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  • Jul 22, 2022
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Is a PhD Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Getting a Doctorate

To get a PhD or not to get a PhD? That is the question.

Valerie David

Valerie David

Lifestyle and Career Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Hands holding a PhD doctorate certificate

Entering the job market for the first time can be a stressful experience, especially if you don't feel completely prepared. When deciding how to take those first steps toward your ultimate career , and how to give yourself a chance at the best jobs, you may find yourself asking: “Should I do a PhD?”.

While academics looking forward to a life of learning may consider this a no-brainer, there are important factors for everyone to consider. Finances, job prospects and quality of life issues can greatly affect the success of furthering your education.

To help you decide if the time and effort of a PhD is worth it, here are the major benefits and disadvantages of getting that doctorate.

After four or more years of intellectual pursuits, adding a PhD may seem like overkill. Before you make your choice, let's look at all the benefits that are exclusive to earning the most advanced degree.

1. You can contribute new knowledge to the world

Embarking on a PhD programme means delving into your preferred subject in a much deeper way than you have in any of your previous studies. The beauty of this advanced degree is that it allows you to sail in uncharted waters. Your goal is to find new information, draw new conclusions and, hopefully, make a significant contribution to your field.

Your intensive research, travel, collaboration and study will lead you on an unpredictable path to telling a story that no one has heard before. For some students, this pursuit of knowledge and discovery is enough to make all the hard work of earning a PhD worth it.

2. You'll have access to more prestigious jobs

One of the key benefits of a PhD is that it opens doors to careers at the highest levels. This can include leadership positions in science and engineering, government roles in economics and political science, and prestigious teaching posts for English and arts majors. Even if an advanced degree isn't required for the job you want, that PhD can give you an extra air of authority in your field and an edge over other candidates.

Another obvious upside to continuing your postgraduate studies is that landing these powerful positions can lead to large financial rewards. Some areas of study, like medicine and the law, tend to be more lucrative, but it can also depend on the type of job. For example, a university professor or researcher post can pay well for a wide variety of disciplines. Check out sites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Careers Service to investigate potential salaries.

3. Employers look for candidates with your superior writing skills

A study arranged by the National Commission on Writing discovered that blue-chip businesses (long-standing companies with stable stock growth) are spending more than $3 billion a year on remedial writing course for current employees. This includes staff with undergraduate degrees.

So, when a hiring manager peruses your résumé and sees that you've earned a PhD, they'll know immediately that you've spent years honing your skills at compiling research, organizing mountains of data and writing about your results in a cohesive and persuasive way. This will clearly set you apart from your competition, while landing your dream job will prove that pursuing that advanced degree was worth it.

4. You'll improve on all your soft skills

While pursuing your undergraduate degree, you likely noticed that you were learning more than just the subject matter taught in each class. Completing your studies also required time management skills , focus and problem solving .

Getting a doctorate degree requires even more of the soft skills that employers look for in applicants . Your intensive study and finished thesis should lead to improvements in your problem solving, critical thinking , patience and adaptability . These desirable skills won't just help you land a job but also excel in whatever career you choose to pursue .

5. You'll collect an extensive network of professional colleagues

When weighing the pros and cons of earning a PhD, consider all the professional contacts you'll make during the course of your studies. Working closely with professors, department heads, experts in your field, as well as fellow researchers, helps you develop an important resource. This network of colleagues can provide continual assistance with references, job leads, career advice and collaboration.

6. You can wait for a more favorable job market

Job prospects may not look that promising when you've completed your undergraduate degree, or even after you've been in the workforce for a few years. While there's no guarantee things will improve after a delay, some students may appreciate the benefit of a steady graduate assistant salary while they work on enhancing their résumé with a doctorate.

If you couldn't get a good internship during or after your undergrad studies, the PhD work also gives you the time to build that professional network . These contacts could prove to be the key to breaking into a specialized or highly competitive field.

You may still be thinking about all that time and commitment and wondering, “Is a PhD worth it?”. While there are always positive results from improving your education, there are some downsides to getting your doctorate.

1. It's expensive

This is a substantial factor for many students when weighing the merits of pursuing a PhD versus entering the job market right away. If you already have student loans , continuing your education will just increase your burden and add substantial pressure when you eventually begin your job search.

If cost is a concern, investigate graduate assistant jobs that help with expenses. Some programmes offer tuition assistance in return for teaching or research work. For those who already work full time and are hoping a PhD will help them advance in their career, consider keeping that job and pursuing your studies on a part-time basis.

2. Getting a PhD can be a lonely experience

Despite your interactions with professors and other students, pursuing a doctoral degree is ultimately a solitary pursuit. Your thesis topic is unique to you, and you'll spend a lot of time alone doing research and writing. Your social life can suffer, especially if you're also working in addition to your studies.

Career experts often talk about the necessity of work-life balance for physical and mental health, and this is just as important for PhD students as anyone else. It may take you a little longer to complete your degree, but it's worth taking the time to visit family and hang out with your friends. These positive interactions can help you stay motivated through the most tedious parts of your work.

3. You'll experience extreme stress and frustration

Pursuing a PhD may seem like a noble and interesting endeavor, and extended life as a student can appear more attractive than wading into the job market. You must be aware, however, that getting a doctorate can be a very stressful and frustrating experience.

A topic that seemed intriguing at first may not live up to years of scrutiny, causing boredom at best or requiring a complete thesis change at worst. Not all programmes are well-run, either, and you may have a supervisor who is too critical, offers poor advice or is just unavailable and unhelpful.

The difficulties of a PhD programme lead to rather substantial dropout rates. In the US alone, only 57% of PhD students obtained their degree within a decade of enrolling. If you want to be in the successful half of those stats, take extra time to review your choice of supervisor and topic focus. Ask every professor you have for advice on making the right decisions and talk with current graduate students to see what their experience has been.

4. There may be limited job openings

While getting a PhD can qualify you for better and higher-paying jobs , it can also put you in a position where you're competing for an extremely limited number of job openings. This is especially true of university jobs, where the number of advanced degree graduates far outpaces the need for full-time instructors, researchers and administrators.

Earning your PhD with a very obscure thesis in a niche speciality can also limit your options. When there are only a handful of jobs that suit your expertise, and they're already occupied, it can make you feel that your doctorate was a waste of time. Consider the job market before you make decisions about getting another degree. If you're determined to study in a niche area, think ahead of time about related fields or industries where your knowledge and skills will also prove useful to employers.

5. There may be little to no financial reward

While most studies concur that having a PhD increases your income potential substantially over the lifetime of your career, it's not a guarantee of job security or a financial windfall. A study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that 5 years after earning their doctorates , 45% of grads in Germany were still on temporary contracts and 13% ended up in lowly occupations.

Other European countries, including Slovakia, Belgium and Spain, had similar results. In the US, in fields like engineering, the difference in pay scales between employees with a master's degree and a PhD was a mere 7%. When that small bump in salary is weighed against the amount of debt taken on in order to get your degree, you may decide it's not worth it.

6. You could lose out on valuable job experience

New forms of technology continue to change how organizations operate, and those changes can happen fast. If you've already spent several years in school, toiling away in solitary study of obscure subjects can cause you to fall further behind in learning the skills you'll actually need for a future career.

Before you invest in getting a PhD, research your chosen field and learn which type of degree will give you the most value. Many scientific, financial and computing careers rely more on skills acquired on the job, rather than in coursework that can quickly become outdated.

Questions to ask yourself

You’ve listed out the pros and cons, but that still may not be enough to help make your decision. When it comes to a life-altering change like getting a doctorate, it’s okay to take enough time to ask yourself specific questions to ensure you’re making the right move. Consider asking yourself the following:

  • Why do I want to get a PhD?
  • Do I have the pre-requisites to move forward to a PhD?
  • What are my strengths and limitations?
  • Am I financially prepared?
  • Am I mentally prepared?
  • How will this affect my relationship with my family or friends?
  • Where will I study?
  • What am I trying to achieve?
  • What jobs will be available to me after I get my PhD?
  • Are there other options or avenues to consider?

Unfortunately, you may not have the answer to every one of these questions, because let’s face it, you don’t know what you don’t know. You might not know how it will affect your relationship with family or friends, but why not ask them? Reach out to those closest to you and see how you pursuing this degree could trickle down to them and allow that to play into your decision. Evaluate the answers to these questions and use it to help you make an educated decision on your future moving forward.

The best PhD degrees

If you’ve weighed out the pros and cons, asked all the important questions, and now you’re set on getting your PhD, congratulations! To help you along the way, let’s look at a list of the most valuable PhD programs to start you on your way to this degree.

  • Criminal Justice
  • Engineering
  • Cybersecurity
  • Business Administration

These fields are rapidly growing and are among the highest-paying doctorate degrees in 2022 , so they might be worth considering as you start your journey.

Key takeaways

Pursuing your PhD requires an incredible amount of commitment, and it's important to take the necessary time to make the decision. As you’re evaluating a doctorate degree, remember the following:

  • Evaluate the pros and cons list right from the beginning to ensure you’re weighing out both sides of the coin.
  • Ask yourself the necessary questions. A doctorate degree commitment can affect more than just you, so be sure you’re factoring that into your decision.
  • Review specifically which PhD would be best for you and your field progression.
  • Research your chosen field carefully and evaluate the job market before you finalize your degree choice.
  • Once you’ve selected your degree, stay focused and stay driven. It’s going to be a hard few years, but it will be worth the work!

Who knows, this may prompt you to move on to postgraduate study — never stop achieving!

Have you decided to pursue your PhD, or are you still considering your options? Join us in the comments below and let us know what’s stopping or encouraging you from getting a PhD.

Originally published on July 24, 2019. Updated by Shalie Reich.

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Why study a PhD in English literature?

Studying for a phd in english literature is not just a “run-on from an ma”, writes john francis davies, but requires deep introspection and societal awareness.

John Francis Davies's avatar

John Francis Davies

A pile of books and a cup of tea

What is the point of a doctorate in English literature? It’s an easy trap to become deterministic about this question: it is no single thing. To my mind, there are two main reasons to spend four years in speech, word, and thought. One is to do with the field of study itself, and the other with the lifestyle it sustains.

The study of English literature is primarily heuristic – so, an enabling discipline. There is no escaping language. It’s everywhere: in the waking and the sleeping, through the loud music, over the desk at work, in the mouths and minds of friend and stranger. It’s the thing that strains in the voice during bickering arguments or vindication against family accusations.

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It is in the rhetoric and the row. It’s out there in remote places or in the long-watched painting at the gallery. It forms what we see and what we do and how we feel. The omnipresence of language is the greatest serendipity and the greatest struggle. Given that life is so substantially governed by language, it shall never fail to fascinate us.

Top universities for English literature What can you do with an English literature degree?

A doctorate is not just a run-on from an MA but a genuine effort to make a societal contribution, no matter how small. English as a discipline can be a vivifying force for both individual and social liberty.

One need only to consider great editorial achievements of the 20th century, like Christopher Ricks’ scholarship on Alfred Tennyson or, today, the ongoing 30-volume Correspondence of Charles Darwin , and the progress of digital humanities for open access.

It is clear, too, why academics such as C.S. Lewis became more invested in journalism. Today, we need far more literary critics to step forward to provide not only social commentary but alternative social role models. Words are deeds: they create reality.

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A PhD in English, with all its constituent parts, facilitates a cerebral life. In a society of people constantly persuaded to look outside themselves, doctoral students are being inspired by deep thought, and become unequivocally satisfied in the value of their work. The feeling of value about one’s work is capricious, but what is immutable is that work’s value to you.

“What we learn from experience,” C.S. Lewis tells us, “depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to it.” That philosophy finds form and depth through what we study. University is not, or at least should not be, some hiatus before resuming one’s place in the world. It’s a way of living.

John Francis Davies is a Doctor of English based at the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing, Wolfson College, University of Oxford

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Pros and Cons of a Graduate Degree in English

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The decision to pursue graduate study in English, like other fields, is complex — part emotional and part rational. The emotional side of the equation is powerful. Becoming the first in your family to earn a graduate degree, being called "Doctor," and living a life of the mind are all tempting rewards. However, the decision of whether to study English at the graduate level also entails pragmatic considerations. In a difficult economic climate, the question becomes even more perplexing. Here are 4 reasons to be wary of a graduate degree in English - and one reason to embrace it.

1. Competition for Entry to Graduate Study in English Is Stiff

Admissions standards for many graduate programs in English are tough. Request applications from the top Ph.D. programs and the applications will be accompanied by warnings not to apply if you do not have a particular GRE verbal score and a high undergraduate GPA (for example, at least a 3.7).

2. Earning a Ph.D. in English Takes Time.

Graduate students in English can expect to remain in school for at least 5 years and as many as 10 years. English students often take longer to complete their dissertations than do science students. Each year in graduate school is another year without full-time income.

3. Graduate Students in English Have Fewer Funding Sources Than Do Science Students

Some English students work as teaching assistants and receive some tuition remissions benefits or a stipend. Most students pay for all of their education. Science students are often funded by grants that their professors write to support their research. Science students often receive full tuition remission and a stipend during graduate school. Graduate study is expensive. Students can expect to pay from $20,000-40,000 per year in tuition. so the amount of funding a student receives is important to his or her economic well being long after graduate school.

4. Academic Jobs in English Are Hard to Come By

Many faculties advise their students not to go into debt to earn a graduate degree in English because the job market for college professors, especially in the humanities, is bad. According to the Modern Language Association, over 50% of new PhDs remain part-time, adjunct teachers (earning about $2,000 per course) for years. Those who decide to seek full-time employment rather than reapply for academic jobs work in college administration, publishing, the government, and non-profit agencies.

Why Embrace a Grad Degree in English?

Reading, writing and argumentation skills are valued outside of academia. On the positive side, graduate degree holders in English hone their reading, writing, and argumentation skills - all of which are valued outside of academia. With each paper, graduate students practice constructing logical arguments and thereby hone skills useful in a variety of settings such as business, nonprofits, and government.

Many of the negative considerations in deciding whether to apply to graduate school in English emphasize the challenge of obtaining employment in academic settings and the difficulty of financial graduate study. These considerations are less relevant for students who plan on careers outside of academia. A graduate degree offers many opportunities outside of the ivory tower. Remain open to considering alternative options and you'll increase the odds of a graduate degree in English paying off in the long run. Overall, the decision of whether graduate school is for you is complex and highly personal. Only you are aware of your own circumstances, strengths, weaknesses, goals, and capacities.

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Top 5 Best PhD Programs in English [2024]

Lisa Marlin

Earning a PhD in English makes you an expert in language, literature, communication, research, critical thinking, and academic presentation. This qualification opens doors to a successful and well-paid career in a broad range of fields, including teaching, research, and media.

Read on for everything you need to know about the best PhD programs in English and the universities that provide them, along with career prospects, salaries, alternative streams, as well as pros and cons.

Table of Contents

Best PhD Programs in English

Harvard university, the graduate school of arts and sciences.

Harvard University logo

Graduate Program in English

Acceptance rate: 5%

Harvard University  is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The oldest institution of higher learning in the country, it was founded in 1636 and is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. This exclusive institution has an acceptance rate of only 5%.

It has one of the best English PhD programs in the the world. It is an integrated program that includes both a Masters of Arts in English as well as a PhD. It can take anywhere between four and seven years to complete, ending with a doctoral dissertation. The program will give you deep insight into the English language and literature, with an emphasis on cultural and critical theory. It will also equip you with exceptional skills in writing, helping you excel at conference presentations, teaching, and academic work.

The program has a tiered fee structure  where the fees reduce over time, and various forms of funding and financial aid  are available.

Stanford University, School of Humanities and Sciences

Stanford university logo

PhD in English Program

Acceptance rate:  4%

The second Ivy-League school on our list, Stanford University is a private research university located in Stanford, California. It was founded in 1885 and today is a world-renowned and highly competitive institution, with an acceptance rate of 4%. The university’s location in the heart of Silicon Valley gives it a uniquely entrepreneurial approach to arts and sciences.

Stanford has one of the best PhD English programs in the country, with a focus on literary history. The program follows new approaches to technology, media, and performance to help students become scholars and literary critics. You’ll be required to complete a dissertation at the end of the program.

There are many options for fellowships  and funding  available. In fact, 80% of all Stanford students receive some form of financial assistance.

Cornell University, The Department of Literatures in English

Cornell University logo

PhD Program in English Language and Literature

Acceptance rate: 8.7%

Cornell University, based in Ithaca, New York, is a private Ivy League university and a land-grant institution. It was established in 1865 and offers exceptional educational opportunities for students at various levels, and has an acceptance rate of 8.7%.

Cornell’s PhD in English in English Language and Literature offers a range of concentrations, including African American literature, American literature, English poetry, colonial literature, and cultural studies. The program is very flexible, and students can choose electives from various fields such as German studies, women’s studies, linguistics, and philosophy. Since the program only accepts around 10 students each year, the school offers funding  to everyone admitted.

The University of Texas at Austin, Department of English

University of Texas logo

PhD Program in English

Acceptance rate: 32%

The University of Texas at Austin is a public research university that offers affordable education to a diverse student population. Established in 1883 and located in Austin, Texas, the university has an acceptance rate of 32%.

Its PhD program in English has a strong focus on research, mentoring and training for pedagogy, and benefits from resources from both the Department of English and the Department of Rhetoric and Writing. The program takes at least three years to complete, with an average annual intake of between 10-12 students. Full funding  for up to six years is available through teaching assistantships and fellowships.

The University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts & Science

Peen State logo

PhD in English

Acceptance rate:  9%

The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia is a private, Ivy-League research university. Founded in 1740, it is one of the nine colonial colleges chartered before the Declaration of Independence. The university has an acceptance rate of 9%.

Their PhD in English gives students a broad understanding of English and American literature. The program has a much broader vision than just submitting dissertations and passing exams; rather, it encourages students to actively participate in the intellectual and social community of the department to produce a collective body of knowledge. The tuition  per academic year is $37,678, and the university offers various funding options .

What Jobs Can You Get with a PhD in English?

Having a PhD in English leads to a broad range of career opportunities. You could work in the fields of education, writing, publishing, research, or government, among others.

Here are some of the most common roles for professionals holding a doctorate in English, with annual median salaries for each:

  • English Professor, Post-secondary/Higher Education ( $88,934 ):  A post-secondary or higher education professor delivers lectures to students, tutors them, and assists them with their research and dissertations. They may also conduct academic research.
  • Correspondent ( $81,965 ):  A correspondent works for a media organization or agency to provide news reports for print and digital media.
  • Public Relations (PR) Manager ( $71,632 ):  Public relations managers are responsible for maintaining a positive public image of their organization. To do this, they may oversee PR campaigns, deal with the media, and develop branding strategies.
  • Research Analyst ( $57,562 ) : A research analyst analyzes large amounts of data to draw conclusions and validate or disprove certain assumptions or theories.
  • Fundraising Manager ( $55,460 ):  A fundraising manager works for an organization, typically a non-profit to generate funds through grants and donations. They may conduct campaigns, write grant applications, and communicate with a range of stakeholders.
  • Editor ( $55,297 ):  An editor reviews written content to correct errors in grammar, spelling, structure, and style before it is published.

Pros and Cons of English PhD Programs

A PhD in English could be a valuable qualification that puts you on track for your dream career, but it’s not for everyone. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of completing a PhD in English that you should keep in mind.

Pros of Studying a PhD in English:

  • Make a Valuable Contribution: When you study for an English PhD, you have the chance to explore uncharted waters in the literary and language sphere. You’ll conduct independent research to come up with original findings that will add to the existing knowledge in the field.
  • Qualify for a Higher-level Job:  A PhD in English will enable you to apply for roles that are simply out of reach if you only have a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
  • Professional Networking Opportunities:  A PhD in English can advance your career and put you in constant contact with high-level professionals in the field. This can help you become part of an elite professional community, especially if you gain your doctorate from one of the best universities for English majors.

Cons of an English PhD:

  • S olitary Pursuit:  Unlike a master’s, studying a PhD involves a great deal of independent research. You will often work alone on your project, without much opportunity to interact with other students.
  • Limited Job Openings:  While earning a PhD in English can help you apply to some well-paid jobs, these roles are often limited.
  • Tough Competition for Admission: Getting admitted to a PhD program is not as easy as it is for a master’s degree. Doctorate programs have very strict admission requirements, and you’ll need a high GPA and strong GRE scores  to get into the best English grad schools for PhD

Alternatives to a PhD English

Just because you have a bachelor’s or master’s in English doesn’t mean you have to get your PhD in English. You may get a taste for a related discipline while pursuing your master’s.

You have a range of options for doctorates that will help you to pursue similar career paths. For example, you can go for a PhD in Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, or Education .

Frequently Asked Questions about PhD in English Programs

What salary can i get with a phd in english.

Having a PhD in English can lead to a broad range of career options, with various salary brackets depending on the exact role, as well as your level of experience. Having said that, the annual median salary for English PhDs is $60,000 .

Which PhD is Best After an MA in English?

After completing your MA in English , you may pursue a PhD in one of the many options available, such as literature, linguists, or teaching English as a foreign language. It all depends on your personal preferences and passions.

Is a PhD in English Worth It?

There is no doubt that a PhD in English will help advance your career and attract a better salary than most master’s degree holders, especially if your degree is from one of the best schools for English majors. If you are determined and willing to pay in the time and effort, you will enjoy the pay off in the long run.

What Can I Do After Finishing My PhD in English?

With a doctorate in English, you’ll enjoy a range of opportunities in various fields. You may work in academia, the publishing industry, or the media. This advanced degree can also lead to jobs in the government and research sectors, or you may choose to pursue an independent career as a writer or lexicographer.

Final Thoughts

A doctorate in English will not only make you an expert in language and literature, but it will also help you hone your critical thinking skills and build valuable professional connections.

The best PhD programs in English will give you a valuable qualification, as well as the option to focus on your preferred specialization. Specializations can vary greatly from one English PhD program to another, so be sure to do your research and find a school amidst the list of the top English PhD programs that best suits your passions and ideal career path. Don’t just look at the top three best English programs in the US; instead, look for programs that have courses you’re interested in.

If you’re looking for a flexible option that will allow you to earn your doctorate while balancing work and personal commitments,  take a look at our list of the top 20 online PhDs .

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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The number of Australian PhD graduates reached around 10,000 a year in 2019, twice as many as in 2005. However, the number of PhDs has been exceeding the available academic positions since as early as the mid-1990s. In 2020, universities purged around 10% of their workforce due to the pandemic, and many university careers are still vulnerable .

Given these statistics, you might wonder if doing a PhD is still a good idea. Based on our discussions with PhD holders, there are still plenty of very good reasons, which is good news in 2021.

Read more: 2021 is the year Australia's international student crisis really bites

In June 2020 we interviewed 12 PhD holders from multiple disciplines for our podcast Career Sessions to investigate the question: why do a PhD?

Why do a PhD?

The PhD is a mechanism for developing high-level research skills, learning about rigours of science or the development of theory. It sets you up with project management, problem-solving and analytical skills that are meaningful within and beyond academia.

“It just taught me all those transferable skills, project management, and also now starting businesses. I’m amazed at how close starting a business is to doing a science project.” – Dr Andy Stapleton

For our interviewees, the PhD is an opportunity to dive deeply into a topic they are passionate about. They also considered contributing new knowledge to be a privilege. The process taught them to be better thinkers, critical thinkers, and to view the world through new eyes.

“The mental fitness to work at a high level, to be able to think at a high level, to be able to write it […] The topic is less important.” – Dr Gareth Furber

The PhD is a voyage of discovery to a better understanding of how things work. It gives them a credible platform from which their voice can be heard and respected, and they can contribute to change.

“I think it’s definitely like a springboard or something. It launches you into a whole other place and it gives you […] more of a voice. It’s a political act for me. It’s about making change.” – Dr Elizabeth Newnham

The PhD is a tough and sometimes painful journey, but ultimately rewarding. The extraordinary was tempered by frustration, and the experience shaped their lives, increasing self-confidence and leading to new self-awareness.

Read more: PhD completion: an evidence-based guide for students, supervisors and universities

When asked whether they would they do it again, no-one hesitated in saying “yes”.

“You will never stretch your brain in a way that a PhD forces you to.” – Professor Kate Douglas.

The PhD is not necessarily a golden ticket to an academic career, but the experience and skills you develop will be meaningful for your future.

“What I’d done in my PhD gave me a lot broader sense than just my own personal experience. There were a lot of people that have heard me speak and a lot of that’s been informed by the PhD. So it might not be direct, but it’s informed who I am.” – Dr Susan Close

Advice from our guests

Checklist of honorific

Keep both your eyes and your mind open. Pick a topic you are passionate about. Speak to people both within and outside academia to find out where this could lead. Think about whether you actually need a PhD to get to where you want to be.

You’ll have to make some judgement calls about how a PhD can fit into your life.

And find the right supervisor! They are the most important relationship you will have throughout your candidature, and they are a solid reference for what comes next. Finding the right supervisor will always enhance your PhD experience .

Read more: Ten types of PhD supervisor relationships – which is yours?

A PhD isn’t right for everyone. Ask yourself, is it the right time for you and your research interests? Are you resilient? Mental health among PhD students is poor

Our podcast guests have witnessed PhD students’ struggles. The pathway of a PhD candidate is not linear. There are many ups and downs. You will meander in many unplanned directions and often take wrong turns.

When you have completed your PhD, the hard work is really just starting. It is a gateway, but there are a lot of PhDs out there. It is what comes next that really counts.

“It’s a gateway. You’re learning how to do research. But if you really want to be successful afterwards, you need to apply that, and be diligent about that as well, and have a good work ethic.” – Dr Mark Krstic

Read more: 1 in 5 PhD students could drop out. Here are some tips for how to keep going

A PhD in any field is an achievement. Even the most niche topics will contribute knowledge to a field that is important for many people. The reward is intrinsic and only you can identify how doing a PhD will contribute to your life. It gives you a great toolkit to identify the doors that are appropriate for you.

“The first paper was the most exciting thing. […] at that time I thought of papers as like a version of immortality. My name is on something that will last forever. I think this is my legacy.” – Dr Cameron Shearer

Table showing guests of Career Sessions podcast, their PhD thesis titles, and what they are doing now

  • Higher education
  • PhD supervisors
  • PhD students
  • PhD research
  • PhD candidates

is phd in english worth it

Director of STEM

is phd in english worth it

Community member - Training Delivery and Development Committee (Volunteer part-time)

is phd in english worth it

Chief Executive Officer

is phd in english worth it

Finance Business Partner

is phd in english worth it

Head of Evidence to Action

Ph.D. Program

The Stanford English department has a long tradition of training the next generation of scholars to become leaders in academia and related fields. Our Ph.D. program encourages the production of ambitious, groundbreaking dissertation work across the diverse field interests of our prestigious faculty.

Fusing deep attention to literary history with newer approaches to media, technology, and performance, our department carefully mentors students in both scholarship and pedagogy through close interaction with faculty. Our location on the edge of the Pacific and at the heart of Silicon Valley encourages expansive, entrepreneurial thinking about the interpenetration of arts and sciences.

Program Overview

The English Department seeks to teach and promote an understanding of both the significance and the history of British and American literature (broadly defined) and to foster an appreciation of the richness and variety of texts in the language. It offers rigorous training in interpretive thinking and precise expression. Our English graduate program features the study of what imaginative language, rhetoric, and narrative art has done, can do, and will do in life, and it focuses on the roles creative writing and representations play in almost every aspect of modern experience. Completing the Ph.D. program prepares a student for full participation as a scholar and literary critic in the profession.

Financial Support

We offer an identical five-year funding package to all admitted students with competitive funding available for a sixth year. Funding covers applicable tuition costs, Stanford Cardinal Care health insurance, and living expenses in the form of direct stipend, teaching assistantships or pre-doctoral research assistantships. The department, in conjunction with the School of Humanities and Sciences, is also committed to supporting students' involvement in professional activities and funds many of the expenses for research travel, summer language study, and participation in academic conferences. Student housing is not included in the funding package.

In addition to our standard doctoral funding package, the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE) provides competitive funding to support individual doctoral students, student groups, and department-based projects. VPGE funding opportunities promote innovation, diversity, and excellence in graduate education. Explore their doctoral  fellowship  and other student  funding  opportunities.

The  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  program cultivates and supports a highly-engaged, multidisciplinary and multicultural community of graduate students from across Stanford University, and delivers a diverse collection of educational experiences, preparing graduates to address complex challenges facing the world. Knight-Hennessy Scholars participate in an experiential leadership development program known as the King Global Leadership Program and receive funding for up to three years of graduate study at Stanford. Two applications must be submitted separately; one to Knight-Hennessy and one to the Stanford English graduate degree program by its deadline. Please refer to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program page to learn more and apply.

Teaching Requirements

One pedagogical seminar and four quarters of supervised teaching. Typically a student will teach three times as a teaching assistant in a literature course. For the fourth course, students will have the option of applying to design and teach a Writing Intensive Seminar in English (WISE) for undergraduate English majors or teaching a fourth quarter as a T.A..

  • 1st year: One quarter as T.A. (leading 1-2 discussion sections of undergraduate literature)
  • 2nd year: One quarter as T.A. (leading 1-2 discussion sections of undergraduate literature)
  • 3rd/4th/5th years: Two quarters of teaching, including the possibility of TA'ing or teaching a WISE course.

Language requirements

All candidates for the Ph.D. degree must demonstrate a reading knowledge of two foreign languages. One language requirement must be completed during the first year of study. The second language must be completed before the oral examination in the third year.

Candidates in the earlier periods must offer Latin and one of the following languages: French, German, Greek, Italian or Spanish. Candidates in the later period (that is, after the Renaissance) must demonstrate a reading knowledge of two languages for which  Stanford’s Language Center  regularly offers a reading course, administers a competency exam, or facilitates the administration of an American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Reading Proficiency Test (ACTFL RPT). In all cases, the choice of languages offered must be relevant to the student’s field of study and must have the approval of the candidate's adviser. Any substitution of a language other than one for which Stanford offers a competency exam must also be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.

Other requirements

All candidates for the Ph.D. must satisfactorily complete the following:

  • 135 units, at least 70 of which (normally 14 courses) must be graded course work
  • Qualifying examination, based on a reading guide of approximately 70-90 works, to be taken orally at the end of the summer after the first year of graduate work.
  • University oral examination covering the field of concentration taken no later than the winter quarter of the third year of study.
  • Submission of the dissertation prospectus
  • First chapter review with the dissertation advisor and the members of the dissertation reading committee.
  • Dissertation, which should be an original work of literary criticism demonstrating the student's ability to participate fully as a scholar and literary critic in the profession.
  • Closing colloquium designed to look forward toward the next steps; identify the major accomplishments of the dissertation and the major questions/issues/problems that remain; consider possibilities for revision, book or article publication, etc.
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Best College Rankings

30 Best PhD Programs in English

college rank best phd programs english

Quick Highlights:

  • Our #1 ranked school for a PhD in English is  University at Buffalo , followed by  University of California, Berkeley .
  • PhD English programs focus on comprehensive English language and literature knowledge . They require coursework, exams, and a dissertation.
  • Specializations may be available in areas like rhetoric and digital humanities.
  • Many programs emphasize practical experience, including teaching opportunities and involvement in academic communities .

With one of the 30 top English PhD programs, career opportunities are numerous, because let’s face it: researching, writing, teaching, learning, communicating, and critical thinking all translate into a highly sought-after knowledge and skill set.

This is not a trick question: What would we do if we could not communicate with each other, whether verbally or in writing (or texting)?

Seriously think about it: Without language, what do we have?

There are those who live and breathe:

  • sentence structures

They can’t seem to get enough of learning about the dynamic subject we call English. If you love language, writing, research, learning, and continuously searching for that right word, a PhD in English may be the graduate program you’re looking for.

Check out our top English PhD program rankings and start preparing for your future!

  • Top MFA in Creative Writing
  • Best PhD in Communications

What Is a PhD in English?

A PhD in English is a terminal degree, meaning it’s the highest you can get in any given subject. While concentrations and programs of study differ, three parts of an English PhD are certain:

  • qualifying exams
  • a dissertation

Coursework typically includes various literature classes to provide a strong breadth of English language and literature knowledge. Most top English PhD programs also require foreign language requirements. After the coursework is finished in around 2-3 years, English majors will take a comprehensive qualifying exam to achieve doctoral status. This exam covers all they have studied this far, and passing it will allow them to move on to their dissertation.

A dissertation is the final step to earning a PhD in English. Think of it as an independent research project that takes years to:

  • compile information

The dissertation defense is the last step, where you present your project to a faculty panel.

Most top English PhD programs take five to seven years to complete, but of course, it depends on full-time or part-time status. It is also worth noting that many graduate schools, including the ones we have reviewed, provide full funding to the student earning a PhD.

You may also like: Doctorate vs PhD

What Are the Top English PhD Programs?

At CollegeRank , we strive to do our best to guide you and your family toward a fruitful academic career. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble one, and we want to help you reach your goals. Please feel free to visit our dedicated methodology page for a step-by-step breakdown. For questions, comments, badge downloads, or data corrections, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, New York

Average Net Price

University of Buffalo

While all of our rankings in this article are notable, The University of Buffalo ranks in the top 1% of not just the country but the world by the Center for World University Rankings. Founded in 1846, SUNY Buffalo is the largest campus in the 64-campus SUNY system. It offers one of the best English PhD programs. It just happens to be our #1 choice!

What sets SUNY Buffalo apart from others? As a student, you are a part of a vibrant, supportive community as an active participant in every part of the program. You are not just going to school, but you are a part of the process. This includes attending and voting in department meetings and joining the English Graduate Student Association (EGSA).

This top PhD in English requires 72 credits, which are satisfied through ten graduate seminar courses in fields such as:

  • American and British literature
  • poetics and critical theory

You will then take an oral qualifying exam and complete and defend a “book-length work of original scholarship,” otherwise known as a dissertation.

As a graduate program student, you are encouraged to publish during your time at SUNY Buffalo and equipped with a third-year workshop for this goal. This graduate program takes approximately five years and is fully in person. You can apply through the Graduate Enrollment Services.

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California


Globally ranked as the fourth-best university according to U.S. News & World Report rankings, University of California-Berkeley has been described as a “glorious place,” full of “commitment to excellence.” This is a top graduate program in the country. The PhD in comparative literature, is both “historical and theoretical”. It includes a “signature combination of teaching and research on literature, film, and other media.”

In this English PhD program , you will choose one literature from a historical and critical perspective and complete comparative work in three kinds of literature. You will then complete ten courses encompassing:

  • comparative
  • major types of literature
  • minor types of literature

The University of California-Berkeley says this program takes approximately seven years to complete and includes a recommended timetable to stay on track.

The University of California-Berkeley offers a myriad of fellowships and financial aid to help with the cost of this PhD program. In addition, you have the opportunity to seek employment through the department in teaching and research assistantship programs. Alumni have won national awards from the Modern Language Association and the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA).

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland

University of Maryland

The University of Maryland is devoted to social entrepreneurship. It is recognized as the nation’s first  “Do Good” university. Home to over 41,000 students and 388,000 alumni, UMD spans 12 schools and colleges. It offers 297 academic programs, including the nationally ranked PhD in English. This graduate program prepares students who plan to teach at the university level with:

  • language courses

Along with You will study an in-depth range of topics such as:

  • literary and cultural history,
  • aesthetic, critical and cultural theory
  • digital and media studies
  • humanistic engagement with the sciences
  • language, rhetoric and composition

You will complete a minimum of 12 courses, including a foreign language requirement, while maintaining a 3.6 GPA. 

UMD’s top English PhD program is highly competitive but well worth the competition if you are accepted because all students receive a five-year funding package. To apply, you need to submit:

  • a statement of goals and research interests
  • transcripts
  • three letters of recommendation
  • a sample of critical writing
  • an academic CV

The University of Texas at Austin

Austin, Texas

University of Texas at Austin

UT Austin is not only known for its food (especially breakfast tacos!) and music, but it’s also our #4 ranking. It has:

  • excellent academic programs
  • extensive research
  • shared values of “equity, excellence, innovation, and empowerment”

It is ranked #20 in Best Graduate Schools from U.S. News & World Report . UT Austin offers a PhD in English with a concentration in literature or rhetoric and digital literacies.

Whether you enter the program with a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, you are required to complete 39 graduate seminar hours before the end of your third year. You must pass the third-year examination to achieve doctoral candidacy. The final milestone for the PhD in English is the dissertation defense. Graduate students have access to six years of funding from combined teaching assistantships.

UT Austin’s admission is highly competitive. Each year, this English PhD program accepts 12-14 students into the literature concentration and four in the rhetoric and digital literacies program. You can apply through ApplyTexas if you have a BA or MA plus at least 15 hours of upper-division English credits with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Madison, Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin Madison

A top-ranked university with 19 faculty and alumni Nobel Prize winners? Yes, please! Check out UW-Madison, awarded #13 in America’s Best Colleges from U.S. News & Report . UW Madison offers more than 9,000 courses across over 450 academic programs, including a PhD in English with the following specializations:

  • Composition and rhetoric
  • English language and linguistics
  • Literature studies

This graduate program “combines a sharp focus on conceptual approaches to literary and cultural works with a commitment to broad coverage of the field of Anglophone literature.” As a student, you will tailor the program to your career goals through a required minor. You will also study interdisciplinary areas such as:

  • literary theory and criticism
  • gender studies
  • race and ethnic studies

You will complete 51-63 coursework credits depending on which concentration you choose. Each concentration includes:

  • major courses
  • minor courses
  • research/method/tools courses

While some of the best English PhD rankings offer online or hybrid formats, UW-Madison’s coursework is face-to-face. Applicants must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited institution. English degrees are preferred but they are not required.

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas

Texas Tech

Texas Tech warded a “Very High Research Activity” category by Carnegie Classification of Institution of Higher Education. It is a comprehensive public research university that spans 13 colleges and schools and 200 degree programs. At Texas Tech, you can earn a PhD in English with a specialization in literature.

One of the best parts of Texas Tech’s PhD in English is vast areas of study. You can choose any of the following concentrations:

  • Early British literature
  • Later British literature
  • English and American literature
  • Comparative literature, globalization, and translation
  • Creative writing
  • Linguistics
  • Book history and digital humanities
  • Film and media studies
  • Literature, social justice, and environment

No matter which concentration you choose, you will take courses such as:

  • Research Methods
  • Critical Methods
  • Writing for Publication
  • Teaching College Literature

Texas Tech employs a holistic assessment for applicants while looking for:

  • critical analysis skills
  • a focused academic purpose
  • strong letters of recommendation

University of South Florida

Tampa, Florida

University of South Florida

Located in the heart of Tampa Bay, the University of South Florida is one of the fastest-rising universities in the nation. U.S. News and World Report ranks it as the 46th best public university in the country. At UCF, you can earn a PhD in English with either a literature or rhetoric and composition concentration.

UCF’s top English PhD program requires at least 30 hours of coursework, including:

  • Scholarly Research and Writing
  • Teaching Practicum
  • Studies in Criticism and Theory

After completing your coursework, you must create and submit a portfolio and fulfill a foreign language requirement before you are admitted to doctoral candidacy. Then, the real fun starts: writing your dissertation.

USF graduate students can also earn graduate certificates in:

  • comparative literary studies
  • creative writing
  • digital humanities
  • professional and technical communication

UCF’s program is pretty competitive. You need:

  • a Master of Arts from an accredited university
  • at least a 3.7 GPA
  • “competitive” GRE verbal and analytical writing scores
  • recommendation letters
  • a scholarly writing sample
  • a personal statement

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Utah

“Step One: Imagine. Step Two: Do.”

The University of Utah is fondly known by students, faculty, and alumni as “The U,”. It features a simple yet profound motto that has inspired many graduates to go on and make their mark on the world. Notable alumni include writer Orson Scott Card and award-winning actor Stephen Covey, among many others.

You, too, can imagine what is possible and then take action by checking out the top PhD in English . It has concentrations in rhetoric and composition or literacy and cultural studies. The program entails:

  • Ten seminar courses (including four concentration courses)
  • Four additional English courses
  • Two courses in writing and rhetoric studies
  • A qualifying exam
  • A successful dissertation

The Department of English features ample opportunities for publications, along with the graduate student reading series, Working Dog, where you can showcase your original work to not only other classmates, but the public.

University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona is a nationally ranked university in public research and best value. It features a rich Native American history. The first graduating class in 1895 included three students before Arizona was even a state!

Check out the PhD in rhetoric, composition, and teaching of English – perfect if you intend to teach at a four-year college or a writing program.  UA’s Department of English states that the graduates of this doctoral program are “distinguished for their public engagement and action-oriented research, published scholarship, and innovative teaching.” 

The University of Arizona has an outstanding 97% job placement. English PhD graduates find themselves as nationally recognized scholars teaching, researching, and writing all over the world.

In this top English PhD program, you will complete 66 credit units, which includes 18 dissertation credits. Courses include:

  • Research Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
  • Qualifying Portfolio Workshop

To apply, you need to submit:

  • a CV, a statement of purpose
  • unofficial transcripts
  • a writing sample in rhetoric or composition

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Louisiana State University

LSU is Louisiana’s flagship institution. Louisiana State University is known for its top-notch academics and impressive return on investments. Ninety-two percent of all students receive scholarships or financial aid. Two in three students graduate with absolutely no debt. LSU’s PhD in English arms graduate students with the knowledge and skills to become expert:

  • researchers

Similar to most English PhD programs, this program is organized into three phases:

  • dissertation

The coursework consists of 48 credit hours of literature that “range across periods, genres, and traditions,” and critical and theoretical methods. Students will then take their exams and progress into the dissertation phase.

Students typically write one chapter of their dissertation per semester while enrolled in the Dissertation Writing Workshop. A perk of this program is that you can apply if you have either a Bachelor’s or Master’s of Arts. If you already have a master’s degree, you can apply up to 24 credit hours toward this degree and finish the PhD in just four years.

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona

Arizona State University

Arizona State University boasts several national recognitions. This includes #1 in the country for most innovative school and the best graduate schools from U.S. News & World Report. Among the half a million alumni include notable:

  • politicians
  • actors and actresses

ASU features a PhD in English literature that is worth checking out!

The PhD in English literature emphasizes literary texts not only from a cultural and historical perspective but also from the “production, distribution, and reception.” The “texts” are defined as “folklore, oral traditions, popular culture, and film and digital media in addition to traditional literature.” The graduate program includes 42-72 hours in coursework. It also includes 12 hours of dissertation work.

This doctoral program is highly flexible and allows you to take courses in your interest areas. Sample courses include:

  • Methods and Issues in Teaching Composition
  • Rhetorical Traditions

To apply you need:

  • statement of purpose
  • an academic writing sample of 10-25 pages

The deadline to apply is January 1, and the GRE is not required.

University of California – Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California


Have you ever wondered which U.S. city features the most museums and theaters than any other city? Well, it’s Los Angeles!  UCLA is proud to be right in the center of the excitement. (And in case you’re wondering, LA is home to 105 museums and 225 theaters!) At UCLA-Los Angeles, you can join the current 15,724 graduate students and earn a comprehensive PhD in English literature.

UCLA structures its PhD in three stages. Stage one entails 14 graduate seminars in English literature, with various requirements to ensure a diverse depth of literature. Stage one also includes a first qualifying exam before you proceed to stage two for a second qualifying exam. Stage three is the research, writing, and completion of a dissertation. It begins in year five and typically takes two years to complete.

Component of UCLA’s PhD program include:

  • dissertation project
  • teacher training

Teaching assistantships are available and encouraged for graduate students. To apply you need to submit:

  • a writing sample of 15-25 pages

Currently, the GRE exam requirement is waived because of Covid-19.

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Michigan

The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor was voted #1 for Best Small College Town in America and Best U.S. Public University ( QS World University Rankings and Wallethub ). It is globally recognized for its exceptional academic quality. U-M Ann Arbor features a stellar doctoral program in English language and literature for those who aim to:

  • write in a collective community

This top English PhD program allows you to specialize in British, American, or anglophone literature. Also, to“explore a wide range of critical, theoretical, and cultural perspectives.” The program focuses on learning as a social process. This is one reason why English graduate students are guaranteed six years of program funding! A huge perk.

In your first year you will:

  • complete two basic languages or one advanced language
  • Introduction to Graduate Studies
  • three upper-level seminars

Your second year will be devoted to the preliminary examination. In the third year, a third-year review, which will provide feedback and direction. Finally, you will devote your last few years to your dissertation.

University of Missouri

Columbia, Missouri

University of Missouri

If you know what the Tiger Walk and Tiger Prowl are, you certainly are familiar with the University of Missouri. It is fondly known as Mizzou. With a long history of traditions, Mizzou’s pride is seen all over the world. You can earn a PhD in English in just five years, including 30 hours of coursework that provides “deep knowledge and methodological sophistication. with a concentration on creative writing or literature.

Sample courses include:

  • Literacy Criticism
  • The Theory and Practice of Teaching in English
  • English Linguistics
  • creative writing workshops if you choose the creative writing concentration

By the spring of your third year, you should begin writing your dissertation. This could be scholarly or creative, depending on your concentration. You will have two years to complete your dissertation before you defend it by the end of your fifth year.

Recent dissertation titles include:

  • “Medieval Romance, Fanfiction, and the Erotics of Shame” 
  • “Science Frictions: Science, Folklore, and ‘The Future ” 
  • “Magical Safe Spaces: The Role of Literature in Medieval and Early Modern Magic” 

University of Virginia – Main Campus

Charlottesville, Virginia

University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is one of the very best in the nation. Both U.S. News & World Report and Money Magazine rank UVA #2 and #4 as the best public university and the best value. UVA houses a PhD in English language, literature, and research that leads graduates to all types of careers in:

  • education administration

This best English PhD program entails 72 credits, including courses like:

  • Introduction to Literary Research
  • Dissertation Seminar

During the second semester of the fourth year, students will give a 40-min talk about their dissertation. This is a great opportunity for students to share their work with a formal venue before they defend their dissertation later.

In addition to this degree, you can earn graduate certificates in:

  • Comparative literature
  • Gender and sexuality studies
  • African studies
  • Environmental humanities
  • Digital humanities

Accepted students receive financial support and health insurance for at least five years of their duration in the program.

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Knoxville, Tennessee

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Founded in 1794, UT Knoxville is one of the oldest in the country. UT Knoxville spreads across 910 acres. The 294 buildings house 11 colleges and 900 programs of study! If you’re a teacher and want to continue your education studies, then UT’s PhD in literacy studies and education may be for you.

This program is not a standard PhD in English. It combines English and education and allows you to choose from a number of concentrations and specializations. You can choose between literacy studies and education. Then you can further choose an emphasis like:

  • children’s and young adult literature
  • ESL education
  • literacy education

This program includes 48 credit hours beyond a master’s degree. This includes six credits in a cognate area and 24 hours of doctoral research and dissertation courses. Comprehensive exams should be completed in five years. The dissertation should be completed within eight years. To apply to this program, you need at least three years of teaching experience.

University of Louisiana

Lafayette, Louisiana

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Smart. Spirited. Solution-Driven.

Those are words to describe the University of Louisiana at Lafayette It is the second-largest university in Louisiana, home to over 19,000 students. We also must mention that UL’s sports teams are THE Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns®! With a PhD in English from UL, you will receive a strong background in British and American language and literature. You can further customize your program to match your career goals.

UL now has over 100 students in its PhD program, which is a lot for a PhD in English! You can specialize in four areas (out of 21!) such as:

  • critical theory
  • Africana literature
  • feminist theory and criticism

The degree requires 72 credit hours, which include 48 in coursework and 24 in dissertation research.

UL’s PhD program asks for application materials that “testify to solid academic preparation for advanced work.” These materials include:

  • Transcripts
  • Recommendation letters
  • A Statement of purpose
  • A CV with relevant academic/professional experience
  • A critical (or creative) writing sample
  • Optional GRE scores

To enter in the spring, submit your application by November 15.

New York University

New York City, New York


Imagine studying English in one of the most vibrant cities in the nation: New York City. New York University Steinhardt is a top university. It is ranked #10 among the Best Graduate Schools in Education ( U.S. News & World Report ). NYU Steinhardt offers a range of programs:

  • doctoral programs

This includes the notable PhD in English education: secondary and college.

This doctoral program at New York University prepares graduates to become:

  • university researchers
  • English curriculum specialists
  • post-secondary English language educators

You will enjoy small classes in one of the most diverse settings in the world: New York City! As a student, you will complete 48-60 credits, depending on the focus area and prior coursework.

Coursework includes:

  • teaching and learning seminars
  • two cognate courses
  • foundation requirements
  • research methodology classes

Before beginning your dissertation, you will complete a research experience course to prepare you. While many programs require full-time status, you can complete this PhD full-time or part-time. To apply, you need:

  • A statement of purpose
  • A writing sample (no more than 20 pages)
  • Three recommendation letters

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Franklin once said, “well-done is better than well-said.” This statement, by the school’s founder, serves as the cornerstone tradition of the University of Pennsylvania. Since the 1740s, Penn continues to evolve into a place of social activism, touching all of its programs. Penn’s PhD in English combines English and American literature to produce a comprehensive program with a range of specializations.

This “intellectually dynamic and rigorous” PhD program prepares students to be scholars and educators of English. You can specialize in one primary field. Or you can specialize in two additional fields such as:

  • contemporary poetry

Penn recognizes that true learning comes when students become active participants in their academic and social community. The program’s emphasis is on the relationships between scholars and faculty.

In this top English PhD program , you will take courses such as Teaching of Literature and Composition. This is along with six literature courses spanning throughout various time periods. During your third year, you will choose a specialization as you start working on your dissertation. All PhD students receive the Benjamin Franklin Fellowship, which covers tuition and health insurance for five years.

Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts

is phd in english worth it

Have you ever wondered which academic institution is our nation’s oldest? Well, it’s Harvard University, established in 1636! With over 400,000 alumni all over the world including:

  • 49 Nobel Laureates
  • 32 heads of state
  • 48 Pulitzer Prize winners

It’s no wonder Harvard University made our list of top English PhD rankings. After all, it’s Harvard! Check out Harvard University’s PhD in English that covers topics ranging from medieval literature to criticism and theory.

Harvard’s PhD in English provides a broad knowledge of English and teaches students to:

  • research and write well
  • teach effectively
  • present their research at conferences and seminars

The first two years are devoted to coursework and preparing for the PhD qualifying exam, while the rest of the time is spent working on the dissertation.

Check out the many past doctoral theses and dissertations published on Harvard University’s website. Harvard states that this program typically takes between four and seven years. Most students finishing in five or six years. While GRE scores are not required for admission, past English classes, strong writing samples, and excellent letters of recommendation are.

Columbia University in the City of New York

is phd in english worth it

A private Ivy League University, Columbia University has been a leader in higher education for over 250 years. Columbia University spans three undergraduate schools and 13 graduate schools. This includes the Teacher College, which opened in 1880. Columbia’s Teacher College features a PhD in English education for students who aim to become teachers and researchers in higher education.

This English PhD program includes 75 credits, and students may transfer up to 30 credits from previous graduate work. All PhD English education majors will take courses like:

  • Research Paper: Teaching of English
  • Professional Seminar: Foundational Texts

As a student, you stay on track through:

  • milestones of coursework
  • meeting with your dissertation committee

While most doctoral English PhD programs only admit students once a year, Columbia’s program allows entry in both the summer and fall. To apply you need:

  • a master’s degree in English
  • education or a related field
  • at least 3-5 years of full-time teaching experience
  • an academic writing sample

Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

is phd in english worth it

Cornell University is a private Ivy League research university in Ithaca, NY. It is home to over 24,000 students. This top-ranked university includes 15 colleges and schools, including The College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University. You can earn a PhD in English and language literature. This English PhD program comes with a generous financial package for students.

Cornell’s PhD in English language and literature allows you to customize your plan of study to suit your interests. You will form a faculty committee that will work with you on selecting your courses and writing and revising your dissertation. You can choose from a myriad of areas such as:

  • Romance studies
  • Cultural studies

This graduate program also emphasizes teaching an essential part of this plan of study. As a student, you are required to teach writing-intensive courses for at least one year during your time at Cornell. As mentioned, Cornell University provides five years of funding that includes:

  • full tuition
  • health insurance

Syracuse University

Syracuse, New York

is phd in english worth it

Syracuse University, a highly-ranked private research institution, states that “being orange is more than just a color, a place or degree. It embodies a lifelong connection to a global network of innovators, thinkers, and creative solution finders.” Join the “Orange Community” of 22,000 other students when you earn a top PhD in English from Syracuse University.

Syracuse’s Ph.D. in English includes “specialized professional training in criticism, theory, research, and the teaching of literary and filmic texts”. It prepares you to teach at the college and university level.  You can apply whether you have a BA or master’s degree, and you will take between 12-18 courses, depending on your past academic records.

This PhD program is pretty straightforward. You will take courses like:

  • Introduction to Critical Theory
  • focused graduate seminars
  • a foreign language

You will also take two exams: the field exam and the qualifying exam. This will qualify you as a doctoral candidate to begin:

  • researching
  • defending your dissertation

Syracuse boasts an excellent job placement record for PhD in English graduates.

Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri

is phd in english worth it

Washington University was founded in 1853 in St. Luis. WashUis an independent university with more than 16,000 students from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. It offers many opportunities, including:

  • customizable programs
  • study abroad experiences
  • impressive financial aid options

You won’t want to miss the PhD in English and American literature from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Washington University’s PhD in English and American literature is described as “innovative, collegial, competitive, and generously funded, offering one of the top financial packages in the nation”. The program is rooted in literary history. As a student, you can tailor your plan of study to incorporate areas of English that you want to explore.

During your time at WashU, you will serve as both a graduate assistant and instructor in undergraduate English and literature courses. During year four, you will submit a dissertation prospectus. The next two years you will spend working on your dissertation. By April of year six, you will be ready to defend your dissertation and become a Doctor of English!

Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois

is phd in english worth it

Ranked #9 in the U.S. News & World Report 2020 Best Colleges, Northwestern University is a comprehensive research university. It has more than 13,000 graduate students and an impressive student-to-faculty ratio of 6:1. Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University features a PhD in literature that emphasizes:

  • literary history
  • criticism, and theory
  • interdisciplinary studies

This best English graduate program includes:

  • lectures and workshops from global scholars
  • student-organized colloquia
  • reading groups, conferences
  • many ways to learn from not only the faculty, but from peers

You will complete 20 graduate-level courses in diverse historical periods during your first three years. In addition, you will complete a foreign language requirement by the end of year one.

At Northwestern, you will:

  • work as a graduate assistant
  • teach at least one course
  • work on your dissertation during years four and five

While this PhD program can be completed in five years, most students complete it in six. As a graduate student at Northwestern, you will receive:

  • full financial aid
  • travel grants
  • pedagogical training
  • job placement

University of Miami

Coral Gables, Florida

is phd in english worth it

Established in 1925, the University of Miami is a private research academic institution with numerous national recognitions in academic and research success. Check out UM’s Pride Points and what it means to be part of the Hurricane family. While you’re at it, check out the PhD in English with concentrations in Caribbean studies or early modern literature. This is a degree full of diversity and opportunity.

UM’s PhD in English is nationally ranked by the National Research Council for student and faculty diversity. As a student at UM, you will enjoy diverse topics such as:

  • Caribbean literature
  • early modern literature
  • cultural theory

The cohorts are only five to seven students, so you will be among a tight-knit community of English scholars.

UM admits incoming students with either a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in English, and your previous degree(s) will determine whether you need to take 54 or 36 credits of coursework. You will also receive:

  • at least five years of tuition remissions

UM reports that over 90% of its PhD graduates have full-time employment within nine months of graduating.

University of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

is phd in english worth it

The University of Chicago, a highly-ranked private research university, is known for its value of free and open inquiry. This has led to research breakthroughs such as:

  • finding the cancer-genetics link
  • discovering revolutionary economics links
  • improving the graduation rates in urban cities

UChicago’s PhD in English language and literature involves intensive research for solutions, and open expression, staying true to UChicago’s values.

The University of Chicago’s PhD in English language and literature “prepares students for independent work as teachers, scholars, and critics by developing their abilities to pose and investigate problems in the advanced study of literature in English.” The four major elements of this program include:

  • the dissertation.

Part of the appeal of this program are the dynamic courses like:

  • The Print Revolution and New Readers: Women, Workers, Children
  • Early Science Fiction
  • Readings in Exile
  • scanned transcripts
  • 3-4 recommendation letters
  • a 15-20 page writing sample
  • a 1-3 page statement of purpose

Boston College

Newton, Massachusetts

is phd in english worth it

“Education with a heart and soul – and the power to transform” is Boston College’s motto. Boston College is the first higher education institution in Boston. This private Jesuit research university is among one of the nation’s leaders. Boston College’s PhD in English gives graduate students the choice of a wide range of courses to tailor the program to their interests and career goals.

As a student, you are required to take just four PhD seminars along with courses in composition theory and pedagogy and research colloquium. The rest is up to you, and you will work with your advisor to build your program. Teaching is another component and starting with your second year, you will become a teaching assistant in a British or American literature class.

We’ll be honest: the very thing that we love about this program—the small classes—means that each year Boston College only admits 4-5 students. Applications for the fall semester are due by January 2. To apply you need:

  • a critical writing statement

The Catholic University of America

Washington, D.C.

is phd in english worth it

Right in the heart of our nation’s capital, you will find the Catholic University of America. It is the only national research academic institution found by the U.S. bishops. CatholicU is a great place to earn a  PhD in English language and literature offering:

  • more than 250 academic programs
  • 5,700 students
  • 90,000+ alumni

And who wouldn’t want to study literature in Washington D.C.?

CatholicU’s English language and literature program includes 54 credit of coursework, a comprehensive exam, and a dissertation. The comprehensive exam consists of three parts:

  • literary theory
  • the history of criticism

After you pass the exam, you will begin your dissertation, described by CatholicU as “a substantial piece of original research,” which “gives the doctoral program its capstone.”

CatholicU’s location allows you to become fully immersed in literary history since you are among some of the most reputable museums, research collections, and libraries. Classes are small, so you will get personalized attention, including pedagogical training. CatholicU offers funding for this English language and literature PhD program for up to seven years.

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, Indiana

is phd in english worth it

Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters features a “flexible and dynamic” PhD in English that entails 42 credits of literary criticism courses, preparing you for:

  • individualized reading courses
  • independent study

Your written and oral exams in the third year will assess your knowledge and skills in your specialization, a secondary field, literary theory, and methodology.

You will then focus on researching for your dissertation, which you will defend in year five or six. 

Notre Dame also offers a 5+1 program that gives job incentives for students finishing this program in five years.

Frequently Asked Questions

PhD graduates can find rewarding careers in academia, journalism, media, and other communication fields. You can also become a content strategist or explore writing opportunities. Your expertise in language and literature opens doors to diverse fields of research and publishing.

Historical trends indicate PhDs in English graduates find jobs in academia, research, publishing, and related fields. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of postsecondary teachers (which includes university professors) is projected to grow 8% through 2032. This should result in about 118,000 new job openings each year, over the next 10 years.

Pay varies for PhD in English graduates, based on factors such as experience, location, and employment sector. In academia, assistant professors with a PhD in English start with salaries ranging from $60,000 to $80,000, while more experienced professors earn higher salaries.

A PhD in English typically takes 5 to 7 years. It involves coursework, comprehensive exams, dissertation research, and writing. Some online PhD programs allow students to finish their degree in less time, but the average is 6 years.

Many PhD programs in English offer financial support to students, which can include tuition waivers, stipends, and teaching or research assistant positions. Students often receive compensation for their teaching or research contributions, helping to offset costs during their doctoral studies. Stipends and compensation for teaching or research assistantships can range from a few thousand dollars to more substantial amounts, depending on the university, location, and program.

Yes, earning a PhD in English grants you the title of “Doctor.” When you successfully complete a doctoral program, including a PhD in English, you’re awarded the academic title of “Doctor of Philosophy.” You can use the prefix “Dr.” before your name in professional and academic contexts.

Yes, it is possible to pursue a PhD in English without a master’s degree. Some doctoral programs accept students with a bachelor’s degree directly into their PhD programs, providing specific academic and admission requirements are met.

The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

Is a PhD Worth It? Should I Do a PhD?

It’s been almost a year since I was officially awarded my PhD. How time flies! I figure now is a good time to reflect on the PhD and answer some of life’s big questions. Is a PhD worth it? Does having a PhD help your future job prospects? Am I pleased that I did a PhD and would I recommend that you do a PhD?

In this post I’ll walk through some of the main points to consider. We’ll touch on some pros and cons, explore the influence it could have on your career and finally attempt to answer the ultimate question. Is a PhD worth it?

Before we get into the details, if you’re considering applying for a PhD you may also want to check out a few other posts I’ve written:

  • How Hard is a PhD?
  • How Much Work is a PhD?
  • How Much Does a PhD Student Earn? Comparing a PhD Stipend to Grad Salaries
  • Characteristics of a Researcher

Are you seated comfortably? Great! Then we’ll begin.

The Pros and Cons of PhDs

When I have a difficult decision to make I like to write a pros and cons list. So let’s start by breaking down the good and bad sides of getting a PhD. Although I’ve tried to stay objective, do take into account that I have completed a PhD and enjoyed my project a lot!

These lists certainly aren’t exhaustive, so be sure to let me know if you can think of any other points to add!

The Good Parts: Reasons to Do a PhD

Life as a phd student.

  • You get to work on something really interesting . Very few people outside of academia get to dive so deep into topics they enjoy. Plus, by conducting cutting edge research you’re contributing knowledge to a field.
  • It can be fun! For example: solving challenges, building things, setting up collaborations and going to conferences.
  • Being a PhD student can be a fantastic opportunity for personal growth : from giving presentations and thinking critically through to making the most of being a student such as trying new sports.
  • You are getting paid to be a student : I mean come on, that’s pretty good! Flexible hours, socialising and getting paid to learn can all be perks. Do make sure you consciously make the most of it!

Life As A PhD Graduate

  • The main one: Having a PhD may open doors . For certain fields, such as academia itself, a PhD may be a necesity. Whilst in others having a PhD can help demonstrate expertise or competency, opening doors or helping you to leapfrog to higher positions. Your mileage may vary!
  • You survived a PhD: this accomplishment can be a big confidence booster .
  • You’ve got a doctorate and you can use the title Dr. Certainly not enough justification on it’s own to do a PhD, but for some people it helps!

The Bad Parts: Potential Reasons Not to Do a PhD

  • It can be tough to complete a PhD! There are lots of challenges . Unless you’re careful and take good care of yourself it can take a mental and physical toll on your well being.
  • A PhD can be lonely ( though doesn’t have to be ), and PhD supervisors aren’t always as supportive as you’d like them to be.
  • Additionally, in particular now during the pandemic, you might not be able to get as much support from your supervisor, see your peers or even access the equipment and technical support as easily as in normal times.
  • You might find that having a PhD may not bring the riches you were expecting . Have a certain career you’re looking to pursue? Consider trying to find out whether or not having a PhD actually helps.
  • Getting a job with a PhD can still be tough . Let’s say you want to go for a career where having a PhD is required, even once you’ve got a PhD it might not be easy to find employment. Case in point are academic positions.
  • Even though you’ve put in the work you may want to use your Dr title sparingly , it certain industries a PhD may be seen as pretencious. Also, use your title sparingly to avoid getting mistaken for a medic (unless of course you’re one of them too!)

Is a PhD Good For Your Career?

If you’re wondering “Should I do a PhD?”, part of your motivation for considering gaining a PhD may be your career prospects. Therefore I want to now dive deeper into whether or not a PhD could help with future employment.

It is difficult to give definitive answers because whether or not a PhD helps will ultimately depend a lot upon what kind of career you’re hoping to have. Anyway, let’s discuss a few specific questions.

Does a PhD Help You Get a Job?

For certain industries having a PhD may either be a requirement or a strong positive.

Some professions may require a PhD such as academia or research in certain industries like pharma. Others will see your qualification as evidence that you’re competent which could give you an edge. Of course if you’re aiming to go into a career using similar skills to your PhD then you’ll stand a better chance of your future employer appreciating the PhD.

In contrast, for other roles your PhD may not be much help in securing a job. Having a PhD may not be valued and instead your time may be better spent getting experience in a job. Even so, a PhD likely won’t have been completely useless.

When I worked at an engineering consultancy the recruitment team suggested that four years of a PhD would be considered comparable to two or three years of experience in industry. In those instances, the employer may actively prefer candidates who spent those years gaining experience on the job but still appreciates the value of a PhD.

Conclusion: Sometimes a PhD will help you get a job, othertimes it wont. Not all employers may appreciate your PhD though few employers will actively mark you down for having a PhD.

Does a PhD Increase Salary? Will it Allow You to Start at a Higher Level?

This question is very much relates to the previous one so my answer will sound slightly similar.

It’ll ultimately depend upon whether or not the industry and company value the skills or knowledge you’ve gained throughout your PhD.

I want to say from the start that none of us PhD-holders should feel entitled and above certain types of position in every profession just for having a PhD. Not all fields will appreciate your PhD and it may offer no advantage. It is better to realise this now.

Some professions will appreciate that with a PhD you’ll have developed a certain detail-orientated mindset, specialised knowledge or skills that are worth paying more for. Even if the position doesn’t really demand a PhD, it is sometimes the case that having someone with a PhD in that position is a useful badge for the company to wave at customers or competitors. Under these circumstances PhD-holders may by default be offered slightly higher starting positions than other new-starters will lower degree qualifications.

To play devil’s advocate, you could be spending those 3-4 (or more) years progressing in the job. Let’s look at a few concrete examples.

PhD Graduate Salaries in Academia

Let’s cut to the chase: currently as a postdoc at a decent university my salary is £33,787, which isn’t great. With a PhD there is potential to possibly climb the academic ladder but it’s certainly not easy. If I were still working in London I’d be earning more, and if I were speficially still working at Imperial in London I’d be earning a lot more. Browse Imperial’s pay scales here . But how much is it possible to earn with a PhD compared to not having one?

For comparison to research staff with and without PhDs:

As of 2023 research assistants (so a member of staff conducting research but with no PhD) at Imperial earn £38,194 – £ 4 1,388 and postdoctoral research associates earn £43,093 – £50,834 . Not only do you earn £5000 or more a year higher with a PhD, but without a PhD you simply can’t progress up the ladder to research fellow or tenure track positions.

Therefore in academia it pays to have a PhD, not just for the extra cash but for the potential to progress your career.

PhD Graduate Salaries in Industry

For jobs in industry, it is difficult to give a definitive answer since the variety of jobs are so wide ranging.

Certain industries will greatly reward PhD-holders with higher salaries than those without PhDs. Again it ultimately depends on how valuable your skills are. I’ve known PhD holders to do very well going into banking, science consultancy, technology and such forth.

You might not necessarily earn more money with a PhD in industry, but it might open more doors to switch industries or try new things. This doesn’t necessarily mean gaining a higher salary: I have known PhD-holders to go for graduate schemes which are open to grads with bachelors or masters degrees. Perhaps there is an argument that you’re more employable and therefore it encourages you to make more risky career moves which someone with fewer qualifications may make?

You can of course also use your PhD skills to start your own company. Compensation at a start-up varies wildly, especially if you’re a founder so it is hardly worth discussing. One example I can’t resist though is Magic Pony. The company was co-founded by a Imperial PhD graduate who applied expertise from his PhD to another domain. He sold the company two years later to Twitter for $150 million . Yes, including this example is of course taking cherry-picking to the extreme! The point stands though that you can potentially pick up some very lucrative skills during your PhD.

Conclusion: Like the previous question, not all industries will reward your PhD. Depending on what you want to go and do afterward your PhD, it isn’t always worth doing a PhD just for career progression. For professions that don’t specifically value a PhD (which is likely the majority of them!) don’t expect for your PhD to necessarily be your ticket to a higher position in the organisation.

Is a PhD Worth it?

What is “it”.

When we’re asking the question “is a PhD worth it?” it is a good idea to touch on what “it” actually is. What exactly are PhD students sacrificing in gaining a PhD? Here is my take:

  • Time . 3-5 (more more) years of your life. For more see my post: how long a PhD takes .
  • Energy. There is no doubt that a PhD can be mentally and physically draining, often more so than typical grad jobs. Not many of us PhD students often stick to normal office hours, though I do encourage you to !
  • Money. Thankfully most of us, at least in STEM, are on funded PhD projects with tax free stipends. You can also earn some money on the side quite easily and without paying tax for a while. Even so, over the course of a PhD you are realistically likely to earn more in a grad job. For more details on how PhD stipends compare to grad salaries read my full analysis .
  • Potential loss of opportunities . If you weren’t doing a PhD, what else could you be doing? As a side note, if you do go on to do a PhD, do make sure you to take advantage of the opportunities as a PhD student !

When a PhD Could Be Worth It

1. passion for a topic and sheer joy of research.

The contribution you make to progressing research is valuable in it’s own right. If you enjoy research, can get funding and are passionate about a subject by all means go and do the PhD and I doubt you’ll regret it.

2. Learning skills

If there is something really specific you want to spend three year or more years learning then a PhD can be a great opportunity. They’re also great for building soft skills such as independence, team work, presenting and making decisions.

Do be aware though that PhD projects can and do evolve so you can’t always guarantee your project will pan out as expected.

If there is the option to go into a career without a PhD I’d bet that in a lot of cases you’d learn more, faster, and with better support in industry. The speed of academic research can be painstakingly slow. There are upsides to learning skills in academia though, such as freedom and the low amount of responsibility for things outside your project and of course if you’re interested in something which hasn’t yet reached industry.

3. Helping with your career

See the section further up the page, this only applies for certain jobs. It is rare though that having a PhD would actively look bad on your CV.

When a PhD May Not Be Worth It

1. just because you can’t find another job.

Doing a PhD simply because you can’t find a job isn’t a great reason for starting one. In these circumstances having a PhD likely isn’t worth it.

2. Badge collecting

Tempted by a PhD simply to have a doctorate, or to out-do someone? Not only may you struggle with motivation but you likely won’t find the experience particularly satisfying. Sure, it can be the icing on the cake but I reckon you could lose interest pretty quickly if it is your only motivation for gaining a PhD.

Do I Feel That My Own PhD Was Worth It?

When I finished my undergrad I’d been tempted by a PhD but I wasn’t exactly sure about it. Largely I was worried about picking the wrong topic.

I spent a bit of time apprehensively applying, never being sure how I’d find the experience. Now that I’ve finished it I’m very pleased to have got my PhD!

Here are my main reasons:

  • I enjoyed the research and felt relatively well fulfilled with the outcomes
  • Having the opportunity to learn lots of some new things was great, and felt like time well spent
  • I made new friends and generally enjoyed my time at the university
  • Since I’d been interested in research and doing a PhD for so long, I feel like if I’d not done it I’d be left wondering about it and potentially end up regretting it.

In Summary, Is a PhD Worth It?

I’ve interviewed many PhD students and graduates and asked each one of them whether the PhD was worth it . The resounding answer is yes! Now of course there is some selection bias but even an interviewee who had dropped out of their PhD said that the experience had been valueable.

PhD Profiles

If you’ve got this far in the post and are still a little on the fence about whether or not a PhD is worth it, my advice is to look at the bigger picture. In comparison to your lifetime as a whole, a PhD doesn’t really take long:

is phd in english worth it

People graduating now likely won’t retire until they’re in their 70s: what is 3-4 years out of a half century long career?

So Should I Do a PhD?

Whether a PhD is worth all the time and energy ultimately comes down to why you’re doing one in the first place.

There are many great reasons for wanting to do a PhD, from the sheer enjoyment of a subject through to wanting to open up new career opportunities.

Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that practically every PhD student encounters difficult periods. Unsurprisingly, completing a PhD can be challenging and mentally draining. You’ll want to ensure you’re able to remind yourself of all the reasons why it is worth it to provide motivation to continue.

If you’re interested, here were my own reasons for wanting a PhD.

Why I decided to pursue a PhD

Saying that, if you’re interested in doing a PhD I think you should at least apply. I can’t think of any circumstances where having a PhD would be a hindrance.

It can take a while to find the right project (with funding ) so I suggest submitting some applications and see how they go. If you get interesting job offers in the meantime you don’t need to commit to the PhD. Even if you start the PhD and find you don’t enjoy it, there is no shame in leaving and you can often still walk away with a master’s degree.

My advice is that if you’re at all tempted by a PhD: go for it!

I hope this post helped you to understand if a PhD is worth it for you personally. If it is then best of luck with your application!

Considering doing a PhD? I have lots of other posts covering everything about funding , how much PhD students earn , choosing a project and the interview process through to many posts about what the life of a PhD student and graduate is like . Be sure to subscribe below!

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4 Comments on “Is a PhD Worth It? Should I Do a PhD?”

Hi Thanks for the post . I have been struggling to make a decision regarding doing a PhD or doing a second masters . I’m currently doing an msc civil engineering online (because of covid) so for my research I am not able to conduct lab experiments. Therefore my research is more of a literature review / inductive research. So I feel I’ll be at a disadvantage if I were to apply for a phd program especially at high ranking universities like oxford , imperial etc What are your thoughts?

Hey Esther,

I completely appreciate that it’s not an ideal situation at the moment so thanks for reaching out, it’s a great question. A few thoughts I have:

• If you are already tempted by a PhD and would do a second masters simply to gain lab experience, there is no harm in applying for the PhD now. At the very least I suggest considering reaching out to potential supervisors to discuss the situation with them. The universities realise that current applicants won’t have been able to gain as much research experience as normal over the last year. Practical lab experience has halted for so many people so don’t let it put you off applying!

• If you don’t get in on the first go, I don’t believe it looks bad to apply again with more experience. I applied for PhDs for three years, it doesn’t need to take this long but the point is that there’s not much reason to give it a go this year and stand a chance of getting accepted.

• Although we can be optimistic, even if you were to do a second masters it may not be guaranteed that you can gain as much lab experience as you’d like during it: even more reason to start the ball rolling now.

I hope that helps, let me know if you’d like any other further advice.

Best of luck. 🙂

Funny, every one i have talked to as well as myself when we asked ourselves and others whether the PhD was worth it is a resounding ‘No.’

I guess it comes down to a Blue or Red Pill, LoL.

Hi Joe, thanks for sharing this. I’ve spent enough time on the PhD subreddit to see many other people who haven’t had good experiences either! On the flipside many people do have positive experiences, myself included. There is perhaps an element of luck as to what your research environment turns out to be like which could somewhat dictate the PhD experience, but ultimately I do think that answering whether or not a PhD has been worth it really depends a lot on why someone is pursuing a PhD in the first place. I’m keen to make sure people don’t have unrealistic expectations for what it could bring them. I really welcome hearing about different experiences and if you’d fancy sharing your perspective for the PhD profiles series I’d love to hear from you.

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Is a PhD Worth It? I Wish I’d Asked These 6 Questions First.

  • Posted by: Chris

Updated Nov. 19, 2022

Is a PhD worth it?

Should I get a PhD?

A few people admit to regretting their PhD. Most—myself included — said that they don’t ( I wrote about why in this post ).

But we often say we don’t regret stupid things we’ve done or bad things that happen to us. This means we learned from them, not that we wanted them to happen.

So just because PhDs don’t regret it, doesn’t mean it was worth it.

But if you were to ask, Is a PhD worth it, it’s a different and more complicated question.

When potential PhD students ask me for advice, I hate giving it. I can’t possibly say whether it will be worth it for them. I only know from experience that for some PhDs the answer is no.

In this post, I’ll look at this question from five different directions, five different ways that a PhD could be worth it. Then I give my opinion on each one. You can tell me if I got the right ones of if I’m way off base. So here we go.

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tl;dr It’s up to you to make it worth it. A PhD can hurt your finances, sink you in debt, and leave you with no clear path to success in some fields. But PhDs statistically earn more than their and have lower unemployment rates. A PhD also gives you a world-class mind, a global network, and a skill set that can go just about anywhere.

Should I Get a PhD?

tl;dr Don’t get a PhD by default. Think it through. Be clear about whether it’s going to help you reach career goals, and don’t expect to be a professor. A few rules of thumb- make sure you know where you want to go and whether a PhD is the ONLY way to get there, make sure it’s FUNDED (trust me), and make sure your program has strong ties into industry and a record of helping its students get there.

1. Is a PhD worth it for your finances?

My guess: Not usually

People waste a lot of their best years living on a grad stipend. To be honest, my money situation was pretty good in grad school. I won a large national grant, I got a ton of extra money in travel grants, and my Canadian province gave me grants for students with dependents. But even with a decent income, I was still in financial limbo–not really building wealth of any sort.

And many students scrape by on very small stipends while they study.

When it comes to entering the marketplace, research from Canada and the United States shows that PhD students eventually out-earn their counterparts with Master’s degrees. It takes PhDs a few years to find their stride, but most of us eventually do fine for earnings if we leave academia. Which is great, and perhaps surprising to many PhDs who think that a barista counter is the only non-academic future they have .

The challenge is not income–it’s time. If you as a PhD grad make marginally more than a Master’s graduate, but they entered the workforce a decade earlier, it takes a long time for even an extra $10,000 a year to catch up. The Master’s grad has had the time to build their net worth and network, perhaps buy a house, pay down debt, invest, and just generally get financially healthy.

While PhDs do fine in earnings in the long run, the opportunity cost of getting the PhD is significant.

The only real way to remedy this—if you’ve done a PhD and accumulating wealth is important to you, is to strategically maximize your earnings and your value in the marketplace to close the wealth gap. This takes education, self-discipline, and creativity, but it is possible.

I tried to calculate the opportunity cost of prolonging entry into the workforce in this post .

2. Is a PhD worth it for your career?

My guess: Impossible to tell

Most of my jobs have given me the perfect opportunity to see exactly where I could be if I’d stopped at a Master’s degree, often working alongside or for those who did and are further ahead. In terms of nuts and bolts of building career experience section on a resume, which is often the most important part, a PhD is rarely worth it. (Some STEM careers do require a PhD.)

However, at the start of my post-graduate educational journey, I was working part-time running teen programs and full time as a landscaper. I had an undergraduate degree. Despite my job and a half, I was still poor. My life had no direction, and had I not begun my Master’s to PhD journey I probably would have stayed there.

The PhD transformed me personally. It did this by developing my skills, or course. But even more so, it taught me that anything is possible. It took a poor kid from a mining town in northern Canada and gave me access to the world. It made my dreams of living abroad come true. I learned that anything is possible. And that will never go away.

It’s changed the course of my life and, subsequently, my career.

It’s impossible for you to know if it’s worth it for your career. But you can build a hell of a career with it.

So it wouldn’t be fair for me to say, “don’t get a PhD.” Because it worked out for me, and for some it does.

But there are a heck of a lot of people who haven’t figured out how to build a career with this thing. Which is one of the reasons Roostervane exists in the first place.

Psst! If you’re looking at doing a PhD because you don’t know where to go next with your career–I see you. Been there. Check out my free PDF guide– How to Build a Great Career with Any Degree.

3. Is a PhD worth it for your personal brand?

My guess: Probably

There’s some debate over whether to put a Dr. or PhD before or after your name. People argue over whether it helps in the non-academic marketplace. Some feel that it just doesn’t translate to whatever their new reality is. Some have been told by some manager somewhere that they’re overqualified and pulled themselves back, sometimes wiping the PhD off their resume altogether.

The truth is, if you have a PhD, the world often won’t know what to do with it. And that’s okay. Well-meaning people won’t understand how you fit into the landscape, and you may have to fight tooth and nail for your place in it. People may tell you they can’t use you, or they might go with what they know—which is someone less qualified and less-educated.

It happens.

But someone with a PhD at the end of their name represents an indomitable leader. So grow your possibilities bigger and keep fighting. And make your personal brand match those three little letters after your name. Do this so that the world around can’t help but see you as a leader. More importantly, do it so that you don’t forget you are.

Should I put “PhD” after my name on LinkedIn?

5 reasons you need to brand yourself

4. Is a PhD worth it for your sense of purpose?

Is getting a PhD worth it? For many people the answer is no.

PhDs are hurting.

If you’ve done one, you know. Remember the sense of meaning and purpose that drew you towards a PhD program? Was it still there at the end? If yours was, you’re lucky. I directed my purpose into getting hired in a tenure-track job, and got very hurt when it didn’t happen.

And people have vastly different experiences within programs.

Some people go through crap. But for them their research is everything and putting up with crap is worth it to feel like they have a sense of purpose. Many PhDs who are drawn into programs chasing a sense of purpose leave deeply wounded and disenchanted, ironically having less purpose when they started.

While new PhDs often talk about the PhD as a path do doing “something meaningful,” those of us who have been through entire programs have often seen too much. We’ve either seen or experienced tremendous loss of self. Some have friends who didn’t make it out the other end of the PhD program.

But there are some PhDs who have a great experience in their programs and feel tremendously fulfilled.

As I reflect on it, I don’t think a sense of purpose is inherently fulfilled or disappointed by a PhD program. There are too many variables.

However, if you’re counting on a PhD program to give you a sense of purpose, I’d be very careful. I’d be even more cautious if purpose for you means “tenure-track professor.” Think broadly about what success means to you and keep an open mind .

5. Is my discipline in demand?

Okay, so you need to know that different disciplines have different experiences. Silicon Valley has fallen in love with some PhDs, and we’re seeing “PhD required” or “PhD preferred” on more and more job postings. So if your PhD is in certain, in-demand subjects… It can be a good decision.

My humanities PhD, on the other hand, was a mistake. I’m 5 years out now, and I’ve learned how to use it and make money with it. That’s the great news. But I’d never recommend that anyone get a PhD in the humanities. Sorry. I really wish I could. It’s usually a waste of years of your life, and you’ll need to figure out how to get a totally unrelated job after anyway.

TBH, most of the skills I make money with these days I taught myself on Skillshare .

6. Is a PhD worth it for your potential?

My guess: Absolutely

Every human being has unlimited potential, of course. But here’s the thing that really can make your PhD worth it. The PhD can amplify your potential. It gives you a global reach, it gives you a recognizable brand, and it gives you a mind like no other.

One of my heroes is Brené Brown. She’s taken research and transformed the world with it, speaking to everyone from Wall-Street leaders to blue-collar workers about vulnerability, shame, and purpose. She took her PhD and did amazing things with it.

Your potential at the end of your PhD is greater than it has ever been.

The question is, what will you do with that potential?

Many PhD students are held back, not by their potential, but by the fact that they’ve learned to believe that they’re worthless. Your potential is unlimited, but when you are beaten and exhausted, dragging out of a PhD program with barely any self-worth left, it’s very hard to reach your potential. You first need to repair your confidence.

But if you can do that, if you can nurture your confidence and your greatness every day until you begin to believe in yourself again, you can take your potential and do anything you want with it.

So why get a PhD?

Because it symbolizes your limitless potential. If you think strategically about how to put it to work.

PhD Graduates Don’t Need Resumes. They Need a Freaking Vision

is phd in english worth it

By the way… Did you know I wrote a book about building a career with a PhD? You can read the first chapter for free on Amazon.

So if you’re asking me, “should I do a PhD,” I hope this post helps you. Try your best to check your emotion, and weigh the pros and cons.

And at the end of the day, I don’t think that whether a PhD is worth it or not is some fixed-in-stone thing. In fact, it depends on what you do with it.

So why not make it worth it? Work hard on yourself to transform into a leader worthy of the letters after your name, and don’t be afraid to learn how to leverage every asset the PhD gave you.

One of the reasons I took my PhD and launched my own company is that I saw how much more impact I could have and money I could be making as a consultant (perhaps eventually with a few employees). As long as I worked for someone else, I could see that my income would likely be capped. Working for myself was a good way to maximize my output and take control of my income.

It’s up to you to make it worth it. Pick what’s important to you and how the degree helps you get there, and chase it. Keep an open mind about where life will take you, but always be asking yourself how you can make more of it.

Check out the related post- 15 Good, Bad, and Awful Reasons People Go to Grad School. — I Answer the Question, “Should I Go to Grad School?” )

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is phd in english worth it

  • Is Doing a PhD Worth It?
  • Finding a PhD

Undertaking a PhD shouldn’t be a light decision. In fact, it’s one of the most challenging academic journeys you could embark on. This begs the question: Is a PhD worth it?

A PhD is the highest globally recognised postgraduate degree that higher education institutions can award. The degree, which is awarded to candidates who demonstrate original and extensive research in a particular field of study, is not only invaluable in itself, but can lead to improves job prospects, a higher salary on average, and sets you up for invaluable skills and traits. If you are a graduate student considering undertaking doctoral studies, read our guidance to help you make an informed decision.

Career Prospects

Although a full time PhD takes on average three to five years to complete, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a long-term goal, especially with the possibilities that come with it. It’s a common misunderstanding that PhDs only open the door for educational based roles such as university lecturers and training providers. Although obtaining a PhD does lend itself to an academic career, the opportunities extend far beyond the traditional academic job. In fact, recent data from the UK’s Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) indicates only 23% of PhD graduates take a position in educational roles. This low percentage is primarily because PhD graduates have a wide range of skills that make them suitable for a broad spectrum of roles. This is being seen first hand by the increasing number of PhD graduates who are entering alternative roles such as research, writing, law and investment banking.

Percentages aside, one of the most desirable post-doctoral fields is working within independent Research and Development (R&D) labs and new emerging companies. Both industries, especially R&D labs, have dedicated groups of PhD graduates who lead research activities, design new products and take part in crucial strategic meetings. Not only is this a stimulating line of work, but the average salaries in R&D labs and emerging start-ups are incredibly lucrative. In comparison, an undergraduate with five years of experience within their given field will, on average, likely earn less than a new PhD graduate taking on an R&D position. Completing an advanced degree programme demonstrates that you have developed a knowledge base in your research area which gives you a head start over other candidates who many only have an undergraduate degree or masters degree.

Pursuing your Interests

One factor to consider when asking ‘is a PhD worth it?’ is what your interests are. A doctoral degree is a fantastic opportunity to spend time learning about something that appeals to you. Having an interest in your research area as a PhD student is a massive advantage as you will always be motivated to push the boundaries of your research. Possessing an advanced degree in a field your are genuinely interested in can also help shape your career path and help you land your dream job.

Transferable Skills

PhD students are widely in demand for their wide range of skills they develop during their studies. Not only do these skills extend beyond that obtained by an undergraduate counterpart, but the transferability of the skills is what makes them stand out amongst employers.

Professional Networking

To successfully undertake a PhD, it’s paramount to have a good working relationship with your PhD supervisor and other students in your laboratory, workshop, or department. This relationship will also extend to undertaking short-term collaborative projects, delivering joint conferences and co-authoring research papers. The modern doctorate needs to demonstrate effective team working, collaboration and networking to be successful in their chosen field. This skill is highly sought by all employers, as open and effective communication is key to any project.


Although publishing isn’t a requirement of all PhD projects, all students will have the opportunity to produce technical or informative texts, regardless of whether it’s in the form of reports or academic journal articles.

The preparation, research, writing, and editing of such texts demonstrate your ability to amalgamate information and communicate complex ideas. Regardless of an employer’s field, the ability to record and summarise essential information is a fundamental skill they look for. Demonstrating you’re capable of delivering factual documents will help set you apart from colleagues, which will help make strides in your career.

Research Skills

One of the most valued skills you’ll gain during your PhD study is the ability to undertake original research. Not only does this demonstrate you are able to think independently, but also that you are prepared to take on responsibility and can contribute original ideas to the workplace. In undertaking a PhD, you will prove yourself as a professional expert in this area, making you a suitable candidate for research jobs.

Data analysis

A PhD programme, in particular a STEM PhD project, is likely to involve identifying, managing and analysing large amounts of complex information. In addition to this, you could be required to assimilate this information in an appropriate and understandable format. Because of this a data driven doctorate degree is highly desirable in numerical industries such as banking and engineering.

Public Speaking

Is Doing a PhD Worth It - Public Speaking

In today’s industries, excellent oral communication skills are becoming more and more essential. Although many individuals struggle with this skill, as a PhD graduate, you’re more likely to excel in this area. This is because of the many public speaking opportunities you’ll be exposed to during your course. Through conference talks, presentations, and posters, you’ll learn to become confident and engaging when speaking to a broad audience. You’ll also showcase to future employers that you know how to present complex ideas and defend them.

Project management

Even if your career goal isn’t to become a project manager, all jobs require some project management. Fortunately, PhDs are a project management exercise. To complete your thesis, you must design a project, establish a realistic timetable, manage stakeholders and overcome failures. While attempting to achieve the long-term goal set out by the PhD, you must also set, manage, and achieve short-term goals to make progress.

This scenario accurately represents any modern workplace. You’ll be given the autonomy to manage your projects and workload and be expected to do so at a competent level. With this in mind, PhD holders can show they are more than capable of managing a team, and in doing so broaden their career options when entering the job market.

Critical Thinking

Every doctoral student will gain unparalleled skills in exercising critical thinking. This is due to having been trained to address problems, identify connections and analyse information to come to sensible conclusions. A critical thinker is exceptionally beneficial for any industry.


Nearly all careers place a strong emphasis on team working and interpersonal skills. Although producing a PhD thesis is an individual task, to complete your doctoral degree you’ll need to collaborate with others, whether it be to conduct experiments, collect data, operate as part of a larger research group or co-write manuscripts. To complete these tasks, you must know how to divide the task, share with others, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts. All these skills carry over to any workplace, not just those in an academic position. By demonstrating that you can work as part of a team, you’ll significantly increase your desirability for any role.

Many prospective PhD students see a future in academia. Strong communication skills are essential in this line of work as in addition to giving lectures you may be involved in the supervision of graduate students during their final year projects.

As a graduate student you will have spent the last few years in university and likely have some student debt. A doctorate programme is a further large financial commitment, in particular if you self-fund your studies which can take 3-5 years to complete as a full time PhD student. Even if you secure a funded PhD, the available living stipend will comparatively be less than you would potentially earn if you had gone into employment instead. Part time PhD programmes also worth looking at for PhD candidates, as they allow researchers to work during their PhD course who can then spend their earnings towards their living costs and tuition fees.

In analysing the career prospects and transferable skills gained in undertaking a PhD degree, it is clear that pursuing a PhD is an extremely worthwhile venture.

You will develop deep knowledge in your research area which gives you an advantage when applying to academic jobs (for example a professor or research advisor/PostDoc). During your doctoral years you’ll also gain many skills valued in any career path, from problem solving, to managing tasks and communicating complex ideas. Possessing a PhD correlates to higher median salaries, and can aid career progression as a PhD holder can use their specialist skills to seek out unique opportunities in industry. These skills, combined with the new roles that open up for doctorate holders, such as working within innovative Research and Development teams, presents an exciting and prosperous future.

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A place to discuss all things English Majoresque, from favorite novels to lack of jobs and being made fun of by STEM majors. Non-majors also welcome.

is an English PhD worth it?

i’m a high school senior, going into college as an English major this fall. my original plan has always been to go to law school and become a lawyer, largely because that allows for freedom in undergraduate major selection, which would allow me to spend 4 years doing what i love. but when i think about it, i find myself dreading the idea of law school and life as a lawyer, and only feeling excited for studying english in undergrad. all i think about is how incredibly i am to have so many resources at my disposal and finally be able to devote the majority of my time to my passion.

i have time, so i’m going to get some law internships and pre-law advising to explore if it is something i would enjoy, but if not, i have one other career option in mind. i am interested in possibly earning a PhD in English (because i’m really interested in deepening my knowledge as much as i possibly can), and subsequently pursuing a professorship. is this feasible? is a PhD in English worth it? my parents both have PhDs in math and are professors, but i’m assuming the circumstances within English would be different.

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Academia Insider

Is a PhD worth it now in 2023? [the data]

Deciding to pursue a PhD is a decision not to be taken lightly. Whether or not it is worth it for you depends on a number of circumstances such as your career goals, financial stability, stage in life, support networks, interest in the subject, ability to self-motivate and so much more.

Arguably, for most people, a PhD is not worth it. If you want to enter academia you have no other option than to do a PhD. However, there is often a much better return on investment from other educational pathways such as master’s, professional degrees and work experience.

For some people, the act of getting a PhD is more than for financial return or reward. They have a deep connection with the subject and want to research it. They are willing to put up with the sacrifices required to do a PhD because of their drive for a particular research field.

 These types of researchers are relatively rare.

This article will go through everything you need to know about whether or not PhD is worth it in 2023 and the most important things you should consider before launching into your PhD application process.

Should I Get A PhD?

Deciding whether or not to pursue a doctoral degree is a huge life decision. It can easily take up to 7 years to get a PhD in some countries.

This is a time when others are laying the foundations of their life and have a job starting to build up experience in their professional field.

Doing a PhD delays adult life for most young PhD students.

PhD regret is a real thing and in my youtube video, I share all of the things you need to be aware of when making the decision to do a PhD.

Study referenced in the video: click here.

A doctorate requires an immense amount of work and dedication. And therefore you need to be absolutely certain it is the right decision for you.

If you have a passion for:

  • teaching at a university,
  • public service,
  • or your job has pay scales that can only be reached with a PhD

then getting a PhD may be a perfect choice.

On the other hand, if you are looking for career advancement opportunities or increased earning potential, then it might not be right for you.

There are other options such as a Masters, graduate diploma, or work experience that could potentially open more career advancement opportunities.

If you want to know more about PhDs check out my other articles:

  • How long does it take to get a PhD? Complete a PhD quickly
  • How long does it take to get a PhD part time? Complete a PhD on your own time. 
  • How difficult is it to get a PhD? The real doctorate struggles.

Is getting your PhD worth it for your career?

A PhD is certainly worth it for many careers, especially those in academia, research and education.

A PhD provides you with the skills to:

  • perform academic research independently,
  • write for peer-reviewed publications,
  • present findings to peers
  • manage a multi-year project with multiple stakeholders
  • teach undergraduate classes
  • and much more

These skills are incredibly valuable and well compensated in some careers .

It is also important to consider that a PhD can also help you develop specialized skills and knowledge that are highly valued in certain industries, such as data science and analytics.

A PhD can open up doors to new opportunities that undergraduate and masters degrees do not.

However, a PhD doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to be compensated better in the workplace with a higher salary.

Let’s take a look at whether or not a PhD is worth it for your finances.

Is a PhD worth it for your finances? Whether a PhD will boost your bank balance. 

Whether or not a PhD is worth it for your finances highly depends on what you’re using your PhD for.

In my experience, a PhD does not guarantee higher wages upon graduation. In fact, it is often a better return on your investment to get a master’s degree and a couple of years of experience in a career to maximise your earning potential.

This is backed up with data.

You can see in the graph below that, on average, the maximum earnings someone can make is with a Masters or professional degree.

IS a PhD worth it? The data of earnings with different levels of education across fields.

Across all of the different subject areas, it is often better to get a professional degree that is directly related to your career rather than pursue a PhD.

It takes many more years to get a PhD and quite bluntly – it does not make financial sense to do a PhD.

For many, the stipend associated with being a PhD student can help to pay for grad school and other expenses during their studies but there is a huge shortfall compared to the wage if you had started a job.

Even if you don’t go into academia, many companies recognize the value of having a PhD but may not offer a financial benefit.

Why is a PhD a bad idea for most people?

Arguably, a PhD is a bad idea for most people because it requires a tremendous amount of time, effort and money to complete, and there are very few job opportunities in academia available.

Also, as we have seen above, it is quite often not financially sensible to pursue a PhD.

Many students embark on a PhD program with the expectation that they will get an academic job upon completion of their studies, but this is not guaranteed. And, is in fact, the exception.

The competition for postdocs and other academic jobs is high and there is no guarantee of job security once you get one.

Having an undergraduate degree already makes you eligible for many jobs outside academia so getting a PhD may not be the best use of your time or resources.

For all these reasons, many people opt out of getting a PhD and pursue alternative career pathways.

What are the Risks of Getting a PhD?

Earning a PhD can be costly both in terms of time and money, and it may take several years to complete a successful doctoral program.

Also, there are many other risks and costs associated with getting a PhD that are not talked about.

These include:

  • return on investment
  • opportunity cost
  • reduced earning potential in early years
  • reduce networking with professionals
  • and many more.

In my YouTube video below I talk about whether or not get a PhD is worth the effort:

Furthermore, there are risks associated with getting a PhD. One risk is that the long timeframe of earning a PhD may lead to burnout or fatigue for the PhD student.

Another risk is the fact that the value of a particular Ph.D may fluctuate over time, so it’s important to consider whether or not the Ph.D will be worth it in the long run.

There’s always a risk that humanity’s understanding of certain fields could change suddenly, rendering an individual’s doctoral degree obsolete or less valuable than anticipated.

For these reasons and more, individuals considering getting a PhD should evaluate their options carefully before making such an important commitment.

Have you thought realistically about your job prospects?

Some people can get very excited thought of doing a PhD. However, this excitement is incredibly short-lived once they realize that there are no job prospects upon graduation.

When considering job prospects, it is important to think realistically about the opportunities available for when you graduate.

For many PhD students, the dream is to secure a tenure-track position in academia. However, this can be difficult with so many PhDs vying for limited positions in universities and colleges.

Therefore, it is important to consider other options outside of academia as well. This isn’t something that many young PhD students want to hear – but it is where most of them will end up.

Many PhDs have found success in fields such as healthcare, finance, and technology.

Additionally, some PhDs have even gone into non-traditional fields such as teaching English abroad or starting their own business.

I chose the pack of starting my own business and have had a much more fulfilling life and satisfaction from that than I ever did during my years in academia.

No matter what path you choose after completing your PhD, it’s important to remember that there are many opportunities out there for PhD students – both inside and outside of academia.

They may not be obvious at the beginning – just keep searching into you find one that excites you.

PhD Degree Alternatives

There are many alternatives to getting a PhD that can still lead to successful career paths in different fields.

Sure, they may not be as prestigious. They may not even be particularly exciting – but for your career, they offer a much better return on your investment both in terms of time and money.

 We have seen, above, that it is actually much better to settle into a career with a Masters and then upskill with various professional degrees until you reach your desired earning potential.

It PhD is not a guaranteed ticket to a higher-paying job – building up credibility and experience in a particular role is.

There are many other degree alternatives including:

  • graduate diplomas
  • professional degrees
  • vocational courses
  • a much more

that can help boost your earning potential.

However, there truly is no alternative to a PhD if you want hard-core research experience and to open up the career pathway to lecturing and research.

For people that want to enter academia I often say that they should have a fallback plan so that when their ideas of becoming a researcher fall away they have a comfortable and realistic backup plan that they would enjoy.

You’ll be amazed how many people don’t know what they would do if they won’t in academia. In today’s highly competitive world that is not good enough.

It is important to explore all of one’s options before committing to pursuing a PhD degree so that they can make an informed decision about their future career path.

Wrapping up

This article has been through everything you need to know about whether or not a PhD is worth it now and all of the important questions you need to ask yourself.

You need to look at your career goals, the financial gains you expect to make with a PhD and what other opportunities open up upon graduation.

However, there are some extreme costs that come with letting a PhD including reduced earning potential for many years, stressing and anxiety, reduction in professional experience, and many others which will need to be addressed if you decide to go down the postgraduate PhD route.

Whatever you decide I hope that this article has provided you with enough formation to help make a decision one way or another.

is phd in english worth it

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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is phd in english worth it

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is phd in english worth it

  • Is a PhD Worth it?

Written by Mark Bennett

Whether a PhD is worth it or not entirely depends on what you want to get out of it. If you want to enter academia, then you'll likely need a PhD. However, those who don't need the degree for their career still find that doctoral study helps them gain and refine useful skills benefitial to industry.

This page will help you to define the value of a PhD degree and understand how much a PhD is worth (and to who).

On this page

Phd careers and employment prospects.

One of the first ways you might decide if a PhD is worth it is by working out whether it will improve your career prospects. So, how employable are PhD graduates – and what jobs do they actually do?

You may be surprised how diverse the answers to these questions are.

PhD employment statistics

Data suggests that PhD students are very employable, with the majority finding work or going on to further training (such as a ‘PostDoc’) after graduation.

As you can see from the table below, a PhD can make a difference to your employment prospects when compared with a taught Masters qualification.

PhD employment statistics
Status Masters (taught) Doctoral research
Full-time employment 69% 70%
Part-time employment 9% 9%
Employment and further study 8% 10%
Further study 3% 4%
Other 4% 5%
survey, conducted by . It reveals the destinations of UK university graduates after 15 months.

For more information and statistics on this, check out our guide to PhD employability .

What's a PostDoc?

A PostDoctoral Fellowship (or 'PostDoc') is often the next step in an academic career, after a PhD. PostDocs are short-term paid positions that usually focus on a specific research project. You can find out more about PostDoctoral projects and opportunities at

What can you do with a PhD? – typical careers

The modern PhD is a surprisingly versatile qualification that develops a wide range of transferrable skills. Universities also support students within broad doctoral programmes that focus on developing employable PhD graduates.

All of this means that the job market for PhD students is quite diverse.

Many students do go on to careers in higher education, but these include administration and leadership positions as well as academic posts.

Others take their research and teaching expertise into other professions – including secondary and further education, industry or public administration.

What else do PhD graduates do?

A PhD does far more than prepare you for a career in higher education. Read our guide for more information on popular non-academic careers with a PhD – and how to get started with one.

Assessing the value of a PhD to you

Whether a PhD is worth it very much depends on your individual aspirations and plans.

It’s common for students to set out on a PhD with an academic career in mind – inspired by a passion for their subject at undergraduate and Masters level.

There’s nothing wrong with this, but you should also spend a bit of time considering the higher education job market – and learning a little about what an academic career involves.

Our Pulse survey shows that there’s almost an even split between those of you interested in doing a PhD because you want a career in academia, and those of you that aren’t interested in going down the academic route. We dug a little deeper into the survey and around 5% more of those interested in going into academia are interested in Arts and Humanities academic roles. There’s also around a 10% difference between those interested in studying STEM and those interested in AHSS when it comes to subject interest, with STEM being more motivated to study due to subject interest.

The vast majority of university researchers and lecturers in countries like the UK do have a PhD. But that doesn’t mean that the majority of PhD graduates go on to become university researchers and lecturers. In fact, many don’t.

If you are pursuing a PhD as the next step in an academic career, that’s great. Academic work is incredibly rewarding (and potentially very well paid). But it it’s prudent to understand the profession you’re preparing for – and to keep your options open.

Do you want to be an academic?

If you are pursuing a PhD as the next step in an academic career, that’s great. Academic work is incredibly rewarding (and potentially very well paid). But it’s prudent to understand the profession you’re preparing for – and to keep your options open.

Do you have another career in mind?

For some, a PhD is enough to scratch their ‘research itch’ and they decide to take their skills and experience into other careers . Others find that the academic job market is very competitive or that an academic job doesn’t appeal to them. And an increasing number have a completely different career in mind.

The modern PhD is a versatile qualification offering the transferrable skills described above as well as the chance to acquire incredibly advanced expertise.

There are plenty of careers that benefit from the kind of diverse CV a PhD develops. And, even if you want to be an academic, it’s worth thinking about a few of them before you start.

Will funding be available?

PhD fees aren’t actually that high. They’re a lot lower than undergraduate fees and usually less than those for Masters degrees.

But the full cost of a PhD needs to take into account more than just tuition fees. You’ll need to support yourself for at least three more years of study.

That’s three years in which you won’t be earning very much and during which your career development will probably be on hold. So there’s an ‘opportunity cost’ involved in PhD study – the earnings or career progress you might otherwise have made.

The simplest way to offset this is by acquiring funding for your PhD. A range of options are out there, from pre-funded projects to individual scholarships and doctoral loans.

Set aside some time to find out what kind of support might be available for the kind of project you want to complete. Researching research funding may not be exciting, but it could well be worth it.

Are you committed enough to see the project through?

You may decide that a PhD is definitely worth the cost, but will it be worth the hard work?

This may seem like an odd question to include here. Surely your dedication to further study and the value of the qualification you gain are two different things?

Well, not quite. For the simple reason that, whatever the worth of a completed PhD, an uncompleted one is worth a lot less.

It doesn’t matter what you plan to do with your PhD or how much it ends up costing you: if you don’t finish your project you’ll have little to show for whatever time and money you have invested.

That’s not to say that failing to complete a PhD will ruin your life. Some students do exit their programmes early and go on to have productive careers. Some even submit for alternative qualifications such as the MPhil .

But failing to complete a PhD is rarely a desirable or ideal outcome. So go into the process with your eyes open and make sure you know what’s involved. Our advice on doing a PhD is a good place to start.

Transferrable skills – what else does a PhD teach you?

PhDs are highly specialised qualifications. In fact, they’re the most specialised qualifications available. By its very nature every PhD is a unique project, focussing on a topic no one has researched before.

But PhDs aren’t just about specialisation. Successfully completing a three-year research project means developing many more general skills, all of which are highly transferrable.

There are relatively few non-academic careers based on the theological significance of eighteenth-century lyric poetry or the effects of altitude on arboreal biodiversity.

But there are lots of careers out there for self-motivated project managers with excellent organisational skills, experience of public speaking and event planning plus the ability to effectively analyse and communicate large amounts of complex information.

Those people are very employable. And your PhD could make you one of them.

The following are some of the core transferrable skills you’re likely to develop during a PhD.

Project management

This one is fairly obvious, but it’s probably more significant than you give it credit for.

A PhD requires you to complete an extended research project and to do so almost entirely independently. You’ll have support from your supervisor, but the day to day management of your time, resources and objectives is down to you.

You’ll need to assess the demands of specific tasks, plan ahead to ensure the availability of key materials and solve a wide range of problems (both anticipated and unforeseen).

You might also be responsible for managing expenses and keeping your project within the limits set by its own funding – or that of the research group you’re working within.

Even a self-financed PhD involves managing a budget – and potentially securing additional investment for your work.

Professional networking

Successful managing a PhD project can also mean successfully managing your relationships with other people.

You’ll need to maintain a productive relationship with your supervisor and with fellow students within your laboratory, workshop or department.

Looking further afield, you’ll need to identify and connect with researchers working on similar topics at other universities. And, if you present at conferences yourself, you’ll become experienced in sharing information within an expert network and discussing ideas with your professional peers.

It’s also highly likely that you’ll work more closely with other researchers at some point during your PhD. This could be part of a short-term project, or whilst organising a conference or other event (see below).

So don’t be misled by the image of the solitary scholar: collaboration, team-work (and team building) are also important parts of a modern PhD.

Teaching and mentoring

Academic teaching is another part of the typical PhD experience. Most universities provide at least some opportunity for postgraduate researchers to lead classes, demonstrate experiments or mentor undergraduate students.

This is important training for an academic career, but it’s not just limited to work in the university sector.

Teaching experience is obviously useful if you’re interested in working in other branches of education – such as a secondary school or sixth form college. Showing that you can communicate your specialist subject knowledge is a great way to leverage a PhD for these careers.

Academic teaching also tends to involve coursework assessment, feedback and one-to-one tutorials. These skills can transfer out of purely educational contexts as you develop experience in mentoring others and providing leadership.


Academic publication isn’t part of every PhD, but many students do have the opportunity to author journal articles or produce other records of their research.

This kind of publication is obviously different to ‘commercial’ or ‘popular’ publishing (we’re not suggesting it’s a short-step from a Nature paper to winning the Man Booker Prize). But some of the skills you’ll gain are common to all forms of publication.

Preparing, copy-editing and proofing a professional manuscript is necessary to publication in all contexts: whether you’re authoring a journal article, a novel, an industry whitepaper – or a website.

And proficiency in composing and communicating complex ideas is valuable in many careers – even the ones that don’t actually involve ‘publication.’

Public speaking

You might think it strange to think of PhD research as an opportunity to develop skills in oral communication, but the presentation and discussion of your ideas will play an important role in their development.

The majority of students speak at academic conferences at some point during their doctorates. This is an important means of making the academic community aware of your work and of receiving expert feedback.

In the process you’ll also become a capable public speaker, with the ability to select and shape material for a presentation and the confidence to deliver that presentation professionally and effectively.

And remember, the topic of a presentation isn’t important. It doesn’t matter if you’re speaking about economic history in front of an audience of academics or about market research in front of an audience of clients. Both scenarios require you to present specialist information, effectively, to other specialists.

Event management and organisation

PhD students don’t just speak at conferences: they often have the chance to organise them. This can range from running small seminar events to planning and arranging large international conferences.

The challenges involved in this – booking venues, setting up facilities, advertising, registering, taking care of delegates – aren’t unique to academia. They also crop up in a range of professions where large conferences and events are a regular occurrence – from politics to trade fairs.

Branches of some careers – such as marketing or entertainment – actually focus entirely upon events management.

One of the most valuable skills you gain with a PhD could, quite simply, be the ability to do research.

The task of identifying, managing and analysing large amounts of complex information isn’t simple. Nor is it easy to digest that information and re-present your conclusions in an appropriate and useful format.

As a PhD student, you’re going to become an undisputed expert in doing all of this. Because, if nothing else, your doctorate will make you a professional researcher.

And professional researchers don’t just work in academia. All sorts of careers draw upon these skills, from public administration, government and politics to public relations management, marketing and journalism.

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  • Is A PhD Really Worth It? Or A Waste of Time?

Some may look back 5 years or even 10 years post-PhD and say it was definitely worth it. Others may be fresh out of graduate school and have a different view/opinion or may only feel frustration.

It may be defined by the job you ended up with (or ultimately want), the opportunities that your PhD led to, or how you define success . Others may say the PhD gave them more credibility, upwards mobility, and technical expertise needed for their job. Others may have pursued a different field apart from their PhD training and claim the PhD served a much different purpose (such as self-discovery).

The skills learned during a PhD are also invaluable in many ways, but the reality is that these transferable skills still don’t seem to be enough by themselves  to land your first job in many cases (although very job and company dependent). But whether a PhD program ‘fully’ trains or prepares you for the job market or not, still doesn’t define its worth. The point is that a PhD-even if it doesn’t pay off now-certainly can (or will) later. But one very important point to make is this :

How you define the value of a PhD or if it was worth 5-7 years of your life (and time out of the workforce)-is entirely individualistic .

With that said, let’s go into this article-which is written by Michelle Capes, along with 2 other PhD’s who offer their perspective. Please keep an open mind as you read through the comments, as each PhD will have their own experiences which may be different from your own.

Is A PhD Really Worth It? – Michelle Capes

I am often asked whether my PhD was worth it. Would I do it again?

PhD programs are almost universally trial-by-fire experiences. When they’re completed, many new PhDs find out that they’re underprepared for finding jobs in anything but academia .

This should come as no surprise to any PhD . But the real question is what are you doing about it ? With the flood of articles that are heightening awareness and pitching the idea of careers outside of academia as the norm, it all becomes diluted unless you actually put it into action .

As they begin their job hunt, they run up against the “ overqualified, inexperienced ” wall with a resounding thud. They are often turned away from entry-level positions in favor of bachelors and master’s level candidates, and become disillusioned about having earned their PhD at all.

I decided to ask couple of my colleagues about their thoughts on this question before weighing in with comments of my own. This article will give you three different answers and perspectives on the question “Is A PhD Worth It?” From there, you decide (it is very individualistic).

Debbie completed her PhD in 2012 and is currently on her second postdoc . Although she had funding for another year, she realized that complacency was not an option. She got a head start on her job search by participating in frequent networking events, serving on a committee to organize biotech events in the community, and building up leadership cred by acting as president of her university’s postdoctoral association.

She is no stranger to the frustrations of the job hunt, having weathered some truly frustrating situations: being told, for example, during an informational interview with an industry scientist that she should complete a third postdoc in order to broaden her skill set, and losing out as #2 on the short list after several exhausting interviews.

At the time of this writing, Debbie has accepted a position as Associate Medical Writer at a large contract research organization.

Debbie’s response to “Was your PhD worth it?” was this:

The answer is no longer the obvious ‘yes’ that it would have been in the past. With a tough job market and increasingly high [hiring] standards, having a PhD doesn’t seem to mean as much as it did in the past. However, there is more to the picture as well. Getting my PhD ensured that I was trained to think as a scientist. It altered my whole thought process for the better and that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Debbie also spoke about her sense of accomplishment:

I kept working through some tough times and finished my degree. I’m proud of that. I eventually realized that the job market is going to be tough at any level – it is what it is. No matter what level you are at, what job you are trying to get, if you apply yourself to networking and distinguishing yourself from the herd, eventually you will earn yourself a good job.

I knew Holly while I was in graduate school, when she was completing a postdoc in a neighboring lab. After the postdoc, Holly became assistant scientist in a clinical research lab , then left for a position with a global leader in the medical device industry . Her pathway toward deciding to pursue a career outside of academia sounds (unsurprisingly) familiar.

Here’s Holly’s response:

Yes, my PhD was completely worth it, although for surprising reasons. Following my decision to pursue a career in the industry, I was unsure of what to expect since I had previously been pursuing an academic track. The decision was largely due to frustration with: (1) the grant landscape  (2) the lengthy amount of time to impact patient’s lives pursuing academic research (I was interested in bench-to-bedside science). The benefit of having a PhD was realized as early as my interview. I had pursued a clinical research position and discovered that while PhD’s in the bench-science arena are very common, if not required, in clinical research, it is not necessarily expected. My PhD, along with some experience in clinical research, and the ability to communicate effectively, landed me the job . The most surprising element of my training which has given me the best advantage? My post-doctoral years. These years have set me apart from other colleagues who have a PhD. Having 1 or more post-doctoral years has shown my ability to expand my knowledge into another area , and also the ability to manage my own research ideas and projects . In my experience, research in the industry is not only about what you know – it’s also about project management and the ability to communicate across groups of people .”

Holly continues:

Another benefit of the PhD is the characterization that you are a learner . ‘Learner’ personalities love to expand and grow, which is encouraged in the industry. If [they are] going into industry, someone with a PhD should understand their value is not necessarily the knowledge they bring to the company (although that is important), but the characteristics that are needed to finish a PhD which include: (1) persistence , (2) resilience , (3) idea generation , (4) project management , and, (5) dedication . This list is not comprehensive, but gives a view into the dimensions [that] a PhD has to offer. Potential PhD students, current students and post-graduates should reflect on what their PhD experience will or has taught them, not just about the science, but the soft skills that help to set them apart – I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to figure it out; it might have paid off even sooner .

And I’m back (Michelle Capes).

For my part, I am very happy to have earned my PhD and I would do it again , although not for the original reason I had in mind when I began my program. Sure, I gained a lot of expertise in a niche area of science, and that was all very interesting. But I knew it wouldn’t sustain me for my entire professional career.

When I made the decision to leave academia, I had to capitalize on the other things I learned during grad school and my postdoc, beginning with marketing myself effectively during my job search .

I attained a position as a scientific recruiter precisely because I had a PhD. The agency prided itself on “scientists recruiting scientists,” and having that credential after my name lent credibility to their selling point. (In fact, when my first set of business cards arrived without my credentials, they were immediately re-ordered at the supervisor’s request.)

Now that I have launched my own business venture, I realize that the network I built during graduate school and my postdoc is  priceless . I have numerous contacts, both in academia and industry, who know me well and are willing to vouch for my abilities, refer potential clients, and put me in touch with additional colleagues.

It was during the PhD program that I got my first experience doing many of the things that I now offer as services through my business, including grant writing and editing, writing articles, and mentoring . When I pitch these services to prospective clients, having a PhD imparts a high degree of clout. It’s also helpful to be able to point to the successful grant applications I prepared during grad school and my postdoc.

Let’s re-visit the original question: “Is a PhD Worth It?”

I’ve related three positive responses about the value of a PhD. However, a simple Google search will turn up a plethora of negative responses, along with doom-and-gloom articles relating the poor job prospects for PhDs .

If you’re asking this question and you already have your PhD, it probably means that you’re not planning to stay in academia. It likely also means that you’ve made the realization that your training didn’t include the part about looking for jobs, writing resumes, interviewing, etc .

You’re in good company: many other PhDs are waking up to the hard reality that there simply are not enough academic positions for the 64,000-odd PhDs awarded every year in the U.S. alone. Some would make the case that this imbalance is a good thing, because more students are given the chance to succeed and to benefit from one-on-one advice from professors during their education (Source: The Wire ).

Regardless, the realization that too many PhDs were being cranked out for the number of tenured academic positions available set in as early as  the 1990’s . Way back then , PhDs were forced to search for employment in other sectors, belatedly realizing that they were woefully unprepared to transition into such careers.

That the situation has not been remediated almost twenty-five years later is reprehensible , especially now that funding crunches are forcing not only new PhDs and postdocs into the non-academic career path, but also established professors .

I recently read an article on The New York Times titled “ When Education Brings Depression .” The comments (which admittedly got off-topic) about the article ranged from personal experiences of depression in grad school to questioning the point of going through graduate school at all, with one reader (we’ll identify her as Suzanne) complaining, “If I had it to do over again, I would never have devoted all those years to a doctorate. Graduate school is definitely a total scam .”

To which “lxp19” replied the following (emphasis added):

It [grad school] is only a scam if you only went into it to get a job…if you went into it thinking it was the ticket to a job…or if you were misled by the department, who sold it as a ticket to a job. Education is about a lot more than getting a particular job. I agree that grad schools need to promote and prepare students for a broader spectrum of professional opportunities. But learning to understand the world in more depth, to develop our own ideas in more depth is not a scam. But it may be an expensive proposition that does not quickly turn into a lucrative career .

One article I came across recently provides a colorful narrative explaining that the only PhD worth getting is in economics , and pointing out the drawbacks of pursuing a PhD in other fields.  The author suggests that those who pursue a PhD in the life sciences are either “suicidal fool[s]” or “incomprehensible sociopath[s].”

Further, he cautions, “if you are considering getting a lab science PhD, please immediately hit yourself in the face with a brick. Now you know what it’s like.”

However, the author brings up several caveats, among which was my major bugaboo with the article: “if enough people read and believe this blog post, it will cease to be true. There’s a piece of economics for you: as soon as people become aware that a thing is overvalued, they will start bidding up its price.” Every time there’s a mention of a shortage in X sector, you can be reasonably sure that there will be an excess in 10 years’ time.

(Side thought: You don’t get a PhD for money. If you are-it is for the wrong reasons)

A great example of this is the purported STEM shortage touted by the Obama administration. Though the debate continues to this day as to whether that shortage actually exists, one piece of evidence stands out to me. The National Institutes of Health recently trotted out a program to help new biomedical PhDs find alternative careers in the face of “unattractive” job prospects in the field.

Regardless of the situation across STEM fields as a whole, the situation at the top seems clear: there are too many biomedical PhDs . The overwhelming numbers of resumes that flood in for nearly every industry position posted further bolsters this conclusion .

As a recruiter, I was frequently contacted by PhDs wanting to apply for positions advertized for bachelor’s-level candidates.

The conversations would go something like this: Candidate X calls to inquire about a position with Y Biotech Company. “I’m familiar with that position,” I might say, “and it’s honestly too entry-level for someone with your credentials.” I say this based on the fact that I’ve spoken personally with the hiring manager for the position to see what points they might be flexible on. Hiring a PhD to do menial tasks is not one of them.

Candidate X protests, “but I’m willing to do any kind of [grunt work] and I’m okay with the [horrible] salary. I just want to get my foot in the door in industry.” There it is. Candidate X has told me a whole lot of things about him-/herself that are not conducive to getting a job at Y Biotech .

At this point in the conversation I’m already put off. And then it happens. Candidate X drops the bomb. “Would it help to leave the PhD off my resume?”

This question has sparked numerous, sometimes heated debates—one of which has been raging on LinkedIn since 2011, with almost 400 comments (see ). This seems like a no-brainer to me: it’s completely unethical. Starting a new position under false pretenses is never a good thing. And nobody —not even the PhDs themselves —really believes that a PhD will be happy with an entry-level industry position involving, say, calibrating lab equipment .

Employers are savvy to this strategy: candidate X will exploit valuable company resources and training to get the critical “1-2 years of industry experience” that every job description seems to require, and then pursue a better opportunity elsewhere. Trying to convince them otherwise simply will not work.

Let’s recap again. Despite my earlier positive reflections on whether getting a PhD is worthwhile, I believe (and I’m sure I’m not alone here) that there should be far, far fewer students entering PhD programs. The job market, be it in academia or industry, just can’t support such a top-heavy pool of candidates, and there are plenty of embittered, unemployed, or underemployed PhDs to prove it .

If you do decide to pursue a PhD, you should know exactly what you want to get out of it. Choose your advisor carefully : if yours is the old-school, 24/7/365 in-the-lab type of person , you will have very little opportunity to do anything other than lab work, let alone career development . When you finish, you’ll be well prepared to be a postdoc. If you decide to pursue a career outside of academia, you will have a very hard time.

Realize that you need MORE than just a PhD . You have to squeeze as many transferable/soft skills as you possibly can out of your degree program . THESE are the skills that will allow you to make a successful transition .

EDUCATE YOURSELF about other sectors and career paths where your skills apply .   A lot of PhDs I’ve spoken to have a very narrow view of career opportunities for PhDs in STEM. They are accustomed to doing research in academia, so the default answer for industry seems to be R&D Scientist.

There are so many more opportunities out there that capitalize on your PhD training ! You are severely limiting your chances of finding a job if “R&D Scientist” is the only avenue you pursue. I highly recommend checking out Toby Freedman’s book, “Careers in Biotechnology and Drug Development” to investigate the diverse career paths that are available.

Make a list of possible careers, and write down the value proposition you bring to each one. What I mean is this: just about anyone can do a Western blot or run a PCR. But do you have the sort of dynamism it takes to head up a lab, lead a project, or be effective in a customer-facing role? Did you organize seminars or conferences? Serve in a leadership role? Manage the lab? Mentor people?

Believe me : if you are up against 30 other PhD-level molecular biologists, there have to be extra qualities that differentiate you­ from the herd.

  “Was your PhD worth it?”

If you’re asking yourself this question, here’s my advice: It doesn’t matter. You got your PhD. Be proud of your accomplishment and move on: a defeatist attitude will not get you a job. Remember that YOU get to create the lens that potential employers view you through, and that starts with crafting a positive narrative to explain who you are and what you want to achieve.

Further Reading


The culture of non-responsibility must be changed

Point of view: How postdocs benefit from building a union

Hit the Ground Running: Life After Academia (The PostDocWay) 

PhD as a training of the mind

Why won’t anyone respect me for the years of work I’ve done (instead of getting ‘work experience’) and give me a job?

Enough doom and gloom Part 3: Standing upon the great infrastructure of science

About the Author:

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Master's vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences

Published on November 27, 2020 by Lauren Thomas . Revised on May 10, 2024.

The two most common types of graduate degrees are master’s and doctoral degrees:

  • A master’s is a 1–2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers.
  • A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3–7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research.

A master’s is also the necessary first step to a PhD. In the US, the master’s is built into PhD programs, while in most other countries, a separate master’s degree is required before applying for PhDs.

Master’s are far more common than PhDs. In the US, 24 million people have master’s or professional degrees, whereas only 4.5 million have doctorates.

Table of contents

Master’s vs phd at a glance, which is right for you, length of time required, career prospects, costs and salaries, application process, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about master's and phd degrees.

The table below shows the key differences between the two.

Master’s PhD
Career prospects Usually intended for a career outside of academia. Prepares for a research career, ideally as a university professor.
Length of time 1–2 years 5–7 in the US (master’s degree included); 3–5 outside the US (after a separate master’s degree)
Structure Mostly coursework, often with a semester-long or capstone project at the end. 2 years of coursework (in the US), followed by 3–5 years of preparing a dissertation, which should make a significant original contribution to current knowledge.
Cost Varies by country, university and program; usually higher upfront cost with limited financial aid available. Tuition fees are usually waived and a living stipend provided in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant.
Graduate salaries Wage premium (compared to earnings with a high school education) is 23% on average. Wage premium is 26% on average.

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A PhD is right for you if:

  • Your goal is to become a professor at a university or some other type of professional researcher.
  • You love research and are passionate about discovering the answer to a particular question.
  • You are willing to spend years pursuing your research even if you have to put up with a lot of dead ends and roadblocks.

A master’s degree is the better choice if any of the following apply:

  • You want to continue studies in your field, but you’re not committed to a career as a professional researcher.
  • You want to develop professional skills for a specific career.
  • You are willing to pay a higher upfront cost if it means finishing with your degree (and thus being able to work) much faster.
  • You want the option to study part-time while working.

The length of time required to complete a PhD or master’s degree varies. Unsurprisingly, PhDs take much longer, usually between 3–7 years. Master’s degrees are usually only 1–2 years.

Length of a master’s

Master’s degrees are usually 2 years, although 1-year master’s degrees also exist, mainly in the UK.

Most of the degree consists of classes and coursework, although many master’s programs include an intensive, semester-long master’s thesis or capstone project in which students bring together all they’ve learned to produce an original piece of work.

Length of a PhD

In the US, a PhD usually takes between 5 and 7 years to complete. The first 2 years are spent on coursework. Students, even those who choose to leave without finishing the program, usually receive a master’s degree at this point.

The next 3–5 years are spent preparing a dissertation —a lengthy piece of writing based on independent research, which aims to make a significant original contribution to one’s field.

Master’s degrees tend to prepare you for a career outside of academia, while PhDs are designed to lead to a career in research.

Careers for master’s graduates

There are two types of master’s degrees: terminal and research-intensive. The career prospects are different for each.

Terminal master’s degrees are intended to prepare students for careers outside of academia. Some degrees, known as professional degrees, specifically prepare students for particular professions; these include the Master of Public Policy (MPP), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), and Master of Public Health (MPH) degrees.

Other master’s degrees, usually Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Sciences (MS or MSc) degrees, do not necessarily lead to a specific career, but are intended to be a final degree. Examples include an MS in Communications or MS in Data Analytics.

In research-intensive master’s programs, students take coursework intended to prepare them for writing an original piece of research known as the master’s thesis . Such programs are usually intended to prepare for further study in a doctoral program.

Careers for PhD graduates

As research degrees, PhDs are usually intended to lead to an academic career. A PhD can be thought of like an apprenticeship, where students learn from professional researchers (academics) how to produce their own research.

Most students aspire to become a university professor upon the completion of their degree. However, careers in academia are highly competitive, and the skills learned in a doctoral program often lend themselves well to other types of careers.

Some graduates who find they prefer teaching to producing research go on to be teachers at liberal arts colleges or even secondary schools. Others work in research-intensive careers in the government, private sector, or at think tanks.

Below are a few examples of specific fields and non-academic careers that are common destinations of graduates of those fields.

  • Computer Science
  • Lab Sciences

Many government jobs, including economists at a country’s central bank, are research-intensive and require a PhD. Think tanks also hire economists to carry out independent research.

In the private sector, economic consulting and technology firms frequently hire PhDs to solve real-world problems that require complex mathematical modeling.

Graduate students from the humanities are sometimes hired by museums, who can make use of their research and writing skills to curate exhibits and run public outreach.

Humanities PhDs are often well-suited to research and grant-writing roles at nonprofits. Since so much of research is funded by grants, PhD students often gain a lot of experience applying for them, which is a useful skill in the nonprofit sector.

There are a wide range of non-academic research jobs for lab scientists with doctorates in subjects like chemistry, biology, ecology and physics.

Many PhD graduates are hired by pharmaceutical companies that need to perform research to create and test their products. Government agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), also hire lab scientists to work on research projects.

Job prospects after graduation vary widely based on the field. In fields like management, computer science, statistics, and economics, there’s little underemployment—even graduates from less well-known programs can easily find jobs that pay well and use the skills they’ve gained from the PhD.

However, in other fields, particularly in the humanities, many PhD graduates have difficulty in the job market. Unfortunately, there are far more PhD graduates than assistant professor roles, so many instead take on part-time and low-paid roles as adjunct instructors. Even non-academic careers can sometimes be difficult for PhDs to move into, as they may be seen as “overqualified”  or as lacking in relevant professional experience.

Because career options post-PhD vary so much, you should take the time to figure out what the career prospects are in your field. Doctoral programs often have detailed “placement” records online in which they list the career outcomes of their graduates immediately upon leaving the program. If you can’t find these records, contact the program and ask for them—placement information should play an important role in your choice of PhD program.

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Although PhDs take far longer to complete, students often receive a living stipend in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant. Master’s degrees are shorter but less likely to be funded.

Both master’s degrees and PhDs lead to increased salaries upon graduation. While PhDs usually earn a bit more than those with a master’s degree, in some fields, the wages are identical, meaning that no financial benefit is gained from going on to a PhD.

Cost of a master’s

The upfront cost of a master’s degree is usually higher than a doctoral degree due to the lower amount of financial aid available. However, increased salaries also arrive faster than with a doctoral degree, because people graduate much earlier from a master’s program.

Some master’s students do receive stipends for their degrees, usually as compensation for being a teaching or research assistant. In addition, many people complete master’s degrees part time while working full-time, which allows them to fund their living costs as well as tuition.

The cost varies significantly by school and program. Public schools are usually cheaper than private ones. Some master’s degrees, such as MBAs, are notoriously expensive, but also result in much higher wages afterwards that make up for the high cost.

The master’s wage premium , or the extra amount that someone with a master’s degree makes than someone with just a high school diploma, is 23% on average. Many universities provide detailed statistics on the career and salary outcomes of their students. If they do not have this online, you should feel free to contact an administrator of the program and ask.

Cost of a PhD

PhDs, particularly outside the humanities, are usually (though not always) funded, meaning that tuition fees are fully waived and students receive a small living stipend. During the last 3–5 years of a PhD, after finishing their coursework (and sometimes before), students are usually expected to work as graduate instructors or research assistants in exchange for the stipend.

Sometimes students can apply for a fellowship (such as the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program in the United States) that relieves them of any obligations to be a teaching or research assistant. Doctoral programs in the US tend to be better funded than in the rest of the world.

Sometimes, PhD degrees can be completed part-time, but this is rare. Students are usually expected to devote at least 40 hours a week to their research and work as teaching or research assistants.

The main cost of doctoral programs comes in the form of opportunity cost—all the years that students could be working a regular, full-time job, which usually pays much better than a graduate school stipend.

The average wage premium for PhDs is 26%, which is not much higher than the master’s degree premium.

In the US, the application process is similar for master’s and PhD programs. Both will generally ask for:

  • At least one application essay, often called a personal statement or statement of purpose .
  • Letters of recommendation .
  • A resume or CV .
  • Transcripts.
  • Writing samples.

Applications for both types of programs also often require a standardized test. PhDs usually require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), which tries to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative, critical thinking , and analytical writing skills. Many master’s programs require this test as well.

Applying for a master’s

Master’s degrees programs will often ask you to respond to specific essay prompts that may ask you to reflect upon not just your academic background, but also your personal character and future career ambitions.

Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School requires Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) applicants write two essays, one about a recent time they demonstrated leadership and the second about their personal values.

Who you should ask for your letters of recommendation varies by program. If you are applying to a research-intensive master’s program, then you should choose former professors or research supervisors. For other programs, particularly business school, current work supervisors may be a better choice.

Some professional master’s programs require a specific test. For example, to apply to law school, you must take the Law School Admissions Test, or LSAT. For business school, you must take either the GRE or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).

Applying for a PhD

When applying for a PhD, your resume should focus more on your research background—you should especially emphasize any publications you’ve authored or presentations that you’ve given.

Similarly, your statement of purpose should discuss research that you’ve participated in, whether as an assistant or the lead author. You should detail what exactly you did in projects you’ve contributed to, whether that’s conducting a literature review, coding regressions, or writing an entire article.

Your letters of recommendations should be from former professors or supervisors who can speak to your abilities and potential as a researcher. A good rule of thumb is to avoid asking for recommendations from anyone who does not themselves have a PhD.

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A master’s is a 1- or 2-year graduate degree that can prepare you for a variety of careers.

All master’s involve graduate-level coursework. Some are research-intensive and intend to prepare students for further study in a PhD; these usually require their students to write a master’s thesis . Others focus on professional training for a specific career.

A PhD, which is short for philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy in Latin), is the highest university degree that can be obtained. In a PhD, students spend 3–5 years writing a dissertation , which aims to make a significant, original contribution to current knowledge.

A PhD is intended to prepare students for a career as a researcher, whether that be in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.

This depends on the country. In the United States, you can generally go directly to a PhD  with only a bachelor’s degree, as a master’s program is included as part of the doctoral program.

Elsewhere, you generally need to graduate from a research-intensive master’s degree before continuing to the PhD.

This varies by country. In the United States, PhDs usually take between 5–7 years: 2 years of coursework followed by 3–5 years of independent research work to produce a dissertation.

In the rest of the world, students normally have a master’s degree before beginning the PhD, so they proceed directly to the research stage and complete a PhD in 3–5 years.

A master’s degree usually has a higher upfront cost, but it also allows you to start earning a higher salary more quickly. The exact cost depends on the country and the school: private universities usually cost more than public ones, and European degrees usually cost less than North American ones. There are limited possibilities for financial aid.

PhDs often waive tuition fees and offer a living stipend in exchange for a teaching or research assistantship. However, they take many years to complete, during which time you earn very little.

In the US, the graduate school application process is similar whether you’re applying for a master’s or a PhD . Both require letters of recommendation , a statement of purpose or personal statement , a resume or CV , and transcripts. Programs in the US and Canada usually also require a certain type of standardized test—often the GRE.

Outside the US, PhD programs usually also require applicants to write a research proposal , because students are expected to begin dissertation research in the first year of their PhD.

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Thomas, L. (2024, May 09). Master's vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences. Scribbr. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from

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Is Getting a PhD Worth It?

is phd in english worth it

Perhaps you’re finishing up a bachelor’s or master’s degree, or maybe you’ve hit a wall in your career. Now you’re wondering: Should I get a PhD? In the long run, is this the best choice for my career and personal goals? 

You may have friends who have completed doctorate programs or even observed coworkers or professors excelling with PhDs but wondered if it’s the right fit for you. There’s usually a series of roadblocks between the initial daydreaming and enrolling. You hesitate, wondering if this is the right time, if it will pay off, or if you’ll be able to succeed. 

The short answer: Yes. Most PhD students will tell you the time and effort are worth it. The long answer? Ultimately, only you can decide that but the pros outweigh the cons. 

What benefits are there to earning a PhD?

Well, most importantly, you’ll get two new letters in front of your name: Dr. Knows A. Lot.

Reputation Building

Jokes aside, earning a PhD earns you credibility . Employers, whether within academia or off-campus, understand the discipline, knowledge, and tenacity required to complete a doctoral program. 

In most cases, completing a PhD program is enough for others in your field to consider you an expert. Pursuing and completing a PhD shows all future employers you know your industry and you have the fortitude to work hard.

Return on Investment

It’s not always easy to calculate the monetary value of a PhD, but many PhDs will tell you that the return they’ve received on their investment (ROI) was more than worth it. When it comes to ROI , it matters where you get your PhD. 

Depending on your field and the school you choose, the ROI on a PhD is made significantly higher if you don’t have to pay tuition. Many schools, SMU included, offer fellowships and stipends for PhD students, often in addition to a full tuition waiver. This isn’t meant to convince you that PhD students are raking in cash — just a reminder that tuition isn’t necessarily a burden for doctoral students. PhD students do get paid

Pursuit of Passion

You may have experienced the dread that comes with a job search where you’re under qualified. You see the posting. You notice the employer and job title. Wow, this is your dream job . You skim the description and think, “I could probably do that!”. You get to the bottom, “Preferred Qualifications”. Yikes. You’re not quite there. Your PhD will open those doors, remove the barriers, and welcome you to the highest level of your career. Gone are the days of being under qualified. This is your time to shine.

Remember those doors that were closed before? Your PhD helps you find a network of people who can help you open them. Your classmates turn into colleagues, your professors into trusted friends, and those barriers start to fall down as you surround yourself with people who share your passion. 

Oh yeah, that little thing. Your passion. The subject and field you’ve been dreaming about since you were a child. Or maybe just since undergrad. It’s become part of your personal identity. Pursuing a PhD allows you to learn more, dig deeper, and climb higher in the field that you already enjoy. Even if you’re not looking to stay in academia forever, the PhD in your chosen field gives you the ability to stay a while longer and decide how best to use your skills.

What are the Reasons Not to Get a PhD?

Getting a PhD has a lot of benefits, but there are risks to consider, too.

The time commitment : this may take years. PhD programs take an average of 6 years to complete. 

The financial commitment: if you’re not in a fully-funded program, this may cost a lot. Not only in tuition, but in “lost wages,” too. Most PhD students don’t have time to work on top of earning their degree. 

But, the financial commitment is often offset by the earning potential of a PhD. On average, PhDs make over $30,000 more annually than those holding only a bachelor’s degree, but keep in mind that number varies between the humanities, business, and science industries. 

The energy commitment: earning a PhD can be hard work. The good news is you’re not in it alone at SMU. We offer a robust career services office and dedicated student support services for PhD students like housing, counseling, and community connections.

The risk: what if this doesn’t work out? But what if it does? 

Have you ever considered that in pursuing a PhD, you’ll be the expert on your chosen topic? You’ll have your classmates to lean on, but your thesis is specific to you. Your dissertation, though a lot of work, will put you as the thought leader of that specific topic. Combining your passion, credibility, network, and dreams to launch into your next phase of life. 

So, is a PhD worth it? We think so.

Learn more about

doctoral degrees at SMU, and how you can choose the right program and thrive in it, in our Guide to Getting a PhD.

Read the PhD Guide

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Home  >  News & Articles  >  PhD in English: Courses, Fees, Syllabus, Eligibility, Top Colleges, Scope & Salary 2023

is phd in english worth it

Abhishek Dogra

Updated on 18th August, 2023 , 10 min read

PhD in English: Courses, Fees, Syllabus, Eligibility, Top Colleges, Scope & Salary 2023

A PhD in English is a three to six-year doctorate program that focuses on technical writing in prose, poetry, theater, and fiction as well as translations, international literature, and ancient literature. There are several job prospects for English PhD candidates in India and overseas in the humanities, social sciences, and arts. Graduates can begin their careers as a lecturer, professors, school teachers, private tutors, education consultants, vice principals, program managers, English teachers, language trainers, proofreaders, or customer support associates, among other positions.

PhD in English students must have earned their Masters's degrees in order to enroll in a PhD English course. Before applying for admission to a PhD in English, an M.A. in English or an M.Phil. is required. They should receive at least 50% of the possible points in their exams. Additionally, several colleges and universities accept job applications for English research positions. These roles are typically referred to as research fellows. This may serve as yet another entry point for a PhD English course. There are PhD entry exams at some universities.

PhD in English: Course Highlights

Full Form

Doctor in Philosophy in English


3 to 5 years

Examination type

Annual, Subjective


M.Phil in English or M.A in Englis

Admission Process

Based on direct interviews of short-listed candidates

Course Fee

INR 2000 to 1.25 Lakh per year

Average Salary

INR 5 to 10 lakhs

Top Recruiting Companies

TATA Consultancy, Adobe, KPMG companies, HP, Lenovo, HCL, IBM, Indiatimes, Hindustan Times, Zee News, CNN, IBN7, Delhi University

Job Positions

Editorial Assistant for big publishing houses, Advertising agency copywriter, Author, Public relations Office

Why Pursue PhD in English?   

A PhD in English literature is a fantastic way to advance your abilities in critical thinking, cooperation, communication, independent research, and many other areas and discover more about your areas of interest, and get the skills you need to advance particular study topics significantly. 

Who should pursue PhD in English?

It's important to note that pursuing a PhD in English is a significant commitment, often requiring several years of research, academic writing, and critical analysis. Prospective PhD candidates should be passionate about their chosen area of study, dedicated to research, and have a strong desire to contribute to the academic and intellectual discourse within the field of English language and literature.

PhD in English: Duration

PhD in English is a three-year program. It deals to impart students with the required theoretical background and research skills where students research and comprehension of works published in the English language in various historical periods, from prehistoric times to the post-modern era.

PhD in English: Fees

Some of the top Colleges/Universities offering Ph.D , location, along with their fees are given below: 


INR 30,000


INR 70,000


INR 31,568


INR 6,000


INR 68,000

PhD in English: Eligibility

The minimum eligibility for PhD English Literature is a master's degree in the English language with a minimum of 55% aggregate in the discipline passed from a recognized university.

PhD in English Admission Process

The completion of a Masters-level degree is the primary qualification for admission to PhD English programs. An M.A. in the arts or an M.Phil. Students who are taking final exams may also apply to take the entrance test. Such students should be ready for the State Level Eligibility Tests (SLETs), the CSIR-NET, or the GATE entrance exams.

It's critical to keep in mind that passing results on these tests are a criterion for admission. Additionally, keep in mind that SLET results are only important for the state. However, GATE and CSIR-NET exam results are accepted at all Indian universities. Only a few Indian universities accept GATE scores, but all Indian institutes accept CSIR-NET scores.

PhD in English Entrance Examinations

There are several routes for a deserving student to gain admission to a PhD in English. In addition to the admission tests mentioned above, the relevant universities also hold university-level exams. Merit-based admissions are used by several universities.

PhD English: Important dates of Entrance Exams

Written below are the important dates for PhD in English entrance exam :

CSIR UGC NET (June Session)  2nd week of March – 2nd week of April 20233rd week of June 2023
December 29, 2022 – January 23, 2023February 21, 2023 – March 10, 2023
JNUEETo be AnnouncedTo be Announced

PhD in English: Syllabus

Deep reflection and social awareness are key components of a PhD in English course. The following domains make up the learning experiences for PhD students, though the names of the subjects may vary from university to university.

A detailed syllabus for the PhD The English course is provided in the table below. The presentation is thorough in the syllabus. Depending on the situation, individual universities may add additional sections.

: Nature and functions

Types of literary research

Error, evidence, and truth

Textual study and the search for the authoritative text

Problems of Authorship

Research Design

: necessity, methods and Utilization

Making Notes

Selecting and limiting the topic

Data collection: process, sources, types, and tools

Development of goals and theory (Meaning, Importance, Types, Sources, Characteristics, Forms,  Difficulties in Formulation, Testing).

Data collection: process, sources, types, and tools

Data: classification, tabulation, presentation, and analysis

Offering suggestions and recommendations

How to write a dissertation/ thesis?

What is a research paper? How to write a research paper?

Documentation Skills

Abbreviations from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (sixth edition).

A scholar and a critic: Vocations


Preparing at least two Research Papers one in each term.




: Language

ELT: an introduction (History, Place, Position, Problems, Prospects, and Future)

Language acquisition and language learning





Communicative Language Teaching

Computer aided language learning

English for academic purposes

English for specific purposes

Business English Communication: Business letter, Report Writing, E-Communication

: Theory of Translation

Translation: An Introduction.

Nature, meaning and its function.

Principles of correspondence

Theories of Translation

Art of translation

Sorts, process, issues and impediments of interpretation

Time: tense, mood and aspect

Concepts and notions

Idiom: from one culture to another

Transference, free rendering and transcreation

Translation and transliteration

Machine Translation

Translating literary, religious and scientific texts

Indian Literature in English Translation

Translation Theory: An Indian Perspective

: Books in Translation:

Patel, Pannalal: Endurance: A Droll Saga (Manvi Ni Bhavai) trans. Prof. V. Y. Kantak, Sahitya Akademi Publications.

Tagore, Rabindranath: Gitanjali, trans. William Radich, Penguin.

Beckett, Samuel: Waiting for Godot, Faber, and Faber.

Gandhi, M.K.:My Experiments with Truth (Satya na Prayogo) trans. Mahadevbhai Desai, Navjivan Press.



Students will learn to use computers in translation.




The research scholar will be required to write a dissertation on a topic to be selected in consultation with the faculty.

In consultation with the faculty, the research scholar has the option of translating a book from L1 into English that is at least 100 pages long, or the other way around. The researcher will discuss issues, problems, solutions, and other difficulties encountered while deciphering the work that is currently being done.

Ghosh, Amitav: The Shadow Lines, Mariner Books, 2005

Literature Without Borders

Bhagat, Chetan: One Night at the Call Center, Rupa, 2005.

Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, Penguin.

Computer orientation

Use of Language Learning Software to improve LSRW.

Computer-aided language learning and teaching.



PhD in English: Colleges in India

PhD in English: Colleges in Delhi

Phd in english: college comparison.

PhD in English at Loyal College vs PhD in English at Chandigarh University

OverviewEstablished in 1925, Loyola College has enjoyed autonomy since that year. This college offers UG, PG, and PhD programs in the humanities, the sciences, and business.The Punjab State Legislature passed an act on July 10, 2012, creating the university. It is recognized by University Grants Commission under Section 2(f) with the right to confer degrees as per Section 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956
NIRF Ranking0627
Average FeesINR 6,000 per yearINR 70,000 per year
Average Salary PackageINR 3,50,000INR 4,00,000
Top RecruitersAmazon, GenMedic, IBS, Stratagem Solutions

Google, Amazon, VMWare, Dell, Deloitte, Sapient, HP, L&T infotech, HCL, Godrej, Everest, Apollo


PhD in English: Salary

A PhD holder's pay will vary depending on their subject and job. PhD in English jobs in India are available in both the public and private sectors.  The typical pay for new hires is between INR 3.5 and 5 LPA. Depending on your qualifications and expertise, it might rise to INR 6–12 LPA. The work scope will expand with experience and expertise. Additionally, government universities will pay professors INR 6 LPA in salaries.

Given below are the PhD in English jobs along with their respective salaries:

Content Writer

INR 4.5 – 5 LPA

Head of Department English

INR 10 – 12 LPA

Technical Writer

INR 6.5 – 8 LPA

Movie Critic

INR 3.8 – 4.5 LPA


INR 5.5 – 6 LPA

Translator Public Relations Office

INR 3.5 – 4 LPA

PhD in English: Job 

After earning a PhD in English, jobs in the creative and educating industries are available. Schools and colleges are the first significant locations where PhD in English-qualified scholars may apply for jobs because they are where English is taught the most. They have the option of beginning as Teacher Assistants and moving up to Department Head. Critics may work in the creative field if they have a PhD in cinematography or broadcast media certification. Like articles moderators, and critics. Publisher houses that check and edit books before they are eventually published may also have critics.

The types of work profiles that research scholars completing Ph.Ds in English you obtain are listed below. At this point, it's crucial to keep in mind that a PhD graduate may begin at entry-level or even nominal levels. The prospect doesn't become qualified for higher positions until after a few years of work experience. However, compared to graduates and postgraduates with master's degrees, this frequently happens more quickly.

Listed below is a table that shows a few of the job profiles after completion of the PhD in English.

Content Writer


Sites that rely on information are more likely to use this position. Experts in this field are becoming more and more sought-after.

Head of Department English

The English department's head of division oversees the faculty. They take care of the department's professors and raise the students' standards of instruction.

Technical Writer

For programming, medical, and literary fields, technical writers create and draft correspondences.

Movie Critic

A critique evaluates a movie's value. These might appear in movies, books, or broadcasts.

Copy Editor

This job role is popular in publishing houses. The appointee has to proofread and make write-ups error-free.

PhD in English: Future Scope

PhD English has very promising potential. Despite having a majority of Hindi speakers, English is used in nearly every industry. The most popular career options in India right now are working as a critic, penning publications, and reviewing books and movies.

1. PhD in Religious Studies

In this students probably read a few religious texts as an English major, and regardless of your affiliation (if any), you comprehend their significance. Actually, you don't have to be religious to pursue a PhD in religious studies. Studying religion entails studying ethics, convictions, societies, and individuals.

2. PhD in Linguistics

Language studies, also known as linguistics, cover all facets of language as well as the techniques used to study and model them. When reading a line of dialogue in literary fiction, did you notice how clear the dialect was

3.  PhD in History

Record, of course, is the study of the past. At the same, background helps us understand change and how the community we now live in came to be.

"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again".– Maya Angelou.

A component of being a student of history is gaining the ability to sort through varied, usually conflicting interpretations. Your bachelor's degree in English will set you up for success.

4.  PhD in Media Studies

The works of writers give us direct access to what it means to be human in all its complexity and mystery, just like all other forms of art do. If you discovered that your favorite aspect of majoring in English was the art and literature you encountered, you might want to think about pursuing a PhD in something like Media Studies.

5.  PhD in Political Science

Political science and English may at first seem like odd bedfellows. But during your undergraduate studies, you already developed a solid foundation in critical reading and thinking, approached literary analysis through a variety of lenses, and identified the influences of culture, politics, and social issues scattered throughout a work.

Many great works contain references to political, economic, and their interactions. Understanding the historical and philosophical roots of political values is possible through the study of political science.

6. PhD in English

Predictably, a significant in English greatly aids in your preparation for an English Ph.D

A PhD in English provides students with the in-depth understanding of literary criticism they need to meet faculties around the world, from the earliest poetic developments in Old English to the most recent creative work currently being published. You can research literature from the Middle Ages, African American literature, or literature written during the American Revolution, depending on your area of expertise.

Your English bachelor's degree provided you with a large overview, but your PhD will enable you to focus on one area of expertise and develop it further.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a doctorate in english entail.

After earning a PhD in English, there are numerous career options. Writing, training, authorship, and public relations officers can all pursue careers that allow them to interact with people.

What is the average salary for a PhD in English?

The average salary for a Ph. D in an English career in India for the doctorates is around INR 7LPA.

What is the eligibility for PhD in English from IGNOU?

Students must have finished their Master's Degree from a University recognized by UGC.

How useful is a PhD in English?

A PhD in English Literature offers a great opportunity to gain valuable skills in critical analysis, communication, independent research, collaboration, and many more.

Is a Doctorate entrance exam required?

Entrance exams are the main factor in determining PhD admittance in 2023, but some universities also accept merit-based applications.

Can someone do PhD without a Master's?

The chances of being accepted into a PhD program are slim to none if candidate don't have the appropriate educational background in the field.

What is the duration of PhD in english course?

The duration of PhD course is between 3 to 5 years.

Does IGNOU offer PhD in English?

Yes, IGNOU offers PhD in English.

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PhD in Public Health Sciences

The PhD degree program provides a pathway to a career in academia focused on research, teaching, and service, with the overall objective of improving the health of populations. Students who commit themselves to this challenging path are expected to become the future stewards of academic public health.

The specific aim of the PhD program is to prepare students for post-doctoral fellowships or assistant professor positions at research universities. To be competitive for these positions, successful PhD students will do more than complete coursework. Importantly, they will author or co-author multiple peer-reviewed publications, complete a rigorous dissertation process, and serve as an effective teacher. In other words, PhD students will demonstrate the ability to engage in the scholarship of discovery and the scholarship of teaching.

Students elect to complete one of the two concentrations in the PhD program: Epidemiology or Health Behavior Research. The PhD concentration in Epidemiology provides advanced training in epidemiologic methods, theory, and practice. The PhD concentration in Health Behavior Research provides a rigorous scientific approach to the study of the psychological, social and cultural factors that impact human health and health behavior.

All students admitted to the PhD program are provided a financial support package for the first two years that includes a stipend, waiver of tuition and fees, and free medical insurance. In the third and fourth years, students are eligible for funding through multiple sources.

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About The Program

Research Faculty Career Goals . UNTHSC is committed to nurturing PhD students whose career goals are positions as research faculty members at Tier I institutions. Our program includes intensive expectations in contributing to ongoing research projects, the establishment of publications, and academic conference presenting.

Full-time . Students take 9 hours each semester. The program carries a heavy research and publication expectation as well as professional development hours. Students serve as teaching assistants at least once a year.

On-campus. UNTHSC is located in Fort Worth, Texas . A vibrant location within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Take advantage of our excellent city centers and low cost of living.

3-5 Year Program . Students are expected to complete the program in 3 to 5 years depending on their standing upon entrance. Students with completed MS degrees aligning with Ph.D. concentration will have the quickest path to completion, MPH students will have some additional Master’s level work to complete and students entering following a Bachelor’s degree will require 5 years to complete the program.

Fall Entrance . New students begin the program each Fall semester. There are no Spring or Summer start options.

Small PhD cohort . Current admission trends indicate a small admitted class of just 2-4 students in each discipline, allowing for an intense and personalized experience.

Faculty Mentors

When considering your Ph.D. institution, it’s important to ensure a strong match with one or more mentor faculty members.

Matches at HSC are based on research topics or by research methodology. This means candidates who are interested in a research topic that isn’t currently represented in our faculty may identify a mentor based on their research methods. This will allow for a broader range of research topics on our campus, better reflecting the broad scope of public health work. Below are brief descriptions of current faculty research areas. We encourage you to review the full biographies of those most likely to serve as matches for your field.

  • Dr. Ashenafi Cherkos : Dr. Cherkos’ primary research interests encompass a wide range of critical topics, including fetal origins, perinatal outcomes, maternal and infant nutrition, childhood obesity, growth and development, maternal and child health services utilization, family planning, reproductive health, and the effects of HIV infection, antiretroviral therapy (ART), and tuberculosis (TB) preventive therapy on the long-term growth and development of children. He has applied causal inference principles, surveys, and longitudinal analyses employing both secondary and primary data.
  • Dr. Stacey Griner : Dr. Griner’s work focuses broadly on maternal and child health, sexual health, oral health, and evidence-based guidelines. She utilizes mixed methods, which includes survey-based research, secondary data analyses, interviews, and focus groups. Her work is guided by health behavior theories and implementation science frameworks to translate research into practice.
  • Dr. Gregory Knell : Dr. Knell’s work centers around physical activity epidemiology. This includes understanding secular trends and disparities in physical activity, determinants of physical activity, interventions to increase physical activity, and health outcomes related to physical activity. This includes studying physical activity and sport related injuries such as concussions and musculoskeletal injuries. He employs secondary data analysis, primary data collection in schools and community-based settings, and observational and interventional work in clinical settings (randomized trials).
  • Dr. Dana Litt : Dr. Litt studies the etiology and prevention of adolescent and young adult risk behavior, including substance use. Her research utilizes a variety of research methods including cross-sectional, longitudinal, experimental, and mixed-methods designs.  She also develops and tests brief interactive online and text-messaging interventions seeking to reduce risk-taking among adolescents and young adults.
  • Dr. Melissa Lewis : Dr. Lewis’ theory-driven research focuses on the etiology and prevention of health-risk behaviors. Across her portfolio of research, she has incorporated complex study designs using web-based surveys via phones to assess behavior and cognitions multiple times a day, and behavior change interventions testing web-conferencing and text message content.
  • Dr. Justin Luningham :Dr. Luningham’s research focuses on developing quantitative methods that make sense of complex behavioral data. His recent work utilizes computational statistics, machine learning approaches, and latent variable models to study the genetics of mental health disorders. He also has extensive experience modeling and evaluating multivariate survey/questionnaire data, analyzing longitudinal data, and synthesizing data across multiple datasets. Substantively, he is interested in mental and behavioral health outcomes across the lifespan.”
  • Dr. Matthew Rossheim : Dr. Rossheim studies substances frequently used by adolescents and young adults such as supersized alcopops (alcohol), e-cigarettes (tobacco), and delta-8 THC (cannabis), including their marketing and laws curbing use. His research aims to help prevent underage and excessive drinking, associated harms, and tobacco and cannabis use initiation, as well as exposure to secondhand smoke/aerosol.
  • Dr. Eun-Young Mun : Dr. Mun meta-analyzes and synthesizes data from clinical trials to examine the comparative effectiveness of competing treatment strategies and delineate mechanisms of behavior change. She utilizes latent variable modeling, generalized linear mixed-effects modeling, Bayesian modeling, and statistical machine learning for data integration, classification and prediction, estimation, and causal inference to advance alcohol clinical trials, mHealth interventions, and clinical neuroscience.
  • Dr. Rajesh Nandy : Dr. Nandy studies the use of novel statistical methods and machine learning techniques to solve complex problems in the clinical diagnosis of neurological disorders. Specifically, his research methods focus on the use of neuroimaging data and various blood biomarkers towards the early diagnosis of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Dr. Malinee Neelamegam : Dr. Neelamegam studies aging and its related comorbidities, with a focus on neuropsychological outcomes. Her research focuses on vulnerable populations impacted by health disparities. She utilizes numerous study designs and quantitative research methods. Her work is guided by global health principles and implementation science frameworks.
  • Dr. Uyen-sa Nguyen : Dr. Nguyen’s research ranges from perinatal to geriatric epidemiology and seeks to understand factors associated with socioeconomic and racial disparities in health and healthcare utilization. She applies a variety of study designs and analytic methods to assess and control for confounding and selection bias such as collider-stratification bias and includes matching, risk-set sampling, propensity score methods, and the use of marginal structural models for causal mediation analysis.
  • Dr. Scott Walters : Dr. Walters’ research focuses on designing and evaluating behavioral health interventions, most notably those that combine human and technological approaches. His current projects are testing ways to improve cancer risk screening, employment success, alcohol and drug interventions, and health advocacy. He also serves as the Steering Committee Chair for the HEALing Communities Study, which is developing a national model to address the opioid crisis.
  • Dr. Zhengyang Zhou :Dr. Zhou’s primary research goal is to understand the epidemiology and risk factors of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD), employing advanced statistical and machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) methodologies. His research focuses on social determinants of health, health disparities, genetic factors, and gene-environment interactions that are related to ADRD and cognitive functions. Dr. Zhou’s research also involves statistical methods development and applications in the areas of human genetics/genomics, substance use, and clinical trials.

Funding & Expectations

Students admitted to this highly selective program are offered a generous package from the university. This package includes:

  • Two fully funded years including a living stipend currently valued at $35,000 annually, tuition & fees, and health insurance.
  • In the third and fourth years, students are eligible for funding through multiple sources.

Ph.D. candidates are expected to spend 20 hours a week providing research support for SPH Faculty and complete at least 1 teaching assistant assignment each academic year.

Early application is recommended for this competitive program. Priority deadline is December 1st. Final deadline is January 15th. Offers will be made until seats are filled. Seat count changes year to year based on currently active students.

Financial Aid is available to support additional living expenses. Contact Financial Aid for specific questions and counseling

  • Phone: (817) 735-2505
  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Visit the financial aid webpage:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

We’re glad you have questions. Graduate school is a big step and requires careful consideration. You’re always welcome to email or call us for answers, but for your convenience, we’ve curated our responses to the most common questions from our applicants. You may view our “Frequently Asked Questions” page by following this link: .


This page was last modified on July 19, 2024

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Applying to the Biological Engineering PhD program

Thank you for your interest in MIT BE – we want to receive your application! This page explains the application process and provides information specific to our program that you may use to strengthen your application. Our evaluation process begins with your electronic application folder and proceeds through an on-site interview.

We believe that our diverse, welcoming, and collaborative community fosters the most effective environment for training students to conduct world-class research. To maintain and further strengthen our culture, we depend on continuing to receive applications representing a broad range of academic and personal backgrounds. From 2019-2022, we invited applicants from 64 different undergraduate institutions holding and expecting bachelors degrees in many different disciplines to interview for admission. Of applicants invited to interview from 2019-2022, about 52% self-identified as female, and more than 18% self-identified as underrepresented minorities (as defined by MIT). Many students join the program immediately after completing their undergraduate studies, while others have already received advanced degrees or acquired post-baccalaureate professional experience.

The guidance below is intended to help prospective students understand the aspects of academic preparation and experience that poise applicants for success in our program and how to present this information effectively in their application materials. This guidance is not intended to describe any “ideal” application profile or minimum standards for admission (no quantitative standards exist). Every complete application received is reviewed holistically by BE faculty.

Application to MIT BE is competitive, with fewer than 10% of applicants receiving an offer to interview each year (we offer admission to the majority of interviewees). Applicants holding international undergraduate degrees may apply, and such applicants received about 3% of the interview offers made from 2019-2022. Interview offers are communicated asynchronously to applicants in January and February each year.

Evaluation of applications for PhD study in BE particularly focuses on:

  • Evidence of strong academic preparation and demonstrated interest in both a quantitative discipline and a biological discipline
  • Evidence of aptitude for and experience/accomplishment in scientific or engineering research
  • Explanation of interest in pursuing a career that leverages PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the guidance of MIT BE faculty advisors

Academic preparation. Success in the challenging coursework and research components of the MIT BE PhD program requires a strong academic background in both biology and quantitative engineering or science. While many successful applicants hold undergraduate engineering degrees and have completed substantial coursework in biology, there are many different ways to demonstrate the academic preparation needed. Applicants whose principal degree is quantitative, computational, engineering, or in the physical sciences can bolster their training in biology by taking core biology courses like biochemistry, genetics, and cell biology. Applicants whose principal degree is in a life science field can acquire quantitative training in courses beyond calculus, biostatistics, and programming/informatics such as differential equations, linear algebra, and advanced courses in probability, statistics, analysis, and computer science.

Understanding that every applicant’s personal and college experience is unique and that grading practices differ, BE has no minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement. We strongly consider the factors other than GPA described on this page in our admissions process. However, most applicants receiving an interview offer have a GPA in the A range (>3.6 on an A = 4.0 scale), and from 2019-2022 the median GPA of interviewees was 3.94. Many applicants with high GPAs do not receive interview invitations, and applicants with GPAs below the A range may be competitive for admission in our holistic evaluation process given other extraordinary aspects of their academic record, experiences, and achievements detailed in their application materials.

Applicant statement. This application component is a free-form opportunity to introduce yourself in writing to the admissions committee, explain your interest in Biological Engineering at MIT, and contextualize other application components including your academic record, research experience, and letters of recommendation. The admissions committee wants to hear why PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the mentorship of MIT BE faculty is right for you, which research groups you may be interested in joining, how you have prepared to receive PhD training, and how this training may power your aspirations for the future. The MIT BE Communications Lab CommKit has additional content on writing statements of purpose . While not a particular focus of our evaluation, the statement is an opportunity to directly demonstrate your writing skills and attention to detail.

Letters of recommendation provide crucial evidence of research aptitude in successful applications. The most impactful support letters come from your faculty research supervisor(s) who know you well and have substantial experience advising PhD students. Support letters from other research supervisors, academic advisors, or course instructors may also be included. You can find general guidance (not specific to applications to study in the BE PhD program) on requesting letters of recommendation and on support letter content from the Biological Engineering Communication Lab.

To apply , go to the online application and create a user id and password. You do not need to complete the entire application in one sitting. You may begin the application, save it, and return to it at a later time using your user ID and password.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications ahead of the deadline and are responsible for ensuring that all admissions credentials are submitted on time. Your application will not be reviewed until all materials have been received. There is no separate application for financial support; all admitted applicants are offered a full support package.

The BE Department does not require the standardized Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test as part of our application process, but will consider scores if provided by the applicant.

To apply follow these steps.

1. Fill out the online application by 23:59, EST, December 15.

You will be providing the following information:

  • Field(s) of interest
  • Personal information/addresses
  • International student data
  • Three or more names and email addresses of letter writers
  • Scanned copies of your College Transcripts
  • For international students, scanned copies of your IELTS scores
  • Academic preparation and research/work experience
  • Applicant statement
  • Credit card payment of $90 (Information on requesting a fee waiver is here )

2. Arrange for submission of the following (official reports only):

Scanned PDF transcripts and IELTS scores are considered unofficial documents but are sufficient for review purposes. Official documents are required before an admissions decision can be made. Please have any test scores electronically transmitted to MIT Admissions and mail official copies of your transcript(s) to:

MIT Department of Biological Engineering

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. 16-267

Cambridge, MA 02139

For international students:

IELTS scores should also be electronically sent directly to MIT.

  • To register for a test, visit the IETLS website.
  • IELTS does not require a code. Please write “Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology”. No address is required as scores are reported electronically.
  • If you are an international student, you should take the IELTS test by November 15. The Department of Biological Engineering does not waive this requirement.

The IELTS is waived for applicants who are citizens of Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, or the United Kingdom, or for applicants who have or will earn a BS degree at a US university.


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    3. You'll experience extreme stress and frustration. Pursuing a PhD may seem like a noble and interesting endeavor, and extended life as a student can appear more attractive than wading into the job market. You must be aware, however, that getting a doctorate can be a very stressful and frustrating experience.

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    Advice for PhD students. A PhD in English, with all its constituent parts, facilitates a cerebral life. In a society of people constantly persuaded to look outside themselves, doctoral students are being inspired by deep thought, and become unequivocally satisfied in the value of their work. The feeling of value about one's work is capricious ...

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    However, the decision of whether to study English at the graduate level also entails pragmatic considerations. In a difficult economic climate, the question becomes even more perplexing. Here are 4 reasons to be wary of a graduate degree in English - and one reason to embrace it. 1. Competition for Entry to Graduate Study in English Is Stiff.

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    For lovers of the written word, loving words themselves and the science behind them is the next logical step. 3. PhD in History. History, of course, is the study of the past. At the same, history helps us understand change and how the society we currently live in came to be. "History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if ...

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    Published: June 1, 2021 12:40am EDT. The number of Australian PhD graduates reached around 10,000 a year in 2019, twice as many as in 2005. However, the number of PhDs has been exceeding the ...

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    When a PhD Could Be Worth It. 1. Passion for a topic and sheer joy of research. The contribution you make to progressing research is valuable in it's own right. If you enjoy research, can get funding and are passionate about a subject by all means go and do the PhD and I doubt you'll regret it. 2.

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    This is a bad reason because. A terminal masters program is not very similar to a PhD program because the masters program still focuses on classes where a PhD program will focus on research. Now, that's all based on the assumption that by "English" you meant "literature." If you meant creative writing then maybe some of this is different, I can ...

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    In terms of nuts and bolts of building career experience section on a resume, which is often the most important part, a PhD is rarely worth it. (Some STEM careers do require a PhD.) However, at the start of my post-graduate educational journey, I was working part-time running teen programs and full time as a landscaper.

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    1. Societal Impact. PhD holders can influence policy, promoting changes that positively impact society at various levels. 2. Teaching Opportunities. For those passionate about educating others and impacting future generations, a Doctorate degree is often a prerequisite for higher-level academic positions. 3.

  16. Is Doing a PhD Worth It?

    A doctoral degree is a fantastic opportunity to spend time learning about something that appeals to you. Having an interest in your research area as a PhD student is a massive advantage as you will always be motivated to push the boundaries of your research. Possessing an advanced degree in a field your are genuinely interested in can also help ...

  17. is an English PhD worth it? : r/englishmajors

    They can be just as fulfilling as hobbies. 14. Reply. winoquestiono. • 9 days ago. No. Unless you're independently wealthy. In no financial way would it be worth it. You are much better served by developing a lifetime love of literature and a healthy reading habit, and pursuing a more practical education. 9.

  18. Is a PhD worth it now in 2023? [the data]

    Published on: February 24, 2023. Deciding to pursue a PhD is a decision not to be taken lightly. Whether or not it is worth it for you depends on a number of circumstances such as your career goals, financial stability, stage in life, support networks, interest in the subject, ability to self-motivate and so much more.

  19. Our Guide to Is a PhD Worth It?

    One of the most valuable skills you gain with a PhD could, quite simply, be the ability to do research. The task of identifying, managing and analysing large amounts of complex information isn't simple. Nor is it easy to digest that information and re-present your conclusions in an appropriate and useful format.

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    Here's Holly's response: Yes, my PhD was completely worth it, although for surprising reasons. Following my decision to pursue a career in the industry, I was unsure of what to expect since I had previously been pursuing an academic track. The decision was largely due to frustration with: (1) the grant landscape.

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    The two most common types of graduate degrees are master's and doctoral degrees: A master's is a 1-2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers. A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3-7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research. A master's is also the necessary first ...

  22. Is Getting a PhD Worth It?

    But, the financial commitment is often offset by the earning potential of a PhD. On average, PhDs make over $30,000 more annually than those holding only a bachelor's degree, but keep in mind that number varies between the humanities, business, and science industries. The energy commitment: earning a PhD can be hard work.

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    A PhD in English is a three to six-year doctorate program that focuses on technical writing in prose, poetry, theater, and fiction as well as translations, international literature, and ancient literature. There are several job prospects for English PhD candidates in India and overseas in the humanities, social sciences, and arts. Graduates can begin their careers as a lecturer, professors ...

  24. Students commit themselves to this challenging path at HSC

    The PhD degree program provides a pathway to a career in academia focused on research, teaching, and service, with the overall objective of improving the health of populations. Students who commit themselves to this challenging path are expected to become the future stewards of academic public health. ... UNTHSC is located in Fort Worth, Texas ...

  25. How Do I Apply?

    Explanation of interest in pursuing a career that leverages PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the guidance of MIT BE faculty advisors Academic preparation. Success in the challenging coursework and research components of the MIT BE PhD program requires a strong academic background in both biology and quantitative engineering or ...