30 Examples: How to Conclude a Presentation (Effective Closing Techniques)

By Editorial Team on March 4, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

Ending a presentation on a high note is a skill that can set you apart from the rest. It’s the final chance to leave an impact on your audience, ensuring they walk away with the key messages embedded in their minds. This moment is about driving your points home and making sure they resonate. Crafting a memorable closing isn’t just about summarizing key points, though that’s part of it, but also about providing value that sticks with your listeners long after they’ve left the room.

Crafting Your Core Message

To leave a lasting impression, your presentation’s conclusion should clearly reflect your core message. This is your chance to reinforce the takeaways and leave the audience thinking about your presentation long after it ends.

Identifying Key Points

Start by recognizing what you want your audience to remember. Think about the main ideas that shaped your talk. Make a list like this:

  • The problem your presentation addresses.
  • The evidence that supports your argument.
  • The solution you propose or the action you want the audience to take.

These key points become the pillars of your core message.

Contextualizing the Presentation

Provide context by briefly relating back to the content of the whole presentation. For example:

  • Reference a statistic you shared in the opening, and how it ties into the conclusion.
  • Mention a case study that underlines the importance of your message.

Connecting these elements gives your message cohesion and makes your conclusion resonate with the framework of your presentation.

30 Example Phrases: How to Conclude a Presentation

  • 1. “In summary, let’s revisit the key takeaways from today’s presentation.”
  • 2. “Thank you for your attention. Let’s move forward together.”
  • 3. “That brings us to the end. I’m open to any questions you may have.”
  • 4. “I’ll leave you with this final thought to ponder as we conclude.”
  • 5. “Let’s recap the main points before we wrap up.”
  • 6. “I appreciate your engagement. Now, let’s turn these ideas into action.”
  • 7. “We’ve covered a lot today. To conclude, remember these crucial points.”
  • 8. “As we reach the end, I’d like to emphasize our call to action.”
  • 9. “Before we close, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned.”
  • 10. “Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to our next steps.”
  • 11. “In closing, I’d like to thank everyone for their participation.”
  • 12. “Let’s conclude with a reminder of the impact we can make together.”
  • 13. “To wrap up our session, here’s a brief summary of our discussion.”
  • 14. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to present to you. Any final thoughts?”
  • 15. “And that’s a wrap. I welcome any final questions or comments.”
  • 16. “As we conclude, let’s remember the objectives we’ve set today.”
  • 17. “Thank you for your time. Let’s apply these insights to achieve success.”
  • 18. “In conclusion, your feedback is valuable, and I’m here to listen.”
  • 19. “Before we part, let’s take a moment to reflect on our key messages.”
  • 20. “I’ll end with an invitation for all of us to take the next step.”
  • 21. “As we close, let’s commit to the goals we’ve outlined today.”
  • 22. “Thank you for your attention. Let’s keep the conversation going.”
  • 23. “In conclusion, let’s make a difference, starting now.”
  • 24. “I’ll leave you with these final words to consider as we end our time together.”
  • 25. “Before we conclude, remember that change starts with our actions today.”
  • 26. “Thank you for the lively discussion. Let’s continue to build on these ideas.”
  • 27. “As we wrap up, I encourage you to reach out with any further questions.”
  • 28. “In closing, I’d like to express my gratitude for your valuable input.”
  • 29. “Let’s conclude on a high note and take these learnings forward.”
  • 30. “Thank you for your time today. Let’s end with a commitment to progress.”

Summarizing the Main Points

When you reach the end of your presentation, summarizing the main points helps your audience retain the important information you’ve shared. Crafting a memorable summary enables your listeners to walk away with a clear understanding of your message.

Effective Methods of Summarization

To effectively summarize your presentation, you need to distill complex information into concise, digestible pieces. Start by revisiting the overarching theme of your talk and then narrow down to the core messages. Use plain language and imagery to make the enduring ideas stick. Here are some examples of how to do this:

  • Use analogies that relate to common experiences to recap complex concepts.
  • Incorporate visuals or gestures that reinforce your main arguments.

The Rule of Three

The Rule of Three is a classic writing and communication principle. It means presenting ideas in a trio, which is a pattern that’s easy for people to understand and remember. For instance, you might say, “Our plan will save time, cut costs, and improve quality.” This structure has a pleasing rhythm and makes the content more memorable. Some examples include:

  • “This software is fast, user-friendly, and secure.”
  • Pointing out a product’s “durability, affordability, and eco-friendliness.”

Reiterating the Main Points

Finally, you want to circle back to the key takeaways of your presentation. Rephrase your main points without introducing new information. This reinforcement supports your audience’s memory and understanding of the material. You might summarize key takeaways like this:

  • Mention the problem you addressed, the solution you propose, and the benefits of this solution.
  • Highlighting the outcomes of adopting your strategy: higher efficiency, greater satisfaction, and increased revenue.

Creating a Strong Conclusion

The final moments of your presentation are your chance to leave your audience with a powerful lasting impression. A strong conclusion is more than just summarizing—it’s your opportunity to invoke thought, inspire action, and make your message memorable.

Incorporating a Call to Action

A call to action is your parting request to your audience. You want to inspire them to take a specific action or think differently as a result of what they’ve heard. To do this effectively:

  • Be clear about what you’re asking.
  • Explain why their action is needed.
  • Make it as simple as possible for them to take the next steps.

Example Phrases:

  • “Start making a difference today by…”
  • “Join us in this effort by…”
  • “Take the leap and commit to…”

Leaving a Lasting Impression

End your presentation with something memorable. This can be a powerful quote, an inspirational statement, or a compelling story that underscores your main points. The goal here is to resonate with your audience on an emotional level so that your message sticks with them long after they leave.

  • “In the words of [Influential Person], ‘…'”
  • “Imagine a world where…”
  • “This is more than just [Topic]; it’s about…”

Enhancing Audience Engagement

To hold your audience’s attention and ensure they leave with a lasting impression of your presentation, fostering interaction is key.

Q&A Sessions

It’s important to integrate a Q&A session because it allows for direct communication between you and your audience. This interactive segment helps clarify any uncertainties and encourages active participation. Plan for this by designating a time slot towards the end of your presentation and invite questions that promote discussion.

  • “I’d love to hear your thoughts; what questions do you have?”
  • “Let’s dive into any questions you might have. Who would like to start?”
  • “Feel free to ask any questions, whether they’re clarifications or deeper inquiries about the topic.”

Encouraging Audience Participation

Getting your audience involved can transform a good presentation into a great one. Use open-ended questions that provoke thought and allow audience members to reflect on how your content relates to them. Additionally, inviting volunteers to participate in a demonstration or share their experiences keeps everyone engaged and adds a personal touch to your talk.

  • “Could someone give me an example of how you’ve encountered this in your work?”
  • “I’d appreciate a volunteer to help demonstrate this concept. Who’s interested?”
  • “How do you see this information impacting your daily tasks? Let’s discuss!”

Delivering a Persuasive Ending

At the end of your presentation, you have the power to leave a lasting impact on your audience. A persuasive ending can drive home your key message and encourage action.

Sales and Persuasion Tactics

When you’re concluding a presentation with the goal of selling a product or idea, employ carefully chosen sales and persuasion tactics. One method is to summarize the key benefits of your offering, reminding your audience why it’s important to act. For example, if you’ve just presented a new software tool, recap how it will save time and increase productivity. Another tactic is the ‘call to action’, which should be clear and direct, such as “Start your free trial today to experience the benefits first-hand!” Furthermore, using a touch of urgency, like “Offer expires soon!”, can nudge your audience to act promptly.

Final Impressions and Professionalism

Your closing statement is a chance to solidify your professional image and leave a positive impression. It’s important to display confidence and poise. Consider thanking your audience for their time and offering to answer any questions. Make sure to end on a high note by summarizing your message in a concise and memorable way. If your topic was on renewable energy, you might conclude by saying, “Let’s take a leap towards a greener future by adopting these solutions today.” This reinforces your main points and encourages your listeners to think or act differently when they leave.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative strategies for ending a presentation memorably.

To end your presentation in a memorable way, consider incorporating a call to action that engages your audience to take the next step. Another strategy is to finish with a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact that resonates with your listeners.

Can you suggest some powerful quotes suitable for concluding a presentation?

Yes, using a quote can be very effective. For example, Maya Angelou’s “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” can reinforce the emotional impact of your presentation.

What is an effective way to write a conclusion that summarizes a presentation?

An effective conclusion should recap the main points succinctly, highlighting what you want your audience to remember. A good way to conclude is by restating your thesis and then briefly summarizing the supporting points you made.

As a student, how can I leave a strong impression with my presentation’s closing remarks?

To leave a strong impression, consider sharing a personal anecdote related to your topic that demonstrates passion and conviction. This helps humanize your content and makes the message more relatable to your audience.

How can I appropriately thank my audience at the close of my presentation?

A simple and sincere expression of gratitude is always appropriate. You might say, “Thank you for your attention and engagement today,” to convey appreciation while also acknowledging their participation.

What are some examples of a compelling closing sentence in a presentation?

A compelling closing sentence could be something like, “Together, let’s take the leap towards a greener future,” if you’re presenting on sustainability. This sentence is impactful, calls for united action, and leaves your audience with a clear message.

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  • Effective Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace (Examples)
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  • 5 Effective Examples: How to Write a Two-Week Notice
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100+ Questions to Ask After a Presentation

After a presentation, asking the right questions is key. It can help clarify what was shared, spark more discussion, and ensure everyone’s on the same page. Whether you’re the presenter or an audience member, knowing what to ask can make a big difference.

But how do you know which questions are worth asking? Not all questions are helpful or relevant, and you don’t want to miss out on a chance to gain more insight. So, what are the best questions to ask?

Don’t worry, though. I’ve got some simple yet powerful questions you can ask that will leave a great impression.

Table of Contents

If You Are the Presenter

If you are an audience member, frequently asked questions, final thoughts, questions to build audience connection.

  • Which part of the presentation resonated with you the most?
  • Did anything in the presentation inspire you to take action?
  • How do you feel this information could benefit you personally?
  • Were there any parts that reminded you of your own experiences?
  • Did you find any particular section especially interesting or relatable?
  • What emotions did the presentation evoke for you?
  • How do you see this information fitting into your daily life?
  • Did anything surprise you about the presentation’s content?
  • How did the information challenge your existing knowledge or beliefs?
  • What was your favorite takeaway from today’s presentation?
  • Is there a topic you’d like me to explore further in the future?
  • Did you feel the presentation style encouraged interaction?
  • What question do you think I should have asked the audience during the presentation?
  • How did the content align with your expectations of the topic?
  • Was there a specific part that you felt connected to on a personal level?

Questions to Address Uncertainties

  • Was there any part of the presentation that you didn’t fully understand?
  • Are there any terms I used that need further explanation?
  • Did the data or statistics seem clear, or would more context help?
  • Were there any concepts that felt too complex or confusing?
  • Should I go over any part of the presentation again to clarify?
  • Was there enough background information for you to grasp the topic?
  • Did any section feel rushed, making it hard to follow?
  • Is there anything I can explain in more detail to make it clearer?
  • Were the examples I used helpful, or should I include different ones?
  • Is there anything you were hoping to learn that I didn’t cover?
  • Would you like me to break down any specific points further?
  • Were there any moments where you lost track of the main idea?
  • Did any slide or visual aid need more explanation?
  • Were there any conflicting ideas in the presentation that needed clearing up?
  • Do you feel confident about the main takeaways, or should I revisit them?

Understanding and Retention Questions

  • Can someone summarize the key points I made today?
  • What is the one takeaway you’ll remember most from this presentation?
  • How would you explain the main concept of this presentation to someone else?
  • What are the three most important things you learned today?
  • If I were to ask you about this topic in a week, what would you still remember?
  • What part of the presentation do you think will stick with you the longest?
  • Can you recall the first major point I made?
  • How does the information I presented align with your current understanding of the topic?
  • What new idea or concept did you learn that you didn’t know before?
  • How would you apply the information presented to a real-life situation?
  • Can someone point out the main takeaway from the second section of the presentation?
  • What question do you think I should ask to test people’s understanding of the content?
  • Can someone recall an example I used to explain a key concept?
  • Which part of the presentation helped reinforce what you already knew?
  • What information do you think you’ll need to review to grasp the content fully?

Questions for Self-Improvement

  • What part of the presentation did you find least engaging?
  • Were the visuals helpful or distracting?
  • Did I pace the presentation well, or was it too fast/slow?
  • Was there enough detail to make the content clear?
  • Did the presentation feel too long or just right?
  • How could I make the content more relatable?
  • Was my tone appropriate for the topic?
  • Did I make the main points clear and easy to follow?
  • Were the transitions between topics smooth enough?
  • How could I improve my delivery in future presentations?
  • Was there anything in the presentation that felt unnecessary?
  • Did the examples I used help explain the concepts?
  • How could I make the presentation more engaging for the audience?
  • Was my body language effective in keeping your attention?
  • What suggestions do you have for improving this presentation?

Follow-Up Questions to the Topic

  • Can you explain more about the key points you mentioned?
  • Could you provide more examples to clarify your ideas?
  • How does this information compare to other views on the subject?
  • Could you expand on the background of this topic?
  • What research or sources support your presentation?
  • How does your perspective differ from other common approaches?
  • Could you explain your thought process behind these conclusions?
  • Can you talk more about how this information applies in broader contexts?
  • What are some challenges in applying this concept?
  • Could you provide more context regarding some of the data presented?
  • How did you decide which aspects of the topic to focus on?
  • Could you explore further how this impacts different fields or industries?
  • How has this subject evolved over time?
  • What additional resources would you recommend for further understanding?
  • How do you see this topic developing in the future?

Challenging Questions for Critical Thinking

  • What are the limitations of this approach?
  • Have you considered alternative viewpoints or methods?
  • What would critics of this approach say?
  • Is there evidence that challenges your conclusions?
  • How do you address situations where this idea doesn’t work as expected?
  • What risks could arise if this idea is applied incorrectly?
  • What factors might limit the success of this approach?
  • Are there any ethical concerns related to this?
  • What if the opposite of what you suggest is true?
  • How would you adapt this idea to different scenarios?
  • Are there exceptions where this concept wouldn’t apply?
  • What external factors could influence the success of this idea?
  • How does this fit into the larger conversation about this topic?
  • If you had to critique your own ideas, what would you say?
  • What should we consider before fully accepting this concept?

Application and Practicality Questions

  • How can I apply what you’ve shared in practical situations?
  • What are some first steps to putting this into action?
  • Can you provide real-life examples of this being applied successfully?
  • What should we consider when trying to implement this?
  • What obstacles might arise when applying this information?
  • How does this concept apply in different situations?
  • How can this information be useful in everyday life?
  • What tools or resources would help in applying these ideas?
  • How do you recommend starting to use this information?
  • How does this work for teams or individuals?
  • Can you give an example of this working well in challenging conditions?
  • How long does it usually take to see results from applying this?
  • What are common mistakes to avoid when using this information?
  • Are there real-world examples that show the success of this approach?
  • What should someone know before trying to apply these ideas?

Should you end a presentation with any questions?

Yes, ending a presentation with a Q&A segment is a common and effective practice. It allows the audience to clarify any doubts and provides a chance for interaction. It shows that you are open to feedback and willing to engage further, which can strengthen your connection with the audience.

How do you start a Q&A session after a presentation?

Transition smoothly by inviting the audience to ask their questions. You can say something like , “Thank you for listening. Now, I’d be happy to take any questions you have.” Make eye contact, stay relaxed, and give the audience time to formulate their questions before jumping in to answer.

What should you avoid when asking questions after a presentation?

Avoid overly personal questions or those that might seem confrontational. The goal is to enhance understanding and discussion, not to challenge the presenter in a negative way.

How should a presenter handle questions they cannot answer?

It’s important for presenters to be honest if they don’t have an answer. They can offer to find the information and follow up or suggest resources where the audience might find the answer themselves.

Is there a limit to how many questions one should ask after a presentation?

While there is no set limit, it’s respectful to be mindful of time and the number of other audience members who might also have questions. Asking one or two thoughtful questions is generally appropriate.

Asking the right questions after a presentation can open the door to better understanding and stronger connections. Whether you’re presenting or listening, thoughtful questions help everyone learn more and keep the conversation going.

So, next time you’re in a presentation, don’t hesitate to speak up. Your questions could make all the difference in how well the message is understood and remembered.

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Bea Mariel Saulo

Bea is an editor and writer with a passion for literature and self-improvement. Her ability to combine these two interests enables her to write informative and thought-provoking articles that positively impact society. She enjoys reading stories and listening to music in her spare time.

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6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

Written by: Ashish Arora

how to start a presentation wide header

Picture this: You've just delivered an amazing presentation that had your audience hooked from the start. The excitement in the room is glaring as you reach the final moments of your presentations.

Now, it's time to close with a bang and leave a lasting impression.

The way you conclude your presentation holds immense power. That’s the defining moment that cements your message in the minds of your audience.

So how do you wrap up your presentation in a memorable way and leave your audience feeling inspired? That’s why we created this article to teach you how to end a presentation.

In this article, we're going to explore six awesome ways to close your presentation with style. These techniques will help you leave a lasting impact and make your audience go "Wow!" Get ready to level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing techniques.

If you're ready to kick things off quickly, Visme's presentation software can help you create something amazing. Tap into our rich collection of presentation templates and customize your design with an intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

We've covered the best closing tactics for your next presentation in this video.

Table of Contents

6 ways to close your presentation with style, tools to help you create a presentation, key phrases to end a presentation.

  • How to Start a Presentation
  • Top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid
  • How you end your presentation can make all the difference in solidifying your message and leaving your audience with a sense of purpose.
  • Level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing techniques: include a strong call-to-action (CTA), don't end with a question and answer slide, conclude with a memorable quote, tell a story, summarize your main points and thank the audience.
  • Here are some ways you can start your presentation on a strong note: make a bold claim, give them the unexpected, pique curiosity, ask questions and tell a story.
  • Avoid these top presentation mistakes: lack of adequate presentation, being robotic, avoiding eye contact, starting and ending weak.
  • Visme, Prezi, Slidebean and Google Slides are four stand-out tools you can use to create stunning and effective presentations.
  • Visme’s presentation software offers a wide range of templates and extensive features to help you create next-level presentations.

There’s no question that grabbing your audience’s attention at the very beginning of your presentation is important. But how you end it can make all the difference in your presentation’s overall impact.

Here are some ways to ensure you end powerfully:

  • Way #1: Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • Way #2: Don't End With a Q&A
  • Way #3: End With a Memorable Quote
  • Way #4: Close With a Story
  • Way #5: Drive Your Main Points Home
  • Way #6: Thank and Acknowledge

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1. Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

If you’re a business owner, the primary purpose of your presentation is to inspire the audience to action. Don’t assume they will take it, move them to it.

Use powerful words that are definitive and instructional. Calls-to-action like “Begin the journey” or “Join the fight” are to-the-point and let the audience know what to do.

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2. Don’t End with a Q&A

You’ve just spent 20-30 minutes wowing your audience and now you’re going to let your presentation fizzle out with a Q&A? Beyond the fact that you are never in full control of what questions you will be asked, Q&As are just not memorable.

So how do you end a presentation with a bang? It is better to take questions throughout the presentation. This way the questions asked are relevant to the particular information being shared and you can ensure your audience is keeping up with you.

If you have been forced to structure your presentation so that questions are taken at the end, make sure to allow yourself a minute or two after the Q&A. Use this time to close the presentation with your final takeaways and messages of inspiration.

3. End with a Memorable Quote

Sometimes, if you can’t find the perfect words to end with, use someone else’s words.

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”  –Charles Swindoll

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” –John Lennon

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

These are pretty powerful words, no? Use quotes like these when you wrap up your presentation, or add them in your final slide to leave a strong impression.

4. Close with a Story

If opening with a compelling story works, there’s a very good chance that closing with one will as well. While a story at the beginning was an effective lead-in to your message, a story at the end can creatively sum up the information you have shared.

A word of caution: don’t end with a case study . Many business owners do this. Case studies are great for the middle of your presentation. But for the conclusion, you want a meaningful story that affects your audience emotionally and causes them to remember your message for a long, long time.

5. Drive Your Main Points Home

Your audience will appreciate some form of summation at the end that will act as a linear representation of what they’ve just heard.  There is a simple summary formula that many professional speakers use in the ending slide:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  • Then, tell them what you told them.

You can simply say something like, “Before I leave you with my final thoughts about XYZ, let me briefly restate my main takeaways…” Don’t just list your key points but show the audience how each links to the other points.

Giving a successful presentation takes a lot of work and commitment. By creating a powerful opening and closing, you will ensure that your message is not only fully received but impactful as well.

6.  Thank and Acknowledge

If you're finding it hard to signal to your audience that your presentation has ended and it's time to applaud, thanking them can be a great way to do so. Including an end slide or thank you slide can make things easier.

At the end of your presentation, you can also acknowledge any companies or people who helped you put together your presentation, such as a website you used as a data source.

Now that you know how to end a presentation effectively, let's find out how you can create one that speaks for itself.

A well-designed slide deck can not only help you better convey your message, but it can also make you feel more confident about your presentation.

Here are four tools you can use to create stunning and effective presentations.

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Visme is a robust visual content creation tool and presentation software that transforms how users create and deliver captivating presentations. With a wide range of customizable templates, an extensive asset library and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can level up your presentation and captivate your audience like never before.

Here are some of the standard features of Visme's presentation software.

  • Generate a set of branded templates tailored to your brand using Visme's AI-powered brand design tool .
  • Easily record projects and presentations for your audience to view on their own time and pace with Visme Presenter studio .
  • Create beautiful data visualizations , charts , graphs , and infographics that will effectively communicate your information.
  • Transform boring presentation slides into enriching experiences that keep your audience engaged with interactive features using pop ups, hover effects, slide transitions, interactive charts, maps, quizzes and videos.
  •  Generate high-quality content,  proofread or create an outline for your presentation using Visme's AI text generator .
  • Take your presentation to a whole new level with our comprehensive library of royalty-free images, icons, illustrations, graphics, and pre-designed content blocks.
  • Unleash your creativity with the help of Visme’s AI image generator . All you need to do is input your prompt and you can generate unique photos, paintings, pencil drawings, 3D graphics, icons, abstract art, and more.
  • Drive seamless collaboration with Visme's collaborative features make teamwork a breeze. You can collaborate with colleagues and clients in real-time, leave comments, and make edits together, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow. Say goodbye to email attachments and enjoy seamless collaboration all in one place.
  • When you’re sold on your final presentation design , you can download it in multiple formats, including PPTX, PDF, PDF or as a shareable link . You can present directly from Visme, embed your presentation on websites, or download it for offline use.

If you're racing against the clock, use Visme's AI presentation maker to create stunning presentations in seconds. Just explain what you want to create, provide more context, select your preferred designs and watch the tool unleash its magic.

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Get started with our Starter plan and enjoy full access to templates and assets. Or upgrade to a Pro plan to access team collaboration and brand management features. Our Visme for Teams plans offer enterprise-level features like custom sub-domains, team collaboration, custom integrations and more.

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The master of non-linear presentations, Prezi, lets you create slide decks that are bound to stand out from others.

While the learning curve of Prezi can be steep for some people, it's worth it if you're looking to get creative with your presentations.

3. Slidebean

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If the most important thing to you when making a presentation is saving time, Slidebean might be a great fit.

The best thing about this tool is it uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create stunning layouts for your content.

Slidebean is ideal if you're not looking for extensive customizability, just ease of use and time-saving features like templates and content blocks.

4. Google Slides

presentation apps - Google Slides

Sometimes, the most basic tools are enough for creating a great presentation, especially if the industry you're operating in requires simplicity and seriousness.

The best part about Google Slides is that you can use it from anywhere and from any device. For example, you can create your entire presentation on your phone using the mobile application.

Presentations made in Google Slides can also be opened with Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote, which makes it quite a versatile tool.

if you're wondering how to close your presentation, here are some key phrases you can use:

Appreciate your listeners

  • Thank you for your time and attention.
  • I appreciate your presence here today.
  • Thank you for being such an engaged audience.

Express gratitude for the opportunity

  • I'm grateful for the chance to share...
  • I want to express my gratitude to...
  • Thank you once again for the opportunity.

Summarize the main points

  • In summary...
  • To sum up...
  • In conclusion...

Use a call to action

  • I encourage each of you to...
  • Let's work together to...
  • Take the next step by...

Inspire or motivate your audience

  • Remember that...
  • As we move forward, let's keep in mind...
  • Let this be a reminder that..."

Leave your closing thoughts

  • In closing...
  • As a final thought...
  • To wrap things up...

Encourage your audience to ask questions or share their thoughts

  • I'm now open to any questions you may have.
  • I'd love to hear your thoughts on...
  • Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Reiterate the main points

  • Just to recap...
  • To reiterate the key points...
  • In essence, we covered...

Use closing quotes

  • To quote [relevant figure]...
  • In the words of [author]...
  • As [famous person] once said...

Express optimism about the future

  • Looking ahead...
  • The future holds great opportunities for...
  • I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Remember, these fun ways to end a presentation aren't one-size-fits-all. You need to tailor these phrases to fit the specific context and tone of your presentation.

Bonus 1: How to Start a Presentation

Now you know how to conclude a presentation. We’ve also discussed ​​what to say at the end of a presentation.

Let’s discuss how to begin a presentation.

According to bestselling author, Malcolm Gladwell, in  Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking , "Snap judgments are ... enormously quick: they rely on the thinnest slices of experience."

In other words: first impressions are real, and they happen really quickly. Think about those presentations you have sat in the audience for.

How quickly did you sum a presenter up when they took the stage? Did you judge them on their posture? What they were wearing? How they addressed the audience? What their voice sounded like?

Most likely, you took all of these factors into account and quickly decided whether you were going to give them your full attention or think about what you should make for dinner.

As a presenter, you must understand that your audience members will make a snap decision about you within the first few moments after taking that stage. Your job at the very beginning of your presentation is to grab their attention.

Here are some ways you can start your presentation strong.

how to start a presentation visme infographic

1. Make a Bold Claim

Imagine being in the audience when a presenter opens his mouth and the first words out are, “When I’ve finished here today, you will have the knowledge to increase your revenue by 200% this year.” Um… would you sit forward in your chair and listen to every single word? You bet you would!

You have been asked to speak because you are an expert in your field and have valuable information to share. So why be shy about it? Start your presentation with a bold claim, and then overdeliver.

2. Give Them the Unexpected

Another powerful way to grab attention right up top is to contradict audience expectations. Some people refer to this as "applied unpredictability principle."

Giving people what they expect is not very exciting. Imagine a roller coaster that had no sudden drops or turns. It wouldn’t thrill you. Well the same can be said for presentations. The unexpected hooks the audience instantly.

Here’s an example. Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting , starts off her presentation by scanning the audience and then saying, “Okay, I don’t want to alarm anybody in this room, but it’s just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar! Also the person to your left is a liar.”

Well, the audience laughs, getting her intended joke, but you can tell that this unexpected statement has hooked them, and they are ready to give their full attention.

3. Pique Curiosity

Humans like to have their curiosity piqued. We love the feeling of being presented with information that makes us curious and wonder about something.  Research actually shows that curiosity prepares our brain to learn something new. How does it do this?

Well, when we are curious about something, we give that something our full attention. We look for clues and assess situations. This is how we operate and it’s how our ancestors stayed alive.

If you want to grab the audience’s attention right off the bat, ask a question or pose an idea that piques their curiosity. You’ll see many Ted Talk presenters do this by “confessing” they have to share a secret or an apology.

Speaker Dan Pink does this in his famous  T e d Talk  when he says:

“I need to make a confession, at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I am not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wished no one would ever know, but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal. In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.”

The minute someone says they have something to confess, we HAVE to know what it is, and so we are forced to pay attention.

RELATED: 29 Killer Presentation Tips to Wow Your Audience

4. Ask Questions

This technique is an oldie but a goodie. By posing a thoughtful question to your audience, their brain is forced to THINK about the answer. You have engaged them from second one. The key is to make the question one that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, but rather one that plants the seed of an idea.

“What scares you the most?”

“How do human beings constantly reach goals we all believe can never be reached?”

“When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel powerful?”

5. Tell a Story

“When I was nine, I met a homeless man who said he could see my entire future. He told me that when I turned 12, I would die. And I did.”

Okay, I am FULLY listening.

Stories are powerful. The human brain seems to have been wired to listen to stories. No matter how old we get, when someone starts to tell us a story, we instantly become 5-years-old, wide-eyed, ready to go on an adventure.

The story you tell can be personal or professional, just make sure it ties into your overall message.

Bonus 2: Top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

If we’re going to discuss a presentation success formula, we’ve got to first tackle some of the biggest public speaking mistakes that guarantee your presentation is unsuccessful. Are you guilty of any of these?

top common mistakes make in presentations infographic visme

1. Not Being Prepared

We’ve all seen those presenters who make it look so effortless. Steve Jobs was like that. He seemed to glide onto the stage, open his mouth and instantly captivate everyone.

But the truth is, even Steve Jobs had to prepare.

Thoughtful preparation is essential for any level of public speaking. Doing the work ahead of time will not only help you feel and sound more confident, it will ensure you deliver the right message to the right audience.

2. Being Robotic

Beyond being comfortable with your material, you must be comfortable in your own body. Have you seen presenters who just stand in one spot and barely move at all? While they’re not very good at exciting their audience, they do have a keen knack for lulling listeners to sleep.

Granted, there may be those rare situations where, because of a lack of robust technology, you have no choice but to stand behind a podium. But even then, be sure to use gestures to punctuate your message. Gestures communicate on a level that words don’t. Don’t be flamboyant but try and use natural gestures as much as you can – you’ll seem human instead of machine-like.

And, when technology does allow you free movement, by all means, move around that stage. Steve Jobs was great at using movement purposefully during his presentations.

If you have a presentation coming up and want to avoid sounding robotic, this video explains 8 ways to memorize your presentation.

end of presentation questions

3. Avoiding Eye Contact

We can’t talk about body language and not mention one of the biggest mistakes that many speakers make, and that is avoiding eye contact. How many presentations have you seen where the speaker spent the entire time staring at her notes or PowerPoint presentation? How did you feel? Perhaps invisible?

Meeting a person’s gaze establishes a real connection and keeps listeners engaged. If your audience is small enough, try to make eye contact with everyone at least once. If the audience is too large, do your best to scan each section of the audience, landing on a few people. This will give everyone a general impression that you are doing your best to connect.

4. Starting and Ending Weak

If there is one no-no a presenter can make, this is it.

You should think of your presentation as a delicious meal you have painstakingly prepared for your guests. What do you remember most about a great meal? If you’re like most people, you remember the appetizers and the dessert – everything in between is kind of a good-tasting blur.

When you begin and end your presentation strong, you gain the audience’s attention quickly and leave a positive and lasting impression. These are two skills that cannot be emphasized enough.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can ensure you start your presentation strong:

Ready to Level-Up Your Presentation?

Whether it's a business presentation or a motivational speech, knowing how to give a closing statement and ending your talk on a high note is important.

The last thing you say in front of a crowd can help you leave a memorable impression, whether it's a recap of your presentation content or a rhetorical question.

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About the Author

Ashish Arora is the Co-Founder of , a leading provider of result-driven, professionally built presentation templates. Travelling the world to gather new creative ideas, he has been working in the digital marketing space since 2007 and has a passion for designing presentations. You can also find him on  Twitter or  LinkedIn .

end of presentation questions

10 Powerful Examples of How to End a Presentation

  • By Illiya Vjestica
  • - January 23, 2023

a picture of a speaker ending his presentation facing towards the audience

Here are 10 powerful examples of how to end a presentation that does not end with a thank you slide.

How many presentations have you seen that end with “Thank you for listening” or “Any questions?” I bet it’s a lot…

“Thank you for listening.” is the most common example. Unfortunately, when it comes to closing out your slides ending with “thank you” is the norm. We can create a better presentation ending by following these simple examples.

The two most essential slides of your deck are the ending and intro. An excellent presentation ending is critical to helping the audience to the next step or following a specific call to action.

There are many ways you can increase your presentation retention rate . The most critical steps are having a solid call to action at the end of your presentation and a powerful hook that draws your audience in.

What Action do You Want Your Audience to Take?

Before designing your presentation, start with this question – what message or action will you leave your audience with?

Are you looking to persuade, inspire, entertain or inform your audience? You can choose one or multiple words to describe the intent of your presentation.

Think about the action words that best describe your presentation ending – what do you want them to do? Inspire, book, learn, understand, engage, donate, buy, book or schedule. These are a few examples.

If the goal of your presentation is to inspire, why not end with a powerful and inspiring quote ? Let words of wisdom be the spark that ignites an action within your audience.

Here are three ways to end your presentation:

  • Call to Action – getting the audience to take a specific action or next step, for example, booking a call, signing up for an event or donating to your cause.
  • Persuade – persuading your audience to think differently, try something new, undertake a challenge or join your movement or community.
  • Summarise – A summary of the key points and information you want the audience to remember. If you decide to summarise your talk at the end, keep it to no more than three main points.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

1. Asking your audience to take action or make a pledge.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here were asking the audience to take action by using the wording “take action” in our copy. This call to action is a pledge to donate. A clear message like this can be helpful for charities and non-profits looking to raise funding for their campaign or cause.

2. Encourage your audience to take a specific action, e.g. joining your cause or community

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here was are asking the audience to join our community and help solve a problem by becoming part of the solution. It’s a simple call to action. You can pass the touch to your audience and ask them to take the next lead.

3. Highlight the critical points for your audience to remember.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Rember, to summarise your presentation into no more than three key points. This is important because the human brain struggles to remember more than three pieces of information simultaneously. We call this the “Rule of Three”.

4. If you are trying to get more leads or sales end with a call to action to book a demo or schedule a call.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Can you inspire your audience to sign up for a demo or trial of your product? Structure your talk to lead your prospect through a journey of the results you generate for other clients. At the end of your deck, finish with a specific call to action, such as “Want similar results to X?”

Make sure you design a button, or graphic your prospect can click on when you send them the PDF version of the slides.

5. Challenge your audience to think differently or take action, e.g. what impact could they make?

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6. Give your audience actions to help share your message.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

7. Promote your upcoming events or workshops

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

8. Asking your audience to become a volunteer.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

9. Direct your audience to learn more about your website.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

10. If you are a book author, encourage your audience to engage with your book.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6 Questions to Generate an Ending for Your Presentation

You’ve told an engaging story, but why end your presentation without leaving your audience a clear message or call to action?

Here are six great questions you can ask yourself to generate an ending for your presentation or keynote talk.

  • What impression would you want to leave your audience with?
  • What is the big idea you want to leave them with?
  • What action should they take next?
  • What key point should you remember 72 hours after your presentation?
  • What do you want them to feel?
  • What is the key takeaway for them to understand?

What to Say After Ending a Presentation?

When you get to the end of a book, you don’t see the author say, “thank you for reading my last chapter.” Of course, there is no harm in thanking the audience after your presentation ends, but don’t make that the last words you speak.

Think of the ending of the presentation as the final chapter of an epic novel. It’s your chance to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Close with an impactful ending and leave them feeling empowered, invigorated and engaged.

  • Leave a lasting impression.
  • Think of it as the last chapter of a book.
  • Conclude with a thought or question.
  • Leave the audience with a specific action or next step.

How to End a Presentation with Style?

There are many great ways you can end your presentation with style. Are you ready to drop the mic?

Ensure your closing slide is punchy, has a clear headline, or uses a thought-provoking image.

You want to capture the audience’s attention before closing the presentation. Make sure the fonts you choose and are clear and easy to read. And What are the Best Colours for Your PowerPoint presentation? Use them wisely.

Do you need to consider adding a link? If you add links to your social media accounts, use icons and buttons to make them easy to see. Add a link to each button or icon. By doing this, if you send the PDF slides to people, they can follow the links to your various accounts.

What Should you Remember?

💡 If you take one thing away from this post, it’s to lose the traditional ending slides. Let’s move on from the “Thank you for your attention.” or “Any questions.” slides.

These don’t help you or the audience. Respect them and think about what they should do next. You may be interested to learn 3 Tactics to Free Your Presentation Style to help you connect to your audience.

Create stunning presentations with our templates, toolkits and guides.

Picture of Illiya Vjestica

Illiya Vjestica

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How to End Your Presentation with a Bang

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So you’ve spent days (maybe weeks) putting together a killer presentation. Now, you stand up with confidence, present every bullet point with poise, and then you get all the way to the end… and the presentation just fizzles.

It’s like a marathon runner who trains for months (maybe years), then just a half mile before the finish line, starts to cramps and can’t finish the race.

The last thing that you tell your audience will most likely be what they remember. So, you want to end your presentation with a bang!

In this post, we will cover three things that you should absolutely avoid when you close your presentation. In addition, we will also cover 6 killer ways to end on a positive note.

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Eliminate these “Show Stoppers” from Your Presentation Conclusion

Avoid these Presentation Ending Showstoppers

Avoid Ending Your Presentation with a Question & Answer Period.

One of the things that drives me up the wall is ending a fantastic presentation with a Q & A session that has a high propensity to just flop.

It reminds me of some sage advice from my jr high school football coach. He was an old-school running game type of coach. He’d say,

“In football, when you pass the ball, only three things can happen and two of them are bad.”

I kind of feel the same way about Question & Answer periods. There are only three ways that Q & A sessions can end, and two of them are bad .

Yes, If your audience asks you great questions, you can end your presentation on a high note. However, if your audience asks you odd questions or uninteresting questions, you can end on a low note. Even worse than getting crappy questions, though is getting no questions. Now, the ending will just seem odd.

When I present, I encourage people to ask questions DURING my presentation . That way, I can use a more dynamic way to end my presentation with a bang.

Don’t End by Thanking the Audience for Their Time.

When you stand up to speak, you should have the attitude that your audience is there to hear from you because you have important information that they need. When you thank your audience for their time, you are conceding that their time is more important than your time.

Also Avoid an Abrupt Ending with No Conclusion.

This happened to me early in my career. The first time that I really bombed a speech, I made two really big mistakes. The first was that I sped through the information so quickly that I finished in less than half of the allotted time. Then, I just ran out of things to say, so I sat down. The people in the audience were confused. I had more time and the ending was so abrupt, that they weren’t sure if I was finished.

So, spend time preparing your conclusion. Practice it a few times, and you will end on a high note.

Bonus Tip: Warn Your Audience Ahead of Time that Your Speech is Coming to a Close.

Our brains are wired to look for structure in things. That’s why people get frustrated with cliffhangers in movies. Only in movies, there’s a sequel. In speeches and presentations, the end is the end.

Give a hint that you are nearing a close a couple of slides or paragraphs before you actually do. Saying something like, “So let’s review what we’ve discussed so far”, “As I wrap up this presentation” or “In conclusion”.

Signaling the close prepares your audience for the ending. Ironically, it also makes the ending more memorable.

Secrets to a Powerful Presentation Ending – 6 Ways to End Your Presentation with a Bang

Not that we have covered what NOT to do, let’s focus on a few, turnkey ways to end your presentation with a bang.

(1) End Your Presentation with a Brief Summary You Key Points.

End Your Presentation with a Brief Summary You Key Points

This technique works really well because it allows you to repeat your key points a few times. This repetition helps your audience remember the content better.

An Example of Using a Summary to End Your Presentation with a Bang!

A couple of months ago, I had a class member that used this technique really well. She worked for a local TV station that was trying to attract new viewers. Here is the presentation outline that she created:

We Can Increase the Number of Young Viewers by Focusing More on Our Social Media Platforms Teens get most news from social media. Increase coverage w/ teens increases interest in station. Making social media selective will make us stand out against competition.

[Introduction] “My topic today is about how we can increase the number of young viewers by focusing more on social media. The things that we are going to cover are, how teens get most of their news from social media, that if we increase our coverage with teens there will also be a corresponding increase in interest in our TV station, and how making our social media selective will allow us to stand out from the competition.”

After the introduction, the speaker would then cover the “meat” of the presentation by going through each point with specific examples and evidence about how each of those points is true.

At the conclusion, the speaker could just recap by saying, “So in conclusion, since teens get most of their news via social media, if we increase our coverage with teens, we will also increase interest in our station, and if we make our social media selective we will stand out from the crowd, I believe that we can increase the number of young viewers by focusing more on social media.”

The summary technique is a very easy way to conclude your speech, and it will also increase the retention of your audience.

For additional examples, see How to Write a Speech in Just a few Steps .

(2) End with an Example, Story, or Anecdote.

End with a Story or Anecdote

I spoke for another 45 minutes, and then I finished the presentation by describing the success story of one of my class members. He had implemented the very content that I had just delivered to that breakout session group. However, he was delivering a very data-intense presentation for the Center for Disease Control. (So his content was even more boring than the type of content the audience had to deliver.) The story showed the group how a speaker can take even boring, data-filled material and deliver it well.

Those contrasting stories — the one at the start of my presentation, and the one at the end, work really well together. They bookend the entire presentation.

An Easy Way to Find a Funny Anecdote to End Your Presentation.

Sometimes a good anecdote or funny story can be a good way to end on a positive as well. A good place to get funny anecdotes is from Reader’s Digest . (RD has a great book published that has just funny work-related stories. You can purchase it here: Laughter the Best Medicine @ Work: America’s Funniest Jokes, Quotes, and Cartoons )

This is kind of an embarrassing incident, but it shows that if you get a little creative, any type of story can be a great ending.

I was training an instructor years ago, and I had her just pick a random funny anecdote from Reader’s Digest. I told her that, no matter what the story was about, I’d find some way to insert the funny story into our class. Here is the story that she picked…

A woman went to her boss saying that she was going to go home early because she was feeling sick. The boss, having just gotten over a cold said that he hoped it wasn’t something that he had given to her. A coworker overhearing the conversation said, ‘I hope not. She has morning sickness.'”

(Obviously, this instructor-in-training also had a sense of humor, as well.) I thought about it a while, and I just ended the session with, “So, in summary, one of the most important parts of the presentation design process is knowing your audience. In fact, that reminds me of a story…” I then just added the anecdote word-for-word, and I got a big laugh.

I created a whole series of posts on storytelling starting with Storytelling in Public Speaking .

(3) Finish Your Speech by Telling the End of an Earlier Story.

Tell the End of an Earlier Story

Then, I finished the presentation by telling how, just a year later, after a little outside training, I had to stand in front of over 400 people to give an acceptance speech for an award. This time, I was calm, and I used my humor to win over the audience, and I killed it. By continuing the story and providing a positive result at the end, it makes for a pretty nice presentation ending.

So start with a story where you had a challenge and end with a success story about how you overcame that challenge.

(4) End Your Presentation with an Open-Ended Question.

Ask an Open Ended Question

That’s why people are drawn to thought-provoking questions. So a great way to end your speech is with a well-designed, thought-provoking question.

When I teach a class, I use this technique before almost every break. For instance, if I teach an hour-long session, it will be easy for the audience to forget a lot of the content if it isn’t reinforced right away. So, by asking a thought-provoking question about the content, it stimulates the content in the minds of the audience.

When you ask questions, though, avoid easy questions where the answer is an obvious “yes” or “no.” Instead, ask open-ended questions. The easiest way to do this is to ask for the audience members’ opinions.

For instance, if my title is “Starting with a 3-Point Outline Will Help You Save Time When You Design Presentations,” I could end the speech with a question like, “Based on what we’ve talked about today, how can you see starting with a three-point outline helping you save time?”

Any answers that the audience provides will help me prove my point. The more the better.

(5) Give the Audience a Call-to-Action at the End of Your Speech.

End Your Speech with a Call to Action

Just as an FYI, here, though, if you ask them to do a single thing, they are more likely to do it. If you ask them to do a second thing, they are more likely to do neither. Sp, to prevent that and to inspire your audience, challenge them to do one specific thing from your speech.

If your presentation is about why your company should invest in advertising, make your call to action very specific. “So, my suggestion is that we increase our advertising budget by 10% and use that budget for additional re-targeting ads.”

The thing to keep in mind here is that the more calls to action that you have, the less likely they will do anything. So, make your call to action just a single item. And make the item easy to implement.

(6) The Echo Close Is an Inspirational Way to End Your Speech with a Bang.

The Echo Close for a Presentation

A wise man once said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” So, when you present, kindle the fire of knowledge. Kindle the fire of enthusiasm. Kindle the fire of humor. Kindle the fire of empathy. And you will kindle the fire of learning from your audience.

Another example might be.

So, in conclusion, brevity in public speaking is pretty important. In fact, George Orwell once said, “If it is possible to cut a word out of your speech, always cut it out.” So, when you create a presentation, cut the fluff. Cut the repetitive bullets. Cut the platitudes. And when you do, you will cut the confusion from your audience.

It is an easy technique if you prepare the ending and practice it a few times.

So that concludes the six ways that you can end your presentation with a bang. However… There is…

“One More Thing”

Steve Jobs was famous for concluding his keynotes with “One more thing…” then following it up with a surprising fact, feature, or innovation.

Why is this effective? Because it leaves people talking.

One More Thing

Regardless of how you choose to end your presentation, spend a little time on the ending. Make it flawless, and you will leave your audience wanting more! If you do, you will end your presentation with a bang!

Choose the Best Presentation Ending for Your Presentation Purpose

With all of the great choices, how do we know which presentation ending to use? Luckily, we have created a free handout to help you pick the best presentation ending. Although many of the tips above will work in many different types of speeches, the handout will help you identify which ending will accomplish specific purposes for your specific presentation.

For instance, if your goal is to help your audience retain the content, then summarizing your key points is a great choice. If your purpose is to inspire the audience, you might try the Call to Action or Echo technique instead. Just complete the form below for instant access!

Download the Free “How to End Your Presentation” Handout!

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How to Nail the Q&A After Your Presentation

by Caroline Webb

end of presentation questions

Summary .   

When preparing to give a presentation, most professionals focus their energy on the main portion of their talk — their key messages, slides, and takeaways. And far too few people think through how you’ll answer questions at the end of the presentation can be a big mistake. If you’re worried about how to hand the Q&A, there are several things you can do. Change your mindset. Rather than dreading this part of the talk, develop an appreciation for the conversation. It’s a good thing that people have follow-up questions and want to further engage with your content. Beforehand, think through the types of questions audience members might ask. Put yourself in your shoes and ask yourself what concerns they might have about how your message impacts their job. Then, when you’re asked a question, especially one that might be contentious, start your answer by focusing on where you and the person asking it agree. This makes the person feel seen and connected to you. And if you’re asked a question out of left field, be curious. Ask follow-up questions that help you understand what they’re getting at and where they’re coming from.

If you’re not a huge fan of public speaking , you’re in good company. It’s such a widely shared source of anxiety that when psychologists want to induce unpleasant stress in a person for experimental purposes, they often use a public speaking task called the Trier Social Stress Test . The test requires people to give a talk and do sums in front of a panel of impassive listeners, and it reliably generates stress markers such as a faster heart rate, raised cortisol levels, and “enhanced skin conductance,” which is the polite way of saying sweaty palms.

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How to End A Presentation in 2024 | Tips and Examples

Astrid Tran • 08 April, 2024 • 8 min read

How to end a presentation successfully ? First impression matters all the time, and the ending is no exception. Many presentations make mistakes in putting a lot of effort into designing a great opening but forget the closing.

With that in mind, the article aims to equip you with useful ways to have a complete presentation, especially on having an impressive and engaging ending. So let's dive in!

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Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Presentation Ending

Recapping Key Points

Incorporating a call to action, ending with a powerful quote, asking a thought-provoking question, avoiding new information, when to end the presentation perfectly, final thoughts, frequently asked questions.

Alternative Text

Get your Students Engaged

Start meaningful discussion, get useful feedback and educate your audience. Sign up to take free AhaSlides template

The Importance of Presentation Ending?

Why care about your presentation's conclusion? It's not just a formality; it's critical. The conclusion is where you make a lasting impression, reinforce key points for better retention, motivate action, and ensure your audience remembers your message.

Plus, a strong conclusion reflects your professionalism and shows you've thoughtfully considered how to leave a lasting impact. In essence, it's your final opportunity to effectively engage, inform, and persuade, ensuring your presentation achieves its objectives and is remembered for the right reasons.

How to End A Presentation Successfully: A Complete Guide with Examples

Effectively ending a presentation is essential to leave a lasting impression on your audience and drive your message home. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively end a presentation

How to end the presenation tips for beginners

One of the primary functions of a conclusion is to summarize the main points you've covered in your presentation. This recap serves as a memory aid, reinforcing the key takeaways for your audience. It's essential to do this succinctly and clearly, ensuring that the audience can easily recall the core ideas. For example:

  • "We've delved into the factors that drive motivation - setting meaningful goals, overcoming obstacles, and fostering a positive mindset. These are the building blocks of a motivated life."
  • "Before we conclude, let's come back to our core theme today - the incredible power of motivation. Our journey through the elements of inspiration and self-drive has been both enlightening and empowering."

* This step also is a great place for leaving a vision . A phrase that is commonly used is: "Visualize a world where people are empowered, pursuing their passions, and breaking barriers. It's a world where motivation fuels progress and dreams become reality. This vision is within reach for all of us."

How to write the end of the presentation? A powerful conclusion that motivates your audience to take action can be an excellent idea. Depending on the nature of your presentation, this could involve encouraging them to make a purchase, support a cause, or implement the ideas you've presented. Be specific in your call to action, and make it compelling and achievable. An example of a CTA ending can be:

  • "Now, it's time for action. I encourage each of you to identify your goals, create a plan, and take the first step toward realizing your dreams. Remember, motivation without action is just a daydream."

How to end a presentation impressively? "As the great Maya Angelou once said, 'You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.' Let's remember that we have the power to rise above challenges." Conclude with a relevant and impactful quote that relates to your topic. A well-chosen quote can leave a lasting impression and inspire reflection. For example, Julius Caesar utilized this technique when he said, "I came, I saw, I conquered." Some best phrases to use on your ending are:

  • Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.”
  • “For more information, head to the link on the screen.”
  • “Thank you for your time/attention.”
  • “I hope you found this presentation informative/useful/insightful.”

How to end a presentation without using the Thankyou slide? Pose a question that encourages your audience to think or reflect on the material you've presented. This can engage the audience and stimulate discussion.

For instance: You can start a statement like: "I'm here to address any questions or listen to your thoughts. Do you have any questions, stories, or ideas you'd like to share? Your voice is important, and your experiences can inspire us all."

💡Using live Q&A features from interactive presentation tools like AhaSlides to increase your audience engagement. This tool is integrated into PowerPoint and Google Slides so you can show it to your audience instantly and update the response in real-time.

How to end the presentation

The conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or ideas. Doing so can confuse your audience and dilute the impact of your core message. Stick to what you've already covered and use the conclusion to reinforce and emphasize the existing content.

💡Check out Thank You Slide For PPT | Create a Beautifully One in 2024 to learn about creating innovative and appealing Thank-You Slides to end any type of presentation, whether it is for academic or business purposes.

In summary, an effective conclusion serves as a concise recap of your presentation, encourages your audience to take action, and refrains from introducing new information. By accomplishing these three objectives, you'll create a conclusion that reinforces your message and inspires your audience to respond positively.

The timing for concluding a presentation depends on various factors, including the nature of your content, your audience, and any time constraints. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine when to conclude your presentation:

  • Avoid Rushing : Avoid rushing through your conclusion due to time constraints. Ensure that you have allocated sufficient time for the conclusion so that it doesn't feel abrupt or hurried.
  • Check Time Limits : If you have a specific time limit for your presentation, keep a close eye on the time as you approach the conclusion. Be prepared to adjust the pace of your presentation to ensure you have ample time for the conclusion.
  • Consider Audience Expectations : Consider the expectations of your audience. If they anticipate a specific duration for your presentation, try to align your conclusion with their expectations.
  • Wrap Up Naturally : Aim to conclude your presentation in a way that feels natural and not abrupt. Provide a clear signal that you're moving into the conclusion to prepare your audience for the end.

How to end a presentation? The key is to balance the need to convey your message effectively with the available time. Effective time management and a well-planned conclusion will help you wrap up your presentation smoothly and leave a positive impression on your audience.

🎊 Learn: Best Q&A Apps to Engage With Your Audience | 5+ Platforms For Free in 2024

How to end a presentation impressively in your opinion? As mentioned, there are many ways to engage your audience until the last minute, from a strong CTA, a captivating ending slide, thoughtful Q&A session. Don't force yourself to make an ending that you might not be comfortable with, act as naturally as possible.

💡Want more inspiration? Check out AhaSlides right away to explore more innovative methods to enhance audience engagement and collaboration!

What do you say at the end of a presentation?

At the end of a presentation, you typically say a few key things:

  •   Summarize your main points or key takeaways to reinforce the message.
  •   Provide a clear call to action, motivating your audience to take specific steps.
  •   Express gratitude and thank your audience for their time and attention.
  •   Optionally, open the floor for questions or comments, inviting audience engagement.

How do you end a fun presentation?

To conclude a fun presentation, you can share a light-hearted, relevant joke or humorous anecdote, encourage the audience to share their own fun or memorable experiences related to the topic, end with a playful or uplifting quote, and express your excitement and appreciation for the enjoyable presentation experience.

Should you say thank you at the end of a presentation?

Yes, saying thank you at the end of a presentation is a courteous and appreciative gesture. It acknowledges your audience's time and attention and adds a personal touch to your conclusion. It can be especially important in thank-you presentations and is generally a polite way to wrap up any type of presentation.

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Best Ways to Conclude a Presentation

Last Updated: October 4, 2023 Fact Checked

Strategies for Wrapping up a Presentation

Other best practice presentation tips, public speaking advice, how should you end a presentation.

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 6,610 times.

You’ve just spent the last hour or so preparing a super thorough and detailed presentation. Now it’s time to add the finishing touches and come up with an attention-grabbing and memorable closer. What strategies can you use to make sure that people really remember what you've said? Keep reading to learn all the most effective methods you can use to conclude your presentation in a way that’ll really stick with your audience. We'll cover different strategies you can mix and match to end your presentation with a bang, then follow up with public speaking tips. Let's dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Bring your presentation to a close by first giving a clear indication that you’ll be wrapping up, followed by a short summary of your main ideas.
  • Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action and an explanation of what good things will happen when they listen to your message.
  • Make your presentation memorable by embellishing it with a powerful quote, a story, or a surprising statistic or fact.
  • Get your audience involved by running a poll or survey at the end of your presentation.

Step 1 Give a clear indication that the presentation is coming to an end.

  • “In conclusion…”
  • “In summary…”
  • “As I conclude my presentation, let me ask you a question.”
  • “This brings me to the end of my presentation today.”
  • “In respect of time, allow me to wrap up my last comments.”

Step 2 Provide a quick and concise summary of the presentation’s key points.

  • “That brings me to the conclusion of my presentation. If you’re to take anything away from my presentation today, let it be the three Cs of credit that we talked about: character, capacity, and capital.”
  • "Above all else, remember the acronym RAM: redesign, application, and management."

Step 3 Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action.

  • “When you volunteer for this program, you will build your skills and gain valuable experiences.”
  • “You will participate in the increased profitability of our company by joining this new program.”
  • “Make this company a more inclusive and healthy place to work by taking just a few minutes out of your day to do these small actions.”

Step 4 End your presentation with a powerful statement or quote.

  • “As the Greek historian Plutarch once said, ‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.’ Let’s kindle the fire within our minds and make the changes we want to see.”
  • “I’ll leave you today with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: ‘Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.’”
  • “Work hard to inspire not only those around you, but yourself as well.”

Step 5 Present one last surprising statistic to grab people’s attention.

  • Pair this statistic or fact with a memorable visual, such as an illustrated graph, a video, or a picture. The more visual your presentation is, the more memorable it will be to your audience.

Step 6 Conclude by telling a story that encompasses your main ideas.

  • Another way to go about telling a story is to start it in your presentation’s intro and end it during the conclusion. Your audience will be curious to know how the story ends.

Step 7 Ask a rhetorical question that’ll make your audience think.

  • “What do you think the word ‘success’ means?”
  • “How can we make an impact every day through the work we do?”
  • “Why do you think people are so afraid of change and questioning the way things have always been done?”
  • Asking a question at the beginning of your presentation and answering it during the conclusion is another strategy to consider. Just be sure that you don’t forget to answer this question and accidentally leave your audience hanging.

Step 1 Put your Q&A section in the middle of your presentation instead of at the end.

  • “What’s your usual mood during the workday?”
  • “Have you ever presented your supervisor with a new idea or suggestion?”
  • “Do you see yourself participating in this new program?”

Step 4 Conduct a final...

  • What they liked and disliked about the presentation
  • What improvements could be made
  • One memorable thing they took away from your presentation

Step 1 Make your presentation about your audience and not solely about you.

  • Before your presentation, go and talk with some of the audience members. This will give them a chance to warm up to you and can help you feel more relaxed once you get up and start presenting.

Step 2 Use hand gestures to create an inviting atmosphere.

  • Using hand gestures also shows the audience that you’re in control of the space around you, and makes you appear much more confident and at ease.

Step 3 Maintain your professional stage presence before and after the presentation.

Expert Q&A

  • Keep in mind that your presentation gives you the chance to be a messenger. Give your audience something meaningful to walk with at the end of your speech. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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How to End a Presentation? [Top 8 Strategies with Examples]

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Guru - May 9, 2023 - Leave your thoughts. 9 min read

animaker deck , presentation , presentation ideas , Presentation Software , presentation tips

How you end a presentation is just as crucial as its opening. It can make or break the impression that you leave on your audience.

A strong conclusion can reinforce your key message and ensure that your audience remembers it even after the presentation is over.

A well-concluded presentation can leave your audience impressed, energized, and motivated to take action.

So now, are you wondering what’s the best way to conclude your presentation? Don’t worry! You have come to the right place!

To help you make a powerful ending to your presentation, we have compiled a list of 8 different strategies in this blog post.

Each of these strategies is designed to help you create a memorable and impactful conclusion to your presentation.

By choosing the most appropriate one for your presentation, you can ensure that your audience remembers your key message and feels motivated to take action.

Let’s jump right in,

1. Emphasize the core message 2. Mirror your opening statement 3. Pose an open-ended question 4. End with a Call to action 5. Thank the audience 6. End with a powerful quote 7. Acknowledge your contributors 8. Ask for feedback

1. Emphasize the core message:

One of the most important aspects of any presentation is ensuring your audience understands your core message.

Reiterating your main points and summarizing your message at the end of your presentation can reinforce this and leave a lasting impression.

It helps to ensure that your audience understands the purpose of your presentation and has a clear takeaway from the information you have provided.

In this video, the speaker restates her topic to conclude her speech firmly and gives a pause, resulting in tremendous applause from the audience.

Similarly, by restating your core message, you can also create a sense of cohesion and give your presentation a firm closure.

This can be particularly important if you want to motivate your audience to take action or influence their behavior in some way.

However, it's important not to repeat EVERYTHING you have said. Instead, focus on the most crucial elements and highlight them in a concise and clear manner.

2. Mirror your opening statement:

A great way to end your presentation is by mirroring your opening statement in your conclusion.

Highlighting your presentation's key message at the end and emphasizing the central idea you aimed to communicate will help your audience to retain it in their memory.

During the conclusion of the presentation, the speaker effectively utilized the technique of mirroring the opening example she had presented - ordering a pizza on the phone by herself.

The speaker demonstrated the remarkable transformation she had undergone in terms of personal growth and confidence, which strongly reinforced her message to the audience.

By mirroring her opening example, she created a sense of familiarity and connection with her audience while simultaneously driving home the key message of her presentation.

This technique allowed the audience to understand better and relate to the speaker's personal journey and the message she was conveying.

Similarly, you can also use this strategy to conclude your presentation. This can be particularly effective if you are trying to reinforce a specific theme or idea throughout your presentation.

3. Pose an open-ended question:

One of the best ways to conclude your presentation is to elicit a response from your audience using an open-ended question that can effectively engage them and make your presentation more memorable.

Look at how the speaker concludes her speech with an open-ended question in this video.

Similarly, you can also raise open-ended questions to help your audience look from a different perspective and encourage them to investigate more thoroughly on the information presented.

Most importantly, ensuring that your question is relevant to your presentation and doesn't detract from your overall message is essential when eliciting a response.

So make sure that you kindle your audiences’ thoughts and ideas with the open-ended question at the end. This helps create a good long-lasting impression of your presentation.

4. End with a Call to action:

One of the best ways to end your presentation is by concluding with a call to action slide.

Incorporating a call to action into your presentation can be a powerful way to encourage your audience to take the next step.

Whether it's signing up for a program, making a purchase, or supporting a cause, a clear call to action is essential to achieving your desired outcome.

Similarly, according to your type of presentation, you can include a relevant call to action.

For example, this might involve providing specific instructions or offering an incentive for taking action, such as a discount or free trial.

It's essential that you understand their pain points and make your call to action compelling. Ensure that your core message and the needs of your audience are aligned so that they are motivated enough to act.

5. Thank the audience:

At the end of your presentation, it's essential to recognize that your audience has taken time out of their busy schedules to attend and listen to your message.

Thanking your audience for their time and attention can create a positive impression and make them feel appreciated.

It's essential to make your gratitude genuine and sincere rather than a superficial gesture. For example, consider expressing your gratitude with a personal anecdote or acknowledging specific individuals in the audience.

This simple act of gratitude can also create a sense of personal connection and signal to your audience that the presentation has reached its conclusion, paving the way for future interactions with them.

6. End with a powerful quote:

One effective strategy to end your presentation on a high note is by leaving the audience with a powerful quote.

However, it's crucial to choose a quote that is not only impactful but also unique and relevant to your topic.

Using a commonly known quote may come across as unoriginal and irrelevant, losing the attention and interest of your audience in most cases.

In this presentation, Steve Jobs concludes his speech with an inspiring and powerful message, “Stay Hungry! Stay Foolish”. Thereby emphasizing that you should never stop learning, pursue more goals, and never stop being satisfied.

Similarly, in your conclusion, consider using a relevant quote to make an impact.

7. Acknowledge your contributors:

Another best way to conclude your presentation is by showing gratitude to your contributors.

For example, if you deliver a business presentation on behalf of a team or a department, it's essential to recognize the collective effort that went into creating the presentation.

The concluding moments of your speech are the perfect opportunity to acknowledge your team members' hard work and dedication.

You can express gratitude to your team as a whole, thanking them for their contribution to the presentation.

However, if you want to ensure that the individual efforts of team members are recognized, highlighting specific contributions may be a better approach.

Some examples include:

"Join me in giving a round of applause to my incredible team, who played a significant role in arranging this pitch deck."

"Finally, I would like to mention that my tech team experts provided me with insight into the technical nuances, and without their contribution, this presentation would not have been as informative as it is now."

"As I conclude, I want to express my gratitude to Mark and Serene from the Marketing team, whose assistance in gathering the data and designing the slides was invaluable."

By acknowledging individual team members, you are demonstrating your appreciation for their work and giving them the recognition they deserve.

This will not only make them feel valued but also motivate them to continue contributing to the success of future presentations.

So be sure to end your presentation with the required acknowledgment for all the contributions.

8. Ask for feedback:

You can conclude your presentation seamlessly by thanking the audience and asking for feedback from them.

Encouraging feedback from your audience can greatly benefit your future presentations. It allows you to understand how your message was received and how you can improve for the next time.

So, how can you gather feedback effectively?

Firstly, ask attendees to share their thoughts on your presentation after you finish speaking. This can be done by initiating a Q&A session or by approaching individuals directly.

Another option is to set up a QR code near the exit and ask people to scan and jot down their thoughts on the online form as they leave. This allows attendees to provide their feedback in a confidential and hassle-free manner.

Also, consider having a suggestion box for handwritten feedback notes or creating an anonymous online survey that links to your presentation slides. This method is beneficial if you want to gather feedback from a large audience or if you prefer to have quantitative data.

By actively seeking feedback, you show your audience that you value their input and are committed to improving your presentation skills.

However, this strategy does not apply to all the general presentations. So use this way of concluding your presentation where it makes more sense to you and the audience.

In summary, an impactful conclusion is vital to wrap up your presentation successfully.

Each of these strategies serves a unique purpose, and by combining them, you can create a conclusion that is both engaging and impactful.

By incorporating the 8 critical strategies mentioned in this guide, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience, ensuring that your message stays with them even after the presentation has ended.

Now that you have learned the pro strategies of how to end a presentation, take a look at this guide on “How to start a presentation” as well and nail your presentation from start to end!

If you are still uncertain about how to make a presentation from the ground up, we suggest checking out Animaker Deck - the world's first avatar-driven presentation software.

With over 40 distinct and creatively designed templates at your disposal, we are confident you will find it worth trying!

We hope this article was helpful. Do let us know your thoughts on which strategy worked best for you, and also suggest your own ways of ending a presentation.

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How To Close A Presentation

Table of contents, why the ending is the most important part.

The goal of your presentation is to have the audience members remember the message and act on it.

In order to effectively achieve this outcome, you must structure your presentation accordingly. You will need a strong introduction to set the scene, proof points throughout your presentation to support your argument and a conclusion to tie everything together.

Without a proper closing, your presentation will feel incomplete and leave the audience with more questions than answers. As the introduction is to the foundation of a home, the conclusion is to the roof. Without one, your presentation seems unstructured and incomplete with an empty void.

It is not up to the audience to break down what they’ve heard – that is simply too much cognitive processing required for them. You’ll lose your audience and your entire presentation would have been for nothing.

As the presenter, it is your responsibility to summarize key takeaways and craft a proper presentation conclusion that will leave a lasting impression with your audience.

All effective presentations have a conclusion. Whether it’s an inspirational quote, call to action or a few simple closing words. Nevertheless, you must practice and master the skills of how to end your presentation to join the ranks of master presenters.

To help you on your journey, we’ve put together a list of five ways you should end your presentation whether it be an informal, formal presentation or a virtual presentation . Even though these are only a few ways to end your presentation, they are tried and true based on presentation feedback we have received over the years.

10 Ways To End Your Business Presentation & PowerPoint Presentation

1 – end with a call to action.

In the world of business, you’ll be presenting to gain new business on a daily occurrence. RFP presentations and client proposals are just some of the presentations you’ll be engaged with. Just like any sales system, closing and asking for the business is the most critical part.

One way to end your presentation, especially in business is with a call to action.

A call to action is when you directly ask the audience what next steps you want them to take. This might be asking them to sign up for a promotion, following you on social media or engaging in some way.

A call to action is a great tool to use to close your presentation as it has a high conversion rate, the message is clear and it keeps the audience engaged.

2 – End With A Compelling Story

We are social creatures and stories are one of the most effective communication channels we use. Presentation psychology shows us that messages told through the use of a story are better remembered since they act on our human emotions and behaviors.

Stories are also great because it helps the audience sympathize with your messaging easier. Since they already have experienced emotions tethered to an event they can relate to, eliciting an emotional response from them will be easier.

3 – Avoid Q&As

Don’t end your presentation with a Q&A.

Question and answer periods are often unstructured. They could discredit your presentation should the questions not be vetted and your main message may get misconstrued.

Luckily, there are alternatives to Q&As which can still offer the same benefits without the uncertainties.

Alternative Ways To Get The Audience’s Attention, Feedback and Increase Engagement

Instead of using an unstructured Q&A period, try using a presentation tool such as Pigeonhole .

Software similar to this can help you filter questions before they’re made visible to the public. This will help you avoid any awkward or unwanted questions.

It can also allow you to ask for questions ahead of the presentation. This can allow you to avoid all questions being submitted at the end and will give you an opportunity to answer questions throughout the presentation.

4 – Come Full Circle With Your Message

Even with a strong opening message, it’s important to come full circle with your message.

As you progress through your presentation, points you mention will start to fade as your audience tries to remember the key points. Unfortunately, there are times where the main points of your presentation do get forgotten.

A way to combat this is to come full circle with your message. At the very beginning of your presentation, you should introduce the argument or message of your presentation similar to a thesis of an essay. As you progress through your presentation with proof points, you are supporting your argument. By the end, your audience might’ve forgotten what the main argument is. Not a problem, simply reintroduce the thesis, argument or key message of your presentation on the final slide for a lasting impression.

5 – Demonstrate Your Product

end of presentation questions

If your presentation is showcasing a new product or line of services, consider ending with a demonstration or live performance!

This will certainly blow away your audience members and be a strong ending. A perfect example of a presenter who perfected this technique is Steve Jobs.

Not only is ending your presentation with a demonstration a great way for your presentation to conclude, it also provides great additional benefits such as PR.

Also, depending on how your audience learns new things, it will help put into perspective what you just presented. If you talk about the benefits of a new product you’re launching, demonstrating those benefits will help provide context.

6 – Always End On A High Note

end of presentation questions

Always end a presentation on a high note.

Even if your presentation is covering a grim and dark topic, leave the audience with some positive motivation.

Negative motivation such as having your audience act on fear and anger are not ideal ways to end a presentation. Although considered effective by some marketers, ending on a high note leaves a longer lasting impression.

The last thing people want to hear are bad things. We are already bombarded with negativity on the news and social media. Convey a sense of positivity by ending on a high note.

7 – End With A Thought Provoking Question

end of presentation questions

Spark a sense of curiosity by asking your audience a relevant thought provoking question.

Asking a thought provoking question is a great way to end a presentation as it sticks with the audience long after everything is finished.

By having the audience fixated on a question, it will keep reminding them of your presentation and what initially sparked that question in the first place.

Remember though, the question should be relevant to what you spoke about.

8 – End With A Powerful Quote

end of presentation questions

Similar to a question, a quote will leave a lasting impression with your audience.

Sometimes, what you want to be said has already been said in a profound way you can’t top and that’s ok. Adding a quote, especially an impactful quote from someone famous like Julius Caesar helps drive your point across.

9 – End With A Powerful Image

end of presentation questions

We all know the saying that a picture says a thousand words.

What better way to end a presentation with an image that can leave the audience with their own personalized conclusion.

Ending off with a powerful image lets your audience come to their own conclusion of the presentation. The image might be meaningful as it relates to the topic you’re presenting or might target a specific emotion you want to elicit from them.

10 – End With Clear Next Steps

Similar to a call to action, outlining clear next steps is important for ending a presentation.

Even when you might not require the audience to take action as you would when inputting a call to action, you might want to set clear steps for what you as the presenter will do, what the organization will do or what the audience as individuals will do in a business setting.

Outlining clear next steps holds everyone accountable and it makes things less ambiguous.

You may consider outlining next steps typically in a business presentation.

For example, if you’re pitching to a client on some business you hope for them to buy into, providing a timeline will help put them in a mindset that makes them believe they’re already working with you. Next steps could be what to expect once the contract is signed with clear deliverable dates.

If you’re still not sure on how to end your presentation, consider outsourcing your presentation design to an agency like Presentation Geeks that have years of experience crafting presentations for a variety of industries.

By trusting professional presentation designers, you can be assured that from beginning to end, your presentation will be one to remember and you’ll be on your way to becoming a better presenter .

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Author:  Ryan

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How to end your presentation with style.

end of presentation questions

Written by Kai Xin Koh

How to end a presentation with style - saltbae

“I’ve come to the end of my presentation. Any questions?” you ask, hoping to hear a response from your audience. Unfortunately, you get nothing but an awkward silence.You think you pulled off a pretty great presentation, but then find yourself falling flat at the end. In this article, we endeavor to de-mystify how to end a presentation with style.

Let’s face the truth. Unless you present like Steve Jobs , the likelihood of an audience remembering your public speaking performance from start to end is extremely low. But this doesn’t mean that it is impossible to make a lasting impression. Studies have shown that when an audience is given a series of information, they have a tendency to remember the first and last items best. So use this to your advantage, and make an impact with your closing statement. Not only will you create a memorable moment, but your audience will also have an easier time retaining the message you’re trying to bring across.

We’ll show you 5 proven ways on how to end your presentation.

1. Inspire Your Audience with a Quote

Quotes are one of the most commonly used methods and with good reason. It has been a tried-and-tested way to reach out to your audience and connect with them on a deeper level. But here’s the thing: You need to figure out what resonates with them, and choose one that fits the presentation theme. If you’re up to it, you can round off the quote with your own thoughts as well.

For a great example, take a look at Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk, ‘How to escape education’s death valley’. When he was concluding his presentation, he used Benjamin Franklin’s quote:

There are three sorts of people in the world: Those who are immovable, people who don’t get it, or don’t want to do anything about it; there are people who are movable, people who see the need for change and are prepared to listen to it; and there are people who move, people who make things happen.

However, instead of ending it there, he then continued, “And if we can encourage more people, that will be a movement. And if the movement is strong enough, that’s, in the best sense of the word, a revolution. And that’s what we need.”

Not only did he use the quote to inspire the audience, he also added his own thoughts to provide perspective and illustrate his point further.

The quotes you share do not have to be from well-known authors. In fact, unusual quotes that have been rarely used can work in your favor by providing a different perspective. Just remember, it pays to exercise caution, as an inappropriate quote in the wrong situation may backfire instead.

2. End with a Compelling Image

We all know the saying, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. It’s pretty cliché, but true – Images do help to bring your message across in an impactful way. Ever heard of the ‘The Burning Monk’? In 1963, photographer Malcolm Browne captured a stunning photo of a monk who self-immolated in protest against the persecution of Buddhists. That award-winning photo sparked outrage around the world, and brought the situation into focus for many who were previously unaware of the situation.

how to end your presentation - burning man example

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If the news had been reported without this image, would it have the same impact? Unlikely. Of course, information can’t be shared without text, but ultimately, images are the ones that leave the biggest impression.

When you’re selecting an image to put on your final slide, ask yourself these questions to guide you along.

  • What do you want to show your audience?
  • What are you trying to illustrate?
  • How should they feel after looking at the image?

3. Leave With a Question

While it is not often encouraged to leave your audience hanging, suspense can be a fantastic way to create a memorable ending if you use it appropriately. Round off with a question that they can reflect on after the presentation, to keep them thinking about what you’ve shared. Keep it closely related to your topic, and use it to put the spotlight on a point you which to bring across.

Take a look at Scott Dinsmore’s TEDx talk, ‘How to find and do work you love’. In his presentation, he talked about discovering what matters to us, and then start doing it. For his conclusion, he ended by asking the audience, “What is the work you can’t not do?”

This ending can also useful if you know that you will be following up with a second presentation that will answer the question. Pose a thought-provoking question, then hint that you will be answering it in your next presentation, to give them something to look forward to.

4. Encourage Action

Sometimes, it’s great to be straightforward, and tell the audience what you’d like them to do. Would you like them to try doing something? Buy a product you’re selling? Commit to an event?

When you’re inviting the audience to act on something, be sure to make a clear statement. Ensure that your words are not vague or misleading, and bring your point across in a confident and firm manner.

Don’t make it tough for your audience to do an action. Who likes to leap through dozens of obstacles to get things done? Get your audience moving by starting slow. For example, if you’re presenting about environmental protection, don’t ask them to cut out all wastage immediately, that’s an impossible task. Instead, ask them to start by recycling whenever they can.

Alternatively, if you’re daring enough, make a bold statement. Share your belief in something, and involve the audience in it.

Not sure how you can do it? Watch Kakenya Ntaiya’s talk, ‘A girl who demanded school’. In her concluding statement, she passionately declared:

“I want to challenge you today. You are listening to me because you are here, very optimistic. You are somebody who is so passionate. You are somebody who wants to see a better world. You are somebody who wants to see that war ends, no poverty. You are somebody who wants to make a difference. You are somebody who wants to make our tomorrow better. I want to challenge you today that to be the first , because people will follow you. Be the first. People will follow you. Be bold. Stand up. Be fearless. Be confident. ”

5. Reiterate Your Message

You’ve spent a lot of time preparing the message you’re sharing, and now it’s time to reinforce it. To do that, summarize the key points of your presentation, and repeat them so that your audience remembers it once more.

A great technique to use when you’re repeating your message is the Rule of Three, a rule that suggests that people generally tend to remember concepts or ideas presented in threes better. Some commonly used examples would be ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ and ‘Mind, Body and Spirit’. Think of your presentation, and distil your key message into three words, phrases or sentences, before structuring your conclusion.

Neil Pasricha’s TEDx talk, ‘The 3 A’s of awesome’, is a fantastic example to learn from. In it, he talks about 3 secrets to lead an awesome life, i.e., Attitude, Awareness and Authenticity, which form the message for his entire presentation. But to further strengthen his message, he then repeats it at his conclusion by saying:

“And that’s why I believe that if you live your life with a great attitude , choosing to move forward and move on whenever life deals you a blow, living with a sense of awareness of the world around you, embracing your inner three year-old and seeing the tiny joys that make life so sweet and being authentic to yourself, being you and being cool with that, letting your heart lead you and putting yourself in experiences that satisfy you, then I think you’ll live a life that is rich and is satisfying, and I think you’ll live a life that is truly awesome.”

Sounds great, isn’t it? Not only did he reinforce his points, but he also captured his audience’s attention with a positive statement.

As presenters, we always hope that our presentations will end off on a high note. So now that you know how to end a presentation with style, take some time to prepare and practice, and you’re good to go. All the best!

Article Written By: Kai Xin Koh

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How do you close a presentation.

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How should you close a speech? I recently had a query from a fellow coach who specializes in working with engineers and tech firms, and her complaint was that far too many speeches in her experience ended with a slide reading “Any Questions?” She was asking for alternative ways to end a presentation.

It would be hard to imagine a duller (and less engaging) way to finish, aside from simply walking off the stage in silence.

First of all, there’s the slide issue itself. Slide-ware like PowerPoint doesn’t help; it distracts, because it requires us to multitask. And all the research on multitasking shows that we can’t do it. We first pay attention to one thing, and then another. Moreover, the research on how our brains process visual information indicates that we don’t actually see what’s in front of us, but rather an approximation of it that our brain matches to reality based on its memory banks.

So what really happens when we’re confronted in a meeting or a presentation with a speaker and a set of slides is that we look at the speaker—because we’re inherently more interested in people than pictures—and when our attentions start to wander, then we look at the slides. Now, reading slides and looking at people occupy two different parts of our brain, and there’s a lot of inefficiency in switching back and forth. So when we’re looking at the speaker, we’re getting one set of cues. When we look at the slides, we get another set. When we switch, we lose a bit of either information stream.

So the result is two incomplete sets of information. That’s tiring and indeed annoying for us, so we get cranky and tune out.

That’s what slide-ware does. With some exceptions, it adds to our information load, overwhelming it even faster, and causing us to tune out.

Don’t do it.

Any questions?

OK, so how should you end a speech? Following are five suggestions, in order to avoid the dreaded “Any Questions” slide.

1. The simplest way to end a speech, after you’ve finished the content part, is to say, “thank you.” That has the virtue of being individually understood, unexceptional, and unambiguous.

That remains my go-to recommendation for anyone who wants a way to signal to the audience that it’s time to applaud and then head for the bar. Neat, simple, gets the job done.

2. But let’s say you want something more original and exciting. A personal favorite of mine is to end with a question suggested by the talk, something related that broadens the discussion and gets people thinking. So, for example, if you’re wrapping up a talk on the future of software, you might say, “We’ve had a great discussion today about what software will look like in near future; I’d like to close by asking you what you think software might look like 100 years from now. Are we actually heading for the Great Singularity?”

Or even, “I’d like to close by asking you whether or not you think there should be government controls on either the violence in or the length of time spent on gaming software?”

That should give them something to talk about into next week, or at least over the coffee and donuts.

3. Of course, as I’ve recommended many times, the best way to end a speech is to turn the audience loose on an action. After all, you’ve been asking the audience to sit passively for 20 or 30 or 50 minutes. Give them a chance to move, to do something. It should be related to what you’ve been talking about, it should be specific, and it should be relatively simple. Get them to turn to a neighbor and pledge to start the good health regimen you’ve been talking about with one specific food change, for example.

4. If you’re afraid of not getting any questions, then you can arrange for a friend in the audience to ask one. The “plant” is a good way to get questions started if you fear silence. But if you’ve turned the chore of asking for questions over to a slide, then that suggests either you don’t really want to engage in questions, or you’re afraid of them. If it’s the former, then get over yourself. You’ve had the floor for 45 minutes; now it’s someone else’s turn. If the latter, then you might think about sharing your fears in an authentic way: “Now, I’m a little afraid of the questions you might ask, since there are some people here in the audience who know more about the subject than I do, but if we agree to turn the answering over to anyone who is best positioned to answer the question, I’m happy with that.”

5. Finally, you might borrow an idea from the theatre and have a “talk back.” In the theatre, some groups invite the audience to give their thoughts back to the actors, the director, the stage crew, or anyone else who’s available. It’s a critique, a Q and A opportunity, a focus group, and a therapy session all rolled up into one. It’s risky, because you’re at the mercy of jerks in the audience who just want to ventilate or bloviate, but then Q and A can bring out those trolls too. If you choose this option, then it’s a big help to have someone else MC the discussion.

No excuses; there are plenty of interesting ways to end a presentation. Throw away that “Any Questions” slide and get to work.

With thanks to Susan de la Vergne for the question.

Nick Morgan

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  • Handling Questions and Answers

end of presentation questions

At the end of your presentation, if it is appropriate for the type of presentation, solicit questions from the audience.

Responding to Audience Questions

When someone is asking a question, make eye contact with that person, listen positively, and acknowledge by saying "thank you for that question," or say "that is an excellent question" or "that is an important question".

If the audience is in a large room and cannot hear each other's questions, repeat the question loudly for everyone to hear, before answering it.

If you know the answer to the question, respond appropriately and briefly so you can take more questions and not spend too much time on one question.

Effective Response to Question

This video clip is an example of a presenter effectively responding to an audience member's question .

Ineffective Response to Question

This video clip is an example of a presenter ineffectively responding to an audience member's question .

If the question is not relevant to the presentation, say something like, "I am really sorry that question is outside the scope of this presentation, but I will be happy to stay after the presentation and discuss it with you."

Effective Response to Off-topic Question

This video clip is an example of a presenter effectively responding to an off-topic question or one in which he or she does not know the answer .

Inappropriate Response to Off-topic Question

This video clip is an example of a presenter inappropriately responding to an off-topic question or one in which he or she does not know the answer .

If time is running out for answering all of the questions, say, "I am sorry. I am running out of time, but I will take one last question, and then I will be available at the end to answer any remaining questions."

If you do not know the answer to a question say, "That is an interesting question, and I will have to get back to you later on that" or ask the audience "Can someone help me with this?" or be gracious and acknowledge you do not know the answer at that time.

If an audience member criticizes or attacks what you had covered in your presentation, do not attack back, but separate the valid criticism from the personal attack, and respond to the criticism appropriately.

Some things not to do during the question and answer period:

  • Shuffling papers or technology and not making eye contact with the questioner
  • Belittling the questioner
  • Calling those who want to ask questions by their physical characteristics
  • Not taking questions in the sequence they are asked, but focusing on certain people or a side of the room

Asking Good Questions

If you are in the audience, know also how to ask good questions to indicate that you are following the presentation.

You can ask some general questions about any topic, and you may be genuinely curious about some things presented.

  • What were the most challenging aspects, or what surprised you the most, in conducting this project?
  • Why did you choose this particular methodology or argument instead of another one?
  • How did you collect the data? Were there any problems in collecting data? What was the sample size?
  • How did you validate your work? Did you validate with a real problem or situation?
  • What are some of the limitations of your work?
  • What recommendations do you have for further exploration in this project?

Learning to ask good questions at the end of a presentation demonstrates your active participation.


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  • Preparing for the Presentation
  • Organizing the Presentation
  • Designing Effective Presentation Materials
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  • Delivering the Presentation
  • Presentation Skills Quiz
  • Presentation Preparation Checklist
  • Common Reasons for Ineffective Presentations

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Guide for Handling Questions after a Presentation

October 19, 2017 - Dom Barnard

The questions at the end of a presentation can be terrifying for many speakers as they can’t be controlled and are hard to prepare for. However, questions form an important part of the presentation for the whole audience as they allow for clarification and consolidation of learning.

The presenter can enhance the usefulness of the question and answer session by treating it as a formal part of the presentation that requires as much careful planning and control as the delivery of the core material.

Identify possible questions and scope in your preparation

The background work that you undertook whilst planning your presentation is the key to handling questions effectively and understanding what  type of audience  you’ll be faced with. If you have defined a focus for your presentation and have explored this thoroughly in your research and planning, you are more likely to be able to confidently respond to questions.

When planning your presentation, you will need to prepare prompts for questions that are open and straightforward, for example saying “That’s the end of my presentation. I’ll be taking questions for the next 10 minutes”.

You might also want to define topics for discussion before taking questions, by stating the areas you’re willing to field questions in. Your preparation will help you identify topics you are not confident with and want to avoid in the questioning.

Prepare for questions after the presentation

Set some rules for asking questions

At the start of your presentation, make it clear when you would prefer to deal with questions – as you go along or at the end of the presentation.

Some speakers prefer questions to be raised as they arise during the presentation. The advantage of this approach is that any misunderstandings can be dealt with immediately. However, there is also a danger that the question will disrupt or distract the speaker, or that questions are raised that would have been covered later in the presentation.

If you leave questions until the end, plan to leave plenty of time for questions so that the audience doesn’t feel rushed.

Framework for responding to questions

Answering questions under pressure can make you say things you shouldn’t have – the nerves can force you to give an inappropriate response. In your panic you might have misinterpreted the question or given away company information that was sensitive. Use the following framework to help you respond effectively to your audience.

Practice answering AI-generated questions on your speech or presentation with  VirtualSpeech .

1. Listen to the whole question

You don’t have to answer a question immediately. Pause for a few seconds,  actively listen  to all parts of the question and think about the best way to answer.

Frequently questions can change direction at the last moment, particularly if the questioner is thinking on their feet. This can throw you if you have already started to prepare an answer. Remember that questioners will frequently try to make a point whilst asking their question – it’s therefore important to both hear the content of the question and try to decipher the questioner’s intention.

2. Understand the context

If you are worried that you haven’t understood a question, ask them to clarify what they mean. Check for confirmation by paraphrasing the question back to the questioner – “You want me to list the improvements of X?”.

3. Involve the whole audience

It is important to remember that even though you are taking a question from one member of the audience, you are still responsible for the interest of the other audience members. This is particularly important in large groups as the audience will become bored if the presentation descends into a series of one-to-one discussions.

To involve the rest of the audience, make sure the whole audience has heard and understood the question by repeating it or paraphrasing it to the audience.

4. Respond concisely

When you reply to a question, direct your answer to both the questioner and other members of the audience. Try to keep your responses as focused as possible, leaving space for other questions. To avoid going into too much detail, check back with the questioner to see if you have answered their query – “Does that answer your question in enough detail?”.

We’ll cover different ways to respond in a later section.

5. Allow follow-up questions via email

You can also encourage your audience to ask questions after the event has finished by providing your email address. This shows a high level of respect for your audience and implies that the topic still has much further scope for enquiry.

Two good resources for handling questions

  • What’s the art of answering a tricky question?
  • Dodging the Question

Practice Answering Questions

Practice answering questions after your presentation using a 4 step process. Learn More

Options for answering the question

There are five possible choices depending on how well you understand and can answer the question. It’s okay to say that you don’t know the answer to something. This can add to your credibility instead of trying to waffle through an answer you don’t really know.

If you have a good answer for the question from the audience, go ahead and answer it in a short and clear message.

Ask a question back the audience member, such as “Can you clarify what you mean by that”. You can also attack the question if it is not related to the issue, factually inaccurate, personal or based on false assumptions. Be careful with this method.

Ask the question back to the audience or pass it to another panel member if possible. If suitable, another technique is to imply the question has been asked already, with you stating you don’t want to cover old ground.

Tell the audience member you will talk to them after the event. This gives you more time to think of a good answer and there is less pressure to give a perfect answer.

Or mention that that point is coming up in a slide.

This involves answering the question but changing the subject. You can also give a partial answer or give a negative answer, saying that something else will happen instead.

Avoid answering questions that fall outside of the remit of your talk: “I’m afraid that really falls outside of my objectives for today’s presentation. Perhaps we can resume discussion of that particular point later?”

Framework for handling questions after a presentation

Diagram Explained : Once you receive a question, you’ll have a few moments to think about it and reframe it in a way that makes sense to you. This will give you five choices on how to react – you can answer, reflect, deflect, defer or change the scope of the question. Once you’ve answered concisely, you can then follow up to check if the person asking the question is satisfied and then continue with the presentation.

Strategies to use when struggling to answer

Here are some strategies to use when you are struggling to answer the question posed to you. For more information, read this article on  Dodging the Question .

  • Acknowledge the question without answering it – “That’s a good question, let’s consider the impact by looking at…”
  • The question fails to tackle the important issue.
  • The question is based on a false assumption.
  • The question is factually inaccurate.
  • The question is too personal or objectionable.
  • Decline to answer. Refuse to answer on the basis that it is not your area of responsibility or it is sensitive company information – “You will have to ask [name] because I wasn’t involved in that particular project.”
  • Partial answer
  • Start to answer but change the subject
  • Negative answer. You state what won’t happen instead of what will happen
  • Answer a similar question
  • State or imply the question has already been answered – “We’ve already covered that topic”

Things to avoid

When handling questions and answers, you will still need to be as professional as you have been for the main delivery of your presentation. There are some common dangers to avoid.

Answering the question you wished you’d been asked

A common trick played by politicians, this strategy ignores the precise nature of the question and uses a predetermined answer to the broad topic area. If handled poorly, this technique is very obvious to the audience and frustrating to the questioner.

Giving a lengthy response

This is the process whereby you make a lengthy response, including all the information you’d left out in planning the main presentation. Your unplanned response will be unstructured and rambling, so keep things focused and brief. If you find yourself rambling, ask them to talk to you after.

Avoid giving a lengthy response to questions after your speech

Passing the blame

Passing the blame to others comes across as weak and evasive. If an idea from the audience is a good one, acknowledge its value. If it isn’t, make a polite rebuttal and move on.

Defensive answers

Occasionally, questions can really put you on the spot, but it is important to remain calm and in control. An aggressive or defensive reply will be seen as weakness on your part and will spoil the effect of an otherwise successful presentation.

Handling difficult questions

It is important not to start responding to a difficult question before you have thought about the answer. Repeating the question and asking for clarification will help create some space for your thoughts.

Sometimes you will need to think about a question for a moment before responding. You may be able to buy a little bit of thinking time to help focus your response. Useful strategies include searching for an appropriate visual aid to help focus your response or simply pausing for a moment or two to think. For even more time, suggest that you’ll come back to the topic later (but don’t forget to do this).

7 myths when answering tough questions during presentations

Sometimes questions are too difficult to answer. Don’t worry about admitting that you don’t know something or haven’t considered an alternative approach. An enthusiastic “That’s an interesting idea, I’d not thought of that” is much more positive than a mumbled “I don’t know ”. Remember that a presentation is a two-way process and it is important to show that you are learning from your audience as well.

Finally, you can come across a questioner who disagrees strongly with your argument. Although this can feel very awkward, remember that you are still responsible for the whole audience and that you cannot allocate all of your question time to one individual.

If you feel that you have answered the initial question, announce that you will move on and suggest that you might continue discussion after the presentation. If the questioner persists, assert your position calmly by saying “I’m afraid I need to move on”.

You can read more on this topic here:  Responding to questions effectively (PDF)

Frantically Speaking

The Art of Question & Answer: Handling Audience Questions Like a Pro

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking

Question answer session

If you have ever given a presentation , you might know how witty and challenging a question-and-answer session can get. Not knowing the answer to a question can be quite unnerving and leave a bad impression even after a fabulous presentation. This blog will help you bridge that gap before your next presentation. We will talk about how to maintain your composure as you deal with questions and also the different types of difficult questions one can face.

Why should I have a Question-and-answer session?

Having a Question and Answer (Q&A) session serves multiple valuable purposes. It transforms one-sided communication into a two-way exchange, turning lectures or speeches into engaging discussions. This interaction not only enhances audience engagement but also promotes collaboration and the collective building of knowledge. Historically, great questions have driven innovation and change, such as Isaac Newton’s curiosity about gravity. During a Q&A , encouraging audience participation by inviting questions and making eye contact with various attendees creates a sense of connection and keeps the session lively, much like a talk show host engaging their audience. 

Including a question and answer (Q&A) session after your presentation holds numerous advantages and is a pivotal aspect of engaging with your audience effectively.

Let’s delve into these reasons:

1. audience engagement and participation: .

Inviting questions at the end of your presentation allows your audience to actively participate, transforming your session into an interactive experience. As Albert Einstein aptly put it, “The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

2. Addressing Confusion and Skepticism:

 Your presentation might leave some audience members perplexed or unconvinced. Before you begin, it’s vital to gauge your audience’s understanding. As Aristotle noted, “Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.” Q&A provides an excellent opportunity to clarify doubts and bolster your argument.

3. Expanding on Your Message: 

Often, time constraints force you to condense crucial information during your presentation. Q&A, however, empowers you to elaborate on your points, share practical examples, and address any opposition, creating a more comprehensive understanding. This aligns with Robert Frost’s sentiment: “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”

4. Fostering Natural Interaction: 

Effective public speaking thrives on interaction. Audiences seek speakers who communicate openly and naturally. Q&A brings a conversational and relatable dimension to your presentation. As Maya Angelou wisely said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

5. Challenging Your Expertise: 

The unpredictability of Q&A keeps you on your toes. You must be well-prepared and nimble to handle a variety of questions and objections. Eleanor Roosevelt’s words resonate: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face.”

How do you answer Questions effectively?

Handling a question-and-answer session effectively requires preparation, communication skills, and adaptability. Whether you’re conducting a Q&A session as a speaker, presenter, or moderator, here are some tips to help you manage it effectively:

1. Preparation is Key:

Know your audience: Research your audience’s demographics, interests, and knowledge level. Tailor your responses to their needs and expectations. Imagine you’re hosting a Q&A session about pets. Knowing your audience means finding out if they’re mostly cat lovers, dog enthusiasts, or perhaps reptile fans. This helps you tailor your answers to their specific interests, like offering dog training tips for dog lovers and habitat ideas for reptile enthusiasts.

Anticipate questions: Develop a list of potential questions that might arise during the session. This can help you prepare concise and informative answers. If you’re giving a presentation about a superhero movie, anticipate questions like “Who’s the main villain?” or “What are the special powers of the hero?” Prepare concise answers to these common questions to keep the audience engaged.

Review your material: Revisit your presentation or discussion content before the Q&A session. This will help you recall key points and examples that may be relevant to questions. For Ex: You’re a teacher conducting a Q&A after a science class. Before the session, review your notes on the periodic table. This ensures that when a student asks, “What are the noble gases?” you can confidently explain their properties.

2. Set Expectations:

Clearly explain how the Q&A session will be structured. For example, inform the audience whether questions will be taken throughout the session or only at the end. Mention any time constraints.

Let the audience know if you have topics you’d like to cover or all questions are welcome. 

For example: Think of a cooking class where you’re the instructor. Before starting, inform your students that they can ask questions anytime during the class. This sets the expectation that it’s an interactive learning experience.

3. Active Listening:

Give the questioner your full attention. Make eye contact, nod to acknowledge understanding, and avoid interrupting.

Repeat or rephrase the question if needed to ensure clarity and show that you are actively engaged with the questioner.

Imagine you’re a detective in a mystery novel. When a witness asks, “Did you see the suspect?”, listen attentively, nod to acknowledge, and ask follow-up questions to gather all the details. This demonstrates active listening.

4. Take a pause

Before answering any question there is a key aspect that makes you look smart and composed- “The Pause.” The Pause is where you gather your thoughts and prepare your answer in a gist. You decide how to answer the question and tackle it swiftly. If you perhaps don’t know the answer, what is the best way to say you will get back with an answer, and so on? You can get a firm grip on your audience as they wait for you to speak and then speak with utmost clarity, that is the power of Pauses. 

5. Be Concise and Clear:

Answer each question briefly and directly. Avoid going off on tangents or providing excessive background information.

Use plain language and avoid jargon that might confuse the audience. Suppose you’re explaining how to play a video game. Instead of going into a lengthy backstory, say, “To win, you must collect all the magical crystals and defeat the dragon boss.” This clear and concise explanation keeps players engaged.

6. Stay Calm and Confident:

If you don’t know the answer to a question, admit it gracefully. Offer to research or follow up later, and don’t try to bluff your way through.

Maintain a calm and composed demeanor even in the face of challenging or critical questions. Focus on addressing the question, not the tone.

This is also where your preparation becomes your backbone and provides you the confidence to deal with your audience. 

Also, I want you to remember that knowledge is very vast- The more you gain knowledge the more you realize how little you know! Do not worry about admitting that you don’t know an answer, you can provide whatever information you have and later get back to them when you do find one.

7. Manage Time:

Allocate a specific amount of time for the Q&A session and communicate this at the outset. Stick to the schedule to ensure you cover all planned topics. If necessary, prioritize questions based on relevance or importance.

Think of a soccer coach during a practice session. Allocate specific time for different drills and stick to the schedule. This ensures that all aspects of the game are covered within the session.

8. Field Diverse Questions:

Encourage a wide range of questions, including those that challenge your viewpoint or prompt discussion. This diversity can lead to more engaging and informative sessions.

For Example: In a book club discussion, encourage members to ask questions about various aspects of the book, from plot details to character motivations. This diversity of questions leads to a more engaging conversation.

9. Moderate Effectively:

As someone who has to give direction to the discussion, try to maintain control of the session and ensure questions are relevant to the topic and audience. Politely redirect or filter out off-topic or inappropriate questions.

Give everyone a chance to ask questions, and manage time to allow for a variety of voices to be heard.

Pretend you’re a radio DJ taking calls from listeners. If someone goes off-topic, gently steer the conversation back to the music or topic of the show to maintain a cohesive experience.

10. Encourage Feedback:

After the Q&A, ask the audience for feedback on the session’s effectiveness. This can help you improve future sessions and tailor them to the audience’s needs. 

Example: After a group art project, ask each participant what they liked and what could be improved. This feedback helps everyone learn from the experience and create better art in the future.

11. Follow-Up:

If you promised to provide additional information or research an answer, do so promptly after the session. This demonstrates your commitment to addressing the audience’s needs.

12. Reflect and Improve:

After each session, take time to analyze what went well and what could be improved. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors to refine your Q&A skills for future engagements.

Can I answer a Question with a Question?

Many a time we think is it disrespectful to answer a question with a question, or perhaps even condescending? However, answering a question with a question can be an effective communication technique when used thoughtfully, but it’s essential to be mindful of the context and tone to avoid coming across as disrespectful or condescending. 

Consider, for instance, a scenario where someone asks, “Do you know where my keys are?” Responding with, “Have you checked your coat pocket?” instead of a direct “yes” or “no” can be helpful. However, if someone in a team meeting asks, “How do we solve this problem?” replying with, “Well, what solutions have you considered?” can encourage collaborative problem-solving. So, while answering a question with a question can be a valuable tool for prompting critical thinking or guiding discussions, it’s crucial to gauge the situation and intent to ensure it’s used appropriately.

Types of Difficult Questions:

Often times in presentations we don’t get softball questions that are easy to handle but rather some sort of pushback. The audience tries to gauge your authenticity or simply disagrees with you. These are what we call Difficult questions. They are inquiries that pose challenges beyond their surface. They require careful consideration, provoke thought, or test one’s knowledge, often demanding more than a simple yes or no answer. Handling difficult questions effectively is a skill that involves not only providing accurate responses but also managing the dynamics of the discussion and the emotions of those asking. In this exploration, we’ll delve deeper into these challenging types of questions, dissect their nuances, and offer strategies for responding adeptly and constructively.

1. When You Don’t Know the Answer:

  • Challenge: It’s common to face questions to which you don’t have an immediate answer, especially in complex or unfamiliar topics.
  • Example: In a technical presentation, someone asks a highly technical question beyond your expertise.
  • Admit it gracefully: Acknowledge that you don’t have the answer, but express your willingness to find it.
  • Offer a partial answer: Share what you do know or suggest possible resources or experts to consult.
  • Follow up: Make a commitment to research and provide a comprehensive response after the session.

2. Too Many Questions at the Same Time (Machine Gun Questioning):

  • Challenge: Some audience members may bombard you with multiple questions all at once, making it difficult to respond coherently.
  • Example: An audience member asks, “How does this technology work, and what are its applications? Can you explain its impact on the industry?”
  • Politely request clarification: Ask the person to specify which question they’d like you to address first.
  • Address one question at a time: Break down the multiple questions into individual responses to maintain clarity.
  • Control the pace: Politely request that questions be asked one at a time to facilitate a more organized discussion.

3. Audience Member Makes a Statement and Tries to Take Over:

  • Challenge: Some individuals may attempt to dominate the Q&A session by making lengthy statements or challenging your expertise.
  • Example: An audience member insists on sharing their own knowledge and experience, seemingly to undermine your credibility.
  • Acknowledge their input: Politely thank them for their perspective and acknowledge their knowledge.
  • Redirect the focus: Gently guide the conversation back to the topic or the question at hand.
  • Set boundaries: Establish ground rules for the Q&A session at the beginning, emphasizing that questions should be concise and relevant.

4. Emotional Questions Driven by Anger:

  • Challenge: Emotionally charged questions, often stemming from anger or frustration, can be challenging to handle without escalating tension.
  • Example: An audience member confronts you with anger about a controversial topic you’re discussing.
  • Stay calm and empathetic: Maintain composure, listen attentively, and acknowledge the person’s emotions.
  • Avoid confrontation: Refrain from responding with defensiveness or aggression, as it can escalate the situation.
  • Reframe the question: Politely ask the person to rephrase their question in a more constructive and specific manner.

5. Off-Topic Questions:

  • Challenge: Sometimes, audience members ask questions that are unrelated to the topic of your presentation or discussion.
  • Example: In a business presentation on marketing strategies, someone asks about your personal hobbies.
  • Politely redirect: Acknowledge the question but gently steer the conversation back to the main topic.
  • Offer to discuss later: Suggest discussing off-topic questions after the session to avoid derailing the current discussion.

6. Provocative Questions:

  • Challenge: These questions are designed to provoke a reaction or create controversy.
  • Example: During a political debate, someone asks a loaded question aimed at stirring up emotions rather than seeking a constructive answer.
  • Stay composed: Maintain a calm and respectful demeanor when responding, regardless of the provocation.
  • Address the core issue: Focus on the underlying topic or concern within the provocative question rather than getting drawn into the emotional aspect.

7. Incomprehensible Questions:

  • Challenge: Some questions are poorly phrased or unclear, making it challenging to discern the intent behind them.
  • Example: An audience member asks a question with convoluted language and vague references.
  • Seek clarification: Politely ask the person to rephrase or clarify their question to ensure you understand it correctly.
  • Paraphrase and respond: Restate what you believe the question is about, and answer based on your interpretation. The person can then confirm or correct your understanding.

8. Condescending Questions:

  • Challenge: These questions are posed in a belittling or patronizing manner, often implying that the person asking believes they know better.
  • Example: An audience member asks, “Do you even understand the basics of this topic?”
  • Maintain professionalism: Respond with professionalism and confidence, avoiding any temptation to match the condescension.
  • Address the question’s substance: Focus on providing a well-informed and concise response to demonstrate your expertise.

9. Overly Technical Questions:

  • Challenge: In technical or specialized discussions, questions may become overly complex, making it challenging for a broader audience to follow.
  • Example: A highly technical question filled with industry-specific jargon is asked in a general audience setting.
  • Simplify the response: Offer a simplified explanation or analogy to make the answer accessible to a broader audience.
  • Offer follow-up resources: Suggest additional reading or resources for those interested in delving deeper into the technical details.

Handling these challenging question scenarios effectively requires a combination of good communication skills, patience, and tact. Remember that the goal is to maintain a productive and respectful dialogue with your audience while addressing their concerns and inquiries.

People Also Ask:

Why is it important to know how to take the audience’s questions when you are presenting.

It is crucial to know how to handle audience questions when presenting for several reasons. Firstly, audience questions signify engagement and interest in your topic, making it an opportunity to further connect with your audience and demonstrate your expertise. Secondly, addressing questions allows you to clarify any misunderstandings or provide additional context, ensuring that your message is well-received and understood. Moreover, handling questions effectively helps you maintain control over the presentation’s flow, ensuring that it stays on track and doesn’t deviate too far from your intended message. Lastly, audience questions can provide valuable feedback, enabling you to gauge the audience’s comprehension and adapt your presentation in real time if necessary, leading to a more successful and impactful presentation overall.

Who is responsible for answering questions from the audience at the time of the presentation?

The responsibility for answering questions from the audience during a presentation primarily falls on the presenter (most likely You). You’re the one who’s been preparing and practicing your presentation for weeks, months, or maybe even years. You’re the guru on the stage, the oracle of information. When those curious souls in the audience raise their hands or type away with their burning questions, it’s your time to shine. You get to flex your brain muscles and give them answers that will make their heads spin (in a good way, of course). It’s your duty to facilitate a productive Q&A session by actively listening to each question, providing thoughtful and accurate responses, and ensuring that the discussion remains relevant to the topic at hand. However, in some cases, especially during larger presentations or panel discussions, a moderator or facilitator may assist in managing the question-and-answer

In conclusion, mastering the art of Q&A, and handling audience questions like a pro, is a skill that can transform any presentation, discussion, or public speaking engagement. By understanding the diverse types of questions that may arise and adopting effective strategies to address them, you can create an interactive and engaging dialogue with your audience. From riddles that stimulate creativity to emotionally charged inquiries that demand empathy, each question offers a unique opportunity to connect, educate, and inspire. 

Remember, the key to success lies in active listening, clear communication, and maintaining composure, even in the face of challenging questions. Whether you’re a speaker, presenter, moderator, or simply someone engaged in a meaningful conversation, the ability to navigate difficult questions with finesse not only enhances your credibility but also fosters a more enriching and enlightening exchange of ideas. So, embrace the art of Q&A, and with practice and patience, you’ll continue to refine this valuable skill, ensuring that your interactions with your audience are both memorable and impactful.

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Stop Ending Your Speeches With 'Any Questions' and End With This Instead

Don't let your audience decide how you're going to end your presentation.

Stop Ending Your Speeches With 'Any Questions' and End With This Instead

You have a big presentation to make to your client, your funders, or your boss . You've spent hours developing a deck that's concise, crisp, and visually stunning. You've practiced the delivery so that you speak with clarity, calm, and confidence . You've tested to make sure your tech is glitch-free, proofread the printed materials, and developed an opening statement that's sure to capture the hearts and minds of your listeners.

You got this...

Until the end.

If you're planning to wrap up your presentation with a half-hearted call for "any questions?" followed by a "thank you" and a quick exit, then you haven't planned your whole presentation.

In fact, you're missing out on a critical opportunity to reinforce your key message, offer a final appeal to gate keepers or decision makers, and make yourself and your pitch memorable.

The principle of recency states that people remember most what they learned most recently. In other words, your audience is likely going to recall how you ended your presentation more than they will remember how you started, or even much of the content in the middle. And if they're going to remember the end, you need a finish that's bigger than "any questions?"

Too many people end their presentations with a call for questions, which is a mistake. Why? Because it leaves the audience in charge of your ending, when, in fact, you want to be the one who decides the last words the audience hears. Think about it--what if the last question someone asks is irrelevant or hostile or bizarre ? What if there are no questions at all? Is that what you want your audience to be thinking about when they make their decisions about whether to invest in your offering, move your agenda forward, or advance your career?

Here's one more possibility to consider: What if the question that someone asks is so helpful and insightful that it actually changes your planned conclusion?

So, you may be asking yourself, "If I don't end with Q&A, how do I end?" (Great question!)

If you're not planning to take questions throughout your presentation, here are the final four steps you need to end your presentation memorably (in a good way):

1. Recap your main points

After you've covered your content, sum it up for the audience so that they remember what you've just told them. (Remember the old saying, "Tell them what you're going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them"? This is the "tell them what you told them" part.) No matter how compelling you were, you still need to assume that people's attention spans are short. A quick review of your main points will help your listeners lock in what they've learned.

2. Invite questions (and mean it!)

While you may wish you could avoid this section at all costs, you need to give people an opportunity to clarify anything they didn't understand, seek additional information, and even challenge your proposal. You might even find that an audience member's question brings up a novel idea or thoughtful approach you hadn't considered, leading you to draw an updated conclusion.

3. Share your conclusion

Don't get complex or fancy. It can be a simple restatement of your objective, with a few observations thrown in that you collected during the Q&A. Or, if the Q&A didn't yield any new insights, you can skip the observations. The point is to remind your audience of the key message you want to reinforce. (This is also a useful technique if you're dealing with a hostile audience, because the person who summarizes the discussion, no matter how tense the discussion may have become, stays in control by having the last word.) 

4. Close memorably and meaningfully

Perhaps no section of a presentation is as important as the closing, since that's the last thing your audience will hear. And because it's so critical, your closing must be prepared and practiced. What are you preparing and practicing? A powerful quotation from a business leader, a relevant song lyric or movie line, a rousing call to action, a concise story, a rhetorical question, or (for bonus points) a link back to your opening statement. 

You never get a second chance to make a last--and lasting--impression. Make sure that your presentations end positively, memorably, and with you in the driver's seat.

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  • 7 Tips to Encourage Audience Questions in Your Presentation Q&A


September 19, 2017

Ever seen a presenter ask “Any questions?” at the end of their presentation, and heard only crickets from the audience?

In my work as a professional emcee and trade show presenter , I see it often, and it always makes me cringe because it’s so awkward, and so completely avoidable.

Asking for questions and getting none kills a presentation’s momentum. It usually goes like this:

  • The presenter, having run out of content, asks “Any questions?”
  • The audience, having no questions, freezes in place.
  • Everyone thinks they hear crickets, though there are none in the room.
  • The presenter, getting no questions, says, “OK, I guess I’m done.”

OUCH. How’d that happen?

Chances are, you caught your audience by surprise. They didn’t know you’d take questions, so they didn’t think of any. When you asked, you caught them off guard.

I want your next presentation to end with a bang, not a whimper. So try these tips to encourage questions:


> TIP THEM OFF EARLY:  As you start your presentation, tell your audience: “I’ll take all your questions at the end, so write down your questions as you think of them along the way.”  That’ll get them active thinking of questions throughout your presentation.

> REMIND THEM:  A few minutes before you take questions, say: “I’ve got one more slide to cover, then I’ll take your questions.” That’ll remind them to think of some questions if they haven’t yet.


> LEAVE ROOM: Starting a Q&A with little or no time left discourages questions; your audience wants to leave on time too! Instead, carve out 5-10 minutes or more for questions (and cut some content to make room if needed; your audience prioritizes the information they want to get over the information you want to share).

> USE A PLANT: Have a “plant” in the audience who’ll ask the first question (one you’re comfortable answering), which encourages other audience members to ask (and saves them the awkwardness of going first) and gives them time to think of something to ask.

> CHANGE YOUR PHRASING: Your audience may interpret the phrase “Any questions?” as a sign that you don’t expect or even want questions, which discourages them from asking. Instead, encourage questions by phrasing your question with a more upbeat, expectant tone:  “Who’s got a question?” or  “Who’d like to go first?”

> ASK IT YOURSELF: Ask yourself a common question:  “One question I get often is…” Then answer it. Again, this encourages the audience to follow suit, and gives them more time to think of a question.


Q&A or not, ending your presentation by saying you’re ending your presentation (“OK, I guess I’m done”) will end your presentation with a whimper. You can easily replace that whimper with a “bang” by restating your main takeaway and thanking your audience:

“Folks, I hope my presentation has shown you that when it’s raining and you want to stay dry outside, use an umbrella! You won’t regret it. Thanks so much for your time.”

And thank you so much for your time!

by Andy Saks

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