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A Guide to Writing Personal Statement for Child Nursing

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When writing a personal statement for child nursing , it is important to keep in mind the unique perspective of your audience.

Nurses who work with children must be able to empathize with their patients and their families. They must understand the developmental stages of childhood. It is also essential to communicate why you are interested in this field and what qualities you feel make you suited for it.

A strong personal statement can help set you apart from other applicants and show admissions officers that you are passionate about working with children. This article will guide you through writing an effective personal statement for pediatric nurses, along with an example.

What Is a Personal Statement for Child Nursing?

A personal statement for child nursing is a required document to be submitted in order to apply for a program in pediatric nursing. It helps admission committees assess an applicant’s qualifications and interests. It also determines whether the candidate would be a good fit for their specific program .

How to Write a Personal Statement for Children Nursing?

As you begin to write your personal statement for child nursing , consider the following:

Start With a Strong Introduction

Your opening paragraph should be engaging and interesting so that readers will want to continue reading. Consider using an anecdote or specific example to illustrate why you are interested in pursuing a career in children’s nursing. Explain what attracted you to this field and how it has influenced your decision to pursue further education in this area.

Make Sure Your Statement Is Well Organized

A clear and concise personal statement will help demonstrate your writing skills and your ability for critical thinking . Be sure to break down each point into separate paragraphs, making sure each one flows smoothly into the next. Stay on topic throughout the entire statement, and avoid rambling off-topic.

Use Concrete Examples

When discussing why you are passionate about working with children, use relatable stories or examples from past experiences that support your points. Provide specific details about what interests you about pediatric nursing. Explain how it aligns with both your personal values and future goals. This shows admissions officers that you have given careful thought toward pursuing a career in child health care.

End on a Positive Note

A nursing personal statement for children should end on a positive note. This is because you want the reader to feel good about your application and have a favorable opinion of you. You want to leave them with a sense of hope that you will become an excellent nurse for children.

A pediatric nurse pushing an injection on a child's arm.

Children Nursing Personal Statement Example

Below is a personal statement example for child nursing that you can use as inspiration for writing your own:

Personal Statement Example:

Nursing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was just four years old, my grandmother became ill, and I spent every day with her in the hospital. Watching nurses care for my grandmother and other patients inspired me to pursue a career in nursing.

Since then, I have dedicated myself to helping others. My experiences working with children have affirmed my decision to become a nurse; caring for young people is both challenging and rewarding. In addition, pediatric nursing offers opportunities to develop close relationships with families and make a real difference in their lives.

I am excited about the opportunity to study at [university name] and expand my knowledge of pediatric nursing. The faculty are experienced professionals who share their expertise generously, which will allow me to grow as an individual and practitioner. Furthermore, the university’s strong focus on research will give me access to the latest developments in this field.

If you’re unsure how to get started with writing a personal statement for a pediatric nursing program, this article can help! We have listed some valuable tips and a well-crafted example to inspire you to write one on your own. Hope you find this article helpful!

A Guide to Writing Personal Statement for Child Nursing

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Nursing School Personal Statement: 5 Best Examples

Read our top 5 sample statements.

Nursing School Personal Statement

These outstanding nursing school personal statement examples have been approved by our admission experts who have helped countless students get into their top choice nursing programs. Whether you are at the beginning stages of a nursing career looking to apply to nursing school or wanting to further your career by becoming a nurse practitioner or a clinical nurse specialist, you will probably have to write a nursing school personal statement to gain admission to your program of choice. Your nursing school personal statement is one of the best ways to stand out in a nursing school application . In this blog, we are going to guide you in the process of crafting a strong personal statement that highlights your skills as well as the characteristics you possess that make you a good fit for the program.

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Nursing school personal statement examples, nursing school personal statement sample 1.

I stood there not knowing what to do and being completely sure I had made the biggest mistake of my life. My decision to travel to a remote area of the Amazon jungle in Colombia to work as an elementary school tutor felt like the right one at first, but as soon as I got there, I regretted it. Being faced with the harsh reality of a struggling community made me feel completely out of place. It was heart breaking to witness such a palpable scarcity of resources and realize that there was not much that I could do. It took a lot of determination and adaptability to overcome the shock. Eventually, I learned to navigate this new world and embrace my role in the community. I planned lessons for the children and used all my free time to teach their parents to read and write. I developed teaching materials adapting them to my students’ context in order to make them meaningful. In the end, I realized I had become part of their lives, and I was humbled to have met such an amazing group of people. This experience taught me the true meaning of altruism and the value of hard work. This, alongside the cultural sensitivity that I developed, is what I am bringing with me to this new step in my life.

Becoming a nurse has been my goal for a long time. As a child, due to an unfortunate kitchen accident, I burned my arms with hot water and had to stay in the hospital for serval days. I remember being very scared and in pain, but there was a lady in a white uniform who would come to visit me every afternoon. I always enjoyed seeing her because she spoke to me in a way that almost seemed like she was telling me a story, and that put me at ease. One day, I asked her why she always wore white, and she said she was a nurse. ‘A nurse’, I said to myself, thinking that was exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. She was kind and compassionate, and she knew how to explain things. Those traits that I learned from her are the same skills that I have been honing ever since, as I know they will be essential in my future profession.

I could see my breath crystalize in the air as I exhaled, dribbling and dodging the opposing players on my way to the goal. “I’m open,” shouted my teammate, poised right in front of the penalty box, waving his arms. Two more players stood between me and the goal. I hesitated, wondering if I should trust my teammate or try to score the winning point. Turning, I launched the ball into the air with a swift kick, and watched nervously as my teammate stopped it and sent it soaring above the goalie’s head. As the crowd erupted in celebratory cheers, the game time buzzer rang out across the field and I knew I had done the right thing. Every team victory that season was a personal victory, sparking a feeling of elation that I seek to replicate as a member of whichever health care team I have the privilege of joining.

My biggest soccer fan was always my grandmother, who even brought orange slices for the team to practices, claiming, “The little things are the most important!” Several winters ago, my grandmother unknowingly exposed me to nursing when she was hospitalized with pneumonia so severe that we were unsure if she would survive. Though her whole care team was dedicated, her nurse, Jackie, always went above and beyond to make sure my grandmother was comfortable and happy. Every day, Jackie would pop her head into the room and say “How’s my girl today?” or stop what she was doing to run a cool cloth over my grandmother’s feverish forehead. Each time I had to leave the hospital was gut-wrenching, but I felt better knowing that nurse Jackie treated my grandmother with such empathy. I remember being in awe of her kindness when I found out she left my grandmother sticky notes filled with encouraging messages while she was sleeping. When my grandmother asked her why she spent so much time on such little things when she had so many patients to attend to, Jackie winked and whispered, “The little things are the most important!” While I did not know I wanted to be a nurse in that moment, observing the profound impact Jackie made on my grandmother sparked a strong desire to explore the medical field.

Inspired by Jackie’s compassion for patients like my grandmother, I aimed to make the same difference when I signed up to volunteer at Riverview Hospital. With lofty goals of becoming a physician, I threw myself into my volunteering efforts, often coming in early or staying late to help stock supplies. Whenever I had a spare moment, I would chat with a patient, rearrange their pillows, or a myriad of other small things. One of the most striking aspects of my volunteering experience was how little time Riverview doctors were able to spend with their patients due to the sheer number of people to whom they had to attend. Nurses, on the other hand, had near constant interaction with longer-term patients: assisting them to the bathroom, administering medications, or changing IV fluid bags while chatting with them about how they were feeling. I was reminded of Jackie when I watched how tenderly one of the nurses changed their wincing patient’s bandages, all while trying to distract them with friendly conversation. Even aside from the comforting gestures I witnessed so frequently, it was the little things that made such a huge difference in patients’ wellbeing. Without nurses there to help execute the game play, the team would never score! Always a team-player, I knew I wanted to be a nurse.

Though my time spent on the soccer field is less and less these days, I am thrilled about the possibility of joining a new team and working hard to bring us to victory. My introduction to nursing through nurse Jackie could not have been better. Seeing the relief she brought to my grandmother in her most vulnerable state inspired me to do the same for others. Watching the nurses at Riverview Hospital expertly fulfill their duties while treating each patient as an individual cemented my desire to become a nurse who remembers that the little things are the most important. I want to be there with the assist right before the buzzer, helping my patients win, because every victory on a care team will be personal. (Word count: 719)

Nursing School Personal Statement Sample 3

“Help!” my friend Jack screamed as his faced swelled up due to an extreme allergic reaction to a candy bar he had just eaten. At the time, I did not know what to do, except to call for an ambulance. As we arrived at the hospital, I stayed by my friend’s side to offer my support. I saw the physicians and nurses swarmed around him, ready to take action. After my friend’s condition had been stabilized, he was left with the fear of another anaphylactic episode. It was his nurse that was able to calm his fears as she educated him on anaphylaxis and how to make the appropriate dietary changes. While I did not know how to respond with medical attention when my friend needed me, I gained a new purpose. I was inspired to become a nurse and to guide patients in times of uncertainty through compassion and education.  

To build my understanding of the nursing profession, I pursued experiences that would allow me to gain first-hand experience in the healthcare field. I secured a volunteer position at a children’s hospital where I was responsible for checking patients in and ensuring they were comfortable as they waited for their appointments. I was eager to practice helping calm patient nerves, just as the nurse had done for my friend Jack. Through consoling a memorable patient, named ‘Ryan,’ I learned the importance of working in a team of professionals. ‘Ryan’ was crying as he waited for his appointment since he was experiencing pain due to a broken leg. I talked to Ryan in an attempt to calm him down, but I was initially unsuccessful. To hone my approach, I asked a nurse on staff at the hospital how she approached children that are in pain. She shared with me that it is helpful to try to get their mind off the pain, for example by distracting them with an entertaining story. The next time I saw a patient crying like ‘Ryan’ had been, I was armed with funny jokes and engaging stories from my own childhood that I could share to take their mind off of the pain they were experiencing. From my time as a hospital volunteer, I learned that feedback from a team is critical to advancing professionally and providing optimal patient care. I look forward to becoming a nurse myself and working with my team of healthcare professionals to achieve this common goal. 

In my final year of university, I became involved with clinical research; as a research assistant, I approached patients in the same children’s hospital in which I had earlier been a volunteer, but now I worked to enroll patients in our research study. My purpose was to explain the goal of the study to families in the hospital, educating them on its potential impact and answering any questions they had about enrolling. This task was challenging because I was approaching families that I had not yet built a rapport with, and I needed to establish trust before asking if they wanted to enroll their child in our study. This required empathy for the hardship they were experiencing with a sick child, as well as an understanding of how to relay complex information in a way that was approachable to a variety of audiences. I learned that it is best to first ask the patient, or their family, what their understanding of a topic is to establish a baseline from which to build a conversation. In the future, as a nurse, I hope to apply what I have learned to build rapport with patients and their families for greater healthcare outcomes while ensuring that my patients are comfortable under my care. 

Since my friend Jack’s anaphylactic episode, I have taken the initiative to explore the field of nursing and to build the teamwork and communication skills needed to be a successful future nurse. I look forward to my first day of nursing school where I will be surrounded by peers that share the same vision for the future as me: to train as a nurse in order to provide outstanding care to those in distress alongside a team of dedicated professionals. (696 words)

Nursing School Personal Statement Sample 4

Nursing school personal statement sample 5.

The process of creating a strong nursing personal statement starts even before you begin writing. There is a certain amount of preparation that should take place to identify the specific information you want to include in your essay. So, make sure you take all the necessary steps before you are faced with the daunting, but fun, task of writing your first draft. Remember to give yourself between 6 to 8 weeks to write your statement. Be prepared to write several drafts as you edit and change your essay!

The Brainstorming Stage

The first step is what we call the brainstorming stage. You will need to do some soul searching and write many ideas as they come to you. Working on this step can take you anywhere between a couple of hours to a whole week. It really depends on you and how much you can actually remember from your personal history. There are two types of information that you will need to focus on at this stage: 

#1 Personal experiences

The goal behind this step is to start gathering information about your personal story and about any experiences that you have had from which you learned something valuable. The lessons you learned should relate directly to nursing or have contributed to your decision to become a nurse . You want to answer the question: “ Why do you want to be a nurse? ”

In order to do this, think about your life as a child, the characteristics of the place where you were born and raised, any meaningful experiences that may have sparked your interest in the nursing field, any contact that you had with the healthcare world, or any healthcare workers in your family that had some influence on you. Then consider your high school and teenage years and any events that may have increased your interest in becoming a nurse. How did you finalize your decision to apply to nursing school? Did you have an ‘a-ha’ moment, or was it a more gradual process? Whatever the answers to these questions may be, be sure to identify these key moments because they will be useful for addressing the thesis of your essay, which is why you decided to devote your life to a career in nursing.

Here are some examples of meaningful experiences that can potentially spark, or validate, an individual’s interest to become a nurse or what nursing means to you :

  • Being raised in a rural area with limited access to health care and wanting to do something about it in the future;
  • Growing up in an urban setting where great social disparity is evident and identifying opportunities to contribute to levelling up these differences;
  • Experiencing a personal injury or diagnosis that created opportunities to interact with nurses in a clinical setting;
  • Watching the illness of a loved one and seeing the impact that nurses have on a patient’s journey;
  • Volunteering at something related to the health sciences or an unrelated field with plenty of opportunities for helping others and interacting with them;
  • Conducting research in something related to the field;
  • Being involved in extracurricular activities that can lead to reaching a high level of compassion or maturity

Remember to always follow show, don’t tell in any personal statement you write:

#2 Nursing school research

Gather as much information as you can about the program so you can identify the specific things you like about it. It is very important to know the reason, or reasons, why you want to apply to a specific program.

In order to do this, you can look at the program’s website and pinpoint two or three specific aspects that interest you. Do you like the program’s curriculum? If so, what do you like about it? Do you like the research lab? Why do you like it? Have you done research in the past? Has this prepared you to make good use of this lab and contribute to whatever research they do here? Do you like the extracurricular initiatives the program offers? Do these align with any extracurricular activities you did in the past? Do you like the opportunities for patient interaction that the program provides? Why? Have you had patient interactions before? What did you learn from them that you can use moving forward? Knowing the specific reasons why you have chosen this program in particular is essential to write a strong essay later on.

Remember that besides telling universities what you hope to get from them, you will also need to show how you can complement their program. Showing what you can bring to the table, by referencing specific experiences you have had in these areas of interest, is the best way for programs to know that you will be successful if you are admitted. 

Look at these skills that are essential in the nursing field, and which are highly valued by nursing schools. You have probably already developed many of these throughout your life and through your experiences. Try to match these values and traits directly to your personal experiences in your essay.

As previously mentioned, the main goal of the brainstorming stage is to identify your reason for wanting to become a nurse as well as the relevant personal experiences that you can reference to support this decision. We suggest you make a list of five to seven experiences that you could potentially include in your essay. This list is going to be significantly reduced later to one or two, but it is good to have a good amount to start with.

As soon as you identify these meaningful experiences, be sure to also identify what you learned from them; that is, the skills you developed, the characteristics you refined, or any learning that resulted from going through these events in your life. Think about this carefully and select those skills that align with the ones your program of choice values. The information collected here is going to be essential later on when you start writing your essay.

Like any other academic essay, your nursing school personal statement should follow an academic structure and be organized in three major sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. See below for information on what each of these sections should include:

1. Introduction

This is your opening paragraph and, as such, it is the first impression you are going to cause on your readers; that is, the members of the admission committee. The purpose of an introduction is to act as a road map that allows the reader to understand where your story is going.

Important to remember here is the fact that an introduction can make or break your essay, so you need to come up with a very good opening sentence. This is the one that will draw the reader in and make them want to keep reading. Your opening sentence can be a quote, an anecdote, an event, or any idea that is captivating and enticing.

For example:

  • “It was three in the morning, and I was sitting in an empty room trying to think how my life had come to this.”
  • “He did not need to say anything; I knew something was wrong just by looking at him.”

Sentences such as these ones will leave the reader wanting to know more. There is a reason opening sentences are also called ‘hook’ sentences. Can you think of a good hook sentence to open your essay with? 

2. Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay is where you elaborate on the ideas introduced in your opening by providing personal examples. Remember all the brainstorming we asked you to do? This is where that information comes in handy. Your body paragraphs should include information about those meaningful experiences that you have gone through that have sparked and solidified you interest in pursuing a career in nursing.

Depending on the word limit required by your program, you will decide how many of these experiences to include. We asked you to come up with five to seven during the brainstorming stage of the writing process. Now, since our recommendation is quality over quantity, you should plan to include maximum two or three experiences and present one experience in each paragraph. Of course, one experience per paragraph is not all it takes. Besides presenting the experience, you need to include what skills or characteristics you developed because of this event and how you will be able to apply these skills moving forward in your nursing profession.

In case the program provided a specific question or prompt to be addressed, add a fourth paragraph where you answer this question. It is important to tell the program what they want to know, so do not forget to include this information as part of your body paragraphs.

Mention how your skills can be drawn upon in the future in order to give the admissions committee a glimpse of the type of nurse and professional you are going to be. Remember some of the essential skills in the nursing profession that we mentioned above and see how they connect to your past experiences. 

3. Conclusion

The same way we place great importance on the introduction of a nursing school personal statement, we also want to emphasize the big role that your concluding paragraph has on your entire text. The most important thing we can tell you is that a conclusion should not be a summary. It should, instead, be a place to emphasize some of the major ideas you previously discussed and, when possible, it should circle back to the introduction.

Conclusions have to be insightful and captivating. They should convey a sense of closure and an invitation to keep reflecting on the ideas that were presented in the essay. Think that this is the very last thing that the admissions committee will read from you. What is the last impression that you want to leave on these people? Be creative! 

Here are some more nursing school personal statement examples to help you!

Here are some other aspects about drafting your personal statement to be considered:

Besides all the information that you brainstormed from your own personal history and from the programs\u2019 websites regarding the areas that interest you, there is something else that should be part of the content of your essay, and that is the prompt. You need to be aware of the prompt of the essay provided to you by the program, and you always want to address it. Some programs will ask for a general essay describing your motivations to become a nurse, in which case the information you gathered during the brainstorming stage will suffice, while others will give you a specific question to answer, in which case one paragraph of your essay should be devoted to answering said question.  ","label":"Content","title":"Content"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

No matter how much effort and time you put in writing your personal statement, there is a high probability that the committee members will not spend too much time reading it. Do not take this personally. They go through many application documents from many applicants like you and do not want to waste too much time reading one single essay, especially if it is not interesting enough. They want, instead, to be able to identify in a few minutes whether you are the person they are looking for.

This, of course, creates the need for applicants to write essays that have great content, great structure, and that have that ‘it’ factor that will make them stand out in a nursing school application . Your essay should be easy to read and have a great narrative. It should not read like a nursing school application resume or list every single experience you have had in chronological order. As we mentioned before, quality is better than quantity, and your nursing school personal essay should have precisely that: quality.

What experiences should end up in your body paragraphs? That is up to you. What we can suggest is that you diversify the content by highlighting experiences from different dimensions of your life. Having one of the paragraphs address a personal experience, the second address a research or academic experience, and the third address a volunteering or extracurricular activity is much better than including three experiences related to only research, for instance. Be strategic in how you showcase your skills!

Follow these steps to start drafting you essay: 

  • Remember all the information you brainstormed earlier? The first thing you need to do is identify the top three experiences from your life that you want to include. 
  • Once you have them, write them in bullet points. Create one bullet point for each that mentions what the experience is. 
  • Then, expand each bullet point into sentences and these sentences into paragraphs. 
  • As we mentioned above, each paragraph should have three essential elements: what the experience was (i.e., the meaningful experience), the main takeaways you got from it (i.e., skills you developed, characteristics you enhanced, etc.), and future applications (i.e., how you can apply this learning moving forward). 
  • Once you have your paragraphs ready to go, make sure you start each one of them with a good opening sentence. Each paragraph should follow the same structure of the general essay. This will create flow and cohesion between ideas.
  • You can look at sample medical school personal statements and think how these medical school essays could be applied to the nursing field.

Ok, so you finished writing your first draft. Good job! However, this is only the beginning. Once you are happy with your first draft, you will need to receive expert feedback on it. Having a professional like a nursing school admissions consulting service look at your essay and suggest changes to enhance what you have written is vital to create a strong product. You will see that, more often than not, these experts will be able to identify weak areas and ineffective ideas that you will not perceive.

Once someone else looks at your essay, be sure to incorporate their suggestions, work on editing and polishing up your document, and do another revision. Crafting the perfect essay that will grant you admission to your dream program is a process that should be done carefully and conscientiously. That means multiple revisions and edits are essential. In general, writing a strong competitive essay does not happen overnight. The whole process can take several weeks. So, be prepared to put in the effort and remember to do some happy writing!

The nursing school personal statement should highlight some of your most meaningful personal experiences and the skills you gained through them that will make you a great nursing professional. It should provide a good narrative that will help the admissions committee know more about you as a person and about your chance to be successful in their program. By showing that you possess certain skills that are important in the nursing profession, the committee members will see that you are a good fit.

Writing your personal essay is not an easy task and should not be taken lightly, but when you finally finish writing and look at the amazing essay you have created, you will feel satisfied with the job you did and will be able to show your program of choice why they need to have you.

No. Essays may or may not be required, depending on the program. You can check this portal and this portal to learn more.

No. There are a few steps that you wan to follow before you actually start writing. One of those is the brainstorming stage, and it will help you come up with all the ideas and information that you will need to write a good essay.

Personal information and information about the program or the areas that interest you.

Personal experiences that have been meaningful enough and that have allowed you to develop different skills that are important in the nursing field.

You need to identify the two or three areas of the program that attract you the most and see how those relate to your own experiences.

To identify the reasons that have led you to pursue a career in nursing.

It should have an academic structure and include an introduction, three or four body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Yes, it is! You need to stay within the limit in order to show that you can be concise and also follow instructions.

Then you make sure you address it. Do not leave this information out, as it is essential to provide the program with the information they want to know.

Because it is the first impression that you are going to have on your readers.

It should begin with a captivating opening sentence in the introduction. A statement, quote, or anecdote that is creative and that sparks curiosity on the reader.

You want to describe one meaningful experience per paragraph (i.e., personal example), include the main takeaways from this experience, and how this learning can be applied in the future.

You need to have an expert give you feedback on it. You may think it is already perfect, but personal essays usually require lots of revisions before they can be at the competitive stage.

It depends on the writer, but it is usually something that does not happen overnight. It usually takes several weeks. It depends on how much access you have to professionals who can provide good feedback and how much time you devote to incorporating their suggestions.

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Child nursing personal statement example 2.

I have always respected and had an interest in the nursing profession as I believe it is not only challenging but it is also rewarding, I would particularly like to become a child nurse as I have plenty of experience dealing with young children and I have enjoyed being involved in their care.

I come from a large family of nurses who have shared their experiences of their career which has inspired me even more to work towards a nursing career of my own.

I believe this course would support me towards my career as it would teach me skills I will require to provide the best care possible for children and their families as well as provide a better understanding of children’s needs.

In relation to choosing to study child nursing, my current Level 3 Childcare course has taught me how to care for children’s health and wellbeing, about children’s health, it has taught me how to provide a safe environment, how to understand children’s additional needs and children’s development from birth.

I believe these units are important towards child nursing as they help me to understand how to best care for children and keep them safe, for example I am now able to spot the different signs and symptoms for common illnesses in children and I am able to understand and follow policies and procedures set regarding children’s medication.

Within some of these units I have learned about the importance of attachment in children which I believe is important in nursing as the child should be able to feel comfortable and trust those who are caring for them as well as feel supported by them.

I have carried out work experience in a primary school nursery and in an early year’s nursery. In the primary school, I was a volunteer teaching assistant working with children aged between 3-5 years old.

Within the nursery I worked with children aged between 0-5 years old, in this placement I would supervise and support the children as well as play alongside them.

Within both roles I have worked with many children from different backgrounds and I have learned to understand and manage their individual needs.

Being in these placements has helped increase my confidence and my communication skills which is important in the nursing profession as nurses constantly have to communicate with each other, other professionals, children and children’

Currently I am part-time employed as a barmaid which I enjoy a lot, I have gained many skills within my job that I believe would help me through the course and towards my future career, I have improved my teamwork skills.

I regularly talk to customers and the staff I work with which has improved my communication skills greatly and I have also become more mature and responsible since obtaining my job which will be beneficial when working with children.

I also have a brother with severe learning difficulties who I am a carer for, in helping to raise and care for him I have gained skills that can help me with this degree as I am able to work with children who have additional needs, for example, I have learned to remain calm in any stressful situation when caring for someone with additional needs and I know how and when to seek support when it is needed.

enjoy working with people which is one of the reasons I have chosen to study child nursing and hopefully become a nurse. I believe I would be an addition to the course as I am enthusiastic, hardworking and passionate which will allow me to learn and enjoy my studies.

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The Tories are going on the attack, aiming punches at Labour's "chaotic" economic policy and tax plans. Meanwhile, the row over whether Diane Abbott will stand for Labour rumbles on, as she vows to remain in parliament "by any means possible".

Thursday 30 May 2024 10:09, UK

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Sir Keir Starmer is set to give a speech launching Labour's general election campaign in Wales.

The embattled first minister , Vaughan Gething, will be speaking, and we are also expecting to hear from the shadow foreign secretary, David Lammy, and the shadow Wales secretary, Jo Stevens.

Watch live in the stream at the top this page, the link below - and follow live updates here in the Politics Hub.

By Jason Farrell , home editor

The House of Commons green benches have fallen silent in Westminster and it's time for us, the United Kingdom, to choose who will occupy them next.

So, Sky News has decided to take a piece of upholstered parliamentary furniture around the country for you to share your thoughts on.

We started our Bench Across Britain series in the West Country, hauling our green bench down the harbour steps, across dark slimy rocks and on to the vast yellow sands of Towan Beach in Newquay Bay.

Read what voters told us on the green bench here:

On 12 June, Sky News will be hosting an election leaders event in Grimsby - a key marginal seat and one of our Target Towns this election year.

The Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and the Conservative leader Rishi Sunak have been invited to attend, and we are looking for a live audience to join us on the night.

If you would like to be part of this studio audience, and be given the opportunity to ask a question to one of the party leaders, please complete the short questionnaire in  this link .

Sir Keir has agreed to take part, with talks ongoing with Mr Sunak's team.

A spokesperson for the Conservatives said: "Rishi Sunak would be delighted to travel Grimsby to take part in Sky News leaders' event and answer questions from voters, on the condition that he and Keir Starmer take those questions on stage together.

"This will give viewers the best opportunity to see the clear choice the country faces at this election."

Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their daily guide to the election day ahead.

This is day 8 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss Labour trying to settle its position on taxation, the claims that Sir Keir Starmer is purging the left of his party and a day which has a double dose of Nigel Farage.

👉  Listen above then tap here to follow Politics at Jack at Sam's wherever you get your podcasts   👈

Email Jack and Sam: [email protected]

Rishi Sunak has been urged to de-select Liz Truss as a Tory election candidate after she appeared on a platform founded by YouTuber Carl Benjamin, who wrote on Twitter in 2016 he "wouldn't even rape" Jess Phillips, the Labour candidate for Birmingham Yardley.

In 2019, when he was standing to be a UKIP MEP, he refused to apologise and later went on to say: "I've been in a lot of trouble for my hardline stance of not even raping her. I suppose with enough pressure I might cave. But let's be honest, nobody's got that much beer."

Mr Benjamin, founder of the Lotus Eaters, has claimed he was being "attacked and misrepresented" and said his previous comments were a "joke".

After Ms Phillips called for his deselection, Mr Benjamin hit back on X: "It's hard to believe that parliamentarians live in fear of YouTubers making jokes, when the apparently real threat of terrorism looms over their head." ( read his full statement here ).

Sky's Kay Burley asks Chancellor Jeremy Hunt about Ms Truss appearing on the platform, and he replies that the comments were "pretty despicable" and the party "would certainly not condone them".

But he goes on: "I can't speak for Liz Truss. She makes her own decisions."

He then pivots back to the economy, saying: "What I did as chancellor was I reversed most of the big decisions that she had taken in a very short period of time in order to restore stability in the markets."

Mr Hunt does not respond to Ms Phillips' call for Ms Truss to be de-selected.

Rishi Sunak has done an interview this morning in which he said interest rates would fall under a government led by him.

But Sky's Kay Burley puts to the chancellor that it's the Bank of England's job to reduce interest rates, not the government's, which the chancellor agrees with.

"They decide the level of interest rates independently," Jeremy Hunt says.

But explaining why the PM said that, he says: "Labour have a not funded about £38bn of spending commitments, and if they had to fund that through borrowing more, then that puts pressure on the Bank of England to increase interest rates.

"And so what we're saying is that, you know, since Rishi Sunak and I have taken on the reins, we've taken very difficult decisions to put the public finances back on an even keel.

"That has made it possible to bring down inflation and for the Bank of England to bring down interest rates. And we don't want that to change."

The Tories have unveiled plans to unfreeze tax thresholds for retirees to ensure they never pay income tax on the state pension.

But analysis from the i newspaper suggests the move will save retirees relying on the state pension just £14.60 a year by 2028 - or around 28p per week.

We ask Chancellor Jeremy Hunt how 28p per week will help pensioners, and he replies that the number "is a nonsense".

He says the policy will "save the average pensioner £100 next year, or £1,000 over the course of the next parliament".

Sky's Kay Burley puts to the chancellor that the Institute for Fiscal Studies says pensioners used to have a higher tax-free allowance until it was scrapped in 2010/11 - and the allowance is now 10% lower than it was.

But Mr Hunt defends the government, saying that due to the triple lock, the state pension "has gone up by £3,700 since 2010".

The triple lock is a government promise to raise state pensions every year by the level of average earnings, inflation or 2.5% - whichever is the highest.

Mr Hunt says the government has "looked after pensioners, and we will continue to look after pensioners because we recognise that they are different from everyone else" because they cannot work more to earn extra money.

We are speaking now with Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, and we start with the cost of living.

Sky's Kay Burley puts to him that 33% of households in the UK have a dog, and the price of dog food has gone up by 58% this year.

We ask if a Tory government would reduce the cost of pet food, and he replies: "We want to stop the cost of pet food going up."

But he added: "I can't make a commitment about reducing prices - they're decided in a market economy by lots of different actors."

But Kay Burley points out that there is VAT on dog food - something he could scrap.

He replies: "There are lots of taxes I'd like to bring down. The most important thing I can do for families at home is to stop prices going up by supporting the Bank of England to reduce inflation."

Mr Hunt notes that the International Monetary Fund upgraded its forecast for the UK economy last week - but also says wages have been going up faster than prices for the last 10 months, which eases the cost of living.

Pushed on if he would remove VAT from dog food, he declines to do so - but does commit to not increasing VAT, income tax, or national insurance, saying the Tories want to reduce taxes.

He attacks Labour, saying they have "no plan to bring down the tax burden".

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is taking questions from Sky's Kay Burley as he attacks Labour over tax and spending.

Watch live on Sky News, in the stream above, and follow updates here in the Politics Hub.

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Benedictine College nuns denounce Harrison Butker's speech at their school

John Helton

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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker speaks to the media during NFL football Super Bowl 58 opening night on Feb. 5, 2024, in Las Vegas. Butker railed against Pride month along with President Biden's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his stance on abortion during a commencement address at Benedictine College last weekend. Charlie Riedel/AP hide caption

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker speaks to the media during NFL football Super Bowl 58 opening night on Feb. 5, 2024, in Las Vegas. Butker railed against Pride month along with President Biden's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his stance on abortion during a commencement address at Benedictine College last weekend.

An order of nuns affiliated with Benedictine College rejected Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison's Butker's comments in a commencement speech there last weekend that stirred up a culture war skirmish.

"The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker's comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested," the nuns wrote in a statement posted on Facebook .

In his 20-minute address , Butker denounced abortion rights, Pride Month, COVID-19 lockdowns and "the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion" at the Catholic liberal arts college in Atchison, Kan.

He also told women in the audience to embrace the "vocation" of homemaker.

"I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross the stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you're going to get in your career?" he asked. "Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

For many Missouri Catholics, abortion rights means choosing between faith, politics

For many Missouri Catholics, abortion rights means choosing between faith, politics

That was one of the themes that the sisters of Mount St. Scholastica took issue with.

"Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division," they wrote. "One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God's people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers."

The Benedictine sisters of Mount St. Scholastica founded a school for girls in Atchinson in the 1860s. It merged with St. Benedict's College in 1971 to form Benedictine College.

Neither Butker nor the Chiefs have commented on the controversy. An online petition calling for the Chiefs to release the kicker had nearly 215,000 signatures as of Sunday morning.

6 in 10 U.S. Catholics are in favor of abortion rights, Pew Research report finds

6 in 10 U.S. Catholics are in favor of abortion rights, Pew Research report finds

The NFL, for its part, has distanced itself from Butker's remarks.

"Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity," Jonathan Beane, the NFL's senior VP and chief diversity and inclusion officer told NPR on Thursday. "His views are not those of the NFL as an organization."

Meanwhile, Butker's No. 7 jersey is one of the league's top-sellers , rivaling those of better-known teammates Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce.

Butker has been open about his faith. The 28-year-old father of two told the Eternal Word Television Network in 2019 that he grew up Catholic but practiced less in high school and college before rediscovering his belief later in life.

His comments have gotten some support from football fan social media accounts and Christian and conservative media personalities .

A video of his speech posted on Benedictine College's YouTube channel has 1.5 million views.

Rachel Treisman contributed to this story.

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  • benedictine college


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    "Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity," Jonathan Beane, the NFL's senior VP and chief diversity and inclusion officer told NPR on Thursday. "His views are not those of the NFL as ...