full-length story. Your letter should stay under 3 paragraphs.
  • Here’s an example: “My passion for teaching began the summer of my sophomore year of high school when I was a camp counselor. I was given the opportunity to teach a class focusing on local plant life, and the campers’ enthusiasm cultivated my love for teaching and conservation.

Step 3 Finish with a call to action.

  • For instance, you could write, “I am excited about the possibility of working for you and your company. I would be more than happy to discuss my qualifications and Acme’s future direction in person or via video conference.”
  • Keep your call to action brief and open, or provide specific dates you’d be available to meet with the employer.

Step 1 Thank the employer for their time and consideration.

  • For instance, sign off with, “Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you,” or “Thank you for considering me for this position. If you have any further questions or require additional documentation, please don’t hesitate to contact me.”

Step 2 Sign off with a respectable salutation.

  • If you’re sending your letter via email, import your signature into the document as an image or .png file.

Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

  • Always proofread and ask someone else to read over your application letter before you send it. This way, you can make sure it’s absolutely perfect and error-free. [13] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep the overall tone of the company or employer in mind while writing your letter. For instance, if you’re applying to be a journalist for a prestigious news website, match their word choice and writing style. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be sure to customize your application letter for every job you apply to, even if they have the same qualifications. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

application letter 2017

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Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

The best way to start an application letter is to mention where you found the job opportunity and how your strengths can benefit the employer. Devote time in the body paragraphs to tell the employer more about your experience and qualifications. Explain why you’re the best candidate and finish by inviting the hiring manager to contact you. For suggestions on how to prepare your letter, and examples of what to write, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write an Effective Application Letter [with Example & Tips]

application letter

By Sheila Kravitz

11 min read

An application letter is a vital document in any job seeker’s arsenal, at the same level of importance as resumes and cover letters. It’s often an applicant’s first point of contact with recruiters and hiring managers .

So, how do you write an effective job application letter to highlight your skills and experience, capture the potential employer’s attention, and increase your chances of getting a job? These are the questions that we’re going to answer in this article while also giving you concrete examples and expert tips that’ll make your letter shine.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Key Takeaways

An application letter is a document similar to a cover letter or a resume that job seekers submit when they are interested in a role .

The document is similar to a cover letter example , and it should follow business letter formatting .

Before writing an application letter, you should research the company and read the job ad to find out which skills and qualifications are needed.

An introductory paragraph should be attention-grabbing , highlighting the amount of work experience you have and at least one highly impressive accomplishment.

The middle portion of the document should be all about your skills and achievements relevant to the job.

A call to action toward the end of the letter increases your chances of being invited for an interview.

What is a Job Application Letter?

how long a cover letter should be

A job application letter is a document that’s in many ways similar to a cover letter. It’s written and sent with the purpose of applying for a job . As such, it should convey valuable information about your skills, experience, and motivation for the role that you’re applying for.

However, while a cover letter is a supplementary document to a resume , a job application letter is typically a standalone document and should be sent without additional attachments. As a result, it needs to be longer and more detailed than a cover letter.

Still, an application letter should be a concise, one-page document that serves as an elevator pitch. Use it to get in touch with potential employers and make a lasting first impression that can secure you an interview and expedite the hiring process.

The Best Way to Format Your Job Application Letter

The best way to format your job application letter is to follow the business letter format and layout . This includes organizing the information in a specific way and ensuring that your document is visually clean.

Here’s how to arrange the information in your application letter:

Job Application Letter Format

Contact information

A formal salutation

A catchy introductory paragraph

The middle portion, with your skills and achievements

A closing paragraph with a call to action

A cordial letter closing with your sign-off

This is the optimal structure to follow when writing a job application letter, as it gives hiring managers the chance to see what they want to see exactly when they want to.

Now let’s see how you can create an impeccable layout for your application letter:

Job Application Letter Layout Guidelines

Your document should be one page long .

Choose an appropriate font for your application letter, like Calibri or Helvetica.

Set the font size between 10 and 12 pt.

Adjust margins to at least 1 inch on all sides.

Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing and insert an additional line between paragraphs.

Align text to the left or use justified alignment.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Perfect Application Letter

administrative assistant resume

Let’s learn how to write an application letter for a job with a step-by-step guide that’ll show you how to craft every part of it.

#1. Research the Company

Researching the company is the first step before you even start writing your application letter . This is crucial, as your document has the best chance of garnering attention from hiring managers if it’s tailored and relevant to the position that you’re applying for.

That’s because every job is different, and even similar roles within the same industry require different sets of skills and experiences. By looking into the organization that you want to join, examining the job ad, and paying attention to the requirements, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly what hiring managers and employers look for in candidates .

After that, you’ll be able to lean on those experiences, as well as the hard and soft skills that you know are necessary for the job. That’ll set you apart from other candidates with generic application letters that don’t entirely match the posted requirements.

#2. Write an Introduction

Writing a strong introductory paragraph is one of the most important steps in the process of crafting an application letter. It’s your way of grabbing the reader’s attention and persuading them to check out the rest of your document.

Hiring managers are busy professionals and sometimes merely skim through application letters , spending just a couple of seconds on each. That’s why you want the first few sentences to be as captivating as possible.

Use this paragraph to mention the position that you’re applying for, emphasize how much experience you have , and highlight one or two particularly notable accomplishments.

Here’s an example:

Introduction Example

I am writing to express my interest in the architect position at Sky Vision Inc., as advertised on your website. With more than 11 years of experience in residential design and project management, as well as a Global Award for Sustainable Architecture under my belt, I am confident that I’ll be able to contribute to your esteemed organization and lead your large-scale projects.

#3. Emphasize Your Skills & Achievements

Once you have the hiring manager’s attention, it’s time to impress them with your unique skills and achievements . Remember that the goal is to be as relevant as possible, so focus on those accomplishments that indicate how you are going to perform in their company should they hire you.

One of the best ways to make this part of your application letter pop is to use numbers for quantification . They add measurable value to your accomplishments, adding credibility to them and making them stand out in the eyes of hiring managers.

Let’s see that in an example:

Emphasize Skills & Achievements Example

I have a proven track record of handling more than 50 projects from inception to completion, within budget, and with no missed deadlines. One of my biggest accomplishments was carrying out a $35 million project and achieving a delivery time 13% faster than the industry standard.

#4. Say Why You’re a Good Fit for the Role

In addition to accentuating your skills and experience, you should stress that you’re the perfect person for the role you’re applying for. This builds on the summary of qualifications that you already talked about to show potential employers how they are going to benefit from hiring you .

To achieve this goal, you can point out the moments when your previous employers prospered from your work , such as how you helped them gain new clients, boost their revenue, improve their business, and more.

Why You’re a Good Fit for the Role Example

Exceptional skills in design software like AutoCAD and Revit, coupled with a commitment to green and user-centric architecture, garnered me a 96% user satisfaction rate and an increase in the company’s repeat business by 67%.

#5. Close Your Letter With a CTA

You should take the opportunity to include a call to action (CTA) toward the end of your application letter. A CTA is a marketing term describing something created to elicit a response .

In terms of an application letter, a CTA can be an invitation for hiring managers to contact you for a job interview . This one simple sentence can vastly improve your chances and secure you the next step in the hiring process.

Close the Letter With CTA Example

Thank you for your time. I would love the opportunity to discuss my qualifications over an interview and explain further how I could contribute to your organization.

Let’s put what we’ve learned into practice and check out a complete application letter example :

Application Letter Example

Application Letter Example

3 Tips for Crafting an Effective Job Application Letter

Let’s wrap it up with a couple of expert tips that’ll help you craft the best application letter for a job vacancy:

Job Application Letter Writing Tips

Show that you’re interested in the company. Mention something specific about the organization that you want to join that compelled you to apply to them in particular. That’ll set you apart from the competition, as it shows true passion and indicates that you’re already familiar with their work.

Address the reader by their name. Greeting the reader by their name creates a connection right from the get-go. It’s a great way to build rapport and show that you went the extra mile to research the company.

Write a new job application letter for every position. Don’t submit the same application letter every time you apply for a new job. Even slight modifications can still make your document look generic. For maximum chances with recruiters, your best bet is to write a new one every time.

Final Thoughts

Writing a strong application letter is a skill in and of itself. It represents a combination of research skills, communication skills , writing skills , attention to detail, and more. However, learning this ability is crucial, as it opens doors to invaluable opportunities and helps you move your career in the right direction.

Fortunately, learning to write this document is not that difficult once you understand the basics . The format and layout remain the same, regardless of the career or role that you’re applying for. One application letter sample works for any position; you just need to adapt it to suit your needs.

That’s why we’ve provided step-by-step instructions and a complete example of an application letter, arming you with all the knowledge you need. Best of luck getting the job of your dreams!

Application Letter FAQ

#1. when do you need a job application letter.

You need a job application letter when you’re applying for a role , and you want to stand out among the competition. This document serves as a testament to your skills and experience, and its goal is to portray you as a qualified candidate who’s perfect for the job.

#2. Is a letter of application the same as a cover letter?

A letter of application is not the same as a cover letter , but they share many similarities. The two documents have the same formatting, and both convey valuable information about your competence. However, a cover letter supplements your resume, while an application letter is a standalone and more comprehensive document.

#3. How do I write an application letter that stands out?

To write an application letter that stands out, focus on the skills and accomplishments that are relevant to the job that you’re applying for . Use an attention-grabbing introductory paragraph and include a call to action toward the end. Finally, leverage numbers to add measurable value to your achievements.

Sheila Kravitz

Create your cover letter once, use it everywhere


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