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Reliability of Trust Management Systems in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an innovation that conveys administrations like programming, stage, and framework over the web. This computing structure is wide spread and dynamic, which chips away at the compensation per-utilize model and supports virtualization. Distributed computing is expanding quickly among purchasers and has many organizations that offer types of assistance through the web. It gives an adaptable and on-request administration yet at the same time has different security dangers. Its dynamic nature makes it tweaked according to client and supplier’s necessities, subsequently making it an outstanding benefit of distributed computing. However, then again, this additionally makes trust issues and or issues like security, protection, personality, and legitimacy. In this way, the huge test in the cloud climate is selecting a perfect organization. For this, the trust component assumes a critical part, in view of the assessment of QoS and Feedback rating. Nonetheless, different difficulties are as yet present in the trust the board framework for observing and assessing the QoS. This paper talks about the current obstructions present in the trust framework. The objective of this paper is to audit the available trust models. The issues like insufficient trust between the supplier and client have made issues in information sharing likewise tended to here. Besides, it lays the limits and their enhancements to help specialists who mean to investigate this point.

Guest Editorial: Special Section on Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques for Non-Von Neumann Technologies

Asynchronous rpc interface in distributed computing system, developing an efficient secure query processing algorithm on encrypted databases using data compression.

Abstract Distributed computing includes putting aside the data utilizing outsider storage and being able to get to this information from a place at any time. Due to the advancement of distributed computing and databases, high critical data are put in databases. However, the information is saved in outsourced services like Database as a Service (DaaS), security issues are raised from both server and client-side. Also, query processing on the database by different clients through the time-consuming methods and shared resources environment may cause inefficient data processing and retrieval. Secure and efficient data regaining can be obtained with the help of an efficient data processing algorithm among different clients. This method proposes a well-organized through an Efficient Secure Query Processing Algorithm (ESQPA) for query processing efficiently by utilizing the concepts of data compression before sending the encrypted results from the server to clients. We have addressed security issues through securing the data at the server-side by an encrypted database using CryptDB. Encryption techniques have recently been proposed to present clients with confidentiality in terms of cloud storage. This method allows the queries to be processed using encrypted data without decryption. To analyze the performance of ESQPA, it is compared with the current query processing algorithm in CryptDB. Results have proven the efficiency of storage space is less and it saves up to 63% of its space.

Preparing Distributed Computing Operations for the HL-LHC Era With Operational Intelligence

As a joint effort from various communities involved in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid, the Operational Intelligence project aims at increasing the level of automation in computing operations and reducing human interventions. The distributed computing systems currently deployed by the LHC experiments have proven to be mature and capable of meeting the experimental goals, by allowing timely delivery of scientific results. However, a substantial number of interventions from software developers, shifters, and operational teams is needed to efficiently manage such heterogenous infrastructures. Under the scope of the Operational Intelligence project, experts from several areas have gathered to propose and work on “smart” solutions. Machine learning, data mining, log analysis, and anomaly detection are only some of the tools we have evaluated for our use cases. In this community study contribution, we report on the development of a suite of operational intelligence services to cover various use cases: workload management, data management, and site operations.

Deep distributed computing to reconstruct extremely large lineage trees

Distributed computing and artificial intelligence, volume 2: special sessions 18th international conference, software engineering, artificial intelligence, networking and parallel/distributed computing, chinese keyword extraction model with distributed computing, on allocation of systematic blocks in coded distributed computing, export citation format, share document.

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The evolution of distributed computing systems: from fundamental to new frontiers

  • Regular Paper
  • Published: 30 January 2021
  • Volume 103 , pages 1859–1878, ( 2021 )

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  • Dominic Lindsay   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9354-4183 1 ,
  • Sukhpal Singh Gill   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3913-0369 2 ,
  • Daria Smirnova 1 &
  • Peter Garraghan 1  

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Distributed systems have been an active field of research for over 60 years, and has played a crucial role in computer science, enabling the invention of the Internet that underpins all facets of modern life. Through technological advancements and their changing role in society, distributed systems have undergone a perpetual evolution, with each change resulting in the formation of a new paradigm. Each new distributed system paradigm—of which modern prominence include cloud computing, Fog computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT)—allows for new forms of commercial and artistic value, yet also ushers in new research challenges that must be addressed in order to realize and enhance their operation. However, it is necessary to precisely identify what factors drive the formation and growth of a paradigm, and how unique are the research challenges within modern distributed systems in comparison to prior generations of systems. The objective of this work is to study and evaluate the key factors that have influenced and driven the evolution of distributed system paradigms, from early mainframes, inception of the global inter-network, and to present contemporary systems such as edge computing, Fog computing and IoT. Our analysis highlights assumptions that have driven distributed systems appear to be changing, including (1) an accelerated fragmentation of paradigms driven by commercial interests and physical limitations imposed by the end of Moore’s law, (2) a transition away from generalized architectures and frameworks towards increasing specialization, and (3) each paradigm architecture results in some form of pivoting between centralization and decentralization coordination. Finally, we discuss present day and future challenges of distributed research pertaining to studying complex phenomena at scale and the role of distributed systems research in the context of climate change.

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This work is supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P031617/1).

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School of Computing and Communication, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

Dominic Lindsay, Daria Smirnova & Peter Garraghan

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK

Sukhpal Singh Gill

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Lindsay, D., Gill, S.S., Smirnova, D. et al. The evolution of distributed computing systems: from fundamental to new frontiers. Computing 103 , 1859–1878 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-020-00900-y

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Received : 06 February 2020

Accepted : 28 December 2020

Published : 30 January 2021

Issue Date : August 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-020-00900-y

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Distributed Computing Systems and Applications

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A special issue of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417). This special issue belongs to the section " Computing and Artificial Intelligence ".

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Dear Colleagues,

Over the last few decades, trends in the computing industry have been towards distributed, low-cost, and high-volume units. Therefore, this Special Issue is dedicated to distributed systems, whose components are located on different networked computers and which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another. Currently, there is a wide spectrum of types of distributed systems varying from SOA-based systems to massively multiplayer online games and peer-to-peer applications.

The control of distributed systems is a well-known challenge which requires complex computational software referred to as distributed computing. Therefore, authors should demonstrate new methods allowing to increase distributed system performance, for instance, by rebalancing resource loads and thereby avoiding networking failures caused by node overstrain.

Particularly welcome will be works that validate, at the experimental level, improved networking performance by managing resource loads and hence preventing system failures. Since such systems are generally required to operate across the Internet and different administrative domains, new algorithms fulfilling these scalability requirements without loss of performance will be a valuable contribution to the Special Issue.

We invite authors interested in the proposed topics to contribute to this Special Issue by publishing their results of research related, but not limited, to the following topics: multiprocessing, multicomputing, cybersecurity for distributed systems applications, programming paradigms for distributed systems, and load balancing algorithms.

Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Mosorov Dr. Jacek Kucharski Guest Editors

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Home > Books > Recent Progress in Parallel and Distributed Computing

Introductory Chapter: The Newest Research in Parallel and Distributed Computing

Submitted: 14 September 2016 Published: 19 July 2017

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69201

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Recent Progress in Parallel and Distributed Computing

Edited by Wen-Jyi Hwang

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Wen-jyi hwang *.

  • Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

The parallel and distributed computing is concerned with concurrent use of multiple compute resources to enhance the performance of a distributed and/or computationally intensive application. The compute resources may be a single computer or a number of computers connected by a network. A computer in the system may contain single-core, multi-core and/or many-core processors. The design and implementation of a parallel and distributed system may involve the development, utilization and integration of techniques in computer network, software and hardware. With the advent of networking and computer technology, parallel and distributed computing systems have been widely employed for solving problems in engineering, management, natural sciences and social sciences.

There are six chapters in this book. From Chapters 2 to 6, a wide range of studies in new applications, algorithms, architectures, networks, software implementations and evaluations of this growing field are covered. These studies may be useful to scientists and engineers from various fields of specialization who need the techniques of distributed and parallel computing in their work.

The second chapter of this book considers the applications of distributed computing for social networks. The chapter entitled “A Study on the Node Influential Capability in Social Networks by Incorporating Trust Metrics” by Tong-Ming Lim and Hock Yeow Yap provides useful distributed computing models for the evaluation of node influential capacity in social networks. Two algorithms are presented in this study: Trust-enabled Generic Algorithm Diffusion Model (T-GADM) and Domain-Specified Trust-enabled Generic Algorithm Diffusion Model (DST-GADM). Experimental results confirm the hypothesis that social trust plays an important role in influential propagation. Moreover, it is able to increase the rate of success in influencing other social nodes in a social network.

Another application presented in this book is the smart grid for power engineering. The chapter entitled “A Distributed Computing Architecture for the Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy and Distributed Resources in Smart Grids” by Ignacio Aravena, Anthony Papavasiliou and Alex Papalexopoulos analyzes the distributed system for the management of the short-term operations of power systems. They propose optimization algorithms for both the levels of the distribution grid and high voltage grids. Numerical results are also included for illustrating the effectiveness of the algorithms.

This book also contains a chapter covering the programming aspect of parallel and distributed computing. For the study of parallel programming, the general processing units (GPUs) are considered. GPUs have received attention for parallel computing because their many-core capability offers a significant speedup over traditional general purpose processors. In the chapter entitled “GPU Computing Taxonomy” by Abdelrahman Ahmed Mohamed Osman, a new classification mechanism is proposed to facilitate the employment of GPU for solving the single program multiple data problems. Based on the number of hosts and the number of devices, the GPU computing can be separated into four classes. Examples are included to illustrate the features of each class. Efficient coding techniques are also provided.

The final two chapters focus on the software aspects of the distributed and parallel computing. Software tools for the wikinomics-oriented development of scientific applications are presented in the chapter entitled “Distributed Software Development Tools for Distributed Scientific Applications” by Vaidas Giedrimas, Anatoly Petrenko and Leonidas Sakalauskas. The applications are based on service-oriented architectures. Flexibilities are provided so that codes and components deployed can be reused and transformed into a service. Some prototypes are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tools.

The chapter entitled “DANP-Evaluation of AHP-DSS” by Wolfgang Ossadnik, Benjamin Föcke and Ralf H. Kaspar evaluates the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)-supporting software for the use of adequate Decision Support Systems (DSS) for the management science. The corresponding software selection, evaluation criteria, evaluation framework, assessments and evaluation results are provided in detail. Issues concerning the evaluation assisted by parallel and distributed computing are also addressed.

These chapters offer comprehensive coverage of parallel and distributed computing from engineering and science perspectives. They may be helpful to further stimulate and promote the research and development in this rapid growing area. It is also hoped that newcomers or researchers from other areas of disciplines desiring to learn more about the parallel and distributed computing will find this book useful.

© 2017 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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